Mathematics in Ip-Subnetting
Mathematics in Ip-Subnetting
Mathematics in Ip-Subnetting
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mayuri Bapat on 26 May 2016.
2. Binary Notation
In binary notation, the IP address is diplayed as 32 bits. For example : 01110101
10010101 00011101 00000010
Keywords:Network, IP Subnetting, Graph Theory, Transport Network, Communication Net-
2 Mayuri Bapat, Vaishali Amberwadikar and Shital Ghotekar
It is assumed that readers are familier with binary numbers and binary con-
version of a decimal number.
What are the IP Address classes? The range of 0 to 255 is divided into
five address classes. The range is 0 to 255 because 26 = 256 and each number or
character is represented by 8 bits.
• The number of subnets =2n , where n is the number of 1 bits in the host part.
i .e.Subnet Mask:11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000.
Mathematics in IP-Subnetting 3
Next we want to figure out exactly how many subnets are in network of this class
C. To do this, we count the number of ones (1 s) contained in the host portion of
our subnet mask. In the address above, the 1 bits are 2. We now compute 2 to the
2 nd power to determine how many subnets are in network. 22 = 4.
Next, we want to figure out exactly how many IP addresses i. e. valid hosts
are in each subnet of this class C. To do this, we count the number of zeros(0 s)bits
contained in the host portion of our address. In the address above the “magic
number is 6, since we have 6 host bits. We now compute 2 to the 6th power to
determine how many Valid IP addresses are in each subset : 26 − 2 = 62.
Notice that we created 4 subnets containing 64 IPaddresses in each. Remember
however, that you can only assign 62 of these addresses to hosts, as the first and
last IP addresses of the subnet are the network address and broadcast address,
Block Size : 256-192= 64.
Now that you know that there are 62 hosts in each subnet of class C 192.168.10.*
you can begin to make a chart of the subnet blocks in the class C, keeping in mind
that the first IP address in a Class C starts with zero : to to to to
Graphs are the mathematical constructs best suited to represent networks. A
network in its simplest form is a set of nodes or vrtices joined together in pairs by
edges. In the context of communication networks, vertices are Atonomous Systems,
routers,switches, computers, workstations whereas the edges are links connecting
a pair of such vertices. A set of connected links leading from an origin node to a
destination node is referred to as a “path. Consider a fixed or static routing protocol
in that for each OD pair, the same unique path always carries the traffic between
origin and destination and vice-versa. The path length or OD (Origin Destination)
distance is measured as the number of links connecting an OD pair. The problem
is to infer the topology (tree) and its internal nodes given the path measurements
4 Mayuri Bapat, Vaishali Amberwadikar and Shital Ghotekar
2. In graph we are using a line to connect a node. In network we are using trans-
mission media to connect the computers.
3. The Concept Acyclic or undirected graph maps with the Star Topology in netr-
4. Consider Cyclic Graph/Directed graph which maps with Ring topology in net-
The monitoring of the network traffic based on queuing theory Network traf-
fic monitoring is an important way for network performance analysis and monitor.
Queuing Theory, also called Random Service Theory, is a branch of Operation Re-
search in Mathematics, it is a subject which researchers use in the random regulation
of queuing phenomenon, and builds up the mathematics model by analyzing the data
of the network. Through the prediction of the system, we can reveal the regulation
about the queuing probability and choose the optimal method for the system.
Adopting Queuing Theory to estimate the network traffic, which becomes the
important way of network performance prediction, analysis and estimation. Through
this way, we can imitate the true network, it is useful and reliable for organizing
monitoring and defending the network.
Mathematics in IP-Subnetting 7
a) Configuration of the service system : The customers’ entry into the service
system depends upon the queue conditions. If at the time of customers’ arrival, the
server is idle then the customer is served immediately. Otherwise the customer is
asked to join the queue, which can have several configurations. By the configuration
of the service system we mean how the service facilities exist. Service systems are
usually classified in terms of their number of channels, or number of servers.
i Single Server – Single Queue– The models that involve one queue – one
service station facility are called single server models where customer waits
till the service point is ready to take him for servicing. Students arriving at a
library counter is an example of a single server facility.
ii Single Server – Several Queues– In this type of facility there are several
queues and the customer may join any one of these but there is only one ser-
vice channel.
8 Mayuri Bapat, Vaishali Amberwadikar and Shital Ghotekar
This is mapped with one- to many relationship and it is used in Star topology
in networking.
iii Several (Parallel) Servers – Single Queue– In this type of model there is
more than one server and each server provides the same type of facility. The
customers wait in a single queue until one of the service channels is ready to
take them in for servicing.
The above type of service is nothing but the many-to-many relationship and
it is used in Mesh topology of networking.
Mathematics in IP-Subnetting 9
v Service facilities in series– In this, a customer enters the first station and
gets a portion of service and then moves on to the next station, gets some
service and then again moves on to the next station · · · and so on, and fi-
nally leaves the system, having received the complete service. For example,
machining of a certain steel item may consist of cutting, turning, knurling,
drilling, grinding and packaging operations, each of which is performed by a
single server in a series.
• The service time indicates the amount of time needed to serve a customer.
• Service rates and times are reciprocal of each other and either of them is
sufficient to indicate the capacity of the facility.
Thus if a system can attend, on an average 15 processes in an hour, the service
rate would be expressed as 15 processes/hour and service time would be equal to 4
minutes/process. Generally, we consider the service time only.
If these service times are known exactly, the problem can be handled easily.
But, as generally happens, if these are different and not known with certainty, we
have to consider the distribution of the service times in order to analyze the queu-
ing system, Generally, the queuing models are based on the assumption that service
times are exponentially distributed about some average service time.
Note : In networking speed of service is defined as date rate or baud rate. The
concepts of TTL (Time To Live) and timeout are in networking and not used in
queuing theory of mathematics.
Provide the physical layout of an office, company or building LAN, and de-
termine the locations of network drops and cable lengths. make efficient use of the
cable to reduce costs (presuming approximately $ 1 per foot for cable). Avoid doors,
lighting(RF interference), etc.
10 Mayuri Bapat, Vaishali Amberwadikar and Shital Ghotekar
The problem requires to explore the linear geometry of the space and to deter-
mine optimum (low use) cable lengths. Trigonometry can also be used to calculate
such things as stresses on cable and cable runs when they are not properly sup-
ported. That is, to explore the vector analysis which can increase the load on a
support member when weights are placed off center.
Geometry can be used to determine volume of network enclosures and cooling
supply systems.
[1] Adrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks.3rd Ed., Prentice Hall.
[5] Narsingh Deo, Graph Theory with application to engineering and computer