Semiconductor Thermogenerator: by Divyanshu Gupta 2015B5A80515G

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Semiconductor Thermogenerator

Divyanshu Gupta

February 2019

This is a report on the Semiconductor Thermogenerator experiment performed as part

of the Advanced Physics Lab course. This experiment was performed by Group 11-
Divyanshu Gupta and B.Aravindh Shankar on 13th Feb, 2019.


Thermogenerator, Flow-through heat exchanger, Rheostat, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Stop-

watch, Immersion thermostat, Lab thermometer, Rubber tubing, Connecting cord.


1. To measure no-load voltage U0 and short-circuit current Is at different temperature

differences and to determine the Seebeck coefficient.

2. To measure current and voltage at a constant temperature difference but with dif-
ferent load resistors, and to determine the internal resistance RI from the measured

3. To determine the efficiency of energy conversion, from the quantity of heat con-
sumed and the electrical energy produced per unit time.


A temperature drop is created along a current-free branch of a conductor made up of

different materials. As a result there is a heat flow from the warmer region to the
cooler region. The charge carriers which take part in this transfer of heat are unevenly
distributed along the conductor. The internal field strength can be assumed to be an
e.m.f. U0 at the open ends of the conductor (Seebeck effect).The voltage level depends


on the temperature difference and on the materials used. To a first approximation, the
voltage may be written:
U0 = α12 ∆T

In the experiment, the no-load voltage and the short-circuit current are measured as
a function of the temperature difference. The internal resistance is measured by at a
constant temperature difference.

The efficiency of energy conversion is measured using the formula


Pth = C

Procedure followed

Measurement of Seebeck coefficient

1. Fill the cold side with tap water and set the temperature of the hot side on the
thermostat. The two temperatures are measured using the holes in the thermo-
generator provided for the purpose.

2. Measure the no load voltage and short-circuit current directly, the internal resis-
tance of the measuring equipment being disregarded.

Determining the internal resistance Ri of the thermogenerator

1. Connect rheostat R ext to the thermogenerator at a constant average temperature

difference (say 40 deg).

2. Measure the current and voltage at different settings and plot the results on a

Determining the efficiency of energy conversion

1. Remove the heat exchanger which was connected to the thermostat and put a
water bath brim-full of boiling water in its place. Measure the temperature of the
hot side Th = f(t) and of the cold side Tc = f(t) as a function of time. Measure the

current and the voltage across an external resistance of approximately the same
value as the internal resistance.

2. Plot ∆T versus t.

3. Calculate Pth from formula given above and Pel from the previous value of Voltage
and Current to determine η, the efficiency .

Observations and Calculations

No Load Voltage and Short Circuit Current

Least count of Voltmeter = 0.001 V

Least count of Ammeter = 0.1 mA
Least count of Thermometer = 0.5 K

Table 1

Th Tc ∆T Voltage Curent
53 30 23 1 83.8
55 30 25 1.091 95
57 30.5 26.5 1.166 97.3
60 30.5 29.5 1.3 114
63 31 32 1.457 120.3
65 31 34 1.515 131
67 31 36 1.625 133.5
70 31 39 1.733 147.7
72 31.5 40.5 1.82 149.2
77 32 45 2.04 168
80 32 48 2.11 181
84 32.5 51.5 2.28 183
86 32.5 53.5 2.35 199.3

Figure 1: No-Load Voltage vs Temperature Difference

The equation for linear regression of voltage vs temperature difference curve

U0 = 0.0445∆T − 0.003

The Seebeck coefficient is, hence, equal to 0.0445 V − K −1

Figure 2: Short Circuit Current vs Temperature Difference


Internal Resistance

The internal resistance measurement are carried out at a temperature difference of 40

K. Temperature at the hot end is maintained at 72 C and the temperature at the cold
end is 32 C.

Table 2

Current Voltage
0.32 0.615
0.28 0.779
0.26 0.842
0.24 0.929
0.22 1.02
0.2 1.09
0.18 1.156
0.16 1.23
0.14 1.293
0.12 1.385
0.1 1.455
0.08 1.529
0.06 1.605

Figure 3: Volate vs Current at constant temperature difference of 40 deg C


The equation of the trend line is

U0 = −3.778I + 1.834

The absolute value of the slope gives the internal resistance Ri = 3.778 Ω

Efficiency of Energy Conversion

δt = 30 s
C , heat capacity of water in heat bath adjacent to sample = 811 (J/kg.K).

Pth = C

Table 3

time ∆T Th Tc ∆T / δt Pth
30 32.5 64 31.5 1.08 878.58
60 35 66 31 1.17 946.17
90 37 67 30 1.23 1,000.23
120 36 66 30 1.20 973.20
150 35 65 30 1.17 946.17
180 34 64 30 1.13 919.13
210 33 63 30 1.10 892.10
240 32 62 30 1.07 865.07
270 31 61 30 1.03 838.03
300 30 60 30 1.00 811.00
330 29 59 30 0.97 783.97
360 28 58 30 0.93 756.93
390 27 57 30 0.90 729.90
420 26 56 30 0.87 702.87
450 25 55 30 0.83 675.83
480 25 55 30 0.83 675.83
510 24 54 30 0.80 648.80
540 23 53 30 0.77 621.77
570 22.5 52.5 30 0.75 608.25
600 22 52 30 0.73 594.73

Figure 4: Temperature Difference vs Time

Table 4 : The Electrical Power is calculated using the previous values of current and

∆T Pel
23 83.8
25 103.645
26.5 113.4518
29.5 148.2
32 175.2771
34 198.465
36 216.9375
39 255.9641
40.5 271.544
45 342.72
48 381.91
51.5 417.24
53.5 468.355

The regression is polynomial with degree approximately 2 : Pel = 0.166∆T 2


Figure 5: Power vs Temperature

Table 5 : The efficiency η at different ∆T

∆T Pth Pel η = Pel /Pth

22 594.73 80.344 0.135092478421702
22.5 608.25 84.0375 0.138162762022195
23 621.77 87.814 0.141233045622688
24 648.80 95.616 0.147373612823674
25 675.83 103.75 0.153514180024661
25 675.83 103.75 0.153514180024661
26 702.87 112.216 0.159654747225647
27 729.90 121.014 0.165795314426634
28 756.93 130.144 0.17193588162762
29 783.97 139.606 0.178076448828607
30 811.00 149.4 0.184217016029593
31 838.03 159.526 0.19035758323058
32 865.07 169.984 0.196498150431566
32.5 878.58 175.3375 0.199568434032059
33 892.10 180.774 0.202638717632552
34 919.13 191.896 0.208779284833539
35 946.17 203.35 0.214919852034525
35 946.17 203.35 0.214919852034525
36 973.20 215.136 0.221060419235512
37 1,000.23 227.254 0.227200986436498

Error Analysis

Error in slope of Voltage vs Temperature difference (Figure 1) = 0.0006

Seebeck Coefficient = 0.0445 ± 0.006 V − K −1

Error in slope of Voltage vs current (Figure 2) = 0.03

Internal Resistance = 3.77 ± 0.03 Ω

Results and Conclusions

The experiment was performed successfully. The following results were obtained

1. The Seebeck Coefficient = 0.0445 ± 0.006 V − K −1

2. The internal Resistance = 3.77 ± 0.03 Ω

3. The efficiency for various ∆T were obtained. (c.f. Table 5)

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