The Iodine Clock Reaction: M. de Leon
The Iodine Clock Reaction: M. de Leon
The Iodine Clock Reaction: M. de Leon
1 (2019) P a g e |1
The iodine clock reaction was used to examine the relation of temperature, concentration of reactants, and the
presence of a catalyst with the rate of reaction of a solution. Five different runs were used in the experiment
with each run involving the reaction of mixtures A and B. Mixture A and B were mixed and timed until the
mixture turned deep blue. The use of initial rate method was to determine the rate law of the reaction between
[I-] and [S2O82-] and the resulting rate order is a first order with respect to both Iodide and Persulfate. The rate
law is: rate = k[S2O82-][I-]. CuSO4 served as a catalyst and sped up the reaction by providing an alternative
pathway which requires a lower activation energy thus, a faster reaction. The use of Arrhenius equation was
made to solve for the Arrhenius constant and activation energy for reactions with varying temperatures. The
calculated values for Arrhenius constant and activation energy are 1.4x105 sec-1 and 37.12 kj/mol respectively.
Possible errors might come from method, instrumental, and systematic errors.
M. De Leon / Chemistry 26.1 (2019) P a g e |2
With this, the objective of the experiment was to reactants (Peroxodisulfate (VI) ion and Iodide ion),
determine the effect of concentration, varying the rate law found for the whole reaction was
temperature, and catalyst on the reaction rate of the
Rate = k[S2O82-][I-] (5)
persulfate-iodide system.
After each reaction rate was known, the rate
Methodology constant was the derived using the rate law. The
overall order of the reaction obtained is 2 from the
Results and Discussion sum of variable m being 1 and n being 1.
Table 1. Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate Table 2. Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Rate
[S2O8 [I-] [S2O32-] Time, s Rate, M s-1 and Rate Constant
Run 2 Temp. (K) Rate, M s-1 Rate
1 0.02 0.08 0.008 47.30 8.46x10-5 constant
M M M Set 1 300.65 3.90x10-5 0.04815
2 0.02 0.04 0.008 102.50 3.90x10-5 Set 2 273.15 9.04x10 -6 0.0113
M M M Set 3 337.15 2.01x10-4 0.25125
3 0.02 0.02 0.008 134.16 2.98x10-5
M M M Table 2 shows the different set-ups of Run 2 placed
4 0.03 0.04 0.008 101.90 3.93x10-5 in varying temperature. Set 1 was in room
M M M temperature. Set 2 was put in an ice bath while Set 3
5 0.04 0.04 0.008 41.17 9.72x10-5 was exposed in a hot bath.
From this data, it demonstrates that as the
temperature increases, the reaction rate increases
Table 1 shows the varying concentrations of [I-] and as well as the rate constant. Higher temperatures
[S2O82-], the reaction time, and the reaction rate for are favored by reactions due to higher degree of
each run. From the given data, higher collisions as explained by the Arrhenius equation
concentrations of [S2O82-] and [I-] are more favored [4].
in this reaction which is based on the rate law (3)
that shows that the concentration of the reactant is Whenever experiments occur in different
directly proportional with the rate of the reaction. temperature, Activation energy (Ea) and Arrhenius
constant (A) are significant and are always involved.
In the reaction a transition from colorless state to a Energy of activation (Ea) refers to the minimum
blue complex solution was seen. The purpose of the energy requirement for a reaction to occur. Thus,
thiosulfate that was added was to consume the I2 reactions with low Ea have faster rates. On the other
formed from the reaction of persulfate and iodide as hand, the Arrhenius constant (A) refers to the
can be seen in equations (1) and (2). Once all the frequency of successful molecule collisions which
thiosulfate has reacted, I2 then will react with starch means faster reaction rates happen when the
to form a blue complex [3]. degree of collision is high [4].
The next thing that was needed to be done was In the experiment the calculated Ea in the
finding the order of the reaction. In this experiment, experiment was 37.12 kJ/mol and the Arrhenius
the initial rate method was performed to obtain the constant is 1.4x105 sec-1.
reaction orders. Initial rate method makes use of the
rate law (3).
Rate = k[A]m[B]n
M. De Leon / Chemistry 26.1 (2019) P a g e |3
With the use of linear regression, the calculated Although the 1st proposed mechanism also provides
equation of the line of the plot ln k vs 1/T is: a slow and fast step, solving its rate law would give
y= -0.0002x + 0.0027 (6) rate = k[I-]2 which is not consistent with the
with an r value of 0.999719622.
calculated rate law.
Table 3. Effect of Catalyst on the Reaction Rate Compared to other studies, the researcher’s results
Run 2 Temp. (K) Rate, M s-1 Rate were slightly different. It may be possibly due to the
constant errors obtained in the experiment. One possible
Set 4 (with 300.65 1.08x10-3 1.35 error committed by the researcher was the use of a
CuSO4 wet beaker. Persulfate or iodide solutions can be
diluted which will lead to a slower reaction [3].
Table 3 shows the effect of catalyst on the reaction Another would be the use of two different beakers.
rate. In this experiment, CuSO4 served as the A wider beaker needs a higher amount of starch-
catalyst and it obviously sped up the reaction rate iodine complex to cover the beaker because of its
by providing an alternative pathway for a reaction. bigger area. Hence, a wider beaker will result to a
The alternative pathway has a lower activation lower rate [3]. Another would be having two
energy and thus proceeding the reaction faster [4]. different observers. The one with a sharper eyesight
will see the appearance of the complex longer than
the one with poor eyesight. Hence, a slower reaction
will be observed for the first and faster for the
second [3]. Also, one possible error is by stirring the
solution. By stirring the solution, there would be an
increase in the degree of collision thus a faster
reaction rate [4]. Last possible error would be not
using freshly prepared persulfate/thiosulfate
solution. Persulfate/thiosulfate can undergo
degradation because of the H+ and sulfur degrading
bacteria present in the solution. This translates to a
lower reaction rate [3].
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M. De Leon / Chemistry 26.1 (2019) P a g e |5