28 SupplHi Standard Categorization - Drilling Equipment and Materials

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and Materials
28.01 28.02 28.03 28.04 28.05 28.06

Drilling Rig Drilling Mud Treatment Oil Country Drilling Equipment

Equipment Tubular Goods
Systems Equipment (OCTG) Consumables Rental
28.03.01G 28.06.01S
Drilling Rig Mud Tank Tools Pipes Drilling
Drilling For Shale System Drilling Bit Equipment
28.02.01G 28.02.02G 28.02.25G 28.03.02G 28.04.01S 28.06.02S
28.01.01G 28.04.06G 28.05.02G
Complete OCTG Wellhead
Onshore Drilling Derrick and Mast Rotary Tables Perforating Gun Desander Drill Collars Drilling Barrel Equipment
System Accessories
28.03.03G 28.04.02G 28.06.03S
28.01.02G 28.02.03G 28.02.04G 28.02.26G 28.04.07S 28.05.03G
Onshore Blow- Drilling Hoist Equipment for
Hydraulic Rig Out Preventer Bridge and Desilter Fishing Tools Slotted Liner Shale
and Winches Cement
Package (BOP) Isolating Plug
28.03.04G 28.04.03G 28.06.04S
28.02.05G 28.02.06G 28.02.27G 28.04.08G 28.05.04G
Bottom Hole Tanks and
Injection Head Assembly (BHA) Fracturing Shale Shaker Cutters Thread Protector Drilling Mills Storage Units
Mobile Rig and components Pumps
28.03.05G 28.06.05S
28.02.07G 28.02.08G 28.04.04G 28.04.09G

Drilling Oil Field Drilling Mud Tools and Joints Pumps

Offshore Instrumentation Agitator Drill Pipe Drilling Mud
Transmissions Machining
Drilling & Control
28.04.10G 28.06.06S
Systems 28.02.09G 28.02.10G 28.03.06G 28.04.05G 28.05.05G
28.01.04G Joints and Other Drilling Heavy Weight Mud Treatment
Fittings for Well Safety Degasser Tools (Jar, Kelly, Drill Pipe Drilling Mud - Equipment
Complete Equipment Shoes) (HWDP) Fluids
Offshore Drilling Drilling Rigs
System 28.02.11G 28.02.12G 28.03.07G 28.04.11G
Drilling Drilling Fluids Engines and
Coiled Tubing Mud Cleaner Carbon (Casing Generators
Unit Handling and Tubing) Additives and
Hydraulic Rig Equipment Chemicals
Package 28.03.08G 28.04.12G
28.02.13G 28.02.14G
CRA (Chrome/ Handling
28.01.06G Equipment
Drawworks Auxiliary Drilling Mud Gun Duplex Casing Shale
Plug & Equipment and Tubing)
Abandonment 28.03.09G 28.04.13G 28.05.07G
28.02.15G 28.02.16G
28.01.07G Solids and Mud Additive Premium Casing Vehicles
Wireline Cuttings removal System and Tubing Proppant
Intervention & Equipment
Completion Units 28.06.10S
(ICU) 28.02.17G 28.02.18G 28.03.10G 28.04.14G
API and Premium Coiled Tubing
Mud Pump Thread Unit
Brakes Top Drive Fracturing Fluids
Derrick and Mast Machining
Package 28.06.11S
28.02.19G 28.02.20G 28.03.11G

28.01.09G Nitrogen Unit

Fluid Control Data Loggers Dewatering Unit
Derrick Equipment
Equipment Set
(DES) for Tender
Assisted Rigs 28.02.21G 28.02.22G

Coiled Tubbing Underreamers
Modular Drilling
Rig 28.02.23G 28.02.24G

Hammers Cementing


Sep18 SupplHi©2015-2018 —This content is property of SupplHi
Drilling This category groups includes all equipment and materials used in drilling operations and annexed activities as
Equipment and well as equipment rental.
Pumps, generators and engines employed for drilling activities are not listed under this category but are
Materials instead categorized respectively under “Pumps” (08) and “Engines, Motors, Generators and Drives” (14).


Drilling Rig Systems Drilling Equipment Mud Treatment Equipment

• This family includes systems that support complete drilling • This family includes all materials employed in drilling activities for • This family refers to specific material for mud guns, storing,
activities or more specific operations separated into 2 sub families both onshore and offshore sites. filtering, cleaning as well as joints, fittings, shakers and agitators.
onshore and offshore (i.e. hydraulic systems). • “Well Safety Equipment” encompasses all material employed to Mud pumps and mud injection columns are not considered under
• It includes the drilling systems used during the contracting or contrast the occurrence of disrupting events during drilling. This this family.
rental services. category does not include Blow Out Preventers (20.01.01G & • “Cementing Units” refers to both modular, skid-based cementing
20.01.02G) nor items listed under “Process Control and Safety / units and portable bulk plants.
• “Mobile Rig” refers to drilling equipment mounted on trucks, tracks Relief Valves” (05.03).
or trailers.
• “Auxiliary Drilling Equipment” includes electro magnetic brakes for
drilling equipment, brakes (hydromatic, drum, and disc), air
Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) clutches, cathead, and pulsation dampeners. Drilling Consumables
• This family includes seamless rolled products consisting of drill • “Land Blow-Out Preventer (BOP)” refers only to the systems used • This family refers to all those goods that are quickly used and
pipe, casing and tubing and its accessories. onshore, while offshore BOPs are classified under “Subsea need to be replaced often (e.g. lubricants, drill bits).
Equipment” (20.01.01G & 20.01.02G). • “Drilling Mud – Fluids” includes all drilling mud fluid based sych as
• “Other Drilling Tools (Jar, Kelly, Shoes)” includes other drilling
tools not categorized separately such as shoes, jars and kellies. • “Derrick / Mast” refers only to the supporting structure for drilling water base, oil base, and lubricants.
and does not include its installed equipment such as hoists, • “Drilling Fluids Additives and Chemicals” Includes chemicals for
• “OCTG Accessories” Includes fittings and joints specific for drilling winches, etc.
activities such as Wash Tools, Bar Stocks, X-Over, Swages, Pump processes related to drilling activities such as Acids, Production
Joints, Drifts, Scrapers, Valves and BOP Ram, Centralizers, • “Instrumentation” encompasses several instruments and tools Enhancement, Pipe Lines Fracturing Additives and Drilling Fluids.
Cementing Plug, Float Equipment, all the joints that provide used during drilling activities (e.g. manometers for hydrocarbon • “Fracturing Fluids” includes viscous water-based fluids, non-
connection to the OCTG components and are inside the hole pressures). Such items have to be kept separate from other viscous water-based fluids, gelled oil-based fluids, acid-based
specialized instruments for exploration and reservoir management fluids, and foam fluids.
• Manifolds are taken into account in the group 29 (Well listed under category group 25.
Completion) being a set more related to completion activities.
• “BHA and components” can comprehends, subs such as bit Sub,
• Premium Casing and Tubing: Premium Casing and tubing refers Z-Over Sub, Floating Sub and lifting Sub, stabilizers, reamers,
to licensed Threads used by certain manufacturers shocks and hole-openers
• API and Premium Thread Machining: Refers to machining • “Drilling Hoist and Winches” refers to winches, mobile hoists,
factories which are licensed to machining OCTG Threads hooks, swivels, sheaves, traveling blocks, Crownblocks, Deadline
• Drilling Mills: Refers to a smaller type of drilling bits Anchors and the hoist supports usually installed in the derrick.
• “Drilling Handling Tools” includes tools such Elevators, Slips,
Equipment Rental Bushings, Tongs, Stabbing Guides, Clamps, Backsavers and
Safety Stands
• This family classifies equipment items rented for drilling
operations. • “Joints and Fittings for Drilling Rigs” includes tools such as Swivel
Joints and Hammer Valves, Fittings that do not connect tools
• “Handling Equipment” refers to handling systems employed in inside the hole. “Hammers” are put in a separate category
drilling operations, mainly used to move pipes and similar tubular
goods. This category includes: pipe shuttles, cranes, hoists, Notes:
rackers, etc. • Engines and generators employed for drilling activities are not
• “Specialized Vehicles” includes support vehicles for drilling included in this category group and are instead listed under
activities such as support trucks, service trucks, water supply “Engines, Motors, Generators and Drives” (14).
equipment, etc. • Pumps used for drilling activities (especially for drilling mud and
• “Drilling Equipment” and “Wellhead Equipment” do not include hydrocarbon fluids) are not included in this category group and
specific equipment for shale, which is instead classified as are instead listed under the comprehensive “Pumps” category
“Equipment for Shale” (28.06.03S) group (08).
• “Pumps” Includes all kind of pumps that can be used for drilling
purposes; Fracturing, Injection, among others…


Sep18 SupplHi©2015-2018 —This content is property of SupplHi

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