Terms & Conditions (Vol-1)
Terms & Conditions (Vol-1)
Terms & Conditions (Vol-1)
WT - 2433
RFQ NO: 25221
Bi-ennial rate contract for the work of Unloading of coal wagons and related cleaning
of entire coal plant and other related coal handling work at Ukai TPS for unit #6.
1. Annexure – Certificate –A …………………………………………………………………………………… 03
2. Integrity pact………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 04
5. Circular – I…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………08
related with other firms who have submitted tenders for the same items under this inquiry / Tender.
To ensure to fulfill the terms of agreement / To be prompt and reasonable in fulfilling the
contract and to consider objectively the contract, agreement, legal obligations.
view point of parties.
To ensure regular and timely release of To provide goods and / or services timely as
payments on due dates for work done. per agreed quality and specifications at
minimum cost to GSECL.
Name :
Special notes for technically qualifying criteria for the subject work:-
The bidders are requested to submit with their technical bid (in soft and hard) with the following
credentials for technically qualification for the subject work tender.
The bidder must furnish the following certificate/documents with their technical bid:
1) Certificate of satisfactory completing works for continuous minimum one year of minimum 50 loaded
railway wagons filled with coal or other lumpy minerals per day with brake releasing disconnecting and
reconnecting each wagon up to empty formation of all wagons. The order and the performance certificate
successful execution of work should submitted.
2) Details of minimum tools, tackles and equipments in possession relevant to the job
3) Details of P.F. Code no. from appropriate authority
4) Latest Bank Solvency Certificate of minimum 20% of estimated cost from any Nationalized Bank
5) Certified copies of last three years audited annual account i.e. profit & loss account and Balance sheet if
the estimated cost of the tender exceeds Rs.100 lacs (for 2 years ARC tender). If the party is a proprietary
party and not required to get annual account audited under the law, a copy of Income tax return or
certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the “Profit & Loss account” should be
6) Copy of appropriate contract registration.
7) Copy of contract labour license from the appropriate authorities, duly obtained and or renewed for the
entire contract period.
8) Details of registered partnership deed in case of partnership firm and activities of association and
memorandum of association in case of company.
9) Group insurance of all the contract labours duly engaged throughout the contract.
10) The tender shall be opened of the paid EMD only.
11) Conditional tender is liable to be rejected. Withdrawal or insertion of conditions unilaterally after opening
of tenders will not be permitted unless it so desired by the GSECL.
12) Party should have to submit the details of the registration number regarding Service Tax along with
Technical Bid (i.e. Copy of Service Tax Registration)
Noncompliance of above criteria the technical bid is liable to be rejected. After acceptance of the Technical
Bid the Price Bid will be considered for opening.
Special notes for technically qualifying criteria for the subject work:-
The bidders are requested to submit the technical bid with the following credentials for technically qualifying
criteria in soft as well as hard.
Bidders remark
Sr No Technical Qualifying Criteria submission of
document in soft as
well as hard
1 The bidders must furnish the following certificate/documents with their
technical bid:
Certificate of satisfactory completing works for continuous minimum one year
of minimum 50 loaded railway wagons filled with coal or other lumpy minerals
per day with brake releasing disconnecting and reconnecting each wagon up to
empty formation of all wagons. The order and the performance certificate
successful execution of work should be submitted.
2 Details of minimum tools, tackles and equipments in possession relevant to the
3 Details of P.F. Code no. from appropriate authority
4 Latest Bank Solvency Certificate of minimum 20% of estimated cost from any
Nationalized Bank
5 Certified copies of last three years audited annual account i.e. profit & loss
account and Balance sheet if the estimated cost of the tender exceeds Rs.100
lacs (for 2 years ARC tender). If the party is a proprietary party and not required
to get annual account audited under the law, a copy of Income tax return or
certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the “Profit & Loss
account” should be submitted
6 Copy of appropriate contract registration
7 Copy of contract labour license from the appropriate authorities, duly obtained
and or renewed for the entire contract period
8 Details of registered partnership deed in case of partnership firm and activities
of association and memorandum of association in case of company
9 Group insurance of all the contract labours duly engaged throughout the
10 The tender shall be Opened of the paid EMD only
11 Conditional tender is liable to be rejected. Withdrawal or insertion of
conditions unilaterally after opening of tenders will not be permitted unless it
so desired by the GSECL.
12 Party should have to submit the details of the registration number regarding
Service Tax along with Technical Bid (i.e. Copy of Service Tax Registration)
13 PAN No:
Noncompliance of above criteria the technical bid is liable to be rejected. After acceptance of the Technical Bid
the Price Bid will be considered for opening.
2. Postal Address :
3. Telephone Number :
4. Telegraphic Address :
6. Name of Work :
8. Amount of Order :
9. Period of Order :
12. Remarks :
(Documentary evidence to the above
details) including the appropriate
Registration certificate as registered
and approved contractor should be
submitted along with the technical bid
which should be pertained to the
subject works.
Signature of Contractor
The following are the major obligations to be fulfilled by the Contractors as per the Contract Labor (R&A)
Act 1970 and rule mentioned there under:
1. License to be obtained before starting the Work where number of contract laborers in ten or more.
2. Payment to contract laborers has to be made in presence of IRO/LWO. Wages rates for contract
laborers are applicable as per the terms and conditions of the license. The contractor shall have to
pay wages to workers as notified by Government of Gujarat., from time to time
3. Every contractor shall have to maintain the muster roll and wages register in respect of his contract
4. Every contractor is required to issue employment card, wages slip and attendance card to their
5. The contractor has to maintain the register No. 13 containing details of contract labors employed by
6. Earned leave register/ card as per the Factories Act. And Rules.
7. Other registers required under Contract Labor Rules and the Factories Act. And Rules.
8. Every contractor shall have to obtain insurance policy in respect of the contract labors engaged by
him to cover them under workmen’s Compensation Act.
9. To send half yearly return to licensing officer as per Rule 82 (1) as per schedule time.
10. Before starting the work as per the contract awarded to him, he should make arrangement to enter
into the agreement in the prescribed format on the stamp paper as applicable. Before fulfilling the
above requirement the contractor is instructed not to start the work. The responsibility will be on
his head in case he fails.
11. Contractor should posses separate P.F. code on their firm, name otherwise their offer may not be
All the contractors are informed to adhere to the rules and regulations applicable to them, particularly
in respect of the laborers engaged by them, the contractor not fulfilling the obligations will not be
allowed or continue with work/ not be held qualified to carry out the work at Tal- Songadh Dist. –Tapi,
GSECL, Ukai Thermal Power Station.
Name of Work: Biennial rate contract for unit 6, coal handling works at Ukai-TPS.
The brief description of the coal handling system covered under this specification is furnished below.
Coal of (-) 300 mm size will be unloaded into the wagon tippler hoppers WT- No.4 & WT-5. Apron
feeder having dribble conveyor under tippler hopper WTH-I &2 will draw 300 mm coal at the rate of
1000 TPH and deliver the same on to the conveyor belt BCN-1A below WTH-1 and BCN-1B below WTH-
2. Conveyor BCN-1A/B will deliver 300 mm coal to crusher i.e CR-1 & CR-2 through respective eccentric
disc type feeders i.e. roller screens which will allow oversized coal (i.e. 25 mm coal ) into the crusher.
The crushed coal may either be fed to coal bunker from crusher house through conveyor belts 2A/B,
7A/B, 8A/B, 9A/B, 10A/B & 11A/B with the help of mobile trippers on each conveyor of bunker. Also the
crushed coal may be stacked by feeding on conveyor BCN-3 & BCN-4 through stacker cum re-claimer.
Stacked coal through stacker re-claimer may be reclaimed on reversible conveyor BCN-4 for feeding on
conveyor BCN-6 for feeding to bunker. The stacked coal can be reclaimed through ERH on conveyor
BCN-5 for further feeding to conveyor BCN-6, 7A/B, 8A/B, 9A/B,10A/B & 11A/B. Auto sampler is
provided at JNT-4 from where samples are to be collected as per requirement. This plant is equipped
with dry fog system to suppress the dust at different transfer towers.
Coal handling plant is equipped with sump pump at different locations like ERH tunnel, below wagon
tippler -1 & 2 hoppers for dewatering during monsoon and as and when required. Also in – motion
weighbridge (04Nos) is provided where dewatering is to be done by contractor.
Coal handling plant is provided different fire hydrant points at different locations for spraying of water
on stacked coal as and when required.
Coal dust/spillage arising from various feed points and junction towers and other feeding points shall be
extracted. Coal dust/coal extracted shall be disposed of continuously. Over and above different
additional, conveyor systems and JT's are commissioned and put in to service such as JNT -1,JNT-2,JNT-
3, JNT-4,JNT-5, JNT-5A, Crusher House, ERH tunnel, BCN-1A/B tunnel contractor have to arrange
manpower for said systems without further any claim. And payment will be given as per Schedule-B
related items.
1.01 SCOPE
1. Bringing of the loaded wagons from exchange yard after releasing of brake pipe with help of G.S.E.C.L
shunter and placing of wagons on wagon tipplers.
6. Cleaning of Rly. Tracks behind wagon tipplers, side arm charger area, cleaning of the wagon tipplers
and gearbox pits and surrounding areas.
8. Removal of emptied wagons and forming of empty rakes including BVG with help of G.S.E.C.L shunter.
10. Re-railing of derailed wagon / engine in any point of Railway yard related to CHP unit # 6.
11. All type of tools & tackles for handling of coal wagon unloading activity (i.e. Sufficient Nos. of torch with
cells, flag cloth, stoppers, iron rod, hammers etc.) will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
The coal wagons are being received through Railway and are required to be unloaded through wagon
tippler WT-4&5 tipplers operations. The scope of work includes pulling of loaded coal rakes wagons
(wagons) from receipt lines which was initially placed on proper track with the help of Railway Engine or
GSECL shunter (if Railway Engine not available) in such a manner that no cross over or changing point is
Jammed and not to interfere with subsequent operation of adjacent track, inhauling and out hauling of
wagon through wagon tippler. Then getting some wagons (in accordance with capacity of GSECL
shunter) uncoupled from rake after properly releasing vacuum and brake etc.(attaching and detaching
vacuum brake is in the scope of contractor) and attaching the same to GSECL shunter through available
coupling arrangements etc. and bringing the wagons from inhaul side after weighment and getting on
wagon tippler track rails. Other type of wagons which cannot be unloaded through these tipplers and
hence should not be brought and placed on the tippler In such case that wagon or wagons shall be got
cut off and shifted to as per instruction of EIC. The contractors shall have to arrange sufficient manpower
(flagmen) on all wagon tipplers for placement of wagons, bringing the loaded wagon on tipplers,
cleaning of wagon tipplers gratings, cleaning of chocked-up hoppers of wagon tippler, operating of Rack
and pinion gates of W/T and flap-gates, cleaning of railway tracks of WT area. Removing of left over coal
from empty wagons which was unloaded through wagon tipplers. Cleaning of wagon tippler pits, gear
box pits and control cabin and surrounding area, cleaning of empty wagons and closing of their doors
removal of empty wagons and forming of empty rakes including BVG with the help of G.S.E.C.L shunter
and releasing empty rakes to the railway yard as per directive of concerned GSECL in-charge of
respective tippler. Also re-railment of derailed Wagon/Engines at any point of railway yard of UTPS. The
contractor should have to arrange labours at any time round the clock and should follow the instruction
of site engineer. The payment for this activities will be paid as per item no. (1) of schedule - B.
1.03 After placing the wagon in position on wagon tippler platform the contractor shall ensure that brake is
applied to the wagon and lever placed on empty position so that brake does not get Jammed. The
contractor shall ensure that no men, materials, tools and tackles are inside the hopper or in vicinity of
tippler, which may obstruct the operation of tippler and or result into accident and shall also ensure
that hopper can accommodate full wagon, before advising to operator for operating tippler. After the
wagon is emptied fully, brake applied shall be released and wagon got removed from tippler platform
to a sufficient distance on outhaul side with the help of shunter or men or with side arm charger and
get coupled properly with previous wagon or wagons or shunter.
It is responsibility of contractor that each and every empty wagon is coupled properly with previous
wagon before forming new empty wagon. Then next wagon placed in position and repeat the whole
operation. In same fashion all wagons shall be got unloaded and then full emptied got attached to each
other- in fashion received from railway and get complete rake placed on one suitable track in the yard
in such a manner that whole rake can be hauled by railway engine or GSECL shunter as the case may be
and still leave other tracks free to bring new rake.
1 .04 In order to have a smooth working, on Railway wagons the contractor shall have to act as GSECL
clearing agent with the Railways without any additional remuneration whatsoever. The contractor shall
have to keep track of arrival of wagons at UTPS Rly, station and shall also arrange for intimating back to
the station Master for the removal of empty wagons from siding (They are emptied and the rake is
formed of empty wagons as per Rly. requirements). For this purpose the shunting shall be got done by
the contractor with the GSECL shunter. In case the wagons are required to be returned by GSECL,
shunter same shall also be advised by the contractor. Taking all precautions and Rly. safety rules to
avoid any accident to labours/equipments.
1.05 The contractor shall have to complete the Job immediately on receipt of the intimation from our local
office by letter or telephone or verbally. His authorized representative shall be required to call at our
local office and Railways office at least once or twice a day to inquire about the incoming coal wagons.
On getting an intimation regarding the receipt of coal rake, the contractor/ authorized representative
shall make necessary arrangements to commence the unloading work, So as to complete the same
within the stipulated time provided by Railway.
1.06 The Contractor shall ensure that all wagons emptied within free time allowed by Railway as per rules
and in case demurrage charges are incurred on account of insufficient strength of his labours or his
inefficient working, the same shall be recoverable from contractor's bill or from his Security Deposit.
The GSECL will not be responsible for irregular and/or non-receipt of coal wagons.
Railway engine will leave the loaded coal wagons at 'STOP BOARD” and for unloading these wagons
through tipplers, GSECL’s shunter will be used.
1.08 The work includes removal of foreign materials inclusive of breaking of big stones/lumps from wagon
tippler hopper grating to a site away from W/T as per directive of site engineer. These works (breaking
of big lumps and removal of foreign material received in wagon along with coal) being a part of wagon
unloading work (Item no.5 of schedule-B) no extra payment shall be made (for all seasons). If contractor
fails to provide sufficient labours for pocking or breaking the big coal lumps / stones, the demurrage
charges for particular period of concern rake will be deducted from contractor’s R.A bill.
1.12 The contractor shall at all the time, keep the wagon tippler pits, gear box pits, control cabins of each
W/T shall require to clean minimum once in a shift. If coal dust found accumulated, frequency of
cleaning shall be increased accordingly so that W/T cabins remain clean all the time. The coal dust/coal
collected by way of cleaning shall be transported either manually or by truck/tractor to either
ERH/MH/W/T hopper. The payment for the same is payable as per Schedule – B item no 2, for shifting
of coal through tractors no extra payment for the coal shifted by manual is payable, if it is transported
by manually the payment will be made as per Schedule – B item no – 3 only.
If any time it is observed that the cleaning is not proper, the contractor will be penalized Rs.1000/- per
incident and the work shall be got carried out at the risk and cost of the contractor.
1.13 The contractor shall open the doors of emptied wagon and clean the wagon for any left over coal. After
cleaning the doors shall be closed. If at any time any coal is found to be left over the contractor shall be
penalized Rs.500/- per wagon. If the doors are found open the contractor shall be penalized at Rs.20/-
per wagon door. However, this does not absolve the contractor from the any damage claimed by the
1.14 After emptying the wagon the contractor shall form the empty rakes as required by Railway and as per
directive of site engineer.
1.15 To carry out the job efficiently and promptly the contractor shall have to keep the sufficient workers at
the following locations:
a) On each shunter for Pulling, Pushing & Shunting work.
b) For wagon placement for each tippler. (i.e. .W/T no. 4& 5)
c) For coupling and decoupling of wagons.
d) For cleaning of W/Ts Grills.
e) For cleaning work of wagon tipplers areas.
f) For breaking of big coal lumps.
g) For cleaning of left over coal in the empty wagons.
1.16 However the strength and place of posting is entirely left to the discretion of the contractor but at no
time the work shall suffer on account of non-availability of persons / insufficient persons. The
contractor shall submit his duty roster. However, in case of dispute over the requirement of persons the
decision of the S.E (Fuel) shall be binding upon the contractor.
1.17 During handling of wagons/shunter if at any time derailment occurs due to whatsoever reasons. The
contractor shall make immediate arrangement for re-railment to make the track through. All the men
materials, tools and tackles (Sufficient nos. of torch with cells, Flag clothes, stoppers etc...,) shall have to
be arranged by the contractor. However, the GSECL shall provide mechanical screw jacks / Wheel loader
(if available) free of cost; otherwise contractor has to make necessary arrangement for same. The
contractor shall have to take utmost care while handling these jacks / Wheel loader, any damage due to
negligence and ignorance of contractor's personals, the cost of such damage shall be recovered from
the contractor.
In case of derailment of any wagons/shunter/engine due to non clearance of track, mal operation of
cross over or any other reasons, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to re-rail the same in
G.S.E.C.L siding (including W/T platform). In case of derailment of any type of wagon, wagons shunter
due to fault of contractor, and for re-railment Railway crane / crew is required to be called, all the
expenses of the re-railment shall be recovered from the contractor.
2.0 Contractor shall be paid per cubic meter of coal accumulated due to heavy spillage or chute puncture or
overflow etc. from various place existing in CHP including junction towards by tractors or reclaiming to
running belts by manually. Payment will be made as per Item No 2.
3.0 In order to avoid any accident fire in the, various tunnels such as BCN-1A/B, ERH all such tunnels shall
be kept clean by carrying out cleaning work round the clock. The scope of the work for round the clock
cleaning of track - hoppers, Conveyor BCN-1A/B, BCN-2A/B, BCN-3, BCN-4, BCN-5, BCN-6, BCN-7A/B,
HOUSE(from basement to top and associated equipments), Belt feeders RBF-1 &2 of JNT-5A & Apron
feeders 1&2 of W/T no 4 & 5. This work includes complete cleaning of belt-structures, walkways,
concrete areas, grills, equipments, with structures, return belts, overflow of chutes, punctures of
chutes, running out / spilled coal from running conveyor belts. This also includes for pocking and
hammering of the trolleys, cleaning of bunker floor Rail etc., so as to avoid any derailment of the
trolleys and smooth coal feeding to the various coal bunkers.
This work also includes cleaning of staircases. No coal should left over at any time for the want of
operation of conveyor belt. Contractor should have to arrange sufficient manpower for each and every
location as mentioned above, and for any session i.e. summer, winter or Monsoon. Also contractor
should have to arrange sufficient manpower for De-watering of any tunnels framed in above locations,
contractor should have to arrange for dumping of coal in emergency reclaim yard or marshalling yard or
on running conveyor belt whichever is feasible. The payment will be made as per Item no 3 of Schedule
– B.
If cleaning at any location not carried out promptly and if plant is delayed for delay in cleaning the
penalty of Rs. 1000/- per location per incident will be deducted from R.A bill.
4.01 In order to avoid any accident fire in the, various tunnels such as BCN-1A/B, ERH all such tunnels shall
be kept clean by carrying out cleaning work round the clock. The scope of the work for cleaning of track
- hoppers, Conveyor BCN-1A/B, BCN-2A/B, BCN-3, BCN-4, BCN-5, BCN-6, BCN-7A/B, BCN-8A/B, BCN-
basement to top and associated equipments), Belt feeders RBF-1 &2 of JNT-5A & Apron feeders 1&2 of
W/T no 4 & 5 and stacker reclaimer. This work includes complete cleaning of belt-structures, walkways,
concrete areas, grills, equipments, with structures, return belts, overflow of chutes, punctures of
chutes, running out / spilled coal from running conveyor belts. This work also includes cleaning of
staircases. No coal should left over at any time for the want of operation of conveyor belt. Contractor
should have to arrange sufficient manpower for each and every location as mentioned above, and for
any season i.e. summer, winter or monsoon. This work is to be carried out during day time and
whichever the work remain during shift duty to be completed during day time.
If any coal fire or delay due to cleaning of plant i.e. Bunker feeding delayed, the contractor will be liable
for responsible and Rs. 1,000/- per day will be penalized per instance per equipment.
The payment, for the said scope-B will be paid as per Schedule-B item No 4.
4.02 The cleaning work shall includes cleaning of tunnels walk ways, rollers, belt structures, concrete areas,
grills, equipments with structures etc. for any spilled coal, deposition of coal dust, cleaning at space
below belts and Idlers/rollers. The cleaning work shall be carried out in such a manner that at no time
any coal shall found lying in tunnel.
4.03 The contractor shall keep all the rollers and its frame, inclusive of self aligning and return idlers, free
from coal and shall be free all the times. The cleaning work shall be done regularly so that all idlers shall
remain free and no spillage coal found leftover in the tunnels. It shall be the responsibility of contractor
to keep the rollers and its frame free from coal and in running condition all the times. As far as possible
spillage coal should be shifted to conveyors/discharge funnel.
4.04 It shall be the responsibility of contractor to keep the various tunnels and associated equipments free
from choking/spillage coal/coal dust. The tunnels are prone to fire hence at utmost, care shall be taken
to keep the tunnel areas always clean.
4.05 Any iron piece, sleepers, stones etc., lying in the tunnels shall also have to be removed during cleaning
so that complete tunnel area remains free from coal and such foreign material.
4.06 The cleaning work shall includes the dewatering of tunnels, removal wet coal etc. in the tunnels. When
wet coal contains muddy and sticky, same shall be shifted from tunnels by head lead. The coal spillage
due to overflow or chute punctures, payment will be made as per Item no 3 during reclamation,
manually on running belt or for shifting of said through tractor in that case payment will be as per Item
no – 2.
4.07 No coal shall be dumped on standby belt while cleaning the tunnel. The contractor shall have to shift
such coal to the running belt only. At all the times no coal / coal dust shall found lying in the tunnel,
otherwise contractor will be penalized for Rs. 1000/- day.
The bunker belts and associated equipments are weakest link of the plant; hence it shall be necessary to
give all most importance for cleaning at bunker floor and shall have to be arrange cleaning from Unit 6.
The contractor shall have to clean bunker floor, walkway grills, belt, supporting structures, rollers for
freeness, drive unit with motor, tippler trolley with its structures and chutes, spillage coal lying on floor/
grills, /walkways stair cases etc., removal and shifting of iron pieces, stones, wooden pieces etc., lying
on the bunker floor and to shift and transporting as per mutual consultation from time to time.
During operation of belts, if any belt goes out and spillage of coal is noticed, the contractor shall have to
make necessary arrangement for removal/shifting of such coal promptly, whatsoever, the spillage coal
quantity. If due to any delay in removal / shifting, any damage incurred to any of equipment, the cost of
same shall be recovered from the contractor.
The contractor shall have to clean the crusher house, right from basement to top of crusher house
including dewatering.
All floors, all equipments in the crusher house Including roller screens, , chutes, magnetic belt
separator, drive unit, grills, belt structures, various rollers such as impact, idlers, return rollers etc., shall
have to clean properly and round the clock.
The contractor shall have to clean all the rollers and frames so that they run freely all the times.
The belt pulleys shall have to keep clean and free from coal. The contractor shall have to keep always
the pulleys and rollers free from coal, so as to avoid damage to belt/rollers.
The contractor shall have to keep basement floor clean all the times including dewatering in the
4.10 The contractor shall have to arrange to remove and shift any spillage coal in crusher house as well as
outside crusher house promptly. The contractor shall have to make suitable arrangement promptly to
shift/ to transport of such spilled coal as per instruction of engineer in charge.
4.11 Due to receipt of powdery, muddy and wet coal and to any other reasons the crusher and its associated
equipments inclusive surge hoppers, discharge pipes, gets chocked up the contractor shall have to clean
The choking of chutes, roller screen etc., shall have to clean promptly so that unloading work should not
The contractor shall have to remove choking flap gates so that particular system of belt can be made
available and these gates operate freely.
The cleaning of crushers shall includes cleaning of roller screens, operation and cleaning of Jammed
R&P gates, flap gates, cleaning of crusher cage chamber, crusher discharge chutes etc., cleaning and
opening of crushers inspection doors etc.
If at any time cleaning work is not done promptly and Unloading/feeding of coal is affected, the GSECL
shall recover Rs.200/Hr for non operation hours of crushers. Any choked/ jammed crusher should be
cleaned within maximum 4 hours otherwise above mentioned penalty will be imposed.
During monsoon due to receipt of wet, powdery and muddy coal the choking of crushers shall be
observed frequently. The contractor shall therefore arrange additional labour force as necessary on
each crusher so as to clean the crushers and associated equipments expeditiously for round the clock
4.12 This shall includes all the structures, Walkways, bottom & decking plates, track - hoppers, Conveyor
BCN-1A/B, BCN-2A/B, BCN-3, BCN-4, BCN-5, BCN-6, BCN-7A/B, BCN-8A/B, BCN-9A/B, BCN-
10A/10B,BCN-11A/B, JNT-1,JNT-2,JNT-3,JNT-4,JNT-5, JNT-5A,CRUSHER HOUSE(from basement to top
and associated equipments), Belt feeders RBF-1 &2 of JNT-5A & Apron feeders 1&2 of W/T no 4 & 5.
4.13 Cleaning of all structure of various belts including over flow, puncture, running out of belts S/R,
manually to running belt. This is included in item no.3.
4.14 During the cleaning of walkway stair cases the spilled coal on the ground from walk way/stair cases
grills shall be promptly shifted without any extra cost to the GSECL. During cleaning contractor should
instruct their persons that no coal should be thrown directly from junction towers, it should be put on
to running conveyor or in cleaning chutes wherever made. Not following of this i.e. if throwing of the
coal is found at any time the contractor will be penalized for Rs. 200 /- per incident.
5.01 Due to receipt of different quality of coal such as powdery, wet and muddy & Lumpy coal, when coal
will not pass through. Various equipments, such as hoppers, trays, chutes, surge hoppers, discharge
chutes, gratings of the wagon tipplers etc., pocking and hammering is required to be carried out. The
pocking work includes cleaning of choked surge hopper, scrapper of belt pulleys, tramp iron pipe
cleaning etc.
5.02 The contractor shall have to arrange sufficient persons at various equipments so that pocking and
hammering work can be carried out in such a way that unloading of coal wagons will not be affected.
5.03 The contractor shall have to arrange sufficient persons simultaneously at various locations in such a
manner that smooth and uniform coal feeding to bunkers can be ensured. For, this contractor shall
have to arrange sufficient tools and tackles.
5.04 It shall be responsibility of contractor to provide sufficient tools and tackles as necessary to carryout
work efficiently.
5.05 The contractor shall have to arrange promptly the operation of R&P gates and flap gates of coal plant
equipments as and when required.
5.06 The contractor shall have to arrange more workers force as well as more tools and tackles to carryout
the pocking and hammering in such a manner that unloading of wagons shall not be affected during
monsoon period.
5.07 The rates of pocking and hammering shall be paid on as per actual coal receipt / unloaded coal during
concerned month. Figures of coal cell for said item will be considered for billing. During “No Wagon
Period” or unloading of sized coal rakes the pocking labours of concern wagon tipplers will be utilized
for work of cleaning of wagon tippler surrounding areas, and for ERH grills during feeding, Rly tracks
area, Wagon tippler pit , Motor pit area & Wagon tippler hopper grills etc. or as per instruction of EIC.
5.08 At any time if wagon tippler gratings not cleared due to insufficient labours, if any coal rake unloading
delayed for the want of pocking & hammering work the detention will be on account of the contractor
and the demurrage charges due to which will be recovered from the contractor’s R.A bill.
5.09 During monsoon period the coal will be containing excessive moisture. Due to excessive moisture when
coal contains more percentage of fines and mud, it forms, a sticky type and flow of coal is restricted,
while passing through various equipments, such as hoppers trays, chutes, discharge pipes, crusher cage
etc., Due to restricted flow, unloading rates is affected badly. Hence, during monsoon period, and
additional arrangement for pocking and hammering shall be required at all the location which are
suspected for choking.
The payment for pocking & hammering work at Wagon tippler grating for all the seasons will be made
as per item no – 5.
The work consists of taking samples of coal from coal wagons as per ISI specifications and requirements
and as per mutual consultation from time to time. Following requirements are to be fulfilled by the
contractor under this item work (item No 6)
a) For this, work Male labours are to be provided in each shift. This includes one literate
supervisor also. This is to be arranged round the clock i.e. in three shifts. All tools & tackles
required will have to be arranged by the contractor without any extra cost.
b) Making inquiry of the coal rake (i.e. arrival of wagons) arrival is the responsibility of the
contractor. Unloading should not be delayed for want of sufficient availability of manpower
etc., for sampling otherwise delay will be considered at contractor's account and demurrage if
any paid by the GSECL on his account and shall be recovered from contractor.
c) Selection of wagons for collecting coal sample will be decided by G.S.E.C.L on arrival of wagons
they will make arrangement for selecting wagons wagon number and instruct to draw the first
samples so that unloading operations are not hampered.
d) Contractor has to supply gunny/bags polyethylene/ tarpaulin having capacity 100 Kgs. in good
condition (leak proof). He has to provide paper coated cotton bag, plastic bags, sealing steel
wire, lead seals and other requirements related to coal sampling work free of cost. He is also
responsible for preparing and packaging of samples for dispatch as per requirement of GSECL
lab representatives and under their supervision. No extra cost will be paid for above-mentioned
materials. Any rejection of samples due to any default of contractor either of insufficient labour
or material, contractor will be held responsible and Rs.100/- penalty per samples will be
recovered from his bill without any notice.
e) Sampling work includes collection of sample from wagon, putting into bags, transporting to
sampling storing room. After prepared samples has to be transported to chemical lab is in the
scope of contractor also collection of the sample from auto sample for bunker CV is in the scope
of contractor and to be shifted to preparation room.
f) The rail tracks in the railway are electrified. Therefore samples shall be taken only after the
wagons are pulled and placed in our tipplers yard. No sampling work shall be carried out in Rly's
assisted yard. In case of accident to any of his employees due to non-following of these
instructions the contractor shall be fully responsible.
In case of fire in coal piles in stack yard or in marshalling yard or In Emergency yard the contractor shall
arrange to sprinkle sufficient water so as to extinguish the fire completely. Required hosepipes, rubber
gaskets and nozzles shall be supplied by the GSECL. However, the contractor will have to keep custody
of the same and shall be properly preserved and maintained. If the hose pipes and nozzles are damaged
or lost due to carelessness of the contractor then the cost of the same will be recovered from the
contractors’ bills.
Extinguishing of coal fire on both side area of stacked coal, sprinkling of water over coal heaps as per
mutual consultation from time to time as per item no.7 if contractor fails to provide sufficient labours
for extinguishing of coal fire at both S/R yard, Rs.250/- per shift will deducted from contractor’s R.A bill.
8.01 The contractor shall have to arrange to pick up all iron pieces/scrap etc. received along with coal from
crushers magnets, cross belt magnetic separators, in line magnetic separator, metal detectors, tramp
iron chutes & wagon tippler area shall have to collect at various locations as per mutual consultation
from time to time, separating out for M.S., cast iron and other scraps.
The scrap so far segregated separately shall have to be shifted to the store section and shall have to be
weighed at Store's weighbridges before crediting.
8.02 The work shall also includes segregating separately into M.S., cast iron and other scraps and
transported to store and weighed i.e. it shall includes loading and unloading of such scraps and to be
dumped in the main stores of GSECL at the area shown for dumping by GSECL Store representatives.
8.03 The contractor shall require to transport the stones etc., so collected from various belts to anywhere in
power station premises as per mutual consultation from time to time. Day to day collection of stones
shall be arranged at the place decided by the site engineer and finally transported as per directive of
site engineer. The accumulation of stones shall not be permitted at the locations below conveyor belts.
8.04 The contractor shall have to shift and transport the stones collected at W/T hopper grills, Manual
hopper grills & Emergency hopper grills also to a places where shown by E.I.C. in power house premises.
8.05 The stones picked up by other agency at various belt below the running belt & its structure is to be
shifted to the location in P.H. premises shown by E.I.C. G.S.E.C.L shall not be responsible for any
accident caused to contractor’s labours while collecting and shifting, that is while executing their job
etc., as at any time the stones picked from coal may fall below belt. Belt & plant will not be allowed to
stop while executing this Job of stone shifting.
During execution of the above work if shifting of the stones or iron pieces is not carried out timely and if
due to which bunker feeding delayed you will be held responsible for non shifting of stones / iron pieces
and the penalty of Rs. 500/- per incident will be recovered from your R.A bill.
9.01 Rush down of coal at McNally Bharat make stacker/re-claimer rail tracks and up to wheels of the
machine due to heavy rainy monsoon or due to sprinkling of water in fired coal or coal spillage, by other
reason, contractor shall have to arrange for removing of same coal and shifting to either emergency re-
claimer hopper or running belt as per site engineer's instruction. For this work sufficient labourers
should be engaged to complete the work in short time (payment shall be made as per item no 9).
9.02 Cleaning of coal from McNally Bharat make stacker re-claimer, tracks and from the yard conveyor belt
of stacker re-claimer, Boom conveyor and intermediate conveyors of the S/R, which obstruct S/R
operation. Also yard conveyor belt of stacker re-claimer, Boom/ intermediate drive and tail end
completely is included in item no.9, if contractor fails to provide sufficient labours for cleaning both
stacker re-claimer railway tracks, Rs.750/- per day will be deducted from contractor’s R.A bill.
9.03 Cleaning of stacker reclaimer and collection of foreign material such as stones, iron scrape etc. from
stack yard and water sprinkling while reclaim is to be carried out by the contractor without ant extra
10 If contractor fails to provide sufficient workers while feeding coal from stacking yard or coal wagon
unloading stream on any way, the same shall be treated as breach of contract condition and necessary
action as deemed fit shall be taken at contractors cost and risk.
11 The contractor shall have to submit the details of employees including site manager, supervisor and
labours. The site manager and supervisor shall not leave the plant without permission of EIC and should
make alternate arrangement before leaving the site. Also, shift wise record of labours shall be
submitted to EIC.
12 Payment bills should be submitted in triplicate monthly.
The period of the contract if awarded, is of Two years from the date of issue of commencement of
order / Date of commencement of the work and GSECL can extend contract for the further period of six
months if required if desired by GSECL at the same rate, terms & conditions of awarded order of this
tender and quantity will be enhanced proportionately.
14 Contractor shall indemnify the GSECL for any injury and or damage that may be caused to his men &
materials and contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage caused to the GSECL/ Railway
properties by his / their man / materials while executing the work.
15 In case of any dispute the decision of the Chief Engineer (Gen.), GSECL Ukai TPS will be final and binding
to the contractor.
16 For execution of this contracts various items contractor should have at least one JCB and two numbers
of tractor to complete work as per site requirement.
1. The ‘Contract’ means the documents forming tender and the subsequent agreement that may
be entered into.
2. The work and or works means unloading of coal wagons through wagon tipplers, manually at
M.R.T. etc, through Poclain at Rly. Track, cleaning of different location of plant, removal &
shifting of coal from various locations of coal plant, Reclaiming bunker feeding, etc. at Ukai
TPS as detail specified in specifications and instruction of Engineer In charge of the coal Plant.
The tender should be submitted with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) at the rate of 1% of
estimated cost of the tender, without which tender is liable to be rejected.
5. Security Deposit:-
Successful bidder shall have to pay Security Deposit (SD) equivalent to 5% of the order value.
Out of this SD, 2.5% should be paid in cash or DD of Nationalized Bank payable at GSECL, Bank
of Baroda, Ukai TPS Branch or in the form of Bank Guarantee for full Security Deposit amount
i.e. 5% of order value within seven days of acceptance of order and balance 2.5% of the SD will
be recovered from first two R.A Bills. Failure to deposit the SD will entail for failure of EMD and
the contract shall be treated as terminated. You shall not be, allowed to start the work if, SD is
not paid before the stipulated period. Any loss to the GSECL due to late start of work because
of late payment of SD shall be contractor’s liability.
Any nationalized bank including the Public Sector bank - IDBI Bank Ltd
Private Sector Banks authorized by RBI to undertake state government business (AXIS Bank,
Guarantees issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for the period up to-
Kotak Mahindra Bank (Commercial Bank)
6. The amount of Security Deposit will be refunded after the satisfactory completion of the
contract & after certification by the concern Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer (Gen)
Ukai TPS after deducting any dues of the GSECL. (Existing SD validity to be extended for the
period of extension by the party no extra amount required for extension period against SD)
7. Sublet or transfer of contract without prior written approval of G.S.E.C.L., will be treated, as
breach of contract and it will be punishable by forfeiting the Security Deposit as well as
termination of contract.
8. The G.S.E.C.L. reserves the right to forfeit the S.D. in case of any breach of any condition of
contract and in case of dispute, the decision of C.E., G.S.E.C.L Ukai TPS. shall be final and
binding and shall be acceptable to the contractor.
a) The contractor shall pay minimum of as prevailing wages declared by Govt. from time to time,
or as may be specified hereinafter or rates fixed under the minimum wages act, whichever is
higher. The wages of every contract labour employed by you under this contract shall be paid
by contractor before the expiry of 10th days of the last day of the month in respect of which the
wages are payable ( i.e. wages of a month have to be paid by contractor in the first week of
the next month.) The payment of the wages shall be deposited in the any Nationalized/Co-
operative Bank every month and statement for the same shall be presented or produced to the
HR Department every month in token of timely disbursement of the minimum wages. The
contractor shall get the entries certified in the; register of wages by the representative of the
G.S.E.C.L. Any default will result in cancellation of contract forthwith or else contractor shall be
punishable to the extent of Rs. 100-00 fine per each day.
b) The contractor shall give his telephone number / mobile number and residential / office
address to the G.S.E.C.L. so that In case of labour trouble etc, the contractor can be intimated.
The contractor shall arrange to have his office outside the factory premises and the contractor
shall keep himself / his authorized representative, present throughout the working hours.
c) It should be ensured that all the contract labours are covered under the provident fund scheme
and employee’s pension scheme and their contribution are remitted regularly to the
concerned RPFC. The photocopies of challan in this regards should be submitted regularly in
G.S.E.C.L. office.
d) In case the contractor having more than one contract in the same TPS, then the contractor has
to submit contract wise separate list of the workmen to the concerned Officer.
10. The contractor shall take all safety precautions during work as per Indian Electricity Act and
a) Person below the age of 18 years and above 60 years should not be employed for the
b) No female worker shall be employed in the night shift between 7.00 P.M. to 6.00 A.M.
c) The contractor shall maintain a valid labour license under the contract labour (Regulation
and Abolition) Act for employing necessary man power to be required by contractor. In
the absence of such license the contract shall be liable to be terminated without assigning
any reasons thereof.
d) The contractor shall at his own expense comply with all labour laws and keep the
G.S.E.C.L. Indemnified in respect thereof. Some of the major liabilities under various
labour and industrial laws, which the contractor shall have to comply, which are as under:
I) Payment of contribution by way of employee’s contribution towards provident fund,
family pension scheme, deposit linked insurance scheme, administrative charge etc., at
the rates made applicable from time to time by Govt. of Gujarat /Govt. of India and other
statutory authorities.
II) Payment of deposit in respect of each contract labour at the rate applicable of with the
offices of Commissioner of Labour as per the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition)
III) License fee as prescribed under the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act and
rules framed there under depending upon the number of workmen employed by
IV) Identity cards as prescribed under the factories Act shall be issued to workmen.
V) Payment of retrenchment compensation, Notice pay and other liabilities as per Industrial
Disputes Act. Any payment to the contractor's employees arising out of any claim or
disputes under the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 or any other labour laws
VI) Payment of compensation in case of accidental injury shall be made as per the WC Act.
VII) If the female workmen are more than 30 numbers engaged then provision of crèches,
shall be complied accordingly.
VIII) Maternity leave as per the provision of the maternity benefit Act.
The above are some of the major liabilities of the contractor in addition to other liabilities
prescribed under the various labour laws in force from time to time from statutory Authorities
like State Government / Government of India, which the contractor shall have to comply with.
The contractor shall submit along with his bill (month wise) statement regarding deductions
against employees’ provident fund and family pension scheme in respect of each concerned
employee. Provident fund and family pension scheme at the rate of 12 % of wages (or at the
rates made applicable by the Government time to time). The contractor’s contribution and his
workers contribution towards provident fund and family pension scheme shall deposited by
the contractor with Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Ahmedabad. In case if the
contractor deposits the contribution to the Assistant Provident Fund Commission, the zerox
copy of challans and schedule must be submitted in the office. For maintaining the CPF
Account of contractor’s employees the contractor will have to pay administrative charges as
applicable of the emoluments of the employer of the contractor's every month.
The contractor has to take Group Insurance for all workmen engaged by him and copy of the
same shall be produced to Concerned Officer.
Paid leave facility at the rate of one day for every 20 days worked by the contract, labour shall
be provided the contractor to his workers. It shall be duly verified and approved/certified by
the authorized officer of the GSECL.
15. The contractor shall employ adequate number of experienced staff at site for daily supervision
and for maintaining of various registers and records required under the law and contracts. No
payment for such supervision shall be admissible.
The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the GSECL, and every member, officer
and employees of the GSECL, also Engineer-in-charge and his staff against all actions,
proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection
with the matter referred in above clauses and elsewhere and against all actions, claims
demands, cost and expenses which may be made against the GSECL by any workman/
employees of contractor or any sub contract or and or from any liability any wise to any
workman/employees of the contractor or sub-contractor under any laws, rules or regulation
having in force of law including but not limited to claims against the owner under workmen
compensation Act, 1923. The Employee’s Provident Fund Act.1952, and/or the contract labour
(Abolition and Regulation) Act. 1970.+
The GSECL shall not be liable for or in respect of or in consequence of any accident or injury to
any workmen or other person in the employment of the contractor or his sub-contractor, and
the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the GSECL against all such damage and
compensation and against all claims, demands proceedings costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.
Insurance shall be affected for all the contractor’s employees engaged in the execution of
these contracts. If any of the work is sublet, the contractor shall required the sub-contractor
to provide workmen's compensation and Employer's liability insurance for the latter's
employees unless such employees are covered under the contractor’s insurance. It shall be
liability of contractor for employees of his sub-contractor.
18. The GSECL, reserves the right to terminate this Biennial rate contract at any time during its
tenure without giving notice of termination of any reasons thereof.
19. The GSECL will be entitled to deduct directly from the bill to be paid to the contractor, any sum
or sums payable by the contractor and which sum/sums the GSECL is required to pay as a
principal employer on account contractor’s default in respect of all liabilities referred to in
above clauses.
20. Nothing in the contract document stated shall anywise continue any workman / employees of
contractor or any sub-contractor as or to be workmen / employees of the owner or place
obligation liability in respect of any such workman / employee upon the GSECL.
22. The period of the contract shall be of (Two) 02 years from the date of commencement of the
23. The General rules and regulation of the GSECL for tender and contract for works will apply to
the extend the same any not modified herein. The booklet for tender and contract for work is
attached here with. The contractor is deemed to have gone through it and considered to be
fully aware of the conditions mentioned therein.
24. Any other rules and regulation, conditions, etc., that are in force at present and that may be
framed by the GSECL From time to time in connection with contracts will be binding and
acceptable to contractor.
25. In case the contractor’s work is found unsatisfactory or contractor abandons, stops, or creates
during the contract period, the GSECL will be entitled to terminate the contract. In case of
default the work will be got done through other agencies at the risk and cost of contractor and
GSECL shall be entitled to recover such expenses from defaulting contractor by such methods
as deemed fit. The contractor shall not however, be entitled to terminate the contract or stop
works undertaken by him before expiry of the contract period due to any reason whatsoever.
26. Under the contract the contractor shall either himself be present on site or should nominate
persons in writing, who must be available at site and who should be authorized to take
decision about the works and mutual consultation from time to time. In the absence of any
responsible man of contractor at the time of any emergency adhoc decision of Engineer-in-
charge will be binding to the contractor.
27. For convenience of the contractor some open space will be provided in the working site for
making office of contractor and to keep his tools and equipments a token rent Rs. 1/- per
month as per GSECL rules & shall be charged from the contractor, which he will pay before the
commencement of the month.
28. The contractor is bound to execute the work for any item as per the instruction / mutual
consultation with EIC from time to time. On refusal to do same the work will be carried out at
contractor risk and cost by using his (contractor's) tools, tackles for which no compensation
whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor.
29. The successful tenderer / contractor will have to enter into agreement with the GSECL and the
cost of the stamp paper will be borne by the contractor. The contractor will also have to
execute Indemnify bond on required value of stamp paper as per GSECL, rules. The cost of
stamp for indemnity bond will be borne by the contactor.
30. The contractor will be responsible and liable to pay difference in wages if any and or observe
the revised service conditions that may be awarded by the Hon. Industries Tribunal effective
from the date directed in the award.
31. Rate quoted of tender are firm price basis, hence the labour escalation payment will not be
paid by GSECL to the contractors.
32. In case of delay in execution of work the penalty as CL. No. 3 of “Tender and contract for work”
will be applicable.
33. Any casualty will also have to be borne by the contractor for the period the contract continues.
34. The contractor must be solvent and should have sufficient trained labour force competent to
carry out the Job.
35. The contractor must maintain regular labour record and should be paying all acquired, benefits
to the labours which in force. Contractor should obtain certificate for this from Govt. / Public
organization for the works being executed by him.
36. The contractor must possess separate P.F. code for the above subject work.
37. Attendance rolls shall be maintained up to date. All the written registers, Performa etc…shall
be filled up and maintained up to date and kept ready for inspection at any time or submitted
in-time to the concerned authorities as per contract labour etc. Factory Act. Etc... By contractor
38. (a) The contractor shall strictly observe all safety rules and provide safety equipment to the
contract labours as per the factories Act, 1948, and whatever amendments made from time to
time to avoid any chance of accident. The contractor shall strictly observe all instructions of
safety officer and factory inspector to avoid any chance of accident.
(b) As per the nature of work in the contract, Helmets, safety goggles, apron, hand gloves, safety
shoes, safety belts, leather/asbestos apron should be made available during the execution of
(c) All the lifting and material handling equipment used during working under this contract are
must be inspected and certified by the competent person authorized for the same and
certificate there of must be made available to the person intended to required for verification.
39. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that contractor’s employees maintain strict
discipline as regards security, methods of safe working etc, and not to cause any hindrance to
smooth running of power station or in execution of duties by GSECL staff. Any lapse in this
regard will be viewed seriously and contract is liable to be terminated. If any of contractor’s
staff is found unsuitable or not behaving properly, the contractor shall have to remove him
from the work-site on demand by GSECL. The contractor shall have to strictly observe the rules
and conditions specified in the enclosed works contract booklet of the GSECL, which are not
modified hereunder. To keep harmonious industrial relations amongst contract labours is the
sole responsibility of the contractor. Any breach of the same will be viewed seriously.
40. The contractor, shall at their own expense make all necessary provision for housing water
supply and sanitary arrangement for their contract employee as well as for works and shall pay
direct to the authorities concerned all rates, and taxes.
41. The contractor shall make their own arrangements for the necessary approach road, for
transport of their materials and be responsible for the Compensation on account of damage to
crop on G.S.E.C.L. property.
42. All the royalty charges octroi other duties will be paid by the contractor and no extra could be
claimed on this account.
43. It will be absolutely incumbent on the contractors to have on the site of work only such of the
materials as have been duly passed by the Engineer-in-charge Materials that have rejected
must on no account be allowed to remain on the side and inspire-of written order to do so any
such rejected material is on the site beyond a period of 48 hours notice the Engineer-in-charge
shall have the right to remove it at the risk and cost of the contractor and even destroy it.
44. It must be distinctly understood that the conditions of contract and of claims in respect of
extra work will not be allowed, unless the works to which they relate is clearly without the
spirit and meaning of the specifications or unless such work are ordered In writing by the
Engineer-in-charge and claimed for in specified manner.
45. On completion of the work, the site shall be cleared by the contractor within the stipulated
period, and ground brought to original stage and they shall not be entitled for any extra claim
on this account.
The work whether fully constructed or not, and all materials, machinery plant tools, temporary
building and other things connected there shall be at the risk and in the sole charge of the
contractor until the works have been delivered, completed to the Engineer-in-charge and
certificate form him to that effect obtained Until such delivery the contractor shall at their own
cost take all the precautions reasonably necessary to keep all the aforesaid works materials
machinery, plant, tools. Temporary building and other things connected with the work, free
from any loss or damage and in the event to the same or any part thereof being lost or damage
and in the event to the same or any part thereof being lost or damage shall from with within
possible speed, reinstate and make good such loss or damage at contractor's own cost.
47. There will be generally no objection on the component parts of the works being given over to
responsible sub contractors but it must be borne in mind that this department would under no
circumstances recognize these sub contractors and responsibility of executing the work in
accordance with the condition of contract will entirely rest on the main contractors. The main
contractors will therefore always have the very responsible member preferably a technical
hand, present on the works with power to sign all work order issued on the site of work and to
48. The work shall be carried out as per the standards and norms fixed by the G.S.E.C.L. i.e. the
Engineer in Charge or his authorized agent wherever it concern to the G.S.E.C.L. interest the
decision of C.E (Gen.) shall remain, binding .
49. The work shall be carried out / executed according to the technical specification and contractor
shall make such changes as deemed fit from technical viewpoint by concerned E.I.C. during
50. The contractor will have to communicate the name of his authorized agent who shall be
presentation the works and shall be authorized to sign the materials requisitions receive
Instruction given verbally, or on the order book on behalf of the contractor.
51. The contractor will have to sign the conditions of contract and execute the agreement; pay up
the security deposits, failing to that the earnest money deposit will be for feted. The value of
the stamp paper and stamp duty charges shall be borne by the contractor.
52. The contractor must arrange for all transport of materials weighting of material issued at
department stores and all such cost include in the rates of schedule 'B' with the less or above
percentage quoted by the contractor for finished work.
53. The competent authorities can delete to any items in the schedule 'B’ of the tender order if
they feel that the items is not essential to be executed.
54. Schedule of quantities is included in the tender document it shall definitely under stood that
the G.S.E.C.L. does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completion or this
schedules and this schedule is liable to alterations by commissions, deductions or additions at
the description of the Chief Engineer of as set forth in conditions of contract specific
percentage less or above shall be quoted by the contractor below the total amount of schedule
55. The entire work is to be completed within the stipulated time limit from the date of
commencement of work. You will not be eligible for any extra for the idle period of work or
waiting period that may be required to suit other considerations and no claim for
compensation on account of such will be considered. However in case of delay due to
circumstances beyond the control of contractor either in date of commencement or due to
waiting during construction extension time may be considered for completion of work.
56. In case contractor is unable to account for full quantity of materials issued to him from the
department stores, recovery will be effected from contractor’s at cost rates or market rates
prevailing at the time of issue whichever is higher, plus 15% to cover G.S.E.C.L. departmental
supervision charges for all material unaccounted for.
57. The work shall be carried out by contractor as per the technical requirement to be worked and
in consultation with E.I.C. Contractor’s responsible and qualified representative, who can
manage the site, shall remain present at Ukai T.P.S round the clock for such consultation.
Electric supply if required the contractor shall be given at contractors cost as per GSECL rules.
Payment of bills for the same shall be made by contractor regularly within stipulated time as
per G.S.E.C.L. rules.
59. Should this tender be accepted I / We have agreed to abide by and full fill all the terms and
provision of "Tender and Contract of Works" as applicable and in de-fault there to fore-fit and
pay to the G.S.E.C.L the sum of money due.
60. The Work will have to be carried out in-co-ordination with other Agencies on the same site on
account of this in case the contractor has to stop or delay his works for same time, contractor
will not claim anything extra only G.S.E.C.L. may consider to give suitable extension in time
limit if necessary on such account.
61. Any dispute arising out of the contract, if not settled mutually, than only the Vadodara court
shall have jurisdiction to settle & decided the dispute.
62. The GSECL reserves the rights to forfeit the SD in case of any breach of contract & in case of
disputes. The decision of Chief Engineer Ukai TPS shall be final binding and acceptable to
contractor. If contractor fail to start the work as stipulated, the EMD & the SD shall be
63. The monthly payment to the labours must be paid before 10th day of succeeding month in the
presence of Labour Welfare Officer, Ukai TPS. The copy of the same must be submitted along
with monthly R.A bill duly certified by the Labour Welfare Officer. The certificate should
contain detail of average no. of labours deployed, total wages, salaries paid and overtime
amount separately.
64. The quarter facility if available will be provided as per the prevailing conditions and norms of
the GSECL.
Bills shall be submitted by the contractor for each month on or before the date fixed by the
Engineer in charge for the all the works, executed in the previous month and the Engineer in
charge shall take or cause to be taken in the requisite measurement for the purpose or having
the same verified and the claim so far as it is admissible, shall be adjusted, if possible, within
ten days from the presentation of the bills. If you does not submit the bill within the time fixed
as aforesaid, the engineer in charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in
the presence of contractor or his duly authorized agent, whose countersignature in the
measurement list shall be sufficient warrant and the engineer in charge may prepare a bill from
such list which shall be binding to the contractor in all respect.
Along with the R.A bills the contractor should submit material account wherever applicable,
proof of payment of provident fund and other statutory dues, certificate issued by IRO/LWO
certifying average nos. of labours deployed during the month and total amount of wages and
salaries paid to labours. The R.A bills along with the supporting documents will be paid within
30 days if possible.
Income tax will be deducted at the source from each bill as per statutory requirements.
67. The GSECL will be entitled to deduct directly from the bills to be paid to the contractor any sum
or sums payable by the contractor and which sum/sums the GSECL is required to pay as a
principal employer on account of contractor’s default in respect of all liabilities referred to in
above clauses.
68. (a) No sales tax, Professional tax or any other taxes, cess or levy, Excise duty, Octroi, royalty
or other duties will be payable by the GSECL against this contract.
(b) The rates of Schedule – B are exclusive of Service Tax. Service tax at prevailing rates, if
aplicable will be paid by GSECL extra on production of paid evidence / challan
69. The quantities mentioned in the Schedule – B are approximate only and may vary widely. The
contractor shall be paid for the actual works carried out at the rates quoted by him.
70. The TDS at applicable rate as per section 57A and 57B of GST act shall be deducted from
Contractors’ bills as per government rules.
71. Arbitration:
If at any time any question, dispute, difference, shall arise between the GSECL or the engineer
in charge and contractor or any person claiming through him upon or in relation to or in
connection with the matter herein before stipulated and specified to be referred to arbitration,
either party may forthwith give to the other a month’s notice in writing of the existence of
such question, dispute or differences whatsoever, which may at any time arise between the
parties to this agreement, touching the agreement or subject matter thereof, arising out or in
relation thereto and whether as to construction or otherwise shall be referred to the decision
of the sole Arbitrator appointed by the chairman of G.S.E.C.L for the purpose, who shall be a
retired High Court Judge or a retired District and Session Judge, and upon the parties reference
to the arbitration act, 1940, as amended from time to time and the rules therein. The
Arbitration proceeding shall be conducted at G.S.E.C.L, Head office, Baroda, or at such place as
the sole arbitrator may determine. The award of the sole arbitrator (or umpire) shall be final
and binding upon the parties upon every or any such reference the costs of and incidental to
the reference and award respectively, shall be at the discretion of the arbitrator or umpire who
may determine the amount thereof or direct to the same to be taxed as between party, and
the party shall direct by whom and in what manner the same shall be borne and paid,
provided, however, that either party to be dispute shall in respect of any monetary claim, be
entitled to receive from the other party by way of cost any time exceeding the percentage set
out below, irrespective of the actual fees and expenses incurred by him. Work under contract
shall continue during the arbitration proceeding and no payment, other than for matters in
dispute due or payable by the purchaser, shall be withheld on account of such proceedings.
The percentage above referred to in this clause is five percent on any such monetary
award, which does not exceed Rs. 10000/-, three percent on the next or any party thereof, two
percent on the next Rs. 50000/-, or any part thereof, and one percent on Rs. 40000/- or in case
it exceeds Rs. 100000/-.
The time limit for completion of this contract works, if awarded is Two years from
commencement of work. The G.S.E.C.L can extend contract for further period of six months
after expiry of time limit, if desired by the G.S.E.C.L, at the same rate, terms & conditions of
awarded order of this tender, and quantity will be enhanced proportionately.
73. The contractor shall quote only certain percentage of rates above or below the estimated
rates; i.e. contractor should quote either, say A% above the estimate or B% below the estimate
for all the items.
76. Before starting the work, the contractor should contact Industrial Relation Officer/ Labour
Welfare Officer for all formalities and obtaining the gate passes of all contract labourers and
for other formalities.
77. The contractor shall deposit 15 days salary at the rate of last drawn salary for every
completed one year of services for each worker for the liabilities of the gratuity.
78. The responsibility and liability of labours engaged for this work will be totally of contractor
who has been awarded the contract and he will take back all these labours to his own
establishment on completion of the contact. The GSECL will not be held any responsible and
liable in any way in the matter.
All the contractors working at Ukai Thermal Power Station shall have to strictly observe the following
Safety Rules. Concerned Contractors are responsible for informing & observance of these rules by their
supervisors/employees/labours as well as the supervisors/ employees/ labours of agencies/ sub-
Contractors engaged, if any, by them for the work contract awarded to them. Prior to commencement
of the work, Contractor shall have to submit a written assurance on their letterhead to the concerned
Sectional Head / Engineer-in-charge that they have thoroughly gone through these Rules, have
educated their employees / employees of their sub contractor and will strictly observe the said Rules
while execution of work under work contract awarded to them. They will have to indemnify the
Corporation for any loss or damage / accident / injury to the Corporation’s property / employee or
employee of their own in default of non - observing these rules.
Persons to be employed for carrying out the work shall possess required qualification, are fully
trained and conversant for works to be done. All persons should have gate pass. Register
consisting the full details i.e. address, ph no, nearest relative of all persons to be maintained.
During the work execution, one trained & competent supervisor should always remain present
at site.
The contractor shall take all the required safety measures prior to commencement of work on
dangerous substances, machineries or area at which cautionary notice is displayed and obtain
“Line Clear” or “Work Permit” through the concerned Department / Section.
Prior to carrying out welding, gas cutting, furnace heating or any other hot work job, remove
all the inflammable material lying at or nearby worksite or cover it properly by suitable
protective covering. Also, special care shall be taken before carrying out such job & see that all
possible contributing factors to set fire shall be removed / vanished prior to commencement
of the work. Advance intimation shall be given to concern section / fire section to commence
the work in fire prone areas. They should also keep ready all the First Aid Fire Extinguishers /
equipments & fire extinguishing media / material like sand / water buckets or other
appropriate equipment at such place.
While carrying out work in confined space or inside vessel, obtain necessary “Confined Space /
Vessel Entry Permit” from concerned department prior to commencement of the work. For
lighting in such areas, only 24-volt (ISI certified & with proper guard) hand lamp shall be used.
For taking care of the persons working inside the confined space / vessel, a supervisor /
person capable to keep continuous watch on person(s) working inside, assist them incase of
emergency or arrange to get immediate outside help, shall remain present at entry point. Use
full body safety belt without failed.
While working inside sewage, trench or in-depth, a person to warn outsiders / entrants /
passers etc shall remain available near entry point or the entry point shall be cordoned by a
barricaded tape with a cautionary notice. After completion of the works, all the lids / covers /
grills / grits opened, shall be re-fixed / re-placed in the original position as it were prior to
commencement of the work and leave the work place. In safe condition in all respect, so as to
prevent accident to fellow workers.
Do not work on or block (by stacking material, spare parts, tools-tackles, equipments etc), any
passages / walkways / gangways / aisles / staircases / ladders / lifts or any other approaches /
roads leading to plans or its auxiliaries, on which there is traffic movements or possible traffic
movements in case of emergency. Such passages are meant for safe escape in the event of
emergency. If it is utmost necessary to carry out work in such area with blocking of passage,
prior permission of Competent Authority or the Engineer-In-Charge shall be obtained. To
demarcate / declare the area as UNSAFE, cordon it using barricading tape & display suitable
caution notice or keep a person to restrict / divert the traffic on this route through other safe
Prior to use power / electrically operated hand tools / equipments / machines / gadgets like
welding machine, hand grinder, hand drill etc, ensure for its safe operation & use it only if it is
found safe to use. Do not use defective, unsafe or improperly maintained equipments. The
electrical power supply required to run such equipments shall not be taken directly at their
own but shall be obtained through concerned Electrical Maintenance Departments or their
authorized persons or under their observations / guidance only. The Electrical Section shall
provide temporary electrical connection up to contractor’s Mains Board on which it is
compulsory to install mains switch, ELCB & fuses of adequate capacity. All such equipments
shall invariably be earthed adequately to prevent electrical shock, sparking, short circuit etc.
Power cord to be used shall be of adequate capacity, without any joint & shall consist of earth
wire also. Hence, it is necessary to use adequate capacity 3-wire power cord for single & 5-
wire power cord for three phase power connections. The plugs, receptacles, pins, holders etc
shall be of adequate capacity & safe to use.
All electrical & mechanical equipments / tools-tackles viz. welding machine, cutting machine,
Grinder, Drill, Chain Pulley Blocks, Hook chooks etc required to be used during work execution
shall be of standard make & bear ISI certification mark on it. The consumables like welding
electrodes, grinding wheels / discs etc which has specific prescribed life span shall not be used
in any case if its expiry date is over.
It is compulsory to use standard make Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) as per the job
requirement. Do not work without use of required PPEs Contractor is responsible to provide
standard make (ISI approved) Personal Protective Equipments / Safety Gadgets suitable to give
sufficient protection against hazards involved in their work / job to their staff, as per the job
requirement and insist / enforce their staff to put on the same while at works.
The ongoing work is liable to be stopped at any time if your staff found working without PPEs
Following is the list of various PPEs to be used for various works / worksites.
Industrial Safety Helmet. For protection of head against falling objects or during fall
of person from height.
Safety Goggles (Grinding, For protection of eyes against flying particles / dust,
Welding, Punk, Panorama etc). chemical splash, spark, arc, flashover etc.
Face shield (Half or full). For protection of face against flying particles / dust,
chemical splash, spark, arc, flashover etc.
Earplug / Ear muffs. For ear / hearing system protection while working in high
noise level area.
Apron (Rubber/ PVC/ Asbestos/ For body protection against chemicals, oils, sharp edged
Leather/ Cotton) objects, heat, hot objects etc.
Gloves (Rubber/PVC, Asbestos, For protection of hands against chemicals, oils, sharp
Leather, Electrical shock proof). edged objects, heat, hot metals/objects, electricity etc.
Safety/Leather/Asbestos shoes, For protection of leg/feet against falling objects, sharp
Gum Boots etc. edged objects, heat, hot metals/objects, electricity etc…
Safety Belt(full body)/ Rope / For fall prevention while working at heights or in depth,
Life line / Fall prevention system working in vessel or in confined space.
Dust Respirator / Scarf Protection of respiratory system against dust.
Chemical Cartridge Respirator Protection against chemical fume / vapor etc.
Canister Gas mask. Protection against toxic/poisonous fumes/gases.
Air supply respirators. Working in oxygen deficient zone.
Before using lifting machines / tackles (like CPBs., Hook chooks, winch, forklift, mobile crane, EOT
crane etc) & its attachments (like D-shackles, slings, U-clamps, Eye bolts or any fixtures), it shall
be checked and used only if found safe to use. Also, ensure that these are tested, examined &
certified in form no 9/10 by Competent Person as per the Factory act-1948 and its validity does
not expired. Further, it shall be fixed properly and firmly prior to lifting the weight.
Scaffoldings to be used for working at height shall be of adequate size & capacity. Obtain the
work permit when working at height. While climbing on such scaffolding or working on any
structure at height, use of full body safety belt & Helmet is compulsory. It is also necessary to
fasten Chinstraps of the helmet.
Contractor or their employee shall not interfere in day-today routine plant activities / works
except the work assigned to them, shall not loiter in the
Areas other than their work jurisdiction, as well as shall not temper/operate/touch the
machineries/equipments/auxiliaries with which they are not concerned. Also, the contractor
shall strictly instruct their staff for not to sit or take rest at/near/below running plants,
auxiliaries, systems or any place which is risky, hazardous & prone to accident.
The cylinders containing poisonous / toxic or inflammable / explosive gas like Oxygen, Acetylene,
LPG, Hydrogen, Ammonia, Chlorine, CO2 etc shall be handled safely taking due care. To handle /
shift such cylinders a special trolley /cage meant for it must be used but in no case it should be
On completion of the work, cotton waste, spilled oil / grease, pieces of welding rod & other
waste material shall be removed from work site and the area shall be left safe, neat & clean.
In case of any injury / accident while working, it shall immediately be reported to Safety
Department through concerned Sectional Head / Engineer. The prescribed Form No. 21 may be
obtained from concern section or Safety Officer.
For any incident occurred but have no injury to any persons should also informed to safety
officer as Near Miss Incident.
In all risky job, before start the work contractor should obtained General Safety Work Permit
through concerned section from safety dept in well advance.
For performance evaluation of contractor safety factors of work accident, fire incident & near
miss accident will be considered. Steps can be taken to review the job assignment up to
cancellation for negligence.
In case of noticing smoke or fire during their work execution, they shall make immediate efforts
to extinguish / control it and simultaneously inform the Fire Brigade on phone No. 555 or 4444
Shift the casualty to nearby hospital after rendering first aid in case of accident.
Over & above these, contractor shall have to follow all the safety requirements / rules &
regulations / norms and legal provisions laid down in various statutes. Particularly the provisions
of The Factories Act-1948 & The Gujarat State Factories Rules-1963 (Amended up to date) shall
be followed strictly. The contractor shall also obey the rules / regulations / instructions of the
local Competent Authority for safety requirements.
The above rules shall be scrupulously followed and where required, they may contact the Safety
Officer in case of any ambiguity or needs further guidance in this regard.
Biennial rate contract for unit 6, coal handling works at Ukai-TPS.
Please submit price bid duly signed & stamp (without stating above/below
rates) along with Technical Bid.
Name of Work: Bi-ennial rate contract for the work of Unloading of coal wagons and related cleaning of entire coal plant and other
related coal handling work at Ukai TPS for the period for 24 months for unit #6.
Item Proposed Amount
Description of Item Qty. Unit
No. Rate Rs.
Unloading of coal wagons through wagon tipplers WT4 & WT5 for
feeding the coal to boiler bunker or stacker yard, this work also includes
1. 96495 88.00 wagon 8491560.00
re-railment of derail wagons as per tender specification and as per
mutual consultation with EIC from time to time.