Nail Gun Safety: A Guide For Construction Contractors
Nail Gun Safety: A Guide For Construction Contractors
Nail Gun Safety: A Guide For Construction Contractors
NIOSH and OSHA thank Tom Trauger and Winchester Homes of Bethesda, Maryland
for providing access to residential job sites for photos used in this guidance.
Cover x-ray of a nail gun injury to the hand involving bony penetration requiring
surgical removal. Courtesy of Stephan Mann, MD, MPH; Medical Director, CorpOHS.
Nail Gun Safety
A Guide for Construction Contractors
Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
This document is in the public domain and may be freely copied or reprinted.
This guidance document is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations. It
contains recommendations as well as descriptions of mandatory safety and health standards [and
other regulatory requirements]. The recommendations are advisory in nature, informational in content,
and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. The Occupational
Safety and Health Act requires employers to comply with safety and health standards and regulations
promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. In addition, the Act’s General
Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1), requires employers to provide their employees with a workplace free from
recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
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Executive Summary
Nail guns are used every day on many construction jobs—especially in residen-
tial construction. They boost productivity but also cause tens of thousands of
painful injuries each year. Nail gun injuries are common—one study found that
2 out of 5 residential carpenter apprentices experienced a nail gun injury over a
four-year period. When they do occur, these injuries are often not reported or
given any medical treatment. Research has identified the risk factors that make
nail gun injuries more likely to occur. The type of trigger system and the extent
of training are important factors. The risk of a nail gun injury is twice as high
when using a multi-shot contact trigger as when using a single-shot sequential
trigger nailer.
This guidance is for residential home builders and construction contractors,
subcontractors, and supervisors. NIOSH and OSHA developed this publication
to give construction employers the information they need to prevent nail gun
injuries. Types of triggers and key terms are described. The guidance highlights
what is known about nail gun injuries, including the parts of the body most
often injured and the types of severe injuries that have been reported. Common
causes of nail gun injuries are discussed and six practical steps that contractors
can take to prevent these injuries are described. These are:
1) Use full sequential trigger nail guns;
2) Provide training;
3) Establish nail gun work procedures;
4) Provide personal protective equipment (PPE);
5) Encourage reporting and discussion of injuries and close calls; and
6) Provide first aid and medical treatment.
The guidance includes actual workplace cases along with a short section on
other types of nail gun hazards and sources of additional information.
Table of Contents
Illustrated terms
Know Your Triggers
Nail gun safety starts with understanding the various trigger mechanisms. Here
is what you need to know:
How triggers differ
All nailers rely on two basic controls: a finger trigger and a contact safety tip
located on the nose of the gun. Trigger mechanisms can vary based on: 1)
the order in which the controls are activated, and 2) whether the trigger can
be held in the squeezed position to discharge multiple nails OR if it must be
released and then squeezed again for each individual nail. Combining these
variations gives four kinds of triggers. Some nail guns have a selective trigger
switch which allows the user to choose among two or more trigger systems.
Each trigger type is described below along with a summary of how the controls
are activated.
Single Sequential trigger
Like the full sequential trigger, this trigger will only fire a nail when the con-
trols are activated in a certain order. First, the safety contact tip must be pushed
into the work piece. Then, the user squeezes the trigger to discharge a nail. To
fire a second nail, only the trigger must be released. The safety contact tip can
stay pressed into the work piece. Nails cannot be bump fired.
Single nail:
Push safety contact, then squeeze trigger
Multiple nails:
Release trigger, move tool, and squeeze trigger to fire additional nail
Useful terms How do Nail Gun Injuries Happen?
Recoil is the rapid rebound or kick-
back after the nailer is fired. There are seven major risk factors that can lead to a nail gun injury. Under-
standing them will help you to prevent injuries on your jobsites.
A double fire occurs when a
second nail unintentionally fires Unintended nail discharge from double fire.
because the nailer re-contacted Occurs with CONTACT triggers.
the work piece after recoil. It can
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) found that contact trig-
also occur if the safety contact slips
ger nailers are susceptible to double firing, especially when trying to accurately
while the user is positioning the
place the nailer against the work piece.5 They found that a second unintended
nail gun. Several tool manufactur-
firing can happen faster than the user is able to react and release the trigger.
ers offer “anti-double fire” features
Unintended nails can cause injuries.
for their nail guns.
Double fire can be a particular problem for new workers who may push hard
You should know on the tool to compensate for recoil. It can also occur when the user is work-
ing in an awkward position, such as in tight spaces where the gun doesn’t have
Unintended nail discharge is a enough space to recoil. The recoil of the gun itself can even cause a non-nail
common source of injuries. A study injury in tight spaces if the nail gun hits the user’s head or face.
of workers’ compensation records
found that two-thirds of nail gun Unintended nail discharge from knocking the safety contact with the
injury claims involved some type trigger squeezed.
of unintended nail gun discharge Occurs with CONTACT and SINGLE ACTUATION triggers.
or misfire.6 Nail guns with contact and single actuation triggers will fire if the trigger is
being held squeezed and the safety contact tip gets knocked or pushed into an
Worksite Story object or person by mistake. For example, a framer might knock his leg going
down a ladder or bump into a co-worker passing through a doorway. Contact
Two framers were working togeth-
trigger nailers can release multiple nails and single actuation trigger nailers can
er to lay down and nail a subfloor.
release a single nail to cause injury.
One framer was waiting and hold-
ing the nail gun with his finger Holding or carrying contact trigger or single actuation trigger nail guns with
on the contact trigger. The other the trigger squeezed increases the risk of unintended nail discharge. Construc-
framer was walking backwards tion workers tend to keep a finger on the trigger because it is more natural to
toward him and dragging a sheet hold and carry an 8-pound nail gun using a full, four-finger grip. Tool manu-
of plywood. The framer handling facturers, however, do warn against it.
the plywood backed into the tip
Nail penetration through lumber work piece.
of the nail gun and was shot in the
Occurs with ALL trigger types.
back. The nail nicked his kidney,
but fortunately he recovered. As a Nails can pass through a work piece and either hit the worker’s hand or fly off
result of this incident, the contrac- as a projectile (airborne) nail. A blow-out nail is one example. Blow-outs can
tor switched to using only sequen- occur when a nail is placed near a knot in the wood. Knots involve a change in
tial triggers on framing nail guns. wood grain, which creates both weak spots and hard spots that can make the
Co-workers can get injured if they nail change direction and exit the work piece. Nail penetration is especially a
bump into your contact trigger nail concern for placement work where a piece of lumber needs to be held in place
gun. You can prevent this by using by hand. If the nail misses or breaks through the lumber it can injure the non-
a full sequential trigger. dominant hand holding it.
Illustrated terms
You should know
Studies of residential carpenters
Six Steps to Nail Gun Safety
found that the overall risk of nail
gun injury is twice as high when
using contact trigger nail guns
➊ Use the full sequential trigger
compared to using sequential The full sequential trigger is always the safest trigger mechanism for the job.
trigger nail guns.8 It reduces the risk of unintentional nail discharge and double fires—including
Note that the studies could not quantify injury injuries from bumping into co-workers.
risks associated with specific tasks; it is likely
• At a minimum, provide full sequential trigger nailers for placement work
that some nailing tasks are more dangerous
where the lumber needs to be held in place by hand. Examples include
than others.
building walls and nailing blocking, fastening studs to plates and blocks to
About 1 in 10 nail gun injuries studs, and installing trusses.
happen to co-workers.9 This is from Unintended nail discharge is more likely to lead to a hand or arm injury for
either airborne (projectile) nails or placement work compared to flat work, where the lumber does not need to
bumping into a co-worker while be held in place by hand. Examples of flat work include roofing, sheathing,
carrying a contact trigger nail gun and subflooring.
with the trigger squeezed.
• Consider restricting inexperienced employees to full sequential trigger nail
A voluntary ANSI standard calls 10 guns starting out. Some contractors using more than one type of trigger on
for all large pneumatic framing their jobs color-code the nail guns so that the type of trigger can be readily
nailers manufactured after 2003 identified by workers and supervisors.
to be shipped with a sequential • Some contractors have been reluctant to use full sequential triggers fearing a
trigger. However, these may not loss of productivity. How do the different types of triggers compare?
The one available study had 10 experienced framers stick-build two identical
triggers. Contractors may need to
small (8 ft x 10 ft) wood structures—one using a sequential trigger nail gun
contact manufacturers or suppliers
and one using a contact trigger nail gun. Small structures were built in this
to purchase a FULL SEQUENTIAL
study so that there would be time for each carpenter to complete two sheds.
trigger kit.
Average nailing time using the contact trigger was 10% faster, which ac-
Worksite story counted for less than 1% of the total building time when cutting and layout
was included.11 However, in this study the trigger type was less important to
A carpenter apprentice on his first overall productivity than who was using the tool; this suggests productivity
day ever using a nail gun injured concerns should focus on the skill of the carpenter rather than on the trigger.
his right leg. He was working on a
step ladder and was in the process Although the study did not evaluate framing a residence or light commercial
of lowering the nail gun to his building, it shows that productivity is not just about the trigger. The wood
side when the gun struck his leg structures built for the study did include common types of nailing tasks (flat
and fired a nail into it. He had no nailing, through nailing, toe-nailing) and allowed comparisons for both total
training prior to using the nail gun. average nailing time and overall project time. The study did not compare
New worker training is important productivity differences for each type of nailing task used to build the sheds.
and should include hands-on skills.
➋ Provide training
Both new and experienced workers can benefit from safety training to learn
about the causes of nail gun injuries and specific steps to reduce them. Be sure
Worksite story
that training is provided in a manner that employees can understand. Here is a
After his crews experienced many
list of topics for training:
double fires and a related seri-
• How nail guns work and how triggers differ. ous nail gun injury, a New Jersey
contractor switched to using only
• Main causes of injuries – especially differences among types of triggers.
sequential triggers. He believes he
• Instructions provided in manufacturer tool manuals and where the manual has eliminated the risk of double
is kept. fire injuries and he estimates that
• Hands-on training with the actual nailers to be used on the job. This gives the change has had only a slight
each employee an opportunity to handle the nailer and to get feedback on impact on productivity—a few
topics such as: extra hours per house.
You should know • Set up operations so that workers are not in the line of fire from nail guns
being operated by co-workers.
Training is important: untrained • Check lumber surfaces before nailing. Look for knots, nails, straps, hangers,
workers are more likely to expe- etc. that could cause recoil or ricochet.
rience a nail gun injury than a
trained worker. 12 • Use a hammer or positive placement nailer when nailing metal joinery or
irregular lumber.
Training does not trump triggers:
• For placement work, keep hands at least 12 inches away from the nailing
trained workers using contact trig- point at all times. Consider using clamps to brace instead of your hands.
gers still have twice the overall risk
of injury as trained workers using • Always shoot nail guns away from your body and away from co-workers.
sequential triggers. • Always disconnect the compressed air when:
–– Leaving a nailer unattended;
–– Travelling up and down a ladder or stairs;
–– Passing the nail gun to a co-worker;
–– Clearing jammed nails;
–– Performing any other maintenance on the nail gun.
• Recognize the dangers of awkward position work and provide extra time
and precautions:
–– Use a hammer if you cannot reach the work while holding the nailer with
your dominant hand.
–– Use a hammer or reposition for work at face or head height. Recoil is
more difficult to control and could be dangerous.
–– Use a hammer or full sequential trigger nailer when working in a tight
space. Recoil is more difficult to control and double fires could occur with
contact triggers.
–– Take extra care with toe-nailing. Nail guns can slip before or during firing
because the gun cannot be held flush against the work piece. Use a nail
gun with teeth on the safety contact to bite into the work piece to keep
the gun from slipping during the shot. Use the trigger to fire only after the
safety contact piece is positioned.
• Recognize the dangers of nail gun work at height and provide extra time
and precautions:
–– Set up jobs to minimize the need for nailing at height.
–– Consider using scaffolds instead of ladders.
–– If work must be done on ladders, use full sequential trigger nailers to
prevent nail gun injuries which could occur from bumping a leg while
climbing up or down a ladder.
–– Position ladders so you don’t have to reach too far. Your belt buckle
should stay between the side rails when reaching to the side.
–– Maintain three points of contact with the ladder at all times to prevent
a fall—this means that clamps may need to be used for placement work.
Holding a nailer in one hand and the work piece with the other provides
only two points of contact (your feet). Reaching and recoil can make you
lose your balance and fall. Falls, especially with contact trigger nailers,
can result in nail gun injuries.
• Never bypass or disable nail gun safety features. This is strictly prohibited.
Tampering includes removing the spring from the safety-contact tip and/or
tying down, taping or otherwise securing the trigger so it does not need to
be pressed. Tampering increases the chance that the nail gun will fire unin-
tentionally both for the current user and anyone else who may use the nail
gun. Nail gun manufacturers strongly recommend against tampering and
OSHA requires that tools be maintained in a safe condition. There is NO
legitimate reason to modify or disable a nail gun safety device.
• Encourage your workers to keep their fingers off the trigger when holding or
carrying a nail gun. If this is not natural, workers should use a full sequential
nail gun or set down the nailer until they begin to nail again.
• Never lower the nail gun from above or drag the tool by the hose. If the
nail-gun hose gets caught on something, don’t pull on the hose. Go find the
problem and release the hose.
• Never use the nailer with the non-dominant hand.
If you have a safety incentive program, be sure that it does not discourage workers
from reporting injuries. Employers that intentionally underreport work-related inju-
ries will be in violation of OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping regulation.
Worksite Story ➏ Provide first aid and medical treatment
A construction worker accidentally Employers and workers should seek medical attention immediately after nail
drove a 16 penny framing nail into gun injuries, even for hand injuries that appear to be minimal. Studies suggest
his thigh. It didn’t bleed much and that 1 out of 4 nail gun hand injuries can involve some type of structural dam-
he didn’t seek medical care. He age such as bone fracture.13 Materials such as nail strip glue or plastic or even
removed the nail himself. Three clothing can get embedded in the injury and lead to infection. Barbs on the nail
days later he felt a snap in his leg can cause secondary injury if the nail is removed incorrectly. These complica-
and severe pain. In the emergency tions can be avoided by having workers seek immediate medical care.
room, doctors removed a sheared
off nail and found that his thigh
bone had fractured. Not all injuries
are immediately visible. Failure
to seek medical care can result in A Word about Other Hazards
complications and more serious
Air pressure. Pneumatic tools and compressor use are regulated under OSHA’s
Construction standard at 29 CFR 1926.302(b). The provisions in this standard
that are relevant for nail guns are provided below.
(1) Pneumatic power tools shall be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means to prevent
the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.
Note: An OSHA letter of interpretation14 allows the use of a quick disconnect with a pull-down sleeve
to meet this requirement. It is composed of a male fitting (connector) and female fitting (coupling)
that has a sleeve which must be pulled away from the end of the hose to separate the two fittings to
prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.
(3) All pneumatically driven nailers, staplers, and other similar equipment provided with automatic
fastener feed, which operate at more than 100 p.s.i. pressure at the tool shall have a safety device on
the muzzle to prevent the tool from ejecting fasteners, unless the muzzle is in contact with the work
(5) The manufacturer’s safe operating pressure for hoses, pipes, valves, filters, and other fittings shall
not be exceeded.
(6) The use of hoses for hoisting or lowering tools shall not be permitted.
Noise. Pneumatic nail guns produce short (less than a tenth of a second in du-
ration) but loud “impulse” noise peaks: one from driving the nail and one from
exhausting the air. Most nail gun manufacturers recommend that users wear
hearing protection when operating a nailer.
Available information indicates that nail gun noise can vary depending on the gun,
the work piece, air pressure, and the work setting. The type of trigger system does
not appear to affect the noise level. Peak noise emission levels for several nailers
ranged from 109 to 136 dBA.15,16 These loud short bursts can contribute to hearing
loss. Employers should provide hearing protection in the form of earplugs or muffs
and ensure that they are worn correctly. Employers should also ask about noise
levels when buying nail guns—studies have identified ways to reduce nail gun noise
and some manufacturers may incorporate noise reduction features.
Note: OSHA’s standard for exposure to continuous noise levels (29 CFR 1926.52) addresses both the
noise level and the duration of exposure. In this standard, workers exposed for 15 minutes at 115 A-
weighted decibels (dBA) have the same exposure as workers exposed for 8 hours at 90 dBA.
The NIOSH and OSHA limit for impulse noise is 140 decibels: above this level a single exposure can
cause instant damage to the ear.
NIOSH recommends that an 8-hour exposure should not exceed 85 dBA and a one-second exposure
should not exceed 130 dBA without using hearing protection.
Nail gun injuries are painful. Some cause severe injuries or death. Nail gun
injuries have been on the rise along with the increased popularity of these pow-
erful tools. These injuries can be prevented, and more and more contractors are
making changes to improve nail gun safety. Take a look at your practices and
use this guide to improve safety on your job sites. Working together with tool
gun manufacturers, safety and health professionals, and other organizations,
we can reduce nail gun injuries.
For Additional Information
Woodworking eTool—Handheld Nail/Stapling Guns
Oregon OSHA
Pneumatic Nail and Staple Gun Safety Hazard Alert
California OSHA
Pneumatically Driven Nailers and Staplers CCR Title 8, Section 1704
References and Endnotes
68% of these emergency room visits involved workers and 32% involved consumers. From: Lipscomb H, Jackson L [2007].
Nail-Gun Injuries treated in Emergency Departments—United States, 2001-2005. MMWR 56(14):329-332.
Dement J, Lipscomb H, Leiming L, Epling C, Desai, T [2003]. Nail Gun Injuries among Construction Workers. Appl Occup
Environ Hyg 18(5):374-383.
Lipscomb H, Dement J, Nolan J, Patterson D. [2006]. Nail Gun Injuries in Apprentice Carpenters: Risk Factors and Control
Measures. Am J Ind Med 49:505-513.
Lipscomb H, Nolan J, Patterson D, Dement D [2010]. Surveillance of Nail Gun Injuries by Journeyman Carpenters provides
important Insight into Experiences of Apprentices. New Solutions 20(1) 95-114. Also, Baggs J, Cohen M, Kalat J, Silverstein,
B [2001]. Pneumatic Nailer Injuries—A Report on Washington State 1990-1998. Prof Saf Mag January: 3V-38.
Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), [2002]. Evaluation of Pneumatic Nailers. Memo from Carolene Paul to
Jacqueline Elder. May 23, 2002. See
Dement J, Lipscomb H, Leiming L, Epling C, Desai, T [2003]. Nail Gun Injuries among Construction Workers. Appl Occup
Environ Hyg 18(5):374-383.
American National Standard Institute (ANSI) [2002]. Safety Requirements for Portable, Compressed-Air-Actuated Fastener
Driving Tools. ANSI SNT-101-2002 Sections 4.4: Tools shall not be modified or altered; Improperly functioning
tools must not be used; Do not remove, tamper with, or otherwise cause the tool operating controls to become
Lipscomb H, Nolan J, Patterson D, Dement D [2010]. Surveillance of Nail Gun Injuries by Journeyman Carpenters provides
important Insight into Experiences of Apprentices. New Solutions 20(1) 95-114. Also Lipscomb H, Nolan J, Patterson D,
Dement J [2008]. Prevention of Traumatic Nail Gun Injuries in Apprentice Carpenters: Use of Population-Based Measures to
Monitor Intervention Effectiveness. Am J Ind Med 51:719-727.
See Footnote 8.
See Footnote 7. See Section 4.1.3.
Lipscomb H, Nolan J, Patterson D, Makrozahopoulos D, Kucera K, Dement J [2008]. How Much Time is Safety Worth? A
Comparison of Trigger Configurations on Pneumatic Nail Guns in Residential Framing. Public Health Reports 123:481-486.
See Footnote 3.
Hussey K, Knox D, Lambah A, Curnier A, Holmes J, Davies, M [2008]. Nail Gun Injuries to the Hand. Trauma 64:1:170-173.
Health and Safety Executive [2008]. Noise Emissions from Fastener Driving Tools. Research Report 625.
Malkin et al. [2005] An Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Hazards in Selected Small Business Manufacturing
Wood Pallets—Part 1. Noise and Physical Hazards. J. Occ. Env. Hyg. 2: D18-21.
See NIOSH-sponsored student engineering studies evaluated nail gun noise and noise reduction options at
Contacting NIOSH
To receive documents or more information about occupational safety
and health topics, please contact NIOSH:
1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636); TTY: 1-888-232-6348;
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To order additional copies of this publication, to get a list of other OSHA
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