Guidline in Polar Water RMRS
Guidline in Polar Water RMRS
Guidline in Polar Water RMRS
ND No. 2-030101-031-E
The Guidelines on Application of the International Code for Ships
Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) have been approved in accordance
with the established approval procedure and come into force on 1 January 2017.
The Guidelines have been developed based on the provisions of
the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) adopted by
IMO resolutions S!.85(94) and !.264(68).
The Guidelines are intended for surveyors, crews and shipowners.
In case of discrepancies between the Russian and English versions,
the Russian version shall prevail.
1 Scope of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 The Guidelines on Application of the International Code for Ships
Operating in Polar Waters1 shall be applied during survey of ships and ship's
equipment as well as review of design documentation and documentation for
ships under construction or in service for compliance with the requirements of
the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters2.
1.2 Requirements specified in Part I "General" and related to safety as well
as requirements of Part I-A of the Polar Code apply to ships operating in polar
waters and having certificates in accordance with Chapter I, SOLAS 74 as
mentioned in SOLAS 74 regulations %IV/1 and %IV/2. Requirements specified
in Part I "General" and related to environmental protection as well as
requirements of Part II-A of the Polar Code apply to ships operating in polar
waters as defined, respectively, in Annex I, regulation 47; Annex II, regulation 22;
Annex IV, regulation 18 and Annex V, regulation 14 to MARPOL 73/78.
1.3 The survey procedure for compliance with Part I-A of the Polar Code is
established in Part I of the Polar Code and Chapter 1 "Provisions on Technical
Supervision'' of the Guidelines. The survey may be carried out only under the
authorization of the ship's Flag Administration3.
1.4 The procedure of certificates issue provided by MARPOL 73/78
and confirming the compliance with the requirements of the Polar Code
is established in Chapter 11 "Pollution Prevention Measures" of the
2.1 For the purpose of the Guidelines, the definitions specified in the
following paragraph are used. Definitions used in Chapters 1 to 10 of the
Guidelines, but not defined in this Section shall have the same meaning as
defined in SOLAS 74. Definitions used in Chapter 11 "Pollution Prevention
1Hereinafter referred to as "the Guidelines".
2Hereinafter referred to as "the Polar Code".
3Hereinafter referred to as "the Administration".
Measures", but not defined in this Section shall have the same meaning as
defined in Article 2 of MARPOL 73/78 and the relevant MARPOL Annexes.
P o l a r C o d e means the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar
Waters adopted by IMO resolutions S!.385(94) and !.264(68).
C a t e g o r y A s h i p means a ship designed for operation in polar waters
in at least medium first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions1.
C a t e g o r y B s h i p means a ship not included in category A, designed
for operation in polar waters in at least thin first-year ice, which may include old
ice inclusions.
C a t e g o r y C s h i p means a ship designed to operate in open water or in
ice conditions less severe than those included in categories A and B.
! o n s t r u c t e d s h i p means a ship the keel of which is laid or which is
at a similar stage of construction.
S i m i l a r s t a g e o f c o n s t r u c t i o n means a stage at which:
construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and
assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or 1%
of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less.
F i r s t - y e a r i c e means sea ice of not more than one winter growth
developing from young ice with thickness from 0,3 m to 2,0 m.
I c e o f l a n d o r i g i n means ice formed on land or in an ice shelf, found
floating in water.
M A R P O L 7 3 / 7 8 means the International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the 1978 Protocol
relating thereto (MARPOL), as amended.
M e d i u m f i r s t - y e a r i c e means first-year ice of 0,7 to 1,2 m thick.
O l d i c e means a sea ice which has survived at least one summer's melt;
typical thickness up to 3 m or more. It is subdivided into residual first-year ice,
second-year ice and multi-year ice.
O p e n w a t e r means a large area of freely navigable water in which sea
ice is present in concentrations less than 1/10. No ice of land origin is present.
T h i n f i r s t - y e a r i c e means a first-year ice of 0,3 to 0,7 m thick.
S e a i c e means any form of ice found at sea which has originated from
the freezing of sea water.
S O L A S 7 4 means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, as amended.
E s c o r t e d o p e r a t i o n means any operation in which a ship's
movement is facilitated through the intervention of an escort.
1The classification of ice is adopted according to the Sea Ice Nomenclature of the World
Meteorological Organization.
H a b i t a b l e e n v i r o n m e n t means a ventilated environment that will
protect against hypothermia.
I c e b r e a k e r means any ship whose operational profile may include
escort or ice management functions, whose powering and dimensions allow it
to undertake aggressive operations in ice-covered waters.
I c e c l a s s means the notation assigned to the ship by Russian Maritime
Register of Shipping1, Administration or by an organization recognized by
the Administration showing that the ship has been designed for navigation in
sea-ice conditions.
M a x i m u m e x p e c t e d t i m e o f r e s c u e means the time adopted for
the design of equipment and system that provide survival support. This time
shall never be less than 5 days.
M a c h i n e r y i n s t a l l a t i o n s mean equipment and machinery and its
associated piping and cabling, which is necessary for the safe operation of
the ship.
M e a n d a i l y l o w t e m p e r a t u r e ( M D LT ) means the mean value
of the daily low temperature for each day of the year over a minimum
10-year period. A data set acceptable to the Register or other organization
recognized by the Administration may be used if 10 years of data is not
P o l a r c l a s s ( P C ) means the ice class assigned to the ship by
the Register or other organization recognized by the Administration based upon
IACS unified requirements.
P o l a r s e r v i c e t e m p e r a t u r e ( P S T ) means a temperature
specified for a ship which is intended to operate in low air temperature, which
shall be set at least 10 8C below the lowest MDLT for the intended area and
season of operation in polar waters.
S h i p i n t e n d e d t o o p e r a t e i n l o w a i r t e m p e r a t u r e means a
ship which is intended to undertake voyages to or through areas where the
lowest MDLT is below 10 8C.
Ta n k e r s mean oil tankers as defined in SOLAS 74 regulation II-1/2.22,
chemical tankers as defined in SOLAS 74 regulation II-1/3.19 and gas carriers
as defined in SOLAS 74 regulation VII/1.2.
1.1 T E C H N I C A L A N D O P E R A T I N G D O C U M E N T A T I O N
1.1.1 P r i o r t o s u r v e y i n accordance w i t h p r o v i s i o n s o f S e c t i o n 2 , C h a p t e r 1
" P r o v i s i o n s o n T e c h n i c a l S u p e r v i s i o n " , as a m i n i m u m , t h e f o l l o w i n g
d o c u m e n t a t i o n p r o v i n g that t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f P a r t I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e
applicable t o t h e ship concerned are c o m p l i e d w i t h , s h a l l be s u b m i t t e d t o t h e R S
Branch Office performing the survey:
. 1 general a r r a n g e m e n t p l a n o f t h e ship a n d t a n k s p l a n ;
.2 s t a b i l i t y c a l c u l a t i o n i n accordance w i t h 4 . 3 . 1 , C h a p t e r 4 o f t h e P o l a r
C o d e f o r ships operating i n areas a n d d u r i n g periods w h e r e ice accretion is
l i k e l y t o occur, i f t y p i c a l l o a d i n g c o n d i t i o n s u n d e r i c i n g are n o t specified i n t h e
Stability Booklet;
.3 d a m a g e s t a b i l i t y c a l c u l a t i o n f o r ice class ships o f categories A a n d В
constructed after 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 , i f there are n o i n f o r m a t i o n o n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h
the requirements o f 4.3.2, Chapter 4 o f the Polar Code i n the Damage Stability
.4 operating d o c u m e n t a t i o n :
.4.1 P o l a r W a t e r O p e r a t i o n a l M a n u a l ( P W O M ) ;
.4.2 S t a b i l i t y B o o k l e t .
U p o n r e v i e w o f t h e s u b m i t t e d set o f d o c u m e n t s , t h e R e g i s t e r s h a l l send
a c o n c l u s i o n letter w i t h c o n f i r m a t i o n o f p o s s i b i l i t y o f t h e ship's s u r v e y i n order
t o issue t h e P o l a r S h i p Certificate.
1.2 S U R V E Y S F O R I S S U E , E N D O R S E M E N T
1.2.1 T h e P o l a r S h i p C e r t i f i c a t e ( f o r m 2 . 1 . 2 9 ) together w i t h a R e c o r d o f
E q u i p m e n t ( f o r m 2 . 1 . 3 0 ) s h a l l b e issued t o each ship t o w h i c h P a r t I - A o f
t h e P o l a r C o d e applies i n accordance w i t h S O L A S 7 4 r e g u l a t i o n X I V / 2 .
1.2.2 T y p e s o f s u r v e y s carried o u t t o c o n f i r m t h e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h P a r t I - A
o f t h e P o l a r C o d e s h a l l be considered as s u r v e y s f o r i s s u e / e n d o r s e m e n t / r e n e w a l
o f certificates according t o S O L A S 7 4 . T h e satisfactory s u r v e y results according
t o S O L A S 7 4 s h a l l be considered as a r e q u i r e m e n t f o r issue/endorsement/
r e n e w a l o f t h e C e r t i f i c a t e according t o t h e P o l a r C o d e .
1.2.3 I f t h e C e r t i f i c a t e b e c o m e s i n v a l i d o r is i n v a l i d f o r a l o n g p e r i o d a n d
o t h e r certificates r e m a i n v a l i d , f o r r e n e w a l o f t h e C e r t i f i c a t e , t h e i t e m s
a d d i t i o n a l t o those c o v e r e d b y S O L A S 7 4 s h a l l b e subject t o s u r v e y i n a scope
specified b y the Register t a k i n g into account the instructions o f the
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . I n t h i s case, t h e v a l i d i t y p e r i o d o f certificates s h a l l n o t change
according t o S O L A S 7 4 .
1.2.4 T o c o n f i r m t h e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e P o l a r C o d e t h e f o l l o w i n g types o f
s u r v e y s s h a l l b e established as f o l l o w s :
.1 i n i t i a l s u r v e y (after c o n s t r u c t i o n , i n service) carried o u t t o c o n f i r m that
t h e i t e m s c o v e r e d b y P a r t I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e are s u r v e y e d i n t h e necessary
scope o f i n i t i a l s u r v e y s f o r issue o f t h e C a r g o S h i p S a f e l y C o n s t r u c t i o n
Certificate, C a r g o S h i p S a f e l y E q u i p m e n t C e r t i f i c a t e , C a r g o S h i p S a f e l y R a d i o
Certificate o r Passenger S h i p S a f e l y Certificate;
.2 a n n u a l s u r v e y carried o u t t o c o n f i r m t h a t t h e i t e m s c o v e r e d b y P a r t I - A o f
t h e P o l a r C o d e are s u r v e y e d i n t h e necessary scope o f p e r i o d i c a l s u r v e y o f r a d i o
e q u i p m e n t a n d a n n u a l s u r v e y o f cargo ship c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d e q u i p m e n t ;
.3 i n t e r m e d i a t e s u r v e y (second o r t h i r d a n n u a l s u r v e y ) carried o u t t o
c o n f i r m that t h e i t e m s c o v e r e d b y P a r t I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e a n d subject t o
intermediate survey for endorsement o f the Cargo Ship Safety Construction
Certificate are s u r v e y e d i n t h e necessary scope;
.4 p e r i o d i c a l s u r v e y (second o r t h i r d a n n u a l s u r v e y ) carried o u t t o c o n f i r m
that t h e i t e m s c o v e r e d b y P a r t I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e a n d subject t o t h e p e r i o d i c a l
s u r v e y f o r e n d o r s e m e n t o f t h e C a r g o S h i p S a f e l y E q u i p m e n t C e r t i f i c a t e are
s u r v e y e d i n t h e necessary scope;
.5 r e n e w a l survey carried o u t t o c o n f i r m that items covered b y Part I - A o f the
P o l a r C o d e are surveyed i n the necessary scope o f surveys f o r r e n e w a l o f the C a r g o
Ship Safety C o n s t r u c t i o n Certificate, C a r g o S h i p Safely E q u i p m e n t Certificate,
Cargo S h i p Safety R a d i o Certificate o r Passenger S h i p Safety Certificate.
1.2.5 T h e C e r t i f i c a t e is endorsed at a n n u a l , i n t e r m e d i a t e a n d p e r i o d i c a l
s u r v e y s t o c o n f i r m t h e satisfactory results o f t h e scope o f s u r v e y s i n accordance
w i t h t o
1.2.6 T h e r e l e v a n t s u r v e y s f o r issue o f certificates according t o S O L A S 7 4
i n c l u d i n g t h e a d d i t i o n a l scope o f s u r v e y s t o c o n f i r m t h e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h
t h e P o l a r C o d e , s h a l l be carried o u t a n d appropriate certificates according
to S O L A S 7 4 shall be issued/endorsed before issue/endorsement o f the Certificate.
1.2.7 The ship covered by the Polar Code shall be subject to survey by the
Register upon shipowner's request and under the authorization of the
Administration given in accordance with SOLAS 74 regulation XI-1/1 to
confirm the compliance of the ship with the requirements of Parts I-A and II-
of the Polar Code. When applying Parts I-A and II- of the Polar Code, it is
recommended to consider the provisions of Parts I-B and II- of the Code.
1.2.8 The Certificate with the Record of Equipment shall be issued by
the Register upon completion of the relevant survey (initial, renewal) to confirm
the compliance of the ship with the requirements of the Polar Code in addition
to certificates according to SOLAS 74. The survey results shall be included in
the relevant RS records.
1.2.9 If the category C ship is confirmed to comply with the requirements of
the Polar Code without any additional equipment or structural modification,
the Certificate shall be issued based on the abovementioned endorsement, and
survey to confirm the compliance with the Polar Code shall be combined with
the next periodical survey.
1.2.10 The Certificate shall be annually endorsed based on results of
the RS ship's survey to the extent prescribed. The survey results shall be
included in the relevant RS records.
1.2.11 Certificate validity and dates of subsequent surveys shall be
harmonized with the relevant SOLAS 74 certificates in accordance with
SOLAS-74 regulation I/14.
2.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 2, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include check for availability of
3.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 3, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check for compliance of exposed hull structural materials with the PST
at which the ship is intended to operate. The materials shall be certified by
the Register or another organization recognized by the Administration
considering the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
Ships or IACS unified requirements to polar class ships (refer to 3.3.1, Part I-A
of the Polar Code). Ships with the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in
the class notation meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 for category A ships check for compliance of hull structural members
scantlings with the IACS unified requirements for ships of polar classes PC1 to
PC5. Scantlings shall be approved by the Register, Administration or another
organization recognized by the Administration (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code). The ships complying with the requirements of the Rules for
ships of ice classes rA6 to rA9 and Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 meet the
specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.3 for category B ships, check for compliance of hull structural members
scantlings with IACS unified requirements for ships of polar classes PC6 to
PC7. Scantlings shall be approved by the Register, Administration or another
organization recognized by the Administration (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code). The ships complying with the requirements of the Rules for
ships of ice classes rA4 and rA5 or ships of Baltic ice classes IA and
IA Super meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.4 for ice-strengthened category C ships, check for compliance of hull
structural members scantlings with the requirements of the Rules for ships of ice
classes Ice1 to IA5 or ships of Baltic ice classes IB to I!. Scantlings shall be
approved by the Register, Administration or another organization recognized by
the Administration (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
4.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 4, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check that loading conditions under icing complying with the
requirements of 2.4, Part IV "Stability" of the Rules (refer to, Part I-A
of the Polar Code) are specified in the Stability Booklet;
.2 for ships of categories A and B constructed on or after 1 January 2017,
check whether the Damage Stability Booklet contains the data that after a
damage event with the extents specified in, Part I-A of the Polar Code,
damage stability complies with the criteria, as provided by SOLAS 74
regulations II-1/7-2.2 and II-1/7-2.3 (refer to 4.3.2, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
For ships with damage stability complying with the documents specified in the note
to SOLAS 74 regulation II-1/4.1, check whether the Damage Stability Booklet
contains the data that after a damage event with the extents specified in,
Part I-A of the Polar Code, damage stability complies with the criteria, as provided
by the abovementioned documents. The ships complying with the requirements of
Part V "Subdivision" of the Rules for ships of ice classes rA6 to rA9 and
Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code.
4.2 The assessment of the ship operating in areas and during periods where
ice accretion is likely to occur for compliance with the requirements of Chapter 4,
Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include:
.1 check of the ship structure and equipment provides for effective icing
protection (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships with
the distinguishing mark ANTI-ICE in the class notation meet the specified
requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 check that de-icing means are available on board the ship (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). De-icing means complying with the
requirements of to, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and
Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement
of the Polar Code.
5.1.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 5, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the check that the means to
remove or prevent ice and snow accretion around hatches and doors are
provided (refer to 5.3.1, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
5.2 The assessment of the ship operating in low temperatures for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 5, Part I-A of the Polar Code
shall include:
.1 if the hatches or doors are hydraulically operated, check for availability
of the means to prevent freezing or excessive viscosity of liquids (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class
Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of
the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 check that watertight and weathertight doors, hatches and closing devices
which are not within a habitable environment and require access while at sea are
designed to be operated by personnel wearing heavy winter clothing including
thick mittens (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
6.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 6, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check that machinery installations and associated equipment are properly
protected against the effect of ice accretion and/or snow accumulation, ice
ingestion from sea water, freezing and increased viscosity of liquids, seawater
intake temperature and snow ingestion (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar
Code). The ships complying with the requirements for ice class ships specified
in,, and 12.1.7, Part VIII "Systems and Piping" and, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class
Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of
the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 check that working liquids are maintained in a viscosity range that
ensures operation of the machinery (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.3 check that seawater supplies for machinery systems are designed to prevent
ingestion of ice, or otherwise arranged to ensure functionality (refer to,
Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with the requirements of,
Part VIII "Systems and Piping" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of
the Polar Code.
6.2 The assessment of the ship operating in low temperatures for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6, Part I-A of the Polar Code
shall include:
.1 check that exposed machinery and electrical installation and appliances
function at the polar service temperature (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code). The exposed machinery and electrical installation and
appliances complying with the requirements of 7.6, 7.7, 7.10 and 7.11,
Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class
Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of the
Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 check that means to ensure that combustion air for internal combustion
engines driving essential machinery is maintained at a temperature in
compliance with the criteria provided by the engine manufacturer are available
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with
the requirements of 7.6.3, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive
Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of
Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.3 check for compliance of materials of exposed machinery and foundations
with PST at which the ship is intended to operate. The materials shall be
certified by the Register or another organization recognized by the Adminis-
tration considering the IACS unified requirements for polar class ships. Ships
with the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class notation meet
the specified requirement of the Polar Code.
6.3 The assessment of ice-strengthened ships of categories A, B or C for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall
.1 for category A ships check of scantlings of propeller blades, propulsion
line, steering equipment and other appendages for compliance with the IACS
unified requirements for ships of polar classes PC1 _ PC5 or other standards
offering an equivalent level of safety. Scantlings shall be approved by
the Register, Administration or another organization recognized by the
Administration (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). The ships
complying with the requirements of the Rules for ships of ice classes rA6 to
rA9 and Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 meet the specified requirement of the
Polar Code;
.2 for category B ships check of scantlings of propeller blades, propulsion
line, steering equipment and other appendages for compliance with the IACS
unified requirements for ships of polar classes PC6 _ PC7 or other standards
offering an equivalent level of safety. Scantlings shall be approved by
the Register, Administration or another organization recognized by the Admi-
nistration (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). The ships complying with the
requirements of the Rules for ships of ice classes rA4 and rA5 or ships of Baltic
ice classes IA and IA Super meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.3 for ice-strengthened category C ships, check of scantlings of propeller
blades, propulsion line, steering equipment and other appendages for
compliance with the requirements of the Rules for ships of ice classes Ice1 to
IA5 or ships of Baltic ice classes IB to I!. Scantlings shall be approved by the
Register, Administration or another organization recognized by the Adminis-
tration (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
7.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 7, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check that all components of fire safety systems and appliances installed
in exposed positions are protected from ice accretion and snow accumulation
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.2 check that fire safety systems and appliances can be used by persons
wearing bulky and cumbersome cold weather gear (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code);
.3 check for means to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion from
accesses to fire safety systems and appliances (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code);
.4 check that isolating and pressure/vacuum valves in exposed locations are
protected from ice accretion (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Valves
complying with the requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks
and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of
the Polar Code;
.5 check that two-way portable radio communication equipment is operable
at the PST (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.6 check that fire pumps, including emergency fire pumps, water mist and
water spray pumps, are located in compartments maintained above freezing
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Fire pumps complying with the
requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive
Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational
Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar
.7 check that exposed sections of the fire main and means of draining of
exposed sections can be isolated (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
Fire mains complying with the requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguish-
ing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural
and Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified
requirement of the Polar Code;
.8 check that firefighter's outfit is stored in warm locations on the ship
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.9 check that sea suctions of fixed firefighting systems can be cleared of ice
accumulation where fixed firefighting systems are located in a space separate
from the main fire pumps (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Fixed
firefighting systems complying with the requirements of, Part VI "Fire
Protection" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code.
7.2 The assessment of the ship operating in low temperatures for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 7, Part I-A of the Polar Code
shall include:
.1 check that fire safety systems and appliances are designed to ensure
availability and effectiveness under the PST (refer to, Part I-A of
the Polar Code);
.2 check that portable and semi-portable extinguishers are located in
positions protected from freezing temperatures. Extinguishers provided in
locations subject to freezing shall be capable of operation under the PST
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.3 check for compliance of materials of exposed fire safety systems with
the PST at which the ship is intended to operate. The materials shall be certified
by the Register or another organization recognized by the Administration
considering IACS Unified Requirement S6 or the IACS unified requirements to
polar class ships (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships with
the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class notation meet
the specified requirement of the Polar Code.
8.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 8, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 for ships exposed to ice accretion, check for means to remove or prevent
ice and snow accretion from escape routes, muster stations, embarkation areas,
survival craft, its launching appliances and access to survival craft
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with
the requirement of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive
Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars
of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 for ships constructed on or after 1 January 2017, check if exposed escape
routes are arranged so as not to hinder passage by persons wearing suitable polar
clothing (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.3 for ships intended to operate in low air temperatures, check that
embarkation arrangements fully consider any effect of persons wearing
additional polar clothing (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.4 check that ships have means to ensure safe evacuation of persons,
including safe deployment of survival equipment, when operating in ice-
covered waters, or directly onto the ice (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar
.5 check that life-saving appliances covered by the Polar Code which
require a source of power are able to operate independently of the ship's main
source of power (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.6 for passenger ships, check for an immersion suit or a thermal protective
aid for each person on board (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
Ships complying with, Part II "Life-Saving Appliances" of the Rules for
the Equipment of Sea-Going Ships meet the specified requirement of the Polar
.7 check that all immersion suits are of the insulated type (refer to,
Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with the requirement of,
Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class
Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of
the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.8 for ships intended to operate in extended periods of darkness, check for a
searchlight suitable for continuous use to facilitate identification of ice on each
lifeboat (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.9 check that lifeboats of partially or totally enclosed type are stowed on
board the ship (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying
with the requirement of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and
Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement
of the Polar Code;
.10 check for appropriate survival resources which address both individual
(personal survival equipment) and shared (group survival equipment) needs on
board the ship, as required by, Part I-A of the Polar Code considering
9.1 and 9.2, Part I-B of the Polar Code. Ships complying with the requirement
of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the
Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of
the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.11 where a potential of abandonment onto ice or land is assumed, check of
outfit and equipment for compliance with the requirements of, Part I-A
of the Polar Code. Ships complying with the requirements of,
and, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in
the Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships"
of the Rules meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.12 check that passengers are instructed on use of the personal survival
equipment and the action to take in an emergency (refer to, Part I-A
of the Polar Code);
.13 check that the crew is trained in the use of the personal survival equipment
and group survival equipment (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.14 check that adequate emergency rations are provided for the maximum
expected time of rescue (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships
complying with requirement of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and
Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement
of the Polar Code.
9.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 9, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check for means of receiving current information to ensure safety of
navigation including information on ice conditions (refer to 9.3.1, Part I-A of
the Polar Code). Ships complying with the requirements of 2.2.3, Part V
"Navigational Equipment" of the Rules for the Equipment of Sea-Going Ships
for ships of ice classes Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 and PC1 to !7 or having
the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class notation meet the
specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 for ice-strengthened ships of categories A, B or C constructed on or after
1 January 2017, check for either two independent echo-sounding devices or one
echo-sounding device with two separate independent transducers (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships complying with the requirements of
2.2.3, Part V "Navigational Equipment" of the Rules for the Equipment of Sea-
Going Ships for ships of ice classes Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 and PC1 to
!7 or having the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class
notation meet the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.3 check the ship for compliance with SOLAS 74 regulation V/ and
for a clear view astern (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). According to
10.4, Part I-B of the Polar Code, clear view astern shall be also ensured by
suitable means to de-ice sufficient conning position windows to provide
unimpaired forward and astern vision from conning positions and means of
clearing melted ice, freezing rain, snow, mist and spray from outside and
accumulated condensation from inside. A mechanical means to clear moisture
from the outside face of a window should have operating mechanisms protected
from freezing or the accumulation of ice that would impair effective operation;
.4 for ships where ice accretion is likely to occur, check for means to
prevent the accumulation of ice on antennas required for navigation and
communication (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). The equipment
complying with, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive
Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and Operational
Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meets the specified requirement of the Polar
.5 When assessing ice-strengthened ships of categories A, B or C for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 9, Part I-A of the Polar Code,
the check shall include:
.5.1 if sensors that project below the hull are provided, check that such
sensors are protected against ice (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar
.5.2 for ships of categories A and B constructed on or after 1 January 2017,
check that bridge wings are enclosed or designed to protect navigational equipment
and operating personnel (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.6 check that two independent non-magnetic means to determine and
display the heading connected to the ship's main and emergency source of
power (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.7 for ships proceeding to latitudes over 80 degrees, check whether at least
one GNSS compass or equivalent which shall be connected to the ship's main
and emergency source of power is fitted (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar
Code). Ships complying with the requirements of 2.2.3, Part V "Navigational
Equipment" of the Rules for the Equipment of Sea-Going Ships for ships of ice
classes Icebreaker6 to Icebreaker9 and PC1 to !7 or having the
distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class notation meet
the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.8 for all ships, with the exception of those solely operating in areas with
24 hours daylight, check for two remotely rotatable, narrow-beam search lights
controllable from the bridge to provide lighting over an arc of 3608, or other
means to visually detect ice (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships
complying with the requirements of and, Part XVII
"Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation
Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet
the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.9 for ships involved in operations with an icebreaker escort check for a
manually initiated flashing red light visible from astern to indicate when the ship
is stopped. This light shall have a range of visibility of at least two nautical
miles, and the horizontal and vertical arcs of visibility shall conform to the stern
light specifications required by the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972 (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships
complying with the requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks
and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the specified requirement of
the Polar Code.
10.1 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 10, Part I-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check whether communication equipment on board have the capabilities
for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, taking into account
the limitations of communications systems in high latitudes and the anticipated
low temperature (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code). Ships with
the distinguishing mark WINTERIZATION in the class notation meet
the specified requirement of the Polar Code;
.2 for ships intended to provide icebreaking escort check for a sound
signaling system mounted to face astern to indicate escort and emergency
manoeuvres to following ships as described in the International Code of Signals
(refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code);
.3 check for two-way on-scene means in distress situations and coordination
communications for search and rescue purposes, as required by of
the Polar Code;
.4 check for capability of two-way voice and data communication with
a Telemedical Assistance Service (TMAS) (refer to, Part I-A of the
Polar Code);
.5 check whether procedures on board the ship are developed and
implemented such that mandatory communication equipment for use in survival
craft, including liferafts, and rescue boats are available for operation during
the maximum expected time of rescue recognizing the limitations arising from
battery life (refer to, Part I-A of the Polar Code).
10.2 The assessment of the ship operating in low temperatures for
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 10, Part I-A of the Polar Code
shall include:
.1 check for communication means, as required by, Part I-A of
the Polar Code, in all rescue boats and lifeboats used during evacuation.
Lifeboats complying with the requirements of, Part XVII "Distin-
guishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying
Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the
requirements specified in of the Polar Code;
.2 check for communication means, as required by, Part I-A
of the Polar Code, in all other rescue boats and lifeboats. Lifeboats complying
with the requirements of, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and
Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation Specifying Structural and
Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules meet the requirements specified
in, Part I-A of the Polar Code.
11.1 For each ship covered by the requirements of Part II-A of the Polar Code
in accordance with Annex I, regulation 47; Annex II, regulation 22; Annex IV,
regulation 18 and Annex V, regulation 14 to MARPOL 73/78, certificates issued
under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/781 shall be re-issued.
11.2 If the ship is not required to comply with 1.2, Part II-A of the Polar
Code, International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP Certificate) is not
re-issued until expiry.
11.3 To re-issue the certificates issued under Annexes I and II to MARPOL 73/78,
the Register shall verify the compliance the of following documents with the
specified requirements:
.1 Oil Record Book;
.2 Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (if applicable);
.3 Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (Oil and Noxious Liquid Substance
Pollution Emergency Plan) (if applicable);
.4 Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances
(if applicable);
.5 Procedures and Arrangements Manual, Annex II to MARPOL 73/78
(if applicable);
.6 Garbage Management Plan, placards and Garbage Record Book.
11.4 The assessment of the ship for compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 1, Part II-A of the Polar Code shall include the following:
.1 check that relevant entries to Oil Record Book, Oil Pollution Emergency
Plan and Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (Oil and Noxious Liquid Substance
1The certificate provided by Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 shall be issued at the shipowners
P o l l u t i o n E m e r g e n c y P l a n ) a c c o r d i n g t o 1.1.4, P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e are
W h e r e p o s t p o n e m e n t o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f 1 . 1 . 1 , P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r
C o d e is granted b y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n f o r t h e category A ship constructed b e f o r e
1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 , check f o r a letter o f A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o n a p p r o v a l o f s u c h
p o s t p o n e m e n t s h a l l b e carried o u t o n b o a r d t h e ship. T h i s ship s h a l l c o m p l y w i t h
t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f 1.1.1 n o t later t h a n d u r i n g t h e first i n t e r m e d i a t e s u r v e y o r
r e n e w a l s u r v e y , w h i c h e v e r c o m e s first, after 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 8 . B e f o r e t h e
specified date, these ships s h a l l c o m p l y w i t h t h e discharge r e q u i r e m e n t s
specified i n A n n e x I , r e g u l a t i o n 15.3 t o M A R P O L 7 3 / 7 8 .
F o r category A ships w i t h n o granted p o s t p o n e m e n t a n d ships o f cate
gories В a n d C , t h e d o c u m e n t s l i s t e d i n 11.3.2 t o 11.3.5, C h a p t e r 11 " P o l l u t i o n
Prevention Measures" shall be submitted to the Register for approval before 1
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 o r p r i o r t o v o y a g e i n p o l a r w a t e r s p l a n n e d after t h i s date;
.2 f o r category A a n d В ships constructed o n o r after 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 w i t h
an aggregate o i l f u e l capacity o f less t h a n 6 0 0 m , check w h e t h e r a l l o i l f u e l
t a n k s o t h e r t h a n s m a l l f u e l t a n k s w i t h m a x i m u m i n d i v i d u a l capacity n o t greater
t h a n 3 0 m are separated f r o m t h e o u t e r s h e l l b y a distance o f n o t less t h a n
0 , 7 6 m (refer t o 1 . 2 . 1 , P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ) . S h i p s c o m p l y i n g w i t h
the requirements o f 7.3.2, Part X V I I "Distinguishing M a r k s and Descriptive
Notations i n the Class N o t a t i o n Specifying Structural and Operational
P a r t i c u l a r s o f S h i p s " o f t h e R u l e s m e e t t h e specified r e q u i r e m e n t o f t h e P o l a r
.3 f o r category A a n d В ships o t h e r t h a n o i l tankers constructed o n o r after
1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 , c h e c k w h e t h e r a l l cargo t a n k s constructed a n d u t i l i z e d t o c a r r y
o i l are separated f r o m t h e o u t e r s h e l l b y a distance o f n o t less t h a n 0 , 7 6 m
( r e f e r t o 1.2.2, P a r t I I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ) . S h i p s c o m p l y i n g w i t h
the requirements o f 7.3.2, Part X V I I "Distinguishing M a r k s and Descriptive
Notations i n the Class N o t a t i o n Specifying Structural and Operational
P a r t i c u l a r s o f S h i p s " o f t h e R u l e s m e e t t h e specified r e q u i r e m e n t o f t h e P o l a r
.4 f o r category A a n d В o i l tankers o f less t h a n 5 0 0 0 t d e a d w e i g h t
constructed o n o r after 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 , check w h e t h e r t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f a l l
cargo t a n k s is protected b y d o u b l e b o t t o m t a n k s o r spaces i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h
t h e applicable r e q u i r e m e n t s o f r e g u l a t i o n 1 9 . 6 . 1 , A n n e x I t o M A R P O L 7 3 / 7 8
a n d w i n g t a n k s o r spaces located i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h r e g u l a t i o n 1 9 . 3 . 1 , A n n e x I
to M A R P O L 7 3 / 7 8 a n d r e l e v a n t applicable r e q u i r e m e n t s t o distance a c c o r d i n g
to r e g u l a t i o n 1 9 . 6 . 2 , A n n e x I t o M A R P O L 7 3 / 7 8 (refer t o 1.2.3, P a r t П-А o f
the Polar Code). Ships complying w i t h the requirements o f 7.3.1, Part X V I I
" D i s t i n g u i s h i n g M a r k s a n d D e s c r i p t i v e N o t a t i o n s i n t h e Class N o t a t i o n
Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars o f Ships" o f the Rules meet
t h e specified r e q u i r e m e n t o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ;
.5 f o r category A a n d В ships constructed o n o r after 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 , check
that a l l o i l residue (sludge) t a n k s a n d o i l y b i l g e w a t e r h o l d i n g t a n k s o t h e r t h a n
s m a l l t a n k s w i t h m a x i m u m i n d i v i d u a l capacity n o t greater t h a n 3 0 m are
separated f r o m t h e o u t e r s h e l l b y a distance o f n o t less t h a n 0 , 7 6 m
( r e f e r t o 1.2.4, P a r t I I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ) . S h i p s c o m p l y i n g w i t h
t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f 7.3.3, P a r t X V I I " D i s t i n g u i s h i n g M a r k s a n d D e s c r i p t i v e
N o t a t i o n s i n t h e Class N o t a t i o n S p e c i f y i n g S t r u c t u r a l a n d O p e r a t i o n a l Particulars
o f Ships" o f the Rules meet the specified requirement o f the P o l a r Code.
11.5 T h e assessment o f t h e ship f o r c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f
C h a p t e r 2 , P a r t I I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e s h a l l i n c l u d e check that r e l e v a n t entries t o
Procedures a n d A r r a n g e m e n t s M a n u a l , M a r i n e P o l l u t i o n E m e r g e n c y P l a n f o r
N o x i o u s L i q u i d Substances according t o 2 . 1 . 2 , P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e are
11.6 T h e assessment o f t h e ship f o r c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f
C h a p t e r 4 , P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e s h a l l i n c l u d e t h e f o l l o w i n g :
.1 check that a s e w a g e t r e a t m e n t p l a n t is a p p r o v e d b y t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n i n
accordance w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f 4 . 2 . 1 , P a r t I I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ;
.2 check f o r c a l c u l a t i o n o f untreated s e w a g e w a t e r discharge rate w i t h
m a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l e v a l u e s o f discharge rate a p p r o v e d b y t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
(refer t o 4 . 2 . 3 , P a r t I I - A o f t h e P o l a r C o d e ) .
11.7 T h e assessment o f t h e ship f o r c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f
C h a p t e r 5, P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e s h a l l i n c l u d e check that r e l e v a n t entries
are m a d e t o t h e Garbage M a n a g e m e n t P l a n a n d Garbage R e c o r d B o o k
according t o 5.2.3, P a r t П-А o f t h e P o l a r C o d e .
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Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
Guidelines on Application of the International Code
for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)
The edition prepared
by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
8, Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya,
191186, Saint Petersburg,
Russian Federation
Tel.: +7(812) 312-89-59
Fax.: +7(812) 312-89-86