Meet Tejani Trifold

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 Port development will have potential for  Study of modern construction techniques. Through Architecture.
logistics and goods for industrial area which  Study of bio-mimetic architecture and how
is located around the site. can it apply in this project. A Port development including Water Transit Hub
 Study of port development and port
 It will provide good opportunity for workers
terminal. and Trade Warehouse at Magdalla Port, Surat.
to do a job.
 It will provide good opportunity for Surat to
be a smart city. PREFACE

PROGRAM Trend of globalization has been followed by an

PROCESS increase in level of demand for freight
 WEEK 1 : Selection of site transportation and there after establishing suitable
 Study of the bio-mimetic architecture and port services. Developments of transportation
how can it apply in this project. chains, logistics and progress of these networks
 WEEK 2, : Literature study
 Study of modern construction techniques. have enhanced the sustainable condition and level
 Doing case-studies of bio-mimetic of transportation. To increase efficiency in the
architecture buildings and case-studies of  WEEK 3 : Case study
performance of the ports is to provide an
port development and port terminal. environment for the activities that can meet high
 Make a programmatic requirement for the  WEEK 4,5 : Analysis of site potential, reduce cost and increase replacement
project. speed in parallel with the development of
 Discuss the project and programme with  WEEK 6 : Programming international business. Gujarat is strategically
expert in bio-mimetic architecture and port located with a coastline of 1600 km and has 42
development.  WEEK 7,8 : Conceptual design ports. It has the highest number of operational
ports & commercial cargo ports. Gujarat is
strategically positioned to act as the hub of coastal
PRODUCT  WEEK 9,10 : Project designing
trade. Already, minor ports in Gujarat account for
76% of the total cargo handled in the country.
 A Port terminal with infrastructure facilities  WEEK 11 : 3d and model making
and trade warehouse. Gujarat has emerged as a leading industrial and
 WEEK 12 : Presentation of business Centre in the country. Gujarat has an ideal
drawing,Jury preparation location with proximity to international maritime
routes for port as well as port led development.

 Surat has emerged as a leading industrial  A waiting area or lounge where people can  The project is proposed at Magdalla port,
and business centre in the country but it wait and a place where people arrive from Surat, Gujarat.
has not developed like other business hub water way and divert to another transit  The proposed land is within sheltered area
mode to rich their destination by road-way,
cities. of Tapti channel. The location is in less
rail-way, air-way etc.
 The main cargo handled by Gujarat  A place or a terminal where people can use cyclone prone region.
maritime board jetty at Magdalla port. But their waiting time in shopping, game zone,  Site is located in the heart of the Surat’s
Magdalla Port is handling all types of cargo, food court, library, etc. Industrial area.
but presently due to limitations, only coal is  A Customized categorized warehouses for  Located far from residential area.
being handled. dry cargos.  Magdalla / Surat being on strategic location
 Developing port with infrastructure can be important links in the logistics chain.
There’s an attractive scope to establish port
terminal at this location.


 To give a proper connectivity for cargo and  People will get benefit of the port as it will
passenger ships with developing a port, and reduce transportation distance.  Panvel, Mumbai (Arshiya International FTWZ).
Trade warehouse in well developed
 People can come to port and get an  Yokohama International Passenger Terminal,
industrial zone.
entertainment in their daily lifestyle. Japan.
 To generate a large employment for
 People of industries will get a huge boost in  Salerno Maritime Terminal, Italy.
their water transportation facilities.
 To giving good facilities for industrial zone
at port.  People in Surat have never experienced a
river side development so by developing
 To develop a sustainable building in
port with an entertainment hub will attract
industrial zone.
more people to the river.

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