Anime Guida Al Cinema D Animazione Giapponese
Anime Guida Al Cinema D Animazione Giapponese
Anime Guida Al Cinema D Animazione Giapponese
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Monumenta Nipponica
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Innocence and the Other World
THE AUTHOR is an assistant professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and
Literatures, Smith College. He wishes to thank Professors William A. Oram and Robert T.
Petersson, and Geoffrey Brown, and the anonymous reader for their kind help and suggestions.
1 In spite of the fact that Kenji himself called his stories dowa =W-, children's stories, and
wrote them in that style, the term 'children's story' does not seem to be entirely appropriate
because his stories often seem too abstruse for children. In this article, therefore, I shall gener-
ally use the term 'tales' (or occasionally 'stories') rather than 'children's stories'.
2 Gary Snyder, The Back Country, New Directions, New York, 1968.
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242 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
Spring and Asura: Poems of Kenji Miyazawa3 and A Future of Ice: Poems and
Stories of a Japanese Buddhist: Miyazawa Kenji,4 John Bester's Winds and
Wildcat Places5 and Winds from Afar,6 both translations of Kenji's tales,
Mallory Fromm's 'The Ideals of Miyazawa Kenji'", Makoto Ueda's substan-
tial chapter on Kenji in his Modern Japanese Poets and the Nature of
Literature,8 and Sarah M. Strong's 'The Poetry of Miyazawa Kenji',9
'Miyazawa Kenji and the Lost Gandharan Painting', 1 and Night of the Milk
Way Railway.' 1
One may wonder why Kenji attracts such widespread attention today, both
in Japan and increasingly in the West, when he was almost totally unknown to,
or rather ignored by, literary circles in Tokyo during his lifetime. In the most
general terms, each of the studies mentioned above may be seen as an attempt
to answer this question. Certainly, to the extent that it is concerned with
explaining the meaning-and hence the appeal-of Kenji, the present article
is also such an attempt. More specifically, however, this study is about
Miyazawa's idea of innocence in its relation to his literary style and his idea
of the 'other world' or 'other realm'. While literary scholars, critics, and
translators have noted the issue of innocence in Kenji's work,12 few have
grappled with this issue in terms of how Kenji's idea of innocence relates to his
literary style, and the bearing it has on various other themes in his thought and
literature: themes such as symbolism, nature, the 'other world', and the
center-periphery dichotomy.
The first part of the present article will focus on various aspects of Kenji's
3 Hiroaki Sato, tr., Spring and Asura: Poems of Kenji Miyazawa, Chicago Review Press,
4 Hiroaki Sato, tr., A Future of Ice: Poems and Stories of a Japanese Buddhist: Miyazawa
Kenji, North Point Press, San Francisco, 1989.
5 John Bester, tr., Winds and Wildcat Places, Kodansha International, 1967.
6 John Bester, tr., Winds from Afar, Kodansha International, 1972.
7 Mallory Fromm, 'The Ideals of Miyazawa Kenji: A Critical Account of Their Genesis,
Development, and Literary Expression', doctoral dissertation, University of London, 1980.
8 Makoto Ueda, Modern Japanese Poets and the Nature of Literature, Stanford U.P., 1983,
pp. 184-231.
9 Sarah M. Strong, 'The Poetry of Miyazawa Kenji', doctoral dissertation, University of
Chicago, 1984.
10 Sarah M. Strong, 'Miyazawa Kenji and the Lost Gandharan Painting', in MN 41:2 (Sum-
mer 1986), pp. 175-97.
11 Sarah M. Strong, tr., Night of the Milky Way Railway, Sharpe, Armonk, NY, 1991. For
more information about studies and translations of Kenji's works outside Japan, see Strong,
'The Poetry', pp. 4-5, Ueda, pp. 425-29, and 'Bibliography of Miyazawa Kenji' in Miyazawa
Kenji Kenkyui Annual, 1991, 1, pp. 1-15.
12 See, for instance, the following remarks by Bester in his Winds from Afar, p. 8: 'Yet still
more essential in Miyazawa than this humanism is an intense nostalgia for innocence, for the
childlike state that precedes all such things as society and morality. This nostalgia, together with
the sensitivity towards nature with which it is so closely linked is, above all, what gives his work
its special flavor. The harking back to innocence is not so much a retreat into childhood as a
reaffirmation of certain aspects of our relationship with the universe about us.'
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 243
style. His diction, sentence structure, rhythm, onomatopoeia, genre, and im-
agery will be examined particularly in terms of how they are related to the con-
cept of innocence and that of the other world (or other realm). In the second
part, I will focus on the relationship between the other realm and innocence in
his literature. By analyzing how Kenji used stylistic devices to express his ideas
of the other realm and innocence, I hope to show how intrinsically, and how
inevitably, those ideas are welded with his style.
Aspects of Style
In Kenji's literature, style and innocence are related most fundamentally to the
issue of center-periphery. Indeed, innocence in Kenji's work is above all a mat-
ter of the 'marginal', which, in the present context, overlaps with the idea of
the 'marked' as opposed to the 'unmarked'. In Kenji's tales children represent
marginal existences insofar as they do not play the central power roles that
society reserves for 'mature adults'. As non- (or rather sub-) adults, they are
'marked off' as beings not yet fully human, and for Kenji, it is children, the
mentally retarded, animals, plants, water, air, rocks, etc (in other words, all
beings in the universe besides adult humans, with their manipulative intellect)
who are potentially close to innocence.
Kenji uses various stylistic means of expressing, or rather 'marking', the in-
nocence (or the capacity for innocence) of such beings. In his prose works,
perhaps the most apparent 'marking' is the fact that he chose to write them
in the form and style of the children's story rather than in the more popular,
orthodox, and hence 'unmarked' style of the novel. The reasons behind
this choice are significant. Of course, the most obvious is that the children's
literature movement was in full swing when Kenji thought seriously of pursu-
ing a literary career. A deeper reason for this choice was perhaps his intuitive
knowledge that the genre of the children's story was, along with poetry, the
form best suited to the expression of his particular ideas and emotions that
were radically different and thus 'marked off' from the prevailing intellectual
and emotional climate of the time.
Kenji writes in the advertisement for the collection of his tales, Chumon no
Oi Rvoriten i 44I+t &h-JTrg:
Ihatovu is a place name. If we dare to locate the place, it is considered to be in
the same world as the fields that Big Claus and Little Claus used to till and the
land in the mirror that the girl Alice visited, located in the far northeast of Tepan-
tar Desert and in the far east of Ivan's kingdom.
Indeed, it is the Iwate prefecture of Japan as a dreamland that really exists in
the mind of the author taking such forms as above.
There, everything is possible. One can instantly jump over the field of snow
and ice to travel toward the north, riding the great wind that circles around the
earth, or one can talk with ants that crawl under the red cups of flowers.
There, even sins and sorrows radiate in pure, holy light. A deep grove of
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244 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
(3) These tales are neither falsehood and fabrication nor plagiarism. Although
they were given some amount of reflection and analysis, they faithfully represent
what occurred in the author's imagination at particular moments. Therefore,
however ridiculous or abstruse they may appear, everyone, deep in his or her
psyche, should certainly be able to understand them. They will be unintelligible
only to mean and jaded adults. (11:389)
13 One critic argues that this is a printer's typographical error and that Kenji intended the
words to be tsukimiso Ff AV, 'evening primroses', instead of niku no kusa , 'grass of
meat'. Kihara Yoshiki tJ1;XM, 'Kenji Memorandamu: "Mukaibi" ni tsuite' W / e v?A:
Fr n.uicot, in Kenji Kenkyui -W , 40 (1986), pp. 41-43.
14 Miyazawa Seiroku 9RI- et al., ed., Kohon Miyazawa Kenji Zenshii RIWMV;i!t
Chikuma, 1973-1977, 11, p. 388. Hereafter quotations from this edition will be specified in
15 Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1976.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 245
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246 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
years. One concrete example of this is Ginga Tetsudo no Yoru, a story about
a boy's journey into the Milky Way on a galactic railroad. This story com-
bines and harmonizes modern, Western elements such as the characters'
names, Giovanni and Campanella, the galactic train, an ocean liner, and
an archeological excavation, with primitive elements such as Giovanni's
shamanistic flight into the night sky and the animistic image of the buffalo-like
ancient beasts whose fossils a scientist excavates on the beach of the Milky
Way (or Ama no gawa TiaODjII, literally, heaven's river) in order to prove his
cosmological theory.
For these reasons we can say that Kenji's cosmopolitanism is supported by
his cosmic vision, which is at once ultra-modern and ultra-primitive. To quote
Takamura Kotaro i6t4YA], 1883-1956, in his description of Kenji:
Those who have a cosmos within themselves are always at the center of the
world, even when they are at the fringe of the world, but those who do not have a
cosmos within will end up with a local existence, even if they live in the center of
the world. Miyazawa Kenji, the poet of Hanamaki, Iwate prefecture, was a rare
man who had a cosmos within himself.16
Kenji and his literature are at once peripheral and central. The mixing of the
refined Tokyo 'dialect' and Western names with Iwate dialect, then, is his
temperamental strategy for expressing his cosmic vision.
Related to his use of Iwate dialect are certain syntactic anomalies that are
characteristic of his style:
'Ano hito tori e oshieterundesho ka.' 'Is he signaling to the birds?' (10:158)
Soshite sonokoro nara kisha wa shinsekai kokyogaku no yo ni narimashita.
And if around that time, the train resounded like the New World Symphony.
Hi ga tsuyoku teru toki wa iwa wa kawaite masshiro ni mie, tate yoko ni hashitta
hibiware mo ari, okina boshi o kamutte sono ue o utsumuite aruku nara,
kageboshi wa kuroku ochimashita shi, mattaku mo igirisu atari no hakua no
kaigan o aruite iru yo na ki ga surunodeshita.
When the sunshine was strong, the bedrock dried up, looking very white, with
even, crisscross fissures in it, and if you walked on it with a big hat on and with
downcast eyes, your shadow darkly fell onto it, and indeed you felt as if you were
walking on the cretaceous beach somewhere around England. (9:35)
The English translations, or rather glosses, inevitably provide only a rough
clue to the concepts of the original, rather than faithful translations of the tex-
tual nuances that arise from such stylistic features as imagery, rhythm, diction,
and syntax. Speakers of Japanese, familiar with the Tokyo dialect, will in-
tuitively sense slight grammatical deviations in these quotations. The examples
quoted above are a mere fraction of Kenji's syntactic idiosyncrasies. His
16 Quoted by Kusano Shimpei Vff iA, in Aporon Kasetto Raiburarr, Aporon Ongaku
KOgy6, 8, KSA 2008, n.d.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 247
KashiopTa, Cassiopeia!
mO suisen ga sakidasu zo Narcissus will bloom soon!
omae no garasu no mizuguruma Turn and squeak your glass
kikki to mawase. waterwheel!
Andoromeda, Andromeda!
azemi no hana ga mo saku zo, your namesake flower will
omae no rampu no arukohoru, bloom soon!
shashu to fukase. (11:47) Hiss, hiss the alcohol of your lamp!17
The sudden appearance of these songs surprises and at the same time
pleasantly excites aesthetic sensitivities. Perhaps this is because the energy of
nature, of the universe itself, is expressed in their lyrics. They are strange and
even slightly incongruous in the contexts in which they are placed. But it is this
very strangeness or 'incongruity' that becomes the source of an energy and
sense of life that revitalizes the reader. These songs sound strange to human
ears because they are, in a sense, the sounds or cries of nature itself, or more ex-
17 Based on the translation by C. W. Nicol & Tanigawa Gan WJII IW in Tanigawa Gan, Kenji
Shoki Dowa Ko fff- Shiode, 1985, pp. 279-80.
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248 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
actly those parts of nature that human culture has found incomprehensible,
and thus excluded, peripherized, and rendered alien.
In fact, Kenji's songs are like incantations, and in this connection it is sig-
nificant to note his longstanding fascination with Buddhist scripture. As a
small child, Kenji could chant Pure Land sutras fluently, apparently without
knowing their meanings, and he later became dedicated to the Lotus Sutra. A
significant characteristic of Japanese Buddhist sutras is that they are chanted
primarily for their incantatory effects, not for their discursive meanings.
Note how Kenji ends the following verses with the untranslated Sanskrit
syllables that can be found in Japanese Buddhist scripture:
Thus, it seems that the songs and onomatopoeia in Kenji's literature have
much to do with the incantatory effects of the sutras he chanted.18 In this
regard, his tales come close to nonsense, or wordplay; 'childish' language
imbued with innocence.19
In the passages above, Kenji has the incantations from Buddhist scripture
contained in his poems placed in parentheses and indented so as to be 'marked
off' from the rest of the text. Both the sudden appearance of songs and
onomatopoeia in his tales and the presence of sutra incantations in his poems
create incongruities and fissures in the texture of his style. These incongruities
and fissures reveal the 'other realm'.
18 The 7-5 and 7-7 syllable patterns prevalent not only in Kenji's poems but also in some of
his tales seem to be related to the issue of incantation as well. See Sugaya Kikuo f
Shiteki Rizumu a-49 7Z , 1975, rpt. Yamato Shobo, 1978, pp. 193-246; Sugaya Kikuo,
Miyazawa Kenji Josetsu -9RW6;M, Yamato, 1980, pp. 184-207; and Ueda, pp. 215-24.
19 Note the similarity to English nursery rhymes and other 'nonsense' songs for children such
as 'Zui Zui Zukkorobashi'. Also refer to the greeting songs to the stars and the comico-cosmic
laughter of the Snow Boy in 'Suisenzuki no Yokka'.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 249
This kind of unexpected gap or fissure can also be created by imagery and
diction. Kenji's frequent use of mineral images is one outstanding example.
For instance, the following tanka from his college days:
sono mukashi, In ancient times
namako no gotoku the rough-faced quartzite
minasoko o, like a sea slug
haite nagareshi, flowed, crawling
sekiei somengan. (1:290) along the water's bed
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250 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 251
2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ..................
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252 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
As Onda Itsuo points out, we can detect in this passage a slightly sadistic
attitude toward irises, a symbol of the female.2' As is usual with Kenji, he uses
inorganic, or otherwise unexpected, images for organic plants as in the 'zinc
shadow' and in the flower stalks of 'blue wax and silk'. But on the other hand,
there is no doubt that the 'I' in the poem is enjoying a strong sense of commu-
nion with nature. Furthermore, at the end of Part 2, 'I' repents of what he has
done to the irises.
A somewhat similar, yet essentially different, iris image is seen in Mishima's
Kinkakuji, where Mizoguchi an steals some irises for his friend, Kashiwagi
Near the Sosei, a small waterfall, half surrounded by a weir, carried the water
21 Onda Itsuo , Miyazawa Kenji Ron 9WifM, T6kyo Shoseki, 1981, 1, pp. 102-
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 253
from a lotus pond into the large Kyoko Pond. It was here that the irises grew in
the greatest profusion. They were exceptionally beautiful at that time. As I
approached, I heard the clusters of irises rustling in the night wind. The lofty
purple petals trembled within the quiet sound of the water. It was very dark
in that part of the garden: the purple of the flowers and the dark green of
the leaves looked equally black. I tried to pick a few of the irises, but in the
wind the flowers and the leaves managed to avoid my hands, and one of the
leaves cut my finger.22
The image of the irises in this passage resembles that of the wax and silk stems
of the irises in Kenji's poem in the sense that both give the impression of preci-
sion-made, artificial flowers. In both cases the sexual connotation is rather ob-
vious. But the resemblances between the two end there. Unlike Kenji's irises,
those of Mishima are placed in the traditional Japanese aesthetic atmosphere,
but strangely, they fail to impart the satisfying organic sensation that a reader
usually receives from tanka and other traditional Japanese literary works. One
reason for this seems to lie in Mishima's style, which, although by no means
rigid or stilted, is extremely neat, refined, and orderly. Even when he describes
the rustling and the trembling of the flowers, he does it in an orderly fashion.
The life and energy of the wind, of the irises and of the night, are thwarted
from freely expressing themselves. In this, we can detect a sense of frustration,
unrest, and hatred toward life and the world. Thus Mishima's irises rustle and
tremble with uneasiness, and their cutting blades of leaves 'attack' Mizoguchi,
the misogynist. Mizoguchi later witnesses his friend Kashiwagi, another
misogynist, arranging the flowers, cutting the stems with scissors, and sticking
them on a flower holder (a kenzan I0[L or 'mountain of swords'), all with
sadistic coolness and accuracy:
22 Yukio Mishima, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, tr., Ivan Morris, Knopf, New York,
1968, p. 141.
23 Mishima, p. 145.
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254 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
Shortly after this, Kashiwagi has a fierce fight with a war widow, his mistress
and flower-arrangement teacher, who tears down the flowers he has arranged.
The iris image in Mishima indicates a strong fear and hatred of the feminine
(and of life in general) on the part of the male characters discussed.
Kenji, too, occasionally writes poems that have a slightly misogynist flavor.
The poem 'Taneyama ga Hara', discussed above, is an example of this. The
comparison of the cherry blossoms in 'Aru Nogakusei no Nisshil ;6 i H
e to frogs' eggs is another example. As in the following excerpts from his
poems, nature often assumes the form of an erotic female figure with negative
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 255
24Ueda, p. 198.
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256 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
Kaju caught his breath and himself bowed low to the sun in its glory, and
to the alder tree. The third deer from the right began to sing now, bowing and
raising his head busily all the while.
It was true-the pampas grass was all ablaze, like a sea of white fire.
Now the fifth deer hung his head low and started singing in a voice that was
hardly more than a mutter.
Now all the deer were hanging their heads. But suddenly the sixth deer raised
his head proudly and sang:
Then all the deer together gave a short, sharp call like the cry of a flute, leaped
up in the air, and began to dash round and round in a ring.
A cold wind came whistling from the north. The alder tree sparkled as though
it really were a broken [iron] mirror. Its leaves actually seemed to tinkle as they
brushed against each other, and the plumes of the pampas grass seemed to be
whirling round and round with the deer.25
There were autumn cicadas in the evening groves, and the roar of the subway
came through the calls of the birds. A yellow leaf dangled from a spider web on
a branch far out over the swamp, catching a divine light each time it revolved.
It was as if a tiny revolving door were floating in the heavens.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 257
Toru tries to see the other world behind and beyond a leaf, a revolving door
to the different realm, thus indicating how alienated he is from this world. But
ironically the more Toru detests this world in favor of the other, ideal world,
the more the latter eludes his grasp. He does not realize how intimately these
worlds are linked: a fact that is comprehensible if we assume that the universe
has a Mobius strip-like or a Klein bottle-like twist built into it, and thus this
side, or the inside, is no other than the other side, or the outside. Just as
Mizoguchi in Kinkakuji wants to be both inside and outside the temple, and
just as Noboru i, the precocious boy in another of Mishima's novellas, Gogo
no EikO 4lko , desires to be both inside and outside his room at once,
Toru inevitably vacillates between both worlds without the ability to belong to
either. The catastrophic result of this vacillation is an impulse to annihilate the
entire universe, as seen in the quasi-Buddhistic ending of the tetralogy.
In Kenji's literature, too, we sense a strong tone of dissatisfaction with this
world as it is. Sometimes his heroes escape from this world to the other in the
form of stars or birds, but their overall tendency is to return in order to change
this world into another, or rather to realize the other, ideal world in this one.
We can cite two writers, Kawabata and Shiga Naoya -LMAM, for comparison
to clarify the point in question-Kenji's view of the distance or relation be-
tween this world and the other. First, Kawabata's sensitivity toward the other
world seems to lie somewhere between that of Mishima and Kenji. For in-
stance, in the chapter 'Semi no Hane' 9oM3 in his Yama no Oto XUcEl, Shingo
, the elderly hero, is watching butterflies flitting behind the bush clovers in
his garden:
There were butterflies beyond. Shingo could see them flickering past gaps in
the leaves, more than one butterfly, surely. He waited to see whether they would
alight on the bush clover or come out from behind it. They went on fluttering
through the leaves, however.
He began to feel that there was some sort of special little world apart over
behind the shrubbery. The butterfly wings beyond the leaves of bush clover
seemed to him extraordinarily beautiful.
He thought of the stars he had seen through the trees on the hilltop, that night
a month earlier, when the moon had been near full.27
As Shingo watches the butterflies, they fly up from behind the bush, and from
an unexpected direction, another butterfly flits across the garden, barely
touching the tip of the bush. Immediately after this passage follow Shingo's
words to Yasuko ?f , his wife: 'This morning I had two dreams about dead
26 Yukio Mishima, The Decay of the Angel, tr., Edward G. Seidensticker, Knopf, New York,
1974, pp. 150-51.
27 Yasunari Kawabata, The Sound of the Mountain, tr., Edward G. Seidensticker, Putnam's
New York, 1981, p. 29. Emphasis added.
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258 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
people,'28 and he goes on to describe his dreams about a cabinet-maker and his
friend Aida zE1, both of whom have been dead for some time. The cabinet-
maker had six daughters, and Shingo has sexual intercourse with one of them
in his dream.
At first glance, this sudden shift from the butterflies to the dreams appears
to be an illogical jump from one topic to another, but, as some critics have
pointed out,29 this kind of seemingly illogical shift is not unrelated to the
technique of association in renga poetry. Indeed, upon closer examination,
we find nothing particularly illogical about it. Shingo's dream about the dead
people and about his sexual encounter with the girl are thematically con-
nected with the butterfly scene: both scenes contribute to the other-world theme
of the novel. The aging Shingo's fear of death and his desire to be united
with Yasuko's beautiful sister in the distant world of the dead, represented by
Shinshui GflP, are symbolically expressed through these scenes. We might
say that Kawabata's cryptic style, usually consisting of short sentences, is,
itself, like bush clovers and pampas grass with many gaps among the leaves
and stems, through which we can glimpse the hidden world behind.
Like Mishima and Kenji, Kawabata was deeply attracted by the other world.
But he treats 'nature' rather differently from both of these authors; his nature
is not artificial in the way that Mishima's is, and neither does it assume that
quality of other-worldliness or explosive joy that characterizes Kenji's. On the
contrary, Kawabata calmly tries to see a different world behind and beyond
nature, a world that is totally organic and steeped in traditional Japanese sen-
sitivities such as yugen M and mono no aware fo)4. Even this tendency
becomes subdued at times, as in the image of the red maple leaves that Shingo
and his son Shuiichi S- see on the train toward the conclusion of the story, or
in the novel's famous ending where the image of the trout at dinner suggests
the possibility of Shingo's peaceful merger with nature.
If we push Kawabata's nature to its logical end, we approach the kind of
'nature' characteristic of Shiga Naoya's work. Compare the following passage
from Shiga's short story 'Kinosaki nite' fAo% r- with the above quotations
from Kenji, Mishima, and Kawabata. The hero of the story is recuperating at
Kinosaki, a spa, from an injury received from a streetcar accident. One eve-
ning he takes a walk outside the town:
There was a large mulberry tree beside the road. A leaf on one branch that
protruded out over the road from the far side fluttered rhythmically back and
forth. There was no wind, everything except the stream was sunk in silence,
only that one leaf fluttered on. I thought it odd. I was a little afraid even,
but I was curious. I went down and looked at it for a time. A breeze came up.
28 Kawabata, p. 30.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 259
The leaf stopped moving. I saw what was happening, and it came to me that I
had known all this before.30
Although the image of the leaf evoked here is similar to that of Mishima's in
Tennin Gosui, the hero of 'Kinosaki nite' is not at all interested in knowing the
other world that may be concealed behind the fluttering leaf. To him, a leaf is
simply a leaf. It does not stand for anything ideal or abstract, nor is it steeped
in the traditional emotion usually associated with nature as is often the case
with Kawabata's bush clover and pampas grass. And certainly, Shiga's leaf
does not assume the flaming and dazzling other-worldliness of Kenji's alder
leaves and pampas grass. In fact, Shiga's images are so 'concrete' that we feel
as though we are actually touching the particular thing being described. Imme-
diately after the mulberry leaf scene quoted above is the following passage:
It began to get dark. No matter how far I went there were still corners ahead. I de-
cided to go back. I looked down at the stream. On a rock that sloped up perhaps
a yard square from the water at the far bank there was a small dark object. A
water lizard. It was still wet, a good color. It was quite still, its head facing down
the incline as it looked into the stream.... I wanted to startle the lizard into the
water. I could see in my mind how it would run, clumsily twisting its body. Still
crouched by the stream, I took up a stone the size of a small ball and threw it. I
was not especially aiming at the lizard. My aim is so bad that I could not have hit
it had I tried, and it never occurred to me that I might. The stone slapped against
the rock and fell into the water. As it hit, the lizard seemed to jump five inches or
so to the side. Its tail curled high in the air. I wondered what had happened. I did
not think at first that the rock had struck home. The curved tail began quietly to
fall back down of its own weight. The toes of the projecting front feet, braced
against the slope with knee joints cut, turned under and the lizard fell forward,
its strength gone. Its tail lay flat against the rock. It did not move. It was dead.31
In this passage, besides the accurate and concrete description of the lizard,
what draws our attention is the apt use of onomatopoeia (represented by the
verb 'slapped' in the translation). The onomatopoeic kotsu, mimicking the
sound of the stone hitting the rock, is exactly what we would hear in such cir-
cumstances. It is a sound of everyday life, and it does not conceal anything
transcendent. Noting the relative frequency with which these novelists employ
onomatopoeia, we see that, while Mishima uses it rarely and Kawabata some-
what more (although still sparingly), Shiga employs it rather often. Even when
Kawabata does away with onomatopoeia, he achieves in his imagery the sort of
concreteness or earthy quality that typifies Shiga. This is evident, for example,
in Yama no Oto when Kikuko 'apparently could not hear him [Shingo] over
the sound of the dishes.'32
30 Naoya Shiga, At Kinosaki, Edward G. Seidensticker, tr., in Donald Keene, ed., Modern
Japanese Literature: An Anthology, Grove Press, New York, 1956, p. 276.
31 Shiga, pp. 276-77.
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260 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
The industrious living bees gave so completely a sense of life. The other beside
them, rolled over with its legs under it, still in the same spot whenever I looked at
it, morning, noon, night-how completely it gave a sense of death. For three
days it lay there. It gave me a feeling of utter quietness. Of loneliness. It was
lonely to see the dead body left there on the cold tile in the evening when the rest
had gone inside. And at the same time it was tranquil, soothing.
In the night a fierce rain fell.... The body of the dead bee was gone.... It
was likely somewhere covered with mud, unmoving, its legs still tight beneath it,
its feelers still flat against its head. Probably it was lying quiet until a change in
the world outside would move it again. Or perhaps ants were pulling it off. Even
so, how quiet it must be-before only working and working, no longer moving
now. I felt a certain nearness to that quiet.34
33 Note, for instance, the sound of the wind quoted earlier from his 'Kaze no Matasaburo'.
34 Shiga, pp. 273-74.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 261
himself with the universe in the form of a poppy seed, a metaphor for a sperm
cell implanting itself in the womb of the universe:
He felt his exhaustion turn into a strange state of rapture. He could feel his mind
and his body both gradually merging into this great nature that surrounded him.
It was not nature that was visible to the eyes; rather, it was like a limitless body of
air that wrapped itself around him, this tiny creature no larger than a poppy
seed. To be gently drawn into it, and there be restored, was a pleasure beyond the
power of words to describe. The sensation was a little like that of the moment
when, tired and without a single worry, one was about to fall into a deep sleep.35
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262 Monumenta Nipponica, 47:2
affinity for the transcendent. But in the final analysis, Mishima seems to fail in
his attempt at transcendence. By negating this imperfect world, he inevitably
negates the other world; the structure of the universe is such that the two
worlds cannot be separated. Mishima's heroes vacillate between the centrifugal
impulse for transcendence and the centripetal desire for immanence, and
finally end up with the annihilation of both worlds. This denouement is ex-
pressed in the images of violence and destruction prevalent everywhere in his
works (and in his chosen way of death).
Kenji's style also expresses 'vacillation'. But more exactly, his style itself
vibrates, reflecting the rhythmic diastole and systole in the life of nature and
the universe. Sometimes it captures the life of a tiny ant that goes among peb-
bles under a flower; at other times it rides the wind up into the strata of the
atmosphere to circle the galactic universe. In the opening passage from 'Kaze
no Matasaburo', the reader's viewpoint that, drawn by the tempestuous song
of the wind, has expanded outwardly, suddenly contracts. This is followed by
the centripetal scene of the small school in a valley with a tiny tennis court and
a spring. This stylistic 'vacillation' is also present in other impressive scenes
from Kenji's tales: it is evident in the centrifugal image of the blizzard and the
centripetal image of the quiet plain with the child buried in the snow and
covered with the red blanket in 'Suisenzuki no Yokka', in Giovanni's journey
on the Milky Way Railway, in the small galactic model in Ginga Tetsudo no
Yoru, and in the concentric mandala scene of the universe with the body of
Kojuiro at its center in 'Nametokoyama no Kuma'.
Kenji's style is uniquely dynamic and rhythmic, mirroring the vibrations of
nature and a cosmos that encloses diverse realms of experience. Both
Kawabata and Shiga sometimes capture this rhythm of the universe, but in a
more subdued way. Mishima is perhaps one of the few exceptions to the
Japanese sensibility of being close to nature-for although he was, like
Kawabata, influenced by traditional Japanese aesthetics, he seems, unlike
Kawabata, to have harbored ambivalent feelings toward these values. In his
hatred of life and his impulse to destroy the world, including himself, in his
predominantly necrophilic inclinations,39 Mishima provides a striking contrast
to Kenji's innocent, life-affirming outlook. This is an outlook that is expressed
through Kenji's unique style-a style rooted in his vision of the other world.
Kenji's style is anything but necrophilic; it is life-loving. It bubbles with
the innocent joys and sorrows of the world, a world that consists of both this
and other worlds. His vivacious style rests upon various signs of innocence,
of 'markedness', such as the use of Iwate dialect, of unexpected songs and
onomatopoeia, of scientific and mineral imagery. The innocence of Kenji's
style is infused with energy generated by the felicitous incongruities or fissures
39 Kawabata, too, sometimes shows this inclination, but usually his necrophilia enhances the
sense of life.
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HAGIWARA: Innocence and the Other World 263
created by these stylistic devices. Conversely, his innocence itself, based upon
a vision that embraces the entire cosmos, necessitates this vibrant literary
style. Using simultaneously ultra-modern and ultra-primitive sensibilities, he
creates what he calls Dreamland Iwate, a realm of innocence that subsumes
both this and other worlds. Kenji's vision of a unique realm of innocence,
invoked by a vital and distinctive literary style, continues to attract and inspire
a growing audience of readers around the world.
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