LE HD4 (EN) E 1VCP000005-0902a
LE HD4 (EN) E 1VCP000005-0902a
LE HD4 (EN) E 1VCP000005-0902a
Number 1VCD850146R0001
1. Introduction
2. Product
3. Price lists
4. Availability and delivery times
5. Sales support tools
1. Introduction
After about 20 years of successful sales and service on various fields of application, PPMV gas insulated
MV indoor circuit-breaker series HD4 has been updated on the most sold ratings.
The following technical note is to inform about the update of types at 12/17.5 kV up to 1250 A and up to
31.5 kA.
The updated HD4 is still based on auto-puffer quenching technique and has been certified according to
latest edition (ed.2.1-2012) of IEC 62271-100.
2. Product
The following technical note applies to the following series of M.V. Primary Distribution SF6 indoor circuit-
a) SF6 circuit breakers with mechanical operating mechanism, freestanding construction, 150 mm and 210
mm pole centre distance, type HD4 12 kV, 630..1250 A, up to 31.5 kA; the type designations are the
same ones respect to previous types while commercial codes are changed:
1VCF307111R0121 HD4 12.06.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307111R0321 HD4 12.12.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307111R0141 HD4 12.06.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307111R0341 HD4 12.12.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307111R0151 HD4 12.06.32 p.150
1VCF307111R0351 HD4 12.12.32 p.150
1VCF307111R0122 HD4 12.06.16 p.210
1VCF307111R0322 HD4 12.12.16 p.210
1VCF307111R0142 HD4 12.06.25 p.210
1VCF307111R0342 HD4 12.12.25 p.210
1VCF307111R0152 HD4 12.06.32 p.210
1VCF307111R0352 HD4 12.12.32 p.210
1VCF307113R0122 HD4 17.06.16 p.210
1VCF307113R0322 HD4 17.12.16 p.210
1VCF307113R0142 HD4 17.06.25 p.210
1VCF307113R0342 HD4 17.12.25 p.210
1VCF307113R0152 HD4 17.06.32 p.210
1VCF307113R0352 HD4 17.12.32 p.210
b) SF6 circuit breakers with mechanical operating mechanism, withdrawable construction for both
UniGear ZS1 panel and PowerCube PB1 enclosures, 150 mm pole centre distance, type HD4/P
12..17.5 kV, 630..1250 A, up to 31.5 kA; the type designations are the same ones for UniGear respect
to the previous ones, while the type designation for PowerCube Enclosure PB1 becomes “HD4/P”
respect to the previous “HD4/W”; these are the new commercial codes:
1VCF307121R0121 HD4/P 12.06.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307121R0321 HD4/P 12.12.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307121R0141 HD4/P 12.06.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307121R0341 HD4/P 12.12.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307121R0151 HD4/P 12.06.32 P.150
1VCF307121R0351 HD4/P 12.12.32 P.150
1VCF307123R0121 HD4/P 17.06.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307123R0321 HD4/P 17.12.16 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307123R0141 HD4/P 17.06.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307123R0341 HD4/P 17.12.25 p.150 (supplied since 1st oct.2015 – see TCI 1VCD850134R001)
1VCF307123R0151 HD4/P 17.06.32 p.150
1VCF307123R0351 HD4/P 17.12.32 p.150
c) SF6 circuit breakers with mechanical operating mechanism, withdrawable construction for
PowerCube PB2 enclosures, 210 mm pole centre distance, type HD4/W 12..17.5 kV, 630..1250 A,
up to 31.5 kA; the type designations are the same ones respect to previous types while commercial
codes are changed:
There is no price difference between updated breakers and the previous corresponding types.
ANNEX 1: Type tests applicability guidelines to OEMs own designed products (Attachment)
Marine Applications No
GOST Applications No
ANSI/UL Market No
• Dielectric Test
o Fixed version:
OEM needs to repeat the test
o Withdrawable version:
OEM needs to repeat the test
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Test already performed by ABB so no need to repeat
• Temperature rise test & measurement of the resistance of the main circuit
o Fixed version:
Replacing actual HD4 with new design HD4: due to the fact that the resistance of the
new pole is equal to the actual pole, a temperature rise test valid for a breaker with the
actual pole is still valid for the new pole. Needed are the type test with the new pole in
UniGear together with the actual pole test in the OEM panel
o Withdrawable version with OEM cassette/panel:
Replacing actual HD4 with new design HD4: due to the fact that the resistance of the
new pole is equal to the actual pole, a temperature rise test valid for a breaker with the
actual pole is still valid for the new pole. Needed are the type test with the new pole in
UniGear together with the actual pole test in the OEM panel
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Replacing actual HD4 with new design HD4: due to the fact that the resistance of the
new pole is equal to the actual pole, a temperature rise test valid for a breaker with the
actual pole is still valid for the new pole. Needed are the type test with the new pole in
UniGear together with the actual pole test in the OEM panel
• STC test
o Fixed version:
Test for the pole to withstand the mechanical forces has been carried out on the breaker
in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel has been able to withstand the test with new design
pole, therefore does not need to be repeated
o Withdrawable version:
Test for the pole to withstand the mechanical forces has been carried out on the breaker
in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel has been able to withstand the test with new design
pole, therefore does not need to be repeated
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Test for the pole to withstand the mechanical forces has been carried out on the breaker
in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel has been able to withstand the test with new design
pole, therefore does not need to be repeated
• Making & Breaking test / single phase tests; double earth fault test
o Fixed version:
Test for HD4 has been carried out on the breaker in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel
has been able to withstand the test with new design pole therefore does not need to be
o Withdrawable version:
Test for HD4 has been carried out on the breaker in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel
has been able to withstand the test with new design pole therefore does not need to be
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Test for HD4 has been carried out on the breaker in UniGear. Furthermore, the panel
has been able to withstand the test with new design pole therefore does not need to be
• Mechanical Lifetime test
o Fixed version:
Independent from switchgear, therefore the already performed test from ABB can be
used without declarations
o Withdrawable version:
Independent from switchgear, therefore the already performed test from ABB can be
used without declarations
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Independent from switchgear, therefore the already performed test from ABB can be
used without declarations
• Capacitive switching
o Fixed version:
Test only depends on the used new pole, its stroke and opening speed of the drive.
Consequently, a test for the breaker can directly be applied to other panels. Concerning
line charging: this test is not applicable. Concerning single bank switching: this test
can be deducted from the carried out tests with cable charging and back-to-back
o Withdrawable version:
Test only depends on the used new pole, its stroke and opening speed of the drive.
Consequently, a test for the breaker can directly be applied to other panels. Concerning
line charging: this test is not applicable. Concerning single bank switching: this test
can be deducted from the carried out tests with cable charging and back-to-back
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Test only depends on the used new pole, its stroke and opening speed of the drive.
Consequently, a test for the breaker can directly be applied to other panels. Concerning
line charging: this test is not applicable. Concerning single bank switching: this test
can be deducted from the carried out tests with cable charging and back-to-back
• Mechanical compatibility / Rack In-Out Test
o Fixed version
Not Applicable
o Withdrawable version
OEM needs to repeat the test
o Withdrawable version with PowerCube:
Test already performed by ABB in UniGear panel so no need to repeat