The Burden of Atopic Dermatitis: Summary of A Report For The National Eczema Association

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The Burden of Atopic Dermatitis: Summary

of a Report for the National Eczema
Aaron M. Drucker1, Annie R. Wang1, Wen-Qing Li1,2, Erika Sevetson3,
Julie K. Block4 and Abrar A. Qureshi1,2

To assess the patient-level and societal burden of Recently, the National Eczema Association, a US patient
atopic dermatitis, we comprehensively reviewed the advocacy group, funded a comprehensive review of the
literature related to quality of life, social, economic, literature to document the evidence to date on the burden of
academic, and occupational impacts. Atopic derma- AD. This review article summarizes the findings of the report
titis has profound impacts on patient and family to the National Eczema Association.
quality of life. A conservative estimate of the annual
costs of atopic dermatitis in the United States is $5.297 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
billion (in 2015 USD). People with atopic dermatitis
may change their occupation because of their skin QoL in children with AD. Chamlin et al. (2004) interviewed
disease. Research gaps include quality of life assess- the parents of 26 children with AD to determine how AD af-
ments outside of tertiary care centers, impacts on fects QoL for these young patients. That article lists the impacts
partners and families of adult patients, and updated of AD mentioned by at least 20% of participating families.
comprehensive cost estimates. Impacts on physical health included itching and scratching,
sleep, pain, bleeding, and dietary limitations. Emotional im-
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2017) 137, 26e30; doi:10.1016/
j.jid.2016.07.012 pacts included behavioral problems, irritability, crying, and
problems with treatments. Physical functioning was impaired
via clothing restrictions; interference with activities such as
bathing, playing (especially outdoors) and swimming; and
having to hold children’s hands to prevent scratching. Social
Atopic dermatitis (AD), also called eczema, is a chronically
functioning was impaired: parents noted that both adults and
relapsing skin disease. It is prevalent in approximately 10.7%
children avoided interacting with children with AD. Although
and 7.2% of US children and adults, respectively (Shaw et al.,
this qualitative study provides important information on the
2011; Silverberg et al., 2015). The onset of AD is usually in
nature of AD’s impacts on children, its generalizability is
early childhood, and it can have an impact on the entire
limited by its conduct in a tertiary care setting. Although AD
family unit. Additionally, AD is increasingly recognized as a
severity was not measured among children in this study, the
disease that often persists into or begins in adulthood
population of AD patients was likely skewed toward the more
(Margolis et al., 2014). Thus, AD can have a detrimental ef-
severe end of the AD spectrum.
fect on the lives of patients and their families throughout the
In other studies, consequences of AD found to most affect
lifespan. This includes impacts on quality of life (QoL) and
QoL in childhood are itching and scratching, impacts on
social, academic, and occupational impacts. AD places a
sleep, treatment, sports, and embarrassment related to the
tremendous financial burden on patients, their families, and
condition (Ballardini et al., 2014; Ben-Gashir et al., 2004;
society as a whole through direct medical costs and
Ganemo et al., 2007; Ho et al., 2010; Ricci et al., 2007).
decreased productivity. All of these aspects together—QoL,
Many studies have observed that as AD severity increases,
social, academic, and occupational impacts, along with
QoL decreases (Alzolibani, 2014; Ben-Gashir et al., 2004;
direct and indirect costs—encompass the burden of disease
Brenninkmeijer et al., 2009; Ho et al., 2010; Hon et al.,
of AD.
2015; Maksimovic et al., 2012; Monti et al., 2011; Torrelo
et al., 2013).
Department of Dermatology, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, A study using the Children’s Life Quality Index (CLQI), a
Providence, Rhode Island, USA; 2Department of Epidemiology, Brown
University School of Public Health, Providence, Rhode Island, USA;
generic QoL instrument, compared QoL among children
Health and Information Services, Brown University Library, Providence, aged 5e16 years with various chronic diseases, including
Rhode Island, USA; and 4National Eczema Association, San Rafael, 106 patients with generalized eczema (Beattie and Lewis-
California, USA Jones, 2006). Generalized eczema had the second-largest
Correspondence: Aaron M. Drucker, Department of Dermatology, Brown impact on QoL, following only cerebral palsy, among all
University, Box G-D, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
chronic diseases studied. One strength of this study was its
Abbreviations: AD, atopic dermatitis; CLQI, Children’s Life Quality Index;
use of both generic (CLQI) and skin-specific (Children’s
QoL, quality of life; SF-36, Short Form (36) Health Survey Dermatology Life Quality Index) tools for participants with
Received 5 May 2016; revised 23 June 2016; accepted 12 July 2016; skin disease. Among participants with skin disease, the CLQI
corrected proof published online 8 September 2016 and Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index were highly

26 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2017), Volume 137 ª 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology.
AM Drucker et al.
Burden of Atopic Dermatitis

correlated (r ¼ 0.72, P < 0.001), indicating that the CLQI was those of the general population or those of people with other
able to capture the impact of skin disease on QoL in general. diseases. Comparing SF-36 scores with controls matched by
However, it did not include any other validated generic QoL basic demographic characteristics would be more valid.
measures, and so the ability of the CLQI to measure QoL in Based on a large sample (n ¼ 3,308) recruited from the
noncutaneous conditions is unclear. general high school population in Oslo, Norway, eczema
with itch was associated with suicidal ideation (odds ratio ¼
QoL in adults with AD. Aspects of QoL reported to be most 3.57, 95% confidence interval ¼ 2.46e5.67) and mental
affected by AD in adults are symptoms and emotional health problems as measured by the Strength and Difficulties
impact, with less of an impact on social functioning (Holm Questionnaire (odds ratio ¼ 2.57, 95% confidence interval
et al., 2006b). However, social functioning can be affected 1.59e4.15) (Halvorsen et al., 2014). A large US population-
as well: in a survey of college students (n ¼ 336), 25.5% of based survey found that adults with eczema and fatigue were
participants with self-reported eczema believed that it significantly more likely to rate their overall health as only
impaired their social life (Roosta et al., 2010). AD can also poor or fair compared with participants without eczema or
limit simple every day activities; in a community-based sur- fatigue (odds ratio ¼ 8.63, 95% confidence interval ¼
vey of 559 AD patients, 35% believed that AD affected their 7.15e10.43) (Silverberg et al., 2015). These two studies
choice of clothing, and 32% believed it limited shaving or (Halvorsen et al., 2014; Silverberg et al., 2015) provide
wearing makeup (Anderson and Rajagopalan, 2001). important, high-quality evidence about the impacts of itch
Impaired QoL in AD is correlated with disease severity and and sleep, respectively, on the lives of AD patients outside of
increased itch and sleep disturbance (Beikert et al., 2014; tertiary care, with large sample sizes and, in the case of
Chrostowska-Plak et al., 2013; Holm et al., 2006b; Maksi- Silverberg et al. (2015), a population-based design.
movic et al., 2012; Misery et al., 2007; Sanchez-Perez et al.,
2013; Wittkowski et al., 2004). However, the correlation of QoL in families of AD patients. The impact of AD on QoL is
QoL with objective disease severity is often only moderate not limited to patients themselves. The International Study on
(Chrostowska-Plak et al., 2013; Haeck et al., 2012; Life with Atopic Eczema found that 30% of patients and
Maksimovic et al., 2012; Wittkowski et al., 2004), and in caregivers believe that AD affects other members of their
one article, which used baseline data from a small (n ¼ 55) household (Zuberbier et al., 2006). That study’s large sample
randomized controlled trial for AD, baseline QoL, measured (n ¼ 2,002) of patients with moderate to severe AD, multi-
by the Dermatology Life Quality Index, and disease severity national design (US, France, Germany, Spain, UK, The
measured by the Objective Scoring Atopic Dermatitis scale Netherlands, Mexico, and Poland), and use of validated
were not significantly correlated (r ¼ 0.17, P ¼ 0.23) (Haeck outcome measures make it a unique source for data on the
et al., 2012). Changes in the Objective Scoring Atopic burden of AD at the more severe end of the spectrum.
Dermatitis scale and Dermatology Life Quality Index over the Parents of young children with AD can be particularly
course of the 6-week trial were also not correlated (r ¼ 0.19, burdened by a lack of sleep and by the emotional weight of
P ¼ 0.20). In other studies, involvement of readily visible seeing their children suffer. In a study of 270 AD patients and
areas of the body, such as the face, and genital involvement their parents in Chicago and San Francisco, 61% of parents
are other predictors of impaired QoL in AD (Beikert et al., said that their own sleep was disturbed because of their
2014; Holm et al., 2004; Misery et al., 2007). These find- children’s AD (Chamlin et al., 2005). However, that study
ings suggest that for adults, factors outside of objective AD was limited to tertiary care, did not use a validated measure
severity have a significant impact on QoL. of sleep disturbance, and did not compare sleep disturbance
Kiebert et al. (2002) used the Short Form (SF)-36 Health with a non-AD reference group. A UK study of 26 families
Survey, a generic health status measure, to assess QoL among with a child with AD and 29 families with a child with
107 AD patients and compared their results with previously asthma aimed to compare the two diseases in terms of their
published SF-36 scores for the general population and other impacts on parental sleep (Moore et al., 2006). Although the
medical conditions (Kiebert et al., 2002). Although physical small sample size limits the interpretation of this study, the
component scores of the SF-36 were higher (indicating better results were striking: mothers spent 78 minutes and fathers
QoL) for AD compared with patients with depression, type 2 spent 90 minutes per night attending to children with AD,
diabetes, and hypertension, mental component scores were compared with no time for parents of children with asthma.
lower (indicating worse QoL) for AD patients compared with In a German study of parents of children with AD, maternal
type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Only clinical depression had mental health scores on the SF-12 Health Survey, a generic
worse mental component scores than AD. There were no sta- measure of overall health, were significantly impaired on
tistically significant differences between AD and psoriasis in average compared with normative standards, indicating that
Dermatology Life Quality Index and SF-36 physical component AD may have a significant impact on the mental health of
scores, but SF-36 mental component scores were significantly parents (Warschburger et al., 2004). This study was con-
lower (indicating worse QoL) in AD. Although these are ducted in a unique setting (pediatric inpatient AD program),
important data that help contextualize the impact of AD on limiting generalizability; there was no association between
QoL, the Kiebert et al. study has limitations. First, as with other disease severity and parental SF-12 scores; and reference
studies in this review, recruitment was limited to tertiary care. standards were used as a comparison for SF-12 scores instead
Further, the study did not take into account basic demographics, of a matched control group.
such as age and sex, when comparing the SF-36 scores of the The time required to care for a child with AD is burden-
participant population (mean age ¼ 36 years, 85% female) with some for families (Chamlin et al., 2004). One study in a 27
AM Drucker et al.
Burden of Atopic Dermatitis

population of patients with relatively severe AD found that Table 1. Annual costs of atopic dermatitis and
families spent an average of 63 minutes per day managing psoriasis in 2004 from Bickers et al. (2006)
their children’s AD (Holm and Jemec, 2004). Another study
by the same group found very different results (mean time Atopic Dermatitis Psoriasis
spent ¼ 17 minutes/day), despite being conducted in a Direct costs $1.009 billion $1.244 billion
similar setting (Jemec et al., 2006). Additionally, each study Indirect costs $3.219 billion $2.414 billion
found high variability in time spent on treatment among Total $4.228 billion $3.658 billion
participants. These disparities with regard to time spent on
treatment, both within and between studies, point to wide
variability in the amount of time families spend on AD. The
small sample sizes (n ¼ 128 combined) and single institution The most comprehensive investigation of the economic
setting of these studies are limitations, and time spent on burden of AD in the US to date came from a joint report of
treatment warrants further study. the American Academy of Dermatology and the Society for
Although the impact of AD on the families of children with Investigative Dermatology published in 2006 (Bickers et al.,
AD has been relatively well studied, data regarding the 2006). That study examined the financial impact of skin
impact AD has on the families, and specifically the partners, disease overall in the US using data from multiple sources,
of adult patients with AD are scant. including national surveys, databases, and published litera-
ture. The researchers were able to estimate the costs of in-
Specific social impacts of AD. Social isolation can be seen dividual diseases in the following areas: direct medical costs
in children with AD at a very young age. Over half of parents (including medical visits and medication use), indirect costs
interviewed in the study by Chamlin et al. (2004) stated that (including lost productivity of patients and caregivers and lost
adults and other children avoided interacting with their productivity due to early mortality), and indirect costs due to
children with AD. Compounding that, parents of children impacts on QoL (using a willingness-to-pay model based on
with AD also reported that they themselves limited in- previously published Dermatology Life Quality Index data).
teractions between their children and family and friends so The total annual burden of AD in that study was $4.228
that they would not have to engage in discussions about the billion (in 2004 USD), compared with $3.658 billion for
child’s skin. The International Study on Life with Atopic psoriasis (Table 1). On the basis of the Consumer Price Index
Eczema found major impacts of AD on self-esteem: 27% of provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (Crawford
those surveyed had been teased or bullied because of AD, et al., 2015), that is the equivalent of $5.297 billion in
and 36% said AD affects their self-confidence (Zuberbier 2015.1 Direct costs were $1.009 billion, lost productivity
et al., 2006). costs were $619 million, and costs due to decrements in QoL
were $2.6 billion (Bickers et al., 2006); AD had the fourth-
Economic, academic, and occupational impact
highest overall QoL-related costs among skin diseases. The
Economic impact. Calculating the totality of the direct and costs in that study are likely an underestimate of the true costs
indirect financial costs of AD is difficult. It is a common dis- of AD in the US. The AD prevalence estimate used (15.2
ease with a broad spectrum of severity. Costs include pre- million, roughly 5% of the US population in 2004), is lower
scriptions, physician visits, emergency and hospital costs to than other population-based estimates of the US prevalence
payers and patients, and over-the-counter pharmacy costs for of AD in children (10.7% in 2003) (Shaw et al., 2011) and
patients; indirect costs include presenteeism (decreased pro- adults (7.2% in 2012) (Silverberg et al., 2015). The estimate
ductivity at work), absenteeism (missing work), and detriment does not include the costs of over-the-counter products, and
to QoL. Based on data from the 2010 National Health Inter- productivity losses in this study include only time away due
view Survey, a high-quality population-based survey, it is to medical visits, not presenteeism or missed days not asso-
estimated that 75% of people with eczema visited a doctor at ciated with medical visits. Additionally, that study is over 10
least once in the last year specifically for their eczema years old, and costs may have changed because of trends in
(Silverberg, 2015). In the 2010 and 2012 National Health disease prevalence and prescribing patterns.
Interview Surveys, eczema was associated with increased
physician visits, emergency department visits, and hospitali- Academic and occupational impact. In the International
zations, but could not directly attribute these visits to AD or its Study on Life with Atopic Eczema study, 32% of participants
established comorbidities. A study from a US pediatric believed that AD affected their school or work life, and 14%
dermatology inpatient service reported that 86% of their ad- of participating adults believed that their career progression
missions were for AD, suggesting that AD is not just an had been hindered by AD (Zuberbier et al., 2006). AD is a
ambulatory disease in the US (Storan et al., 2013). risk factor for occupational skin disease (Dickel et al., 2003),
Among participants with eczema in the 2010 National and AD patients have reported avoiding specific jobs as a
Health Interview Survey, 12.2% missed 1e2 days of work result. Occupations avoided include those in health care,
because of their eczema, and 2.3% missed 3 or more days food preparation, cleaning, hairdressing, and automobile
(Silverberg, 2015). The population-based design of the repair (Holm et al., 2006a; Nyren et al., 2005).
National Health Interview Survey is a major advantage, but the
2010 survey is limited by its use of a very nonspecific self- 1
September 2004 CPI ¼ 189.9
report question to assess eczema history, likely leading to the September 2015 CPI ¼ 237.945
inclusion of other inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis. Costs in 2015 ¼ 4.228 billion  (237.945/189.9) ¼ 5.297 billion

28 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2017), Volume 137

AM Drucker et al.
Burden of Atopic Dermatitis

Future directions stage if they were not found to be relevant to the topic of burden of
There are a number of research gaps identified through this disease. Narrative reviews were then compiled on each topic.
review (Drucker et al., 2016). First, many important studies Although this process has features of a systematic review, it is not
on the burden of AD have involved only participants with a formal systematic review. Many of the research questions and
moderate to severe disease or recruited solely from tertiary outcomes studied are expansive and nonspecific, making systematic
care. Given the wide range of disease severity and that many reporting difficult. No systematic approach was used to judge the
AD patients are managed in primary care, studies in other quality of papers or assess bias. Some articles and other resources
populations are necessary to capture the full spectrum of the that did not meet predefined inclusion criteria were included if they
burden of disease. Knowing that QoL and disease severity are captured important aspects of the burden of AD. Only studies that
often not strongly correlated, research into the reasons for are most relevant—studies with impactful, original research of direct
that disparity are needed. More research is needed on the relevance to the topic of AD burden of disease—are included.
impact of AD on the partners and families of adult patients.
With regard to the economic burden of disease, up-to-date Aaron Drucker:
comprehensive estimates are lacking for AD in the US.
Given that new, potentially costly, medications are being CONFLICT OF INTEREST
This study was funded by the National Eczema Association. AMD and AAQ
studied to treat moderate to severe AD, information on the are investigators for Regeneron and Sanofi (no compensation). AMD has been
costs of AD stratified by disease severity are required. a speaker for Astellas Canada (honorarium). AAQ is a consultant for Abbvie,
Amgen, Centers for Disease Control, Janssen, Merck, Novartis, and Pfizer
(honoraria donated to charity). AAQ is an investigator for Amgen (honorarium
MATERIALS AND METHODS donated to charity). JKB is a salaried executive of the National Eczema
In conjunction with the National Eczema Association, specific topics Association, which has received grants and sponsorship awards from a variety
of interest were identified under the umbrella of QoL and academic of industry partners (full list available at
and occupational impacts (Table 2). For each topic, literature
searches were designed with the help of a medical librarian (ES). All ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
searches were performed between September and December 2015 This study was funded by the National Eczema Association. We thank Dr. Eric
and included literature published from January 1, 2000 onward. Two Simpson, Dr. Robert Sidbury and Ms. Amy Fauver for their valuable input into
reviewers (AMD and ARW) performed title and abstract screening the project.

for every search. Inclusion criteria were broad and encompassed

original articles relating to the specific topics searched for. Exclusion
Alzolibani AA. Impact of atopic dermatitis on the quality of life of Saudi
criteria included studies on other types of eczema (e.g., chronic children. Saudi Med J 2014;35:391e6.
hand eczema), validation studies of outcome measures, interven- Anderson RT, Rajagopalan R. Effects of allergic dermatosis on health-related
tional studies, and review articles. Additional articles were found quality of life. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2001;1:309e15.
through bibliography reviews or other incidental searches or were Ballardini N, Ostblom E, Wahlgren CF, Kull I. Mild eczema affects self-
brought to the authors’ attention through other means, such as staff perceived health among pre-adolescent girls. Acta Derm Venereol
at the National Eczema Association or members of its Scientific 2014;94:312e6.
Advisory Board. Beattie PE, Lewis-Jones MS. A comparative study of impairment of quality of
life in children with skin disease and children with other chronic childhood
Full-text articles were reviewed and pertinent data were extracted diseases. Br J Dermatol 2006;155:145e51.
by one reviewer (AMD or AW). Some articles were excluded at that Beikert FC, Langenbruch AK, Radtke MA, Kornek T, Purwins S, Augustin M.
Willingness to pay and quality of life in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Arch Dermatol Res 2014;306:279e86.
Table 2. Specific topics of interest investigated
Ben-Gashir MA, Seed PT, Hay RJ. Quality of life and disease severity are
Impact of Atopic Dermatitis on Economic, Academic, and correlated in children with atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 2004;150:
Quality of Life Occupational Impact 284e90.
Bickers DR, Lim HW, Margolis D, et al. The burden of skin diseases: 2004 a
Impact of AD on quality of life Costs associated with AD (direct joint project of the American Academy of Dermatology Association and the
and indirect) Society for Investigative Dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;55:
Impact of itch on patients with AD Health care resource use among 490e500.
patients with AD Brenninkmeijer EE, Legierse CM, Sillevis Smitt JH, Last BF, Grootenhuis MA,
Pain in patients with AD Academic and occupational Bos JD. The course of life of patients with childhood atopic dermatitis.
impact of AD Pediatr Dermatol 2009;26:14e22.
Impact of AD on sleep and further Impact of AD on socioeconomic Chamlin SL, Frieden IJ, Williams ML, Chren MM. Effects of atopic dermatitis
consequences status on young American children and their families. Pediatrics 2004;114:
Impact of AD on patients’ self-esteem Economic, academic, and 607e11.
occupational impact
Chamlin SL, Mattson CL, Frieden IJ, et al. The price of pruritus: sleep distur-
Impact of AD on marital status and bance and cosleeping in atopic dermatitis. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med
stability 2005;159:745e50.
Impact of AD on patients’ social life Chrostowska-Plak D, Reich A, Szepietowski JC. Relationship between itch
Impact of AD on the QoL of patients’ and psychological status of patients with atopic dermatitis. J Eur Acad
families or partners Dermato Venereol 2013;27:e239e42.
Impact of AD on patients seeking Crawford MC, Church J, Akin B. CPI Detailed Report: Data for September 2015,
counseling or mental health care; 2015 (accessed 28 November 2015).
Time spent managing AD Dickel H, Bruckner TM, Schmidt A, Diepgen TL. Impact of atopic skin
Abbreviations: AD, atopic dermatitis; QoL, quality of life. diathesis on occupational skin disease incidence in a working population.
J Invest Dermatol 2003;121:37e40. 29
AM Drucker et al.
Burden of Atopic Dermatitis

Drucker AM, Wang AR, Qureshi AA. Research gaps in quality of life Monti F, Agostini F, Gobbi F, Neri E, Schianchi S, Arcangeli F. Quality of life
and economic burden of atopic dermatitis: The National Eczema measures in Italian children with atopic dermatitis and their families. Ital J
Association Burden of Disease Audit. JAMA Dermatol 2016;152: Pediatr 2011;37:59.
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children with eczema. Acta Derm Venereol 2007;87:345e9. comparative study. Br J Dermatol 2006;154:514e8.
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30 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2017), Volume 137

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