Sastra Universiy: B.Tech (Eee) Programme
Sastra Universiy: B.Tech (Eee) Programme
Sastra Universiy: B.Tech (Eee) Programme
(A University established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
THANJAVUR– 613 402, Tamil Nadu, India
(2007 admission and afterwards)
Unit 1 18 periods
Power semiconductor devices: Silicon diodes – Thyristor: Principle of operation – two
transistor analogy – ratings and specifications – protection against high di/dt and high
dv/dt – turn on and turn off methods – Gate triggering circuits – Series and parallel
operation of thyristors – methods to ensure proper current and voltage sharing – string
Power semiconductor devices other than SCRs – Triac, power transistor, MOSFET,
IGBT, GTO, MCT, SIT – physics of device operation and steady state characteristics.
Unit 2 19 periods
Line commutated converters using thyristors: phase control – half wave phase
controlled converters with R, RL and RLE load – free-wheeling – full wave phase
controlled converters – single phase semi-converters – line commutated inverters -
estimation of load voltage, load current and source power factor under continuous
current conduction – performance parameters for rectifiers – effect of source inductance.
Three phase half controlled and fully controlled converters – waveforms and average load
voltage for continuous current operation.
Single phase and three phase dual converters – circulating and non-circulating mode of
Unit 3 19 periods
Chopper using devices other than SCRs: principle of operation – control strategies –
TRC & CLC types – step up and step down choppers – quadrant operation – estimation
of load voltage and load current for continuous current operation.
AC voltage controllers – principle of on/off control and phase control – single phase ac
voltage regulator with R, RL load – Three phase ac voltage controllers – application of ac
voltage controllers in TCR, TSC.
Unit 4 19 periods
Inverters using devices other than SCR: Classification of inverters – performance
parameters for inverters – voltage source inverters – single phase half bridge and full
bridge inverters – current source inverters – Three phase voltage source inverters – Three
phase current source inverters.
Credits :4
Lecture periods/week :3
Tutorials /Week :1
Phase plane method - Basic concepts - singular points - construction of phase plane
trajectory for linear and non-linear systems using Isocline method.
Credits :4
Lecture periods/week : 3
Tutorial period/week : 1
UNIT 1 15 Periods
8085 Architecture and Instructions: 8085 microprocessor and its architecture –Bus
structure – Multiplexing – Demultiplexing – Generating control signals - Instruction set –
Instruction classification – Instruction format – Opcode format – Instruction timing and
operating status – Timing diagram for data transfer instructions – Addressing modes –
Data transfer between processor and memory/(input/output).
UNIT 2 15 Periods
Assembly Language Programming: Concept of assembly and machine language
programs – Assembler – Programming using data transfer, arithmetic, logical and
compare instructions – Code conversion – Sorting – Counters and time delays – Stacks
and Subroutines – Interrupts: maskable, non-maskable, vectored and non-vectored
interrupts.. Interrupt Service Subroutines..
UNIT 3 15 Periods
Interfacing Techniques: Basic interfacing concepts - Interfacing memory to 8085
(both RAM & ROM) - Memory system design – address decoding – Preparation of
memory map - Interfacing I/O – Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O – Interfacing
keyboard – Interfacing Displays.
Interfacing chips – 8255 PPI – 8253 PIT – 8251 PCI ( based on functional block
diagram only). Interfacing ADC and DAC. RS 232C standard
UNIT 4 15 Periods
Applications of 8085 & 8086/8088 Architecture: Control of Stepper Motor - control of
firing circuit of thyristor – Speed control of DC motor (block diagram only) – Speed
control of AC motor (block diagram only) - temperature monitoring and control –
tachometer.- Measurement of period and phase angle.
8086/8088 Architecture- Bus Interface & Execution units – prefetch – CPU. Registers-
Data registers – pointers and Index registers – segment registers – memory space –
memory segmentation – Generating memory address – overview of addressing modes –
Listing of instruction groups.
1. R.S.Gaonkar, ‘Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications’,
Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1999.
2. Badri Ram, ‘Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers’, Dhanpat
Rai, 1999
3. Adithya P. Mathur, ‘ Introduction to Microprocessors’, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
4. K.Krishnamoorthy, ‘Microprocessor Lab Primer’ Interline Publisher,
5. Walter A. Triebel and Avatar Singh, ‘The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors’, PHI,
New Delhi, 1995.
Credits :4
Lecture periods/week: 3
Tutorial period/week: 1
UNIT-1 15 Periods
Power System Model: Representation - Single Line Diagram - Per Unit Quantities -
Per Unit Impedance Diagrams – Per Unit Reactance Diagrams - Networks Formulation
using Bus Impedance Matrix and Bus Admittance Matrix - Sequence Impedance and
UNIT-2 15 Periods
Power Flow Studies: Formulation of Load Flow Problem using Y Bus Matrix - Power
Flow Analysis - Gauss Seidal, Newton Raphson, Decoupled and Fast decoupled
Methods - Handling of Voltage Controlled Buses - Comparison of Methods.
UNIT-3 15 Periods
Symmetrical Short Circuit Analysis: Symmetrical components of unbalanced 3 phase
system - Types of Faults in Power Systems - Symmetrical Fault Analysis - Short Circuit
Capacity - Symmetrical Fault Analysis through Z Bus.
UNIT-4 15 Periods
Stability Analysis: Steady State and Transient Stability - Stability Limits - Swing
Equation for Single Machine Infinite Bus System - Equal Area Criterion - Solution of
Swing Equation by Modified Euler Method.
1. I.J.Nagrath and D.P.Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. W.D.Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth
3. C.L.Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age International Publishers, Fourth
Edition, 2005.
4. G.W.Stagg & A.H.El. Abiad, Computer Methods in Power System Analysis,
McGraw Hill, New York, 1968.
5. S.S.Vadhera, Power System Analysis and Stability, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
6. O.L.Elgerd, Electrical Energy Systems Theory, An Introduction, Tata McGraw
Hill, Second Edition, 1983.
Credits :4
Lecture periods/week :3
Tutorials /Week :1
General Aspects: Historical development of HV AC and DC links - Kinds of DC links
- HVDC projects in India and Abroad - Advantages and disadvantages of HVDC
transmission - Principal applications of DC transmission - Economic factors – Modern
Trends in HVDC Systems - Thyristors - Switching and steady state characteristics -
Light Activated Thyristors - MOS Controlled Thyristors (MCTs)
Thyristor Converters: Three-phase fully controlled thyristor bridge converters -
Operation as rectifiers and line commutated inverters - Analysis of Bridge Converters
(Without and With Overlap – Two & Three Valve Conduction mode), Converter
equivalent circuits, Parameters and characteristics of rectifiers and inverters - Series and
parallel arrangements of thyristors – Multi-bridge converters.
Control of Converters: Gate control - Basic means of control - Desired features of
control - Control characteristics - Power reversal - Constant current control - Constant
extinction angle control - Stability of control - Tap changer control - Power control and
current limits – Starting and Stopping of DC Links.
Protection Aspects: Basis of Protection of HVDC systems – Overvoltage &
Overcurrent protection - DC reactors - Clearing line faults and re-energizing the line –
DC circuit breakers.
2. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, EPRI, Power System Engineering
Series, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993.
Credits :4
Lecture periods/week :3
Tutorials /Week :1
1. S.K.Pillai, A First Course on Electrical Drives, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 5th Reprint, 1994.
2. Vincent Del Toro – Electric Machines & Power System – Prentice Hall of India. 5th
Reprint, 1996.
1. BHEL Transformers, Tata McGraw hill. 11th Reprint, 1997.
2. Nagrath & Kothari ,“ Electric Machines”, Tata McGrawhill, 2nd Edition, 2005.
3. S.A.Naser, Linear induction motors : Theory , Design and practical applications –
Prentice – Hall,INC, 1987.
Lecture Periods/week: 3
Totorials/week: 1
Introduction to signals and systems: Signals – Continuous and Discrete – Periodic and
aperiodic – Linear time invariant system – Discrete time system – Convolution theorem
– Continuous time system – Convolution integral – Fourier transform of continuous &
Discrete signals (CTFT & DTFT) -Frequency response or Transfer function of an LTI
system - Frequency response of first and second order systems - Realization structures:
Direct forms-I & II, cascade and parallel forms.
DFT and FFT: Discrete convolutions - Linear and circular, Sectioned convolutions,
discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties - Relationship between z-
transform, DTFT and DFT - Introduction to radix-2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) -
Decimation-in-time radix-2 FFT - Decimation-in-frequency radix-2FFT - Computation
of inverse DFT through FFT - Fortran programs for FFT.
Image Enhancement & Morphological Processing: Contrast Manipulation - Histogram
Modification - Noise Cleaning - Edge Crispening - Filtering in frequency domain –
Sharpening frequency domain filters - Color Image Enhancement - Multispectral Image
Enhancement -Dilation- Erosion- Opening and closing
Image Representation and Description: Image representation using chain codes –
Signatures – Boundary segments – Skeletons - Boundary descriptors using simple
descriptors – Statistical moments – Regional descriptors using texture and moment
invariants – Principal Components for description
1. Rafael. C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, ‘Digital Image Processing’, Pearson
Education, 2003.
2. Rafael. C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, ‘Digital Image Processing using
MATLAB’, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Anil K. Jain, ‘Fundamentals of Digital Image processing’, Pearson Education
information and System Sciences Series, 2001.
4. Williams K. Pratt, ‘digital Image processing’, Pics inside, Wiley Interscience, 2007.
Credits :2
No. of practical period/week: 3
8. No load and blocked rotor tests on 3 phase cage induction motor and
determination of equivalent circuit parameters and performance analysis at various
10. Operation of 3-phase induction machine as line excited induction generator and
determination of power output Vs slip characteristics.
Credits :2
No. of practical period/week: 3
1. Single phase half wave phase controlled rectifier and full wave phase controlled
bridge rectifier.
2. Three phase half bridge controlled rectifier.
3. Three phase fully controlled bridge rectifier.
4. Speed control of universal motor.
5. Single phase AC chopper.
6. Three phase AC chopper.
7. DC chopper using transistor with isolation and driving circuits.
8. Parallel inverter.
9. Series inverter
10. IGBT based single – phase PWM inverter
11. Mc-Murray-Bed ford inverter.
12. Simulation of AC & DC networks using PSPICE.
13. Microprocessor based triggering scheme for SCR.
14. Simple power electronics circuit simulation in PSIM software.
Credits :2
No. of practical period/week: 3
Impromptu 10 Marks
Letter writing 10 Marks
Public Speaking 10 Marks
Class Room involvement 10 Marks
Attendance 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks