First Grade Math Lesson - Money
First Grade Math Lesson - Money
First Grade Math Lesson - Money
Content Standard 1.MD.B.4 Count the value of a set of like coins less than one dollar using the ¢
What standard(s) are most symbol only.
relevant to the learning goals?
Student Learning Students will be able to identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Goal(s)/ Objective(s) Students will be able to recall the value of each coin when shown.
Skills/procedures Students will be able to perform 1-digit addition to add coins.
What are the specific learning Students will know that the symbol “¢” stands for “cents” and is used when
goal(s) for student in this lesson? expressing an amount of money.
Concepts and
What are the specific learning
goal(s) for students in this
Prior Academic Students should already be familiar with the words “penny, nickel, dime,
Knowledge and quarter” and have a general understanding of the purpose of money.
Conceptions Students should already be able to perform simple addition problems.
What knowledge, skills, and
concepts must students already
know to be successful with this
What prior knowledge and/or
gaps in knowledge do these
students have that are necessary
to support the learning of the
skills and concepts for this
Common Errors, Students may have difficulty distinguishing between nickels and dimes
Developmental because they are similar size and shape, and due to the added confusion of the
Approximations, dime being smaller than a nickel but being worth more. I will bring models of
Misconceptions, each coin to display and hand out play money for students to practice with to
Partial reinforce the correct name of each coin.
Understandings, or
What are common errors or
misunderstandings of students
related to the central focus of
this lesson?
How will you address them for
this group of students?
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:
Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Launch/Hook I will ask students to close their eyes and listen to a sound. I will then shake a
2 Minutes jar full of coins and ask them to guess what the sound is.
How will you start the lesson to
engage and motivate students in When guessed correctly I will show them the coins and hold up one of each
learning? denomination and ask what it’s called and how much it is worth. If no one
answers correctly I will write the answers on the board and tell them.
15 Minutes I will play “The Money Song” video by Jack Hartman and have students get up
and perform motions to the song. They will hold up one finger for a penny,
What will you do to engage five for a nickel, ten for a dime, and flash ten fingers twice and five fingers
students in developing
understanding of the lesson once for a quarter.
After the song I will have students sit on the carpet and say, “Has anyone
How will you link the new content
(skills and concepts) to students’ heard of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day? We’re
prior academic learning and their going to read another book about Alexander: Alexander Who Used to Be Rich
personal/cultural and community Last Sunday.
What will you say and do? What What does it mean, “who used to be rich?”
questions will you ask? Have you ever gotten money for your birthday or for doing some work? What
How will you engage students to do you do when you have money?
help them understand the What does it mean to “save” money? To “spend” money?
Closure When everyone is finished with their tasks I will call on volunteers to read
10 Minutes their problem and describe how they used coins to express the value.
Student Interactions Students will listen to the book as a group and work in pairs to complete the
money problems.
How will you structure
opportunities for students to
work with partners or in groups?
What criteria will you use when
forming groups?
What Ifs Some students may struggle to complete the partner activity. I will give
What might not go as planned and assistance as needed and do extra modeling. If enough of the class is unable
how can you be ready to make
adjustment? to complete the activity I will choose a few problems to go through on the
board, offering prompts as the class attempts to solve.
Theoretical Principles
and/or Research–Based
Best Practices
Why are the learning tasks for
this lesson appropriate for your
What language function do you I will encourage students to use the proper terms for money: penny, nickel,
want students to develop in this
lesson? What must students dime, quarter, cents.
understand in order to be
intellectually engaged in the
What content specific terms I will teach the following vocabulary: spend, save
(vocabulary) do students need to
support learning of the learning
objective for this lesson
What are your students’ abilities Students’ will have encountered coins in kindergarten (K.MD.B.3 Identify
with regard to the oral and
written language associated with the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and recognize the value of each.)
this lesson?
How will you support students I will repeat and have them repeat or rephrase using the academic
so they can understand and use
the language associated with the language.
language function and other
demands in meeting the learning
objectives of the lesson?
Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this lesson to monitor students’ learning of the lesson objective(s). Attach a copy of the
assessment and the evaluation criteria/rubric in the resources section at the end of the lesson plan.
Type of Description of Modifications to the Evaluation Criteria - What
assessment assessment assessment so that all evidence of student learning
(Informal or students could demonstrate (related to the learning objectives
Formal) their learning. and central focus) does the
assessment provide?
Adding coins I will read directions for Students will complete the same
Informal worksheet students who need it. worksheet twice, once as a pre-
assessment and once as a post-
assessment. Based on both sets of
scores I will be able to see if
students met the objectives and
showed growth.
Informal Verbal assessment I will consider the students Students’ answers and
during lesson and and their levels when explanation for reasoning will
partner activity choosing questions to ask. show whether they are able to
correctly use coins to create
certain amounts.
Analyzing Teaching:
Proposed Changes. Whole class: Add another activity for students to stand up and be more active.
The lesson plan template is intended to be used as a formative process prior to a candidate’s submission of edTPA materials. The template offers an opportunity
for candidates to practice documenting their thinking when planning lessons leading up to the learning segment they will teach for edTPA. Lesson plans with this
level of detail are not necessary and should not be submitted as part of edTPA. It is intended to prepare candidates to articulate their thinking and justification for
plans when responding to the Planning Task commentary prompts
The prompt provided here should be modified to reflect subject specific aspects of learning. Language here is mathematics related. See candidate edTPA
handbooks for the “Making Good Choices” resource for subject specific components.