Ampisul, Hydrocort, Salbu, Mupirocin Drugs
Ampisul, Hydrocort, Salbu, Mupirocin Drugs
Ampisul, Hydrocort, Salbu, Mupirocin Drugs
Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Severe or Contraindicat Decreases Euphoria Pseudotumor Determine whether
hydrocortisone intractable ed to patients inflammation, Insomnia cerebri patient is sensitive to
Brand Name: allergic state hypersensitiv mainly by Vertigo Seizure other corticosteroids.
Colocort, Cortef, Respiratory e to drug or stabilizing Headache Heart failure Monitor patient’s BP,
Cortema, disease its leukocyte, Paresthesia Arrhythmias weight, and electrolyte
Cortifoam ingredients, lysosomal Hypertension Thromboembol level.
with some membranes; Edema ism Watch for depression or
Therapeutic systemic suppresses immune Pancreatitis psychotic episodes,
Class: fungal response; Hypokalemia especially during high-
Corticosteroid infections, in stimulates bone dose therapy.
Peptic ulceration Hypocalcemia
those marrow; and
Psychotic Tell the patient not to
GI irritation
Pharmacologic receiving influences protein, stop drug abruptly or
Class: Increased appetite behavior
immunosuppr fat, and without prescriber’s
Nausea Glaucoma
Glucocorticoids essive doses carbohydrate consent
Vomiting Osteoporosis
together with metabolism. Instruct patient to take
Route of Menstrual Tendon rupture
live-virus oral from of drug with
Administration/ vaccines, and irregularities
milk or food
Dosage: in premature Increased urine
Warn patient about easy
TIV (200mg) infants. calcium level
Easy bruising
Advise patient
Delayed wound
receiving long-term
therapy to have periodic
Skin eruption eye examination.
Muscle weakness
Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
of Action
Generic Name: 1. To control 1. Hypersensitivity It relieves 1. Nervousness a. CNS: Restlessness, Drug may decrease sensitivity
albuterol and prevent to adrenergic nasal 2. Restlessness apprehension, anxiety, of spirometry used for diagnosis
reversible amines congestion 3. Tremor fear, CNS stimulation, of asthma
Brand Name: airway 2. Hypersensitivity and reversible 4. Headache vertigo, headache,
Salbutamol Syrup contains no alcohol or
obstruction to fluorocarbons bronchospasm 5. Insomnia weakness, tremors, sugar and may be taken by
Classification: caused by by relaxing 6. Chest pain drowsiness
children as young as age 2.
Bronchodilator asthma or 7. Palpitations b. CV: Cardiac arrhythmias,
the smooth
8. Angina palpitations, tachycardia In children, syrup may rarely
(therapeutic); muscles of the cause erythema multiforme or
adrenergics obstructive 9. Arrhythmias c. Dermatologic: Sweating,
bronchioles. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
pulmonary 10. Hypertension pallor, flushing
(pharmacologic) The relief Monitor patient for
disorder 11. Nausea and d. GI: Nausea, vomiting,
(COPD) from nasal vomiting heartburn, unusual or bad effectiveness. Using drug alone
2. Quick relief congestion 12. Hyperglycemia taste in the mouth may not be adequate to control
for and 13. Hypokalemia e. Respiratory: Respiratory asthma in some patients
bronchospasm bronchospasm difficulties, pulmonary Advise patient not to use more
3. For the is made edema, coughing, frequently than prescribed and
prevention of possible by bronchospasm, not to increase dose or
exercise- the following paradoxical airway frequency without consulting
induced mechanism resistance with repeated,
bronchospasm that takes excessive use of
4. Long-term inhalation preparations Advise patient not to chew or
place when crush extended-release tablets
control agent Salbutamol is
for patients or mix them with food
with chronic
or persistent
Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects
Headache 1. Dosage is
Chest pain expressed as a
Contraindicated in Candidiasis
Generic Name: Nausea total drug.
1. For intra- patients Drug combination of Chills
ampicillin sulbactam Fatigue 2. In patient with
abdominal, hypersensitive to beta-lactamase Dysuria
Diarrhea impaired renal
gynecologic, drug or other inhibitor with Edema
Brand Name: Gastritis function, decrease
and skin- penicillins. ampicillin; interferes Epistaxis
Unasyn dosage
structure Use cautiously to with bacterial cell wall Erythema
3. Monitor LFT
infections patients with other synthesis during active Flatulence
Pharmacologic results during
caused by drug allergies replication, causing Glossitis
class: therapy, especially
susceptible because of bactericidal activity Itching
Aminopenicillins - in patient with
strains possible cross- against susceptible Malaise
beta – lactamase impaired liver
2. For treating sensitivity organisms; alternative Mucosal bleeding
inhibitors function.
Community- Use cautiously in to amoxicillin when Pseudomembranous
4. Watch for signs
acquired pregnant women unable to take colitis
Therapeutic class: and symptoms of
Pneumonia, and only if clearly medication orally; Seizure
Antibiotics hyper-sensitivity,
Hospital- needed covers skin, enteric Tightness in throat
such as
acquired Use cautiously in flora, and anaerobes; Thrombocytopenia
Pneumonia breast-feeding not ideal for Urine retention
3ml TIV maculopapular
women. nosocomial pathogens. Vomiting
rash, uticaria, and
Name of Drug Indication Mechanism of Action Contraindication Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: For treating Inhibits bacterial Contraindicated Burning Erythema Drug isn’t ophthalmic
mupirocin traumatic skin protein synthesis by to patients Pain or internal use
Brand Name: lesions infected reversibly transfer- hypersensitive Pruritus Prolonged use may
Bactroban, with RNA synthetase to drug or its Rash cause overgrowth of
Centany Staphylococcus components Stinging non-susceptible
Therapeutic aureus or bacteria and fungi
Class: Streptococcus Don’t confuse
Antibacterials pyogenes. Bactroban with
(topical) To eradicate nasal bacitracin, baclofen, or
Pharmacologic colonization by Bactrim
Class: methicillin- Tell patient to notify
Antibiotics resistant S. aureus prescriber immediately
Route of in adult patients if condition doesn’t
Administration/ and health care improve or gets worse
Dosage: workers. in 3-5 days
Intranasal Warn patient about
ointment 2% local side effect related
to drug use
Caution patient not to
use cosmetics or other
skin products on treated