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International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 66 (2016) 53–58

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Deproteinization stabilises dentin bonding of self-adhesive resin

cements after thermocycling
Lidiane Costa de Souza a, Nara Sousa Rodrigues a, Victor Pinheiro Feitosa b,
Issis Virgínia Luque-Martinez c, Alessandro Dourado Loguercio d,
Vicente de Paulo Aragão Saboia b,n
Graduate Program of Dentistry Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Department of Restorative Dentistry School of Dentistry Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Department of Operative Dentistry, State University of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, State University of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examined the effect of deproteinization on the microtensile dentin bond strength (mTBS) and
Accepted 14 November 2015 nanoleakage (NL) of conventional and self-adhesive resin cements after 24 h or after 20,000 thermo-
Available online 18 December 2015 cycles. Occlusal dentin of thirty-two human molars were distributed into four groups according to the
Keywords: type of cement used: conventional or self-adhesive; and the strategy of luting: RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2
Adhesion (RAc) following the manufacturer's instructions (control), RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2 (RAd) applied after
Dentine dentin deproteinization; RelyX U200 (RUc) following the manufacturer´s instructions (control); RelyX
Nanoleakage U200 (RUd) applied after dentin deproteinization. The specimens were cut into non-trimmed dentin–
Sodium hypochlorite composite sticks and the half sticks of each group were subdivided into two subgroups: 24 h water
Surface treatment
storage and after 20,000 thermal cycles, before microtensile bond test. For NL, 5 bonded sticks from each
subgroup were prepared and analyzed under SEM. Three-way ANOVA showed that the dentin depro-
teinization increased the mTBS of both cements, although the RAd group showed a decrease on the mTBS
after thermocycling. Chi-square test showed significant loss of specimens by premature failure for the
groups after thermocycling, except for the RUd group. The dentin deproteinization improved the initial
mTBS and decreases the NL of both cements tested, but, after thermocycling, this technique is only
effective for RelyX U200.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction enhanced mechanical properties, ease of handling and good

esthetic qualities [3].
Currently, resin cements are the most indicated luting materi- These luting systems may be classified as conventional resin
als in the cementation of indirect composite resins and ceramic cements or self-adhesive resin cements, depending on the bond-
restorations to tooth structures. These cements showed advanta- ing strategies [7–9]. The conventional resin cement requires the
geous properties like low water sorption, low solubility and high previous application of adhesive systems, that can be an etch-and-
color stability [1], bond to enamel and dentin [2] and dual-curing rinse or a self-etch system, while the self-adhesive cements
mode [3–5]. These cements have been widely used for fixation of requires no pretreatment of tooth surfaces [6,10–12]. Despite this
inlays, onlays, crowns, posts, and veneers [6] because of their attractive concept for cementation, scientific evidence has shown
low retentive power of this cementation strategy for indirect
restorations [13–15] and the superficiality of the interaction
between the cement and dentin are the critical points in this new
Correspondence to: Department of Restorative Dentistry – Faculty of Pharmacy,
Dentistry and Nursing, Federal University of Ceará, R. Gilberto Studart, 770/901, approach for self-adhesive cements [6,7,15]. Researches investi-
Cocó, Fortaleza, CE 60190-750, Brazil . Tel: þ 55 85 8807 4623. gating pretreatment of dentin with acid solutions show con-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.C.d. Souza), troversial results.
[email protected] (N.S. Rodrigues),
Some studies have reported that the removal of the smear layer
[email protected] (V.P. Feitosa),
[email protected] (I.V. Luque-Martinez), improved the interaction between self-adhesive resin cement and
[email protected] (A.D. Loguercio), [email protected] (V.d.P.A. Saboia). dentin [16–18]. On the other side, it has been shown that the
0143-7496/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
54 L.C.d. Souza et al. / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 66 (2016) 53–58

Table 1
Resin cements, their application protocols and strategy of cementation.

Composition Control Deproteinized

RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2 RelyXMR ARC: TEGDMA, Bis-GMA, ether zircônia/ sílica filler, 1. Apply of 37% H3PO4 Gel (Con- 1. Apply 37% H3PO4 Gel (Condac 37%/
(3M/ESPE, Seefeld, functional dimethacrylate polymer dac 37%/FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil) FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil) for 15 s
Germany) for 15 s
2. Rinsing with air spray 2. Rinsing with air spray þ apply 5%
NaOCl (Vetec, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bra-
zil) for 2 min
3. Dry with absorbent paper, 3. Rinsing with air spray for 30 s
keeping dentin moisture
Adper Single BondTM 2: Ethanol, Bis-GMA, silanated silica filler, 4. Apply of two consecutive coats 4. Dry with absorbent paper, keeping
2-HEMA, GDM, copolymer of polyacrylic and polyitaconic of Single Bond 2 for 15 s with dentin moisture
acidse UDMA. gently agitation
5. Gently air thin for 5 s to eva- 5. Apply two consecutive coats of
porate the solvent Single Bond 2 for 15 s with gently
6. Light cure adhesive for 10 s 6. Gently air thin for 5 s to evaporate
the solvent
7. Apply the silane on the pre- 7. Light cure adhesive for 10 s
viously ragged surface of resin
8. Mix cement for 10 s and apply 8. Apply the silane on the previously
on silanized surface of resin ragged surface of resin block
9. Wait 3 min and light cure each 9. Mix cement for 10 s and apply on
surface/margin for 40 s silanazed surface of resin blocks
10. Wait 3 min and light cure each
surface/margin for 40 s
RelyX U200 (3M/ESPE, RelyX U200: Silane treated glass powder, substituted dime- 1. Apply the silane on the pre- 1. Apply 37% H3PO4 Gel (Condac 37%/
Seefeld, Germany) thacrylate, 1-benzyl- 5 -phenyl-barbic-acid, calcium salt, 1,12- viously ragged surface of resin FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil) for 15 s
dodecane dimethycrylate, sodium p-toluenesulfinate, silane block
treated silica, calcium hydroxide 2.Mix cement for 10 s and apply 2. Rinsing with air spray
on silanized surface of resin
3.Wait 3 min and light cure each 3. Apply 5% NaOCl (Vetec, Rio de
surface/margin for 20 s Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) for 2 min
4. Rinsing with air spray for 30 s
5. Dry with absorbent paper, keeping
dentin moisture
6. Apply the silane on the previously
ragged surface of resin block
7. Mix cement for 10 s and apply on
silanized surface of resin blocks
8. Wait 3 min and light cure each
surface/margin for 20 s

pretreatment with phosphoric acid can result in reduction of the 2. Materials and methods
bond strength since the exposition of collagen fibrils after dentin
demineralization reduced the penetration of the cement [18,19]. 2.1. Tooth preparation
The collagen removal after etching with phosphoric acid could be
an option to eliminate this mechanical barrier and improve the Thirty-two freshly extracted human non-carious third molars
penetration [20] and the chemical interactions between resin were used in this study after obtaining the patients informed
cements and the hydroxyapatite of the dentin [21], providing consent for their use, under a protocol approved by the Institu-
optimized results. tion. The teeth were stored in 0.01% thymol solution at 4 °C for no
Some studies have shown that collagen removal has a beneficial more than 1 month. A flat dentin surface was exposed on each
effect in the cement-dentin adhesion [19,22] but to the extent of tooth after wet grinding of the occlusal enamel on #100- and #
our knowledge no experiments have been performed to evaluate 400-grit SiC paper mounted in a polishing machine (Aropol 2V-
this technique after aging under thermocycling. Therefore, this Arotec SA, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Dentin surfaces were exposed
in vitro study examined the effect of deproteinization on the and inspected under " 80 magnification to ensure that no
microtensile bond strength (mTBS) and nanoleakage (NL) between enamel remnants were left (Leica DM 1000 Leica Microsystems
conventional and self-adhesive resin cements and dentin surfaces GmbH-Wetzlar, Germany). The exposed dentin surfaces were
after 24 h or 20,000 thermocycles. The following hypotheses of further polished on wet #600-grit silicon-carbide paper for 20 s
study were tested: 1) the use of dentin deproteinization will not to produce a standardized smear layer. After that, each tooth was
result in differences in the adhesive performance; 2) there is no individually fixed to a sectioning machine (Isomet 1000, Buehler
difference between adhesive performance when a conventional and Ltd. Lake Bluff, USA) and teeth roots were removed using a dia-
a self-adhesive resin cements was compared and; 3) thermocycles mond disc under cooling, and to obtain dentin discs with
will not result in differences in the adhesive performance. 4 mm thick.
L.C.d. Souza et al. / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 66 (2016) 53–58 55

2.2. Restorative procedure in distilled water, and immersed in photo developing solution for
8 h under a fluorescent light to reduce silver ions into metallic
Resin composite (Filtek Z100, shade A3-3M ESPE, Seefeld, silver grains within voids along the bonded interface [20].
Germany) blocks (5.5 " 5.5 " 2.0 mm3) of restorative materials Specimens were mounted on aluminum stubs, polished with a
were made with the aid of a two-piece matrix. The resin blocks 1000-grit SiC paper and 6, 3, 1 and 0.25 mm diamond paste
were light activated for 80 s (40 s per side) with LED dental curing (Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL, USA). Then, they were ultrasonically
unit (DB -685; Dabi Atlante Ribeirão Preto/SP, Brazil). The cleaned, air dried and gold sputter coated (MED 010, Balzers
restoration surface in contact with the dentin was roughened with Union, Balzers, Liechtenstein) for analysis in a scanning electron
a diamond point 30 mm (FG 3098F, KG Sorensen, Cotia, SP, Brazil) microscope (SEM) operated in the backscattered mode (LEO 435
[22,23], and then submitted to an ultrasonic bath in distilled water VP, LEO Electron Microscopy Ltd., Cambridge, UK).
for 10 min. Before the cementation, the internal surface was sila- In order to standardize image acquisition, three pictures were
nized (Prosil, FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil) following manufacturer´s taken of each specimen. The first picture was taken in the center of
instructions. The blocks and teeth were randomly assigned using the bonded stick. The other two pictures were taken 0.3 mm to the
the Microsoft Excel randomization method. left and right of the first one. As two bonded sticks per tooth were
RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2 (shade: A3, 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Ger- evaluated and a total of five teeth were used for each experimental
many) (conventional resin cement) or RelyX U200 (shade: A2, 3M condition, a total of 30 images were evaluated per group. A tech-
ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) (self-adhesive resin cement) was used for nician who was blinded to the experimental conditions under
luting the resin blocks to the dentin surface. In accordance with evaluation performed all acquisitions. The amount of nanoleakage
the strategy of cementation the specimens were distributed into within the adhesive and hybrid layer areas was only qualitatively
four groups (n ¼8): RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2 (RAc) following the evaluated.
manufacturer's instructions (control), RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2
(RAd) after dentin deproteinization; RelyX U200 (RUc) following 2.6. Statistical analysis
the manufacturer's instructions; RelyX U200 (RUd) after dentin
deproteinization (Table 1). For the deproteinization, dentin surface The experimental unit in the current study was the hemi-tooth,
was treated with 5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) (Vetec, Rio de since half of the tooth was tested initially and the other half was
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) for 2 min and rinsed for 30 s [19,22,24,25]. tested after thermocycling. The microtensile bond strength values
The cementation was done following the manufacturer´s instruc- of all sticks from the same hemi-tooth were averaged for statistical
tions (Table 1). During luting procedure, the pressure exerted on purposes. The microtensile bond strength (MPa) data, including
the restoration was standardized at 20 g/mm2. the premature failures as 0 MPa, were subjected to three-way
(type of cement, strategy of luting and time) repeated measures
2.3. Specimens preparation and thermocycling ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test at α ¼5%. Also, the ratio between
obtained specimens (OS) and lost specimens (LO) for different
After 24 h, each restored tooth was longitudinally sectioned in groups were evaluated by chi-square test (α ¼0.05).
both “x” and “y” directions, across the bonded interface, using a
diamond blade saw under water cooling (Isomet 1000, Buehler
Ltd., Lake Bluff, USA) to obtain sticks with cross-sectional areas of 3. Results
approximately 0.9 mm2.
Half of the sticks of each bonded-tooth were randomly sub- 3.1. Microtensile bond strength test
divided into one of two subgroups to be tested under microtensile
test: initial (test after 24 h in distilled water at 37 °C) and after The three-way ANOVA showed that the interaction was statis-
thermocycling. For this procedure, the specimens were placed in a tically significant (p¼ 0.001). The use of the dentin deproteinization
thermocycling machine (THE-1100 Thermocycler; SD Mechatronik significantly improved the bond strength for both cements tested
Gmbh, Feldkirchen–Westerham, Germany) in distilled water baths (p¼ 0.01); however, only RUd maintained the bond strength values
for 20,000 cycles of 5–55 °C with a dwelling time of 60 s in after the thermocycling (p¼0.25). For control groups (RAc and RUc)
each bath. no statistical difference was found regardless of the aging by ther-
mocycling (p40.68). The mTBS means, standard deviation and
2.4. Microtensile bond strength test number of specimens tested are shown in Tables 2 and 3 according
to the factors of the study. The percentage of the obtained speci-
The sticks were measured individually with digital caliper mens (OS) and lost specimens (LO) are shown in Table 4.
(Absolute Digimatic, Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan) and subjected in a After the thermocycling, only the RAd group showed a sig-
tensile force in a universal testing machine (Model 4440, Instron nificant reduction of the bond strength values for mTBS
Corp., Canton, MA, USA) at crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. (p ¼0.0001). However, it was observed significant amount of pre-
The dentin side of the failed bonds was analyzed using ste- mature failures for three of the four groups after thermocycling
reoscopic light microscopy (Stemi 2000–C, Carl Zeiss Jena; Jena, (RAc, RUc and RAd; p o0.01).
Germany) at 80x magnification and was classified according to the
failure mode as adhesive or mixed (M), cohesive in cement (CC), Table 2
cohesive in dentin (CD) or cohesive in composite (CC). All sticks Mean microtensile bond strengths (MPa) and standard derivations (SD) for the
(including those prematurely failed) were included in the failure groups, as well as, statistical analysis (n).
mode analysis.
Control (c) Deproteinized (d)

2.5. Nanoleakage evaluation (NL) Immediately Thermocycled Immediately Thermocycled

Five bonded sticks from each group at each storage period were RelyX ARC/Single 10.977 2.9 11.59 7 3.7c 15.717 4.4 b
7.767 2.4 d

Bond 2 (RA)
coated with two layers of nail varnish applied up to within 1 mm RelyX U 200 (RU) 11.687 3.4 c
11.20 7 3.3c 19.447 4.7 a
17.88 7 5.4 a,b

of the bonded interfaces. The bonded sticks were placed in the

ammoniacal silver nitrate in darkness for 24 h, rinsed thoroughly n
Identical superscript letters indicate no significant difference (p 40.05).
56 L.C.d. Souza et al. / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 66 (2016) 53–58

Table 3

$ (0)
$ (0)
Obtained specimens (OS) X lost specimens (LO) in percentages, as well as, statistical
analysis (n).

3.9% (2)
Control (c) Deproteinized (d)

$ (0)
Immediately Thermocycled Immediately Thermocycled

76.9% (40)
18.4% (7)

RelyX ARC/Single 51 10 48 16 (33%) 39 11 38 20

Bond 2 (RA) (19%) a b
(28%) a (52%) b

RelyX U200 (RU) 50 8 (16%) 51 20 (39%) 49 5 (10%) 52 10

81.6% (31)
19.2% (10)
a b a
(19%) a

Identical superscript letters indicate no significant difference (p4 0.05).

The distribution of failure modes for each group is summarized

$ (0)
$ (0)
in Table 4. RelyX ARC groups showed a high incidence of mixed
failures, while RelyX U200 groups showed predominance of

2.5% (1)
cohesive fractures within the resin cement, especially for the

$ (0)
groups submitted to thermocycling procedures. Cohesive fractures

within the dentin were not observed for none of the groups.

63.3% (31)
27.5% (11)
3.2. Nanoleakage evaluation (NL)

Deproteinized (d)

Representative backscattering SEM images of the adhesive


36.7% (18)
interface produced in the all conditions tested can be seen in the

70% (28)
Fig. 1. When dentin was deproteinized (RAd and RUd; Fig. 1C, D
and H), minimal silver nitrate deposition along the adhesive

interface was observed in comparison to control groups (RAc and

$ (0)
$ (0)
RUc; Fig. 1A, B, E and F). However, after thermocycling, the RAd

group showed increasing of amount of silver nitrate (Fig. 1G).

5.9% (3)
2% (1)
4. Discussion

72.5% (37)
In accordance with the present results, dentin deproteinization

18.4% (9)
improved the performance of the self-adhesive resin cement,

resulting in rejection of the first hypothesis.


NaOCl is a nonspecific proteolytic agent that effectively

79.6% (39)
21.6% (11)
removes organic components at room temperature [20]. It is
capable of producing chemical alterations on the surface of
demineralized dentin making it more similar to enamel (hydro-

xyapatite-rich) [5]. In order to improve adhesion between the

$ (0)
$ (0)

dentin and resin materials concentrations of 10% applied for 1 min


[26,27] and 5% for 2 min [19,22,24,25] have been used. The most
porous surface achieved after this pre-treatment could be
5.5% (3)

responsible for adhesive interfaces with similar bond strength

$ (0)
Percentage/numerical distribution according to the failure modes.


values to those obtained in enamel after etching with phosphoric

acid [28], thereby allowing mechanical retention [29,30] and
16.7% (9)
84% (42)

chemical interaction [31].

RelyX U200 self-adhesive cement contains phosphoric acidic

methacrylates, 4-MET, which react with basic fillers in the cement

Control (c)

and the calcium ions of the hydroxyapatite from tooth tissue

77.8% (42)

promoting the bonding to dentin and enamel [2]. This acidic

16% (8)

monomer has an ability to form strong ionic bond with calcium of


enamel and dentin [32]. Thus, the bonding mechanism of self-

adhesive resin cements to dentin is based on chemical reactions
RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2 (RA)

between dentin and resin cements while the bonding mechanism

of conventional luting systems depends of the type of the bonding
CC: cohesive in cement.

agent used in combination with this system [6]. After the removal
CD: cohesive in dentin.
CR: cohesive in resin.
RelyX U 200 (RU)

of collagen achieved by NaOCl application, the mineral to matrix

M: mixed/adhesive.

ratio at dentin surface increased and the smear layer was thinned
due to dissolution of the collagen part [33,34] which can may
optimize the maximum interaction between RelyX U200 luting
Table 4

agent and hydroxyapatite of dentin, improving the chemical

reactions. This can explain the highest bond strength values and
L.C.d. Souza et al. / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 66 (2016) 53–58 57

Fig. 1. -Representative backscattering SEM images of the resin–dentin interfaces bonded with RelyxARC (ARC) and Relyx U200 (U200) in the initial period (A, C, E and G) or
after thermocycling (B, D, F and H) without (control; A, B, E and F) or with dentin deproteinization (C, D, G and H). In the control groups, usually all hybrid layer (white arrows
in A, B, E and F) and resin cement layer (blue hands in A, B and F) showed areas of silver nitrate uptake. When dentin surface was previously deproteinized, usually only few
areas of silver nitrate uptake were observed within the hybrid layer (white arrows in C, G and H). The unique exception was ARC after thermocycling. In this specific group,
the nanoleakage occurred also inside the adhesive layer (blue hands in D). (IR ¼indirect restoration; Rc ¼ resin cement; and De ¼dentin).

lower nanoleakage pattern showed for RUd group when compared three groups after thermocycling (RAc, RUc and RAd) in agreement
to RAd, which leads to reject the second null hypothesis. with previous investigations [40]. It demonstrates that thermo-
The self-adhesive cements with their heavy filler load and high cycling had an effective detrimental effect for these groups. Only
viscosity may exhibit limited infiltration into the exposed collagen RUd group did not show any influence of the thermocycling on the
layer [4]. However, for RelyX U200 a new rheology modifier to adhesive performance, which points out for the possible benefits
reduce the viscosity was added to the mixture and the processing of the NaOCl pre-treatment when using the self-adhesive cement
of its filler particles was optimized as advocated by the manu- RelyX U200.
facturer. The new rheology may have facilitated the penetration of It is important to point out that the NaOCl treatment makes the
the cement into the porosities and lateral branches created by technique less sensitive once there is no collagen on the dentin
NaOCl on the dentin, promoting a more intimate contact between surface and it eliminates the critical clinical step of controlling the
the self-adhesive cement and the substrate. amount of dentin moisture before adhesive application. We
The highest percentage of cohesive failures within resin cement highlight to the importance of it when cementing fibers post
for RelyX U200 groups suggests the bond strength of the cement/ considering that is even more difficult to control the dentin
dentin interface exceeded the cohesive strength of the cement moisture in the root canal.
pointing out for an improvement of the chemical reaction with Taking in account all the criteria evaluated, the dentin depro-
hydroxyapatite and better penetration of resin monomers into the teinization had the most positive impact for the self-adhesive
deproteinized substrate. When using RelyX ARC, failures involving
cement. If the improvement of the longevity and effectiveness of
the hybrid layer (mixed) were predominant suggesting frailty of
the adhesion is demonstrated in clinical investigations, the addi-
the adhesive interface. The absence of cohesive failures within
tion of this clinical step in restorative practice could be justified.
dentin suggests that this substrate did not become weaker after
In conclusion, the deproteinization improved bond strength for
both resin cements to dentin for initial test, but after thermo-
The lower bond strength results and higher nanoleakage pat-
cycling aging the preservation dentin–cement interface occurred
tern obtained by RAd group compared to RUd group in the initial
only when the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX U200 was used.
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