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Hydrology Dolalghat Field

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An Undertaken Of Bhaktapur Municipality
Liwali – 2 , Bhaktapur

Engineering Hydrology Field Visit
Stream Discharge Measurement
Location : Dolalghat (Section of Indrawati River )

Name : SULABH GHIMIRE Er. Sunil Duwal
Roll no. : “ 069-BCE-43 ” Department of Civil Engineering
Group : B Khwopa College Of Engineering

Submission Date : 1st March 2015


This is to recommend that the field Assessment report entitled “A Field Visit to Dolalghat,
kavrepalanchowk” is prepared as per the requirement of course " Engineering Hydrology " for civil
engineering 3rd year 1st part. This Academic report has been prepared as per the work carried out under my
guidance by Er.Sunil Duwal. The work was based on the result of own observation and the secondary data
collected. I recommend his work for approval
.During field visit, we got oppurtinity to learn to measure the discharge of a particular stream by using three
different methods viz. measuring the velocity of stream at distinct sections using staff reading , current
meter and salt dilution method. These methods are very useful and widely used due to its simplicity and
efficiency in calculation as well as estimation of discharge through streams. We conducted these three
experiments at three various sections of river tributaries for efficient distribution of time for different
groups.The report has definitely been a great deal of hard work and perseverance which has resulted in a
fruitful journey and a wonderful experience as a whole. We have gained a lot not only in the field of
knowledge on the subject matter but also in relation to leadership, sense of responsibility and many more
such virtue.
Keywords: Hydrology, Discharge Measurement, Current Meter.

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I would like to express our sincere gratitude towards the Department of Civil Engineering , Khwopa College
of Engineering, for organizing the Hydrology field visits to Dolalghat. We put our sincere thanks to our
teachers Er. Sunil Duwal , Er. Raju Miyan , Er. Suman Duwal & Er. Sunita Kharbuja for guiding us
throughout the field visit and for providing us with an opportunity to prepare this report .

It is great pleasure for us to present a report as on "Engineering Hydrology Field Visit" which was
conducted on 15th Poush 2071 at Indrawati river , Dolalghat.
I am indebted to the college administration for providing us with the facility of transportation , for
providing instrument and giving this opportunity to us.
I am thankful to the friends for their valuable suggestions for making this report better. I also extend my
thanks to all the people who helped directly or indirectly to make the field visit a success.

Thank you .

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Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Hydrology and its scope .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Background .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Location and Topography ............................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Literature Review and theory .......................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Stream flow Measurement ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Current meter method ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Float method ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Salt Dilution Method ................................................................................................................... 9
3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 10
4. OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION ............................................................................................... 10
4.1 Float method: ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 Salt Dilution Method ................................................................................................................. 12
4.3 Current Meter Method.............................................................................................................. 16
5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography........................................................................................................................................ 19

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List Of Tables

Table 1 : table for velocity measurement ................................................................................................ 10

Table 2 : staff reading along right to left bank of stream cross section .................................................. 11
Table 3 : table for calibration coefficient data ........................................................................................ 12
Table 4: for Salt dilution measurement data ........................................................................................... 15
Table 5: data of current meter method .................................................................................................... 17

List Of Figures
Figure 1 : topographic map of the site...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 : Vertical-axis current meter ....................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 : Horizontal axis current meter ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 : taking cross section and current meter method ...................................................................... 7
Figure 5 : Releasing Orange ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6 : orange floating and flowing....................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7 : taking time of flow of orange on given section ........................................................................ 8
Figure 8: cross section of stream ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 9 : plot for concentration vs conductivity .................................................................................... 13
Figure 10: plot for conductivity vs time.................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11 : cross section of stream from right to left bank .................................................................... 17

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1. Introduction
1.1 Hydrology and its scope
The science of water which deals with the occurrence and movement of water on earth including that
in atmosphere and below the surface of the earth is called Hydrology. As a branch of earth science, it
is concerned with the water in stream and lake, rainfall and snowfall, snow and ice on the land and
water occurring below the earth’s surface in the pores of soil and rocks.(Dr. K.N. Dulal, 2012)
Scope of Hydrology :
1. Estimation of water resources
2. Study of proces like precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and runoff and their interaction
3. Study of problems like floods and droughts
4. Understanding the properties of water in nature

1.2 Background
The hydrology field visit to Dolalghat was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering under
Tribhuvan University, Khwopa College of Engineering in order to acquire the knowledge about the
stream flow measurement. We went to Dolalghat on 30th,December 2015 which was 65 km away from
the Kathmandu.

1.3 Location and Topography

Dolalghat is a small town which is about 65
km away from the heart of Kathmandu. Its
geographical coordinates are 27037’00”N
and 85042’00”E. In Dolalghat, the Indrawati
River meets the Sunkoshi River. It is on the
Araniko Highway linking Kathmandu with
Nepal-Tibet border. (www)

Figure 1 : topographic map of the site

1.4 Objectives
The hydrological trip was to learn the basic skills in civil engineering regarding stream flow and
various methods of its computation.
The main objectives of our field visit were: -
Study of stream flow measurement.
Handling of device called Current meter and its use.
Measurement of area, velocity and discharge of the river.
Correct selection of site for discharge measurement.

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2. Literature Review and theory
2.1 Stream flow Measurement
Streamflow represents the runoff phase of the hydrological cycle which is the most important
basic data for hydrological studies. Precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration are all difficult to
measure accurately and presently adopted methods have some limitations. In contrast the measurement
of stream flow is amenable to fairly accurate assessment. A stream can be defined as a flow channel
into which the surface runoff from a specified basin drains. Generally, there is considerable exchange
of water between a stream and the underground water. Streamflow is measured in terms of discharge
(m3/s) occurring at a specified time. (K.Subramanya, 2011)
It can be broadly classified into two categories as:-
Direct Determination
Area-Velocity Method
Current Meter Method
Dilution Techniques
Electromagnetic Method and Ultrasonic Method
Indirect Determination
Hydraulic Structure
Slope Area Method
Discharge is the volume of water moving down a stream or river per unit of time, commonly expressed
in cubic meter per second or gallons per day. In general, river discharge is computed by
multiplying the area of water in a channel cross section by the average velocity of the water in that
cross section: 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 ∗ 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
Most qualitative analyses of hydrological problem require basic information on the quantity of water
flowing in river and stream. Current meter gauging and area velocity method provides the most
convenient, accurate and economical means of measuring river discharge.

2.2 Current meter method

The most commonly used instrument in hydrology to measure the velocity at a point in flow cross
section is the current meter. It consists of essentially of a rotating element which rotates due to reaction
of the stream current with an angular velocity proportional to the stream velocity. (K.Subramanya,

Current meter with a rotating unit that is sensing the water velocity are either vertical-shaft or
horizontal-shaft types. The vertical-axis current meter has a rotating cup with a bearing system that is
simpler in design, more rugged and easier to service and maintain than horizontal-shaft current meter.
Because of the bearing system, the vertical axis current meter will operate at lower velocities than
horizontal-axis current meter. The bearing is well protected from silty water, the bearing adjustment is
usually less sensitive and calibration at lower velocities where friction plays an important role is more
stable. Thus, mainly two types of current meter are:
Vertical-axis current meter :
It consists of a series of conical cups mounted around a
vertical axis. The cups rotate in horizontal plane. The
revolutions of cup assembly for a certain time is recorded and
converted to stream velocity. The normal range of velocity
measured by such current meter is 0.15m/s to 4m/s.This type
of current meter cannot be used if the vertical component of
the velocity is significant . Figure 2 : Vertical-axis current meter

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Horizontal axis current meter
It consists of a propeller mounted at the end of horizontal
shaft. The revolutions of propeller for a certain time is
recorded and converted to stream velocity. The current meter
can measure velocity from 0.15m/s to 4m/s. This type of
current meter is fairly rugged and is not affected by oblique
flows of as much as 150.
Figure 3 : Horizontal axis current meter

Relationship between current meter rotation speed and stream velocity

A current meter is so designed that its speed of rotation varies linearly with stream velocity (V). The
relationship is 𝑉 = 𝑎 𝑁𝑠 + 𝑏
Where V= stream velocity (m/s)
Ns = revolutions per second of current meter
a, b = constants Calibration of current meter.Determination of constants a and b is known as
calibration of current meter

Figure 4 : taking cross section and current meter method

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2.3 Float method
This involves the measurement of velocity at the gauging site and the corresponding discharge to
obtain river discharge. The velocity is zero at the periphery and changes rapidly as we move from the
bank. So a single area-velocity measurement for the entire cross-section will give highly erroneous
results. Therefore, the cross-section of a river is divided into a three subsections by imaginary
verticals. Then, orange is floated in each section over known distance to obtain the total time of travel
by orange in certain distance which gives velocity of the river sections.(K.Subramanya, 2011)
Measurement procedure :

Figure 5 : Releasing Orange Figure 6 : orange floating and flowing

Figure 7 : taking time of flow of orange on given section

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 Divide the cross-section of the river into n number of verticals.
 At each vertical, measure the horizontal distance from the reference bank, the depth of water.
 Compute width and cross-sectional area at each sub-section.
 For average velocity, measure time in stream at certain section by certain body at known
distance and determine the velocity by float method and take their average
 Velocity=distance/time.

2.4 Salt Dilution Method

The salt dilution method is a simple and practical technique for measuring the discharge of
mountainous streams where turbulence is high and flow does not exceed 5m3/s. The optimal flow for
this measurement method is 1-2m3/s.(Doppmann Juerg Merz and Gregor, 2006) The technique is
based on the principle that a given amount of salt is diluted more by a large amount of water than by a
small amount. This means that the higher the discharge the more diluted will be salt that is placed in
the water upstream The salt dilution method involves injecting (inserting) a known amount of salt into
a stream. This process is technically known as slug injection. The salt acts as a tracer to measure the
discharge. The concentration of dissolved salt is measured downstream at a point where it has fully
mixed with the stream water. The following conditions are needed for the salt dilution method to be
used accurately:

a. Stream discharge is constant during the measurement period.

b. All the injected salt passes the measurement point without any of it being absorbed or lost in any
c. There are no ponds or calm zones or other conditions that prevent the salt from being evenly
dispersed in the stream; and
d. There are no livestock bathing in the stream whose urine and other body fluids (sweat)could
cause fluctuations in the conductivity of the water which is used to measure the discharge.
The concentration of salt is not determined directly but by measuring the conductivity of the stream
water. Hence the relationship between the concentration of salt and the electric conductivity needs to
be known. This is determined by taking calibration measurements to identify the relationship between
the concentration of salt and the conductivity. This relationship is represented with conductivity on the
x-axis and the salt concentration on the y-axis. The calibration measurements, shown as dots, form a
straight line that can be described in the form of a linear regression:
y = ax + b…… (1)

where y = salt concentration [mg/l]

x = conductivity [µS/cm]
a = slope [no dimension]
b = intercept
The result of the conductivity field measurements in the stream is a concentration-time diagram at the
measurement point. Discharge is determined by integrating the area below the curve using the
following equation

Where Q = discharge [l/s]

S = amount of salt injected [g]
Cal = calibration factor [(µS/cm)/(mg/l)]

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C(t) = conductivity after time step t [µS/cm]
C0 = base level conductivity [µS/cm]
dT = time interval [s]
n = no of data taken


The geological field study of the ascertained area was carried out in the following ways
 Selection of the site.
 Photography of field topography and river.
 Measurement of discharge by area-velocity method.
 Measurement of discharge by Salt Dilution Method.
 Measurement of discharge by Current meter method.


4.1 Float method:
Position Right Distance=30m Center Distance=20m Left Distance=20m

Time 67.40 34.5 33.6

45.28 36 34.5

48.95 37 33

Velocity (m/s) 0.557 0.558 0.593

Table 1 : table for velocity measurement

Distance(m) Staff reading(m) Width(m) area(m2)

0 0 - -

2 0.21 2 0.42

4 0.53 2 1.06

6 0.72 2 1.44

8 0.8 2 1.6

10 0.78 2 1.56

12 0.8 2 1.6

14 0.77 2 1.54

16 0.6 2 1.2

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18 0.52 2 1.04

20 0.51 2 1.02

22 0.48 2 0.96

24 0.4 2 0.8

26 0.42 2 0.84

28 0.44 2 0.88

30 0.44 2 0.88

32 0.44 2 0.88

34 0.33 2 0.66

36 0.41 2 0.82

38 0.47 2 0.94

40 0.38 2 0.76

42 0.31 2 0.62

44 0.04 2 0.08

45.5 0 1.5 -

Total 21.6

Table 2 : staff reading along right to left bank of stream cross section

Thus, discharge is given by:

Discharge (Q) =Area(A)*Average Velocity(V)
= 21.6*(0.557+0.558+0.593)/3=21.6*0.5693 =12.2976m3/s

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Depth ↑



Distance from right bank →


Figure 8: cross section of stream

4.2 Salt Dilution Method

Volume in jar (ml) Measured conductivity (S/cm) Salt concentration (mg/l)

500 228 0

501 236 6

502 246 12

503 255 18

504 266 24

505 276 30

506 287 36

507 299 42

508 310 48

509 321 54

510 332 60

Table 3 : table for calibration coefficient data

On making graph for conductivity vs salt concentration, we find the equation as y=0.567x-127.6

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y = 0.5675x - 127.65




220 240 260 280 300 320 340

Figure 9 : plot for concentration vs conductivity

Serial no. Time (sec.) Conductivity (micro S/cm)

1 0 188

2 5 188

3 10 188

4 15 188

5 20 188

6 25 188

7 30 188

8 35 188

9 40 188

10 45 188

11 50 188

12 55 188

13 60 188

14 65 187

15 70 187

16 75 187

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17 80 187

18 85 188

19 90 188

20 95 188

21 100 189

22 105 189

23 110 189

24 115 189

25 120 189

26 125 189

27 130 190

28 135 191

29 140 194

30 145 200

31 150 228

32 155 272

33 160 302

34 165 308

35 170 323

36 175 313

37 180 313

38 185 299

39 190 284

40 195 266

41 200 250

42 205 238

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43 210 228

44 215 215

45 220 211

46 225 206

47 230 204

48 235 199

49 240 196

50 245 196

51 250 194

52 255 193

53 260 192

54 265 192

55 270 192

56 275 191

57 280 191

58 285 191

59 290 191

60 295 191

61 300 191

62 305 191

63 310 189

64 315 189

65 320 189

66 325 188

67 330 188

68 335 188

Table 4: for Salt dilution measurement data

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300 Conductivity (micro S/cm) ↑
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure 10: plot for conductivity vs time Time (sec) →

𝐐= = 1000/(0.567*6815*0.5) = 0.5176m3/s

4.3 Current Meter Method

Distance from Width Depth Cross sectional No. of rotation Velocity (V)= Discharge
right bank (m) (m) (m) area (A) (N) 0.26125N+0.04 (Q)= V*A

0 0 0

4 4 0.3 1.2 124 1.119833 1.3438

6 2 0.27 0.54 65 0.606042 0.327263

10 4 0.54 2.16 131 1.180792 2.55051

14 4 0.45 1.8 114 1.03275 1.85895

18 4 0.57 2.28 148 1.328833 3.02974

22 4 0.5 2 89 0.815042 1.630083

26 4 0.43 1.72 110 0.997917 1.716417

30 4 0.34 1.36 92 0.841167 1.143987

32 2 0.2 0.4 134 1.206917 0.482767

36 4 0.13 0.52 89 0.815042 0.423822

40 4 0.23 0.92 88 0.806333 0.741827

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44 4 0.34 1.36 210 1.86875 2.5415

48 4 0.32 1.28 196 1.746833 2.235947

52 4 0.16 0.64 88 0.806333 0.516053

54 2 0.06 0.12 71 0.658292 0.078995

56 2 0 0 0 0.04 0

sum 20.62166

Table 5: data of current meter method

Hence the total discharge was obtained to be 20.621 m3/s arithmetically.

On multiplying this with discharge coeff. 0.8 ,we get actual discharge.ie 0.8 * 20.621 = 16.497 m3/s.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60





Depth ↑

Distance →

Figure 11 : cross section of stream from right to left bank

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We measured different value of discharge by different methods of river which may be due to various
factors.During the measurement by flow of orange between two sections, length between the sections and
time travelled by the orange as well as cross-sectional area affected on velocity and then the discharge. The
test was done near the bank of the river. Generally the test is to be done at center and but the section of the
river was difficult and pattern was not uniform so, it may have brought inconsiderable error. Due the
unsymmetricity of the stream cross-section,we performed the experiment in three parts of the section i.e.
right, center and left bank of the river and the average result was calculated in order to minimixe the error.
The discharge by this method was found to be 12.2976m3/s
Similarly by using current meter we determined the discharge by dividing section into small segment. So
result obtained by this method is more accurate than previous one. we placed the current meter at the depth
of about 0.6 times the real depth assuming that it resembles the average velocity in the profile.This method
calculates the discharge by dividing the stream into small segments and number of revolution made by the
propeller was measured.The discharge by this method was found to be 16.497 m3/s
Finally Salt dilution was don for the small stream tributarybecause this method of measurement is suitable
small stream discharges. Firstly we find out the calibration factor of the pH meter and then the conductivity
of stream water measured for every 5 second interval until the concurrent reading was obtained. The
discharge by this method was 0.5176 m3/s.
In such a way we completed our Hydrology tour at Dolalghat meeting all our objectives in a fruitful way.we
learned various method of measuring the discharge of the river along with the knowledge of using the
instrument like current meter and Ph meter.

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(n.d.). Retrieved from www.googleearth.com
Doppmann Juerg Merz and Gregor. (2006). Measuring Mountain Stream Discharge. ICIMOD.
Dr. K.N. Dulal, E. S. (2012). Engineering Hydrology. Nepal: Apex Educational Academy.
K.Subramanya. (2011). Engineering Hydrology (Vol. Third Edition.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Ducation P.Limited.

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