# what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
# consult the online docs. You have been warned.
particular, see
# for a discussion of each configuration directive.L For
standard requirements (detailed),
Multi dimensional requirements (summarized) using arithmetic
operators, aggregate functions
Case statement generation (IF statement, IF-ELSE statement,
SWITCH statement
Working with various join types( Inner, Left outer, Right outer and
Full outer)
Creation of global filters
Develop the dimensions hierarchies (Multi dimensional analysis)
1. Level-based hierarchies
2. Parent-child hierarchies.
Create logical
Introduction to Data wdzxvcbnm,./arehousing Dfhhkhj’k’;’k’’
Contact Name: Rao
Contact No: 919948713895
Create new data source in the Physical layer
Enter SQL script:
Before connect to database
Before query
After query
After connect to database
Business model and mapping layer:
Design Business Model Diagram (logical table diagram) using logical fact tables and
logical dimensional tables.
For standard requirements (detailed),
Multi dimensional requirements (summarized) using arithmetic
operators, aggregate functions
Case statement generation (IF statement, IF-ELSE statement,
SWITCH statement
Working with various join types( Inner, Left outer, Right outer and
Full outer)
Creation of global filters
Develop the dimensions hierarchies (Multi dimensional analysis)
1. Level-based hierarchies
2. Parent-child hierarchies.
Create logical dimensional tables
Create logical fact tables
Working with periodic snap-shot tables
Working with transactional grain fact tables
Working with fact-less fact tables
Working with additive measures, semi-additive measures and non-
additive measures
Apply the filters
Presentation layer:
Arrange the Business Models as subject areas
Rename the Meta Data for business user understanding
Working with Repository and Session Variables.
Repository variables:
Static and Dynamic
Session Variables:
System and non-system
Project Development:
OLAP Specifications
Development of Business Requirement Specifications (BRS)
Development of Reporting Requirement Specifications(RRS)
Develop the Request in the Criteria
Generate the Reports using Results
Develop the logical calculations using advanced tab (set sql format)
Ad-hoc reports
Standard reports
Dashboard reports.
Generate customized reports and override reports in different formats.
a. Query Optimization
b. Report Optimization
Multi dimensional
List reports
Chart reports
Line chart reports
Bar chart reports
Pie-chart reports
Cross-Tab reports
Setup pages and sections in the cross-tab report
Working with various variables
Prompts (advance filters)
Cascading prompts
Dash board prompts
Page prompts
Testing the prompts with single Go button
Working with KPI’s and KPI’s Watch List
Working with score cards
BI publisher, etc
Combined the requests from the different subject areas using set operators like
Union, Intersect etc.
case statement generation (IF statement, IF-ELSE statement, SWITCH statement
Filters (Global and Local filters)
Generation of Expression and Aggregated functions
Download the reports in PPT and Excel sheet, etc formats
Working with direct database connection
Working with prompts in direct database request.
Working with presentation catalogs.
Working with BI Publisher.