Portfolio Rubric

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Portfolio Grading Rubric

Evaluation Criteria – Include this page in your portfolio. Automatic 10 point deduction if it is missing.
You will complete the assignment on Weebly.com or another online portfolio source. Submit your rubric
with the link to your portfolio page. You will be including many of the assignments that you have
already finished this semester. 5% deduction for each day late.
Sections Content Points Earned
A. Job Search Cover Letter 25
. Resume 25
Reference Letter and/or List 5
B. Professional 1. Personal Philosophy of Nursing (see Appendix C 70
Development guidelines)
Plan 2. Tell me about yourself, your strengths, & areas in 10
which you need to improve (one-page narrative
3. Career Goals (separate page)
a. 3 Short-Term Goals (0-3 yrs.)
b. 3 Long Term Goals (3-10 yrs)
c. Realistic Plan & Timeframe (paragraph form)
C. Member of a 1. CEUs: Include the following: 15
Profession !! How many does your state require
!! Where you can find them (2 sites)
!! Certificate of completion of 1 CEU
2. Name & Address of your State Senator and 5
3. Copy of Nurse Practice Act of state in which you 5
plan to obtain licensure. Relevant to BSN RN.

D. Supplemental 1. Sample Copy of a Formal Paper (demonstration of 10

Material critical thinking & scholarly writing) and a reflection
2. Documentation of Awards, clubs, organizations, 5
certification (CPR), immunization records, etc.
3. Incorporate student self-assessment of BSN Student
Learning Outcomes.
a. List each of the five PLOs separately
b. For each PLO, describe courses and coursework
that helped you to meet each outcome. Upload
coursework documents to support your
c. Use the Likert scale in Appendix J to rate how
well you believe you met the outcome.
Upload all to portfolio
E. Presentation Submit on Weebly.com or another online portfolio site. 15
Follows directions above for submission.
Score Total Points: 240

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