Urban Water Supply System-Thesis PDF
Urban Water Supply System-Thesis PDF
Urban Water Supply System-Thesis PDF
Belindah Ncube
JULY 2011
In collaboration with
Belindah Ncube
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Science in Integrated Water Resources Management of the University of Zimbabwe
July 2011
I, Belindah Ncube, declare that this research report is my own work. It is being
submitted for the degree of Master of Science in Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) at the University of Zimbabwe. It has not been submitted before
for examination of any degree in any other University.
Date: ____________________
Signature: _____________________
The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this study do neither reflect the
views of the University of Zimbabwe, Department of Civil Engineering nor of the
individual members of the MSc Examination Committee, nor of their respective
Table 2. 1: Performance Indicators used in the study ................................................................................18
Table 3. 1: Supply capacities for Bulawayo’s surface water sources ..........................................................21
Table 3. 2: Bulawayo Storage Reservoirs ..................................................................................................23
Table 3. 3: Characteristics of urban residential areas in Bulawayo ............................................................24
Table 3. 4: Key informant interview generation guideline .........................................................................26
Table 3. 5: Household questionnaire generation guideline ........................................................................27
Table 3. 6: Sampled residential areas for household survey ......................................................................27
Table 3. 7: Survey sampling size for different residential areas .................................................................29
Table 4. 1: BCC estimated water consumption levels ................................................................................32
Table 4. 2: Efficiency of investment performance indicators .....................................................................34
Table 4. 3: Household consumption figures for different socio-economic groups.......................................36
Table 4. 4: Efficiency of operations and maintenance ...............................................................................38
Table 4. 5: Efficiency of operations and maintenance indicators ...............................................................39
Table 4. 6: Conceptual framework results on objective 1 for 2010 ............................................................40
Table 4. 7: Conceptual framework results on objective 2 for 2010 ............................................................49
Table 4. 8: Burst pipes and new connections that were reported and attended to .....................................54
Table 4. 9: Conceptual framework results on objective 3 for 2010 ............................................................58
Table 4. 10: Benchmark performance indicators for the study ..................................................................59
Figure 3. 1: Water supply dams for the study area (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015) ...............20
Figure 3. 2: General elevation of the study area (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015) ...................22
Figure 3. 3: General organisation chart for BCC (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015) ....................26
Figure 3. 4: Map of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe showing household survey study area (Adapted from Byo Master
Plan 2000-2015) ........................................................................................................................28
Figure 4. 1: Household survey results on consumers’ average household water consumption, April 2011 ..34
Figure 4. 2: Household survey results on consumers’ average household size, April 2011 ..........................35
Figure 4. 3: Costing of water by BCC for the years 2000 to 2006 ...............................................................41
Figure 4. 4: BCC operating cost coverage ratio performance from years 2000 to 2005 ..............................43
Figure 4. 5: Average collection period for consumers with BCC during the year 2000 to 2006 ....................44
Figure 4. 6: Relationship between collection ratio and unaccounted for water for BCC for the years 2000 to
2006 ..........................................................................................................................................45
Figure 4. 7: Overall efficiency indicator of urban water supply utilities for selected Southern African
countries (Adapted from Water Operators Partnership-Africa Utility Performance Assessment,
Figure 4. 8: Household survey results on consumers’ average household income ranges, April 2011 .........50
Figure 4. 9: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on cost of water provided by BCC, April
2011 ..........................................................................................................................................52
Figure 4. 10: Household survey results on nature of consumers’ complaints to BCC, April 2011 .................53
Figure 4. 11: Household survey results on consumers’ perception on performance of water services
provided by BCC, April 2011 .......................................................................................................55
Figure 4. 12: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on drinking water quality provided by
BCC, April 2011 ..........................................................................................................................56
Figure 4. 13: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on pressure of piped water provided by
BCC, April 2011 ..........................................................................................................................57
This piece of work is especially dedicated to my mother who has stood by me and always
believed in me. You are the best.
I would like to acknowledge the guidance of the Lord God Almighty in my life. I am
what He says I am and I can do what He says I can do. My sincere gratitude goes to
WaterNet for sponsoring the IWRM Masters Degree programme and all Civil
Engineering staff in the Faculty of Engineering. To my supervisor, Prof. I. Nhapi, you
have been a great mentor and pillar of strength during my time of study. Special thanks
goes to the following: Mr Dabengwa and Mr Nkiwane from the City Treasurer‟s
Department at Bulawayo City Council for your assistance in processing and interpreting
financial data, Mr. K. Kujinga from the Institute of Environmental Studies, UZ and Mr
Paradza from the Department of Psychology, UZ for your assistance in processing and
interpreting social science data and all your constructive comments. Much appreciation
goes to Bulawayo City Council staff for allowing me to carry out investigations for the
study and all residents who participated in the customer survey exercise.
The provision of adequate and reliable water supply in developing countries is becoming
a challenge for most water utilities especially public service providers. The existence of
an information gap regarding the assessment of utility performance and a lack of focus on
consumer‟s perceptions regarding the efficiency of service provision formed the basis of
this study. The aim was to investigate performance indicators that would best reflect the
efficiency of the Bulawayo City Council and to assess the perceptions from the end users.
A conceptual framework was developed with 16 indicators in relation to key performance
indicators broadly categorized as (a) efficiency of investment, (b) efficiency of operations
and maintenance, (c) financial sustainability and (d) responsiveness to customers.
The methodology included literature and documentary review and participatory methods
such as customer survey questionnaire and key informant interviews. The relative
performance of the utility was analyzed based on the Overall Efficiency Indicator (OEI)
which is a function of unaccounted for water (UfW) and collection ratio. Customer
survey questionnaires were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) while the thematic approach was used to analyse data from the key informant
The research analysis revealed that Bulawayo City Council‟s best recorded performance
was achieved in the year 2002 with an Overall Efficiency Indicator of 38% which is still
far below the target of 66% according to the Water Operators Partnership-Africa Utility
performance targets. Of the 16 indicators investigated only the metering level ranging
from 80 % to 90 % was meeting best practise. Among other indicators were UfW ranging
from 30 % to 55 %, collection ratio ranging from 35 % to 40 %, overstaffing with a range
of 8 to 16 staff per 1,000 connections and cost of water at an average US$0.72 with about
35 % consumer judgement as affordable. However, the system had a number of factors
affecting its performance which include seasonal water shortages, customer affordability,
declining economic situation during the years 2000 to 2006 and scarce water resources.
It was concluded that the system performance is below expectations of best practice
targets and about 60% of consumers in Bulawayo generally have a negative perception of
service delivery. The most cited problems arising from the perceived lack of response to
burst water pipes, the lack of forewarning and explanation for water cuts and the
perceived high current cost of water. It was recommended that performance targets can
be achieved by strengthening the focus on consumers, providing incentives for utility
managers to lift performance and through establishment of a regulatory board to monitor
performance of utilities and protect consumer interests.
Key words: Best Practices, Bulawayo City Council, Performance Indicators, Urban
Water Supply, Service Efficiency.
Assessment of Performance of Urban Water Supply in the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
1.1 Background
The cost of failing to properly address the water and sanitation gap is significantly
higher than the cost of addressing it (Muhairwe, 2010). The challenge of inadequate
service provision is exacerbated by the fact that population growth and the mounting
pressures of increasing urbanisation have offset much of the gains in service
coverage (Gentry et al. 1997). This constraint can be seen clearly in the context of
the MDGs where Africa lags far behind other regions in expanding access to
appropriate levels of services to their growing urban populations (WHO-UNICEF,
2010; Castro and Mugabi, 2009).
At the end of the last decade, Zimbabwe was well placed to meet a major strand of
the Millennium Development Goal 7 (halving the proportion of people without
sustainable access to "safe" drinking water and "basic" sanitation by 2015, relative to
2000 levels) with regard to water supply and sanitation coverage which was around
90% in urban areas (BCC, 2002; UNICEF AUS-AID, 2009). It has been estimated
that coverage with adequate water supply is now only 60% and for sanitation only
40% (MoHCW, 2009). The quality of water provided and the high standard of
sanitation service that Zimbabwe's urban areas enjoyed in the past has deteriorated
significantly implying that access, quantity and quality has declined and thus is not
increasing, counter to the MDGs to which Zimbabwe signed up (WHO-UNICEF,
Apart from problems of service coverage, other problems also plague public service
providers. Many public utilities, for example, experience high Unaccounted-for-
Water (UfW) rates, which often range between 40%-60%. Such UfW rates mean that
half of the potable water produced by a service provider is lost somewhere in the
provision process. Public water utilities are also frequently overstaffed. According to
Haarmeyer and Mody (1997) these utilities have five to seven times more employees
than what is considered „efficient‟. Moreover, the service providers are often
challenged with financial problems due to a combination of low tariffs, poor
consumer records and inefficient billing and collection practices (Idelovitch and
Ringskog, 1995; Mwanza, 2004).
Based on the nature of water services and the factors underlying the organization of
the water services sector, each region has organized the water services sector in their
own way, resulting in a wide landscape of organizational modes. Although the
specific characteristics of each region differ, in the vast majority of cases the
responsibility for providing water services has been attributed to the public sector
organizations. Although exact figures on the degree of private sector participation in
the water supply and sanitation sector do not exist, it is generally assumed that the
number of people served by private utilities is limited to about 200 million (OECD,
2003). This leaves about 5.8 billion people who receive water services from either
public water utilities or independent systems. It appears that many developing
countries emphasize the fact that water services are a merit good in combination with
the sector‟s monopolistic characteristics. This underscores the need for strong
regulatory arrangements to protect the consumers of water services. For this purpose
many countries have opted to have the task of water service provision undertaken by
public sector organizations (Hughes, 2003).
The efficient performance of water utilities is a key issue in urban water supply in the
Zimbabwean governments‟ quest for improved service delivery (WHO-UNICEF,
2010). The existence of information gap and little studies on the performance of
Public Water Supply Utilities in Zimbabwe formed the study. This research seeks to
use existing theories/tools to assess technical-operational performance, financial
performance and to assess the public perception on the performance of water services
provision. Bulawayo City Council was used as a case study to carry out
investigations on the performance of the water utility and the consumer‟s perceptions
regarding its performance.
water restrictions and rationing are common in Bulawayo and this has been
necessitated by scarce water resources due to insufficient storage in the supply dams
coupled by the high evaporation rates and siltation (BWCP, 2001; BCC, 2002).
Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe with a population of about 677,000
(CSO, 2002). The heavy industry consumes about 30% of the restricted demand of
120,000 m3/d (BCC, 2004). Faced with the challenges of meeting demand and the
general economic decline in the recent past which contributed to poor service
delivery, there is need to establish how BCC has been performing. The perception of
residents regarding the performance of service delivery by BCC needs to be
established as there is no regulator to protect the interests of consumers.
Although there are several indicators that are used for the assessment of the
performance of urban water supply services provision (Tynan and Kingdom, 2002;
Mwanza, 2006; Yguinez, 2009 ), the relative performance of BCC was based on
comparing the total volume of water the utility produces and the total volume of
water for which the utility collects revenue. This will provide an approximate
indication of the overall position of a utility which will assist to make an overall
conclusion on performance of the utility (Mwanza, 2004; Baietti et al., 2006; Castro
and Mugabi, 2009). Information contained in this study is limited to urban water
supply only.
In other similar studies quoted in Msuku et al. (2010) where they carried out
financial performance assessments in Malawi‟s public water supply utilities, UfW
was included as a major indicator though not a financial performance indicator. The
UfW has indirect impact on the revenue as the cost of production of the water
becomes heavy on the utility. The costs associated with UfW are pumping costs,
treatment costs, transmission costs and storage costs, among others. It is in line with
these associated costs and the technical factors that account to UfW that it was
deemed imperative to assess technical and financial performance indicators as the
UfW is also a major link between these two performance categories.
Kimey et al. (2008) studied two main indicators in Tanzania‟s urban water supply
utilities which are quality of service and UfW. In their findings, performance of the
utilities was measured by levels of UfW and service quality was measured by
consumer‟s perceptions regarding the water quality, billing efficiency and customer
care, which affect consumer‟s willingness to pay. Water demand management
strategies were recommended for the reduction of UfW and environmental
conservation awareness campaigns for the end users.
Chinyama et al. (2007) in their studies assessed the impact of effective metering and
billing on water demand management in the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Among
some of her findings was how UfW could be used as a crude measure of Water
Demand management performance of a water utility as metering and billing practises
influence the levels of water consumption by different consumers. The study was
limited to one component of UfW to assess the performance of BCC utility.
took 2 months before legal binding permission was granted to proceed with the
study on the 1st of February 2011. (see Appendix 3)
Inflation and accounting for unaudited data - accessibility was granted only to
audited information with the exception of the year 2010 which corresponded to
the household survey results. The latest years with relevant audited information
to the study were 2000 to 2006.
Comparison of data with different currencies (ZWD$/USD$) - the years 2000 to
2006 reflect values in ZWD$ while 2010 is in USD$. Processing and analysis of
data was made without any conversion of currencies since ratios were used for
financial indicators.
Challenge of an academic study on a realistic institution - the data collection was
mostly from the Engineering Services and Financial Services departments. Some
key informants were not at liberty to release information for the study.
1.5 Justification
In Zimbabwe reforms have taken place in the water sector to address irregularities
that existed in water resources management which affected coverage and equity in
water supply and sanitation distribution around the country. Among some of the
reforms which include access to water for primary use for all, all water to be
beneficially used, water to be treated as an economic good and water tariffs to take
cognizance of those unable to pay the full price. Constraints to sustainability
aggravated by the macro-economic challenges faced by Zimbabwe during the period
2006-2008 eroded capacity of local authorities to operate efficiently.
Among some of the water problems associated with service delivery in Zimbabwe
which include insufficient coverage of services, interruption of services, low water
quality for human consumption, water losses and financial problems. Little has been
done to review and analyze the performance of the urban water supply utilities.
indicators were selected for the study and the limitations encountered in accessing
information for these indicators.
Chapter 2 -Theoretical part of the thesis with brief background on WSS situation
globally and nationally. Literature review on what other authors have suggested
relating to performance measurement in public utilities and public perceptions on
water services provided by public utilities. A conceptual framework was developed
with the indicators that would be used for the study.
Chapter 3 – The chapter gives the description and background of the City of
Bulawayo, the capacity of the water supply utility BCC and how it functions.
Information about residential areas selected for the household surveys. Description of
how the research was carried out, what data was collected and how it was processed
including relevant data collection techniques that were used. The chapter indicates
what actually happened in the field.
Chapter 4 - This chapter looks at the raw data that was collected in line with the
conceptual framework developed. All data collected during the face to face
interviews, the analysis and discussion of the results. The data was organised
scientifically using tables and graphs to make interpretations.
2.1 Background
The provision of safe and clean water to rural and urban communities ranks top
among the priorities of governments all over the world (HDR, 2006). During the
International Conference on Water and the Environment in 1992 in Dublin another
description was added to water in which water was to be „recognized‟ as an
„economic good‟, which highlighted that water had an economic value in all its
competing uses (IWCE, 1992). Although the exact meaning of the term „economic
good‟ is rather vague, it has arguably been the most contested and debated of the
Dublin principles. Moreover, it sharply focused discussion of water services
provision to questions relating to the financing of the service provision process.
According to some identifying water services as an economic good allowed for new
economic instruments to be explored that could be used to realize service provision
improvements. Others, however, argued that the emphasis on water as an economic
good was nothing short of moving towards the „co modification‟ of water. In this
perspective categorizing water as an economic good was a first step in „privatizing‟
the provision of water services. Each of the categorizations mentioned above are
correct, in the sense that water services can indeed be viewed as a private good, and
they are indeed an economic good (in the sense that water is a scarce resource), and
they are indeed a merit good and they are indeed subject to market failure. What
makes managing water services difficult, however, is that these different perspectives
can lead the water manager to different ways of managing water services. The main
question is which of the different dimensions are emphasized by the respective
national and international law”. She continues by saying that “we believe that access
to clean water for basic needs is a fundamental human right. Each generation must
ensure that the abundance and quality of water is not diminished as a result of its
What distinguishes the two statements, however, is the emphasis they place on the
different aspects of the nature of water services. If an emphasis is placed on water
services as a private and economic good, whilst still acknowledging that it is also
merit good subject to market failure, the statement made by Nickson and Franceys
(2003) can be understood. Essentially, a private, economic good could be provided
by the private sector as long as adequate regulation is in place. The role of the
government could then be limited to that of regulation, whilst provision could be left
to the private sector. Barlow (2002), on the other hand, emphasizes the „merit good‟
nature of water services. If this aspect is emphasized, the private sector becomes a lot
less attractive as a service provider. In case of a merit good, a private utility may
have the incentive to undersupply the merit good or to try to limit or avoid supplying
the good in unprofitable locations. If one prioritizes the water services as a merit
good then Barlow‟s perspective that the provision of water services should be kept in
the public domain seems logical. In other words, emphasizing different
characteristics of the nature of water services will likely lead to different
management options.
The dimension in which the organisation of the service provision process may vary
from one location to next relates to the type of organisation that is responsible for
providing water services. This dimension relates to the characteristics of the service
provider (public, semi-public or private organisation, legal status of the organisation)
and the administrative level (local, regional, national) at which the organisation
operates. The importance of this dimension lies in the fact that different types of
organisations may have different rights and obligations, which may benefit or
hamper service provision (Schwartz, 1999). Vickers and Yarrow (1991) and Martin
and Parker (1997) found that on balance it seems that neither private nor public
sector production is inherently or necessarily more efficient.
Public utilities provide the “cheapest” water and because of economies of scale once
the network is in place, the marginal cost of delivering each additional unit of water
decreases sharply, (Kariuki and Schwartz, 2005). Most governments regulate tariffs
to achieve a range of equity and efficiency objectives (Schwartz, 2006). The tariffs
are designed to provide water that is affordable to households and to generate enough
revenues to cover part or all of the costs of delivery. The problem in many cases is
that tariff structures intended to enhance equity have the opposite effect, (UNDP,
2006). Water provision through a network is a natural monopoly hence this reduces
the scope for efficiency gains through competition and makes effective regulation to
secure consumer interests an imperative, (UNDP, 2006). The key role of regulation
in this context is to create competitive pressures, set prices and quality standards,
establish targets for investment and maintenance and ensure that the benefits of
efficiency gains are passed on to consumers (Mwanza, 2004; Castro and Mugabi
,2009; Muhairwe ,2010).
Historically in Zimbabwe most urban councils have been well-run, responsive and
have provided all municipal services including utilities of water supply, sewage
collection and disposal to a good standard. With the political and economic crisis in
the years 2005 to 2009 coupled with hyper-inflation and burgeoning poverty, costs
increased and the ability to pay them decreased (WHO-UNICEF, 2010). Urban
services like many other services suffered. In 2005 in an effort to address the
situation central government gave responsibility for town water supplied to the
national agency, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA). There was little
changed as ZINWA suffered from the same problems as the urban councils, which
among them included a lack of finance and expertise aggravated by the exodus of
„brain drain‟ migration out of the country in search of greener pastures (Manzungu,
2006; UNICEF-AusAID, 2009).
In February 2009, water and sanitation services taken from urban councils and given
to ZINWA were handed back to local authorities to operate and maintain. This
initiative had a further unfortunate outcome as some Council observe that many of
the records of operations were negatively affected during 2006 to 2009 which were
coupled with overlapping responsibilities during the time of take-over by ZINWA.
As a result little information exists on the operations of the utility during the
respective period (UNICEF-AusAID, 2009; BCC Report, undated).
The concept of performance indicators of water utilities is a guide to show how well
a utility is doing in meeting their goals and objectives. Indicators are pointers,
numbers, facts, opinions or perceptions that measure an organizations performance
(Wouter et al., 2005). Any Municipality‟s performance, hence its ability to coerce
customers to pay for services rendered, requires some sort of accountability. Baietti
et al. (2006) points out some of the key performance indicators that should exist in
any municipality. Their argument points to;
a) External accountability as referring to customer orientation thus includes the
extent to which utilities “listen” to clients, how it works better to meet their
needs, solicit their views regarding standards and levels of services and how
to answer promptly to their complaints.
b) Internal accountability looks at how management and staff are held
accountable for effectiveness and efficiency. The indicators would include
staff annual performance evaluation, rewards and penalties to staff for
inducing performance and training of staff.
with some appreciation of the range of values to be found around the world,
and the performance being achieved by “best practice” providers.
b) To propose target indicator values for utilities in developing countries. These
target values are already being achieved by utilities in developing countries
thus giving them grounding in reality.
c) The exercise will be a starting point from which more comprehensive and
regularly updated analysis can be undertaken, providing stakeholders with
more and better information with which to assess the performance of their
OfWat International Comparator studies, OfWat (2007) as cited in Schouten (2009),
which were executed to set out relative performance by making international
comparisons in a number of key performance areas and to assess whether privately
owned companies outperform public WSS providers suggest the following main
Bills to customers
Customer Service levels
Water quality and environmental performance
Water delivered, leakage and water efficiency
Unit costs and relative efficiency
Network activity
Financial performance
According to OfWat (2007), the approaches to define, collect and use performance
indicator information vary dramatically between the WSS providers; therefore they
recommend that interpretation be done with care.
In defining and collecting useful indicators the main question would follow, “Is
performance linked to how well a Municipality is able to collect revenue, and then
how can such a municipality improve its performance to enhance its revenue
collection?” Baietti et al. (2006) argues that certain key performance indicators must
be set in motion and be satisfied for any utility to be a good performer and hence this
consequently or directly has a positive appeal in the face of customers. Castro and
Mugabi (2009) suggest the use of an overall efficiency indicator that attempts to
provide a global measure of utility efficiency by comparing the volume of water for
which the utility collects revenue and the total volume of water it produces. There is
some evidence from several studies that competition is generally more important
than ownership in explaining performance improvements in the WSS sector. Galal et
al., (1994), Sachs et al., (2000), Wallsten, (2001) and Zhang et al., (2003a and
2003b) all conclude that ownership alone is not enough to generate economic
performance improvements in WSS sector but competitive markets also reinforce the
benefits of public ownership.
To what extent do public utilities “listen” to clients, work to better meet their needs,
solicit their views regarding standards and level of service, or answer promptly to
their complaints? Important measures of customer orientation include friendliness of
the customer billing and collection system, orientation toward seeking customers‟
opinions and views, availability of options for service delivery, timely information to
customers on developments in relation to water services, and response to customers‟
complaints (Baetti et al., 2006)
Price does have an effect on the amount of water demanded by all classes of water
consumers, and consumer's attitudes to water usage and their perception about water
consumption may be changed by appropriate water payment strategies. Khanyakahle
(2006) in her investigations of effective municipal payments found that it is expected
that loyal ratepayers, that became loyal because of positive experiences with the
municipality will influence others positively through what they say and do. Her
findings were that most of the lower income households find their accounts difficult
to understand and pay their accounts by cash. The higher income groups, it was
found, made use of a variety of payment options such as cash, credit card, bank
transfers, etc.
The level of willingness to pay should not be a forced down matter on clients if
service delivery is satisfying, if there is constant engagement between the
municipality and the customer, and if there is clear communication as highlighted by
Bov‟ee and Thill (1992, 2) of a motivated and capable working staff with clearly laid
out key performance indicators that could be attributable to the turnaround of an
organisation. In a paper by Kitundu (2005) for Mwanza city council in Tanzania,
speaks on stakeholders‟ involvement as demonstrating the importance of partnership
and how it brings out a shared vision, alliances, action goals, dialogue, mutual trust
and mutual benefits. He goes on to demonstrate the positive effects of mutual
understanding between the service provider and the customer resulting in improved
Nickson (2002) argues that decisions related to the provision of water services are
mainly taken with the aim of achieving the objectives of the producer-side, rather
than the consumer-side of the service provision process. With the objectives of the
producers often conflicting with those of the consumers, while the services provided
to the consumers are of a very low quality. Wolff and Gleick (2002) encourage the
“soft” path for water which delivers diverse water services matched to the users‟
needs and works with water users at local and community scales. The soft path is a
comprehensive and long term approach to water demand management which requires
active participation by water users and effective strategic planning to create the
appropriate mix and timing of conservation measures. The “soft” path relies on
centralized infrastructure, but complements it with extensive investment in
decentralized facilities, efficient technologies and human capital which provide an
integrated approach to improve performance of utilities. The soft path has been
witnessed by the contribution of humanitarian organisations that have complemented
water service provision outside the water utilities‟ boundary in the form of boreholes,
rainwater harvesting, bowsers and other efficient technologies. While the “hard” path
In assessing quality of drinking water, consumers rely principally upon their senses.
Microbial, chemical and physical water constituents may affect the appearance,
odour or taste of water and the consumer will evaluate the quality and acceptability
of the water on the basis of these criteria (WHO, 2004). Hoko and Hertle (2006) state
that the perception of water quality is partly subjective, apart from personal
sensitivity to taste, adaptation could account for the differences, and adaptation is
affected by such factors as duration of stay in the area, period of use and availability
of other sources. Gulyan (2001) found that although some substances in water may
have no direct effect, water that is highly turbid, highly coloured or has an
objectionable taste or odour may be regarded by consumers as unsafe and may be
rejected for the use.
Maintenance is crucial for pipe networks which account for up to 70% of asset value
but are often neglected in favour of more visible assets. The measure of UfW, which
is the difference between water supplied and water sold as a percentage of water
supplied, captures both physical and commercial losses due to illegal connections
and inefficient billing respectively. Thus high levels of UfW indicate poor system
management, poor commercial practices as well as inadequate pipeline maintenance.
Castro and Mugabi (2009) give a list of indicators derived from Tynan and Kingdom
(2002) which have been used in setting performance targets for water utilities for
selected African countries. These indicators are derived from the performance of the
top quartile of all utilities in the Water Operations Partnerships (WOP) - Africa
Theme Report, 2009. Guided by the ideas and concept from each of the performance
categories, it is possible to develop indicators that suit the local circumstances as
shown in Table 2.1.
c) Overall efficiency indicator, Ratio of total volume >66% Baietti, 2006; 66%
(OEI) for which utility Castro and
collects revenue and the Mugabi, 2009
total volume of water it
2. Efficiency of operations and
maintenance Ratio of inputs to <5 OfWat, 2007; 5
outputs Yniguez, 2009
a)staff/1000 connections
Tynan and
b) water production and Supply to meet demand, >100l/ca Kingdom, 2002; 100l/cap
consumption m3/dy p/dy OfWat, 2007. /dy
3.Financial sustainability
US$0.12 Mwanza, 2004; US$0.7
a) average tariff per m3 Actual amount billed - Castro and 6
per m3 of water US$1.12 Mugabi, 2009;
Muhairwe, 2010
b) unit operating cost per m3 Ratio of utility‟s total >ave Mwanza, 2004; >ave
sold annual operating tariff per Castro and tariff
expenses and total m3 Mugabi, 2009; per m3
annual volume of water Muhairwe, 2010
4. Responsiveness to
customers <20% Tynan and <20%
Percentage of average Kingdom, 2002;
a) Cost of obtaining a household income Castro and
new connection Mugabi, 2009
e) Water quality and pressure Percentage of consumer 100% Tynan and 100%
satisfaction Kingdom, 2002;
Castro and
Mugabi, 2009
The study was carried out in the City of Bulawayo which is Zimbabwe‟s second
largest city with an estimated population of over 677,000 in the year 2002 (CSO,
2002). Bulawayo is situated in the south western part of the country 1,341 metres
above sea level in a semi-arid and drought-prone region with a long-term average
rainfall of about 650 mm per year (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2010). The city is
situated near the divide of the northern catchment area draining to Zambezi River
and the southern catchment area draining to Limpopo River. Its location near the
water divide has significantly contributed to its water problems as all rivers within
easy reach are small with small catchment areas (Chinyama et al. 2007).
Figure 3.1 shows water supply sources in Bulawayo which consist of 5 dams in the
Southern Catchment (Matabeleland South), namely Umzingwane, Inyankuni, Insiza
and Ncema Complex (constitutes of Upper Ncema and Lower Ncema).
Figure 3. 1: Water supply dams for the study area (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015)
The existing water supply system serving the City of Bulawayo comprises of two
water treatment plants namely Criterion and Ncema Water Treatment. Works have
today an estimated capacity of 181,000 m3/d and 30,000 m3/d respectively, which
amounts to a total of 211,000 m3/d. At the time of the interview (April, 2011) it was
reported that the City‟s water reticulation system consists of approximately 6,000 km
of various sizes of pipeline and 6 distribution reservoirs. The distribution is mainly
by gravity feed. The bulk of the reticulation system is old and has never been
replaced since establishment more than 40 years ago (UNICEF-AusAID, 2009; BCC,
2010). This is the perceived cause of recurrent water bursts and leaks which have
resulted in serious water losses in the system estimated at between 35 to 40% (BCC,
2010). The City has well over 10,000 m of pipelines that are not functional. As a
result, water consumptions for these places are currently unknown and billing was
therefore based on estimates (Chinyama et al., 2007).
Bulawayo‟s water reticulation is fed with water from 6 reservoirs which are
interlinked. Treated water is fed into the reservoirs from where it gravitates into the
reticulation system. Figure 3.2 shows the general elevation of the city of Bulawayo
which slopes down from the south towards the north.
Figure 3. 2: General elevation of the study area (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015)
The list of the reservoirs and their capacities during the years 2002, 2004 and 2006 is
shown in Table 3.2. Woodville reservoirs have been abandoned over the years due to
lack of capital funding for expansion. At targeted consumption of 100,000 m3/d, this
represents about 4 days‟ storage which is safe assuming the reservoirs are full (BCC,
Woodville 2,250 - -
Plan).However, it would appear this growth rate has increased in the years 2007 to
2009 during the unfavourable macro economic conditions where there has been a
massive migration into the city evidenced by a great rise of the informal sector and
overcrowding (BCC Report, 2010). The consumer survey study focused on domestic
consumers and was carried out in 6 suburbs: 2 high density, 2medium density and 2
low density suburbs (Table 3.3)
Historically, suburbs in Bulawayo were established along racial lines which ceased
in 1980 with Zimbabwe‟s independence from colonial rule (Zinyama, 1995). Today
the divisions are socio-economic with the former white areas now known as low
density suburbs being home to high-income residents (Manzungu, 2008). Similarly,
the former black areas, now known as high density suburbs house the low-income
people. Density describes the concentration of population in the respective areas. The
medium density suburbs were landfills of open areas converted for residential
settlements as population in the city increased (City of Bulawayo report, 2010). The
old suburbs are those built during the colonial rule and the new suburbs are those that
were constructed after independence (Byo Master Plan, 2000-2015).
The study employed mixed methods which include both qualitative and quantitative
approaches. The quantitative approach focus was mainly on quantifiable data in
terms of numbers and measures that can be analysed statistically and the deductive
approach emphasized detailed planning prior to data collection and analysis
(Neuman, 2000).
Qualitative research was generally interpretive (Creswell, 2000). The research made
an interpretation of data by developing a description of an individual or setting,
analysing data for themes or categories and making an interpretation or drawing
meanings personally or theoretically, stating the lessons learnt and offering further
questions to be asked. The data was also filtered through a personal lens that is
situated in a specific socio-political and historical moment.
Figure 3.1 shows the general organisation chart for BCC indicating the relationship
of the five main departments and with those directly involved in day to day activities
with water services indicated below the dashed line. The water services department is
indicated in the enclosed dotted area. The department of Housing and Community
authorised and confirmed the household questionnaire generated for the survey while
the selected suburbs for the household survey exercise were authorised by Town and
Planning department. The Chamber Secretary department was not available for
interviews during the time of study so secondary sources of information from other
departments had to be utilised.
Figure 3. 3: General organisation chart for BCC (Adapted from Byo Master Plan 2000-2015)
Table 3.4. shows four categories used to generate the key informant interview
guideline which include general information, water supply, customer services
provision and external factors. The same interview guideline was administered to key
informants of all relevant departments. Factors used to analyse each category were
open to further discussions depending on the department. The key informant
interview questions generated from the guideline are shown in Appendix 1.
Table 3.5. shows three categories used to generate the household questionnaire and
the main factors used to analyse each category. The three categories are accessibility,
reliability and consumer perception.
The same questionnaire was administered to selected households in all the three
different types of socio-economic suburbs as described in Table 3.6. The
questionnaire generated from the guideline is shown in Appendix 2. The consumer
survey study focused on domestic consumers and was carried out in 6 residential
areas: 2 high density, 2medium density and 2 low density suburbs (Table 3.6).
Industry, institutions and commerce were not included in the customer survey study.
In order to compare findings, an old suburb and a new suburb were selected in each
residential area respectively as shown in Table 3.6. This was done to consider service
reliability of aged pipe distribution systems and the existences of pilot studies carried
out on water audits which confirm the type of leaks, quantities of wastage with the
subsequent need of actions having been evaluated (BWCP, 2001).
Figure 3.1 is a map of Bulawayo city showing positions of residential areas selected
for the household surveys.
Figure 3. 4: Map of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe showing household survey study area (Adapted from Byo
Master Plan 2000-2015)
According to the purpose of the study, to the population size and the available
resources, the sample size of 200 was adopted with 10% as precision level, 95%
level of confidence and 0.5 degree of variability (Kish, 1965). Equation 3.0 was used
to determine sample size:
Eqn 3.0
Table 3.7 indicates that a total of 255 questionnaires were administered through face
to face interviews to the selected residential areas and of this number 240 were used
for reporting as the rest were either incomplete or incorrectly filled out .
In order to fulfil the objectives of the study, data was collected using structured
questionnaires and unstructured interviews. A structured questionnaire contained a
lists of questions to which an individual has to respond by choosing his/her best
appropriate answer from the options provided (Ogunniyi, 1992). Interviews can be
defined as a conversation with a purpose of gathering information (Behr, 1983).
Purposive sampling (Sanchez, 2006) was used in identifying key informants and
asking informants to indicate individuals and documents that provided insightful
information regarding the study. The concept of saturation (Sanchez, 2006) informed
the sample size for the study, which states that the number of people to be
interviewed is not specified at the beginning of the research but the interviewer
continues to collect data until a point that no new information is emerging.
The survey sample size for each residential area considered the total number of
housing units in each area which was safely assumed to represent response level of
consumers. A survey aims to give systematic, representative and reliable information
about a particular research population (Pratt and Loizos, 2002). Baker (2004) defines
a sample as a set of elements or units drawn from a larger whole of all elements: the
population. Depoy and Gitlin (2005) put forward that the main purpose of sampling
is to select a sub-group that can accurately represent the population the intent being
to draw accurate conclusions about the population by studying a smaller group of
elements. He further argues that the enumeration of the population is the sampling
frame which is the empirical representation of the population. For the purposes of
this study the operational Bulawayo Master Plan (2000-2015) for residential areas
was the sampling frame from which the individual elements were selected.
starting point. However, based on the inclusion criteria, households that were willing
to participate in the study were interviewed.
The relative performance of the utility was assessed based on the achievement of
public policy for private sector water services provision in relation to four broad
performance categories (Tynan and Kingdom, 2002). The findings were supported
by information gathered from key informants, annual reports, financial statements
and literature review. Data was presented in the form of tables, bar graphs and line
graphs showing trends.
The quantitative data collected through the customer survey questionnaires was
analysed using the Statistical Packaging for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 16.0).
Responses given from the open ended questions derived from the semi structured
interviews were examined to derive categories, which were coded and in effect,
changed into a closed ended response set on a post hoc analytic basis. Thus
numerical coding scheme based on the range of responses obtained was developed
and codes were assigned to each subject then the numerical response was then
analysed. Data was explored specifically for distribution trends and frequency
responses. Cross Tabulations were used to compare findings from the different
suburbs and presented in the form of graphs.
Ethical issues in research are concerned mainly in balancing the right of people for
privacy, safety, confidentiality and protection from deceit with the pursuit of
scientific endeavour (Pilot and Hungler, 1998). The Bulawayo City Council
Authority was engaged from inception, as the current water services provider of the
city of Bulawayo. In addition consent was sought for each household before the
interview and the purpose of the interview was clearly explained beforehand.
In 2002 UfW was estimated at 18%, while in 2006 the system performance had
deteriorated to an estimated UfW of 54%. Chinyama et al. (2007) assessed the
metering and billing in BCC and estimated the 2002 UfW at 20%, with water
production at 100,000 m3/dy and consumption at 100 l/cap.d and domestic water
allocation estimated at 55%. Their study found that no actual water losses could be
established because of metering and billing inaccuracies from over estimation of
consumption. This implies that the UfW indicator captures physical losses and
commercial losses due to inefficient billing or illegal connections. Thus high levels
of UfW water may indicate poor system management and poor commercial practices
as well as inadequate network maintenance.
The best practise UfW level is 20 % (Table 2.1). This indicates that in 2002 BCC
water services system performance was at its best with UfW estimated at 18% (see
Table 4.2) and had severely deteriorated in the year 2006 to 54%. Among some
factors influencing performance in 2002 was the implementation of the Bulawayo
Water Conservation Project (BWCP) in 2001 which was witnessed by the
rehabilitation of the distribution network system and conservation campaigns to
consumers. In 2006, performance was almost crippled due to the economic downturn
of the country with high rates of inflation estimating over 1,000% (BCC, undated). In
2010, performance is assumed to be on recovery due to the USD$ period which has
fairly stabilised the economy of the country (BCC, undated). Key informants
confirmed rehabilitation work has since commenced with the recovery of the
economy through implementation of meter replacements and pipe replacements.
UfW,% 18 54 35
Residential area
Figure 4. 1: Household survey results on consumers’ average household water consumption, April
less than 5 5 to 10 11 to 15
Respondents,% 40
Residential Area
Figure 4. 2: Household survey results on consumers’ average household size, April 2011
The respondents were asked to estimate household size including babies as it was
revealed that households with babies consumed about 30 litres more water than the
same household without a baby. The low density households had an average
household size of 6 persons inclusive of domestic servants both in the households
and gardens and their respective families residing in the cottages. In the medium and
high density households most household sizes were influenced by the number of
lodgers renting extra rooms within the household hence in some instances the
household size range was 11 to 15 persons. Table 4.3 shows the estimated
consumption which is the restricted urban water demand for different socio-
economic groups ranging from 50 l/d to 200 l/d. The customer survey exercise
revealed that households in the low density are consuming up to 200 l/d with an
average household size of 6 persons.
According to the respondents the estimated consumptions figures are from stored
reserves when water cuts are prevailing in the city. The extrapolated consumption
figures in Table 4.3 are already below the restricted consumption of 350 l/d per
household during water rationing by BCC. Key informants in the engineering
services department confirmed that demand from inactive industry and commerce
was below the allocated demand from BCC. This implies that consumers in the city
of Bulawayo are currently consuming less than the estimated consumption of
140,000 m3/d deduced by BCC. Absolute figures for water consumption for each
category were extrapolated from dividing the average household consumption by the
average number of persons in the household. Per capita consumption is at an average
of 35 l/cap.d for low density areas, 20 l/cap.d for medium density and 10 l/cap.d for
high density consumers. The extrapolated consumption figures imply that consumers
do not consume at least the minimum daily requirements within the range of 60 to 80
l/cap.d enough to take care of basic hygiene needs according to WHO (2004). The
Sanitation Manual Design (2000) for Zimbabwe cites 60 to 250 l/cap.d consumption
for households with multiple connections.
In a study carried out by NORPLAN (2005), the investigations on water use, water
conservation and affordability in the city of Bulawayo, found that water conservation
is firmly entrenched in consumers. Studies showed that respondents indicated that
they practice water conservation measures despite the lifting of water rationing. The
report further indicates that among domestic users, the most common methods of
conservation were using grey water for gardening, not using a hosepipe, flushing the
toilet infrequently and doing laundry once a week. In the non-domestic sector, the
most common methods of conservation were checking the water meter regularly,
instituting a water audit, installing low-flush toilets and infrequent flushing, using
borehole water, using recycled water in the manufacturing process and not using a
hosepipe to water the garden. This probably explains the low consumption figures for
all surveyed residential areas.
Metering level
This was the number of connections with operating meter as a percentage of total
connections. The number of water supply connections was derived from the number
of billed accounts from the financial services department which were compared with
the number of residential stands from the housing department. The engineering
services department installs meters on all buildings within BCC‟s area of
responsibility. Costing of water use relies on meter reading. Estimates are used for
households with stolen or faulty meters. The metering level was then deduced from
the number of estimated billed accounts which were then assumed to have
operational meter in place as a percentage of total connections.
Table 4.4 shows the number of water supply connections and the corresponding
metering levels for the years 2002, 2004 and 2006. The number of water supply
connections has increased over the years, while the metering level has remained
constant around 90%. This is because it is compulsory that a meter is installed with
every new water connection (BCC, 2002). The metering of water consumption
allows customers to influence their water bills and provides water supply utilities
with tools and information to allow them to better manage their systems. Best
practise value for metering level is 85 % from Table 2.1.
Metering level, % 90 88 90
Studies carried out by Chinyama et al. (2007) found that some institutions such as
police camps which have a number of households have bulk meters which have a
negative impact on water demand management practises due to metering and billing
inaccuracies because of over-estimation of consumption. They concluded that
individually metering and billing properties could reduce the level of water
consumption and that water losses in the system could then be more accurately
Population Served
This was defined as the population with access to water supply from BCC, either
with direct service connection or within reach of a public water point. This study
considered the total population of Bulawayo as under the BCC utility‟s area of
responsibility. The population of Bulawayo was estimated at 676,650 in 2002 (CSO,
2002). Table 4.4 illustrates how the number of water supply connections has
increased with the projected population increase. According to the city‟s operational
Master Plan (2000 - 2015), the annual growth rate for Bulawayo was estimated at
2.7% in the year 2000. The growth rate has since increased during the years of
economic downturn when there was massive urban migration into the city as
witnessed by a great rise of the informal sector and overcrowding.
number of employees was above the required BCC staff establishment of 1,286. In
2010, however the indicator is 4.43 which is within the acceptable range but the
reality is that there is a high staff turnover of skilled personnel within the water
services department which has negatively affected operations (BCC, undated). The
composition of the indicator then points to the abundance of unskilled personnel
which then distorts the expected interpretation of the output of 4.43 being within the
acceptable best practice range. In Africa staff per 1,000 connections is estimated
within 4 to 45 (Mwanza, 2006).
Assuming BCC is operating at full staff establishment of 1,286 in 2010, the staff per
1,000 connections would be 8, which is still way above the best practice target of 5.
A high ratio may indicate inefficient use of staff or they may reflect relaxed
employment practices, often a result of political interferences in the water utility
(Tynan and Kingdom, 2002). It may also mean that single water connections are
serving multiple households (Chinyama et al., 2007).
4.1.3 Conclusion
Table 4.6 shows the results of the technical-operational performance indicators from
the conceptual framework developed. The results indicated are below expected best
practise targets. UfW is estimated at 35 % which is above the best practise target of
20 %. Water consumption is at an average 20 l/cap.d which is far below the target of
60 l/cap.d. Metering level is at 90 % and population served is at 95 % assuming total
population of Bulawayo city as under BCC utility‟s area of responsibility. The staff
per 1,000 connections is at 4.43.
Water production & 60 l/cap.d 20 l/cap.d
Supply to meet demand, m /d
The BCC water supply sector has the characteristics of a natural monopoly due to the
huge investments required to build the network. The potential for introducing
competition needs to be investigated with the aim of reducing inefficiencies that have
been argued to exist in the process of supplying water. The evidence of these
inefficiencies has been highlighted by the levels of UfW and the staff per 1,000
connections. Introducing competition through privatisation in the production and
cleaning of water may reduce these inefficiencies.
2000 to 2006 and how the impacts of hyper inflation (WHO-UNICEF, 2010) affected
the costing of the water.
There was a sharp increase in the cost of water during the years 2005-2006, in an
effort to try and cost water according to unit operating costs (BCC, undated).
According to key informant sources in the financial services department, the number
of complaints from consumers regarding water billing reduced significantly to near
zero as consumers benefited from the illegal mobile bureau de change. A key
informant stated that:
The nature of complaints has not changed much over the years but in terms of
water charges, complaints went quiet as from 2006 to 2009 due to „burning‟.
This crippled operations in the utility as the value of money was diminished
before any development could be carried out. BCC then devised a plan in
support of residents to pay water levies to procure chemicals for water
The 2010 average water tariff per cubic metre was US$0.72 which is within margin
of the best practise value of US$0.76 as shown in Table 2.1.
operating cost for a water supply consists of the running costs (including salaries,
energy, chemicals) and maintenance costs (spares, repairs). Figure 4.3 shows how
BCC has always targeted to cost water charges according to unit operating cost as the
line graphs are overlapping until 2006 when hyper inflation in the country began to
affect operations. This saw BCC failing to cover running costs, among them
employees salaries, resulting in the loss of skilled personnel to seek „greener
pastures‟ and failing to afford procurement of chemicals for water treatment (BCC,
2006). Consumers were the most affected as water quality and availability
deteriorated which resulted in the nationwide cholera epidemic in 2008 to 2009
(MoHCW, 2009).
The unit operating cost of production per cubic metre was US$0.72 for the year 2010
deduced from figures in financial statements. For best practise, the unit operating
cost of production must be at least equal to or less than the average tariff for
sustainability. (Mwanza, 2006) Muhairwe (2010) in his investigations on business
approaches to the management of water and sanitation and experiences in the water
company, NWSC of Uganda, encourages public water services to at least recover
operating costs for the sustainability of operations even though there is the burden of
balancing equity with efficiency.
Figure 4.4 shows BCC‟s operating cost coverage ratio over the years 2000 to 2006.
In the year 2000 the OCCR was 0.55 and declined to 0.25 by the year 2002. This
reflects how the utility was tying budget to the upgrade of operational performance
on the rehabilitation of the distribution network (BWCP, 2001). The successful
implementation of the project is reflected as the OCCR immediately increases in
2003 to 0.4 but is short-lived as the ratio plunges down again in 2004 to 0.28 before
it rises again to 0.48 in 2006. The rise of the OCCR between 2004 and 2006 does not
necessarily reflect magnificent performance but shows how the effects of high
inflation rates can give misleading financial trends (BCC, 2006). The OCCR for
BCC deduced from the figures provided in the financial statements for the year 2010
was 0.6. This implies that BCC is unable to cover its operational and maintenance
costs from tariff revenues. An OCCR value greater than one means that revenues
from tariffs cover the operating and maintenance (OandM) costs. A value less than
one indicates that a utility is not able to cover its OandM costs. An OCCR value
equal to one means that a utility barely covers its OandM costs. Best practise target
for OCCR is 1.2 (Mwanza, 2004; Castro and Mugabi, 2009) while Tynan and
Kingdom (2002) proposed a benchmark level of 1.5 for developing countries.
Performance ratio
Figure 4. 4: BCC operating cost coverage ratio performance from years 2000 to 2005
0.7 based on billings and 0.55 based on actual collections. The difference in findings
of financial performance of the water boards could be attributed to the different
composition of each researcher‟s definition of the OCCR.
Collection period
The collection period was calculated as the year end accounts receivables as a share
of annual revenues, expressed in day equivalents. Figure 4.5 shows the trend of the
collection period for BCC during the years 2000 to 2006. The period 2000 to 2002
shows that the collection was fairly constant at around 9 months but improved to 7
months by 2003 as a result of the massive public awareness campaigns from the
implementation of the BWCP (2001). The collection period remained relatively
constant until 2005 to 2006 which reflects an even further improvement to less than 3
months collection period. The best practise target is less than 3 months collection
period for well performing utilities shown in Table 2.1. This may reflect as good
performance from BCC during 2005 to 2006 but this was as a result of the impacts of
inflation which saw consumers benefiting from the exercise at the expense of service
Collection period, months
Figure 4. 5: Average collection period for consumers with BCC during the year 2000 to 2006
Key informants within the utility confirmed that although consumers could afford to
pay bills for the whole year, the value of the money diminished before any
meaningful development could be implemented. For the year 2010, collection period
was 8 months calculated using debtors formula given as debtors divided by sales x
365 days. This implies that most of the funds for BCC were locked up with bad
debtors. Poor collection efficiency is usually blamed on customers but the utility may
also be at fault for delayed and faulty billing, inadequate responses to consumer
queries on billings, poor customer service and a lukewarm effort to collect overdue
accounts (Tynan and Kingdom, 2002; Chinyama et al., 2007).
Collection Ratio
This was defined as the ratio of the utility‟s actual revenues collected and total billed
revenues, expressed as a percentage. The effectiveness of the collections process is
measured by the total amount collected as a percentage of the billed amount (Baietti
et al., 2006; Yguinez, 2009). Figure 4.6 shows the trend of the collection ratio for
BCC from year 2000 to 2006. In 2000 the collection ratio was at 20% and improved
gradually to 42% by 2002 due to the implementation of the public awareness
campaigns of the BWCP in 2001. The collection ratio remained fairly constant over
the years at around 40% until 2006 when it shot up to 78%. A collection ratio of 73%
is recommended for best practise as indicated in Table 2.1. This implies that in 2006
BCC performed well in terms of meeting target performance of collection ratio.
However the reality of the impacts were not to the benefit of BCC as the
performance was influenced by prevailing high inflation rates which eroded the value
of the collected income before any meaningful development could take place. The
collection ratio is estimated at 35% for 2010.
Figure 4. 6: Relationship between collection ratio and unaccounted for water for BCC for the years
2000 to 2006
Metering and billing inaccuracies mostly result from high levels of faulty metering
and over estimation of consumption for billing (Chinyama et al., 2007). This implies
that metering and billing practices influence levels of willingness to pay and water
consumptions by different consumers.
The OEI indicator seeks to ensure meaningful comparison between water utilities,
although not entirely perfect, providing a good indication of the overall position of a
utility and allowing one to make an overall conclusion on performance. The results
presented in Figure 4.7 indicate the best recorded performance to the date of
publication of the report. The assumptions made over this graph are that the
efficiency indicator has remained constant and still need to improve from the
recorded figures onwards.
SWSC (Swaziland) 62
LWSC (Lusaka,Zambia) 40
CWA (Mauritius) 45
KWSC (Ndola,Zambia) 18
0 20 40 60 80
efficiency, %
Figure 4. 7: Overall efficiency indicator of urban water supply utilities for selected Southern African
countries (Adapted from Water Operators Partnership-Africa Utility Performance Assessment, 2010)
The best practise target is 66% for a utility to be defined as performing efficiently as
proposed by Water Operators Partnership- Africa Utility Performance Assessment
Report (2010). From the Southern African countries presented in Figure 4.7, none of
the utilities have achieved the target figure. However, there are indications that
Swaziland Water Services Co-operation (SWSC) of Swaziland and Northern Region
Water Board (NRWB) of Malawi are performing more efficiently as shown by the
high figures of 62% and 60% respectively. BCC is lagging behind at 38% though
performing more efficiently than Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company (KWSC) of
Zambia which is at 18%. Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) of Zambia
and Central Water Authority (CWA) of Mauritius are also not very far ahead of
BCC, with efficiency indicators at 40% and 45% respectively.
Msuku et al. (2010) in their comparative assessment of public water utilities BWB,
LWB and NRWB in Malawi, found that financial performance indicators were above
the best practise targets recommended for developing countries. The assessment
further highlighted that overstaffing, high levels of UfW, huge debts and revenue in
arrears owed by bad debtors had a negative impact on the financial sustainability of
the water utilities.
4.2.3 Conclusion
Table 4.7 shows the results of the financial performance indicators from the
conceptual framework. The unit operating cost of production indicator is meeting
best practice as it is lower than the average tariff per cubic metre sold. The proposed
average tariff is at US$1.08 which is higher than the best practice value of US$0.76.
The OCCR is at 0.68 which is below the target of one. The target collection ratio is at
73 % but result from the study is far below at 35 %. Collection period is at 8 months
above the target of 3 months. The OEI is at 23 % far below the target of 66 %.
Potential pricing policies that could reduce water demand for BCC are the use of
taxes and subsidies. The challenge for practical policy making is that goals will need
to be expressed in terms of volumetric reductions in demand. Taxation is also
considered unfair especially to the low income households who may experience
budgetary problems upon introduction of taxes. According to Pollit (2002), the
achievement of the policy goals by the imposition of taxes is often a process of trial
and error and the use of subsidies to advocate efficient use of water is inferior to the
use of taxes.
3 3
Average tariff per m Actual amount billed per m of water US $0.76 US $0.72
Unit operating cost per m Ratio of utility‟s total annual operating < ave tariff m
US $0.72
expenses and total annual volume of water
Operating cost coverage Ratio of total annual billed revenues to total >1 0.68
ratio, (OCCR) annual operating costs (excl. interests and
Overall efficiency Ratio of total volume for which utility > 66 % 22.7%
indicator collects revenue and the total volume of
water it produces.
Residential area
Figure 4. 8: Household survey results on consumers’ average household income ranges, April 2011
Demographic data is normally available at Central Statistics Office but none was
available for the USD$ period at the time of study so information had to be sourced
from the household surveys. During the pre-test questionnaire survey, respondents
were not willing to give exact figures of their average household incomes as a result
a range of income figures was generated based on literature review to the final
questionnaire. Information regarding household incomes was released subject to
respondents‟ inquiries on what they would benefit out of their willingness to
participate in the exercise. This reflects on the limitations in accessing data regarding
household incomes as respondents are likely to distort their responses.
The proposed cost of a basic water connection for BCC was at USD$103.50 which is
within the same magnitude compared to the capital cost of USD$91.00 suggested by
WHO (2004) for the Africa region. Best practise suggests cost of obtaining a new
individual connection is at most 20% of average household income (Table 2.1). From
the household survey the average household income for the high density consumers
was less than USD$180.00 and 20% of this is USD$36.00. This implies that the basic
water connection fees are not affordable to the majority of consumers. However,
BCC devised a credit facility for water connection fees which is charged to the
prospective water bill (BCC, 2010).
The regional differences in cost of a basic house connection are significant with up to
more than USD$100.00 difference between Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean for
example. Africa has the lowest capital cost for water supply connections due to the
existing challenge of inadequate service provision to the growing urban populations,
in the context of the MDG‟s, where Africa lags far behind other regions ( WHO-
UNICEF, 2010).
Cost of water
The proposed tariff schedule by BCC takes into consideration those that cannot
afford to pay through their scheme for vulnerable sections where the first 5,000 m3/d
will be free water for all for domestic consumers only (BCC, 2010). The scheme
further considers sending social workers to vet situations in households that cannot
afford full cost of water services charged to them, and then BCC covers 50% of the
bill charges to ease the financial burden on the household (BCC, undated).
The proposed average block water tariff was USD$1.08, which lies within magnitude
of the range of best practise of USD$0.12 to USD$1.16 (Mwanza, 2004; Castro and
Mugabi, 2009). However, the selected best practise target is at USD$0.76 from Table
2.1, which suggests that the current water tariff is high as indicated by majority of
consumers in the medium and high density suburbs as shown in figure 4. 9.
During the household surveys, it was evident that households in the low density
suburbs were more affluent and less densely populated than those in the medium and
high density suburbs. As such, uses of water for landscaped gardens with lawns and
fountains, functional swimming pools and borehole water use were used as proxy for
affluence. Figure 4.9 shows consumers perceptions on cost of water provided by
BCC from each residential area. Responses given were that either the cost of water
was high, fair or low. According to key informants in the Financial Services
department on average an estimated charge of USD$75, USD$45 and USD$15 are
billed to consumers every month to residents in the low density, medium density and
high density respectively, assuming no interests are accruing on the accounts. During
the household survey some residents managed to produce their water bill statements
and about 80% of these had accruing interests. This reflects on affordability of water
services to the consumers.
Residential Area
Figure 4. 9: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on cost of water provided by BCC,
April 2011
More than 60% of the consumers in the medium and high density perceived the
water pricing as high, with about 55% of respondents in Suburbs and Selbourne Park
perceiving it as fair. Best practise target for cost of water is that at least 75% of
consumers should consider water as affordable (Table 2.1). During the fieldwork,
some households in the low density suburbs were observed to have completely
resorted to boreholes as their water source after BCC cut off supply due to
consumers resisting payment of council bills.
Customer complaints
Figure 4.10 shows responses from household survey regarding nature of consumers‟
complaints to BCC. The major issues arising from the type of complaints were
related to water bills, pipe bursts and water quality. The household survey revealed
that 50% of consumers in the low density areas were more concerned with the
frequent pipe bursts which were perceived as increasing potholes on the roads which
later caused damage to their personal vehicles. Among other perceptions were that
flowing water compromised parking space for their visitors outside their homesteads
and water seepages into their yards interfered with their gardening and landscape.
About 38% complained about the quality of water and how it stained their swimming
pools which increased their cleaning costs. Residents in the medium and high density
also expressed concern over pipe bursts which led to frequent water cuts. However,
about 70% of all respondents state that their main complaints to BCC were in
relation to water bill issues like cost of water, over-estimated consumption and
interests charged on accumulating debt. Chinyama et al. (2007) in their studies found
that major complaints relating to water bills included billing errors and accounts
query issues due to inaccurate meter reading and over estimation from bulk meters.
The similarities of these findings further support the outcome from the survey in
relation to complaints on water bills issues.
Residential area
Figure 4. 10: Household survey results on nature of consumers’ complaints to BCC, April 2011
The types of complaints mentioned by consumers during the survey were similar to
those mentioned by key informants as being received from consumers, with the
complaints of issues relating to water bills topping the list as seen in Fig. 4.10. The
exact number of complaints per year could not be established but key informants
from BCC confirmed that the frequency of the three common complaints has since
increased from the USD$ period in 2009. BCC gives priority to complaints regarding
water bursts and leaks. A record of the number of leaks and burst pipes attended to
per annum by BCC reflects more on operation and maintenance indicator, as shown
in Table 4.8.
Table 4. 8: Burst pipes and new connections that were reported and attended to in 2002, 2006 and
Incidents 2002 2006 2010
Complaints are relatively easy to track but they do not tell us much about the
performance of a utility on customer relations. Customers may have become
accustomed to poor service and do not complain. In other instances it may be
difficult for customers to report complaints depending on the means and channels of
communication flow between the residents and council. For these reasons, it is
sometimes difficult to derive any meaning from the number of complaints indicator
(Tynan and Kingdom, 2002; Castro and Mugabi, 2009) . A very low number of
complaints might indicate a utility not in touch with its customers, where relatively
little interaction occurs between the utility and its customers. The other extreme is
very high levels of complaints where there is dissatisfaction and customers are
expressing it. Between these extremes lies an acceptable level of interaction where
customers are generally satisfied but the realities of not being able to keep everyone
happy, continues to generate interactions.
Continuity of Supply
Continuity of supply is defined in terms of the average hours of service a day. This
indicator was difficult to establish as consumers cited a lack of forewarning and
explanation prior to water cuts from BCC. There was general dissatisfaction amongst
respondents with the water supply delivery system in the City of Bulawayo and their
major concern was with the numerous and frequent burst pipes which they felt were
not being attended to promptly hence affecting the continuity of supply. Figure 4.11
shows responses from the each residential area regarding consumers‟ perceptions on
performance of water services provision provided by BCC. About 55% of consumers
from all residential areas confirmed that while service delivery from BCC had
deteriorated, they at least could guarantee supply of piped water within 24 hours and
rated a fair performance of BCC under the existing circumstances.
Residential area
Figure 4. 11: Household survey results on consumers’ perception on performance of water services
provided by BCC, April 2011
Water quality
Figure 4.12 shows the responses from consumers regarding the quality of drinking
water supplied by BCC. In the low density area of Suburbs, 95% of respondents
perceived that the water provided by BCC was not purified and was not fit for human
consumption. About 50% of respondents in Selbourne Park stated that the water was
coloured, with the remaining 45% stating that the water is simply not purified. In the
Residential area
Figure 4. 12: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on drinking water quality
provided by BCC, April 2011
During the household survey it was observed that if drinking water from a piped
source is not clear consumers generally perceive that it is not fit for human
consumption as supported by Carter (1996) who states that water sources may be
rejected because of unpleasant but not harmful, aesthetic water quality parameters
such as colour, taste and odour. According to WUP (2005) water should be free of
taste and odour that would be objectionable to the majority of consumers.
Water pressure
Figure 4.13 shows household survey results on consumers‟ perceptions regarding the
pressure of piped water provided by BCC. Frequency of responses are given for each
suburb and consumers indicated high, average and low pressure with some
confirming that they did not know. About 70% of all respondents in all residential
areas confirmed that the pressure of the piped water was normal, though some
respondents did confirm frequent burst pipes and repairs interfered with the pressure
of the piped water as low pressure was evident at the return of water after water cuts.
Residential area
Figure 4. 13: Household survey results on consumers’ perceptions on pressure of piped water
provided by BCC, April 2011
4.3.2 Conclusion
Table 4.9 shows the results of the public perception indicators according to the
conceptual framework developed. The results shown are from the household survey
carried out in April 2011. The figures show indicators that are below expected best
practice targets. The cost of obtaining a new connection was found to be on estimate
60 % of average household income above the target of 20 %. In terms of cost of
water indicator about 35 % of the respondents‟ judgement as affordable, this is below
the 75 % target. Water quality indicator scored 5% of consumer satisfaction while
the water pressure was 70 % of consumer satisfaction. Response to customer
complaints indicator reflects the average response time to respond to major pipe
bursts around the city and not the actual customer complaints as expected. The other
nature of complaints like water bills and water quality issues are dealt with
individually if consumers directly approach council premises.
*Water availability is subject to irregular frequent water shedding, recurrent bursts pipes and unannounced
water cuts
4.4 Summary
The performance assessment was carried out using existing theories in relation to
four broad performance categories. Benchmark indicators, depending on availability
of data, are derived from these categories to give a quick review of the performance
of a utility (Tynan and Kingdom, 2002). Table 4.10 gives a quick review of the
performance of BCC from which one can deduce whether BCC utility is performing
well or not. The indicators in Table 4.10 reflect progress on performance over the
years as shown by the number of connections that have increased with increasing
population. Other indicators like UfW and collection ratio show fluctuations over the
years which make it difficult to interpret performance without considering external
and internal factors influencing the indicated levels of performance.
Mwanza (2004) and Castro and Mugabi (2009) cite the following limitations when
making conclusions on benchmark indicators of utilities:
Indicators tend to portray an incomplete picture of a utility‟s performance as they
often exclude other contributing factors such as accountability of institutions and
incentives that are not readily quantifiable.
Analysis of data of a single year provides only a snapshot of performance.
Indicators not to be interpreted rigidly as utilities face different social, political
and financial constraints.
Taking the limitations into consideration the results of the study in Table 4.10
are inconclusive. The non-availability of data from 2007 to 2009 has made it
difficult to come up with the latest trends on the performance of BCC. However,
among some of the prevailing factors influencing current performance is the
‘dollarization era’ of which it is uncertain how long it will exist..
From the objectives and results of this study, the following conclusions and
recommendations were made:
Conclusion The target performance levels were below best practices targets.
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Position: ...............................................................................
Date: ..........................................
(B)Water Supply
9. What is the total number of customers that have been connected in the system?
13. Which month in the year do you have critical water shortage?
21. What are the ways in which customers can get access to the utility? (phone, in
person, internet etc.)
22. To what extent are customers involved in decision making to the utility?
(customer council, suggestion boxes, etc.)
23. What is the nature of complaints over the past years? (poor services, pipe burst,
water shortage, poor water quality etc.)
24. How do you resolve the customer‟s problems? Or how does the authority use the
information generated by the complaints?
(D)External Factors
27. What are the existing roadblocks (regulatory, institutional, structural etc.) in
water supply provision?
28. How do these roadblocks affect your organisation‟s action related to the customer
31. In your opinion, what problems do you see when you look at the management of
your water provision? What do you think should be done?
Enumerator‟s Name:............................................................................................
Name of Respondent:...........................................................................................
Name of Suburb:...................................................................................................
House Address:.....................................................................................................
Please respond by ticking one answer to each relevant question. For each of 1b) and 1c) indicate the
number of females and males respectively.
[ ]Selling vegetables
[ ]females [ ]females [ ]US$180>
[ ]Less than 5
[ ] Home salons
[ ]males [ ]males [ ]US$180-US$900
[ ] 5-10
[ ] Home industry
[ ] 11-15 [ ]US$900<
[ ] Commodity trading
[ ]other
specify [ ] Formally employed
[ ] other
[ ] Bungalows [ ] Mansionatte []
5. In a situation where piped water is not available, what is your alternative source?
[ ]other.................................
10. What is the average water consumption per day for the household use?(sample
using a bucket to estimate consumption)
12. If yes, how much do you pay per cubic meter/unit of water? .....................
13. If no, how much do you pay per month? ................. daily? ......................
16. Have you ever experienced a situation where you could not afford to pay water
bills in the past 12months? Yes [ ] No [ ]
18. In your own opinion, do you think water services have improved in the past three
years? Yes [ ] No [ ]
19. Do you receive your water bill in time every month? Yes [ ] No [ ]
20. If no, how long does it take to receive your water bill?
[ ] >6months [ ]other..................................
21. Have you ever made any complaint to the authority about water services?
Yes [ ] No []
[ ]other specify.....................................................................................................
24. If yes, were you satisfied with the way your complaint was handled?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
25. Does the BCC supply good water for drinking? Yes [ ] No [ ]
27. When piped water is available how do you rate the water pressure?
28. In your opinion, do you think BCC is providing good services? Yes [ ] No [ ]
29. What do you perceive as major problems in relation to water services provision?
30. How would you describe the level of information you have about BCC water
supply services?
31. In your opinion what do you think should be done by BCC to improve the water
service provision?
ii)very good
v)Very poor
vi)Other specify...........................................................................................................