Mathematics of Astrology

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(in minutes:seconds)
Stars Stars Stars Stars Stars Stars Stars
Longitude Stars Stars of
of of of of of of of
in the of Sun Mercury
Ketu Venus Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
00:00’ 28:00 80:00 24:00 40:00 28:00 72:00 64:00 76:00 68:00
00:20’ 27:18 78:00 23:24 39:00 27:18 70:12 62:24 74:06 66:18
00:40’ 26:36 76:00 22:48 38:00 26:36 68:24 60:48 72:12 64:36
10: 00’ 25:54 74:00 22:12 37:00 25:54 66:36 59:12 70:18 62:54
10: 20’ 25:12 72:00 21:36 36:00 25:12 64:48 57:36 68:24 61:12
10: 40’ 24:30 70:00 21:00 35:00 24:30 63:00 56:00 66:30 59:30
20: 00’ 23:54 68:00 20:24 34:00 23:54 61:12 54:24 64:36 57:48
20: 20’ 23:06 66:00 19:48 33:00 23:06 59:24 52:48 62:42 56:06
20: 40’ 22:24 64:00 19:12 32:00 22:24 57:36 51:12 60:48 54:24
30: 00’ 21:42 62:00 18:36 31:00 21:42 55:48 49:36 58:54 52:42
30: 20’ 21:00 60:00 18:00 30:00 21:00 54:00 48:00 57:00 51:00
30: 40’ 20:18 58:00 17:24 29:00 20:18 52:12 46:24 55:06 49:18
4 : 00’ 19:36 56:00 16:48 28:00 19:36 50:24 44:48 53:12 47:36
40: 20’ 18:54 54:00 16:12 27:00 18:54 48:36 43:12 51:18 45:54
40: 40’ 18:12 52:00 15:36 26:00 18:12 46:48 41:36 49:24 44:12
50: 00’ 17:30 50:00 15:00 25:00 17:30 45:00 40:00 47:30 42:30
50: 20’ 16:48 48:00 14:24 24:00 16:48 43:12 38:24 45:36 40:48
50: 40’ 16:06 46:00 13:48 23:00 16:06 41:24 36:48 43:42 39:06
60: 00’ 15:24 44:00 13:12 22:00 15:24 39:36 35:12 41:48 37:24
60: 20’ 14:42 42:00 12:36 21:00 14:42 37:48 33:36 39:54 35:42
60: 40’ 14:00 40:00 12:00 20:00 14:00 36:00 32:00 38:00 34:00
70: 00’ 13:18 38:00 11:24 19:00 13:18 34:12 30:24 36:06 32:18
70: 20’ 12:36 36:00 10:48 18:00 12:36 32:24 28:48 34:12 30:36
70: 40’ 11:54 34:00 10:12 17:00 11:54 30:36 27:12 32:18 28:54
80: 00’ 11.12 32:00 9:36 16:00 11.12 28:48 25:36 30:24 27:12
80: 20’ 10.30 30:00 9:00 15:00 10.30 27:00 24:00 28:30 25:30
8 : 40’ 9.48 28:00 8:24 14:00 9.48 25:12 22:24 26:36 23:48
9 : 00’ 9:06 26:00 7:48 13:00 9:06 23:24 20:48 24:42 22:06
90: 20’ 8:24 24:00 7:12 12:00 8:24 21:36 19:12 22:48 20:24
90: 40’ 7:42 22:00 6:36 11:00 7:42 19:48 17:36 20:54 18:42
100: 00’ 7:00 20:00 6:00 10:00 7:00 18:00 16:00 19:00 17:00
100: 20’ 6:18 18:00 5:24 9:00 6:18 16:12 14:24 17:06 15:18
100: 40’ 5:36 16:00 4:48 8:00 5:36 14:24 12:48 15:12 13:36
110: 00’ 4:54 14:00 4:12 7:00 4:54 12:36 11:12 13:18 11:54
110: 20’ 4:12 12:00 3:36 6:00 4:12 10:48 9:36 11:24 10:12
110: 40’ 3:30 10:00 3:00 5:00 3:30 9:00 8:00 9:30 8:30
120: 00’ 2:48 8:00 2:24 4:00 2:48 7:12 6:24 7:36 6:48
120: 20’ 2:06 6:00 1:48 3:00 2:06 5:24 4:48 5:42 5:06
120: 40’ 1:24 4:00 1:12 2:00 1:24 3:36 3:12 3:48 3:24
130: 00’ 0:42 2:00 0:36 1:00 0:42 1:48 1:36 1:54 1:42
Example: DRM is in 100:20’ of Hasta – The time left to move on to Chitta is 9 minutes

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