Boq For Box Culvert

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1 Box Culvert Structure

Cut to spoil in soft material to formation level

for the the box culvert shown in internal
1.1 m3
*****mmx ****mm and ****mm thick
wallsDrawing No. *******.

Backfilling with selected stock piled spoil for

excavation below formation level as directed by
the Engineer, but in 150mm compacted to 3
1.2 m
100% of the laboratory maximum dry density
(4.5 Kg rammer method using CBR mould and
62 blows per layer).

Prepare structure formation by trimiming and

compaction before subsequent operation as
1.3 m2
directed and to the satisfaction of the

Provide and backfill with selected stock piles

spoil material, compacted to 100% of the
laboratory maximum dry density (4.5 Kg
1.4 rammer method using CBR mould and 62 m
blows per layer) in layers not exceeding 150
mm behind side walls and wingwalls of the box

2 Wadi Protection Works

Provide and install gabion protection works,
including laying of filter fabric on the sides in
2.1 Item
contact with soil and as directed by the

3 Box Culvert Structure

Plain concrete class 15 in:

3.1 Ditto but under box culvert m3

3.2 Ditto but under the wing wall m3

3.3 Ditto but under the apron m3

3.4 Ditto but under toe m3

Vibrated Reinforced Concrete Class 20 In:

3.5 Ditto but toe m

3.6 Ditto but wing wall m3

3.7 Ditto but apron m

3.80 Ditto but box culvert m3

3.9 Ditto but head wall m3

Sawn formwork as described to:-

3.10 Sides of toe m²

3.11 Sides of wingwall m²

3.12 Sides of apron m²

3.13 Sides & soffit including props of culvert m²

3.14 Sides of head wall m²

High yield square twisted reinforcement bars to

B.S 4461

3.15 Assorted reinforcements (T10&T12) Kg

Water proofing as described to:-

Provide approved water proofing for joints for 6

3.16 joints
Total of Bill carried forward to summary

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