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56 Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 2004;13 (1): 56-60

Original Article

Dietary diversity score in adolescents - a good indicator

of the nutritional adequacy of diets: Tehran lipid and
glucose study

Parvin Mirmiran MSc, Leila Azadbakht MSc, Ahmad Esmaillzadeh MSc,

and Fereidoun Azizi MD
Endocrine Research Center, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I.R.Iran

The purpose of this study was to determine dietary diversity and its relation to dietary adequacy in 10-18 year-
old adolescents of district 13 of Tehran during the period 1999-2001. After excluding for over and under
reporters, dietary intake assessment was conducted on 304 , 10-18 year old individuals, participants of Tehran
Lipid and Glucose Study. A dietary diversity score was calculated as part of the pyramid serving database that
is categorized into 23 broad food groups. Each of the 5 broad food categories received a maximum diversity
score of 2 of the 10 possible score points. To be counted as a “consumer” for any of the food groups categories,
a respondent needed to consume one-half serving, as defined by Food Guide Pyramid quantity criteria, at any
time during a 2-day survey period. The nutrient adequacy ratio for a given nutrient is the ratio of a subject’s
intake to the current recommended allowance for the subject’s sex and age category. Weight and height were
measured and BMI was calculated. Student’s t-test was used to compare the means. Those variables which had
normal distribution were tested by Pearson correlation coefficient and the others were tested by the Spearman
correlation coefficient. Mean ± SD of dietary diversity score (DDS) was 6.25 ± 1.08 (range 0-10). The
maximum and minimum scores of dietary diversity were related to the fruit (1.46 ± 0.61) and bread-grain (0.95
± 0.27) groups, respectively. Significant positive correlation was observed between DDS and the mean
adequacy ratio (MAR) (r = 0.42, P <0.001). Fifty percent of people had DDS ≥ 6. In people with a DDS of six
or over, BMI was higher (19.81 ± 4.08 vs 18.95 ± 3.30 Kg/m2, P <0.01) than others. There was a significant
and positive correlation between DDS and most of the nutrient adequacy ratios (NARs). It is concluded that
DDS is an appropriate method to evaluate nutrient intake adequacy in this group of adolescents.

Key Words: dietary diversity, food variety, nutritional adequacy, adolescent, Tehran lipid and glucose study, Iran

Epidemiological studies related to diet and chronic diseases likelihood that it will be eaten. The fifth is that it reduces
tend to have focused on the relation between single- the prevalence of cancer, cardiovascular and other chronic
nutrient consumption and disease risk, despite the presence diseases.4-10
of many other nutrients in food. The intake of one nutrient Krebs-Smith et al., suggested that consumption of a
is correlated with intakes of another, it would perhaps be varied diet reduces the risk of developing a deficiency or
better to estimate the relation between diet structure and excess of any one nutrient.11 Kant described the use of
selected health outcomes. Healthy diets are said to be those foods or food groups as one of the major methods for
that are the most varied.1,2 Food diversity is emphasized by assessing overall quality of a diet.12 Inspite of much
the Food Guide Pyramid and the USDA (The United States research about food variety, its relation to dietary adequacy
Department of Agriculture).3 Food variety is expressed as has been less emphasized.8 The purpose of our study was
the number of biologically distinct foods eaten over a to determine dietary diversity and its relation to dietary
designated period of time. In other words, variety means adequacy in 10-18 year old adolescents of district no.13 of
that we choose to eat a mixture of foods across the range of Tehran between 1999-2001.
food types (cereal, fruit, dairy) and a mixture from within
food types (rye, barley, wheat). Food variety provides for
several dimensions to human health. The first is that it Correspondence address: Fereidoun Azizi, MD, Endocrine
encourages biodiversity and sustainability, the second, it Research Center, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical
allows for nutritional adequacy, the third is that it Sciences, P.O.Box: 19395-4763, Tehran-I.R. Iran
minimizes the adverse consequences of food on health, and Phone: +98 21 2409309; Fax: +98 21 2402463
the fourth is that it provides interest in food and the Email: Azizi @ erc-iran.com
Accepted 7 August 2003
P Mirmiran, L Azadbakht, A Esmaillzadeh and F Azizi 57

Subjects and methods

This study, conducted within the framework of Tehran unweighted score across the 23 food categories would
Lipid & Glucose Study (TLGS), was a part of a dietary skew diversity, because groups with more possible
intake assessment, carried out according to the Food categories of food would receive more weight than would
Guide Pyramid, of individuals residing in district 13 of those with fewer categories. The higher the dietary
Tehran between 1997-2001. Sample size was determined diversity score, the greater the variety shown. The dietary
by considering a confidence interval of 95%, study power diversity score (DDS) was divided to three subgroups: six
of 80%, predicted prevalence rate of 13% for dyslipidae- and over, 3, 4 and 5, and less than three.18
mia in people under 30 years old, attrition rate estimation Since the dietary diversity within food groups reflects
of 20%. Cases were 1287 randomly chosen persons, 10 different aspects of diet, we compared DDS with other
years and older.11 All cases, whose energy intake/basal standards of dietary quality. One role of dietary diversity
metabolic rate were lower than 1.35, or equal to and more is to guarantee dietary adequacy. DDS was therefore
than 2.4, were excluded as over- and under-reporters, compared to mean adequacy ratio (MAR). To estimate the
respectively.14 After excluding the under- and over- nutrient adequacy of the diet, a nutrient adequacy ratio
reporters, 304 cases (162 girls and 142 boys), aged 10-18 (NAR) was calculated for energy intake and 12 nutrients
years, remained in this study for evaluation of dietary (vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin C, calcium, iron,
diversity. Dietary intake assessment was undertaken with zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, potassium, fat).
2-day, 24-hour recalls by expert interviewers. The NAR was calculated for each nutrient as the ratio of daily
reliability and validity of 24-hour recalls has been proven individual intakes to standard recommended amounts for
in several studies.15,16 The 24-hour dietary recall describes subject’s sex and age category. MAR was calculated as
reported intakes from midnight to midnight, meal after described according to the formula below.11
meal. The first recall was performed at subjects' homes
and the second during a clinic visit at the diet unit of daily nutrient intake
TLGS. These two days were among usual days for recommended amount of nutrient
subjects. Mothers were asked about the type and quantity
Σ NAR (each truncated at1)
of meals when subjects were unable to recall. Standard MAR=
number of nutrients
reference tables were used to convert household portions
to grams for computerization. After coding the diaries, the
dietary recall form was linked to a nutrient database NAR was truncated at 1 so that a nutrient with a high
(Nutritionist III) and nutrient intakes calculated using the NAR could not compensate for a nutrient with a low
Mosby Nutritract software for conversion of quantity to NAR.2 The NAR of selected vitamins, minerals, and
servings of food consumed. For mixed dishes, food energy are based on RDA19 (Recommended Dietary
groups were calculated according to their ingredients. To Allowances) and DRI20 (Dietary Reference intake). The
score dietary diversity, we used five groups of bread- NAR of potassium was based on estimated safe and
grains, vegetables, fruits, meats and their substitution and adequate daily dietary intakes.21 The NAR of the
dairy foods, according to the Food Guide Pyramid.17 The percentage contribution of energy from fat is based on
main groups mentioned were divided into 23 subgroups. recommended energy intake (30%).2,18
Seven of the groups reflected bread and grain-based
products and seven categories of vegetables were Anthropometric study
included. There were also two primary categories of fruits Weight and height were measured, without shoes, using a
and juices, four groups of meat products (meat, fish, digital electronic weighing scale (seca 707; range 0.1-150
poultry, eggs) and three groups of dairy products - these kg) and tape meter stadiometer, respectively. From the
groups constituted the remaining 23 categories. These anthropometric data the body mass index was calculated
categories show the dietary diversity across the groups of (BMI, weight/height2, kg/m2). Overweight and obesity
the Food Guide Pyramid. We expanded the number of were defined according to recommended BMI cut-off
bread-grain food group categories into seven to reflect the values for adolescents.22 Subjects were divided into four
diversity and importance of plant-based foods and to groups: overweight, obese, underweight and normal
better reflect the number of servings of grain products weight.
recommended in the Food Guide Pyramid. To be counted
as a “consumer” for any of the food group categories, a Analysis
respondent needed to consume one-half serving as Data was analyzed by SPSS (ver.9.05) statistical software
defined by the Food Guide Pyramid quantity criteria, at program. Data was reported as mean ± SD. Student’s t-
any time during the 2-day survey period. Each of the 5 test was used to compare the means. Distribution of DDS
broad food categories receive a maximum diversity score between men and women was shown and analyzed by t-
of 2 out of the 10 possible score points. Within each of test. To determine whether variables had normal
the food groups, the score reflects the percentage of the distributions or not, the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test was
possible maximum score. For example a person con- used. Correlation coefficients help us to compare DDS
suming at least one half serving in only 3 of 7 possible with MAR and NARs. Those variables which had normal
grain categories would receive a group score of (3:7) ×2 distribution were tested by the Pearson correlation
or 0.85 of 2 points. The scores of the other main groups coefficient and the others were tested by Spearman
were calculated by the same method and the total score correlation coefficient - P<0.05 was considered as signi-
was the sum of the scores of the five main groups. An ficant.
58 Dietary diversity in adolescents in Iran

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of total dietary diversity score (DDS) and DDS in food groups in men and men

Boys Girls Total

Food groups
(N = 142) (N =162) (N =304)
Grain 0.92 ± 0.24 0.98 ± 0.29** 0.95 ± 0.27
Vegetable 1.34 ± 0.31 1.37 ± 0.33 1.36 ± 0.32
Fruit 1.42 ± 0.64 1.50 ± 0.59 1.46 ± 0.61
Meat 1.13 ± 0.32 1.12 ± 0.32 1.12 ± 0.32
Dairy 1.29 ± 0.57 1.38 ± 0.48* 1.34 ± 0.53
All 6.13 ± 1.06 6.37 ± 1.08 6.26 ± 1.08
* P<0.05, **P <0.01, as compared to boys

Table 2. Correlation coefficient between some nutrient intakes, dietary diversity score (DDS) and mean adequacy
ratio (MAR) (N = 304)
Saturated Oleic Linoleic
Variables Energy Carbohydrate Protein Fat Fibre MAR
fatty acids acid acid
Energy (Kcal) -
Carbohydrate(%) -0.1 -
Protein (%) -0.15** 0.06 -
Fat (%) 0.12* -0.91** -0.35** -
Saturated fatty
0.52** -0.44** -0.15** 0.46** -
acids (g)
Oleic Acid (g) 0.25** -0.12* -0.44 0.21** 0.41* -
Linoleic Acid (g) 0.17** -0.13* -0.04 0.19** 0.16* 0.78* -
Fibre (g) 0.53** 0.16** 0.04 -0.19** 0.15* 0.01 -0.01 -
MAR 0.41**§ -0.29**§ 0.19** 0.23*** 0.45**§ 0.20** 0.12* 0.35** -
DDS 0.09§ -0.05§ 0.06 0.05 0.14*§ 0.13* 0.18* 0.15* 0.42**
*P<0.05, **P <0.01, ***P<0.001, § pearson correlation coefficient

Table 3. Distribution of DDS of food groups in individuals into two groups - less than six and six and over (Table 3) -
with total dietary diversity score (DDS) ≥ 6 and DDS <6 those who had DDS ≥6 also had greater fibre intakes
(2.71 ± 0.19 vs 2.10 ± 0.20, P<0.01).
Total DDS In people with a DDS of six or over, BMI was greater
Food groups
≥6 <6 than in individuals with scores below six (19.81 ± 4.07 vs
18.95 ± 3.30 kg/m2, P<0.01). Table 4 shows correlation
Grain 1.01 ± 0.27 0.84 ± 0.24
coefficients between NAR and DDS. There was a posi-
Vegetable 1.42 ± 0.32 1.24 ± 0.29
tive and significant correlation between DDS and most of
Fruit 1.73 ± 0.44 0.95 ± 0.58
Dairy 1.53 ± 0.44 0.98 ± 0.50 the NARs.
Meat 1.18 ± 0.32 1.02 ± 0.29
*P<0.05, as compared to <6
This study showed that DDS had a positive correlation
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the with MAR in adolescents. Other studies have reported the
Research Council of Shaheed Beheshti University of same results in children as well as adults.2,11,12 Hence it is
Medical Sciences. Informed written consent was obtained practical to use DDS as a tool to predict dietary quality.
from each subject. Dietary diversity score is considered to be a simple
method and can be used to estimate nutrient adequacy in
Results future studies. In this study, as well as in other studies,
Mean dietary diversity score was 6.25 ± 1.08 in this study there was a significant and positive correlation between
(range 0-10). The maximum and minimum score of NAR of most nutrients and DDS.2,11,23,24,26
diversity was related to the fruit (1.46 ± 0.61) and bread- Today variety is so important that recent studies have
grain (0.95 ± 0.27) groups, respectively. Mean and stan- demonstrated its significance in reducing the risk of total
dard deviation of DDS of food groups according to mortality. Although there are few studies about the effect
dietary guidelines of the Food Pyramid are shown in of dietary diversity on chronic disease,25,26 the present
Table 1. A significant difference was seen in bread-grain study has shown that fruit and bread-grain groups have
and dairy group diversity scores (P<0.05). In both groups the highest and the lowest scores respectively among ado-
DDS was higher in girls than boys. Table 2 shows lescents living in district 13 of Tehran. In contrast,
correlation coefficients between nutrient intakes and DDS Magarey et al.,27 showed that one quarter of adolescents
as well as nutrient intakes and MAR. After dividing DDS did not consume the fruit group and the fruit variety score
into three groups, 61.4, 38.3 and 3% of individuals had was the lowest. Less than 25% of all adolescents had an
DDS ≥ 6, 3-5 and <3, respectively. When distribution of adequate fruit intake. Studies on adults over 18 years
DDS (according to the Food Guide Pyramid) was divided (families of these adolescents) also showed the same
P Mirmiran, L Azadbakht, A Esmaillzadeh and F Azizi 59

Table 4. Correlation coefficient between nutrient adequacy As DDS increased, the group score diversity increased.
ratio and total dietary diversity score This result was seen in all food groups. In individuals
whose score was more than six, the highest variety score
Correlation coefficient (r) was in fruits; this was also reported in the Bernstein et
Nutrient Adequacy Ratio with dietary diversity score al.,33 study. The higher intake of fibre in adolescents with
DDS higher than 6 may be because of higher scores in the
Total energy 0.17**§
fruit and grain groups. However, this may result in higher
Carbohydrate 0.06§
intakes of vitamin C, carotenoids, antioxidants and phyto-
Protein 0.16*
Fat 0.06
chemicals. Ogle et al.,34 also mentioned the importance of
Vitamin C 0.14 high variety scores in these food groups. In the studies by
Vitamin A 0.26*** Tucker,26 Togo,35 and Tarini,36 as well as in this study,
Thiamin 0.05 high body mass index was seen in people who had high
Riboflavin 0.16* DDS. It could therefore be concluded that DDS is an
Iron 0.03 appropriate tool for anthropometric assessment of 16-18
Zinc 0.32*** year old adolescents. Increased body fatness and energy
Calcium 0.35*** intakes among individuals with high DDS scores is
Potassium 0.33*** related to studies in which diversity in the sweet and fat
Phosphorus 0.29*** group have been taken into account.37
Magnesium 0.29***
Furthermore the action of many nutrients is dependent
Mean adequacy ratio 0.42***§
* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001, § pearson correlation coefficient
on the presence of others and the balance of nutrients in
foods is important. The observation that multiple foods
together provide the greatest protection from disease
result.28 The higher score of fruit diversity in adolescents supports the importance of greater dietary variety for
was probably due to their culture and dietary habits or due health outcomes. As evidence on diet and health accu-
to more availability of fruits in certain seasons. In the mulates, it becomes clearer that although individual
study of dietary variety in the urban and rural people of nutrients are important, they work most effectively in the
Tehran, vegetables had the highest score. These contrasts context of a complex dietary pattern that includes a
might be due to different methods used for scoring. balance of nutrients from a variety of healthful foods.
Bread-grain had the lowest score in this study probably Continued research that examines the complexity of
due to culture, dietary habits and the limited number of dietary patterns may have much to offer in understanding
bread-grain products (e.g whole grain cereals, fortified associations between diet and health.
macaroni, and whole grain biscuits) in Iran compared As DDS calculation is an appropriate method to
with developed countries.29 DDS of bread-grain and dairy evaluate nutrient intake adequacy, use of other indices
groups in girls were higher than boys. In an Australian like the Healthy Eating Index38 and Diet Quality Index39
study,27 scores of fruit and vegetables were higher in girls. are necessary to assess dietary adequacy.
The variety scores for the meat group was higher in
adolescents compared to the adults. This is probably due Acknowledgement
to higher consumption of fast foods like hamburgers, This work was supported by a grant from Endocrine Research
pizza, eggs and foods prepared with eggs, fish and tuna. Center (ERC) of Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical
There was no correlation between energy and macro- Sciences. We express appreciation to the participants and their
nutrient intakes with DDS. This finding is similar to the parents residing in District-13, Tehran, for their enthusiastic
cooperation with this study. The valuable support of the staff of
result of adults in this district28 and the results of other
ERC, Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study Unit, and Deputy of
studies.23,24 Others have reported positive correlation
Health of Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is
between energy intake and DDS, but no correlation gratefully acknowledged. This research project has been
between macronutrients and DDS.31 The positive corre- supported by grant No 121 NRCI Research Projects and with the
lation between energy and DDS may have been due to Support of National Research Council of Islamic Republic of
different scoring methods. In this study the scoring Iran.
method was the same as that used by Haines et al.16
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