Santa Maria Parish
Santa Maria Parish
Santa Maria Parish
February 24th 2019–7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 24 de Febrero del 2019 -7º Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
Holy Masses in English:
Weekdays: 7:00 a.m.
8:15 a.m. After Mass, Daily Adoration for an hour to the Holy
Eucharist & 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:15 a.m.
Vigil Mass Sunday—5:00 p.m.
Sunday : 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 12 Noon
Bible Reflection on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Confessions Monday 5pm-7pm Saturday 4pm-5 pm
La Santa Misa en Español:
Idente Youth Teens —6th-12th Grade HEY YOUTH!!! Adoración Eucarística todos los días de 8:45am—9:45am
Fridays 4:30 p.m.—6:00p.m.
Idente Youth Kids— 3th—5rd Grade Jueves: 7:00 p.m. Domingos: 9:15 a.m.
Saturdays 11a.m.-12p.m. Bodega Teens
Wednesdays from 5pm to 7pm Reflexión sobre la Biblia los jueves: 7:30 p.m.
Contact: Sr. Yerania (631)772-9612 Identeyouthusa Bodegateensnyc Confesiones Lunes 5pm-7pm Sábado 4pm-5pm
The Holy Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday- La Santa Cuaresma Comienza el Miércoles de
March 6,2019 Ceniza-6 de Marzo del 2019
Ashes will be imposed at Santa Maria at the Las cenizas se impondrán en Santa María solo en los
following times only: siguientes horarios:
7:00 am Mass 7:00 am Misa
8:30 am Mass for Santa Maria School Children 8:30 am Misa para los niños de la escuela de Santa
7:00 pm Mass in English
7:00 pm Misa en inglés
8:00 pm Misa en Español
8:00 pm Misa en español
Be a missionary: please invite a relative, a friend, or a Sea un misionero: ¡invite a un pariente, un amigo o un
neighbor to come and worship the Lord this Lent! vecino a venir y adorar al Señor esta Cuaresma!
* There exists no other way. Certain human situations are so complex and intractable that there exists only one way out: to forgive.
As Mahatma Gandhi observed, “an eye for an eye” leaves the whole world blind. Solely through forgiveness can we break the chain of
mutual reprisal and self-destroying bitterness. Without forgiveness, there can be no hope of a fresh start. Surely his words apply also
to many other situations of conflict.
* He is free because he forgives. Yes, where there is forgiveness … there is freedom. If only we can bring ourselves to forgive – if we
can at least want to forgive – then we shall find ourselves in an atmosphere of heavenly freedom. This is the lesson of today’s First
When feel we cannot forgive what has been done to us, we still can use the words of Christ: Father forgive them, they do not know
what they are doing. We can ask that God to first do the forgiving … We will find that our anger, our sense of ‘poor me’, will
gradually diminish on its own without our having to do much else.
This reminds me of our Founder`s proverb: The men's forgiveness is not so successful as God's (Transfigurations). Jesus
forgave the adulterous woman and the penitent thief. Neither do I condemn you is the passive side of our Lord's attitude to
contrition. Today you will be with me in Paradise is its active side.
Forgiveness precedes conversion. God does not forgive us because we repent; rather we repent because God forgives us. The Prodigal
Son was able to repent because he remembered his father who was loving even to his hired workers: Coming to his senses he
thought: How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat. It is the father’s love that moved him to “go
back home,” to repent.
That is also what happens, sooner or later, when we forgive:
Decades ago, in a small town, a Christian couple lost their only son because of a young drunk driver. Though they were sorrow
stricken, they knew their son was with God for he had known Him. With sorrow they went to the jail to visit the young man who had
killed their son. They found out he was from a broken family and had never received true love. They decided to visit him daily and
share the Gospel with him. Eventually they adopted him as their son. The young man was greatly touched. Not only did he become a
Christian, but later dedicated himself to full time apostolate. This young man did not receive love from his own family, but received
perfect love from the family who because of him lost their beloved son.
3. Forgiveness is creative and a fruit of our victory over fear.
Mother Teresa, the saint of the Calcutta slums, went with a small child to a local baker and begged some bread for the hungry lad.
The baker spat full in Mother Teresa's face. Undaunted, she calmly replied: Thank you for that gift to me. Do you have anything for
the child?
She responded, neither with counter-violence nor with flight, but rather with a provocative gesture meant to draw the aggressor into
a new spiritual consciousness.
Forgiveness is not just about saying don't worry about it, nothing happens, or not holding a grudge.
Forgiveness creates a new way to be together. It is not centered in myself, but in the mission which I have to discover in the daily
jungle of misunderstandings and opposition and resistances. Our lives will be richer once we realize that life –especially spiritual life-
is not all about me.
Especially, God’s forgiveness is creative: it makes him who has become guilty free of all guilt. God gathers the guilty man into His
holiness, makes him partake of it, and gives him a new beginning. It is to this mystery that man appeals when he acknowledges his
sins, repents of them, and seeks forgiveness.
Why do we not embrace the risk of forgiving? Precisely because we are afraid of new things, of a new life that forgiveness demands of
us. Faith is the opposite of fear. Perfect love casts out fear, and faith connects us to that perfect love. When Jesus calmed the
storm, he questioned his disciples: Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? (Mk 4:40) Yes, the opposite of fear is
not courage but faith. Fear in many guises is one of the major barriers to love. Jalal Uddin Rumi, the 13th century Sufi mystic said:
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Strictly speaking, it is paradoxically the healthy fear or reverential fear of God which overcomes other fears and is intimately
connected with faith. It is a kind of healthful fear that makes one’s faith in God bold. For Christians, it is faith that leads beyond
ordinary fear, death and intimidation. It is a faith that turns impossible circumstances into hope. And it is faith that makes believers
strong in the face of attacks and humiliation. This is the experience of the saints:
St. John Climacus (579-649) wrote: Whoever has become a servant of the Lord fears only his Master. But whoever is without the
fear of God is often afraid of his own shadow. Fearfulness is the daughter of unbelief.
St. Ephraim the Syrian (306-373), a true teacher of repentance, says: Whoever fears God stands above all manner of fear. He has
become a stranger to all the fear of this world and placed it far from himself, and no manner of trembling comes near him.
San Efraín el sirio (306-373), un verdadero maestro del arrepentimiento, dice: Quien teme a Dios está por encima de toda clase de
miedo. Se ha convertido en extraño a todo el miedo de este mundo, lo ha dejado lejos de sí mismo, y ninguna forma de temblor le
Luis Casasús
Superior General de
los Misioneros Identes
March 6 – April 14, 2019 6 de Marzo - 14 de Abril de 2019
You can protect mothers and ¡Usted puede proteger a las madres y a
children by joining this worldwide los niños uniéndose a esta
mobilization in peaceful vigils and movilización mundial en unas vigilias
community outreach, through prayer pacíficas de alcance comunitario, A
and fasting, for an end to abortion. través de la oración y el ayuno, para
For information about participating poner fin al aborto! Para obtener
in these 40 Days for Life campaigns información sobre cómo participar en
in the Archdiocese, please contact estas campañas de los 40 días “pro
the following leaders: vida” en la Arquidiócesis,
comuníquese con los siguientes