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Solutions Manual for

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
8th Edition
Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles
McGraw-Hill, 2015

Chapter 3


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Pure Substances, Phase Change Processes, Property Diagrams

3-1C Yes. Because it has the same chemical composition throughout.

3-2C A vapor that is about to condense is saturated vapor; otherwise it is superheated vapor.

3-3C No.

3-4C Because one cannot be varied while holding the other constant. In other words, when one changes, so does the other

3-5C Yes. The saturation temperature of a pure substance depends on pressure. The higher the pressure, the higher the
saturation or boiling temperature.

3-6C At critical point the saturated liquid and the saturated vapor states are identical. At triple point the three phases of a
pure substance coexist in equilibrium.

3-7C Yes.

3-8C Case (c) when the pan is covered with a heavy lid. Because the heavier the lid, the greater the pressure in the pan, and
thus the greater the cooking temperature.

Property Tables

3-9C A given volume of water will boil at a higher temperature in a tall and narrow pot since the pressure at the bottom
(and thus the corresponding saturation pressure) will be higher in that case.

3-10C The molar mass of gasoline (C8H18) is 114 kg/kmol, which is much larger than the molar mass of air that is 29
kg/kmol. Therefore, the gasoline vapor will settle down instead of rising even if it is at a much higher temperature than the
surrounding air. As a result, the warm mixture of air and gasoline on top of an open gasoline will most likely settle down
instead of rising in a cooler environment

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3-11C Yes. Otherwise we can create energy by alternately vaporizing and condensing a substance.

3-12C No. Because in the thermodynamic analysis we deal with the changes in properties; and the changes are independent
of the selected reference state.

3-13C The term hfg represents the amount of energy needed to vaporize a unit mass of saturated liquid at a specified
temperature or pressure. It can be determined from hfg = hg - hf .

3-14C Yes. It decreases with increasing pressure and becomes zero at the critical pressure.

3-15C Yes; the higher the temperature the lower the hfg value.

3-16C Quality is the fraction of vapor in a saturated liquid-vapor mixture. It has no meaning in the superheated vapor

3-17C Completely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid at 1 atm pressure since the higher the pressure, the lower the hfg .

3-18C The compressed liquid can be approximated as a saturated liquid at the given temperature. Thus v T , P  v f @ T .

3-19C Ice can be made by evacuating the air in a water tank. During evacuation, vapor is also thrown out, and thus the
vapor pressure in the tank drops, causing a difference between the vapor pressures at the water surface and in the tank. This
pressure difference is the driving force of vaporization, and forces the liquid to evaporate. But the liquid must absorb the
heat of vaporization before it can vaporize, and it absorbs it from the liquid and the air in the neighborhood, causing the
temperature in the tank to drop. The process continues until water starts freezing. The process can be made more efficient by
insulating the tank well so that the entire heat of vaporization comes essentially from the water.

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3-20 Complete the following table for H2 O:

T, C P, kPa u, kJ / kg Phase description

143.61 400 1450 Saturated mixture
220 2319.6 2601.3 Saturated vapor
190 2500 805.15 Compressed liquid
466.21 4000 3040 Superheated vapor

3-21 Complete the following table for H2 O:

T, C P, kPa v, m3 / kg Phase description

50 12.35 7.72 Saturated mixture

143.6 400 0.4624 Saturated vapor
250 500 0.4744 Superheated vapor
110 350 0.001051 Compressed liquid

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3-22 Problem 3-21 is reconsidered. The missing properties of water are to be determined using EES, and the solution
is to be repeated for refrigerant-134a, refrigerant-22, and ammonia.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

T[1]=50 [C]
v[1]=7.72 [m^3/kg]
P[2]=400 [kPa]
T[3]=250 [C]
P[3]=500 [kPa]
T[4]=110 [C]
P[4]=350 [kPa]

Fluid$='steam_iapws' "Change the Fluid to R134a, R22 and Ammonia and solve"
P[1]=pressure(Fluid$, T=T[1], v=v[1])
x[1]=quality(Fluid$, T=T[1], v=v[1])
T[2]=temperature(Fluid$, P=P[2], x=x[2])
v[2]=volume(Fluid$, P=P[2], x=x[2])
v[3]=volume(Fluid$, P=P[3], T=T[3])
x[3]=quality(Fluid$, P=P[3], T=T[3])
v[4]=volume(Fluid$, P=P[4], T=T[4])
x[4]=quality(Fluid$, P=P[4], T=T[4])
"x = 100 for superheated vapor and x = -100 for compressed liquid"

SOLUTION for water

T [C] P [kPa] x v [kg/m ]
50.00 12.35 0.6419 7.72
143.61 400.00 1 0.4624
250.00 500.00 100 0.4744
110.00 350.00 -100 0.001051

SOLUTION for R-134a

T [C] P [kPa] x v [kg/m ]
50.00 3.41 100 7.72
8.91 400.00 1 0.05127
250.00 500.00 - -
110.00 350.00 100 0.08666

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T [C] P [kPa] X v [kg/m ]
50.00 4.02 100 7.72
-6.56 400.00 1 0.05817
250.00 500.00 100 0.09959
110.00 350.00 100 0.103

SOLUTION for Ammonia

T [C] P [kPa] X v [kg/m ]
50.00 20.40 100 7.72
-1.89 400.00 1 0.3094
250.00 500.00 100 0.5076
110.00 350.00 100 0.5269




T [C]

300 8600 kPa

2600 kPa
500 kPa
45 kPa

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

s [kJ/kg-K]




T [C]

300 8600 kPa

2600 kPa
500 kPa
45 kPa

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103

v [m 3/kg]

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250 C

170 C
P [kPa]

102 110 C

75 C


10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
v [m /kg]


250 C

170 C
P [kPa]

102 110 C

75 C


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

h [kJ/kg]

8600 kPa
2600 kPa

3000 500 kPa

2500 45 kPa
h [kJ/kg]





0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

s [kJ/kg-K]

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3-23 Complete the following table for H2 O:

T, C P, kPa v, m3 / kg Phase description

140 361.53 0.05 Saturated mixture
155.46 550 0.001097 Saturated liquid
125 750 0.001065 Compressed liquid
500 2500 0.140 Superheated vapor

3-24E Complete the following table for H2 O:

T, F P, psia u, Btu / lbm Phase description
300 67.03 782 Saturated mixture
267.22 40 236.02 Saturated liquid
500 120 1174.4 Superheated vapor
400 400 373.84 Compressed liquid

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3-25E Problem 3-24E is reconsidered. The missing properties of water are to be determined using EES, and the
solution is to be repeated for refrigerant-134a, refrigerant-22, and ammonia.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

T[1]=300 [F]
u[1]=782 [Btu/lbm]
P[2]=40 [psia]
T[3]=500 [F]
P[3]=120 [psia]
T[4]=400 [F]
P[4]=420 [psia]

P[1]=pressure(Fluid$, T=T[1], u=u[1])
x[1]=quality(Fluid$, T=T[1], u=u[1])
T[2]=temperature(Fluid$, P=P[2], x=x[2])
u[2]=intenergy(Fluid$, P=P[2], x=x[2])
u[3]=intenergy(Fluid$, P=P[3], T=T[3])
x[3]=quality(Fluid$, P=P[3], T=T[3])
u[4]=intenergy(Fluid$, P=P[4], T=T[4])
x[4]=quality(Fluid$, P=P[4], T=T[4])
"x = 100 for superheated vapor and x = -100 for compressed liquid"

Solution for steam

T, ºF P, psia x u, Btu/lbm
300 67.028 0.6173 782
267.2 40 0 236
500 120 100 1174
400 400 -100 373.8

Solution for R134a

T, ºF P, psia x u, Btu/lbm
300 - - 782
29.01 40 0 21.24
500 120 100 203.5
400 400 100 173.6

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Solution for R22
T, ºF P, psia x u, Btu/lbm
300 - - 782
1.534 40 0 78.08
500 120 100 240.1
400 400 100 218.7

Solution for ammonia

T, ºF P, psia x u, Btu/lbm
300 - - 782
11.67 40 0 63.47
500 120 100 785.5
400 400 100 727

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3-26 Complete the following table for Refrigerant-134a:
T, C P, kPa v, m3 / kg Phase description
-4 320 0.000764 Compressed liquid
10 414.89 0.0065 Saturated mixture
33.45 850 0.02409 Saturated vapor
60 600 0.04632 Superheated vapor

3-27E Complete the following table for Refrigerant-134a:

T, F P, psia h, Btu / lbm x Phase description

65.89 80 78 0.566 Saturated mixture
15 29.759 69.92 0.6 Saturated mixture
10 70 15.36 --- Compressed liquid
160 180 129.46 --- Superheated vapor
110 161.16 117.25 1.0 Saturated vapor

3-28 A rigid tank contains steam at a specified state. The pressure, quality, and density of steam are to be determined.
Properties At 220C vf = 0.001190 m3/kg and vg = 0.08609 m3/kg (Table A-4).
Analysis (a) Two phases coexist in equilibrium, thus we have a saturated liquid-vapor mixture. The pressure of the steam is
the saturation pressure at the given temperature. Then the pressure in the tank must be the saturation pressure at the specified
P  Tsat@220C  2320kPa

(b) The total mass and the quality are determined as

Vf 1/3  (1.8 m3 ) 1.8 m3
mf    504.2 kg 220C
v f 0.001190 m3/kg
Vg 2/3  (1.8 m3 )
mg    13.94 kg
v g 0.08609 m3/kg
mt  m f  mg  504.2  13.94  518.1 kg
mg 13.94
x   0.0269
mt 518.1
(c) The density is determined from
v  v f  x(v g  v f )  0.001190  (0.0269)( 0.08609)  0.003474 m 3 /kg
1 1
   287.8kg/m 3
v 0.003474

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3-29 A piston-cylinder device contains R-134a at a specified state. Heat is transferred to R-134a. The final pressure, the
volume change of the cylinder, and the enthalpy change are to be determined.
Analysis (a) The final pressure is equal to the initial pressure, which is determined from

mp g (12 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )  1 kN 

  90.4 kPa
P2  P1  Patm   88 kPa 
D /4
2 
 (0.25 m) /4  1000 kg.m/s2
2 

(b) The specific volume and enthalpy of R-134a at the initial state of 90.4 kPa and -10C and at the final state of 90.4 kPa
and 15C are (from EES)
v1 = 0.2302 m3/kg h1 = 247.77 kJ/kg
v 2 = 0.2544 m /kg
h2 = 268.18 kJ/kg
The initial and the final volumes and the volume change are
V1  mv 1  (0.85 kg)(0.2302 m 3 /kg)  0.1957 m 3 Q
0.85 kg
V 2  mv 2  (0.85 kg)(0.2544 m 3 /kg)  0.2162 m 3 -10C

V  0.2162  0.1957  0.0205m3

(c) The total enthalpy change is determined from
H  m(h2  h1 )  (0.85 kg)(268.18  247.77) kJ/kg  17.4 kJ/kg

3-30E The temperature of R-134a at a specified state is to be determined.

Analysis Since the specified specific volume is higher than vg for 80 psia, this is a superheated vapor state. From R-134a
P  80 psia 
 T  80F (Table A - 13E)
v  0.6243 ft /lbm 

3-31 A rigid container that is filled with R-134a is heated. The final temperature and initial pressure are to be determined.
Analysis This is a constant volume process. The specific volume is

V 1.348 m 3 R-134a
v1  v 2    0.1348 m 3 /kg -40°C
m 10 kg 10 kg
The initial state is determined to be a mixture, and thus the pressure is the 1.348 m3
saturation pressure at the given temperature
P1  Psat @ -40C  51.25kPa (Table A -11)

The final state is superheated vapor and the temperature is determined by 2

interpolation to be

P2  200 kPa 
 T2  66.3C (Table A - 13) 1
v 2  0.1348 m 3 /kg  v

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3-32 The enthalpy of R-134a at a specified state is to be determined.
Analysis The specific volume is

V 9 m3
v   0.03 m 3 /kg
m 300 kg

Inspection of Table A-11 indicates that this is a mixture of liquid and vapor. Using the properties at 10°C line, the quality
and the enthalpy are determined to be
v v f (0.03  0.0007929) m 3 /kg
x   0.6001
v fg (0.049466  0.0007929) m 3 /kg

h  h f  xh fg  65.42  (0.6001)(190.80)  179.9kJ/kg

3-33 The specific volume of R-134a at a specified state is to be determined.

Analysis Since the given temperature is higher than the saturation temperature for 200 kPa, this is a superheated vapor state.
The specific volume is then
P  200 kPa
 v  0.11647m /kg (Table A - 13)
T  25C 

3-34 The average atmospheric pressure in Denver is 83.4 kPa. The boiling temperature of water in Denver is to be
Analysis The boiling temperature of water in Denver is the saturation temperature corresponding to the atmospheric pressure
in Denver, which is 83.4 kPa:
T  [email protected] kPa  94.6C (Table A-5)

3-35E The temperature in a pressure cooker during cooking at sea level is measured to be 250F. The absolute pressure
inside the cooker and the effect of elevation on the answer are to be determined.
Assumptions Properties of pure water can be used to approximate the properties of juicy water in the cooker.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 250F is 29.84 psia (Table A-4E). The standard atmospheric pressure at sea
level is 1 atm = 14.7 psia.
Analysis The absolute pressure in the cooker is simply the saturation pressure at the cooking temperature,
Pabs  Psat@250F  29.84 psia
It is equivalent to
 1 atm 
Pabs  29.84 psia   2.03 atm
 14.7 psia 
The elevation has no effect on the absolute pressure inside when the temperature is maintained constant at 250F.

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3-36E A spring-loaded piston-cylinder device is filled with R-134a. The water now undergoes a process until its volume
increases by 50%. The final temperature and the enthalpy are to be determined.
Analysis From Table A-11E, the initial specific volume is

v 1  v f  x1v fg  0.01143  (0.80)( 4.4286  0.01143)  3.5452 ft 3 /lbm

and the initial volume will be

V1  mv 1  (0.13 lbm)(3.5452 ft 3 /lbm)  0.4609 ft 3
With a 50% increase in the volume, the final volume will be 2
V 2  1.4V1  1.5(0.4609 ft 3 )  0.6913 ft 3
The distance that the piston moves between the initial and final conditions is v
V V 2  V1 (0.6813  0.4609)ft 3
x     0.2934 ft
A p D 2 / 4  (1 ft) 2 / 4
As a result of the compression of the spring, the pressure difference between the initial and final states is
F kx kx 4(37 lbf/in) (0.2934  12 in)
P      1.152 lbf/in 2  1.152 psia
Ap A p D / 4
 (12 in) 2
The initial pressure is
P1  Psat @ -30F  9.869 psia (Table A - 11E)

The final pressure is then

P2  P1  P  9.869  1.152  11.02 psia

and the final specific volume is

V2 0.6813 ft 3
v2    5.318 ft 3 /lbm
m 0.13 lbm
At this final state, the temperature and enthalpy are

P2  11.02 psia  T2  104.7F

 (from EES)
v 2  5.318 ft 3 /lbm h2  124.7Btu/lbm

Note that it is very difficult to get the temperature and enthalpy readings from Table A-13E accurately.

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3-37E A piston-cylinder device that is filled with water is cooled. The final pressure and volume of the water are to be
Analysis The initial specific volume is

V1 2.4264 ft 3
v1    2.4264 ft 3 /lbm H2O
m 1 lbm
This is a constant-pressure process. The initial state is determined to be superheated 1 lbm
vapor and thus the pressure is determined to be 2.4264 ft3
T1  600F 
 P  P2  250 psia (Table A - 6E)
v 1  2.4264 ft /lbm  1

The saturation temperature at 250 psia is 400.1°F. Since the final temperature
is less than this temperature, the final state is compressed liquid. Using the 2 1
incompressible liquid approximation,

v 2  v f @ 200F  0.01663 ft 3 /lbm (Table A - 4E)

The final volume is then

V 2  mv 2  (1 lbm)(0.01663 ft 3 /lbm)  0.01663 ft 3

3-38 The volume of a container that contains water at a specified state is to be determined.
Analysis The specific volume is determined from steam tables by interpolation to be
P  100 kPa
 v  1.9367 m /kg (Table A - 6)
T  150C  Water
3 kg
The volume of the container is then 100 kPa
V  mv  (3 kg)(1.9367 m 3 /kg)  5.81m3

3-39 Water is boiled at sea level (1 atm pressure) in a pan placed on top of a 3-kW electric burner that transfers 60% of the
heat generated to the water. The rate of evaporation of water is to be determined.
Properties The properties of water at 1 atm and thus at the saturation temperature of 100C are hfg = 2256.4 kJ/kg (Table A-
Analysis The net rate of heat transfer to the water is
Q&  0.60  3 kW  1.8 kW H2O
Noting that it takes 2256.4 kJ of energy to vaporize 1 kg of saturated liquid water, the rate of
evaporation of water is determined to be
Q& 1.8 kJ/s
m& evaporation  =  0.80 10 3 kg/s  2.872kg/h
hfg 2256.4 kJ/kg

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3-40 Water is boiled at 1500 m (84.5 kPa pressure) in a pan placed on top of a 3-kW electric burner that transfers 60% of
the heat generated to the water. The rate of evaporation of water is to be determined.
Properties The properties of water at 84.5 kPa and thus at the saturation temperature of 95C are hfg = 2269.6 kJ/kg (Table
Analysis The net rate of heat transfer to the water is
Q&  0.60  3 kW  18
. kW
Noting that it takes 2269.6 kJ of energy to vaporize 1 kg of saturated liquid water, the
rate of evaporation of water is determined to be
Q& 1.8 kJ/s
m& evaporation  =  0.793  10 3 kg/s  2.855 kg/h
h fg 2269.6 kJ/kg

3-41 A rigid container that is filled with R-134a is heated. The temperature and total enthalpy are to be determined at the
initial and final states.
Analysis This is a constant volume process. The specific volume is
0.014 m 3
v1  v 2    0.0014 m 3 /kg 300 kPa
m 10 kg 10 kg
14 L
The initial state is determined to be a mixture, and thus the temperature is the
saturation temperature at the given pressure. From Table A-12 by interpolation
T1  Tsat @ 300kPa  0.61C P

Using EES, we would get 0.65C. Then,

v1  v f (0.0014  0.0007735) m 3 /kg
x1    0.009351
v fg (0.067776  0.0007735) m 3 /kg
h1  h f  x1h fg  52.71  (0.009351)(198.17)  54.56 kJ/kg 4 v
The total enthalpy is then
H1  mh1  (10 kg)(54.56 kJ/kg)  545.6kJ

The final state is also saturated mixture. Repeating the calculations at this state,
T2  Tsat @ 600kPa  21.55C

v2 v f (0.0014  0.0008198) m 3 /kg

x2    0.01731
v fg (0.034335  0.0008198) m 3 /kg

h2  h f  x 2 h fg  81.50  (0.01731)(180.95)  84.64 kJ/kg

H 2  mh2  (10 kg)(84.64 kJ/kg)  846.4kJ

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3-42 A piston-cylinder device that is filled with R-134a is cooled at constant pressure. The final temperature and the change
of total internal energy are to be determined.
Analysis The initial specific volume is

V 12.322 m 3
v1    0.12322 m 3 /kg R-134a
m 100 kg
200 kPa
The initial state is superheated and the internal energy at this state is 100 kg
12.322 m3
P1  200 kPa 
 u1  263.08 kJ/kg (Table A - 13)
v 1  0.12322 m 3 /kg 
The final specific volume is

v1 0.12322 m 3 / kg 2 1
v2    0.06161 m 3 /kg
2 2
This is a constant pressure process. The final state is determined to be saturated v
mixture whose temperature is
T2  Tsat @ 200kPa  10.09C (Table A -12)

The internal energy at the final state is (Table A-12)

v2 v f (0.06161  0.0007532) m 3 /kg
x2    0.6135
v fg (0.099951  0.0007532) m 3 /kg

u 2  u f  x 2 u fg  38.26  (0.6135)(186.25)  152.52 kJ/kg

Hence, the change in the internal energy is

u  u 2  u1  152.52  263.08  110.6kJ/kg

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3-43 A piston-cylinder device fitted with stops contains water at a specified state. Now the water is cooled until a final
pressure. The process is to be indicated on the T-v diagram and the change in internal energy is to be determined.
Analysis The process is shown on T-v diagram. The internal
energy at the initial state is

P1  200 kPa
 u1  2808.8 kJ/kg (Table A - 6)
T1  300C 
State 2 is saturated vapor at the initial pressure. Then, 200 kPa Q
P2  200 kPa 
 v 2  0.8858 m /kg (Table A - 5)
x 2  1 (sat. vapor) 
200 kPa
Process 2-3 is a constant-volume process. Thus,
P3  100 kPa  100 kPa
 u  1508.6 kJ/kg (Table A - 5) 2
v 3  v 2  0.8858 m /kg 3

The overall change in internal energy is 3

u  u1  u3  2808.8  1508.6  1300kJ/kg

3-44 Saturated steam at Tsat = 40C condenses on the outer surface of a cooling tube at a rate of 130 kg/h. The rate of heat
transfer from the steam to the cooling water is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The condensate leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at 30C.
Properties The properties of water at the saturation temperature of 40C are hfg = 2406.0 kJ/kg (Table A-4).
Analysis Noting that 2406.0 kJ of heat is released as 1 kg of saturated
vapor at 40C condenses, the rate of heat transfer from the steam to the 40C
cooling water in the tube is determined directly from
Q&  m& evap h fg L = 35 m
D = 3 cm
 (130 kg/h)(2406.0 kJ/kg)  312,780 kJ/h
= 86.9 kW

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3-45 The boiling temperature of water in a 5-cm deep pan is given. The boiling temperature in a 40-cm deep pan is to be
Assumptions Both pans are full of water.
Properties The density of liquid water is approximately  = 1000 kg/m3.
Analysis The pressure at the bottom of the 5-cm pan is the saturation
40 cm
pressure corresponding to the boiling temperature of 98C:
5 cm
P  Psat@98 C  94.39 kPa (Table A-4)

The pressure difference between the bottoms of two pans is

 1 kPa 
P   g h  (1000 kg/m 3 )(9.807 m/s 2 )(0.35 m)   3.43 kPa
 1000 kg/m  s 2 
 
Then the pressure at the bottom of the 40-cm deep pan is
P = 94.39 + 3.43 = 97.82 kPa
Then the boiling temperature becomes
Tboiling  [email protected] kPa  99.0C (Table A-5)

3-46 A cooking pan is filled with water and covered with a 4-kg lid. The boiling temperature of water is to be determined.
Analysis The pressure in the pan is determined from a force balance on the lid,
PA = PatmA + W
P  Patm 
(4 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )  1 kPa  P
 (101 kPa)   
 (0.1 m)  2 W = mg
 1000 kg/m  s 
 102.25 kPa

The boiling temperature is the saturation temperature corresponding to this pressure,

T  [email protected] kPa  100.2C (Table A-5)

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3-47 Prob. 3-46 is reconsidered. Using EES (or other) software, the effect of the mass of the lid on the boiling
temperature of water in the pan is to be investigated. The mass is to vary from 1 kg to 10 kg, and the boiling temperature is
to be plotted against the mass of the lid.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

"Given data"
D_lid=20 [cm]
{m_lid=4 [kg]}

"The atmospheric pressure in kPa varies with altitude in km by the approximate function:"
"The local acceleration of gravity at 45 degrees latitude as a function of altitude in m is given by:"

"At sea level:"

z=0 "[km]"

mlid [kg] Twater [C]

1 100.1
2 100.1
3 100.2
4 100.3
5 100.4
6 100.5
7 100.6
8 100.7
9 100.7
10 100.8




T water [C]






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

mlid [kg]

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100 mass of lid = 4 kg

Pwater [kPa]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
z [km]
Effect of altitude on boiling pre ssure of water in pan with lid

mass of lid = 4 kg

T water [C]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
z [km]
Effect of altitude on boiling temperature of wate r in pan with lid

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3-48 A vertical piston-cylinder device is filled with water and covered with a 40-kg piston that serves as the lid. The boiling
temperature of water is to be determined.
Analysis The pressure in the cylinder is determined from a force balance on the piston,
PA = PatmA + W
P  Patm 
(40 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )  1 kPa 

 (100 kPa)  P
 
 1000 kg/m  s
2 2
0.0150 m  W = mg
 126.15 kPa
The boiling temperature is the saturation temperature corresponding to this pressure,
T  [email protected]  106.2C (Table A-5)

3-49 Water is boiled in a pan by supplying electrical heat. The local atmospheric pressure is to be estimated.
Assumptions 75 percent of electricity consumed by the heater is transferred to the water.
Analysis The amount of heat transfer to the water during this period is
Q  fEelect time  (0.75)(2 kJ/s)(30  60 s)  2700 kJ
The enthalpy of vaporization is determined from
Q 2700 kJ
h fg    2269 kJ/kg
mboil 1.19 kg
Using the data by a trial-error approach in saturation table of water (Table A-5) or using EES as we did, the saturation
pressure that corresponds to an enthalpy of vaporization value of 2269 kJ/kg is
Psat = 85.4 kPa
which is the local atmospheric pressure.

3-50 A rigid tank that is filled with saturated liquid-vapor mixture is heated. The temperature at which the liquid in the tank
is completely vaporized is to be determined, and the T-v diagram is to be drawn.
Analysis This is a constant volume process (v = V /m = constant), and
the specific volume is determined to be H2O
V 1.8 m 3
v   0.12 m 3 /kg
m 15 kg

When the liquid is completely vaporized the tank will contain

saturated vapor only. Thus, T

v 2  v g  0.12 m 3 /kg 2

The temperature at this point is the temperature that corresponds to

this vg value,
T  Tsat@v  202.9C (Table A-4) v
g 0.12 m

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3-51 A piston-cylinder device contains a saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water at 800 kPa pressure. The mixture is
heated at constant pressure until the temperature rises to 200°C. The initial temperature, the total mass of water, the final
volume are to be determined, and the P-v diagram is to be drawn.
Analysis (a) Initially two phases coexist in equilibrium, thus we have a saturated liquid-vapor mixture. Then the temperature
in the tank must be the saturation temperature at the specified pressure,
T  Tsat@600 kPa  158.8C

(b) The total mass in this case can easily be determined by adding the mass of each phase,
Vf 0.005 m 3
mf    4.543 kg
vf 0.001101 m 3 /kg P
Vg 0.9 m 3
mg    2.852 kg
vg 0.3156 m 3 /kg
mt  m f  m g  4.543  2.852  7.395 kg 1 2

(c) At the final state water is superheated vapor, and its specific volume is
P2  600 kPa 
 v  0.3521 m /kg (Table A-6)
T2  200  C  2


V 2  mtv 2  (7.395 kg)(0.3521 m 3 /kg)  2.604 m3

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3-52 Prob. 3-51 is reconsidered. The effect of pressure on the total mass of water in the tank as the pressure varies
from 0.1 MPa to 1 MPa is to be investigated. The total mass of water is to be plotted against pressure, and results are to be
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

P[1]=600 [kPa]
T[2]=200 [C]
V_f1 = 0.005 [m^3]
V_g1=0.9 [m^3]
spvsat_f1=volume(Steam_iapws, P=P[1],x=0) "sat. liq. specific volume, m^3/kg"
spvsat_g1=volume(Steam_iapws,P=P[1],x=1) "sat. vap. specific volume, m^3/kg"
m_f1=V_f1/spvsat_f1 "sat. liq. mass, kg"
m_g1=V_g1/spvsat_g1 "sat. vap. mass, kg"
spvol[1]=V[1]/m_tot "specific volume1, m^3"
T[1]=temperature(Steam_iapws, P=P[1],v=spvol[1])"C"
"The final volume is calculated from the specific volume at the final T and P"
spvol[2]=volume(Steam_iapws, P=P[2], T=T[2]) "specific volume2, m^3/kg"

P1 [kPa] mtot [kg]

100 5.324
200 5.731 104
300 6.145
400 6.561
P [kPa]

103 1 2
500 6.978
600 7.395 P=600 kPa

700 7.812 102

800 8.23
900 8.648 101
1000 9.066
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
v [m /kg]


mtot [kg]




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
P1 [kPa]

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3-53E A rigid tank contains water at a specified pressure. The temperature, total enthalpy, and the mass of each phase are to
be determined.
Analysis (a) The specific volume of the water is
V 5 ft 3
v   1.0 ft 3/lbm
m 5 lbm
At 20 psia, vf = 0.01683 ft3/lbm and vg = 20.093 ft3/lbm (Table A-12E). Thus the tank contains saturated liquid-vapor
mixture since vf < v < vg , and the temperature must be the saturation temperature at the specified pressure,
T  Tsat@20 psia  227.92F

(b) The quality of the water and its total enthalpy are determined from
H 2O
v v f 1.0  0.01683
x   0.04897 5 lbm
v fg 20.093  0.01683
20 psia
h  h f  xh fg  196.27  0.04897  959.93  243.28 Btu/lbm
H = mh = (5 lbm)(243.28 Btu/lbm) = 1216.4 Btu
(c) The mass of each phase is determined from
m g  xm t  0.04897  5  0.245 lbm
m f  mt  m g  5  0.245  4.755 lbm

3-54E A rigid tank contains saturated liquid-vapor mixture of R-134a. The quality and total mass of the refrigerant are to be
Analysis At 50 psia, vf = 0.01252 ft3/lbm and vg = 0.94791 ft3/lbm (Table A-12E). The volume occupied by the liquid and
the vapor phases are
V f  1 ft 3 and V g  4 ft 3
Thus the mass of each phase is 5 ft3
Vf 50 psia
1 ft 3
mf    79.88 lbm
vf 0.01252 ft 3 /lbm
Vg 4 ft 3
mg    4.22 lbm
vg 0.94909 ft 3 /lbm
Then the total mass and the quality of the refrigerant are
mt = mf + mg = 79.88 + 4.22 = 84.10 lbm
mg 4.22 lbm
x   0.05018
mt 84.10 lbm

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3-55E Superheated water vapor cools at constant volume until the temperature drops to 250°F. At the final state, the
pressure, the quality, and the enthalpy are to be determined.
Analysis This is a constant volume process (v = V/m = constant), and the initial specific volume is determined to be
P1  180 psia 
 v 1  3.0433 ft /lbm
(Table A-6E)
T1  500  F 
At 250°F, vf = 0.01700 ft3/lbm and vg = 13.816 ft3/lbm. Thus at the 180 psia
final state, the tank will contain saturated liquid-vapor mixture since
vf < v < vg , and the final pressure must be the saturation pressure at 500F
the final temperature,
P  Psat@250 F  29.84 psia
T 1
(b) The quality at the final state is determined from
v 2 v f 3.0433  0.01700
x2    0.219
v fg 13.816  0.01700

(c) The enthalpy at the final state is determined from 2

h  h f  xh fg  218.63  0.219  945.41  426.0 Btu/lbm

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3-56E Problem 3-55E is reconsidered. The effect of initial pressure on the quality of water at the final state as the
pressure varies from 100 psi to 300 psi is to be investigated. The quality is to be plotted against initial pressure, and the
results are to be discussed.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

T[1]=500 [F]
P[1]=180 [psia]
T[2]=250 [F]
v[ 1]=volume(steam_iapws,T=T[1],P=P[1])

P1 x2 Steam
100 0.4037 1200 1.5 Btu/lbm-R
122.2 0.3283
144.4 0.2761 1000
166.7 0.2378
T [°F]

188.9 0.2084 800

211.1 0.1853
233.3 0.1665 600 1600 psia
780 psia 1
255.6 0.151
277.8 0.1379 180 psia

300 0.1268 200

29.82 psia 2
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5
10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104
v [ft /lb m ]








100 140 180 220 260 300
P[1] [psia]

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3-57 Superheated steam in a piston-cylinder device is cooled at constant pressure until half of the mass condenses. The final
temperature and the volume change are to be determined, and the process should be shown on a T-v diagram.
Analysis (b) At the final state the cylinder contains saturated liquid-
vapor mixture, and thus the final temperature must be the saturation
temperature at the final pressure,
T  [email protected] MPa  151.83C (Table A-5)
(c) The quality at the final state is specified to be x2 = 0.5. The specific 200C
volumes at the initial and the final states are
0.5 MPa
P1  0.5 MPa 
v  0.42503 m /kg
(Table A-6)
T1  200  C  1
P2  0.5 MPa  1
 v 2  v f  x 2v fg
x 2  0.5   0.001093  0.5  (0.37483  0.001093)
 0.1880 m 3 /kg 2


ΔV  m(v 2  v 1 )  (0.6 kg)(0.1880  0.42503)m 3 /kg  0.14222m3 v

3-58 The water in a rigid tank is cooled until the vapor starts condensing. The initial pressure in the tank is to be
Analysis This is a constant volume process (v = V /m = constant), and the T C
initial specific volume is equal to the final specific volume that is
v 1  v 2  v g @124C  0.79270 m 3 /kg (Table A-4) 25
H2O 0
since the vapor starts condensing at 150C. Then from T1= 250C
Table A-6, 15
P1 = ? 0 2
T1  250C  v
 P1  0.30 MPa
v 1  0.79270 m 3 /kg 

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3-59 Heat is supplied to a piston-cylinder device that contains water at a specified state. The volume of the tank, the final
temperature and pressure, and the internal energy change of water are to be determined.
Properties The saturated liquid properties of water at 200C are: vf = 0.001157 m3/kg and uf = 850.46 kJ/kg (Table A-4).
Analysis (a) The cylinder initially contains saturated liquid water. The volume of the cylinder at the initial state is

V1  mv 1  (1.4 kg)(0.001157 m 3 /kg)  0.001619 m 3

The volume at the final state is

V  4(0.001619)  0.006476m3
(b) The final state properties are 1.4 kg, 200°C Q
sat. liq.
V 0.006476 m3 Ethane
v2    0.004626 m3 / kg
m 1.4 kg 10 MPa
T2  371.3C
v 2  0.004626 m3 / kg 
 P2  21,367kPa (Table A-4 or A-5 or EES)
x2  1 
 u  2201.5 kJ/kg

(c) The total internal energy change is determined from

U  m(u 2  u1 )  (1.4 kg)(2201.5 - 850.46) kJ/kg  1892kJ

3-60E The error involved in using the enthalpy of water by the incompressible liquid approximation is to be determined.
Analysis The state of water is compressed liquid. From the steam tables,
P  3000 psia 
 h  378.41 Btu/lbm (Table A - 7E)
T  400F 

Based upon the incompressible liquid approximation,

P  3000 psia
 h  h f @ 400F  375.04 Btu/lbm (Table A - 4E)
T  400F 

The error involved is

378.41  375.04
Percent Error   100  0.89%
which is quite acceptable in most engineering calculations.

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3-61 A piston-cylinder device that is filled with R-134a is heated. The volume change is to be determined.
Analysis The initial specific volume is

P1  60 kPa 
 v 1  0.33608 m /kg (Table A - 13)
T1  20C 
and the initial volume is 60 kPa
V1  mv 1  (0.100 kg)(0.33608 m 3 /kg)  0.033608 m 3 100 g

At the final state, we have

P2  60 kPa  P
 v 2  0.50410 m /kg (Table A - 13)
T2  100C 

V 2  mv 2  (0.100 kg)(0.50410 m 3 /kg)  0.050410 m 3 1 2

The volume change is then

V  V 2 V1  0.050410  0.033608  0.0168m3 v

3-62 A rigid vessel is filled with refrigerant-134a. The total volume and the total internal energy are to be determined.
Properties The properties of R-134a at the given state are (Table A-13).
P  500 kPa  u  329.91 kJ/kg
T  120  C 
 v  0.061687 m /kg
8 kg
Analysis The total volume and internal energy are determined from 500 kPa
V  mv  (8 kg)(0.061687 m 3 /kg)  0.494 m 3
U  mu  (8 kg)(329.91 kJ/kg)  2639 kJ

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3-63 Heat is supplied to a rigid tank that contains water at a specified state. The volume of the tank, the final temperature
and pressure, and the internal energy change of water are to be determined.
Properties The saturated liquid properties of water at 200C are: vf = 0.001157 m3/kg and uf = 850.46 kJ/kg (Table A-4).
Analysis (a) The tank initially contains saturated liquid water and air. The volume occupied by water is
V1  mv 1  (1.4 kg)(0.001157 m 3 /kg)  0.001619 m 3
which is the 25 percent of total volume. Then, the total volume is determined from
V  (0.001619)  0.006476m3
(b) Properties after the heat addition process are
V 0.006476 m3
v2    0.004626 m3 / kg
m 1.4 kg
T2  371.3C
v 2  0.004626 m3 / kg 
 P2  21,367kPa (Table A-4 or A-5 or EES)
x2  1 
 u  2201.5 kJ/kg

(c) The total internal energy change is determined from

U  m(u 2  u1 )  (1.4 kg)(2201.5 - 850.46) kJ/kg  1892kJ

3-64 A piston-cylinder device that is initially filled with water is heated at constant pressure until all the liquid has
vaporized. The mass of water, the final temperature, and the total enthalpy change are to be determined, and the T-v diagram
is to be drawn.
Analysis Initially the cylinder contains compressed liquid (since P > Psat@40°C) that can be approximated as a saturated liquid
at the specified temperature (Table A-4),
v 1  v f@40C  0.001008 m 3 /kg
h1  hf@40C  167.53 kJ/kg
(a) The mass is determined from
V1 0.050 m 3 200 kPa
m   49.61 kg
v 1 0.001008 m 3 /kg
(b) At the final state, the cylinder contains saturated vapor and thus
the final temperature must be the saturation temperature at the final
T  Tsat@200 kPa  120.21C
(c) The final enthalpy is h2 = hg @ 200 kPa = 2706.3 kJ/kg. Thus,
H  m(h2  h1 )  (49.61 kg)(2706.3  167.53)kJ/kg  125,950 kJ v

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Ideal Gas

3-65C A gas can be treated as an ideal gas when it is at a high temperature or low pressure relative to its critical temperature
and pressure.

3-66C Ru is the universal gas constant that is the same for all gases whereas R is the specific gas constant that is different for
different gases. These two are related to each other by R = Ru / M, where M is the molar mass of the gas.

3-67C Propane (molar mass = 44.1 kg/kmol) poses a greater fire danger than methane (molar mass = 16 kg/kmol) since
propane is heavier than air (molar mass = 29 kg/kmol), and it will settle near the floor. Methane, on the other hand, is lighter
than air and thus it will rise and leak out.

3-68 A rigid tank contains air at a specified state. The gage pressure of the gas in the tank is to be determined.
Assumptions At specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
Analysis Treating air as an ideal gas, the absolute pressure in the tank is determined from
mRT (5 kg)(0.287 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(298 K)
P   1069.1 kPa Air
V 0.4 m 3 400 L
Thus the gage pressure is 25C
Pg  P  Patm  1069.1 97  972.1 kPa

3-69E The temperature in a container that is filled with oxygen is to be determined.

Assumptions At specified conditions, oxygen behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of oxygen is R = 0.3353 psiaft3/lbmR (Table A-1E).
Analysis The definition of the specific volume gives

V 3 ft 3
v   1.5 ft 3 /lbm
m 2 lbm
Using the ideal gas equation of state, the temperature is

Pv (80 psia)(1.5 ft 3 /lbm)

T   358 R
R 0.3353 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R

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3-70 The volume of a container that is filled with helium at a specified state is to be determined.
Assumptions At specified conditions, helium behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of helium is R = 2.0769 kJ/kgK (Table A-1).
Analysis According to the ideal gas equation of state,

mRT (2 kg)(2.0769 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(27  273 K)

V    4.154 m 3
P 300 kPa

3-71 The pressure and temperature of oxygen gas in a storage tank are given. The mass of oxygen in the tank is to be
Assumptions At specified conditions, oxygen behaves as an ideal gas Pg = 500 kPa
Properties The gas constant of oxygen is R = 0.2598 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
Analysis The absolute pressure of O2 is
P = Pg + Patm = 500 + 97 = 597 kPa O2
V = 2.5 m3
Treating O2 as an ideal gas, the mass of O2 in tank is determined to be
T = 28C
PV (597 kPa)(2.5 m 3 )
m   19.08 kg
RT (0.2598 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(28  273)K

3-72 A balloon is filled with helium gas. The mole number and the mass of helium in the balloon are to be determined.
Assumptions At specified conditions, helium behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The universal gas constant is Ru = 8.314 kPa.m3/kmol.K. The molar mass of helium is 4.0 kg/kmol (Table A-1).
Analysis The volume of the sphere is
4 4
V   r 3   (4.5 m)3  381.7 m 3
3 3
Assuming ideal gas behavior, the mole numbers of He is determined from
PV (200 kPa)(381.7 m 3 ) 27C
N   30.61 kmol
Ru T (8.314 kPa  m 3 /kmol  K)(300 K) 200 kPa

Then the mass of He can be determined from

m  NM  (30.61 kmol)(4.0 kg/kmol)  123 kg

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3-73 Problem 3-72 is to be reconsidered. The effect of the balloon diameter on the mass of helium contained in the
balloon is to be determined for the pressures of (a) 100 kPa and (b) 200 kPa as the diameter varies from 5 m to 15 m. The
mass of helium is to be plotted against the diameter for both cases.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

"Given Data"
{D=9 [m]}
T=27 [C]
P=200 [kPa]
R_u=8.314 [kJ/kmol-K]


D [m] m [kg] 600

5 21.01
6.111 38.35 500
7.222 63.31
8.333 97.25
9.444 141.6
10.56 197.6
m [kg]

11.67 266.9 300

12.78 350.6 P=200 kPa
13.89 450.2 200
15 567.2
P=200 kPa P=100 kPa

5 7 9 11 13 15
D [m]

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3-74E An automobile tire is under inflated with air. The amount of air that needs to be added to the tire to raise its pressure
to the recommended value is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 At specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas. 2 The volume of the tire remains constant.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.3704 psia.ft3/lbm.R (Table A-1E).
Analysis The initial and final absolute pressures in the tire are
0.53 ft3
P1 = Pg1 + Patm = 20 + 14.6 = 34.6 psia 90F
P2 = Pg2 + Patm = 30 + 14.6 = 44.6 psia 20 psig
Treating air as an ideal gas, the initial mass in the tire is
P1V (34.6 psia)(0.53 ft 3 )
m1    0.0900 lbm
RT1 (0.3704 psia  ft 3/lbm  R)(550 R)
Noting that the temperature and the volume of the tire remain constant, the final mass in the tire becomes
P2V (44.6 psia)(0.53 ft 3 )
m2    0.1160 lbm
RT2 (0.3704 psia  ft 3/lbm  R)(550 R)
Thus the amount of air that needs to be added is
m  m2  m1  0.1160  0.0900  0.0260 lbm

3-75 Two rigid tanks connected by a valve to each other contain air at specified conditions. The volume of the second tank
and the final equilibrium pressure when the valve is opened are to be determined.
Assumptions At specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
Analysis Let's call the first and the second tanks A and B. Treating air as an ideal gas, the volume of the second tank and the
mass of air in the first tank are determined to be

 m1 RT1  (3 kg)(0.287 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(308 K)

V B      1.326 m 3 A B
 P1 B 200 kPa
 PV  Air Air
(350 kPa)(1.0 m 3 )
m A   1    4.309 kg V = 1 m3  m = 3 kg
 RT1  A (0.287 kPa  m /kg  K)(283 K)
T = 10C T = 35C
P = 350 kPa P = 200 kPa

V  V A  V B  1.0  1.326  2.326 m 3

m  m A  m B  4.309  3  7.309 kg

Then the final equilibrium pressure becomes

mRT2 (7.309 kg)(0.287 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(293 K)

P2    264 kPa
V 2.326 m 3

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3-76 One side of a two-sided tank contains an ideal gas while the other side is evacuated. The partition is removed and the
gas fills the entire tank. The gas is also heated to a final pressure. The final temperature is to be determined.
Assumptions The gas is specified as an ideal gas so that ideal gas relation can be used.
Analysis According to the ideal gas equation of state,
P2  P1
V 2  V1  2V1  3V1 Evacuated
Ideal gas
Applying these, 927°C 2V1
V1 Q
m1  m1
P1V1 P2V 2

T1 T2
V1 V2

T1 T2
V2 3V
T2  T1  T1 1  3T1  3927  273) K   3600 K  3327C
V1 V1

3-77 A piston-cylinder device containing argon undergoes an isothermal process. The final pressure is to be determined.
Assumptions At specified conditions, argon behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of argon is R = 0.2081 kJ/kgK (Table A-1).
Analysis Since the temperature remains constant, the ideal gas equation gives
PV PV 1.5 kg
m 1 1  2 2 
 P1V1  P2V 2
RT RT 0.04 m3
550 kPa
which when solved for final pressure becomes
V1 V 100 g
P2  P1  P1 1  0.5P1  0.5(550 kPa)  275 kPa
V2 2V1

3-78E A rigid tank contains slightly pressurized air. The amount of air that needs to be added to the tank to raise its
pressure and temperature to the recommended values is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 At specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas. 2 The volume of the tank remains constant.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.3704 psia.ft3/lbm.R (Table A-1E).
Analysis Treating air as an ideal gas, the initial volume and the final mass in the tank are determined to be
m1 RT1 (20 lbm)(0.3704 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(530 R)
V    196.3 ft 3
P1 20 psia
Air, 20 lbm
P2V (35 psia)(196. 3 ft 3 )
m2    33.73 lbm 20 psia
RT2 (0.3704 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(550 R)
Thus the amount of air added is
m  m2  m1  33.73  20.0  13.73 lbm

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Compressibility Factor

3-79C All gases have the same compressibility factor Z at the same reduced temperature and pressure.

3-80C Reduced pressure is the pressure normalized with respect to the critical pressure; and reduced temperature is the
temperature normalized with respect to the critical temperature.

3-81E The temperature of R-134a is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the compressibility chart, and the R-134a
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of refrigerant-134a are, from Table A-1E,
R = 0.10517 psia·ft3/lbm·R, Tcr = 673.6 R, Pcr = 588.7 psia
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,
Pv (400 psia)(0.1384 ft 3 /lbm)
T   526 R
R (0.10517 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)
(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15a),
P 400 psia 
PR    0.679 
Pcr 588.7 psia 
 TR  1.03
v actual 3
 1.15 
(0.1384 ft /lbm)(588.7 psia)
vR  
RTcr / Pcr (0.10517 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(673.6 R) 

T  TRTcr  1.03  673.6  694 R
(c) From the superheated refrigerant table (Table A-13E),
P  400 psia 
T  240F (700 R)
v  0.1384 ft 3 /lbm 

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3-82 The specific volume of steam is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the compressibility chart, and the steam
tables. The errors involved in the first two approaches are also to be determined.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of water are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 647.1 K, Pcr = 22.06 MPa
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

RT (0.4615 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(623.15 K)

v   0.01917 m 3 /kg (67.0% error)
P 15,000 kPa

(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),

P 10 MPa  H2O
PR    0.453 
Pcr 22.06 MPa  15 MPa
 Z  0.65
T 673 K  350C
TR    1.04
Tcr 647.1 K 


v  Zv ideal  (0.65)(0.01917 m 3 /kg)  0.01246 m3 /kg (8.5% error)

(c) From the superheated steam table (Table A-6),

P  15 MPa v  0.01148 m 3 /kg
T  350C

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3-83 Problem 3-82 is reconsidered. The problem is to be solved using the general compressibility factor feature of
EES (or other) software. The specific volume of water for the three cases at 15 MPa over the temperature range of 350°C to
600°C in 25°C intervals is to be compared, and the % error involved in the ideal gas approximation is to be plotted against
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

P=15 [MPa]*Convert(MPa,kPa)
{T_Celsius= 350 [C]}
T=T_Celsius+273 "[K]"
P_table=P; P_comp=P;P_idealgas=P
T_table=T; T_comp=T;T_idealgas=T
v_table=volume(Steam_iapws,P=P_table,T=T_table) "EES data for steam as a real gas"
{P_table=pressure(Steam_iapws, T=T_table,v=v)}
R_u=8.314 [kJ/kmol-K] "Universal gas constant"
R=R_u/MM "[kJ/kg-K], Particular gas constant"
P_idealgas*v_idealgas=R*T_idealgas "Ideal gas equation"
z = COMPRESS(T_comp/T_critical,P_comp/P_critical)
P_comp*v_comp=z*R*T_comp "generalized Compressibility factor"
Error_idealgas=Abs(v_table-v_idealgas)/v_table*Convert(, %)
Error_comp=Abs(v_table-v_comp)/v_table*Convert(, %)

Errorcomp [%] Errorideal gas [%] TCelcius [C]

9.447 67.22 350
2.725 43.53 375
0.4344 32.21 400
0.5995 25.23 425
1.101 20.44 450
1.337 16.92 475
1.428 14.22 500
1.437 12.1 525
1.397 10.39 550
1.329 8.976 575
1.245 7.802 600


60 Ideal Gas
Percent Error [%]

50 Compressibility Factor
Specific Volume

Steam at 15 MPa



300 350 400 450 500 550 600
TCe lsius [C]

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3-84 The specific volume of steam is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the compressibility chart, and the steam
tables. The errors involved in the first two approaches are also to be determined.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of water are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 647.1 K, Pcr = 22.06 MPa
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

RT (0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K)(723 K)

v   0.09533 m3 /kg (3.7% error)
P 3500 kPa

(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),

P 3.5 MPa 
PR    0.159  H2O
Pcr 22.06 MPa 
 Z  0.961 3.5 MPa
T 723 K 
TR    1.12 450C
Tcr 647.1 K 


v  Zv ideal  (0.961)(0.09533 m 3 /kg)  0.09161m3 /kg (0.4% error)

(c) From the superheated steam table (Table A-6),

P  3.5 MPa v  0.09196 m3 /kg
T  450C

3-85 Somebody claims that oxygen gas at a specified state can be treated as an ideal gas with an error less than 10%. The
validity of this claim is to be determined.
Properties The critical pressure, and the critical temperature of oxygen are, from Table A-1,
Tcr  154.8 K and Pcr  5.08 MPa
Analysis From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),
P 3 MPa 
PR    0.591  O2
Pcr 5.08 MPa 
 Z  0.79 3 MPa
T 160 K
TR    1.034  160 K
Tcr 154.8 K 

Then the error involved can be determined from

v  v ideal 1 1
Error   1  1  26.6%
v Z 0.79
Thus the claim is false.

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3-86E Ethane in a rigid vessel is heated. The final pressure is to be determined using the compressibility chart.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of ethane are, from Table A-1E,
R = 0.3574 psia·ft3/lbm·R, Tcr = 549.8 R, Pcr = 708 psia
Analysis From the compressibility chart at the initial state (from Fig. A-15 or EES. We used EES throughout the solution.),
T1 560 R 
TR1    1.019
Tcr 549.8 R 
 Z1  0.977
P1 50 psia
PR1    0.0706  Ethane
Pcr 708 psia  50 psia Q
The specific volume does not change during the process. Then, 100F

Z1 RT1 (0.977)(0.3574 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(560 R)

v1  v 2    3.91 ft 3 /lbm
P1 50 psia

At the final state,

T2 1000 R 
TR 2    1.819 
Tcr 549.8 R 
 Z 2  1.0
v 2,actual 3
3.911ft /lbm 
v R2    14.1
RTcr /Pcr (0.3574 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(549.8 R)/(708 psia) 


Z 2 RT2 (1.0)(0.3574 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(1000 R)

P2    91.4 psia
v2 3.91 ft 3 /lbm

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3-87 Ethylene is heated at constant pressure. The specific volume change of ethylene is to be determined using the
compressibility chart.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of ethane are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.2964 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 282.4 K, Pcr = 5.12 MPa
Analysis From the compressibility chart at the initial and final states (Fig. A-15),
T1 293 K 
TR1    1.038 
Tcr 282.4 K 
 Z1  0.56
 0.977 
5 MPa
PR1  
Pcr 5.12 MPa 
T2 473 K  Q
TR 2    1.675  5 MPa
Tcr 282.4 KR  Z1  0.961 20C
 PR1  0.977 
PR 2 
The specific volume change is
v  ( Z 2 T2  Z 1T1 )
0.2964 kPa  m 3 /kg  K
 (0.961)( 473 K)  (0.56)( 293 K)
5000 kPa
 0.0172m 3 /kg

3-88 The % error involved in treating CO2 at a specified state as an ideal gas is to be determined.
Properties The critical pressure, and the critical temperature of CO2 are, from Table A-1,
Tcr  304.2 K and Pcr  7.39 MPa
Analysis From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),
P 7 MPa 
PR    0.947 
Pcr 7.39 MPa  CO2
 Z  0.84
T 380 K  7 MPa
TR    1.25
Tcr 304.2 K  380 K
Then the error involved in treating CO2 as an ideal gas is
v  v ideal 1 1
Error   1  1  0.190 or 19.0%
v Z 0.84

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3-89 Water vapor is heated at constant pressure. The final temperature is to be determined using ideal gas equation, the
compressibility charts, and the steam tables.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of water are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 647.1 K, Pcr = 22.06 MPa
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation,
T2  T1  (350  273 K)( 2)  1246 K
(b) The pressure of the steam is Water
P1  P2  Psat@350C  16,529 kPa
sat. vapor
From the compressibility chart at the initial state (Fig. A-15),
T1 623 K 
TR1    0.963 
Tcr 647.1 KR 
 Z1  0.593, v R1  0.75
 0.749 
16.529 MPa
PR1  1 
Pcr 22.06 MPa 

At the final state,

PR 2  PR1  0.749 
 Z 2  0.88
v R 2  2v R1  2(0.75)  1.50 

P2v 2 P2 v R 2Tcr 16,529 kPa (1.50)(647.1 K)
T2     826 K
Z 2 R Z 2 Pcr 0.88 22,060 kPa

(c) From the superheated steam table,

T1  350C 
 v 1  0.008806 m /kg
(Table A-4)
x1  1 

P2  16,529 kPa 
 T  477C  750 K (from Table A-6 or EES)
v 2  2v 1  0.01761 m /kg 2

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3-90 Methane is heated at constant pressure. The final temperature is to be determined using ideal gas equation and the
compressibility charts.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of methane are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.5182 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 191.1 K, Pcr = 4.64 MPa
Analysis From the ideal gas equation,
T2  T1  (300 K)(1.8)  540 K
From the compressibility chart at the initial state (Fig. A-15),
T 300 K  Q
TR1  1   1.57
10 MPa
Tcr 191.1 K  300 K
 Z1  0.86, v R1  0.63
 2.16 
10 MPa
PR1  
Pcr 4.64 MPa 

At the final state,

PR 2  PR1  2.16 
 Z 2  0.42 (Fig. A-15)
v R2  1.8v R1  1.8(0.63)  1.134 

P2v 2 P2 v R 2Tcr 10,000 kPa (1.134)(191.1 K)
T2     1112 K
Z 2 R Z 2 Pcr 0.42 4640 kPa

Of these two results, the accuracy of the second result is limited by the accuracy with which the charts may be read.
Accepting the error associated with reading charts, the second temperature is the more accurate.

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3-91 CO2 gas flows through a pipe. The volume flow rate and the density at the inlet and the volume flow rate at the exit of
the pipe are to be determined.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of CO2 are (Table A-1)
R = 0.1889 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 304.2 K, Pcr = 7.39 MPa

3 MPa
500 K CO2 450 K
2 kg/s

(a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

& RT1 (2 kg/s)(0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(500 K)
V&1    0.06297 m 3 /kg (2.1% error)
P1 (3000 kPa)

P1 (3000 kPa)
1    31.76 kg/m3 (2.1% error)
RT1 (0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(500 K)

& RT2 (2 kg/s)(0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(450 K)

V&2    0.05667 m 3 /kg (3.6% error)
P2 (3000 kPa)

(b) From the compressibility chart (EES function for compressibility factor is used)
P1 3 MPa 
PR    0.407 
Pcr 7.39 MPa 
 Z1  0.9791
T 500 K
TR ,1  1   1.64 
Tcr 304.2 K 

P2 3 MPa 
PR    0.407 
Pcr 7.39 MPa 
 Z 2  0.9656
T2 450 K
TR , 2    1.48 
Tcr 304.2 K 

Z 1 m& RT1 (0.9791)(2 kg/s)(0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(500 K)

Thus, V&1    0.06165 m 3 /kg
P1 (3000 kPa)

P1 (3000 kPa)
1    32.44 kg/m3
Z1 RT1 (0.9791)(0.1889 kPa  m /kg  K)(500 K)

Z 2 m& RT2 (0.9656)(2 kg/s)(0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(450 K)

V&2    0.05472 m 3 /kg
P2 (3000 kPa)

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3-92 The pressure of R-134a is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the compressibility chart, and the R-134a
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of refrigerant-134a are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.08149 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 374.2 K, Pcr = 4.059 MPa
Analysis The specific volume of the refrigerant is
V 0.016773 m 3
v   0.016773 m 3 /kg
m 1 kg
(a) From the ideal gas equation of state,
0.016773 m3/kg
RT (0.08149 kPa  m3/kg  K)(383 K) 110C
P   1861 kPa
v 0.016773 m3/kg
(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),
T 383 K 
TR    1.023 
Tcr 374.2 K 
 PR  0.39
v actual 0.016773 m3/kg
vR    2.24 
RTcr /Pcr (0.08149 kPa  m3/kg  K)(374.2 K)/(4059 kPa) 

P  PR Pcr  (0.39)(4059 kPa)  1583 kPa
(c) From the superheated refrigerant table (Table A-13),
T  110C 
P  1600 kPa
v  0.016773 m 3 /kg 

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Other Equations of State

3-93C The constant a represents the increase in pressure as a result of intermolecular forces; the constant b represents the
volume occupied by the molecules. They are determined from the requirement that the critical isotherm has an inflection
point at the critical point.

3-94 The pressure of nitrogen in a tank at a specified state is to be determined using the ideal gas, van der Waals, and
Beattie-Bridgeman equations. The error involved in each case is to be determined.
Properties The gas constant, molar mass, critical pressure, and critical temperature of nitrogen are (Table A-1)
R = 0.2968 kPa·m3/kg·K, M = 28.013 kg/kmol, Tcr = 126.2 K, Pcr = 3.39 MPa
Analysis The specific volume of nitrogen is
V 3.27 m3
v   0.0327 m3/kg N2
m 100 kg
0.0327 m3/kg
(a) From the ideal gas equation of state,
175 K
RT (0.2968 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(175 K)
P   1588 kPa (5.5% error)
v 0.0327 m 3 /kg
(b) The van der Waals constants for nitrogen are determined from
27 R 2 Tcr2 (27)(0.2968 kPa  m 3 / kg  K) 2 (126.2 K) 2
a   0.175 m 6  kPa / kg 2
64 Pcr (64)(3390 kPa)
RTcr (0.2968 kPa  m 3 / kg  K)(126.2 K)
b   0.00138 m 3 / kg
8 Pcr 8  3390 kPa
RT a 0.2968175 0.175
P  2    1495 kPa (0.7% error)
v b v 0.0327  0.00138 (0.0327) 2
(c) The constants in the Beattie-Bridgeman equation are
 a  0.02617 
A  Ao 1    136.23151    132.339
 v   0.9160 
 b   0.00691 
B  Bo 1    0.050461    0.05084
 v   0.9160 
c  4.2 10 4 m 3  K 3 /kmol

since v  Mv  (28.013 kg/kmol)(0.0327 m3/kg)  0.9160 m3/kmol . Substituting,

RuT  c 
1  3 v  B   2
P 2 
v  vT  v
8.314  175  4.2  104 
 2 
1  3
0.9160  0.05084  132.3392
(0.9160)  0.9160  175  0.9160
 1504 kPa (0.07% error)

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3-95 Methane is heated in a rigid container. The final pressure of the methane is to be determined using the ideal gas
equation and the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state.
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,
T2 573 K Methane
P2  P1  (80 kPa)  156.5kPa
T1 293 K 80 kPa Q

(b) The specific molar volume of the methane is 20C

Ru T1 (8.314 kPa  m 3 /kmol  K)(293 K)

v1  v 2    30.45 m 3 /kmol
P1 80 kPa

Using the coefficients of Table 3-4 for methane and the given data, the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state for state 2

RuT2  C  1 bR T  a a c   
P2    B0 RuT2  A0  02  2  u 23  6  3 2 1  2  exp(  / v 2 )
v2  T2  v v v v T2  v 
(8.314)(573)  2.286  106  1 0.003380  8.314  573  5.00
  0.04260  8.314  573  187.91  
30.45  2  2
 573  30.45
5.00  1.244  10 4 2.578  105  0.0060 
  1   exp( 0.0060 / 30.45 )
30.456 30.453 (573)2  30.452 
 156.5 kPa

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3-96E The temperature of R-134a in a tank at a specified state is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the van der
Waals equation, and the refrigerant tables.
Properties The gas constant, critical pressure, and critical temperature of R-134a are (Table A-1E)
R = 0.1052 psia·ft3/lbm·R, Tcr = 673.6 R, Pcr = 588.7 psia
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

Pv (400 psia)(0.1144 ft 3 /lbm)

T   435 R
R 0.1052 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R

(b) The van der Waals constants for the refrigerant are determined from

27 R 2Tcr2 (27)(0.1052 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R) 2 (673.6 R) 2

a   3.596 ft 6  psia/lbm 2
64 Pcr (64)(588.7 psia)
RTcr (0.1052 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(673.6 R)
b   0.01504 ft 3 /lbm
8Pcr 8  588.7 psia

1 a  1  
 P  2 v  b   0.1144  0.01504  638 R
T 400 
R v  
0.1052  (0.3479) 2 

(c) From the superheated refrigerant table (Table A-13E),
P  400 psia 
T  100F (660 R)
v  0.1144 ft 3 /lbm 

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3-97 The pressure of nitrogen in a tank at a specified state is to be determined using the ideal gas relation and the
Beattie-Bridgeman equation. The error involved in each case is to be determined.
Properties The gas constant and molar mass of nitrogen are (Table A-1)
R = 0.2968 kPa·m3/kg·K and M = 28.013 kg/kmol
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state, 0.041884 m3/kg
RT (0.2968 kPa  m3/kg  K)(150 K) 150 K
P   1063 kPa (6.3% error )
v 0.041884 m3/kg
(b) The constants in the Beattie-Bridgeman equation are

 a  0.02617 
A  Ao 1    136.23151    133.193
 v   1.1733 
 b   0.00691 
B  Bo 1    0.050461    0.05076
 v   1.1733 
c  4.2 10 4 m 3  K 3 /kmol


v  Mv  (28.013 kg/kmol)(0.041884 m 3 /kg)  1.1733 m 3 /kmol .


RuT  c  A 8.314  150  4.2  104 

P  1  v  B    2 
1  3
1.1733  0.05076  133.1932
v  vT 
2 3
v 2
(1.1733)  1.1733  150  1.1733
 1000.4 kPa (negligible error)

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3-98 Problem 3-97 is reconsidered. Using EES (or other) software, the pressure results of the ideal gas and Beattie-
Bridgeman equations with nitrogen data supplied by EES are to be compared. The temperature is to be plotted versus
specific volume for a pressure of 1000 kPa with respect to the saturated liquid and saturated vapor lines of nitrogen over the
range of 110 K < T < 150 K.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

Function BeattBridg(T,v,M,R_u)
v_bar=v*M "Conversion from m^3/kg to m^3/kmol"
"The constants for the Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state are found in text"
Ao=136.2315; aa=0.02617; Bo=0.05046; bb=-0.00691; cc=4.20*1E4
"The Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state is"

T=150 [K]
v=0.041884 [m^3/kg]
P_exper=1000 [kPa]
T_table=T; T_BB=T;T_idealgas=T
P_table=PRESSURE(Nitrogen,T=T_table,v=v) "EES data for nitrogen as a real gas"
{T_table=temperature(Nitrogen, P=P_table,v=v)}
R_u=8.314 [kJ/kmol-K] "Universal gas constant"
R=R_u/M "Particular gas constant"
P_idealgas=R*T_idealgas/v "Ideal gas equation"
P_BB=BeattBridg(T_BB,v,M,R_u) "Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state Function"

PBB [kPa] Ptable [kPa] Pidealgas [kPa] v [m3/kg] TBB [K] Tideal gas [K] Ttable [K]
1000 1000 1000 0.01 91.23 33.69 103.8
1000 1000 1000 0.02 95.52 67.39 103.8
1000 1000 1000 0.025 105 84.23 106.1
1000 1000 1000 0.03 116.8 101.1 117.2
1000 1000 1000 0.035 130.1 117.9 130.1
1000 1000 1000 0.04 144.4 134.8 144.3
1000 1000 1000 0.05 174.6 168.5 174.5

Nitrogen, T vs v for P=1000 kPa

Ideal Gas
EES Table Value

T [K]

1000 kPa



10-3 10-2 10-1

v [m3/kg]

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3-99 Carbon dioxide is compressed in a piston-cylinder device in a polytropic process. The final temperature is to be
determined using the ideal gas and van der Waals equations.
Properties The gas constant, molar mass, critical pressure, and critical temperature of carbon dioxide are (Table A-1)
R = 0.1889 kPa·m3/kg·K, M = 44.01 kg/kmol, Tcr = 304.2 K, Pcr = 7.39 MPa
Analysis (a) The specific volume at the initial state is

RT1 (0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(473 K)

v1    0.08935 m 3 /kg
P1 1000 kPa

According to process specification, CO2

1 MPa
1/ n
P 
1 / 1.2 200C
 1000 kPa 
v 2  v 1  1   (0.08935 m 3 /kg)   0.03577 m 3 /kg
 P2   3000 kPa 
The final temperature is then

P2v 2 (3000 kPa)(0.03577 m 3 /kg)

T2    568 K
R 0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K

(b) The van der Waals constants for carbon dioxide are determined from

27 R 2 Tcr2 (27)(0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K) 2 (304.2 K) 2

a   0.1885 m 6  kPa/kg 2
64 Pcr (64)(7390 kPa)
RTcr (0.1889 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(304.2 K)
b   0.0009720 m 3 /kg
8Pcr 8  7390 kPa

Applying the van der Waals equation to the initial state,

 a 
 P  2 (v  b)  RT
 v 
 0.1885 
1000  (v  0.0009720)  (0.1889)( 473)
 v2 
Solving this equation by trial-error or by EES gives

v 1  0.08821 m 3 /kg
According to process specification,
1/ n
 P1 
1 / 1.2
 1000 kPa 
v 2  v 1    (0.08821 m 3 /kg)   0.03531 m 3 /kg
 P2   3000 kPa 

Applying the van der Waals equation to the final state,

 a 
 P  2 (v  b)  RT
 v 
 0.1885 
 3000  (0.03531  0.0009720)  (0.1889)T
 0.035312 
Solving for the final temperature gives
T2  573 K

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3-100 The temperature of steam in a tank at a specified state is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, van der Waals
equation, and the steam tables.
Properties The gas constant, critical pressure, and critical temperature of steam are (Table A-1)
R = 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 647.1 K, Pcr = 22.06 MPa
Analysis The specific volume of steam is
V 1 m3
v   0.3520 m 3 /kg H2O
m 2.841 kg
1 m3
(a) From the ideal gas equation of state, 2.841 kg
Pv (600 kPa)(0.352 m3/kg) 0.6 MPa
T    457.6 K
R 0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K
(b) The van der Waals constants for steam are determined from
27 R 2Tcr2 (27)(0.4615 kPa  m 3 /kg  K) 2 (647.1 K) 2
a   1.705 m 6  kPa/kg 2
64 Pcr (64)(22,060 kPa)
RTcr (0.4615 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(647.1 K)
b   0.00169 m 3 /kg
8Pcr 8  22,060 kPa

1 a  1  
 P  2 v  b   0.352  0.00169  465.9 K
T 600 
R v  0.4615  (0.3520) 2 
 
(c) From the superheated steam table (Tables A-6),
P  0.6 MPa 
T  200C ( 473 K)
v  0.3520 m 3 /kg 

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3-101 Problem 3-100 is reconsidered. The problem is to be solved using EES (or other) software. The temperature of
water is to be compared for the three cases at constant specific volume over the pressure range of 0.1 MPa to 1 MPa in 0.1
MPa increments. The %error involved in the ideal gas approximation is to be plotted against pressure.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

Function vanderWaals(T,v,M,R_u,T_cr,P_cr)
v_bar=v*M "Conversion from m^3/kg to m^3/kmol"

"The constants for the van der Waals equation of state are given by equation 3-24"
"The van der Waals equation of state gives the pressure as"


Vol=1 [m^3]


P_table=P; P_vdW=P;P_idealgas=P
T_table=temperature(Steam_iapws,P=P_table,v=v) "EES data for steam as a real gas"
{P_table=pressure(Steam_iapws, T=T_table,v=v)}
R_u=8.314 [kJ/kmol-K] "Universal gas constant"
R=R_u/MM "Particular gas constant"
P_idealgas=R*T_idealgas/v "Ideal gas equation"
"The value of P_vdW is found from van der Waals equation of state Function"

Error_idealgas=Abs(T_table-T_idealgas)/T_table*Convert(, %)
Error_vdW=Abs(T_table-T_vdW)/T_table*Convert(, %)

P [kPa] Tideal gas [K] Ttable [K] TvdW [K] Errorideal gas [K]
100 76.27 372.8 86.35 79.54
200 152.5 393.4 162.3 61.22
300 228.8 406.7 238.2 43.74
400 305.1 416.8 314.1 26.8
500 381.4 425 390 10.27
600 457.6 473 465.9 3.249
700 533.9 545.3 541.8 2.087
800 610.2 619.1 617.7 1.442
900 686.4 693.7 693.6 1.041
1000 762.7 768.6 769.5 0.7725

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80 van der Waals

70 Ideal gas
ErrorvdW [%]







100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

P [kPa]

T vs. v for Steam at 600 kPa



Steam Table
Ideal Gas
T [K]

600 van der Waals

600 kPa

300 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5

10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103

v [m3/kg]

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T vs v for Steam at 6000 kPa

Steam Table

700 Ideal Gas

T [K]

van der Waals

500 6000 kPa



10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103

v [m3/kg]

700 Steam table
650 van der Waals
600 Ideal gas
T table [K]

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

P [kPa]

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Special Topic: Vapor Pressure and Phase Equilibrium

3-102 The vapor pressure in the air at the beach when the air temperature is 30C is claimed to be 5.2 kPa. The validity of
this claim is to be evaluated.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 30C is 4.247 kPa (Table A-4). 30C
Analysis The maximum vapor pressure in the air is the saturation pressure of water
at the given temperature, which is
Pv, max  Psat @Tair  Psat@30C  4.247 kPa

which is less than the claimed value of 5.2 kPa. Therefore, the claim is false.

3-103 A glass of water is left in a room. The vapor pressures at the free surface of the water and in the room far from the
glass are to be determined.
Assumptions The water in the glass is at a uniform temperature.
Properties The saturation pressure of water is 2.339 kPa at 20C, and 1.706 kPa at 15C (Table A-4).
Analysis The vapor pressure at the water surface is the saturation pressure of water at the
water temperature,
Pv, water surface  Psat @Twater  Psat@15C  1.706 kPa
Noting that the air in the room is not saturated, the vapor pressure in the room far from the
glass is
Pv, air  Psat @Tair  Psat@20C  (0.4)( 2.339 kPa)  0.936 kPa

3-104 The temperature and relative humidity of air over a swimming pool are given. The water temperature of the swimming
pool when phase equilibrium conditions are established is to be determined.
Assumptions The temperature and relative humidity of air over the pool remain constant.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 25C is 3.17 kPa (Table A-4).
Analysis The vapor pressure of air over the swimming pool is Patm, 25C

Pv, air  Psat @Tair  Psat@25C  (0.6)(3.170 kPa)  1.902 kPa

Phase equilibrium will be established when the vapor pressure at the water surface
equals the vapor pressure of air far from the surface. Therefore,
Pv, water surface  Pv, air  1.902 kPa

and Twater  Tsat @ Pv  Tsat @1.902kPa  16.7C

Discussion Note that the water temperature drops to 16.7C in an environment at 25C when phase equilibrium is

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3-105 A person buys a supposedly cold drink in a hot and humid summer day, yet no condensation occurs on the drink. The
claim that the temperature of the drink is below 10C is to be evaluated.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 35C is 5.629 kPa (Table A-4).
Analysis The vapor pressure of air is
Pv, air  Psat @ Tair  Psat@35C  (0.7)(5.629 kPa)  3.940 kPa 70%
The saturation temperature corresponding to this pressure (called the dew-point
temperature) is
Tsat  Tsat @ Pv  [email protected] kPa  28.7C

That is, the vapor in the air will condense at temperatures below 28.7C. Noting that no condensation is observed on the can,
the claim that the drink is at 10C is false.

3-106 Two rooms are identical except that they are maintained at different temperatures and relative humidities. The room
that contains more moisture is to be determined.
Properties The saturation pressure of water is 2.339 kPa at 20C, and 3.17 kPa at 25C (Table A-4).
Analysis The vapor pressures in the two rooms are
Room 1: Pv1  1 Psat @T1  1 Psat@25C  (0.4)(3.17 kPa)  1.27 kPa

Room 2: Pv 2  2 Psat @T2  2 Psat@20C  (0.55)( 2.339 kPa)  1.29 kPa

Therefore, room 1 at 30C and 40% relative humidity contains more moisture.

3-107E A thermos bottle half-filled with water is left open to air in a room at a specified temperature and pressure. The
temperature of water when phase equilibrium is established is to be determined.
Assumptions The temperature and relative humidity of air over the bottle remain constant.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 60F is 0.2564 psia (Table A-4E).
Analysis The vapor pressure of air in the room is Thermos
Pv, air  Psat @Tair  Psat@70F  (0.35)(0.2564 psia)  0.08973 psia bottle

Phase equilibrium will be established when the vapor pressure at the water surface
equals the vapor pressure of air far from the surface. Therefore, 60F
Pv, water surface  Pv, air  0.08973 psia

Twater  Tsat @ Pv  Tsat @ 0.08973psia  32.3F

Discussion Note that the water temperature drops to 32.3F in an environment at 60F when phase equilibrium is

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Review Problems

3-108E Water in a pressure cooker boils at 260F. The absolute pressure in the pressure cooker is to be determined.
Analysis The absolute pressure in the pressure cooker is the saturation
pressure that corresponds to the boiling temperature,
P  Psat@260 F  35.45 psia 260F

3-109 Carbon dioxide flows through a pipe at a given state. The volume and mass flow rates and the density of CO 2 at the
given state and the volume flow rate at the exit of the pipe are to be determined.

3 MPa
500 K CO2 450 K
0.4 kmol/s

(a) The volume and mass flow rates may be determined from ideal gas relation as

N& Ru T1 (0.4 kmol/s)(8.314 kPa.m3 /kmol.K)(500 K)

V&1    0.5543m 3 /s
P 3000 kPa

P1V&1 (3000 kPa)(0.5543 m3 / s)

&1 
m   17.60kg/s
RT1 (0.1889 kPa.m3/kg.K)(500 K)

The density is
m& 1 (17.60 kg/s)
1    31.76kg/m3
V1 (0.5543 m /s)3

(b) The volume flow rate at the exit is

N& Ru T2 (0.4 kmol/s)(8.314 kPa.m3 /kmol.K)(450 K)

V&2    0.4988m3 /s
P 3000 kPa

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3-110 A tank contains argon at a specified state. Heat is transferred from argon until it reaches a specified temperature. The
final gage pressure of the argon is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Argon is an ideal gas.
Properties The local atmospheric pressure is given to be 100 kPa. Q
Analysis Noting that the specific volume of argon in the tank remains constant, Argon
from ideal gas relation, we have 600ºC
T2 (300  273)K 200 kPa gage
P2  P1  (200  100 kPa)  196.9 kPa
T1 (600  273)K
Then the gage pressure becomes
Pgage,2  P2  Patm  196.9  100  96.9 kPa

3-111 The cylinder conditions before the heat addition process is specified. The pressure after the heat addition process is
to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The contents of cylinder are approximated by the air properties.
2 Air is an ideal gas. Combustion
Analysis The final pressure may be determined from the ideal gas relation 1.2 MPa
T2  1750  273 K 
P2  P1   (1200 kPa)  3358 kPa
T1  450  273 K 

3-112 A rigid container that is filled with R-13a is heated. The initial pressure and the final temperature are to be
Analysis The initial specific volume is 0.090 m3/kg. Using this with R-134a
the initial temperature reveals that the initial state is a mixture. The -40°C
initial pressure is then the saturation pressure, 1 kg
0.090 m3
T1  40C 
 P  Psat @ -40C  51.25kPa (Table A - 11)
v 1  0.090 m /kg  1

This is a constant volume cooling process (v = V /m = constant). The final
state is superheated vapor and the final temperature is then 2
P2  280 kPa 
 T  50C (Table A - 13)
v 2  v 1  0.090 m /kg  2

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3-113 The refrigerant in a rigid tank is allowed to cool. The pressure at which the refrigerant starts condensing is to be
determined, and the process is to be shown on a P-v diagram.
Analysis This is a constant volume process (v = V /m = constant), and the specific
volume is determined to be R-134a
240 kPa
V 0.117 m 3
v   0.117 m 3 /kg
m 1 kg
When the refrigerant starts condensing, the tank will contain saturated
vapor only. Thus,
v 2  v g  0.117 m 3 /kg
The pressure at this point is the pressure that corresponds to this vg value,
P2  Psat@v  170 kPa
g 0.117 m

3-114E A piston-cylinder device that is filled with water is cooled. The final pressure and volume of the water are to be
Analysis The initial specific volume is

V1 2.649 ft 3
v1    2.649 ft 3 /lbm H 2O
m 1 lbm
This is a constant-pressure process. The initial state is determined to be 1 lbm
superheated vapor and thus the pressure is determined to be 2.649 ft3
T1  400F 
 P1  P2  180 psia (Table A - 6E)
v 1  2.649 ft 3 /lbm  P

The saturation temperature at 180 psia is 373.1°F. Since the final 1

temperature is less than this temperature, the final state is compressed
liquid. Using the incompressible liquid approximation,

v 2  v f @ 100F  0.01613 ft 3 /lbm (Table A - 4E)

The final volume is then

V 2  mv 2  (1 lbm)(0.01613 ft 3 /lbm)  0.01613 ft 3

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3-115 Ethane is heated at constant pressure. The final temperature is to be determined using ideal gas equation and the
compressibility charts.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of ethane are, from Table A-1,
R = 0.2765 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 305.5 K, Pcr = 4.48 MPa
Analysis From the ideal gas equation,
T2  T1  (373 K)(1.6)  596.8K
From the compressibility chart at the initial state (Fig. A-15),
T 373 K  Q
TR1  1   1.221 
10 MPa
Tcr 305.5 K  100C
 Z1  0.61, v R1  0.35
 2.232 
10 MPa
PR1  
Pcr 4.48 MPa 

At the final state,

PR 2  PR1  2.232 
 Z 2  0.83
v R 2  1.6v R1  1.6(0.35)  0.56 

P2v 2 P2 v R 2Tcr 10,000 kPa (0.56)(305.5 K)
T2     460 K
Z 2 R Z 2 Pcr 0.83 4480 kPa

Of these two results, the accuracy of the second result is limited by the accuracy with which the charts may be read.
Accepting the error associated with reading charts, the second temperature is the more accurate.

3-116 A large tank contains nitrogen at a specified temperature and pressure. Now some nitrogen is allowed to escape, and
the temperature and pressure of nitrogen drop to new values. The amount of nitrogen that has escaped is to be determined.
Properties The gas constant for nitrogen is 0.2968 kPa·m3/kg·K (Table A-1).
Analysis Treating N2 as an ideal gas, the initial and the final masses in the tank are determined to be

P1V (600 kPa)(13 m 3 )

m1    90.62 kg
RT1 (0.2968kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(290 K)
P2V (400 kPa)(13 m 3 )
m2    60.84 kg N2
RT2 (0.2968 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(278 K)
600 kPa
Thus the amount of N2 that escaped is 17C
13 m3
m  m1  m2  90.62  60.84  29.8 kg

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3-117 Superheated refrigerant-134a is cooled at constant pressure until it exists as a compressed liquid. The changes in total
volume and internal energy are to be determined, and the process is to be shown on a T-v diagram.
Analysis The refrigerant is a superheated vapor at the initial state and a compressed liquid at the final state. From Tables A-
13 and A-11,
P1  1.2 MPa  u  277.23 kJ/kg T
 v  0.019502 m 3 /kg 1
T1  70C  1

P2  1.2 MPa  u 2  u f @ 20 C  78.85 kJ/kg R-134a 2

 v v  0.0008160 m 3 /kg 70C
T2  20C  2 f @ 20 C
1.2 MPa
(b) V  m(v 2  v 1 )  (10 kg)(0.0008160  0.019502) m 3 /kg  0.187 m3
(c) U  m(u 2  u1 )  (10 kg)(78.85  277.23) kJ/kg  1984 kJ

3-118 The rigid tank contains saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water. The mixture is heated until it exists in a single phase.
For a given tank volume, it is to be determined if the final phase is a liquid or a vapor.
Analysis This is a constant volume process (v = V /m = constant), and thus the final specific volume will be equal to the
initial specific volume,
v 2  v1
The critical specific volume of water is 0.003106 m3/kg. Thus if the final specific V=4L
volume is smaller than this value, the water will exist as a liquid, otherwise as a vapor. m = 2 kg
T = 50C
V 0.004 m3
V  4L 
v    0.002 m3/kg  v cr Thus, liquid.
m 2 kg

V 0.4 m3
V  400 L 
v    0.2 m3/kg  v cr . Thus, vapor.
m 2 kg

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3-119 The pressure in an automobile tire increases during a trip while its volume remains constant. The percent increase in
the absolute temperature of the air in the tire is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The volume of the tire remains constant. 2 Air is an ideal gas.
Properties The local atmospheric pressure is 90 kPa. Tire
200 kPa
Analysis The absolute pressures in the tire before and after the trip are 0.035 m3
P1  Pgage,1  Patm  200  90  290 kPa
P2  Pgage,2  Patm  220  90  310 kPa

Noting that air is an ideal gas and the volume is constant, the ratio of absolute
temperatures after and before the trip are
P1V1 P2V 2 T P 310 kPa
  2  2 = = 1.069
T1 T2 T1 P1 290 kPa

Therefore, the absolute temperature of air in the tire will increase by 6.9% during this trip.

3-120 A piston-cylinder device contains steam at a specified state. Steam is cooled at constant pressure. The volume change
is to be determined using compressibility factor.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of steam are
R = 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tcr = 647.1 K, Pcr = 22.06 MPa
Analysis The exact solution is given by the following:
P  200 kPa
 v1  1.31623 m /kg
T1  300C  Steam
(Table A-6) 0.2 kg
P  200 kPa 200 kPa Q
 v 2  0.95986 m /kg
T2  150C  300C

Vexact  m(v1  v 2 )  (0.2 kg)(1.31623  0.95986)m3/kg  0.07128m3

Using compressibility chart (EES function for compressibility factor is used)
P1 0.2 MPa 
PR    0.0091 
Pcr 22.06 MPa 
 Z1  0.9956
T1 300  273 K
TR,1    0.886
Tcr 647.1 K 

P2 0.2 MPa 
PR    0.0091
Pcr 22.06 MPa 
 Z 2  0.9897
T 150  273 K
TR , 2  2   0.65 
Tcr 647.1 K 

Z1mRT1 (0.9956)(0.2 kg)(0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K)(300  273 K)

V1    0.2633 m3
P1 (200 kPa)
Z 2 mRT2 (0.9897)(0.2 kg)(0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K)(150  273 K)
V2    0.1932 m3
P2 (200 kPa)

Vchart  V1 V2  0.2633  0.1932  0.07006 m3 , Error : 1.7%

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3-121 The temperature of steam in a tank at a specified state is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the
generalized chart, and the steam tables.
Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and the critical temperature of water are, from Table A-1,

R  0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K, Tcr  647.1 K, Pcr  22.06 MPa

Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

RT (0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K)(673 K) H2O

P   15,529kPa
v 0.02 m3/kg 0.02 m3/kg
(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15a), 400C

T 673 K 
TR    1.040 
Tcr 647.1 K 
 PR  0.57
v actual (0.02 m3/kg)(22,060 kPa)
vR    1.48 
RTcr / Pcr (0.4615 kPa  m3/kg  K)(647.1 K) 

P  PR Pcr  0.57  22,060  12,574kPa

(c) From the superheated steam table,

T  400C  P  12,515 kPa

v  0.02 m 3 /kg 
(from EES)

3-122 One section of a tank is filled with saturated liquid R-134a while the other side is evacuated. The partition is
removed, and the temperature and pressure in the tank are measured. The volume of the tank is to be determined.
Analysis The mass of the refrigerant contained in the tank is

V1 0.03 m 3
m   34.96 kg
v 1 0.0008580 m 3 /kg
P =0.9 MPa Evacuated
v 1  v f @0.9 MPa  0.0008580 m 3 /kg V =0.03 m3
At the final state (Table A-13),
P2  280 kPa 
 v 2  0.07997 m /kg
T2  20C 


V tank  V 2  mv 2  (34.96 kg)(0.07997 m 3 /kg)  2.80 m3

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3-123 Problem 3-122 is reconsidered. The effect of the initial pressure of refrigerant-134 on the volume of the tank is
to be investigated as the initial pressure varies from 0.5 MPa to 1.5 MPa. The volume of the tank is to be plotted versus the
initial pressure, and the results are to be discussed.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

"Given Data"
Vol_1=0.03 [m^3]
P_1=1200 [kPa]
T_2=30 [C]
P_2=400 [kPa]


P1 Vol2 3
[kPa] [m ]
500 2.977
600 2.926 2.9
700 2.88
800 2.837
900 2.796
1000 2.8
Vol2 [m3]

1100 2.721
1200 2.685
1300 2.651 2.7
1400 2.617
1500 2.584


500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
P1 [kPa]

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3-124 A propane tank contains 5 L of liquid propane at the ambient temperature. Now a leak develops at the top of the tank
and propane starts to leak out. The temperature of propane when the pressure drops to 1 atm and the amount of heat
transferred to the tank by the time the entire propane in the tank is vaporized are to be determined.

Properties The properties of propane at 1 atm are Tsat = -42.1C,   581 kg / m 3 , and hfg = 427.8 kJ/kg (Table A-3).

Analysis The temperature of propane when the pressure drops

to 1 atm is simply the saturation pressure at that temperature,
T  Tsat @1 atm  42.1 C
The initial mass of liquid propane is 20C

m  V  (581 kg/m3 )(0.005 m3 )  2.905 kg

The amount of heat absorbed is simply the total heat of vaporization,
Qabsorbed  mh fg  (2.905 kg)(427.8 kJ / kg)  1243 kJ

3-125 An isobutane tank contains 5 L of liquid isobutane at the ambient temperature. Now a leak develops at the top of the
tank and isobutane starts to leak out. The temperature of isobutane when the pressure drops to 1 atm and the amount of heat
transferred to the tank by the time the entire isobutane in the tank is vaporized are to be determined.

Properties The properties of isobutane at 1 atm are Tsat = -11.7C,   593.8 kg / m 3 , and hfg = 367.1 kJ/kg (Table A-3).

Analysis The temperature of isobutane when the pressure drops to 1 atm is simply the saturation pressure at that
T  Tsat @1 atm  11.7 C
The initial mass of liquid isobutane is 5L
m  V  (593.8 kg/m 3 )(0.005 m 3 )  2.969kg

The amount of heat absorbed is simply the total heat of vaporization,

Qabsorbed  mh fg  (2.969 kg)(367.1 kJ / kg)  1090 kJ Leak

3-126 A tank contains helium at a specified state. Heat is transferred to helium until it reaches a specified temperature. The
final gage pressure of the helium is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Helium is an ideal gas.
Properties The local atmospheric pressure is given to be 100 kPa.
Analysis Noting that the specific volume of helium in the tank remains
constant, from ideal gas relation, we have Q
T2 (300  273)K
P2  P1  (140  100 kPa)  366.2 kPa 37ºC
T1 (37  273)K
140 kPa gage
Then the gage pressure becomes
Pgage,2  P2  Patm  366.2  100  266 kPa

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3-127 The table is completed as follows:
P, kPa T, oC v, m3/kg u, kJ/kg Condition description and quality, if
300 250 0.7921 2728.9 Superheated vapor

300 133.52 0.3058 1560.0 x = 0.504, Two-phase mixture

101.42 100 - - Insufficient information

3000 180 0.001127* 761.92* Compressed liquid

Approximated as saturated liquid at the given temperature of 180 oC

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3-128 Water at a specified state is contained in a piston-cylinder device fitted with stops. Water is now heated until a final
pressure. The process will be indicated on the P-v and T- v diagrams.
Analysis The properties at the three states are

P1  300 kPa 
 T1  133.5C (Table A - 5)
v 1  0.5 m 3 /kg 
P2  300 kPa 
 v 2  0.6058 m /kg, T2  133.5C (Table A - 5) Q
300 kPa
x 2  1 (sat. vap.)  0.5 m3/kg

P2  600 kPa 
 T  517.8C (Table A - 6)
v 3  0.6058 m /kg  2

Using Property Plot feature of EES, and by adding state points we obtain following diagrams.



P [kPa]

103 600 kPa 158.8°C 3

300 kPa 133.5°C 1 2



10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 0.5 100 101 102

v [m3/kg]


600 kPa
517.8C 300 kPa

T [°C]


200 158.8C

100 133.5C 1 2

10-3 10-2 10-1 0.5 100 101 102
v [m /kg]

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3-129E Argon contained in a piston-cylinder device at a given state undergoes a polytropic process. The final temperature is
to be determined using the ideal gas relation and the Beattie-Bridgeman equation.
Analysis (a) The polytropic relations for an ideal gas give
n 1 / n 0.6 / 1.6
P   2000 psia 
T2  T1  2   (300  460 R)   986 R
 P1   1000 psia 
(b) The constants in the Beattie-Bridgeman equation are expressed as
 a  0.02328  1000 psia
A  Ao 1    130.78021  
 v   v  300F
 b  0
B  Bo 1    0.039311  
 v   v 
c  5.99  10 4 m 3  K 3 /kmol

Substituting these coefficients into the Beattie-Bridgeman equation and using data in SI units (P = 1000 psia = 6895 kPa,
T=760 R = 422.2 K, Ru = 8.314 kJ/kmol∙K)
Ru T  c 
v  B   2
P 1 
v 2  vT 3  v
and solving using an equation solver such as EES gives

v  0.5120 m3 /kmol  8.201 ft 3 /lbmol

From the polytropic equation
1/ n
 P1 
1 / 1.6
v 2  v 1    (0.5120 m 3 /kmol)   0.3319 m 3 /kmol
 P2  2

Substituting this value into the Beattie-Bridgeman equation and using data in SI units (P = 2000 psia = 13790 kPa and Ru =
8.314 kJ/kmol∙K),
Ru T  c 
v  B   2
P 1 
v 2  vT 3  v
and solving using an equation solver such as EES gives
T2  532.2 K  958 R

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3-130E The specific volume of nitrogen at a given state is to be determined using the ideal gas relation, the Benedict-Webb-
Rubin equation, and the compressibility factor.
Properties The properties of nitrogen are (Table A-1E)
R = 0.3830 psia·ft3/lbm·R, M = 28.013 lbm/lbmol, Tcr = 227.1 R, Pcr = 492 psia
Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

RT (0.3830 psia  ft 3 /lbm  R)(360 R)

v   0.3447 ft 3 /lbm Nitrogen
P 400 psia
400 psia, -100F
(b) Using the coefficients of Table 3-4 for nitrogen and the given data in SI units, the
Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state is

RuT C  1 bR T  a a c   
P   B0 RuT  A0  02   u 3  6  3 2 1  2  exp(  / v 2 )
v  T v v v v T  v 

(8.314)( 200)  8.164  105  1 0.002328  8.314  200  2.54
2758   0.04074  8.314  200  106.73  
v2  2002  v 2 v3

2.54  1.272  10 4 7.379  104  0.0053 
  1   exp( 0.0053 / v )
v6 v 3 (200) 2  v2 
The solution of this equation by an equation solver such as EES gives

v  0.5666 m 3 /kmol

v 0.5666 m 3 /kmol  16.02 ft 3 /lbm 

v   0.3240 ft 3 /lbm
M 28.013 kg/kmol  1 m 3 /kg 

(c) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),

T 360 R 
TR    1.585 
Tcr 227.1 R 
 Z  0.94
P 400 psia
PR    0.813 
Pcr 492 psia 


v  Zv ideal  (0.94)(0.3447 ft 3 /lbm)  0.3240ft 3 /lbm

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-131 A hot air balloon with 3 people in its cage is hanging still in the air. The average temperature of the air in the balloon
for two environment temperatures is to be determined.
Assumptions Air is an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
Analysis The buoyancy force acting on the balloon is
Hot air balloon
V balloon  4 r / 3  4 (10 m) /3  4189m
3 3 3
D = 20 m
P 90 kPa
cool air    1.089 kg/m3 Patm = 90 kPa
RT (0.287 kPa  m3/kg  K)(288 K) T = 15C
FB  cool air gV balloon
 1N 
 (1.089 kg/m3 )(9.8 m/s2 )(4189 m3 )   44,700 N
 1kg  m/s 
The vertical force balance on the balloon gives
FB  Whot air  Wcage  Wpeople
 (mhot air  mcage  m people) g mcage = 80 kg

 1N 
44,700 N  (mhotair  80 kg  195 kg)(9.8 m/s2 ) 
 1 kg  m/s 
which gives
mhotair  4287 kg

Therefore, the average temperature of the air in the balloon is

PV (90 kPa)(4189 m3 )
T   306.5 K
mR (4287 kg)(0.287 kPa  m3/kg  K)
Repeating the solution above for an atmospheric air temperature of 30C gives 323.6 K for the average air temperature in
the balloon.

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3-132 Problem 3-131 is to be reconsidered. The effect of the environment temperature on the average air temperature
in the balloon when the balloon is suspended in the air is to be investigated as the environment temperature varies from -
10°C to 30°C. The average air temperature in the balloon is to be plotted versus the environment temperature.
Analysis The problem is solved using EES, and the solution is given below.

"Given Data:"
"atm---atmosphere about balloon"
"gas---heated air inside balloon"
g=9.807 [m/s^2]
d_balloon=20 [m]
m_cage = 80 [kg]
m_1person=65 [kg]
NoPeople = 6
{T_atm_Celsius = 15 [C]}
T_atm =T_atm_Celsius+273 "[K]"
P_atm = 90 [kPa]
R=0.287 [kJ/kg-K]
P_gas = P_atm
T_gas_Celsius=T_gas - 273 "[C]"

"Calculated values:"
P_atm= rho_atm*R*T_atm "rho_atm = density of air outside balloon"
P_gas= rho_gas*R*T_gas "rho_gas = density of gas inside balloon"
"The total weight of balloon, people, and cage is:"
"The buoyancy force acting on the balloon, F_b, is equal to the weight of the air displaced by the balloon."
"From the free body diagram of the balloon, the balancing vertical forces must equal the product of the total mass
and the vertical acceleration:"
F_b- W_total=m_total*a_up
a_up = 0 "The balloon is hanging still in the air" 100


Tatm,Celcius [C] Tgas,Celcius [C] 80

-10 17.32 70
T gas,Celsius [C]

-5 23.42
0 29.55 60 9 people
6 people
5 35.71 50
10 41.89 40 3 people
15 48.09
20 54.31 30

25 60.57 20
30 66.84

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Tatm,Celsius [C]

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-133 A hot air balloon with 2 people in its cage is about to take off. The average temperature of the air in the balloon for
two environment temperatures is to be determined.
Assumptions Air is an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K. Hot air balloon
D = 18 m
Analysis The buoyancy force acting on the balloon is
Patm = 93 kPa
V balloon  4 r 3 / 3  4 (9 m) 3 /3  3054 m 3
T = 12C
P 93 kPa
 coolair    1.137 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kPa  m 3 /kg  K)(285 K)

FB   coolair gV balloon
 1N 
 (1.137 kg/m 3 )(9.8 m/s 2 )(3054 m 3 )   34,029 N
 1 kg  m/s 2 
 
The vertical force balance on the balloon gives mcage = 120 kg
FB  Whotair  Wcage  Wpeople
 (m hotair  mcage  m people) g
 1N 
34,029 N  (mhotair  120 kg  140 kg)(9.81 m/s2 ) 
 1 kg  m/s 
which gives
mhot air  3212 kg

Therefore, the average temperature of the air in the balloon is

PV (93 kPa)(3054 m3 )
T   308 K
mR (3212 kg)(0.287 kPa  m3/kg  K)
Repeating the solution above for an atmospheric air temperature of 25C gives 323 K for the average air temperature in the

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Problems

3-134 A 300-m3 rigid tank is filled with saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water at 200 kPa. If 25% of the mass is liquid
and the 75% of the mass is vapor, the total mass in the tank is
(a) 451 kg (b) 556 kg (c) 300 kg (d) 331 kg (e) 195 kg

Answer (a) 451 kg

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
V_tank=300 "m3"
P1=200 "kPa"
v_f=VOLUME(Steam_IAPWS, x=0,P=P1)
v_g=VOLUME(Steam_IAPWS, x=1,P=P1)
m=V_tank/v "kg"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
R=0.4615 "kJ/kg.K"
P1*V_tank=W1_m*R*(T+273) "Treating steam as ideal gas"
P1*V_tank=W2_m*R*T "Treating steam as ideal gas and using deg.C"
W3_m=V_tank "Taking the density to be 1 kg/m^3"

3-135 Water is boiled at 1 atm pressure in a coffee maker equipped with an immersion-type electric heating element. The
coffee maker initially contains 1 kg of water. Once boiling started, it is observed that half of the water in the coffee maker
evaporated in 10 minutes. If the heat loss from the coffee maker is negligible, the power rating of the heating element is
(a) 3.8 kW (b) 2.2 kW (c) 1.9 kW (d) 1.6 kW (e) 0.8 kW

Answer (c) 1.9 kW

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
m_1=1 "kg"
P=101.325 "kPa"
time=10*60 "s"
Power*time=m_evap*h_fg "kJ"
h_f=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=0,P=P)
h_g=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=1,P=P)
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
W1_Power*time=m_evap*h_g "Using h_g"
W2_Power*time/60=m_evap*h_g "Using minutes instead of seconds for time"
W3_Power=2*Power "Assuming all the water evaporates"

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-136 A 1-m rigid tank contains 10 kg of water (in any phase or phases) at 160C. The pressure in the tank is
(a) 738 kPa (b) 618 kPa (c) 370 kPa (d) 2000 kPa (e) 1618 kPa

Answer (b) 618 kPa

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
V_tank=1 "m^3"
m=10 "kg"
T=160 "C"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
R=0.4615 "kJ/kg.K"
W1_P*V_tank=m*R*(T+273) "Treating steam as ideal gas"
W2_P*V_tank=m*R*T "Treating steam as ideal gas and using deg.C"

3-137 Water is boiling at 1 atm pressure in a stainless steel pan on an electric range. It is observed that 2 kg of liquid
water evaporates in 30 minutes. The rate of heat transfer to the water is
(a) 2.51 kW (b) 2.32 kW (c) 2.97 kW (d) 0.47 kW (e) 3.12 kW

Answer (a) 2.51 kW

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
m_evap=2 "kg"
P=101.325 "kPa"
time=30*60 "s"
Q*time=m_evap*h_fg "kJ"
h_f=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=0,P=P)
h_g=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=1,P=P)
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
W1_Q*time=m_evap*h_g "Using h_g"
W2_Q*time/60=m_evap*h_g "Using minutes instead of seconds for time"
W3_Q*time=m_evap*h_f "Using h_f"

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-138 Water is boiled in a pan on a stove at sea level. During 10 min of boiling, its is observed that 200 g of water has
evaporated. Then the rate of heat transfer to the water is
(a) 0.84 kJ/min (b) 45.1 kJ/min (c) 41.8 kJ/min (d) 53.5 kJ/min (e) 225.7 kJ/min

Answer (b) 45.1 kJ/min

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
m_evap=0.2 "kg"
P=101.325 "kPa"
time=10 "min"
Q*time=m_evap*h_fg "kJ"
h_f=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=0,P=P)
h_g=ENTHALPY(Steam_IAPWS, x=1,P=P)
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
W1_Q*time=m_evap*h_g "Using h_g"
W2_Q*time*60=m_evap*h_g "Using seconds instead of minutes for time"
W3_Q*time=m_evap*h_f "Using h_f"

3-139 A rigid 3-m3 rigid vessel contains steam at 4 MPa and 500C. The mass of the steam is
(a) 3 kg (b) 9 kg (c) 26 kg (d) 35 kg (e) 52 kg

Answer (d) 35 kg
Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
V=3 "m^3"
m=V/v1 "m^3/kg"
P1=4000 "kPa"
T1=500 "C"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
R=0.4615 "kJ/kg.K"
P1*V=W1_m*R*(T1+273) "Treating steam as ideal gas"
P1*V=W2_m*R*T1 "Treating steam as ideal gas and using deg.C"

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-140 Consider a sealed can that is filled with refrigerant-134a. The contents of the can are at the room temperature of
25C. Now a leak developes, and the pressure in the can drops to the local atmospheric pressure of 90 kPa. The
temperature of the refrigerant in the can is expected to drop to (rounded to the nearest integer)
(a) 0C (b) -29C (c) -16C (d) 5C (e) 25C

Answer (b) -29C

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
T1=25 "C"
P2=90 "kPa"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
W1_T2=T1 "Assuming temperature remains constant"

3-141 A rigid tank contains 2 kg of an ideal gas at 4 atm and 40C. Now a valve is opened, and half of mass of the gas is
allowed to escape. If the final pressure in the tank is 2.2 atm, the final temperature in the tank is
(a) 71C (b) 44C (c) -100C (d) 20C (e) 172C

Answer (a) 71C

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
"When R=constant and V= constant, P1/P2=m1*T1/m2*T2"
m1=2 "kg"
P1=4 "atm"
P2=2.2 "atm"
T1=40+273 "K"
m2=0.5*m1 "kg"
T2_C=T2-273 "C"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
P1/P2=m1*(T1-273)/(m2*W1_T2) "Using C instead of K"
P1/P2=m1*T1/(m1*(W2_T2+273)) "Disregarding the decrease in mass"
P1/P2=m1*T1/(m1*W3_T2) "Disregarding the decrease in mass, and not converting to deg. C"
W4_T2=(T1-273)/2 "Taking T2 to be half of T1 since half of the mass is discharged"

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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3-142 The pressure of an automobile tire is measured to be 190 kPa (gage) before a trip and 215 kPa (gage) after the trip at
a location where the atmospheric pressure is 95 kPa. If the temperature of air in the tire before the trip is 25C, the air
temperature after the trip is
(a) 51.1C (b) 64.2C (c) 27.2C (d) 28.3C (e) 25.0C

Answer (a) 51.1C

Solution Solved by EES Software. Solutions can be verified by copying-and-pasting the following lines on a blank EES
screen. (Similar problems and their solutions can be obtained easily by modifying numerical values).
"When R, V, and m are constant, P1/P2=T1/T2"
P1=190+Patm "kPa"
P2=215+Patm "kPa"
T1=25+273 "K"
T2_C=T2-273 "C"
"Some Wrong Solutions with Common Mistakes:"
P1/P2=(T1-273)/W1_T2 "Using C instead of K"
(P1-Patm)/(P2-Patm)=T1/(W2_T2+273) "Using gage pressure instead of absolute pressure"
(P1-Patm)/(P2-Patm)=(T1-273)/W3_T2 "Making both of the mistakes above"
W4_T2=T1-273 "Assuming the temperature to remain constant"

3-143 … 3-145 Design and Essay Problems

3-145 It is helium.


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If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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