Bus Body PDF

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Guruprasad T1, Dr. Satish Babu2, Dr. Maruthi B H3, Pramod K N4, Manjunatha H G5
5Student, 2Asso. Prof., 3Prof. and Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.

Abstract: Buses are the foremost mode of road processes. In general, the first step is to prepare drawings
transportation. The design of the bus body depends mainly after the design is already completely finished. Then, the
leading the performance constraint under various types of production process is planned for how to build the bus body
loading and operating circumstances besides those of the step by step, which machine and cutting tools are selected,
road conditions. the model analysis, linear static analysis how much materials are needed, how long time does it take
and impact analysis of an articulated urban bus body, and how much does it cost. Next, the chassis is selected and
carried out with the Finite Elements Method. The purpose prepared. Normally, the chassis is combined with its engine.
of this work is to simulate and forecast the structural
response of the bus body in terms of stress, strain and A. Bus body design parameters:
displacement, under several loading and constraining The bus body design parameters consist of strength,
conditions Sensitivity analyses about FEM parameters have light weight, manufacturability, adaptability, weld ability.
been run, in order to achieve an adequate trade-off between Technical contradictions, the possible contradiction among
computational time and results accuracy This project deals the parameters have been identified. To accomplish this, the
with the GFEM modeling, analyzing of important section of fact that improvement of one parameter can worsen another
the bus body for the standing gravity load, acceleration, one has been taken into account.
breaking load and for the impact case.  Weight of the moving object,
Keywords: GFEM Model, model analysis, linear static  Length of the moving object,
analysis, impact analysis  Area of the moving object,
 Column of the moving object,
I. INTRODUCTION  Durability of the moving object
The bus body structure must be balanced in order to obtain  Stability object, Strength
the safety when the bus is running body must be sufficiently
strong both the situation of supporting normal loads and II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
accident loads. The bus body can be divided into three parts; Now days there is demand on buses, not only on the cost,
the chassis and engine, structural body, interior and exterior weight and shape aspects but also on the improved entire
parts. The chassis and engine are quite important. They must vehicle features and overall work performance. In addition to
pass the standard test by domestic and international this number of variants that are possible due to different
organization. The chassis consists of frame, which is a types of designs and modulation, all for several design
box type section and varies longitudinally as per the load iterations to arrive at appropriate combination. For optimized
and strength required for Body. Numerous Stiffeners are also bus body design, newly developed models are chosen whose
added at the locations where the effect of Bending is specifications are taken from the local industry
Maximum. The body comprises of six main components; the
left frame side, the right frame side, the front frame side, the A. Objective
back frame side, the top frame side and the bottom frame The main objective of the work is
side. The top frame side is sometime called “the roof  To analyze different mode shape of the bus body
frame side”. The bottom frame side is also called “the floor structure by model analysis
frame side”. The left and the right side are similar but the left
 The project work concerned about the linear static
side is normally composed of passenger door(s). On the other
analysis of bus body
hand, the right side has two doors; the driver door and the
emergency door. The sides are concerned to be critical parts  To analyze the bus body based on impact load case
and they must be strong. The static load response of
B. Methodology
simple structures, such as uniform beams, plates and
cylindrical shells, may be obtained by solving their  Geometric Modeling: The three Dimensional
equations of motion. Practical structures consist of an created using CATIA or PRO-E
assemblage of components of different types, namely  Finite Element Analysis: The three Dimensional
beams, plates, shells and solids. In these situations it is created using CATIA or PRO-E is imported to FE
impossible to obtain analytical solutions to the equations software ANSYS and is meshed and that model is
of motion. This difficulty is overcome by seeking some form called as Finite elemental model
of numerical solutions and finite element methods. The bus  Suitable boundary condition: The meshed model is
body manufacturing composes of several operation subjected to certain boundary condition and

www.ijtre.com 2494
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

sensitive analysis is done using Ansys14.5

C. Finite Element Approach

 An analysis of measured data is a process in which
the measured frequency response functions are
analyzed in order to find a theoretical model that
most closely resembles the dynamic behavior of the
structure under test. This part of the modal test is
called experimental modal analysis, although this
term is often incorrectly used for the entire modal
test. The process of data analysis proceeds in two
 Identifying the appropriate type of model (with
viscous or structural damping). This choice is often
Fig.1 CATIA Model of Bus Body
in practice limited by software used for the modal
analysis. Most of software packages work with one
B. Meshing
type of damping and give no choice to the user. Finite element meshing is made with ANSYS 14.5
 Determining appropriate parameters of the chosen workbench. The mesh influences the accuracy, convergence
model. This stage, also called modal parameters and speed of the solution. Furthermore, the time it takes to
extraction, is done by curve-fitting of the measured create mesh model is often a significant portion of the time it
frequency response functions to the theoretical takes to acquire results from a CAE solution. Tetrahedral and
expressions. quadrilateral mesh elements are used while meshing of the
bus structure. In ANSYS 14.5 Workbench, Tetra/quad mesh
D. Design parameter details method provides
The parameters which considered are the dimensions of
actual bus given below.
IN m
Specification parameter Dimension (m)

Length 11.66

Width 2.47
Height 3.24

Wheel base 2.16

Fig.2 Mesh Model of Bus Body

III. MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF BUS BODY C. Boundary and loading condition
Bus body structure modeling process was carried out in The boundary condition used in the analysis is different
CATIA V5. This chapter discusses the detailed three according to the operating circumstances of the bus. During
dimensional modeling of a bus body and simulation of the the static loading case the main loads that are considered are
model. Before measuring of the structure, drawing of the bus acceleration 60km/h, breaking load, 2g load and impact load
structure is made. This helps for easy placement of the
measured length on the corresponding members on the
drawing. The bus structure is made with steel beams of
rectangular hollow section with different size

A. Modeling
The geometric under consideration are generated in the
CATIA V5 Modeling package. It is an authoritative program
used to create complex designs with great precision. It has
properties like Feature-based nature, Bidirectional associative
property and parametric in nature. When designing a model
using Solid Works, you can visualize it in three dimensions,
the way the model exists once it is manufactured.
Fig.3 Analysis of structure when travel in 60km/hr:

www.ijtre.com 2495
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Mode 1

Fig.6. Zero frequency at Y translation

Mode 2
Fig.4. Analysis of structure for Sudden breaking effect

Fig .7 Zero frequency at Z rotation

Mode 3

Fig. 5 Analysis of structure for Impact load condition

D. Post-processing
Post-processor contains sophisticated routines used for
sorting, printing, and plotting selected results from a finite
element solution.
Material : structural steel
Density ( kg /m3 ) 7860
Young’s Modulus E (Mpa) 210
Poisson Ratio 0.3 Fig.8. Directions at Z translation


A. Modal Analysis Mode 4
Used to calculate the natural frequencies and mode
shapes of a structure. Different mode extraction methods are
Mode Frequency ( Hz )
1 0
2 0
3 2.5095e-003
4 4.1766e-003
5 5.7434e-003
6 9.8533e-003
Fig.9. Directions at X rotation

www.ijtre.com 2496
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Mode 5 2). Equivalent stress:

Fig.10. Directions at Y rotation Fig.13 VonMises stress in body when travel in 60km/h
Mode 6
b). Analysis of structure when sudden breaking effect: 3g
load act in the structure
1). Total deformation:

Fig.11 Directions at X translation

B. Static Structural Analysis Fig. 14. Displacement in the body for breaking load effect
Used to determine displacements, stresses, etc. under Equivalent stress:
static loading conditions, both linear and nonlinear static
analyses. Non-linearities can include plasticity, stress
stiffening, large deflection, large strain, hyper elasticity,
contact surfaces, and creep.
Analysis of structure when travel in 60km/hr

1) Total deformation:

Fig.15 VonMises stress in body for breaking load effect

C. Impact analysis
Analysis of structure when impact load effect
1). Total deformation

Fig 12 Displacement in the body when travel in 60km/h

www.ijtre.com 2497
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2018 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

structure.”Mech.Engng, 1999, 35(1), 91-95.

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structure.” SAE paper 931995, 1993
[5] Takamastu, M. “Development of lighter-weight,
higher-stiffness body for new RX-7. SAE paper
920244, 1992.

Fig.16 Displacement in the body for impact load case

2). Equivalent stress:

Fig. 17 VonMises stress in body for impact load case

The free free model analysis and static structural analysis of
an articulated urban bus body, with a total length of 11.66 m,
has been performed via Global Finite Elements Method. The
structure behavior towards four different loading conditions,
representative of its typical duty cycle, has been analyzed:
the action of gravitational acceleration, the braking at the
deceleration limit of the vehicle and impact load condition to
obtained stress, strain and displacement. Sensitivity analyses
in order to evaluate the bus body performances have been
carried out in order to obtain reliable results in terms of
stiffness and displacements of the bus body.

[1] S.Butdee, and F.Vignat “TRIZ method for light
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International Journal in Achievements in Materials
and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 31, Issue
2, December 2008.
[2] Manokruang S. and Butdee S. “Methodology of
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Production improvement” International journal
published in AIJSTPME(2009) 2(2):79-87.
[3] Feng, G. “Finite element analysis of bus body

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