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Jurnal Translet
Research Article
Modelling HIV/AIDS Epidemic among Men Who Have
Sex with Men in China
Copyright © 2013 Xiaodan Sun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A compartmental model with antiviral therapy was proposed to identify the important factors that influence HIV infection
among gay men in China and suggest some effective control strategies. We proved that the disease will be eradicated if the
reproduction number is less than one. Based on the number of annual reported HIV/AIDS among MSM we used the Markov-
Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) simulation to estimate the unknown parameters. We estimated a mean reproduction number of
3.88 (95% CI: 3.69–4.07). The estimation results showed that there were a higher transmission rate and a lower diagnose rate
among MSM than those for another high-risk population. We compared the current treatment policy and immediate therapy
once people are diagnosed with HIV, and numerical studies indicated that immediate antiviral therapy would lead to few HIV
new infections conditional upon relatively low infectiousness; otherwise the current treatment policy would result in low HIV
new infection. Further, increasing treatment coverage rate may lead to decline in HIV new infections and be beneficial to
disease control, depending on the infectiousness of the infected individuals with antiviral therapy. The finding suggested that
treatment efficacy (directly affecting infectiousness), behavior changes, and interventions greatly affect HIV new infection;
strengthening intensity will contribute to the disease control.
infectious class, denoted by 1, 2, 1, 2, and , respec-tively. related death rate for AIDS patients with antiviral therapy
Thus, susceptible people become HIV infected at a is = 0.393 ∗ (1 − 65.3%) = 0.136. T he disease-related death
rate ( + 1 1+ 2 2+ 1 1+ 2 2+ ( + ))/ . 1 and 2 are the rate for HIV-positive individuals with antiviral therapy
proportions of HIV-positive individuals with > 350 is = 0.172 ∗ (1 − 65.3%) = 0.06.
and 200 < < 350when diagnosed, respectively. Let = 1 + 2, Recently, antiviral therapy is not provided to HIV-positive
and then 1 − is the proportion of individuals who have individuals with > 350, we then set 1 = 0. According to the
already progressed to AIDS stage when diagnosed. treatment policy of China, the HIV-positive individuals with >
Constants 1 and 2 represent the progression rates from 1 to 350; are given treatment since early 2007. Lou et al. [13] and
Xu et al. [14] estimated the treatment coverage rate for HIV-
2 and from 2 to , respectively. 1 and 2 denote the positive individuals with 200 < < 350 nowadays to be 0.2.
progression rates from 1 to 2 and from 2 to , respectively. Then we choose time-dependent function 2 = 0.2from year
( = , , ) and ( = 1,2) represent the disease related death rate
and antiviral therapy coverage rate for each stage. The 2007 to 2009 and 2 = 0from year 2005 to 2006. From the
model equations are given in (1), where ( ) = (1− ) ( + database we can get some initial values for the system: 1(0) =
1 1 + 2 2 + 1 1 + 2 2 + ( + ))/ . T he model is illustrated in 99, 2(0) = 49, and (0) = 53. Considering that there are no
Figure 1, and definitions of parameters are given HIV-positive individuals receiving antiviral therapy in year
in Table 2. We can verify that any solution of system (1) with 2005, thus we have 1(0) = 2(0) = (0) = 0.
nonnegative initial value is nonnegative. And it is easy to get In order to determine the relative infectiousness for each class
that = {( , 1,, 2, , 1, 2, ) ∈ + : + +1 + 2 + + 1 + 2 + ≤ / }is we follow the principle employed by Gran et al. [5]. They divided
positively invariant. the diagnosed HIV-positive individuals into 5 stages based on the
CD4+ T cell counts in the blood (above 500, 350–499, 200–349,
below 200 copies, and AIDS stage). The numbers of new
3. Data and Parameter Estimation infections caused by one individual, in each stage, per unit time in
3.1. Data. Based on the current surveillance system we can get a totally susceptible population are 0.031, 0.025, 0.017, 0.013, and
the number of annual reported HIV-positive cases and AIDS 0 for these 5 stages, respectively. Note that we combine the first
patients among MSM from year 1985 to 2009 in main-land two stages as one stage in our model. We calculate 1 as follows:
China. The first HIV infected case among MSM in China was the number of new infections in stage 1 is ((1/0.0455)/(1/0.0455
reported in 1989. However, the disease has spread very + 1/0.125)) ×
quickly among this population. The proportion of reported 0.031 + ((1/0.125)/(1/0.0455 + 1/0.125)) × 0.025 =
cases resulting from homosexual contact increases as follows: 0.0294, where 0.0455 and 0.125 are the progression rates
2.5% (2006), 3.4% (2007), 5.9% (2008), and 8.6% (2009) from stage 1 to stage 2 and from stage 2 to stage 3. By
[1]. Sentinel surveillance results have shown that the HIV- similar method we get that the numbers of new infections
positive rates among MSM population in different regions in and 2 are 0.0407 and 0.017, respectively. Then, we have
have been consistently greater than 1% and are increasing 1 : 1 : 2 = 0.0407 : 0.0294 : 0.017, which implies that 1 =
year by year. Homosexual transmission is becoming one of 0.7224, 2 = 0.4177. Other unknown parameters are
the most important drivers of the AIDS epidemic. We estimated on the basis of the real data.
choose year 2005 as a starting point since the consistent
surveillance and testing policy has been implemented in 3.3. MCMC Procedure. We utilize the Markov-Chain Monte-
mainland China since then [15]. Carlo (MCMC) simulation to estimate the main parameters,
and initial values of model (1). Metropolis-Hastings (M-H)
algorithm [21–26] are employed for MCMC simulation. The
3.2. Parameter Values Obtained from Data or the Literature. algorithm runs for 210000 iterations with a burn-in of 10000
The natural death rate was estimated to be = 0.0149 [11]. iterations. Using the rest 200000 samples, we obtain our
Generally speaking, if a person is a homoeroticism he tends to estimates [27]. The estimation procedure is carried out in two
be a homoeroticism, through all his life. So we roughly choose steps. Firstly, in order to reduce the number of parameters that
−1 need to be estimated to the minimum, we use the method
= 1/40 year . Zhou et al. [10] estimated the progression rate
from 1 to 2 is 1 = 1/6 and the progression rate from 2 to is 2 = proposed by Tang et al. [28]. Note that the size of high-risk
1/3. Gran et al. [5] estimated that the scale of progression rate population is very large compared with HIV/AIDS infected
population; / approximately equals 1. Assuming = , we can get
reduced by antiviral therapy is 1/2. So we choose 1 = 1/2 1 =
a reduced model (A.1), given in Appendix A. By f itting the
1/12 and 2 = 1/2 2 = 1/6. Because 1 = 1/2 ∗ 2 , we can reduced model A(.1) to the data on annual reported HIV/AIDS
suppose that one-third of the HIV-positive individuals are in cases from 2005 to 2009, we get the estimates for the
stage 2 and two-thirds are in stage 1 when diagnosed; that is, 1
transmission coefficient 0, proportion of diagnosed individuals
= 2 /3and 2 = /3.Xiao et al. [15] estimated the additional death
who are HIV-positive , diagnose rate , modification factors 2, ,
rate for the diagnosed HIV-positive individuals to be 0.172; and initial value of undiagnosed infected individuals (0). Here
then we choose = 0.172. The disease related death rate for we assume 1 = 2 since there are no significant difference
AIDS patients without receiving treatment is estimated to be between the infectiousness of people in these two groups.
0.393 by Zhang et al. [17]. The ministry of health, China [16], Using the simulation results of these parameters we can get the
estimated that the disease related death rate can be decreased Markov Chain of basic reproduction number 0 and its
by 65.3% after antiviral therapy, so the disease variation.
4 BioMed Research International
get the expression of = ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
+ ( , , 1 , 2 , , 1 ,
Secondly, based on the estimation results we repeat the ∗ ∗
same procedure by fitting model (1) to our real data to 2 , ),
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
estimate the rest of the unknown parameters (0)and . See where = ( − 1 )/( + ), 1 = 1 , 2 = 2 ,
= ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = ∗ ∗ (0 −
Appendix A for details about parameter estimation. 3 , 1 =4 , 2 = 5 , 6 , =
1)/( 1 0+( + )(1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6−( 1/( + )))), 1 =
1 / 2, 2 = ( 2 / 3)+( 2 1/ 2 3), 3 = ((1 − ) / 4)+
4. Main Results ( 2 2/ 3 4)+( 1 1 2/ 2 3 4), 4 = 1 (1+ ) 1/ 2 5,
4.1. Threshold Dynamics. The basic reproduction number 0, 5 = ( 2 (1 + ) 2/ 3 6) + ( 1 1(1 + ) 2/ 2 3 6) +
the average number of secondary cases generated by a single ( 1 (1+ ) 1 1/ 2 5 6), and 6 =( 2 (1+ ) 2 2/ 3 6 4)+
primary case in a fully susceptible population during its ( 1 1(1+ ) 2 2/ 2 3 6 4)+( 1 (1+ ) 1 1 2/ 2 5 6 4).
average infectious period [29, 30], is a threshold parameter for Moreover, according to the persistence theorem devel-
the infectious disease and can help determine whether an oped by Smith and Zhao in [31] we can prove the system is
infectious disease will spread through a population. Follow- uniformly persistent if 0 > 1. To this end we verify that
ing the next-generation matrix method [29] we can get 0 for invariant sets in the boundary of the feasible region are not
system (1) (see Appendix B for details). For convenience, attractors (see details in Appendix C.2.) Hence we have the
we following theorem.
let 0 = (1 − , )1 = + + , 2 = + + 1 + 1,
= + + 2 + 2, 4 = +, 5 = + + 1 and Theorem 2. System (1) is uniformly persistent when 0 >
6 = + + 2. The expression of 0 is given as follows: 1, in the sense that there is a positive number 0 such that
for all initial values ( 0, 0, 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0) + × Int(
0 = 0 11 112 22 112 7
[1+ + + + + ), the solution of system (1) satisfies
1 2 23 3 234 lim inf ( ( ), ( ), 1 ( ), 2 ( ), ( ), 1 ( ), 2 ( ), ( ))
(1− ) 111
+ + +
≥( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
34 4 25
+ 1112+1212+222 25623636
4.2. Prediction for the Disease. Based on the number of indi-
1112 1122 222 viduals living with HIV (not AIDS) or AIDS among MSM
+ + + ]. from year 2005 to year 2009, we estimate mean values of
2564 2364 364
parameters and their standard deviations which are listed in
(2) Table 2. We also derive the goodness of fit with data together
with the uncertainties (shown in Figure 2). The areas from
As the model shows, the primary infected individual light to dark mean the 50%, 90%, 95%, and 99% limits of the
will stay at the compartments , 1, 2, , 1, 2, and (if experiencing posterior uncertainty due to model parameters. In particular,
the stage) for mean times of 1/ 1, 1/ 2, we get the mean value of the basic reproduction number to be
1/ 3, 1/ 4, 1/ 5, 1/ 6, and 1/ 4, respectively. T he prob- 3.8840 with a estimation error 0.097, and the 95% confidence
abilities of the primary patient to experience each stage are interval is [3.69,4.07]. Figure 3 describes the Markov Chain
1, 1 / 1,( 1 1/ 1 2) + ( 2 / 1), ( 1 1 2/
for 0, which has a good convergency. From the estimation
1 2 3) + ( 2 2/ 1 3) + ((1 − ) / 1), 1 1/ 1 2, ( 1 1 1/ 1 2 5 ) +
( 1 2 1/ 1 2 3) + ( 2 2 / 1 3), and results we find that the value of transmission coefficient 0 is
( 1 1 1 2/ 1 2 5 6)+( 1 1 2 2/ 1 2 3 6)+( 2 2 2/ larger than the estimation for heterosexual transmission by Xu
1 3 6). And the transmission coefficients at each stage are et al. [14] and that for the general high-risk population without
0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 , 0 1, 0 2, and 0 . It is easy to see that 0/ 1, 0 1/ 2, considering transmission routs by Xiao et al. [15]. This implies
0 2/ 3, 0 / 4, 0 1/ 5, 0 2/ 6, that, on the one hand, HIV transmission probability among
and 0 / 4 represent the numbers of individuals the primary MSM are higher than that for other high-risk groups [4]; on
case infects at each stage, respectively. Using the total the other hand, the condom use rate or other interventions
probability formula we get the expression of 0. among MSM are a bit lower [32]. What is more, the diagnose
Meanwhile, system (1) has a disease-free equilibrium rate among MSM estimated is only 0.08, which is lower than
0 that for other high-risk groups. That is almost due to the
(DFE) 0 =( ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0), where 0 = /( + ).From
[29] we can get that when 0 <1, the disease-free equilibrium of physiological specificity of MSM and the cultural norm of
system (1) is locally stable but unstable when 0 > 1. We can China. A study for Beijing was given in 2006, which pointed
out that testing and awareness of HIV infection among MSM
also prove that 0 is globally attractive when 0 < 1 (see details
in Appendix C.1). Thus, we get the following theorem. are very lacking [33].
We suppose that the treatment coverage rate will not
Theorem 1. When 0 < 1, the disease-free equilibrium of change and the current treatment policy will remain the same
(i.e., antiviral therapy starts when CD4+ T cell counts are less
system (1) is globally asymptotically stable, but unstable when
than 350 per L of blood). Our estimation shows that the total
0 >1. number of HIV/AIDS individuals among MSM in 2015 will
Besides the disease-free equilibrium the system has an reach 1.46×106, with 1.41×106 HIV-positive individuals and
4.41×104 AIDS patients if the current surveillance, testing,
endemic equilibrium + when 0 > 1. It is not dif f icult to
BioMed Research International 5
3000 2
New diagnosed AIDS
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Plots of data fitted results. (a) The number of annual reported AIDS patients. (b) The number of annual reported HIV-positive
individuals. Squares denote the real data. Areas from light to dark mean the 50%, 90%, 95%, and 99% predictive probability limits due to
parameter uncertainties.
6 6
×10 ×10
2 2
0 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
4 6
1 2
to a greater value of the reproduction number. In fact, the In order to determine the sign of 0− 0 , we turn to consider
relationship between 0 and 0 depends on many factors ∗
12 ( 0 −0 )
such as treatment coverage, infectiousness, and so forth. In
the following we investigate the relation between 0 and 0 : 011
1 12 212
1 2 122
∗ =− ( + + + + )
∗ 1
0 −0
2 3 34 36 364
= 01 [( 1 + 12 + 12 +212 + 122 ) 1 12 12
+ + +
1 3 34 36 364 5 56 564
1 1 11
=− 1 ( + 12 )+ 11
×( − ∗ )+ + ∗ 1
2 2 25 256
2 3 5
112 1 21 2
+ ]. +( − ∗
2 + ).
5 2 3 46
(5) (6)
BioMed Research International 7
4 1
3.9 3.9
0.8 3.8
3.8 3.8
R0 3.6
0.4 3.6
3.5 3.5
3.4 3.4
(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) Plots of and 0 against factor V. (b) Contour plot of 0 varies the factor V and treatment coverage rate, where 1 = 2 = .
Parameters used are shown in Table 2.
It is obvious that sign( 0 − 0∗ ) = sign( 1 2( 0 − 0∗ )/ 0 1 1), where postponing antiviral therapy is better in terms of causing
sign( ) denotes the sign function and indi-cates the sign of . So relatively few new infections.
if 1 and 1 satisfy the following: Should We Increase the Treatment Coverage Rate? In the
1 21 2
1 12 following we investigate whether increasing the treatment
+( − ∗
2 + )< ∗
+ ), coverage rate is beneficial or harmful to control HIV epi-
5 5 23 46 2 demic. To this end, we examine the variation in 0 with
3 (7) treatment coverage rate. We simply suppose 1 = 2 = .
we have 0 − < 0, which means that immediate antiviral
0 Solving the partial derivative of 0 with respect to we have
therapy once people are diagnosed with HIV will result in a
lower value of basic reproduction number and hence lead to 0 0 1 2 11 ( 2 + 3)
= [− −( + )
fewer new infections. 21 2 2 2 2
We can verify that > 0, > (see0 Appendix D for details if the diagnose rate increases to 0.3, 0.5, and 0.8, the total
about the proof of > 0). Let 0/ = 0; we have number of HIV/AIDS infected individuals will decrease by
32.74%, 52.14%, and 68.59% in year 2015, respectively, and
1 + 2 the number of individuals with treatment will increase by
92.07%, 90.06%, and 63.00% in year 2015, as shown in
1 11 ( 2 + 3) 2
Figure 8. It is interesting to note that relatively large testing rate
= 2 +[2+ 2 ] 2 − . leads to a slow increase of the number of individuals with
2 2 2
treatment (shown in Figure 8(d)). Meanwhile, low recruitment
rate and large exit rate will also slow down the spread of HIV
however their effects are very limited (as shown in Figure 7). T
Thus, there exists a critical value for a combination of
∗ his is because the number of HIV infected individuals is very
parameters 1, 2, , and so forth such that 0 / 2 < 0 small compared with the total high-risk population among
for 1 + 2 < and 0 / 2 > 0 for 1 + 2 > . Note that and are MSM; thus the variation of / is very limited. This conclusion
both positive, which implies that is in agreement with that for general high-risk population
if the modification factors for HIV-positive individuals are obtained by Xiao et al. [15].
relatively small, then a large treatment coverage rate will In order to investigate the effect of antiviral therapy, we
lead to decline in new infections and hence is beneficial to study the variation in the incidence of HIV with different
disease control; otherwise increasing treatment coverage rate antiviral therapy efficacy represented by infectiousness ( 1, 2,
would result in an increase in new infections. T hat is to say, ), disease progression rates ( 1, 2), and disease-related death
given unchanged behavior of HIV-positive individuals, the rates ( and ). In order to reduce the number of variables we
infectiousness due to antiviral therapy plays a vital role in introduce two factors V (0 < V ≤ 1) and (0 <
determining HIV new infections. In particular, when ≤ 1)to describe variation in infectiousness and disease
infectiousness due to antiviral therapy is below a critical progression rates, respectively. During the analysis, V is set to
value, increasing treatment coverage rate is effective to be 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25 to represent that infectiousness is
reduce the new infections. Whereas infectiousness is greater decreased to 75%, 50%, and 25%, respectively. We suppose
than a critical value, increasing treatment coverage rate that antiviral therapy decreased the progression rates to 5%.
induces more new infections, which implies the more Figure 9 shows that HIV incidence will peak in around year
therapy for the HIV infected individuals, the more new
2016, and the better drug efficacy the lower HIV incidence. It
infections produced (see Figure 5(b) for details). It follows
indicates that although the drugs are persistently effective,
from Figure 5(b) that 0 decreases as treatment uptake rate HIV incidence will increase in the recent years. That is
increases if V is less than a critical value (around 0.6), which because effect of antiviral therapy on HIV epidemic between
implies that increasing treatment coverage is beneficial to hosts is not instantaneous but delays some time.
disease control in the case of better treatment efficacy;
otherwise, increasing treatment is harmful to it.
5. Sensitivity Analysis
4.4. Effects of Intervention Measures. In recent years many Note that in our model some parameters are known with
intervention measures have been implemented to control uncertainties or have large variances, which may greatly
the quick increase of HIV epidemic among MSM. The affect outcomes. It is then necessary to do the uncertainty
intervention measures include (1) strengthening education and sensitivity analysis such that the sensitive parameters
to the high-risk population, which decreases the constant can be detected. To examine the sensitivity of our results to
recruitment rate , the contact rate per year and increases the parameter variations, we use latin hypercube sampling
condom use rate; (2) increasing surveillance and testing, (LHS) and partial rank correlation coef f icients (PRCCs)
which results in an increase in the diagnose rate . Note that 38][ to examine the dependence of the reproduction number
both decreasing in contact rate and increasing in condom 0 and the expected number of total HIV/AIDS individuals
use rate can lead to the decline of transmission coefficient in 2015 on each parameter.
0. We initially examine the sensitivity of basic reproduction
To address the impact of each intervention measure on number 0 to parameter variations. We choose the sample size =
HIV infection among MSM, we investigate variation in 4000, parameters interested as the input variables, and the
number of HIV/AIDS infected individuals with varying value of 0 as the output variable. Parameter values and ranges
transmission coefficients, treatment uptake rate. Figure 6 are listed in Table 1. Figure 10(a) shows the PRCC value of
shows that strengthening education to high-risk population each parameter. Parameters with star above the bar are the
(i.e., smaller 0) and increasing surveillance and testing (i.e., significant ones, and the significance level we choose
larger ) slow down the spread of HIV signif icantly. In here is = 0.05. It shows that 0, 1, 2, , 1, and 2 have positive
particular, if 0 decreases by 30% and increases by 25%, the impact upon 0, whilst , 1, 2, , , and have negative impact.
total number of HIV/AIDS infected individuals among From the PRCC results we know
5 that 0 is not sensitive to parameters 1, 2, 1, and 2. So,
MSM will decrease to 2.2959 × 10 , which is decreased by
84.2%. Similarly, we could increase the diagnose rate only assumptions of 1 = 2 /3, 2 = /3, and 1, 2 being half of 1 and 2
to examine the effect of improving HIV diagnose and testing are justif ied and hence have little inf luence on our main
strategy on HIV transmission among MSMs. In particular, results. Further, we can get that the most influential
BioMed Research International 9
5 5
×10 ×10
15 15
5 5
Figure 6: Plots of estimated number of HIV/AIDS cases vary with transmission coefficient 0 and diagnose rate . (a) Total number of
HIV/AIDS cases. (b) Total HIV-positive cases. (c) Total AIDS cases. (d) Total HIV/AIDS with treatment. Other parameters used are
shown in Table 2.
parameters are 0, since the PRCC values of them are larger Table 1 except for 1, 1, and 1 are chosen as the input
than 0.8. In particular, simple calculation indicates that the variables. The total HIV/AIDS cases in year 2015 is output
basic reproduction number can decrease to less than 1 if 0 variable. The PRCC values are shown in Figure 10(b), from
reduces to 0.2. which we can find that both and (0)have little impacts on
We also investigate the sensitivity of the expected number the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in year 2015.
of people living with HIV/AIDS to parameter variations. The influences of other parameters on total HIV/AIDS
Given the current treatment policy, parameters described in cases are similar to their influences on 0.
BioMed Research International 11
5 5
15 15
5 5
Total HIV/AIDS with treatment
Figure 7: Plots of estimated number of HIV/AIDS cases vary with constant recruitment and exit rate . (a) Total number of HIV/AIDS cases. (b)
Total HIV-positive cases. (c) Total AIDS cases. (d) Total HIV/AIDS with treatment. Other parameters used are shown in Table 2.
5 5
×10 ×10
15 15
5 5
cases 10
2 5
0 2010
0 2010 2015
2005 2015 2005
Years Years
= 0.08 = 0.5 = 0.08 = 0.5
Figure 8: Plots of estimated number of HIV/AIDS cases vary with diagnose rate . (a) Total number of HIV/AIDS cases. (b) Total HIV-
positive cases. (c) Total AIDS cases. (d) Total HIV/AIDS with treatment. Other parameters used are shown in Table 2.
increasing treatment coverage will decrease the reproduction and UK (3.38–3.96) [39]. From the estimated parameters we
number and lead to decline in new HIV infection, whilst know that the transmission coefficient 0 is much larger than the
increasing treatment coverage will result in an increase in new estimation for heterosexual transmission [14] and general high-
HIV infection for the relatively great infectiousness, which is risk population [28]. This result is associated with the conclusion
in agreement with that for heterosexual transmission by Lou et al. [13] that MSM are 19 times more likely to be
[14]. Summing up the above, if treatment efficacy is relatively infected with HIV than general population. In fact, there are a lot
good, our conclusions suggest immediate treatment with high of money boys in China, also called male sex workers especially
uptake rate; otherwise the current policy is reasonable. in bathhouse, bars, and clubs [34, 40]. Recent surveys showed that
Using the data on the number of new reported HIV/AIDS the condom use rate among MSM is very low, only less than 30
infected individuals by year among MSM, we obtained esti- percent [32]. Anotherstudy showed that anal intercourse between
mates of the reproduction number, intervention parameter men, if unprotected, carries a high-risk of HIV transmission [3].
values, and the high-risk population size. Our estimated All these factors lead to the high probability for HIV transmission
reproduction number is 3.88 (95% CI 3.69–4.07) which is in among MSM, which is in agreement with our estimation. Our
the ranges of estimates for Western Germany (3.43–4.08) estimation
BioMed Research International 1
5.5 Appendix
A. Parameter Estimation
Since the number of susceptible cases is large compared to
1 = 1 − ( + + 1 + 1 ) 1,
2 = 2 + 1 1 − ( + + 2 + 2 ) 2,
= (1 − ) +2 2 − ( + ) ,
1 = 1 1 − ( + + 1) 1,
2010 2015 2020 2025
2 = 2 2 + 1 1 − ( + + 2 ) 2,
= 1, u = 1, T = 0.06, A = 0.1364
= 0.75, u = 0.05, T = A = 0 =22 −( + ) ,
= 0.50, u = 0.05, T = A = 0
= 0.25, u = 0.05, T = A =0
where ( ) = (1− )( + 1 1+ 2 2+ 1 1+ 2 2+ ( + ))and = 1
Figure 9: Plots of incidence against factor V when antiviral + 2.
therapy started immediately after diagnose. 1 = 2 = 0.8. Other For ensuring good convergence of Markov Chain, some
parameters used are shown in Table 2. prior information is given. Xiao et al. [15] built a mathemat-
ical model which did not consider the different transmission
routes and estimated several parameters involved in the model.
also shows that the diagnose rate among MSM is much lower They got the transmission coefficient is 0.386, the diagnose
than that for other high-risk population [15]. Meanwhile, we rate for HIV-positive individuals to be 0.304, and the
estimated that the antiviral therapy coverage rate among MSM proportion of HIV-positive individuals when diagnosed to be
in 2011 is less than the estimation by Ministry of Health, 0.864. Now we use them as the prior information for our
People’s Republic of China [2]. This agrees with the estimation. That is to say, the initial values for 0, , and are
conclusions obtained by Tong [34] that the antiviral therapy 0.386, 0.304, and 0.864, respectively. What is more, the
coverage rate for individuals infected sexually is lower than ranges for each parameter and initial value are given: 0 ∈
other infected groups. (0,1), ∈ (0.01,0.5), ∈ (0,1), 2 ∈ (0.3,0.4177), ∈
Simulation results show that strengthening education to (0,0.5), and (0) ∈ (1000,8000). Here we assume 1 = 2 since
high-risk population and increasing surveillance and testing there are no significant differences for the infectiousness
can slow down the spread of disease. Further, sensitivity of people in these two groups. Let ̃ and ̃ denote ( ) ( )
analysis implies that the most influential parameters are the real data, the number of annual reported HIV-positive
infection rate 0 and disease related death rate for HIV-positive individuals and AIDS patients from year 2005 to 2009, where
= 2005,2006,...,2009. The proposal density is chosen to be
individuals . Note that high ef f icacy drug can reduce the
transmission probability of HIV per high-risk behavior [18], multivariate normal distribution. Let = ( 0 , , , , (0)), and 1(
and the education may reduce the contact rate and increase , ) denotes the numerical solution of the first equation of
the condom use rate. This means that a high effective drug reduced model (A.1) at time . T hen the real value
of ̃ and ̃ can be taken as random variables from Gaus-
and timely education may effectively control HIV epidemic. ( ) ( )
sian distributions with mean 1( , ) and (1 − ) 1( , ),
In this paper, we concluded that if the infectiousness for
respectively. During the MCMC simulation, we will
HIV/AIDS infected cases is relatively small, treatment started minimize
immediately once diagnosed is more beneficial to disease =2009 2 2
+( ( )−(1− ) 1( , )). We
=2005 ( ( )− 1( , ))
control. It should be mentioned that we have not considered
use a small MCMC package to achieve the estimation
costs of antiviral therapy. However, early antiviral therapy will which provided in http://www.helsinki.fi/∼mjlaine/mcmc/.
increase the financial burden of the government of China and By fitting this reduced model to the annual reported
may increase high risk of occurrence of drug resistance. We HIV/AIDS cases from 2005 to 2009 we get the estimates of
will consider these factors in the future study.
parameters 0, , , 2, , and (0) and their standard deviations.
Based on these parameters, and (0) are estimated by
fitting model (1) to the data.
14 BioMed Research International
1 ∗ 1.5
0.8 1
0.6 ∗
0.4 0.5
∗ ∗ ∗
0.2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
0 0
∗ ∗
−0.2 ∗ ∗ ∗
−0.4 −0.5 ∗
−0.6 ∗
−1 ∗
−1 ∗ −1.5
01 2 I1 I2 A T1 T2 1 2 1 2 I T A U S(0) I(0) 01 2 I1 I2 A T2 2 2 I T A
(a) (b)
Figure 10: (a) Partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCC) results for the dependence of 0 on each parameter. (b) Partial rank correlation
coefficients (PRCC) results for the dependence of total HIV/AIDS cases in year 2015 on each parameter. ∗ denotes the value of PRCC is
not zero significantly, where the significance level is 0.05.
such that 3 =21+ 12 − 3 3,
−1 4 = (1− ) 1 + 2 3 − 4 4,
0 = ( )
= 5 = 1 2 − 5 5,
0 11 112 22
[1+ + +
1 2 23 3 6 =23+ 15 − 6 6,
(1− )
112 22
+ + + 7 = 2 6 − 4 7.
234 34 4
BioMed Research International 15
Construct the Lyapunov function as
8 8 8
point dissipative on + , and : + → + is compact. By [7], it
1 1 2 1 follows that admits a global attractor.
Define = {( 0 , 0, 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0) ∈ 0 : ( 0,
= 1+( + +
0, 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0) ∈ 0 , for all ≥ 0}. Now we will
0 2 23 234
verify that
21 221
+ + = {( ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) : ≥ 0}. (C.5)
236 2364
1 2
In fact, it is obvious that {( ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) : ≥ 0} ⊆ , for
1 11 121
+ + + ) 2
any ( 0, 0, 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0) ∈ 0 \{( ,0,0,0,
25 256 25 64 (C.2) 0,0,0,0) : ≥ 0}.
2 2 2 2 22 (1) If 0 > 0, then at least one of 10, 20, 0, 10 , 20,
+( + + + ) 3
3 34 36 364
and 0 is equal to zero. Let us assume that 10 = 0,
then 1(0) = (0) > 0. Similarly, when anyone
1 2 ̇̇
1 12
+ 4 +( + + ) 5 of 20 , 0, 10 , 20, and 0 is equal to 0, we can get
4 5 56 564 ̇̇ ̇̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ . 2(0), (0), 1(0), 2(0), (0) > 0
+( + ) 6 + 7. (2) If 0 = 0, then at least one of 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0 is
6 64 4 greater than 0. Let us assume that , then ̇ 10 > 0 (0) ≥
What is more, 0 (0)( 1 1(0)/ (0)) > 0, when any one of 20, 0,
=( − (C.3) 10, 20, 0 is greater than 0, we can get the similar
01 1) =( 0 − 1) 1 1. conclusion.
0 0 0 According to the above verification, we can get that for >
0sufficiently small, we have ( ( ), ( ), 1( ), 2( ), ( ),
It is easy to see that, when 0 < 1, we have ≤ 0, if and only
1( ), 2( ), ( )) ∉ 0; then ( ( ), ( ), 1( ), 2( ), ( ), 1(
if 1 = 0, = 0. That is to say system (C.1)’s largest invariant ), 2( ), ( )) ∉ ; that is to say, for any ( 0, 0, 10, 20, 0,
set is = { 1 = 0}. According to Lasalle invariant set 10 20, 0) ∉ {( ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) : ≥ 0} there must be ( 0,
principle, when → ,0solutions of system (C.1) satisfy 1 → 0, 10, 20, 0, 10, 20, 0) ∉ ; then ⊆ {( ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) : ≥
0. Then we get the terminal system of system (C.1): 0}. So, = {( ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) :
≥ 0}.
2 = − 2 2, Obviously, 0( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) is a fixed point of
3 = 1 2 − 3 3, in . If ( ( ), ( ), 1( ), 2( ), ( ), 1( ), 2( ), ( )) is a
4 = 2 3 − 4 4, solution initiating from , then when → ∞,we have ( ) →
(C.4) 0, ( ) → 0, 1( ) → 0, 2( ) → 0, and ( ) → 0, 1( ) → ,
5 = 1 2 − 5 5,
0 2( ) → 0, ( ) → 0. Since every solution initiating from
6 = 2 3 + 1 5 − 6 6, will stay in forever, so 0 is an isolated invariance.
Since 0 > 1, there exists a small enough such that
7 = 2 6 − 4 7.
− (C.6)
Obviously, all the eigenvalues of (C.4) are negative. Since 1− ∗ 0 < 0.
system (C.4) is a linear differential system with constant
coefficients, so the equilibrium (0,0,0,0,0,0,0) is globally The following proof is that ( 0) ∩ 0 = . T hat is to say, there
asymptotic stable. Then, the solutions of system (C.1) satisfy exists a positive constant 0, such that for any solution ( ,
0 0
1 → 0, 2 → 0, 3 → 0, 4 → 0, 5 → 0, 6 → 0, 7 → 0. )initiating from 0, lim →∞sup ‖ ( , )− 0‖ ≥ 0. Suppose
From the comparison principle, we get that the disease-free that for any positive 0 (let 0 = ),
equilibrium of system (1) is globally attractive. lim 0
)− 0 < . (C.7)
sup ( ,
− 1 1, = 1( + + 1)( + + 2 )
2 = 1 1 − 2 2, +( + + 1 + ) ( + + 2)− 1 ( + + 1 )
3 = 2 1 + 1 2 − 3 3,
= 1( + + 1)( + + 2 + )
4 = (1 − ) 1 + 2 3 − 4 4, 2
+( + + 1 + ) ( + + 2)− 1 ( + + 1 )
5 = 1 2 − 5 5,
6 = 2 3 + 1 5 − 6 6, = 1( + )+ 1( 1 + 2 + )( +
7 = 2 6 − 4 7. + 11 ( 2 + )+( + + 1 + )( + )
+( + + + )2
The characteristic equation of (C.9) is 1
7 6 5 4 2 2
=+1+2+3 − 1 ( + )− 1 − 1
3 2 1 = 1( + )( + + 1 + 2 + )
+4 +5 +6 +7,
where 7 = 1 2 3 4 5 6 4(1− 0(( 0 − )/( 0 +8 ))) < 0. 2
1234567 +( + + 1 + ) ( + )+ 11 ( 2 + )
Since = − 7 > 0, so it has at least one
∗ 2
of positive real eigenvalues. Let us assume that > 0, +( + ) 2 +2 2 ( 1 + )( +
( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7) is the eigenvector. Suppose 1 > 0;
∗ ∗ 2 2 2
then 2 =11 /( + 2) > 0, 3 = ( 2 1 + 1 2)/( + + 2( + ) − 1 ( + )− 1 − 1
∗ 1
3) > 0, 4 = ((1 − ) 1 + 2 3)/( + 4 ) > 0, 5 =
∗ ∗
1 2/(+5) > 0, 6 = ( 2 3 + 1 5)/( + 6 ) > 0, = 1( + )( + + 1 + 2 + )
and 7 = 2 6/( > 0. That is to say there exists a
2 2
positive real eigenvalue which has a positive eigenvector. +( + + 1 + ) ( + )+ 2( + )
This implies that the solution tends to infinity as → 2
∞,which contradicts (C.7). This completes the proof. +(2 1 +2 1 − 1 )( + )
3 2 22
D. The Proof for >0 + 1+2 1 + 12 + 11
2 2
Proof. Suppose 1 = 2 , 2 = 1 , where > 1. Since 1 < 2, so 2 <
+ 11 − −1