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The Complete Guide to Relieving

Cancer Pain and Suffering

Information in this book is not intended to be, and is not, a substitute for direct med-
ical or psychological care based on your individual condition and circumstances.
Please consult a mental health provider about your personal questions or concerns.
The Complete Guide
to Relieving Cancer
Pain and Suffering



Oxford New York

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Copyright © 2004 by Richard B. Patt and Susan S. Lang

Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.
198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016

Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The complete guide to relieving cancer pain and suffering / Richard B. Patt,
Susan S. Lang.—Rev. and expanded ed.
p. cm.
Previously published in 1994 under the title: You don't have to suffer;
Lang listed as the first author on t.p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-513501-6
1. Cancer pain.
I. Lang, Susan S.
II. Lang, Susan S. You don't have to suffer.
III. Title.
RC262.L27 2004
616.99'406—dc22 2003017317


Printed in the United States of America

on acid-free paper
To yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's cancer and pain patients, who
deserve the best. And to my mother and father, who always did their level
best: her passing humbled me and opened my heart to his love. And fi-
nally to my wife, Pauline, who means everything to me. R.B.P.

In loving memory of my mother, Beatrice Lang, and my in-laws, Jerry and

Mickey Schneider. They taught me invaluable lessons of life, love, and
death. S.S.L.
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Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
A Note for Chronic Pain Sufferers Who Don't Have Cancer xv


1 How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 3
2 Understanding Cancer and Pain 27
3 Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 54
4 On Being an Active Health Care Consumer 85


5 Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 97
6 Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 121
7 Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 135
8 Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and
Suffering 171
9 High-Tech Options 212


10 Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 231

viii Contents

11 Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 248

12 Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 279
13 Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special
Needs 306
14 Dealing with Feelings 318
15 If Death Approaches 345

Appendix 1: Where to Find More Information 365

Appendix 2: Common Drugs Used for Cancer Pain and

Foreign Names for the Drugs 379

Appendix 3: Detailed Relaxation Instructions 384

Appendix 4: Planning for Your Mental and Physical

Health Care and Treatment 389

Notes 406

Glossary 1: Pain and Cancer Terms 410

Glossary 2: Terms Associated with End-of-Life

Issues and Care 418

Selected Bibliography 421

Index 430

Tremendous strides have been made in the field of cancer pain and suffer-
ing since the first edition of our book one decade ago. Today almost every
state has a cancer pain initiative—coordinated efforts of health care pro-
fessionals to overcome barriers, promote education, disseminate accurate
information regarding pain control, and advocate for the removal of regu-
latory and legislative barriers to allow physicians to more appropriately
use pain control measures. In recent years numerous professional organi-
zations also have forged collaborations and have issued updated pain
guidelines and position papers that advocate the appropriate use of pain
control treatments. The U.S. Congress has declared the years 2001 through
2010 the Decade of Pain Control and Research to help promote greater
public and professional awareness of scientific, clinical, and personal is-
sues concerning pain and pain management. And in April 2003 the Na-
tional Pain Care Policy Act of 2003, H.R. 1863, was introduced into the
House of Representatives to provide important federal recognition of pain
as a priority health problem in the United States and to establish the Na-
tional Center for Pain and Palliative Care Research.
Although tremendous scientific, medical, and educational advances
have been made and public perceptions have changed, the undertreatment
of pain associated with cancer is still a major public health problem, ac-
cording to almost every professional society associated with cancer or pain.
Inadequate knowledge, inappropriate attitudes on the part of health care

x Preface

workers and families, fears and misconceptions about narcotic drugs and
the importance of pain relief for promoting health and well-being, a puni-
tive and complex drug regulatory system, and problems with insurance
reimbursement and drug delivery systems still abound.
As recently as 1998 researchers reported that more than a quarter of
cancer patients in daily pain did not receive pain relievers.1 When Kathleen
M. Foley, one of the nation's most highly regarded and outspoken cancer
pain experts from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Weill
Cornell Medical College, testified before the Senate Committee on the Ju-
diciary in 2000 on the state of pain relief in this country, she cited studies
indicating that 37 percent of children dying of cancer were undertreated
for pain; that although 40 percent of elderly cancer patients experience
pain, less than one-quarter receive any pain relief; and that of ten thou-
sand dying hospitalized patients, half suffered from significant unrelieved
pain in the last days of life.2
We write this book for families and loved ones, hospice workers, and
health care professionals, to help prevent this tragedy from recurring day
in and day out. In this second edition we totally update and revise all the
information on medications (including foreign medications) and medical
interventions to relieve pain and other kinds of suffering associated with
cancer, cancer treatment, and dying, as dozens of new medications and
techniques are now available. We also have significantly expanded the
sections on mind-body techniques, such as relaxation techniques, psycho-
therapy, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, and music therapy, among oth-
ers, since research has substantiated the powerful role that such strategies
can play not only in minimizing worry, pessimism, and depression but
also in helping to arrest or perhaps even reverse the disease process and
promote longevity.
This new edition also includes numerous forms that families can use
for documents such as living wills and health care proxies, and we pro-
vide detailed appendices to refer readers to dozens of other resources.
This book is intended to serve as a reference for families and health care
workers on how pain relievers work, what doctors need to know to do their
job best, how other kinds of medications or treatment can contribute to com-
fort, and how to relieve side effects and other distressing symptoms, in-
cluding depression and anxiety, all of which can contribute to the suffering
associated with cancer. We also offer many comfort care tips.
We recommend that readers who are new to the needs of cancer pa-
tients be sure to read Chapter 1 to understand the importance of treating
pain and why many doctors and other health care providers neglect to
treat it appropriately. Chapter 2 is background information about cancer
and pain, including types and causes of pain. Chapter 3 is critical to un-
Preface xi

derstanding how to describe different kinds of pain, learning how to make

the most of a pain assessment, and understanding the strategies doctors
use in treating cancer pain. Chapter 4 covers how to identify doctors who
use modern approaches to treating pain and how to be assertive in ensur-
ing that pain and suffering are being appropriately treated.
Chapters 5, 6, and 7 include detailed information about medications
typically used to treat pain and should be used as reference. Chapter 8
discusses why medications that aren't widely known as pain relievers are
often used in the treatment of cancer pain, and Chapter 9 is for reference,
explaining the various high-tech options used for pain that is not con-
trolled by conventional means.
Chapters 10 and 11 should be read carefully; they include many tips
on how to relieve suffering other than pain, including the side effects from
medications as well as treatments. Chapter 10 focuses on gastrointestinal
problems (such as nausea and constipation), and Chapter 11 covers all the
other symptoms that might arise. Chapter 12 covers nondrug approaches
to relieving suffering, including relaxation exercises, coping skills, bio-
feedback, and so on. Chapter 13 focuses on special cases, most notably
children, teens, and the elderly. Chapter 14 discusses the psychological
aspects of both the patient and the caregiver. And, finally, Chapter 15 cov-
ers the process of dying: how to provide comfort to the dying patient, and
coping tips for caregivers.
This book is not intended, however, to substitute for the care of a phy-
sician. We mean to educate and offer tips for comfort care, but not to pre-
scribe a treatment plan for any particular patient. Only qualified health
care providers are equipped to use the judgment required to treat a par-
ticular patient with a particular illness. This book is intended to serve as a
tool to foster open communication between the health care team and the
patient and family, and to foster self-education—not as a recommenda-
tion or prescription for any particular treatment.
We hope that our use of pronouns and references to family members
and loved ones will not offend anyone. For simplicity's sake we use mas-
culine pronouns, although obviously there are many female physicians
and many female patients. Likewise, we often refer to family members as
synonymous with caregivers. There are, of course, many nontraditional
family units and loving primary caregivers who are not family members.
The dark ages of cancer pain are behind us. You might say we are now
striving for a new era, an era of enlightenment when it comes to attending
to the pain and suffering of cancer. We now have the means to relieve
most pain in almost all patients. Now we just need the appropriate use of
the arsenal of pain treatment options available to us so that no one suffers
needlessly. Patients with cancer and their families and friends need to know
xii Preface

that much of the pain and suffering of living with cancer can be success-
fully treated.
Finally, there is the last frontier: the countless patients without cancer
who suffer from undertreated chronic pain that will persist for years to
come. Much of what we have learned about cancer pain can be and is
being applied in large populations of cancer survivors and patients with
other illnesses. Over the next decade we look forward to better distin-
guishing what aspects of cancer pain control can be safely applied to these
other groups.
Richard B. Patt, M.D., and Susan S. Lang

Humble thanks to my coauthor, Susan Lang, a true professional, for her

patience, understanding, and hard work, and to our editor, Joan Bossert,
for her continued support and confidence. R.B.P.

Endless thanks to my father, Solon J. Lang, for his love and hard work,
which gave me opportunity; to my husband, Tom Schneider, for his pa-
tience and abiding love and support; and to our daughter, Julia. And with-
out the continued support of our editor, Joan Bossert, we never could have
done it. S.S.L.

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A Note for Chronic Pain Sufferers
Who Don't Have Cancer

Although this book is about the pain and symptoms associated with can-
cer, much of the information presented is surprisingly relevant to people
who don't have cancer but who suffer from unrelenting or progressive
chronic pain. These materials include Chapters 3 and 4 on assessing pain
and being an active health-care consumer, all of Part II that details medi-
cation use and much of Part III, including Chapter 12 on mind-body ap-
proaches to easing pain.
Just as cancer pain is still often severely undertreated, so too is chronic
non-cancer pain that accompanies trauma, degenerative, infectious dis-
eases, and other medical disorders as well as chronic pain that simply
cannot be explained. Sufferers are commonly disbelieved and untreated,
leaving them feeling ridiculed, humiliated, depressed, and even suicidal.
Often amplified by the absence of the drama associated with cancer, the
barriers to good pain management (Chapters 1 and 2) are largely the same
for chronic pain. Below are some of the barriers that both patients with
chronic pain and cancer pain experience in trying to obtain satisfactory
pain treatment.

• Fears of addiction that are not based on scientific evidence but on

anecdote or personal experience, outdated myths, and social con-
ventions. Using opioids to treat pain does not transform people
who were not inclined to become addicted into drug abusers. No

xvi A Note for Chronic Pain Sufferers Who Don't Have Cancer

drug is so potent that the values, behaviors, and sense of what is

meaningful, which have been established over decades, suddenly
erode. In fact, far less than 1 percent of patients become addicted
to even the strongest medications when they are prescribed un-
der close supervision for pain. Although the use of opioids has
jumped more than 1,000 percent in the last decade, there has been
no corresponding increase in the incidence of drug abuse.
• Medical education about pain control remains grossly inadequate.
• Although we are still unable to cure many serious medical disor-
ders, the treatment of symptoms, including pain, is almost always
an afterthought, if it is considered at all, preventing untold num-
bers from living fully with their disease and maintaining dignity
and their best functional status.
• Inaccurate assumptions persist that the use of opioids for chronic
pain might mask or hide important clinical findings. In fact, when
pain is relieved, people remain articulate and can usually describe
their problems much more accurately.
• A lack of understanding persists that patients in pain who take
opioids are dependent on those medications for quality of life,
just as diabetics are dependent on insulin. This does not consti-
tute addiction.
• Fears of legal reprisals inhibit physicians from prescribing opio-
ids as often as they should and in appropriate doses.
• Most doctors lack the skills, experience, and confidence needed
to establish pain management strategies and address patients'
• Both cancer and chronic pain can be complex and difficult to con-
trol; a pre-packaged set of recommendations will not produce con-
sistent results. Good pain treatment often requires time-consuming
adjustments and consultations.
• Patients who do not receive adequate relief from medications need
to pursue other avenues, such as nerve blocks, implantable pumps,
physical therapy, behavioral interventions, and vocational evalu-
ation and training; these treatments usually involve the coordi-
nated interaction of multiple specialists.

Just as with cancer, even when a cure is not achieved for the underly-
ing disorder, that's no reason why aggressive treatment should not be
sought to relieve pain and suffering and improve physical and mental
A Note for Chronic Pain Sufferers Who Don't Have Cancer xvii

Chronic pain sufferers can glean a lot of other useful information from
this book. Whether you have cancer pain or chronic pain due to an injury
or an ongoing medical disorder, in this day and age you should be able to
obtain adequate control of pain. If chronic pain is severe, chances are it
interferes with sleep, nutrition, concentration, energy levels, mental health,
sexual function, and social relationships. Chronic pain compromises quality
of life. Just as with cancer pain, don't accept it. Below are some of the
features common to both chronic and cancer pain that the informed pa-
tient should be aware of and which should be addressed by treatment.

• The need for a comprehensive pain assessment at the start of treat-

ment (Chapter 3), familiarity with pain rating scales (Chapter 3) and
the importance of being an active health care consumer (Chapter 4).
• The need to be knowledgeable and prepared to discuss pain rather
than be stoic and silent. Recognize that pain is hazardous to health
and is best addressed early on (Chapters 1-3).
• The need to find physicians who will not ignore pain but will pre-
scribe opioids when appropriate.
• The willingness to take the extra time to explore the use of adju-
vant analgesics, medications originally developed for purposes
other than pain relief which may relieve certain types of pain
(Chapter 8).
• The need to understand that achieving good pain control is a pro-
cess that usually requires some time to establish, after which peri-
odic adjustments are frequently needed. Some patients will benefit
from an interdisciplinary approach (Chapter 3).
• Recognition of the trial and error strategy employed by most phy-
sicians treating pain (Chapter 3).
• Although efforts may be made to make only one or two changes
at once, many patients benefit from simultaneous treatment with
multiple medications, each of which is adjusted to achieve the right
dose of the right drug in the right patient at the right time (all of
Part II).
• Understanding how to balance a medication's relative effective-
ness versus its side effects against the medication's expected ac-
tions over time (all of Part II).
• Awareness of the World Health Organization three-step analgesic
ladder (Chapter 3).
• Understanding the desirability of achieving basal pain relief with
long-acting medications administered on an "around-the-clock"
xviii A Note for Chronic Pain Sufferers Who Don't Have Cancer

schedule and the role of short-acting "as needed" medications for

acute or breakthrough pain. Carefully selecting the route by which
analgesics are administered, despite the perception that injected
drugs are better (Chapters 2 and 3).
• Although using opioids for chronic pain is controversial, in many
cases it is appropriate and patients on such medications should
be carefully monitored to manage adverse side effects (constipa-
tion, sedation, rebound pain, and cognitive impairments) and to
chart progress (Chapters 6 and 7).
• Understanding the differences among tolerance, dependence, ad-
diction, and pseudoaddiction (Chapter 1).
• The beneficial effects of behavioral, nondrug approaches, includ-
ing relaxation, cognitive therapy techniques, acupuncture, hyp-
nosis, biofeedback, focused breathing, imagery, distraction, skin
stimulation and massage, herbal remedies, and more (Chapter 12).
• For intractable pain, the possible need for a high-tech option, such
as nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, trigger-point injection,
implantable epidural and intrathecal drug pumps, and spinal cord
stimulation may be necessary and consultation with a pain spe-
cialist necessary (Chapter 9).

And, of course, the goal of good cancer pain management is the same
as good management of non-cancer chronic pain: improved quality of life.
Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself.
—Albert Schweitzer
How Cancer Pain Undermines
Health and Treatment

To be struck with cancer, or to have a loved one afflicted with cancer, is

one of the most frightening events imaginable. To endure the dehumaniz-
ing pain of cancer without relief is overwhelming. To helplessly witness
that anguish in a loved one is heartbreaking. To discover later, however,
that the suffering might have been prevented is perhaps the worst of all.
Uppermost in the minds of many cancer victims are fears and anxiety
about pain. We are now finally entering an era in which these fears may
finally be put to rest. Today we are equipped with a modern arsenal of
drugs and techniques capable of eradicating cancer pain in most cases.
Around the country, in doctors' offices and pain clinics, many patients are
successfully being properly treated and relieved of most of the suffering
from cancer and cancer treatment. Yet, tragically, many cancer patients
are not appropriately treated for pain and side effects; too many people
are unaware that modern approaches to treating pain are almost always

Cancer Pain Is Needless, Yet Undertreated

Far too many physicians overlook and undertreat cancer pain, often be-
cause they are misinformed or fearful of reprimands for prescribing pow-
erful painkillers. As a result, pain treatment methods that are relatively

4 Cancer and Its Pain

simple to use are still not adequately applied. Although this situation is
improving daily, needed changes still come too late for many. Each minute
of every day, people are dying of cancer and suffering needless pain in
hospitals and clinics around the world. Many cancer patients try to keep a
stiff upper lip; they bear an enormous physical and psychological burden,
not realizing that everyone around them bears that burden too. Cancer
patients don't suffer in isolation; their family, friends, and other caregivers
who helplessly bear witness suffer along with them. Patients with cancer
and their families and friends need to know that much of this pain is un-
necessary and that they can take a proactive approach to make sure that
they or their loved ones don't suffer needlessly.
Patients, families, and friends have a job to do: educating and assert-
ing themselves. Armed with the facts presented here, they can learn to
overcome their fears about the use of narcotic medications (also called
opiates or opioids), ask for additional help when pain persists, and, ulti-
mately, learn to adopt strategies that help doctors take full advantage of
available resources to fight cancer pain. The bottom line: you never need
to give up or assume that little can be done to ease the pain and suffering
of cancer.

How Pain Is Harmful—Even Hazardous—to Health

There is no benefit from enduring cancer pain. Pain relief is of the utmost
importance, not only for humanitarian reasons but also for medical rea-
sons. Pain is harmful and debilitating. It interferes with eating, sleeping,
mood, and maintaining a strong fighting spirit, which are all vital, espe-
cially in times of stress. It robs people of the energy needed to fight illness and
hinders their ability to tolerate demanding cancer treatments—treatments that
can affect their outcome. Pain also makes people irritable, anxious, fearful,
angry, depressed, and sometimes even suicidal. In fact, pain is one of the
major reasons why patients request physician-assisted suicide. Cancer pa-
tients in pain are twice as likely to be depressed, anxious, or have a panic
disorder compared to those without pain. Pain also compromises general
well-being, interfering with work, social relationships, recreational inter-
ests, mobility, and even the ability to take care of oneself, which in turn
affects self-esteem, body image, and feelings of competence and control.
Perhaps most important, experts are finding that persistent pain can
weaken or inhibit the immune system and may even influence tumor
growth and the risk of death. Animal experiments have shown, for ex-
ample, that the tumors in rats with pain that was not treated with mor-
phine grew much faster than the tumors of rats that received morphine.
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 5

And a Johns Hopkins Hospital study showed that patients with pancre-
atic cancer whose pain was aggressively treated with a nerve block (which
blocked pain signals) not only had less pain, used less medication, and
were much more functional, but also lived considerably longer than the
group receiving a placebo.1
Moreover, patients with pain are ranked lower on performance status
(how well they function and get around), making them less likely to be
candidates for experimental procedures or therapies.
Pain must no longer be regarded as just a side effect of cancer. Rather,
it is a legitimate health problem that is part of the disease process and
warrants ongoing treatment that is as aggressive as treatment of the tu-
mor itself. You usually have only one chance to mount the most effective
possible fight against cancer, and for the best chances of success, pain must
be treated early and aggressively.

Most Families Will Be Affected

Despite the millions of dollars spent on research in the quest for a cure,
each year 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer worldwide, includ-
ing 1.3 million Americans, and 6 million will die from it.2

The second most common cause of death in the United States, cancer kills one in
every four Americans, accounting for more than half a million cancer deaths each
year; that's fifteen hundred a day, or more than one cancer death every minute.
American Cancer Society, Cancer facfs and Figures, 2003.

Men have a little less than a 1 in 2 lifetime risk and women have a
little more than a 1 in 3 lifetime risk of developing cancer.3 More than 85
million Americans living today will develop cancer.4 The disease costs this
country some $171.6 billion a year.5
When a person is first diagnosed with cancer, the first two questions
that typically come to mind are "Am I going to die?" and "Will I be in
pain?" But studies show that people think cancer is more painful than it
really is. Granted, pain is one of the most common symptoms of cancer—
about one-third of those in its early stages and up to 90 percent of those
with advanced cancer will have pain that is severe enough to warrant
treatment with strong pain medications. On any given day, about half of
cancer patients experience pain; about one-third report moderate to se-
vere pain.
6 Cancer and Its Pain

Yet up to 40 percent of cancer patients receive inadequate relief.6 Studies

published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and elsewhere
document that that one-fourth of U.S. cancer patients with daily pain re-
ceive no pain medication, and that up to half of dying hospitalized pa-
tients experience significant pain in their final days.7 Elderly cancer patients
are 40 percent more likely to be treated inadequately for pain; although
almost 40 percent of the elderly in nursing homes report daily pain, only
one-quarter receive pain medication.8 Thirty-seven percent of children with
cancer die suffering from undertreated pain.9 Minorities and women are
particularly vulnerable; studies show their cancer pain is much more likely
to be ignored or sorely undertreated.10
Despite twenty-first-century technology and medical advances that
offer a high quality of life despite cancer, up to 60 to 90 percent of those
with cancer pain suffer unnecessarily—as many as 3.5 million people
around the world every day.11
The World Health Organization, one of the strongest proponents of
treating cancer pain aggressively, asserts: "Freedom from pain should be-
come the right of every cancer victim, and access to pain therapy is a mea-
sure of respect for this right."12

"You have a right to request pain relief. In fact, telling the doctor or nurse about pain
is what all patients should do. The sooner you speak up, the better. It's often easier
to control pain in its early stages, before it becomes severe."
Source: National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute,
"Get Relief from Cancer Pain," http;//oesi,nci.nih,gov/RELIEF/RELIEF_MAIN.htm

In recent years, the American Academy of Pain Medicine, American

Pain Society, American Cancer Society, National Comprehensive Cancer
Network, American Society of Addiction Medicine, Drug Enforcement
Administration, and many more authorities have issued consensus state-
ments acknowledging that although preventing drug abuse is important,
it is unrelated to and should have nothing to do with the aggressive treat-
ment of cancer pain (and other chronic pain) with opioids. Ten years ago,
the state of Wisconsin took the lead with its Wisconsin Cancer Pain Initia-
tive; today every state participates in the American Alliance of Cancer
Pain Initiatives, a national network of efforts to raise awareness of the
proper use of pain control treatment (www.aacpi.org).
In 1989 the first Intractable Pain Act was passed in Texas to make sure
that no Texan requiring narcotics for pain relief, for whatever reason, was
denied them because of a physician's real or perceived fear of disciplinary
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 7

measures for prescribing opioids. Many states have followed suit. Today,
the U.S. Congress has declared the years 2001 through 2010 the Decade of
Pain Control and Research to help promote greater public and professional
awareness of scientific, clinical, and personal issues concerning pain and
pain management. And in April 2003 a bill was introduced into the House
of Representatives (H.R. 1863, the National Pain Care Policy Act of 2003)
to provide important federal recognition of pain as a priority health prob-
lem in the United States and to establish the National Center for Pain and
Palliative Care Research.
There is simply no reason for patients with cancer to feel they must
endure pain as part of their disease.

Why So Many Still Suffer

About 85 percent of the time, cancer's agony can be treated with relatively
simple measures, such as analgesics (painkillers such as morphine and
other opioids) or other simple medication-based treatments that have been
in use for years and require only a doctor's prescription. For the remain-
ing 15 percent, the pain can be relieved in almost all cases with more com-
plex treatments that have developed in the burgeoning new medical
subspecialty of cancer pain management.
Despite the sophisticated, technically advanced health care available
in the United States, many Americans wish for death simply because they
hurt too much, with no promise of relief. These appalling conditions per-
sist because myths, misinformation, and biases about narcotic use abound
despite massive educational efforts by public health experts, including
U.S. government and scientific agencies.
On one hand, patients think they shouldn't complain; on the other,
doctors and nurses don't always take complaints seriously. Fears about
narcotics, street abuse of drugs, and confusing regulations inhibit doctors
from prescribing adequate doses of painkillers and patients from using
them when they are needed. How puzzling it is that U.S. scientists must
file intricate forms to ensure the comfort of laboratory animals while no
such guarantees exist for humans with life-threatening illnesses.

How Fears of Narcotics and Addiction

Undermine Pain Treatment
Advocating for more responsible control of cancer pain is not the same as
minimizing the dangers of drug abuse. Experts stress that these two is-
sues are unrelated, except that exaggerated concerns about drug abuse
8 Cancer and Its Pain

makes cancer patients innocent victims of the war on drugs. More appro-
priate than the "Just say no" slogan would be "Just say no to drugs . . .
unless prescribed by your physician for a legitimate medical disorder." Cancer
pain often calls for the appropriate use of painkillers such as morphine.
Until our culture distinguishes between legitimate and illicit uses of nar-
cotics, many doctors will continue to be reluctant to prescribe these medi-
cations adequately and many patients will be reluctant to take them even
when prescribed.
In fact, today's doctors do prescribe strong opioids more than ever, yet
reports of abuse have actually fallen. In an article published in 2000 in the
Journal of the American Medical Association, one of our most prestigious jour-
nals, researchers point out that between 1990 and 1996 medical prescrip-
tions for treatment with the opioids hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone,
and morphine increased by 19 percent, 1,168 percent, 23 percent, and 59
percent, respectively, while reports of abuse of the first three of these drugs
actually fell by 15 percent, 59 percent, and 29 percent, respectively, and for
morphine rose by just 3 percent.13 Certainly some drugs intended for medi-
cal treatment are still diverted and abused, but compared with other drugs
of abuse, improper use of prescription medications is quite low.
Clinical experience also indicates that the risk of addiction is minute
when narcotics are used in a medical setting to treat pain associated with
cancer, burns, or surgery. "Addiction is essentially not a problem in cancer
patients; it is extraordinarily rare that cancer patients will become addicted
to [opioids] even if they're used extensively," says Robert C. Young, M.D.,
president of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and president of
the American Cancer Society. "One study showed that of over 11,000 pa-
tients treated for pain relief, only 4 patients [developed] . . . an addictive
pattern . . . ; the second study showed that in 550 patients treated more
than 40 days with [opioids] for pain management, there was not a single
addiction among them; in practical terms, it's simply not a problem."14
Recent publicity about the misuse of the opioid OxyContin has added
fuel to the fears about opioid use for cancer pain. Misuse of OxyContin
and other drugs has skewed people's perceptions about these drugs when,
in fact, the vast majority of people who are prescribed these medications
by their doctors will not become addicted. Proper, routine oral use of
OxyContin and other opioids does not produce a high or rush, which is
why addicts who seek these feelings will crush and then sniff or inject the
pills rather than swallow them, as patients seeking pain relief do. (Soon
new formulations of OxyContin should reduce the risks of street abuse.)
The drug abuse problem will not be solved by reducing access to drugs
that are helpful for the vast majority of cancer pain sufferers, since those
who are addiction-prone will just seek other accessible drugs.
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 9

If the unfounded fears about the use of narcotics were dispelled,

chances are that Jack Kevorkian's assisted-suicide movement and the eu-
thanasia movement would fizzle out. The same drugs that destroy lives
and families when they are abused can restore the lives and families of
cancer patients when they are used properly, because they allow a return
to a more active lifestyle that combats depression by promoting a greater
capacity to fight disease and preserve quality of life.

Confusion Over Addiction, Physical Dependence,

Tolerance, Withdrawal, and Pseudoaddiction
One of the major roots of the cancer pain problem is that far too many
people, including many health care professionals, confuse addiction with
physical dependence and other terms and hold outdated fears and unscien-
tific ideas about the safety of opioids, which in some settings are actually
safer than aspirin and acetaminophen (Tylenol). To dispel unfounded fears
and promote the proper and appropriate use of cancer pain medications,
it is critical that the terms addiction, physical dependence, tolerance, pseudo-
addiction, and withdrawal be distinguished from each other.
Addiction is psychological dependence—a chronic neurobiological dis-
ease characterized by not being able to control drug use, craving and com-
pulsively using drugs for nonmedical reasons, or continuing to use drugs
despite harm. The need to obtain and use drugs completely controls the
addict's life despite the presence or threat of physiological or psychologi-
cal harm. As addict lose control over their drug use, they typically become
increasingly less functional and more socially isolated. Addiction is ex-
tremely rare among cancer patients. Already fighting for their lives, can-
cer patients characteristically resent any additional threat to their fragile
control and try to avoid drugs, often excessively, even when their use would
help restore normal function.
Physical dependence refers to feeling sick and appearing ill when a drug
that has been used consistently is abruptly stopped, when the dosage is
dramatically reduced, or if a drug reversal agent or antagonist is adminis-
tered. In contrast to addiction, which is rare in cancer patients, physical
dependence is expected and usually inevitable, regardless of a person's
character, values, or background, with the regular use of an opioid. Un-
like addiction, which is psychological and behavioral, physical dependence
is a biological response that is neither harmful nor dangerous, as long as it
is recognized and managed properly. It is the natural result of the body
growing accustomed to a medication (a process that also occurs with
nonopioid drugs) and need not be feared. The development of physical
Sorting Out the Terms

Tolerance Physical Dependence Addiction

Almost always Almost always occurs Rarely occurs in patients with pain
occurs with with repeated use
repeated use

Body adapts to the Body adapts to taking A chronic neurobiological disease

effects of the drug the drug and so may characterized by craving, inability to take
over time (effect of develop withdrawal the drug according to appropriate
the drug on breath- (abstinence) symptoms schedule, compulsive use of the drug,
ing, nausea, and to (much like the flu) if and/or continued use despite harm
a lesser extent pain medication is abruptly
becomes milder interrupted or dose
over time) largely reduced

Presents an ex- Presents an extremely Creates an obsession with getting and

tremely low risk low risk of developing using a drug for nonmedical reasons;
of developing addiction (psychologi- addicted people may report stolen/lost
addiction (psycho- cal dependence) prescriptions, change doctors frequently,
logical dependence) and/or also use nonprescribed psychoac-
tive drugs

Drug is used only Drug is used only to Drug is sought to get high, boost mood,
to relieve pain and relieve pain and usually escape from reality, reduce anxiety, and/or
usually does not does not cause a high become sedated; drug may be used in
cause a high different ways, such as injecting diluted
drug or sniffing crushed tablets

Higher doses may Withdrawal symptoms Desire for drug stems from psychological
be needed to may occur when drug is needs and choices (possibly from a
maintain same stopped but cease when genetic predisposition) and is not affected
painkilling effect drug use is restarted, by risk to economic, social, and physical
even in lower-than- well-being
usual doses; symptoms
can be avoided if
medication is tapered in
gradually lowered doses

Drug use can help Drug use can help Instead of restoring normal function, drug
restore normal restore normal function use increases isolation and moves patient
function further from the mainstream of society
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 11

dependence shouldn't interfere with pain control, since any symptoms of

withdrawal (also known as abstinence syndrome) that occur once the drug
is stopped can be entirely avoided by reducing the dose gradually. The
cultural stigma of drug use is so strong that many cancer patients are anx-
ious to be drug-free once painkillers are no longer needed and so discon-
tinue pain medications more rapidly than is advisable. Be sure to consult
a physician before discontinuing such medications.
Tolerance refers to the body's adaptation to a drug's effects over time,
including respiratory depression (slowed breathing), nausea, and pain
relief. Larger doses of a medication may be needed over time to achieve
the same effect. Tolerance is expected with the chronic use of some medi-
cations and is totally unrelated to addiction. Tolerance shouldn't interfere
with good pain control.
One benefit of tolerance is that when higher doses are needed, the in-
crease is usually safe. Since there is no limit to how much tolerance may
develop, there's no reason to worry about using pain medications early in
an illness. Opioids can cause respiratory depression in those who are "opioid-
naive" or unaccustomed to the use of strong pain medications, but fortu-
nately this is one of the first effects for which tolerance develops. As long as
opioids are started in low doses, they can later be adjusted upward so safely
that even accidental overdoses are usually well tolerated. Constipation is
the only side effect for which tolerance fails to develop, and it can be easily
treated with activity, diet, and the prescribed use of mild laxatives.
The problems caused by our undertreatment of pain are so rampant
that a new term, pseudoaddiction, has been coined to describe the misinter-
preted behavior of patients who, when undertreated, understandably con-
tinue to seek needed relief. Well-meaning physicians who underprescribe
because of exaggerated fears of addiction create a self-fulfilling prophecy,
forcing patients with unrelieved pain to seek comfort by whatever means
are necessary. But in such cases patients are craving pain relief rather than
drugs per se. The term pseudoaddiction is unfortunate, since it implies that
the patient is at fault, when in fact it is tightfisted prescribing and the
system's failure to identify and adequately treat pain that forces patients
to doctor-shop and hoard drugs.
The fear of opioid addiction is so powerful that institutional barriers
intended to prevent addiction serve only to interfere with legitimate pain
relief. These draconian measures may have seemed justified in the days
when the medical use of opioids was thought to carry a significant risk of
addiction, but in light of current knowledge, we see that such measures
only prolong suffering.
Irrational fears of addiction plague patients and their loved ones as
well. Patients may be reluctant to comply with their doctor's instructions,
12 Cancer and Its Pain

especially if they detect any mixed messages sent by poorly informed health
care professionals or family members about the dangers of pain medica-
tions. Parents are especially concerned that children and teens who have
cancer will grow up to be addicts if they take pain medication. In fact,
when parents of children dying with cancer were asked about their major
concern regarding narcotics, many reported fear that their child would
grow up to be an addict, even though the families were grappling with a
life-threatening illness that was causing treatable pain.
Simple exposure to a powerful drug won't change the values and be-
haviors a person has developed over a lifetime. Besides, for addiction to
take root, some reward or high must become so desirable that one craves
it again and again, no matter what the cost. We now recognize that in-
stead of the euphoria that addicts experience with drug use, patients with
pain feel dysphoria, an unpleasant sensation of being a bit groggy, "off,"
or just not quite themselves. When someone is already experiencing a dis-
ease such as cancer, which robs life of its normalcy, the last thing he wants
is more loss of control; as a result, cancer patients usually shun taking
more drugs than are needed to control their pain.
Many patients, during and after their cancer treatment, will need daily
medication for pain. The focus is on monitoring and managing cancer pain
with chronic use of medications. Just as we don't accuse people with dia-
betes or hypertension of being addicted to the medications they take daily,
neither should cancer patients and survivors be stigmatized or humili-
ated for seeking relief.

Cultural Barriers to Pain Management

Undertreatment of cancer pain also is perpetuated by the common belief
that the ability to endure pain is a virtue and reflects a strong character. Our
culture depicts heroes as able to withstand great pain without flinching or
complaining. These images imply that the old stiff-upper-lip syndrome—
remaining stoic, refusing to complain—is somehow good for you. Others
who feel this way, including some doctors and even families, regrettably
may feel obligated to "build the character" of the patient by withholding
adequate pain relief.
The other side of the coin is patients who don't seek relief for their
pain because they "don't want to be a bother" or they fear they will be
perceived as being weak-willed or of weak character. When it comes to a
fight for one's life, it is not always virtuous to be the "good patient," since
we all know that it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Because doc-
tors' and nurses' time is limited, they will naturally spend more time with
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 13

those who express their concerns and problems, which may mean less
time for those who are hesitant to ask for pain relief. A patient can't be
helped if the care providers don't know that a problem exists. Cancer treat-
ment is not like grade school: there's no gold star for quietly suffering or
waiting an extra hour before the next pain pill.
In truth, trying to keep a stiff upper lip ultimately appears to do more
harm than good. Even the bravest soul can remain stoic in the face of re-
lentless pain only so long. Continued denial eventually crumbles, leading
to a loss of self-esteem. And the longer that adequate pain relief is de-
layed, the more likely it is that a syndrome of anticipation and memory of
pain will develop: the trauma of unrelieved pain is so grueling that even
when the pain is not so bad, the patient remains fearful that his nemesis is
just around the corner. Work with children who need repeated painful
injections has shown that if the first treatment can be achieved relatively
painlessly, repeated treatments are much less traumatic. Conversely, if
children learn that something hurts, they will go to almost any lengths to
avoid repetition.
Our culture also tends to compartmentalize the mind and body, and
views pain as separate from the disease. These Western medical notions
may interfere with treating the pain as an integral part of treating the dis-
ease and, ultimately, of treating the whole person. Professionals who still
regard pain management as a stepchild of medicine do not focus on pain
problems unless forced to, failing to recognize how important symptom
control is to cancer treatment and quality of life.

Training of Doctors and Nurses

Although many patients are undermedicated for cancer-related pain, it is

by no means because doctors are incompetent or uncaring; rather, they
are uninformed. Pain medication is improperly used or underused be-
cause medical education mostly focuses on disease and its treatment and
not on symptom control. Student doctors are usually taught how to treat
short-term or acute pain from surgery or trauma, but most do not learn
how to properly use painkillers such as morphine, the cornerstone of can-
cer pain treatment, for chronic pain. Relatively few schools adequately
teach the principles of opioid use and other cancer pain treatments.
Various surveys reveal that more medical residents fail the on surveys
regarding cancer pain than pass, and that doctors still fail to follow basic
principles of treating cancer pain such as around-the-clock scheduling, in-
appropriately using meperidine (Demerol), and failing to take advantage
of skin patches, pumps, and other new ways of administering relief.
14 Cancer and Its Pain

Too Many Believe Options Will Run Out

Starting an opioid does not mean the "beginning of the end" or that ag-
gressive treatments will no longer be pursued. The truth is that patients
may need painkillers to resume a normal life during treatment. Then there
is what some call the money-in-the-bank syndrome, which refers to the
mistaken concern that there is only so much pain relief available, and if it
is used too soon, it won't be available later. Patients fear that if they start
taking narcotics too early, the drugs won't be as effective later, when they
are "really" needed. Yet pain can be controlled both early in the disease as
well as later, if it progresses. Nevertheless, about half of patients do not
follow their doctors' orders when it comes to taking pain medication be-
cause of unfounded fears about opioids.

Doses May Vary Widely

Another problem that contributes to inadequate treatment of cancer pain
is that prescribing strong painkillers, while still a science, is often an inex-
act one, and frequently requires educated trial and error. Determining the
correct drug and dose for a particular patient can be difficult and time-
consuming; it often requires well-thought-out trial and error until most of
the pain is relieved with few side effects. That's because pain, pain thresh-
olds, and a person's response and tolerance to medications vary widely,
even in patients with the same kind of cancer. Also, pain cannot really be
measured objectively, so proper treatment requires good communication
between patient and doctor. Patients must feel comfortable discussing their
discomfort, and doctors must trust their patients' report of pain.
Doctors can't know in advance which medication in what dose will
be best tolerated by a given patient, so careful observation and a willing-
ness to try different options are needed. Making the challenge even more
complex is the fact that what relieves the pain today may not be adequate
tomorrow, either because the disease has progressed or because the per-
son has developed a tolerance to the medication. Every patient is differ-
ent: one person will stay on the same dose for years, while another may
need adjustments weekly.

Narcotic Doses and Tolerance Have No Upper Limit

Unfortunately, many health care professionals fail to understand that
opioid medications such as morphine have no "ceiling effect" or upper
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 15

limit as tolerance develops or pain intensifies. Although customary or stan-

dard doses of narcotics are published in older medical texts, these are based
on the needs of patients taking opioids for the first time for acute pain
(like labor pain or pain after surgery), not for the ongoing treatment of
cancer-related chronic pain. While a typical starting dose of oral morphine
may be as little as 20 to 30 milligrams (mg) every four hours (or 8 to 10 mg
intravenously), some patients need and remain more functional on the
equivalent of up to 35,000 mg a day. So treating pain requires good judg-
ment and regular adjustments, rather than a cookbook approach such as
that for treating infection, which usually responds to standardized doses.
Hitting the moving target of cancer pain is harder and requires regular
assessments and good communication.
With all of our contemporary medical advances, there is still no blood
test or X-ray to detect how "real" pain is or how much pain exists. Going
by the patient's report is still the best approach. While this is almost al-
ways reliable, doctors are used to trusting objective laboratory or radio-
logical tests, especially when the fast-paced tempo of today's medical
practice doesn't allow for the familiarity and trust engendered by contact
with yesteryear's family doctor. As discussed in Chapter 4, patients and
their families can do a lot to help doctors be more effective and comfort-
able in treating their pain by keeping diaries and pain scores.

Undermedication Is the Norm

Since many doctors still undermedicate cancer pain, they compound the
error by teaching young doctors to do the same. And other doctors feel
pressured to adhere to the norm of low doses set by their colleagues.
Even when an adequate range of doses is prescribed, some studies of
postoperative pain show that most patients still only receive as little as
one-quarter of the prescribed amount. In hospitals, it is nurses who usu-
ally dispense medications, and many nurses have their own misconcep-
tions about what are safe and proper doses. So despite good intentions,
the tendency to underdispense often wins out.
Yet the times are changing: in 2001, a San Francisco doctor was suc-
cessfully sued for $1.5 million for giving inadequate amounts of pain medi-
cation to a dying cancer patient.

Misinformation About Breathing Problems

One of the most persistent myths that interferes with the optimal use of
opioids is that these drugs are bad for breathing. Opioids do indeed slow
16 Cancer and Its Pain

breathing (a phenomenon known as respiratory depression), but this ef-

fect is gradual, controllable, and usually beneficial, as severe pain tends to
increase respiratory rate. Dangerous respiratory depression is almost al-
ways limited to patients who are not yet accustomed to regular treatment
with opioids, and then only when excessive doses are prescribed or are
combined with other depressant drugs. Respiratory depression is not a
serious risk when using low starting doses that are gradually adjusted
upward. Tolerance develops in just a few days, so the threat becomes less
and less of a problem. At somewhat increased risk for breathing problems
are those with sleep apnea (intermittent cessation of breathing during
sleep), the obese, and those using other depressant drugs, such as aggres-
sively administered sedatives. Yet even in these circumstances, opioids
can be used safely when steady doses are administered to counteract pain.
A relatively new finding that has revolutionized how doctors view
the relationship between opioid use and breathing is the recognition that
when opioids are properly used, they can actually improve the quality of
breathing, especially in the very ill. The proper use of morphine is now a
recognized treatment for shortness of breath and can improve breathing
problems, especially in those with rapid or painful breathing. When pa-
tients are undertreated for pain, especially in the chest area, their ability to
breathe deeply and cough is inhibited by their pain. The careful use of
opioids in this setting allows patients to breathe more efficiently and clear
their airways of excessive mucus. Also, rapid breathing is extremely inef-
ficient because it does not allow sufficient time for oxygen from the lungs
to get to the bloodstream. Shortness of breath can also trigger air hunger
and panic. The use of opioids may slow breathing sufficiently to improve
the efficiency of oxygen transport, thus easing panic and improving the
efficiency of respiration. Thus morphine and other opioids are increas-
ingly used in patients with breathing difficulties, even when pain is com-
pletely absent. Unfortunately, exaggerated concerns about respiratory
depression still sometimes keep ill-informed doctors from prescribing
enough medication to soothe the pain.

Underutilized Options

The frontiers of medical science are rapidly expanding, and keeping up

with them is a challenge. Doctors who have mastered the use of simple
painkillers (effective for most patients) may be unaware of different ways
to administer morphine, of alternative drugs, and especially of effective
drug combinations. For example, adjuvant analgesics are drugs that aren't
normally regarded as painkillers but can relieve specific types of pain or
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 17

enhance the painkilling effect of opioids. Also, electrical stimulation, nerve

stimulation, surgical procedures to cut nerve pathways, and nerve blocks
(see Chapter 9), as well as nondrug approaches such as relaxation train-
ing, biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, and massage, used alone or in
combination with painkillers, may help relieve pain, but are usually pre-
scribed only by pain specialists.

The Need to Discuss Pain

A busy doctor may not ask a patient about pain, assuming that if the prob-
lem exists, the patient will bring it up without coaching. Patients should not
wait for a doctor to ask about the pain. Sometimes the doctor may ask, "How
are you?" to open a conversation, and the customary polite response of
"Fine" may be recorded in the chart as "No pain today."
Patients are often reluctant to complain. They may feel that time with
the physician is limited and their highest priority is to talk about curative
treatment. They don't want to distract the doctor from this mission or bother
or annoy him with their complaints. Some deny the pain in their effort to
deny the disease and its possible progress. If pain has intensified, patients
may not want to admit it; instead, they want to tell the doctor they feel
better. Or perhaps they don't want to complain because they believe that
their "good" behavior will be rewarded and that "bad" behavior will be
punished. Yet reporting information about pain is vital—not only for diag-
nosing problems but to help improve a patient's physical and psychologi-
cal status. Pain interferes with proper rest, nutrition, and a good attitude,
which are never more important than during a cancer illness.
Many physicians and groups are so concerned that patients are not
being asked about their pain that they have endorsed the American Pain
Society's campaign to regard pain as "the fifth vital sign." Thus, when
doctors or nurses measure blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respi-
ratory rate, they should also ask about the presence of pain, its severity,
and the patient's satisfaction with its treatment.
But don't wait for your doctor to ask. Complaining about pain is not a
weakness and shouldn't be an embarrassment. Patients and families who
are reluctant to discuss the cancer pain problem are doing themselves and
their doctors an enormous disservice.

Communication Between Patient and Medical Team

Often a doctor will prescribe a painkiller, usually a mild one at first, and
the patient will passively accept that treatment, whether it works or not.
Myths and Truths about Cancer Pain

Myth Truth

Cancer causes severe pain, and I just Many cancer patients never experience
have to accept it. pain, and those who do can almost always
get relief.

Morphine and other narcotics will Cancer patients almost never become ad-
cause addiction dicted to pain medications.

If I use morphine or another narcotic Morphine and other narcotics neither lose
now, it won't work as well later. I their effectiveness nor have a maximum
should wait as long as possible. dose. If pain gets worse, the dose can be
gradually increased indefinitely until re-
lief ensues.

Morphine and other narcotics are too Confusion and hallucinations are very rare
strong and will make me groggy, con- when doses are selected carefully; drowsi-
fused, and delirious and will cause ness is common but not inevitable, and if
other side effects. it occurs, it usually resolves in a few days.
Other side effects, such as nausea and con-
stipation, can be avoided or easily treated.

My doctor will view my complaining Though sometimes true, this is not an ex-
about pain negatively. cuse to suffer in silence, since it rs now
clear that pain is bad for health. Doctors
need to be informed in order to help you.

Talking about pain will distract the Relieving pain is part of your cancer treat-
doctor from my cancer treatment. ment. Good pain control means better rest,
which helps your body fight the disease.

Continuing or recurring pain means Pain is entirely unrelated to the progress

the cancer is worsening. or status of the underlying cancer in one-
third of cases; it may be due to injury to
nerves and other structures, a result of can-
cer treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, and
radiation), or from an unrelated or indi-
rect cause such as excessive bed rest,
muscle strain, migraines, or stress.

How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 19

Myths and Truths about Cancer Pain (continued)

Myth Truth

I don't want any shots, so I'll endure More than 90 percent of medications for
the pain. treating cancer pain can be taken by mouth
or other noninvasive means, like a skin
patch. Injections are sometimes an option
but are almost never essential.

I will lose control if I take morphine Although drowsiness is common at first,

or similar drugs. very few cancer patients feel high or lose
control when they take pain medication
properly. When maintaining control is an
especially important concern, it should be
recalled that uncontrolled pain is one of
the key factors that reinforce feelings of

Patients need to communicate frequently and effectively with their doctor if relief
is not obtained or if side effects supervene. Together doctor and patient need to
persevere until adequate relief is achieved. And remember, oncologists are not
the only ones who can help—oncology nurses, physician assistants, anes-
thesiologists, pharmacists, psychologists, and social workers have invalu-
able advice about symptom control and are often part of the primary
doctor's team.
Some medications, most notably the opioids, begin to work immedi-
ately, while others (mostly nonopioid medications) may take several days
or even weeks before their effects are established and can be fully evalu-
ated. Have clear expectations about how long it will be before a prescribed
treatment is expected to become fully effective (called "latency to effect")
so that you can report if the treatment does not seem to be working. In the
case of opioids, an experienced physician will know after just the first few
doses whether the proper drug and dose have been selected, and can make
immediate changes to continue the process of achieving pain control. Like-
wise, report any side effects—most often they are minor, are to be expected,
and will resolve with a little patience and reassurance, but sometimes a
drug may need to be stopped or its dose changed. No one wants to be a
bother, but remember that it is your doctor's job to attend to these issues,
and he can't help if he is not well informed. Don't wait until the next
scheduled visit to report problems.
20 Cancer and Its Pain

Patients Often Don't Tell Doctors When

They Don't Follow Recommendations
Some patients hesitate to take their medications around the clock, on a
fixed schedule, as pain medications are often prescribed. Instead, they
believe, incorrectly, that they should tough it out as long as possible. By
that time, however, even the strongest painkillers are much, much less
effective. Instead of a steady relief, an erratic drug schedule can trigger a
roller coaster of pain. Patients may wait until the pain is intolerable, and
then, because they have waited so long, medications may or may not re-
lieve it, or may cause unpleasant side effects because medication use is
erratic instead of stable. Even if the pain subsides, the patient anticipates
that the next wave is around the corner, so anxiety builds and the memory
of pain remains fresh. It is far more effective to maintain a moderate level of a
painkiller in the bloodstream so that it can act preventively. In this way, the
patient achieves a steadier quality of relief. The only way to accomplish
this goal is to take medications as prescribed and on schedule.

How Pharmacists May Unintentionally

Contribute to Undertreatment
Pharmacists also contribute to the undertreatment of cancer pain when
they retain old-fashioned ideas about opioids. Studies show that many
pharmacists don't know that it's lawful to prescribe for cancer pain on a
long-term basis and an acceptable medical practice. Many are still unaware
of what constitutes legitimate dispensing practices for controlled sub-
stances in patients with cancer, or they don't understand the distinctions
among addiction, physical dependence, and tolerance.
Many pharmacists make patients feel guilty about taking opioids and
may increase the chances that the patient won't comply fully with their
doctor's instructions. Also, the opioids are highly regulated substances,
and dispensing them means additional paperwork. Busy pharmacists have
been known to overinterpret regulations and may refuse to fill prescrip-
tions because of a simple spelling error or some other technicality. If this
occurs, try to be patient, since they too are burdened by overly restrictive
However, do not accept being treated with a lack of dignity. Unfortu-
nately, because of pharmacists' fears of being duped by drug addicts, pa-
tients with legitimate needs may be inappropriately humiliated when they
are just trying to follow doctors' orders. This is especially common when
patients are younger or do not appear very ill. If difficulties arise, simply
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 21

request calmly and respectfully that the pharmacist telephone your phy-
sician for clarification.
Also, many pharmacists, especially in urban areas, don't stock mor-
phine and other opioids because they fear theft. In more isolated areas,
pharmacies may not stock up on opioids because of burdensome paper-
work and relatively few requests. This reduced availability makes it diffi-
cult for many nonhospitalized patients, especially those who lack energy,
to get needed medications. Although it's a good idea to call pharmacies in
advance to find out if needed medications are available in adequate quan-
tities, many pharmacists are reluctant to respond to such queries truth-
fully, and especially to patients they don't know, due to fears of robbery.
Although pharmacists will occasionally indicate that needed medications
cannot be ordered or would take too long to get, requests that such medi-
cations be ordered should be honored (wholesalers can almost always rou-
tinely provide any medication within twenty-four to forty-eight hours).
Remain polite but firm and persistent. Try using the same pharmacy regu-
larly, calmly identifying yourself and your problem, and discussing your
concerns with a manager. You may need to use a hospital-based phar-
macy or one recommended by your doctor. Fortunately, as a result of the
virtual revolution that is ongoing to legitimize pain treatment, more and
more pharmacies now routinely stock a great variety of pain medications
and are more understanding of the patient's predicament, especially once
the patient is known to them.
Increasingly, pharmacists are appreciating the positive role they can
play in treating patients' pain. Recognizing the cancer patient's plight,
some pharmacies have sprung up that specialize in providing these previ-
ously stigmatized drugs and can even manufacture or compound custom
doses of a medication that your doctor may prefer.

You Have a Right To:

• Enjoy appropriate pain relief without unacceptable side effects
• Have your reports of pain believed
• Have your doctor try to relieve numbness, tingling, or burning sensations
» Ask your doctor repeatedly about changing prescriptions, times, or doses
• Request treatment with stronger medication
• Get immediate help
• Understand the medication plan
• Get expert advice
• Accept nothing less than the best pain control possible
• Enjoy life despite cancer
22 Cancer and Its Pain

Laws Intimidate Many Doctors from

Prescribing Adequate Pain Medication

As discussed, cancer pain patients are innocent victims of the war on drugs,
a campaign to discourage the illegal and recreational use of certain drugs.
Regulations to tightly control morphine and other opioids are intended to
curb abuse and not to interfere with the practice of medicine, yet many
doctors find the stringent regulations confusing, inhibiting, burdensome,
and threatening. To prescribe opioids, many states require doctors to fill
out time-consuming triplicate prescription forms that they must register
for and order at their own expense. One copy goes to state regulators,
who look for "abnormal" patterns of prescribing, which can have a chill-
ing effect on doctors' prescribing behavior. Such prescriptions cannot be
refilled automatically or by telephone and must be carefully accounted
for; they are also very constrictive. If the patient's name is spelled incor-
rectly or if a doctor needs to change the quantity of the drug rapidly or
wants to prescribe more than a week's worth of a drug on an urgent basis,
there may be delays, frustrations, and fears of being investigated.
The cumbersome triplicate prescription program may be abandoned
in the future, but what's in store may not be much better. Although New
York State, for example, is phasing out the triplicate prescription pads and
shifting to a computerized system, morphine and similar medications must
still be prescribed on state-issued forms and will be monitored. Although
such review systems do not directly prevent physicians from prescribing
controlled substances, many doctors avoid prescribing them altogether or
are reluctant to increase doses if their patients get sicker or more tolerant
of the medication because many of the laws regulating controlled sub-
stances are ambiguous. Although high dosing is necessary for some can-
cer patients, it is still not the norm. Many doctors fear that if they prescribe
opioids at all, they may attract the unwanted attention of regulatory agen-
cies. Even if a doctor is cleared of wrongdoing, such an investigation could
be damaging professionally and could incur high legal costs.

Even When Cure Is Unlikely, Comfort Is Critical

Millions are spent each year on cancer treatments, yet only a fraction of
that goes to pain relief research and palliative treatments for cancer pa-
tients who will probably not get better. Focusing on curing cancer is es-
sential, but such a single-minded focus overshadows important efforts to
promote lifestyle changes and early detection. In recent years, more atten-
tion has been focused on comprehensive cancer care, which includes early
Why Cancer Pain Is Often Undertreated
Regulations and Laws
• Try to control drug abuse with stringent controls that inadvertently inhibit the
medical use of opioids.
• Require cumbersome, time-consuming triplicate prescription forms that are in-
timidating, while ambiguous laws inadequately distinguish between illicit and
legitimate medical use of opioids
• Inhibit physicians from prescribing large doses of opioids for fear of an investiga-
tion, community perception of wrongdoing, or sanction
• Vary widely from state to state, resulting in confusion between the legitimate and
illicit use of opioids
Medical Staff
• May have inappropriately low expectations for successful pain relief.
• May have inadequate training for treating chronic pain
• May have unfounded, exaggerated concerns about addiction in cancer patients
» May be misinformed about breathing problems and other side effects of opioids
• May confuse addiction, physical dependence, tolerance, and pseudoaddiction
• May have misconceptions about tolerance and the need for larger doses over
• May believe pain should be severe before it is treated
• May view complaints about pain as indicative of weak character that must be
• May give pain management a low priority.
• May undermedicate on a regular basis and thus perpetuate the practice in trainees
Patients and Families
• May think that complaining about pain is a sign of weakness and that stoicism is
a virtue
• May erroneously believe that worsening pain means the disease is progressing
• May fear that the doctor will be distracted from curative treatment or will resent
taking time to address problems regarding pain
» May fear addiction if opioids are used
• May view a patient who asks for opioids as drug-seeking
• May fear the side effects of opioids
• May not comply with instructions because they are overwhelmed, fearful, and
• May try to be a "good patient" and not complain or imply that the doctor is at fault
Health Care System
• Is geared toward curative therapy and gives low priority to ensuring comfort
• Often requires patients to change doctors or institutions because of insurers' man-
dates, resulting in poor coordination of care
• Inhibits pharmacists from stocking morphine and other opioids because of addi-
tional paperwork, the risk of investigations, and the potential for theft
24 Cancer and Its Pain

detection, curative treatment, life-extending palliative treatments, symp-

tom control, and even bereavement services for the families of cancer vic-
tims. This perspective acknowledges that patients' quality of life could be
radically improved if cancer pain relief and palliative care (which deals
with patients' psychological, social, and spiritual well-being as well as
their physical comfort) were given more attention throughout the course
of an illness. The overall five-year survival rate for a diagnosis of cancer
still hovers near 50 percent (as it has for fifty years), and patients should
not be abandoned just because they are not currently receiving potentially
curative radiotherapy or chemotherapy. More doctors need to focus on
treatment of the person, rather than just the disease; in that way, a person's
comfort, dignity, and wholeness are kept in mind.

The Pain Management Revolution

The epidemic of undertreated pain has affected so many patients and has
left so many families with a legacy of suffering that a virtual revolution is
gaining ground exponentially: it's a movement of health care activists com-
mitted to improving cancer pain treatments. And this revolution is finally
being endorsed by the administration of our health care delivery system.
As of 2002, Medicare covers pain treatment costs, a move that may pave
the way for private insurers and make it much easier to identify and find
local doctors who specialize in pain treatment.
On the professional health care front, the Joint Commission on Accredi-
tation of Healthcare Organizations, the premier association that evaluates
hospitals, has adopted the improvement of hospital-based pain treatment
as its latest initiative, effectively establishing a standard to which hospitals
must adhere. The new standards assert patients' rights to the system's best
efforts to render them free of pain and affirms that effective pain manage-
ment is an essential component of health care. In addition, the state cancer
pain initiative movement now includes all fifty states and has formed the
American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives to develop policies to improve
the cancer pain problem. In the past few years, nearly every professional
society and scientific organization concerned with the plight of the cancer
patient has taken a strong and unequivocal stand on eradicating cancer pain,
and most have issued guidelines intended to promote positive change.
Also, expertise in treating cancer pain is becoming much more wide-
spread, largely as the result of teaching programs such as the AMA's Edu-
cation for Physicians on End-of-Life Care (EPEC) curriculum. Cancer pain
guidelines for doctors and patients (in English and Spanish) released by
the federal government's Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (now
How Cancer Pain Undermines Health and Treatment 25

You Don't Have to Suffer!

Cancer pain is dehumanizing.
Pain relief restores dignity and control.
Better pain control improves sleep, appetite, and mood.
Treating the pain may help you fight the cancer and may improve survival.
Treating the pain, even with strong medications, does not signify "giving up."
Cancer pain is a medical problem with medical solutions.
Cancer pain is often undertreated but can be relieved.
Cancer pain is a family problem, too.
The patient is the ultimate authority on the pain.
"Toughing it out" is unnecessary and just doesn't pay.
Treating the pain makes it easier to cope with the problems that won't go away.
Many different medications can help.
Strong medications needn't be saved until later stages of the illness; they don't
stop working.
Addiction is not well understood, even by doctors. It is rare in cancer patients.
While medication side effects are common, they can be treated.
When medications fail, high-tech treatments often work.
Treatment is best aimed at the whole person: body, mind, and spirit.
Effective pain treatment can usually be administered by your primary care doctor
or oncologist.
If a doctor is unwilling or unable to treat your pain, a referral to a pain specialist
is warranted.
Even if pain cannot be eliminated, it can almost always be controlled.
You have a right to expect freedom from cancer pain.

the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) with the American Pain
Society have further helped legitimize needed changes, and attendance at
professional meetings and conferences on pain control is soaring. Increas-
ingly, hospitals are pulling together multidisciplinary teams to diagnose
and treat pain, including cancer pain. California and the Veterans Admin-
istration require pain to be assessed as the "fifth vital sign," and this may
become more widespread. In some areas, license renewal is contingent
upon completion of education in pain management; in California, legisla-
tion encourages doctors treating dying patients to prescribe opioids "with-
out fear of prosecution." And finally, the palliative care and hospice
movements, with their basic premise of maximizing quality of life for ter-
minally ill patients, are becoming more widely accepted (see Chapter 15).
While these activities have begun to foster a new environment that prom-
ises to one day make the tragedy of unrelieved cancer pain an unsightly
historical footnote, much remains to be done to help legions of today's pa-
tients and their physicians overcome a legacy of misunderstanding.
26 Cancer and Its Pain

The Right to Request and Obtain Adequate Relief

Changing human behavior is difficult—just look at how hard it is to stop
smoking, lose weight, and exercise regularly. Thus it is difficult for doc-
tors, despite education, to change their prescribing habits, especially when
they feel threatened by regulatory agencies. Change is slow, and consum-
ers cannot take for granted that they will receive state-of-the-art pain re-
lief. If pain remains unrelieved or the patient cannot rest and sleep
comfortably, family caregivers must persevere and ask for help from the
doctor or medical team until comfort is achieved.
To ensure that a loved one does not suffer, consumers must learn what
is available and appropriate for their unique situation, and how to be an
advocate to work successfully to see that the pain is relieved. To ensure
optimal relief, consumers need to know what to expect in the course of
cancer pain treatment.
We must abandon old-fashioned notions about toughing out pain and
begin to understand that pain undermines our body's best defenses against
disease, not to mention the psychological and emotional suffering and
toll on the quality of life that pain extracts. No one should suffer in vain
and no patient should wish to die because of our failure to use the weap-
ons we have to relieve pain.

Don't accept that you have to suffer.

Speak up. Tell your doctor or nurse when something's not working.
Plan for pain control. Understand your options and the potential side effects of each
Make sure your doctor shares your concerns. If a doctor says, "You're just going to
have to live with it," look for a new doctor.
Be informed.
Understanding Cancer and Pain
In short, the right drug at the right dose given at the right time
relieves 80 to 90 percent of pain.
—World Health Organization

A diagnosis of cancer is usually unexpected and is always a frightening and

overwhelming experience. Few families possess the knowledge needed to
undertake the many very difficult decisions that will be required; with re-
ferral to new doctors, busy medical offices, and changing insurance require-
ments, it is easy to feel bewildered, confused, and helpless. In addition to
providing basic information about cancer and its treatment, this chapter
will discuss the various kinds of pain that are associated with cancer.

What Is Cancer?
In cancer, a tumor—a mass of abnormal tissue—begins to grow in some
part of the body. The tumor consists of many cells distinct from normal
cells, and these tumor cells serve no useful purpose. The growths, known
as neoplasms (meaning "new growths"), may be benign or malignant.
Benign growths are usually harmless and are not cancerous. Malignant
neoplasms, on the other hand, continue to grow, will eventually spread
(metastasize), and are potentially deadly.
What makes malignant cells so dangerous is their tendency to grow
uncontrollably and to metastasize, competing with normal cells for vital
nutrients and interfering with the body's normal functions. As a malig-
nancy grows, it may invade or destroy tissues nearby or spread elsewhere,

28 Cancer and Its Pain

such as to the lungs, liver, or bone, by means of the bloodstream or lym-

phatic system.

Understanding the Diagnosis

Cancer is not one disease, but in fact a group of more than one hundred
diseases that are classified according to where and how the growth oc-
curs, as well as specific microscopic and other features. Luckily, with the
variety of radiological, laboratory, and other medical tools now available,
doctors can often diagnose cancer early in the disease process if a patient
consults the doctor as soon as he notices persistent changes in his health
status. Thus, familiarity with cancer's most prominent early warning signs
is extremely important.

Warning Signs of Cancer

A change in bladder or bowel habits that persists for more than two weeks
A lump or mass in the abdomen, chest, breast, underarm, neck, groin, pelvis, or
Unusual bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums, rectal or vaginal bleeding), dis-
charge, or drainage (from the rectum, genitals, nipple, or a lump in or under the
skin, or in the urine, sputum, cough, or vomitus)
The appearance of a new skin lesion (sore) or a change in the size or appearance
of an established mole or wart
A sore that bleeds or simply doesn't heal
Hoarseness, shortness of breath, or a nagging cough that persists beyond a few
Chronic heartburn, indigestion, or swallowing problems
Abdominal bloating, distension, or tenderness
Unexplained lethargy, weakness, paleness, dizziness
Frequent, repeated, or persistent infections
Loss of appetite or weight
Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the groin, neck, or underarm

Cancer can be characterized according to a number of criteria:

• Type and site of cancer. Where a cancer starts (such as lung, liver, or
breast), also called the cancer's primary site, as well as the type of
cell within the growth (histology) are among the most important
features that define a cancer and its usual behavior.
• Cell growth and metastases. Depending on their cell type, location, blood
flow, response to treatment, and other factors, tumors are more or
less likely to grow relatively slowly or more rapidly (aggressively).
Understanding Cancer and Pain 29

• Ability to metastasize. Depending on their type, some tumors are

more or less likely to extend locally or spread to distant organs
via the lymphatic system or bloodstream.
• Stage at diagnosis. Doctors classify cancers as early, middle, or late
phases of the disease. The stage of cancer is defined by how much
cell growth is seen at the original site of the disease and how much
tissue is involved beyond this site. Whether lymph nodes or dis-
tant organs are involved is crucial to treatment recommendations
and the probability of a successful outcome.
• Treatment options. Depending on many factors, certain cancers may
be more or less likely to respond favorably to treatment with sur-
gery, chemotherapy, radiation, or all three. Recommendations to
pursue various treatment options depend on additional factors,
including an individual's age, general health, and preferences.

Oncologists (cancer specialists) use a shorthand to pull these charac-

teristics together and define a tumor's stage and site: TO to T4 to rate the
size of a primary tumor, NO to N3 to distinguish whether nearby lymph
nodes are affected, and MO to indicates an absence of distant metastases
and Ml if distant deposits exist. Depending on these characteristics, a tu-
mor is assigned a stage ranging from stage 0 to stage IV. For example, a
tumor with local growth that is limited to the primary site and which has
not invaded lymph nodes or other organs might be evaluated as stage I
(for early disease), Tl (for a very small tumor), NO (no involvement of
nearby lymph nodes), MO (no distant metastases).
The doctor can explain the exact kind of cancer that has been diag-
nosed and the nature of its usual behavior. But remember that doctors talk
of averages—some people are lucky and do better than average, and some
fare worse. While doctors try to put this information in plain language,
sometimes it may seem too technical, or the patient may be too upset or
distracted to be fully attentive. Feel free to ask questions of oncology nurses,
physician assistants, pharmacists, and other health care professionals to
confirm your understanding of the situation and to investigate the possi-
bility of a second opinion. In addition, many organizations provide free
educational material (see Appendix 1).
Depending on the nature of your cancer, you may ultimately be attended
by several kinds of doctors. A medical oncologist is an expert on chemo-
therapy and usually supervises the treatment team, but you may also need
a radiation oncologist (who specializes in radiation therapy) and a surgical
oncologist (a surgeon who deals especially with cancer). Depending on the
nature of the cancer and the involved body region, subspecialist care may
30 Cancer and Its Pain

be warranted, such as that of a gynecological oncologist (for female prob-

lems), a urological oncologist (for male problems), or a head and neck on-
cologist. It is also important that your regular family doctor remain informed
of your progress and choices. If you have pain that does not easily respond
to simple measures, a pain specialist (usually an anesthesiologist) or pallia-
tive care specialist may be consulted.

Cancer Treatments
Once a diagnosis is confirmed, treatment recommendations are tailored
to the particular type of cancer. The cancer site and stage, cell type, growth
characteristics, and individual health differences are all considered in rec-
ommending the most appropriate treatment. The goal of any treatment is
to kill or remove as many cancerous cells as possible, while minimizing
the risk of damage to normal cells.
Surgery may be indicated to attempt removal of the entire tumor (cura-
tive surgery) or, when this is impossible, part of the tumor (debulking
surgery). Reducing the size of a humor may make it more responsive to
other treatments, a strategy referred to as adjuvant therapy. Adjuvant che-
motherapy and radiotherapy are sometimes considered before surgery to
enhance the likelihood of removing the cancer in its entirety. Even if a
tumor is thought to have been completely removed, chemotherapy, radia-
tion therapy, or both are often prescribed after surgery in an effort to en-
sure that microscopic deposits of circulating cancer cells have been
destroyed. Surgery may also be considered to biopsy (to diagnose whether
a growth is cancerous), to determine the kind of cancer present, to prevent
further growth of a hormonally dependent cancer (by removing a particu-
lar organ that secretes the hormone that is triggering the cancer growth),
and in some cases to reduce pain.
Radiation therapy, administered in about half of all cases of cancer,
uses targeted X-rays, gamma rays, or electron beams to bombard specific
sites of cancer. By breaking parts of the cell, radiation interferes with the
ability of cancer cells to continue dividing and spreading. Side effects can
occur and, depending on the area being treated, may include mouth sore-
ness, skin changes, nausea, bone marrow problems, and (rarely) the risk
of developing new tumors later; less common complications are described
later in this chapter (see "Cancer Pain Syndromes Associated with Cancer
Therapy" on page 45). Radiation is also often used to reduce pain by shrink-
ing a tumor even when a cure is no longer possible (palliative radio-
therapy), especially when cancer has spread to the bone, and to manage
other symptoms such as bleeding and swelling.
Understanding Cancer and Pain 31

Chemotherapy uses oral or injected drugs to destroy cancerous cells

or slow their growth while harming as few normal cells as possible. Often
used in combination with surgery or radiation to ensure that as many
cancer cells as possible are destroyed, and although less effective than
radiation for symptom control, chemotherapy is also sometimes used to
relieve pain when tumors press on nerves, parts of the lymphatic system,
or veins. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, and
baldness (alopecia). Less common complications are described later in this

Other Important Terms Associated with Cancer

Here are some of the most important terms that come up when cancer is

• Metastasize. As indicated above, cancer cells that spread through

the body are said to be metastasizing. When a cancer has origi-
nated in one area but then spreads to another site, the secondary
sites are called metastases. Metastases can be local or distant: a
local metastasis (or local extension) means the cancer has spread
near the primary tumor, usually just by gradual infiltration into
more normal neighboring tissue. On the other hand, a metastasis
may be to a distant organ, spread usually through the blood or
lymphatic system, most commonly to bone, liver, lung, or brain.
The lymphatic system, much like the body's system of veins, is
distributed throughout the body and returns materials from the
body's tissues back to the circulation. While it normally helps fil-
ter disease, the lymphatic system may also be implicated in the
spread of cancer from one region to another. In fact, swollen lymph
glands can be an early warning sign of a developing tumor. Me-
tastasis is a very serious complication of cancer and usually makes
treatment of the disease much more difficult and urgent.
• Oncologist. We've already mentioned that a doctor who special-
izes in cancer is an oncologist; the science of cancer is called on-
cology. Subspecialties within the field of oncology include medical
oncology, radiation oncology, gynecological oncology, surgical on-
cology, and so on.
• Biopsy. A biopsy is often a minor surgical procedure in which a
doctor will remove a small bit of tissue from a growth for a pa-
thologist to analyze whether the growth is benign (noncancerous)
or malignant (cancerous) and to identify other cellular features.
32 Cancer and Its Pain

Increasingly, biopsies may be nonsurgical. By placing a small

needle in the troublesome area under X-ray guidance, a bit of tis-
sue can be removed and analyzed. Called either a needle biopsy
or fine needle aspiration (FNA), this is sometimes an office proce-
dure and is usually performed by an interventional radiologist or

For other terms, see the Glossary at the end of this book.

What Is Pain?
Like hiccoughs, pain is one of those occurrences that we just don't give
much thought to unless it's present and persistent. When first asked, most
patients will just say their pain "hurts." One of this book's jobs is to help
you think about pain more critically, so that you can provide doctors with
the information they need to provide more effective treatment.
Pain is an unpleasant sensation or emotional experience that is trig-
gered by tissue damage or the threat of tissue damage. But how intensely
a particular person will perceive pain depends on his psychological state
as well as other predispositions and traits, as outlined in the following
Basically, pain has two components: (1) A sensory component that in-
volves the transmission of the pain signal (electrical impulses and chemi-
cal events) from the hurt or threatened tissues to the spinal cord and brain
(which together make up the central nervous system). Scientists use the
technical term nociception to describe this complicated transmission pro-
cess, which involves the release and modulation (balancing) of a variety
of chemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters (the body's chemical mes-
sengers), many of which are still undergoing intense study today. The sig-
nals generated from the damaged area are further processed in the spinal
cord and ultimately converge on specialized sites in the brain where they
are interpreted as pain. (2) A reactive component (sometimes called an affec-
tive or emotional component) that involves how the person responds to
the pain, which is dependent on the person's pain threshold and his pain
tolerance. A person's pain threshold is the intensity of the stimulus a per-
son considers painful. Pain tolerance, on the other hand, is how intense or
how long the unpleasant sensation can persist before the person experi-
ences the sensation as pain.
A person's perception of pain also depends largely on how the un-
comfortable sensation is filtered, altered, or distorted by that person's
thoughts, feelings, and memories of past experiences. For example, de-
Understanding Cancer and Pain 33

pressed or anxious patients tend to have lower thresholds of pain (see box
below and Chapter 14). Other factors may play a role as well, such as age
(some research suggests that older people and those with a history of heavy
alcohol or drug use, for example, may need more painkiller to dull pain)
and race (Asians may need less morphine than whites, on average).
Also, the context in which pain occurs is relevant. Prior experiences
with cancer or pain or the meaning of the pain can influence pain percep-
tion. If a woman with breast cancer remembers witnessing a relative with
breast cancer die in agony, she may be terrified that she'll be just as sensi-
tive to pain. On the other hand, the meaning of pain to a highly paid foot-
ball player who is badly injured in a game is very different. He may feel
less pain because he is thinking of his bonus or knows his pain is not a
threat to his life. Likewise, the meaning of pain to a mother in childbirth is
very different from the meaning of pain to a cancer patient. Even among
cancer patients, pain in the first blush of disease is usually more manage-
able and often is even ignored in the imperative to fight the tumor, while
pain that accompanies advanced cancer, when chemotherapy may no
longer be a viable option, may seem more relentless and toxic given the
absence of distraction and the concerns that the pain generates.
Although pain is probably the second most common ailment (after
flulike symptoms) for which a doctor is consulted, it has historically been
neglected. Because pain always results from another primary disorder,
our cure-oriented system has only recently come to view pain as a bona
fide medical problem. Historically, no one has been accountable for pain
treatment, and patients were shuffled back and forth from the primary
care provider to numerous specialists, making patients feel increasingly
hopeless, depressed, and abandoned. Fortunately, this sad state of affairs
is rapidly changing. Doctors can now take advanced fellowship training
and obtain board certification in pain management, and increasingly, pa-
tients' reports of pain, especially when related to cancer, are being taken
more seriously.
Since pain can't be objectively measured by, say, blood tests or X-rays,
and is rarely accurately perceived by observers, doctors have no way of
knowing how much of the pain is from physical insult or psychological
distress. But doctors increasingly agree that this distinction should not
even be addressed, since no matter which predominates, the suffering
needs to be addressed. As scientists become increasingly aware of how
enmeshed mind and body phenomena are, they are viewing pain as an
authentic experience and a legitimate medical disorder, regardless of its
physical or psychological components. If a patient complains of pain, those
complaints should be taken seriously, even when the source is uncertain.
34 Cancer and Its Pain

Influencing Pain Threshold

Factors that can lower pain threshold Factors that can raise pain threshold
(when pain is more distressing and (when pain is less distressing and
harder to endure) easier to endure)
Discomfort Relieving the symptoms
Sleeplessness Sleep
Fatigue Rest
Anxiety Using antianxtety medications
Fear Understanding
Anger Sympathy
Sadness Diversions
Depression Reduction in anxiety; antidepressants
Boredom Elevation of mood
Social abandonment Companionship
Tenseness Relaxation/breathing exercises, imagery,
and skin stimulation
Isolation Empathy
Lack of movement Exercise
Pain Using analgesics (painkillers)

How Pain Occurs and Is Detected

In almost all cases, pain starts with some injury or damage to a body part.
The table below shows the terms used to describe the source of the pain
and how the pain is typically manifested. Nociceptive pain arises from in-
jury to the body's peripheral tissues (as opposed to the nervous system)
and is distinct from the other main category of pain, neuropathic pain (that
originating in nerve injury). The two types of nociceptive pain are somatic
pain and visceral pain.
Neuropathic pain occurs when elements of the nervous system are
damaged (peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and brain) and may persist even
when there is no obvious injury in peripheral somatic or visceral tissues.
Neuropathic pain is usually a bizarre, unfamiliar experience and is often
described with words that we don't typically associate with pain, such as
tingling or jolts.

How Pain Is Triggered

Our body's tissue is made up mostly of cells, and when cells are injured—
for example, by physical trauma, chemical burns, or reduced blood flow—
their damaged walls release a variety of chemicals, including an especially
Understanding Cancer and Pain 35

Types of Pain
Kinds of Pain Sources of Pain Descriptors of How It Feels
Nociceptive pain Injuries to body's Dull or sharp aching pain
peripheral tissues—
that is, anywhere in
the body but in the
nervous system
(including spinal
cord and brain);
responds to

Somatic pain Connective tissue Aching, sharp, dull, or gnawing

such as skin,
muscles, bones,
and ligaments

Visceral pain When internal Pulling, stretching, tightness,

organs (intestines, heaviness, or dragging and pressure
lungs, heart, liver,
spleen, and blood
vessels) are distended
(stretched or swollen),
twisted, or deprived
of blood (ischemia)

Neuropathic pain Pain from within Tingling, burning, numbness,

the nervous electrical shocks or jolts, even itching
system; doesn't
respond well to
opioids and anti-
inflammatory drugs
but does respond
to selected anti-
depressants and

important parent compound, arachidonic acid. This substance, a funda-

mental building block of the body, is broken down into a complex series
of chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals, among others, trig-
ger pain receptors (also called nociceptors), which react by initiating elec-
trochemical signals that are transmitted to the spinal cord and brain.
Prostaglandins released after an injury also make nociceptors even more
sensitive, leading to inflammation (irritation) and even more pain, which
36 Cancer and Its Pain

is why, for example, a finger that's been accidentally cut or banged with a
hammer becomes red, swollen, and extrasensitive to touch after it has been
hurt. The signals initiated by the nociceptors are like a code, carrying in-
formation related to how severe the injury is, what kind of damage has
occurred, and where the trouble is located.
The idea of cellular receptors is relatively new. Scientists believe these
are specialized proteins on cell walls that, depending on their structure
and character, react only to very specific stimuli, chemicals, or drugs. When
an injury occurs, specialized pain receptors are stimulated, initiating a
long chain of events, culminating in pain. Other related receptors, which
possess different structures, are stimulated by pain medications and re-
lated substances, initiating signals that ultimately result in the relief of
pain. The receptor and the chemical or event that activates it ("turns it
on") have been compared to a lock and key. The receptor is like a lock that
in its resting state passively prevents the activity that it controls or medi-
ates. Only when the receptor encounters the special substance that acti-
vates it (the "key that fits the lock") does it respond, in this case by initiating
a signal that, after being influenced or modulated by numerous other
chemicals and events, is ultimately interpreted as pain or pain relief.

How Pain Is Detected

Once the pain signal has been initiated, a very complex series of events is
set into motion, which is only now beginning to be fully understood. Imag-
ine a complex matrix of electrical switchboards that modulate and inte-
grate electrical signals traveling back and forth from the periphery to the
entire expanse of nerves outside the spinal cord and those linked to it.
Once impulses initiated by peripheral injury are received at the spinal
cord, they release a variety of other chemicals, which further modify the
signal, which goes on to stimulate impulses that travel to the thalamus
(another way station) in the brain. The brain acts like a computer, deci-
phering the encoded message, and ultimately interpreting the signal as
pain. As a result, signals are sent back to the periphery, initiating activities
such as withdrawal, exclamations like "ouch," and other manifestations
of suffering. At each step of this convoluted path, the signal triggers com-
plex chemical, electrical, and structural responses that further modify the
original signal and create their own repercussions, which ripple through
the body's nervous system and the peripheral tissue over which it reigns.

How Pain Relief Strategies Can Interrupt Pain Signals

One very effective way to relieve pain during the initiation of its signals is
to prevent the formation of the prostaglandins (the pain-stimulating break-
Understanding Cancer and Pain 37

The Vicious Cycle of Pain

If pain becomes chronic, it can plunge a person into a vicious cycle of painful problems.
Nervous System Changes
When nerves that conduct pain rebuild after an injury, repair is often incomplete or
disordered, and nerve fibers sometimes connect to and may abnormally excite other
kinds of nerves. As a result, pressure on one spot can trigger pain elsewhere, or pain
can be associated with muscular twitching, swelling, changes in skin color, and
local temperature changes.

Spasm and Muscle Tension

Pain often leads to local muscle spasm, a normal reflex that signals the need to
avoid movement until healing occurs (a process called splinting). If excessive, how-
ever, spasm can be problematic—by increasing tension, spasm can incite pain in
neighboring parts, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle of pain and spasm that, if
uninterrupted, can contribute to chronic pain.

Psychological Stress
The stress from pain boosts the release of "fight-or-f light" hormones such as norepi-
nephrine, which over time can contribute to fatigue, exhaustion, and depression.

Exhaustion and stress from unrelieved pain leave us feeling hopeless and helpless,
which can intensify depression. Depression increases our sensitivity to physical pain,
discourages us from engaging in distracting, enjoyable activities, and is associated
with suppression of circulating levels of serotonin, a chemical that boosts mood.
Disturbed Sleep
The above problems interfere with initiating and maintaining restful sleep, which
leads to more exhaustion and is thought to deplete endorphins, the body's own
opioidlike substances, which otherwise help to boost mood and blunt pain.
Awkward Postures and Deconditioning
To avoid pain, we may rest excessively and assume unhealthy positions that can
strain other muscles, which can lead to spreading pain and even total body pain. As
disused muscles get weaker, discomfort increases and we become even more reluc-
tant to use the muscles when a return to normal activity is required to restore func-
tion and reduce pain.

down products of arachidonic acid), and that's just what aspirin and other
anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen
(Naprosyn), do. They have little effect on the brain and work mostly in the
periphery to prevent the nociceptors (pain receptors) from becoming overly
The spinal cord and brain contain other paths that can be interrupted
or modified to control pain. Morphine and the other opioid drugs, as well
as the body's own opioidlike substances (endogenous opioids such as
38 Cancer and Its Pain

endorphins and enkephalins), help to suppress pain messages primarily

within the spinal cord and brain, thereby blunting or diminishing the per-
ception of pain and the body's responses.
Thus, aspirin (and other anti-inflammatory drugs) and narcotic drugs
(opioids) suppress pain by two distinct mechanisms that can be comple-
mentary. As we'll see in later chapters, this is why they are often used
together to treat cancer pain.
Comprehensive pain strategies not only need to intercept the trans-
mission of pain signals with medications and other techniques but also
need to include relaxation exercises and attention to attitude, mood, sleep
habits, isolation, and physical activity.

Types of Pain
In general, the pain of cancer patients (and other patients) may be divided
into acute and chronic pain.
Acute pain can be regarded as a vivid message that an injury has oc-
curred or that an abnormality is developing, thus signaling the body to
react so as to avoid further injury—for example, the reflex to remove a
burned hand from the hot handle of a pot, reactive muscle spasm that
immobilizes a sprained ankle, or the need to seek to medical treatment or
testing for a persistent stomachache. Once the cause of pain has been es-
tablished, the pain can be said to have outlived its purpose, so it no longer
is sending beneficial warning signs. In the case of cancer, its cause should
be treated, and it is safe to alleviate the pain with symptomatic treatment.
When pain occurs in a person with cancer, it is often incorrectly as-
sumed to be due to the tumor pressing on some pain-sensitive structure.
This is often not the case—one-quarter to one-third of the pain experi-
enced by cancer patients is not a direct result of the tumor but is a side
effect of cancer treatment, such as scarring or nerve injury after surgery,
pain from getting on and off a radiation table, or nerve or joint injury from
Chronic pain may be harder to bear because the patient often feels
like there's no end in sight. Even when very severe, acute pain (for ex-
ample, after surgery) can be tolerated if we know it's bound to get a little
better each day. That is why acute pain in the early stages of cancer is
usually well tolerated; during aggressive cancer treatment, patients are
often distracted from the pain, so it can more easily be ignored. Pain that
is chronic and unrelenting with no end in sight, on the other hand, is much
harder to tolerate, even when it is not as severe. With time, coping mecha-
nisms wear out and frustration and depression mount. Although it may
Acute versus Chronic Pain

Acute Pain Chronic Pain Chronic and Acute Pain

Sharp and intense; Can be dull and Both can occur together. When
comes on suddenly achy to agoniz- cancer patients have pain, the most
but passes in ing; persists and common scenario is chronic pain
several days to up often worsens (low-level if treated effectively) with
to several months. over months. intermittent superimposed bouts of
acute pain. The acute pain episodes
Stems from a Starts off as acute may be due to a new source of
particular spot pain but over time discomfort, increased movement or
(well localized). becomes difficult activity, a recently developed
to pinpoint, psychological condition, or an
describe, and undertreated chronic pain condition,
cope with. resulting from arthritis, for example.

Autonomic (or Autonomic

automatic) re- responses
sponses include become less
dilated pupils, conspicuous over
flushed or pale time as blood
skin, heavy pressure and
perspiration, rising pulse return
blood pressure, and toward normal,
a rapid pulse and and the patient
hyperventilation. doesn't look like
Patient grimaces, he hurts as much.
rubs, or protects
area of pain.

Responds predict- Cause is usually

ably and well to more difficult to
appropriate diagnose and
therapies. therefore treat.

Serves a useful, Has outlived its

protective biologi- warning value;
cal purpose by I ike a broken
signaling the body doorbell that
to react and to continues to ring,
avoid further it serves no real
injury. value.
40 Cancer and Its Pain

not be as sharp as acute pain, chronic pain can be severe and may exact a
serious toll on a patient's personality, lifestyle, and activities, affecting his
mental, emotional, psychological, and sexual well-being, as well as im-
pairing appetite and sleep. Without appropriate treatment, sufferers may
show signs of depression, may experience feelings of hopelessness, and
may withdraw from social activities altogether.

Terms That Describe Pain

Doctors often use specific terms to describe pain. Becoming familiar with
these descriptors may help patients and families communicate more ef-
fectively with physicians and their team.
Constant pain or basal pain refers to pain that doesn't let up and should
be treated with medication that is taken regularly, around the clock (ATC)
or on a time-contingent basis, rather than just when it hurts the most. (The
difference between "around the clock" and "as needed" pain administra-
tion is discussed in Chapter 3.) This strategy helps to prevent pain rather
than treating it after its intensity is already well established, a much more
difficult task.

Types of Pain
Type of Pain Definition How It's Treated
Constant or basal pain Steady, constant pain Medication prescribed to be
taken in scheduled doses or
when needed

Breakthrough pain Despite pain medication, Rescue doses are prescribed

pain sometimes breaks to be taken when needed,
through perhaps before activity that
tends to trigger the pain

End-of-dose failure pain When pain occurs Dose of regularly scheduled

regularly before next medication is increased
scheduled dose is due,
that is, rescue doses
are needed frequently

Intermittent pain Unpredictable pain that Intermittent injections, pain-

occurs irregularly killing "lollipops," or
anesthetic procedure
Understanding Cancer and Pain 41

Breakthrough pain is pain that intermittently "breaks through" an oth-

erwise effective preventive medication schedule. When it is related to a
specific activity, such as eating, going to the bathroom, laughing, or walk-
ing, it is called incident pain. Breakthrough pain is best managed with ex-
tra doses of rapid-onset short-acting medicine for when the pain breaks
through the baseline medicated comfort; these extra doses are called es-
cape or rescue doses or may be referred to as a bolus. These extra doses
are taken on an as-needed or symptom-contingent basis (often written as
PRN, an abbreviation for the Latin term pro re nata). When incident pain is
relatively predictable, that same extra prescribed dose is best used just
before engaging in the pain-provoking activity.
End-of-dose failure refers to breakthrough pain that usually occurs just
before the next scheduled dose of around-the-clock medication is due. This
usually signals that the dose of ATC medicine is too low and needs to be
raised or given more frequently. When rescue doses are needed frequently,
it suggests that the prescribed dose of basal or ATC medication is insuffi-
cient and should be increased, after which the need for frequent escape
doses should diminish.

Figure 2.1 Breakthrough Pain

42 Cancer and Its Pain

Intermittent pain is unpredictable and occurs irregularly, on and off.

Taking medication around the clock may be ineffective for intermittent
pain because relief may be inadequate during painful episodes and seda-
tion may be troubling during pain-free periods. Intermittent pain, there-
fore, is one of the few instances in which an as-needed (PRN) prescription
for medicine is usually best. Unfortunately, pain that is truly intermittent
and comes and goes abruptly may have disappeared by the time most
oral pain medications start to work. As a result, severe, intermittent pain
may be best treated with a novel approach, such as using injectable pain
medications; Actiq, a new, lollipop-like form of the opioid medication fen-
tanyl, or an anesthetic procedure that will diminish pain by dulling the
nerves involved in its transmission.

Who Has Cancer Pain

Not all cancer hurts. In fact, many cancer patients will experience rela-
tively little pain. In the early stages of the disease, only one out of ten
patients has pain that is strong enough to affect mood and activities. In
intermediate-stage cancer, about half of patients will suffer moderate to
severe pain, and when cancer is advanced or terminal, 75 to 90 percent of
patients have chronic pain that is severe to excruciating. But remember, when
treated correctly, the vast majority of cancer pain victims—-from 90 to 99 per-
cent—can expect satisfactory pain relief. Most important, these encouragingly
high success rates are based on patients' own reports, not just on the ob-
servations of doctors or nurses.

Why Cancer Pain Is Different

Chronic pain that is not related to cancer—such as pain from arthritis,

back injuries, or gastrointestinal disorders—is very different from the pain
of progressive cancer. One reason is that cancer pain is more liberally treated
with a greater variety of therapies and usually responds well, while treat-
ment options for most chronic noncancer pain are more restricted and sat-
isfactory relief is usually more elusive. For example, morphine and other
narcotic drugs are used routinely in cancer and are extremely effective;
addiction is considered a remote risk. In contrast, the use of morphine for
chronic pain is highly controversial and remains infrequent or even the
last resort, both because it appears to be much less reliably effective and
because concerns about addiction are pervasive. Attitudes have changed
Understanding Cancer and Pain 43

rapidly in recent years, and today's patients with chronic noncancer pain
are much more likely to be treated with opioids than in the past, but such
treatment remains stigmatized and guarded, often leaving patients feel-
ing humiliated, like failures or criminals. In the case of chronic pain unre-
lated to cancer, patients often need to be encouraged to live with some or
all of their pain because there is no cure. If there is any good news with
cancer, it is that the pain can be controlled.

Pain versus Suffering

Before we discuss specific cancer pain syndromes (characteristic presenta-
tions that arise as a consequence of different cancer types), it's important to
first understand the differences between pain and suffering, two broad con-
cepts that are closely related. Pain is more intimately related to the actual
injured tissue and the signal that is generated. Suffering, on the other hand,
includes pain and can be a consequence of it, but it is more closely related to
our interpretation of the pain signal and our responses to it.
Psychological, cultural, and socioeconomic factors all play important
roles in how we react to significant life events, including how much we
suffer when we experience pain. The relative contributions of these psychoso-
cial components, however, do not make the pain that underlies them any less au-
thentic, real, or valid. The powerful influence of our mind, though, may
help explain why the pain from tumor growth or tumor recurrence may
be much harder to tolerate than pain that stems from scarring in cancer
that has been cured, since these types of pain have such different mean-
ings and significance. Suffering, therefore, includes feelings that are linked
to the problems of being ill with cancer and the stress that arises from
them. Terminal cancer patients often suffer more, for example, if they be-
lieve their pain can't be controlled, but once it has been demonstrated
that, in fact, their pain can be relieved, their suffering diminishes. Often a
referral to hospice or a pain specialist is sufficient to render pain easier to
manage, since the simple assurance that someone will be specifically ac-
countable for managing pain reduces anxiety. Childbirth is another ex-
ample that shows the difference between pain and suffering: although its
pain is undeniable, childbirth is associated with little suffering because
the experience is usually viewed as part of a joyous event.
In expressing suffering, patients may exhibit attention-seeking behav-
iors, such as remaining disabled despite improvement or constantly look-
ing for a different doctor. Other examples of how psychological factors
influence suffering include:
44 Cancer and Its Pain

• Depression that stems from feelings of helplessness, isolation,

physical disability, fatigue, the actual or threatened loss of wellness,
income, and identity, and fear of death
• Anxiety about treatment, outcome, expenses, and the welfare of
family members
• Anger at being ill; at friends and family for not being supportive
enough; at doctors for being unavailable or unable to cure the
patient; and at health care facilities for delays, blunders, or insen-
sitive treatment

Thus, although a person's response to pain—his so-called pain be-

havior (grimacing, crying, limping, asking for help)—may appear to be a
direct result of the damage caused by cancer, this behavior is always
strongly influenced by psychological factors, a fact that patients some-
times resist acknowledging. But perhaps this is an artificial distinction.
Most experts would now argue that you can't have pain without the influ-
ence of psychological factors. In fact, more and more scientists are con-
vinced that we cannot separate mind from body and that effective
treatment, especially for cancer patients, must consider the mind and body
as a whole.
The relationships between pain and feelings or mood are complex. If
a depression is effectively treated through counseling or antidepressants,
the severity of pain problems and their associated distress often signifi-
cantly subside. If depression persists, even aggressive pain therapy with
morphine or surgery often fails to significantly relieve pain, because a
strong psychological component of pain remains.

How Feelings Can Affect Pain

One doctor tells the story of a woman with persistent pain that didn't seem to re-
spond to treatments that ordinarily work well. After days of trying various medical
therapies without success, a staff member finally spoke with the patient in greater
depth and discovered that the patient was terribly anxious about what would be-
come of her beloved poodle if she died. The social services staff pursued this issue,
and after reassurance that a caring foster home was available for her dog, the patient's
pain responded much more favorably to treatment and, along with her anxiety,
rapidly subsided.

On the other hand, persistent pain can trigger depression—cancer

patients in pain have been found to have higher rates of depression than
otherwise similar cancer patients who had no pain. It is not surprising
Understanding Cancer and Pain 45

that when pain is well managed, depression often resolves or becomes

easier to treat.
What's vital to remember here is that regardless of the extent to which
psychological, emotional, and spiritual factors trigger or influence pain, the
pain and suffering are just as authentic, legitimate, and real to the person
who is experiencing them. In working with a patient who has pain and
suffering, therefore, caregivers need to understand that, if they are to be
successful, efforts to relieve pain must take into account the full range of
reasons for the patient's suffering. (See Chapter 14, "Dealing with Feelings.")

Why Cancer Hurts

Tumors themselves do not hurt. Pain is caused either by the effects of the
cancer treatments (such as chemotherapy, surgical scarring, and radiation),
the effects of the tumor's growth (intruding on neighboring tissues or in-
vading other tissues distant from the tumor's primary site), other condi-
tions that occur along with the cancer (such as herpes zoster, commonly
known as shingles, a condition that chemotherapy patients are more sus-
ceptible to, or back pain from prolonged bed rest), or side effects from thera-
pies and medications (such as getting on and off the radiation table,
constipation, or nausea). In addition, of course, many patients with cancer
may have long-standing chronic pain due to an unrelated condition such as
arthritis or an old back injury. Since chronic pain is so often undertreated,
many cancer patients are surprised and pleased to learn that these old pains
they have been told to live with can in fact also be relieved.
Like virtually all medical therapies, almost all treatments for cancer
are associated with some risk of toxicity or side effects and complications.
In an effort to destroy all of the cancer cells, some healthy cells may be
damaged as well, but since many therapies have an excellent chance of
helping the patient, these are risks that most patients are willing to take.
After successful treatment, patients may live long and healthy lives, and
although some may experience lasting complications (such as pain) from
their cancer treatments, it is also reassuring that not all the pain associated
with cancer is from tumor growth, but rather may be related to treatments.

Cancer Pain Syndromes Associated with Cancer Therapy

As we've said, one of the challenges of designing the best cancer treat-
ment involves destroying as many tumor cells as possible while preserv-
ing the integrity of normal cells. Still, some injury, either temporary or
permanent, usually occurs to normal cells and may produce pain, which
46 Cancer and Its Pain

can be transient or, in some cases, lasting. This is why it is wrong to al-
ways assume that more pain in the cancer patient means the tumor has
gotten worse. Pain from cancer therapy is, in fact, much more common
than has been realized, and as we've already mentioned, accounts for about
one-quarter to one-third of the pain reported by cancer patients. Fortu-
nately, however, like the other pains associated with cancer, treatment-
related pain can be successfully treated, even when it is chronic.
Although we list many of the possible problems that may arise in the
cancer patient, it must be remembered that there is an enormous diversity
in the experiences of cancer patients, and although we discuss many dif-
ferent syndromes below, the likelihood of any patient experiencing more
than a few is very low. We list many here so that a patient who is having a
particular problem can find it described and may be reassured to recog-
nize that it is not a freak occurrence but the possible effect of a particular
Specifically, these pain syndromes stem from the following three cat-
egories: pain from surgery, pain from chemotherapy, and pain from radia-
tion therapy.


In addition to the self-limited pain that follows most operations, amputa-
tion and surgery on the chest (thoracotomy), breast (mastectomy), neck
(radical neck dissection), and rectum, in particular, may cause lasting pain.
Usually, pain is from nerve injury and may be described as "numbing,"
"burning," or "shooting"; it is often accompanied by hypersensitivity of
the skin near the operated region. It has recently been recognized that
pain after amputation is much more common than was previously thought.
In the past, patients used to think they were going crazy when they felt
sensations in the part of the body that had been removed (called phantom
limb pain). It has also recently been recognized that similar pain may fol-
low breast, colostomy, and head and neck surgery (phantom breast pain,
phantom anus pain, and even phantom tongue pain).


Certain types of chemotherapy are more likely than others to cause pain.
Here is another reason to make sure pain is fully discussed with the doc-
tor. This kind of pain can often be relieved or eliminated by adjusting the
chemotherapy. Polyneuropathy (damage to many small nerves), especially
common after treatment with the drugs vincristine and vinblastine, may
be first felt as jaw pain, but most commonly causes tingling sensations in
the feet and hands, as well as stomach problems (autonomic neuropathy).
Taxol, a popular, relatively new chemotherapy drug, is also commonly
Understanding Cancer and Pain 47

associated with polyneuropathy, as well as myalgias (muscle aches) and

arthralgias (joint pain). Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), or
Neupogen, is a treatment that has been recently developed to counter low
white blood cell counts that can be caused by chemotherapy. Given as a
weekly subcutaneous injection, it is very effective, but it may cause severe
bone pain for several days, especially in the ribs, low back, and sternum
or breastbone. Steroids are commonly used in cancer treatment and, when
taken for a long time, can weaken the bones (a condition called osteoporo-
sis or excessive bone resorption) and even destroy the bone, especially the
hip joints (called aseptic necrosis). If steroids are withdrawn too quickly,
joint pain (pseudorheumatism) can result as well. Painful, sensitive mouth
sores (known as stomatitis and mucositis) can be caused by many types of
chemotherapy, especially when combined with radiotherapy or bone-
marrow transplantation. This kind of pain is usually very severe but lasts
only days to weeks in most cases. The recognition and treatment of mu-
cositis is crucial so that treatment does not interfere with nutrition.


Radiation therapy can cause a variety of symptoms, usually related to the
area that is being treated. In addition to fatigue, bleeding problems, skin
injury, nausea, and diarrhea, there may be pain in the skin, bone, or near
nerves. Pain can result from actual injury to these structures or may be
due to indirect causes, such as scarring and fibrosis (excessive and thick-
ened connective tissue) or injury to blood vessels that supply these struc-
tures. The spinal cord is very sensitive to radiation, and occasionally injury
here may produce bizarre pain in the lower half of the body, sometimes
accompanied by numbness and even paralysis or bladder problems (in-
continence). Occasionally, years later, radiation therapy can even produce
new tumors on nerves that are included in the treatment field.

Cancer Pain Syndromes Caused by Tumor Growth

One of the most common sources of pain in cancer patients is a result of
the effects of tumor growth, which accounts for almost 80 percent of the
pain in hospitalized cancer patients and about 60 percent in outpatients.
Again, although many different syndromes are described here, the likeli-
hood of a particular patient experiencing more than a couple are very
Specifically, pain from the cancer itself is caused by the cancer:
• Invading nerves, blood vessels, bones, or parts of the lymphatic
48 Cancer and Its Pain

• Pressing on nerves, causing compression

• Obstructing hollow organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, tra-
chea, or ureter
• Blocking blood vessels, which can cause poor circulation and swol-
len, engorged veins
• Killing, infecting, or inflaming tissues
• Pushing on tissues, causing them to become swollen or distended
The type of pain depends on exactly where the tumor damage occurs.
The part of the body that is injured and the probable mechanism of pain
will help determine what type of medications will help. Here is a general
overview of the various pain syndromes associated with cancer.

Bone Pain
Tumor invading bone is the most common cause of cancer pain, although
interestingly, spread of cancer to the bone is not always associated with
pain (silent metastases). Bone metastases are especially common with can-
cer of the prostate, breast, thyroid, lung, or kidney but can occur with
almost any tumor. A test called a bone scan is often used to identify tu-
mors that have spread to the bone, but plain X-rays, CAT scans, and mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be used. Although many types of
tumors in bone are not painful, when they do cause pain, the pain often
flares up at night and is worse with movement or when the body bears
weight. Typically, bone pain feels like a dull, deep ache or like a gnawing
pain; it may cause muscle spasms or spells of stabbing pain. All of the
body's bones, in a sense, can be considered part of the same organ or or-
gan system, so once a single bone has shown evidence of tumor spread,
patients shouldn't be surprised to find that the cancer has spread to other
bones, even though only some of the bone lesions may hurt.
Occasionally, headaches occur with tumors in the bones of the outer
skull, and when bones near the base of the skull are affected facial pain and
nerve abnormalities may arise. Back pain is common when lung, breast,
prostate, bladder or kidney cancers metastasize to the spine. Persistent, deep,
boring pain in the hip or thigh sometimes signifies that tumor invasion of
this region has caused or may soon cause a fracture (pathologic fracture or
impending fracture), and may be a reason to consider surgery to avoid be-
ing bedridden. Pain involving the bones of the spine may signify that a
compression (crush) fracture has occurred. Pain from vertebral compres-
sion fractures usually gets better with time, and treatment with surgery is
usually not considered unless there is also injury to the spinal cord.
Bone pain is often treated with anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs)
and opioids (narcotics) and usually responds especially well to radiation
Understanding Cancer and Pain 49

therapy or a radiation-like treatment with a bone-seeking isotope injec-

tion, such as strontium-89 (Metastron) or samarium (Quadramet), when

Pain Due to Nerve Damage

Pain from nerve damage, which affects 20 to 40 percent of patients, may
be associated with hypersensitivity and is often described as burning, tin-
gling, numbing, pressing, squeezing, or itching. It may even trigger pain
in numb areas. Patients often describe nerve pain as a bizarre experience,
different from the sensations they usually associate with pain. Nerve pain
can be extremely unpleasant, even intolerable.
Usually nerve pain is constant and steady. Sometimes, in addition to
the continuous pain, sudden intermittent pains occur, often described as
shooting, like a lance stabbing (lancinating), electrical, or jolting in nature.
In trying to understand pain better, doctors have compared these types of
pain to a seizure or convulsion and have found more than a few similari-
ties. Pain does not cause seizures, but both nerve pain and seizures are elec-
trical phenomena; like a seizure, pain from a nerve injury may be sudden
and unpredictable in onset and duration. This similarity is why doctors use
anticonvulsants such as gabapentin (Neurontin), carbamazepine (Tegretol),
valproic acid (Depakote), and phenytoin (Dilantin) to treat shooting pain.
Many patients with nerve pain also experience associated problems,
such as bladder or bowel weakness, an impaired sense (poor taste, smell,
hearing, or feeling, or vision problems), or motor, balance, or reflex prob-
lems. Some patients also suffer from what is known as alodynia, that is,
an unpleasant abnormal sensation, such as that experienced with shingles,
in which a patient exhibits unusual pain sensitivity from something as
ordinary as light touch, which doesn't normally cause pain; this may re-
sult from contact with clothing, bedsheets, or even the wind.
Unfortunately, nerve pain often responds relatively poorly to narcotic
drugs such as morphine when they are used alone. Sometimes, however,
it can be relieved by combining drugs, such as by adding certain types of
antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants), anticonvulsants, muscle relax-
ants (like baclofen), orally administered local anesthetics (sodium chan-
nel blockers such as mexiletine), and drugs known as alpha-adrenergic
antagonists. Still, in all these cases, relief is unpredictable, and new com-
binations or adjustments of medications may be needed every few weeks,
during which time the drug dosages may be raised steadily to find the
right dose. Sometimes rubbing the painful area with topical medicines
that contain aspirin, chloroform, or capsaicin can help nerve pain as well.
(See Chapter 8 for more details.)
50 Cancer and Its Pain

More invasive techniques such as nerve blocks may provide short-

term relief, and sometimes a series of these injections (usually performed
by a specially trained anesthesiologist) may provide prolonged periods of
relief. In special cases, long-term electrical stimulation of the spinal cord
or brain can be used to provide long-term relief as well.

Muscle Pain
Until recently, muscle pain had been underrecognized in cancer patients,
largely because even modern tests do a poor job of identifying damage to
muscles. When muscles are injured, the pain may be described as dull,
aching, and sore, often accompanied by stiffness and local tenderness.
Although it may feel like a cramp, muscular cancer pain is usually more
severe and persistent than a typical cramp.
In general, muscle pain (like the pain of the flu) does not respond
extremely well to morphine and similar drugs, or even to traditional muscle
relaxants (Soma, Robaxin, Parafon Forte, or Flexeril), which may just be
sedating. Stronger muscle relaxants, developed for the treatment of mul-
tiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury—baclofen (Lioresal), tizanidine
(Zanaflex)—may be helpful when started in low doses. Typically, doctors
treat muscle pain with the NSAIDs (for example, aspirin and ibuprofen),
in addition to quinine, diazepam (Valium), baclofen (Lioresal), phenytoin
(Dilantin), dantrolene (Dantrium), and carbamazepine (Tegretol).
Physical therapies such as mild exercise, gradual stretching, heat or ice,
ultrasound, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), relaxation
exercises, and massage may also help to relieve such pain. (See Chapter 12
for details.) Many patients obtain relief when a local anesthetic or steroids
are injected into persistent areas of pain, a relatively minor procedure called
a trigger point injection. (See Chapters 9 and 8, respectively.)

Abdominal Pain
When the superficial nerves just beneath the abdominal wall are involved,
pain tends to be well localized but may radiate out in bandlike patterns
and be associated with hypersensitivity and altered sensation. Abdomi-
nal pain may also stem from tumors in the liver, pancreas, stomach, intes-
tines, or pelvis.
Tumors in the liver tend to result in constant, dull, dragging pain,
especially over the right upper abdomen, and often a feeling of fullness. It
may also express itself in the midback, or in the right shoulder if the dia-
phragm is irritated. Such a tumor may also cause reduced appetite, nau-
sea, and vomiting.
Understanding Cancer and Pain 51

Pancreatic tumors tend to cause relentless, boring, aching pain in the

midabdomen that spreads to the midback and often is relieved by curling
up, by lying down in the fetal position, or by sitting, either in an easy
chair or slumped over a table, and may be aggravated by lying flat with
the legs outstretched.
Tumors in the stomach give rise to pain similar to that of pancreatic
tumors or a burning pain like that of ulcers.
Intestinal tumors may block the bowel, causing colicky (crampy, spas-
modic) pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting.
In the pelvis, tumors may be caused by bowel, ovarian, or uterine
cancer, or by tumors in the abdomen that are outside specific organs. Such
pain tends to feel vague and hard to pinpoint, yet causes fullness, pres-
sure, dragging, or discomfort on both sides of the body. In some patients,
pelvic pain may be intermittent and shooting or feel like a red-hot poker
in the rectum. When a tumor affects the bladder, the pain may be spas-
modic or burning, and can cause a sense of fullness of the bladder.
When blood vessels or areas of the lymphatic system become blocked
by a tumor, pain may also arise. When an artery is blocked, for example, the
patient may feel numb or weak in the area; as an area becomes deprived of
blood and oxygen because of the blockage, a deep, aching pain may be felt.
Moving the area may be particularly uncomfortable. When veins or lymph
vessels are obstructed, an area may become engorged, causing swelling and
tightness; sometimes the area affected may look bluish or red. Some of these
conditions, especially when rapidly progressive, are medical emergencies,
requiring an urgent consultation with a doctor. A particularly common site
for painful blockage of a vein (called thrombosis) is the calf. A deep venous
thrombosis (DVT) in this area usually causes swelling of the foot and ten-
derness involving the fleshy part of the back of the calf.

Usually headache in the cancer patient is a preexisting problem or relates to
stress and has no specific relation to the underlying cancer. Nevertheless,
headache is a prominent feature in about 60 percent of patients with brain
rumors. When due to a brain tumor, headaches often feel steady, deep, dull,
and aching but are rarely rhythmic or throbbing. They are usually intermit-
tent and may be worse in the morning or with coughing or straining. Usu-
ally the severity of the headaches that occur with brain tumors is only
moderate and is rarely severe enough to awaken patients from sleep. Often
such headaches are helped by aspirin or steroids, cold packs, or rest. The
sudden onset of headache that is associated with nausea, vigorous or pro-
jectile vomiting, confusion or sleepiness, or an irregular breathing pattern
52 Cancer and Its Pain

or pulse may signal a neurological emergency—increased intracranial pres-

sure from the rapid swelling of brain tissue within the skull's rigid encase-
ment—and requires rapid assessment and treatment.

Other Head and Neck Pain

Splinting is a medical term that refers to the body's tendency to immobi-
lize an injured part to minimize pain and promote healing, a protective
reflex that is usually adopted unconsciously. Pain in the neck and head
area is sometimes problematic because it is often triggered by swallow-
ing, eating, coughing, talking, and other movements of the head that are
relatively involuntary, thus making splinting impractical and sometimes
impossible. Head and neck pain, however, may respond well to a variety
of therapies, including radiation, NSAIDs, opioids, anticonvulsants, and
antidepressants. Nerve blocks, neurosurgery, and the administration of
opioids near the brain (intraventricular opioids) may also be effective but
are considered only infrequently.

Other Sources of Pain Associated with Cancer

Other Conditions
Pain may also result from other conditions that occur at the same time as
the cancer (comorbid conditions) and which may or may not be directly
related, such as arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and long-standing back
pain; these account for pain in about 3 percent of hospitalized cancer pa-
tients and 10 percent of those cared for at home. Some physicians also
consider problems related to the side effects of cancer therapies as another
category of pain, such as discomfort due to muscle spasms, muscle wast-
ing from inactivity, constipation, mouth sores from dehydration, and other
causes, such as bedsores (also called decubitus ulcers). These problems
are discussed more fully in Chapters 10 and 11.

''Benign" Pain
As we've indicated, patients are sometimes fearful of admitting ongoing
pain for fear that it means that their condition has worsened. This natural
tendency toward denial underscores the importance of recognizing that
not all pain associated with cancer means a tumor has grown or recurred
or that the cancer has progressed. We have already discussed how treat-
ment of the tumor can cause pain by injuring normal neighboring tissue;
scarring can also cause pain. Doctors sometimes call such discomfort be-
Understanding Cancer and Pain 53

nign pain, even though it can produce ill effects if untreated. However,
even if pain is not directly related to cancer, it is best not to label it as
benign, since no matter what the cause, persistent pain is always undesir-
able and inconsistent with well-being. Muscle spasm is a good example.
Spasm (or splinting) is a protective reflex that causes us to hold an injured
body part still, and thus this reflex serves a purpose, at least for a time.
Sometimes muscle spasm persists longer than is necessary and can be-
come the main source of pain: an injury produces spasm, but the spasm
may tug on nearby areas, producing additional pain and spasm, trigger-
ing a vicious cycle of pain and spasm that persists beyond the original
injury and may continue until it is interrupted by treatment. This type of
pain is not associated with the tumor having progressed, but for proper
treatment to be initiated, the doctor must be made aware of the existence
of the persistent pain. In this case, under doctor's counsel, it may be safe
to push through the body's alarm system and to stretch and exercise de-
spite the pain. Even though physical therapy or rehabilitation may make
the pain temporarily worse until the stiffness has improved, the resulting
pain is not a signal that new harm is brewing.
Finally, increased pain may simply be a result of the development of
tolerance to painkillers, which is common with prolonged use and can be
remedied by adjustments coordinated by your doctor.

Good Pain Treatment Is Good Cancer Treatment

Regardless of the source of the pain, it should be treated, not only to make
the patient more comfortable but, as discussed in Chapter 1, because it is
harmful to health, impairs quality of life, and interferes with the ability to
fight cancer.
Remember: suffering is needless and will only make things worse.
Pain treatment should be a high priority, not relegated to the back burner.
It is as essential to treat pain as it is to treat the cancer itself, because unre-
lenting pain can influence the course of a cancer illness. The cancer and
pain should be viewed as inseparable.
Assessing Pain and Planning
Treatment Strategies

Living with unnecessary pain decreases your overall quality of life. It may
make you less active or depressed. You may have difficulty sleeping, work-
ing, or spending time with family and friends. You may erroneously equate
your pain with advancing cancer and begin to feel hopeless. Because you
need all of your energy to get through your cancer treatments and get
healthy again, living with cancer pain is simply foolish.
This chapter provides an overview of how doctors assess cancer pain,
what patients should expect from a comprehensive pain assessment, and
the general approaches doctors use to tackle cancer pain.

Strategies to Relieve Pain

While there are many ways of addressing pain problems, each technique
pertains to one of three basic strategies doctors use to relieve cancer pain.

Strategy 1: Attacking the Source of the Pain

Whenever possible, the first and best way to relieve cancer pain is to elimi-
nate or modify the source of the pain by removing or shrinking the cancer
that is causing the pain, with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy (includ-
ing hormones). However, these approaches are sometimes impractical
and even unsafe. First, each of these kinds of treatments has some risk.

Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 55

Second, many patients are not candidates for surgery, especially if the can-
cer has spread or if a patient's overall condition is poor. Finally, not all
tumors respond well to radiation and chemotherapy. Even when they do,
treatments sometimes have to be limited because they can cause reduced
blood counts and may make patients feel run-down. Also, most of these
treatments produce pain relief only slowly, and some may actually worsen
pain or, as a side effect, cause new pain.
Nevertheless, these strategies are often very effective in relieving pain,
even when a complete cancer cure is unlikely. Since these antitumor strat-
egies to control pain involve shrinking the tumor, except for surgery they
rarely work instantly; it takes time to safely shrink a tumor, and so pain
relief may be slow. Some doctors still make the mistake of relying on an
either-or principle, instead of properly combining strategies. That is, the
goal of anticancer treatments can be curative (in pursuit of a cure) or pal-
liative (used to relieve symptoms without a hope of a cure). Either way,
painkillers should be used and tapered as the effects of the cancer treat-
ment start to take hold. Sometimes (e.g., after starting tamoxifen, a breast
cancer treatment, or after administering Neupogen, a treatment to boost
white blood cell counts) analgesics are needed to relieve initial flare-ups
of pain, at least temporarily.
Even if pain isn't relieved, it doesn't mean a poor response to the an-
titumor treatment: pain commonly persists even after very effective anti-
tumor treatment (including surgery), especially when the tumor has
produced scarring or fibrosis, or when its bulk has chronically stretched,
bruised, or infiltrated nerves and other pain-sensitive structures. Some-
times powerful anticancer treatments produce their own new pain, an
unfortunate complication.

Strategy 2: Distorting the Pain Message with Analgesics

The most common way to relieve pain is to alter the perception of pain at
the level of the spinal cord and brain, where the pain messages are ulti-
mately received and interpreted, with painkillers or analgesics, such as
morphine. Even though patients may fear that doctors will view their pain
as "in their head," in truth, all pain is in the head. No matter how or where
it hurts, pain is ultimately recorded in the brain, which acts like a com-
puter interpreting the meaning of all the sensations we experience. Mor-
phine and related drugs alter the perception of pain in a selective and
reversible way, with no permanent damage or changes. Pain is blunted,
and with proper use individuals can continue to function normally, and
often much better, once an individualized medication treatment program
has been established.
56 Cancer and Its Pain

Strategy 3: Interrupting the Pain Signals

The third way to treat cancer pain, which is used much less frequently, is
to use a nerve block of some sort that interrupts the pain signal some-
where between its source (usually the tumor) and the central nervous sys-
tem (which includes the spinal cord and brain) where the signals are
received. This approach is like cutting an electrical wire to interrupt a cir-
cuit, and resembles a dentist's injection of novocaine.
To treat cancer pain, neurosurgical and anesthetic procedures can
numb, cut, burn, or freeze nerves or nerve centers. Such blocks can be
administered by injecting chemicals nearby, such as local anesthetics for
short-term relief, steroids for intermediate relief, and (when appropriate)
nerve-damaging alcohol or phenol for longer-term and even occasionally
permanent relief. Since these treatments have greater risks and aren't as
reliably reversible, they are appropriate for only a small proportion of
patients. (See Chapter 9 for details.)
Before any of these approaches are used, however, physicians must
first assess the pain situation by gathering information about the underly-
ing cancer, the pain, and the person experiencing it. Some doctors will ask
about characteristics of the pain, others will use formal questionnaires,
and many will request the presence of a family member or friend to share
their observations and assist with planning.
Since every person's pain is different, each treatment plan will be dif-
ferent as well. What worked for a friend, who may even have had a similar
cancer, may not be appropriate for a specific patient. Just as many people
can't buy suits off the rack, drug therapy must be tailored for an optimal fit.

How to Prepare for a Pain Assessment

To ensure the best treatment, you need to accurately convey all relevant
information about the disease, prior treatments, other medical conditions,
lifestyle and coping methods, medication use, and other vital information.

Bring Details
An assessment usually begins with a basic history and may include ques-
tions about marital and work status, ability to complete activities of daily
living, exercise levels, network of support, cultural and ethnic background,
psychological and social strengths and weaknesses, spiritual beliefs, health
problems other than cancer, allergies, medication use, prior surgery, and
the abilities and health of your spouse or significant other (including the
ability to care for the cancer patient, to drive, etc.). Remember, the more
the doctor knows, the better he can help.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 57

Bring a Companion
When possible, the patient should bring someone else to the pain assess-
ment, ideally the person responsible for the patient's overall care. That
person can serve as the patient's advocate and actively participate in deci-
sions. Many doctors encourage whole families to come, since ill patients
are often distracted by their pain, deny the seriousness of their illness, or
may find it difficult to concentrate or adequately communicate their con-
cerns. A companion can ensure that all questions have been answered,
take notes, and be prepared to review them with the patient later.

Patient and Family Checklist for Doctor's Appointment

Bring to the appointment:
• A companion who is prepared with questions, paper, and pen
• A list of important events in the medical history, especially involving the cancer
• A summary of cancer treatments and recommendations so far
• A list of medications (or the bottles in a bag) and allergies to medications
• Completed pain questionnaire and/or diary
• List of problematic symptoms

• Notes on the patient's outlook and emotional well-being

• A tape recorder (with permission)

Provide Details about the Pain

Most people find it difficult to discuss their pain and may be taken aback
when pressed for details. Some just say, "It just hurts; I can't describe it."
Pain specialists list more than seventy-five words to characterize pain (see
below). Pain from a toothache is very different from the pain of a burn or
a fresh surgical incision. Your physician needs to especially know whether
the pain is burning, tingling, numbing, or electrical in character because
some of these features may reflect nerve damage, which is treated differ-
ently from other types of pain.
Although many pain clinics use formal pain questionnaires, many
doctors don't. Basically, measures of pain attempt to assess three dimen-
sions: (1) pain intensity, location, and character, (2) pain relief, and (3) psy-
chological distress or mood. Review the following table, which gives you
a vocabulary for your pain.
Where Pain Is Technical Term for
How It Feels Probably From Type of Pain

Aching, sharp, dull, Soft tissue: muscle, bone, Somatic

knifelike, throbbing, ligament, fat, and skin Nociceptive
pulsing, gnawing pain

Pressure, pulling, tugging, Internal organs or blood Visceral

dragging, heaviness, vessels Nociceptive
twisting, fullness

Tingling, burning, searing, Nerves Neuropathic

flickering, numb, pins and
needles, itching, crawling,

Miserable, annoying, Pain that is strongly Psychosomatic

unbearable, exhausting, influenced by emotions, (which does not
tiring, agonizing, torturous anxiety, or depression mean it isn't real)

Words for Describing Pain

Flickering Tugging Splitting Miserable

Quivering Pulling Constant Intense
Pulsing Wrenching Unremitting Unbearable
Beating Hot Tiring Spreading
Pounding Burning Exhausting Radiating
jumping Scalding Sickening Penetrating
Flashing Searing Suffocating Piercing
Shooting Shooting Fearful Tight
Pricking Lacerating Frightful Numb
Boring Electrical Jolting Terrifying Drawing
Drilling Tingling Punishing Squeezing
Stabbing Itching Grueling Tearing
Lancinating Smarting Cruel Cool
(piercing) Stinging Vicious Cold
Sharp Dull Killing Freezing
Cutting Sore Wretched Nagging
Lacerating Hurting Blinding Nauseating
Pinching Aching Annoying Agonizing
Pressing Heavy Troublesome Dreadful
Gnawing Tender Rasping Torturing
Cramping Taut
How Intense Is Your Pain?
Pain Intensity Scale
0 No pain 1 Mild 2 Discomforting 3 Distressing 4 Horrible 5 Excruciating
Source: Reprinted from the McGill Pain Questionnaire. © 1970
by Ronald Melzack, Ph.D., and used with permission of Dr. Melzack.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 59

Here are several of the most well-known pain questionnaires. Choose

the one you feel most comfortable with, and bring it along to your doctor's

Figure 3.1 Visual Analog Scale

For children under seven and some adults, the face scales below are very
useful since they don't rely on language.

Figure 3.2 McGrath's Face Scale

Children are presented with one of three different randomly ordered face sheets.
They select the face that best represents how they feel in relation to their pain, from
the "happiest feeling possible" (little pain) to the "saddest feeling possible" (great
pain). The numbers represent the magnitude of pain affect (between 0 and 1) shown
in each face based on previous research on children.
Source: From P. A. McGrath, Pain in Children:
Nature, Assessment, and Treatment (New York: Guilford, 1990), p. 76.
60 Cancer and Its Pain

The Brief Pain Inventory (which takes only about fifteen minutes) is
quick and one of the most useful tools, as it also includes questions on
functional status and quality of life.
Figure 3.3 Brief Pain Inventory

Reprinted with permission of the Pain Research Group, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. © 1991 by C. S. Cleeland.
62 Cancer and Its Pain

Several other scales are used with children: the "Oucher," which shows
a scale from 0 to 100 and six photographs of a four-year-old's face depict-
ing different levels of pain; pain drawings or pain maps, where children
color where they hurt (using four different colors that represent varying
intensities of pain); a poker chip assessment, in which children are given
four red poker chips, which represent "a piece of hurt," and are asked
how many chips their pain has; a pain "thermometer"; and a list of pain
words for children and teens.
While there's no "best" pain tool, any of these (or other) scales give
patients and doctors a consistent way to communicate about pain on an
ongoing basis. A Mexican investigator, Dr. Ricardo Plancarte, has even
popularized an effective fruit scale that asks "whether your pain is more
like the size of a grape or a watermelon," for use with farmers who don't
read well.

Pain Word List for Children and Teenagers

Sensory Words Sensory Words Emotional Words
Aching Hot Awful
Hurting Cramping Deadly
Like an ache Crushing Dying
Like a hurt Like a pinch Killing
Sore Pinching Crying
Beating Pressure Frightening
Hitting Itching Screaming
Pounding Like a scratch Terrifying
Punching Like a sting Dizzy
Throbbing Scratching Sickening
Biting Stinging Suffocating
Cutting Shocking Evaluative Words
Like a pin Shooting Annoying
Like a sharp knife Splitting Bad
Pinlike Numb Horrible
Sharp Stiff Miserable
Stabbing Swollen Terrible
Blistering Tight Uncomfortable
Burning Never goes away

Source: Reprinted from D. Wilkie, W. Holzemer, M. Tesler, et al., "Measuring pain

quality: validity and reliability of children's and adolescent's pain language," Pain
41 (1990): 151. Reprinted with permission of Elsevier Science and authors.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 63

What to Tell a Doctor about Pain

Here are some questions that can help you identify what to tell the doctor
about the pain:
• Where is the pain? Is it in a single spot or more than one place?
Which is the worst pain?
• Does the pain ever radiate—shoot or travel—from one location to
another? Are there any secondary pains?
• Did the pain predate the cancer? Is it chronic pain, like arthritis or
migraine pain? If a new pain, is it like pain that you've had before?
• Is the pain constant (uninterrupted and always present)? Inter-
mittent (comes and goes)? Or constant (perhaps at a low level)
but punctuated with periods of severe pain, especially with move-
ment or activity (which is the most common mode of all)?
• How severe is each pain on average? How severe is it when it
subsides (least pain experienced)? How severe is it at its worst?
Try using a O-to-10 scale; 0 means no pain, and 10 is the worst pain
• What kind of pain is it? What words best describe it (burning, ach-
ing, stabbing, piercing, etc.)?
• When does each pain start (during the night, when getting out of
bed, etc.)? How long does it last? Are there any patterns to it?
• What tends to aggravate the pain—for example, what movement
or position?
• What helps relieve it? Do heat, cold, massage, distraction, posi-
tion, activities, or medications have any effect?
• How does the pain affect activities, energy level, appetite, sexual
habits, movement, posture, mood, and sleep?
• Are there any other changes associated with the pain? Is there
numbness or weakness?
• Is there leakage of urine or soiling of undergarments?
• Is the skin near the area ever affected—for example, are there
changes in the temperature, color, or texture of the skin, and has
sweating or the growth of hair or nails changed?
• Have any painkillers ever been used in the past? Were any of them
particularly effective or ineffective? How long were they effec-
tive? Were there side effects? Are any being used now? What other
medications are being taken?
• What would the patient do differently if the pain didn't exist? What
new activities would the patient engage in?
64 Cancer and Its Pain

Keeping a Pain Diary

A pain log not only helps doctors diagnose a pain problem but also helps
measure progress. After only a few days' entries, a pattern may emerge, such
as the pain occurring at a particular time of day or after a particular activity.
By using a numeric scale (0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 the most severe
pain imaginable) to measure and record the pain day by day, or by using one
of the other assessment tools regularly, you can help the doctor know whether
to increase, decrease, or change medications. Also, your confidence and self-
esteem may increase as you see how the pain diminishes.
Caregivers also find it useful to log medication use, doctors' visits,
toilet habits (for example, last bowel movement), and other problems.
Keeping a journal to record thoughts and feelings also can be helpful,
especially for patients and family members who find it hard to express them-
selves aloud. Life-threatening illnesses are passages in people's lives, both for
the patient and for the caregiver; an openness to the experience and the ex-
pression of feelings can help launch gratifying communication with others.

Daily Pain Diary

Pain level
Pain level Other (mild,
0-10 Activity Medication pain moderate,
(mild, that taken relief severe) Side Other comments
moderate, triggered and methods after effects (other symptoms,
Date severe) pain dose used medication experienced moods,problems)


1 a.m.

3 a.m.

5 a.m.

7 a.m.

9 a.m.

11 a.m.


1 p.m.

3 p.m.

5 p.m.

7 p.m.

9 p.m.

11 p.m.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 65

Convey All Symptoms

Cancer has been called a multisymptomatic disease, which means that it
can affect different patients in many different ways, often at once. Here is
a list of some of the symptoms people with cancer describe; each is impor-
tant for the doctor to know about.

Symptoms That Cancer Patients May Experience

Systemwide Symptoms Neurological Problems Respiratory Problems
Loss of appetite (anorexia) Drowsiness Difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
Weight loss (cachexia) Confusion, disorientation Shallow, rapid breathing
Tiredness/weakness Hallucinations (tachypnea)
(fatigue, lassitude) Headache Irregular breathing with breath-
Loss of strength Weakness Muscle weakness holding (periodic apnea)
(asthenia) Altered sensations (numb- Cough
Difficulty initiating and ness, tingling, etc.) Hiccoughs (singultus)
maintaining sleep

Gastrointestinal Problems Psychological Problems Urinary Problems

Difficulty in swallowing Irritability Inability to control urination (inconti-
(dysphagia) Anxiety nence)
Nausea Panic Painful urination (dysuria)
Vomiting Depression Bladder spasms (tenesmus)
Dehydration Dementia Difficulty urinating (hesitancy,
Constipation frequency, urgency, etc.)
Leakage of stool (inconti-
Sensation of the frequent,
usually unsuccessful
need to pass stool,
accompanied by pain,
cramping, and straining
(rectal tenesmus)

Other Bedsores; dry, sore mouth

Symptoms to Report to Your Doctor,

Especially If Onset Is Sudden or Rapid
Knowing the condition of the patient includes taking into account the whole
person—the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. This kind of approach
helps the doctor determine just what is going on so he can begin to sort
out what problems are caused by the cancer, the cancer treatment, or medi-
cations. Painkillers sometimes produce side effects, which can prevent
doctors from prescribing high enough doses. If kept informed of symp-
toms, however, the doctor can usually help reverse or prevent them, so
higher doses of a painkiller may be prescribed when necessary.
66 Cancer and Its Pain

People often just endure the side effects of medications, thinking in-
correctly that they must. For example, constipation almost always occurs
with painkillers, and nausea is common with chemotherapy. By simply
adding a laxative when an opioid is prescribed and an antinausea medi-
cation during chemotherapy, the patient can easily achieve the relief he
craves and needs. Even fatigue, weight loss, and sedation can be made
more manageable with currently available products and methods.

Inform the Doctor and Other Staff Immediately

if Any of These Symptoms Suddenly Occurs for the First Time
Severe confusion or disorientation
Severe trembling, uncontrolled muscle movements, convulsions, seizures
Numbness, tingling, or weakness in feet, legs, or trunk, with or without incontinence
Sudden breathlessness or painful breathing or coughing
Inability to urinate (retention) or to control urination (incontinence)
Inability to control stool (fecal incontinence) or no bowel movement for several days
Unrelieved nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Any combination of hives, itching, skin rash, wheezing, or facial swelling

Be Prepared for Psychological Questions

As discussed in Chapter 2, suffering is more than physical discomfort and
usually involves psychological issues such as moodiness, anxiety over fam-
ily and financial burdens, and fears about illness, pain, disfigurement, loss
of mental and physical control, and death. To treat pain comprehensively,
doctors need to address psychological concerns, even though these mat-
ters may seem unimportant, too personal, or beyond help (denial). Pa-
tients shouldn't be surprised or offended if asked about personal and
cognitive styles (how the patient explains the world to himself), coping
mechanisms, depression and anxiety, whether these feelings preceded the
illness (preexisting) or were brought on by the illness (secondary or reac-
tive), a history of excessive concerns about health and illness (hypochon-
dria), a preoccupation with one's looks and attractiveness (body image),
and so forth. Doctors also need to be informed of any history of drug or
alcohol use because patients with such histories may tolerate or respond
to analgesics and other drugs differently than others.

The Goals of Pain Treatment

The overall goal of any pain management plan is to enhance quality of
life, improve the patient's ability to maintain or resume normal activities,
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 67

and allow the patient to focus on the things in life that give it meaning.
The priorities usually are:

1. To provide a good night's sleep. Plenty of pain-free sleep at night is

important because when sleep is abnormal we become less toler-
ant to pain. Also, if you don't sleep well at night, you will nap
often during the day, which makes it harder to sleep the next night.
Medication may be needed to resume a normal circadian (rhyth-
mic) sleep-wake cycle, but it must be complemented with efforts
to reduce daytime naps. Discuss these issues with your doctor,
since fighting cancer, especially in the elderly, is hard work, and
some daytime rest may still be advisable.

2. To relieve pain while resting. The next step is to ease pain during
wakeful rest, which usually requires long-acting medications pre-
scribed around the clock (discussed later in this chapter).

3. To relieve pain triggered by movement. The next, and sometimes most

difficult, goal to achieve is to relieve pain that is triggered by spe-
cific activities, such as getting out of bed, turning over, bathing,
and so on. Referred to as breakthrough pain, incident pain, or pain
on movement, this type of pain is usually best managed with pre-
scribed doses of a relatively rapid-onset, short-acting medication
with or before the pain-provoking activity (called a rescue dose or
escape dose—see below).

These priorities are usually addressed in this order, with getting a good
night's sleep being paramount. Once that is accomplished, the doctor will
then attempt to relieve the pain that persists during rest and finally that
which accompanies movement.

Drug Therapy: The Cornerstone of Pain Treatment

Pain medications are used commonly for acute or chronic pain for pa-
tients of all ages, including infants and the elderly, and will relieve pain in
about 90 percent of cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) began a
revolution in cancer pain therapies with its recommended "ladder" of
medications for the appropriate sequence of therapies. It suggests that
doctors treat mild cancer pain with mild painkillers and progress to more
potent ones as needed, adding supplemental medications that can enhance
pain relief or relieve medication-related side effects as necessary.
68 Cancer and Its Pain

Figure 3.4 The WHO's basic pain strategy, called the "analgesic ladder/' is now
used worldwide to treat cancer pain.
Source: Reprinted with permission of the World Health Organization.

The Basic Pain Strategy: The Painkiller Ladder

The WHO's basic pain strategy, now used worldwide to treat cancer pain,
suggests the following steps:

Step 1: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

These drugs, useful for mild to moderate pain, include aspirin, acetami-
nophen (Tylenol, etc.), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Rufen, Nuprin,
Medipren, among others). In fact, there are almost twenty different NSAIDs.
Until recently, the various NSAIDs did not differ greatly from each
other, and while most still don't, a doctor may suggest trying different
types (medication rotation), because one may work better or be better tol-
erated in one person than another. Unfortunately, there's no way to know
in advance which will be better for a particular person until they are tried,
a process of educated trial and error with careful observation.
New specialized NSAIDs, dubbed by the media as the "superaspirins,"
include agents such as rofecoxib (Vioxx) and celocoxib (Celebrex); they
are technically called COX-2 inhibitors (see Chapter 5) because they work
preferentially on one of two enzymes involved in the mechanisms associ-
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 69

ated with pain. While they are not necessarily more effective for pain, they
are somewhat less likely to cause complications such as ulcers and bleed-
ing, which is particularly important to the elderly or those with a history
of alcohol abuse or liver and kidney problems. However, insurers often
insist that doctors fill out time-consuming forms justifying their use be-
cause of their dramatic additional expense.
Surprisingly, when taken in the right dose (not too high or too low) at
the right time (around the clock, as directed), the NSAIDs are often quite
effective for even severe pain—especially pain that stems from bone tu-
mors, bone metastases, and local inflammation (tissue irritation).
Often, an adjuvant medication (a complementary or helper medication),
such as certain antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and muscle relaxants, may
enhance the effects of the more traditional painkillers. Medications to pre-
vent nausea or constipation may also be prescribed.
When taken on schedule continuously, relief is quick, often within twenty-
four hours. If there is no noticeable benefit within forty-eight hours, or if side
effects such as stomach problems, blood-thinning effects (bruising, bleeding),
or drowsiness occur, the doctor should be informed so that an escalation of
the pain treatment strategy to the next logical step can be planned.
Even when they aren't strong enough to eliminate the pain, as long as
pain is reduced and there are no serious side effects, NSAIDs should prob-
ably still be taken, but usually in combination with a stronger (opioid)
medication. Since the two relieve pain by different mechanisms, taken to-
gether they can produce an additive or synergistic benefit, so that less
opioid medication is ultimately needed.

Step 2: Opioids Conventionally Used to Treat Moderate Pain:

Mild or Weak Opioids
Codeine (usually prescribed as Tylenol #3) is the prototype and most famil-
iar of these drugs, with propoxyphene (the active component of Darvon
and Darvocet) the most common alternative. Despite the historical popu-
larity of these agents, today other so-called weak opioids are usually pre-
ferred, including hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, etc.), dihydrocodeine
(Synalgos DC), tramadol (Ultram), and oxycodone (Percodan, Percocet,
Roxicodone, OxyFast, OxylR). Most of the weak opioids come combined
obligatorily with aspirin or acetaminophen. This limits how much can be
taken (usually two tablets every three to six hours)—not because of the nar-
cotic, but because too much aspirin or acetaminophen can cause serious
health problems.
Actually, the distinction between weak and strong opioids has little
scientific basis, since higher doses of the so-called weak agents produce
70 Cancer and Its Pain

effects similar to those of lower doses of strong agents. The distinction is

more cultural in nature, resulting from our drug-phobic society and its ex-
cessive concern about prescribing morphine and other potent opioids. These
agents are really only considered "weak" because safe doses are limited by
the need to avoid a buildup of acetaminophen and aspirin. While these
agents have a definite role for mild and moderate pain, a doctor's prefer-
ence for prescribing weaker drugs (and patients' reluctance to advance to
stronger ones) can sometimes cloud decisions about which alternative would
be the most effective and safe. It is usually wiser to rely more on products
with a higher proportion of hydrocodone (instead of a higher proportion of
acetaminophen) because it is safer and allows for more flexibility in increas-
ing doses, yet this practice is still unfortunately often ignored.

One of the most common errors made by well-meaning physicians who still harbor
exaggerated concerns about the risks of addiction is to maintain patients on these
weaker opioid medications, often in spiraling doses, when a stronger one would
better relieve the pain and—because excessive acetaminophen and aspirin are
avoided—may actually be less risky.

Again, at this step, adding an adjuvant medication (most commonly an-

tidepressants, anticonvulsants, and sometimes steroids) can improve pain relief
without increasing the opioid dose and, as a result, limits the risks of poten-
tial opioid side effects such as nausea, sleepiness, itchiness, and constipation.
When pain remains inadequately quelled at maximum recommended doses
and, despite dose increases, pain persists for more than twenty-four to forty-
eight hours, the next step on the ladder should be considered. See Chapter 6.

Step 3: Opioids for Severe Pain: Strong Opioids

Despite many new alternative opioids, morphine is still usually the drug of
first choice and is most commonly recommended for severe pain, not only
because of years of experience using it, but also because it is available in a
wide variety of dose formulations and can be administered in a variety of
ways, including intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, and spinal in-
jections; rectal suppositories; immediate-release and controlled-release pills
and capsules; and so on. Nevertheless, as with all opioids, some patients
have problems with morphine (there is no best drug for everyone), such as
persistent nausea, drowsiness, or dysphoria (feeling strange or unpleasant).
While the fear of taking morphine is not a sufficient reason to reject its
use out of hand, if true problems occur, doctors will suggest one of several
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 71

strategies. Since side effects, especially nausea and grogginess, are common
but usually short-lived whenever any opioid is first started, the preferred
approach to mild side effects is usually to stick with regular administration.
This gives the body a chance to become accustomed and immune to these
effects, although an antinausea medication may be recommended for a few
days, to allow tolerance to develop. A common physician error, however, is
to continue the regular use of antinausea medications beyond a few days
even though nausea usually resolves spontaneously.
Also, the drowsiness that occurs is often catch-up sleep, because the
pain is finally relieved after having disrupted sleep for a long period. If
troublesome side effects persist, other similar opioid drugs can be substi-
tuted. A small proportion of patients (especially the elderly and those with
kidney problems) are predisposed to the buildup of morphine metabo-
lites; while not dangerous, this may explain grogginess or nausea that
doesn't easily wear off. When side effects are not excessive but pain relief
is inadequate at a given dose, more morphine (or a similar opioid) is pre-
scribed, a safe and effective practice, since there is no maximum dose for
the strong opioids. See Chapter 7.
Again, the adjuvant analgesics as well as an NSAID can continue to
be useful at this step because they can enhance pain relief without in-
creasing opioid doses. Similarly, some adjuvant drugs can help reduce
anxiety or side effects. See Chapter 8.

Step 4: Surgical and Other Anesthetic Measures

Despite good pain control when the ladder approach is applied thought-
fully, some 10 to 20 percent of patients will benefit from additional, more
aggressive pain control techniques at some stage of their treatment.
Although the WHO ladder addresses only medication-based ap-
proaches, more aggressive treatments are now available and included in
guidelines formulated by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and
the U.S. government's Agency for Health Care Policy and Research as
additional steps.
Usually administered by trained pain specialists, anesthesiologists,
or neurosurgeons, these more aggressive procedures include specialized
injections, finely tuned removal of nerves, and more complex surgical thera-
pies that are discussed in detail in Chapter 9.

During Steps 1 to 4; Supplemental Measures Used

Throughout Pain Treatment
Many techniques, from relaxation and cognitive skills to new forms of tran-
scutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), as well as psychological,
72 Cancer and Its Pain

behavioral, and cognitive therapies (hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery,

traditional counseling and psychotherapy, physical therapy including the
use of massage, and newer forms of bodywork such as acupuncture) can
often be safely integrated with more traditional treatments. These are de-
scribed further in Chapter 12 and should be discussed with the physician.

Individualizing Pain Strategies

Regardless of the prognosis for curing the cancer, the prognosis for con-
trolling the pain is excellent. But effective pain treatment is not a hard-
and-fast science that is determined in one visit to the doctor. The first
prescription and dose is a test, and—depending on a patient's degree of
illness, tolerance levels, and other factors—the dose may need to be in-
creased until it relieves the pain. Sometimes just a day or two is adequate
to determine whether the dose needs adjustment, but sometimes this can
take a week. The first try rarely provides satisfactory pain relief with few
side effects, but each change in dose or medication in the right direction is
a sign of success. Even when treatment is satisfactory, adjustments are
frequently needed as illness recedes or progresses, or as the patient builds
a tolerance to some medications. Cancer is a dynamic disease, and its pain
is like a moving target, making treatment, like so many things in life, a
work in progress. The road to good pain control usually has a few detours
or bumps, maybe even a few dead ends. Don't become discouraged.

When a New Drug Is Started

Expect some trial and error.
Ask when you will start feeling the drug's effect.
Ask if the dose can be varied (raised, lowered, taken more or less frequently)
without contacting the medical team. If so, how much can it be changed, and
how often?
Ask what kind of side effects might be expected. If unwanted symptoms occur,
can the doses be tapered without calling the medical team? If so, by how much?
Ask if cold medications or over-the-counter analgesics, such as those used for
headache, may be taken. Many contain aspirin, which should be avoided by
patients on chemotherapy, and many others contain high doses of acetaminophen,
which may not be appropriate. Allergy medications may induce drowsiness and
could compound the sedative effects of narcotics.
Tell the doctor if any herbal therapies are being used, since the effects and inter-
actions of some supplements can be unpredictable.
Call if the pain is not relieved adequately in a reasonable time.
Call if any side effects can't be tolerated or persist.
Remember: Treatment can always be adjusted or modified.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 73

If a drug therapy does not seem to work or causes persistent or serious

side effects, no one is to blame, and the failure of one drug is no indication
that another won't work or even that the same medication won't work well
at another time, combined with others, or taken in another way. For ex-
ample, often a medication will unexpectedly produce a side effect, but the
same drug can be safely restarted at another time in a lower (less effective)
dose and, surprisingly, can then be gradually raised to the previously prob-
lematic dose with excellent results and few, if any, side effects.

Allergies versus Side Effects

Side effects of a medication, such as nausea, vomiting, or itchiness, are quite
common but often confused with an allergic reaction. Side effects can make
a patient miserable, but they are usually not dangerous or life-threatening
and can minimized by changing the dose, means of administration, or other
factors. An allergy, however, is a whole-body hypersensitivity response that
invokes specific immune responses and can range from annoying to a medi-
cal emergency. An anaphylactic reaction can cause wheezing and difficulty
breathing, hives, swelling, low blood pressure, and even shock. Though
such a reaction is potentially life-threatening, epinephrine and other life-
support measures are usually effective. Medication-related side effects, how-
ever, are self-limiting and do not respond to epinephrine. True allergies to
opioid medications are extraordinarily rare.

"Shotgun" versus "Sniper" Approach

Pain therapies have to be adjusted on a regular basis, and, depending on
the nature of the pain and how distressed the patient is, the doctor may
make one change in treatment or a number of changes at once. The latter
usually results in quicker improvement but makes it more difficult to as-
sess what worked and what didn't. Occasionally, a short hospitalization is
warranted to get pain and other symptoms under better control. When
multiple changes are recommended, make sure each step and its rationale
are clearly outlined.

Use a Problem-Solving Approach

As soon as pain relief wanes or side effects cannot be controlled effec-
tively, the team should be contacted to raise the dose (if pain is the prob-
lem, this is usually the preferred and first route), add an adjuvant
medication (to treat side effects or to reduce the dose of painkiller, which
should reduce side effects), or switch medications. Thus, using a pain di-
ary to monitor changes as they occur is critically important.
74 Cancer and Its Pain

Informing the Medical Team

Inform the medical team about any and all changes in your condition—physi-
cal, psychological, emotional—and be sure they are treated (e.g., nausea, con-
stipation, dry mouth, etc.). Insomnia should be treated most vigorously!

Discuss Alcohol
Even if it's minor, ask the doctor (in private, if you are the caregiver and if
it's necessary) about the health effects of the patient's use of alcohol and
other drugs. Although an occasional drink is usually okay and perhaps
even therapeutically relaxing once medication is stabilized, alcohol in com-
bination with a narcotic can be dangerous. Intoxication under any circum-
stances, however, is not only unsafe but may give the doctor cause not to
treat the pain as aggressively with narcotic medications. Be sure to dis-
cuss these issues with the doctor, no matter how embarrassing

Tell the Patient Everything

Sometimes family members and other caregivers don't know whether to
tell the patient everything about his condition and treatment. Realize,
however, that it is the patient's right to know everything. Communicate
all decisions to the patient, whether or not you think the patient under-
stands or cares.

Try Medications by Mouth First

At first, drugs should be administered by mouth or with a skin patch to
preserve the patient's mobility, independence, sense of control, and self-
esteem. Only when mouth sores develop or swallowing becomes difficult
should other means be explored.

Be Prepared for Higher Doses of Opioids

It is standard and normal to increase opioid doses as time passes. "Rec-
ommended" or "maximum" doses listed in textbooks were not intended
for cancer pain; these doses are often useful starting points, but more medi-
cation will usually be required over time. With no single right dose for
many analgesics, the appropriate dose will vary from patient to patient
and over time. Once a drug, or combination of drugs, is prescribed, if it is
not relieving the pain, its dose should first be increased under a doctor's
supervision until a ceiling dose is reached (which will not occur with the
opioids) or until side effects are unmanageable or unacceptable. The ceil-
ing dose is a level above which increases in the medication no longer pro-
vide added pain relief but only increase side effects or toxicity. Since opioids
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 75

How Pain Medications Are Administered

Route Medical Abbreviation

By mouth PO
Liquid, pill, capsule, caplet
Lollipop (lozenge, oralette)
Rectal suppositories PR
Skin patch (transdermal) ITS
Intravenous IV
Patient-controlled analgesia PCA
Intramuscular IM
Subcutaneous (under the skin) sub q, subcu, SC, SQ
Under the tongue (lozenges) SL
Through the nose (nasal sprays) IN
Epidural, spinal
High-tech options (nerve blocks, implanted pump, etc.)
These methods are detailed in Chapter 9.

usually have no ceiling, the dose can always be raised to reestablish effec-
tiveness. If a new medication is needed, the patient should then be switched
to a stronger or more suitable medication.

Expect Treatment with Multiple Drugs

Expect several drugs for pain to be prescribed; ask if they are not. (See
Chapter 8.) A laxative should be prescribed as soon as opioid therapy be-
gins. Ask if it is not offered.
Antinausea medications (antiemetics) are needed in up to 40 percent
of cancer patients, at least for a time. Anticipate their need and have nau-
sea treated as soon as possible, should it develop. Also, as discussed, ad-
juvant drugs may be prescribed.

Frustration and Problems

Although not all doctors have the background, interest, or temperament to
treat pain carefully, a knowledgeable doctor from any specialty can help up
to 90 percent of patients achieve good control of pain. But even with a well-
informed doctor, the process can be time-consuming and frustrating for
everyone involved. The key to success is to accept up front that doctors
rarely will get it all right the first time, usually through no fault of their
own. Continue to work with the health care team until you are satisfied.
Consider whether it makes sense to ask the doctor about consulting a
pain specialist or a local or regional pain clinic. (See Appendix 1 for where
to find pain specialists.)
76 Cancer and Its Pain

As-Needed versus Around-the-Clock Prescriptions

Many studies show that far too often doctors prescribe doses of painkill-
ers that are both too low and administered too infrequently. To compound
the problem, nurses may then reduce the already deficient doses that have
been prescribed. These doctors and nurses are not heartless (far from it)
but are usually responding to antiquated concerns about addiction and
insufficient teaching in medical and nursing schools.

As-Needed Prescriptions: A Questionable

Approach to Cancer Treatment
Although still an effective way to control some kinds of pain, prescribing
pain medication for cancer patients on an as-needed basis (abbreviated
PRN) is no longer regarded as appropriate in most cases. By the time a
cancer patient needs the medication, pain has spiked inappropriately high.
Patients who try to tough it out, thinking that they should be stoic or that
delaying their medication will help them somehow (such as by prevent-
ing addiction), could actually make matters worse.
When a patient is hospitalized, an as-needed order can unnecessarily
trigger a confrontation between the patient and nurses who incorrectly ex-
pect a dose to last four to six hours. Yet patients often experience the return of
pain earlier than expected and may be in agony, pleading for the next dose or
suffering in unnecessary silence. Because of exaggerated fears of addiction, a
well-intentioned but ill-informed nurse may postpone the next dose of pain-
killer as long as possible. By the time the pain is finally treated, it may be so
severe that a much larger dose is needed to relieve it, which also boosts the
chances of triggering a side effect, such as nausea or mental confusion.
Also, the as-needed method requires patients to wait for the pain to
return before they can request additional medication. Since doses are of-
ten too low or too widely separated, patients may become preoccupied
with their pain, becoming "clock watchers," anxious and fearful that the
pain will return before the next dose is allowed.
It is ironic that this clock watching, brought about by undertreatment
and as-needed dosing, is often interpreted as addictive behavior. The ap-
pearance of the very problem we are trying to avoid (addiction) seems to
be triggered by undertreating, not overtreating, the pain. Actually, when
undertreated cancer patients seek additional medication, it is not addic-
tion but a manifestation of pseudoaddiction, a problem that is caused by
the treatment (or undertreatment) itself. These unfortunate individuals
are actually seeking relief from pain, not more medication, and will usu-
ally stop taking pain medications altogether when their pain resolves.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 77

Prolonged as-needed treatment is like a bad roller coaster ride—the

patient's level of comfort is always changing, as periods of relief occur,
but often with side effects, and the pain always returns. Even after more
effective therapy is started, patients may maintain an anticipation and
memory of pain that remain very hard to shake.

Figure 3.5 "As needed" and "Around-the-clock" Dosing

Around-the-Clock Prescriptions: The Approach of

Choice for Cancer Patients
Most often, pain from cancer is relatively constant. It is therefore logical
that around-the-clock pain is best treated with around-the-clock dosing of
a long-acting medication, often supplemented with a short-acting drug if
the pain breaks through. Studies show that administering pain medica-
tion at regular intervals and in sufficient doses to prevent severe pain usu-
ally results in a lower overall dose being needed, with better relief and
fewer undesirable side effects.
78 Cancer and Its Pain

Cancer pain specialists now recommend that adequate doses of all

the analgesics—including NSAIDs and opioids—and medications for con-
stipation, nausea, and vomiting be taken before pain and other symptoms
worsen. Once pain and related symptoms are well established, medica-
tion to prevent them should be prescribed proactively around the clock.

How Drugs Are Chosen

Although cancer pain specialists typically follow the WHO analgesic
ladder, at least as a guideline, which drug they prescribe on each rung of
the ladder depends on the individual patient, doctor, and even commu-
nity and institutional standards. This is especially true since many insur-
ers have introduced preferred formularies—lists of drugs that, all things
being equal, member doctors are encouraged to use rather than other prod-
ucts that are less effective or cost more. Doctors take many factors into
account when selecting medications, including the patient's age, type of
cancer, other medical problems, and analgesic history (what worked in
the past to relieve pain, what didn't), as well as their own familiarity and
experience with particular medications. No one drug on each rung of the
ladder is better than another for every patient every time. What one pa-
tient tolerates well may cause side effects in another. If side effects inter-
fere with treatment, another, equally potent medication is often prescribed.
What has been ineffective or problematic in the past may be ideal at an-
other time. And under different circumstances, medications may best be
administered by another route, at a different starting dose, or combined
with other medications.

Understanding Palliative Therapy

When cancer causes pain, the first thing a doctor will try to do is to elimi-
nate or shrink a tumor as much as possible, using radiation, surgery, or
chemotherapy, alone or in combination. Although the patient's comfort is
important, it is considered secondary to curing the cancer, especially at
the start of treatment, when chances for a cure are best. But even when a
cure isn't possible, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery may be rec-
ommended to alleviate pain and other symptoms. Many cancers may be
incurable, but few are untreatable.
Undertaking palliative treatment by no means implies that the pa-
tient is giving up or succumbing to the illness. Instead, it reflects a shift of
the goal from cure to enhancing comfort and quality of life. There is in-
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 79

creasing evidence that good palliative care (attention to symptoms) also

often indirectly extends survival because of its beneficial effects on qual-
ity of life, functional status, and mood.
Pain is the primary focus of palliative treatments, but other symptoms
such as persistent nausea, coughing, breathlessness, or painful swallowing
also can be reduced by treatment. (See Chapters 10 and 11 for discussions of
treatment strategies for various side effects and other symptoms.)
When considering palliative treatments, ask:

• How likely is the patient to become more active as a result of

• Have previous treatments with radiation, chemotherapy, or sur-
gery made further treatment riskier or less likely to be effective?
• How do the probable short-term discomforts and any need for
rehabilitation balance against potential long-term benefits?
• How demanding is the treatment? Is hospitalization required?
• How long will it take before results are established? (Sometimes
radiation is given daily for up to a month, and another month
may pass before results are fully realized.)
• What are other options?
• What is the estimated life expectancy, with and without the treat-
ment? (This is, admittedly, a difficult question for everyone to con-

Palliative Radiation
Radiation can very effectively be used to reduce pain, especially pain that
is well localized. Radiotherapy, administered by a radiation oncologist, is
particularly effective for:

• Bone pain, especially when it stems from breast, lung, bladder,

kidney, or prostate cancer
• Pain from a primary or secondary tumor that involves the brain
or spinal cord
• The control of bleeding due to tumors
• Reducing the pain, discomfort, and odor from tumors that ulcer-
ate the skin, such as certain breast cancers, head and neck cancers,
anal cancers, and skin cancers
• Relieving difficulty in breathing (dyspnea), coughing, or chest pain
due to tumors blocking the bronchial tubes, esophagus, or trachea
• Reducing the pain caused by large liver tumors
80 Cancer and Its Pain

• Relieving pain from tumors pressing on nerves or growing into

nerves or on the spinal cord, causing back pain, leg weakness,
shooting pains, sphincter problems, or numbness
• Relieving headaches due to inoperable brain tumors that cause
excessive pressure in the skull
• Shrinking tumors that are blocking hollow organs or tubes, such
as the bronchial tubes, esophagus, bile ducts, ureters, lymph chan-
nels, blood vessels or gynecologic, gastrointestinal, or upper di-
gestive tracts, or when problems arise from tumors growing in
small, constricted spaces

Within the limits of safety, palliative radiation treatments are designed

to be convenient and efficient for patients so that they need not spend a
great deal of time and energy going to and from therapy.

Palliative Chemotherapy
Although systemic treatments with chemotherapy and hormone therapy
for malignancies are commonly used in attempts to eradicate the cancer,
they are often overlooked in treating cancer pain. One reason may be that
doctors tend to divide cancers into "curable" and "incurable" categories
and then treat the disease accordingly. Nevertheless, an incurable (though
not necessarily untreatable) situation can sometimes be managed with
chemotherapy. Although cases vary widely, by the time the pain of ad-
vanced disease requires an aggressive pain strategy, many oncologists shy
away from chemotherapy because it can't produce a cure and can make
an already sick patient even sicker. Even without a cure, palliative chemo-
therapy or hormonal therapy can alleviate pain, albeit slowly, from a grow-
ing tumor and sometimes can slow down disease progression. Because of
its risk, cost, and usually slow effect, controlling pain with chemotherapy
should be considered only in very specific situations.
Among the cancers that respond most promptly to palliative chemo-
therapy are:

• Small-cell lung cancer, which accounts for about one-quarter of

lung cancers
• Multiple myeloma, which affects the bone marrow and surround-
ing tissue
• Colon cancer, the third most common cancer among adults

Hormone therapy, a type of chemotherapy, is usually well tolerated in

patients with hormone-responsive tumors and can often produce excel-
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 81

lent pain relief with few side effects. Often two or three different hormones
need to be tried, especially in prostate or breast cancer, before getting the
desired response. Cancers that respond particularly well to palliative hor-
monal therapies are:

• Breast cancers that have spread widely (metastasized) to the bone

or vital organs (lungs, liver), particularly estrogen- or progester-
one-receptor-positive cancers.
• Prostate cancer, the third leading cancer among men, that has spread
to the bone and causes pain; surgically removing the testicles (or-
chiectomy) can also change hormone levels and diminish pain
• Endometrial cancer
• Cancer of the testes

These are generalizations, however, and many factors influence the

choice of therapies.

Even when trials of palliative treatment with radiation or chemotherapy
are undertaken, most patients will still need treatment with medications for
pain, at least until the effects of the other treatments become established.

Difficult questions arise when considering a course of chemotherapy or
hormonal treatments for pain. All medical treatments have potential risks
and benefits. How likely are toxic effects, how strong might they be, and
how well will the patient tolerate them if they do occur? If there's only a
small chance of significant improvement, devastating side effects (nausea,
vomiting, fatigue) could seriously deteriorate quality of life, and sometimes
even bring a risk of death. Sometimes, for example, chemotherapy can be
more dangerous than the cancer itself, and risky treatment should be avoided
if the only reason for pursuing it is so that the patient and family feel as
though something is being done. Choosing not to pursue anticancer therapy
is not the same as doing nothing; acknowledging an unwelcome reality and
emphasizing symptom control can be a very courageous act that can yield
important dividends. It is difficult to justify a small chance of just marginal
to mild benefits against the near certainty of some toxic effects, especially
when more easily reversible and adjustable treatments with pain medica-
tions may get the job done with less risk. Another consideration is that the
patient's prior success in coping with chemotherapy, since the ability to cope
often decreases with each successive treatment, especially when results have
been disappointing in the past.
82 Cancer and Its Pain

If a cancer is incurable but not actively causing problems, it may be

best to reserve a systemic approach until it's needed to reduce pain and
discomfort later on. This is also true when pain does become a problem
and stems from a tumor that is known to respond well to chemotherapy
but is localized and can be treated by radiation or even surgery. Although
this may sound contradictory to earlier statements made about not put-
ting off pain treatment, in this case we're talking about putting off chemo-
therapy for when it might be most effective.
A logical, stepwise approach cannot be described here because each
treatment decision requires careful tailoring to each individual case; when
considering palliative treatments for pain, doctors must take into account
many factors.

Pain relief takes time to be established. Once chemotherapy is under way,
however, a common pitfall is to see it through even when it is clearly not
Although it is often not said out loud, chemotherapy is frequently
chosen primarily for psychological reasons, so the patient and family feel
that something is being done and they are not giving up. Since palliative
chemotherapy may result in only a small boost in the quality or length of
life, patients and families must continually assess its risks versus benefits
and express concerns about whether to continue, postpone, or stop treat-
ment. While maintaining a positive attitude remains extremely important,
ethical considerations demand that truthfulness prevail. Patients often
repress their awareness of harsh realities if they fear that expressing it
would upset their care providers; yet, surprisingly, they may be relieved
to clear the air. Even when bad news will cause distress, it is usually
better addressed earlier rather than later. Understandably, devoted fam-
ily members are often overprotective, but they may underestimate their
loved ones' capacity to overcome hardships in even the worst circum-
stances. With time and a compassionate approach that still leaves some
room for hope, human beings' capacity to deal with adversity is extraor-
dinary. It is generally best to acknowledge the truth, to grieve in what-
ever way feels right, and together to seek the strength to persevere.
Realistically hoping for the best while avoiding untruths that can come
between otherwise strong partnerships is a delicate balance. Although
difficult, when a complete cure is unlikely, patients should be encour-
aged to value the time they have and concentrate on small goals—such
as uninterrupted sleep, sufficient comfort, and energy to play with grand-
children or to attend church.
Assessing Pain and Planning Treatment Strategies 83

Palliative Surgery
Occasionally, surgery may be the best way to relieve a particular pain or
symptom, but it should be considered only if there is a reasonably good
chance that it will significantly improve the patient's quality of life or al-
low lower doses of medication that trigger unpleasant side effects. Pallia-
tive surgery may be used to eliminate the source of symptoms (such as the
removal of a breast that contains a painful lump, or removal of the ovaries
or pituitary gland to prevent hormone-dependent breast or prostate can-
cer from getting worse) or to improve the outcome of radiation or chemo-
therapy by reducing the volume of malignant tissue (debulking surgery).
Surgery may produce easier access for chemotherapy or radiation treat-
ment by allowing the placement of an intravenous port through which
medication may be administered without injections. Or surgery can be
used to interrupt or modulate the transmission of pain impulses (such as
a nerve block—see Chapter 9 for more details).
Palliative surgery is commonly considered when:

• The intestines are blocked, which interferes with eating and pro-
duces unrelenting abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, and
pain (an intestinal bypass or colostomy may relieve these symp-
toms when obstructions are irreversible and laxatives, analgesics,
and antinausea medications have proved ineffective).
• The biliary system is blocked, preventing the flow of bile from the
liver and causing abdominal pain and jaundice (yellow skin and
eyes); a surgical bypass or a stent may be considered in such cases.
• The urinary system is blocked; a urinary diversion called a neph-
rostomy, ureterostomy, or cystostomy or a urinary stent may be
recommended in these cases.
• Fluid builds up in the abdomen (ascites) or around the heart (peri-
cardial effusion), or lung (pleural effusion); in such cases a shunt
can drain the fluid.
• The veins of the circulatory system are inadequate for intrave-
nous access; an intravenous catheter or port can be inserted into
the neck or chest, or sometimes a less invasive alternative called a
PIC line can be used.
• Blood flow through an artery is blocked or inadequate, or it is
necessary to deliberately block blood flow to a tumor (emboliza-
tion), and this results in ischemia (poor circulation), ulcers, or gan-
grene; an arterial graft or bypass, or even amputation, depending
on the situation, may be used.
84 Cancer and Its Pain

• A tumor is large, causes pain, and doesn't respond to other treat-

• Tumor infiltration weakens bone structure, causing or predispos-
ing the patient to a fracture; surgery using pins, cement, or a pros-
thesis can stabilize the bone and sometimes allow a very ill patient
to walk again. Such fractures usually occur in the lower extremi-
ties, so spinal or epidural anesthesia can be used instead of gen-
eral anesthesia.
• Tumors compress the spinal cord; a decompressive laminectomy
may be recommended to prevent permanent paralysis.

Just because surgery can be performed, however, doesn't mean it must

be. In fact, hospice patients generally do well through the end of their
lives relying only on medical management, even if the conditions described
above arise.
On Being an Active
Health Care Consumer

How effectively pain is controlled depends on many factors, especially the

strategy employed by the doctor and the patient's relationship with the doc-
tor. Even an effective strategy will fall short if communication with the doctor
is poor, because the patient's changing needs can't be met. This chapter
will help families:
• Determine what to look for in a doctor
• Assess the doctor's attitude toward pain and pain management
• Encourage a doctor to take pain problems more seriously
• Become good consumers of health care
• Learn strategies to communicate pain problems
• Cope with doctors who are reluctant to medicate pain adequately
• Help doctors to be most effective in helping the patient

Why Is It Difficult to Discuss Pain with Doctors?

Although they may be excellent physicians, most oncologists are very busy
and often preoccupied with life-and-death decisions. They also may mini-
mize the importance and impact of a patient's pain or inaccurately judge
its severity. Regrettably, in many cases how a nurse, doctor, or oncology
fellow assesses a patient's pain has little relationship to the patient's self-
scoring of pain intensity.

86 Cancer and Its Pain

Doctors sometimes prescribe pain medication with an inappropriately

low expectation for satisfactory relief and then pass those low expecta-
tions on to their patients; some overlook residual discomfort once they've
prescribed a medication. Study after study has shown that far too many
doctors—including the majority of oncologists—end up giving their pa-
tients far too little pain medication or are unfamiliar with proper dosing
or alternatives when basic pain relief treatments don't work.
Because the body adjusts to it, chronic pain can slip by a doctor's no-
tice if the patient doesn't speak up. Doctors easily spot acute pain because
it triggers autonomic responses: the heart races (tachycardia), blood pres-
sure goes up (hypertension), the patient sweats (diaphoresis) and may
become pale, and the pupils may dilate. Chronic pain is harder to identify
because the body adapts to pain over time and the autonomic responses
are no longer triggered. Inexperienced doctors may say the patient doesn't
look as if he is in pain.

A good doctor to turn to for pain treatment is one who:

• Does not doubt or second-guess your experience of pain
• Does not assume he is the best judge of how much you hurt
• Does not presume that he is the best judge of how much pain you should endure
before he prescribes adequate medication

Studies show that doctors, nurses, and even spouses often underesti-
mate the amount of pain a patient has. Without any reliable "pain detec-
tor" test available, experts insist that the patient should be the best
authority, unless there is a definite reason to be concerned (recent history
of alcohol or drug abuse, new confusion, etc.). If the patient is not asked,
he needs to volunteer information on how much pain there is and how
the medications affect him (ideally documented by a pain diary). Regard-
less of whether the doctor can determine the source of pain , analgesics
should be started to enhance comfort and begin to empower the patient as
soon as possible.

Communication with Doctors

When family members take an active role in helping the doctor and other
health care professionals manage the pain of a loved one with cancer, they
On Being an Active Health Care Consumer 87

Dos and Don'ts of Pain Relief

Do Don't

Assert yourself! Tell the doctor that it hurts. Skip scheduled doses.

Expect some trial and error: call the doctor if the Be stoic; enduring pain
medication isn't effective enough or side effects does nothing to help
are too unpleasant. your condition, yourself,
or your family.
Keep calling the doctor whenever pain and
side effects are not adequately addressed. Accept anything but
Doctors expect frequent contact with pain patients. adequate relief.

Take the medication as prescribed.

Keep a log or pain diary.

Ask for another doctor if your pain problems

persist or are neglected.

can be assured of the best possible quality of life for the patient, even dur-
ing the worst of times. By working closely with doctors, families can avoid
many of the all-too-common and unnecessary agonies of cancer, includ-
ing the sinking feeling of looking back with regret that more was not done.
Families can help by being vigilant about identifying and treating pain
problems aggressively. Communication with the medical team must be
open and responsive to the patient's changing needs: since pain and other
symptoms are often a moving target, providing relief is best regarded as a
work in progress.

Communication Among Family and Friends

When a loved one is stricken with cancer and is seriously ill, a net-
work of support is often created and a vigil is maintained. Too often sup-
porters, who may have other obligations to balance including their own
health, become exhausted. Some of this fatigue is often needless. Friends
and family members may be afraid to ask for help from others, unaware
that these others feel helpless, too, and given the chance would enjoy the
opportunity to rally around. Overwhelmed by their own fear and needs,
family members may unconsciously compete for attention, adopting the
role of the martyr or vying to be seen as the "good" son, daughter, or spouse.
Cancer and Its Pain

Even in the best of circumstances—when love is the main motivator—

family members can literally make themselves sick with stress at a time
when openness and a level head are most needed. How stress is handled
around the patient can affect the doctors and nurses, who are stressed
themselves. Families must strike a balance between advocating for their
ill loved one and being mindful of the numerous concerns that may pre-
occupy their doctors and nurses, including other patients' illnesses; their
own (often neglected) families and sensibilities; pressures to keep up with
new developments, to avoid errors and lawsuits, and to cope with arcane
hospital policies; interactions with other staff; mounting paperwork; long
hours, and so on.

Complying with the Doctor's Recommendations

Although doctors expect patients to follow treatment recommendations
and to tell the doctor what they didn't do and why, only half of patients
follow their doctors' recommendations. In their sincere attempts to help
patients, doctors become frustrated when patients don't comply and don't
tell them. Patients need not follow blindly whatever the doctor says, but
the responsible thing to do is to tell the doctor if the patient or family
disagrees or finds it too difficult to comply. While it is tempting to avoid
confrontation by telling the doctor what you think he wants to hear, this
will ultimately interfere with treatment and establishing a trusting rela-
tionship. Doctors may find it frustrating to find out at the next appoint-
ment that a recommendation was not followed and that up to a month
may have been lost. Patients and families need to speak up immediately if
they do not agree with or do not understand a recommendation because
then the doctor will have the opportunity to help the patient understand
his choices better, or may make alternative recommendations that suit the
patient better. Once home, if the doctor's recommendations can't be fol-
lowed for whatever reason, inform the office so that an alternative or con-
tingency plan can be developed.
Not complying with the doctor's instructions also can be dangerous,
such as not taking a laxative regularly as prescribed, which could lead to
an upsetting, even life-threatening, emergency. Although the transition
from being an independent well person to being an ill patient with a shop-
ping bag full of medications can be overwhelming, it is not an adequate
excuse for not following the doctor's instructions (or informing the office
if the patient can't follow them).
Try not to cancel, miss, or be late for appointments. Doctors are busier
than ever today, and oncologists are often forced to squeeze in emergen-
On Being an Active Health Care Consumer 89

Tip: If medication isn't taken as prescribed, be sure to inform the doctor. Often, the
reason the patient doesn't take medication properly—usually because it causes a
side effect—can be addressed and resolved.

cies. Try not to get frustrated if the waiting time for an appointment seems
unreasonable, even if the appointment is for cancer—more than likely the
doctor is treating an urgent case, and families should be able to put them-
selves in another's shoes and consider that if it were their emergency, they
would be grateful to the doctor for giving their loved one the necessary
time. If the family is very bothered by delays, it is okay to express that
frustration, but realize that it may be beyond the doctor's control.
Document and keep track of all aspects of treatment. The doctor has
many patients, and paperwork may fall behind. When you visit a special-
ist who may be unfamiliar with your records, conserve valuable time for
the discussion of pressing matters and difficulties by bringing a list of
your medications with you.
Determine the degree to which the doctor would like the family to
stay in touch with the office between visits, and within this context keep
the staff informed of the patient's progress.

Know Your Patient Rights

Having cancer or helping a loved one with cancer is extraordinarily stress-
ful and may be coupled with anger and frustration. Times will be trying,
and doctors may be rushed. Since patients and their families are eager to
discuss potentially curative treatments, they need to be careful that in their
efforts to be "good patients," they do not neglect to explore questions re-
lated to pain, and to advocate for aggressive pain management.
Even though most doctors are very caring people, sometimes they
may just seem not to understand what the patient and family are going
through. Try to help the doctor understand, but don't be too frustrated if
he seems distracted. No matter how caring a doctor is, no one can really
know what another is feeling. In fact, many doctors pride themselves on
their "objectivity"—maintaining a distance from their patients so they can
be more scientific. This style may suit some, while others may prefer a
doctor with a more humanistic style who has time for an occasional hug.
Ironically, with all the information available on how to be better health
care consumers, many of us fail at this most fundamental task. We often
90 Cancer and Its Pain

invest much more energy in buying a new car. That's because tradition-
ally, the doctor-patient relationship has been paternal; patients have his-
torically been expected to blindly accept the recommendations of
authoritarian doctors without question. This dynamic is steadily giving
way to a more equal relationship that acknowledges that despite doctors'
expertise, patients' rights should be respected. Indeed, today's hospitals
typically require that a patient's bill of rights be posted in prominent loca-
tions such as elevators, usually in English and Spanish. Medical ethics
seeks to preserve and prioritize the rights of patients in the midst of in-
creasingly complex scenarios. Many states require that physicians take
continuing education in ethics as a prerequisite for license renewal, and
most hospitals have a medical ethics committee that establishes policy
and reviews cases in which someone has voiced an ethical concern. Among
the many patient rights that have been proposed are the right to fully
understand treatment choices, including the potential benefits and risks
of each alternative, and freedom from discrimination arising from the
choice of treatments, including the option of ceasing treatment and seek-
ing a second opinion.

Being a Medical Partner and Advocate

Being an active partner in health care decisions helps the patient feel he has
some control over the treatment, which may diminish feelings of helpless-
ness triggered by illness. Exerting control, for example, over the time of day
of a radiation treatment so that it is convenient can be very important psy-
chologically at a time when psychological rewards are badly needed.
Families that keep track of the many aspects of care may also partici-
pate in preventing errors that can occur in even the best of systems. For
example, if a doctor overlooks a previously existing ulcer and prescribes
medication that may aggravate it, a family member who makes the effort
to check the library's copy of the Physician's Desk Reference, a standard ref-
erence book of medications that lists contraindications or drug warnings,
can bring this to the doctor's attention. (Information on medications is
also available online at sites such as www.rxlist.com.)
In addition, with health care now so decentralized, a new medication
or changed dose may be communicated over the telephone but not be
entered in the patient's chart. A patient or caregiver who can accurately
recite the current medications and doses, rather than describing "a pink
pill in the morning and a blue one at night," is invaluable during any
consultation, especially in case of an emergency. Likewise, when a doctor
is unavailable, patients and families can be extremely useful in briefing
the doctor's substitute.
On Being an Active Health Care Consumer 91

What to Expect from Doctors

In the best of all worlds, all doctors would welcome informed patients
who ask good questions. Unfortunately, this is not always so. Doctors are
pressed for time, and regrettably, unconsciously or not, some may come
to dread the inquisitive, informed patient, simply because answering ques-
tions takes precious time.
Although it may be difficult for a patient or caregiver to take the ac-
tive role endorsed here, especially if it is discouraged by the doctor and
staff's behavior, strongly consider it anyway. The well-being and survival
of a loved one are at stake. Moreover, when appropriate areas of concern
are approached directly but with sensitivity, not only is the issue usually
resolved, but the process often will favorably shape future interactions, as
the patient realizes he has earned the provider's additional respect.
Doctors may also sometimes avoid difficult discussions or convey an
unrealistically cheerful forecast because they are uncomfortable giving
unwelcome news or may feel that patients are unprepared for such dis-
cussions. Generally, doctors like to help people and make them feel better,
and thus many find it difficult to deal with the daily drama of cancer, with
its difficult choices, frequent disappointments, and compromises. Doctors
should, though, welcome discussions about controlling the pain and symp-
toms because remedies are readily available for many such complaints.
Doctors are increasingly becoming better informed about cancer pain and
the need to control it. Remember, though, that if you fail to bring up pain
problems, there is a good chance that the doctor will not ask, and as a
result, pain will not be addressed.

What to Look for in a Doctor

One of the first things a cancer patient should do is to consult an oncolo-
gist, a doctor who specializes in treating cancer, with a list of questions
and concerns. To find out the doctor's attitude and aggressiveness in treat-
ing cancer pain:

• Ask about the doctor's expectations for being able to relieve pain.
• Ask about the doctor's philosophy and strategies for treating pain.
• Ask the doctor if addiction or tolerance to narcotics will be a prob-
lem. (If he says yes, chances are the doctor is not well informed
about modern cancer pain treatments.)
• Express the family's attitudes and expectations about treating pain
92 Cancer and Its Pain

Ask about the doctor's team. Is there a nurse or other professional

on the team who can take the time to talk more about the family's
concerns about pain management if the doctor is busy?
In case the pain persists despite treatments, does the doctor have
any advanced pain training?
Ask whether the doctor's philosophy for treatment with pain medi-
cations endorses as-needed or around-the-clock administration.
If it is as-needed, the doctor may not be well informed about mod-
ern cancer pain treatments.
In asking about possible treatments if pain medications don't work,
if the physician does not mention the more liberal use of mor-
phine (as much as is needed to counter the pain) or recommend a
pain specialist, chances are the doctor is not up to date on the
latest techniques and pain relief philosophies.

Checklist for Choosing a Doctor for Pain Management

Doctors have different training, biases, and attitudes about pain and its
relief. Don't accept anything but complete satisfaction with your doctor's
approach to relieving pain. Patients and their families can identify whether
their doctor will treat the cancer pain adequately by exploring several is-
sues. Be particularly wary if the doctor:

• Minimizes the importance of the pain or expresses doubts about

the authenticity of the patient's pain
• Has low expectations for relieving severe pain
• Primarily relies on the prescription of analgesics as needed rather
than around the clock
• Appears uncomfortable with an open environment that encourages
patients to ask questions and express their needs, anger, and fears
• Discourages the family from bringing or presenting a prepared
list of questions
• Doesn't seem to take pain complaints seriously or with full atten-
tion or interest
• Doesn't encourage the patient or family to get back to a member
of the doctor's team as soon as possible if the current prescription
is ineffective
• Is overly concerned about tolerance, addiction, or physical dependence
• Doesn't reassure the patient and family that many pain treatments
are available
• Is unwilling to consider consultation with a pain specialist
On Being an Active Health Care Consumer 93

When the Doctor Does Not Take Pain Seriously

If you discover that the primary doctor remains excessively concerned
about the side effects of an aggressive pain management strategy or has a
passive or unreceptive philosophy about treating pain, you might try dis-
cussing your concerns openly with the doctor. In the course of a busy day,
the physician may just not have realized that the patient wasn't getting
what he needed. In the best of situations, a calm but frank conversation
can prompt both improved communication and pain control.
You can also ask about a pain specialist or a pain consulting service,
such as at a teaching hospital or in a hospital's anesthesiology department
(see Appendix 1 for more resources on finding a pain specialist). You might
say: "We have full confidence in you to supervise the cancer treatments,
but we'd like to take advantage of the recent developments in cancer pain
management. Not every doctor can stay abreast of every development in
all cancer-related fields, such as pain and symptom control. We'd like ac-
cess to state-of-the-art pain management techniques." Express your hope
that including a specialist for pain management will eliminate concerns
about distracting the oncologist from treating the cancer and will help
preserve your relationship with the doctor.
Asking for a second opinion for pain treatment is an equally valid
alternative. You might say: "I hope you don't mind our asking, but since
this illness is so important to us, we want as much information as possible
about different strategies for treating pain. It's not that we doubt your
recommendations, but we need reassurance that this is indeed the way to
go. Would you mind giving us the name of a colleague with whom we
could consult for a second opinion?" Referrals can also be obtained through
the National Cancer Institute (see Appendix 1).
If the doctor's answers suggest that he may not be a proponent of
aggressive pain management, is defensive about the subject, or is likely to
talk the family out of seeking a second opinion, consider investigating
other ways to gain access to information about more aggressive pain man-
agement . (Check Appendix 1 for other resources in obtaining a referral.)

Accept Nothing Less Than Satisfactory Relief

Dealing with cancer is bad enough without the additional burden of poorly
controlled pain, especially when you become aware that unrelenting pain
is not necessary. Rather than passively accepting persistent pain or dis-
turbing side effects of medication, families must learn to be as assertive as
necessary and should communicate frequently with their doctors until
94 Cancer and Its Pain

their goals are acknowledged and begin to be met. Although most con-
sumers will spend countless hours choosing a car, they usually ignore the
importance of being a good consumer when it comes to choosing doctors
and seeking second opinions. Cancer can be a life-and-death situation,
and families should recognize that they choose their physicians and need
not accept anything less than the best, both for treating the cancer and for
relieving the pain that often accompanies it.

It is the patient's and the family's responsibility to report the pain and its response to
treatment, as well as to maintain expectations for the best relief that is possible.
Ultimately, consumer demand will be the most powerful factor influencing doctors
to take patients' pain seriously and to treat it aggressively. The goal is an illness that
is as painless as possible, and, if the time should come, a painless death. We should
accept nothing less.

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Understanding Medications
Used to Treat Mild Pain

For mild to moderate pain, the first step in a typical treatment plan involves
the use of a nonnarcotic pain reliever, according to the World Health
Organization's analgesic ladder, a strategy universally endorsed by leading
cancer pain specialists. The medications that constitute the first step of the
ladder are the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), of which
aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (such as Tylenol and Anacin-3),
and the newer COX-2 inhibitors (a special kind of NSAID) are the best-
known examples. Some of these products (especially acetaminophen) actu-
ally possess only weak anti-inflammatory effects but are still usually included
in this category because they are nonnarcotic (nonopioid) analgesics. These
analgesics do not cause many of the side effects commonly associated with
the opioid analgesics (e.g., morphine), such as nausea and drowsiness, but,
like all medications, they have potential side effects, and their use needs to
be reviewed by a doctor or pharmacist to ensure that it is suitable.
If the doctor prescribes a common medicine, even one that is available
over the counter (that is, without a prescription), don't be concerned that
he is not taking the pain seriously. When taken in the right dose at the
right time and for the appropriate circumstances (described here), these
medications can be surprisingly effective for even severe pain, including
pain that accompanies bone metastases and brain tumors. If the NSAIDs
prove ineffective in quelling pain, stronger medications should be started,
which are described in the two chapters that follow this one.

98 The Painkillers

How NSAIDs Work

When a traumatic mechanical or chemical event injures body tissue, a sub-

stance called arachidonic acid is released from the injured cell walls and
broken down into chemicals called prostaglandins (PCs), which help trans-
mit pain and help regulate other essential activities, such as blood flow,
sleep, and inflammation. This reaction—the production of prostaglandins
(PG)—is governed by cyclooxygenase or COX enzymes (enzymes are
chemicals that are necessary for a chemical reaction to take place).
NSAIDs, which relieve pain primarily by exerting actions in the body's
peripheral tissues rather than by acting in the brain or central nervous
system (as opioids do), work by blocking the COX enzymes (of which
there are at least two types, COX-1 and COX-2), thereby disrupting PG
production. The same process of arachidonic acid breakdown and PG for-
mation regulates not just pain but also inflammation, which governs the
sensitivity of pain receptors and is the same process that causes redness,
local heat, swelling, and more pain. Thus NSAIDs help reduce not only
pain but also inflammation.

Why NSAIDs Cause Gastrointestinal Distress

As noted, PG activity is by no means limited to regulating pain. Because
PGs are involved in helping to regulate nearly every body function, re-
ducing PG levels by taking NSAIDs exerts effects elsewhere as well.
Whether an NSAID acts predominantly on one or the other COX enzyme
is extremely important. For example, when PG production is reduced in
the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (which is governed by the COX-1 enzyme),
it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even ulcers, which, if they
bleed or perforate, can be life-threatening. The older NSAIDs, such as
ibuprofen, naproxen, and most others (with the exception of the newer
COX-2 inhibitors, discussed below), interfere with both the COX-1 and
COX-2 enzymes, thereby blocking the production of all prostaglandins,
including those responsible for protecting the stomach, which is why tak-
ing the older NSAIDs increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Unpleasant GI side effects occur in about 60 percent of patients taking
NSAIDs and in 10 percent of patients are severe enough to warrant dis-
continuation. Patients taking NSAIDs are three to ten times more likely to
develop ulcers, as well as ulcer complications (bleeding, perforation, and
death). In fact, recent reports warn of potentially fatal gastrointestinal ef-
fects of aspirin and most other NSAIDs, as well as the risk of fatal liver
failure from combining social drinking with even occasional acetami-
nophen use; these complications can occur with no warning. Indeed, ex-
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 99

perts estimate that about 16,500 deaths occur annually in the United States
alone from ulcer-related complications associated with the use of these
products. This very sobering data suggests that we should regard instruc-
tions related to the use of NSAIDs, even those available without a pre-
scription, very seriously.

Why Newer NSAIDs May Not Cause As Much GI Distress

The newer, more specific NSAIDs (the COX-2 inhibitors or "super-
aspirins"), which include Celebrex, Vioxx, and an even newer one, Mobic,
appear to have a much smaller risk of producing serious GI problems.
That's because they inhibit just the COX-2 enzyme, which is involved in
inflammation, and have little or no effect on COX-1, the enzyme that in-
fluences gastrointestinal tract function.
Remember, though, these are very new drugs whose story is still un-
folding. For example, even though the risk of serious Gl-related events,
such as perforated and bleeding ulcers, is reduced (not eliminated) with
the COX-2-specific NSAIDs, the frequency of side effects from similar doses
of both classes of drugs may still be similar. Also, COX-2-specific NSAIDs,
while probably less damaging to the GI tract (especially in vulnerable
patients), have recently been implicated in causing kidney problems and
probably should be avoided in patients prone to them. Also, since the dis-
covery of the importance of the COX-1 and COX-2 subenzymes is still
new, experts don't know how much each contributes to pain relief, and it
is not yet clear whether the newer NSAIDs, even if safer in some patients,
will prove as effective as older NSAIDs. Also important is the fact that the
newer, more selective NSAIDs may not provide the same heart-protective
benefits as older drugs such as aspirin have been found to, at least in men.
But the COX-2 inhibitors, which are significantly more expensive, are
rapidly replacing the older NSAIDs, and since cancer patients tend to be
prone to side effects, they are a good choice, especially when their cost is
covered by insurance. In the current cost-conscious environment, many
insurers require that doctors justify their added cost by writing a special
letter indicating that a particular patient is at high risk for an NSAID side
effect—for example, because of a history of ulcer disease or gastroesoph-
ageal reflux disease (GERD).

Using NSAIDs with Opioids

While doses of opioids can be increased to very high (theoretically unlim-

ited) levels if needed, NSAIDs have a ceiling dose beyond which there is
100 The Painkillers

no additional pain relief, only increased side effects. Although each

NSAID is associated with a usual ceiling dose, there is still some varia-
tion among individuals, even for the same drug. As a result, the doctor
may recommend a moderate increase in the initial dose of an NSAID,
hoping for a corresponding improvement in comfort. Moreover, the side
effect profile of the NSAIDs is very different from that of opioids. While
opioids commonly cause constipation, nausea, drowsiness, and itchiness,
the NSAIDs commonly cause GI problems (a risk that appears reduced
though not absent with the newer COX-2 inhibitors), easy bruising, and
Although NSAIDs are used frequently to soothe mild to moderate
pain, they may also be very useful for more severe pain when prescribed
in combination with the weak and strong opioids. The combination of an
NSAID with an opioid provides an additive pain-relieving effect because,
as we've seen, NSAIDs and opioids relieve pain through different mecha-
nisms. By prescribing a nonopioid with a weak or strong opioid, the pain
is attacked on two fronts—one cutting pain off on the peripheral level (in
the tissue) and the other intercepting the pain message en route to the
central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Such combinations are also used because the NSAIDs allow lower lev-
els of opioids to be taken, which reduces the risk of side effects.
Although able to relieve many types of pain, the NSAIDs are particu-
larly effective for bone pain and the pain resulting from inflammation; in
addition, they help reduce stiffness, swelling, and tenderness.

General Dose Guidelines

Typically, doses should be started low and increased gradually every few
days up to the usual ceiling dose. If a higher dose produces more pain
relief, the ceiling dose has probably not been reached and the doctor is
likely to continue increases until no further added effect is noted. To be
sure that the ceiling dose is not exceeded, the dose may then be lowered to
the previous level.
At higher doses, toxic effects of the NSAIDs are more common, so
experts recommend avoiding doses totaling more than two times the stan-
dard dose. The goal of NSAID therapy is to find the lowest dose possible
to achieve the greatest degree of relief. If you find relief with one of these
drugs and stay on a higher-than-standard dose consistently, monthly or
bimonthly tests of the stool, urine, and blood are recommended to iden-
tify potential GI, kidney, liver, or bone marrow problems.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 101

Most people don't realize that NSAIDs possess more than one benefi-
cial effect. In addition to their analgesic (painkilling) effects, they also re-
duce inflammation, which affects pain, but indirectly. Although simple
pain relief may occur after just a few doses, up to two weeks may elapse
before their full anti-inflammatory effects are realized. If pain is mild to
moderate, be patient with a doctor's request to continue an NSAID, even
if relief is uncertain. After a week or two, if there are no side effects, an
ineffective dose can be boosted, or another NSAID can be substituted since
patients' response to different NSAIDs often varies.
However, if pain is severe, ask about stronger medication (an opioid)
rather than continuing ineffective therapy without complaint. Contempo-
rary guidelines for treating severe pain recommend avoiding long inter-
vals of frustration associated with lingering too long on each step of the
analgesic ladder while progressing from NSAIDs to stronger opioids.
Again, be sure to take the NSAIDs at scheduled, regular intervals—around
the clock. Even over-the-counter medications taken on a regular basis can
be powerful pain relievers, especially when their dose is adjusted to mimic
the effects of physician-prescribed preparations. In fact, studies of cancer
pain, as well as pain after surgery, childbirth, and oral surgery, have found
that aspirin is just as effective as the weak opioids, such as codeine (dis-
cussed in the next chapter). And when used with weak opioids, NSAIDs
are particularly useful.

Tip: Taking NSAIDs in scheduled, around-the-clock doses, without skipping any

doses, makes these medication very effective pain relievers. Favorable results can
be established in just a few days.

A few general precautions: For the elderly, those with impaired kid-
ney or liver function, and those taking certain other medications, NSAIDs
may have more side effects and so should be used cautiously, often at
lower starting doses, or not at all. Also, these substances tend to mask
fever, a problem that can be particularly important for patients who are
actively taking chemotherapy or who have low white blood cell counts.
To be on the safe side, take all of these medications with a full glass of
water and after food (if even only a cracker) to minimize gastrointestinal
irritation. Do not take over-the-counter medications with aspirin in them
in addition to these NSAIDs without the doctor's approval. In most cases,
patients may continue to take a daily half tablet of aspirin for heart dis-
ease protection if recommended by their physician.
102 The Painkillers

When Alternative NSAIDs Should Be Considered

In general, NSAIDs have very similar pain-relieving effects. Which drug
is chosen will depend on:

• The patient's prior history or experience with specific drugs. For ex-
ample, whatever might have worked well with no side effects for
a sprained ankle a few years ago will probably be a good choice
and should be mentioned to the doctor.
• Whether the patient is particularly vulnerable to gastrointestinal irritation,
kidney, or liver problems. Trilisate, Disalcid, or the newer COX-2 inhibi-
tors (Vioxx, Celebrex, Mobic) are more expensive but may be gentler
on the stomach than aspirin, ibuprofen, and other older NSAIDs.
• Whether the patient has a blood clotting problem such as hemophilia, has
recently had chemotherapy, or is already taking a blood thinner such as
heparin or Coumadin. Although a weak anti-inflammatory, acetami-
nophen is the least likely to cause problems. Trilisate does not
usually thin the blood as much as other NSAIDs, and the COX-2
inhibitors have minimal effects on blood thinning.
• The doctor's experience with the drug. New drugs are released all the
time. It is hard to keep up, so the doctor might not yet be knowl-
edgeable about newer ones, just as younger doctors may lack ex-
perience with some older drugs of proven value. Remember,
however, that newer drugs are not necessarily better. They usu-
ally cost much more than their well-established counterparts, and
despite FDA approval, their use should be regarded as somewhat
more risky until years of accumulated experience are assessed.
• Scheduling considerations. In patients who are already taking mul-
tiple medications, it can be beneficial to prescribe an NSAID that
needs to be taken only once or twice a day, such as piroxicam
(Feldene), nabumetone (Relafen), or oxaprozin (Daypro). They
seem to work just as well.
• Cost. In the absence of other factors, the least expensive NSAID
should usually be selected, which in most communities is

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Used in Cancer Pain

The following NSAIDs are commonly prescribed for treating cancer pain
and may be used alone or in combination with a weak or strong opioid.
These medications are especially useful for pain due to bone metastases
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 103

Choosing NSAIDs
Good Choices Bad Choices
For those with COX-2 inhibitor (Celebrex, Vioxx) Suppositories of any of the
Gl problems, a Acetaminophen NSAIDs
history of ulcers Choline/magnesium trisal icy late Aspirin
or bleeding (Trilisate) Indomethacin (Indocin,
Salsalate (Disalcid) Indocid, Indomethine)
Nabumetone (Relafen) Flurbiprofen (Ansaid)
Diflunisal (Dolobid) Meclofenamate (Meclomen,
Meclofen, Meclodium)

For severe kidney Acetaminophen Most NSAIDs

problems Sulindac (Clinoril)

For those taking COX-2 inhibitor (Celebrex, Vioxx) Aspirin

blood-thinning Phenylbutazone
medication (Butazolidin, Antadol,
(anticoagulants) Phebuzine)
Diclofenac (Voltaren)
Most NSAIDs, with the
exception of those

For those with Most NSAIDs

brain tumors

For children Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) Aspirin

Naproxen (Naprosyn, Naprosine,

and when pain is associated with signs of inflammation, such as redness

and local swelling. These are general guidelines and are not a suitable
substitute for a doctor's judgment and collaborative care.


Brand Name
Available over the counter; many brands, too numerous to mention.
Dose Range
650 mg four times a day is the standard dose, although a few studies sug-
gest that 900 or 1,000 mg may lengthen the duration of relief or improve
pain relief. If doses are 1,000 mg or higher, GI problems are common.
104 The Painkillers

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

About two hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
A standard dose of aspirin is equivalent to 2 mg of morphine when in-
jected into muscle (that is, intramuscularly or IM). A dose of 600 mg of
aspirin is about equivalent to 60 mg of codeine.
• Used as the standard against which other NSAIDs are compared.
The NSAIDs constitute the first rung of the WHO ladder, and aspi-
rin is designated as the prototype for this drug class. This is in
part because the ladder is intended for worldwide use and aspi-
rin is both widely available and inexpensive.
• Inexpensive and available over the counter (doesn't require a pre-
• Ceiling dose reached very quickly.
• Often prescribed as a preparation that includes a fixed dose of an
opioid analgesic (e.g., Percodan).
• Rectal suppositories available.
• Enteric-coated preparations (e.g., Ecotrin) available to minimize
GI side effects.
• The other NSAIDs are usually better tolerated; while both may
thin the blood and thus promote bleeding, these effects last just a
few days with most NSAIDs, but persist for 120 days after just a
few doses of aspirin.
• To minimize side effects, take with a glass of milk, after meals, or
with antacids, or take the specially coated (enteric) tablets.
• Like other NSAIDs, regularly scheduled use for several days is
required to evaluate maximum effectiveness.
• Can irritate GI tract, causing bleeding and other symptoms. In
fact, a single dose may double an individual's bleeding time (the
time required for a bleeding wound to clot or dry up), an effect
that can last up to three weeks; antacids and other prescribed
medications can help prevent and reduce GI symptoms.
• Can also cause nausea, diarrhea, and generalized GI discomfort.
• Often avoided during chemotherapy and radiation because of in-
creased risks of bleeding and infection.
• Avoid with use of steroids to prevent acid reflux, ulcers, and stom-
ach bleeding.
• Avoid if severe kidney problems are present.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 105

Avoid during pregnancy.

Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is an early warning sign of a toxic
response from too much aspirin.
Taken with alcohol, the risks of GI bleeding increase.
If taken with Dilantin, becomes more toxic.
If taken with Coumadin (a blood thinner), the risk of abnormal
bleeding and clotting increases.
Aspirin-sensitive asthma can occur.

The Story of Aspirin

One of the most commonly used drugs in the world, aspirin—known as acetylsali-
cylic acid to chemists—is so ordinary, readily available, and inexpensive that its
potential value is often underestimated. In fact, it is one of the most powerful sub-
stances in the medicine cabinet.
Aspirin has been available since just before the beginning of the twentieth cen-
tury, but crude preparations made from willow bark were used by Hippocrates as
early as 450 BC. Rediscovered in the mid-1700s and synthesized by the Bayer Com-
pany in Germany in the 1800s, aspirin has been gaining popularity ever since. Some
80 million tablets are taken daily in the United States alone, and worldwide, over
1,200 tons are consumed annually.

Among Its Powerful Benefits

• Reduction of fever.
• Regular low doses can reduce the risk of heart attack, at least in men.
• Relieves aches, stiffness, and inflammation.
• Regular use in low doses reduces the risk of certain kinds of strokes.

Among Its Potential Benefits

•May help prevent colon, stomach, esophageal, and rectal cancer. May help pre-
vent migraines from recurring.
• May help prevent gallstones and cataracts.
• May even help boost immunity to infection.


Brand Name
Celecoxib (Celebrex), rofecoxib (Vioox), meloxicam (Mobic); new prepa-
rations are under development.
Dose Range
Celebrex: 100 to 200 mg twice a day.
Vioxx: Starting dose is 12.5 mg once daily but can be increased to 50 mg
daily. Use of Vioxx for more than five days has not been studied.
Mobic: Starting dose is 7.5 mg once a day but can be increased to 15 mg.
106 The Painkillers

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

About an hour.
• This new class of NSAIDs is at least as effective for pain, stiffness,
and inflammation as the other NSAIDs, but is associated with re-
duced risks of stomach upset, ulcers, and bleeding side effects.
• Even though these medications are expensive, because they have
no effect on blood clotting and a minimal effect on the GI system,
yet have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, they are a good choice
for those prone to stomach upset or with a history of ulcer or stom-
ach bleeding.
• Preliminary research suggests that these medications may have
potential cancer-fighting properties.
• They do not need to be taken with food.
• Mobic, used for several years in several million patients in other
countries, was approved in the United States in 2002. It has been
shown to be associated with considerably fewer GI side effects
(dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea)
as well as GI events (ulcers, GI bleeding, and perforation) than
the older, more routine non-COX-2-selective NSAIDs.
• Although these medications have been tested extensively for ar-
thritic pain, they have not been tested for cancer pain.
• People who are pregnant, allergic to sulfa drugs, or have a history
of asthma, hives, kidney, or liver problems or other allergic-type
reactions to aspirin or NSAIDs should not take Vioxx.
• Side effects include upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, nau-
sea, heartburn, swelling of the lower legs or feet, and high blood
• In rare cases, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems,
similar to those caused by other NSAIDs, may occur.
• Recent reports suggest that Vioxx may increase the risk of heart
attack and kidney problems, but many experts are divided about
the risk; more research is needed. Extra caution may be taken in
the meantime for those with a history of heart disease.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 1,000 to 1,500 mg twice a day; available as a pill and as an elixir
(in liquid form), especially useful if swallowing is difficult.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 107

In children, a typical dose is 25 mg/kg twice a day (usually prescribed

by child's weight).
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
One to two hours; longer when suppository.
Equivalent Pain Relief
• Unique among the NSAIDs in that effects on bleeding, blood clot-
ting, and the GI tract are minimal, yet analgesic and anti-inflam-
matory effects are significant—making this a particularly good
choice when an NSAID is needed even though there is a history
of ulcers or stomach bleeding.
• May be particularly beneficial for bone pain.
• May cause problems in patients who have severe kidney problems
or severe gastric ulcers or gastritis.


Brand Name
Tylenol, Tempra, Anacin-3, Datril, Panadol, and others.
Dose Range
Usually 650 mg is the standard dose, every four hours.
In children, a typical dose is 10 to 15 mg/kg (usually prescribed by
child's weight).
Equivalent Pain Relief
The equivalent doses of morphine and codeine are about the same as those
for aspirin. The standard dose of acetaminophen (650 mg) is about equiva-
lent to 60 mg of codeine or 2 mg of morphine.
• Has proven as effective as aspirin in relieving many types of pain
but is generally a safer drug, although problems still can arise
when excessive doses are used and, in some circumstances, even
with routine dosing.
• Does not require a prescription.
• Although usually considered along with the NSAIDs, it is not gen-
erally considered an anti-inflammatory drug because its anti-in-
flammatory effects are very weak. However, new animal data
suggest that its anti-inflammatory action may be stronger than
previously thought.
108 The Painkillers

• Does not cause typical NSAID-related GI problems, such as bleed-

ing, ulcers, cramping, diarrhea, thinning of blood, or asthma.
• Rectal suppositories available for children and adults; also avail-
able as an elixir, syrup, or solution.
• Good alternative to aspirin when allergy or sensitivity to aspirin
exists, or in the presence of concerns about blood-thinning (anti-
coagulant) effects or GI tract irritation, including most patients
with peptic ulcers and many patients taking chemotherapy.
• Not a first choice for bone pain because its anti-inflammatory ac-
tivity is very weak.
• Large overdoses can cause serious or fatal liver damage. Normal
dosing is usually not a problem, except with heavy alcohol use
and, rarely, even modest alcohol use; should be avoided with hepa-
titis, cirrhosis, and active liver disease, although it can be safely
used in the presence of small liver metastases.


Brand Name
Motrin, Rufen, Advil, Haltran, Ibuprin, Medipren, Midol 200, Nuprin,
Trendar, Aches-N-Pain, Dolgesic, Genpril, Ibren, Ibumed, Ibupro-600,
Ibutex, Ifen, Pamprin, Profen, and others.
Dose Range
From 1,200 to 3,200 mg a day or up to 800 mg four times a day, although
added benefit should usually be observed in order to justify maintenance
of maximum doses.
In children, it is usually prescribed based on the child's weight, with
typical doses of 5 to 10 mg/kg, generally not to exceed a total of 40 mg/kg
per day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
One to two hours (more quickly for ibuprofen oral suspension, which is
usually used in children).
Equivalent Pain Relief
Uncertain, though many studies suggest greater effectiveness than
propoxyphene (Darvon).
• Usually provides more pain relief than aspirin, with fewer GI problems.
• The incidence and severity of side effects (especially GI) is very low
compared to the other traditional (COX-1- and COX-2-inhibiting)
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 109

• Available over the counter in low doses (200 rng).

• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset. It should be taken with food and used with
caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.
• Recently available (by prescription) combined with hydrocodone
as Vicoprofen (ibuprofen 200 mg/hydrocodone 7.5 mg), as de-
scribed in Chapter 6.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 500 to 1,000 mg as the initial dose, then 500 mg two or three times
a day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Effects noticeable in one hour but peak at two to three hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
Uncertain, although 500 mg of diflunisal usually provides at least compa-
rable pain relief as standard doses of aspirin, acetaminophen, and
propoxyphene and lasts considerably longer. A dose of 1,000 mg has been
shown to produce comparable but longer pain relief than acetaminophen
and codeine (650 mg/60 mg). When effective, relief persists for eight and
even twelve hours in most patients.
• Less irritating to stomach than aspirin.
• Can take doses just twice a day.
• Lasts longer than ibuprofen and is stronger than aspirin.
• Not recommended as treatment for fever.
• Like other NSAIDs, can irritate gastrointestinal tract and even
cause bleeding, particularly when taken for long intervals (more
than six months).
• Abdominal complaints, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and thinning
of the blood less common than with aspirin
• If eye complaints occur, patient should consult an ophthalmologist.
• Other occasional side effects include drowsiness in some but in-
somnia in others, dizziness, ringing of the ears (tinnitus), rash,
headache, and fatigue.
• Should be taken with food.
110 The Painkillers


Brand Name
Disalcid, Amigesic, Diagen, Mono-Gesic, Salflex, Salgesic, Salsitab.
Dose Range
Usual dose is 3,000 mg a day in two or three doses. Pain relief may build
up gradually over the first four days of use.
• Same as choline magnesium trisalicylate (see previous listing).
• Often recommended when NSAIDs are desirable despite a his-
tory of ulcer or stomach bleeding, because of minimal effects on
blood thinning and gastrointestinal irritation.
• Avoid taking with aspirin or blood thinners (e.g., Coumadin)
• Extra caution should be taken with patients having kidney or ul-
cer problems.
• Occasional side effects include ringing in the ears, nausea, hear-
ing impairment, rash, and dizziness.
• Should be taken with food.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 20 mg a day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Despite nearly immediate benefit, may take five to seven days to reach its
peak effect.
• Very convenient: only has to be taken once a day.
• Higher doses (above 20 mg a day) for longer than three weeks are
linked to higher rates of ulcers, especially in the elderly.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning the blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset. May also cause fluid retention.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used cautiously in patients with kidney or liver prob-
lems, as it accumulates in the system.
• If eye complaints occur, patient should consult an ophthalmologist.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 111


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day, in either one or two doses during the day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Response is usually noted within the first day of starting treatment.
• Appears to produce less GI irritation and ulcerations than aspirin
and other older NSAIDs (e.g., indomethacin, naproxen, ibuprofen).
• Has only recently been released in the United States.
• The potential for once-daily use is convenient, especially in pa-
tients taking multiple medications.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset, but ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding are
less common.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used with caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.
• Fluid retention and skin reactions to sunlight occur occasionally.


Brand Name
Lodine, Lodine XL.
Dose Range
More recent introduction of a prolonged-release preparation (Lodine XL)
makes once or twice daily administration possible in a wide usual dose
range totaling 400 to 1,000 mg a day, and sometimes up to 1,200 mg a day.
Plain Lodine is usually prescribed for acute pain as 200 to 400 mg every six
to eight hours and for chronic pain as 300 mg every eight to twelve hours or
400 to 500 mg every twelve hours. Lodine XL is usually prescribed as 400 to
1,000 mg once daily, and sometimes as high as 1,200 mg once per day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
The onset of relief of acute pain after a single dose is about thirty minutes,
after which pain relief peaks at one to two hours and lasts for four to six
hours. Unlike most other NSAIDs, a therapeutic response for chronic pain
is usually not achieved until one to two weeks of regular use have elapsed.
112 The Painkillers

• A dose of 200 mg is about equal in potency to two regular aspirin
(650 mg), and 400 mg provides similar relief to codeine and ac-
etaminophen combined (60 mg of codeine and 650 mg of acetami-
nophen, or two Tylenol #3).
• Although a relatively long interval must elapse before effective-
ness can be determined, once daily dosing is established, this drug
affords considerable convenience.
• Loss of blood in the stool (from GI irritation) is generally minimal,
especially compared to ibuprofen, indomethacin, and naproxen.
• Relatively recently released in the United States.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used with caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.


Brand Name
Voltaren delayed-release (enteric-coated) tablets, Voltaren XR extended-
release tablets, Cataflam immediate-release tablets. Also available as
Arthrotec (combined with misoprostol, an antiacid drug).
Dose Range
For acute pain, Cataflam (immediate-release diclofenac) is usually admin-
istered in a starting dose of 100 mg, followed by 50 mg doses three times
per day for a maximum daily dose of up to 200 mg on the first day, and
then followed by no more than 150 mg a day thereafter.
For chronic pain, delayed- or extended-release tablets are recom-
mended in total daily doses ranging from 100 to 200 mg. Delayed-release
tablets can be used two to four times a day, while extended-release tablets
are administered one to two times a day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Immediate-release (Cataflam) preparations are typically associated with a
thirty-minute onset of pain relief. Peak effects are delayed to one to six
hours for delayed- and extended-release preparations.
• Of the available preparations, only Cataflam (an immediate-release
formulation) is indicated for the rapid resolution of acute pain,
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 113

while Voltaren delayed-release and Voltaren XR extended-release

tablets are preferred for the management of chronic pain.
• Voltaren XR tablets are enteric-coated to minimize gastrointesti-
nal problems, although such problems still sometimes occur, and
when prescribed once daily are especially convenient.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset. Although minor GI side effects occur in
about 20 percent of patients using diclofenac, only about 3 per-
cent of patients discontinued its use for this reason, and bleeding
or ulcers were observed in just 0.6 percent of patients during three-
month trials.
• The next most frequent side effects involved the central nervous
system, consisting of headache in 7 percent and dizziness in 3
• Fluid retention and edema may occur.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used with caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.
• Drug interactions: blood levels of several drugs may be altered
when used concomitantly with diclofenac. As a result, your phy-
sician may choose to check blood levels if you are also taking the
heart drug digoxin, the transplant drug cyclosporin, the cancer
and arthritis drug methotrexate, the psychotherapeutic drug
lithium, and insulin and some oral antidiabetic drugs.
• Rarely, elevations in liver function tests, with or without liver in-
jury, have been observed, and so periodic testing of liver enzymes
is advised.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Dose range is 100 to 300 mg per day, usually in doses every six to twelve hours.
Similar to other NSAIDs (including aspirin, ibuprofen, and indometha-
cin) in its analgesic effect.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
114 The Painkillers

gastrointestinal upset, and thus is usually best avoided with a his-

tory of ulcers or ulcer symptoms.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used with caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.
• Use may reduce the effectiveness of cardiac beta-blocker drugs—
propanolol (Inderal), atenolol (Tenormin), labetalol (Trandate,
Normodyne)—in patients with hypertension.


Brand Name
Orudis, Orudis KT, Oruvail (extended release), Actron.
Dose Range
Usually from 200 to 300 mg per day, with extended-release preparations
usually limited to 200 mg a day, and lower starting doses in elderly and
fragile patients. Doses are taken every six to eight hours, except for the
extended-release preparation, Oruvail, which is administered once per day.
Although convenient for chronic pain, because its extended-release
properties are associated with a delayed onset of effect, Oruvail is not rec-
ommended for acute pain.
• Similar to other NSAIDs in analgesic effect. Although somewhat
slower in onset, pain relief may be similar to that observed with
acetaminophen (650 mg) combined with codeine (60 mg) and even
oxycodone (10 mg).
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset. The rate of gastrointestinal side effects and
headache may be slightly greater with ketoprofen than some other
NSAIDs, and side effects may be somewhat more common in
women than men.
• Should be taken with food.
• Increased caution and dosage reductions are advised for patients
with kidney or liver problems, for patients with albumin levels of
less than 3.5 g/L, and in those over the age of seventy-five.


Brand Name
Nalfon, Fenopran, Nalgesic, and Progesic.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 115

Dose Range
Usually 300 to 600 mg four times a day.
• Similar to other NSAIDs in analgesic effect.
Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset.
• Should be taken with food.
• Increased caution and dosage reductions are advised for patients
with kidney or liver problems.


Brand Name
Meclomen, Meclofen.
Dose Range
Usually 200 to 400 mg per day split up into doses to be taken every four to
six hours. The smallest beneficial dosage should be employed.
• Although improvement may be seen in some patients in a few
days, two to three weeks of treatment may be required for opti-
mal benefit, after which doses can often be reduced.
• Somewhat higher rate of gastrointestinal problems (especially di-
arrhea) than other NSAIDs.
• Should be taken with food, and used with caution in patients with
kidney or liver problems.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Intramuscular injection and occasionally through intravenous injection,
either as a single 60 mg injection or repeatedly, up to 30 mg every six
hours, not to exceed 120 mg per day or five consecutive days of use. By
mouth, 20 mg for the first dose, then 10 mg up to every four to six hours,
not to exceed 40 mg per day or five consecutive days of use.
How Long It Takes to Reach Effect
Pain relief is usually noted within thirty minutes of injection, peaks after
one to two hours, and lasts four to six hours.
116 The Painkillers

Equivalent Pain Relief

After surgery, the potency of a 30 mg intramuscular injection is similar to
that of a 6 to 12 mg intramuscular morphine injection, and the potency of
a 3 mg intravenous injection is about the same as 4 mg intravenous mor-
phine, although ketorolac causes less drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting
and lasts a little longer.
• A relatively recently introduced NSAID, initially available as an
injection, ketorolac (Toradol) became extremely popular. Although
a very strong NSAID, because of increased risks of bleeding, GI,
and kidney problems, its use is usually limited to no more than
five days, so it is typically reserved for acute pain, severe pain, or
the short-term treatment of pain in patients who cannot swallow
• Available both as tablets and for intramuscular or intravenous in-
• Oral ketorolac is recommended only as a continuation of treat-
ment that has been initiated by injection.
• Initially overused because of enthusiasm over the availability of
an injectable NSAID, the importance of avoiding extended use or
excessive doses is now recognized. The incidence of stomach up-
set, bleeding and perforated ulcers increases with use in patients
over age sixty-five, when higher than recommended doses are
used, and when treatment is extended beyond five days. Kidney
problems are more common in patients who are dehydrated.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset.
• Should be taken with food and used with caution in patients with
kidney or liver problems.
• Oral form recommended only for short-term use (less than three
• Additional caution is warranted in patients with dehydration, hy-
pertension, heart failure, and concomitant use of blood thinners
of any kind; use with other NSAIDs, including aspirin and ac-
etaminophen, is okay.
• Swelling (fluid retention), headache, constipation, diarrhea,
drowsiness, confusion, itchiness, pain or bruising at the injection
site, and postoperative bleeding from wound sites may occur.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Mild Pain 117

Brand Name
Tolectin, Tolectin DS.
Dose Range
Usually 600 to 1,800 mg per day, split up into doses to be taken every six
to eight hours.
• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset. May also cause fluid retention.
• Should be taken with food.
• Should be used with caution in patients with kidney or liver problems.
• Use cautiously in conjunction with lithium, Coumadin, and cyclo-
sporin, due to the potential for toxicity.


Brand Name
Clinoril, Arthrobid.
Dose Range
Usually 300 to 400 mg per day, split up into two doses to be taken every
twelve hours.
• Apparent reduced likelihood of kidney problems makes this one
of the preferred NSAIDs in patients at increased risk for kidney
• One to two weeks of use may be required before maximum ben-
efit is established.
• At least as effective and at least as well tolerated as most other
NSAIDs, including aspirin, indomethacin, phenylbutazone, and

• Like most other NSAIDs, this medication may increase bleeding
by thinning blood (though less so than aspirin) and may cause
gastrointestinal upset.
• Should be taken with food and used with caution in patients with
kidney (though less so than other NSAIDs) or liver problems.
• Observe for fluid retention and signs and symptoms of pancreatitis.
The Most Common Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Used for Cancer Pain
Usual Usual
Recommended Maximum
Usual Starting Recommended
Generic Name Dosing Dose Dose
& Class a Trade Name Schedule (mg/day) mg/day) Comments

Acetaminophen Tylenol, Datril, Panadol, Tempra, Anacin-3, 4-6 hr 2,600 6,000 1

among others
Acety Isalicylic acid Aspirin 4-6 hr 2,600 6,000 2
Choline magnesium
trisalicylate Trilisate 8-12 hr 1,500 4,000 3
Disalcid 8-12 hr 3,000 4,000 3
Dolobid, Dolobis 8-12 hr 1,500 1,500 4
COX-2 Inhibitors
Celecoxib Celebrex 12 hr 100 600 5
Rofecoxib Vioxx 24 hr 12.5 50
Meloxicam Mobic 24 hr 7.5 15
Propionic Acid
Ibuprofen Motrin, Rufen, Advil, Haltran, Ibuprin, Medipren, 4-8 hr 1,200 4,200 6
Midol 200, Nuprin, Trendar, and others
Naproxen Naprosyn, Naprosin, Proxen 12 hr 500 1,000 7
Fenoprofen Nalfon, Fenopran, Nalgesic, Progesic 6hr 800 3,200
Ketoprofen Orudis, Orudis KT, Oruvail (ER) [24 hr], Actron 6-8 hr 150 300
Flurbiprofen Ansaid 6hr 200 300
Diclofenac Voltaren, Cataflam, Voltaren XR 6-24 hr 200
Pirocam Feldene 24 hr 20 40 8
Etodolac Iodine 6-8 hr 800 1,200 9
Iodine XL 12-24hr 400 1,200
Nabumetone Relafen 12-24hr 1 ,000 2,000 9
Mefenamic acid Ponstel, Ponstan, Ponstil, Namphen 6hr 400 1,000 10
Meclofenamate Meclomen, Meclofen 4-6 hr 200 400 11
Ketorolac Toradol 4-6 hr 40 40 12
Tolmetin Tolectin, Tolectin DS 6-8 hr 600 1,800
Sulindac Clinoril, Arthrobid 12 hr 300 400 13

1 . Available over the counter in various preparations. Possess weak anti-inflammaitory activity and is therefore not a first drug; of choice for bone pain or
pain that is accompanied by inflammation. For patients at greater risk for gastrointestinal problems (such as ulcers) or bleeding complications (for
example, the patient is on a blood-thinning medication), this drug is an excellent choice. Taken in large quantities, this drug can be fatal due to liver
failure. When used continuously at high doses, doctors will often wish to check kidney, liver, and bone function periodically.
2. Standard to which other medications in this category are compared; available over the counter in various preparations. May not be well tolerated as
other alternatives.
3. May be particularly useful in some cancer patients due to its minimal effect on thinning blood or irritating the gastrointestinal tract. Available in liquid
4. Causes less gastrointestinal irritation than aspirin.
5. Has no effect on blood clotting and minimal effect on Gl system, yet has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Has not been tested for cancer pain.
6. Available over the counter in low-dose formations; relatively economical and well tolerated for long-term use.
7. Relatively well tolerated and rapidly absorbed.
8. Convenient once-a-day dosing is an advantage for many patients with cancer. Higher doses (more than 20 mg) are associated with increased risks of
ulcers, especially in the elderly. May take 5 to 7 days to reach maximum effectiveness. When patients has liver or kidney impairment, the drug may
accumulate in the body.
9. May be administered 1 to 2 times a day.
10. Since this medication is often associated with gastrointestinal problems after one week of use, it is usually not recommended for cancer pain.
11. This medication is associated with a relatively high incidence of gastrointestinal irritation.
12. In low dose ranges, seems to be effective as morphine, but like other NSAIDs, has a ceiling dose above which no further pain relief is achieved.
13. Seems to be associated with fewer kidney problems than other NSAIDs.
120 The Painkillers

For a variety of reasons, the doctor may choose to prescribe any of

these NSAIDs, or a number of others too numerous to mention. We have
listed the most common NSAIDs here, as well as the most common brand

Adding Weak Opioids to NSAIDs

If more pain relief is needed than can be offered by the NSAIDs alone, or
if the use of an NSAID is not advised because of a medical condition such
as an ulcer or kidney failure, the next step is usually to add a weak opioid
to the current therapy. There is a growing trend, however, to proceed di-
rectly to a low dose of a stronger opioid analgesic, such as morphine, much
earlier than doctors used to.
Understanding Medications
Used to Treat Moderate Pain

When pain is moderate and can't be adequately controlled with nonopioid

(nonnarcotic) drugs, usually the next step (as dictated by the World Health
Organization's analgesic ladder; see Chapter 1) is the addition or substi-
tution of a weak opioid, of which codeine is the most well known. These
codeine-like drugs, referred to in the past simply as the "weak" or "mild"
opioids (in contrast to the "strong" or "potent" opioids such as morphine),
are today referred to as "opioids conventionally used to treat moderate
pain" (versus "opioids conventionally used to treat severe pain").
The opioids conventionally used to treat moderate pain are not really
weak, but their dosages are limited by the other compounds with which
they are formulated, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin. Although
new terminology is more accurate, it is also more awkward, so we will
still refer to the opioids conventionally used to treat moderate pain as
"weak opioids" and those conventionally used to treat severe pain as
"strong opioids." Because the dosing guidelines and side effects are so
different for the weak (codeine-like) and strong (morphine-like) opioids,
a fuller discussion of the medications for severe pain is in the next chapter.

122 The Painkillers

Weak Opioids (Opioids Conventionally

Used to Treat Moderate Pain)

As mentioned, most of these agents come combined with aspirin or ac-

etaminophen (most commonly abbreviated as APAP), which limits how
much can be taken (usually no more than an average of two tablets every
three or four hours)—not because of their opioid content, but because too
much aspirin or acetaminophen can cause serious, sometimes even life-
threatening problems. Some experts suggest that the importance of these
medicines stems from the fact that our society is so drug-phobic and
overconcerned about using morphine, which is on the next step of the
analgesic ladder. The weak opioids are a step between the NSAIDs and
the strong opioids and are more socially and culturally acceptable than
the use of stronger drugs. The use of stronger drugs is still often post-
poned despite their greater effectiveness, because their use has regretta-
bly come to be associated with drug abuse. For these reasons, doctors and
patients would generally rather use weaker drugs, even though they are
not as effective and cannot be prescribed with as much flexibility.
In fact, one of the most common mistakes that doctors make is to keep
patients on these weaker medications when stronger ones would better
relieve the pain and truly are no riskier.

Side Effects

Like the strong opioids, these weaker opioids relieve pain but also usually
cause constipation, which can be minimized by diet (especially fruits, other
sources of fiber, and lots of water) and increased activity (especially walk-
ing). However, to prevent constipation, other products are commonly used,
including laxatives (such as Senokot-S, Metamucil, milk of magnesia,
Dulcolax tablets or suppositories), stool softeners (such as Colace), or en-
emas as needed (see Chapter 10).


Nausea and vomiting are also common side effects of these weaker opio-
ids (as is true of the stronger opioids as well), although they usually re-
solve after a few days of consistent use of these medications. The nausea
is usually transient, which makes it more tolerable to put up with it briefly.
Unless nausea is extremely severe, the temptation to stop opioid use should
be resisted, since its regular use allows the body to become tolerant or
used to these very useful medications. If nausea or vomiting is trouble-
some, calmly inform your physician, who may recommend the short-term
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 123

use of an antinausea (antiemetic) medication, which can usually be ta-

pered and stopped over a few days to a week.


Likewise, some degree of drowsiness is common when an opioid is first started
(or its dose is increased), but this is another side effect that, with regular medi-
cation use, usually resolves on its own in a few days. Medication-induced
drowsiness is often confused with "catch-up sleep," a term commonly
used to describe the onset of otherwise needed sleep in a patient who has
been sleep-deprived from unrelenting pain. If left undisturbed, patients
commonly sleep soundly for a day or two once their pain is relieved, and
this should not provoke worry as long as breathing is regular and in ex-
cess of about ten breaths per minute. When drowsiness is excessive or is
associated with confusion, disorientation, or hallucinations, the treating
physician should be informed. If these changes are manageable, treatment
may be continued with the expectation that they will resolve in a few days,
or the physician may wish to substitute another opioid analgesic that may
be less likely to produce these effects.

Physical dependence (which means that withdrawal symptoms would
occur if the drug were stopped suddenly) and tolerance (which means
that as the body adapts to a dose, more is needed to achieve the same
pain-relieving effect) are rarely seen with the use of the weak (as opposed
to the strong) opioids, and on the infrequent occasions that they do arise,
only rarely do they interfere with treatment or cause important problems.
As with other drugs discussed, when pain is chronic and relatively
constant, these medications should usually be taken on schedule, around
the clock—not waiting for the pain to flare but to prevent pain episodes.

Weak Opioid Medications for Cancer Pain

The following drugs are most commonly prescribed for moderate cancer
pain when nonopioid drugs (NSAIDs) are no longer sufficiently effective.
However, doctors often will maintain the use of a nonopioid medication to
be used in combination with a weak (or strong) opioid because they relieve
pain by different mechanisms; thus, when used together pain-relieving ef-
fects are typically enhanced. As a result, lower doses of the opioid may be
used with fewer concerns about side effects. Many of the medications listed
here may require triplicate prescription forms in the states that require such
forms. An allergy (very rare) or side effect to one does not predict that an-
other will be poorly tolerated.
124 The Painkillers

Again, the following information is to be used as a guide only, and

should not be used as a substitute for a physician's care and judgment.


Brand Name
Codeine is usually available in combination products; see the next section.
Combination Products
Although technically available as a single-entity drug (both in pill form and
by intramuscular injection), by convention codeine is almost always pre-
scribed in combination with acetaminophen (Tylenol or APAP) or aspirin,
available under a variety of brand names, including those listed below. As
indicated in the discussion of hydrocodone (below), the relative effective-
ness, safety, and preferred dose for each combination product depends on
how much of each medication is contained in a tablet or capsule.
Probably the most common means of prescribing codeine are as Tylenol
#2, Tylenol #3, or Tylenol #4. One tablet of each of these products contains
300 mg acetaminophen (or APAP) combined with 15 mg, 30 mg, or 60 mg of
codeine, respectively, with one or two tablets of Tylenol #3 every four hours
usually being considered the standard adult dose. Another common brand
is Phenaphen with Codeine, also available as #2, #3, and #4, each of which
contains similar doses (each tablet of Phenaphen with codeine has 325 mg
acetaminophen, and the #2, #3, and #4 preparations contain 15 mg, 30 mg,
and 60 mg codeine, respectively). Empirin with Codeine, one of the com-
monest preparations of aspirin and codeine, uses a similar system, in which
each tablet containing 325 mg aspirin, and Empirin with Codeine #2, #3,
and #4 contain 15 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg codeine, respectively.
Other preparations of codeine combined with acetaminophen include
Atasol, Capital with Codeine, Cosutone, Medocodene, Parake, Pyregesic-C,
Solpadeine, Sunetheton, and Tricoton.
A typical elixir formulation contains 12 mg codeine phosphate and
120 mg APAP per 5 ml (7% alcohol) and is favored in children or adults
who find it difficult to swallow pills.
Dose Range
Although infrequently prescribed alone, standard doses of plain codeine
range from 30 to 80 mg every four hours, which may be supplemented
with 250 to 500 mg aspirin or 325 to 500 mg of acetaminophen every four
to six hours, as long as maximum daily doses of aspirin and acetaminophen
(3,000 to 4,000 mg) are respected.
In children, prescriptions are based on the child's weight and are usu-
ally provided as a liquid in a typical dose range of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg, to be
taken every four to six hours.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 125

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

Initial effects are usually first noted within thirty to forty-five minutes,
with peak effects usually occurring at about one hour, with a duration of
three to six hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
A standard dose of codeine typically provides only somewhat greater pain
relief than a standard dose of aspirin or acetaminophen. A130 mg dose of
codeine IM (intramuscularly) or 200 mg of codeine by mouth (about seven
standard tablets) is about equivalent to 10 mg morphine IM or IV (intra-
• Even though codeine is probably the most commonly prescribed
weak opioid, usually in combination with aspirin or acetami-
nophen, some doctors feel that it is more constipating and nause-
ating than some of its alternatives. If constipation or nausea are
persistent problems on codeine, ask the doctor to select a related
• Take codeine medications with milk or water, never on an empty
• Not available for IV use, but occasionally given IM.
• Almost always used in combination with aspirin or acetami-
nophen, which enhances its pain-relieving effect but also limits
how much can be taken safely.
• These combination products do not require special or triplicate
prescriptions in states that require such forms. This is one reason
why doctors try to stick to these medications rather than more
readily switching to a more powerful medication for more severe
• Recent research on a controlled-release preparation of codeine (pre-
liminarily called Codeine-Contin) shows that its effects persist for
twelve hours; this product may be available in the near future. In
addition, a controlled-release rectal suppository is under investi-
• Can use up to three tablets every three to six hours to relieve pain.
• Although most opioids have no ceiling dose (above which there
are just more side effects and no additional relief), codeine is
thought to have a maximum dose of 300 mg. Most often, though,
since codeine is usually prescribed only with aspirin or acetami-
nophen, doses are limited due to the dangers of taking excessive
doses of aspirin or acetaminophen.
126 The Painkillers

• Constipation is extremely common with codeine, and preventive
measures are almost always required. And, as with most opioids,
the higher the dose of codeine, the more laxative is needed.
• As the dose is increased, nausea and sedation may occur, but these
effects usually do not last. Drowsiness may represent catch-up
sleep, and nausea may require brief treatment until it resolves.
Codeine may also cause dry mouth, light-headedness, headache,
and itchiness.
• Extra care should be taken with patients having breathing diffi-
culties, increased brain pressure, or liver failure.

Propoxyphene comes in two chemical forms, propoxyphene hydrochlo-
ride (HC1) and propoxyphene napsylate. Only the HC1 form is available
as a single entity (unmixed with other drugs). The two compounds have
different potencies, with 65 mg of propoxyphene HC1 about equal to 100
mg of propoxyphene napsylate. The most commonly prescribed formula-
tion of propoxyphene products is Darvocet N-100, which contains 325 mg
of acetaminophen (APAP).
Brand Name
Darvon available in tablets containing 32 and 65 mg propoxyphene HC1.
Combination Products
Genagesic, E-Lor, Cosalgesic, Distalgesic, Dolene Ap-65, and Wygesic (con-
taining propoxyphene HC1 65 mg and APAP 650 mg); Darvon Compound
(containing 65 mg of propoxyphene HC1,389 mg of aspirin, and 32.4 mg of
caffeine); Darvon N-50 (50 mg of propoxyphene napsylate, 325 mg of APAP);
Darvon N-100 (100 mg of propoxyphene napsylate, 650 mg of APAP);
Darvocet N-100 (100 mg of propoxyphene napsylate, 325 mg of aspirin).
Dose Range
For products containing propoxyphene HC1, the standard dose is usually
considered to be 65 to 130 mg, and for those containing propoxyphene
napsylate, standard doses are 100 to 200 mg, usually up to every four to six
hours. Due both to the potential for propoxyphene to accumulate in the
body and to the inclusion of aspirin or acetaminophen in many products,
daily doses should be limited. Avoid more than 390 mg per day of
propoxyphene HC1, more than 600 mg a day of propoxyphene napsylate,
and a daily dose of acetaminophen or aspirin greater than 3,000 to 4,000 mg.
This drug is not recommended for children.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 127

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

Initial effects are usually noted within about thirty minutes and peak in one
to one and a half hours, with a duration of three to six hours. Two to three
days of regular use may be required before full effectiveness is realized.
Equivalent Pain Relief
A 65 mg dose of propoxyphene by mouth provides similar pain relief to
600 mg of aspirin when single doses are compared. New data suggest that
propoxyphene may be somewhat more effective than we once thought
when used steadily around the clock.
• As the weakest of the opioids conventionally used to treat moder-
ate pain, it is in fact not much more effective than standard doses
of aspirin or acetaminophen, especially with intermittent use. Once
considered vastly overprescribed because of doctors' unwarranted
fears of using stronger drugs, many patients, especially the eld-
erly, still clung to its use. Newer studies demonstrate that effec-
tiveness may improve with regular use, especially in the elderly
both because of some accumulation and due to new ideas about
its mechanisms of action. Like another opioid, methadone, propoxy-
phene now appears not only to work at the conventional opioid
receptor, but also to produce analgesia by a separate mechanism
involving antagonism of an amino acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA), which appears to be especially important when pain
stems from nerve injury.
• There appears to be a ceiling effect that prevents safely increasing
the dose of propoxyphene beyond the doses described above.
• Despite some renewed interest in propoxyphene, in general its
use in cancer pain should be discouraged except for cases of very
mild pain or in patients in whom its effectiveness and safety have
already been demonstrated.
• Although relatively weak, indiscriminate use of propoxyphene
compounds can cause problems.
• Effects of propoxyphene may be cumulative over time.
• Side effects will limit increasing doses.
• Combined use with alcohol markedly reduces safety.
• Should be avoided if kidney problems exist.
• Can cause hallucinations, confusion, and even convulsions at high
• Can become toxic when used over time at high doses.
128 The Painkillers


Brand Name
Not available in its pure form (as a single-entity drug) but only in combi-
nation with other drugs (aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, various cough
and cold medications).
Combination Products
Anexsia, Co-Gesic, Hydrocet, Lorcet, Lortab, Oncet, Panacet, Vicodin,
Zydon, Damason P, and many others (see below).
Hydrocodone is most commonly prescribed in tablets containing 5 to
10 mg hydrocodone and 325 to 650 mg of acetaminophen. Although con-
fusion may arise because it is available under such a large variety of trade
names, the most important distinction relates to the two numbers that
follow the hydrocodone and APAP, which indicate the dose of each drug
contained in a single pill or capsule. The first number refers to the amount
of hydrocodone (5 to 10 mg) and is important because it correlates with
the preparation's potency or strength, while the second number is impor-
tant because it describes the dose of APAP or acetaminophen and indi-
cates how many tablets can be safely taken each day without excessive
risks of liver injury.
Brand names for hydrocodone/APAP change constantly but currently
include the following (tablets, unless indicated otherwise): Vicodin (5/
500), Vicodin ES (7.5/750), Vicodin HP (10/660), Bancap HC (5/500) cap-
sule, Hydrocet (5/500) capsule, Hy-phen (5/500), Co-Gesic (5/500) cap-
sule, Lorcet (10/650), Lorcet Plus (7.5/650), Lorcet-HD (5/500) capsule,
Lortab (2.5/500), Lortab (5/500), Lortab (7.5/500),Lortab (10/500), Panacet
(5/500), Anexsia (5/500, 7.5/650, 10/660), Anodynos-DHC (5/500),
Dolacet (5/500) capsule, DuoCet (5/500) capsule, Margesic H (5/500) cap-
sule, Medipain 5 (5/500), Norco (10/325), Stagesic (5/500) capsule, T-Gesic
(5/500) capsule, Zydone (5/500) capsule, Ceta-Plus (5/500) capsule,
Azdone (5/500), Damason-P (5/500).
Other combination products with ibuprofen, aspirin, and so on are
also available, such as Vicoprofen, Alor 5/500, Azdone, Damason-P, Lortab
ASA, Panasal 5/500, Hycodan, Hydromet, Oncet, and Tussigon.
Dose Range
The usual dose is 5 to 20 mg (one or two pills of one of the above prepara-
tions) by mouth every three to six hours. The maximum daily dose de-
pends on the acetaminophen or aspirin content of the prescribed
preparation and should not exceed a total of 3,000 mg of acetaminophen,
3,600 mg of aspirin, or 5,200 mg of enteric-coated aspirin per day.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 129

Equivalent Pain Relief

It depends on the dose, but in general hydrocodone combination prod-
ucts are slightly weaker than oxycodone combination products (see next
section) but stronger than codeine products.
• Hydrocodone, as well as the very similar drug dihydrocodeine
(Synalgos-DC, which comes with aspirin and caffeine), is similar to
codeine but is about one-third stronger. Its combination products
are used commonly, because (like codeine combination products)
not all states with restrictive prescribing practices require a spe-
cial or triplicate prescription for them. Most experts feel that one
of the most common mistakes doctors make is to overprescribe
these drugs to avoid the hassle of triplicate prescribing.
• Available in the United States only as a combination product.
• Also a good cough suppressant.
• Because several of the combination products have relatively high
levels of acetaminophen (Anexia, Lorcet, Lorcet Plus, Vicodin ES,
and Vicodin HP), taking them too often or taking too many may
cause the toxic effects of acetaminophen. Patients should there-
fore be switched to a stronger drug rather than be prescribed large
doses of this medication, especially preparations that contain high
doses of acetaminophen or aspirin.

Combination Products
Percodan (5 mg oxycodone, 325 mg aspirin), Percocet (2.5 to 10 mg
oxycodone, 325 to 650 mg acetaminophen), Roxicet (5 mg oxycodone, 325
mg acetaminophen), Tylox (5 mg oxycodone, 500 mg acetaminophen),
Roxicet Oral Solution (5 mg oxycodone, 325 mg acetaminophen per 5 ml).
Dose Range
One or two tablets or capsule usually every four hours; children six to
twelve years start at 1.25 mg every six hours, children over twelve start at
2.5 mg every six hours.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Onset of effect is usually within fifteen to thirty minutes, with peak effec-
tiveness at sixty to ninety minutes, and a duration of three to six hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
This is the strongest of the available opioids conventionally used for mod-
erate pain and in many states requires a special (triplicate) prescription
130 The Painkillers

form. Twenty to 30 mg of oxycodone is about as effective as 200 mg of

codeine given orally or 10 mg of IM morphine.
• Once available only as a combination product mixed with acetami-
nophen (APAP) or aspirin (Percodan, Percocet, etc.), oxycodone
has recently become available as a sole entity (unmixed with other
drugs), both as a relatively short-acting drug (Roxicodone, Oxy-
IR, etc.) and in a long-acting controlled-release formulation
(OxyContin). These new preparations allow doses to be raised
when needed without fear of toxicity from too much aspirin or
acetaminophen. New formulations of oxycodone taken as single
medications are discussed further in the next chapter.
• Still considered the strongest of the opioids conventionally used
to treat moderate pain when a combination product is prescribed,
but when prescribed alone (plain oxycodone), it is now consid-
ered an opioid conventionally used to treat severe pain (strong or
potent opioid).
• Similar to codeine and hydrocodone, but significantly stronger. Even
though a triplicate prescription is required in some states, most ex-
perts prefer this alternative over the previously mentioned drugs.
• Not available for IM or IV injection in the United States.
• Same as codeine.
• Try not to take it on an empty stomach.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Fifty to 100 mg every four to six hours. The maximum dosage under any
circumstances is 400 mg (eight tablets) a day (300 mg or six tablets for
those over age seventy-five).
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Initial effects are usually noted in forty-five to sixty minutes and usually peak
at two to three hours, with a usual duration of six to seven hours. May take
up to two days of regular use before maximum effectiveness is realized.
Equivalent Pain Relief
About as effective as acetaminophen-hydrocodone combination products.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Moderate Pain 131

• Although tramadol (Ultram) has been used in Europe for decades,
it has only been available in the United States for a few years. Its
mechanism of action (how it relieves pain) is somewhat unique
and is still not completely understood. It appears to work by sev-
eral routes, in that it has some activity at the opioid receptor, which
produces a partial narcotic effect, but it also boosts levels of sev-
eral neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and serotonin) within the
nerve synapse, which further promotes pain relief, especially when
there is nerve damage.
• Has no anti-inflammatory effect.
• Abuse potential is probably lower than for more routine opioids
(narcotics) but still exists. Seizures have been reported in abusers
who have taken overdoses seeking a high.
• Tends to be more expensive than equivalent drugs.
• Doses should be reduced for patients with liver or kidney failure.
• Potential side effects include constipation, nausea, dizziness, dry
mouth, sedation, and headache.
• Doses may need to be increased in patients taking carbamazepine
(Tegretol) and lowered in those on quinidine.
• The effects of digoxin and Coumadin may be amplified if Ultram
is added.
• Exceeding the usual recommended dose is associated with the risk
of seizure. This risk, which is small, is slightly increased in pa-
tients taking antidepressants and other opioids.
• Allergic reactions occasionally occur; avoid if a true allergy has
followed the use of another narcotic.

Agonist-Antagonists and Partial Agonists

The opioids mentioned so far are those that are considered pure agonists,
meaning that they reduce pain by the same mechanism, by binding to opioid
receptors. Two other related classes of opioids, the agonist-antagonists and
the partial agonists, are available, but their use is generally discouraged for
treating cancer pain. These agents are also attracted to opioid receptors, but
once bound have mixed effects, turning some on and others off. They tend
to produce more mind-altering side effects than the weak opioids already
described, and they have maximum (ceiling) doses above which they are
no longer more effective. In addition, they can cause withdrawal symptoms
Common Medications Used to Treat Moderate Cancer Pain
Equianalgesic Recommended
Generic Name Trade Name3 Route Doseb Schedule0 Formulations Comments'1
Codeine Tylenol #2 Oral 200 mg 3-6 hr 15, 30, or 60 mg 1
Tylenol #3 130mg same 30 mg/ml
Tylenol #4

Codeine IM 65-1 30 mg 3-6 hr 32 or 65 mg 2

— 3-6 hr 3

Propoxyphene Darvon Oral 20 mg 3-6 hr 4

Hydrocodone Vicodin, Lortab, Oral

Lorcet, Norco,
many others

Oxycodone Percodan Oral 3— 6hr 5 mg, 1 5, mg, 30 mg 5

OxylR, Oxy-
Alone, 50 mg

Tramadol Ultram 100 mg


Buprenorphine, Dezocine, Temgesic, Buprenex, Dalgan, Butorphanol, Pentazocine, Nalbuphine, Meperidine, Stadol, Talwin, Talacen,
Nubian, Demerol, Pethedine
"Listing is partial, comprised mostly of formulations available in the United States.
Equianalgesic dose refers to the dose that provides the equivalent pain relief as 10 mg of IM morphine. These doses are based on values most frequently
cited in the medical literature and on clinical experience, although these sometimes conflict. They are approximate and are intended to serve as guidelines
This is a rough guideline only; physicians may deviate from these schedules as they tailor medication schedules to particular patients.
Side effects for all the opioid medications include constipation, sedation, dysphoria (unpleasant moods or feelings), confusion, hallucinations, nausea,
vomiting, respiratory depression (which is rare in patients who have developed a tolerance to opioids), urinary retention (difficulty urinating), and itching.
How patients react to opioids differs from patient to patient and medication to medication, often even in the same patient.

1. For mild to moderate pain, traditionally marketed as combination product with aspirin or acetaminophen. Recently made available without aspirin or
acetaminophen for mild to severe pain.
2. Weakest opioid, traditionally used for mild pain, often combined with aspirin or acetaminophen. Usually not appropriate for cancer pain except for
very mild pain or when its safety has been demonstrated.
3. For mild to moderate pain, only administered with aspirin or acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.
4. Considered the strongest of the opioids conventionally used to treat moderate pain (mild or weak opioid) when a combination product is prescribed, but
when prescribed alone (plain oxycodone), it is now considered an opioid conventionally used to treat severe pain (strong or potent opioid) (see Ch. 7).
5. Works by several mechanisms of action, so also good for nerve pain; lower abuse potential than other opioids but expensive.
134 The Painkillers

in patients who have been using routine (agonist) opioids regularly. The
use of this entire class of drugs is strongly discouraged in cancer patients,
especially if they are taking an agonist opioid at the same time. Although
their use is relatively outmoded, they are still favored by some doctors
who still worry about addiction. The only one of these drugs available as
an oral medication in the United States is pentazocine (Talwin, Talacen,
Talwin NX, Talwin Compound). Because of the problems mentioned above,
if it is prescribed for cancer pain, you may wish to seek a second opinion.
Buprenorphine (Temgesic) is a partial agonist, and although some of
the above problems may exist with its use, it is a relatively strong opioid
(see Chapter 7) that is available in the United States by injection and as an
under-the-tongue medication in Canada and parts of Europe; it has been
tested as a long-acting controlled-release preparation for future release in
the United States. Butorphanol (Stadol, Stadol NS) is available in an in-
jectable form and as a nasal spray that is sometimes used for migraine
headache. Neither form is recommended for the treatment of cancer pain
because their effectiveness is limited, they may reverse the effects of other
painkillers, and they may add to confusion.
Note: Although meperidine (Demerol, Pethedine) is an effective pain
reliever after surgery, it is also not recommended for cancer pain because
of its short duration and potentially toxic side effects.

When pain is severe or these weak opioids are not controlling pain ad-
equately, doctors turn to the opioids conventionally used to treat severe
pain, the strong or potent opioids, which we'll explore in the next chapter.
Understanding Medications
Used to Treat Severe Pain

Misconceptions about the effects and side effects of morphine, the most
well known of the strong opioids, and similar drugs are the primary rea-
sons why people with cancer around the world are undermedicated. Yet
with a proper understanding of these drugs, pain can be adequately re-
lieved with a minimum of side effects in nearly all patients.
When pain is moderate to severe and mild opioids are inadequate,
the next course of action is to try morphine or a similar opioid. Most of
what we say about morphine, the standard strong opioid against which
all others are compared, is true of about the other strong opioids men-
tioned in this chapter, unless otherwise noted. Within this family of medi-
cations, one or another may work slightly better, longer, or quicker for a
given patient.

General Guidelines for the Use of Opioids

Although many patients don't need morphine until they are very ill or
close to death, that doesn't mean that this is morphine's only use or that
taking it necessarily signals the beginning of the end. In fact, probably the
biggest change in contemporary pain management is the earlier use of
strong pain medicines (in lower doses). Some patients do not have severe
pain until their illness is very advanced and so do not need morphine

136 The Painkillers

earlier. Others may take morphine for weeks, months, even years. Many
cancer patients need treatment with morphine even though their cancer is
under good control for a long time. Taking morphine does not have any
kind of negative effect on the course of the disease. In fact, many doctors
believe that patients on morphine live longer because they are better able
to rest, eat, and sleep, are more interested and active in the life around
them, and therefore are able to use their natural ability to fight the disease
more rigorously.
Once pain becomes a consistent problem, most patients will take not
one but two opioids. One (the basal analgesic) is prescribed on an around-
the-clock schedule to try to prevent severe pain, and one is taken when
pain flares up (breakthrough pain) between regular scheduled doses. With
cancer pain, which tends to be relatively constant, it makes good sense to
keep a steady level of medication in the bloodstream by giving most of it
around the clock—that is, on schedule, regardless of whether the pain has
become bad again or not.

Starting Doses
Starting doses often vary by age and depend on effectiveness and side
Although the dose needed to relieve pain varies widely among pa-
tients, doctors usually start with a low dose (such as 20-30 mg by mouth
or a 5-10 mg injection of morphine), assuming the patient has been on
weak opioids already. The dose is then increased as needed, often as soon
as the evening of the first day and certainly during the second day, if pain
is not relieved. The limiting factor is if the patient cannot tolerate a higher
dose of the drug because of side effects that can't be controlled. If these
side effects are persistent, another opioid can be tried. Sensitivity to one
drug's side effects does not mean the patient will be sensitive to a similar
drug's side effects.


Children's doses are calculated by body weight.
Patients forty and younger often need more frequent doses than older
patients because they may metabolize morphine more quickly and so the
pain-relieving effect doesn't last as long.
Older or malnourished patients or those with kidney or liver disease
usually need about 25 percent less than the standard doses to start.
Expect that the dose of opioid will have to be increased periodically
because of tolerance, pain escalation, disease progression, rehabilitation,
or increases in psychological distress.
Myths about Narcotics (Opioids) and Other Painkillers
False True
If you start taking morphine, it means Options do not run out. Opioids are
that options are running out and appropriate for pain that is intensifying.
health care providers are giving up on If morphine's a problem, other strong
you. medications are effective options.

Morphine and other narcotics will Cancer pain patients almost never
cause addiction. become addicted.

If morphine or another narcotic is Morphine and other narcotics do not

used now, they won't work as well lose their effectiveness. If pain gets
later. Waiting as long as possible 5s worse, the dose may be gradually
best. increased as much as needed (almost
indefinitely) with good results.

Morphine and other narcotics cause Drowsiness usually fades in a few days,
delirium and other serious side and the other side effects, such as
effects. nausea and constipation (if they occur)
can be easily treated.

The doctor will view complaining Pain is bad for health. Doctors need to
about pain negatively. be well informed about pain to do their

Talking about pain will distract the Treating pain is part of treatment. Good
doctor from cancer treatment. pain control means better rest, which
helps the body fight the disease.

Pain means the cancer is worsening. Pain can be unrelated to the progress of
cancer and is often caused by aggressive
cancer treatments.

It's better to endure the pain than to More than 90 percent of cancer pain
have to have shots. treatments can be taken by mouth, skin
patch, or lozenge. Injections are rarely
absolutely necessary.

Morphine use leads to loss of control. Very few cancer patients feel high or
lose control when they take pain
medication properly, although drowsi-
ness is normal for the first few days. In
fact, if you leave your pain untreated,
you may find control slipping through
your fingers, along with quality of life.
138 The Painkillers

Means of Administration
In the past, morphine and other strong opioids were viewed as less effec-
tive in pill or liquid form, which is why some doctors still begin with in-
jected morphine even though this is not usually needed. Opioids given
orally, via a skin patch, or (most recently) even in lollipop-like form, how-
ever, work extremely well as long as higher doses are used to make up for
some of the drug being lost in the gastrointestinal tract. So, in general,
strong opioids should be delivered, whenever possible, by these conve-
nient methods. This avoids the need for injections, allowing people to re-
main more independent and able to focus on their wellness.

Doses and Switching Medications

Patients on high doses of potent opioids who must switch to another nar-
cotic should not receive a low dose to start. Each opioid has a different
inherent strength or potency, so different doses of the various opioids are
required to achieve equivalent pain-relieving effects. This is called the
equianalgesic dose. When switching, patients should start with one-half
or more of the predicted equianalgesic dose of the new medication. This is
because tolerance to one drug helps your tolerance for another, but not
completely. Incorrectly calculating the equianalgesic dose is a leading cause
of undermedication. (See the table on page 154.) It shouldn't persist,
though, since your doctor should be constantly adjusting your medica-
tion to achieve the best balance between pain relief and any low-grade
side effects.

Scheduling of Doses
Most cancer patients will use two kinds of strong medications for pain—
one is around the clock (on schedule), and one is on hand in case pain
breaks through (rescue or escape dose).

Fixed doses should be prescribed around the clock so that doses are taken
before pain intensifies. By keeping pain under control early on, patients
can stay stronger to deal with the other problems associated with cancer.
(Such use of analgesics is also known as time-contingent dosing, fixed
dosing, or basal dosing.)
The ATC medication is usually a relatively long-acting opioid such as
controlled-release morphine (MS Contin, Oramorph, or Kadian), controlled-
release oxycodone (OxyContin), transdermal fentanyl (Duragesic), or
sometimes even methadone (Dolophine). A regularly scheduled dose helps
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 139

keep medication levels from becoming erratic—either too low (which

would promote pain) or too high (which could trigger side effects). Imag-
ine a hole in a bucket that produces a slow but steady leak. To keep that
bucket consistently level, you would have to dribble in a fixed amount of
water constantly.


In addition to the ATC medication, most cancer patients with moderate to
severe pain also need extra medication on hand in case pain breaks through
between the regularly scheduled doses, such as when there's increased
activity. These are called rescue doses, escape doses, or boluses. They are
prescribed to be taken whenever needed, and may be taken as often as
every two to four hours. If more than three or so rescue doses are needed
a day, it is probably time for the doctor to increase the fixed ATC dose. As-
needed (PRN) dosing may also be necessary when the patient's pain sta-
tus is rapidly changing—for example, during radiation treatments for a
tumor of the bone or when pain only occurs intermittently (the exception,
not the rule).
For rescue doses, usually a short-acting opioid such as the new formu-
lation of fentanyl that can be administered in a lozenge (Actiq), immediate-
release morphine (such as MSIR or Roxanol), hydromorphone (Dilaudid),
or oxycodone (Roxicodone, etc.) are prescribed because they begin to work
relatively quickly (five to ten minutes for the Actiq lozenge and fifteen to
forty-five minutes for most tablets and liquids) and don't build up in the
system like long-acting or slow-release preparations.
Ideally, the doses for the around-the-clock medication is high enough
that only occasional rescue doses (two or three a day) are needed.

Brompton's Cocktail

In the past, a drink called a Brompton's cocktail (developed at Brompton's Chest

Hospital in England) was used to treat pain in cancer patients. A combination of
heroin or morphine with cocaine, phenothiazine (a tranquilizer and antinausea
medication), alcohol, and chloroform water, these drinks are no longer used. In-
stead, oral morphine (in the United States), heroin (in the United Kingdom),or other
similar opioids, given alone or along with other needed medications, are used be-
cause they are more easily adjusted (or titrated) to the patient's needs and more
effective. If a patient is prescribed a Brompton cocktail these days, consider a con-
sultation with another doctor, since this approach is old-fashioned and less effective
for pain than the more modern methods described in this book.
140 The Painkillers

Drug Combinations
Expect that a combination of drugs will be prescribed, either another an-
algesic (a non-narcotic one) or an adjuvant (complementary) drug, which
will enhance the pain-relieving effect of the opioids or help control side
effects. (See Chapter 8 for details.)

Side Effects
Be prepared for side effects that may include nausea, vomiting, sedation,
constipation, dry mouth, itchiness, twitching, and difficulty expelling urine.
(See Chapters 10 and 11 for a discussion of these side effects.) Side effects
are predictable as doses increase, though they are often temporary and
can usually be easily managed.

Ceiling Doses
Don't worry that you need to save higher doses for "when it gets really
bad." This very common "money-in-the-bank" syndrome inappropriately
makes patients think they need to save the morphine for when they really
need it. Morphine doesn't stop being effective; doses just need to be in-
creased over time, although many people stay on the same dose for week,
months, and even years. If pain worsens, the dose can be increased accord-
ingly. Since there's no ceiling dose, there's no cause for concern when
morphine is started early.

Treating Severe Pain

The goal is to prevent severe pain. Around-the-clock dosing keeps pain from
Addiction should not be a consideration, despite the use of the strongest opioids.
Prevent constipation and nausea by asking for an over-the-counter recommen-
dation or a prescription for a laxative and an antiemetic (antinausea medication).
Expect at least minor sedation during the first few days of using a new painkiller
or escalating its dose, but know that it usually resolves within three to five days.
If pain has interfered with sleep for some time, expect some catch-up sleep.
Expect that the dose may have to be increased periodically, because of toler-
ance, escalating pain, disease progression, or anxiety and psychological distress.
Expect to be prescribed a combination of drugs that work by different mechanisms.
Remember: if the pain gets worse, the dose can always be increased. There's no
maximum dose for the strong opioids.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 141

How Doses Are Determined

Painkillers aren't prescribed like antibiotics, in rigid, fixed doses, but are
adjusted constantly from patient to patient, over time, and in response to
the pain relief achieved and the side effects that occur. If the patient has
moderate to severe pain and the doctor seems reluctant to increase the
dose, or if the dose is increased only very slowly or by very small amounts,
try discussing the pros and cons of adjusting the dose faster or in different
increments. The pain of cancer may not be entirely relieved without any
side effects: the goal of pain treatment is to achieve the best balance be-
tween comfort and any side effects so that the patient can go about his
business. If you remain uncertain about how the pain is being handled,
consider seeking a second opinion on pain management (see Appendix 1
for resources).

How Opioids Are Chosen for Each Patient

The potent opioids work by similar mechanisms and generally offer the
same kind of relief and same range of potential side effects. Although
morphine is the best-known of these medications, doctors may select from
among the many strong narcotics for any of the following reasons:

• The doctor may be more familiar with one drug than another.
• Cost. Methadone, for example, is one-tenth the cost of many prepa-
rations of morphine.
• Whether a longer-acting drug or shorter-acting drug is needed.
• Whether the patient has shown particular sensitivity to one opioid
(such as nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, or another side effect),
but not to another, or whether certain expected effects of a drug
are important. For example, constipation tends to be less of a prob-
lem with the fentanyl patch (Duragesic), and morphine sometimes
causes persistent nausea or sedation due to a buildup of its break-
down products.
• Repetitive use of meperidine (Demerol) is avoided due to risk of
• Actiq (the fentanyl "lollipop"), though costly, works almost as fast
as an intravenous injection.
• Kadian (a brand of controlled-release morphine) can be sprinkled
on food yet produces relief for up to a full day.
• If the patient has become very tolerant to one narcotic, the doctor
may switch to another because cross-tolerance between narcotics
142 The Painkillers

is often not complete—that is, the patient won't be as tolerant to

the alternative drug, and lower doses can be used.
If oral medication causes nausea or other stomach problems, or so
many pills are needed that it becomes inconvenient, a skin patch,
rectal suppositories, or another route may be recommended (de-
tails later in this chapter).
Neuropathic pain (pain due to nerve injury) may suggest a particu-
lar drug. Methadone, though tricky to adjust, is particularly effec-
tive for this type of pain. Despite its reputation for its use with drug
abusers seeking respite from withdrawal, methadone is being used
more frequently these days to treat chronic pain because it is espe-
cially effective, very inexpensive, and much less likely to accumu-
late in the body, making it less risky for the elderly, those with kidney
problems, and those who require quick dose adjustments.
Medical history is also a consideration. Whether a particular drug
has worked well, or poorly, for a patient in the past, the doctor should
strongly consider that history when choosing a pain medication.

Understanding Tolerance, Dependency,

Addiction, and Withdrawal
As detailed in Chapter 1, many health care providers and consumers are
overly concerned about the potential for opioid addiction in cancer pa-
tients. Once the differences among tolerance, physical dependence, and
addiction are understood, it will be clear why these phenomena should
not be allowed to limit our treatment of cancer pain.
Addiction is a psychological dependence, a craving for a drug for its
euphoric effect. Addiction is extremely rare in cancer patients. Cancer
patients using opioids rarely report getting a high from morphine; in fact,
some feel just the opposite of euphoric, reporting dysphoria (an unpleas-
ant state in which the patient doesn't feel like himself). Most patients with
life-threatening disease value their mental clarity, tending to avoid the
fuzziness associated with excessive medication, even to the point of toler-
ating unneeded pain.
Even though patients, family members, and health care providers still
fear addiction, studies show that it occurs in no more than one-tenth of 1
percent of cancer patients. Very rarely will cancer patients try to get more
pain medication if their pain ceases, say, because of successful treatment
of a tumor. In fact, it is more common for cancer patients to stop their pain
medication too quickly (it should usually be tapered, or decreased gradu-
ally) when the source of pain is well resolved.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 143

The fear of narcotic addiction should not be a factor in treating cancer pain.

Tolerance means that over time larger doses of a medication (such as

an opioid) may be required to achieve the previous pain-relieving effect.
When a dose of an opioid painkiller doesn't last as long as it used to, it is
safe to have the physician prescribe a larger dose, and there is no ceiling
effect. And just as patients may become tolerant to the pain-relieving ef-
fects of a medication, they become tolerant to side effects as well. Thus
doses can be continually increased gradually, as needed.

The fear of tolerance to opioids should not be a factor in treating cancer pain be-
cause once their safe use has been established, varying doses of these drugs are well
tolerated and do not produce addiction.

Physical dependence and withdrawal occur with the chronic use of opio-
ids, but they are not psychological phenomena and therefore are completely
unrelated to addiction. Physical dependence means that withdrawal symp-
toms might occur if the drug is suddenly stopped. These symptoms include
anxiety, irritability, alternating chills and hot flashes, excessive salivation,
tearing eyes (lacrimarion), runny nose, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
insomnia, sweating (diaphoresis), and goose bumps (piloerection). Physi-
cal dependence is easily treated, thereby avoiding withdrawal, by gradu-
ally decreasing the daily doses of the opioid, for example, by 10 to 25 percent.
Once a low daily dose of morphine (20 mg orally) is reached, the opioid can
be discontinued without withdrawal symptoms occurring.

The fear of withdrawal from opioids should not be a factor in treating cancer pain,
as long as doses are reduced gradually once the drug is no longer needed.

To sum up, most people who take a strong opioid for more than a few
weeks will grow tolerant and physically dependent on the medication
because that is how the body normally reacts to opioids. Tolerance and
physical dependence are not real barriers to good pain management since
144 The Painkillers

they are expected and can be managed by the doctor just as other side
effects are controlled (for example, nausea and constipation).
Tolerance and physical dependence are (to some degree) inevitable,
and they have nothing to do with addiction (or psychological dependence),
which is extremely rare in patients with pain. Although a person who is
addicted almost always becomes tolerant and physically dependent on
the narcotic, the opposite is not true: a person who is physically depen-
dent or tolerant to a medication is by no means necessarily addicted, and
in fact, addiction from pain treatment, even with strong medicines, is ex-
tremely uncommon in cancer patients.
However, pain patients who have struggled with addiction or alco-
holism in the past are at higher risk of becoming addicted to opioids that
are prescribed for pain relief.
See Chapter 1 for a more detailed discussion of addiction, tolerance,
and physical dependence.

Ways to Take Opioids

Although taking opioids by mouth is preferred, patients can't always reli-
ably swallow pills or liquids. This may be because too many pills are re-
quired, patients' mouths are too dry, they are nauseated, their intestines
are blocked, or they are unable to swallow. Many patients with advanced
cancer are likely to use, at one time or another, two or three different meth-
ods for receiving medication as their condition changes.

Oral Medication
Liquid, syrup, lozenges, or tablets are usually preferred because medication
by mouth (abbreviated PO) is the most economical, convenient, and safe. Al-
though doses may vary and typically require a little longer to take effect ini-
tially, they last about as long or longer than drugs given by other routes.
Although fentanyl is still unavailable as a tablet, Actiq, a sweetened
fentanyl lozenge mounted on a stick (resembling a lollipop), is now used
strictly for treating cancer patients' breakthrough pain (a jolt of increased
pain superimposed on constant chronic pain). Although unquestionably
very effective and nearly as quick to act as an injection, Actiq has caught
on slowly, in part because its concept is so new and unique.

Rectal Medication
When patients are vomiting or can't swallow medication, suppositories of
morphine, oxymorphone, or hydromorphone may be used (the indication
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 145

"by rectum" is abbreviated PR). When suppositories aren't available, en-

emas using 10 to 20 mg of water with morphine or hydromorphone can
also be effective. In special circumstances custom-made suppositories can
be formulated by a compounding pharmacy. Once a common institution,
the compounding pharmacy or apothecary has become increasingly rare,
but is now dramatically on the rise. Some doctors are more liberal than
others in considering therapies that are not yet approved by the Food and
Drug Administration, a practice that is legal but which is best applied in
moderation. For example, MS Contin, a controlled-release form of oral mor-
phine, though not formally approved for rectal use, has been shown to be
safe and effective. Also, sometimes special compounding is needed when
desired rectal medications are not commercially available in preferred doses.
While rectal medications are popular among some European cultures,
others shun it, as do adolescents, who may be too embarrassed to use
them. They also are usually ruled out with diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or a
colostomy, or if it's too painful to position the patient to insert a supposi-
tory. Usually rectal medications are used just for short periods, especially
when doctors want to avoid injections. Vaginal suppositories and even
placement of suppositories into colostomies are occasionally considered,
and controlled-release rectal formulations of painkillers, although not yet
available, are being researched to achieve longer duration of effect.

Transdermal Medications
The use of skin patches (Duragesic is currently the only trade name cur-
rently available) is becoming an increasingly common way to deliver medi-
cations for pain and other disorders because of its convenience. The
Duragesic patch for pain contains a large reservoir of a strong opioid, fen-
tanyl, which slowly diffuses through a rate-controlling membrane, so the
medication is delivered in a steady, metered dose.

Injections are no more effective for pain than other routes, though doses
are lower because no medication is lost in digestion. Although injections
work more quickly than swallowed medicine, this is not a big advantage
for chronic pain, especially when adequate doses are prescribed. The main
advantages to injections for chronic pain are to bypass the mouth because
of recent surgery, vomiting, intestinal blockage, dry mouth, painful swal-
lowing, or coma and to provide urgent relief in a pain emergency.

Getting a shot involves a swab with alcohol and a quick, deep injection into a
bulky muscle in the upper arm or buttock. Although common for emergency
146 The Painkillers

room use or just before surgery, intramuscular injections (abbreviated IM) are
not recommended for long-term pain management because they are painful,
can induce fear, produce somewhat unpredictable results, and do not last
long. Injections also can occasionally traumatize nerves, and repeated injec-
tions can lead to infections. If your doctor is using injections chronically to
treat pain, consider consulting another physician.

With intravenous (IV) administration, medications are injected directly
into a vein through a needle or plastic catheter. Such administration is
reliable, is useful in adjusting doses quickly, and provides immediate pain
relief. However, it is no more effective for chronic treatment than well-
planned oral and transdermal therapies.
For routine use, IV medications are administered through peripheral
lines, a plastic catheter in one of the small veins of the hand, forearm, or
foot. With chronic illness, veins "blow" or become used up quickly, mak-
ing repeated or continued access difficult. If the need for IV therapies is
anticipated, a more reliable solution involves installing a central line. These
may be surgically implanted ports, plugs, catheters, a PIC line, or larger
versions of regular IVs placed under local anesthesia, usually at the bed-
side, and families can learn to maintain them.
If one of these more durable IV systems has already been placed for
other reasons (chemotherapy, antibiotics, nutrition), for pragmatic reasons
it is often relied on for pain treatment as well.

Subcutaneous administration (abbreviated sub-q, SC, or SQ) has become
more popular especially in hospices or at home when medications can't
be taken orally and an IV isn't already installed. Medications are injected
in the loose fatty tissue planes just below the skin but above the muscle,
through a tiny needle, which is relatively painless and easy to administer.
Recently, hospice care workers have championed continuous and repeated
injections through a tiny butterfly needle (or catheter), named for its
shape—the needle's tip is left in the subcutaneous tissue and the plastic
"wings" that anchor the needle are taped to the skin for periods of a week
or more. This avoids hunting for scarce veins or for the need for repeated
IM injections. While slightly less accurate than IV injections or drips, fami-
lies can easily maintain them outside the hospital when oral medications
are unreliable. Medications can be gently injected by syringe into the but-
terfly needle or continuously dripped via a portable, battery-powered,
computerized pump (about the size of a portable tape player).
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 147

With limits preset by the doctor, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) has
become increasingly popular because it allows the patient to decide when
to take extra pain medication without waiting for a nurse. The patient (or
sometimes a loved one) pushes a button to trigger a preprogrammed dose
of painkiller (by IV, subcutaneously, or with an epidural, as described be-
low) as a rescue dose for breakthrough pain or as a preventive dose before
a painful activity, such as bathing. It is provided either alone or, ideally, in
addition to a long-acting opioid administered around the clock through a
pump. Patients are trained to recognize low-battery alarms and to change
cassettes or syringes, and an on-call service is required to deal with both
technical and medical issues that may arise.
When first introduced, many doctors feared patients would abuse PCA.
Studies show, however, that they rarely take more medication than is
needed. Most pumps prevent overuse by rendering repeated pushes inef-
fective if taken too close together, and most are secured to prevent addicts
from breaking into the system. Another built-in safety measure is that a
patient who accidentally gets too much medication will usually fall asleep
and stop pressing the button.
PCA pain relief also gives patients some control at a time in their life
when they often feel helpless; another benefit is that patients don't have
to inappropriately negotiate for more painkiller if they hurt. Since patients
are the best authorities on their own pain, it makes sense that they should
have some control in treating it.
When a patient is unable to communicate his or her pain, family mem-
bers may find it difficult to determine whether to push the button for a
rescue dose at every grimace. Is the family treating the patient's pain or
their own anxiety? Discussing these issues with the doctor or nurse is use-
ful, since these health care professionals are familiar with the condition of
the patient, know the extent of the cancer, and have experience in under-
standing expressions of pain in those unable to indicate it.
Also available are implantable pumps that can be externally pro-
grammed and activated by an external control pad or computer to deliver
medication near the spinal cord. These devices allow more freedom of
movement for bathing, working, and exercise.

Transmucosal Administration
Medications placed on the mucous membranes that line the mouth, tongue,
throat, and nose tend to be rapidly absorbed and so work quickly and effec-
tively. Also, since such medications bypass digestion, as do IV medications,
148 The Painkillers

lower doses can be very effective. Until recently, few medications were avail-
able to take advantage of these benefits.
Some traditional oral medications, such as morphine, have been found
to be effective when crushed and given under the tongue (sublingually)
or against the cheek (buccal route), and their use has become common
even though not specifically approved. Many hospices routinely use cer-
tain types of liquid morphine under the tongue in patients who can't swal-
low, rather than starting a pump. Morphine tablets called solutabs, for
example, which are made to be easily dissolved for injection, are now rou-
tinely given sublingually in hospices.
More recently, a short-acting opioid (fentanyl) has been marketed
under the trade name Actiq as a sweetened lozenge on a stick, like a lolli-
pop, for breakthrough pain. At first, officials were concerned about child
safety and having a strong drug look like candy; they worried that the
lozenges might send the wrong message in the war to avoid childhood
drug abuse. Later studies demonstrated relative safety and a low poten-
tial for abuse, combined with extensive childproof packaging and added
educational materials, which quickly led to approval. (See page 165 for
more details.)
Although intranasal drugs would be convenient, they are currently
not widely considered because many drugs for cancer pain are irritating
to the nasal passages. Intranasal butorphanol (Stadol), although used as
an alternative treatment for migraine headache, is not recommended for
the management of cancer pain.
Research on inhaled opioids yields highly variable results, and so far,
no reliable way of delivering uniform doses have been developed. Al-
though not approved by the FDA, inhaled aerosolized morphine is used
in hospices and some intensive care units with moderate success for pain
and breathlessness. Technically, rectal, vaginal, and stomal (through a co-
lostomy) modes of administration also belong here, but these have already
been discussed (see page 144).

Central Nervous System Administration:

Spinal and Intraventricular Routes
As we've said, since injections by most routes (IV, IM, sub-q) are usually
not more effective than oral medication, their use should be limited to
urgent situations or when oral medications can't be taken. However, giv-
ing morphine and other opioids through special catheters placed near the
spine provides more relief with lower doses because the drug is so close
to the body's pain receptors.
Relief can last weeks, months, and even years by using these spinal
routes (epidural, intrathecal, or subarachnoid), which range from a stan-
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 149

dard epidural catheter taped to the back to the use of more durable cath-
eters tunneled under the skin and connected to an external pump that can
be carried in a handbag or even to miniaturized programmable pumps
surgically implanted under the skin.
Adding dilute local anesthetic to an epidural system can produce just
enough numbness to relieve even truly unbearable pain, such as that of a
broken bone. These treatments are particularly useful for patients with
pain in the lower abdomen, back, or legs for whom systemwide dosing
causes persistent side effects, and often can relieve pain at other levels.
These advantages, however, must be balanced against the risk of infec-
tion, back pain, and the need for specialist care and minor surgery, as well
as a resourceful care network.
Intraventricular administration involves delivering opioids directly
into the fluid (cerebrospinal fluid or CSF) surrounding the brain. Such
treatment is especially effective for complex pain involving the head and
neck that is resistant to more conventional treatment. Aneurosurgeon with
special training must establish access to the CSF, a procedure that is simi-
lar to putting in a shunt to reduce the raised intracranial pressure that
accompanies some brain tumors. Fortunately, the need for this type of
treatment is infrequent. As with other aggressive therapies that are by
their nature associated with some increased risk, careful patient selection
is of paramount importance.

Tip: Get a laxative! Everyone who takes opioids needs to take laxatives, at least from
time to time, and usually on a daily basis. If you are prescribed an opioid and not a
laxative, ask for one! Dietary fiber and fiber supplements are not adequate.

We'll now look at the strong opioids in more detail. The following
information, however, is intended as a guide only and should not be used
as a substitute for a doctor's care and judgment.

The Strong Opioid Medications

As probably the most widely used opioid drug, and the one that has been
around the longest, morphine is the standard opioid to which others are
compared. It is available in such a wide variety of forms and concentra-
tions (immediate-release and controlled-release tablets, liquid solutions
or elixirs, suppositories, standard injections, and preservative-free spinal
150 The Painkillers

injections) that have such different characteristics that doctors practically

consider them different medications.
Brand Name
Immediate-release (short-acting) morphine comes in several forms. MSIR
and Roxanol are immediate-release oral formulations (in tablet and liquid
forms). While their effects are not truly immediate, they have earned this
name to distinguish them from the more recently developed controlled-
release (also called sustained-, delayed-, or continuous-release) forms. A
special kind of immediate-release tablet is the morphine solutab, which,
in addition to regular oral use, can be easily dissolved for injection or can
be put under the tongue or in the cheek for absorption.
Brand names of controlled-release (long-acting) morphine include MS
Contin and Oramorph. These tablets should never be cut, broken, chewed, or
crushed and are best taken every twelve hours (sometimes every eight
hours, but never more frequently). A newer controlled-release capsule,
Kadian (also called Kapanol), is ideally prescribed just once per day but is
sometimes needed as often as twice daily. Each capsule contains around a
hundred tiny controlled-release pellets, which can be sprinkled on
applesauce, pudding, and other foods.

The Psychology of Larger-Dose Medications

Prescribing may be influenced not just by science but by perception, psychol-
ogy, and the fear of regulatory scrutiny.
For example, the first controlled-release oral morphine product, MS Contin,
was originally only available in a 30 mg tablet. It was very popular because its
effects lasted up to twelve hours. It was so widely embraced that multiple tablets
were commonly prescribed for severe pain. But when a 60 mg tablet was intro-
duced, it was only moderately successful, because doctors were concerned that
prescribing the higher dose would draw the attention of the authorities. The 60 mg
tablet only became a big seller when a 100 mg tablet became available, which in
turn didn't take off until a 200 mg tablet was developed. At each stage, the highest-
dose tablet has been less popular. Even today, doctors are more likely to prescribe
two 100 mg tablets then a single 200 mg tablet, despite cost savings.
Although doctors are usually quick to embrace new products, when it comes to
highly regulated (and scrutinized) drugs, they are reluctant to use the highest available
strength even though
tablets. they maythey
Why? Because prescribe the same
fear being dose by
profiled combining multiple
as overprescribers. As lower-
a result,
new guidelines emphasize the importance of prescribing analgesics using rational
scientific principles, and new legislative initiatives have been introduced to indem-
scientific principles, and new legislative initiatives have been introduced to indem-
nify doctors who prescribe analgesics appropriately. Although current prescribing is
less influenced by the fear factor than in the past, perceptions are slow to change,
especially when they involve a threat to doctors, reputations, and livelihoods. We still
have more work to do to further decriminalize appropriate pain management.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 151

The Story of Morphine

Opium is the powder derived from the milky juice of split, unripe seed capsules
of the oriental poppy. Long renowned for its powerful narcotic effects, opium has
been used as a pain reliever for centuries.
As early as 6000 BC the Sumerians carved stone tablets with pictures of the
poppy and were evidently aware of its mind-altering and pain-relieving effects. The
ancient Greeks wrote of it, and its constipating effect warranted its use in the treat-
ment of dysentery in the Middle East. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine," en-
dorsed opium's medicinal effects in 460 BC, and over the ages the Chinese, Egyptians,
and Romans all referred to opium as a remedy for a variety of maladies.
So calming were its effects that the painkiller was used recreationally in the
1600s, a trend that peaked in the 1800s, when hypodermic syringes became avail-
able by mail order. Widely available, opium was used freely, initially without social
stigma. Occasional to frequent users included Lord Byron, Shelley, Keats, Coleridge,
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dickens, Turner, Freud, Darwin—-even Florence Night-
ingale and the fictional Sherlock Holmes.
In 1801 chemists synthesized a substance from opium that was ten times as
potent. Dubbed morphine—for the god of sleep, Morpheus—it was hailed as "God's
own medicine." During the Civil War, 10 million opium pills, over 2,840,000 ounces
of other opioid preparations (such as laudanum or paregoric), and almost 30,000
ounces of morphine sulfate were dispensed to ailing Union soldiers alone. The re-
sulting "addiction" prompted research into strong painkillers that would not be habit-
forming. In the late 1800s the Bayer Company marketed a derivative that was
twenty-five times stronger than opium resin; promoted as being as strong as a leg-
endary hero, it was dubbed heroin. Originally viewed as a nonaddictive cough
suppressant and painkiller that would cure morphine addicts, the highly addictive
nature of heroin soon became evident, and the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914
banned opioids, cocaine, and cannabis from over-the-counter medicines.
Despite the potential for abuse, the World Health Organization and other pub-
lic health bodies have always recognized that most of these substances are indis-
pensable for the medical treatment of pain and that when they are properly used
addiction is rare. The WHO and others have launched an international campaign to
eliminate the confusion and misconceptions that inappropriately inhibit the appro-
priate medical use of these substances.

Other forms of morphine include RMS (rectal morphine suppository),

a waxy bullet-shaped suppository, and preservative-free morphine
(Duramorph, Astramorph, Infumorph), which is used for intraspinal use.
Sterile morphine solution is a generic term for preparations suited for intra-
muscular, subcutaneous, and intravenous uses.
Dose Range
Starting doses vary considerably but in general are 20 to 30 mg by mouth
every three or four hours. If administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly,
or intravenously, the starting dose is 5 to 15 mg every one to four hours
152 The Painkillers

until an adequate dose that lasts for four hours is achieved. Controlled-
release morphine is usually started at a dose of 30 rng twice a day. In-
traspinal doses vary.
When switching from injection to oral morphine or vice versa, the
oral dose should be two to three times the injected dose. Conversely, the
oral dose should be cut by one-half or two-thirds if the patient is being
switched to an intramuscular, intravenous, or subcutaneous dose. This
ratio, however, applies to patients who have already been taking mor-
phine for some time. When new to morphine, the ratio may be closer to 1
to 6 rather than 1 to 3. When a patient is switched from IM to oral medica-
tion, or vice versa, families may find it helpful to refer to the equianalgesic
doses in the table on p. 154.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
If administered via a needle, morphine begins to work within five to ten
minutes; its effects peak at fifteen to thirty minutes, and last about three
hours when administered in an adequate dose.
Slow- or extended-release oral preparations of morphine (MS Contin,
Oramorph, MS-ER, Kadian) become effective within about one and a half
to three hours and, when given in adequate doses, may last from eight to
twenty-four hours, depending on the brand and its release properties. These
tablets must not be broken, crushed, or chewed. To minimize the roller-coaster
effect, long-acting opioid preparations are ideally administered on an
around-the-clock schedule, so relief is continuous. This sometimes leads
to a false perception that the short-acting breakthrough pain agent (the
effects of which are more noticeable) is what is really effective, when it is
the steady blood levels achieved by the scheduled long-acting agent that
allows the as-needed medication to work.
Equivalent Pain Relief
The effects of 2 mg of IM morphine are about equivalent to those of 650
mg of aspirin (though their mechanisms and quality of pain relief differ).
• Starting doses can be hard to calculate. If the patient becomes
overly sedated with the first dose and has no pain, then the next
dose should be cut by 50 percent. On the other hand, if pain relief
is inadequate in the first twenty-four hours after consistent around-
the-clock use, then the starting dose should usually be raised by
up to 50 percent; if pain breaks through, the doctor may prescribe
a dose every two or three hours, rather than every four hours, to
achieve pain relief.
• Immediate-release morphine tablets work relatively quickly for a
relatively short period, while controlled-release morphine tablets
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 153

take longer to work but are effective for up to twelve hours. Long-
acting or controlled-release tablets must be swallowed whole (for-
tunately they are small) and not taken more than every eight hours.
• Morphine solutions should be stored in cool areas, away from di-
rect sunlight. Solutions used in warm climates should have anti-
microbial preservatives.
• Close contact with the doctor, pharmacist, or nurse who is moni-
toring the medication should be maintained, especially during the
first twenty-four hours and then not more than seventy-two hours
later. Ideally, the family should have regular contact with the health
care provider, at least every few days or more frequently if condi-
tions change. Patients need to be monitored for side effects, al-
tered mental status, and psychological complications.
• Although most patients take between 5 and 30 mg every four
hours, doses range enormously, with no ceiling dose. A few pa-
tients require as much as 1,000 mg an hour or more. A recent sur-
vey of those with advanced cancer found that the average daily
opioid dose was equivalent to 400 to 600 mg of intramuscular
morphine; about 10 percent of those surveyed needed more than
2,000 mg, and one patient required more than 35,000 mg per
twenty-four hours. By the same token, many patients require
lower-than-average doses.
• Although most morphine-related side effects (except constipation)
resolve within a few days of steady use, persistent sedation or
nausea occasionally occurs, especially when used in high doses,
with the elderly, or in those with kidney failure.
• Constipation is extremely common, so preventive measures should
be taken, from adding fruits, vegetables, and bulk-forming grain to
the diet to encouraging activity (especially walking). Most patients
also need a daily mild laxative, preferably taken at night. Some
doctors warn that preventing constipation may be more difficult
than preventing pain (see Chapter 10) and so suggest that the same
hand that prescribes for morphine should also prescribe a laxative.
• Nausea is initially common when starting morphine but usually
does not persist beyond a few days. About one-third of patients
need antiemetic medication to prevent nausea (see Chapter 10),
but often for less than a week after starting an opioid, and some-
times after its dose is increased.
• Vomiting requires treatment with an antiemetic, to prevent both
dehydration and loss of medication, but usually does not last
longer than a few days.
154 The Painkillers

Equivalent Dosing: How the Doctor Switches Between Drugs

Oral and
IMand IMor
Oral Sub-q Sub-q
Drug Dose Injection Dose Comments

Repeated dose (after patient has been on 30 mg 3:1 10 mg 1
medication for at least a week)
Single dose 60 mg 6:1 10 mg
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 8 mg 5:1 1.6 mg
Oxycodone 30 mg — — 1
Fentanyl — .1 mg 2
Oxymorphone — 1 mg
Methadone hydrochloride (Dolophine) 10 mg 2:1 10 mg
Levorphanol (Levo-Dromoran) 2 mg 1:1 2 mg
Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) 300 mg 4:1 75 mg
Codeine 200 mg 1.5:1 130 mg

Note: One of the leading causes of undermedication is that errors are made in dosing when patients
are switched from one method of administration to another (e.g., from receiving injections to
receiving pills) or from one drug to another. This table is the same guide the doctor would probably
use when planning such a change. The "conversion ratios" are approximate and may differ somewhat
between patients. The ratio is given between oral medication and intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous
(sub-q) injection.
The reference dose against which other drugs are measured is 10 mg of intramuscular morphine in
the treatment of severe pain.
1. Also available in slow release.
2. Patch (transdermal): 100 mcg/hr, roughly equal to 4 mg/IM morphine.

• Drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, unsteadiness, and sedation are

very common during the first five days after starting treatment or
raising a dose, and usually clear up within a week. Persistent se-
dation can sometimes be alleviated with stimulants, such as strong
coffee or medication (see Chapter 8).
• Respiratory depression (the slowing of breathing) is rare in can-
cer patients but often erroneously cited as a reason for not giving
enough pain medication.
• Other, less frequently encountered side effects include severe sweat-
ing (diaphoresis), hallucinations, difficulty breathing (broncho-
constriction), urinary retention, and twitching.
• These problems are side effects, not signs of allergy, and can usu-
ally be either waited out until the patient becomes tolerant to the
side effects or managed with another prescribed medication (laxa-
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 155

tive, antiemetic, or stimulant). True allergy to morphine is ex-

tremely rare.
• Side effects don't always occur, but if they do, inform the doctor
so that they may be treated. If a side effect does not subside, the
doctor may consider trying a different opioid, another type of
medication, or a whole new approach to treatment (see Chapters
8 through 11).
• Remember: addiction is not a problem when treating cancer pain.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Available in four sizes that deliver 25, 50, 75 or 100 meg (mg) of fentanyl
hourly. A microgram is a thousandth of a milligram (1,000 meg = 1 mg).
Fentanyl is administered in microgram doses because it is such a potent
opioid—about a hundred times stronger than morphine. The recom-
mended starting dose is 25 meg/hour for those who have been taking
little or no opioid medication on a steady basis. Most patients are man-
aged with one or two patches (of varying sizes) that are changed every
seventy-two hours (three days), making treatment extremely convenient.
Although as many as sixteen of the largest patches could be safely used at
once (an approach humorously referred to as "fentanyl long underwear"),
so much skin would be covered that the convenience factor would be
greatly reduced.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
When treatment is initiated or when the dose is increased, expect a delay
of four to eight hours before effects are first noted and around six to twelve
hours before it is fully effective because it takes time for the drug to be
absorbed through the skin. Like other long-acting, around-the-clock medi-
cations, an appropriate dose should provide steady and uninterrupted
relief even though patches are changed every three days. If treatment is
interrupted, it may take up to twenty-four hours before most of the
medication's effect dissipates. Thus, if an inadvertent overdose or a side
effect arises, patients need to be observed for up to a day after patch re-
moval. If pain escalates well before a patch is scheduled to be replaced,
the patient probably needs a higher dose, though 5 to 10 percent of pa-
tients may benefit from more frequent patch changes, such as every sixty
hours or even every forty-eight hours. Often several patches of varying
sizes (doses) are used at once to achieve the desired dose.
156 The Painkillers

Equivalent Pain Relief

A single 25 meg patch equals about 60 mg of oral morphine per day. Up to
50 percent of patients will require slightly higher doses than suggested in
the equianalgesic chart included in the drug's package insert.
• This skin-patch form of medication is now widely used because
it's so convenient; it reduces the need for pills, needles, and pumps;
and its use is independent of most external factors such as height,
weight, age, skin color, sex, and skin thickness.
• As with other opioids, the patch still needs to be supplemented
with a short-acting drug (orally or rectally) for breakthrough and
incident pain, especially during the six to twelve hours before the
drug takes full effect.
• Constipation tends to be much less of a problem in people who
use the patches.
• A electrophoretic delivery system may soon be available; it uses a
low-voltage current to drive fentanyl more rapidly across the skin,
as well as an imbedded microcomputer chip that will allow pa-
tients to apply pressure to trigger a rescue dose for prompt relief
within ten minutes. The proposed patch will need to be changed
every twenty-four hours or after eighty discharges.

Benefits of Skin Patch (Transdermal Fentanyl or Duragesic Therapy)

Convenient, noninvasive, and may minimize the need for so many pills.
When effective, relief is continuous and steady.
Can stay ahead of or prevent severe pain.
May cause fewer constipation problems.
Especially useful for patients who try to hold out as long as possible before asking
for pills.
Especially useful when the ability to swallow pills is compromised (dry mouth,
nausea, swallowing problems, blocked digestion).
Well accepted by patients and doctors alike.
Difficult to abuse, but if an addict tries to inject the patch's content, it can be
extremely dangerous.

• Side effects are similar to those for morphine (although constipa-
tion is much less of a problem).
• Heat (such as from a waterbed, heating pad, or even a persistently
high fever) is the only factor that has been shown to significantly
increase doses (occasionally even to dangerous levels). Thus pro-
longed or excessive heat should be avoided when using the patch.
Tips on Using Skin Patches (Transdermal Fentanyl or Duragesic Therapy)
Keep patches in a secure (preferably locked) location, away from children and
those with drug problems.
Never cut patches before applying.
Choose a flat, less hairy surface of the chest, back, flank, or upper arm where
movement will not loosen or dislodge the patch. The site should have no irrita-
tion, cuts, or sores. Excess hair may be clipped (but not shaved) to avoid irritation.
There is no advantage to placing the patch directly over or even near the painful
Before application, clean the skin area with water and pat dry.
Immediately after placement, apply firm pressure to the entire surface (especially
edges) with the palm of the hand for a full two minutes.
The patch's adherence may be reinforced with paper tape or an occlusive dress-
ing (like Tegaderm).
Expect a six-to-twelve-hour delay in relief when the patch is first started or the
dose is raised. So be sure to have a short-acting painkiller on hand for break-
through pain.
Avoid ointments, alcohol, and cologne near the patch area.
When replacing a patch, pick a different site.
Redness, irritation, and occasionally even droplets of fluid appear where a patch
has been placed. This does not indicate allergy or infection, just irritation, and
usually resolves on its own.
If skin reactions are persistent, spraying three or four puffs of a prescribed metered
dose of steroid inhaler, such as Vanceril or Beclovent, on the site before applying
the patch may be helpful.
Because skin temperature can affect drug absorption, keep the area away from
heating pads, heat lamps, electric blankets, heated waterbeds, and other sources
of external heat.
Persistent high fevers can also increase drug delivery (up to 25-33 percent with a
104°F fever), so be alert to more side effects.
If the patch produces side effects, they may persist for up to a day after treatment
is stopped.
The patch appears to be less prone to produce constipation than most other opioid
therapies, but at least a mild laxative is still commonly needed.
Patches are usually changed every seventy-two hours (three days), but relief is
still relatively continuous.
If pain intensifies (or more breakthrough medications are needed) consistently on
the day that the patch is to be changed, the doctor may need to prescribe a higher-
dose patch. There is no maximum dose, and if necessary multiple patches can be
combined. Rarely, the doctor may consider instructions to change patches every
sixty hours or even every forty-eight hours.
For disposal, ideally fold patch to stick to itself and flush down toilet.
158 The Painkillers


Brand Name
Dose Range
Tablets containing 10,20,40,80, and 160 mg of oxycodone in a controlled-
release matrix have been widely used. Due to street abuse by drug addicts
(not patients) and publicity about this abuse, the manufacturer voluntar-
ily stopped shipping the 160 mg tablets in 2001, at least on a temporary
basis. Although they should never be broken, crushed, or chewed, tablets
may be combined to achieve the desired dose.

The OxyContin Story

Introduced in 1995, OxyContin tablets slowly release their powerful opioid to
promote steady comfort and a good night's sleep. Hailed as a wonder drug by pa-
tients and physicians, sales skyrocketed to more than $1 billion, greater even than
those of Viagra. Originally targeted for cancer pain, OxyContin is now used increas-
ingly for chronic pain from other causes. In 2000, however, reports of abuse sky-
rocketed with sensationalistic articles full of grim details of high street values, violent
robberies, and methods of abuse. These reports so terrified doctors, patients, phar-
macists, and family members that legitimate OxyContin use (along with the proper
use of other opioids) plummeted, signifying a major step backward in the war to
decriminalize the legitimate treatment of authentic pain problems. An almost evan-
gelical crusade to promote more aggressive treatment of pain has underestimated
the determination of addicts to abuse drugs by any means. Once again, innocent
sufferers with unremitting pain and their committed physicians have became casu-
alties of a war on drugs that has nothing to do with medical treatment.
Although it was originally assumed that OxyContin's potential for abuse was
minimal because the narcotic was released slowly and does not produce a high
when used properly, newer reports suggest that no other prescription drug in the last
two decades has been illegally abused as much as OxyContin. While initial reports
claimed that OxyContin was responsible for more than one hundred deaths, it is
now recognized that most of the deaths resulted from the very dangerous practice of
combining various depressant drugs, often with alcohol. Instead of swallowing the
pill whole, abusers seeking to experience a high ingest all twelve hours' worth of the
drug at once by crushing the tablets and swallowing, sniffing, or injecting the result-
ing powder.
Tales of abuse should not scare off families or health care providers. OxyContin
was first embraced because it lacked the stigma of morphine but was just as effective.
It is illogical to now attack its therapeutic use because addicts have learned to "cheat"
its slow-release system by crushing tablets. We don't stop writing and cashing checks
just because crooks pass rubber checks, and by the same token, patients should not be
deprived of a useful medication because others abuse it. As with many things, drugs
are either useful or dangerous, depending on the intent of the users.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 159

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

This product has a dual action: an initial rapid release of the drug that
provides quick relief within an hour or so, followed by a protracted-
release phase to provide steady relief over a twelve-hour period. While
doses can usually be adjusted for twice-daily use (every twelve hours),
some patients benefit from three times daily use (every eight hours).
Equivalent Pain Relief
While studies suggest that oral oxycodone is about twice as potent as oral
morphine, many clinicians feel that these drugs are about equally potent,
and in some cases, oral morphine may be even more potent. Based on this
data, 30 mg of oral oxycodone provides the same relief as a 5 to 10 mg
injection of morphine.
• Offers twelve hours of smooth and reliable pain control.
• Swallow tablets whole; do not break, chew, or crush, as doing so
could lead to potentially toxic doses.
• Same as morphine; side effects, except constipation, tend to di-
minish over time.


Brand Name
With acetaminophen: Oxycet, Percocet, Roxicet, Tylox, Roxilox, Oxy-
codone/ACE (capsule 5/500 and tablet 5/325). With aspirin: Percodan,
Roxiprin Full, Endodan (5/325), Percodan-Demi (2.5/325)—-see Chapter
6. Single-entity agent: Roxicodone (5 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg), Oxy-IR, M-Oxy,
Percolone, Endocodone.
In liquid form: OxyFAST (liquid), oxycodone oral solution (5 mg/5
ml), Intensol oral solution (20 mg/ml), Roxicodone SR.
Dose Range
Most commonly, 5 mg tablets, with the more recent release of less readily
available 15 and 30 mg tablets.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
"Immediate release" is somewhat misleading in that it means that the
oxycodone is not imbedded in a slow-release matrix. It is most commonly
used as needed for severe intermittent pain or for breakthrough pain, along
with a long-acting opioid taken on a fixed schedule. Again, if rescue doses
are consistently needed more than a few times daily, the dose of the long-
acting ATC drug usually needs to be raised.
160 The Painkillers

For years oxycodone was only available in fixed combinations with aspi-
rin (Percodan) or acetaminophen (Percocet). That's why it is still regarded
by many as a weak opioid conventionally used to treat moderate pain. As
such, patients taking oxycodone for moderate pain can keep using the
same drug if the pain turns severe or for breakthrough pain. Another ad-
vantage is that its breakdown products (metabolites) appear to be much
less of a problem than with other opioids.
• Similar to morphine.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Orally, usually 2 to 8 mg every three to four hours; by injection, 1 to 2 mg
every three to four hours.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Oral: fifteen to thirty minutes, peaking within an hour and lasting from
two to four hours depending on the dose. Injection: five minutes, peaking
in fifteen minutes, and lasting three to four hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
Orally, four to five times more potent than morphine (7 mg hydromorphone
is equal to about 30 mg oral morphine). By injection, about six times more
potent than morphine (1.5 mg of hydromorphone IM is equivalent to about
10 mg injected morphine).
• Hydromorphone is used quite commonly as an alternative to mor-
• Hydromorphone is relatively inexpensive and is available in a va-
riety of forms (oral, rectal, and by injection).
• It works relatively quickly, and because it doesn't accumulate in
the system, it is safe for patients with liver or kidney problems.
• Hydromorphone doesn't last very long, so it usually needs to be
administered frequently (as often as every three hours).
• It is particularly useful for subcutaneous injections (usually given
by a portable pump) because it is so soluble (in other words, it is
possible to dissolve a great deal of the drug in a small volume of
fluid), which helps maintain sub-q sites for longer intervals.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 161

• Especially under its trade name, Dilaudid, this drug has a reputa-
tion for abuse and high "street value," so doctors may be reluc-
tant to prescribe it.
• Several companies have perfected slow-release preparations of
hydromorphone, but as of this writing, none is available.
• See under morphine.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Although doses are highly variable and difficult to predict, the usual start-
ing dose is 5 to 20 mg by mouth, at intervals varying from every four hours
to every twelve hours. If given intravenously (IV) or as an intramuscular
injection (IM), 5 to 10 mg every four to six hours is a usual starting dose.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
After a single pill or injection, effects are evident within thirty minutes,
peaking within an hour and lasting four to twelve hours. Several days
(four to fourteen) may be required before a steady state is reached. The
way the body breaks down and disposes of methadone is less predictable
than for most opioids, so it may take one to two weeks of use before the
best dose and schedule can be determined. Frequent dose changes or er-
ratic use may be unsafe when treatment is first started, especially in the
elderly and in those with altered renal function.
Equivalent Pain Relief
With single doses or initial use, 10 mg of methadone given by injection or
20 mg orally is usually equivalent to 10 mg injected morphine or 30 of mg
oral morphine. When used regularly, potency increases, sometimes up to
five to ten times that of morphine (see below).
• Methadone is associated almost exclusively with drug addiction
because of its usefulness to recovering addicts. However, metha-
done is being rediscovered for pain relief. More doctors are find-
ing it is appropriate as a second- or third-line treatment for pain;
it is not a preferred drug because adjusting doses quickly yet safely
is more difficult.
• Methadone, unlike other opioids, may be especially effective for
neuropathic pain (due to nerve injury) and intractable cancer pain.
162 The Painkillers

That's because, unlike other commonly used opioids, methadone can

antagonize or block the receptors for an amino acid, N-methyl-D-
aspartate (NMDA), in the central nervous system. These recep-
tors, which are activated by painful stimuli, are thought to be
responsible for hypersensitivity and an amplified pain effect
(the "wind-up" phenomenon).
• Treatment with methadone is very inexpensive, usually a tenth to
a hundredth of the cost of treating with other opioids.
• When given steadily and repeatedly, methadone appears to be
five to ten times more potent than morphine and can stay effec-
tive for a relatively long time, about eight hours (ranging from
four to twenty-four hours).
• Conventional equianalgesic conversion tables are outdated, and
using them can result in severe toxicity and even death.
• Doctors must carefully monitor dosing for the first ten days of
use, until the blood has a high enough steady level of methadone.
After the first few days and weeks, the chances of serious side
effects are minimal
• Although around-the-clock treatment is usually preferred to as-
needed treatment with the strong opioids, methadone is differ-
ent. Since methadone is needed as frequently as every four hours
in some patients and as infrequently as every twelve or even
twenty-four hours in others, many authorities start with as-needed
administration and switch to an around-the-clock dose only when
a given patient's best schedule is established.
• Administering methadone effectively and safely takes more skill
and closer observation by a doctor than morphine and the other
opioids. That's why methadone is not recommended as a first choice.
However, doctors who are familiar with methadone may prefer it
because it is much cheaper than alternatives such as controlled-
release oxycodone, morphine, and transdermal fentanyl.
• Methadone is very commonly used in methadone maintenance
programs as a method to manage addiction in street addicts. This
alternative use should not be confused with its medical use as an
analgesic. Just as with morphine and other opioids, when metha-
done is used to treat cancer pain addiction is extremely rare.
• Recently, as law enforcement officials have become more vigilant
about the abuse of OxyContin, drug seekers are increasingly turn-
ing to methadone when other high-inducing drugs aren't avail-
able because methadone is easier to obtain. Drug abusers can easily
overdose when methadone doesn't produce the effect they have
come to expect from other street drugs.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 163

• See precautions listed for morphine.
• Methadone is not usually used in elderly or confused patients, or
in those with respiratory, liver, or kidney problems, especially if
these problems are progressive.
• Methadone can cause sedation as it accumulates in the body, es-
pecially during the first days of treatment or after a dose increase.
Generally, it is best to wait for about one week before drawing
conclusions about a new dose's effectiveness and side effects.


Brand Name
Levo-Dromoran, Levorphan.
Dose Range
Orally, usually 2 to 4 mg every four to eight hours (like methadone, dose
interval is variable). By IM injection, 2 to 4 mg every four to six hours.
Intravenously, 1 mg every four to six hours.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Oral: onset usually within thirty minutes, peak effect at sixty to ninety
minutes, and duration of four to six hours. Injection and IV: onset usually
within fifteen minutes, peak within thirty minutes, and duration of four
to six hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
Oral levorphanol is about seven times more potent than oral morphine (4
mg oral levorphanol equals 30 mg oral morphine). Injectable levorphanol
is about five times more potent than injectable morphine (2 mg levorphanol
equals 10 mg morphine).
• Levorphanol lasts longer than morphine, so patients usually need
fewer doses per day.
• Levorphanol may be useful for patients who cannot tolerate mor-
• Compared to similar opioids, which usually last two to four hours,
oxymorphone is relatively long-acting, usually lasting from four
to six hours.
• As with oxymorphone, despite having been available for decades,
its use is not common, levorphanol is still relatively expensive,
and shortages are common.
164 The Painkillers

• See under morphine and methadone.
• Like methadone, caution is recommended when adjusting doses
to avoid toxicity due to accumulation, especially in the elderly
and if renal function is compromised.


Brand Name
Dose Range
By injection, 1 to 2 mg every four to six hours. By rectal suppository, 10 mg
every four to six hours.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Injection: onset is five to ten minutes, peaking within thirty minutes for IV
and thirty to ninety minutes for IM, and lasting three to six hours. Rectal:
onset within thirty minutes, peaking within two hours, and lasting up to
six hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
A 1 mg injection or a 10 mg suppository is about equivalent to 10 mg of
injectable morphine and 30 mg oral morphine.
• Oxymorphone is not currently available in oral forms, but only as
an IV or IM injection or as a rectal suppository. New dose forms,
including controlled-release and immediate-release oral prepara-
tions, are expected to be available in the near future.
• Compared to similar opioids, oxymorphone is relatively long-acting.
• Despite having been available for decades, oxymorphone use is not
common. It is still relatively expensive, and shortages are common.

• See under morphine.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Five to 20 mg IM every four hours, 60 mg by mouth.
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 165

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

Oral: one to two hours. Injection: thirty minutes to one hour; relief should
last three to four hours..
Equivalent Pain Relief
A 5 mg IM dose of heroin is equivalent to 10 mg morphine IM.
• Scheduled by the FDA as a Class I substance (use restricted to
research), heroin is not legally available in the United States but is
a common drug of abuse. However, heroin is well accepted and
used as a standard analgesic in the United Kingdom, where it is
often called diamorphine. Because of so much interest in heroin
as a pain reliever, the U.S. government has sponsored several clini-
cal research programs, but researchers consistently find it no more
effective than morphine, and with similar side effects.
• Heroin has no effect until the body naturally converts it to mor-
phine, at which time it works rapidly; that makes it a drug of choice
for abusers. Scientifically, researchers suggest that medicating with
heroin is simply an inefficient way to give morphine.
• The main clinical advantage of heroin is that a large amount can be
dissolved in a small volume, making it very efficient for subcutane-
ous use. Its continued use in the United Kingdom relates largely to
tradition and the relative unavailability of hydromorphone there.
Although theoretically available in Canada, it is used there only
• See under morphine.
• Heightened addiction liability and risk of diversion.


Brand Name
Dose Range
The lozenges come in 200,400, 600, 800,1,200, and 1,600 meg doses. Usu-
ally started at the lowest dose (200 meg) and increased if needed, with
another unit as soon as fifteen minutes later.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Within five to ten minutes, which is ideal to manage severe or rapid-onset
breakthrough pain. It peaks within forty-five minutes and lasts three to
six hours.
166 The Painkillers

• Actiq is a sweetened fentanyl lozenge, the first medication avail-
able as a lozenge mounted on a handle. It resembles a lollipop,
but this term is avoided in order not to link it to candy. Instead,
it's called a lozenge, unit, or oralette.
• It is the only painkiller specifically approved for treating break-
through pain in cancer patients. It should be used when a patient
is already taking longer-acting opioids for relief of baseline pain.
• The medication works nearly as quickly as an IV injection and so
is well suited for severe or rapid-onset breakthrough pain.
• By taking fifteen minutes to finish a lozenge, about half the medi-
cation is swallowed, which helps the drug last a lot longer than if
all of it were absorbed in the mouth's mucous membranes. Never
bite or chew it, since this results in more drug being swallowed
and reduces efficiency.
• Consistent use of more than four units a day suggests that the
dose of the long-acting analgesic used should be raised.
• Although the packaging for these lozenges is extremely childproof
(and very bulky and space-consuming), partially consumed loz-
enges should be thrown out to avoid accidental consumption.
• Actiq has been slow to catch on even though most people are highly
satisfied with its rapid onset and are reluctant to return to their
old breakthrough pain medication. Insurers balk at the higher cost
(all that childproof packaging) and pharmacies don't always have
enough storage space.
• Most common side effects are drowsiness, nausea, and dizziness.
• Actiq may produce dangerous, even fatal, respiratory depression
in children and in adults not already accustomed to using nar-
cotic analgesics.

Other Drugs
Although there are other classes of moderately strong opioid drugs known
as mixed agonist-antagonists and partial agonists (more fully described
in Chapter 6), these are generally not recommended for treating cancer
pain because they may interfere with and even reverse the effects of mor-
phine and morphinelike drugs, they have maximum doses above which
they are not more effective (ceiling effect), and they are more likely to
cause excitation, hallucinations, and confusion (psychotomimetic effects).
Another medication that's not appropriate for chronic cancer pain is
meperidine (Demerol or Pethedine), an analgesic that is still frequently
Understanding Medications Used to Treat Severe Pain 167

prescribed for pain after surgery and other acute pain. Ongoing use of
meperidine is linked with muscle jerks, confusion, agitation, and seizures.
These side effects and other complications are more common in patients
with kidney problems and in the elderly, as well as when meperidine is
prescribed orally.

Analgesic medications are big business, and on the forefront are "smarter,"
less abusable drugs and innovative routes of drug delivery, as well as new,
more specific compounds associated with fewer side effects.

For additional information about the most common opioids, see table on
following pages.
Most Common Opioids Used for Cancer Pain
Equianalgesic Recommended
Generic Name Trade Name* Routeb Dosec Schedule*1 Formuationsa Comments'

Immediate-release MSIR Oral 30-60 mg g 2-4 hr 10, 15, o r 3 0 m g 1,2

morphine Roxanol Oral 2mg/ml; 4 mg/ml; 20 mg/ml;
10 mg/2.5 ml; 10 mg/5 ml; 20 mg/5 ml;
100 mg/5ml
Control led-release MS Contin Oral 30-60 mg 8-12 hr 15, 30, 60, 100, or 200 mg 2,3
morphine Oramorph various
Kadian 12-24hr 10, 20, 50, or 100 mg 2
Avinza 12-24hr 30, 60, 90, or 1 20 mg
Morphine IM 10 mg 2-4 hr various 2,4
Morphine Rectal 15 mg 72 hr 5, 10, 20, or 30 mg —
Fentanyl RMS TM 25 meg 25, 50, 75, or 100 meg 5
Control led-release Oxy-Contin Oral 30 mg 12 hr 10, 20, 40, or 80 mg 6
Immediate-release Roxocodone Oral 20 mg 72-48 hr 5, 15, or 30 mg 7
oxycodone (single Oxy-IR,
entities, not M-Oxy, Percolone,
combined with Endocodone
another medication) Liquid:
OxyFast (liquid)
Oxycodone Intensol
Roxicodone SR
Proladone (suppository)
Hydromorphone Dilaudid Oral 2-4 hr 1,2, 3, or 4 mg 8
Hydromorphone Dilaudid IM 7.5 mg 2-4 hr 1, 2, 4, or 10 mg/ml 8
Hydromorphone Dilaudid Rectal 1.5 mg 3-6 hr 3 mg 8
Methadone Dolophine Oral 7.5 mg 4-12 hr 5, 10, or 40 mg 9
20 mg 1, 2, or 10 mg/ml
Methadone Dolophine IM 2-4 mg 4-12 hr 10 mg/ml 9
Levorphanol Levo-Dromoran Oral 4 mg 4-8 hr 2mg 10
Levorphanol Levo-Dromoran IM 2 mg 4-8 hr 2 mg/ml 10
Oxymorphone Numorphan IM 1 mg 3-6 hr 1 or 1 .5 mg/ml 11
Oxymorphone Numorphan Rectal 5-10 mg 3-6 hr 5 mg 11
Diamorphine Heroin Oral 60 mg 4 hr 12
Diamorphine Heroin IM 5 mg 4hr 12
Oral transmucosal Actiq Oral 200 meg 3-6 hr 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, or 1600 mg 13
fentanyl citrate

Listing is partial, comprised mostly of formulations available in the United States. Doses are in mg unless stated otherwise.
For parenteral routes (those taken in ways that do not involve the digestive tract), only the most commonly used route is listed; most medications,
however, can be administered intramuscularly (IM), subcutaneously (sub-q), or intravenously (IV). TD means transdermal (absorbed through the skin).
Equianalgesic dose refers to the dose that provides the equivalent pain relief as 10 mg of IM morphine. These doses are based on values most frequently
cited in the medical literature and on clinical experience, although these sometimes conflict. They are approximate and are intended to serve as guidelines
This is a rough guideline only; physicians may deviate from these schedules as they tailor medication schedules to particular patients.
Side effects and precautions for all the opioid medications include constipation, sedation, dysphoria (unpleasant moods or feelings), confusion, hallucina-
tions, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression (which is rare in patients who have developed a tolerance to opioids), urinary retention (difficulty urinating),
and itching. How patients react to opioids differs from patient to patient and medication to medication, often even in the same patient.
1. Usually recommended as the first drug of choice for moderate to severe cancer pain.
2. Despite a few studies that suggest a conversion ratio of 1:6 for a switch from intramuscular (IM) administration to one by mouth, clinical experience
suggests that a ratio of 1:3 with regular use is generally considered more applicable. In other words, if a patient is going from an intramuscular (or IV or
sub-q) route with a dose, for example, of 10 mg to an oral route of morphine, the physician is likely to prescribe 30 mg by mouth to get equivalent
pain relief.
3. Controlled release means that the medication is time-release; it provides slow absorption of the medication and, consequently, doses may be farther
apart. Using controlled-release formulation may result in more consistent blood levels of medication and, therefore, more consistent pain relief with
fewer episodes of breakthrough pain. Control led-release medication is extremely useful in providing a basic level of pain relief and its infrequent
dosing schedule is very convenient for the patient. Physicians will usually supplement these doses with rescue doses of shorter acting medications to
relieve pain that breaks through despite the control led-release medication being prescribed. Control led-release medications should not be broken,
crushed, or chewed.
(continues on next page)
4. Morphine is the standard against which other analgesics (pain relievers) are compared.
5. For fentanyl, once the blood has achieved a consistent level of medication (steady state), doses last about 72 hours. From the first dose, it will take
usually about 12 to 24 hours to achieve a steady state. If side effects occur and medication is removed (patch removed), adverse effects may persist for
12 to 24 hours. Extremely useful for patients who do not want to take medication frequently or who cannot swallow.
6. OxyContin offers 8 to 12 hours of relief, but tablets should never be cut or crushed or chewed.
7. Immediate-release oxycodone is used mostly for breakthrough pain.
8. Hydromorphone becomes effective relatively rapidly and offers short-acting relief, so it is particularly effective for breakthrough pain.
9. Unlike other opioids, methadone may be especially effective for neuropathic pain (due to nerve injury) and intractable cancer pain. Very inexpensive
and an increasingly popular second- or third-line treatment for pain. Unlike other opioids, it's often started as needed rather than around-the-clock.
Due to long half-life, it has the potential to accumulate, and doses should be raised gradually and erratic use avoided.
10. For levorphanol, see comments on methadone, except for cost (which is higher for this drug).
11. Not available for oral administration.
12. Not legally available in the United States but popular in the United Kingdom for pain treatment. Useful for sub-q use but otherwise an inefficient
medication, as it rapidly converts to morphine in the body.
13. Lozenges used for breakthrough pain. Works rapidly (most patients note meaningful pain relief within 6 to 10 minutes) but is expensive.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs
Relieve Pain and Suffering

In addition to the basic pain relievers, other medications are often prescribed
to enhance patient comfort. Called adjuvant drugs or co-analgesics, these
drugs are auxiliary medications, most of which were developed for condi-
tions other than pain, but can play an important role in the relief of pain.
Adjuvant simply means "helper"; these drugs may help counteract side ef-
fects of the primary pain reliever(s) or help relieve other distressing symp-
toms, such as nausea, constipation, or breathlessness. Adjuvant analgesics,
however, actually relieve pain in their own right in specific circumstances.
Unlike the opioids and anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), which are all-purpose
analgesics that relieve any type of pain to some extent, the adjuvants are
mechanism-specific, meaning that they may help relieve a particular type of
pain but aren't effective for other types.
For example, nerve pain that persists despite opioid treatment may
respond well to specific antidepressants or anticonvulsants, even though
there is no depression or seizures. It may sound odd to recommend an
antidepressant or anticonvulsant for a cancer patient's pain, but experi-
ence and research show such usage can be enormously effective when
even very strong painkillers have not been helpful. That's because medi-
cations work by different mechanisms, and combining medications may
have additive or even synergistic effects (meaning that total relief may
exceed the sum of relief if each medication were given alone). Also, drugs
usually have multiple effects, sometimes up to a dozen different ones.

Overview of Medications Used for Cancer Pain and Other Symptoms
When Used Benefits
Nonsteroidal anti- Used alone for mild to moderate pain (1-3 on Increasingly available over the counter;
inflammatory drugs 0-10 scale) and combined with stronger meds newer, safer preparations increasingly
(NSAIDs) for moderate to severe pain, especially pain available by prescription.
A large group of pain associated with swelling or inflammation,
relievers that reduce bone pain, and soft tissue pain.
pain and swelling

So-called weak opioids For moderate pain, usually 3-6 on a 0-10 No blood clotting problems or bleeding,
pain scale. ulceration or stomach problems, except for
combination products that contain

So-called strong opioids For severe pain, usually 6-10 on a 0-10 pain
sale; require special prescriptions that cannot
be called in or refilled.

Tricyclic antidepressants To relieve the burning, itching, tingling, Can enhance pain-relieving effects of other
numbing, shooting pain associated with nerve medications.
injury; may improve sleep and reduce

Anticonvulsants To relieve the burning, shooting, stabbing, Can enhance pain relieving effects of other
itching, tingling, numbing pain of nerve medications.
injury, especially when sudden and

Corticosteroids To relieve chronic pain, bone pain, brain May reduce nausea; may improve mood,
Very strong anti- tumor pain, spinal cord tumor pain, and appetite, weight, breathing and sense of well-
inflammatories whenever pain may be due to swelling being.
around a tumor.

Oral local anesthetics/ Orally to relieve tingling, burning-type pain Can relieve pain due to nerve injury when the
sodium channel from nerve injury; as an ointment or in a antidepressants and anticonvulsants don't
blockers/ local patch, may numb pain that is close to the help.
anesthetics surface of the skin.
Also injected near nerves or into the spinal
canal (nerve block).

Bisphosphonates Bone pain when cancer has spread to the Prevents bone loss and weakness.
bones; also used to treat elevated calcium

Radiopharmaceuticals Bone pain when cancer has spread to Noninvasive relief for three to six months;
multiple bones. takes from one week to one month for results.

Psychostimulants To help relieve drowsiness associated with May also have an antidepressant effect; can
opioid use; can enhance the pain relief of offset daytime drowsiness
Side Effects Common Examples
Can affect the ability of blood to clot; may cause Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, and the newer
upset stomach, ulcers, diarrhea, and bleeding in the selective COX-2 inhibitors (Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra)
stomach, and kidney problems, sometimes with no

May cause manageable problems with constipation, Codeine, hydrocodone, and dihydrocodeine, combined with
drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, itchiness, and acetaminophen or aspirin, tramadol
urinary problems; at first, may slow down breathing,
but not dangerously so in usual doses.

Physical dependence and tolerance may arise with Morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, fentanyl, methadone,
chronic use, but addiction is rare. levorphanol, oxymorphone

May cause dry mouth, urinary retention, Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, doxepin, desipramine,
drowsiness, constipation, and, rarely, dizziness on trazodone; newer SSRI antidepressants are not usually used
standing up suddenly. specifically to treat pain

Some may affect liver and blood counts or cause Gabapentin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, clonazepam, valproate,
drowsiness and confusion. topiramate, lamotrigine

May cause confusion, edema (swelling due to fluid Prednisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone
retention), stomach irritation, and gastrointestinal
bleeding. Pain relief may recede over several weeks.
More serious side effects possible with long-term use.

Orally: Gl side effects such as nausea, vomiting and Mexiletine, tocainide, EMLA, Lidoderm, Lidocaine, bupivacaine
constipation are most common; drowsiness,
nervousness, dizziness, confusion, stuttering,
tremor, and light-headedness may also occur.
Topical formulations have no side effects. Rarely,
injections can cause seizures.

Nausea, redness, swelling, fatigue, flulike Pamidronate, clodronate


Temporary pain flare-up may occur. Strontium-89 (Metastron) and samarium-153 (Quadramet)

Avoid in patients with seizure disorders, primary Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), methylphenidate (Ritalin),
brain cancer, and brain metastases. May cause pemoline, modafinil
anxiety or agitation, sleep disturbance, and
anorexia; slight risk of heart palpitations especially
in vulnerable patients; liver failure observed with
(continues on overleaf)
174 The Painkillers

Overview of Medications Used for Cancer Pain and Other Symptoms (continued)
When Used Benefits
Antihistamines Minimal effect on pain, if any; may help Enhanced pain relief when combined with
relieve itching and anxiety. opioids and has antiemetic and antianxiety
effects. Sedative effect may be useful, too.

Major tranquilizers Minimal effect on pain, if any, except May relieve nausea and anxiety, confusion,
methotrimeprazine, which may relieve pain psychosis, agitation; sometimes enhances
as well as morphine; mostly used to effectiveness of opioids.
counteract nausea or agitation. The sedation
from tranquilizers can provide comfort in
advanced illness when opioids are

Minor tranquilizers No direct effects on pain, but relief of anxiety May relieve acute anxiety, panic, muscle
(anti-anxiety and panic, may lower pain threshold; may spasm.
medications) help relax muscle spasm.

Muscle relaxants Nerve pain, especially around head and May help relieve shooting, stabbing nerve
neck; muscle spasm. pain that has not responded to other
measures, as well as dull aching muscle

When drug companies test and market a new drug, they focus on what-
ever property they think will be needed most in the marketplace and con-
centrate their very costly research efforts on gaining Food and Drug
Administration approval exclusively for that property. Yet doctors may
still choose to prescribe the same drug for any of its other indications or
properties, such as pain, at any time, although these off-label uses cannot
be promoted by the manufacturer.
The management of side effects and of other symptoms is discussed
in Chapters 10 and 11; the role of the adjuvant analgesics as painkillers is
discussed in this chapter.

General Comments about Adjuvant Drugs

Adjuvant drugs are usually used in addition to the more standard opioid
drugs (rather than as a substitute for them), but they may also be used
alone. Unlike the opioids, which become effective within a few minutes or
half an hour and wear off within a few hours, most adjuvant analgesics
have to be used for one to three weeks before they become fully effective,
and often their effectiveness may be subtle. While it is tempting to relate
such gradual improvement to other factors, such as the weather, well-
planned and consistent use of the adjuvants is one of the pain specialist's
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 175

Side Effects Common Examples

Sedation. Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax); diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Side effects may include drowsiness, confusion, Such as phenothiazines, methotrimeprazine, fluphenazine,
blurred vision, dry mouth. chlorpromazine, promethazine, haloperidol, Phenergan, Compazine

Side effects include sedation; depression and Diazepam, lorazepam, midazolam

dependence with prolonged use.

Older agents (Soma, Parafon Forte, Skelaxin, Baclofen, Zanaflex; Soma, Parafon Forte, Skelaxin, Flexeril, Robaxin
Flexeril, Robaxin) act as sedatives and are generally
avoided due to sedation and dependence; newer
agents (baclofen, Zanaflex) are better tolerated and
more effective.

most powerful strategies but requires the patient's understanding, coop-

eration, and patience. And while opioids provide dependable time-limited
relief, they do little to change the underlying cause of the pain and its long-
range course. A properly selected adjuvant analgesic may actually improve
the conditions responsible for persistent pain, thus providing more of a long-
term solution.
While not all of these adjuvant drugs have been proven effective for
pain, a trial of some of these medications may be of great value. The fol-
lowing information is a guide to the most commonly used adjuvant anal-
gesics, but it should not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care and

Although a person with pain who is also depressed may benefit from an
antidepressant, definitive research shows that the pain-relieving effect of
antidepressants occurs entirely independent of any effect on mood. In fact,
when antidepressants are prescribed for pain, they are usually in doses
much too small to help with mood.
Like the other drugs discussed in this chapter, the antidepressants have
more than one use. In cancer patients, they treat depression, pain, and
176 The Painkillers

insomnia. They can be helpful to a person who is depressed but does not
complain of pain, who has nerve pain headaches or other pain syndromes
but is not depressed, or who is suffering from both depression and pain.
Since some of the antidepressants are more useful for one condition than
another, patients with both mood and pain problems may find themselves
on two separate antidepressants, one in a low dose for pain and the other
in a more standard dose for mood.
These drugs are among the most misunderstood of the painkillers.
When a doctor, especially one who is rushed, prescribes an antidepres-
sant when a patient reports pain, the patient may feel that the doctor sus-
pects the pain is not "real," is "all in the head," or is only a reflection of
depressed mood. To the contrary, these medications control pain directly
by mechanisms that are totally independent of any effects on mood. To
treat depression, much higher doses would be needed. Also, the older
antidepressants, the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) or heterocyclics, are
most often prescribed for pain, but these days the newer selective seroto-
nin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the first-line treatment for depression,
especially in cancer patients.

Antidepressants for Pain When Depression Is Not a Problem

The TCAs alter the amount of certain neurotransmitters (serotonin and nore-
pinephrine), which are the neurotransmitters involved in pain transmis-
sion; these drugs are particularly useful for pain due to nerve injury but
have roles in other pain problems as well, such as headache. In fact, a pre-
scription of an antidepressant (with or without other pain medications, such
as the opioids) is the first choice for patients with nerve pain, such as that
due to shingles, diabetes, and many postoperative conditions. It is particu-
larly useful for painful skin or hypersensitivity, which patients describe as
burning, itching, tingling, shooting, numbing, and other odd qualities. This
kind of pain may be facial pain or postsurgical pain, may be due to shingles
(herpes zoster), or may result from a tumor pressing near nerves. The tricy-
clic antidepressants tend to be more effective for relatively constant nerve
pain, while the anticonvulsants (see below) are first considered for more
intermittent or episodic nerve pain. Also, these and other medications are
commonly used together to get the best effect possible.

When Depression Is a Problem

More than half of cancer patients who are depressed say that pain is their
main problem. For obvious reasons, many cancer patients are both de-
pressed and in pain. The symptoms are similar: people who are chroni-
cally depressed or in pain become easily tearful, suffer from poor sleeping
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 177

and eating patterns, are irritable, lose interest in sex, and suffer from other
mood problems. Pain and depression also exhibit some similar physiologi-
cal characteristics with regard to brain chemistry, specifically changes in
levels of neurotransmitters.
Although sadness and a low mood are natural responses to having
cancer or chronic pain, for about one-quarter of cancer patients these feel-
ings become overwhelming and represent a full-blown depression that
requires medical attention. Such feelings are common, and cancer patients
should not be ashamed to admit them. In fact, trying to conceal and sup-
press low mood may be the worst thing to do, because it not only takes
energy needed for other purposes but doesn't solve the problem. If pa-
tients are afraid to talk about their feelings because they don't want to
appear weak or to upset their loved ones, they should tell their doctor,
who can recommend a counselor or other treatment.
Pain, especially when unrecognized or inefficiently treated, is usually
the primary problem; however, this can lead to frustration, anger, depres-
sion, and even suicidal thoughts. Such depression often lifts dramatically
and rapidly once the pain is resolved, or even with the news that a pain
specialist has been assigned to the case and will finally accept account-
ability. Less commonly, the main problem may be depression rather than
pain. Depression can lower one's pain threshold, however, and a depressed
person may complain a great deal about pain. In some families, pain com-
plaints may even represent a more acceptable or less upsetting way of getting
necessary attention than admitting to depression or feelings of hopelessness
and helplessness. In these cases, the depression usually needs to be resolved
before the complaints of pain will improve. It's hard, though, to know which
came first, the pain or the depression, and so it is difficult to know where
most of the treatment should be directed.
Whenever possible, pain and depression should be considered sepa-
rately. All pain should be assumed to be real (related to physical injury),
and although pain always has psychological components, complaints should
never be taken lightly nor considered psychosomatic or "merely" a mental
process. It is clear that whether pain is primarily a reflection of physical or
psychological problems, the suffering is just as real and the need for help is
just as compelling. When depression seems to be a prominent part of the
problem, treatment with an antidepressant may be warranted. As noted
above, since a tricyclic is more commonly used to treat pain and a newer
Prozac-like SSRI is almost always considered first for depression, patients
with both pain and depression commonly take two different antidepres-
sants: a low-dose tricyclic antidepressant (such as amitriptyline) for pain
and an SSRI such as Prozac in a routine dose of 20 to 40 mg.
For a fuller discussion of depression, see Chapter 14.
178 The Painkillers

How Antidepressants Are Used for Pain

A variety of antidepressants are commonly used to treat pain. Like other
pain medications, several different (but usually related) medications may
need to be tried before a given person finds the most suitable one. The
tricyclic antidepressants—which include amitriptyline (Elavil, Endep),
imipramine (Tofranil, Janimine, Presamine, SK-Pramine), doxepin (Sine-
quan, Adapin), desipramine (Norpramin, Pertofrane), and nortriptyline
(Pamelor, Aventyl)—seem to be most effective in controlling pain. Because
they all promote drowsiness to varying degrees, they are usually prescribed
in a single low nighttime dose to promote sleep and avoid daytime fa-
tigue. Low doses (usually 10 to 25 mg) are used to start, and may be gradu-
ally increased to a moderate (50 to 100 mg) dose as needed and as tolerated,
but high doses (100 to 200 mg) are rarely required. Although insomnia
may improve immediately, patients need one to three weeks before they usually
recognize improvements in pain. This is important to know, because other-
wise, disappointed patients may prematurely stop these potentially very
helpful drugs. Also, before rejecting a trial of one of these medications
because it didn't help or caused problems in the past, note that a previous
prescription may have been for a different problem, at a different dose,
combined with other drugs, and so on. While you should express your
concerns, stay open-minded.
Most of these medications may cause dry mouth, constipation, diffi-
culty urinating (urinary retention, especially in men), heartbeat irregu-
larities, sweating, drowsiness, delirium, dizziness, low blood pressure upon
standing up suddenly, and tremors. In the doses used for pain, these medi-
cations are almost always well tolerated, and with the exception of dry
mouth, side effects are uncommon.
The newer group of antidepressants, the SSRIs, have revolutionized
the medical management of depression but appear to have a relatively
minor role in the treatment of pain, though studies at the Mayo Clinic
suggest they may help with the hot flashes associated with hormonal treat-
ments in breast and prostate cancer.
The tricyclic amitriptyline has been most consistently proven the most
effective and is thus often selected first, though its side effects may be some-
what more prominent. If side effects are a special concern, an alternative
agent may be tried first; despite the similarities among the tricyclics, pa-
tients may respond highly favorably to one of these agents and not another.


Brand Name
Elavil, Amitril, Endep, Emitrip, Enovil, Etrafon, Etrafon-A, Etrafon-Forte,
PMS-Levazine, SK-Amitriptyline, Dohme, Sharpe.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 179

Dose Range
For pain relief, starting doses range from 10 to 25 mg by mouth, taken at
bedtime. While sometimes sufficient, once a starting dose is well toler-
ated, it is common to gradually raise the dose, usually to no more than 50
to 125 mg, to attempt further relief of pain and better sleep.
For the elderly, the starting dose is usually 10 mg.
If used to counter depression, daily doses are usually much higher
(150 to 300 mg).
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
While sleep may improve immediately, allow one to four weeks at a given
dose to achieve its full pain-relieving effect.
• Amitriptyline is the prototype antidepressant for pain relief and
thus is the most thoroughly studied and well-documented remedy
of this type. It is particularly good for the bizarre burning, numb-
ing, tingling, and hypersensitivity associated with nerve pain. It
may have more prominent side effects than some of its alternatives
but is still often tried first because its use is so well supported. Since
it takes time for the blood levels of neurotransmitters to change, the
onset of pain relief is usually gradual, although better sleep and
mild side effects may be noticeable right away.
• It is also recommended for treating anxiety.
• It can help ease depression.
• It may be effective in treating phantom limb pain.
• It may be effective in treating pain near a surgical scar.
• Children's doses are based on body weight.
• Available as IM injection or as rectal suppository.
• The most common side effect of amitriptyline is dry mouth, which
often diminishes within one to two weeks.
• Morning drowsiness is relatively common and also tends to sub-
side within a few days to a week, once the dose is held constant; if
it doesn't abate, the condition may be relieved by taking the evening
dose even earlier in the evening.
• Sedation may occur but usually diminishes within several days.
• Other side effects may include constipation, difficulty urinating (uri-
nary retention, particularly among elderly men), light-headedness,
confusion, weight gain and craving of sweets, and temporary low
blood pressure upon rapidly standing (orthostatic hypotension), but
these are uncommon with low doses used for pain.
Guidelines for the Use of the Antidepressants in Patients with Chronic Cancer a, b, c

Anti- Sedative
Generic Name Trade Named Dose Range6 cholinergic" Effects Orthostatis3 Comments0' f

Amitriptyline8 Elavil, Endep, many other 1 0-300 mg +++ +++ ++ 1,2,3,4

Imipramine8 Tofranil, Janimine, 20-300 mg +++ ++ +++ 1 ,4
Tipramine, Tofranil-PM
Doxepin8 Sinequan, Adapin 30-300 mg +++ +++ +++ 1,5
Desipramine8 Norpramin, Pertofrane 75-300 mg + + + 1
Nortriptyline8 Pamelor, Aventyl 50-1 00 mg ++ + + 1,5,6
Trimiptramineh Surmontil 50-225 mg +++ +++ +++ —
Protriptyline Vivactil 1 5-40 mg +++ + + —
Amoxapineh Asendin 200-300 mg + + +++ 7
Fluoxetineh Prozac 20-60 mg — + — 8
Trazodoneh Desyrel, Trialodine 50-600 mg — +++ +++ 9
Maprotilineh Ludiomil 75-300 mg + +++ + -

"Doses and the rating of anticholinergic side effects (that is, dry mouth, urinary retention or difficulty in urinating, constipation, sweating), sedation, and
orthostatis (low blood pressure upon standing up suddenly) listed here are only intended as rough guidelines. Other than dry mouth, most of the effects are
uncommon with the low doses usually used for pain. Plus signs indicates a greater tendency to cause the side effect when compared to other medications.
These antidepressants are most often used for managing pain associated with nerve damage, which is often felt as a burning sensation.
These heterocyclic antidepressants may produce pain relief at low doses without affecting mood; these doses are usually too low to counter depression.
Initial treatment is usually prescribed as a low nighttime dose. While sleep problems are usually resolved quickly with these doses, maximal pain relief
often takes 1 to 3 weeks.
ln the United States.
These values listed reflect the range between minimum and maximum recommended doses. In general, the higher range of doses are intended to treat
clinical depression, and even then, it is recommended that dosage be reduced for maintenance therapy. In general, when antidepressants are prescribed for
nerve pain, they are prescribed in the low range of the dose spectrum, often initially at the lowest possible dose.
'As a class, these antidepressants, known as the heterocyclic antidepressants, are generally associated with the anticholinergic side effects (see note a).
Infrequently, they may cause high blood pressure (hypertension), rash, bone marrow depression, vision or sexual problems, enlarged breasts sometimes
with milk secretion (gynecomastia), jaundice (yellowing skin), and hair loss (alopecia). Noteworthy side effects are listed.
ln controlled studies, these medications have been shown to have pain-relieving effects that are independent of their antidepressant effects.

1. Preferred for managing nerve pain because of greater clinical experience with this drug.
2. Best-studied drug of this class for relieving nerve pain, and therefore thought to be most reliable. Its use, however, must be balanced against the
relatively greater potential for anticholinergic side effects (see note a).
3. Available as an intramuscular (IM) medication.
4. May be associated with weight gain.
5. Available in liquid formation for oral use.
6. Is very similar to amitriptyline, and because of its lower incidence of side effects, many doctors favor its use.
7. Occasionally associated with side effects known as extrapyramidal side effects (sudden involuntary movements, such as jerking).
8. Unlike other heterocyclic antidepressants, this medication appears not to produce sedative effects and may even produce stimulation. Its use may be
associated with weight loss.
9. A side effect that men should be aware of is that the drug occasionally causes unexpected or prolonged erections (priapism); should that occur,
discontinue use and contact the physician.
182 The Painkillers

• It is not to be used in patients with glaucoma.

• Rarely, the drug may trigger hyperexcitability in the patient.
Several alternatives are available that may be prescribed in place of


Brand Name
Adapin, Sinequan.
Dose Range
The usual starting dose is 25 mg at night. This may be gradually increased
to up to 300 mg at night (the lower dose range is for pain; the higher one is
for depression). May take several weeks to reach full effect.
• Doxepin is similar to amitriptyline but causes less dry mouth and
• It is available in liquid form, unlike most of the other antidepres-
• See under amitriptyline.
• It should not be used with patients who have glaucoma or urinary
retention problems, especially older patients with these conditions.
• Doxepin may cause drowsiness.


Brand Name
Tofranil, Janimine, Tipramine, Tofranil-PM.
Dose Range
Usually from 25 to 300 mg a day (the lower dose range is for pain; the higher
dose range is for depression). May take several weeks to reach full effect.
• The major breakdown product of imipramine is desipramine.
• See under amitriptyline; causes less severe dry mouth and less
• Imipramine may be associated with weight gain.


Brand Name
Norpramin, Pertofrane.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 183

Dose Range
Usually from 10 to 100 mg a day for pain (200 to 300 mg a day for depres-
sion). May take several weeks to reach full effect.
• Usually considered to be the least sedating of these agents. Side
effects, including anticholinergic (blocking of parasympathetic
nerves) and sedative effects as well as low blood pressure upon
standing, are less severe than for the abovementioned medica-
tions. Otherwise, similar to amitriptyline.


Brand Name
Pamelor and Aventyl.
Dose Range
Usually from 10 to 100 mg a day for pain (200 to 300 mg a day for depres-
sion). May take several weeks to reach full effect.
• As one of the major breakdown products of amitriptyline, its ef-
fects are similar, but side effects are more infrequent and usually


Brand Name
Desyrel, Trialodine.
Dose Range
Usually 50 to 600 mg per day (the lower dose range is for pain; the higher
one is for depression). May take several weeks to reach full effect.
• Although its pain-relieving effects have not been as well substan-
tiated, trazodone, one of the newer antidepressants, causes rela-
tively few side effects except for drowsiness, which can be quite
prominent. Thus when insomnia is a coexisting problem, trazo-
done may be selected early.
• A side effect that men should be aware of is that the drug occasion-
ally causes unexpected or prolonged erections. Should this occur,
the patient should discontinue use and contact the physician.
• Trazodone should be taken with food.
184 The Painkillers

Anticonvulsants are particularly useful in treating nerve pain because,
like seizures, pain is a sudden electrical phenomenon. By suppressing the
spontaneous firing of neurons (nerve cells), anticonvulsants quiet their
excitability and interfere with the generation of the pain message. Thus,
although doctors may prescribe an anticonvulsant to help with pain, this
has nothing to do with a patient's being suspected of having seizures. The
anticonvulsants are particularly useful for nerve pain that is intermittent,
shooting, burning, or stabbing in nature. They are either used with or with-
out a tricyclic antidepressant to treat pain.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Available in 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, and 800 mg capsules. Most
adults usually start with 300 mg at bedtime during the first few days of
therapy, which is usually well tolerated and can be advanced to 600 mg in
two divided doses for a few more days until achieving a dose of 900 mg in
three divided doses. If it helps and is well tolerated, it may then be in-
creased to 300 to 400 mg three to four times per day per physician instruc-
tions. A small proportion of patients, especially if elderly, may feel drowsy
from very low doses, in which case they can be restarted on 100 mg nightly
and gradually raised to 100 mg three to four times per day until effective.
This medication is usually extremely well tolerated, though, and total daily
doses of 2,400 to 3,600 mg for nerve pain are common. Over time some
patients may take in excess of 5,000 mg per day when warranted.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Beneficial effects are typically noted within a week of regular use, although
two to three weeks may be needed to be sure, especially if doses have
been raised gradually.
• One of the first of a newer generation of "atypical" anticonvulsants,
gabapentin is currently considered a first-choice medication to treat
sharp, shooting, or burning pain because it stabilizes nerves and
prevents them from firing spontaneously. It is much safer and
better tolerated than other anticonvulsants, it has few drug inter-
actions, and its use does not require laboratory monitoring, al-
though it is currently more expensive (up to $200 per month) than
many other medications used for nerve pain.
Guidelines for the Use of Anticonvulsants in Patients with Chronic Cancer Pain
Usual Dose
General Name Trade Name Starting Dose Usual Dose Range Comments'

Gabapentin Neurontin 300 mg 2,400 to 5,000 mg per day 1

Zonisamide Zonegran 100 mg 300 to 400 mg per day 2

Tiagabine Cabitril 4 mg Up to 56 mg per day 3

Carbamazepine Tegretol, Epitol 1 00 to 200 mg Up to 800 to 1 ,200 mg per day 4

Phenytoin Dilantin, Diphenylan, 100 mg 300 to 400 mg per day 5


Valproic acid, Depakene, 250 mg once Up to 1 ,500 mg per day 6

Valproate Depakote, Depa, or twice a day
Sodium, Deproic
Divalproex Sodium

Clonazepam Klonopin .5 mg Up to 2 mg per day 7

Topiramate Topamax 12.5 to 25 mg Up to 1 00 to 200 mg per day 8

once or twice
a day

Lamotrigine Lamictal 25 mg once or Up to 400 mg a day 9

twice a day

Notes: When nerve pain is described as shooting, piercing, or intermittent, these medications are often
prescribed. Also used for other types of nerve pain when antidepressants do not seem to help. Many of
these medications (except gabapentin and zonisamide) have a relatively high incidence of side effects
as doses are increased.
1. A first-choice medication to treat sharp, shooting, or burning pain; much safer and better tolerated
than other anticonvulsants, though expensive.
2. Despite few studies on its use in pain, this medication appears to provide relief at times when
other more routine medications do not.
3. As with zonisamide (above), although pain studies are lacking, this new antiepileptic medication
is now being used enthusiastically for chronic nerve pain, and appears to provide relief for some
patients when other medications do not.
4. Well-studied and the traditional drug of choice for shooting, shock-like (lancinating) nerve pain,
though its high incidence of bothersome side effects and the possibilities of life-threatening liver
and bone marrow complications makes it a less attractive choice (especially in cancer patients)
given the newer alternatives above. Tegretol may produce life-threatening liver dysfunction and
depression of blood counts, and thus its continued use requires regular blood tests.
5. Good choice when patients are unresponsive to other drugs in this category.
6. Available in various forms, including a syrup, a capsule that can be opened and its contents
sprinkled on food for those with swallowing difficulties, and extended-release tablets. Capsules
should not be broken, chewed, or crushed, both for safety reasons and to avoid irritation of the
mouth and throat. An overgrowth of gum tissue (gingival hyperplasia) may occur but may be
prevented or managed with regular oral hygiene measures (see Chapter 11). Other side effects
may include acne or excessive hair growth.
7. Very effective in controlling pain due to nerve irritation, in addition to helping with anxiety and
insomnia. The only medication that helps quell muscle jerking (myoclonus), which is harmless
but can be bothersome in patients taking opioids. May cause pancreatitis, nausea and vomiting,
insomnia, headache, tremor, hair loss, weight gain, and (rarely) impaired liver function.
8. Available only orally, it also comes in sprinkles for children. Dizziness, sedation, and fatigue are
relatively common; may also relieve anxiety. If used for a long time, withdrawal symptoms may
occur if drug is stopped suddenly.
9. Can potentially cause a life-threatening skin rash, particularly for those who also take valproate
(Depakote).Contact your physician if fever or swollen glands are noted.
186 The Painkillers

• Gabapentin typically has fewer side effects than other anticon-
vulsants; when they do occur, most common are sleepiness and
dizziness, but also fatigue, problems with balance, or unusual eye
movements can be present.
• Do not take within at least two hours of any antacids.

Brand Name
Dose Range
Starting dose is 100 mg once daily, to be taken at about the same time each
day. After one to two weeks, the dose may be increased to 200 mg a day
for at least two weeks and then to 300 mg a day and 400 mg a day, with the
dose stable for at least two weeks to achieve a steady state at each level.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Within two weeks you should have a sense if it's working.
• Despite few studies on its use in pain, this new antiepileptic medi-
cation is already being used with enthusiasm for chronic nerve
pain. Like other adjuvants, it appears to provide relief at times
when other, more routine medications do not.
• Side effects are infrequent and usually mild but may include
drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, agitation, headache, or irritability
• Should not be taken by anyone who is allergic to sulfa drugs, such
as Bactrim or Septra; by anyone with kidney disease; or by pa-
tients who use alcohol frequently.
• Should be taken with six to eight glasses of water a day to help
prevent kidney stones from forming.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Initiated at 4 mg once daily, which may be increased by 4 to 8 mg each
week, up to 56 mg a day. The total daily dose should be given in divided
doses, two to four times daily, and should be taken with food.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 187

How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect

Depending on how fast the dose has been raised, within two weeks you
should usually have a sense if it is working.
• As with zonisamide (above), although pain studies are lacking,
' this new antiepileptic medication is now being used enthusiasti-
cally for chronic nerve pain and appears to provide relief for some
patients when other medications do not.
• Side effects may include dizziness or light-headedness, lack of en-
ergy, sleepiness, nausea, nervousness or irritability, tremor, abdomi-
nal pain, and abnormal thinking or difficulty with concentration or


Brand Name
Tegretol, Epitol.
Dose Range
The starting dose is 100 to 200 mg a day, with increases of 100 mg every
three or four days if needed, up to 800 to 1,200 mg a day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Carbamazepine usually takes two to four weeks of regular use to deter-
mine effectiveness for nerve pain.
• This anticonvulsant, commonly used for epilepsy, is by far the
best-studied for nerve pain and is thus traditionally the drug of
choice for shooting, shocklike (lancinating) nerve pain, exempli-
fied by trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux), a type of facial pain
that can occur with or without cancer. While it may relieve symp-
toms in up to 90 percent of cases of lancinating pain, it is less likely
to be effective for aching, burning nerve pain that is constant.
• Despite its legacy of success, a high incidence of bothersome side
effects and the possibilities of life-threatening liver and bone mar-
row complications makes it a less attractive choice (especially in
cancer patients) given the newer alternatives discussed above.
• Although still a commonly used anticonvulsant for the treatment
of shooting nerve pain, because of its documented success, its use
is approached cautiously. Unfortunately, side effects—nausea,
vomiting, problems with gait and loss of muscle coordination
188 The Painkillers

(ataxia), dizziness, lethargy, and confusion—are more common

with this anticonvulsant, especially in the elderly. If administered
in low doses and increased only gradually, such side effects can
often be avoided.
• Very rarely (in fewer than one in twenty thousand patients) more
major side effects, such as liver and bone marrow problems, may
occur, and they may be persistent and devastating. If used for more
than a few weeks, regular blood tests of liver and bone marrow
function should be prescribed. Blood tests are carefully checked if
carbamazepine is prescribed for patients who have recently un-
dergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy because their bone
marrow may already be depressed or especially vulnerable.

Brand Name
Dilantin, Diphenylan, Phenytex.
Dose Range
Usually started at 100 mg a day and increased gradually by increments of
25 to 50 mg, with daily doses usually not exceeding 300 to 400 mg.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
It normally takes one to three weeks to reach its full effect.
• This drug has been used for generations to help control seizures,
and although it has not been studied as thoroughly as carbamaze-
pine for controlling pain, it retains an important role for patients
unresponsive to other drugs in this category.
• Phenytoin may increase or decrease the effectiveness of other medi-
cations being taken, a factor that should be discussed with your
doctor or nurse.
• Oral hygiene is very important to prevent gum problems, espe-
cially a condition referred to as gingival hyperplasia, which is an
overgrowth of gum tissue. This can occur in up to 20 percent of
patients, but it is usually only a problem in children and adoles-
cents. (See Chapter 11 on side effects and other discomforts.)


Brand Name
Depakene, Depakote, Depa, Deproic.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 189

Dose Range
Usually started at 250 mg once or twice per day. This dose can be increased
gradually, usually to a range of about 500 mg three times a day, if well
tolerated and associated with increasing relief of pain.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
While each dose reaches its peak effect within one to four hours, like all
adjuvants, it may take one to three weeks before pain is relieved.
• This drug is also used to prevent migraine headaches and to treat
anxiety, bipolar disorders, rage, and urinary incontinence. Valproic
acid can be used for nerve pain as an alternative to carbamazepine.
• Available in various forms, including a syrup and a capsule that
can be sprinkled on food for those with swallowing difficulties,
and as extended-release tablets. Capsules should not be broken,
chewed, or crushed, both for safety reasons and to avoid irrita-
tion of the mouth and throat.
• Possible side effects include headache, tremor, hair and weight
loss, insomnia, and drowsiness. Most important, rare complica-
tions include liver damage (especially in children under the age
of two) and severe inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
Blood should be monitored if medication is used regularly; con-
tact your doctor immediately if you experience indigestion, nau-
sea and vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, weakness, facial
swelling, rash, dark urine, or yellow eyes or skin. These medica-
tions should be avoided during early pregnancy, breastfeeding,
and with liver problems.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually started and often maintained at 0.5 mg nightly. May be increased
gradually to 1 or 2 mg nightly and occasionally higher doses, but daytime
use is usually avoided due to the potential for drowsiness.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
Drowsiness is noted within about thirty minutes and peak effects within
one to two hours; nighttime sleep is usually restored immediately, but
several weeks may elapse before pain relief is fully established.
190 The Painkillers

• Also an antiseizure drug, clonazepam seems to be very effective
in controlling pain due to nerve irritation, in addition to helping
with anxiety, insomnia, and muscle jerking (myoclonus). Many
patients taking opioids experience these total body jerks, which,
although harmless, can be frightening and inconvenient, and while
clonazepam is still not fully recognized by doctors, it is the only
medication that acts as a rapid, reliable remedy for this condition.
• It is a benzodiazepine (minor tranquilizer), like diazepam (Valium),
so in some states it requires a triplicate prescription.
• Its most common side effect is drowsiness.
• Dizziness and fatigue are also relatively common.
• If used for a long time, withdrawal symptoms (anxiousness, irri-
tability, sleeplessness, and occasionally seizures) may occur if the
drug is stopped suddenly.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Started at 12.5 to 25 mg once or twice a day and increased by 12.5 to 25 mg
every week, up to 100 to 200 mg per day in two divided doses.
• Available only orally. It also comes in sprinkles for children, and
should be taken twice daily.
• Has few drug interactions with other medications or other
• Major potential side effects include drowsiness, nausea, dizziness,
and coordination problems.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Starting dose is 25 mg once or twice a day, increased by 25 or 50 mg every
week or two, up to about 400 mg a day.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 191

• The most serious side effect is a potentially life-threatening skin
rash, particularly for those who also take valproate (Depakote).
Other side effects include headache, nausea, and dizziness. Con-
tact your physician if fever or swollen glands are noted.

Steroids or Corticosteroids

There are two general types of steroids. The anabolic steroids are abused by
some professional athletes; they have little medical use, especially in cancer
patients. The glucocorticoids or corticosteroids, however, are used for many
medical conditions, including problems related to breathing, arthritis, pain,
and infection. Administered over a period of years, they often cause a mul-
titude of side effects, some of which are serious, such as weight gain, diabe-
tes, skin problems, osteoporosis, and fractures. Used for short periods of
time, their benefits may strongly outweigh their risks. They are commonly
used in patients with cancer, both as a part of chemotherapy and to control
symptoms, especially with brain tumors and advancing disease.

General Use
Steroids are one of the body's fundamental hormones, and prescribed
hormones are not foreign substances but serve to boost the effects of ste-
roids produced constantly by the adrenal glands. Steroid therapy has many
potentially useful roles in the treatment of patients with cancer, such as
being very potent in reducing inflammation and its related swelling, and
is used in some chemotherapy treatments to shrink tumors, to reduce ex-
cessive levels of calcium that are sometimes caused by tumors, and to
forestall nausea. They may improve mood and appetite, thus helping to
promote weight gain.
One of their most important roles is as a painkiller, traditionally used
to relieve pain and other symptoms when a tumor is growing in a small
enclosed space, like a brain tumor within the skull, or a spinal cord tumor
within the spinal column. By reducing swelling (edema) and inflamma-
tion around the tumor and nerves, they may not only dramatically relieve
headache and backache but can reverse evolving neurological changes
(such as paralysis), although these effects often only last a few weeks. In
addition, they may help relieve pain anytime it originates with pressure
from a bulky or strategically located tumor, such as that caused by a swol-
len liver, a tumor near the nerves to the arm or leg (brachial or lumbosac-
ral plexopathy), or cancer of the esophagus, rectum, or female pelvic organs
(cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer).
192 The Painkillers

Steroids are also used to reduce breathlessness and swelling in the

upper body (superior vena cava syndrome) and lower body swelling (in-
ferior vena cava syndrome) when tumors or lymph nodes press on the
large veins responsible for draining circulating blood. They may also re-
duce breathing difficulties when cancer has spread diffusely around the
lungs' lymphatic drainage system (lymphangitic spread).
Until other, more specific treatments can be found, high doses of cor-
ticosteroids can sometimes provide quick, dramatic short-term relief when
severe pain is caused by bone tumors or tumors that have spread near
nerves. These drugs may also help by boosting a patient's mood, stimu-
lating appetite, reducing nausea, increasing strength, and by just giving
the patient an overall improved sense of well-being. If a patient has a seri-
ous illness with a short expected survival time, these drugs may be used
more freely because the side effects from long-term use are less important.
Yet even with short-term use side effects still occasionally occur, such as
increased susceptibility to infection, diabetes, fluid retention, acne, depres-
sion, psychotic episodes, and delirium.
Unfortunately, the benefits of the corticosteroids often only last sev-
eral weeks, either because effectiveness diminishes with time or because
progression of the disease overrides the drug's benefits. Nevertheless, the
use of corticosteroids is becoming more and more widespread. Studies
have shown that half of all patients in some special cancer units are given
corticosteroids for symptom control. Another benefit is that these drugs
may allow opioid doses to be reduced, thereby alleviating opioid-induced
side effects. And finally, as noted, depression, nausea, and breathlessness
may be relieved in certain circumstances.
Thus steroids can improve the quality of life in some cancer patients.
At least one study, conducted in Britain, has shown that selected patients
on corticosteroids live longer as well. However, caution must be exercised
with these medications. In particular, patients with peptic ulcers or poorly
controlled high blood pressure are not good candidates for treatment with
The steroid of choice is usually dexamethasone.


Brand Name
Decadron, Decaspray, Dexasone, Dexone, Hexadrol, Maxidex.
Dose Range
A common starting dose is 4 mg twice a day by mouth; depending on
results and various circumstances, the dose may be reduced after a week
or so to a lower maintenance dose, or alternatively may be increased pro-
gressively to maximize beneficial effects.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 193

Comparison of Selected Corticosteroids*

Approximate Equivalent Anti-inflammatory
Generic Name Duration Dose Action

Short Duration 1 2 hr
Cortisone 25 0.8
Hydrocortisone 20 1

Intermediate Duration 1 2-36 hr

Prednisone 5 4
Prednisolone 5 4
Methylprednisolone 4 5
Triamcinalone 4 5

Long Duration 48 hr
Paramethasone 2 10
Dexamethasone 0.75 25
Betamethasone 0.6 25

* Based on oral administration. Steroidal anti-inflammatories (as opposed to the nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatories, the NSAIDs) may relieve pain by reducing inflammation and swelling. They may also
reduce nausea as well as boost mood and appetite.

Higher initial doses (up to 100 mg a day) are often used for pain, espe-
cially when due to pressure induced by brain or spinal tumors.
This medication can be given orally, intravenously, or subcutaneously.
• Dexamethasone is particularly useful for shooting or burning
nerve pain, headache resulting from a brain tumor or brain me-
tastasis, back pain resulting from nerve compression in the spinal
cord (epidural spinal cord compression, or ESCC), and pain due
to tumor invading bone. Also, pain from any large, bulky tumor
may respond to the steroid's ability to reduce local swelling.
• Although patients on steroids may feel jittery and occasionally
even confused (steroid psychosis), they more typically feel more
energetic and less depressed, often eating better and enjoying an
overall improved sense of well-being.
• Sometimes overlooked, steroids can be a good choice when large
doses of opioids are ineffective and pain is caused by tumors grow-
ing in the nerves of the arm or leg (brachial or lumbosacral plexus)
or by any large tumor.
194 The Painkillers

• Side effects include infection, weight gain (often a reassuring and
comforting effect for the family), GI bleeding (especially when
taken with NSAIDs), muscle weakness, insomnia, high blood
sugar, and, rarely, hallucinations and other psychotic effects.
• Should not be taken with NSAIDs.
• This drug should not be stopped abruptly, but should be gradu-
ally withdrawn.
• Other corticosteroids that are sometimes used with cancer patients
include prednisolone (Prelone), prednisone (Deltasone and
Sterapred), and methylprednisolone (Medrol). For a more com-
plete listing of selected corticosteroids used with cancer pain, see
table on previous page.

Oral Local Anesthetics or Sodium Channel Blockers

For continuous or shooting nerve pain that has not responded to tricyclic
antidepressants or anticonvulsants, a sodium channel blocker may be rec-
ommended to calm unstable nerve membranes and prevent them from
firing erratically. These oral versions of numbing medications or local an-
esthetics were developed to treat the irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that
occurs when the heart's electrical system is damaged, and likewise can
help quell unrelieved pain due to injured nerves.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually started at 150 mg once or twice a day, which can be increased to
up to 800 to 1,200 mg per day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
One to two hours, but several weeks of treatment may be needed for full
pain-relieving effect.
• Mexiletine works by calming and stabilizing nerve membranes,
which may quiet other kinds of pain as well.
• It is usually prescribed for the burning, tingling, or jabbing pain
that accompanies nerve injury when the antidepressants and
anticonvulsants have not been helpful.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 195

• While GI side effects are most common, drowsiness, nervousness,
dizziness, and light-headedness may also occur.


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 200 to 400 mg twice a day.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
One to two hours; may take several weeks to reach full pain-relieving effect.
• When mexiletine does not work, this medication may be useful.
• Side effects are similar to those of mexiletine but may be more
• Breathing problems should be reported promptly.

Originally developed to treat osteoporosis (bone loss due to aging, espe-
cially in postmenopausal women) and sometimes referred to as
aminobisphosphonates, diphosphonates, or biphosphonates, this new class
of medication can relieve pain from cancer that has invaded the bones
under some circumstances. These drugs are also used urgently when wide-
spread bone involvement releases excessive calcium into the bloodstream
(hypercalcemia), a condition that can otherwise be fatal.
The bisphosphonates work by interfering with the activity of cells that
cause cancer-ridden bones to break down abnormally, and they may even
slow cancer spread and prolong survival. Although cancer originating in
the bone (osteosarcoma) is rare, the skeletal system is the most common
site for tumor spread (metastases) and also the most common cause of
cancer pain. Pain from bone metastases is especially common in those with
prostate, breast, and lung cancers, as well as multiple myeloma. In my-
eloma, a cancer originating in plasma cells, bisphosphonates can reduce
the frequency of fractures.
These medications not only reduce bone pain and the need for as much
pain medication but also tend to help prevent bone fractures and the need
196 The Painkillers

for splints and surgery to stabilize bone and treat fractures. The two most
commonly used bisphosphonates for bone pain are pamidronate and
clodronate, with newer agents such as ibandronate and zoledronate being
enthusiastically tested. Pamidronate is generally given by IV drip in the
office, the hospital, or an infusion center, but it causes reactions at the
injection site and flulike symptoms in a number of patients. These side
effects seem to be less prominent with newer IV drugs. Clodronate is given
orally and must be followed by drinking up to 240 milliliters of water and
remaining upright for thirty minutes to avoid abdominal pain and irrita-
tion (esophagitis). Although oral medication is more convenient, absorp-
tion is not as good and requires more tablets and higher doses; it also
carries a greater risk of stomach upset.
Although not a bisphosphonate, calcitonin is a hormone released by
the thyroid gland that also helps regulate calcium levels. A synthetic prepa-
ration made from salmon is now commonly used as a nasal spray
(Miacalcin) to help control osteoporosis, and it may help control hypercal-
cemia and bone pain in cancer, taken either nasally or by injection. The
spinal administration of calcitonin has powerful pain-relieving effects, but
its use is still confined to the research stage in the United States.

Although often overlooked, these treatments (which are similar to a bone
scan, a diagnostic test) are relatively noninvasive and in well-selected pa-
tients can dramatically reduce pain from widespread bone invasion by
cancer, especially when the primary tumor originates in the breast or pros-
tate gland.
The radiopharmaceuticals have two parts—a targeting molecule or
"magic bullet" that is attracted to cancer sites in the body, and a radioac-
tive tracer or tag that treats targeted cancer cells by delivering low-level
doses of radiation. Because of radiation safety concerns, a radiologist usu-
ally administers the treatment. Although different intravenous injections
or oral cocktails of these medications have been given for over half a cen-
tury, adverse reactions have tended to outweigh benefits until the recent
introduction of strontium-89 (Metastron) and samarium-153 injections
(Quadramet). These newer agents are conveniently administered by IV
injection in one session. Side effects are generally minor and infrequent.
Although about 20 percent of patients experience a temporary flare-up
about forty-eight hours after treatment, this pain is easily managed and
may even predict that treatment will ultimately be helpful. Although sig-
nificant relief usually doesn't occur for about ten days and sometimes not
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 197

until as much as thirty days after treatment, about two-thirds of patients

who are treated appropriately experience significant relief for three to six
months, after which treatment is often repeated.
As with external radiation therapy and most chemotherapies, the main
potential complication of radionuclide therapies is reduced blood cell
counts, especially of platelets, the elements that are needed for normal
clotting. Thus, this type of treatment is not used when platelet and white
blood cell counts are below 60,000 and 2,400, respectively.
Despite a high up-front cost, savings may be realized over time.

Other Miscellaneous Drugs for Pain

Calcium Channel Blockers and Beta-Blockers
Medications called calcium channel blockers (such as nifedipine [Procardia])
and beta-blockers may be useful to treat certain types of headaches, as well
as for reflex sympathetic dystrophy, a pain syndrome associated with re-
duced blood flow. Prialt (ziconotide or SNX-111), a new calcium channel
blocker for intraspinal administration, is being reviewed by the FDA and
would be marketed for nerve pain.

GABA Agonists and NMDA Receptor Antagonists

Increasingly, medications are being developed as a result of recent research
that suggests that the sensitization of certain sites on neurons, such as the
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors and the NMDA (N-methyl-
D-aspartate) receptors of the central nervous system, can cause chronic
pain. Baclofen (Lioresal), for example, is a GABA agonist. Usually pre-
scribed to treat muscle spasm in multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries,
it may help shooting, stabbing nerve pain that has not responded to other
measures. Usual doses are from 20 to 120 mg per day orally. Baclofen is
approved for intrathecal (spinal) administration via implanted pumps to
combat severe spasticity, although direct effects on pain seem minimal. Its
most common side effects are sedation and confusion.
Some of the NMDA receptor antagonists, which include ketamine and
dextromethorphan, are sometimes effective for chronic nerve pain as well.
Many studies show that the NMDA receptors are involved in maintaining
nerve pain that may be insensitive to opioids. By inhibiting the NMDA
receptors, the NMDA receptor antagonists provide pain relief (especially
in conjunction with an opioid receptor agonist, such as morphine).
Ketamine, once used only to sedate animals or induce general anesthesia
in children, has been used in cancer patients with nerve pain that persists
198 The Painkillers

despite high doses of IV morphine and may both relieve pain and reduce
morphine requirements. However, in higher doses, ketamine produces
adverse psychological effects and is a general anesthetic, so its use is usu-
ally restricted to terminal states.

Local Anesthetics
Also effective for treating burning, itching, tingling, numbing, or nerve
pain is a skin patch impregnated with lidocaine (a local anesthetic used by
dentists) called Lidoderm; side effects are infrequent, and it is easy to ap-
ply. Unlike Duragesic patches, these can be cut to fit.
Available in an over-the-counter strength and in a stronger concentra-
tion by prescription, a topical cream called Zostrix can be helpful for some
patients. Made from capsaicin, the substance that makes peppers hot,
Zostrix is usually prescribed for pain due to shingles (herpes zoster) but
sometimes also for pain from arthritis and other conditions. Zostrix is be-
lieved to make skin and joints less sensitive by its actions on a body chemi-
cal known as substance P, which is thought to be involved in the pain
transmission process. By depleting substance P from nerve endings and
preventing its reaccumulation, the area may become less painful. It may
also work by being a counterirritant, in that by exciting some nerves, it
may block pain signals from others. When Zostrix is applied, patients ini-
tially feel a burning sensation that persists for one to four weeks, which is
thought to represent the initial outpouring of substance P. The burning
may be so severe that some patients will discontinue its use, although
they might otherwise obtain relief if they could wait it out.
For superficial, localized pain, compounding pharmacists are increas-
ingly mixing topical gels from a variety of substances, including ketamine,
anti-inflammatory agents, and muscle relaxants, although data supporting
their use are sparse and insurance companies may not extend coverage.

Adjuvant Drugs for Symptoms Other Than Pain

The rest of the drugs discussed in this chapter are predominantly used for
symptoms other than pain, such as treating anxiety, nausea, and depres-
sion. While many of these medications produce drowsiness or calmness,
there is little evidence that these medications influence pain directly. Al-
though good for nausea and other problems, doctors who are uncomfort-
able prescribing pain medications may rely on them excessively, rather
than simply starting a stronger pain medication or increasing the dose of
pain medication.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 199

Only one of these medications—methotrimeprazine (Levoprome)—not

only helps restlessness, nausea, and agitation but also has direct pain-
relieving properties. The others, fluphenazine, prochlorperazine (Compa-
zine), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), and haloperidol (Haldol), help reduce
restlessness, anxiety, and nausea and as a result can lower pain thresholds,
but they should not be relied on as treatment for escalating pain.

Tranquilizers That Help Relieve Pain


Brand Name
Dose Range
Although oral (as well as IV) use has been reported, approved use is lim-
ited to subcutaneous or IM injections, so treatment is usually limited to
hospice or hospitalized patients, and even so, its use is much less com-
mon in the United States than in Europe. The recommended starting dose
is 5 to 10 mg, because it may cause oversedation (unless that is desirable
in anxious patients who have not responded to more conventional anal-
gesics or who are unable to take opioids), and then is increased.
How Long It Takes to Reach Peak Effect
One and a half hours.
Equivalent Pain Relief
Methotrimeprazine 15 mg by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection is
equivalent to the pain-relieving effect of 10 mg of morphine IM.
• Methotrimeprazine is a sedative and antinausea drug and is best re-
served for patients with pain and agitation, with or without nausea.
• This agent lacks the constipating effects of opioids.
• Methotrimeprazine's pain-relieving effect may be as strong as
morphine, and it also treats agitation and nausea. But it's an injec-
tion and is not readily available by mouth.
• Because its mechanism for relieving pain is different from that of
morphine, methotrimeprazine may be particularly useful in pa-
tients who have become tolerant to high doses of opioids or who
can't take opioids. Can avoid the severe constipation or respira-
tory depression of opioid use.
• Sedation and sudden low blood pressure upon standing quickly
(orthostatic hypotention) tend to diminish after the initial days of
taking the drug, and so over time doses may be increased as needed.
200 The Painkillers

• Methotrimeprazine is particularly useful in the advanced phase

of cancer when the side effects associated with the drug (low blood
pressure problems when standing, sedation, and antianxiety ef-
fects) are not a problem; in fact, they may be desirable.
• Side effects include sedation, low blood pressure upon standing
(orthostatic hypotension), and uncoordinated motor movement,
such as uncontrollable twitching (tardive dyskinesia).


Brand Name
Prolixin, Permitil.
Dose Range
Usually 1 to 3 mg a day by mouth.
• This drug helps prevent vomiting and is a major tranquilizer.
• It may help relieve nerve pain and is often prescribed with a tricy-
clic antidepressant (such as amitriptyline or imipramine) or with
an opioid for pain relief.
• Side effects include sedation, low blood pressure upon standing
(orthostatic hypotension), and uncontrollable twitching jerky
movement (tardive dyskinesia) similar to Parkinson's disease.

Tranquilizers Used to Prevent Nausea and Relieve Anxiety

Although often used in conjunction with painkillers, in general the fol-
lowing medications, referred to as major tranquilizers, are primarily used
to manage nausea, delirium, agitation, or anxiety.


Brand Name
Haldol, Haloperon.
Dose Range
Starting dose is 1 to 2 mg by mouth every four to twelve hours.
If given to treat psychiatric symptoms (agitation), doses may be ad-
justed up to 10 to 15 mg two or three times a day. Children's doses are
based on weight.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 201

• Although in the United States this drug is associated with emer-
gency treatment for disturbing or violent mental illness, haloperi-
dol is used the United Kingdom extensively to manage nausea
and mild agitation. Used in low doses for nausea, vomiting, or
agitation, it may produce less drowsiness than other antinausea
medications such as Compazine and Phenergan.
• When extremely high doses of opioids are needed for pain, halo-
peridol often enhances their effect (permitting lower morphine
doses), especially in cancer patients who are frightened, agitated,
confused, or psychotic.
• This drug may cause drowsiness, dry mouth, urinary retention,
and twitching (tardive dyskinesia).


Brand Name
Promapar, Thorazine, Sonazine.
Dose Range
Usually 10 to 25 mg every four to eight hours by mouth.
• Although not a pain reliever, its antianxiety and antinausea prop-
erties are often useful when anxiety is aggravating the pain or
agitation interferes with assessment and treatment.
• Side effects include low blood pressure, blurred vision, dry mouth,
difficulty in urinating, constipation, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia),
and uncontrolled twitching (tardive dyskinesia).


Brand Name
Dose Range
Usually 5 to 10 mg every four to eight hours by mouth.
• This drug is useful as an antinausea and antivomiting medica-
tion, but it also helps quell anxiety.
• Available in oral form, IM, and as a suppository.
202 The Painkillers

• It can cause dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, jerky movements,
and blurred vision.
• May turn urine pink or purple.


Brand Name
Tigan, Arrestin, Benzacot, Bio-Gan, Stemetic, Tebamide, Tegamide, Ticon,
Tiject-20, Triban, Tribenzagan, Trimazide.
Dose Range
Usually 250 mg three or four times a day.
Usual rectal suppository dose is one suppository (200 mg), three or
four times a day.
For children, dose is calculated by weight: for 30-to-90-pound chil-
dren, usually 100 to 200 mg (oral or rectal) three or four times a day is
• Trimethobenzamide is helpful for relieving nausea and vomiting.
• It is available in capsules to be taken by mouth, as a suppository,
or as an injection.
• It can cause drowsiness, dizziness, jerky movements, and blurred
• Trimethobenzamide and other antiemetics should not be used in
children suspected of having or developing Reye's syndrome.


Brand Name
Torecan, Norzine.
Dose Ranges
Usually one 10 mg tablet one to three times a day. In children, appropriate
doses have not been determined.
• Thiethylperazine is helpful in relieving nausea and vomiting.
• It is available in tablets, as a suppository, or as an injection.
• The medication contains a sulfite that may cause allergic reactions
in sulfite-sensitive people, especially those with asthma.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 203

• It may impair mental and physical abilities, and so the patient

should avoid driving and other potentially dangerous activities.
• Occasionally this drug may cause jerky movements, convulsions
(more common among young adults), dizziness, headache, and
drowsiness with the initial dose.

Medications to Treat Anxiety

These antianxiety (anxiolytic) medications are called the minor tranquil-
izers, sedatives, or hypnotics. Anxiety is common among cancer patients
and may range from feelings of nervousness to full-blown panic attacks
that trigger hyperventilation and can mimic a heart attack. Minor symp-
toms are best treated with simple reassurance and loving contact. When
anxiety persists, treatment usually includes some form of psychotherapy
(with a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or trained social worker) and
antianxiety medication.
Antianxiety medications do not directly relieve pain and should not
be used as a substitute for a strong painkiller. However, when pain and
anxiety are both problems, it's hard to know which one is the cause of the
other, but if significant anxiety persists, both may need to be treated at
once. Someone who is characteristically nervous and high-strung may
demonstrate a lower pain threshold, complaining of pain when it is really
more a question of feeling ill at ease, frightened, or isolated. When com-
plaints of pain seem to be based at least in part on anxiety, treatment with
an antianxiety medication can be extremely helpful. Even when anxiety
appears to be driving complaints of pain, this should be explored cau-
tiously and with sensitivity to avoid invalidating the patient's suffering.
Psychological and physical dependency can develop with most of these
medications, so doctors are often hesitant to prescribe them, especially on
a frequent basis for chronic complaints. Moreover, in some states, a tripli-
cate prescription is required. Nevertheless, cancer patients with a genuine
need should not be denied them, but at the same time, they should be
accompanied by efforts to bolster natural coping mechanisms. Taken over
long periods of time, they may actually increase depression, and if they
are stopped suddenly, patients may experience physical withdrawal and
even seizures.

Diazepam (Valium) is the best-known of this class of drugs, although many
new benzodiazepines have become available and are widely used, both to
promote sleep and to counter anxiety.
204 The Painkillers


Brand Name
Valium, Vairelease, Vazepam, Diazepam Intensol.
Dose Range
Usually started at a dose of 2 to 10 mg. Can be taken once at night for
insomnia or several times each day as needed for anxiety.
• Although not an all-purpose pain reliever, diazepam helps reduce
pain that is associated with muscle spasms because it relaxes the
• It also is used to relieve anxiety.
• It is available in oral forms, as a rectal suppository, or as an injection.
• The most common side effects are drowsiness and disorientation.
It may increase depression if used on a frequent basis.


Brand Name

Dose Range
For anxiety, 0.25 to 2 mg three times a day, or 0.125 to 1 mg every six hours.
• Recently introduced and commonly prescribed, it is relatively
short-acting and so may be preferred in elderly patients in whom
there could be a problem with a buildup of drugs in the body.
• Not appropriate for women who are pregnant or for those whose
primary diagnosis is psychosis or depression.

Many new benzodiazepines have become available and are widely used,
both as sleeping pills and to counter anxiety. Ones that are usually used
once at night to improve sleep include flurazepam (Dalmane; 15 to 30
mg), triazolam (Halcion; 0.125 to 0.5 mg), and temazepam (Restoril; 15 to
30 mg). A popular drug used to quell anxiety (and used during the day or
night) is lorazepam (Ativan; 0.5 to 4 mg every six hours; this medication is
sometimes administered sublingually [under the tongue] in hospice care
settings). Midazolam (Versed), only available as an injection in the United
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 205

States, is extremely short-acting and may be used to provide sedation for

hospitalized patients before stressful procedures and tests, as well as in
the late stages of hospice care.


The barbiturate hypnotics (Seconal, Nembutal) are rarely used now be-
cause of their potential for abuse and the availability of better drugs. They
are still sometimes helpful, however, in a single nighttime dose to enhance
sleep. A newer drug, buspirone (BuSpar), also an antidepressant, seems to
avoid the habituating effects of the more traditional medicines mentioned
in this section.
A drug in this class that is also considered an antihistamine and is
sometimes used for cancer pain is hydroxyzine (Vistaril), because it is a
sedative and may help relieve pain, usually when administered in combi-
nation with an opioid.


Brand Name
Vistaril, Atarax, Anxanil, E-Vista, Hydroxacen, Hyzine-50, Quiess, Vistaject,
Dose Range
Usually 10 to 50 mg by mouth or 25 to 50 mg by intramuscular injection,
three to six times a day.
Children's doses are based on weight.
• Also considered an antihistamine, hydroxyzine may help dry up
• This drug is particularly useful for the nauseated patient who is
also anxious and in pain. It produces an additive pain-relieving
effect when prescribed with morphine or another opioid.
• Its role in cancer pain is controversial because it is sometimes used
to ease pain when larger doses of strong opioids would be more
• Hydroxyzine can cause sedation or hyperexcitabitity.

This class of drugs has traditionally been avoided by doctors because they
were highly abused in the 1950s and 1960s to promote weight loss. Also,
206 The Painkillers

one of the stimulants, methylphenidate (Ritalin), is used to treat hyperac-

tivity and behavior problems in children, creating another source of contro-
versy. They require a triplicate prescription in many states. The research on
their use in cancer patients is still relatively new, so some doctors may not
be fully experienced with their important uses in patients with cancer. They
are used mainly along with the opioids when the sedative effects of the
painkilling drugs are compromising quality of life. Taken during the day,
they are often very effective in reducing the sedation produced by the opio-
ids. They may also enhance the effectiveness of stable doses of opioids, im-
prove alertness, and boost mood. All of these drugs have the potential to
make people jittery, and occasionally appetite may suffer. They should gen-
erally not be prescribed to patients with severe psychiatric problems, brain
metastases, seizure disorders, or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).


Brand Name
Dose Range
The usual starting dose is 10 mg on awakening and 5 mg with the noon-
time meal. Tolerance may occur and, as a result, dose increases to 80 mg a
day or more may be needed to maintain a beneficial effect.
• To avoid interference with nighttime sleep, this medication should
not be given at night.
• Its main effect is to enhance daytime arousal by minimizing or
counteracting the sedation that sometimes persists when higher
opioid doses are used. It may also be helpful for daytime fatigue,
even when opioids or pain is not the cause. Often improves cog-
nitive function and resolves confusion or delirium. It also can have
an antidepressant effect; unlike classic antidepressants, improve-
ment occurs promptly.
• It acts quickly, and if well tolerated initially, problems rarely arise
• It poses a low risk of serious problems but occasionally causes
agitation and loss of appetite. Cardiac problems and increased con-
fusion are rare.
• While methylphenidate has long been available in a controlled-
release form, it does not always work reliably beyond six hours.
Concerta (available in 18,36, and 54 mg tablets) is a new extended-
release form that is reliable over a twelve-hour interval and ap-
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 207

pears to boost energy more smoothly. Metadate CD (available in

10 and 20 mg doses) is another new sustained-release preparation
of methylphenidate that appears to be quite reliable.
• Attenade is a new version of methylphenidate that may be ad-
vantageous because it contains just the active components of the
two mirror-image compounds that usually make up Ritalin.


Brand Name
Dexedrine, Oxydess II, Spancap No. 1.
Dose Range
Usually 5 to 20 mg by mouth, twice a day. In children, dose is based on
• Known as "speed" in street language, Dexedrine can offset the
drowsiness and sedating effects of the opioids, which is a legiti-
mate medical use, especially when methylphenidate (Ritalin) has
been ineffective or is poorly tolerated.
• It should not be given in the evening because the patient may
have trouble sleeping.
• It may help enhance the pain-relieving effect of morphine and im-
prove mood.
• Also available in a controlled-release form
• Adderall is a new admixture that may last longer and have a
smoother effect than plain methylphenidate or dextroamphet-
amine. While its main use is for children with hyperactivity, it has
been used successfully to boost energy in cancer patients.
• An occasional side effect is agitation. Its use should be avoided in
the presence of severe agitation or psychosis, brain metastases,
heart arrhythmias, and seizure disorders.


Brand Name
Dose Range
The beginning dose is one 18.75 mg tablet taken in the morning and at
noon, and the daily dose can be gradually increased to up to 75 mg.
208 The Painkillers

• Unlike the other psychostimulants, pemoline is available in a
chewable form as well as nonchewable tablets.
• It can often be used in offsetting opioid-induced sedation and was
once considered a front-line choice, largely because its use does
not require a special prescription.
• Recently the FDA issued a "black box" warning (the FDA's most
serious warning, and required to be printed on the label) against
pemoline as a first-line treatment due to reports of a rare but very
serious association with life-threatening liver failure.

Brand Name
Dose Range
The usual dose is 200 mg once a day in the morning, with additional suc-
cess observed in some patients treated with 400 mg on awakening or 200
mg on awakening and 200 mg in the afternoon.
• Originally marketed to counteract the excessive daytime sleepi-
ness of narcolepsy, Provigil can help maintain alertness in people
with daytime sleepiness from other causes. That can be very use-
ful for people who are sleepy from morphine or other opioids, as
well as for the fatigue associated with cancer independent of pain
or medication use.
• Modafinil appears to combat sleepiness without the same level of
stimulation as other agents and so may be less likely to be associ-
ated with a high and thus less habit-forming and less subject to
abuse. It does not require a special prescription.
• Although very helpful in chronic pain, the older psychostimulants
may be preferred in cancer patients because they are more potent
and doses are more easily adjustable.
• Although headache is the most common symptom, other possible
side effects include nervousness, nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea,
anxiety, and insomnia.
• Provigil may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills and
implantable contraceptive devices. While taking Provigil (and for
a month afterward), other birth control should be used.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 209

Although used for a long time as part of Brompton's cocktail (a pain-
relieving drink that was used before the 1980s and is described in Chapter
6), studies show that cocaine, in fact, has no pain-relieving effect. Although
it can theoretically prevent opioid-induced sedation, the safer, legal, stan-
dardized psychostimulants described above are used instead.

Although not usually prescribed, caffeine may be useful for patients who
are drowsy. Caffeine is included in many over-the-counter headache medi-
cations, and a strong cup of coffee or tea may help improve alertness.

Antibiotics help fight infections. Sometimes tumors break through the skin,
a process known as ulceration, and infection may set in. Antibiotics can
help relieve the pain from these open sores, particularly ones on the head
and neck. Occasionally tumors that do not break through the skin can get
infected as well.
Infection is usually accompanied by fever and other symptoms, but it
has recently been observed that pain from head and neck tumors often
improves when antibiotics are given, even when there are no obvious signs
of infection. Antibiotics can usually be administered orally, except when
an infection is severe, in which case they must be given intravenously,
usually in the hospital.
Even when the best of care is given, some ulcerated tumors may pro-
duce odors, fluid, and pus. This odor can be a source of tremendous em-
barrassment and suffering for patients, causing them to isolate themselves.
Antibiotics such as metronidazole (Flagyl), either administered orally or
placed directly on the open sore, may help control this unpleasant smell.
Other treatments to help control odor are described in Chapter 11.

Muscle Relaxants
The traditional drugs used to treat muscle spasm (cyclobenzaprine or
Flexeril, carisoprodol or Soma, methocarbamol or Robaxin, and chlorzoxa-
zone or Parafon Forte), though often prescribed, are actually not very ef-
fective and are best avoided because they produce drowsiness. If muscle
spasm is chronic and painful, the best choice may be treatment with diaz-
epam (Valium), which is also an anticonvulsant and a sedative (see dis-
cussion above). More recently, baclofen (Lioresal; discussed above), a drug
used to treat the severe muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis,
Adjuvant Drugs That May Help Particular Types of Conditions
Bone pain Aspirin or NSAID, such as flurbiprofen (Ansaid) or naproxen (Naprosyn), among
others; corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone (Decadron); bisphosphonates;

Pain from pressure on nerves Anticonvulsants; antidepressants; mexiletine; corticosteroids such as Decadron or

Pain from brain tumor swelling Corticosteroids such as dexamethasone; diuretics (to expel fluids); NSAIDs

Pain from nerve damage Antidepressants; anticonvulsants; corticosteroids; sodium channel blockers;
mexiletine; NMDA antagonists, including methadone (an opioid)

Shingles and other superficial, Antidepressants; anticonvulsants; mexiletine; Zostrix; Lidoderm

burning nerve pain

Intermittent stabbing pain Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol) or valproate; antidepressants;


Nerve pain after chemotherapy Antidepressants; anticonvulsants; mexiletine

or radiation

Pain from swollen stomach, hiccoughs Metoclopramide; an antigas antacid

Pain due to muscle spasm Antianxiety drug, such as diazepam; sometimes a muscle relaxant, such as
baclofen (Lioresal), Zanaflex , or dantrolene may help

Rectal or bladder pain and Chlorpromazine or other antianxiety drug; antispasmodic, such as bethanechol
spasms (tenesmus) (Urecholine) or oxybutynin (Ditropan); suppositories (belladonna and opium)

Pain from swellings in lymph system Steroids; diuretics

and other tissues

Back pain due to spinal cord injury Corticosteroid, such as dexamethasone (Decadron); diuretic; or both

Infected skin ulcer Antibiotics such as metronidazole or clindamycin

Tension headaches Antianxiety drug; calcium channel blocker; beta blocker

Pain and depression together Any tricyclic antidepressant, such as amitriptyline, unless anxiety is present;
caution with the long-term use of the benzodiazepines because these drugs may
aggravate depression over time

Severe pain with anxiety and insomnia Antianxiety drug, such as one of the benzodiazepines

Pain and anxiety together Benzodiazepine; phenothiazine

Depression and insomnia Antidepressant, especially the SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, etc.)

Daytime drowsiness Stimulant, such as Provigil, methylphenidate, or an amphetamine

Note: This list presents only a guide to possible treatments and should in no way be used as a
directive. Complete medical evaluations are necessary to determine the best treatment for a particular
patient. Some of the listings in the table are also considered controversial and should be discussed
thoroughly with your physician.
Understanding How Adjuvant Drugs Relieve Pain and Suffering 211

has been used successfully to help treat muscle spasms as well as nerve
pain, especially around the head and neck.
Tizanidine (Zanaflex), an oral medication, helps treat muscle spasms
and can be very effective for chronic pain, both as a muscle relaxant and
because it can reduce pain by direct mechanisms with continued use.
Dantrolene (Dantrium) is another muscle relaxant that may be tried
to relieve spasms, cramping, and tightness of muscles, although it often is
poorly tolerated due to gastrointestinal or other vague but disturbing side
effects. When none of these options works well, a nerve block (see next
chapter) or, although results have not yet been reported in cancer patients,
even an injection of botulinum toxin may be considered.
High-Tech Options

In recent years, important advances in pain management have dramati-

cally contributed to our ability to provide comfort for today's cancer patient
despite nearly any eventuality. Although some of these advances are still
being tested, specialists at medical centers around the world have effec-
tively integrated others into routine care. This chapter sorts out the vari-
ous high-tech options available today, to help the reader balance the
potential benefits and risks of each treatment.

Strategies to Relieve Pain

As described in Chapter 3, once a doctor has performed a complete medi-
cal workup to determine the source of pain (not all pain is related to the
cancer or treatment), each of the many different available treatments falls
under one of just three general strategies:

1. Eliminate or modify the source of the problem by removing or shrink-

ing the cancer with either surgery, radiation treatment, or chemo-
therapy (including hormones). Like all therapies, each treatment
has some risk. Unfortunately, not everyone is always a treatment
candidate, and there are limits as to how much radiation and che-
motherapy can be safely or effectively administered. These treat-

High-Tech Options 213

ments are discussed in greater detail in books dealing more spe-

cifically with cancer, rather than its pain.
2. Interfere with the interpretation of the pain message, which is the most
common intervention. Here, altering how the brain interprets the
information it receives controls pain. Analgesics, such as morphine,
blunt pain by altering the brain's perception of it selectively and
reversibly. These medication-based treatments can be given by
routine routes (orally and by regular injections), as discussed pre-
viously, or can be given directly into the spinal cord, as discussed
in this chapter.
3. Interfere with the pain signal itself, which is the most invasive strat-
egy and thus the least common intervention. Here, the pain sig-
nal is interrupted somewhere between the tumor and the central
nervous system (the spinal cord and brain) by effectively short-
circuiting the pain transmission, like cutting an electrical wire to
cause a limited power outage. Alternatives include neurosurgical
procedures and anesthetic nerve blocks that interrupt pain trans-
mission by cutting nerves, injecting chemicals, or applying extreme
heat, cold, or electrical currents near nerves to disrupt their spe-
cific functions. We discuss these techniques below.

New Views of the Role ofOpioid Drugs

By far, the most important contemporary advance is not a technical one
but an attitudinal one: the refreshingly new appreciation that the pain of
cancer is highly treatable with better assessments and a liberal use of tried-
and-true analgesics that, although available for generations, were stigma-
tized and subjected to limited and often erratic and arbitrary medical use.
Among the most sobering of a physician's responsibilities is the im-
perative to achieve the greatest benefit possible with the least invasive
form of treatment, to minimize risk in physically or psychologically de-
manding or disruptive procedures. It is especially important that patients
and doctors don't use questionable innovative treatments simply to avoid
using opioids because of lingering concerns about addiction or impair-
ment. When feasible, sticking with oral or similarly noninvasive painkill-
ers (including narcotics) is nearly always preferable, since their treatment
effects (wanted and unwanted) are reversible, their risks are low, and treat-
ment can be adjusted easily as needed. As we've said, with some edu-
cated trial and error, good comfort levels can usually be obtained by
choosing the right dose of the right drug for the right individual at the
214 The Painkillers

right time. Only when pain cannot be relieved or side effects persist should
the high-tech methods described in this chapter be considered to control
pain. Being aware early on of the full spectrum of treatment approaches is
comforting, and knowing there are many options available in the remote
case they might be needed brings peace of mind.

Intraspinal Opioid Therapy

This way of relieving pain has gained tremendous popularity recently
because of its high rate of success, predictability, and relative safety. Be-
cause it demands more attention than treatment with simple oral medica-
tions, it is only used when oral medications don't provide enough relief or
cause unpleasant side effects. Many terms are used to describe what
amounts to similar treatment, including epidural morphine, intrathecal
or subarachnoid morphine, and spinal implants or spinal pumps.

The Basic Theory: Drug Receptors

As described earlier, morphine is a basic painkiller that traditionally is
taken orally, rectally, or by an injection into a vein, muscle, or under the
skin. In each case, relatively large doses must be given so that enough can
eventually get to the specific locations in the body where morphine pro-
duces its effects. The key factors responsible for morphine's capacity to
relieve pain are receptors, highly specialized microscopic protein struc-
tures that are wedged into cell walls. Receptors are scattered throughout
the body but are concentrated in specific areas in the brain and spinal
cord. These receptors can be compared to a lock that is opened only by a
specific, correspondingly unique key (in this case, morphine and related
drugs). Once the receptor is activated, a complex series of biochemical
events relieves the pain.
The main advantages of this type of treatment are based on the more-
bang-for-your-buck principle: by placing the painkiller directly where it
is most effective, very tiny doses can bring dramatic relief with few, if any,
side effects. Patients who may require doses of 100 to 1,000 mg of mor-
phine by mouth or even by IV usually get the same or better relief with
doses of only 1 to 10 mg given near the spinal cord.

Internal and External Pumps, Implants, and Catheters

The main disadvantage of spinal opioids is that for consistent, reliable
pain relief medication must be delivered on an ongoing basis, often over
High-Tech Options 215

long periods of time. This usually involves minor surgery for implanting
a tiny catheter, which is placed with its tip near the spine, either outside
the sac that holds the spinal cord and its surrounding fluid (in the epidural
space) or within the sac where medications mix directly with spinal fluid
(in the intradural, intrathecal, or subarachnoid space). A key advantage to
treatment with intraspinal opioids is that simple, reliable methods can con-
firm whether treatment will be effective before undertaking surgery for the
placement of a permanent catheter (implant). Typically, patients undergo
either two trial spinal injections of morphine or have a temporary catheter
taped to their back for a trial period. These test doses help determine that
relief is sufficiently dramatic to warrant ongoing treatment and help rule
out placebo effects in hopeful patients. When performed by a skilled anes-
thesiologist, these procedures are relatively painless and take only a few
minutes. Temporary catheters are usually only used for several days or at
the most a week or two to avoid the risk of infection and their falling out.
However, when a patient is too sick to have a more durable catheter put in,
a temporary one is sometimes used for longer periods.
More permanent spinal catheters, such as IV lines, are usually pro-
tected by tunneling them for a distance under the skin. This makes these
catheters more convenient and safer, reduces the risk of infection and fall-
ing out, and allows bathing.
The spinal catheter still must be connected to a source or reservoir of
medication, and the medication must be driven (pumped or injected) in a
sterile, well-regulated manner. Initially patients and their family were
taught to inject morphine syringes through the catheter hub or into a port
using sterile techniques. Although relatively simple, inexpensive, and ul-
timately still acceptable, this approach is demanding of family members
and has mostly been replaced with higher-tech approaches that minimize
the risk of human error.


Now that home care nursing and home hospice care are more available
and sophisticated, a portable external pump, which is usually covered by
insurers, is frequently used. These battery-powered devices are about the
size of a Sony Walkman and include alarms that are triggered if there is a
block in the line, the battery power is low, or little medication is left in the
reservoir. A home care nurse usually supervises its use and teaches pa-
tients and families how to change batteries, drug cassettes, or syringes,
and when to call for help. This treatment requires that a nurse always be
available to troubleshoot technical problems, with a physician for backup
in case the dose needs to be changed or if other problems arise.
216 The Painkillers


An even newer and more sophisticated way of administering drugs to the
spinal area involves implanting a miniaturized pump (about the size of a
hockey puck) under the skin of the patient's abdomen during surgery, a
procedure much like that used to insert a pacemaker. This device is re-
filled with morphine or other medications every one to three months, and
between refills the drug dose can be adjusted noninvasively in the doctor's
office with a special laptop computer. An important advantage of this de-
vice is that patients need not carry cumbersome equipment and can more
readily go about a normal life. However, such pumps can cost up to $10,000
and cannot be reused, so doctors are very selective about which patients
should receive them. A similar, less expensive implantable device pumps
medication at a fixed rate but needs to be refilled with a different strength
of pain medication for dose changes.
Regardless of the system used, one end of the catheter goes into the
epidural or subarachnoid space to deliver preservative-free morphine or
another opioid near its spinal receptors. The other end is either left protrud-
ing from the patient's abdomen (externalized catheter) to be attached to an
external pump or syringe or, for fully implantable systems, attached to the
pump under the skin. Alternatively, the catheter may be connected to a port,
a small plastic dome the size of a silver dollar implanted under the skin,
which is pierced with a special noncoring needle and connected to a por-
table external infusion pump or syringe.

Problems and Alternatives

Although uncommon, implanted catheters can become plugged, may kink,
or may even break. Infection is also a concern, although infrequent; if an
infection occurs, it may spread near the spine, causing meningitis or an
epidural abscess, serious conditions that require hospitalization. As with
drugs taken by mouth, tolerance to spinal morphine may develop, requir-
ing higher doses. If pain or side effects become difficult to control, other
medications can be administered near the spine, such as strong opioids,
like hydromorphone (Dilaudid), methadone (Dolophine), fentanyl
(Sublimaze), and sufentanil (Sufenta), or weak solutions of anesthetics,
such as bupivacaine (Marcaine). Strong local anesthetics are usually not
used because they may produce weakness in the legs and bladder, but
often a weak solution will produce just enough mild numbness to relieve
even severe pain. Newer drugs, such as clonidine, a medication used for
high blood pressure, are being used more commonly to relieve persistent
pain. One of the advantages of intraspinal opioid treatment is that, unlike
nerve blocks, treatment is reversible (no nerves are destroyed) and can be
adjusted as needed.
High-Tech Options 217

'Cutting the Wires": Nerve Blocks and Neurosurgery

Temporary Nerve Blocks
Nerve blocks can be as simple as the shot of novocaine dentists use to
numb a tooth. By injecting a drug near the path of a nerve, you can block
the transmission of painful signals before they reach the spinal cord and
brain. Such blocks are used for minor surgery and sometimes for chronic
pain, such as from a back injury. An epidural nerve block, used commonly
for labor pain, provides more extensive pain relief because the anesthetic
(numbing medicine) is injected into the epidural space, a compartment
that surrounds the spinal cord. These local anesthetic blocks are consid-
ered temporary nerve blocks because numbness lasts for only several
hours. For cancer pain, which often is progressive and unrelenting, tem-
porary or local anesthetic blocks are usually used for secondary pain that
is only indirectly related to the cancer itself or to diagnose or test the use
of a more lasting nerve block, rather than for therapeutic use.

The Role of Temporary Nerve Blocks in Cancer Patients

Diagnostic block (to determine nerves involved in the pain mechanism)
Prognostic block (as a test to determine whether a more lasting neurolytic block
would be appropriate)
Management of a pain emergency
Management of pain immediately after surgery
Management of pain during physical therapy or rehabilitation
Treatment of muscle spasm, especially from prolonged bed rest
Treatment of pain from shingles (herpes zoster)
Management of pain from compression fracture of one or more of the spine's
vertebral bodies
Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (a form of nerve injury)
Management of pain from cancer treatment (such as after radiation therapy, mas-
tectomy, thoracotomy, or amputation)
Management of chronic pain that was present long before cancer was diagnosed

Potential benefits of local anesthetic nerve blocks include the tempo-

rary or repeated disruption of an established vicious cycle of pain and
spasm, the restoration of painless mobility during therapy, and enhance-
ment of local blood flow.
Often, pain relief from a local anesthetic nerve block can be enhanced
with a steroid, such as Depo Medrol or Kenalog (triamcinalone). Entirely
unrelated to the steroids abused in competitive sports, these steroids mimic
218 The Painkillers

substances produced by our own adrenal glands and possess powerful anti-
inflammatory effects. Commonly used orally or by intravenous injection for
arthritic and respiratory disorders and to treat cancer and its symptoms, di-
rectly depositing steroids in a painful area with a nerve block may more effec-
tively reduce local inflammation associated with injury and even tumor. While
the local anesthetic provides immediate but short-term relief, the benefits of
the steroid can last several weeks or more once they take effect (which may
take up to three days). When these injections are used specifically to improve
symptoms, they are also referred to as therapeutic nerve blocks.
A temporary or local anesthetic nerve block also may be used to help
predict whether long-lasting pain relief is likely to occur from cutting a
nerve or injecting a stronger substance to interfere with its function for a
longer interval (months or more). This prognostic nerve block mimics the
ultimate effect of a more permanent procedure and ideally helps predict
any side effects that might result from a more enduring procedure. Unfor-
tunately, the results of the temporary block are not always completely ac-
curate in predicting the effects of a more permanent block.

Permanent Nerve Blocks

Although called permanent nerve blocks, it would be more accurate to
call these procedures semipermanent blocks because their effects gener-
ally last, on average, from three to six months. These nerve blocks are
usually intended to destroy a portion of a nerve to provide relatively last-
ing relief, which when successful can be a godsend in certain cases. Called
a destructive or neurolytic block, or more generally neuroablation, 100
percent ethyl alcohol (absolute alcohol) or phenol is injected very close to
the targeted nerve. Occasionally (especially for pain involving the head or
neck), instead of an injection, a needle's tip is superheated with a form of
insulated electricity (radiofrequency thermoablation) or is frozen with gas
(cryoablation) to create the nerve block lesion.
More permanent (destructive) nerve blocks are usually reserved for
cancer pain that is likely to persist over time and which is so localized that
the patient can reliably point to it. Except for pain involving the abdomen
and pelvis, destructive nerve blocks are usually best avoided when pain
covers a wide area or is scattered over multiple areas distant from each
other. Destructive blocks are also usually performed only when the can-
cer and its pain are unlikely to improve or be completely eliminated.
Destructive blocks require a great deal of skill to ensure safety and mini-
mize risk (such as interfering with movement or dexterity) and thus are
best performed only by specialists, usually anesthesiologists with specific
training. To avoid the risk of injury to mixed nerves (combined sensory and
High-Tech Options 219

Semipermanent Nerve Blocks

Also called neurolytic, ablative, or destructive nerve blocks, semipermanent nerve

blocks are used when tumor pain is:
• Severe
• Expected to persist
• Nonresponsive to treatment or cannot be treated with more conservative methods
• Well localized (easy to point to) and consistent (the same complaints persist)
• Predominantly in one area
• Present in patients for whom complete cure of cancer is unlikely

These nerve blocks carry some risks:

• Return of pain, usually beginning after three to six months
• New burning pain in 5 to 15 percent of patients due to nerve injury (neuritis)
» Incomplete relief if pain extends beyond the blocked area
• Rarely, unexpected and sometimes lasting numbness, weakness, or even paraly-
sis if an injection spreads excessively
• New pain in other locations if a tumor progresses or metastasizes
• Apparent worsening of other, milder pains when attention shifts from the treated area

motor nerves) or neighboring nerves uninvolved in the pain problem, these

procedures must be performed with the utmost accuracy, usually with help
from X-rays, fluoroscopy, and occasionally CAT scans. Even in the most
skilled hands, patients may occasionally experience muscle weakness of an
arm or leg, or even bowel or bladder problems, which may persist for months
or longer. Such problems are of particular concern if the patient is not con-
fined to bed. Although these risks are small, they are the main reasons why
neurolytic blocks are not performed more frequently.
Another consideration is that while successful nerve blocks eliminate
or reduce pain, they numb the area somewhat. Most patients gratefully
exchange pain for numbness, but occasionally the numb feeling is irritat-
ing (a condition called anesthesia dolorosa). Thus, a destructive nerve block
may be preceded by a temporary prognostic block to assess whether long-
lasting effects of the procedure are likely to be satisfying.
Unfortunately, no treatment has a perfect success rate, and even when
done properly, pain may be only partially relieved or not relieved at all.
Since many doctors would rather limit how much alcohol or phenol is in-
jected, to minimize risk, repeated treatments are often needed. This approach
is like carefully covering a fence with several thin coats of whitewash in-
stead of applying one thick coat all at once with no drop cloth. To alleviate
the discomfort involved in doing a nerve block, the doctor will often numb
the area or administer a pain reliever intravenously. The doctor usually
220 The Painkillers

cannot put the patient out (general anesthesia) because he will need feed-
back about whether the temporary nerve block relieves the pain or not.
Patients should also be prepared for a severe burning pain when the neu-
rolytic drug (alcohol or phenol) is injected; this is difficult to blunt but
lasts only about a minute.


The body's nervous system consists of hundreds of distinct branching
nerves, large and small, each responsible for a different function. Any nerve
in the body can be blocked, either temporarily or much longer. But with
each different nerve block that is considered, the balance of potential ben-
efits and risks varies not only from patient to patient but even in the same
patient at different times. For example, a procedure that carries a tiny risk
of a limp weighs heavily in an active person with a new pain but may
count little if the same pain has persisted despite therapy and prevents
activity. Despite the need for carefully individualized decision making,
some general guidelines apply nearly universally.


Treatments of this type involve injecting individual nerves or bunches of
nerves (nerve plexuses) located outside the central nervous system (spi-
nal cord and brain) in the periphery of the body. Many of these nerves are
mixed nerves, meaning that in addition to sending information about touch
and pain, they also send messages about movement and strength. As a
result, neurolytic or destructive blocks are used very cautiously (if at all)
to avoid the risk of adding limb weakness to the other burdens of being
sick. Since there is some overlap in the areas covered by each nerve, some-
times more than one nerve must be blocked. Again, there is usually some
numbness after a semipermanent block, which may be desirable but can
be disturbing or even painful in some cases; thus a temporary (diagnostic
or prognostic) block is often tried first.
For head, neck, or facial pain, a cranial nerve block, usually some form
of a trigeminal block, may be recommended. This usually involves plac-
ing a needle beneath the skin of the face with its tip near the skull bone.
These are technically difficult procedures requiring X-ray guidance and
considerable skill. Because problems with swallowing, breathing, or vi-
sion occasionally develop, a temporary block is usually performed first.
When pain involves the chest wall, trunk, or abdominal wall, inter-
costal nerve blocks may be considered. In this case, nerves that run just
above and below the ribs near the painful area are injected. Because of the
small chance of a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) after this procedure, a
chest X-ray is usually taken afterward. A small collapse can usually just be
High-Tech Options 221

monitored, but more severe cases need to be hospitalized. In serious cases,

a chest tube may be inserted for a few days. A spinal (subarachnoid or
intrathecal) block may also be considered and is preferred by some physi-
cians trained in its use.
Chronic pain involving the arm or leg is particularly difficult to treat
with an injection because of the risk of weakening the limb. Temporary blocks
can be performed quite safely, but neurolytic (destructive) blocks of the
nerves to the arm or leg are rare unless the limb is already severely weak-
ened or nonfunctional. Even then, an arm that is weakened and swollen
from breast or lung cancer may still be needed for minor but important
tasks, such as working with the good limb to button a shirt or pull on pants.
Nerves sometimes blocked for shoulder, arm, or hand pain are the brachial
plexus, a group of nerves that run near the collarbone (clavicle) and which
can be injected just above it or in the armpit, and the suprascapular nerve,
located near the shoulder. Sometimes the sacral nerves (near the tailbone)
are blocked for leg pain, either individually or bunched together (sacral
plexus block), but usually a spinal block (also called a subarachnoid or in-
trathecal block) or occasionally an epidural block is selected instead.


Also called central blocks, these injections enter between two adjacent
vertebrae near the nerve roots, just before the nerves become peripheral
nerves. Temporary central blocks (with local anesthetic) are routinely per-
formed every day in most hospitals for labor pain and minor surgery. The
epidural injection of steroids mixed with local anesthetic, often used for
common low back pain, may also help some cancer patients, especially
after vertebral compression fractures, but as with all procedures in cancer
patients, it must be undertaken with special vigilance. Spinal (or epidu-
ral) administrations of morphine and other opioids, which require con-
tinuous infusion, have already been discussed.
Neurolytic spinal blocks with alcohol or phenol, though used for years,
are very specialized procedures. They are relatively safer when performed
in the midback (thoracic spine) for chest or abdominal wall pain, because
the nerves to the arms, legs, and bladder are so distant and shouldn't be
affected. Riskier when undertaken near the neck (cervical spine) or lower
back (lumbar spine), they should be reserved for special circumstances, al-
though in experienced hands results are usually gratifying. While such blocks
can be an excellent treatment for leg pain, they are best reserved for bedrid-
den patients. Even then, bladder weakness (usually temporary) remains a
concern, unless diapers or a urinary (Foley) catheter are already needed.
The treatment involves the patient adopting an uncomfortable, curled
position for about fifteen minutes. However, the procedure usually relieves
222 The Painkillers

severe unrelenting pain and yields to feelings of warmth and numbness

within moments, and ideally, relief will last for many months. To avoid com-
plications such as a spreading numbness or weakness, patients must be
selected carefully. Prudent physicians take care to avoid risk by not trying
to do too much at once, so the treatment may need to be repeated to extend
the relief. Impeccable attention to detail can render this and similar thera-
pies invaluable and safe.
When excruciating pain occurs in the genitals or inner buttocks (some-
times occurring with gynecological and anorectal cancers) and a patient,
for example, can't even sit, a phenol saddle block may be recommended
to calm certain nerve roots. Relief can persist for months, and the proce-
dure may be repeated if needed.
Although most of these procedures are best performed in a super-
vised institutional setting, they can be performed at the patient's own bed-
side under extreme circumstances when a patient is too weak or unstable
to be moved from home.


The sympathetic nerves travel with and help regulate our internal organs,
and so when they are injected, patients are not ordinarily bothered with
numbness of the skin or risks of muscle weakness. Although a relatively
difficult procedure, one of the most common and successful nerve blocks
for cancer pain—especially for pancreatic and other cancers associated
with abdominal and back pain—is the celiac plexus block or splanchnic
nerve block. It involves an injection to the solar plexus, near where your
ribs meet at the bottom of the chest cavity. Since this network of nerves is
located deep in the abdomen, X-ray or CAT scan guidance is now used
routinely along with other safety measures. Usually light sedation is used
with the skin numbed before a long needle is introduced below the lowest
ribs and on each side of the spine.
For this and other deep nerve blocks, once the skin and underlying
muscles have been numbed, the needle's position can be adjusted rela-
tively painlessly, usually with the aid of a radiology technologist and fluo-
roscope, which provides immediate X-ray feedback. Dye is usually injected
to help confirm placement. If a temporary, diagnostic, or prognostic block
is planned, a local anesthetic (with or without steroids) is injected.
After the initial local (diagnostic and prognostic) celiac block, the doc-
tor may immediately follow it with a more permanent alcohol or phenol
therapeutic neurolytic block, though the treatment may be performed in a
series if the diagnosis is in doubt, if the patient is apprehensive, or if diffi-
culties arise in the course of treatment. Once the dye has been visualized
and a test dose of local anesthetic administered, the patient will be roused
so that a brief neurological exam can be performed to confirm that the
High-Tech Options 223

local anesthetic has spread predictably, with no compromise of muscle

power or numbness. The patient may be lightly remedicated just before
the alcohol injection, and despite the local anesthetic he may experience a
few moments of severe discomfort, but it is so transient that it begins to
fade nearly as soon as it is perceived.
Neurolytic celiac plexus blocks eliminate or reduce pain by more than
half, beginning within twenty-four to seventy-two hours and lasting an
average of three to six months, in about 80 to 90 percent of well-selected
patients. Patients usually require less pain medication and experience fewer
side effects after the procedure, which can be repeated if needed. Compli-
cations, which are rare, may include transient diarrhea or lowered blood
pressure (which responds to IV fluid), a temporary backache, cough, or
chest pain. The remote possibility that lower body paralysis may occur
keeps this procedure in reserve for those with serious pain problems. If an
extensive tumor has "sheltered" the targeted nerve, the procedure may be
repeated using a different position or approach.
A celiac plexus block can relieve abdominal and radiating back pain,
especially from cancers involving the pancreas, stomach, liver, gallblad-
der, biliary tree, intestine, spleen, or adrenal glands, as well as pelvic pain
that is vague, diffuse, deep, pressing, pulling, dragging, heavy, tight, or
full. Rectal pain, which may be sharp, burning, stabbing, or poking, can
often be relieved by a similar neurolytic block.
These types of blocks can relieve pain from internal structures with-
out bothersome numbness or motor weakness but are not considered for
pain emanating from the body's surrounding somatic structures, such as
bone, skin, muscle, or soft tissue. Less commonly, the sympathetic nerves
pertaining to the blood vessels of the limbs and face are blocked to treat
burning pain and hypersensitivity, a condition resembling reflex sympa-
thetic dystrophy (also called causalgia or complex regional pain syndrome),
which is more common after trauma but can occur in patients with lung
cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, or rectal or pelvic cancers, especially in
association with edema (swelling), after radiation, and after some surger-
ies (especially thoracotomy, mastectomy, and amputation).
For burning pain and hypersensitivity in the arm or face, especially in
patients with lung or breast cancer, the stellate ganglion, a star-shaped mass
of nerve tissue located at the base of the neck near the voice box (larynx), is
often injected with a local anesthetic. Lasting pain relief may occur after a
series of local anesthetic injections, and for persistent pain, neurolysis is
occasionally cautiously considered, with precautions to avoid complications.
For burning pain in the lower limb, nerves running along the outside sur-
faces of the bony spine (lumbar sympathetic ganglia) can be injected safely
under X-ray guidance with a local anesthetic or neurolytic drug.
224 The Painkillers


With the exception of a few procedures performed at a limited number of

centers, many complex neurosurgical pain management procedures have
been abandoned in recent years since more liberal use of pain medica-
tions has finally been accepted. Also, their decline relates to the risks of
neurosurgery, the need for a prolonged recovery from surgery, and a short-
age of trained specialists.
However, a cordotomy, a specialized procedure that involves making
a cut or burning a small hole in a specific spot in the upper spinal cord, is
still occasionally extremely useful. Pain must be strictly limited to one
side of the body, should ideally be confined to its lower half (below the
waistline, trunk, or armpit), and should be resistant to treatment with sim-
pler, safer methods. Whereas the procedure used to require major surgery,
a newer and less invasive percutaneous (through the skin) cordotomy re-
quires neither general anesthesia nor even a skin incision. With the pa-
tient sedated, a specialized probe is positioned between the first two
cervical vertebrae near the targeted bundle of nerves (lateral spinotha-
lamic tract). Confirmed by fluoroscopy or a CT scan and eliciting the par-
tially awakened patient's responses to light shocks applied to the needle's
shaft, radio-frequency electrical energy interrupts the pain fibers. In trained
hands, this relatively simple, safe, and effective procedure does not re-
quire prolonged recovery. Patients occasionally experience minor balance
or gait problems, but despite its admittedly frightening aspects, serious
complications are uncommon.

Electrical Stimulation and the Gate Control Theory of Pain

The gate control theory of pain is a theoretical model suggested by pain

specialists Drs. Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall to explain why certain
types of mild electrical shocks can relieve certain pains. They proposed
that if many nonpainful messages are sent to the spine, there might be
enough of a "traffic jam" to block out the painful messages. An example is
a burned hand or a finger banged by a hammer; sometimes the pain is
lessened if the hand or finger is held under cold water or sucked on—the
nonpainful stimuli actually close the "pain gates" in the spinal cord. The
use of the cream Zostrix (see Chapter 8) and skin stimulation (vibration,
massage, and hot and cold packs; see Chapter 12) are other examples.
In practice, four types of electrical stimulation have been used with
some success, although they are not commonly recommended to treat can-
cer pain.
High-Tech Options 225

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS uses a mild electrical current applied to the skin to reduce pain.
Like acupuncture, it may work by triggering the body's natural chemical
painkillers, and also like acupuncture, there may be some placebo effect
that harnesses the mind's powerful desire for treatment to work but which
may cause benefits to decrease over time. Commonly used for low back
and other musculoskeletal pain, it can be used for cancer pain, and al-
though its effects alone are not usually strong enough to block severe pain,
it can help some patients.
A small battery-powered box, about the size of a beeper, is connected
with insulated wires to patches (like EKG stickers) that are placed on the
skin over the area that hurts. When the unit is activated, a gentle tingling
or buzzing sensation is felt that, in about half of patients, may interfere
with the pain sensation.
The patient can adjust the unit's many controls, manipulating the
current's amplitude (strength), frequency, and other features, much like
the volume and tone knobs of a portable stereo. Its advantages include a
sense of empowerment in that the patient can control the treatment, safety
(although it should be avoided in patients with a cardiac pacemaker), al-
most no side effects, portability, ease of use, low cost (units can be leased),
and coverage by most insurers. TENS is usually not effective for severe
pain, however, and often pain relief deteriorates within a few months.
Because relief varies so much between patients, it is best to ask for a unit
that has at least a thirty-day trial.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

This more costly and complicated treatment involves hospitalization and
minor surgery to place one or more miniature electrodes near the areas of
the spinal cord that transmit a patient's pain. Although full-blown sur-
gery is sometimes required, because the electrodes reside in the epidural
space they can often be positioned through an epidural needle, much like
the catheters described above. The electrode is tunneled under the skin
and attached to a surgically implanted portable battery pack (like that for
a pacemaker or intrathecal pump). A preoperative trial is required to try
to predict effectiveness, but even when relief seems likely, permanent sys-
tems are hampered about half the time by technical problems.
This treatment has become more popular recently, but mostly for chronic
low back pain, sciatica, and cervical spine problems, and even then it is
controversial because of costs up to $20,000. It is rarely considered for can-
cer pain, although some suggest that it could have value in cancer survi-
vors who have well-localized pain due to cancer treatments, such as shingles
226 The Painkillers

or pain after radiation, mastectomy, or thoracotomy. Tumor-related pain is

usually too variable and requires a more reliable approach.

Brain Stimulation
Though still considered experimental by many, brain stimulation (also
called deep brain stimulation and thalamic stimulation) has been used for
cancer pain with good results and may be one of tomorrow's answers for
the few pains that cannot be treated with standard methods. By activating
the brain's opioid receptors, deep brain stimulation seems to release more
of the body's natural painkillers (endogenous opioids or endorphins).
Stimulation of the thalamus, one of the brain's relay centers, is currently
being investigated for help with certain nerve pains, such as shingles and
phantom limb pain. Under local anesthesia, a small electrode is guided to
the correct spot in the brain through a small hole drilled in the skull and is
then attached to a battery pack. Precise placement is increasingly possible
using computer-boosted stereotactic methods. Brain stimulation is per-
formed by neurosurgeons specializing in the procedure in only a few
medical centers, and may not be fully covered by insurance.

Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS)

For chronic bone pain, a newer procedure involves temporarily inserting
tiny acupuncture-like needles into the soft tissue near bones. As with TENS,
a low-voltage electrical current is applied to the needles, which produce a
tingling sensation that may provide temporary relief by interfering with
the transmission of pain signals.

Miscellaneous Techniques
Other than cordotomy, most neurosurgical operations for pain are per-
formed only rarely, although a few specialists have reported very good
results, which is especially meaningful since most of these patients had
difficult pain problems. These kinds of procedures include neurectomy
(which involves cutting nerves), myelotomy or commissurotomy (which
involves making an incision in the spinal cord to sever certain nerves),
and many others that are even more technical.

Pituitary Ablation
The pituitary gland is centrally located at the very base of the skull, below
the middle of the brain and behind the center of the face. Working with
the hypothalamus, the pituitary helps regulate the body's most funda-
High-Tech Options 227

mental activities, including sleep, temperature, nocturnal and diurnal

rhythms, growth, sexuality, and blood pressure. Regarded as a "master
gland," its stimulatory and inhibitory hormones control the functions of
secondary glands such as the thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, and testes. De-
spite its importance, damage or removal of the pituitary gland by disease,
tumor, surgery, and radiation is well tolerated as long as hormone supple-
mentation is provided afterward.
In years past, surgically removing the pituitary was found to elimi-
nate severe bone pain. Today, this can be done by carefully inserting a
needle through the nose into the pituitary gland (under anesthesia), where
with X-ray guidance, a few drops of alcohol are injected. Despite some
serious risks, the long duration of near complete pain relief in most treated
patients initially led to increasing popularity. With the more liberal use of
opioids, including spinal administration, this procedure is now performed
in only a few medical centers, but it can still be very helpful for a rela-
tively small number of patients with many different areas of persistent
bone pain, especially when pain is due to metastatic breast or prostate
cancer. More recently, there has been a renewed interest in using heat,
radiofrequency, and now gamma knife radiosurgery (focused radiation
therapy) in place of alcohol injection.

Psychosurgery: A Largely Outmoded Method

Psychosurgery, not a very likely treatment today, includes about a dozen
procedures that deliberately injure brain tissue to treat mental illness and
pain. Psychosurgery, such as lobotomy, has been inappropriately used over
the years; because it causes irreversible personality changes and because
of the advent of effective antipsychotic drugs and analgesics, it has mostly
been abandoned. However, advanced technology, such as stereotactic ra-
diosurgery, permits the generation of a precise, focused lesion without
even an incision and has led to a cautious renewed interest at specialized
centers that have investigated modified procedures that possess minimal
risks of personality change, such as cingulotomy and capsulotomy, to treat
intractable pain and psychiatric disorders.

A new image-guided treatment that is not yet widely used destroys tu-
mors either by heat generated by a laser or radiofrequency unit or by ex-
treme cold (cryotherapy) provided by compressed gas, often relieving
associated pain. Tumors are pinpointed with either computer tomogra-
phy or magnetic resonance imaging and must meet approved criteria to
be considered treatable with these new therapies.
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To cure sometimes
To relieve often
To comfort always
—Robert G. Twycross and Sylvia A. Lack
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea,
Nausea, and Vomiting

Pain is not the only factor that can take its toll on a patient's quality of life.
Side effects from radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, and other medications,
as well as other ailments resulting from cancer, can cause significant dis-
comfort. Just as the pain of cancer can be well controlled when treated
aggressively, most of these symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
and constipation, can also be effectively managed.
As with pain, families shouldn't ever assume that these unpleasant
symptoms are inevitable and must be tolerated. When a family reports
these symptoms as problematic, few doctors will say, "I give up; there is
nothing I can do." Time-tested remedies are available for many of these
symptoms, as are new treatments for problems that persist. Effective treat-
ment may be simple or complex, but regardless, cooperation and commu-
nication between patient and doctor are as important here as they are to
achieve adequate pain control. To ensure a cancer patient the best quality
of life possible, the same careful attention needed to control pain should
be applied to address other symptoms and sources of discomfort.

Most Side Effects Can Be Treated

Cancer is typically a multisymptomatic disease. In other words, because

of its potential to interfere with so many of the body's systems, cancer can

232 Other Approaches and Concerns

be responsible for a tremendous variety of complaints. Problems may arise

from substances the cancer produces, from the cancer's invading or press-
ing on normal structures, or from organ failure. Symptoms may also re-
sult from the treatment of the cancer with surgery, chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, and analgesics. A person may suffer from problems that are
caused indirectly by the cancer, such as those related to depression or be-
ing confined to bed for a long period. Finally, problems may arise that are
completely unrelated to the cancer or its treatment. Some of the symp-
toms that can occur with cancer are listed below, along with their esti-
mated frequency.

Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Disease

Common symptoms (occurring in Swel I ing
more than half of patients) I nsomn ia
Pain Urinary problems
Weight loss Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Lack of appetite (anorexia) Bedsores (decubitus ulcers)
Constipation Bleeding (hemorrhage)
Weakness and fatigue Diarrhea
Rare symptoms (occurring in less
~ . than 10 percent ofrpatients)
Depression , ,r
Less common symptoms (occurring Jaundice
in less than half of patients) Colostomy
Difficulty breathing (dyspnea) Dry skin (pruritus)
Coughing Mouth sores

It goes almost without saying that if the doctor is not aware of dis-
tressing symptoms that are plaguing the patient, he cannot help. That is
why it is essential that the doctor be informed of any problem that arises,
particularly if it is unusual, no matter how small. Do not assume that these
symptoms are too minor to warrant the doctor's attention or that they cannot be
controlled and must be tolerated.
Remedies for some of the common symptoms of cancer—especially
nausea, vomiting, and constipation—have been well known for years, and
most doctors will have recommendations readily available to treat them.
Even symptoms that persist despite treatment or that used to be consid-
ered untreatable are now the subject of extensive research with many prom-
ising results. For example, difficult symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue,
and shortness of breath have responded well to new treatments. Some of
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 233

these approaches are so new that not every doctor will be familiar with
every recent development, so if something in this chapter may be helpful
for a loved one, share the information with the doctor. Most of these symp-
toms can be treated effectively by your family doctor or oncologist. If the
condition persists despite aggressive treatment, the primary doctor may
consult with a pain or palliative care specialist (for example, through the
some of the organizations listed in Appendix 1).

As emphasized by Cicely Saunders, one of the originators of the modern
palliative care movement, nothing matters more than the bowels when it
comes to helping a person who is ill with cancer. Constipation is exceed-
ingly common among cancer patients because many of the drugs used to
treat cancer or cancer-related symptoms (including opioids, anticon-
vulsants, antidepressants, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, and chemo-
therapy agents, such as vincristine and vinblastine) can contribute to
constipation. Constipation may also be triggered by lengthy stays in bed
with no exercise, tumors in the gastrointestinal region, changes in the diet
such as reduced food and liquid intake, low fiber intake, dehydration from
fever and vomiting, and anxiety and depression. Patients who are weak,
who have difficulty breathing, or are suffering from paralysis or leg weak-
ness may have problems with constipation as well.
Sometimes constipation causes pain that patients do not suspect as
being the result of constipation, because the pain can be perceived as be-
ing as high up as the ribs. If constipation is not addressed, the result can
be extremely serious, even life-threatening. Patients should not feel em-
barrassed or ashamed to bring up problems with bowel movements. Nor
should they assume that a doctor's help is not needed just because medi-
cation can be obtained without a prescription.
Probably because it involves a very private bodily function, constipa-
tion and bowel habits are not generally discussed fully enough. As a re-
sult, bowel problems may be overlooked when a preventive approach
would forestall problems. Because many laxatives are available over the
counter, without a prescription, patients are often left on their own to seek
a remedy. This should be highly discouraged—it is important to put em-
barrassment aside and consult the doctor on how to manage constipation.
One of the problems with regulating bowel habit is that each of us de-
fines regularity differently. Some individuals feel constipated if they do not
have a bowel movement daily, while others are accustomed to waiting sev-
eral days or even a week between normal bowel movements. Treatment
234 Other Approaches and Concerns

should try to reestablish an individual's regular bowel habits as much as

possible. Most authorities feel that a bowel movement at least every three
days is an appropriate guideline.
If constipation is treated before it gets too bad (in other words, pro-
phylactically), the problem can almost always be managed effectively. As
noted, however, if constipation is allowed to become severe, it can pro-
duce extremely serious health problems, sometimes bad enough to require
hospitalization and even surgery. Too, patients may mistakenly believe it
is normal to require regular treatment with enemas or manual disimpac-
tion, and may be pleasantly surprised to learn how easily their bowel hab-
its can be regulated with a preventive approach.
Patients should never have to be afraid to take pain medications be-
cause of constipation, since although it is a common side effect of the opioid
analgesics, it is easily prevented.

Be Sure to Get a Recommendation for a Laxative

As with most conditions, prevention is always the preferable means for
dealing with chronic constipation. Since many of the drugs administered
by the doctor, especially the opioids, can produce constipation, each time
an opioid is prescribed, it should be accompanied by a recommendation
for a laxative. Tolerance to these constipating effects occurs only slowly, if
at all, and treatment with laxatives usually is required for as long as these
medications are taken. Likewise, as the dose of opioid is increased, the
dose or strength of the laxative should be increased as well. Just as more
than one type of painkiller may be needed, it is not unusual for more than
one type of laxative to be needed.

Fecal Impaction
If constipation persists despite treatment, the doctor will check for a con-
dition called fecal impaction by performing a rectal examination. This is
occasionally overlooked, because such an examination—even though brief
and relatively painless—can be unpleasant. In fecal impaction, dried stool
becomes hard and lodges itself in the rectum, usually near the anus, block-
ing the passage of other wastes. This is dangerous if unrecognized, be-
cause if increasingly strong laxatives are given, they may produce severe
cramps and even a rupture or perforation of the bowel. Another reason
that fecal obstruction is sometimes missed is that liquid stool (produced
by laxatives) may leak around the impaction, causing confusion by creat-
ing the illusion of diarrhea.
One way to treat this condition once it has become established is for
the doctor or caregiver to place a gloved finger through the anus into the
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 235

rectum and remove the hardened stool manually. This is painful and may
require anesthesia or a sedative. Sometimes fecal impactions occur higher
in the colon and can be relieved with enemas. When combined with en-
emas (especially with mineral oil or milk and molasses) and laxatives, the
impaction can usually be relieved, and with continued treatment with laxa-
tives, repeated episodes can often be avoided.

Practical Strategies to Prevent Constipation

There are a number of strategies that can help to prevent constipation.
• Drink eight to ten glasses of water or other liquids daily. Fruit
juice or warm tea upon awakening is often suggested. Prunes (pref-
erably stewed) or warmed prune juice twice a day (morning and
evening) can help produce more regular bowel movements.
• Try eating high-fiber foods, including bran, fresh raw fruits and
vegetables, prunes, dates, whole-grain cereal products (whole
wheat bread, brown rice, barley, whole-grain couscous, etc.), nuts,
corn, raisins, and coconut.
• Avoid foods such as cheese and highly refined grain products,
such as cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and crackers.
• Exercise as much as possible to stimulate intestinal activity. Even
just regular walking will help.
• Keep a chart of bowel movements; they should occur around ev-
ery two days. If the patient does not have a bowel movement
within three days in spite of stool softeners and stimulant
purgatives, a rectal suppository or stronger laxative is usually rec-
ommended to prevent severe episodes of constipation and fecal
• Encourage the patient to defecate as soon as he has the urge; a
commode close by can often help. A squatting position is ideal for
the patient, if possible. A toilet seat may be adapted with a plastic
ring, which is often used on toilets for the handicapped, to make
the seat higher, but patients will probably need a footstool to sup-
port their feet so they can bear down. Bedpans should be avoided
as much as possible, since they are difficult to use for defecating;
if necessary, however, try to help the patient maintain a crouched
position on it, with the feet bearing down on the mattress or over
the side of the bed onto a chair or table (avoid leaving the feet
• One home remedy is to freeze rolls of petroleum jelly (one-quarter
teaspoon each) and then roll them in powdered sugar for eating.
A few doses can often relieve mild to moderate constipation.
236 Other Approaches and Concerns

Medical Management of Constipation


As stated before, as soon as a person starts taking opioid medications regu-
larly, he should also start taking action to prevent constipation. Although
a stool softener (which keeps stools soft by retaining water) is useful, if
constipation is already present a stool softener alone is probably not ad-
equate, especially if fluid intake is low. That is why most doctors recom-
mend starting treatment with a stool softener and a mild stimulant laxative
(which enhances bowel activity) combined.
Common softeners include methylcellulose, psyllium (Metamucil), and
natural fibers such as bran. If using Metamucil, drinking eight to ten glasses
of liquid a day is very important. Common mild stimulant laxatives in-
clude Doxidan, cascara sagrada, senna (a natural product that is available
alone [Senokot] or combined with a softener [Senokot-S]), bisacodyl
(Dulcolax), and docusate (Colace). Note: Avoid laxatives with magnesium
in patients with kidney disease and laxatives with sodium in patients with
heart disease.
These medications are usually taken once in the morning and once in
the evening, in increasing doses as needed, to produce a bowel movement
of appropriate consistency at regular intervals. (For example, one tablet of
laxative will usually counter the constipating effects of 60 mg of codeine
or 30 mg of oral morphine. Higher doses of morphine will often require
higher doses of laxatives; if on 60 mg oral morphine, for example, then
two tablets may be needed.) Many patients prefer to use laxative medica-
tions that they have taken in the past because they have worked well;
that's fine, as long as the doctor knows.
Treatment should proceed on what doctors often call a "sliding scale"
basis. This means starting with regular treatment with a laxative that is
strong enough to produce bowel movements regularly. If two to three days
have passed without activity, patients should then take a stronger medi-
cation; if constipation still persists, their medication should be increased.
Other laxatives such as lactulose, magnesium hydroxide (milk of magne-
sia), and especially magnesium citrate may be used as needed if several
days without activity have elapsed. Mineral oil can be used occasionally,
but not in patients who are very sick and thus prone to breathing and
swallowing problems (aspiration). A variety of enemas are available, but
regular use of enemas should be avoided.
An enema made at home from milk and molasses has gained consid-
erable popularity at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and elsewhere
because it's gentle but thorough. As opposed to many enemas, which are
administered superficially or "low" by means of a short, stubby, hard plastic
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 237

applicator, a milk and molasses enema is intended to be given higher, by

using an applicator consisting of an enema bag connected to long soft,
flexible tubing. After liberal lubrication, the catheter tip is gently inserted
past the anus and, as long as no resistance is encountered, advanced an
additional twelve inches or so. Eight ounces of warm water and 3 ounces
of powdered milk are shaken in a jar; 4.5 ounces of molasses are added,
and the solution is mixed again, after which it is administered every six
hours until formed stool is no longer produced.
Interestingly, a novel opioid medication, methylnaltrexone (MNTX), has
shown great promise in late-stage clinical development tests for reversing
constipation associated with traditional opioid medications. Naltrexone is
an opioid antagonist that reverses all effects of opioids (including pain re-
lief). It was chemically altered to prevent passage across the blood-brain
barrier; the resulting substance, methylnaltrexone, reverses the constipat-
ing effect of opioids but does not cross into the brain and thus does not
affect the opioids' pain relief. Most test subjects experienced the immediate
need for a bowel movement with no loss of pain relief. Similarly, naloxone
(Narcan), an opioid antagonist that is used intravenously to reverse the ef-
fects of drug overdoses or severe respiratory depression, has been adminis-
tered orally to treat constipation with good preliminary results. Used orally,
the drug's chemical structure prevents passage to the bloodstream, where it
would otherwise provoke a return of pain, but its action on opioid recep-
tors in the gut helps reverse constipation.
By exploiting what would normally be regarded as its side effects, use
of the weight loss drug orlistat (Xenical) also has some exciting applications
for refractory constipation. This drug keeps weight down by blocking li-
pase, the body's usual mechanism for digesting fats, and produces an in-
creased passage of stool after fatty foods are eaten, an effect that is welcome
in most cancer patients. Orlistat, however, like naloxone, is expensive.


Diarrhea is relatively uncommon in cancer patients and may actually re-

sult from the overzealous use of laxatives. The presence of diarrhea may
require the physician to perform a brief manual rectal examination to be
certain there is not a blockage around which liquid stooi is leaking. Diarrhea
may occur in conjunction with chemotherapy (especially 5-fluorouracil [5-
FU]and rinotecan [CPT-11 or Camptosar]), or with radiation treatments to
the abdomen or pelvis. It may persist for several weeks after such treat-
ments, and in the case of radiation injury to the gut may be a permanent
238 Other Approaches and Concerns

although treatable feature. Diarrhea also can be caused by anxiety and

stress, lactose intolerance (when the body can't digest milk products), and
the use of certain dietary supplements.

Recommended Diet
Eat low-fat and low-fiber foods, such as cottage cheese and other low-fat
cheeses; eggs that aren't fried; natural yogurt; broth; baked, broiled, or
roasted fish, poultry or ground beef; rice pudding, custard, or tapioca made
with low-fat milk; gelatin; hot cooked cereals; bananas; applesauce or
apples without skins; apple or grape juice; white bread or toast; white
crackers; white pasta or rice; potatoes; and cooked vegetables such as green
beans, carrots, peas, spinach, or squash, or soups made from these veg-
etables. Many nurses and the American Cancer Society suggest using nut-
meg as much as possible because it is believed to help slow down the
gastrointestinal tract.
Foods to avoid include all those mentioned above to help constipation;
fried or greasy foods; raw fruits and vegetables; pastries; potato chips; strong
spices (chili powder, licorice, pepper, curry, garlic, horseradish); olives; pick-
les; gas-producing foods such as beans, broccoli, onions, and cabbage; caf-
feine-containing drinks; alcoholic drinks; and tobacco products.
If the patient with diarrhea is fatigued as well, it may be a sign of low
potassium. High-potassium foods such as potatoes, bananas, green beans,
halibut, and asparagus tips should be eaten or potassium supplements
taken. Those with kidney problems should be especially concerned with
eating adequate high-potassium foods.
To prevent dehydration during episodes of diarrhea, at least eight to
ten glasses of liquids should be taken daily, especially fruit juice, bouillon
or broth, weak warm tea, gelatin, and flat caffeine-free sodas (those in
which the carbonation has been allowed to escape).
If significant weight loss is associated with the diarrhea, or if adequate
fluid intake cannot be maintained, contact the doctor at once.
Eat small but frequent meals, and stick to liquid foods if diarrhea is
severe. Extremely hot or cold foods may aggravate the condition, so con-
sume foods that are of moderate or room temperature.

For milder cases, over-the-counter medications such as Kaopectate, Pepto-
Bismol, or Imodium can help. Some of these products contain loperamide,
which can be also prescribed by a physician in capsule form as a preven-
tive measure.
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 239

For more severe cases, when diarrhea lasts longer than two or three
days, the doctor may prescribe Lomotil, paregoric, or tincture of opium.
Although the latter two medications have withstood the test of time, they
are controlled substances, and thus physicians try to avoid them even though
they are safe and unlikely to promote addiction. Octreotide (Sandostatin),
an analog of one of the body's own pancreatic hormones (somatostatin), is
a newer alternative that is reserved for specific settings. Initially used just
for diarrhea produced by certain hormonally related tumors (carcinoid tu-
mor and VlPoma), because octreotide is so effective it is increasingly con-
sidered for persistent diarrhea due to other causes such as chemotherapy,
AIDS, and radiation injury, among others. Its other main use in cancer is
treatment of bowel obstruction that occurs in the course of some cancers. It
is also used to treat acromegaly (a growth hormone disturbance).
In addition, this medication is helpful for certain types of nausea and
vomiting; it dries gastrointestinal secretions and reduces obstructions. It is
currently being tested by the spinal route for pain. The main limitation of
octreotide, however, is that it is expensive and must be injected. As already
mentioned, all of the opioid analgesics work to slow bowel function and
should help reverse diarrhea. Discuss this with the doctor if relevant.

Making the Patient More Comfortable

Frequent diarrhea can irritate the bottom. To soothe it:
• Clean up after each bowel movement with warm water, rinse well,
and pat the area dry with a soft towel. Don't rub.
• Creams for the anal area that can help soothe irritation include
Desitin or Proctodon.
• If the area is very sensitive, a topical local anesthetic prescribed
by the doctor or a corticosteroid spray or cream may be applied.
• Warm baths or salt baths may be soothing to the region.
• Allow the area to be exposed to air. If the patient has difficulty
controlling the liquid stool, a disposable brief or pad (such as
Depends, which is made for adults) can be helpful.
• Lay a disposable, plastic-lined bedsheet under the patient.

Nausea and Vomiting

Although many patients may never experience nausea or vomiting, those
who do can be miserable. And unfortunately, nausea and vomiting are
relatively common—either as occasional problems associated with chemo-
therapy sessions (usually during administration or within hours afterward)
240 Other Approaches and Concerns

or as a chronic problem. Nausea and vomiting most commonly occur to-

gether but may occur separately. Since the causes and management of both
symptoms are usually similar, most of the comments made here about
nausea can also be applied to vomiting, and vice versa, unless specifically
stated otherwise.

Causes of Nausea and Vomiting

Chronic nausea and vomiting may result from many factors. They may be
triggered by tumors partially or even completely obstructing or blocking
the gastrointestinal tract, in which case swelling of the abdomen (disten-
sion) may or may not be present. They may be caused by radiation injury
to the bowel, scarring (adhesions) from surgery, and even by simple con-
Injury to the kidneys or liver can reduce the purifying functions of
these organs, and nausea may result from a buildup of the body's toxic
waste products. Nausea may be caused by a tumor in the brain, either one
that starts there (primary tumor) or one that has spread from elsewhere
(metastatic tumor). Metabolic imbalances—changes in the body's fluid and
salt (electrolyte) content—are common causes of nausea as well, especially
when there is an excess of calcium, which is particularly common in pa-
tients with bone cancer. Nausea can be caused or worsened by mouth
problems—such as infection, sores, or tumor growth.
Nausea is also a potential side effect of many medications, including
those used to treat pain. The NSAIDs can irritate the stomach lining and
produce ulcerlike symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. All of the
opioids, including morphine, have the potential to produce nausea and
vomiting that are usually transient. In fact, up to one-third of patients will
experience nausea after first starting to take an opioid medication, as well
as after its dose has been increased. Such nausea can usually be effectively
treated with a simple antiemetic (see later in this chapter), and since it
rarely lasts for more than a few days, treatment with the antiemetic can, in
most cases, be tapered and then discontinued with continued use of the

Tip: Whenever an opioid is prescribed, ask for a prescription to treat both constipa-
tion and nausea. Also, be sure to ask if the antinausea medication should be tapered
off. Most people become tolerant to the nausea induced by painkillers and can
begin tapering antinausea medications after just a few days.
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 241

Finally, nausea may be psychological in origin (which is not to say

that it is less severe or significant or any less real). Doctors have recog-
nized a specific nausea of this type, which they call anticipatory nausea
and vomiting. It usually occurs in patients who have had nausea after
chemotherapy, who then go on to become nauseated at the next session,
even before treatment is started. This reflex may be so strong that simply
driving by the hospital or seeing one's nurse at the supermarket can trig-
ger an episode of nausea and vomiting.

Practical Strategies to Counter Nausea and Vomiting

Several simple techniques that don't involve medication can help with
nausea and vomiting.
• Encourage the patient to eat plain crackers (saltines, for example)
or to sip room-temperature flat cola or ginger ale when feeling
• Switch, at least temporarily, to a clear liquid diet including foods
such as apple juice, cranberry juice, broth, ginger ale, gelatin, tea,
Gatorade, frozen fruit juice pops, cola or lemon-lime drinks, and
• If the patient has no mouth sores, sometimes sour foods such as
lemons, pickles, or sour hard candy can help ward off nausea. Rins-
ing with a dilute mixture of lemon juice and water may also help.
• Avoid sugary, high-fat, highly salted, greasy, or spicy foods, or
those with strong odors, such as cheese or salami.
• Foods that usually are well tolerated include bland foods, such as
toast, potatoes, applesauce, crackers, broth, and cottage cheese.
Eat slowly.
• Avoid smells or sounds that could trigger nausea, such as cook-
ing smells and perfumed body scents.
• When in chemotherapy, some relaxation exercises (see Chapter 12)
before the treatment may help. During chemotherapy, sucking on
hard or sour candies or mints may counter the distasteful metallic
flavor that some patients taste during sessions. If nausea consis-
tently occurs, try switching appointments to a different time of day.
• Experiment with different eating patterns. Some patients do bet-
ter when they don't eat or drink for several hours before chemo-
therapy; others do best when they eat heavily three or four hours
before a session and then continue throughout the day with light
meals or snacks. Others prevent nausea by switching to a liquid
diet for the day before and after the chemotherapy session. Still
others prevent nausea by eating only light but frequent meals
242 Other Approaches and Concerns

throughout the day. Some doctors recommend avoiding favorite

foods on days the patient may become nauseated so the patient
does not come to associate the nausea with those foods.
• Get plenty of fresh, cool air, either through an open window or
with a fan.
• Use the relaxation, distraction, imagery, and breathing techniques
in Chapter 12. Acupressure or acupuncture may also help.
• Other distractions may help, too, such as watching a movie or
television, doing a craft, or talking with a friend.
• Try to sleep after chemotherapy, when nausea may be expected.
• If the patient vomits, keep a log of the time, amount of vomit, and
what it looked like (color, consistency) to report to the doctor or
health care team. Avoid eating solids until vomiting spells pass;
sometimes that might be up to twenty-four hours. Rinse the mouth
after each episode with a dilute mixture of lemon juice and water.
Afterward, try sucking ice chips or taking one of the liquids al-
ready mentioned as part of the clear liquid diet.

Medical Management of Nausea and Vomiting

Medications known as antiemetics can help prevent nausea and vomiting.
When nausea and vomiting are the result of chemotherapy, the antiemetic
should be taken six to twelve hours before the next chemotherapy session
to avoid anticipatory nausea. The doctor will recommend that medication
be continued every four or six hours for at least twelve to twenty-four hours,
or longer if any nausea persists. Since many chemotherapy drugs have the
potential to produce nausea, patients are often treated in advance of any
problems with a combination of antiemetics, many of which are given in-
travenously. Even so, nausea and vomiting may still occur and may occa-
sionally be severe enough to require hospital admission.
Choosing an antiemetic can be difficult. Nausea may be triggered by
several different mechanisms, and since the antiemetic drugs work by dif-
ferent mechanisms, a trial-and-error approach using different drugs is usu-
ally taken. The first medication selected to treat mild nausea, including
chemotherapy-induced nausea, most often comes from the group of drugs
known as the major tranquilizers. These drugs are usually tried first be-
cause they are effective in most cases, can be given orally, are relatively
inexpensive, and are unlikely to cause serious side effects. These medica-
tions include prochlorperazine (Compazine), trimethobenzamide (Tigan),
promethazine (Phenergan), and haloperidol (Haldol). Interestingly, Haldol
is commonly regarded in the United States as the treatment of choice for
resolving severe psychotic reactions, but it is actually the least sedating of
these agents. For this reason in the United Kingdom it is not stigmatized
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 243

and is also usually the antiemetic of first choice. These agents are com-
monly prescribed in tablet form but are readily available as rectal sup-
positories (and even injections) if the nausea is accompanied by such severe
vomiting that oral medications cannot be reliably kept down. Again, they
are usually prescribed every four to six hours, and when nausea is persis-
tent, they should be taken regularly for a period of time and then tapered
off. The main side effect of these medications is drowsiness. Rarely they
trigger a side effect that produces sudden involuntary movements (called
extrapyramidal signs), which can be frightening but are not harmful. Ex-
trapyramidal signs are more common in younger individuals and, fortu-
nately, can usually be easily reversed with diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
The medications mentioned so far are the ones used most commonly.
If they are not effective, however, new or overlapping strategies are then
instituted. If one of the major tranquilizers has been only partially effec-
tive or produces undesirable sedation, a medication that works by an al-
ternative mechanism can be added or substituted. Although treatment with
the major tranquilizers is sufficient in most patients, sometimes several
different medications must be tried, often together.
Metoclopramide (Reglan, Maxeran) is probably the most common
second-line antiemetic drug. It has dual effects: its main action is to in-
crease the speed at which the stomach and intestines empty food, while
its secondary effect is on the brain's dopamine receptors. It is much less
likely than the standard major tranquilizers (described above) to produce
drowsiness and is especially effective when the stomach is slow to empty
due to pressure from a nearby abdominal or chest tumor, which may pro-
duce bloating or appetite that is satisfied by just a few bites of food (early
satiety). Metoclopramide may help stimulate appetite, and preliminary
evidence suggests that it may also possess pain-relieving effects. Propulsid,
another promising agent that works by a similar mechanism, has recently
been restricted due to the recognition that it can interfere with normal
cardiac rhythm.
Scopolamine (Transderm Scop) is another second-line drug that is
usually administered in the form of a patch placed behind the ear. It is
reapplied every seventy-two hours. Due to added actions at the inner ear,
it is used primarily to treat vertigo and nausea from motion sickness and
may be especially effective in cases where nausea is more prominent when
patients are upright and moving around, and especially when the room
seems to spin (vertigo). Treatment with scopolamine may also produce
some degree of relaxation. Also useful at times is a similar drug, hyos-
cyamine, which is normally used to control spasms associated with irri-
table bowel, but can prevent nausea and vomiting and relieve stomach or
intestinal cramps or spasms.
244 Other Approaches and Concerns

The corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone (Dexone, Decadron,

Hexadrol), prednisone (Deltasone, Sterapred), and prednisolone (Prelone),
are often used as second- or third-line drugs here, and even more com-
monly in the United Kingdom. Although their mechanism of action is not
well understood, they relieve nausea very effectively and in the short term
may have other beneficial effects, such as improving appetite, breathing,
mood, and some types of pain. Although when used chronically (over
months to years) they may produce serious side effects (see Chapter 8),
they are generally beneficial and well tolerated for days, weeks, and even
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient of marijuana, can
be an effective second- or third-line drug for both acute nausea due to
chemotherapy and chronic nausea. Despite some states' efforts to the con-
trary, the medical use of marijuana is currently restricted to research, but
THC can be prescribed in pill form (as dronabinol or Marinol). Doses that
are usually sufficient to relieve nausea do not produce a high. And when
grogginess or dysphoria (an unpleasant mental state) occasionally occur,
they can usually be managed by reducing the dose. Of equal importance,
the use of marijuana and treatment with its medical formulation,
dronabinol, may also improve appetite, a medical correlate of the
"munchies" depicted in popular culture. Effects on pain are more contro-
versial, with research tending to be clouded by political considerations.
Results are in part confounded because the smoke of marijuana actually
contains hundreds of chemically distinct cannabinoids, but recent research
suggests that the active ingredient in marijuana appears to be no more
effective for chronic pain than codeine. Although clearly effective for nau-
sea and appetite stimulation, effects on pain appear to be more closely
linked to some subjects' ability to become more relaxed and easily dis-
tracted from unpleasant stimuli.
An entirely new class of agents, including ondansetron (Zofran) and
granisetron (Kytril), that selectively block the action of certain subtypes of
the neurotransmitter serotonin have come into vogue because they are
extremely effective and very unlikely to produce side effects. Their ac-
tions are so potent that they may permit patients to tolerate new doses
and combinations of chemotherapy that would otherwise be unheard of,
but their costs (often exceeding $10 and even $20 per pill) are so excessive
as to limit their use.
Another medication commonly employed as a component of an anti-
emetic "cocktail" is lorazepam (Ativan), an antianxiety medication that
helps prevent nausea by inducing a more relaxed state. Given intrave-
nously with chemotherapy, it may erase the memory of a vomiting epi-
sode, thus also reducing the risk of vomiting in the future. Occasionally, a
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 245

defoaming agent such as simethicone (contained in Mylanta, Riopan Plus,

and Maalox Plus), is useful to relieve gas pains.

Severe Vomiting Due to Obstruction or

Pressure on the Digestive Tract
Disturbances in gastrointestinal function can range considerably in sever-
ity, character, and mechanism. Obstruction is a serious GI problem that
should first be distinguished from simple irritation or an ulcer, conditions
that are common with or without cancer. Irritation or erosion of the lining
of the GI tract can be due to gastritis, reflux of stomach contents (GERD or
gastroesophageal reflux disease), or ulcers. Symptoms are predominantly
those of heartburn, indigestion, and pain, and unless a surgical emergency
such as perforation or bleeding arises, treatment is with antacids and simi-
lar medications. In contrast, obstruction refers to a blockage to the pas-
sage of stomach contents somewhere between the mouth and anus.
After swallowing, food is transported along the digestive tract, where
it is processed and eventually eliminated as waste. It goes from the mouth
to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine (jejunum and ileum), large in-
testine (colon), rectum, and out through the anus. Should the digestive
tract be blocked at any of these points, problems typically occur. These
kinds of problems may arise with any tumor that grows within or near the
abdomen, especially in esophageal and gastric (stomach) cancer, colon and
liver cancer, as well as any primary tumor that has metastasized (spread)
to the abdomen. Compression from outside of these organs (somewhat
like the blockage that occurs when you step on a garden hose) can result
from tumors, swollen lymph nodes, or adhesions (scars) from previous
surgery or radiation treatment.
The symptoms of obstruction depend on whether the blockage is par-
tial or complete and whether it is persistent or intermittent. Depending
on these factors, there may be loss of appetite, bloating, swelling of the
abdomen, pain, intermittent or persistent nausea, retching, vomiting, weak-
ness, dehydration, constipation, and failure to pass gas. A complete bowel
obstruction is associated with rapidly progressing deterioration that if
untreated can progress to shock, infection, sepsis (a serious systemic re-
sponse to infection), and ultimately death.
Ideally, an obstructing tumor would be surgically resected or bypassed
with a colostomy, shrunk with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or treated
with combined therapy. However, the size, location, and type of tumor as
well as the patient's overall condition may make this not feasible or advis-
able. Even so, symptomatic or palliative treatment that is aggressively in-
stituted, is often surprisingly effective.
246 Other Approaches and Concerns

If the blockage is severe and persists, dehydration and malnutrition

follow over time, and patients may become weak. These factors go hand
in hand with the progressive weakness and failure ultimately associated
with advanced untreatable cancer. It is obviously hard to sit by and watch
while a friend or relative appears to be starving before one's eyes. When
intestinal blockage cannot be relieved with surgery, several alternatives
still exist. The traditional and most common method used by doctors in
the United States is to hospitalize the patient and to insert a plastic tube
through the nose and into the stomach (nasogastric tube) to drain its con-
tents, while simultaneously administering fluids through an intravenous
line. This method is costly, uncomfortable to the patient and, because it
requires hospitalization, disruptive, inconvenient, and expensive. In ad-
dition, although the administration of routine IV fluids sounds reason-
able because it can help counter dehydration, it neither helps reverse
malnutrition nor extends life. The less invasive, home-based palliative care
treatments (described below) have gained increasing support. Proponents
argue that extended treatment with IV fluids in patients who don't eat
much actually makes matters worse, since for a variety of reasons it usu-
ally leads to fluid imbalances, with swelling, strained breathing, wet cough,
and frequent urination. In difficult situations, patient and care providers
alike must sometimes make difficult decisions that may feel like "giving
up" or "doing nothing" but are ultimately sensible and even courageous.
The alternate method of treating obstruction, practiced extensively in
the United Kingdom and more and more in the United States, especially
by hospice and palliative care teams, takes a very different approach and
usually allows the patient to stay at home. Antiemetic medications, which
have already been described, are administered very vigorously, often sub-
cutaneously by a portable pump—a method that is much more conve-
nient and comfortable than maintaining an intravenous line. In this manner,
nausea can usually be controlled, often for a period of months (if needed),
and sometimes the blockage opens a bit; even vomiting may cease. Pa-
tients are allowed to eat what they wish, although most prefer to restrict
their intake mostly to liquids or soft foods. When a blockage is severe,
nausea may be controlled so that patients can still eat; they may still vomit
once or twice daily, but they feel good otherwise. While this sounds un-
pleasant, patients generally do not mind the occasional episode of vomit-
ing, once the nausea is controlled, and they are spared the discomfort of
hospitalization, IVs, and a suction tube in their nose. If covered by insur-
ance, the new availability of ondansetron and subcutaneous octreotide
(see above) can be used to help even more patients than in the past.
Occasionally, when nausea and vomiting still cannot be well controlled
with these methods alone and patients are otherwise relatively well, a
Dealing with Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, and Vomiting 247

minor surgical procedure called a venting gastrostomy is recommended. It

involves placing a short plastic tube from the stomach to a small bag that
collects its contents; this relieves the pressure and eliminates the need to
vomit. This is different from a feeding gastrostomy, which administers nu-
trition through a feeding tube. Decisions concerning whether a patient would
benefit from a feeding tube depend on the nature and stage of the disease.
(See Chapters 11 and 15 on nutrition in advanced stages of cancer.)
Dealing with Other Side Effects
and Discomforts

Patients with cancer, even the same cancer, can have very different experi-
ences, some of them more distressing than others. Many families will find
over time that the status of their ill loved one will unexpectedly change.
Families frequently feel unprepared and may be caught off guard about
how to help when what feels like an emergency occurs (sudden nausea,
difficulty breathing, coughing spells, increased pain, etc.). Caregivers
should not be alarmed that there are so many different symptoms described
here; it is unlikely that a given patient will experience many of them. Even
when these symptoms do occur, their intensity, frequency, and duration
vary greatly among patients.

Breathing Problems
Difficulty breathing is generally referred to as dyspnea and may include a
variety of altered patterns of breathing. Hyperventilation, or rapid breath-
ing (sometimes also called tachypnea or hyperpnea), is a normal response
to illness and stress, but it is an inefficient form of breathing. When breath-
ing excessively fast, there is no time to take a deep breath. Most of these
shallow breaths go only in and out of the mouth and throat without enough
air getting to the lungs, where the actual exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide occurs. While rapid breathing usually starts with a lung problem,

Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 249

the air hunger excites fear and anxiety, making it all the more difficult to
catch a breath or slow down breathing, a vicious cycle that only makes
breathlessness worse.
Apnea refers to an absence of breathing. Minor episodes of apnea can
occur in children and in healthy adults during sleep, but they can also be
signs of progressive illness. In patients who are weak and very ill, epi-
sodes of apnea that last from a few seconds to half a minute are fairly
common. Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a breathing pattern in which peri-
ods of apnea alternate with periods of deeper or more rapid breaths. While
these changes can be a sign that the end of life is approaching, especially
when severe or sudden in onset, these conditions can also persist, on and
off, for days or weeks.

Causes of Breathing Problems

Difficulty breathing may arise from many factors and is a symptom that
should be followed carefully by a doctor. The most common cause is a
tumor growing in the lung, either one that has started there (primary tu-
mor) or one that has spread from another site (metastatic tumor). If this is
the case, breathing problems can often be reduced, at least temporarily,
with radiotherapy and sometimes chemotherapy.
In some cases a tumor causes fluid to build up around the lung (pleu-
ral effusion) or heart (pericardial effusion). Breathing and fatigue will of-
ten improve dramatically when the fluid is removed from around the lung
with a needle (thoracentesis) and a chest tube is used to prevent it from
A more common cause of breathing difficulties is pressure on the dia-
phragm, our main breathing muscle, from fluid or from a large incurable
tumor in the abdomen. A drainage procedure (paracentesis), sometimes
followed by the insertion of a catheter that can be cleared by staff or trained
family members, can dramatically improve breathing and comfort.
Pneumonia is another treatable cause of breathing difficulties and is
usually signaled by the presence of fever, weakness, and productive cough.
Once the type of pneumonia has been identified, antibiotics are usually
Breathing difficulties that predate the cancer, such as from smoking,
include diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. Even when made worse by cancer,
they can still be treated with some success using standard measures.
The functions of the heart and lungs are very closely related, and heart
failure, from a variety of sources, may produce breathing difficulties. The
most common is pulmonary edema, a condition involving fluid buildup
250 Other Approaches and Concerns

in the lungs (rather than around them) because of the heart's lack of
strength. It is usually treated with diuretics (pills that remove fluid by
increasing the volume of urine) and various heart medications, including
digitalis or digoxin.
Pulmonary embolus, a condition in which the lungs' blood supply is
partially blocked by a blood clot, can cause sudden and severe breathing
difficulties. Special support stockings, regular movement of the legs, and
blood thinners can sometimes prevent this condition. Medical treatment
involves prescribing blood thinners, either heparin or Coumadin, which
need to be monitored with frequent blood tests.
Finally, psychological causes are an important part of most breathing
difficulties. Feeling breathless can be terrifying, and frequently patients
panic, causing them to breathe all the more rapidly and inefficiently. An
important part of managing breathing problems is to offer reassurance
and to try to eliminate the element of panic. Comforting the patient and
instructing him in relaxation techniques can be very beneficial; in some
cases, as we'll see, antianxiety medications can also help a great deal.

Practical Strategies
Specific techniques may not only help keep the lungs clear but also promote
circulation, which is important since the blood carries oxygen to the lungs.
• Breathing properly and more efficiently can help ease shortness
of breath. If possible, inhale through the nose from the stomach,
not the chest. When this diaphragmatic breathing is performed
correctly the abdomen should enlarge when you inhale. Exhale
about twice as slowly as you inhale, and breathe out through
pursed lips, as if blowing out a candle.
• When one is short of breath in bed, be sure the head and chest are
elevated on pillows to take advantage of gravity. When possible, sit
up and lean shoulders forward, either with arms spread out on ei-
ther side or leaning forward on a support such as a table. If sitting
up, foot support is more helpful than allowing feet to dangle. While
in bed, patients should frequently change sides to keep lungs clear.
• When possible, improve circulation by standing or even walking.
Take it slow and ask for help if breathing is strained.
• Patients should not stay in any one position too long because this
will inhibit circulation. When sitting, they should try not to cross
their legs for long periods. Special pressure stockings can be help-
ful to prevent blood clots, especially if the patient is on steroids.
• Keeping a patient moving, even when bedridden, can be helpful.
Nurses or physical therapists often help patients with range-of-
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 251

motion exercises for the arms and legs, and families may, if they
wish, ask the nurses how best to help with the exercises in their
• If possible, the patient should drink as much as ten glasses of wa-
ter a day to help mucous membranes clear lung secretions. This
also helps relieve constipation.
• Ask a nurse, physical therapist, or respiratory therapist about
proper coughing techniques to clear the lungs. One technique in-
volves breathing deeply twice and on the third breath bracing the
feet on the floor or other support to hold for three seconds. While
braced, cough as deeply as possible three times.
• Keep air moist with a vaporizer (cold water), humidifier, teakettle,
or even pans of water near a heat source. A fan to help circulate
air can help relieve stuffiness.
Since breathlessness can be severely aggravated by anxiety, patients
should be reassured and may be trained and coached in relaxation tech-
niques, as described in Chapter 12. These exercises include progressive
muscle relaxation, meditation, autogenic, cognitive, and imagery techniques.

Medications for Breathing Difficulties

Oxygen therapy involves keeping an oxygen tank handy or even in con-
tinual use if needed. Despite its relatively high cost, which is not always
reimbursed by insurance, simply having oxygen available often has a re-
assuring, psychological value that can be quite important. Be certain that
no one smokes, lights a match, or even has a pilot light engaged nearby
because any of these could trigger an explosion. Be sure tubing is untwisted
at all times and not kinked. Oxygen is usually delivered, at least initially,
through nasal prongs. This is effective even if the patient is predominantly
a mouth breather.
Opioids have a variety of complex effects on breathing, which are ben-
eficial overall in the cancer patient. Because opioids slow breathing, doc-
tors had in the past been cautious about prescribing morphine to patients
with both breathing and pain problems. There is a growing positive expe-
rience with the use of opioids, in low doses, specifically to ease distress
and breathing problems in cancer patients. They reduce the sensitivity of
the brain's breathing center while also relieving the sensation, pain, and
anxiety of having trouble breathing. The overall result is that the distress
is lessened and patients are able to take slower, deeper breaths.
The anxiety related to dyspnea, which aggravates the condition, is
also sometimes treated with tranquilizers such as diazepam (Valium); these
medications can reduce anxiety and are muscle relaxants as well. Other
252 Other Approaches and Concerns

medications that may help, depending on the cause of the problem, in-
clude steroids, bronchodilators, antibiotics, diuretics (which help expel
extra fluid), heart medications, and blood thinners.
When a patient is very sick and near death, he may not be strong
enough to cough up accumulated secretions in the back of the throat. Sco-
polamine or hyoscine (administered by injection or patch, marketed as
Transderm Scop) may be used to dry up these secretions, and may have
the effect of sedating the patient as well.

Coughing occurs in about 30 percent of patients with advanced cancer and
in about 80 percent of patients with cancers involving the lungs or bron-
chial tubes. It may also be caused by irritation to the lower throat or lungs
or from factors unrelated to cancer, such as a postnasal drip, asthma, to-
bacco, or heart failure. Some simple measures can help alleviate coughing:

• Keep air moist with a vaporizer or humidifier.

• Avoid lying directly on the back, since this position makes cough-
ing difficult.
• If cigarettes seem to be part of the cause, realize that if the deci-
sion is made to give up smoking, it will still take two to four weeks
for coughing to gradually diminish. Families and patients need to
consider how much gratification is obtained from the cigarettes,
how difficult it would be to quit, and whether the attempt is worth
it. A decision to eliminate smoking should be discussed with the
doctor, who can usually recommend several treatments to make
this transition easier.

Medications for Problems with Coughing

If the patient has difficulty coughing up secretions that make him nau-
seated or cause vomiting, medication can be given by mouth to help break
up the secretion.
Although over-the-counter cough medicines are sometimes effective,
if coughing persists or is disturbing, painful, or dry, the doctor may rec-
ommend a medication containing codeine or a related compound. When
the patient has a tumor involving the lung area that is responsible for the
coughing, an opioid such as hydrocodone or morphine may be needed.
Corticosteroids may also be prescribed for persistent cough.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 253

Mouth or Throat Sores

Chemotherapy, radiation, reduced intake of liquids or food, altered hy-

giene, and infection can all contribute to mouth sores or inflammation in
the mouth. The sores may be like canker sores or they can be open ulcers,
both of which may bleed or get infected. They may make eating painful
and difficult but are often overlooked.
The need for mouth care may present an opportunity rather than be
viewed as just a problem, according to some authorities. Sometimes, when
patients are very sick, loving caregivers feel frustrated that they cannot do
more to help. Learning the basics of mouth care and applying them regu-
larly can be an excellent way for family members or other caregivers to
spend time with the patient in a loving, meaningful, and helpful way.
The best strategy to manage these conditions, known as stomatitis
and mucositis, is prevention. Simple daily routines should be undertaken
twice a day, or even every four hours if the patient is undergoing chemo-
therapy treatments. Physicians more accustomed to managing acute medi-
cal problems may forget to advise how to prevent mouth problems, and
an oncology nurse may be a valuable resource in providing instructions.

Mouth Hygiene to Prevent Problems

Brush the teeth with a soft nylon bristle toothbrush only. To soften the
bristles even more, use hot water on the bristles before and after use. If
toothpaste is irritating, try a paste composed of baking soda and water. If
brushing hurts too much, clean teeth with cotton swabs or commercial
sponge-tipped sticks called Toothettes. Floss with unwaxed dental floss;
avoid flossing if there are bleeding problems or if platelet count is low.
Using a Waterpik can help keep the mouth clean, too.
A mouthwash should be used as often as every two hours, such as
one composed of half-strength hydrogen peroxide (one part 3 percent hy-
drogen peroxide to one part water) or baking soda in water. Avoid lemon,
glycerin (which will make the mouth drier), or commercial mouthwashes
containing alcohol (alcohol is a common ingredient in these and may irri-
tate or dry the mouth). A very effective commercial preparation is a chlor-
hexidine mouth rinse.
Keep dentures clean and use them only if they fit properly; if they
don't fit, they may injure the mouth during eating. If weight loss has oc-
curred, dentures may need to be refitted.
Keep gums stimulated by encouraging the patient to chew foods or
by gently rubbing a finger over the gums.
254 Other Approaches and Concerns

If the patient is on long-term chemotherapy, ask about using a fluo-

ride preparation on the teeth to prevent cavity formation, which is com-
mon during chemotherapy. Also, radiation therapy in the region of the
mouth greatly increases the risk of dental cavities. To prevent them, fre-
quent fluoride applications are often recommended—consult with the
doctor or a dentist. Avoid sugary foods. To avoid complications later, many
physicians and dentists will recommend pulling high-risk teeth before
radiation is administered.

When the Mouth Is Irritated

Keep lips moist with petroleum jelly, cocoa butter, or a water-based lubri-
cant. Avoid hot, cold, acidic, rough, or salty foods. These may include spicy
foods, vinegar, citrus foods, toast, pretzels, crackers, and other snacks. Also
avoid alcoholic drinks and tobacco products.
Rinse frequently with mouthwash, as described above, as often as
every two hours. Do not floss. If brushing is too painful, teeth and gums
should be wiped regularly with moist paper towels or cotton.
Warm tea or a paste made from an antacid such as Maalox, diluted
milk of magnesia, Mylanta, or Gelusic may encourage healing. Place the
antacid into a warm liquid and let settle. Once settled, pour off excess
liquid and apply the paste with a cotton-tipped stick or gauze. Rinse fif-
teen minutes later with water.
Offer a high-protein, high-calorie diet served at room temperature.

Medications for Mouth and Throat Sores

When irritated, mouth sores can be treated with a topical anesthetic, such
as lidocaine (Xylocaine) or benzocaine (Hurricaine), to reduce the pain
and promote healing; these are effective not only for mouth sores but for
sores in the throat too (some sprays are available). To reduce pain, Benadryl
liquid or lozenges may help.
When mouth infections (usually yeast infections such as candidiasis or
thrush) occur, mouth rinses with hydrogen peroxide and a saline or sterile
water solution with the addition of flavored nystatin (an antifungal medi-
cation) or an antifungal pill may be prescribed by the doctor. The nystatin
should be applied four times a day to each side of the mouth, kept there
three minutes, and then swallowed. The doctor may prescribe another anti-
fungal medication (such as ketoconazole) for certain infections.
Expect medications to take several days to become initially beneficial
and about two weeks to be fully effective.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 255

Dry Mouth
Radiation to the head and neck area can cause dry mouth, known as xe-
rostomia. The reduction of saliva production may last from six months to
a year and in some cases may be a permanent side effect of radiation ther-
apy. But the most common cause of dry mouth in cancer patients is from
the side effects of certain medications, especially tricyclic antidepressants,
antihistamines, opioids (narcotics), some chemotherapeutic agents, and
major tranquilizers (phenothiazines). Reviewing the medication list with
the doctor may make it possible to delete problematic medications and
substitute others. Dry mouth can also be caused by a tumor near the sali-
vary glands, mouth infections, and tobacco and alcohol use. Sometimes a
patient's general dehydration, lack of eating, or breathing through the
mouth can contribute to dry mouth as well.
Dry mouth causes food to taste different and may contribute to poor
appetite. This condition can cause the patient a number of problems: it
may make it more difficult to digest starches, promote mouth irritation
and sores, inhibit taste, make it difficult to chew solid foods, promote cav-
ities and mouth infections, and even make it difficult to form words.

Practical Strategies
Some attention to diet and oral hygiene can often relieve the problem of
dry mouth. Try some of the following suggestions:
• Avoid spicy, very hot, or very cold foods, citrus products, and car-
bonated beverages, as well as foods that are hard to chew. Serve
foods well moistened with gravies, sauces, or mayonnaise.
• Consume as much water or other nonirritating liquids as possible—
at least several times an hour. Frequent small sips of water and
rinsing the mouth with cold water also help. Keep a thermos or
pitcher near the patient with a straw or spout, if necessary.
• Keep lips lightly lubricated with lip balm, cocoa butter, Vaseline,
or similar product.
• Sucking on peppermints, sour hard candies, lozenges, Popsicles,
and pineapple chunks as well as chewing gum may also help pro-
mote saliva production.
• Keep something in the mouth, such as a pipe or lollipop.
• Keep air humid with a vaporizer (cold water), humidifier, tea-
kettle, or pans of water near a heat source.
• Maintain mouth hygiene as described above (see under "Mouth or
Throat Sores"). That means brushing the mouth with a soft tooth-
brush after eating anything. Every two hours use a mouthwash,
256 Other Approaches and Concerns

such as one that produces an effervescent wash (a mixture of one

part Cepacol, one part saline solution, and one part 3 percent hy-
drogen peroxide) or glycerin and citric acid washes, which may
help stimulate salivation. Ask the doctor or oncology nurse for a

Medication for Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs despite being well hydrated because it's such a com-
mon symptom of medication. When dry mouth is severe, artificial saliva
products such as MoiStir or MouthKote are available by prescription. A
medication called pilocarpine (Salagen) may also be prescribed to treat
dryness of the mouth and throat. It can help the patient talk without hav-
ing to sip liquids and can help with chewing, tasting, and swallowing.
Pilocarpine can interfere with many other medical conditions such as glau-
coma, asthma, and heart disease and may interact with other medications,
so the physician should be fully informed when prescribing. Products such
as Salivart and similar products also can provide relief, as can water-soluble
gels such as K-Y for dry tongue in mouth-breathing patients.

Tumors in the mouth can cause excessive drooling (sialorrhea), which may be
upsetting to the patient and family. There are few practical treatment mea-
sures other than wiping the mouth as necessary and reassuring the patient.

Medication the Doctor May Recommend

Atropine drops can provide temporary relief; for longer-term relief, atro-
pine tablets can be used, although they can cause dry mouth and, occa-
sionally, irritability.
The antidepressant amitriptyline (Elavil) can work for some patients.
The antiemetic Transderm Scop can also help dry up secretions.
When very troublesome, in selected circumstances, radiotherapy can
be used to modify salivary gland function.

Difficulty Swallowing
Chemotherapy and radiation may interfere with the function of the esopha-
gus, which can make it difficult to swallow (dysphagia). Tumor growth
into muscles or nerves involving the pharynx (the area around and in-
cluding the esophagus) may also be a cause of this condition.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 257

Practical Strategies
Try these suggestions to ease swallowing problems:
• Avoid tobacco and alcoholic drinks, as well as spicy, acidic, hot or
cold, hard, crunchy, or coarse foods.
• Serve a high-protein but well-balanced diet.
• Use milk and dairy products, such as yogurt, sour cream, or cot-
tage cheese, to coat the throat.
• Keep foods well moistened with liquids, gravies, sauces, and so on.
• Keep bites small; when swallowing problems are severe, foods
may be liquefied in a blender or food processor.

Medications for Difficulties in Swallowing

If swallowing is painful, liquid aspirin or acetaminophen may be helpful,
as well as anesthetics applied directly in the mouth. For more severe pain,
other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications in liquid form or mor-
phine can be used.
If tumors are involved, corticosteroids (such as dexamethasone) can
temporarily shrink a tumor and improve swallowing. In some cases, ra-
diation may also be able to shrink the tumor.
If cancer in the esophagus is involved and radiotherapy doesn't help,
a feeding tube may be considered.

Stomach Pain
Chronic use of some medications, particularly some of the NSAIDs, can
irritate the stomach and other areas of the gastrointestinal tract or may
actually damage the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal system. In this
case, medications to treat and prevent ulcers may be used, such as
sucralfate, which helps form a coating that helps protect the ulcer from
acids of the stomach. Other medications, classically used to treat ulcers or
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), a severe form of heartburn, that
reduce or eliminate acid production—such as Tagamet, Zantac, Aciphex,
Prilosec, Prevacid, and Protonix—are often considered as well.

Problems with Taste

Cancer can alter taste perceptions in a variety of ways, a problem that
affects about half of all cancer patients, regardless of the type of cancer
they have. Doctors believe several factors may contribute to the problem.
258 Other Approaches and Concerns

The taste buds themselves may lose their sensitivity because chemicals
produced by the cancer or poor dental hygiene may lead to loss of taste.
Usually food tastes bland or slightly "off," having a metallic or medicinal
flavor. Some people find they either want no sweets or want more sweets;
many lose their desire for meat and bitter foods. When taste problems
occur, an extra effort should be made to prevent or treat sores and dry
mouth (see preceding sections on mouth and throat sores and dry mouth).

Practical Strategies
When tastes seem to be altered, try one or more of the following strategies:
• Brush teeth often, and use a mouth rinse such as a mixture of wa-
ter and baking soda.
• Assuming the patient doesn't experience nausea, the aroma of
foods cooking may stimulate the desire for food.
• Flavoring food with mild spices such as salt, vanilla, cinnamon,
or lemon may enhance flavors.
• When all foods taste bitter, good selections may include white
meat, eggs, and dairy products. Some suggest adding honey,
NutraSweet, or sweet fruits to foods that taste bitter. Adding beer
or wine to soups, marinades, sauces, and seasonings may also help.
Marinate meats and fish, use strong seasonings, and avoid hot
foods—wait until they are room temperature or even cold.
• Unpleasant aftertastes can be masked with mints, chewing gum,
or mildly sweet or pleasant desserts.

Loss of Appetite
Cancer patients may lose their desire to eat (anorexia) either temporarily
or chronically at various stages of the disease; it may, in fact, be one of the
first symptoms of cancer, and is also common in advanced cancer. Foods
may taste different, have metallic or medicinal "off" flavors, or be down-
right unappealing. It is often disorienting to patients when they find that
foods they have enjoyed for a lifetime no longer hold much pleasure and
that they can suddenly tolerate foods they never cared for. They should be
reassured that this is a common side effect of cancer and its treatment, and
patients should be encouraged to experiment with different foods.
Failure to eat is one of the most distressing aspects of cancer for pa-
tients and their families. The degree of concern that this symptom should
raise depends very much on the specific case, the prognosis, and stage of
the disease.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 259

Practical Strategies
When a patient has a chance for a cure or is in the early or middle stages of
cancer, aggressive methods to counter malnutrition should be undertaken.
These may include:
• Providing small but frequent meals.
• Selecting the patient's favorite foods.
• Offering a milkshake-like dietary supplement if solid food can't
be taken. Ask the physician to recommend one of the highly nu-
tritious food supplements available on the market. They range
from common products such as Carnation Instant Breakfast to
more specialized ones such as Ensure or Boost. Patients frequently
find these most palatable when served chilled or over ice; the
manufacturer may also be able to provide information on how to
prepare these foods in interesting ways.

Medication for Loss of Appetite

Preliminary research suggests that treatment with medications may stimu-
late appetite, with a relatively low risk of serious side effects.
Corticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisone) administered in mod-
erate doses may be successful for a short time. The administration of high
doses of megestrol (Megace), a hormone, may be effective for longer peri-
ods with fewer side effects. Taken at night, the antidepressant amitrip-
tyline or the tranquilizer chlorpromazine may boost appetite and general
attitude as well.
The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, currently only legally avail-
able in pill form as dronabinol (Marinol), may also be effective in some
Reglan (metoclopramide), a medication commonly used for nausea,
works in part to minimize sensations of bloating and early satiety (feeling
full after just a few bites) by its prokinetic activity, meaning that it helps
energize or jump-start the GI tract by encouraging it to empty more rapidly.
In some cases, aggressive treatment that includes tube feeding (gas-
trostomy) or intravenous feeding (total parenteral hyperalimentation) will
be recommended. These methods, however, are appropriate in only a small
proportion of cases.

Lack of Appetite in Advanced Stages of Cancer

When patients do not have a good chance of long-term survival and are in
the advanced stages of cancer, lack of appetite is relatively common. Yet
patients and families are often unable to admit that the patient's prognosis
260 Other Approaches and Concerns

is poor. Doctors often find it difficult to discuss a poor prognosis, either

because they do not have specific training in discussing such difficult topics
with patients, because they are not comfortable admitting that some can-
cers are beyond cure, or because they simply do not want to upset their
patients. Since even experts in palliative and hospice care cannot always
predict life expectancy with certainty, many experts will be hesitant about
conveying that death is imminent. Finally, patients and their families are
often naturally reluctant to receive unpleasant news and may discourage
doctors from engaging in such conversation.
Nevertheless, patients with progressive cancer commonly lose their
appetite, and families often feel helpless when this occurs. Many families
equate preparing and offering food with providing love. Some view their
central role or job as providing food and feeding the patient; when the
patient won't eat, they feel like failures. Families in this situation should
not be discouraged: they are witnessing an unavoidable but natural part
of the disease process. Patients with advanced cancer usually don't want
to eat and may try to do so simply to make their families feel better. Most
experts concur, however, that dehydration and missed meals are not par-
ticularly uncomfortable for a very ill person with cancer. Forcing the per-
son to eat or drink may not help him and can make a very ill patient feel
guilty and even more uncomfortable. Although it may be difficult to wit-
ness the progressive loss of appetite in a loved one, it is unkind to pres-
sure someone to eat when he is unable to do so. Families must try to find
more direct, verbal ways to show that they care. This is one of many chal-
lenges that face all caregivers of gravely ill loved ones.

Loss of Weight

Many cancer patients will lose weight and, over time, may appear emaci-
ated. Weight loss can be caused by a variety of factors, such as loss of
appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhaging, ulcers, poor absorption in the
gastrointestinal tract, a failing metabolic or digestive system, and even
the chemical by-products of a tumor.
Patients who lose a great deal of weight (a condition known as cachexia)
may look ill, feel weak, look pale, and feel full when they have eaten only a
little. Their changed appearance can cause distress, fear, and feelings of be-
ing isolated as friends and family members note the marked change in ap-
pearance. Clothes will no longer fit well; dentures may become loose and
may not only cause problems with eating but also be painful.
Unfortunately, cachexia is common and can't be avoided or treated in
many cases. Although the medications mentioned under the section "Loss
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 261

of Appetite" can be tried, attention should really be focused on relieving the

social implications associated with the changed appearance, dealing with
more practical matters such as obtaining clothing that fits better, and using
coping strategies to ward off depression and other potential psychological
problems. Dentures may be refitted (even at bedside) and can help the pa-
tient chew and look better. Caring for the skin and mouth is important dur-
ing this time, as described in this chapter (under "Skin Problems").
Do not force foods aggressively. The person will have a fickle appetite
and will feel full with a small amount of food.

Fatigue and Weakness

For a variety of reasons, cancer patients often suffer from fatigue. Fatigue
is said to be multifactorial, meaning that it is usually caused by many
combined factors. As a result, it is often difficult to determine which is the
main culprit. Reasons for fatigue include side effects of chemotherapy or
radiotherapy, poor nutrition, infection, the effects of chemicals made by
the tumors, the effects of other medications used by the patient, liver or
kidney failure, imbalance of the body's salts and electrolytes (calcium,
potassium, and sodium), depression, fever, and anemia. Even so, the doc-
tor may recommend some simple tests to find correctable causes. Although
medications prescribed to treat pain may contribute to fatigue, reducing
them to heighten alertness does not usually make sense, because patients
will suffer more from untreated pain, and they will become tired out from
fighting the pain.

Practical Strategies
Sometimes fatigue or weakness will be a temporary side effect of treat-
ment. To help relieve it during treatments:
• Be sure the patient rests often. The patient should stay relaxed, go
to bed earlier, and sleep later. Several short rest periods may help
more than one long rest. However, some studies show that too
much rest may affect your body's production of energy. When fa-
tigued, spend less time lying down and more time sitting or do-
ing gentle activities.
• Try to maintain a normal but somewhat slowed routine that can
be stepped up gradually as tolerated.
• Encourage the patient to keep drinking plenty of liquid—ideally,
eight to ten glasses of water daily.
262 Other Approaches and Concerns

Offer the patient foods that are complex carbohydrates (rice, beans,
grains, vegetables), which provide more energy than highly pro-
cessed foods or sweets.
Encourage the patient to accept help with simple chores he can't
easily do, such as cooking and cleaning. However, keep the pa-
tient's mind busy with car rides, movies, visiting, listening to
music, and so on.
A careful regimen of fresh air, exercise, and physical therapy may
be helpful. However, these remedies are situation-specific ones:
rest instead of exercise may be the best thing for many patients
who are weak.
When fatigue is a sign of depression (see Chapter 14), it will some-
times get better when the depression lifts. Simple measures are
often sufficient, such as conversation, companionship, reassurance,
hugs, and encouragement with small activities. When depression
persists, professional counseling or treatment with one of the an-
tidepressants should be considered. Patients need to be reassured
that depression is common in patients with cancer. If the fatigue
is attributed to a major depression, then antidepressants may help.
If pain or anxiety is preventing normal sleep, it should be treated
aggressively (see Chapter 12).
Ensuring that sleep and rest are maintained is a key factor in mini-
mizing fatigue. Pay attention to the sleep-wake cycle, which often
gets reversed in ill patients. It is very common that, for one reason
or another, patients are unable to sleep well at night. As a result,
they are drowsy during the day, nap at odd times, and then are
even less likely to sleep well at night, perpetuating a vicious cycle
that is hard to reverse. If this seems to be occurring, minimize or
eliminate daytime sleeping so that patients are more tired at night,
and talk to the doctor about adding either a nighttime sleeping
pill or a daytime stimulant.
Be attentive to what has come to be regarded as "sleep hygiene." In
other words, create a setting that promotes sleep. Make sure that at
bedtime the patient is reclined and in comfortable garments, with
relaxing music, a candle, incense, a cup of tea, or other environ-
mental cues that promote restfulness. Avoid having the television
on incessantly, frequent interruptions, uncomfortable postures, and
restrictive clothing.
Consider renting a hospital bed, bedside commode, wheelchair,
ramps, raised toilet seat, walker, and stool for the bath or shower.
These simple measures will help conserve the patient's strength
and are typically covered by most insurers' home health programs
as well as by hospice, should it be necessary.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 263

• In more advanced stages of the disease, when weakness and fa-

tigue can be expected, distractions such as conversation, music,
television, and so on will continue to bring pleasure to the patient
who is weak.

Medications and Other Treatments for Fatigue

Review the patient's medication list with the doctor periodically. Some-
times patients continue to take medications that are no longer essential
and which, if eliminated, may give them more strength.
Blood tests may indicate an abnormality, such as anemia, potassium
that is too low, or calcium that is too high. A transfusion or other treat-
ment may be recommended. Keep in mind that not all abnormalities re-
quire treatment; for example, a blood transfusion does not make sense if it
will only correct the problem for a few days or is unlikely to promote
well-being. Remember, the important thing is to treat the whole patient.
Often abnormal test values are well tolerated when they are the result of
gradual changes. Not every abnormality can be fixed or needs to be. Work-
ing with the doctor will help determine when comfort versus strict atten-
tion to the numbers is the best guide to choosing therapies, especially when
the treatments themselves may be uncomfortable or disruptive.
Simple multivitamins, especially those that include iron, may be suf-
ficient to help combat anemia and fatigue. If fatigue has been determined
to be a likely consequence of anemia (reflected by a low hematocrit or
hemoglobin on blood work), weekly (or more frequent) injections of a
medication that stimulates the bones to produce more red cells may be
extremely helpful, and avoids transfusion. Medications such as Procrit or
Epogen (epoetin alfa) help increase the body's supply of erythropoietin, a
hormone produced by the kidney that stimulates the production of new
red blood cells, which carry the oxygen needed to rekindle lost energy.
These injections are very costly but are covered by most insurers when
given under recommended circumstances.
Fatigue may also result from excessive blood levels of calcium (hyper-
calcemia, see Chapter 8). The input of your physician is critical to deter-
mine whether hypercalcemia is a minor problem that does not require
aggressive treatment or may be life-threatening if allowed to persist. De-
pending on the situation, hypercalcemia may be treated with the regular
use of oral or nasal medications intended to combat osteoporosis, or may
require periodic injections of a bisphosphonate, which sometimes dramati-
cally reverses fatigue and mental confusion.
To boost a sense of well-being, steroids (including dexamethasone,
prednisone, and prednisolone) are very commonly used for patients with
advanced cancer, usually helping them feel stronger and hungrier.
264 Other Approaches and Concerns

The stimulants methylphenidate (Ritalin) and dextroamphetamine

may be useful to reduce sleepiness and fatigue, especially when these prob-
lems are caused in part by the treatment of pain with the opioids and
other medications that can contribute to drowsiness. Although less highly
regulated, Cylert (pemoline) is less frequently prescribed as a stimulant
today since it has been shown to be occasionally associated with liver fail-
ure. Provigil (modafinil), currently approved just for the treatment of the
sleep disorder narcolepsy, is being used more frequently to promote day-
time arousal in fatigued cancer patients. Many physicians may be reluc-
tant to prescribe stimulants, in part because, like the opioids, their use is
regulated to minimize potential for abuse. Nevertheless, some patients
respond favorably to stimulants and can be intensely grateful for the re-
turn of energy and alertness. The stimulants are prescribed for use mostly
in the early morning and at noon, just as some use coffee to start the day
without interfering with needed nighttime sleep. There is a limit to these
medications' effectiveness, since sometimes fatigue needs to be respected
as the body's signal that additional rest is needed. These medications are
usually avoided in patients with rapid or irregular heartbeats, seizure dis-
orders, or brain tumors, and when anxiety or paranoia are present.
Finally, remember that fatigue and lack of motivation are common
symptoms of depression. If it is present, depression can be addressed by
counseling, antidepressants, or a combination of these.

Hair Loss
Hair loss, known as alopecia, is a fairly common side effect of chemo-
therapy or radiation to the scalp. Severity may range from hair thinning
to complete loss of hair. Strangely, when hair grows back, it may be softer,
thicker, or of a different texture than before. Sometimes gray hair that falls
out is replaced with hair of the patient's original color. Occasionally, pa-
tients may also lose hair in other area of the body, such as from the eye-
brows, arms, groin, and so on.
Although much less disturbing to the body's functioning than nausea
or other side effects, patients are often devastated psychologically by hair
loss because hair is frequently an integral part of the patient's body image.
To minimize hair loss and protect new hair that's growing in:
• Though unproven, some patients wear an "ice turban" or keep
cold compresses on the head during chemotherapy treatments to
inhibit the drugs from reaching the hair follicles.
• Before treatments, cut hair into a manageable style that won't re-
quire a lot of brushing or combing.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 265

Use mild products on the head, and keep shampooing to a mini-

mum. Pat hair to dry.
Avoid hair dryers, curling irons, clips, elastic bands, hair spray,
and all other hair products, including brushes and combs.
Satin pillowcases may help prevent hair tangles.
If hair loss is expected, choose a wig before treatment. Synthetic
wigs are more comfortable and less expensive than wigs made
from real hair. Consider obtaining a wig through the American
Cancer Society, the hospital, or support groups. Check with in-
surance about reimbursement.
Use a hat, scarf, or turban if hair loss has occurred. A hairnet at
home can help contain hair and minimize shedding.
In summer, keep head covered to avoid sunburn; in winter, keep
head covered to prevent heat loss.

Bleeding Episodes
While it is relatively rare, bleeding can be a side effect of chemotherapy or
radiation, a result of the cancer itself, the result of an allergic reaction to
some medications (especially quinidine, quinine, digitalis, sulfonamides,
or thiazides), or caused by stress and anxiety. Bleeding may occur directly
from the skin or may arise from the mouth, nose, groin, or elsewhere.

Practical Strategies
To prevent bleeding, be sure the patient:
• Avoids activities that might be too physically strenuous and that
may cause even minor trauma
• Avoids hand razors, cuticle scissors, tight-fitting clothes that could
irritate the skin, tourniquets, and aspirin
• Avoids strenuous activities, such as lifting, bending over from the
waist, or straining during a bowel movement
• Drinks plenty of liquids to keep the mucous membranes moist
• Follows hygienic precautions listed under "Mouth or Throat
Sores," earlier in this chapter, to avoid mouth bleeding
• Keeps stools soft and avoids using anything in the rectum (ther-
mometers, enemas) to prevent bleeding from the anus
• Takes an antacid or milk with oral steroids to prevent irritating
the stomach
• Uses a lubricant before sexual intercourse (for women) to prevent
friction and bleeding; avoids douches and vaginal suppositories
266 Other Approaches and Concerns

• Blows nose very gently through both nostrils and keeps air hu-
mid with a vaporizer or humidifier to avoid bleeding from the
lungs or nose
If bleeding occurs, apply pressure to the area for five to ten minutes,
and if a limb is involved, elevate it. Apply ice to cause the local blood
vessels to constrict. If the nose bleeds, squeeze the nostrils gently shut
below the bridge of the nose; tilt the head forward to prevent blood from
backing up. If it persists, place an ice pack on the bridge of the nose. Con-
tact the doctor if bleeding of any kind doesn't stop after five minutes.

Sexual Problems
Cancer can interfere with sexuality in many ways—the patient may be
tired, nauseated, anxious, or fearful; he may lose sexual desire or may be
unable to function normally. Cancer reminds us of our mortality and vul-
nerability. Just the psychological impact of being diagnosed with cancer,
let alone the body changes that might occur, can affect our body image
and make us feel less sexy, attractive, and lovable. Couples need to com-
municate during this stressful time about their needs, fears, and anxieties.
When intercourse is not possible, physical intimacy (hugging, holding,
caressing) can go a long way in maintaining needed closeness. Sexual part-
ners may be fearful to initiate intimacy out of concern that they will hurt
their mate. This concern can easily be overcome with communication.
During chemotherapy, women are more prone to bleed heavily dur-
ing their periods, and many doctors advise that women of childbearing
age take birth control pills to stop menstruation during this time. During
radiation to the genital area, women may be advised to have regular inter-
course or even to use a dildo-like device to retain the vagina's natural
shape. If these matters have not already been brought up by the health
care team, patients and their families should make a special effort to dis-
cuss them with a nurse or doctor.

Skin Problems
Itching and Dry Skin
Chemicals produced by the tumor, side effects of treatment, dehydration,
and even anxiety or boredom may cause or aggravate dry, itchy skin, a
condition known as pruritus. To relieve it, patients should:
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 267

• Use water-based moisturizers and avoid oil-based ones. Use these

moisturizers after bathing and every night.
• Drink plenty of fluids (eight to ten glasses a day).
• Protect skin from wind, heat, hot sun, and cold.
• Avoid hot baths and soap. Use soothing bath solutions that in-
clude cornstarch, baking soda, Aveeno, or soybean powder. Pat
the skin dry rather than rubbing it.
• Keep cool, wet packs on the itchy area for twenty minutes at a time.
• Don't exercise excessively.
• Keep clothes loose and light; avoid heavy fabrics such as wool
and corduroy.
• Avoid scratching by using ice packs, by practicing distraction or
another relaxation technique (see Chapter 12), or by applying a
vibrator or extra pressure to the area. Cut nails if necessary and
encourage rubbing instead of scratching.
• For dry patchy areas, try placing a wet cloth over the area for fif-
teen minutes and then apply cream before allowing it to dry.
• Lidoderm, a new medication in patch form that delivers numb-
ing medication directly to the irritated area, may be useful. Ap-
proved for treating the pain associated with shingles and
postherpetic neuralgia, it may be effective for localized itching.


Physicians may prescribe an antihistamine if the patient feels itchy all over;
for local patches of itching, a corticosteroid cream or local anesthetic may
be used. Small doses of naloxone can relieve itching when it is severe and
is due to treatment with a narcotic.

With prolonged bed rest, weight-bearing surfaces such as the hips, tail-
bone (sacrum and coccyx), ankles, and heels may develop pressure sores,
also known as bedsores or decubitus ulcers. Factors that increase the risk
of developing pressure sores include weight loss, poor nutrition, numb-
ness and loss of sensation (feeling uncomfortable ordinarily prompts the
patient to shift position), anemia, infection, paralysis, incontinence, spas-
ticity, heart failure, poor circulation, friction, irritation, dry skin, excessive
moisture, and wrinkled or unclean bedding or clothing.
While pressure sores are largely preventable with good nursing care,
once they are established they can be difficult to treat as long as the under-
lying conditions that caused them persist. They can range in severity from
very mildly irritated skin with a little redness that disappears promptly
268 Other Approaches and Concerns

when pressure is relieved (stage I) to blisters (stage II; similar to a first-

degree burn) and even open, deep, and very serious wounds that are prone
to infection and can burrow down to the bone or into internal organs (stage
III or IV).

Bedsores can usually be prevented by following these guidelines:
• Make sure the patient moves or is moved at least every two hours
so pressure does not persist on the same areas.
• If the patient doesn't move much, avoid skin contacting skin: put
a pillow between the legs, a folded towel between the arm and
body, and spread out the fingers.
• Keep the patient clean, dry, well hydrated, and well fed.
• For patients who are bedridden, consult with a home care nurs-
ing expert (through your doctor's office or insurer) to consider
the use of special equipment such as foam or sheepskin padding,
an air mattress, silicon gel pads, sponge rubber mattresses (egg
crates), or in selected circumstances even highly specialized flota-
tion beds, such as a Ken-Air bed, which, though costly, are cov-
ered by some types of medical insurance.
If blisters or ulcers do start to form, dead tissue should be removed,
pressure should be minimized, and efforts to improve nutrition should be


To promote healing, the health care provider will dress the wound with a
moist dressing and may use any number of products, such as synthetic
dressings, saline dressings, acetic acid compresses, and various antibiotic
dressings (since bedsores are vulnerable to infection). For severe wounds,
surgery is sometimes considered to remove large areas of dead tissue so
that healing may commence.

Tumors That Break Through the Skin

Tumors that ulcerate, or break through the skin, are distressing for the
patient and the family. Although not very common, such sores can be un-
pleasant, may devastate a patient's body image, and can escalate feelings
of helplessness. Such tumors may also leak or drain fluid and may pro-
duce embarrassing odors.
Caring for these problems requires plenty of support from health care
professionals, such as a visiting nurse and, when available, a wound care
team. Wounds should be kept dry and, when appropriate, cleaned twice a
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 269

day. Certain creams may be recommended to clean and dress the wound.
To control any odor, special charcoal dressings may used; an effective home
remedy is yogurt gently spread over the wound. Certain antibiotics, espe-
cially metronidazole (Flagyl, Protostat), reduce odor when administered
directly onto the wound or by mouth. When such a tumor constantly oozes
blood, the wound can be dressed in gauze that has been lined with a gela-
tin sponge material, the most specialized of which contain chemicals that
inhibit fresh bleeding. Protect the surrounding area with petroleum jelly
or zinc oxide. An air freshener may also help minimize the odor. When a
large wound is involved and massive bleeding is feared, an entire blood
vessel can sometimes be closed preventively with minor surgery.


When a tumor has an odor, an infection is probably involved and should
be treated. Antibiotic treatment often helps reduce pain.
The antibiotic clindamycin or the antibacterial medication metronida-
zole can be effective. Metronidazole can cause nausea and nerve damage
and is dangerous if taken with alcohol; clindamycin can severely irritate the
gastrointestinal tract. Powdered and cream preparations of metronidazole,
however, hold promise for topical treatment and are now available.

Urination Problems
The urinary tract is particularly sensitive in the cancer patient; problems
such as burning during urination or a constant urge to urinate are fairly
common. Symptoms of an infection include local discomfort, dark or
strong-smelling urine, fever or chills, and low back pain.

When a Bladder Infection Is Diagnosed

If a bladder infection is present, encourage the patient to drink up to three
quarts of fluid a day (especially water), avoiding coffee, tea, and other
caffeine-containing products, as well as alcoholic beverages. Avoid foods
that could be irritating to the bladder lining, such as alcohol, coffee, tea,
and spicy foods. Vitamin C or large quantities of cranberry juice (up to
three quarts) may help reduce infection by acidifying the urine.

Dehydration and kidney failure can result from hyperuricemia (excessive
blood levels of uric acid), which is most common in cancer patients as a
result of tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), an emergency that may follow some
chemotherapies, especially for leukemia or lymphoma.
270 Other Approaches and Concerns

When chemotherapy results in especially rapid destruction of massive

numbers of tumor cells, humor lysis syndrome may occur due to the accu-
mulation of toxic waste products. This is a potentially life-threatening medi-
cal emergency that must first be identified by the treatment team. In
addition to medical management, the following dietary recommendations
should be considered:
• Drink at least three quarts of fluid a day (especially water), but
avoid tea and wine, as they are high in purines. These substances
contribute to the formation of uric acid, which can overwhelm
kidney function.
• Avoid lentils, dried beans, liver, sardines, or anchovies, which also
contain higher amounts of purines and so can make the condition

Other Guidelines
When incontinence (leakage) is a problem, sometimes a medication to in-
crease the sensation of having to urinate (an anticholinergic drug) or a
catheter may be used.
Urinary retention, an uncommon side effect of opioids and a few other
drugs, is most common in elderly men. Tolerance to the drug often even-
tually develops. If it is not particularly uncomfortable or severe, it may be
left untreated.
Occasionally the outflow of urine becomes completely blocked due to
medications, swelling, or pressure from a tumor. This is usually accompa-
nied by swelling of the lower abdomen, feelings of pressure, and discom-
fort. If simple measures to help the urine flow do not work, the doctor
should be informed; if he is unavailable, the patient may need to go to an
emergency room to have a catheter passed to empty the bladder. Usually
bladder catheterization is not uncomfortable, especially for women.
A catheter is often left in place when patients chronically leak urine or
are bedridden and do not have the strength to get to the bathroom. The
use of a catheter may increase the risk of a bladder infection, but it can
make life much easier for patients who are easily fatigued by frequent
trips to the bathroom.

Sleeping Problems
If the patient can't sleep, try to determine whether it's because of pain,
anxiety, night sweats, fear of urinating, or other reasons. To help monitor
a sleep problem, try to keep track of how long it takes to fall asleep, how
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 271

long sleep lasts, how many times premature awakening occurs and why,
whether returning to sleep is problematic, and how rested the patient feels
in the morning. Counseling, applying practical tips, and using medica-
tion may help manage insomnia, especially when anxiety or fear are its
cause (see Chapter 14). If night sweats persist, underlying causes should
be sought, such as fever, hormonal abnormalities, seizures, strokes, and
the use of certain medications. If they cannot be reversed, a nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug, such as indomethacin, often helps, as does atten-
tion to the simple elements that constitute good sleep hygiene, such as
regular changes of bedclothing and using a gentle fan,

Practical Strategies
Some simple techniques may ease sleep-related problems:
* If anxiety is the root of the problem, any of the relaxation and
distraction exercises in Chapter 12 (breathing, progressive muscle
relaxation, music therapy, guided imagery) can be used to soothe
patients, allowing them to more easily drift off to sleep.
• Opioids used for pain will help induce sleep, especially when pain
stimulates wakefulness; families should not be overly concerned
if the patient seems oversedated at the beginning of an opioid
regimen, since this may represent catch-up sleep. Most patients
build up a tolerance to the sedative effects of opioids within a
week or two (see Chapter 7 on morphine and the other strong
opioids). A soothing back rub or massage can often reduce anxi-
ety and relax the person, helping sleep come.
• Pay attention to whether the sleep-wake cycle has undergone re-
versal. It is very common that, for one reason or another, a patient
is unable to sleep well at night. When this occurs, he becomes
drowsy during the day and eagerly grabs a nap at odd times, and
then is even less likely to sleep well at night, perpetuating a vi-
cious cycle that is hard to interrupt. If this seems to be occurring,
minimize or eliminate daytime sleeping so that the patient is more
tired at night, and talk to the doctor about adding either a night-
time sleeping pill or a daytime stimulant. Maximizing exposure
to daytime sunlight is believed to stimulate natural circadian
* Avoid stimulating substances before bed. Avoid caffeine after noon,
limit coffee to two cups per day, and avoid nicotine and chocolate
at night. When possible avoid medications known to interfere with
sleep (caffeine-containing painkillers such as Excedrin, Darvon,
272 Other Approaches and Concerns

Esgic-Plus, Fioricet, Fiorinal, Hycomine, Norgesic, and Wigraine;

sinus and cold medications containing pseudoephedrine or phe-
nylpropanolamine; supplements containing phenylpropanolamine,
ephedra, ma huang, or ginseng; corticosteroids such as cortisone,
prednisone, and dexamethasone; bronchodilators and asthma in-
halers like theophylline and albuterol; some sinus medications, such
as Entex and Profen; cimetidine; Demerol; certain antidepressants,
especially the SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; hy-
peractivity remedies such as Ritalin; beta-blockers such as
propanolol, atenolol, timolol, or metoprolol, which are associated
with nightmares; and some glaucoma medications).
• Avoid excessive laxatives and the evening use of diuretics to mini-
mize nocturnal voiding.
• Avoid alcohol. Although sometimes helpful to initiate sleep, it has
a rebound effect that disrupts routine sleep and causes frequent
early awakenings.
• Avoid food within two hours of bedtime, especially large meals.
If you must eat, stick with an easily digestible light snack (noth-
ing greasy or spicy) that will not produce heartburn; avoid pro-
tein and stick with carbohydrates.
• Include activities likely to lead to sleep, such as listening to sooth-
ing music or recordings of nature sounds, reading, taking a warm
bath, or getting a massage.
• Keep the bedroom conducive to sleep and relaxation; keep it quiet,
cool (about 65 degrees), dark, comfortable, and well ventilated.
• Eliminate disruptive lights, sounds, temperatures, or touch sen-
sations and adopt corrective measures (eyeshades, earplugs, mo-
notonous low-volume background noise, new bedlinens).
• Behavioral approaches, such as progressive relaxation training,
meditation, autogenic training, yoga, self-hypnosis and biofeedback,
cognitive therapy, and mindful living, can encourage relaxation and
promote sleep (see Chapter 12). These tools help empower the in-
dividual to control a sleep problem by relying on internal coping
mechanisms, thus boosting self-esteem, rather than relying on ex-
ternal factors such as medications, which tend to reinforce the pa-
tient's role as a victim.

Medical Conditions
Work with your doctor to identify the presence of conditions that may
interfere with normal sleep. These can include depression, arthritis, kid-
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 273

ney disease, heart failure, asthma, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome,
chronic pain, Parkinson's disease, and hyperthyroidism. Illicit and pre-
scribed medications can contribute to insomnia (see above).

Of Possible Use
While their relaxing effects have not been confirmed, some people claim
success with folk remedies: warm milk; a cut-up onion in a jar at the bed-
side inhaled before bedtime; herbal supplements or teas containing vale-
rian, chamomile, lavender, passionflower, lemon verbena, lemon balm,
peppermint, red clover, calendula flowers, California poppy, hops, linden
flower, skullcap, St. John's wort, or vervain; other supplements, such as
GABA or tryptophan (amino acids), melatonin, and certain vitamins and
minerals, such as calcium, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper.
No matter how unscientific, such remedies certainly have a chance of
working if the user believes in them.

Prescribed Sleeping Aids

While well accepted for short-term use, tremendous controversy surrounds
the regular, chronic use of sleeping pills. Despite physicians' reluctance to
provide such medications on an ongoing basis, they are among the most
widely prescribed. Over-the-counter sleep remedies, usually containing
antihistamines such as dopodramamine or diphenhydramine (Benadryl),
are generally safe but may cause dry mouth, constipation, rapid heart-
beat, and urinary retention. Using a prescribed sleep medication on a daily
basis is usually best avoided. Older sedatives or hypnotics, including the
barbiturates (Nembutal, Seconal), chloral hydrate, and glutethimide, are
no longer be recommended due to risks of oversedation, addiction, sei-
zures, and even death. The most widely used agents, the benzodiazepines,
include clonazepam (Klonopin), flurazepam (Dalmane), quazepam (Doral),
estazolam (ProSom), temazepam (Restoril), triazolam (Halcion), alpra-
zolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), and diazepam (Valium). Although
effective, they may cause daytime fatigue (hangover), and prolonged use
is discouraged due to concerns about the need for increasing doses (toler-
ance), habituation, and abuse. The newer medications zolpidem (Ambien)
and zaleplon (Sonata) are preferred today because hangover and abuse
seem much less prevalent. Tricyclic antidepressants may be used to treat
insomnia in cancer patients because they help induce sleep and enhance
the pain-relieving effects of opioids. However, they should not be taken
as needed; instead, they are usually prescribed to be taken regularly so
that they can help relieve pain as well.
274 Other Approaches and Concerns

Confusion and Delirium

Many conditions can trigger confusion in patients with cancer. Unlike

delirium, which is a more established condition, a confused patient will
be mixed up from time to time, but overall behavior remains normal. The
patient is not agitated, and even if he occasionally hallucinates or seems
to be "losing his mind," he becomes aware of these episodes. If this condi-
tion becomes more profound or the patient becomes agitated, then the
patient may be described as delirious. Delirium, by definition, is marked
by passing episodes of disorganized thinking or incoherence, in which
the patient is disoriented as to the time of day and displays impaired at-
tention. Patients with delirium can hurt themselves, especially without
supervision. Delirium tends to be worse at night.
The terms confusion and delirium represent a continuum that is not
sharply defined, and they need to be distinguished from dementia, a
gradual intellectual decline that occurs over months or years, usually in
association with aging. Patients with dementia may be unaware of com-
monly known facts but are usually more alert and aware of their sur-
roundings than those with delirium.
Delirium and confusion can stem from many causes, including infec-
tion, stopping a medication suddenly, or the side effects of certain drugs,
such as diuretics. Confusion may also occur from too much insulin, espe-
cially if a patient has suffered great weight loss and persistently shows a
lack of appetite. Many medications, including benzodiazepines, narcot-
ics, steroids, and anticholinergic drugs, and even nonprescription drugs
such as aspirin or antihistamine, if taken often, can trigger confusion. Other
causes include poor pain control, lack of sleep, fecal impaction, urinary
retention, and brain tumors. In most cases, the cause is a result of the dis-
ease and not a form of any kind of mental illness. Families should be pre-
pared, however, for episodes of confusion or delirium, because they occur
is some 85 percent of terminally ill cancer patients. Almost all patients
will experience some degree of confusion or delirium at least intermit-
tently in the last few days of life.
It is important not to panic if patients experience confusion. Most spells
pass quickly, although they may return. If persistent or severe, the doctor
should certainly be consulted. Keep in mind that patients may be very
embarrassed by such episodes and often will try to keep them from oth-
ers. They should be reassured that these events are expected for patients
in their condition.
When possible, drug substitutions can be tried. If a patient is taking
cimetidine (Tagamet), which carries some risk of delirium as a side effect,
sucralfate (Carafate) can be substituted. Similarly, nortriptyline (Pamelor),
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 275

which has less chance of causing this side effect, can be substituted for
amitriptyline (Elavil).

Symptoms and Management of Delirium

Delirium, usually associated with agitation, is a confusional state in which
the autonomic nervous system is overactive. Symptoms include flushed face,
dilated pupils, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. It may be caused by a physi-
cal problem, such as by a tumor affecting the central nervous system, organ
failure, infection, or other complication. It may also be caused by the indi-
rect effects on the central nervous system of certain medications (including
chemotherapy agents). In contrast to agitated delirium (described above),
some patients experience hypoactive delirium, where the confusion is asso-
ciated with sleepiness and reduced activity and response.
Some 15 to 50 percent of hospitalized cancer patients have episodes of
delirium. Often just the change of scenery, frequent interruptions, and
absence of familiar surroundings are disorienting. When sudden episodes
of agitation, cognitive impairment, change in attention span, or levels of
consciousness occur, chances are these changes are from the cancer or side
effects rather than a new psychological problem. If there is severe agita-
tion or hallucinations, an antipsychotic medication that helps calm the
patient may be called for. Haloperidol (Haldol) is commonly used because
it is sedating and has fewer side effects than other antipsychotic medica-
tions. It can be given orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly. Some seda-
tives, especially the benzodiazepines—diazepam (Valium), alprazolam
(Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), and others—although usually calming, some-
times will paradoxically make things worse by reducing inhibitions, like
the effects observed in someone who has consumed too much alcohol.
Caring for a confused or delirious patient can be difficult because pa-
tients may become unintentionally violent and disruptive. The following
strategies may be appropriate for either confusion or delirium.

Practical Strategies
If the patient seems to be confused or suffering from delirium:
• Repeatedly reassure the patient, keep familiar objects near him,
and speak simply and clearly. Don't be frightened. Acknowledge
the abnormal behavior, stressing that it will probably be tempo-
rary, is likely to be the result of needed medications, and is harm-
less. Sometimes it is even appropriate to joke about it together.
• Keep the patient's room quiet and well lit at night with a night-
light. Try not to awaken the patient during the night.
276 Other Approaches and Concerns

Medications for Delirium

Families and physicians usually prefer to make the patient less restless
and aggressive with an antidepressant, haloperidol (Haldol), or the antip-
sychotic medication chlorpromazine (Thorazine, Promapar) if needed. For
more on sedation in patients who are very ill, see Chapter 15.


In cancers affecting the stomach, diaphragm, and brain, hiccoughs are not
uncommon. They may also be triggered by kidney failure (uremia) or infec-
tion. Many of us don't realize how exhausting and demoralizing hiccoughs
can be when they last a long time.

Practical Strategies
Hiccoughs can sometimes be managed with simple physical maneuvers
such as holding the breath or breathing in and out of a paper bag (to boost
inhaled carbon dioxide).
There are a number of folk remedies, mostly scientifically unproven,
but which cannot hurt. They include:
• Sipping water from the "wrong" side of a glass (lean forward, as
if trying to touch the toes, and tilt the glass until you can drink
from the far edge).
• Drinking water with two heaping teaspoons of sugar to stimulate
the esophagus.
• Running a cold key down the back of the person hiccoughing.
• Drinking peppermint water, which can relax the sphincter of the
esophagus—which may be useful when the hiccoughs are due to
pressure on the stomach.

Medications for Hiccoughing

When the hiccoughs are due to pressure on the stomach and peppermint
water doesn't work, an antiflatulent such as Maalox might, as might meto-
clopramide. When the hiccough reflex is stimulated by a tumor or fluid
pressing on the diaphragm, chlorpromazine often helps; possible side ef-
fects include drowsiness, light-headedness, and heart palpitations. When
hiccoughs are caused by a brain tumor, phenytoin or carbamazepine may
help. Other medications that are occasionally used to suppress hiccoughs
include quinidine, benzonatate, atropine, and methylphenidate.
Dealing with Other Side Effects and Discomforts 277

If hiccoughs persist despite all these efforts and are troubling to the
patient, a phrenic nerve block (see Chapter 9) or surgery to the phrenic
nerve may even be considered.

Muscle Jerking
No one knows what causes muscle jerking (myoclonus), which can be
much like twitching, or why high doses of opioids can have this effect.
The movement is not sustained, but sudden and uncontrollable, and usu-
ally involves single jerks of the entire body, much like many of us nor-
mally experience as we fall asleep. Muscle jerks may awaken patients and
can make drinking a cup of water unpredictably difficult but otherwise
are not particularly bothersome to the patient. Although they may disturb
family members, reassure them that these involuntary movements are an
expected side effect of medications and would stop if the medication was
stopped. Sometimes jerking causes pain. If so, the doctor may consider
clonazepam for this side effect, or the pain medication may need to be

Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramping may be totally unrelated to cancer, or it can be a symp-
tom of a systemwide problem such as uremia (a buildup of toxic sub-
stances in the blood due to poor kidney function), cirrhosis, or other
metabolic condition. In cancer patients, muscle cramps may also be caused
by the tumor exerting pressure on certain nerves or by dehydration (from
sweating or diarrhea), or it may be a side effect of medication (such as
diuretics), radiation, chemotherapy (when vinca alkaloids or cisplatin are
used), hormone therapy (such as those used for breast cancer), or surgery,
which may cause nerve damage.

Practical and Medication Strategies

Muscle cramps can often be treated by one or more of the following strategies:
• In cases where the cramping is caused by dehydration or medica-
tions that aren't vital, withdrawing suspect drugs, if possible,
might help.
• When the culprit medication can't be withdrawn, other medica-
tions may help so the patient can more comfortably continue with
chemotherapy or hormone therapy. Quinine taken at bedtime can
278 Other Approaches and Concerns

prevent cramps that typically occur during the night. Doses are
kept low.
For bothersome cramping during the day, the anticonvulsants
phenytoin (Dilantin) and carbamazepine (Tegretol) are considered
most useful and have been well studied. Other substances that
have been reported to help cramping but for which studies are
scant include baclofen (Lioresal), tizanidine (Zanaflex), diazepam
(Valium), dantrolene (Dantrium), procainamide (Pronestyl),
diphenhydramine (Benadryl), fluoride, riboflavin (vitamin B2),
vitamin E, verapamil (Calan), and nifedipine (Procardia).
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain
Mind and body are inextricably linked, and their second-by-second
interaction exerts a profound influence upon health and illness, life and
death. Attitudes, beliefs, and emotional states ranging from love and
compassion to fear and anger can trigger chain reactions that affect
blood chemistry, heart rate, and the activity of every cell and organ
system in the body-from the stomach and gastrointestinal tract to the
immune system.
All of that is now indisputable fact.
—Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., M.D.

So far we've discussed how doctors ease the pain and discomfort of can-
cer by drawing from an arsenal of drug therapies and medical treatments.
But limiting our focus to treatment of the body neglects the very powerful
influence of the mind on the body. In recent years, more and more West-
ern physicians in almost all fields of medicine are recognizing that the
mind and body are not two separate entities but integral parts of the whole
body system. Physical illness, the immune system, and the mind are all, in
fact, intimately connected, and as we'll see, many studies are showing
how feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and behavior can all have powerful and
pivotal influences on well-being, health, illness, and pain.
In 2001, a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that re-
viewed fifty-four published studies on various mind-body techniques
found that many of the techniques have great promise for relieving cancer
pain and suffering.1 Behavioral therapy (discussed below), for example,
was particularly effective in controlling anticipatory nausea and vomiting
in both children and adults undergoing chemotherapy and in reducing
anxiety and distress associated with invasive medical procedures. Hyp-
nosis, relaxation, and distracting imagery, on the other hand, seemed par-
ticularly effective for alleviating pain.
We know now how chronic pain can increase muscle tension. As the
tension causes escalating pain, a patient may get anxious and depressed,
which in turn may magnify pain sensations. To break this vicious cycle,

280 Other Approaches and Concerns

pain clinics typically include recommendations for a range of mind-body

techniques, such as:

• Relaxation techniques to interrupt the pain-tension-spasm cycle

• Physical therapy to stretch and strengthen muscles in order to help
correct muscle tension
• Psychotherapy and antidepressant medication to help relieve de-
pression and feelings of despair
• Occupational therapy to learn how to do everyday tasks with a
reduced risk of reinjury

Though not miracle cures, mind-body approaches can help harness

the power of the mind to better control thoughts and emotions such as
worries, pessimism, negativity, hostility, and depression and to promote
relaxation, hope, control, and optimism. Some evidence even suggests that
such techniques may help arrest or perhaps even reverse the disease pro-
cess and promote longevity. Whether or not these benefits will be sub-
stantiated by further research, most doctors nevertheless acknowledge that
these techniques can greatly improve the quality of life for cancer patients
and others by helping them better cope with the fear and anxiety of hav-
ing cancer and with the treatments for cancer, which may have very un-
pleasant side effects. By helping patients improve their spirits, mind-body
techniques can go a long way in reducing the severity and frequency of
medical problems, including pain. As we'll see, a growing body of evi-
dence is showing that these mind-body approaches can relieve nausea,
for example (a common side effect of chemotherapy), reduce the amount
of pain medication that cancer and surgical patients need, and even speed
up recovery.
These mind-body techniques range from meditation and yoga to bio-
feedback and music therapy, among others. Most of these alternative thera-
pies were considered totally unconventional and on the fringe just twenty
years ago. Today they are becoming more widespread and accepted in
hospitals and clinics throughout the country as effective, no-risk strate-
gies that can ease distress, muscle tension, anxiety, and depression—all of
which can improve quality of life and enhance the medical treatment of
pain and other discomforts associated with cancer.
Although none of these techniques is meant as a substitute for medi-
cal treatment and none has been shown to actually cure pain or cancer,
they can usually help enhance relief to allow patients to regain some con-
trol and mastery over their lives.
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 281

How Distress Aggravates Pain and Illness

First, let's look at how the stress of cancer can make pain and illness worse.
Obviously, having cancer is enormously stressful. The disease turns a
person's and the family's lives upside down, and in many ways the indi-
vidual feels out of control. Stress bombards the cancer patient on all fronts:
worry and anxiety about the disease, its progression, its treatments, poten-
tial disabilities, and perhaps disfigurements; concerns about its negative
impact on the family's emotional, financial, and even physical well-being;
anxiety over losing control of one's life and independence. At one time or
another, the typical cancer patient is plagued by despair, depression, hope-
lessness, and helplessness. And a cancer patient will naturally be fearful
about pain and dying. (See Chapter 14 for more about psychological as-
pects of cancer and cancer pain.)
There is little doubt that emotional distress can lower a person's pain
threshold and increase pain. Stress also takes a serious physical toll: many
studies show that stress causes muscles to tighten, disturbs appetite and
sleep habits, and triggers the production of stress hormones. These hor-
mones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, increase heart rate, blood pres-
sure, muscle tension, and blood sugar and, over time, can lower one's
pain threshold and weaken the immune response.
Another way that stress may influence health is through the chemistry
of our emotions. Researchers have discovered that emotions can influence
the production or activity of chemical messengers called neuropeptides,
which travel through the body and influence the nervous, immune, and
endocrine systems. Thoughts and feelings may also influence levels of brain
chemicals such as endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, which are
chemically similar to morphine.
Whatever the exact mechanisms between interactions among the brain,
nervous system, and immune system, growing evidence demonstrates their
intimate and dynamic connections. Studies at Ohio State University have
shown, for example, that people under stress—those taking important
exams, family members caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease,
and women who have recently endured a difficult divorce—had lower
levels of immune cell activity. Other studies have shown that people who
had experienced significant levels of stress were much more likely to be-
come ill. Similarly, studies at Duke University have shown that people
with "angry" personalities or those who are easily upset by life's stressors
are more prone to heart disease.
If psychological states such as stress and anger can wear down or in-
hibit the immune system, making one more vulnerable to illness and in-
fection, can the mind work to promote health? The answer appears to be a
282 Other Approaches and Concerns

resounding yes. The evidence that reducing stress, loneliness, and depres-
sion and boosting control, relaxation, hope, and optimism may bolster the
immune system has been gaining such momentum in recent years that a
new medical subspecialty called psychoneuroimmunology has been born.
Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the relationships among the mind,
the brain, and the immune and endocrine (hormonal) systems. Although
the evidence is far from conclusive, current findings have been so provoca-
tive that the National Institutes of Health now includes the National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It will take many more stud-
ies to validate the effectiveness of many of these treatments, yet increasing
numbers of researchers now agree that mind-body techniques have merit
and can play a definite role in pain management and cancer treatment.
These positive results, however, should not be interpreted to mean
that negative emotions can cause an illness or that positive emotions can

Strategies for Cancer Pain That Do Not Involve Drugs or Surgery

To relieve muscle spasm Massage
Ice or heat packs
Walking, stretching, and other exercises
Repositioning chair, bed, and pillow

To disrupt nerve pathways to Menthol cream rubs

interfere with the transmission Heat or ice packs
of pain to the brain Vibration, pressure, rubbing, or massage
(counterirritants) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

To relieve tension and stress, Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, distraction and
which aggravate pain imagery exercises, progressive muscle relaxation
Autogenic exercises
Music therapy
Mindfulness and yoga
Meditation and prayer
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis

To cope more effectively Group support

Cognitive coping strategies
Desensitization techniques

To relieve movement-related Splints and other orthopedic supports (collars, corsets,

pain slings)

To promote movement Strengthening and stretching exercises

Compression cuffs for swelling
Walking aids (cane, crutches, walkers)
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 283

cure it. What researchers are growing more convinced of is the positive
effect emotions have on overall well-being. Even if these mind-body ap-
proaches prove to be ineffective in actually influencing the course of dis-
ease or indirectly relieving pain, patients can benefit from these strategies
by reducing stress, improving outlook and coping strategies, and regain-
ing some control over their thoughts and feelings, all of which can en-
hance quality of life and help reduce the intensity of perceived pain.

Cognitive Skills: Find Out What to Expect

Having accurate and detailed information on the illness, treatment, and
prognosis is a fundamental key to helping patients and their families cope,
because such knowledge helps restore autonomy and a sense of some con-
trol over one's life. Knowledge is key, and avoiding surprises can make a
big difference. Before any procedure, for example, be sure that the physi-
cian or technician reviews details about what will happen before, during,
and after the procedure, such as possible sensations that might be felt—
pulling, bloating, stinging, and so on. Some studies, though not all, have
even found that such information can raise pain tolerance, can reduce the
need for painkillers, and is linked to faster recovery rates and shorter hospi-
tal stays. However, some patients prefer to cultivate trust in their care pro-
viders and receive minimal details of risks that they may find disturbing. In
patients who tend to repress their anxiety and avoid seeking information,
training in coping skills may be helpful (explained later in this chapter).

How Counseling or Supportive Therapy Can Help

Once patients and family members have clear and straightforward infor-
mation about the disease, simple supportive therapy may be very useful
in allaying fears, anxieties, and emotional conflicts. Many doctors do this
automatically; in other cases, patients and families may benefit from talk-
ing instead to a nurse on the staff, a social worker, or other type of medical
or mental health professional who specializes in working with cancer pa-
tients and families. The professional listens carefully to the patient's and
family's concerns and responds with understanding and empathy, pro-
viding knowledgeable reassurance, support, and advice about any con-
cerns. Supportive counseling should also focus on helping the patient and
family communicate openly and on enhancing their coping skills.


Participating in groups with other cancer patients can also help; a profes-
sional or even a specially trained patient may lead the group. You can benefit
284 Other Approaches and Concerns

from talking with others who have similar problems, helping you feel less
isolated, different, alienated, and alone. The support provided in settings such
as this may help promote communication among the family as well.
Studies find, for example, that people with few social supports have
higher death rates from a variety of diseases (including cancer) than people
who are the same age but have more social support. Evidently, support
groups seem to reduce stress and isolation and improve one's outlook on
life; these factors help the patient regain control and mastery over life.
Unfortunately, many patients are initially reluctant to join such groups
and share their feelings with strangers. Many people are more inclined to
suffer in silence, especially if they are depressed or scared. Many are not
used to asking for help or admitting fear, particularly to people they don't
know. Caregivers may seek the help of a professional mental health worker
to initiate discussions or to encourage the patient to just try attending a
group, initially without having to say anything.

How Coping and Relaxation Skills Can Reduce Pain

To help cancer patients cope and improve their psychological well-being,
families and loved ones can help by providing information and support.
It can be helpful to show the patient certain techniques that can break the
vicious cycle of anxiety, which intensifies pain and, in turn, causes more
anxiety. Coping and relaxation skills are among the most studied and rec-
ognized of these techniques.

How Coping Techniques Work

A study at the University of Southern California School of Medicine compared how
fifty-six children coped with bone marrow procedures, a traumatic and often painful
treatment. At different procedures several weeks apart, the children received either (1)
Valium, a tranquilizer, (2) training in breathing exercises, imagery lessons (imagining
they were at Disneyland or on the beach), and distraction techniques (imagining sce-
narios in which the children help Superman or Wonder Woman), with a small reward
at the end; or (3) distraction by viewing cartoons during their procedures.
When the children used the cognitive-behavioral techniques in the second alter-
native (breathing, imagery, and distraction), they had significantly lower distress,
pain ratings, and pulse rates than when they took a tranquilizer or were distracted
by cartoons alone.
Source; Jay SM, Elliot CH, Katz E, Siegel SE.
Cognitive-behavioral and pharmacologic interventions
for children's distress during painful medical procedures.
J Consult Clin Psych 1987; 55(6): 860-5
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 285

Although studies showing the effectiveness of psychological ap-

proaches abound, some patients are still skeptical about trying them. Some
resent being asked to try these kinds of techniques, believing they are mere
"mental tricks." Others feel that being asked to use them minimizes the
legitimacy of their pain and suffering, implying that their problems are all
in their head. Others feel silly doing them or lack faith that they can help.
One way to help convince these skeptics might be to get them to acknowl-
edge how their pain escalates when they're upset. Then ask them to con-
sider how the opposite could be true—how their pain could be soothed if
they were relaxed. Also, they can be reassured that these techniques are
safe and noninvasive and have no risk of side effects. In other words, try-
ing them can't hurt in any way.
A few cautionary notes: These exercises are skills and, as such, must
be learned, practiced, and mastered. Don't be easily discouraged—it may
take up to two weeks to feel comfortable with these skills and to experi-
ence any noticeable benefits. While these methods will not cure pain, they
do have the ability to help change the perception and experience of the
pain and responses to it.

If a pain is sharp and stabbing, a patient may try to think about it as dull and spreading.
If the pain is burning, the sensation can be countered with thoughts of a colder pain.

By changing the perception of pain, cancer patients can regain some

control over their thoughts and feelings, over their pain and discomfort,
and even over life in general. They may also benefit physically when physi-
ological factors aggravated by stress are improved: they may experience
reduced muscle tension, increased blood flow, and reduced heart rate,
among other benefits.
These techniques are most appropriate for patients in mild or moder-
ate pain. Those with minimal pain may not be very motivated to practice
new skills if simple analgesics can relieve discomfort. Patients in severe
pain, on the other hand, may have a hard time concentrating and may not
find these techniques particularly beneficial. Patients with lung cancer may
wish to check with their doctor before initiating deep breathing exercises.

Enhancing Coping Skills

An important skill for any patient (and any person, for that matter) is to learn
how to notice and change negative attitudes, pessimism, and automatic, self-
defeating thoughts. By monitoring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you can
286 Other Approaches and Concerns

identify and modify ones that are self-defeating, negative, or unproductive.

These would include thoughts that may exaggerate or take things out of pro-
portion, such as always imagining the worst. For example, a patient experi-
encing an unfamiliar stomach pain may immediately jump to the unwarranted
conclusion that it means that the cancer has invaded the stomach. When a
patient finds himself automatically interpreting a flare-up as a sign of worse
things to come, it not only escalates feelings of anxiety, depression, and help-
lessness, but also makes it difficult to concentrate on productive ways of deal-
ing with the problem.
When a person is ill, it is common to have good days and bad days, as
well as to experience new feelings and symptoms that sometimes include
pain. When pain can't be wished away, it might as well be acknowledged.
This is a good first step in dealing effectively with a tough situation. Know,
too, that it is natural for negative feelings and fears to arise; they need to
be dealt with head on, which can sometimes be a harder job than manag-
ing the pain. Although anyone with cancer has good cause to be concerned,
fretting and worrying will not make things better. Worrying can only make
it worse. In fact, numerous studies have shown that people who chroni-
cally think about the negative aspects of life—in other words, pessimists—
fare worse than optimists in warding off illness and depression and gaining
control over their life (see "Sustaining Hope" in Chapter 14).
Whenever possible, the patient should take a positive and action-
oriented approach—one that confirms that he is in charge and is not a
helpless, passive victim. Review and use the techniques and medications
available. If the pain persists, the doctor and the rest of the health care
team should be informed so they can reevaluate the case and prescribe
new doses or new medications. If negative feelings persist and seem over-
whelming, it is important to communicate them. Identifying and sharing
the problem is the first step to resolving what is troubling the patient. A
good heart-to-heart conversation with a close family member, friend, mem-
ber of the clergy, or professional counselor may help, as might a new medi-
cation. These strategies are action-oriented: when a problem arises (for
example, a new side effect or symptom), the individual communicates it
to a doctor, discusses it, and works through the problem without imagin-
ing the worst every step of the way.
It may sound like a questionable exercise, but focusing on the positive
rather than the negative is a powerful means of bringing life's circum-
stances into perspective. More and more long-term studies have found a
link between pessimism and earlier death, showing that optimists—people
who look on the bright side and who explain adversity to themselves as
temporary or as specific problems—are healthier and live longer.2
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 287

In sickness, many people naturally dwell on negative thoughts, so we

have to make a conscious effort to look for the life-affirming, meaningful,
and positive aspects of life, even in the face of serious illness.


Instead of a negative thought such as "This pain must mean that the tu-
mor has grown—the pain will probably get worse and worse until I can't
take it," try this type of positive, conscious thinking: "This new pain is
unpleasant, but I can deal with it. I will practice deep breathing and con-
sider taking more pain relievers. I will write down what I'm feeling as
best as I can, so my family and doctors can know what I am experiencing.
It will help them take care of me."
Instead of the negative thought "This pain only gets worse—it's never
going to go away," try this type of positive thinking: "This is a bad pain. I
know my doctor is committed to my well-being. I must let him and the
nurse know that the pain treatment needs to be stepped up. In the mean-
time, I will take my medication and practice relaxation techniques."
Instead of thinking negatively, "I'm all alone—everyone's given up
on me. The doctor and my family haven't come to visit," try "Just because
I've been alone all afternoon, I can't jump to the conclusion that everyone's
giving up on me. The doctor has always shown up before, and so has my
family. I should take this time to focus on what's good in my life. Perhaps
I will listen to that new tape I received, or write my niece a letter."
Instead of the negative thought "This pain is killing me. I can't take
it," try this type of positive thinking: "It is a bad pain, but I must not
panic. Relaxing will make it better. Remember to breathe deeply, in and
out. Relax. The more I relax, the faster the pain will subside."
Instead of thinking "I can't go shopping anymore, I can't drive any-
more, and I can't even clean the house anymore. I am useless and help-
less," think positively: "I've started to read novels again after all these
years, and to listen to all the works of Mozart, something I've always
wanted to do. Also, spending so much time with my daughter has really
strengthened our relationship."
Such statements not only highlight the personal goals a patient has
attained but empower him, allowing him to feel a greater sense of control
over his life and to acknowledge that some good changes have come out
of misfortune and illness. This kind of approach can shift a patient's point
of view from pessimism, helplessness, and hopelessness to resourceful-
ness, control, and optimism. Learning to replace automatic, self-defeating
assumptions and interpretations with more positive ones is an important
coping strategy for everyone. By acknowledging, communicating, and
288 Other Approaches and Concerns

dealing honestly with fears, feelings, and thoughts, the patient can ulti-
mately gain a greater sense of mastery over life as he copes with the many
losses that cancer can entail.


How a person thinks about pain can have a direct impact on the perception of
pain and the ability to cope. Consider the different meanings people associate
with their pain: one person might believe the pain is a punishment for some-
thing done in the past, while someone else sees it as an enemy, another views
it as weakness, and yet another considers it an overwhelming loss. All of
these perspectives will make it harder to maintain a sense of control and power
over one's life, since they all generate stress from self-defeating thoughts. The
muscle tension and anxiety from these thoughts can exacerbate pain and keep
the mind focused on the pain and its negative meanings.
On the other hand, considering that the pain is perhaps a relief from
other demands, or is a challenge or a vehicle for growth, can help main-
tain a sense of mastery and control over life. A study by researchers from
Ohio University and the University of West Florida, for example, found
that tension headache patients who learned to think about their pain dif-
ferently experienced at least a 43 percent improvement in pain relief, with
some experiencing as much as 100 percent improvement; the control group
who received no counseling in these skills showed no improvement.3
Cancer patients who can view their pain as a challenge may be more
apt to feel they can exert some control and try to master the situation.
Those who view pain as punishment, on the other hand, have a more
resigned, helpless, and hopeless outlook. By using cognitive techniques
to reframe reactions and thoughts about pain, it may be possible to trans-
form the experience from a threat to a challenge, which in itself is linked
to lower pain levels.
Another way to help develop this skill is by using a pain diary (see
Chapter 3). The patient can chart when pain is at its worst and what was
going on at that time: What was the patient thinking or feeling? What was
the situation? How did the patient try to reduce the pain? What worked?
In looking for patterns, try to understand what might have aggravated
the pain—perhaps certain emotions, particular problems, or thoughts about
the meaning behind the pain.


When patients have uncontrollable fears about a treatment or avoid doing
things because of unjustified concerns, which will in the long run make
things worse, an approach that relies on using very small steps to over-
come fears can help. This method is called desensitization. First, the pa-
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 289

tient should be taught one of the relaxation techniques described in this

chapter (see next section). While deeply relaxed, the patient can be guided
to imagine a pared-down, less stressful version of the fearful stimulus
(such as a very thin needle in the case of fear of injections) and then may
actually be shown a thin needle. With success at this level, progressively
larger needles can be substituted. Likewise, if a patient is afraid of mov-
ing or performing some activity, he can be encouraged to master it in a
series of smaller steps, in which the process or procedure is broken down
into more manageable chunks. By systematically exposing the patient to
feared thoughts or realities in a gradual way, the feared object or idea is
rendered significantly more approachable and less threatening. Personal
control and mastery are thus gained. This process of desensitization is
usually best carried out under the supervision of a mental health profes-
sional, like a psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychiatric social worker.

Methods to Promote Relaxation

Because stress, muscular tension, spasm, distress, and the body's responses
to these phenomena (sweating, increased blood pressure, changes in brain
chemicals and blood flow, or heart rate) can increase pain and make it
harder to deal with, techniques to reduce these negative feelings may help
alleviate pain. Some conditions—such as irritable bowel, headache, and
muscle spasm—may be direct results of tension states. Even when pain is
unrelated to tension, relaxing muscles can prevent or alleviate increased
pain due to tension. Although relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques have
been used in Eastern cultures for centuries to produce physiological
changes, Western science has only recently acknowledged the powerful
effects of these techniques. A robust body of studies has shown relaxation
to be very effective in producing physiological reductions in heart rate,
blood pressure, respiratory rate, and oxygen consumption. In addition,
these changes, along with increases in brain waves associated with peace
and tranquility (low-frequency alpha, theta, and delta waves), reduce anxi-
ety and ease muscle tension, thereby inducing a calm mental condition.
Studies have also shown that relaxation can be directly responsible
for reducing pain. Studies at Duke University have shown that relaxation
techniques are effective for various kinds of persistent pain, such low back
pain,4 while studies at the State University of New York at Albany demon-
strate success with relaxation and chronic headache.5 Relaxation techniques
have also been shown to be effective for reducing the nausea and vomit-
ing that commonly occur before chemotherapy treatments. As a result,
more and more cancer clinics are employing these techniques.
290 Other Approaches and Concerns

Intriguing studies also suggest that the beneficial effects of relaxation

meditation are specifically linked to reduced secretions of the stress hor-
mone cortisol. Cortisol helps the body muster more energy needed to cope
with stress—often, however, at the expense of immune system function
and the effectiveness of tissue repair. When neurochemists at the Maharishi
International University in Fairfield, Iowa, measured cortisol levels in
people before and after they practiced meditation for four months, they
found a 15 percent drop in cortisol. Another study indicated that medita-
tors experienced up to a 25 percent drop in cortisol levels.6
A number of techniques are used to achieve deep relaxation, a state that
has also been called the relaxation response, or self-hypnosis—including
relaxation exercises, meditation, hypnosis, and biofeedback. Whatever
works for a particular patient, to enable him to quickly and easily restore
an inner sense of calm and peace, should be used. Patients who are most
willing to use their imagination and have the confidence to do so tend to
benefit the most. Patients in severe pain or those who are on higher doses
of opioids and other mood-altering medications may find it harder to con-
centrate on these exercises.
All of these techniques should be practiced in a quiet place and in a
comfortable position, usually with the eyes closed. Soothing music in the
background may help produce a calming environment. Paradoxically, a
setting that is too comfortable may interfere with the patient achieving
these goals by too easily inducing sleep.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation, or progressive relaxation training (PRT),
involves tensing a body part for ten seconds and then releasing the ten-
sion. Each body part is "squeezed" separately, moving from the forehead,
eyes, and mouth down to the arms and fingers, the trunk, and the feet and
toes. At the end of the session (which may last from five to twenty min-
utes), the entire body is tensed at once, after which all of the increased
pressure and tension are allowed to flow from the body, leaving the pa-
tient in a more relaxed state and perhaps ready for a mental (cognitive)
relaxation exercise.
The reason why PRT is important is that so many of us don't recognize
when we are tense. Signs of tension in the body include hunched shoulders,
a tight lower back, and tense facial and jaw muscles. By actually forcing us
to tense a body part and then relax it, this procedure helps us recognize the
state of relaxation and its desirability. Several studies have shown that PRT
can significantly reduce nausea before chemotherapy in patients who have
learned to associate nausea with cancer treatment (anticipatory nausea and
vomiting). PRT can also markedly reduce how long such nausea lasts and
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 291

its intensity, which is why experts at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

in New York City and elsewhere are using it more and more.7

As part of PRT, a patient can learn controlled breathing. The patient pro-
gressively relaxes his muscles and then focuses all his attention on breath-
ing slowly and rhythmically, in and out. Inhalation is preferably through
the nose, deep into the back of the throat where breaths become more
audible, and is held for several seconds. Exhalation is through the mouth,
slow, complete, and even. Progressive relaxation and controlled breathing
can be combined by tensing different muscles when inhaling and relaxing
others when exhaling. Upon exhaling, some trainers suggest that a calm-
ing word be repeated in the mind (such as peace, beauty, or love).

Patients using PRT may also want to add autogenic training to their relax-
ation sessions. Autogenic training is a relatively simple technique in which
the patient repeats self-affirming statements involving warmth, heaviness,
and calmness. The repetitions are aimed at lulling and calming the patient
into a state of tranquility, eliciting the relaxation response.
Although it sounds so simple, this technique can have dramatic ef-
fects on the body, much like the other techniques that prompt the relax-
ation response—including increased blood flow to various body parts,
which can relieve pain and promote a sense of well-being. In fact, elec-
tronic skin temperature monitors can be used to provide physiological
feedback to the patient, showing what works to achieve the desired effect
and what doesn't. This process of monitoring a person's ability to change
a physiological response is called biofeedback. An electronic monitor in-
dicates how effectively a patient's body is responding to a technique or
procedure he is trying to learn and sharpen. Biofeedback is discussed in
more detail later in the chapter.

Exercise for Autogenic Training

In a darkened, private space, lie on the floor or a sofa with eyes closed and body
comfortably relaxed. Repeat the same thought in four or five different ways. For
example: "My arms are heavy and warm, very heavy, leaden, and warm. My arms
are getting even heavier and warmer. My arms are sinking, sinking down into the
floor." While repeating these statements, the patient should try to visualize a warm
bath, bright sunshine, a warm fireplace, or other things that suggest warmth and
pleasure. Repeat with every body part in turn (substituting legs, neck, feet, back,
and so on in place of arms in the example) for as long as possible, breathing deeply
and slowly. The object is to put the mind and body into a relaxed, trancelike state.
292 Other Approaches and Concerns


Adding visualization, imagery, and distraction exercises to any of these re-
laxation techniques not only can distract the mind from focusing on the
pain but can promote relaxation, which may indirectly promote pain relief.
The distraction may be as simple as singing, watching television, counting
the ceiling tiles, or making conversation. Other kinds of visualization tech-
niques involve conjuring up pleasant images in the imagination—being on
a sailboat, on a beach, or on a mountaintop. Any relaxing or peaceful scene
the patient imagines or remembers will do. As in a daydream, patients
can follow any train of relaxing thoughts, perhaps capturing the image of
a loved one or reliving a special experience from the past, like walking
through a childhood home, imagining a magical holiday moment, fanta-
sizing about a romantic interlude, or spinning a fictional tale of them-
selves from a favorite novel—all with a body that is free of pain. The key
is to concentrate on the scene as much as possible and imagine as vividly
as possible all possible details, using all the senses, including smell, taste,
touch, sound, and so on. Scientists have in fact found that the parts of the
brain that are stimulated during the visualization are the same as those
that would be stimulated when actually experiencing the tranquil scene.
The patient can also use imagery to soothe the painful area in a more
direct way—imagining, for example, that a sparkling wand of healing
energy, a flow of vitality, or a series of colors are coursing through the
body and bathing the problem area and the pain. By coordinating breath-
ing with the imagery, the patient can picture the tension and poisons exit-
ing the body with each exhalation. Try holding the incoming breath, and

Sample Imagery Relaxation Exercise

Find a comfortable position, and close your eyes.

Imagine you are floating on a raft at a tropical beach. A warm gentle breeze is
blowing over you. The sun is beating down on your lightly clad body. Your raft is
gently bobbing up and down.
Feel the warmth in your fingertips, your arms, your toes, up your legs.
Enjoy the gentle rocking motion, lulling you into a gentle, weightless state.
Breathe slowly, deeply. Each breath brings in warmth; each exhalation pushes
out poisons.
Imagine that you begin to float. Soon you're on a large, billowy cloud, floating
through the sky.
Let yourself be calmed by the rhythms, the warmth, the peace.
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 293

during that time, imagine painful joints easing into their sockets, tense
muscles softening, and even tumors shrinking.
Another technique is to imagine transforming the pain into another
sensation or image. The patient imagines that, instead of pain, the sensa-
tion is an ice cube, a trickle of sand, the tickle of a feather, or a piercing
light. The patient can then try to modify the sensation by imagining the
ice melting, the sand blowing away, and so on.
Many people benefit from using professionally prepared audiotapes
that are readily available through bookstores and health magazines. Bernie
Siegel, author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, for example, has produced
audiotapes intended specifically for the cancer patient. In them he leads
the listener through meditations and thoughts that can induce relaxation,
accompanied by soothing background music or sounds (a seashore or
sounds from a night forest, for example). Although not for everyone, such
tapes may help the patient drift into a trancelike state far from the un-
pleasantness of the cancer bed. Some report emerging from the experi-
ence feeling relaxed, refreshed, calm, and peaceful. Others prefer to use
tapes they have produced themselves, with or without the help of a pro-
fessional, using music and imagery that uniquely suit and soothe them.
The reason such techniques work is that they help the patient elicit
the relaxation response, which, as we've discussed, can create beneficial
physiological, psychological and behavioral changes. Later in the chapter
we'll discuss the use of imagery for purposes other than relaxation. (See
Appendix 3 for detailed instructions on using a relaxation technique.)
Imagery can also be used in an effort to fight the cancer rather than to
just induce relaxation or control pain. During chemotherapy sessions, some
patients find it helpful to visualize the drugs being injected as little angels
or white knights, coursing through the bloodstream and annihilating each
and every cancer cell. Others picture their tumors being bombarded by an
army of white cells. Although some researchers believe that such imagery
can actually bolster the immune system, studies have not yet confirmed
this. Nevertheless, using this kind of imagery may help the patient feel
more in control and regain a sense of mastery and power.
One way to determine whether this (or other techniques) is working
is to keep a log of when such techniques are used, and how the pain or use
of pain medication changes. Over a week or two, if positive changes are
noticed, then the technique may be helping.


According to Herbert Benson, M.D., of the Mind/Body Medical Institute
and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who coined
the phrase "the relaxation response," meditation and prayer may also elicit
294 Other Approaches and Concerns

a relaxation response. By emptying the mind of all intruding thoughts

and therefore tensions, and by repetitively repeating a mantra, or simple
word or sound, in one's mind to minimize distractions, Benson found that
the same physiological changes occur as they do with other methods of
relaxation already described in this chapter. This form of meditation is
called transcendental meditation (or TM). Benson's group also tested the
responses of persons of different religions while praying—he included a
davening (a type of prayer) from Judaism, a rosary-type prayer from Ca-
tholicism, and a centering prayer from Protestantism—and again observed
the same physiological responses. Like the deep breathing exercise and
TM, repetitive prayer helps draw attention away from distress and pain
and induces relaxation by emptying the mind of distracting thoughts.

Using "Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation

Another type of meditation, known as mindfulness meditation, also in-
duces relaxation and well-being, but instead of tuning out all thoughts,
mindfulness focuses on them. As with other techniques, it is not used in-
stead of medical treatment, and it has not been shown to slow or reverse
disease, but it can help people cope more effectively with their illness. The
process involves facing and even welcoming stress, pain, fear, and other
negative feelings, because acknowledging these negative states or emo-
tions is the first step in transforming them. First the practitioner begins
with a deep breathing or standard meditation exercise. Yoga, particularly
hatha yoga, is often used, because it promotes physical strength and flex-
ibility while focusing on breathing and calmness.
Once the patient is relaxed, if the mind wanders, instead of bringing it
back to the breathing or the mantra right away, mindfulness involves ob-
serving where the mind goes—watching as if from outside what the feel-
ings or thoughts are, without making any judgments or analysis. The
premise of mindfulness is that by observing the thoughts and feelings, a
person becomes more aware of what is really bothering him, or what his
true fears or dislikes or preferences are. The object is to be aware of what
one is feeling by simply observing. As a result, the practitioner is said to
be more in touch with himself and his life, and more accepting of it.
According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., director of the Stress Reduction
Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester,
where he is an associate professor of medicine, patients who have partici-
pated in mindfulness training for eight weeks experience a sharp drop in
their medical problems, as well as significantly less anxiety, depression,
and hostility. They also feel more in control, are more self-confident, and
can better view life's stressors as challenges rather than threats. He says
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 295

the practice works because it reduces the suffering associated with prob-
lems such as chronic pain. Patients can learn to separate their physical
discomforts from negative emotions and thoughts, and thereby feel more
in control.

Biofeedback Techniques
Biofeedback is a training method that uses painless sensors or electrodes
(which are like stickers placed on the skin) to monitor various functions
electronically, such as breathing rate, temperature, muscle tension, blood
pressure, brain activity, and pulse. In this way, physiological changes dur-
ing training become observable and quantifiable. Through monitoring their
bodily responses, patients can learn self-regulation techniques and relax-
ation, imagery, meditation, or any of the other techniques already men-
tioned. Patients can thus tangibly monitor their progress with this electronic
feedback and hone their skills. Once patients learn how to master the re-
laxation skills effectively to reliably produce desirable physiological
changes, the equipment is usually no longer needed, although portable
biofeedback equipment is now available for home use.
Most pain clinics and hospitals have some biofeedback equipment;
however, hospital-based sessions may be costly. For more information and
referrals, see Appendix 1.

In 1995 the National Institutes of Health endorsed hypnosis as an effec-
tive adjunct to help relieve the chronic pain associated with cancer after
several studies have supported its effectiveness. By helping patients
achieve a state of deep relaxation in a state of altered consciousness, the
subconscious mind can override the conscious mind. While being hypno-
tized, patients can learn from the hypnotherapist how to retrain the brain
to achieve more control over the body and mind to manipulate the per-
ception of pain and reduce fear and anxiety. The panel pointed out that
although medications to relieve the pain and suffering of irritable bowel
syndrome, for example, help only about half of patients, hypnosis can
help some 85 percent of those who try it.
In various studies, hypnosis also has been shown to be useful for some
pain patients and can play a supplemental role in cancer patients. When
researchers at Stanford University reviewed the studies on hypnotherapy,
they reported that in some cases it could significantly reduce the pain of
cancer.8 Other studies have found that it could significantly reduce antici-
patory nausea and vomiting9 and help children, for example, cope with
painful procedures associated with cancer treatment.10
296 Other Approaches and Concerns

When hynotherapy doesn't relieve pain directly, it can still benefit the
cancer patient by reducing distress and tension and inducing relaxation,
all of which may help relieve pain and boost one's sense of control. Simi-
lar to relaxation, deep breathing, and imagery techniques, hypnosis usu-
ally involves deep breathing to harness one's attention, closing the eyes or
fixing the gaze, deep relaxation, and imagery to transform the pain sensa-
tions. A person in a hypnotic state, which is somewhat like the floating,
drifting feeling we get just before we fall asleep, becomes very receptive
to the directions of the therapist, which might be something along these
lines: "You are feeling totally relaxed. You are more and more comfortable
with each breath you take."
Any unpleasant experience—say, a boring meeting or a particularly
painful episode—can often seem interminable. Hypnosis can help by
changing our perceptions, especially of time. With hypnosis, the sense of
the passage of time can be altered, much like the feeling of losing all sense
of time when completely absorbed in an activity.
Of course, not everyone is responsive to hypnosis. Only about one-
third of the general population can be induced into a deep hypnotic state;
about 10 percent seem completely resistant, and the remainder fall some-
where in between. Nevertheless, that means that up to 90 percent of people
may derive some benefit from it. Those who respond the most strongly
may find relief in concentrating on changing the temperature associated
with their pain, or even its sensation, or by using their harnessed concen-
tration to focus on an area of the body that feels no pain.

Some patients also respond well to self-hypnosis, or autosuggestion, a
state that can be reached by the patient without the aid of a practitioner
through meditation, breathing, imagery-based relaxation exercises, visu-
alization exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation techniques. The physi-
ological and psychological effect is very similar to the relaxation response,
the main difference being that the patient deliberately incorporates a sug-
gestion such as "When you complete this exercise you will feel rested and
energetic." Like many of the approaches described here, self-hypnosis re-
quires that the patient actively participate by learning new skills, but its
practice can go a long way to increasing independence and restoring a
sense of control and mastery.
Although very much like a relaxation or autogenic session, experts
say that if deep relaxation can truly be attained through hypnosis, then
trained patients may be able to achieve the same state at different times
merely by counting backward from twenty, feeling themselves going
deeper and deeper into a relaxed and restful state.
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 297

As with any alternative therapy, consumers need to beware of quacks

and price tags. (For more information and referrals, ask your doctor or
medical center; see Appendix 1 for specific information.)

Exercise for Self-Hypnosis

Get in a comfortable position, and close your eyes.

Let all the muscles in the body relax, one at a time if necessary. Each part of the
body should feel limp, loose.
Start at your feet. They should feel heavy. Release all the tension in them.
Feel your legs; they should feel heavier and heavier. Let go of all the tension in
them. Let go of everything; let yourself relax ... completely.
Continue to move through the body, repeating these phrases for each part. Con-
stantly repeating to yourself that you need to let go completely, to relax, to feel limp
and loose. Every muscle is relaxed.
You feel sleepy and more relaxed. Go deeper, sleepier, more and more relaxed.
At the end of any session, open your eyes and sit up slowly.

Music Therapy
Music therapists, employed at some clinics, know how music can capture
the patient's mind and mood like nothing else, and, when properly em-
ployed, may distract the patient from pain and distress. Music therapy
involves using music of the patient's own choosing with the aim of im-
proving psychological, mental, and physical health, and promoting im-
proved well-being.
Over the past two decades, studies have revealed a link between music
therapy and diminished pain reactions in patients after surgery, in patients
attending cancer centers, and in those with chronic pain. Research demon-
strates the effects of music on mood, which may in turn indirectly influence
pain levels. A 1999 study funded by the National Institute of Nursing Re-
search, for example, found that simple relaxation exercises or listening to
soothing music can significantly reduce patients' pain after major surgery,
supporting these techniques' roles as adjuvants to opioid therapy.11 Other
researchers have found a host of other benefits from soothing music, such
as its influence on reducing blood pressure, heart rate, pain, and the amount
of anesthesia needed for surgery and dental work.12 Although studies on
music's effect on cancer pain are very limited, music therapists are part of
the pain teams in some of the leading cancer pain clinics in the country,
including Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in Manhattan.
298 Other Approaches and Concerns

In choosing selections of music that will appeal to a patient, music

therapists take into account a patient's mood—a depressed patient, for
example, may respond well to music in minor keys, a lonely patient to a
solo instrument or a song expressing the need for contact, an emotionally
fragile patient to a soft and comforting piece. The music therapist next
attempts to progress from a piece that matches the patient's mood to one
that may transform it. Thus, a solo instrument for the lonely patient would
change to a full orchestral piece. The music for the emotionally fragile
patient might progress to something more upbeat and dramatic.
At Memorial Sloan-Kettering, patients report that after a music therapy
session they generally feel less pain, experience better mood (with less anxi-
ety, depression, or anger), and are more communicative—that is, they talk
more freely and feel less lonely and isolated, while feeling more peaceful.13
Professional music therapists are not necessarily needed; family mem-
bers can choose music, provide the patient with headphones, and may
even arrange for live presentations. Shared music sessions may be helpful
to family members, who can reminisce with the patient and communicate
closeness, support, or whatever else is on their minds.

Practiced for some five thousand years, this ancient Chinese treatment
came to the attention of the West just decades ago. Today acupuncture is
used around the world, with an estimated twelve million visits yearly to
acupuncturists in the United States alone. In 1995, some ten thousand cer-
tified acupuncturists were practicing in the United States, one-third to one-
half of whom are medical doctors. Supported by the World Health
Organization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Insti-
tutes of Health, and the American and British Medical Associations, acu-
puncture can help many function better and with less pain.14 Acupuncture
is now routinely used in many medical centers before, after, and in be-
tween chemotherapy sessions. A study at the University of California, Los
Angeles, School of Medicine, for example, found acupuncture could sig-
nificantly reduce the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.15
Similarly, a recent study at Duke University Medical Center found acu-
puncture just as effective and sometimes even more effective than the lead-
ing medication used to reduce nausea and vomiting after major breast
surgery; the same researchers also reported patients with acupuncture treat-
ments experience much less pain after surgery.16 And a study at the Uni-
versity of San Diego in California found that in cancer patients receiving
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 299

acupuncture treatments, about 60 percent experienced at least a 30 per-

cent improvement in their symptoms.17
Acupuncture bases its success on reestablishing a balance between
the body's yin and yang, which, according to Eastern thought, are two
opposing forces at work in the human body and the cosmos. They are like
opposite sides of a coin, and together they make up the body's primal
energy. Although scientists don't know exactly how acupuncture works,
they think that acupuncture points, of which there are about five hun-
dred, are related to nerve receptors that, when stimulated, somehow muffle
pain, perhaps by triggering nerve cells to produce endorphins, the body's
natural painkillers.
The acupuncturist inserts any number of hair-thin stainless-steel
needles into selected groups of points on the body's meridians or energy
pathways, the function and integrity of which are believed to be the key
to good health. Some acupuncturists twirl the needles, stimulate them with
mild electricity, or heat them to enhance the effectiveness of treatment.
While many studies have found acupuncture useful for nausea and
pain, more studies are needed to determine its effectiveness for chronic
cancer pain. When improvement does occur, it tends to be short-term, up
to several days or weeks, with repeated treatments often needed.
In 1996 the NIH estimated that between 70 to 80 percent of U.S. insur-
ers now cover some acupuncture treatments. To find an acupuncturist,
first ask your doctor for a referral (see Appendix 1 for more details). The
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture can recommend licensed
medical doctors who have had acupuncture training As with any nontra-
ditional form of health care, it is important to inform the primary physi-
cian of all treatments being pursued.

Using Therapies Involving the Skin

Families should not forget some of the simplest of pleasures—the bliss of

a warm bath or the soothing relief of a firm but gentle massage on the
back, arms, face, legs, or feet.
A bath can be revitalizing and may promote a sense of well-being. If
getting out of bed is not too much effort, a warm (not hot) bath can be
relaxing. It may be helpful to line the tub with towels so the patient can
lean back and rest comfortably; others find a bath chair helpful. If the
patient is particularly weak, a caregiver may want to wear a bathing suit
and sit in the tub with the patient. Another helper might be needed to get
the patient in and out of the tub safely.
300 Other Approaches and Concerns

Stimulating the skin directly can reduce pain by exciting nerve end-
ings in the skin. Vibration, friction, or even applying a menthol cream is
sometimes used to stimulate the skin and modulate the same nerve path-
ways that transmit pain. By rubbing a cream on the arm, for example, the
barrage of stimuli transmitted along nerves that transmit nonpainful sen-
sations may flood the spinal cord, thus blocking out some of the pain sig-
nals. The theory that explains why this works—the gate control theory of
pain—speculates that the activation of one nerve pathway may close off
others, thereby reducing pain. It is used to explain the pain relief associated
with our usual first responses to smacking our thumb with a hammer—to
suck on it or run it under water. Many forms of bodywork and massage,
including Feldenkrais, therapeutic touch, Pilates, Rolfing, and deep tissue
mobilization, reduce pain not only by relieving tension and increasing
blood circulation but also perhaps by closing these "gates" at the spinal
cord and other levels of the nervous system.
Menthol preparations include such creams as BenGay, Heet, Icy Hot,
or Mineral Ice. Rubbing them on the skin can feel warm and soothing. But
be sure to avoid sensitive areas, such as the mouth, eyes, and genitals, and
avoid any areas of broken skin or rashes.
Similarly, using a vibrator or electrical stimulation (see the discussion
of TENS in Chapter 9) near a painful area may ease the pain temporarily.
For headache, for example, the scalp or neck may be vibrated gently. Other
areas may also be particularly responsive and stimulation there can be very
soothing, especially the lower back, the bottom of the feet, and the buttocks.
When considering a massage, avoid alcohol-based lotions that may
dry the skin and, unless requested, deep muscle massage. Choose the scent
of the lotion, cream, or oil with the patient or use an unscented variety,
since patients can be hypersensitive to scent when they are ill. Sometimes
slow circular motions feel best, while other people prefer light stroking or
brushing. For the patient who can't be massaged or who doesn't want to
be touched, try bathing just the feet. With a warm bowl of water near or
under the foot, lift the leg and drip water from a saturated washcloth over
the foot. Massage with cream afterward, if desired. Avoid massaging any
areas that are being exposed to radiation unless authorized.
Similar to massage, acupressure involves applying variable pressure
for a short time, from ten seconds up to a minute, to areas such as the heel
of the hand, the ball or heel of the foot, fingers or fingertips, or around an
arm or leg. Try pressing near and around a painful area, looking for par-
ticularly sensitive "trigger points" under the skin. Experiment, asking the
patient what feels good and what doesn't.
Hot or cold compresses can be used to alter the pain threshold, relieve
muscle spasms, and reduce congestion in a painful area. Cold can mini-
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 301

mize the response of the tissues when injured, while heat may help flush
out toxins and fluids that have accumulated. Patients are sometimes not
sure which to use. Try both to see which is more successful. For warm
compresses, use either warm, moist heating pads (only those that are spe-
cifically made to be wet), hot-water bottles, or even a washcloth dipped in
hot water. For cold compresses, cold gel packs wrapped in a towel, ice
bags wrapped in a towel, or wet washcloths from the freezer or refrigera-
tor can be used. Be sure to always cover the skin with a towel or sheet to
protect it from the source of heat or cold.
Experimenting with these simple activities can bring soothing relief and
may enhance the patient's sense of well-being, as well as affirm a loved
one's importance and compassion. Moreover, these activities can serve to
help communicate love and acceptance between patient and caregiver.
A few precautions: Avoid areas that are being treated by radiation
therapy or that are irritated already; check with a doctor or nurse if un-
sure. Do not use heat or cold on areas that have poor circulation or poor
sensation. Keep treatments to five or ten minutes. Do not use heat on any
new injuries, and if a cold compress causes pain or shivering, stop. Avoid
sleeping with a heating pad on high settings to prevent burns, and do not
apply heat or cold to transdermal drug delivery patches such as Duragesic
or Transderm Scop.

Occupational Therapy
Although not a routine part of the cancer or pain team, consultation with an
occupational therapist may be warranted to assess function status and to
help the patient and family achieve practical goals. Occupational therapists
can help patients assess what tasks they may need help with to enhance
quality of life. They can use creative means to modify the environment,
thus helping patients adapt to their illness. They may be knowledgeable
about the cognitive-behavioral techniques described earlier in this chapter
and about support groups that may be available to patients, which include
meeting with people who are coping with similar disabilities.

Making the Patient Comfortable: Splints,

Pillows, Cushions, Commodes, and Beds
If the patient is at home and having trouble getting around, simple mea-
sures may go a long way to conserving energy. These may be useful in the
rehabilitation of someone recovering from cancer or surgery, as well as for
302 Other Approaches and Concerns

patients whose reserves of energy and strength are reduced. Even though
it may be difficult, the family should try to be attentive and accepting of
changes in the patient's condition and needs, and realistic goals should be
established. Although a large electric hospital-type bed may seem intru-
sive, it can be extremely helpful. Alternatively, it may be sufficient to add
an extra pillow or a foam roll under the knees, one at the lower back, one
under the head, or an extra "hug" pillow for the patient to manipulate.
Frequent trips to the bathroom may elicit pain and fatigue, in which
case a bedside commode, rented, purchased, or provided by an insurer or
home health service, can be surprisingly helpful. These simple portable
toilet chairs allow the patient to relieve himself right next to the bed with
very little fuss and are surprisingly well accepted. The idea that using a
hospital bed or portable commode is symbolic of "giving in to the cancer"
may need to be overcome, especially if the patient's best interests are served
by its use. Remember, these items can always be returned when they are
no longer needed. Often, especially in two-level homes, the patient is best
served by converting a large downstairs room. By cutting down on isola-
tion, this can be a positive move for the whole family.
Many types of splints or supports for joints and the spine are avail-
able that can help prevent movement-related pain. When walking is pain-
ful or difficult, the safety of a walker can increase self-confidence, and
many find that leaning forward on them eases back pain. Pain from swell-
ing (lymphedema) can be reduced by using wraps. Pressure stockings or
sleeves can also improve function in this setting and after limb pain from
a deep venous thrombosis (DVT or blood clot). Simply wrapping a pain-
ful joint in an empty plastic bag sealed to the skin with tape can elevate
the temperature around the joint by trapping the body's own heat. If mov-
ing an arm, a leg, or even the back is very painful, talk to the doctor about
whether splinting would reduce the pain. When joints or muscles are weak
or paralyzed, a variety of splints are used to provide support and reduce
pain. Pain in the spine is common in patients with prostate cancer, breast
cancer, or a tumor that has spread to the spine and weakened the verte-
brae. Doctors who specialize in bones and joints (orthopedists) may be
consulted. If a commercial splint isn't available, you may be directed to
the hospital's orthotics lab, which will fashion a custom device and pro-
vide adjustments and instructions.
If a patient's condition dictates that he spend most of his time in bed
and he can't easily turn himself, bedsores may be prevented with an in-
flatable mattress pad or a pad made of convoluted foam (called an egg
crate pad). These items are usually covered by insurance. During a hospi-
talization they are often charged to the bill and later disposed of, so ask if
they can be taken home. Be sure that the patient turns frequently or is
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 303

turned and that skin is not dragged across the mattress or rubbed against
other skin surfaces; it can be helpful to lift the patient when he turns and
to position a pillow between the patient's thighs, use towels between the
trunk and arms, and spread the fingers apart. Keeping bedsheets and skin
dry is another important step. Families can recognize red areas on the
skin that indicate where bedsores may soon appear. These areas can be
rubbed gently or massaged, and cushioned to reduce pressure on them.
Special bandages (such as OpSite) are now available to protect vulnerable
areas; they allow air in but still provide protection. Inquire about these
and other products from a home health care nurse or a drugstore that
specializes in home care products. (Treating bedsores is discussed more
fully in Chapter 11.)
Prostheses (artificial body parts) can sometimes be used to ease the
pain due to cancer, such as a well-fitted leg prosthesis to help control am-
putation pain.

Movement, Exercise, and Physical Therapy

If a patient is bedridden, ask a nurse about gentle exercises to prevent the
development of stiffness in the joints. If it's not too painful, gently moving
the arms and legs several times a day to the extreme in each direction
helps maintain range of motion. It is often helpful to dispense an extra
(bolus) dose of analgesic before such exercise, as well as before other strenu-
ous activities such as going to the bathroom or bathing, to prevent pain
that is triggered by movement.
If a physical therapist is available through the pain or home care team,
consultation may be useful after surgery, or when a patient's activity and
strength are compromised. Physical therapists can be helpful in suggest-
ing a range of exercises to maintain flexibility, strength, and stamina. They
are knowledgeable about whether to elevate an extremity; how to gently
"milk" a swollen limb or apply a special type of pump called a compres-
sion pump for swollen limbs; how to massage; how to use breathing exer-
cises, coughing, and posture techniques; and whether applying a splint,
garment, or brace may help relieve pain.

Nutritional and Other Alternative Treatments

Because the use of herbal and nutritional supplements is not formally su-
pervised by the Food and Drug Administration (unless medicinal claims
304 Other Approaches and Concerns

are stated), few studies have carefully evaluated their effectiveness and
safety. Nevertheless, numerous anecdotal reports recommend various
herbs, and scientific studies are on the rise. Despite confusing claims, herbal
products can have not only favorable but also unfavorable effects (like
thinning the blood) and can interact with standard medications, so be sure
to tell your physician what the patient is taking and consult a competent,
well-trained expert before use.
Among the most popular recommendations are:
• Yerba mate tea, available in tea bags, for nerve pain associated
with chemotherapy.
• Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) to reduce pain and promote rest and
• Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium; also called featherfew, bachelor's
button, featherfoil, febrifuge plant, or midsummer daisy) to re-
duce inflammation and the pain of migraine headaches. Usual
dose in capsule form is 100-200 mg a day, or use % to 1 teaspoon
of the dried herb per cup of boiling water and steep for five to ten
minutes; drink up to two cups a day.
• Turmeric (also called curcuma or Indian saffron) as an anti-
inflammatory. May be taken either as a tablet (available from 400
to 1,200 mg daily) or as a tea, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder per
cup of warm milk; drink up to three cups a day.
• Ginger (also called Jamaican ginger, African ginger, or Cochin gin-
ger) as an anti-inflammatory and to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Use 1,500 mg daily in supplement form, or drink as a tea, using 2
teaspoons of powdered or grated ginger root per cup of boiling
water and steeping for ten minutes. Sip all day. Beware that ex-
cessive amounts can cause heartburn.
• Emu oil, often combined with other substances for various aches
and pains involving the body's soft tissues.
• Aloe vera for irritation of the skin (many skin creams have aloe
• Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) for its anti-inflammatory properties.
• Calendula for skin inflammation.
• Cat's claw for joint pain.
• Eucalyptus for sore joints and muscles.
• Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate for arthritic pain.

Aromatherapy, which uses scent as therapy, has been used for hundreds
of years. Irritating or irrelevant to some patients, aromatherapy may be
Mind-Body Approaches to Easing Pain 305

soothing to others. You can either add a few drops of scented oil to water
and spray the mixture in the patient's room or dab a few drops of the
scented oil on a cotton ball and place it in the patient's shirt pocket or next
to his bed. The scents of lavender, juniper, and sandalwood may help to
sedate an agitated patient; grapefruit, rose, or neroli may help depression;
orange, jasmine, or frankincense may help to reduce anxiety; peppermint,
rosemary, and lemon may stimulate a sedated patient.
In general, when interested in pursuing an alternative treatment, pa-
tients should gather all relevant viewpoints, pro and con, including costs
and any potential risks. If after such investigations a patient is still inter-
ested, consult the primary physician to determine if there is any potential
harm or if such a treatment could interfere with current medications and

As mentioned earlier, the therapies, techniques, and exercises discussed

in this chapter don't cure pain. With relaxation and other mind-body tech-
niques, however, we do know that the beneficial states achieved may have
favorable effects that endure longer than the few moments it takes a trained
patient to perform these exercises. They not only help reduce the patient's
pain threshold and break the vicious cycle of anxiety and pain but, be-
cause the patient has taken an active role in the treatment that has helped
him to cope, may promote an overall and enhanced sense of well-being by
boosting self-esteem, a sense of control, and confidence.
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly,
and Patients with Special Needs

So far we've discussed techniques that are generally effective for control-
ling cancer pain. Yet certain groups of individuals have special needs—
namely, the very young and very old, as well as those with a history of
substance abuse.

Cancer in Children
When confronted with a diagnosis of cancer, most people grapple with
the injustice of the situation. Childhood cancer is perhaps the most vivid
proof that cancer strikes with neither rhyme nor reason—and that while it
follows certain known rules, fairness is not one of them. It is sad when-
ever cancer is diagnosed, but it is especially tragic when this occurs in an
innocent child.
Unfortunately, the younger the child, the more often his pain and suf-
fering are overlooked or undermedicated. Only recently have doctors be-
come convinced that youngsters experience pain as acutely as adults and
need to be treated just as aggressively.

Most Common Types of Cancer Pain in Children

In general, adults tend to get solid tumors, and pain from solid tumors is
usually due directly to the tumor growing into pain-sensitive tissues. Can-

Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 307

cers in children, on the other hand, are more likely to be a leukemia (can-
cer of the blood cells) or lymphoma (cancer of the lymph cells). These
types of tumors spread through the bloodstream first; if not stopped, they
usually eventually invade the bone marrow, where blood cells are pro-
duced and stored. Only later, if at all, would the leukemic cancer cells
spread to distant organs.
As a result, children experience pain from the extension of a tumor
much less often. Most of their pain problems come from treatment, not
from the tumor. Thus, children's most common problems with cancer are
with infection, bleeding, and blood clots rather than pain. Pain, whether
from the tumor or from treatment, should be treated aggressively.


Children receive similar pain treatments as adults for problems such as
mouth sores, bone pain, and nerve pain stemming from radiotherapy and
chemotherapy. But unique to children—and by far the most common and
challenging problem with children—is procedural pain.
It is easy to forget, even for doctors, that the small tribulations that
arise during a hospital stay and which are usually relatively insignificant
to an adult can be both painful and terrifying to a child inexperienced
with hospitals, their routines, and an ever-changing staff. Depending on
the type of cancer, various diagnostic tests may be required. Tests such as
X-rays may be frightening but are rarely painful. However, children must
often also undergo more painful tests, sometimes daily, because of the
kinds of cancers that afflict them.


Blood tests, spinal taps (also called lumbar punctures, which involve in-
serting a needle between two bones of the spine to remove spinal fluid),
and bone marrow biopsies (obtaining material from within a bone through
a needle) are common tests that children with cancer undergo in order
to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, especially when the child has
Blood tests, or venipuncture, may be simple procedures for an adult
but not necessarily for a child. That's because youngsters have much smaller
and more fragile veins than adults. They also tend to be fearful, may be less
cooperative, and may require more attempts to obtain satisfactory test
samples. Usually, as treatment continues, more and more venipunctures
are needed, and the easily accessible veins can collapse. This may result in
both more needle sticks as well as efforts to obtain blood from less conven-
tional areas, such as the ankle, thigh, wrist, chest, or neck—sites that can
308 Other Approaches and Concerns

generate both more pain and more fear. This is one of the most common rea-
sons to surgically insert a more durable IV line or port, as well as a less inva-
sive PIC line that can be inserted by specially trained nurses. These same
problems may occur with lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies.

Communication Problems
Because pain is a personal experience that can't be measured or detected
with a machine or test, doctors rely heavily on a patient's report of pain.
While most adults can easily describe the nature of their pain, children
generally communicate in very different ways.


Newborns are completely unable to communicate feelings other than by
crying, just as they do to convey hunger or a wet diaper. Up until a few
decades ago, scientists assumed that newborns did not even feel pain,
thinking that their nervous systems were insufficiently developed. As a
result, many procedures, even surgery, were performed with little or no
anesthesia. Now there is good evidence that newborns are sensitive to
pain, and most doctors work to prevent and minimize pain in infants,
though this has been slow to universally catch on. For any procedure in a
baby—even a circumcision—it is reasonable to ask the doctor what will
be done to prevent pain.
Although an infant may experience distress when separated from a
parent, most infants can be comforted simply by being held, even by a
stranger. Toddlers, on the other hand, are attached more specifically to
their parents, making separation much more difficult. They also easily
interpret an unfamiliar setting as threatening. As a result, unless special
care is taken to reassure the toddler and even, when indicated, to treat
him with a sedative or analgesic medication, he is likely to react intensely
to events that, even if painless, are strange to him.


Obviously, as children mature they can better understand what's going
on, can communicate, and can begin to leam coping skills. Yet even with-
out pain, children may suffer intensely from the experience of being sick,
from having their lives disrupted, and on encountering each new hospital
routine, all of which are typically interpreted as shocking and terrifying
invasions of their self. This is all the more difficult because it is at this
stage of development that children begin to establish a sense of them-
selves that is independent of their parents but still fragile. Children need
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 309

Pain Behavior in Young Children

• Move less than normal
• Cry more
• Appear pale and sweaty
• Have loss of appetite
• Cry upon being touched, moved, or stimulated
• Cry more frequently
• Are cranky, less active
• Can point to the "boo-boo" or "owie" or "ouchie"
Young children
• Can point to the "owie"
• Can color on a body outline to show where the pain is
• Can use the McCrath face scale described in Chapter 3

constant understanding and support, and parents "rooming in" with their
hospitalized child, which is increasingly accepted, can be extremely com-
forting, as can bringing in familiar toys and video games.
As children mature into adolescents, they can often communicate im-
portant information effectively, such as where and how much it hurts.
When stressed by illness and separated from their families, however, ado-
lescents may revert to their childhood ways and become harder to com-
municate with; as a result, their problems may become harder to manage.
Usually, though, when given love and support, adolescents can deal
effectively with the stress of illness. Such support should come not only
from family and friends but also from doctors and nurses. Newly inde-
pendent, adolescents may pride themselves on their ability to handle things
and at times may even discourage attention from their family, a phenome-
non that may be hard for parents to understand.

Pain Strategies in Children


Children commonly react to many different kinds of unpleasant events
similarly, making it hard to distinguish whether the resulting distress is
due to actual pain or just fear. A child who has stepped on a nail looks
very much like a child who has been told he is going to get a needle. Both
need attention, but distinguishing between distress rooted in pain versus
that rooted in anxiety will help determine the correct response.
310 Other Approaches and Concerns

In the last few years experts have begun to realize that even when children
can't tell us, they may be hurting. More and more, the prevailing attitude is
that it looks as if a child may be in pain, and even when parents and doctors
aren't sure, the suspected pain should be treated as if it is present.
Because doctors can't easily differentiate between a young child's re-
sponse of fear or anticipation and a response to physical trauma or pain,
doctors increasingly favor treating children's distress preventively, rather
than using a wait-and-see-if-it-hurts attitude. Once a child learns that some-
thing the doctor does hurts, chances are the procedure will continue to
hurt. Once this pattern of memory and anticipation of pain is established,
it is hard to break, in children as well as in adults. On the other hand, if a
child can get through a procedure without too much discomfort, he or she
will gain confidence, and repeat procedures are likely to go more smoothly.


The three basic methods to assess or measure pain are relying on the
patient's report, observing the patient's behavior, and assessing pain based
on physiological changes, such as changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
Ongoing research is focusing on how these methods can be best used in
young people.
Most doctors agree that when children are old enough to report on their
pain, this is by far the preferable way to assess discomfort. The sophisti-
cated questionnaires to assess pain in adults (discussed in Chapter 3) are
obviously not very useful in young children. Instead, special pain assess-
ment tools for children use colors, poker chips, a thermometer, or faces.
As mentioned in Chapter 3, "face scales" are often used with children
as young as three. They point to a face that best corresponds to how they
feel. With the poker chip method, youngsters are given chips that repre-
sent a "piece of hurt," and they are asked to show how many pieces of
hurt they have at a given time. They may also point to where their hurt is
on a pain thermometer, or show which colors best describe their hurt.
When children are too young to report pain, doctors must rely on the
observations of parents and health care providers and physical changes.
The physical changes are not always that useful—even though blood pres-
sure and pulse usually change when pain is present, these changes are not
very specific. Although the child's pulse rate may go up during pain, it
may go up for many other reasons too. A pale complexion, perspiration,
and dilated pupils also suggest pain, but they don't indicate pain severity.
Also, although the observation method is useful, it depends a great deal
on who's watching (parent, doctor, other person). Researchers interested
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 311

in perfecting the science of observation are at work analyzing how the

quality of an infant's cry, specific facial expressions, and movement change
with pain.


Chronic pain can usually be controlled with oral pain medication, usually
avoiding the need for additional sticks of the needle. The adult pain medi-
cations used are primarily the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and oral morphine (or similar opioids), but in child-size doses
calibrated to the child's weight. Aspirin is usually not given to children
because of its risk of triggering Reye syndrome, a serious condition that
occurs in children and may cause sudden and severe changes in mental
status, such as agitation, seizures, and coma. Acetaminophen and other
NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, are therefore used instead. Of the NSAIDs,
tolmetin and naproxen are the other ones that have been approved for
children, and they are particularly useful for mild to moderate pain caused
by inflammation or bone tumors.

As with adults, since children tend not to ask for pain medication until their pain is
severe, pain medications should be given on a scheduled basis around the clock,
not only as needed. Around-the-clock dosing prevents bad bouts of pain and pro-
vides better overall relief.

Whereas doctors used to think children metabolized opioids more

slowly than adults—and therefore were given fewer doses—today doc-
tors believe that children as young as one month of age process morphine
and related drugs the same way that adults do. Newborns, on the other
hand, are more sensitive to the respiratory depressant effects of opioids
and should be monitored closely for apnea (cessation of breathing) if
younger than three months, just to be on the safe side. For special kinds of
pain, such as nerve pain, the adjuvant analgesics (antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, and others—see Chapter 8) may also be useful, but again,
in lower doses than those prescribed for adults.
When oral medications are ineffective or cannot be taken because of
nausea, doctors have other options, and parents can help by making pro-
cedures as pleasant as possible, to minimize a child's fear and apprehen-
sion. Since children hate needles, injections should be avoided whenever
possible. If older children seem embarrassed by using suppositories, other
forms of medication can be prescribed. Subcutaneous infusions (by pump),
for example, require a needle, but it needs to be changed only about once
312 Other Approaches and Concerns

a week. If it appears that the child will need medication by injection over
a long time, or if many blood tests are planned, it may be best to have an
indwelling catheter or port placed surgically. This is a durable plastic IV
line that is placed (under anesthesia) in a large vein, usually in the chest,
but sometimes in the neck or thigh. While not specifically approved for
children, a skin patch, which is changed every three days, is another good
option when pain is ongoing and chronic. A lollipop form of the same
strong painkiller (fentanyl), available as Actiq, is the best option for inter-
mittent or breakthrough pain. Only rarely are nerve blocks or spinal mor-
phine required in youngsters, but when they are, they have been used
successfully even in babies.
Although the risk of addiction in children treated with opioids is ex-
tremely rare, many doctors continue to maintain erroneous concerns about
prescribing them to young children. In most cases, such concerns should
not inhibit the use of these very effective painkillers for moderate to se-
vere pain.
Short-term pain from procedures can be controlled by a combination
of reassurance, medications, and psychological approaches. As opposed
to chronic pain, the problem here is more often fear and apprehension. A
good treatment, therefore, is using a sedative (such as midazolam, a ben-
zodiazepine), either with or without a painkiller, by mouth whenever
possible. Youngsters will often then sleep lightly through the procedure
and not even remember it later. If the child should get even more dis-
tressed after such premedication, it is probably an indication that the child
prefers to know what is going on and feels as though he is losing too much
control when sedated. If this is the case, the relaxation or cognitive tech-
niques described in the next section, and in more detail in Chapter 12, can
help relax and soothe the child.

As with adults, the many cognitive and behavioral strategies discussed in
Chapter 12—such as hypnosis, visual imagery, and distraction, among
others—can help reduce anxiety and pain in children. Some pediatric on-
cology centers focus on using parents as coaches to help youngsters mas-
ter these techniques. The parent must be calm and relaxed, speak quietly
and calmly, and know how to coach the child through a relaxation tech-
nique. According to pediatric psychologist Dan Armstrong at the Univer-
sity of Miami Medical School, parents should not necessarily try to reassure
the child directly, since such behavior is actually linked to more distress in
the child. Rather than telling the child what to do (such as "Hold out your
arm") or trying to reassure him (such as telling the child "It's going to be
okay" or "It'll be over in a minute"), parents are most helpful when they
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 313

stick to providing facts (such as "The little sting you are going to feel will
make your arm numb so you can't feel anything else") or use statements
of reinforcement in a calm voice (such as "That was a very good job").
Parents need to be as fully involved in treatments as possible, so that
the anxieties and fears they communicate to the child are minimized. Par-
ents can be particularly helpful by using the behavioral and relaxation
strategies described in Chapter 12, which can ease their own stress as well
as their child's. Breathing techniques, for example, may be modified for
children by encouraging them to think about their bodies as balloons or
bike tires. The goal is to fill the balloon up with air and to gently empty it.
Taking the image further, the parent may ask the child to pretend he is a
hot-air balloon or is on a magic carpet. Once relaxed with the breathing
exercise, the child can imagine he is floating high above the bed in the
balloon or on the magic carpet visiting distant lands. Imagery or distrac-
tion techniques may be particularly useful during a painful procedure.
Parents can use their imaginations and bring with them party blowers,
bubbles, video games, or pop-up books to help a youngster imagine
pleasanter thoughts than those that overwhelm him in his hospital bed.
Helping the child pretend he is visiting Disneyland, is Superman or Won-
der Woman soaring into space, or is a character the child knows from the
movies or a favorite book can ease the pain and pass the time. Parents can
help prompt the child to imagine he is somewhere else, doing other things,
or can help the child spin a story in which a hero or heroine has the same
fears as the child but triumphs over them.
Children are particularly responsive to hypnosis and self-hypnotic
techniques because they are used to harness their imagination in pretend
play. With a few practice sessions, children can quickly learn effective self-
hypnotic techniques to induce a tranquil and distracted state.
As with adult patients, the more control a child can exert—such as
influencing the timing of procedures, the order of procedures, and the
placement of an injection—the greater to extent to which feelings of help-
lessness associated with a chronic disease can be relieved. Another tactic
that some hospitals use to prevent anxiety in children when a nurse comes
close is to require that nurses who take blood wear a red apron, so that the
child need not become distressed when other nurses approach.
If anesthesia is required, talk to the anesthesiologist ahead of time
about staying with the child until he is anesthetized. Talk with the child
about all the interesting things going on around him; calmly explain to
him what's going on, allowing him to play with devices as permissible,
such as a face mask. By remaining calm, the child will feel secure and
follow the parents' lead in viewing the experience as a challenge or ad-
venture rather than a worrisome and fretful experience.
314 Other Approaches and Concerns

Cancer Pain in the Elderly

The management of cancer pain in the elderly follows the same basic prin-
ciples that have been described for mature adults:
• The mainstay of treatment for moderate to severe pain is still po-
tent opioids, such as morphine, administered around the clock,
supplemented with rescue doses of short-acting opioids for break-
through pain.
• Pain that is slight or moderate may be treated primarily with the
weak opioids, such as hydrocodone.
• Depending on the type of pain, treatment may be supplemented
with other drugs, such as the NSAIDs and adjuvant analgesics
(antidepressants, steroids, etc.).
• Occasionally treatment with the adjuvant drugs alone is sufficient.
• Individualizing and readjusting therapy to take into account the
unique needs of each patient are essential.
Elderly persons do, however, differ in several important ways from
younger patients, and knowing these differences can help guide treatment.
First of all, older people tend to minimize their pain and tend to fear "both-
ering" or "annoying" family members or doctors and nurses with their
"complaints." They may not mention or show their pain and may have to
be asked actively about it. Some older people may not be able to commu-
nicate their pain concerns because of speech, hearing, or cognitive defi-
cits, and many older people have been taught to be stoic about their pain.
Also, as people age, various organs and systems (kidneys, liver, brain,
etc.) tend to function less efficiently, becoming impaired or more vulner-
able to change. As a result, the elderly patient may have a lower tolerance
to analgesic drugs, so lower doses of medication can often be prescribed.
Some doctors also recommend the use of short-acting painkillers rather
than the use of long-acting ones, such as methadone (Dolophine) or
levorphanol (Levo-Dromoran). Moreover, starting doses may not need to
be increased as rapidly as in younger patients. To avoid serious side ef-
fects, the doctor usually starts medications at lower doses, being prepared
to quickly raise or lower the dose depending on the patient's response.
Just as elderly patients may be more susceptible to the analgesic ef-
fects of painkillers, they may also be more susceptible to their side effects,
especially constipation and sedation. The principles for managing side
effects in elderly patients are the same as those for mature adults, and can
be summarized as follows:
• Begin treatment with low doses to prevent side effects; if pain per-
sists and there are no serious side effects, raise the dose quickly.
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 315

As soon as an opioid is used, a laxative should be administered

regularly to prevent constipation.
Be prepared for mild grogginess, sedation, or catch-up sleep soon
after treatment with an opioid is started, but don't be too
concerned—these effects usually disappear after a few days. At
the first sign of nausea or vomiting, ask the doctor to prescribe an
antiemetic (an antinausea drug). Nausea tends to resolves itself
quickly, so treatment can usually be withdrawn after a few days.
If grogginess persists, the doctor may want to consider treatment
with a psychostimulant, such as modafinil (Provigil), methylpheni-
date (Ritalin), or dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine).
Keep records of the schedule and intensity of pain and the pres-
ence and severity of any side effects. Maintain regular contact with
the physician so that medications can be adjusted upward or down-
ward as needed.

Cancer Pain in Those with Histories of

Substance Abuse
Patients who are either active or recovered substance abusers (alcohol or
drugs) need special attention. It is essential that the doctor be informed,
honestly and thoroughly, of any history with drugs or alcohol. If he is not,
it could mean potential agony for a patient who is an active abuser of
alcohol, narcotics, benzodiazepines (such as Valium), or other street drugs.
That's because these patients often have higher levels of tolerance—that
is, they may need higher doses of painkillers at the outset to quell their
discomfort. If a doctor is unaware of a substance abuse problem, he is
likely to unknowingly underprescribe appropriate medications. These
patients also may have more problems getting their pain under control
than other patients because they or their physicians may be concerned
about worsening an addiction or rekindling an old one. On the other hand,
these patients will be at higher risk for being undertreated because doc-
tors may be reluctant to prescribe potentially addictive medications such
as opioids. As we have emphasized throughout this book, the risk of ad-
diction from cancer pain treatment in the general population (those with-
out any history of abuse) is extremely low. When a patient has a history of
abuse, however, that risk is substantially higher. This is not to say that the
pain shouldn't be treated or that strong medications should not be pre-
scribed; it just means that these risks need to be considered in making a
treatment plan, which will usually include more rigorous education, moni-
toring, and involvement of family members.
316 Other Approaches and Concerns

Discuss with the physician any fears about whether the pain will be
treated effectively and whether readdiction might occur. The risk of
readdiction should be discussed frankly and balanced against the risks of
undertreated pain. With certain precautions, the risks of rekindling a drug
habit can be minimized. The physician may try to treat the pain with non-
habit-forming medications (such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, an-
tidepressants, and anticonvulsants) for as long as possible. Many of the
pain syndromes associated with HIV, for example, are due to nerve injury
and will not require treatment with opioids. Maintain open and regular
communication with the doctor, informing him if medications are not ef-
fective enough and stronger pain medications are needed.
Expect that the doctor may want to establish some ground rules—to
protect both himself and the patient. Most doctors will insist that pain
medications be taken exactly as ordered. Some may suggest that a pain
medication diary be maintained to reflect the patient's responsible use of
the drugs. The doctor will become uncomfortable and may lose some trust
in the patient if given excuses that appear concocted, such as that the pre-
scription was lost or that the medication was accidentally damaged or
flushed down the toilet. If the medication is used as directed, there should
be no need to ask for early refills or to call the doctor on nights or week-
ends for medication. Maintaining a trusting relationship with the doctor
is essential, and the patient needs to continue being honest with himself
and the doctor.
If stronger medications are needed, the doctor will probably want to
prescribe long-acting ones (such as MS Contin or Oramorph), transdermal
fentanyl (the skin patch Duragesic), or methadone, administered around
the clock) rather than as needed (see Chapter 7), since these medications
relieve pain most consistently and are less likely to produce a euphoric
feeling or high. If the pain is treated with an inappropriately weak analge-
sic (such as codeine or propoxyphene [Darvon]) or with a stronger pain-
killer prescribed in too low a dose or on an inappropriately infrequent
schedule, the patient may develop what is called pseudoaddiction. That
is, the patient may ask for more medication in a manner that appears to
resemble the drug-seeking behavior of an addict, because the pain is inad-
equately relieved due to undertreatment, not necessarily because of a drug
craving per se. Around-the-clock dosing is important for pain control and
avoids alternating peaks and troughs in the concentration of medication
in the blood; such peaks are much more likely to be associated with a
sensation of being high and may promote more erratic use of the medica-
tion. It is important, therefore, that medications be prescribed as they are for can-
cer patients in general—with adequate doses, around the clock. If the doctor is
concerned about whether the medications are being used properly, you
Special Cases: Children, the Elderly, and Patients with Special Needs 317

may mutually decide to obtain prescriptions for opioids in small quanti-

ties—say, on a weekly basis.
Another problem that may occur with patients who are recovered
addicts is a reluctance to take the medications as prescribed. Patients may
also be pressured by families or peers, especially if in a twelve-step pro-
gram such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, to back
off the needed painkillers. The patient or family may need to reassure the
group that it is appropriate to take such medication for medical reasons.
Patients and families need be aware that physical dependence and
tolerance will probably occur, as they would with patients with no history
of substance abuse. As discussed earlier in the book, these reactions to
opioids are not the same as addiction. (See Chapters 1 and 7 for fuller
discussions of these topics.)
Should an active or recovered substance abuser use one of the increas-
ingly popular patient-controlled pumps (see Chapter 7), in which the pa-
tient pushes a button for an extra dose of painkiller as needed (within
certain limits set by the doctor on the computerized pump)? In fact, the
risk of a recovered addict abusing such a medication pump is lower than
doctors had previously thought. Again, the risk of addiction needs to be
balanced against the need to treat the cancer pain. If the patient is ex-
pected to have a temporary pain problem, as opposed to a patient with
advanced cancer, the risks and balances will obviously shift.
If a substance abuser is involved with Alcoholics Anonymous or an-
other support group or with counseling, it is important to maintain these
supports and to share freely with peers any problems or experiences the
patient is encountering with his use of habit-forming medications. Shar-
ing freely with others who can empathize and provide support may go a
long way in helping the patient resist abusive behavior.
Dealing with Feelings

Finding out you or a loved one has cancer is a shock and usually signals a
major crisis. For most people, the biggest terror is that the diagnosis is a
death sentence, which of course it is not. But it is a vivid reminder of our
mortality and is a very real threat to our security and all we take for granted.
Understandably, a diagnosis of cancer will throw most people into a
psychological tailspin as they begin the process of coping with the news.
Most of us regard ourselves as fit, healthy, and whole persons with a past
and a future. Even if we have had some chronic illness, once we adjust to
it we still tend to maintain a healthy self-image. Unexpected news of can-
cer causes doubt and uncertainty and suddenly threatens all of the things
we relied on as being dependable and certain.
This aspect of threat is all-pervasive—the reliable and predictable
things of everyday life are suddenly subject to change. The potential threats
are many:
• To the image of ourselves as being healthy
• To our professional life and goals
• To our role in the family and household
• To our financial security
• To our dreams, hopes, and aspirations
In short, every aspect of our well-being is suddenly called into ques-
tion. Concerns can arise almost automatically and cloud everything we

Dealing with Feelings 319

think and do. We become victims of a roller coaster of reactions, including

disbelief, shock, fear, anxiety, panic, sadness, depression, feelings of help-
lessness, despondence, and anger. And even once we feel we've gotten a
handle on our current feelings, new ones flood in.
However painful, these reactions are common and normal. In fact, there's
more cause for alarm when a person diagnosed with cancer doesn't express
such feelings. Keeping strong negative emotions bottled up or denying the
illness to oneself and to others can be psychologically and physically harm-
ful. Mates need to catch themselves when they feel the need to overprotect
their loved ones and are fearful of bringing up the cancer. Talking about
feelings and fears is healthy and to some extent necessary, and family mem-
bers may need to encourage each other to keep talking.
About half of people diagnosed with cancer adjust normally to the
news, although obviously, no two persons' adjustment will be the same.
Many experience sudden changes in eating or sleeping patterns or in how
they relate to other people, including their loved ones. This is called an
adjustment disorder and is viewed as a reasonable, normal reaction to a
crisis, especially to a potentially life-threatening one like cancer. Adjust-
ment disorders can have features of depression or anxiety but are usually
short-lived. By and large, with time and support, most people manage to
mobilize their psychological resources and support networks and adapt
relatively well.
But when these changes persist for more than several weeks, they may
be a warning sign that major problems are brewing. If ignored, they could
seriously impair a person's functioning and well-being and could even
interfere with medical treatment. Counseling, specifically short-term sup-
portive psychotherapy, often works quickly—in as little as four to ten ses-
sions. By helping the patient express his bottled-up feelings and fears,
sort out the rational fears from the irrational, and learn how to cope with
the rational ones, many of the psychological symptoms mentioned above
will often subside.
Almost all people diagnosed with cancer will be fearful and anxious
as they cope with the news of their diagnosis, tests, treatments, and symp-
toms of cancer. How distressing those emotions are for a particular per-
son depends a great deal on specific personality traits and the coping
strategies that have been learned over a lifetime, as well as the support
that is available from family, friends, and the medical team.
A new science called psycho-oncology, the study of the psychological
and psychiatric aspects of cancer, identifies what kinds of psychological is-
sues are associated with cancer and the means to help by enhancing the
person's supports and coping skills. This chapter will discuss how family
members can be supportive and help the patient (and each other) distin-
guish between realistic and irrational fears, and how to cope with crisis
320 Other Approaches and Concerns

while minimizing distress. These issues are discussed in a book about can-
cer pain because emotional distress can lead to anxiety and depression, which
often increases physical tension and therefore the intensity of pain. Like-
wise, pain is much more difficult to manage when people are depressed or
anxious, conditions that also affect pain threshold. Moreover, pain itself can
cause psychological changes that may seriously impair physical, psycho-
logical, and spiritual well-being, or may make problems seem worse.

Psychological Responses to Cancer

As we've said, about half of cancer patients adjust normally to being ill with
cancer, leaving about half whose psychological problems may become
debilitating. Of those, about two-thirds suffer from reactive anxiety and de-
pression—that is, new anxiety and depression that are a direct response
to the illness. However, when in pain, patients are about twice as likely to
develop anxiety and depression than those whose pain is well controlled.1
Undergoing chemotherapy may be a particularly emotional time—
often more so than during radiation treatments or surgery, because of con-
cerns about unpleasant side effects that may or may not occur. Often the
first chemotherapy treatments and those with very high chances of suc-
cess are first associated with upbeat and hopeful feelings. If the cancer
advances, the frequency of psychiatric problems among cancer patients
increases, as might be expected.

Symptoms of Depression Symptoms of Anxiety Symptoms of Panic

Insomnia Restlessness Chest pains
Loss of appetite Jitteriness Feelings of choking
Irritability Aggitation Feelings of dizziness
Isolation Sweating Feelings of unreality
Fatigue Upset stomach Hot or cold flashes
Loss of interest or pleasure in Palpitations Trembling
everyday things Worry Faintness
Sadness Fear Fear of "losing it"
Much less energy than usual Irritability
No interest in eating Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty concentrating, Being easily startled
remembering, or making decisions Clammy hands
Constant feelings of guilt, Insomnia
worthlessness, or helplessness
Crying a lot
Thoughts about death or suicide
Dealing with Feelings 321

It is, of course, always difficult to know whether some of these symp-

toms (poor appetite and sleep, etc.) are due to depression, medication,
cancer treatment, or direct effects of the tumor. Regardless of the cause,
the effort to clear up these symptoms is well worth it, to enable the patient
to be as strong as possible during tough times. You may be surprised at
how much a consultation with the doctor, psychiatric or oncology nurse,
or social worker can help.

The Typical Distress of Cancer Patients

As patients try to cope with their illness and its repercussions, they may
experience a merry-go-round of changes. We will first discuss the most
common ones, and later suggest how family members and other primary
caregivers can help.

From the moment a lump is spotted, a mysterious and insistent pain nags,
or sudden weight loss is noticed, almost everyone experiences some anxi-
ety. First, an unspoken fear nags that it could be cancer. If a doctor con-
firms it, new fears arise—concerns about treatment, pain, disfigurement,
and even death. The anxiety can mushroom into panic or chronic anxiety
that can threaten the patient's ability to cope and comply with treatment

Some people choose to ignore distressing signs, denying to themselves
and those around them that something might be wrong. Although denial
can sometimes be a useful coping mechanism, if it is severe or persists,
problems can fester until a crisis develops later on.


Fear is pervasive in these circumstances: fear of the unknown, of pain, of

mental and physical loss, of rejection by the family, of lingering illness,
and of death. Every time a new pain or symptom surfaces, a fresh wave of
fear may surge. This is to be expected and is best expressed so that it does
not get out of control. Being afraid is bad enough—but handling it alone
(perhaps to avoid "burdening" loved ones) makes it especially hard.
322 Other Approaches and Concerns

Isolation and Detachment

Some people react to cancer by detaching themselves from decisions about
their medical treatment, discussions about their illness, and, in the ad-
vanced stages of cancer, thoughts of death and dying. This detachment is
another form of denial and serves as a buffer for the patient and to protect
family members. Like the other negative emotions discussed here, this is
normal up to a point. This form of denial may be just another step in com-
ing to terms with a very unpleasant situation, but if it persists, profes-
sional counseling can help.

Sometimes patients blame themselves for having caused the cancer in the
first place or believe that they are sick or in pain as punishment for some-
thing they've done. Smokers, for example, may feel shame and guilt for
smoking despite warnings of increased cancer risks. Whether justified or
not, this self-punishment does no one any good. Commonly, such guilt
can lead to a major depressive disorder.

In addition to pain and other physical problems linked to cancer (such as
nausea or vomiting, difficulty in breathing, or weakness), patients worry
about losing control over their daily lives, losing their independence and
personal freedom, and having to become more dependent on others. They
also worry about whether they can continue working or not, finances, and
being a burden to their family. All these factors contribute to the patient's
overall suffering. These are legitimate concerns that need to be dealt with
in a productive way, but worry doesn't help. Instead, constant fretting
needs to be talked about with a loved one or mental health professional.

Cancer patients suffer many losses on different levels, and each one needs
to be dealt with directly and, when appropriate, grieved for separately.

Use the Timeless Wisdom

Focus on taking one day at a time . . .
May you have the serenity to accept the things you cannot change
the courage to change the things you can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Dealing with Feelings 323

Esteem by others, self-control, future dreams, body image, sexuality, and

reproductive abilities are just a few of the highly important attributes upon
which we base our well-being, self-esteem, and quality of life, and cancer
threatens many of these. Again, such concerns are best faced up front and
discussed with a supportive person.

Disfiguring surgery or side effects from treatment (such as hair loss) may
trigger despair and depression, causing the patient to withdraw from see-
ing or even speaking to friends and acquaintances. Those who lose a breast
or have had a colostomy, for example, may feel physically mutilated or
unattractive and may withdraw from partners and friends.

Patients who are terminally ill and debilitated may pity themselves, and
although a certain amount of grumbling and anger may be therapeutic, it
can be destructive if sustained. The patient may feel justified in being de-
manding, in complaining, and in being short-tempered. These behaviors,
however, can end up being manipulative and exploitive, turning the pa-
tient's powerlessness into a negative form of power. As a result, caregivers
and family members may start resenting the patient (and feel guilty as a
result). Then the patient can accuse them of not caring or of abandoning
him. This negative cycle breeds emotional distance.

An opposite tack to self-pity is the decision to fight the disease and its
pain at all costs. By fighting the pain without seeking medical help in con-
trolling it, patients only end up hurting themselves more. By waiting and
holding out, they usually end up requiring more medication to relieve the
intensified pain when much smaller amounts could have been used to
prevent the pain from turning severe. The defiant, fighting spirit, how-
ever, if channeled properly, can be a very positive and powerful response.
Remember, every good fighter needs a coach.

Information-Seeking and Bargaining Behaviors

Some patients act exactly the opposite of those who deny or avoid; they
try to read everything they can about their condition and may panic when
the slightest little thing goes wrong or doesn't fit their mental pictures. These
patients need to be active members of the medical team so that they can feel
they have some input and control in the decision-making process.
324 Other Approaches and Concerns

Irritability and Anger

Patients fighting cancer may become surprisingly irritable when things
don't go as predicted. They may easily come to believe that if something
can go wrong, it will happen to them. They may feel they don't deserve
their plight, believe that life isn't fair, and feel angry with God, who seems
to have deserted them; this often occurs just at a time when faith can be a
powerful ally. Many patients seek a sense of meaning for their suffering
where none exists, and any expectation of equity and fairness in life is
easily shattered. Cancer has no favorites. Typically, cancer patients may
lash out at family members and loved ones, the most convenient and for-
giving targets and the ones with whom they feel the safest. Though stress-
ful for everyone, fits of anger, even screaming, crying, throwing dishes, or
whatever it takes (without becoming a threat or danger) to get the anger
out can be therapeutic. After acknowledging anger, patients can more eas-
ily harness that energy to fight the cancer.

Some patients reject offers of help, choosing instead to suffer in silence
and to be just left alone. It is sometimes hard to distinguish between a
defeatist attitude and an approach that is realistic, especially since feel-
ings change from day to day. Although it is hard to listen to expressions of
negative or pessimistic thoughts—especially when trying to keep one's
own attitude positive—they must be talked out and dealt with. Maintain-
ing a positive attitude can help immeasurably during a crisis. With these
and other changes, loved ones must be attentive to whether pessimism is
a passing phase or a serious problem that needs professional attention.
No matter how bleak the situation may appear, there are always things to
be hopeful about.

Hopelessness and Helplessness

Since many patients feel that they have little or no control over the out-
come of their illness, they feel helpless. When medical help seems inad-
equate, feelings of helplessness can evolve into feelings of hopelessness.
Both of these feelings can contribute to depression and may make other
mental and physical illnesses seem worse.
Hopefulness, as long as it is realistic, can be a very positive response
that needs to be encouraged. To counteract feelings of hopelessness, pa-
tients need to set realistic goals and feel that their lives have meaning and
value. Families can reassure their loved ones that time together is valu-
able. If cancer has rendered the future uncertain, the patient needs to be
Dealing with Feelings 325

encouraged to take one day at a time and to work toward having a good
morning, a good night's sleep, or a pain-free day. The more control the
patient can have over his life—such as the timing of treatments, baths, or
other activities, or being asked about everyday decisions (what to eat,
whom to call, where to go, etc.), the less negative and hopeless he may
feel. Priorities and goals need to be continually reframed and addressed,
especially if the disease is advancing.

Cancer as a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

When people believe the diagnosis of cancer is a life-threatening event,
they may be thrown into a series of psychological changes that are similar
to those triggered by combat, rape, physical, sexual abuse, or other trau-
matic events that are outside the range of everyday experience. These
psychological changes are collectively called post-traumatic stress disor-
der (PTSD), and in the cancer patient may include attempts to avoid all
thoughts or feelings associated with the illness; forgetfulness about what
the doctor has said; a sudden loss of interest in things that used to be
meaningful, such as young children or a job one loved; feeling and acting
estranged from others; inability to have or express loving feelings; and a
sense of a suddenly foreshortened future.
The person also may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep,
find it difficult to concentrate, be irritable or quick to burst out in anger,
have an exaggerated startle response, or suddenly break out in a sweat or
hyperventilate if exposed to something that reminds him of his own trauma
(in this case discovering and being told about the illness). These changes
don't indicate that a person has suddenly "gone crazy." Instead, he is re-
sponding to a deeply disturbing and frightening event in his life.

How to Help
As a rule, cancer patients are at their most vulnerable. Some of their im-
portant needs are relatively simple; having such needs fulfilled can make
them feel immeasurably safer and therefore more physically comfortable.
Most can benefit by being well informed about the nature of the cancer
and its treatment and by being reassured that physical complaints will
always be aggressively treated. Family members can help by reassuring
them about what the doctor really said and helping the patient see when
he may be worrying about something excessively or focusing on some-
thing that is beyond his control.
326 Other Approaches and Concerns

In most cases, though, family members themselves are also under

enormous stress, often feel physically and emotionally drained, and need
help and support themselves. Naturally, loved ones try to always put the
needs of the patient first. A son or daughter, for example, may see the
illness as an opportunity to return the love and support experienced as a
child. There are always limits, though, and relatives sometimes need to be
reminded to take care of their own needs.
If the family members' basic needs are ignored, they may get too
burned out to really be there when they're needed. Families should be
sure that they have at least one member of the doctor's team or the home
health care program (a nurse, pharmacist, social worker, or other mental
health professional) in whom they feel comfortable confiding. They may
want to take advantage of this person's availability, experience, support,
and empathy to talk over their own concerns and emotions.

Psychological Needs of Cancer Patients

Family members and caregivers can significantly help satisfy the basic
psychological needs of patients. Typically, cancer patients need to feel safe,
needed, loved, understood, and accepted. Their self-esteem needs to be
maintained, and they must feel as though they can trust others.

Feeling Safe
Feeling secure where they are and confident in the hands of caregivers is
important and must be established as a foundation for working out other
problems associated with the disease.

Feeling Needed
Many patients, as they become weaker, may feel like they are a burden.
They will need reassurance that they are still needed and loved. In fact,
the unexpected need to provide a patient's care usually is burdensome, in
which case the patient needs to be reassured that it is a responsibility that
the family is privileged to take on. The needs associated with the illness
can be framed as an opportunity for family members to "give something
back," which, given how helpless family members typically feel, is usu-
ally regarded as an honor that is satisfying to undertake.

Feeling Loved
All people benefit from expressions of love and affection; touching the
patient, holding his hand, and massaging him are all important. Behaving
warmly and touching are common ways for love to be communicated.
Dealing with Feelings 327

Feeling Understood
Family members and other loving caregivers can't make the illness go
away, but they can express empathy for the patient's distress. Patients
need their family to acknowledge the severity of their illness, but at the
same time they may need to be reminded not to worry too much and that
they should take one day at a time.
The patients may benefit from having his symptoms explained—why
they're occurring, what can be done about them—as well as from informa-
tion about the process and nature of the disease. Caregivers should try not
to deny or minimize the patient's feelings, especially if the patient is gravely
ill. Rather than saying something like "Don't be ridiculous, you're going to
beat this and be fine" if it's obvious the patient is terminal, it would be more
helpful to say something like "I know you're very sick, and you might die.
Are you feeling scared? How can I help?" Acknowledge the patient's feel-
ings and try to get him to talk about them. Don't push—keep communica-
tion lines open and be available to listen and offer input when asked.

Feeling Accepted
Patients must feel secure and accepted, regardless of their condition, ap-
pearance, mood, and demands. They need to be reminded that just be-
cause they may look dramatically different, they are no less the person
whom family members have spent a lifetime loving. Their essence and
self are just as unique, vital, and important to others as ever.

Maintaining Self-Esteem
Many cancer patients not only are devastated by their disease but, due to
the various reasons described above, internalize their distress. They may be
haunted by thoughts that they are somehow responsible for their illness,
viewing it as a punishment for something they've done or not done—if
only they had been a better person, hadn't been unfaithful, hadn't had that
abortion, or whatever, they might not have gotten sick. They may need to
be reminded and reassured that cancer can strike anyone . . . and does.
To maintain self-esteem, involve patients as much as possible in the
decisions that must be made. Allow them to give advice or instructions
and make decisions; by doing so, they are more likely to be accepting of
what follows.

Trusting Others
Patients need to know that they are receiving the best care possible—that
their doctors and family will aggressively pursue treatment and pain man-
agement to ensure the best possible outcome.
328 Other Approaches and Concerns

Helping the Patient Cope

Coping involves efforts to reduce stress in the face of adversity. Some cop-
ing mechanisms, such as prayer or seeking knowledge, are healthy. Alter-
natively, patients may erect psychological walls, or defense mechanisms,
to avoid or deny the seriousness of their situation. Although less healthy,
these responses can still help patients get through the difficult process of
gradually accepting their illness; as a result, such responses are mainly a
concern if they persist.
Patients with a tendency toward hypervigilance and who characteris-
tically accumulate as much information as possible usually feel more in
control if assured that they will be involved in all decision making. Find-
ing or even starting a support group with other cancer patients, especially
those close in age and of the same sex, can serve to alleviate many fears,
help patients share their fears and problems, and reduce isolation (see the
next section). Teens with any kind of cancer and women with breast can-
cer, for example, need to talk with others in their circumstance.
Families should try to be as open as possible about the cancer and the
threat it implies. Try not to keep secrets from either the patient or close
family and friends, and be as honest as possible with young children about
relatives with cancer. Although we tend to avoid negative emotions such
as anger, anxiety, and sorrow, expressing them openly helps the family
feel closer and more bonded during this difficult time. Children need not
be excluded from this emotional upheaval—they can understand more
than many people give them credit for.
Children who receive a diagnosis of cancer can understand that they
have a sickness, and they can also acknowledge that if they listen to the
doctor, he can help. While we all need to vent our anger in such trying
times, adolescents in particular need opportunities to express their feel-
ings. In addition to cancer being a threat to health and welfare, cancer in
teenagers may also be viewed as a threat to their emerging independence
and desire to emotionally separate from authority figures. Cancer makes
them dependent again. If possible, they need to feel independent and in
control. Middle-aged patients, on the other hand, characteristically need
support and help in coping with the needs of other family members.
Middle-aged patients often feel sandwiched—responsible for caring not
only for their children but for their elderly parents as well. They worry
about how those dependent on them will cope while they are ill. Friends
and family members can help out by providing practical assistance with
the children or elderly parents. Friends and family can also help by offer-
ing emotional support, reminding patients of their strengths, and encour-
aging and guiding them to use coping strategies that have worked in the
Dealing with Feelings 329

past. They can encourage patients to use relaxation techniques, help them
observe thought processes and change them if they are self-defeating, of-
fer help in practicing self-hypnotic pain control strategies, set realistic goals,
work on asserting themselves, and improve communication skills. These
skills are described in more detail in Chapter 12.
Again, while we tend to focus on the patient in these discussions, it is
important for caregivers to care for themselves and their own needs. Rela-
tives and friends will certainly want to know details and will offer help.
Don't feel compelled to go into the details with everyone. Find ways of
avoiding the need to tell everyone everything; it may be a good idea to
appoint a friend or relative to tell a circle of common friends about the
status of the patient. Be specific in communicating with others about how
they can help. It is acceptable to tell acquaintances or even close friends
who want to visit that the patient is not feeling up to having visitors that
day. Thank them, and remember that this is a time when the needs of the
patient and caregivers must come first. In general, consider a balanced
approach that involves allowing loved ones access to the patient, but for
short visits only.
Although caring for an ill member of the family takes a lot of time and
effort, it's important that the family continue with their individual lives as
much as possible. Not only is it important for the caregivers, but the patient
will feel like less of a burden if everyone can maintain their normal routine.

The Power of Support

Research indicates that the impact of social support is among the most
important factors linked to a cancer survivor's quality of life in that it can
help change the patient's outlook. Support can come from spouses, family
members, friends, individual therapy, or support groups.
Though not everyone will benefit, many cancer patients derive an
enormous sense of relief and comfort when they join a group of other
cancer patients (see discussion in Chapter 12). Meeting regularly with other
people who have similar problems can dramatically reduce one's sense of
isolation, loneliness, and fear. Such group settings allow patients to share
their experiences and feelings, and hear those of others; they can empower
patients by providing additional emotional support, companionship, and
information as well as a sense of connection and perhaps meaning. Many
patients also find that support groups help them find the strength to re-
gain their fighting spirit.
Many hospitals, physicians, and local branches of the American Can-
cer Society can offer referrals to local support groups.
330 Other Approaches and Concerns

When Depression Persists or Is Severe

When a patient becomes so anxious or depressed that negative moods are
constant, or if excessive feelings of guilt, sadness, anxiety, worthlessness,
helplessness, and hopelessness override all else and don't pass with time,
then a major psychiatric illness is brewing. Professional help may be ap-
propriate to try to cut short the spiral of negative emotions that can se-
verely compromise the patient's quality of life and may even lead to
thoughts of suicide. The power of depression over suicidal thoughts is so
strong that people who are depressed are much more likely to feel sui-
cidal than even patients in pain.
Although severe pain or other symptoms can trigger depression and
thoughts of suicide, the opposite should never be assumed. That is, pain
should never be viewed solely as a result of a patient's psychological state.
Although there is no such thing as a "pain detector"—no blood tests or X--
rays that disclose how much pain a patient experiences—a patient's own
report should be the last word. Many studies show that self-reports are
more reliable than the observations of nurses, physicians, and family mem-
bers. As a rule, then, it should be assumed that a patient's pain is just as he
says it is, even if he is depressed.
When pain and depression do occur together, they both need to be
carefully assessed and treated. In most cases, relieving the pain will re-
lieve the majority of psychiatric symptoms.
Interestingly, depression is not an inevitable aspect of cancer, as many
people believe. According to the National Cancer Institute, many cancer
patients experience some sadness and grief, but only 15 to 25 percent suf-
fer from clinical depression.2 The distress is largely related to pain, dis-
figurement, dependence, and financial concerns. It is more common among
patients with pain, advanced cancer, physical disability, or a history of
depression or major psychiatric illnesses.
However, cancer specialists rarely refer patients for mental health
evaluation. It's up the family to do so. Consult a professional if depressive
symptoms (see above) last more than two weeks.

Depression and Cancer

Depression can compromise health, not only by affecting sleep, appetite,
and mood but by inducing biochemical changes in the body that research-
ers suspect may compromise the immune system and may even stimulate
tumor growth. Some studies have suggested that cancer patients with
symptoms of depression, such as feelings of helplessness and hopeless-
ness, recover more slowly and don't live as long as those with a positive
Dealing with Feelings 331

outlook. Researchers have found that breast cancer patients who felt help-
less and hopeless, or who just accepted their disease with stoicism, were
more likely to die within ten years than women who displayed a fighting
attitude. Similarly, other women with breast cancer who looked at the
brighter side and who didn't attribute their discomfort to progressive dis-
ease not only were less psychologically stressed but exhibited lower lev-
els of anxiety and depression and also were less likely to report pain. In
fact, how the women viewed the meaning of the pain—whether it meant
the disease had advanced or not—was a much better predictor of how
intense the pain was than where the tumors were located. And although
it's difficult to extrapolate from animal studies, research in which rats and
other animals learn that they are helpless to escape shocks or other nega-
tive experiences (feelings of helplessness are a symptom of depression)
demonstrated depressed immune function and faster growth of cancer.
Indeed, many studies have shown that stress not only can make pain worse
but can trigger changes in the levels of a host of hormones that may sup-
press the immune system, and that feelings of helplessness and power-
lessness increase the deleterious effects of stress.
Cancer is often associated with depression and anxiety. Women with
breast cancer who have had mastectomies, for example, have a 50-percent
chance of developing depression, anxiety, and sexual problems. When they
also receive chemotherapy, their rate of depression and other psychiatric
problems may soar to 80 percent. Knowing this in advance should spur
patients and their families to take a proactive approach and to look for
help early. Like pain, depression is not good for a healthy recovery.
With psychiatric illnesses in particular, the role of the family is ex-
tremely important. One of the insidious features of depression and other
psychiatric disorders is that the person who is suffering may not recog-
nize the signs and, because he is feeling low, may not be motivated to seek
help. Families need to play a vital role here (see next section).
With counseling and support, however, cancer patients can be greatly
helped in changing their outlook, which not only vastly improves their qual-
ity of life but also can have a dramatic effect on their illness. Thus treating
depression is a vital part of any comprehensive treatment for cancer pain.

Depression and Pain

People in pain and in the advanced stages of cancer have a greater chance of
being depressed or of suffering from other mood disorders than those not
in pain and those in earlier stages of the disease. Likewise, those who are
depressed or who were in pain before their illness are at greater risk for
experiencing more intense pain than the nondepressed patient. Studies show,
332 Other Approaches and Concerns

for example, that pain thresholds are lower (meaning that patients are un-
comfortable and distressed by pain more easily) in pain patients suffering
from major depression than those with milder depression; similarly, pa-
tients with mild depression have lower pain thresholds than those who
showed no symptoms of depression. Patients who are depressed also re-
port that their pain interferes with their lives more often than patients who
are not depressed, despite similar intensities of pain. Breast cancer patients,
for example, who join support groups had lower rates of depression and
experienced 50 percent less pain.3 Researchers suspect that there are simi-
larities in the biochemistry of chronic pain and depression. Thus, on one
hand, relieving pain can often help relieve depression and other mood dis-
turbances, and successfully relieving depression can, on the other hand,
help reduce the pain.

How to Help the Depressed or Anxious Patient

Families can help ease a loved one's depression or anxiety in important
ways. Here are some suggestions:

• Help the patient sort out genuine losses from imagined ones, guid-
ing the patient to acknowledge and mourn those losses. The genu-
ine losses might include dwindling independence, loss of a positive
self-image, and in some cases the end of certain dreams and goals.
Encourage the patient to talk about these issues and, in response,
try to express an understanding of those thoughts. Don't try to
deny them. Statements that begin with "Don't be silly" or similar
phrases discount what the patient is feeling. On the other hand,
"How does that make you feel?" and "That must be so hard for
you" are expressions of empathy and understanding.
• Support the patient in refraining feelings of helplessness by devel-
oping, in concert with the patient, small achievable goals that are
realistic and practical. Help the patient maintain a sense of control
by empowering him with choices related to care and comfort.
• Try to engage the patient in more positive thinking that involves
active loving, laughing, looking on the bright side, and focusing
on positive thoughts, even in the face of serious illness.
• Help the patient separate his or her identity and personality from
the illness and a sick body; the patient's body may be impaired or
weakened, but he or she is still the person others love and respect.
• Help the patient cope with fears of pain by reassuring them that
aggressive pain management strategies are available and will be
Dealing with Feelings 333

used and pursued if they are needed. To address feelings of lone-

liness and meaninglessness, reassure the patient that he is a highly
valued and loved member of the family and community, and that
he is not alone either physically or emotionally—you are in it to-
gether. Patients may tend to view their glass as half empty rather
than half full and may need to be reminded of their blessings,
although without minimizing the seriousness of their illness and
The patient may lament what he can't do if the illness is debilitat-
ing or life-threatening; he may regret what he didn't do in his life.
In a loving, supportive manner, help him focus instead on what
he can do and what he has achieved. For example: "I know how
disappointing it is for you not to be able to go to Billy's games
now, but isn't it great that you have more time to help him with
his homework?" Or "I hear what you re saying, Mom, but you
have been a wonderful mother/friend/ neighbor/artist, and that
counts for a lot. I'm proud of you."
Help the patient distinguish between realistic fears and exagger-
ated, distorted ones. For example, if the patient believes that he is
dying when it is clear that his prognosis is good, challenge his
belief with statistics, pointing out that averages mean that as many
people live longer as shorter, and that a positive attitude can help.
If he is truly dying and is frightened that it will be a painful, lin-
gering, agonizing experience, challenge this in a loving but fac-
tual manner, assuring him that the pain and discomfort can be
greatly relieved and controlled these days.
When someone believes the worst, it is understandable that irra-
tional fears will surface. Accurate, factual information is essential
to reassure the patient in these instances.
Acknowledge that sadness is a legitimate emotion and a normal
response. Feeling appropriately sad, though, is different from de-
pression, which is psychologically immobilizing and physically
draining. Don't minimize a patient's (or your own) expressions of
sadness, or try to change the subject. Crying together can create a
strong and loving bond between you. Yet remember to introduce
thanks and joy for what the person has offered and still offers to
those around him. At this time, patients may feel more despair if
they see a long recovery or period of dependence ahead of them.
Acknowledge that the illness is unexpected and unfortunate, but
help the patient focus on small goals for today or for the week—
whatever is appropriate at the time.
334 Other Approaches and Concerns

• If the patient is terminal and frightened, acknowledge his or her

fears; don't minimize them or brush them off with simple reas-
surances. Convey that you really hear what he is saying. For ex-
ample: "I know what you're saying, and you're right, dying is
scary because you don't know what's beyond." Yet reassure him
that those around him will help him live life to its fullest for as
long as possible. Help him accept and mourn his losses. Focus on
past accomplishments, what has been meaningful in the patient's
life, and how he can strive to live each day as fully as possible
until the very end.
• Don't allow the patient to feel that he has failed the family by
getting ill or by not getting better. The patient also shouldn't be
made to feel that tears, grief, and acknowledgment of losses are
weaknesses. Rather, courage can be emphasized—courage to face
the losses and the grief and to express the sadness and the struggles
associated with serious illness. Patients need to grieve these losses,
so denying them may be harmful. Whenever possible, reassure
the patient that he is not alone and is not to blame.

Don't worry about not saying the "right thing." These are difficult
issues, and you don't have to give any answers. The important thing for
the patient is to know he is listened to and loved; you can help by provid-
ing understanding and encouragement.

Treating Depression with Medication

The primary physician may suggest a medication to ease depressive symp-
toms. At major cancer centers, patients are often started on a stimulant
such as an amphetamine, followed a few days later by a tricyclic antide-
pressant such as amitriptyline (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil), doxepin
(Sinequan, Adapin), or nortriptyline (Pamelor, Aventyl) to prolong the
short-term benefits of the amphetamine. Those benefits include improved
attention, concentration, and appetite as well as an improved sense of well-
being while diminishing fatigue and weakness. Amitriptyline is particu-
larly useful for relieving insomnia, anxiety, or agitation, while imipramine
may be chosen if the patient is having slowed physical reflexes and show-
ing fatigue. But because tricyclics carry a range of side effects, such as dry
mouth, nausea, constipation, and blurred vision, a newer generation of
antidepressants (such as Zoloft, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Celexa, Effexor,
Lexapro) may be prescribed.
When both anxiety and depression are problems, some doctors prefer
using an antianxiety medication such as alprazolam (Xanax).
Dealing with Feelings 335

Treating Anxiety with Medication

Although many patients are somewhat anxious during exams, treatments,
and other procedures, a person's anxiety sometimes may become so se-
vere that it interferes with his ability to function, comprehend, and take
an active part in what's going on.
When the anxiety is linked to acute pain, a painkiller usually helps; if
it's linked to trouble with breathing, then oxygen, morphine, or a mild
sedative should help. When the patient is on corticosteroids, side effects
may include insomnia and signs of anxiety, in which case a tranquilizer
such as oxazepam (Serax), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), or
alprazolam (Xanax) can usually help. An antipsychotic drug such as halo-
peridol (Haldol), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), or prochlorperazine
(Compazine) may be useful when the patient doesn't respond to minor
tranquilizers or is suffering from a more serious mood disturbance. A tran-
quilizer may also be useful if a patient develops panic attacks (see "The
Typical Distress of Cancer Patients," above), which is not uncommon. Side
effects of the tranquilizers may include drowsiness, confusion, and unco-
ordinated movements. Sudden alcohol withdrawal can also trigger anxi-
ety, and families should be sure to tell the doctor if a patient was dependent
on alcohol prior to being hospitalized or becoming bedridden.
All of these drugs—antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and
antianxiety medications—are commonly used with the opioids because
they have in many cases been found to heighten the pain-relieving effects
of the opioids (see Chapter 8). In addition, most of the therapies described
in Chapter 12 (such as relaxation techniques, biofeedback, supportive coun-
seling, psychotherapy, and hypnotism) have also been found useful in
easing depression or depressive moods and in relieving anxiety and panic;
these therapies can play a significant role in reducing pain and suffering
while enhancing quality of life. Especially useful is cognitive psycho-
therapy, which targets the specific thoughts and silent assumptions that
may generate and maintain painful emotional responses (described more
fully in Chapter 12).

Sustaining Hope
More and more studies are showing that positive feelings—such as hope,
optimism, and a sense of control over one's life—can have a powerful effect
on a patient's health and quality of life. As we discussed in Chapter 12, how
people view their adversity, how they explain bad things to themselves, can
influence their health. People who blame themselves or who generalize one
unfortunate event and apply its outcome to many events in their lives are
336 Other Approaches and Concerns

pessimists compared to those who can view a bad event in perspective, and
pessimists seem to have higher rates of depression and illness. Studies at
the University of Pennsylvania, for example, have looked at a possible link
between overall perspective—that is, pessimism or optimism—and the ac-
tivity of the immune system. Optimists were found to have a greater ability
to ward off disease; pessimists were found to be under more stress and
showed reduced immune functioning. Similarly, studies have found that
people who feel as if they have more control over their lives are happier and
healthier than those who feel passive and helpless.4 As we saw in Chapter
12, researchers have studied optimism and pessimism and feelings of con-
trol and helplessness, and have developed concrete ways that people can
improve their coping skills and outlook. In other words, we can learn and
acquire an optimistic and hopeful attitude.
Many patients can look forward to full recovery and many healthy
and productive years ahead of them. Although treatment and recovery
may be difficult, families and caregivers can help by focusing on goals
and hopes for the day or week—a day of no pain, a day of enjoying a visit
with a loved one, a meal of favorite foods, and so on. When a full recovery
may no longer be possible, maintaining hope is still essential because hope
restores meaning to life. Those facing a terminal illness should know that
a peaceful, pain-free death is not only a hope but a reality for most cancer
patients. Other patients may find it beneficial to join a clinical trial and try
experimental anticancer treatments. Doctors tell of a famous case in which
a patient with huge tumors and an enlarged spleen and liver was given
two weeks to live. When given an experimental drug, he improved enor-
mously, and in ten days' time he was released from the hospital and even
flew his own plane. But when the patient read that the drug he took was
ineffective, his faith waned, and in two months he was back on his death-
bed. His doctor tried a "double-strength, superrefined" dose of the medi-
cation, and the tumors receded again, after which he was symptom-free
for two months. Then the man read again that the drug was worthless. In
a few days he was back on his deathbed and died soon thereafter.

Pain, Depression, and Thoughts of Suicide

It is not unusual for patients with advanced cancer or uncontrolled pain
to state that they wish to die, to ask that something be done to hasten their
death, or to talk about wanting to commit suicide. In fact, a recent Cana-
dian study found that the will to live among hospitalized terminal cancer
patients varied by as much as 30 percent in a twelve-hour period and 60 to
70 percent over several weeks, depending on how much pain the patients
were in.5
Dealing with Feelings 337

It is quite common for patients with advanced disease to want assur-

ances that if the disease gets too bad, they will have "a way out." Many
patients have an intense need to know that, if necessary, they could have
control over their life—and death. Such talk should be taken seriously
and communicated to the patient's doctor, and may even warrant profes-
sional help. Nevertheless, suicide among cancer patients is rare. For many,
talking about potential suicide is often more a bid to regain control than a
real threat.
Debate in many countries is ongoing about whether there ever is a
time when the wish to die is a rational request, especially when a disease
is terminal, painful, and the patient wishes to hasten death so he can die
with dignity. (For a fuller discussion of suicide or assisted suicide, see
Chapter 15.)
While actually rare among cancer patients, suicide is a potential threat
since the symptoms of cancer put these patients at a somewhat higher risk.
What is known is that patients who believe themselves to be totally help-
less, who despair at their fate, who are clinically depressed, or who experi-
ence unrelieved pain are many times more likely to want to commit suicide.
Those who have histories of major depression and other psychological mood
disorders (such as severe panic or anxiety disorders) as well as past drug or
alcohol abuse are also at greater risk for suicidal tendencies.
Families need to be aggressive and vocal about ensuring that their
loved ones are not suffering uncontrolled pain by working closely with
the patient and the medical team. If pain persists, the primary doctor may
recommend consultation with a pain specialist or a visit to a pain clinic
(see Appendix 1). For the depressed patient, professional counseling may
help. Often discussing the option of suicide in a calm, nonjudgmental
manner may be enough to determine what is really bothering the patient
the most, so it can be attended to. Often such a discussion dissipates
thoughts of suicide simply because the patient is assured that his distress
is being taken seriously. If the main problem is pain or fear of pain, once it
is relieved most patients will stop talking about wanting to end their lives.
Studies of cancer patients who have actually committed suicide show
that about half were suffering from major depression. And since about
one-quarter of all cancer patients suffer from the symptoms of depression
at one time or another, and up to 75 percent of those with advanced cancer
suffer from depression, cancer patients should be considered at risk for
suicide. Recent studies, in fact, have shown that up to 73 percent of people
living with advanced cancer want assisted suicide or euthanasia to at least
be a legal option. However, when patients who are treated for physical
pain or depression, the vast majority change their mind. About 5 percent,
however, still want euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide.6
338 Other Approaches and Concerns

It is essential to discuss such thoughts with the patient openly. A doc-

tor or mental health professional can help initiate this discussion if it is
too difficult for the family member.
What is most important to keep in mind is the fact that both pain and
depression lead many patients to thoughts of suicide. If we manage pain
and depression adequately, we will dramatically reduce the number of
terminally ill patients who wish for premature death.

Coping with a Terminal Illness

Dealing with the disability of cancer is one thing; dealing with the knowl-
edge that you are dying is another. If a patient is terminal, he may experi-
ence a series of emotions, sometimes in stages, as he comes to terms with
the realization that he is going to die. These emotions are similar to those
associated with other losses, such as the loss of a breast, a child, a job, and
so forth; they are normal psychological reactions that help buffer the pa-
tient temporarily from a harsh reality. Patients, and their families for that
matter, need time to experience this process, and while the stages listed
here are typical, each person is different. Below is a pattern that is typical.
Not everyone will follow these particular stages in the order listed here,
and not everyone will experience each stage. The transition from one stage
to another is often not smooth; people can get "stuck" in one or another
stage. The characteristics of each stage, however, are recognizable, if not
to the patient, certainly to the family.

1. Denial and avoidance. Upon first learning that the cancer is termi-
nal, the patient typically denies it to himself, refusing to accept
the reality, claiming or believing that there must be some mistake.
He may even avoid the whole issue, acting as if he didn't even
hear the bad news.
2. Anger. Upon facing the fact that he is dying, the patient may ex-
press anger—anger that life isn't fair, that someone else who is a
nasty person is still fine but he (the patient) is going to die; anger
at God for the illness and impending death.
3. Depression. Depression typically follows the anger stage and is char-
acterized by feelings of loss on all levels—loss of life and dreams,
loss of family, loss of health and a positive self-image, declining
self-esteem, and so on. This type of reactive depression is not un-
4. Bargaining. In this stage, the patient may try to bargain with God,
or whatever divine being the patient believes in. Bargaining is
Dealing with Feelings 339

just that; the patient says, "I'll do this if you'll do that." For ex-
ample, a patient may say to God: "If you just let me live until my
daughter's wedding, I'll be a better person. I'll go to church every
day; I'll donate more to charity." Or "If I could just live until the
holidays, I'll die peacefully." Interestingly, cancer patients often
make it to the important date up ahead, be it a birthday, a holiday,
or a wedding. In fact, studies of Jewish patients in Los Angeles
have found that the death rate falls just before Passover and then
increases afterward before returning to normal.
5. Acceptance. The final stage is acceptance—a relatively peaceful state
in which the patient accepts that he is going to die and is psycho-
logically and emotionally ready to prepare for it as best he can.

No two people are the same, and we each move through or get stuck
in these stages in our own unique way. While some may reach acceptance
rather quickly, others may remain stuck in depression. A supportive, open
environment can do much to facilitate this process.

The Taboo of Discussing Death

Unfortunately, some families don't talk about dying, especially with the
person who is dying. In our society, it is not uncommon for people to
simply deny the existence of death. The family and the patient both act as
if the patient is going to get well and live forever. These attitudes end up
leaving the dying patient feeling shunned and isolated, alone at a time
when he needs love and support the most. He may feel guilty, frustrated,
and angry inside but may be unable to show it. Families that deny a dying
cancer patient the opportunity to talk about his dying or what will hap-
pen to his loved ones after he dies are denying the patient the chance to
discuss issues of vital importance to him. Some patients will need to en-
gage in such discussions to feel more at peace as they are dying.
To some of us, perhaps to most of us, however, the act of dying forces us
to face our most basic fear. For some family members and friends, the dying
person may stop being a person and become a symbol of something they
fear. As a result, some of us distance ourselves from the dying person at a
time when a parting loved one needs us more than ever. Far more of what
isn't said to a dying patient has to do with the fears of living individuals.
If the family cannot cope with communicating openly about the course
of the disease, they should seek the help of a hospice nurse, social worker,
or other mental health professional. Of course, some patients choose not
to discuss these matters. Families can help by taking any leads they hear
340 Other Approaches and Concerns

from the patient, asking questions that encourage them to elaborate, such
as "What do you mean?" or "I don't know [or I don't understand]. Help
me understand." Some families may be comfortable about having an ex-
perienced hospice nurse or a mental health professional try to talk to the
patient about dying. At a time like this there may be a far greater disser-
vice done because of what isn't said than what might be said, and family
members should try to bring up the subject if they can. The threat of death
offers a remarkable opportunity for family members to come together and
share their fears, even if they have never done this before.

Family Burnout
At the same time the patient is experiencing a wide range of distressing
emotions, families and loved ones are going through their own emotional
upheaval—feeling depressed, guilty about what they could have done or
can't do, worried over finances, children, and jobs, concerned over the
patient's illness and disability, and in some cases overwhelmed by im-
pending death. These concerns, combined with the physical and emotional
exhaustion of caring for someone who is ill, can take a great toll.
Families should he aware that depression in spouses of cancer pa-
tients is very common, especially among wives, among those who are less
satisfied with their marriages, and among those whose spouse expresses
anger or reports pain. Studies show that 20 to 50 percent of spouses report
symptoms of depression and feelings of helplessness. Interestingly, how-
ever, a spouse's symptoms of depression do not seem linked to the patient's
feelings of depression and disability.
It is important for caregivers to continue their own lives, to give them-
selves breathing space to do what they enjoy—to go to a movie, exercise,
visit friends. If the patient declines, it may become increasingly difficult
for caregivers to sustain their constant care and vigilance. (See Chapter 15
for discussions about home and hospice care.) Families may consider seek-
ing further help from the health care team to step up interventions with
medications for pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and other distressing
symptoms. And as they shift their attention from feelings of helplessness
to activities that focus on making their loved one as comfortable and as
free of pain as possible, families may feel more empowered. Ensuring that
the loved one has a comfortable death is a major victory; fretting about the
past or the future takes on less importance when the focus is on the present.
Families may also find themselves experiencing anticipatory grief, which
means experiencing symptoms of grief even before death occurs. In fact,
sometimes the living may go through the grieving process so effectively
Dealing with Feelings 341

that they emotionally prepare themselves before the death occurs. If family
members find they are detaching themselves from their loved ones, they
may wish to discuss these feelings with other family members, a hospice
nurse, or a professional counselor.

Tending to the Spirit

Whether religion is involved or not, humans throughout the ages have
thought of themselves as being more than mind and body. That third di-
mension is often referred to as spirit. Most of this book has addressed the
body and the physical changes that may occur with cancer. We have also
discussed the mind as we have tried to broaden our concept of pain to
include the larger concept of suffering, which encompasses more than pain
and takes into consideration the powerful interplay between the mind
and the body: how depression or anxiety can exacerbate pain and further
debilitate the body; how distraction and relaxation techniques can use the
mind to calm the body; how a loving hand and caring concern can ease
the suffering and soothe the pain.

The Spiritual Dimension of Being Human

The spiritual dimension is that characteristic of our lives that many phi-
losophers define as the essence of being human. Whether they have led a
traditionally religious life or not, patients and family members often find
themselves exploring these questions from a new perspective when deal-
ing with a life-threatening illness. When a person is facing impending
death, he becomes acutely aware of the finite nature of his life, his vulner-
ability, his temporal existence. It may be a terrifying realm, and many of
us spend our lives avoiding it and building walls around it. Or it may be
a source of calm, comfort, and peace—a "coming home" or a completion
of a well-spent life. In considering our mortality and humanity, especially
when death seems near, we may ponder issues of meaning, values, unity,
and how we humans connect with that which is greater than ourselves, be
it nature and its harmony, the universal mind, or God.
Many religious traditions embrace this stage of life as a reminder that
we are not alone—that in death, we lose our separateness and become
part of a greater whole. Perhaps through worship, ceremony, song, or
dance, a sense of unity and oneness may free us, our spirit, to be truly
human. This may be unfamiliar territory to some, even to those with deep
religious beliefs. Death offers us the opportunity to explore these ques-
tions and approach life in new ways. When the time comes, let us hope we
will be a willing partner in such explorations.
342 Other Approaches and Concerns

Caring for the Whole Person

Dr. Balfour Mount, professor of surgery, surgical oncologist, founder of

the first hospital-based inpatient/outpatient hospice program in the world
and of palliative care in Canada, and director of the palliative care unit at
McGill University, talks about addressing the whole person—looking be-
yond the patient's physical needs and psychosocial needs. Mount sug-
gests that we need to understand all the dimensions of an individual's
personhood and refers to the model proposed by Eric Cassell, an internist,
humanist, bioethicist, and professor of public health at Cornell University
Medical College and author of The Nature of Suffering. Cassell views hu-
man nature as having many domains—personality, character, a past, roles
with others, views of life, an unconscious life, a secret life, perceived fu-
ture, and a physical body. Humans also have what Cassell calls the tran-
scendent dimension—the need to identify with what is larger than

"Who Are We?"

Spoken or not, the question "Who are we?" is an example of the kind of
issue that comes up for people who find themselves seeking meaning in
their life as it draws to a close. Since it is a question without a simple and
obvious answer, engaging in an exploration of all it implies may have
unexpected and beneficial results.
Regrettably, contemporary society emphasizes the physical—superfi-
cial—you. Think of all the commercials that emphasize looking good. The
implicit message is that you are your body and your image. But obvi-
ously, a person's core goes beyond image.
When an illness results in some physical decline, it doesn't take too
much time to begin to reject this superficial notion. The internal dialogue
may go something like this: "If I am my body—if that is what defines me—
how come even though my body's not working so well right now, I still feel
like me? There must be something more." Another possibility is that what
we are is a mind—that as long as we're still thinking straight and clearly,
our loved ones will identify the person they have known and loved as be-
ing intact. Over time, most people will also reject this notion as being far too
simple. Just think back to a time spent with a loved one who is now no
longer as sharp as he once was. Perhaps he is now forgetful or unable to
follow a conversation quite as well. And yet there is a sense that the person
you knew and loved is still before you—perhaps changed in some ways
but, at least from one perspective, in ways that are not important enough to
detract from his personhood. Recognition of a human being as something
Dealing with Feelings 343

more than a body and mind is what keeps us loving each other during the
aging process—often loving more profoundly, even though the body and
mind become less fit. It can be argued that one of the ways to establish
meaning in the face of serious illness is to work at continuing to relate to the
component of the person that is more than just his body or mind.
Caregivers who view the patient as a whole person will consider these
varied domains of personhood and how the illness affects, or doesn't af-
fect, each one. They can help the patient transcend the illness by exploring
the larger picture—the sources of meaning in life and of the larger human
As the body deteriorates, eroding a person's mastery and control over
his life, independence, and autonomy, more and more power is given up
to others. As the body changes and our abilities to smile, laugh, touch, or
gesture diminish, the way the world sees us and how we relate to those
closest to us changes as well.

The Search for Grace

In embracing the whole person and acknowledging the reality of progres-
sive and inevitable physical decline, the caregiver may help the person
transcend the body and embrace a dimension of grace. Balfour Mount
talks about giving the person an opportunity to express his unique es-
sence, the core of his personhood, by focusing on the person's "otherness."
By doing so, one can avoid depersonalizing someone whose body and
face may sometimes become almost unrecognizable. There's no one right
way of approaching this opportunity, and, in fact, loving intention is often
enough. lust consciously focusing one's attention on all the domains of
the person will go a long way. The person may have lost his roles, but he
has not lost the essence of his selfhood, which makes him unique.
What can help the patient express that selfhood? Perhaps a discussion
of the meaning of life and what that person's creations and accomplish-
ments have been. Or perhaps expressing to that person how grateful others
are to have been his children, friends, and coworkers will awaken the dig-
nity and integrity of someone who is close to death. Or mentioning how
things learned from him will be passed on to grandchildren or students will
make him feel his work lives on beyond his own life. Mount suggests ask-
ing about the places, people, music, things, and ideas that the patient has
loved; of keying into the person's memory to recall a life of purpose and
involvement, to talk about what hopes can be shared that day.
To help the patient talk about the meaning of his life, the listener might
also ask the patient questions about his childhood, turning points in his
career, the most exciting and the best of times, the worst and the hardest
344 Other Approaches and Concerns

of times, as well as lessons that he learned along the way and would want
to pass on, or the best and worst things he ever did. Would he change
anything about his life or past? Does he need to forgive himself or others
for things that have been said or done in the past? What is the hardest
thing now or the longest part of the day now? What does he think about
most these days? Can he talk about how he feels about what is happening
to him now? Is there unfinished business with loved ones, with God, with
"To see that hope is not the way out, it's the way through" is for Mount
a healing lesson. He continues: "The healing of spirit may be accompa-
nied by an awareness of quietness, a sense of solidity, a broadness, a secu-
rity or a sense of being held. The most and the least we can do is to
accompany them [the dying] on their journey."
If Death Approaches
How people die remains in the memories of those who live on.
—Dame Cicely Saunders

Our lives are time travel, moving in one direction only. We

accompany one another as long as we can; as long as time grants us.
—Joyce Carol Gates

There may come a time when patients and their families start doubting the
benefits of further treatment or intervention, wondering whether it will do
more harm than good. At some point it may be necessary to accept that the
cancer can no longer be treated and that a loved one is dying. Rather than
focusing on beating the cancer or buying time, the focus shifts to enhancing
the quality of whatever precious time is left. The goal of palliative care is to
make the person as comfortable as possible, satisfying his physical, psycho-
logical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Families focus on how to help their
loved one die as dignified, peaceful, and tranquil a death as possible.

Deciding When to Stop Treatment

Treatments ideally should do good and preserve life while doing no harm.
In almost all cases, though, potentially beneficial medical treatments have
the potential to do harm via side effects or complications. Doctors always
have to assess the potential benefit versus risk in making recommenda-
tions. With cancer, there often comes a point, especially among those who
have become weak, when conventional treatment is clearly more poten-
tially toxic than beneficial.
Deciding when this time has come, however, can be difficult. Although
many doctors will identify the critical turning point for families, other

346 Other Approaches and Concerns

doctors may not readily do so, continuing to treat the illness, assuming
that is what the patient wants. Legally, doctors need to offer continuing
treatments, however tiring or uncomfortable. A family may need to ini-
tiate a dialogue with the doctor about what is the kindest and most hu-
mane approach at this time.
Often, though, this critical point isn't so clear-cut. When will further
therapy no longer be useful? The many difficult decisions at this time in-
volve when to consider palliative (noncurative) radiotherapy or chemo-
therapy, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, antibiotic therapy,
intravenous feeding, and so on. Each decision can be difficult, with no
accepted and clear guidelines for each individual case.
Interestingly, African Americans are twice as likely as whites to ask
for life-sustaining treatments at all costs and tend not to use living wills or
hospice programs because these are seen as implying the abandonment of
hope or the failure to show adequate caring.

Questions to Ask
To assess potential benefit versus risk, ask:
• How might the treatment help?
• How might it hurt?
• Does the treatment have a chance of curing the cancer? Some
people will choose to make extreme sacrifices for even a small
chance at beating the cancer.
• How likely is it that the treatment will prolong life and for how
long—how many days, weeks, or months?
• What are the chances that the treatment will shrink the tumor or
slow its growth? In other words, what are the chances that symp-
toms can be reduced?
• How likely are side effects? What will their impact be on the time
that remains?
• Is the person's quality of life sufficient to warrant attempts to ex-
tend it, especially when the proposed treatment may make him
feel worse?
With advanced cancer, even simple diagnostic tests (chest X-rays, blood
tests, CAT scans, etc.) are often avoided unless they are likely to change
the treatment plan, not only because they are expensive but, more impor-
tant, because of their demands on limited energy.
Even when conventional therapies are no longer useful, some families
may want to explore experimental drugs and procedures, if they haven't
already done so. Doctors can make referrals to major cancer centers where
If Death Approaches 347

experimental treatments are offered. If seeking unconventional or unortho-

dox therapies, discuss them with the doctor and keep him informed about
decisions. Guard against pursuing a "miracle cure" to the bitter end at the
sake of a potentially soothing, peaceful, and pain-free end of life.

The Hospice Concept

Despite impassioned conversations about last-ditch treatment efforts, ul-
timately the patient and even family members will often express surpris-
ing relief when a realistic viewpoint is reached and the focus shifts to
viewing dying as a process and a milestone in the journey of life.
From its inception in England in 1967, hospice care, which focuses on
promoting and supporting a comfortable, dignified life and death during
terminal illness, has mushroomed. The word itself—hospice—is a catchall
term to describe either a homelike, inpatient facility staffed by palliative
care experts or community health organizations that offer their expertise
to families who wish to keep a dying loved one at home. Hospice is more
of a philosophy of care that transcends settings.
The basis of hospice is comfort care devoted to relieving pain and the
physical, emotional, social, and spiritual suffering of both the patient and
family unit without trying to cure the cancer or prolonging or shortening
life. The goals are to help the dying and their loved ones maintain control
over their lives, to provide support and information about state-of-the-art
techniques that ensure that the patient remains as free as possible from
suffering due to pain and other symptoms, to help promote open commu-
nication and coping strategies, and to avoid feelings of isolation as death
approaches. It's been described as "low-tech and high-touch." Although
people tend to associate hospice care with less costly care (perhaps be-
cause of the hospice Medicare benefit available in the United States), low
cost care isn't its fundamental feature, just a fortunate coincidence.

Dying at Home
As a loved one moves into the terminal phase of his illness, choices for
care typically include a hospital (which insurance companies will try to
limit), a nursing home or other long-term skilled-care or rehab facility (for
which placements may be difficult to arrange), a residential hospice (rela-
tively rare), or home. By far, dying patients prefer to be in the comfort of
their own home with loved ones around. Although in England hospice is
common as an institutional setting, the easiest option in the United States
348 Other Approaches and Concerns

is for patients to remain at home, especially since they can receive almost
all hospital services to maintain comfort at no personal expense. Some
communities have small backup units in their hospitals to provide short
stays where terminal patients can get stabilized or to provide some re-
spite for families. Also, many nursing homes have a hospice option man-
aged by experienced hospice providers. More and more, insurance
companies, including Medicare, support at-home or hospice-centered care.
Some will even cover part of the costs of community, hospital, or home
health care units that provide palliative care for the dying.
At home, patients are in familiar and private surroundings and have
more autonomy than in a hospital. Home care allows the family to more
gradually adjust to the fact that the person is dying and usually reduces
stress since their daily routine of having visitors, cooking, shopping, watch-
ing TV, and so forth can be maintained. It avoids constant visits to a hospi-
tal room where visitors and loved ones may sit around for hours, feeling
helpless and useless. Dying at home allows loved ones to actively help in
the care of the patient without abandoning their personal routines. Help-
ing to provide care often helps family members experience less guilt and a
more complete grieving process after the death than when a family mem-
ber dies in the hospital. Dying at home also means there's a far greater
chance that a family member will be present at the actual moment of death.
Keeping a loved one at home, though, requires specialized resources
and support, so families feel adequately prepared for various eventualities.
Caring for an ill family member requires tremendous energy, attention, and
loving care. It can at times be stressful, exhausting, and difficult, because
the patient's condition may change rapidly and small emergencies may arise
unexpectedly. Caregivers must be able to help with daily activities, includ-
ing bathing, feeding, toilet care, medication, pain relief, and so on. And since
most patients need full-time care, often more than one caregiver is neces-
sary to ensure that the primary caregiver is adequately rested.
Although this may sound terrifying, especially for someone who is
not a nurse or doctor, countless people have done it and find it rewarding
and gratifying because it enhances closeness. With good support, family
members can look back at their involvement with pride.
While coping with the patient's fragile emotional and physical condi-
tion, caregivers need to deal with their own grief, anxiety, and depression.
Family members often neglect themselves as they become absorbed in the
job of doing all they can for the patient. They need to be reminded that if
they don't tend to their own needs, they may ultimately let the patient down,
for the patient would never have wanted them to neglect themselves.
Experienced professionals are increasingly available to help families
ensure that the dying process is as peaceful and free of pain as possible.
If Death Approaches 349

Families often can accept palliative and supportive care at home more
than electing hospice, which may be interpreted as "giving up," even
though such care is quite similar to hospice care.
Families who will be caring for a loved one at home need to consider
the following issues:
• How is the disease expected to progress, and what type of symp-
toms might occur?
• What kind of support services are available? Who will be the main
medical professional with whom the family can have frequent
contact and who will respond to the patient's diverse needs?
• Are there hospice nurses, hospice volunteers, home health aides,
social workers, mental health professionals, or clergy available?
The last three of these can help with personal or emotional mat-
ters, home health aides can help bathe and care for the patient,
and volunteers or respite workers can provide needed temporary
relief for the caregiver. How much of these services will insurance
• Is there twenty-four-hour help available by phone or to visit and
assess the patient at home? Is there an inpatient backup unit avail-
able if things ever seem overwhelming?
• What kinds of equipment should be considered and when—
walker, wheelchair, bed cushions, commode, pump for pain medi-
cation, hospital bed, and other items? What is provided by the
program and covered by insurance? What can be rented rather
than purchased? Are there programs sponsored by the local chap-
ter of the American Cancer Society or a community church or syna-
gogue that offer this equipment on loan if required?
• Who will help teach the family how to provide hands-on care for
the patient and answer practical, day-to-day questions—for ex-
ample, how to move or bathe the patient, how to administer or
change pain medication, and so forth?
• What is likely to happen as the patient's condition worsens? Is the
family member or caregiver emotionally and physically prepared
to cope? Although not always necessary, some families may con-
sider using a supplemental private nurse or aides to help out if
they can afford the service. Does the family wish to consider mak-
ing advance arrangements with a funeral home to respond when
If such resources are in place, caring for a dying loved one will not
seem so overwhelming and can more easily be viewed as part of the natu-
ral cycle of loving, living, and dying that we all participate in.
350 Other Approaches and Concerns

Dying in a Hospital or Care Facility

According to recent polls, although seven out of ten Americans would

prefer to die at home, more than seven out of ten still die in health care
facilities—often in pain and surrounded by strangers.
Many families do not have the emotional or physical stamina or the
resources to care for a dying person. Many patients have no reliable
caregiver for home care, and some people don't want to die at home—
they don't want to be a burden to their family, they may not have confi-
dence that the family can cope well, or they may feel the family will be
unable to provide the services needed. Others feel that, in their deterio-
rated condition, they do not want to be cared for or treated by the family,
especially when young children are around. Many families lack the flex-
ibility and means to add to their responsibilities the care of a sick relative,
even when that person is unquestionably loved.
Dealing with these issues can be difficult. The family may feel inad-
equate because they are not up to the challenge of caring for a loved one at
home. A patient may fear hurting loved ones if he spurns offers of home
care. Hospital social workers are trained to help families work through
such difficult issues.
If hospital or long-term care is needed, a residential hospice or pallia-
tive care unit at a nearby hospital or long-term skilled-care facility is a
good option. Many insurance plans will help pay for such care. Again,
hospital social workers will know which doctors are experienced in pal-
liative care and what options exist.
A combination of home and hospital care is common, with the patient
hospitalized briefly during stressful times but the primary care setting at

Living Wills, Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders,

and No-Code Status

Legislation increasingly acknowledges patients' rights to exert control over

health care decisions, including the right to refuse unwanted or invasive
medical intervention. State and federal courts support the right of an in-
competent or comatose patient to have his or her wishes respected if there
is good evidence that those wishes are known. Most states require clear
and convincing evidence of what the patient would want. Living wills,
do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, and health care proxies (naming a per-
son who can make decisions if the patient cannot) are common ways to
honor these rights.
If Death Approaches 351

Living wills spell out the desires of the patient to accept and to refuse
certain medical interventions, such as feeding tubes, respirators, or car-
diac resuscitation, when hopes for a cure or quality long-term survival are
futile. A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order directs health care professionals
to avoid efforts at resuscitation for patients in crisis. Resuscitation can be
very painful and intrusive and often is not justified in the terminally ill. A
health care proxy allows the patient to appoint a family member or close
friend to make health care decisions in the patient's best interest if the
patient cannot.
Although these rights are available, most people (well or not) still do
not have such paperwork in order. Whether ill or not, discuss these issues
as early as possible and keep the appropriate documents both at home and
in the hands of the primary doctor. (See Appendix 4 for sample documents.)

Ethics of Pain Control

Pain generally diminishes as death approaches; despite this general rule,
a small proportion of patients may experience worsening pain and dis-
tress (crescendo pain) near death, in which case controlling pain remains
one of the highest priorities.
Despite some strongly held opinions to the contrary, adequately treat-
ing pain rarely hastens a death that is already imminent. Recent studies,
in fact, find that there's no significant connection between how high opioid
doses are in the last weeks of life and the timing of death. Many patients
and families opt for freedom from pain whether it makes the patient
sleepier or weaker or not. Many doctors will increase medication doses to
relieve a dying patient's suffering, even if they believe this may hasten
death. This practice is argued to be ethically justified by the principle of
"double effect," which excuses these actions as long as their motivation is
the relief of pain and suffering. Thus, using adequate doses of painkillers
in a patient who is already severely weakened by illness is not the same as
overdosing a patient and has nothing to do with suicide or euthanasia.
The World Health Organization asserts: "Any hastening of death that is
linked to adequate pain control measures simply means that the patient
could no longer tolerate the therapy necessary for a bearable dignified life."1
Further guidance on this difficult subject comes from David J. Roy of
the Center for Bioethics, Clinical Research Institute of Montreal: "Spare
no scientific or clinical effort to free dying persons from twisting and rack-
ing in pain that invades, dominates, and shrivels their consciousness, that
leaves them no psychic or mental space for the things they want to think
and say and do before they die."2
352 Other Approaches and Concerns

Estimating Life Expectancy

Even the most experienced oncologists have difficulty accurately predict-
ing the exact life expectancy of patients with cancer. An experienced phy-
sician can usually predict whether a patient has six months or less to live,
or when a patient may just have a few weeks or less to live, but more exact
predictions are difficult.
Often physicians will use one of two performance scales to assess can-
cer patients. The ECOG (an abbreviation for the Eastern Cooperative On-
cology Group) and Karnofsky (named after the physician who developed
it) scales provide standards to assess disability, progress, or decline and to
help predict life expectancy. Family members can use these scales to as-
sess a patient themselves and to allow them to communicate more effec-
tively with health care professionals by phone.

Letting Go
Some cancer patients who have had long periods of illness and are very
close to death still linger despite prolonged suffering. As hard as it may be
for family members when a cancer patient hovers near death for days, the
patient may need reassurance that it is all right to die, that though the
family will grieve their loss, they will be able to manage and take care of
themselves. A child may need to hear from her mother that it is okay to
"leave"; an elderly husband may need to hear from his wife that she will
be all right after he dies; an elderly woman may need reassurance from a
daughter that she will take care of her grandmother and that her mother
doesn't have to hold on anymore; a pet owner may need reassurance that
his pets will be cared for. Although it may sound cruel to tell someone it is
okay to die, many doctors attest that it is what some patients need to hear
to let go and die peacefully. As strange as it may seem, many patients
cling desperately to life until they are given "permission" to let go, to stop
fighting, and to let the natural order of things take its course.
Similarly, some patients seem to put off their death until an important
event, such as a graduation, birthday, or wedding, takes place. This has
even been studied and dubbed the "Passover phenomenon." Researchers
looking carefully at the dates of death certificates among Jews in Los An-
geles found that mortality rates fell consistently before Passover, an im-
portant Jewish holiday, and rose above normal just after the holiday, before
finally returning to the normal or average rate of death.
Many patients at this time have dreams and visions related to dying
that they may or may not readily share with those around them. Such
visions often involve travel metaphors (especially "going home") and con-
tacts with deceased family members.
Performance Scales (ECOG and Karnofsky)

Grade ECOG Grade Karnofsky

0 Fully active, able to carry on 100 Normal, no complaints, no

all predisease performance evidence of disease
without restriction.
90 Able to carry on normal activity;
minor signs or symptoms of

1 Restricted in physically 80 Normal activity with effort, some

strenuous activity but signs or symptoms of disease
ambulatory and able to carry
out work of a light or seden- 70 Cares for self; unable to carry on
tary nature (e.g., light normal activity or to do active
housework, office work). work

60 Requires occasional assistance,

but is able to care for most of his
or her needs

2 Ambulatory and capable of all 50 Requires considerable assistance

self-care but unable to carry and frequent medical care
out any work activities. Up
and about more than 50% of 40 Disabled, requires special care
the time. and assistance

3 Capable of only limited self- 30 Severely disabled, hospitalization

care, confined to bed or chair indicated; death not imminent
more than 50% of waking
hours. 20 Very sick, hospitalization
necessary, active supportive
treatment necessary

4 Completely disabled. Cannot 10 Moribund, fatal processes

carry on any self-care. Totally progressing rapidly
confined to bed or chair.

5 Dead. 0 Dead
354 Other Approaches and Concerns

Difficult Decisions
If the end seems to be drawing near, families may need to tackle some
very difficult decisions. At what point should the patient no longer be
strongly encouraged to take certain medications or to eat? Should a feed-
ing tube or intravenous tube be considered?
Ideally, families have discussed these issues with the patient before these
decisions must be made. Yet these conversations are difficult and uncom-
fortable, so many families put them off. To allow a terminally ill person to
die peacefully, families may choose to withhold or to stop interventions
such as respiratory support, chemotherapy, surgery, and assisted nutrition.
The physician's team is accustomed to these situations and should be re-
garded as an essential source of guidance, support, and information.
In considering these decisions, consider these generally accepted
• Follow the patient's desires. When possible, families should know
ahead of time what their loved one would desire if such decisions
ever have to be made.
• When to simplify medications. At some point, taking medication for
a chronic medical condition, like high blood pressure or mild dia-
betes, may simply no longer make sense or justify the associated
cost and effort. Families should be attentive to the patient's refus-
als to comply with medication schedules. With the advice of their
physician, families will need to assess when may be the right time
to simplify medications, maintaining only those absolutely nec-
essary to make the patient comfortable.
• Is the treatment prolonging life or prolonging death? Will the proposed
treatment (such as using a respirator or feeding tube) enhance the
person's life or merely prolong the process of dying? Will the patient's
suffering be eased by the intervention or be prolonged by it?
Take advantage of discussing these difficult issues with physicians,
nurses, and other health care providers, clergy, and hospital ethicists, as
they have experience with them.
Allowing a body that is riddled with cancer to die is a far cry from suicide
or murder, even if it means refusing treatments or intervention. Instead, it is
accepting a fact of life: that we all die, and that we have the right to choose
how we die, with whatever kind of dignity and self-determination we prefer.
Feeding tubes and intravenous liquids are rarely needed. As a person's
body begins to shut down—that is, begins to actively die—patients tend
to dramatically cut down on food and drink. Sometimes the tastes or smells
If Death Approaches 355

of even favorite foods become unpleasant or nauseating; others find it too

painful to have food in their mouths or can't swallow easily. Caregivers
may find themselves constantly trying different ways to get the patient to
take small amounts of liquids or food, perhaps by only offering liquid
food, by medicating mouth sores with a local anesthetic, offering medica-
tion for nausea, offering food through a straw or syringe or squirting liq-
uids into the patient's mouth, offering little sponge pops, or allowing the
patient to suck on a water-soaked washcloth. As discussed in Chapter 11,
we feed those dear to us to show our love—sometimes even when they
need love more than food.
As the body stops digesting and processing food, there may come a
time when the patient cannot take any nourishment or water. Should pa-
tients be given liquids through intravenous means? Most hospitals routinely
take this approach, while it is not customary practice for patients being cared
for at home. Many doctors feel that intravenous infusions should be avoided
if at all possible in patients with advanced cancer. Although they may make
the family feel better that "something is being done," many doctors assert
that such intravenous nutrition may merely encourage tumor growth, that
the tubes are uncomfortable, and that terminally ill people who are given
artificial nutrition and hydration often experience distressing symptoms,
such as congestive heart failure, nausea, vomiting, swelling, and diarrhea.
Just the need to urinate can trigger a painful episode as the person tries to
move onto a portable toilet or get on a bedpan.
Studies that assess whether dehydrated people die sooner or more
uncomfortably than terminal patients who were artificially (intravenously)
fed or hydrated find that comfort levels and longevity were not influenced
by a person's hydration state. The consensus is that dehydration is not
painful, and that dehydrated people who are dying rarely experience hun-
ger or thirst. In fact, dehydrated dying people tend to experience less dif-
ficulty breathing and produce fewer respiratory secretions.
Rather than force liquids or nutrition into a dying person, doctors
generally recommend that you respond to the patient's wishes. Keep the
mouth moist (see Chapter 11) and give only what the patient wants. Re-
member, the ill person has the right to make his own decisions and refuse
intervention, including food or water.

Sedating the Dying Patient

Despite all best efforts, some terminally ill patients may continue to experi-
ence extreme pain. There may come a time when the doctor or family de-
cides that the pain cannot be adequately relieved and that deeply sedating
356 Other Approaches and Concerns

the person to unconsciousness—known as "terminal sedation"—is the best

option. The person will remain unconscious until death and is believed to
be free of suffering. When adjusted properly, the drugs used to sedate (usu-
ally a benzodiazepine such as midazolam, or a barbiturate) do not cause
death, but death eventually occurs within days or perhaps weeks because
of the underlying illness and other factors such as dehydration, starvation,
pneumonia, or other complications.
Whereas the majority of doctors do not support euthanasia or physician-
assisted suicide, most support terminal sedation as a morally legitimate
step, and it is now openly practiced by hospice units and palliative care
groups. In 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court asserted that while it does not
support assisted suicide, it strongly endorses the aggressive use of opio-
ids even if they make the person unconscious or hasten death. Since the
sedation does not cause death, some physicians would prefer that the term
"terminal sedation" be replaced with an alternative, such as "sedation for
intractable distress in the dying."

'Rational" and Assisted Suicide

In recent years, debate about whether physician-assisted suicide or even
socially approved euthanasia should ever be permitted has become more
prominent and heated. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the retired pathologist who
helped several terminally ill patients die, brought the issue of doctor-
assisted suicide to national attention in 1989 and 1990, and it's been highly
controversial ever since. In 1992 Derek Humphries' book Final Exit be-
came a national best-seller with its complete instructions for how to com-
mit a suicide without the help of a doctor.
Unfortunately, we tend to view assisted suicide, suicide, and eutha-
nasia as part of a dichotomy, with the only other option leaving our loved
ones to suffer a prolonged and agonizing death. But there is a large middle
ground that offers a humane and scientific approach, and it is the premise
of this book that patients need not suffer in pain and agony, that modern
pain management tools are available that can ease and perhaps totally
eliminate the physical pain and suffering many still endure today. In tan-
dem with psychological support and counseling to manage anxiety and
depression, patients can be in the last stages of disease and be free of pain
and depression—the two primary causes of suicide in patients. Today it is
unthinkable that patients may beg to die because their pain or depression
is not being treated effectively. Once pain and depression are treated prop-
erly, the desire to hasten death diminishes, as quality of life improves.
This is a realistic goal for every cancer patient.
If Death Approaches 357

In the meantime, as this debate rages, health care providers are legally
restricted from engaging in any medical practice that is specifically intended
to shorten a patient's life. If thoughts of assisted suicide have been voiced
by a patient, most health care providers will listen with a sympathetic ear,
but because of these legal and ethical concerns they are unlikely to take any
direct action. If this is an issue, however, it is very important to tell the health
care team, because it sends an important signal to the team that something is
very wrong. Such a discussion may offer an opportunity to determine the
underlying problems that make the continuation of life seem intolerable.
After such a conversation, the team may pursue more aggressive manage-
ment of pain, depression, and other symptoms, seek additional support for
caregivers at home, recommend consultation with a social worker, clergy,
pain specialist, or psychiatrist, or whatever seems to be needed. Suicidal
thoughts, however, are a clear indication to the family to make absolutely
certain that do-not-resuscitate orders have been instituted so that unneces-
sary suffering will not be prolonged.
Here are proposed criteria for a policy that would address assisted
• Does the patient clearly suffer from an incurable condition, and is
he likely to experience severe and unrelenting suffering?
• Is the patient receiving appropriate medication for the suffering?
Is he benefiting from the best that science has to offer in relieving
• Is the patient lucid and alert, with no psychological illness or se-
vere emotional problems, including untreated depression?
• Does the patient have a realistic and accurate view of the situa-
tion? Has he clearly and continually asked for suicide to avoid
suffering? Efforts should be made to avoid having to force the
patient to beg. Would even uninvolved outsiders view the patient's
desires as understandable? Can the patient's physician agree that
the situation is hopeless and the patient is likely to suffer severely?
Can an uninvolved physician concur and the three (patient and
two doctors) sign a document of informed consent?
Of course, all efforts to treat pain and depression should be made be-
fore any consideration of assisted suicide. Those who endorse assisted
suicide under the conditions described above assert that the patient should
not be abandoned at the time of death and that if an overdose is prescribed,
the physician must be present at the time the patient takes the overdose. It
is tragic, many assert, that terminally ill patients are so often forced to die
alone because they are fearful they would place their families or caregivers
in legal jeopardy if they were present.
358 Other Approaches and Concerns

The World Health Organization's Guidelines on Euthanasia

When patients are not lucid and competent, some families wonder whether
to take a more active role. Should they wait for death passively, or should
they help promote a less painful, quicker death? What is humane? What is
the right thing to do? These are among the most difficult decisions anyone
will have to make in life. The World Health Organization has drawn up
the following guidelines:
• It is ethically justifiable to withhold or discontinue life support
interventions when, as desired by the patient, doctors cannot re-
verse the dying process and instead merely prolong it.
• Painkillers and other drugs should be used in whatever doses are
needed to relieve pain and discomfort, even if that means short-
ening the patient's life.
• Family members can make these decisions when the patient is
unconscious, is incompetent, or can no longer make these deci-
sions himself.

As Death Approaches: What to Expect and How to Help

Just as every birth is dramatically different, so is every death. Some pa-

tients will experience only a few of the following symptoms. The most
typical symptoms of a dying patient are dry mouth, loss of appetite (anor-
exia), confusion, and weakness all over. We list many symptoms here as a
means to prepare the family or to help them cope should these symptoms
occur. How to cope with these and other symptoms are discussed in detail
in Chapter 11.
• Dehydration. Many patients become dehydrated and may experi-
ence thirst, low blood pressure, drowsiness, confusion, weakness,
and perhaps even coma. Yet most doctors assert that the condi-
tion of dehydration is not uncomfortable as long as the mouth is
kept moist; in fact, some conditions such as breathlessness, cough,
urinary incontinence, and pain may be relieved when water in-
take is reduced.
• Nausea. As discussed more fully in Chapter 10, antinausea medi-
cation is very effective. If the patient cannot swallow easily, it may
be administered rectally, through a skin patch (scopolamine), or
by injection.
• Difficulty swallowing. Do not force any liquids or foods. If swal-
lowing is very difficult, small amounts of liquids may be given
If Death Approaches 359

with an eyedropper, with a syringe, or from a wet washcloth that

the patient sucks. When swallowing is difficult, make sure all medi-
cations are administered in ways other than by mouth (subcuta-
neously, rectally, etc.).
• Confusion, restlessness, agitation, and delirium. If patients seem con-
fused, restless, agitated, or delirious, the family may wish to con-
sult the health care team. Patients will need to be reassured if they
become confused and, should hallucinations occur, even encour-
aged to maintain a sense of humor. Close (even constant) supervi-
sion is preferable to using any restraints, although these may
sometimes be necessary to remind the patient to avoid pulling at
dressings and other equipment. If symptoms persist, haloperidol
or other antipsychotic medications can calm a patient; benzodiaz-
epines are helpful for the restless and agitated patient, particu-
larly to promote sleep and rest. Drugs may be administered in the
mouth through an eyedropper next to the patient's cheek (when
patients can no longer swallow) or through subcutaneous pumps.
• Shortness of breath. Breathlessness is a common symptom, often
made worse by panic. Patients should be sat up and reassured.
Allowing cool air into the room, either through an open window,
with air-conditioning, or with a fan, can offer relief. Cool air di-
rectly into the nose can also help. Doctors may change the mor-
phine levels (usually upward) to relieve the shortness of breath or
may prescribe a benzodiazepine, such as Xanax.
• Incontinence. Catheters, tubes that directly empty the bladder
through the urethra, can collect urine directly into a bag. If the
patient is very close to death, however, and incontinence is a new
problem, catheters may be avoided. Patients may well expel so
little urine that an underpad on the bed may be sufficient. Males
may use an external catheter or portable urinal; females may be
given a pad in their underwear. Sometimes patients may have
stool they can't expel—a suppository, an enema, or its removal
with rubber-gloved hands can deal effectively with the problem.
• Muscle twitching or jerking. These involuntary movements (myo-
clonus) may be due to a variety of causes, including high doses of
pain medications. A health care provider should be consulted to
exclude a seizure disorder. But most often, although their appear-
ance may be disturbing, they usually are not uncomfortable for
the patient. The administration of a benzodiazepine, especially
clonazepam, can often relieve the twitching.
• Noisy, wet breathing. About half of cancer patients begin to breathe
noisily in the last few days of life, usually due to accumulations of
360 Other Approaches and Concerns

mucus in the back of the throat. Although not particularly dis-

tressing to the patient, the noisy breathing may be hard for the
family and caregivers to endure. A drug such as scopolamine
(called hyoscine in Britain) usually can relieve the symptom, es-
pecially if the throat has been cleared first. Changing the patient's
position and reassuring him may also help. Suctioning, which can
be unpleasant, is only sometimes necessary.
Sweating and feeling hot. In addition to a fan, steroids, acetami-
nophen, or an NSAID can usually help if sweating is unpleasant
and uncomfortable. Bedlinens may need to be changed more of-
ten to ensure the patient's comfort, assuming that doing so does
not produce much pain. Consider the use of analgesics prophy-
lactically before activities that may be otherwise painful.
Pain. Studies show that pain usually does not suddenly escalate
near death. Pain, of course, may fluctuate at any time, but usually
once intense pain has been relieved, most patients can be sustained
at relatively steady levels of pain medication until death. In a
smaller proportion of patients, pain either gradually diminishes
(especially with increased acceptance that the end is near) or may
mount steadily (crescendo pain). Regardless, patients and fami-
lies should have access to extra or "escape" doses of narcotics to
administer as needed. Even if they are never needed, having them
available (like a seat belt) will help ease everyone's anxiety.

When Death Is Very Close

As death nears, stay with the patient—if at home, a baby monitor may be
used so the caregivers can hear when the patient is awake, and may sit
with him. Just the presence of another person helps the dying person be
less apprehensive. Touching or holding the patient can do a lot to dimin-
ish feelings of fear, loneliness, and despair for the patient and loved ones.
Patients may need to be encouraged to turn frequently to prevent too
much pressure on the same spots. Patients who are weak or unresponsive
will need to be turned by their caregivers.
Although deaths vary as widely as do individuals, there are some signs
that death is drawing very close:

• Fingertips and toes develop a dusky or bluish hue as circulation

slows down; the skin on the arms and legs may feel cool to the
touch. If tolerated, keep the patient covered with a sheet or light
If Death Approaches 361

• The person may sleep more or may be unresponsive. This does

not mean that he is entirely unaware of his surroundings or that
he might not become more wakeful.
• Intermittently, the person may become very confused about where
he is, who the people are around him, and why things are happen-
ing. He may become agitated and may hallucinate about people
and places, especially from the past. It can be helpful to calmly ex-
plain to the patient that the disease or medications are responsible
and that he's not going crazy. Again, at such times, the proximity
and touch of family and loved ones can be reassuring.
• Although the dying person can usually continue to hear well, re-
sponsiveness and vision may gradually fail. Keep the patient
turned toward a window or the light with people close by, near
the patient's head. Even if you are uncertain whether the patient
can hear you, speak as if he or she is listening; talk to the patient
as if he or she can understand every word, and don't say any-
thing that the patient shouldn't hear.
• Urine may darken, its volume may decrease, and at times the pa-
tient may lack control of his bladder or bowel. Underpads from a
drugstore may be placed under the patient to absorb wastes; these
can be easily replaced.
• Mucus may accumulate in the back of the throat, causing noisy
breathing or even choking. Keeping the patient's head elevated
on several pillows and turned to the side may help, but be pre-
pared to either clear mucus with a washcloth or suction tube or to
do nothing.
• Keep the mouth moist with a sponge stick (available from nurses),
a wet washcloth (allowing the patient to suck on it), or ice chips. If
it doesn't startle the patient, a straw can be used to gently place
several drops of water on the patient's lips or in the mouth. Cot-
ton swabs dipped in olive oil can be used to moisten the tongue.
Do not force anything in the mouth.
• When death is very close, breathing may seem delayed or irregu-
lar, and the patient may make rattling noises in the back of the
throat. If the patient is distressed, the physician may prescribe
scopolamine, usually in the form of a skin patch placed behind
the ear.

During this time, caregivers may wish to play soothing music and
have soft light in the room. Remain close to the patient, speaking reassur-
ingly, indicating that loved ones are close by, and that the patient should
try to relax and should not be afraid. Any agitation can usually be soothed
362 Other Approaches and Concerns

with prescribed medications. Holding the patient's hand and talking softly
can be reassuring for the dying patient. Make sure the patient is not in
pain, and if in doubt, administer escape doses of pain medication accord-
ing to your doctor's instructions. When pain levels are uncertain, it is bet-
ter to err by overmedicating than by undermedicating.


After a loved one's death and its associated grief there may also be a sense
of relief that the ordeal is over, which is often coupled by feelings of guilt
for having that relief. Things may seem more bearable just after a death
occurs, because there is so much to do and many relatives and friends are
around the household. Although there may be a delayed response, char-
acteristically grief soon washes over the lives of survivors.
People experiencing grief may feel just about anything, from mild
pangs to severe, deep upset—even of a physical nature. There is no "right"
way to grieve or "right" schedule for grieving. It is one of the most per-
sonal of life's events. The following reactions occur commonly and, al-
though unpleasant or even intolerable, are relatively normal.
• Mental pain and tension
• The need to sigh
• Empty feeling in the pit of the stomach
• Frequent crying spells
• Muscular weakness and fatigue or exhaustion
• Tightness in the throat
• A choking feeling with shortness of breath
• A feeling of being "removed" from one's own body
• Waves of physical distress, often lasting twenty minutes to an hour
Those who are grieving sometimes experience a sense of unreality or
may feel emotionally distant from others. Crying should be encouraged
to relieve stress. Sometimes those grieving are preoccupied with visions
of the dead person or are plagued by feelings of guilt—that they could
have done better for the person who died, that they were somehow inad-
equate, even negligent or inattentive. When a person is experiencing such
feelings of guilt, he may be irritable and seem angry with others, emotion-
ally pushing them away even at a time when others come to sympathize
or make a special effort to connect. Other features of grieving include rest-
lessness, feelings of aimlessness, hostility, passiveness in actually doing
anything or taking action, and an almost neurotic desire to stick to usual
routines even when all zest and vitality are sapped. Family members in
If Death Approaches 363

grief may experience more exaggerated responses and begin to take on

personality traits or idiosyncrasies of the deceased—walking or talking
like him, picking up a special interest of his, enshrining or even worship-
ing the deceased, and so on.
Working through these feelings has been characterized by some as
"grief work." Goals of this work include:
• Freeing the living from feeling in bondage to the dead person
• Adapting to the environment without the deceased person
• Forming new relationships and moving ahead with life
However, part of the process of grief work is to express pent-up emo-
tions that are otherwise avoided at all costs in order to minimize distress.
Those experiencing grief may stay tense and tight as a way to prevent
breaking down, and may react with hostility to those who mention the
dead person. People grieving in this way need to be helped and should be
encouraged to accept the distress of active grief, which allows the one
feeling left behind to move forward.

Beyond Normal Grief

Not uncommonly, people get stuck in the grieving process. Unable to move
through it, someone who is grieving may:
• Delay it by acting as if nothing happened or as if the person has
accepted the death easily. It may be years before the person be-
comes preoccupied with the death and images of the one who
died; it will be at that time that the grieving process must be
worked through.
• Distort his reactions, perhaps by exaggerating his activities and sense
of well-being, keeping very busy and overly cheerful.
• Develop an illness, either physical, psychological, or both, sometimes
even in a way that is similar to the loved one's illness. Psychoso-
matic illnesses are those that can be caused or aggravated by psy-
chological factors, such as an ulcer, asthma, or rheumatoid arthritis.
• Persistently reject social relationships by distancing himself from oth-
ers. As the bereaved person becomes increasingly isolated from
family and friends, he becomes overcritical or merely disinterested
in others and events.
• Experience feelings of rage or fury, especially against specific people,
such as a doctor who treated the dead person.
364 Other Approaches and Concerns

Act cold and formal with old friends or family members. The per-
son may go through the motions of daily living, but with a de-
meanor that is stilted, formal, and without warmth.
Be socially passive, with the grieving person unable to initiate new
activities or relationships because he believes that it will all be
unrewarding anyway.
Be overgenerous, with the grieving person appearing not to care
anymore about money or belongings and perhaps willingly giv-
ing them away, possibly hurting family and business associates
in the process.
Be chronically depressed or have ideas of suicide as a reaction to grief.
Suicide may be considered an option if anxiety, panic, or a major
depression persist. Sometimes the depressed or anxious person
becomes agitated, feeling tense, restless, and worthless, unable to
sleep well, and perhaps even accusing himself of all kinds of mis-
takes for which he should be punished. Those with obsessive traits
and histories of depression are most likely to develop this agi-
tated form of depression.

Getting Through the Grieving Process

The process of grieving involves the living person's freeing himself from
the "hold" the departed person has over him and finding new and reward-
ing patterns in daily living and social interactions. The grieving individual
must work through in his own way the pain he feels. True acceptance usu-
ally involves expressing expected feelings of sadness and loss, and even
unexpected feelings of hostility and guilt that may linger. Mental health
professionals have specific short-term strategies (usually requiring eight to
ten sessions) for helping people work through the mourning process. By
working through a process of allowing the deceased back into our lives,
thoughts, and feelings, by making our loved one a part of our lives, rather
than apart from them, we can learn to accept our loss, as hard that may be,
and move through the process of grieving to acceptance.

Dying is a natural and inevitable part of living. To ease a loved one's pas-
sage may be one of the most profound and generous gifts we can offer.
Both individually and as a culture, learning to make that passage as easy
and comfortable as humankind knows how is a most worthy goal. As
Michelangelo said, "Death and love are the two wings that bear the good
man to heaven."
Appendix 1
Where to Find More Information

Note: Many of these organizations can also help you locate a cancer specialist or a
pain specialist near you. The listings here are meant to serve as a resource guide
only and not necessarily as an endorsement of an organization.

On Cancer Pain
For a free copy of Managing Cancer Pain (AHCPR Publication No. 94-0595,
March 1994), a 22-page document by a panel of experts sponsored by the
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), contact:
AHCPR Publications Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
800-4 CANCER (800-422-6237)

For a free copy of Cancer Pain Treatment Guidelines for Patients and other infor-
mation online from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, go to
www.nccn.org or call 888-909-NCCN (6226), or call the American Cancer
Society at 800-ACS-2345.

A summary of Management of Cancer Pain is available online at

For a printed copy, contact:
AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907-8547

366 Appendix 1

The American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives (AACPI)

A national organization dedicated to promoting cancer pain relief nationwide
by supporting the efforts of state and regional pain initiatives. Initiatives are
voluntary, grassroots organizations composed of many kinds of professionals.
Initiatives work to disseminate accurate pain management information, educate
health care professionals, raise public and patient awareness of the cancer pain
problem, promote institutional change, and advocate for the removal of
regulatory and legislative barriers to pain management.
American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives
1300 University Avenue, Suite 4720
Madison, WI 53706
Fax: 608-265-4014

For information about cancer pain initiatives around the world:

Cancer Control Programme
World Health Organization
1211 Geneva 27

The Association of Cancer Online Resources

Developed by an online community of cancer patients, the Web site covers the
causes of cancer pain and lists medications, treatment options, and tools to help
patients communicate with their physicians. The site also allows patients and
caregivers to exchange knowledge,
http: / / www.cancer-pain.org

Cancer Information Service

For a referral to the closest pain control clinic, or for other cancer-related
information, call the Cancer Information Service (CIS), supported by the
National Cancer Institute, a nationwide toll-free telephone inquiry system.
800-4 CANCER (800-422-6237)
http://www.nci.nih.gov or http://cancer.gov

Sponsored by the Texas Cancer Council, this Web site has a lot of basic informa-
tion on cancer pain in children.
For a free copy of Making Cancer Less Painful, an online handbook for parents
who have children with cancer, see

Clinical Trials on Cancer Pain

Where to Find More Information 367

A List of Links Related to Cancer Pain Resources

National Cancer Institute Information Resources

Pain Control Program from Cancer Supportive Care

http: / / www.cancersupportivecare.com/pain.html

Pain Management in Children with Cancer Handbook

Available free at http://www.childcancerpain.org/

Patt Center for Cancer Pain and Wellness

Based in Houston, Texas, this Web site provides medical care for patients
suffering from cancer pain or chronic pain,
http: / / www.cancerpain.org

Persistent Pain After Breast Surgery

http: / / www.cancerlynx.com/breastpain.html

Includes articles about cancer pain, discussion boards, and Ask the Expert,
http: //webmd. lycos.com/condi tion_center?doi=pnm

World Health Organization

Publishes Cancer Pain Relief, second edition (1996), available in English, Span-
ish, and French, and Cancer Pain Relief and Palliative Care in Children.
WHO Publications Center USA
49 Sheridan Ave
Albany, NY 12210
Fax: 518-436-74 33

Interdisciplinary Clinics in the United States

The following is a brief list of some of the leading programs in the country that
focus on pain management:

The Cleveland Clinic Pain Management Program

W. O. Walker Building/C25
Cleveland, OH 44195
800-392-3353 or 216-444-PAIN (7246)
For general information, questions, or to make an appointment: 216-445-7370 or
800-223-2273 ext. 57370
Hearing-impaired (TTY) assistance: 216-444-0261
http: / / www.clevelandclinic.org/painmanagement
368 Appendix 1

Rosomoff Comprehensive Pain and Rehabilitation Center

Southshore Hospital
Miami, FL 33139
305-532-PAIN (7246)
Fax: 305-534-3974
http: / / www.rosomoffpaincenter.com
E-mail: painrelief@rosomoffpaincenter.com

Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, Beth Israel Medical Center
First Avenue at 16th St.
New York, NY 10003

Johns Hopkins Cancer Pain Service

Baltimore, MD
http: / / www.hopkinscancercenter.org/programs/pain.cfm
Includes an interactive Web site for solving the problems of cancer pain.

Mayo Clinic's Pain Management Center

St. Mary's Hospital
Rochester, MN
http: / / www.mayoclinic.org
A separate Mayo Clinic Web site also has information about drugs, diseases,
and much more: http://www.mayoclinic.com

Mensana Clinic
1718 Greenspring Valley Road
Stevenson, MD 21153
866-653-2403 or 410-653-2403
Fax: 410-653-3633
http: / / www.mensanaclinic.com
E-mail: info@mensanaclinic.com

Multidisciplinary Pain Center, University of Washington

1959 N.E. Pacific
Seattle, WA 98195
http: / /www. washington.edu /medicine /patients / specialty / uwmc /mpc /

Pain Clinic at M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute,

University of Texas System Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030
800-392-1611 or 713-792-6161
Where to Find More Information 369

Pain Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center

1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021
212-639-2000 or 800-525-2225 or 888-675-7722
Pediatric patients: 212-639-5954
International patients: 212-639-4900

Pain Treatment Center, University of Rochester Medical Center

Rochester, NY 14642

On Pain in General
American Academy of Pain Medicine
4700 W. Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60025
Fax: 877-734-8750
http: / / www.painmed.org
E-mail: aapm@amctec.com

For referrals to pain specialists:

American Chronic Pain Association
P.O. Box 850
Roclilin, CA 95677

American Pain Foundation

A nonprofit information resource and patient advocacy organization serving
people with pain.
201 North Charles Street, Suite 710
Baltimore, MD 21201-4111
888-615-PAIN (7246)

American Pain Society

The American Pain Society (APS) is a nonprofit educational and scientific
organization that is the national chapter of the International Association for the
Study of Pain. Composed of specialists from diverse fields, the APS is devoted
to promoting education and training in the field of pain.
4700 W. Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60025
Fax: 877-734-8758
http: / / www.ampainsoc.org
E-mail: info@ampainsoc.org
370 Appendix 1

American Society of Addiction Medicine

4601 North Park Avenue, Upper Arcade #101
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Fax: 301-656-3815
E-mail: email@asam.org

The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians

An association of physicians dedicated to promoting the development and
practice of safe, high-quality, cost-effective interventional pain medicine
techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of pain and related disorders, and to
ensure patient access to these interventions.
2831 Lone Oak Road
Paducah, KY 42003
Fax: 270-554-5394
http: / / www. asipp.org

For a list of accredited pain programs, contact:

Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities
4891 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712
Fax: 520-318-1129

Committee on Pain Therapy

American Society of Anesthesiologists
520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068-2573

International Association for the Study of Pain

An international, multidisciplinary, nonprofit professional association dedi-
cated to furthering research on pain
http: / / www.iasp-pain.org

National Chronic Pain Outreach Association

This organization has local branches which might sponsor support groups for
patients with chronic pain. They can also make referrals and offer newsletters.
P.O. Box 274
Millboro, VA 24460
http: / / www.chronicpain.org

This Web site has interviews with cancer pain specialists as well as articles on
the topic, a list of cancer pain clinics by state, forums on cancer pain, and
several hundred abstracts from articles on cancer pain online.
Where to Find More Information 371

Pain Management

Partners Against Pain

http: / / www.partnersagainstpain.com

Pediatric Pain Education for Patients, Families and Nurses

The University of Iowa College of Nursing

Physical Medicine Approaches to Pain Relief

Focuses on how pain comes from movement, lack of movement, position of
limbs, position of the entire body, or such sources as muscle tension,
http: / / www.cancersupportivecare.com/relief .html

In the United Kingdom:

CancerBACUP, a cancer information service, launched the National Pain Relief
Campaign in 2000.

On Cancer in General
The American Cancer Society
This national, nonprofit organization has more than 3,500 offices in the United
States and Puerto Rico that provide accurate, up-to-date information on cancer
to patients and their families, health professionals, and the general public.
Some of their booklets include the following: "Questions and Answers About
Pain Control: A Guide for People with Cancer and Their Families" and "Living
with Cancer." It also offers booklets for patients concerning diet and nutrition,
treatments, emotional support, symptom control, and dying at home. In
addition, the ACS can provide information about local support groups and
educational programs. Check with a local office.
1599 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329
800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345)

Information for health professionals, patients, and the public, including
information from PDQ about cancer treatment, screening, prevention, support-
ive care, and clinical trials, and Cancer Lit, a bibliographic database.

Cancer Trials
NCI's comprehensive clinical trials information center for patients, health
professionals, and the public. Includes information on understanding trials,
deciding whether to participate in trials, finding specific trials, plus research
news and other resources.
372 Appendix 1

Cancer Care
A national organization providing comprehensive support information for
patients with cancer and their families and caregivers, including toll-free one-
to-one counseling over the phone and referrals to services in local areas.
Spanish-language services available.
800-813-HOPE (4673)
www. cancercare. org

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation

For information and support specifically about children with cancer.
P.O. Box 498
Kensington, MD 20895-0498
301-962-3520 or 800-366-2223
E-mail: info@candlelighters.org
http: / /www.candlelighters.org

Look Good ... Feel Better

When cancer affects one's appearance, it can be devastating to one's body
image and self-esteem. Free consultations and group meetings help women
resume normal lives after cancer.
http: / / www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org

MedlinePlus Health Information

This service of the National Library of Medicine provides a guide to more than
9,000 prescription and over-the-counter medications, 11 million articles, and
links to medical dictionaries, directories, libraries, and databases.
Many of the listings have short summaries of the article (abstracts) and some
have links to the full articles.
http: / / www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
Another way to access the medical databases (known as MEDLARS, an
umbrella database comprised of about forty specific databases, including
Medline and CancerLit) is through a public library or medical library. Reference
librarians will do a search for you, but usually for a fee. Call the reference desk
and ask if they can access Medline or MEDLARS. All these searches will result
in a bibliography with citations and abstracts of journal articles on specific
topics published in the medical literature.

Information specialists translate the latest scientific information into under-

standable language and respond in English or Spanish at 800-227-2345, or on
TTY equipment at 800-332-8615.
http: / / www.cancer.org/

An advocacy group for cancer survivors:

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 770
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-650-9127 or 877-NCCS-YES (622-7937)
Where to Find More Information 373

National Health Information Center

For information on some one hundred hotlines for specific diseases:
http: / / www.health.gov/nhic

Groups that provide support and information for people who have had cancer
treatment are:
Post-Treatment Resource Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021

The Wellness Community

919 18th Street, NW, Suite 54
Washington, DC 20006
http: / / www.thewelhiesscommunity.org
This group has branches in cities throughout the country.

Y-ME National Organization for Breast Cancer Information and

Breast cancer hotline

On Medications
In addition to checking the drug insert, you can research a medication online at

Whole-Body Approaches
The Fetzer Institute
For general information on mind-body research.
9292 West KL Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
E-mail: info@fetzer.org
To obtain referrals close to your area, contact:
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
http: / / www.medicalacupuncture.org
374 Appendix 1

American Association of Oriental Medicine

5530 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1210
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
301-941-1064 or 888-500-7999
Fax:: 301-986-9313
E-mail: info@aaom.org
http: / / www.aaom.org

British Acupuncture Council


British Medical Acupuncture Society


National Certification Commission on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

703- 548-9004
www.nccaom.org or www.acupuncnire.com

National Acupuncture Foundation

P.O. Box 2271
Gig Harbor, WA 98335-4271
Fax: 253-851-6883
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (formerly the
Biofeedback Society of America) and the Biofeedback Certification Institute of
May provide information and referrals:
10200 W. 44th Avenue, Suite 304 (AAPB) or Suite 310 (BCIA)
Wheatridge, CO 80033-2840
303-422-8436 or 303-420-2902
Fax: 303-422-8894
http://www.aapb.org or http://www.bcia.org
E-mail: bcia@resourcenter.com

International Society for Neuronal Regulation

An international organization of professionals from various disciplines doing
neurotherapy, neurofeedback training, and research. Supports education and
excellence in the field of neurofeedback training and neurotherapy and seeks
the validation and acceptance of this discipline by a broad spectrum of society.
394 Road 34
Merino, CO 80741
E-mail: office@snr-jnt.org
Where to Find More Information 375

The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
Has 7,400 members and may be able to recommend a certified hypnotist
700 S. Central Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204
Fax: 818-247-937
E-mail: hypnotismla@earthlink.net

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

140 N. Bloomingdale Road
Bloomingdale, IL 60108-1017
Fax: 630-351-8490
http: / / www.asch.net
E-mail: info@asch.net

Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

An international organization of nurses, social workers, dentists, psychologists,
psychiatrists, and other physicians who are dedicated to applying hypnosis in
the clinical setting.
Washington State University
P.O. Box 642114
Pullman, WA 99164-2114
Fax: 509-335-2097
E-mail: sceh@pullman.com

Support Groups
In addition to the American Cancer Society, the American Self-Help Clearing-
house can help locate a group for specific medical programs,
http: / / mentalhelp .net / selfhelp

Counseling and Psychotherapy

For a referral to a counselor, ask your doctor for a psychiatrist, clinical psy-
chologist, or psychiatric social worker. National organizations that might have
local branches or can offer referrals include:

American Psychiatric Association

E-mail: apa@psych.org

American Psychological Association

800-374-2721 or 202-336-5510
TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
376 Appendix 1

Center for Cognitive Therapy

http: / / www.uphs.upenn.edu/psycct

National Association of Social Workers

800-638-8799 or 202-408-8600
http: / / www.naswdc.org

Caring for Dying Patients

Children's Hospice International
Provides medical and technical assistance, research and education for children
with life-threatening conditions and their families.
901 North Pitt Street, Suite 230
Alexandria, VA 22314
800-2-4-CHILD or 703-684-0330
Fax: 703-684-0226
http: / /www.chionline.org
E-mail: info@chionline.org

Hospice Foundation of America

Sponsors an annual Living with Grief teleconference series, a monthly bereave-
ment newsletter, and other publications.
2001 S Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20009
http: / 7www.hospicefoundation.org

National Hospice Foundation

1700 Diagonal Rd., Suite 625
Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 703-837-1233
http: / 7www.hospiceinfo.org
E-mail: nhf@nhpco.org

Living Wills/Right to Die

The following association will provide standard living will forms and informa-
tion about them. To be sure that they are valid in a particular state, check with
an attorney or a hospice nurse or professional. See Appendix 4 for sample
living wills and health care proxies.

Partnership for Caring: America's Voices for the Dying

A national nonprofit organization devoted to raising consumer expectations for
excellent end-of-life care and increasing demand for such care. Provides
Where to Find More Information 377

information about advance directives (living wills and durable powers of

attorney for health care). Call for state-specific forms.
1620 I Street, NW, Suite 202
Washington, DC 20006
800-989-WILL (9455)
http: / / www. choices. org /

To obtain a referral or information about grief, contact:
Association for Death Education and Counseling
342 North Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06117-2507
Fax: 860-586-7550
http: / / www. adec. org
E-mail: info@adec.org

Bereavement Publishing, Inc.

Publishes the magazine called Bereavement: A Magazine of Hope and Healing.
4765 North Carefree Circle
Colorado Springs, CO 80917-2118
888 60-4HOPE (4673)
http: / / www.bereavementmag.com
E-mail: grief@bereavementmag.com

The Compassionate Friends

A self-help organization offering friendship and understanding to parents and
siblings following the death of a child. They have 580 chapters nationwide.
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, IL 60522-3696
630-990-0010 or 877-969-0010
Fax: 630-990-0246
http: / / www.compassionatefriends.org

A comprehensive gateway to bereavement and grief-related resources on the
Web, including a support community for people dealing with death, grief, and
major loss, including life-threatening and chronic illness.
E-mail: griefnet@griefnet.org

Grief Recovery Institute

P.O. Box 6061-382
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
Fax: 818-907-9329
http: / / www.grief-recovery.com
E-mail: usinfo@grief.net
378 Appendix 1

In Canada:
St. Williams, Ontario
Canada NOE IPO
Fax: 519-586-8826
http: / / www.grief-recovery.com/
E-mail: info@grief.net

The International THEOS Foundation

An international support network for recently widowed men and women, to
sponsor programs and provide services to help participants work through their
immediate grief and cope with day-to-day practical concerns of widowhood.
332 Boulevard of the Allies, Suite 105
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1919
Appendix 2
Common Drugs Used for Cancer Pain
and Foreign Names for the Drugs

United United South Africa,
GENERIC States Australia Kingdom and other NSAIDs
Acetaminophen Tylenol; Panadol; (generic name: Atasol; Exdol; Robigesic
Panadol; Panamax; paracetamol) (Can.)
Aminophen; Dymedon; Panadol;
Phenaphen; Tylenol; Tempra; Medinol;
Tenol; Valadol; Paralgin Calpol; Disprol;
Valorin; Aceta; Paldesic
Genepap; Panex

Aspirin Empirin; Bayer; Solprin; Disprin; Aspro; Caprin; Apo-Asa; Apo-Asen; Riphen
Norwich Aspro; Winsprin Disprin; Phensic

Choline/magnesium Arthropan; Trilisate; Back-Ese

trisalicylate Tricosal;
Trilisate; Magan;
Mobidin; Doan's

Ibuprofen Advil; Motrin; Nurofen; Brufen; Apsifen; Apo-lbuprofen (Can.);

Haltran; Trendar Actiprofen; ACT- Ebufac; Fenbid; Algofen, Brufort (Italy);
3; Brufen; Motrin; Paxofen; Anco, Ibufug, Mensoton
Rafen; Codral Librofem; (Ger.); Antarene (France);
Period Pain Lidifen Betaprofen, Antiflam, Inza,
Ranfen (South Africa)

380 Appendix 2

United United South Africa,
GENERIC States Australia Kingdom and other NSAIDs
Naproxen Naprosyn Synflex Novonaprox, Naxen, Apo-
Napro-NA, Apo-Naproxen
(Can.); Proxen, Naproflam
(Ger.); Naprius, Xenar,
Primeral, Prexan (Italy);
Traumox (South Africa)

Piroxicam Feldene Feldene; Feldene; Roxicam, Xycam (South

Candyl; Fensaid; Larapam; Africa)
Mobilis; Pirox Piroflam,

Nabumetone Relafen Relifex Relisan

Diclofenac Voltaren Voltaren; Fenac Voltarol; Fortfen, Flexagen, Panamor,

Rhumalgan; Sodiclo (South Africa)

Ketoprofen Orudis; Oruvail Orudis; Oruvail Orudis; Oruvail, Rhodis (Can.)


Sulindac Clinoril Clinoril; Aclin; Clinoril

Clusinol; Saldac

Mefenamic acid Ponstel Ponstan; Mefic Ponstan; Meflam; Dysman;


Flurbiprofen Ocufen; Froben; Froben Apo- Sulin (Can.); R-Flex

Ansaid (South Africa)

Combination products for mild to moderate pain ("weak opioids")

Aspirin + codeine Aspalgin; Aspalgin; Co-codaprin;

Codiphen; Veganin Codis 500;
Solcode; Cojene;
Vegan in

Aspirin + more codeine Emcodeine; Codral Forte Coryphen with codeine


Acetaminophen + codeine Panadeine; Co-codamol 8/

Dymadon Co; 500; Panadeine;
Codalgin; Neurodyne;
Mersyndol Paracodol;
Daystrength; Parake; Codanin
Common Drugs Used for Cancer Pain and Foreign Names for the Drugs 381

United United South Africa,
GENERIC States Australia Kingdom and other NSAIDs

Propoxyphene Darvon; Dolene; Doloxene Doloxene 642, Darvon-N (Can.)

Pro Pox;

Acetaminophen + Percocet; Oxycocet, Percocet-Demi,

oxycodone Roxicet Percocet-5 (Can.)

Tramadol Ultram Tramal Zydol; Zamado Tramal (South Africa);

Topalgic (France); Trabar
(Israel); Tramagetic, Tradol-
Puren, Tramagit (Cer.);
Tramal (New Zealand)

"Strong opiolds" for severe pain

Morphine—oral MSIR; Roxanol Anamorph Oramorph; Statex (Can.)

(immediate release) Sevredol

Morphine—oral MS Contin; MS Contin; Morcap SR; MST MS Contin (Can.)

(slow release) Roxanol SR Kapanol Continus;
Oramorph SR

Morphine injections Astramorph; DBL Morphine Morphine Epimorph (Can.)

Duramorph; sulphate

Methadone Dolophine; Physeptone Physeptone


Oxycodone Roxicodone; Endone; Oxycodone Oxygesic (Ger.); Supeudol

OxyContin (SR) OxyContin; (Can.); OxyContin, Oxycod
Proladone (Israel)

Levorphanol Levo-Dromoran Dromoran

Buprenorphine Buprenex Temgesic Buprenex; Temgesic

Adjuvant medications

Amitriptyline Elavil; Endep; Tryptanol; Elavil; Trytizol; Levate, Novotriptyn, Apo-

Emitrip Endep; Amitrol Domical; Amitriptyline (Can.); Trep-
Tryptine Lentizol iline, Saroten (South Africa);
Adepril, Amilit (Italy); Ami-
neurin, Novoprotect, Saroten,
Syneudon (Ger.); Amitrip
(New Zealand); Amyline (Ire-
land); Adepril (Europe);
Elatrol, Elatrolet (Israel);
Domical (Hong Kong)
382 Appendix 2

United United South Africa,
GENERIC States Australia Kingdom and other NSAIDs

Doxepin Sinequan; H R Sinequan; Sinequan Triadaprin (Can.)

Adapin; Deptran

Desipramine Norpramin Pertofran Pertofran Pertofrane (Can.); Nortimil


Imipramine Janimine; Tofranil Tofranil Tofranil; Nova-pramine

Norfranil; (Can); Ethipramine;
Tofranil; Panpramine; Miprilin (SA)

Nortriptyline Aventyl; Allegron Allegron;

Pamelor Aventyl

Trazadone Desyrel; Trazon; Molipaxin


Sertraline Zoloft Zoloft Lustral

Paroxetine Paxil Aropax, Lumin Seroxat

Mirtazapine Remeron Avanza,


Fluoxetine Prozac Prozac; Lovan; Prozac Lorien (SA)

Zactin; Erocap


Gabapentin Neurontin Neurontin Neurontin

Carbamazepine Tegretol Tegretol; Teril Tegretol;

Epimaz; Epita

Valproic acid Depakote; Convulex Depakene, Epival (Can.)

Myproic Acid;

Phenytoin Dilantin; Dilantin Epanutin;

Phenytex; Pentran

Clonazepam Klonopin Rivotril; Paxam Rivotril

Common Drugs Used for Cancer Pain and Foreign Names for the Drugs 383

United United South Africa,
GENERIC States Australia Kingdom and other NSAIDs

Fluphenazine Prolixin; Modecate; Moditen

Permitil Anatensol

Haloperidol Haldol Serenace Serenace; Cereen

Haldol; Dozic

Chlorpromazine Thorazine; Largactil Largactil Chlorpromanil (Can.)


Prochlorperazine Compazine; Stemetil; Stemetil Prorazin (South Africa)

Cotranzine; Compazine

Antianxiety medications

Diazepam Valium; Valium; Valium; Vivol, Novodipam, Apo-

Vazepam Ducene; Rimapam; diazepam (Can.); Noan
Propam; Tensium; (Italy); Novazam (France);
Antenex Atensine; Benzopin, Pax, Doval (South
Dialar; Africa)

Alprazolam Xanax Xanax; Kalma; Xanax Apo-Alpraz, Novo-Alprazol

Ralozam (Can.); Alzam (South Africa)

List of brand names is not exhaustive

Sources: http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~rmottare/drugs.htm
Appendix 3
Detailed Relaxation Instructions

There are three sets of relaxation instructions that follow. The first set has both a
tension phase and a relaxation phase. The second uses imagery and the third is a
breathing exercise.
These types of relaxation are appropriate for adults and children ten years or
older. The relaxation instructions should be spoken in a slow, quiet voice. It is
best to learn the instructions so that they flow smoothly. It is OK to vary the
instructions to suit the patient. The instructions can be tape recorded and then
played back at a convenient time. Children and adults can learn relaxation and
then apply it when needed.

What to Do
Find a comfortable place for you and the patient to relax. Ensure that you will be
free from interruption or distraction. If the patient fidgets or feels uncomfortable,
stop and try again at some other time. Do not try to force the patient to follow the
instructions. You can't make someone relax.
Loosen any tight clothing or shoes and make sure you have a light blanket
(in case the patient gets cold during relaxation). Make sure the patient does not
cross his or her legs or arms (they might "fall asleep"). It is fine if their body
twitches during the relaxation. If he or she feels uncomfortable, you should stop
the relaxation exercise. If the patient laughs or seems self-conscious, just continue
and the feeling will probably pass.

Detailed Relaxation Instructions 385

What to Say
Relaxation with Imagery
Let's use your imagination to help you relax. Start by imagining being in a very
pleasant and happy mood. Imagine that you are doing something you really like.
Imagine what you can see, what you can feel, and what you are doing. You can
close your eyes if you wish.
Breathe in deeply and then breathe out slowly relaxing your lower arms and
your hands. Your arms and hands may be kind of heavy and tingly. You feel peace-
ful and relaxed. Allow your arms and hands to loosen and relax more and more.
Let your arms and hands relax from your elbows to your fingers. Just let go.
Enjoy the calm, relaxed feeling.
Now pay attention to relaxing your upper arms and shoulders. Notice where
there is some tension. Let the muscles become loose and relaxed. Try to smooth out
and calm the muscles in your imagination. Be calm and peaceful. Notice how pleas-
ant it is to relax your muscles. Just let go of any tension in your arms and shoulders.
Pay attention to the muscles in your neck and face. Relax these muscles. Let
them become loose and heavy. If you can, you may want to rest your head on the
pillow or couch. As you relax your face, your mouth may open. That is fine. Breathe
slowly and calmly. Now pay particular attention to your forehead. Relax and
smooth the muscles of your forehead. Relax your forehead as much as you can.
Relax your jaw. Let all the muscles in your head and face relax and loosen. Let
these muscles become heavy and calm.
Think again of the very pleasant thing you were thinking about at the begin-
ning of this exercise. Imagine you are totally relaxed and happy. Enjoy this memory.
Now, focus attention on the muscles of your chest. Loosen the muscles of
your chest. Try and make your breathing smooth and slow, calm and peaceful.
Breathe in relaxation, breathe out tension.
Relax your stomach and abdomen. Notice the difference between tension
and relaxation. Imagine all of your tension escaping as you relax.
Let the muscles in your upper legs become relaxed and peaceful. Feel that
your legs are relaxed. Allow your legs to sink into the chair or bed. Your legs are
becoming calm and relaxed. Relax your lower legs and feet. Let the muscles be-
come calm and peaceful. Let them become very relaxed.
Imagine the warm peaceful feelings of relaxation gradually moving through
your body and loosening all your muscles. Allow all your tension to disappear.
Breathe in relaxation, breathe out tension.
Let the warmth move through your head. Relax all the muscles in your head
and face. Allow the warm feeling of relaxation move through your neck and shoul-
ders. Relax your shoulders. Allow the warm feelings of relaxation to move through-
out your back muscles. Let the warm feelings of relaxation move down your spine.
Let the warm relaxing feeling fill your legs and move into your feet. Imagine that
the tension is just gradually draining away. Let the tension disappear gradually
as you relax. Breathe slowly and deeply. Allow yourself to be calm and peaceful,
warm and relaxed. Let all your muscles become heavy and loose. Enjoy the calm
gentle feelings of relaxation.
You are calm and relaxed and feel very confident and peaceful. Just enjoy
these feelings for a few moments. Gradually come out of this relaxation as I count
backwards from 5. Five, four, three, two, one. You will feel good as you open your
386 Appendix 3

eyes. Open your eyes, stretch if you wish. Good, now just enjoy the pleasantness
of the situation. Relax. Enjoy every moment of it.
Tension and Relaxation
Move so that you are as comfortable as you can be. Take a deep breath and exhale
slowly. Now do it again, breathe in and slowly breathe out.
Relax all of your muscles as best you can. Focus your attention on your right
hand. Squeeze the hand into a fist. Tighten all the muscles and hold the tension
for five seconds. Notice the tension. Study the tension. Now relax. Relax your
hand as much as you can. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation.
Now create tension in your left hand. Tight, tight (hold for five seconds).
Notice the tension; study it. Now relax, release the tension in the hand. Let go
and release the muscles in your hands. Let your hands become totally relaxed.
Tense your right arm by pushing it down on the chair or bed. Hold it for five
seconds and study the difference between tension and relaxation. Now relax.
Loosen the muscles and enjoy the warm relaxing feeling.
Now tense your left arm by pushing it down on the chair or bed. Hold it for
five seconds and study the contrast between tension and relaxation. Relax. Calm
and loosen the muscle in your arms. Enjoy the peace and tranquillity of relaxation.
Tense your shoulders by thrusting them forward. Hold the shoulders in this
position for five seconds and notice the muscles in your back and shoulders stretch-
ing and tensing. Release and relax. Loosen your muscles and allow your shoul-
ders to drop. Allow the tension to leave your shoulders and allow the warm
pleasant feeling to move into your arms and shoulders.
Tense your shoulders by thrusting your shoulders back and noticing the ten-
sion. Hold the tension and then release and relax. Finally tense your shoulders by
moving and lifting them up and holding them for five seconds. Release, relax,
deepen the relaxation by breathing deeply and slowly. Your hands, arms, and
shoulders now will form a ring of relaxation.
Concentrate now on your face. Create tension by scrunching up your face
and hold it for five seconds. Notice the tension spreading throughout your face
and scalp. Relax and let all the tension disappear.
Clench your teeth and notice tension in your jaw. Hold it and study how the
tension and tightness spreads. Loosen, relax, and let go. Let your jaw go slack. You
can let your mouth open if that is comfortable. Breathe slowly and deeply. Relax.
Now create tension in your neck. Be careful not to cause yourself any pain.
Turn your head to the left as far as the tension in your neck and back. Hold it for
five seconds and then return your head to the resting position. Next turn your
head in the other direction. Hold the tension for a few moments and then relax.
Finally, create tension by pushing your head onto your chest. Hold the tension
and then relax.
Focus attention on your breathing. Create tension by taking a deep breath
and holding it. The tension will spread gradually. Allow the tension to build until
it is mildly uncomfortable. Then breathe out. Breathe deeply and slowly for three
breaths. Imagine that you are breathing in through the bottom of your feet. Breathe
out through your mouth or nose. If you begin to feel dizzy, breathe more slowly.
Now create tension by exhaling all your breath. Hold it for a few moments
and then breathe in. Resume normal breathing and breathe deeply and slowly.
Each time you exhale, try to breathe out any tension.
Detailed Relaxation Instructions 387

Cause tension in your abdomen by pulling in the muscles and holding them.
This will curtail your deep breathing and tension will increase. Relax, loosen the
muscles, and enjoy slow and relaxing breathing. Create tension by pushing your
stomach out and holding it for five seconds. Relax, loosen your stomach muscles,
allow the muscles to become calm and peaceful. Enjoy the calm feeling.
Tense your right leg by pushing it down on the bed or chair. Study the ten-
sion in your upper and lower leg. Do not tense your foot. Hold the tension for
five seconds and then let go. Relax, let go, enjoy the feeling of relaxation spread-
ing through your leg.
Now repeat the same procedure with your other leg. Tense your left leg by
pushing it down on the bed or chair. Study the tension in your thigh and your
calves. Do not tense your foot. Hold the tension for five seconds and then let go.
Relax, let go, enjoy the feeling of relaxation spreading through your leg.
Finally, make some tension in both of your feet by pointing your toes to-
wards your head. Do not cause too much tension or you may cause cramping and
pain in your feet. Relax your feet, legs and thighs. Let the relaxation move into
your abdomen and back. Notice the warm pleasant feelings of relaxation. Breathe
deeply and slowly. Allow the relaxation to move into your lungs and chest. Relax
your shoulders and neck. Relax your arms and hands. Now deepen your relax-
ation by trying to loosen any remaining tense areas.
Now, let's use your imagination to deepen the relaxation. Create in your mind
a very pleasant and relaxing scene. Perhaps it would be lying on a beach or walk-
ing through a forest. Imagine the calmness in your body as you enjoy the sounds
and smells of your created scene. Feel the refreshing air and enjoy the calm re-
laxed peaceful feeling that you have throughout your body. Feel the warmth of
the sun on your head and allow the warmth to spread throughout your upper
body. Feel the warm relaxing feeling spread throughout your entire body. Imag-
ine that your body is actually a bag of sand and allow it to totally relax and mould
to the chair or bed.
You are calm and relaxed and feel very confident and peaceful. Just enjoy
these feelings for a few moments. Gradually come out of this relaxation as you
count backwards from 5. Five, four, three, two, one. You will feel good as you
open your eyes. Open your eyes, stretch if you wish.
Good, now just enjoy the pleasant feelings. Relax. Enjoy every moment of it.
Relaxation by Deep Breathing
Just relax and if you wish close your eyes. Now, take a deep breath, try to breathe
in as much air as possible. Hold it for a few seconds. Now, let your breath out
very, very slowly. As you let out your breath, relax all of your muscles.
Now, breathe in again, slowly and deeply. Breathe in relaxation. Slowly,
breathe out and let tension flow outwards. Relax your face, arms and shoulders.
Enjoy the warmth of the relaxation.
Take another deep slow breath. Fill your lungs. Relax and breathe out. Relax
your chest and tummy. Allow calm and peacefulness to replace any tension.
Now breathe in again as if you are breathing in through the bottom of your
feet. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. Relax your legs and feet. Pause for a few moments
and then breathe out slowly. If you begin to get dizzy breathe more slowly.
Breathe in again, deeply and slowly. Try and relax some part of your body
that is a bit tense. Breathe out slowly. Release all tension. Relax and enjoy being
388 Appendix 3

Begin breathing normally but continue to increase your relaxation with ev-
ery breath. Open your eyes and enjoy how you feel.

© Copyright 1992
Reprinted with permission by Dr. Pat McGrath. These instructions are also
available athttp://is.dal.ca/~pedpain/mclp/mclpn-re.html or on audiotape from
McGrath, Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
B3H 4J1, for $5.00.
Planning for Your Mental and
Physical Health Care and Treatment

The following is reprinted with permission of

The Advance Directive Training Project
291 Hudson Avenue
Albany, New York 12210
Phone: 800-811-1175, 518-463-9242
Fax: 518-463-9264
E-mail: advance@nycap.rr.com

Note: These directions and forms are not intended to constitute legal advice. You
may wish to consult with your own attorney for advice specific to your situation.
They have been adapted to be non-state-specific.
What is an Advance Directive?
An Advance Directive is a type of written or verbal instruction about health care
to be followed if a person becomes unable to make decisions regarding his or her
medical treatment. Because you prepare an Advance Directive when you are com-
petent, it will be followed during periods of time when you lack capacity to make
medical treatment decisions. There are several different types of Advance Direc-
tives, including a health care proxy, a living will, and a do not resuscitate (DNR) order.
Each one of these is described in this pamphlet.
Why should I create an Advance Directive?
Sometimes, because of illness or injury, people are not able to decide about treat-
ment for themselves. You may want to plan in advance and create an Advance
Directive to appoint a health care agent and/or make your wishes and instruc-
tions known regarding your mental and physical health care, so that these wishes

390 Appendix 4

may be followed if you become unable to decide for yourself for a short or long
term period. If you don't plan ahead, family members or other people close to
you may not be allowed to make decisions for you or follow your wishes, and/or
no one will know what treatment choices you may have preferred.
How do I create an Advance Directive?
You can use the form and directions in this pamphlet or have an attorney create
an alternative form for you. Your state's health department can provide you with
forms and information regarding Advance Directives as well.
Can anyone refuse to provide me with mental or physical
health treatment because I have created an Advance Directive?
No. It is against the law for treatment providers to discriminate against someone
because he or she has an Advance Directive.
On what basis will a physician determine that I am incapable of making
mental and physical health care decisions?
Your capacity to consent to mental and physical health care is determined by
your ability to understand the nature and consequences of health care decisions,
including the benefits, risks, and alternatives to proposed treatment, and then to
make an informed choice.
If I wish to use the attached form as my Advance Directive,
must I complete the entire form?
If you choose to use the attached form, you should make sure that your name is
stated at the beginning of each form and that the section regarding signatures and
witnesses is completed as necessary. However, you can choose whichever other
sections within the form regarding your treatment decisions that you wish to com-
plete. It is your choice whether to fill out this form and what provisions to include in it.
To whom should I give copies of my Advance Directive?
You should give copies of your Advance Directive to your health care agent and
alternate agent (if you have appointed them), to the treatment providers and health
care professionals who routinely provide care to you, and to your family or friends.
You may also want to give a copy to the hospital where you are likely to be treated
if the need arises, and to keep a copy with your important papers.

Health Care Proxies

What is a Health Care Proxy?
Many states have a Health Care Proxy Law that allows you to appoint someone
you trust and who knows you well, such as a family member or close friend, who
will agree to act in your best interests regarding your health care if you lose the
ability to make decisions about treatment for yourself. The document in which
you appoint this person as your health care agent is called a Health Care Proxy.
What is the purpose of a Health Care Proxy?
The Health Care Proxy Law gives you the power to ensure that health care pro-
fessionals know your wishes regarding medical treatment. Your health care agent
Planning for Your Mental and Physical Health Care and Treatment 391

can also decide how your wishes apply as your medical condition changes. Hos-
pitals, doctors, and other health care providers must follow your agent's deci-
sions as if they were your own.
If I appoint a health care agent, how much authority does he or
she have to make treatment decisions on my behalf?
You can give your agent as little or as much authority as you want. You can allow
your agent to decide about all health care or only certain treatments. For example,
you may appoint a health care agent to make decisions only about your mental
health care. However, you may not appoint more than one health care agent to
act at a given time (e.g., you cannot appoint one for physical health care decisions
and one for mental health care decisions).
If your health care agent is not aware of your wishes about artificial nutrition
and hydration (nourishment and water provided by feeding tubes), he or she will
not be able to make decisions about these measures.
You may also give your agent instructions that he or she has to follow. Your
agent must follow your verbal and written instructions, as well as your moral
and religious beliefs. You may include a living will and/or a statement of your
preferences and desires regarding medical treatment with your health care proxy,
which can provide a useful resource for your health care agent. If your agent does
not know your wishes and beliefs, your agent is legally required to act in your
best interests.
How does appointing a health care agent empower me?
Appointing an agent lets you control your medical treatment by:
• allowing your agent to stop treatment when he or she decides that is what
you would want or what is best for you under the circumstances; and
• choosing one person to decide about treatment because you think that
person would make the best decisions or because you want to avoid
conflict or confusion about who should decide.
What are the advantages of creating a Health Care Proxy?
The purpose of the Health Care Proxy law is to give a person of your choice the
authority to speak for you when you are incapacitated to ensure that decisions
regarding your medical treatment are made in accordance with your wishes, in-
cluding your religious and moral beliefs if known to your agent, or, if your agent
does not know your views, in accordance with your best interests. Therefore, a
major advantage in appointing a health care agent through a Health Care Proxy
is that you do not have to know in advance all the decisions that may arise. In-
stead, your health care agent can interpret your wishes as medical circumstances
change and can make decisions you could not have known would have to be
made. The Health Care Proxy is just as useful for decisions to receive treatment as
it is for decisions to stop treatment.
What are the disadvantages of creating a Health Care Proxy?
It is very important that the person you choose to be your health care agent be an
adult that you trust to protect your wishes and interests. If there is no such adult
in your life, you may wish to consider a Living Will to provide guidance about
your attitudes and preferences regarding your medical care.
392 Appendix 4

Who should I choose to be my health care agent?

The health care agent must be an adult 18 years of age or older. It is not necessary
that he or she reside in your state. You should choose a person you trust to pro-
tect your wishes and interests.
An operator, administrator or employee of a general hospital, nursing home,
mental hygiene facility, or hospice cannot serve as an agent for you if you are a
patient at the facility, unless you are related to the person you wish to appoint, or
you created the Health Care Proxy before being admitted to, or applying for ad-
mission to, the facility.
You can appoint your physician as your agent, but the physician will not be
able to serve both as your agent and your attending physician after his or her
decision-making authority as your agent begins. Furthermore, if you appoint a
physician as your agent, that physician cannot determine your capacity to make
health care decisions.
How can I appoint a health care agent?
All competent adults can appoint a health care agent by signing a form called a
Health Care Proxy. You don't need a lawyer, just two adult witnesses.
You can use the form in this pamphlet, but you don't have to.
When would my health care agent begin to make treatment
decisions for me?
Your health care agent would begin to make treatment decisions after doctors
decide that you are not able to make health care decisions. If you regain capacity
to make health care decisions, the health care agent's decision-making authority
ends. As long as you are able to make treatment decisions for yourself, you will have the
right to do so.
Will my agent's decisions be honored?
All hospitals, doctors, and other health care facilities are legally required to honor the
decisions by your agent, unless they obtain a court order overriding the decision.
What if my health care agent is not available when decisions
must be made?
You can appoint an alternate agent to decide for you if your health care agent is
not available or able to act when decisions must be made. Otherwise, health care
providers will make treatment decisions for you that follow instructions you gave
while you were still able to do so. Any instructions that you write on your Health
Care Proxy form will guide health care providers under these circumstances.
What are the requirements for signing and witnessing a
Health Care Proxy?
You must sign and date a Health Care Proxy in order for it to be enforceable. You
must include the name of your agent and state that you intend the agent to make
health care decisions for you.
You must sign the Health Care Proxy in the presence of two witnesses who
are 18 years of age or older. Neither witness can also be the person who you are
appointing as your health care agent. The witnesses must also sign the document
and state their belief that you are personally known to them, you appear to be of
sound mind, and you are acting of your own free will.
Planning for Your Mental and Physical Health Care and Treatment 393

How long is a Health Care Proxy valid?

The Health Care Proxy will be valid unless and until you cancel it. In addition,
you can require that the Health Care Proxy expire on a specified date or if certain
events occur. If you choose your spouse as your health care agent and you get
divorced or legally separated, the appointment is automatically canceled.

Living Wills
What is a Living Will?
A Living Will is a written document in which you, as an adult who is now compe-
tent, can express your wishes regarding your future health care in the event that
you are unable to make health care decisions. You can also include a statement of
your preferences and desires regarding medical treatment with your Living Will,
which can provide a useful resource for your treatment providers.
What is the difference between a Living Will and a
Health Care Proxy?
A Living Will is a document in which you can give specific instructions about
your health care treatment, as well as express your attitudes and wishes about
your health care.
A Health Care Proxy is different because it allows you to choose someone
you trust to make treatment decisions on your behalf in case you lose your deci-
sion-making capacity. With a Health Care Proxy, you don't need to know in ad-
vance what will happen to you or what your medical needs might be in the future.
How does creating a Living Will empower me?
A Living Will serves to make your wishes and instructions known regarding your
mental and physical health care, if you become incapable of making treatment
decisions. Treatment providers should follow your specific instructions. The in-
structions you write in this document would be evidence of your expressed wishes
in the event that your wishes are challenged in court.
What are the advantages of a Living Will?
If you have no one you can appoint to be your health care agent, or you do not
wish to appoint one, yet you still want to make your wishes about your health
care preferences known, a Living Will is a legally valid way of recording these
instructions. This information will provide evidence of your wishes should you
become incapable of making treatment decisions.
What are the disadvantages of a Living Will?
General instructions about refusing treatment, even if written down, may not be
effective if they do not meet the "clear and convincing proof" test. Further, ex-
pressions of intent regarding unforeseen circumstances or new developments in
technology cannot be reflected in a Living Will unless it is routinely updated.
Can I create both a Health Care Proxy and a Living Will?
Yes. If you complete a Health Care Proxy form, but also have a Living Will, the
Living Will provides instructions for your health care agent, and will guide his or
394 Appendix 4

her decisions. Copies of your Living Will should be given to your health care
agent. You will want to have your health care agent share the views expressed in
the Living Will with your health care providers to make sure your wishes are
understood. With both documents, if you include a statement of your preferences
regarding your medical treatment, it will provide additional useful guidance.
What are the requirements for signing and witnessing a
Living Will?
Because there is not a specific law that governs Living Wills, there are no exact
requirements with regard to signatures and witnesses. However, it is recom-
mended that you follow the requirements for signing and witnessing a Health
Care Proxy when executing a Living Will.
What if I change my mind?
You should review your Living Will from time to time to ensure that the docu-
ment you signed still represents your current wishes. You can change or revoke
your Living Will by making a new one, destroying it, or simply stating that it is
revoked. You should be sure to tell your treatment providers and your family
and/or friends that you have revoked your Living Will.
How long is a Living Will valid?
The Living Will should be valid unless and until you revoke it.

Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders

What is a Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Order?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) refers to the medical procedures used to
restart a person's heart and breathing when the person suffers heart failure. CPR
may involve simple efforts such as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and external
chest compression. Advanced CPR may involve electric shock, insertion of a tube
to open the patient's airway, injection of medication into the heart and, in ex-
treme cases, open chest heart massage.
A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order tells medical professionals not to perform CPR.
This means that doctors, nurses, and emergency medical personnel will not at-
tempt emergency CPR if the patient's breathing or heartbeat stops. A DNR order
is only a decision about CPR and does not relate to any other treatment
Can I request a DNR Order?
Yes. All adult patients can request a DNR order.
If you have not requested a DNR order and have not appointed a health care
agent to decide for you, a family member or close friend can consent to a DNR
order when you are terminally ill, permanently unconscious, CPR would not work
(would be medically futile), or CPR would impose an extraordinary burden on
you given your medical condition and the expected outcome of CPR. Anyone
deciding for you must base the decision on your wishes, including your religious
and moral beliefs, or if your wishes are not known, on your best interests.
Planning for Your Mental and Physical Health Care and Treatment 395

How can I make my wishes about DNR known?

During hospitalization, an adult patient may consent to a DNR order verbally or
in writing, if two adult witnesses are present. When consent is given verbally, one
of the witnesses must be a physician affiliated with the hospital. Prior to hospital-
ization, consent must be in writing in the presence of two adult witnesses. In
addition, the Health Care Proxy law allows you to appoint someone you trust to
make decisions about CPR and other treatments if you become unable to decide
for yourself.
What if I lose the ability to make decisions about CPR and do not have anyone
who can decide for me?
A DNR order can be written if two doctors decide that CPR would not work or if
a court approves of the DNR order. It would be best if you discussed your wishes
about CPR with your doctor in advance.
What if I change my mind?
You or anyone who consents to a DNR order for you can revoke consent for the
order by telling your doctor, nurses, or others of the decision.

I, , hereby make known my

desire that, should I lose the capacity to make health care decisions, the following are my
instructions regarding consent to or refusal of medical treatment, and if I choose, the designa-
tion of my health care agent. I intend that all completed sections of this advance directive be


A. Appointment of a Health Care Agent: I hereby appoint the following individual as my

health care agent to make any and all health care decisions for me, except to the extent
that I state otherwise. This health care proxy shall take effect when and if I become
unable to make my own health care decisions.

(Agent's Name)

(Agent's Home Address)

(Agent's Telephone Number)

B. Authority of Health Care Agent: My health care agent may make decisions regarding*
(choose ONE):
All mental and physical health care
Mental health care ONLY
Physical health care ONLY
The following health care decisions ONLY

*Note: While you may limit your health care agent's decision-making authority, you cannot
appoint more than one health care agent at a time. For example, you cannot appoint one
health care agent to make only physical health care decisions and another one to make only
mental health care decisions.

C. Alternate health care agent (optional): If the person appointed above is unable or unwill-
ing to serve as my health care agent, I hereby appoint the following individual to act as
my alternate health care agent.

(Agent's Name)

(Agent's Home Address)

(Agent's Telephone Number)

D. Duration of proxy: Unless I revoke it, this health care proxy shall remain in effect indefi-
nitely, or until the date or conditions stated below. This proxy shall expire (specify date
or conditions, if desired):



I direct my agent to make health care decisions in accordance with my wishes and limitations
as stated in this Advance Directive, or as he or she otherwise knows. If I have not appointed
a health care agent, I wish my health care providers to act in accordance with my instructions
as stated below.

[Note: Unless your agent knows your wishes about artificial nutrition and hydration (tube feed-
ing), your agent will not be allowed to make decisions about artificial nutrition and hydration.]

A. Special Instructions Regarding My Mental Health Care and Treatment

1. Medications for Psychiatric Treatment: If it is determined that I am not legally

capable of consenting to or refusing medications relating to my mental health
treatment, my wishes are as follows:

(a) I prefer to be given the following medications:

Medication Name:
(b) I prefer not to be given the following medications, for the following reasons:





2. Treatment Facilities: If my psychiatric condition is serious enough to require 24-

hour care and I have no physical conditions that require immediate access to emer-
gency medical care the following are my instructions.

(a) I would prefer to receive this care at the following hospitals or programs/facili-
ties, if possible:

(b) I prefer not to receive this care at the following hospitals or programs/facilities,
if possible, for the reasons I have listed:





(c) My choice of treating physician, if possible, is:





(d) I do not wish to be treated by the following physicians, if possible, for the
reasons stated:

Dr.'s Name:


Dr.'s Name:


3. Additional Instructions Regarding My Mental Health Care (e.g., individual psycho-

therapy, group therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, self-help services, research):

B. Special Instructions Regarding My Physical Health Care and Treatment

1. These wishes should be followed if: (choose one of the following)

I am terminally ill, in a coma or unconscious, or in an irreversible condition

from which there is no reasonable hope of recovery, OR

the following medical conditions exist:

2. Medical treatment about which you may wish to give your agent or health care
providers special instructions include the following treatments. Write instructions
for each treatment you choose on the lines provided.

Artificial respiration:

Artificial nutrition and hydration:

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation:



Blood transfusions or blood products:

Invasive diagnostic tests:

Other physical health treatments or medications:

Additional instructions regarding physical health care and treatment:


(You may choose to complete this section to provide additional guidance to your health care
agent and/or providers.)

I wish to provide the following information regarding my current mental health care and
treatment and to state my preferences regarding mental health care and treatment, in the
event I am hospitalized. I strongly hope that my stated preferences will be honored to assist
me in having more control over my life and to aid in my recovery.
A. My physician and/or psychiatrist's name and address:

B. My outpatient mental health care provider(s):

C. Approaches that help me when I'm having a hard time:

If I am having a hard time, the following approaches have been helpful to me in the past.
I would like the staff to try to use these approaches with me:

Voluntary time out in my room Listening to music

Voluntary timeout in quiet room Reading
Sitting by staff Watching TV
Talking with a peer Pacing the halls
Having my hand held Calling a friend
Going for a walk Calling my therapist
Punching a pillow Pounding some clay
Writing in a journal Deep breathing exercises
Lying down Taking a shower
Talking with staff Exercising


D. Actions that are not helpful:

In the past, I have found that the following actions make me feel worse. I prefer that staff
not do the following:
E. Preferences regarding physical contact by staff:

F. Hospital and community treatment programs (outpatient clinics, community-based resi-

dential facilities, community support programs, self-help programs, etc.)
Upon my discharge, if possible, I would like to receive treatment from the following
hospitals and community treatment programs:

Upon my discharge, if possible, I do not want to receive treatment from the following
hospitals or community treatment programs for the reasons listed:





G. Additional preferences regarding my mental health care and treatment:


A. Your Signature:



B. Statement by Witnesses (must be age 18 or older)

I declare that the person who signed this document is personally known to me and
appears to be of sound mind and acting of his or her own free will. He or she signed
(or asked another to sign for him or her) this document in my presence.

Witness 1:


Witness 2:

Sample Health Care Proxy


(D I,

hereby appoint
as my health care agent to make any and all health care decisions for me, except to the
extent that I state otherwise. This proxy shall take effect when and if I become unable to
make my own health care decisions.

(2) Optional instructions: I direct my agent to make health care decisions in accord with my
wishes and limitations as stated below, or as he or she otherwise knows. (Attach addi-
tional pages if necessary.)

(Unless your agent knows your wishes about artificial nutrition and hydration [feeding
tubes], your agent will not be allowed to make decisions about artificial nutrition and
hydration. See instructions for samples of language you could use.)

(3) Name of substitute or fill-in agent if the person I appoint above is unable, unwilling, or
unavailable to act as my health care agent.

(4) Unless I revoke it, this proxy shall remain in effect indefinitely, or until the date or con-
ditions stated below. This proxy shall expire (specific date or conditions, if desired):
(5) Signature



Statement by Witnesses (must be 18 or older)

I declare that the person who signed this document is personally known to me and
appears to be of sound mind and acting of his or her own free will. He or she signed (or
asked another to sign for him or her) this document in my presence.

Witness 1


Witness 2


(Name, Home address, and Telephone number)

Call your state health department with questions.



1. Bernabei R, Gambassi G, Lapane K, et al. Management of pain in elderly

patients with cancer. JAMA 1998;279:1877-1882.
2. Foley KM. Testimony before Senate Committee on the Judiciary on H.R.
2260 (106th Congress), Pain Relief Promotion Act, April 25, 2000.
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Chapter 1

1. Staats PS. Pain, depression and survival. Am Fam Physician 1999;60:38.

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2. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures. Atlanta: ACS; 2003. p. 1.
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Cancer Rates to Soar Worldwide. April 3,2003.
3. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures. Atlanta: ACS; 2003.
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STT_1 x_Cancer_Facts Figures_2003. asp.
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Chapter 14

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Chapter 15

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2. David J. Roy. "Need They Sleep Before They Die?" Journal of Palliative
Care 6:3,1990, 3-4.
Glossary 1
Pain and Cancer Terms

absolute alcohol, phenol—Also called neurolytic drugs. Medicines usually in-

jected for destructive or neurolytic blocks; intended to relieve certain pains
for a period of months. They may injure all nerves indiscriminately, so they
must be used carefully to avoid complications.
a.c.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication before meals.
acute pain—Pain of short duration that directly follows an injury (or surgery);
it's usually sharp and its source is usually easy to identify. Its features are in
contrast to those of chronic pain (see chronic pain).
addiction—The psychological craving for a drug; the need to obtain and use a drug
for nonmedical reasons completely overwhelms and controls the addict's life,
and persists despite the presence or threat of physiologic or psychological harm.
Extremely rare in the cancer patient, but still feared by patient and doctor alike.
adjuvant medications—Also known as co-analgesics. Usually medications de-
veloped for purposes other than pain relief but are later recognized to con-
trol specific types of pain. They are usually mechanism-specific (that is, they
are not effective for all types of pain), and often are only effective after regu-
lar use for a period of weeks has been established; also refers to medications
prescribed to help enhance the effects of painkillers or to relieve the side
effects of medications
alopecia—A condition in which one's hair fall out. Sometimes associated with
chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
analgesics—Medications that relieve pain.
anesthesia dolorosa—A painful numbness occurring in a small proportion of pa-
tients after a destructive nerve block, especially after peripheral nerve blocks.
anorexia—A condition in which one has a reduced appetite.
antiemetic—Any drug that helps relieve vomiting and nausea.

Pain and Cancer Terms 411

ATC—A directive to take a medication at scheduled intervals, around-the-clock,
as opposed to as-needed (prn).
b.i.d.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication two times over a
twenty-four-hour day, usually implying at regularly spaced intervals (about
every twelve hours).
biopsy—A procedure to remove a small bit of tissue from a growth to have it
analyzed to determine whether the growth is harmless or cancerous. May be
done as a surgical procedure or with a needle. The patient may need general
anesthesia or just local anesthesia depending on its location.
bolus—The same as an escape or rescue dose: an extra dose of medication to take
as needed to relieve pain that breaks through despite medication given at
regularly scheduled intervals.
breakthrough pain—Brief but frequently severe flare of pain that a person may
experience despite taking pain medication regularly. See escape dose.
bradycardia—A condition in which the heart beats slowly, under 50-60 beats per
minute. Opposite of tachycardia.
cachexia—Significant weight loss; usually but not always accompanied by loss
of appetite and reduced oral intake.
cancer—Any of one hundred or so different diseases in which a mass of abnor-
mal tissue grows uncontrollably and has the potential to spread throughout
the body.
catheter—A Foley catheter is a small tube passed into the bladder to make urina-
tion easier; an epidural or spinal catheter is a tiny tube inserted into the spi-
nal canal between two bones of the back, passed either through a needle or
under minor surgery, with or without X-ray (fluoroscopic) guidance. It is
required to provide a means to repeatedly administer intraspinal morphine
and other pain killers.
ceiling dose—The dose above which a drug will do no further good; aspirin and
acetaminophen, for example, have ceiling, or maximum doses; morphine and
other opioids do not. Ceiling doses differ from patient to patient and can
even increase or decrease in the same patient over time.
central nerve block—An injection within the spinal canal, between two of the
spinal bones. May be an epidural or spinal (also called intrathecal or sub-
arachnoid) injection. The dura is a membrane that forms a sac containing the
spinal cord and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in which it floats. An epidural
injection deposits medication in the epidural space, just outside the dural
sac. In a spinal injection, the dura is pierced and an injected medication mixes
freely with the CSF.
chemotherapy—Cancer treatment with toxic drugs (including hormones) admin-
istered usually through needles or orally.
chronic pain—Established pain that has persisted despite diagnostic tests and
treatment, usually for longer than three to six months or so; having already
been investigated, the pain has outlived its warning function and can only
be harmful. Rather than being sharp and easy to locate, chronic pain tends to
be dull and achy and often can't be pinpointed. Treating this kind of pain
often needs a combination of medical and psychological approaches.
cingulotomy - One of the least risky forms of psychosurgery or functional neurosur-
gery, which aims to pinpoint and destroys a small part of the brain (with mini-
mal if any surgery) to relieve pain, often by interfering with the interpretation of
412 Glossary 1

its meaning. The risk of personality change remains a formidable barrier to

more widespread use. Much safer than the most extreme treatment of this
type, frontal lobotomy.
controlled-release morphine—Also referred to as sustained-release, extended-
release, or long-acting morphine. A morphine preparation specially formu-
lated to deliver eight to twelve hours of steady pain relief. Use is associated
with a reduction in wide swings of drug blood levels, making this and simi-
lar treatments (administered around-the-clock) a cornerstone of treatment. A
controlled-release formulation of oxycodone (OxyContin) is an alternative,
and more controlled-release opioids are on the horizon. Most are in tablet
form and should not be broken, crushed, or chewed; a few preparations are
available in capsule form and the contents may be sprinkled on applesauce
for patients who cannot swallow medication.
debulking—Surgery that reduces the size of a tumor, as opposed to removing
the entire tumor. It may render certain tumors more responsive to chemo-
therapy or radiation.
deep brain stimulation, thalamic stimulation—A procedure in which one or more
tiny electrodes are placed within the brain to relieve pain. It is still consid-
ered experimental, so the procedure is available in only a limited number of
cancer centers.
dependence—A vague term; addiction is regarded as a form of psychological
dependence, which is not to be confused with physical dependence, which is
a common and natural result of the body growing used to a medication, par-
ticularly an opioid such as morphine. If the drug were suddenly stopped, the
patient would experience symptoms of withdrawal (also called abstinence
syndrome), which are easily avoidable by reducing drug doses gradually,
when treatment is no longer needed.
destructive block, neurolytic block, neuroablation—Names for semipermanent
nerve blocks, usually performed with alcohol, phenol, extreme heat, or freez-
ing. Pain relief results from the destruction of a portion of the nerve.
diaphoresis—A condition characterized by excessive perspiration.
diagnostic nerve block—A temporary or local anesthetic block (injection) that is
performed specifically to help understand the cause of the pain and which
nerves are involved in its transmission.
diuretic—A medication that helps the body rid itself of excess fluids. It may help
breathing difficulties and swelling. Regular use may also alter blood levels
of potassium and sodium, which may be dangerous unless monitored with
blood work.
dose titration—Upward and downward adjustments in medication doses usu-
ally performed under medical supervision to achieve the optimal balance
between favorable medication effects and side effects.
drug receptors—Microscopic sites on the walls of individual cells that recognize
specific drugs and which trigger their effects. Receptors for morphine and
other opioids are concentrated in discrete parts of the brain (periaqueductal
gray) and spinal cord (substantia gelatinosa). Like a lock and key, the recep-
tor recognizes only a specific type of drug based on its unique structure.
dura—The sac or membrane that contains the spinal cord and surrounding spi-
nal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid or CSF).
dysphagia—Difficulty in swallowing.
Pain and Cancer Terms 413

dysphoria—An unpleasant mental state that can arise from drugs that affect the
brain. The opposite of euphoria (a state of elation). May or may not be ac-
companied by confusion.
dyspnea—Labored breathing.
elixir—An oral solution containing drug, water, and some alcohol. See tincture.
epidural injection—An injection within the bony vertebral column and spinal
canal, but outside the sac (dura) that contains the spinal cord and its sur-
rounding fluid (cerebrospinal fluid or CSF). Temporary or local anesthetic
injections are used commonly to treat labor and surgical pain. Steroid injec-
tions may be recommended for chronic back pain. Alcohol and phenol are
injected occasionally here to achieve an intermediate duration of relief from
cancer pain (neurolytic block). See epidural morphine.
epidural morphine—One type of intraspinal opioid therapy. Morphine (or an-
other opioid) is administered into the epidural space, usually continuously,
to induce profound relief with few side effects, which is possible because of
the low drug doses needed when medications are administered so close to
their sites of action (receptors).
equianalgesic dose— The adjusted dose of one drug that is required to achieve a
similar level of pain relief obtained from another drug. Adjustments to achieve
an equianalgesic effect are required when switching from one drug to an-
other as well as when using the same drug but switching from one route to
another (IV instead of oral, etc); doctors refer to equianalgesic tables to iden-
tify the approximate starting dose of the new drug, after which small adjust-
ments (titrations) are made based on reported and observed effects.
escape dose—Also called a rescue dose. See bolus.
external pump—The type of pump used to give morphine and other pain medica-
tions intravenously, subcutaneously, or intraspinally; can be hooked to a tem-
porary or implanted catheter for home use. Usually portable and battery-driven;
family can operate it, but it requires supervision by a nurse or doctor.
externalized catheter—A permanent catheter with one end that leaves the skin of
the abdomen to be connected to an external pump.
gate control theory of pain—An explanation of how electrical stimulation and other
nonpainful stimuli (e.g., heat, massage) can sometimes block or reduce pain.
IM—An abbreviation for intramuscular , i.e., to take a medication by a shot in
the muscle.
immediate-release morphine—An opioid that will relieve breakthrough pain rapidly.
infusion—A method of giving pain medication into a vein, subcutaneously or
intraspinally via gravity or a mechanical pump rather than pushed in by a
intraspinal opioid therapy—Pain relief techniques, including epidural and in-
trathecal/subarachnoid, in which morphine (or other opioid) is given directly
near receptors in the spine. Only tiny amounts are needed, and usually pain
relief is very good with few side effects.
intrathecal, subarachnoid, or spinal morphine—A procedure in which the drug
is mixed with the spinal fluid. Since it is even closer to the receptors, even
less pain medication is needed than with the epidural route.
ischemia—The condition in which there is not enough blood getting to the tissue.
IV— The abbreviation for intravenous, i.e., taking medication or nutrition through
a tube or injection in the vein.
414 Glossary 1

local anesthetic nerve block—A procedure that relies on a numbing medication

to provide temporary pain relief, although more lasting effects sometimes
occur just from interrupting the cycle of pain. Analogous to injections per-
formed in a dentist's office with novocaine. However, longer-acting drugs
are now more commonly used, such as lidocaine and bupivacaine.
malignancy—A growth of abnormal cells that have been determined to be can-
cerous, i.e., unless treated, the growth will continue to grow at the expense of
healthy cells locally and/or distantly (metastases).
meg—The abbreviation for microgram, a unit that many medications are mea-
sured in. Also abbreviated ug. One-millionth of a gram.
meningitis or epidural abscess—A serious infection near the spine that occa-
sionally occur with intraspinal opioid therapy. Can usually be treated with
hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics, but surgery may be needed to
remove an infected catheter or to alleviate pressure from a deep infection or
collection of blood.
metastasis—The process in which cancer cells spread to other areas of the body.
Cancer growths that have spread from their original site are called metastases.
mg—The abbreviation for milligrams, a unit that many medications are measured
in. One-thousandth of a gram.
ml—The abbreviation for milliliter, a liquid unit.; ml is the same as cc (cubic cen-
myelopathy—A disorder (infection, trauma, etc) involving the spinal cord
myoclonus—Sudden, brief, involuntary jerking movements, usually involving
the entire body. A common but harmless side effect of opioid medications
that can often be minimized by the addition of clonazepam. In other settings
myoclonus may be a sign of an impending seizure or convulsion, and thus
should be reported to the treating physician.
narcotics—Commonly used but outmoded term that is essentially the same as
opiates or opioids. Use of the term is discouraged in the medical setting be-
cause of its historical connection to drug abuse and addiction. See opioids.
neoplasms—Abnormal growths comprised of cells that are different from nor-
mal cells. Neoplasms (meaning "new growths") may be harmless (benign)
or cancerous (malignant). When cancerous, the condition is called cancer, a
nerve block—A procedure involving an injection near a nerve or group of nerves
to produce numbness and/or pain relief. There are many different types of
nerve blocks.
neuroablation—See neurolytic drugs.
neurolytic drugs—Medicines usually used for destructive or neurolytic blocks.
They injure all nerves indiscriminately, so they must be used carefully to
avoid weakness and even paralysis. Those in common use today include al-
cohol and phenol.
neuropathic pain— Pain that stems from a damaged nerve and usually is burn-
ing, tingling, numbing or itching in character. Often treated with adjuvant
analgesics, as well as with opioids.
neuropathy—Damage to nerves; may produce neuropathic pain.
nociception—The process of pain transmission, usually commencing with pe-
ripheral pain receptors that transmit impulses to the central nervous system.
nociceptor—A nerve receptor that responds to an injury, initiating signals or im-
pulses that result in pain.
Pain and Cancer Terms 415

NPO—An abbreviation for instructions to take nothing by mouth, commonly a

requirement at least eight hours before surgery. If instructed to remain NPO,
ask whether this includes medications with a sip of water.
oncology—The study or science of cancer and its treatment. A person who spe-
cializes in the study of cancer is an oncologist. Subspecialties include medi-
cal oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology.
opiate, opioids - Narcotic painkillers, the main medications used to relieve mod-
erate to severe pain. A person taking them often develops physiological con-
ditions known as physical dependence and tolerance, which can be easily
treated and have nothing to do with addiction, an infrequent outcome of
medical use of opioids.
pain threshold—The point at which a sensation or stimuli is perceived to be pain-
ful. Pain thresholds differ among individuals and even in the same individual
over time.
pain tolerance—How much pain a person is willing or able to endure. Pain toler-
ance may be lowered by factors such as fatigue, anxiety, fear, depression,
boredom, mental isolation, and anger and can be raised by symptom control,
sleep, rest, compassion, understanding, medications, and diversions.
palliative care—Care that focuses on the comfort of the patient when a cure is not
a realistic goal. Comes from the Latin root meaning "to cloak or cover up"; in
the last few years, palliative care has emerged as a new but evolving medical
parenteral—Medication that is not taken by mouth. Includes alternate routes of medi-
cation delivery, such as intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.
p.c.—An abbreviation for a directive to take a medication take after meals.
PCA--—An abbreviation for patient-controlled analgesia, meaning that the patient
may control when to get medication within parameters set by their doctor.
Usually refers to a pump system in which the doctor has preprogrammed
doses of painkiller.
percutaneous cordotomy—Similar to a nerve block but is usually performed by a
neurosurgeon. A needle is advanced between two of the spinal bones di-
rectly into the spinal cord, where a small hole is burned. Very effective in
relieving pain limited to one side of the body below the midchest level, with
a duration of effect typically lasting six to twelve months or more.
peripheral nerve block—An injection of a nerve in the body's periphery, after
the nerve has left the spinal cord.
permanent catheter—A more durable catheter implanted under the skin for long-
term use; less chance of infection or falling out (migration).
permanent nerve block—Injections of neurolytic substances intended to destroy
nerves involved with transmitting pain. There are no truly permanent nerve
blocks because even after they are destroyed most nerves will grow back,
usually within three to six months, or at most twelve months.
pituitary ablation—An injection of a small amount of alcohol into the pituitary
gland to relieve bony pain, especially from breast or prostate cancer. Per-
formed in only a few centers.
PO—An abbreviation for a directive to take a medication by mouth.
PR—An abbreviation for a directive to take a medication by rectum.
PRN—An abbreviation for a directive to take medication as needed, as opposed
to at scheduled intervals (around the clock or ATC). Discouraged as the sole
means to treat pain, especially when pain is constant.
416 Glossary 1

prognosis—The doctor's determination of what the outcome of an illness will be.

As related to cancer, this is an inexact science.
prognostic (predictive) nerve block—A temporary or local anesthetic block that
is performed specifically to predict the results of a more permanent nerve
block. Determining how much of the pain is relieved, whether there are side
effects and if the patient prefers the numbness that comes with most injec-
tions versus the pain helps decide whether or not to recommend a more per-
manent (neurolytic) block.
pruritus—An itching condition; may be a side effect of some opioid medications.
pseudoaddiction—Drug-seeking behavior that is interpreted as a psychological
craving for a medication, usually an opioid such as morphine, but which in
fact is the result of undermedication and the desire for greater pain relief.
psychosurgery—Surgery in which brain pathways are disrupted so that even
though pain persists, it is not bothersome. It has been almost abandoned
because of undesirable personality changes and the greater availability and
willingness to use pain medications. See cingulotomy.
q.a.m.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication in the morning upon
q.d.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication once each day
q.i.d.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication four times over a
twenty-four-hour day, usually implying at regularly spaced intervals (about
every six hours).
q.3h., q.4h.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication every three
hours, every four hours, etc.
q.h.s.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication before bed.
radiation therapy—A treatment for cancer that uses high-energy beams to kill or
shrink tumors. Such therapy is prescribed by a medical specialist, usually a
radiation oncologist.
radiofrequency thermoablation, cryoablation—A neuroablative (destructive)
block that involves the heating or freezing of the needle tip positioned near a
nerve. Used less often than alcohol and phenol.
rescue dose—Also known as an escape dose. See bolus.
sequential drug trial—Treatment with a series of different analgesics adminis-
tered over time, undertaken to determine the best medicine for a particular
person. Should be conducted prior to trying more invasive treatments, but
requires considerable patience and education.
singultus—Hiccoughs. May occur with brain tumors, stomach or chest tumors,
and kidney problems.
spinal cord stimulation—An electrode is surgically placed in the epidural space
to relieve pain; used mostly for pain due to causes other than cancer.
spinal injection—A needle is advanced through the epidural space and dura into
the sac containing the spinal cord and fluid. Also called subarachnoid or
intrathecal injection or spinal tap. Local anesthetics are used commonly here
for cesarean section and other surgery. Other examples are lumbar puncture,
for laboratory analysis of spinal fluid , and myelogram, which involves in-
jecting dye into the spinal canal and which is then imaged with X-rays, both
of which are diagnostic procedures. Alcohol and phenol may be injected here
in special cases by a qualified doctor (anesthesiologist) to perform a neuro-
lytic block to achieve more lasting relief of specific pain syndromes.
Pain and Cancer Terms 417

spinal port—Instead of a spinal catheter exiting from the skin of the abdomen,
the end of this catheter is attached to a silicone dome left under the skin. A
pump is then attached with a tiny needle that is changed weekly.
spinal pump—A special pump (usually computer-controlled) inserted under the
skin to deliver morphine and other medications through a permanent (sub-
cutaneously tunneled) catheter. It only needs to be refilled every one to two
months, and many versions can be adjusted with a special laptop computer.
It is initially very costly and cannot be reused, but care can be very economi-
cal over time, so its use is reserved for selected cases.
stat—An abbreviation used in health care settings meaning "immediately."
subcutaneous - Also SC, SQ, or sub-q. Refers to administering medications just
below the surface of the skin, which has the advantages of (1) being less painful
than a deeper intramuscular injection and (2) circumventing the need for an
intravenous (IV) line or catheter. SC injections can be administered as needed
or, depending on the circumstances, can be performed through a needle or
catheter positioned under the surface of the skin, which requires maintenance
but eliminates the need for repeated sticks.
tachycardia—A condition in which the heart beats rapidly. Usually applied to rates
faster than 100 beats per minute. Opposite of bradycardia (slow heart beat).
thoracotomy—Surgery involving the chest.
t.i.d.—An abbreviation for instructions to take a medication three times over a
twenty-four-hour day, usually implying at regularly spaced intervals (about
every eight hours).
temporary catheter—Not everyone gets good relief from intraspinal morphine,
so a temporary catheter may be inserted and taped to the back for a trial
period of up to a week or so. If someone is very sick, the temporary catheter
can be left in indefinitely, although there is some risk of infection.
temporary nerve block—An injection of a local anesthetic. The effect of the medi-
cation is usually temporary, although, by interrupting the pain cycle some-
times long lasting pain relief can result after one or several temporary blocks.
Sometimes a steroid is added to reduce inflammation around an irritated
TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit—A simple, portable
device the size of a beeper; gives gentle shocks to electrodes applied to the
skin to relieve pain. It is not usually effective for severe pain. More sophisti-
cated units are now available that also stimulate underlying muscle.
therapeutic nerve block—A nerve block that is not just diagnostic or prognostic,
but is intended to provide lasting pain relief.
thrombocytopenia—A low platelet count; may cause bleeding episodes. If present,
may increase the risk of bleeding from a nerve block or surgical procedure.
tincture—A solution containing a drug (usually highly concentrated) and a lot of
alcohol. See elixir.
titration—Adjusting the dosage of a medication for a particular patient at a par-
ticular time.
tolerance—A condition in which a patient will need larger doses of a drug over
time to achieve the same relief. It is an expected effect of using opioids, is
manageable, and is totally unrelated to addiction.
Glossary 2
Terms Associated with
End-of-Life Issues and Care

Advance care directives (or simply advance directives) are written documents
meant to make explicit the conditions under which individuals expect to wish
to receive certain treatment or to refuse or discontinue life-sustaining treat-
ment, in the event that they are no longer legally competent to make their
own decisions. (See Appendix 4 for specifics.)
A durable power of attorney (sometimes referred to as a health-care proxy) is a
form of advance directive that designates an individual who can make deci-
sions if the dying person is no longer competent to do so. (See Appendix 4
for specifics.)
A living will is a form of advance directive that specifies in writing what kinds of
treatment are and are not wanted. (See Appendix 4 for specifics.)
Aggressive pain management is an essential component of palliative care in-
tended to provide relief from physical suffering at the end of life.
The double effect is a term given to the practice of providing large doses of medi-
cation to relieve pain even if the unintended effect of such medication may
be to hasten death.
Terminal sedation is the term given to the practice of administering sufficient
pain medication to render a dying person who is suffering severe, intractable
pain unconscious (i.e. to induce an artificial coma). Generally, artificial nutri-
tion and hydration are also withheld or withdrawn, and the state of uncon-
sciousness is maintained until death occurs.
Assisted suicide refers to the situation in which persons request the help of oth-
ers, in the form of access to information or means, the means, and/or actual
assistance, in order to end their own lives.
Physician-assisted suicide refers to cases in which a physician deliberately and know-
ingly helps an individual to die (American Association of Suicidology, 1996).

Terms Associated with End-of-Life Issues and Care 419

Euthanasia generally refers to situations whereby someone intentionally takes a

person's life with stated intent to alleviate or prevent perceived suffering
(American Association of Suicidology, 1996).
Active euthanasia is the practice of shortening an individual's life by taking a
lethal action such as administering a lethal dose of medication with the in-
tent to hasten death. It is illegal in the United States.
Passive euthanasia is an older name given to withholding or withdrawing life-
sustaining treatment that could otherwise prolong life. The term is no longer
in wide use in the United States.
Voluntary euthanasia occurs when a competent dying individual has given vol-
untary, informed consent to actions that will result in death.
Nonvoluntary euthanasia occurs when a person who is not currently capable of
giving consent to actions that will result in death receives such actions. It
applies to situations when death by euthanasia is believed to be consistent
with the person's prior wishes.
Involuntary euthanasia occurs in situations in which the euthanasia is carried
out without consent or against the will of the recipient. Active euthanasia of
all kinds is illegal in the United States, and all involuntary euthanasia, whether
passive or active, could lead to charges of homicide.
Hastened death is an inconsistently defined term meaning to end one's life ear-
lier than would have happened without intervention. Some use it to refer to
assisted suicide and euthanasia only. Others, however, include in this cat-
egory withholding and withdrawing treatment, death caused by aggressive
pain management, and voluntary cessation of eating and drinking.
Hospice refers to programs that focus on quality of life for dying persons. The
first modern hospice, St. Christopher's Hospice in London, was founded by
Dr. Cicely Saunders in 1967. The defining components of the hospice ap-
proach are as follows (Lattanzi-Licht & Connor, 1995, p. 145):
• The patients and family are the unit of care.
• A comprehensive, holistic approach is taken to meet the patient's physi-
cal, emotional, social, and spiritual needs, including major attention to
effective symptom control and pain management.
• Care is provided by an interdisciplinary team, which includes medical
supervision and use of volunteers.
• The patient is kept at home or in an inpatient setting with a homelike
environment where there is coordination and continuity of care.
• In addition to regularly scheduled home care visits, services are avail-
able on a 24-hour, 7 day-a-week, on-call basis.
• The focus of care is on improving the quality of remaining life; that is, on
palliative, not curative, measures.
• Bereavement follow-up services are offered to family members in the
year after the death of their loved one.
Palliative care refers to the type of care an individual may receive at the end of
life after it becomes obvious that no cure is possible. The World Health Orga-
nization (1990) stated that good palliative care:
• Affirms life and views dying as a normal process;
• Neither hastens nor postpones death;
• Provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms;
• Integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care;
420 Glossary 2

• Offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until

death; offers a support system to help family members cope during a
patient's illness and during their own bereavement.
The Patient Self-Determination Act (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 1990) is
a bill passed by Congress that requires all hospitals, HMO's, hospice, and ex-
tended care nursing homes participating in Medicare or Medicaid to ask all
adult inpatients if they have advance directives, to document their answers,
and to provide information on related state laws and hospital policies.
Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment is an ethically and le-
gally accepted practice that may be specified in advance care directives. It
permits patients to forego or terminate life-sustaining equipment such as
ventilators, dialysis machines, feeding tubes for artificial nutrition and intra-
venous fluids for hydration, and the sophisticated technology of the inten-
sive care unit. In addition, it allows for aggressive treatments to be foregone
or terminated (e.g. chemotherapy or radiation therapy except for comfort
care, antibiotics, certain anti-seizure medications, or anti-inflammatory agents
that control brain swelling).
The Do Not Resuscitate request is a form of withholding life-sustaining treat-
ment that requires that no attempt be made to revive a person who has died.
Voluntary cessation of eating and drinking, sometimes referred to as voluntary
stopping of eating and drinking, is a form of withholding or withdrawing
life-sustaining treatment. Some individuals near the end of life who wish to
die several days to a few weeks sooner than would happen naturally may
choose it. During this time palliative care may be provided to keep the per-
son comfortable during the time it takes for death to occur from the underly-
ing disease (Miller & Meier, 1998).

© Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with

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Abdominal pain, 50-51, 218, 221, 222 Adrenal glands, 223

Abdominal problems, 28, 83, 259 Adrenaline, 281
Abstinence syndrome, 10,11 Advil. See Ibuprofen
Acetaminophen, 72,107-8,118, 257; with African Americans, 346
alcohol, 98,108; benefits/side effects/risks of, Age, 29, 33,136
9, 70,122,172-73; codeine and, 107,109,112, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
124-25,133; compared to other NSAIDs, 68, U.S., 25-26, 71
97,103,107-8,109,116; with opioids, 69-70, Agonist-antagonists, 131,134, 166,197-98
121-22,126-27,128-30, 159-60 AIDs, 239
Acetylsalicylic acid. See Aspirin Alcohol, 66, 74, 86, 255, 272; abuse, 69,144, 275;
Aches-N-Pain. See Ibuprofen with acetaminophen, 98,108; affect on skin
Aciphex, 257 patches, 157; with anticonvulsants, 186; with
Acne, 185,192 aspirin, 105; liver problems from, 98; nerve
Acromegaly, 239 blocks with, 218-23; nerve-damaging, 56;
Actiq. See Fentanyl; Oral transmuscosal with opioids, 127,158; withdrawal, 335
fentanyl citrate Alcoholics Anonymous, 317
Actron. See Ketoprofen Allergies, 72, 73; to NSAIDs, 106; to opioids,
Acupressure, 300 123,131,154-55; to sulfa drugs, 186; to
Acupuncture, 17, 72, 282, 298-99 sulfites, 202
Adapin. See Doxepin Alodynia, 49
Adderall. See Dextroamphetamine Alopecia, 31,181
Addiction. See also Pseudoaddiction: fears of, Alor 5/500. See Hydrocodone
xv, 7-8,18, 70, 76,134,140, 312; to heroin, 165; Alprazolam, 204, 275, 334, 335
to methadone, 161-62; to morphine, 42,137, Ambien. See Zolpidem
155; tolerance, physical dependence, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, 299
withdrawal and pseudoaddiction, xvii, 9-12, American Academy of Pain Medicine, 6
20, 91, 92,142-44, 317 American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives, 6,24
Adjustment disorders, 319 American and British Medical Associations, 298
Adjuvant medications, 198-211. See also American Cancer Society, 5, 6, 238, 265;
Anticonvulsants; Antidepressants; Muscle equipment rental from, 349; support groups
relaxants; pain treatment and, 16-17, 69, 70, through, 329
71, 73, 75,171-75, 210 American Pain Society, 6,17, 25
Adjuvant therapy, 30 American Society of Addiction Medicine, 6

Index 431

American Society of Anesthesiologists, 71 side effects of, 255, 274; for sleeping prob-
Amigesic. See Salsalate lems, 273
Amino acids, 127,162 Anti-inflammatory drugs, 37-38. See also
Aminobisphosphonates. See Bisphosphonates Corticosteroids; Non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
Amitriptyline, 172-73,177,178-79; for appetite, tory drugs
259; compared to other medications, 180-81, Antinausea medications, 71, 75,123, 240. See
182,183, 210, 274-75; for depression, 334; for also Antiemetics; tranquilizers as, 199, 200-203
drooling, 256 Antipsychotic medications, 275, 276, 335, 359
Amoxapine, 180-81 Antiseizure medications, xvi, 190
Amphetamines, 210, 334 Antispasmodic, 210
Amputation, 46, 83, 217, 223. See also Phantom Anxanil. See Hydroxyzine
limb pain Anxiety, x, 66, 321. See also Anti-anxiety
Anacin-3. See Acetaminophen medications; adjuvants for, 198-99, 210;
Anal cancer, 79 anticonvulsants for, 185,189; antidepressants
Analgesic(s), 7, 72, 97,136,138. See also Co- for, 179; breathing problems and, 249, 250,
analgesics; specific medications; adjuvant, 16- 251, 335; depression and, 331, 356; drugs'
17, 71; with aspirin, 104; with cancer affect on, 10, 71; erratic medication use and,
treatments, 55; ladder, WHO's, xvii, 67-68, 20; medications for, 334; mind-body connec-
68/, 71, 78, 97,104,121; pain and, 34, 55-56, tions and, 279-81, 283, 284, 305; pain and, 3, 4,
166-67, 213; tranquilizers v., 199 33, 34, 335; sleeping problems due to, 270-71;
Anemia, 263 symptoms of, 320; tranquilizers for, 200-205,
Anesthesia, 219; for children, 197, 313; nerve 335
blocks and, 219-20, 221 APAP, 122,124. See also Acetaminophen
Anesthesiologists, 19, 30, 71, 218 Apnea, 16, 65, 249, 273, 311
Anesthetics, 49, 50, 55-56, 254; compared to Apothecary, 145
other medications, 172-74; with epidurals, Appetite: loss of, 28, 50, 65, 245, 258-60, 260-61;
149, 216; ketamine as, 197-98; local, 172,194- THC and, 244
95,198; for pain, 40, 42 Arachidonic acid, 35, 37, 98
Anexsia. See Hydrocodone Arms: pain in, 221; tumors in, 191,193
Anger, 4, 34, 281, 324. See also Rage; about Armstrong, Dan, 312-13
terminal illness/death, 338, 362, 363, 364 Aromatherapy, 304-5
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, xvi Around-the-clock. See A-t-c medication
Anodynos-DHC. See Hydrocodone Arrestin. See Trimethobenzamide
Anorexia, 65, 232, 258 Arrhythmias: steroids for, 194; stimulants and,
Ansaid. See Flurbiprofen 206, 207
Antacids, 104,186, 210, 245, 254. See also Arthralgias, 47
Simethicone Arthritis, 39, 42, 45, 52; pain from, 106, 218;
Antadol. See Phenylbutazone sleeping problems and, 272; supplements for,
Antagonists, 49, 237. See also Agonist-antago- 304
nists Arthrobid. See Sulindac
Antiacid drugs, 112 Arthrotec. See Diclofenac
Anti-anxiety medications, 174, 210, 244, 334-35. Ascites. See Abdominal problems
See also Tranquilizers Asendin. See Amoxapine
Antibiotics, 209, 210, 252, 346; dressings, 268; Aseptic necrosis, 47
for tumors, 269 Aspirin, 50, 68-69, 97,103-5,118. See also
Anticholinergic drugs, 274 Superaspirins; allergies to, 106,108; analge-
Anticoagulants, 103 sics with, 104; benefits/side effects/risks of,
Anticonvulsants: antidepressants with, 184; 9, 70,122,172-73, 274; bleeding and, 265; with
compared to other medications, 172-74, 210; caffeine, 129; chemotherapy and, 72; for
for muscle cramps, 278; for pain treatment, 49, children, 311; codeine and, 104,107,124-25,
52,171,176,184-91; side effects of, 185,233 133; compared to other NSAIDs, 102,103,109,
Antidepressants, 20,131, 206, 334. See also 110,112,116,117; dosage, 103-1,118; effects
SSRIs; Tricyclic antidepressants; of, 37-38, 98; for headaches, 51; for heart
anticonvulsants with, 184; compared to other disease protection, 101; ibuprofen compared
medications, 172-74, 210; for pain treatment, to, 108-9; liquid, 257; morphine and, 104,107;
44, 49, 52,171,175-83, 280; side effects of, 178, with opioids, 69-70,104,121-22,126-27,128-
180-81, 233 30,159-60; over-the-counter medications
Antidiabetic drugs, 113 with, 101; for pain treatment, 210; in topical
Antiemetics, 140, 240, 242^4, 246, 315 medicines, 49
Antiepileptic medications, 185,186,187 Asthma, 249, 252, 256; aspirin and, 105;
Antiflatulents, 276 inhalers, 272; tranquilizers and, 202
Antifungal medications, 254 Astramorph. See Morphine
Antihistamines: compared to other medications, Atarax. See Hydroxyzine
174-75; for dry skin, 267; sedatives as, 205; Atasol. See Codeine
432 Index

A-t-c (around the clock) medication, 13, 20,101, Body image, 4, 66. See also Self-image
311, 316; of opioids, 123,136,138-39,140,155, Bodywork, 72, 300. See also Acupuncture
162; prn v., xvii, 40-42, 76-78, 77f, 92,138-39, Boluses, 41,139
152 Bone marrow, 30, 80,100,185,187-88; biopsies,
Atenolol, 114 307-8; transplants, 47
Ativan. See Lorazepam Bone pain: acetaminophen and, 108,119;
Atropine, 276 adjuvants for, 210; from cancer, 48-49, 79;
Attenade. See Methylphenidate from cancer treatment, 47; hi-tech options for,
Autogenic techniques, 251, 282, 291 226, 227; NSAIDs for, 100,107
Autonomic responses, 86 Bone(s), 149. See also Fractures; Osteoporosis;
Autosuggestion, 296 cancer, 28, 30, 69; metastases, 31, 97,195;
Aventyl. See Nortriptyline scans, 48; -seeking isotope injections, 49
Avinza. See Morphine Botulinum toxin, 211
Azdone. See Hydrocodone Bowel cancer, 51
Bowel problems, 49, 66. See also Constipation
Back injuries, 42, 45, 217 Brachial or lumbosacral plexopathy, 191,193
Back pain, 48, 52; nerve blocks and, 221, 223; Brain: cancer, 31, 79; electrical stimulation of,
steroids for, 191,193, 210, 221; TENS for, 225 50, 226; pain and, 34-38, 55-56,149, 282, 289;
Baclofen, 49, 50,174-75,197; for muscle spasm/ tumors, 51-52, 80, 97,149,191,193, 210
cramps, 209, 211, 278 Breast cancer, 28, 33, 331; pain from, 79, 81,195,
Bactrim. See Sulfa drugs 223, 227; treatments for, 55, 83
Baldness, 31 Breast surgery, 46, 83. See also Mastectomy
Bancap HC. See Hydrocodone Breathing, 10, 291. See also Apnea; Respiratory
Bandages, 303 depression; for children, 313; with imagery,
Barbiturates, 205, 273 292-93; for nausea/vomiting, 242
Bayer Company, 105,151 Breathing problems, 51, 232, 233, 248-52. See
Beclovent. See Steroids also Asthma; anxiety and, 249, 250, 251, 335; as
Bedsores, 52, 65, 232, 267-68, 302-3 death nears, 359, 360; misinformation about,
Behavioral therapies, xvii, 72, 279, 312-13 15-16; with opioids, 123,126; radiation for, 79;
Benadryl, 254. See also Diphenhydramine steroids and, 192,195
Benson, Herbert, 293-94 Brief Pain Inventory, 60-61/
Benzacot. See Trimethobenzamide Brompton cocktail, 139, 209
Benzocaine, 254 Bronchitis, 249
Benzodiazepines, 190, 203-5, 210, 273; confu- Bronchodilators, 272
sion/delirium from, 274^75; as death nears, Bruising, 100
359 Bupivacaine, 172-73, 216
Benzonatate, 276 Buprenex, 132
Bereavement services, 24 Buprenorphine, 132, 134
Beta-blockers, 197, 210, 272 BuSpar. See Buspirone
Betamethasone, 193 Buspirone, 205
Bethanechol, 210 Butazolidin. See Phenylbutazone
Biliary system, 83 Butorphanol, 132,134,148
Biofeedback, x, xi, 280, 282; defined, 291, 295; Butterfly needle, 146
with painkillers, 17
Bio-Gan. See Trimethobenzamide Cachexia, 65, 260
Biopsies, 30, 31-32, 307-8 Caffeine, 129, 209, 271-72. See also Coffee
Biphosphonates. See Bisphosphonates Calan. See Verapamil
Bipolar disorders, 189 Calcitonin, xvii, 196
Birth control, 208, 266 Calcium, 191,195-96, 240. See also Hypercalce-
Bisphosphonates, 172-74,195-96, 210 mia; channel blockers, 197, 210; fatigue and,
Bladder cancer, 79 261, 263
Bladder problems, 47, 49, 210, 221, 269-70 Cancer, 5, 31-32. See also specific cancers; cure of,
Bleeding, 28, 30, 47, 232, 265-66; due to tumors, 22, 55, 78, 80, 82, 259, 346; diagnosis of, 27-30,
79; NSAIDs and, 69, 98-100,103 318-19; prevention of, 105; psychological
Blood, 28, 31,112, 307-8; counts, 47, 55,101,185; responses to, 318-21; survival rate, 24;
flow, 83, 98; transfusions, 263, 346; vessels, 47, symptoms of, 28, 45, 65-66, 231-33, 261;
48,51 terminal, 43,198, 334
Blood pressure, 17, 39, 86. See also Hyperten- Cancer treatments, 4, 29, 30-31. See also specific
sion; Orthostatis; high, 192, 216; low, 179, 223 treatments; benefits v. risks of, 345-46;
Blood-thinner(s), 69,104-5,108,109. See also deciding when to stop, 345-47, 354-55; pain
Anticoagulants; Bleeding; Bruising; and, 43, 45-47, 53,137,155, 232; side effects
Coumadin; Heparin; breathing problems and, from, 52, 231-32
250, 252; NSAIDs as, 102-3,110, 111, 113,114, Candidiasis. See Yeast infections
115,116,117 Capital. See Codeine
Index 433

Capsaicin, 49,198 Chloroform, 49

Capsulotomy, 227 Chlorpromazine, 174-75,199, 201, 210; for
Carafate. See Sucralfate anxiety, 335; for appetite, 259; for delirium/
Carbamazepine, xvii, 49,50,131,187-88; hiccoughs, 276
compared to other anjuvants, 172-73; Chlorzoxazone, 209
compared to other anticonvulsants, 185,188, Choline magnesium trisalicylate, 102,103,106-
189; for hiccoughs, 276; for muscle cramps, 278 7,110
Cardiac beta-blocker drugs, 114 Chondroitin sulfate, 304
Caregivers, xi, 4, 26, 253 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Carisoprodol, 209 (COPD), 249
Cassell, Eric, 342 Chronic pain, xv-xvii. See also Pain
CAT scans, 48, 219, 222. See also CT scans Cimetidine, 274. See also Tagamet
Cataflam. See Diclofenac Cingulotomy, 227
Catheters, 83,146,148-49, 214-16; urinary, 221, Cirrhosis, 277
270 Cisplatin, 277
Causalgia. See Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Clindamycin, 210, 269
Ceiling doses, 14-15,140 Clinoril. See Sulindac
Ceiling effect, 143,166 Clodronate, 172-73,196
Celebrex, 99. See also Celocoxib; COX-2 Clonazepam, 172-73,185,189-90
inhibitors Clonidine, 216
Celecoxib, 105,118 Co-analgesics, 171
Celexa. See SSRIs Cocaine, 139, 209
Cells, 30, 34-36; growth of, metastases and, 28- Codeine, 69,101,121,124-26,132-33; acetami-
29, 31; healthy, killing cancer and, 45^46 nophen and, 107,109,112,124-25,133; aspirin
Celocoxib, 68,118 and, 104,124-25,133; compared to morphine,
Central nervous system, 55,113, 275. See also 125; compared to other medications, 172-73,
Brain; Spinal cord; opioids and, 98,100,148- 244; compared to other opioids, 129,130,154;
49,162 for coughing, 252
Cerebrospinal fluid, 149 Coffee, 209, 264
Ceta-Plus. See Hydrocodone Co-Gesic. See Hydrocodone
Cheek, medications against, 148 Cognitive therapies, 72, 251, 283-89, 312-13,
Chemotherapy, 18, 24, 33, 54-55, 320; acetami- 335. See also Counseling; Hypnosis; Imagery
nophen and, 108; adjuvant, 30; antianxiety techniques; Physical therapies; Psycho-
medication with, 244; anticonvulsants and, therapy; Relaxation
188; aspirin and, 72; bleeding and, 265, 266; Cold packs, 51, 224
imagery during, 293; NSAIDs and, 101; Cologne, 157
oncologists for, 29; pain from, 45-47, 210; as Colon cancer, 80, 245
pain treatment, 31, 54-55, 78-83, 212; Colostomies, 46, 83, 232, 245. See also Stomal
palliative, 346; psychiatric problems and, 331; medication; medication administration and,
side effects of, 31, 38, 47, 66,197, 231-32, 233, 145,148
237, 239, 241-42, 244, 253-54, 255, 256, 261, Comfort care tips, x-xi
264, 277, 279-80, 289, 298; steroids and, 191; Commissurotomy, 226
TLS from, 269-70 Comorbid conditions, 52
Chest pain, 220-21, 223 Compazine, 174-75,199, 201. See also
Chest surgery, 46 Prochlorperazine
Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 249 Compresses, hot/cold, 300-301. See also Cold
Childbirth, 33, 43,101 packs; Hot packs
Children, xi. See also Infants; Newborns; Teens; Concerta. See Methylphenidate
Toddlers; addiction and, 12; anesthesia for, Confusion, 18, 65-66,166,167; delirium and,
197, 313; anticonvulsants for, 185,188,190; 274-76, 359; with drowsiness, 123; with
antidepressants for, 179; apnea in, 249; headaches, 51; with opioids, 127,162
behavioral therapies for, 312-13; cancer in, Constipation, xi. See also Laxatives; with
306-7, 328; communication about pain by, opioids, 122,126,153, 233-34, 236-37, 240,
308-9; coping techniques for, 284, 295, 308-9; 314-15; as side effect, 11,18, 45, 52, 66;
death of, 352; injections and, 13, 311-13; treatment/prevention of, 69, 78, 231-37, 238,
lollipop medication and, 148,166; opioids for, 251
124,126,129,136; pain assessments for, 59, Control. See also Helplessness: importance of,
59/, 62, 310-11; pain strategies in, 309-13; pain 90, 283, 286-89, 305, 313, 335-36, 337; loss of,
treatment for, x, 6; and procedural pain, 307- 19,137, 281, 322, 343
8, 312; rectal medication and, 145; sedatives Convulsions, 49,127, 203
for, 205; skin patches and, 157; stimulants for, COPD. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary
206-7; tranquilizers for, 200, 202-3 disease
Chloral hydrate, 273 Coping skills, xi, 284-89, 328-29; for children,
Chlorhexidine mouth rinse, 253 284, 295, 308-9; for terminal illness, 338-41
434 Index

Cordotomy, 224, 226 Depakote. See Valproic acid

Corticosteroids, 244, 272, 335; for appetite, 259; Dependence. See Physical dependence;
compared to other medications, 172-74; for Psychological dependence
coughing, 252; for dry skin, 267; for nausea, Depo Medrol. See Triamcinalone
244; for pain treatment, 191-94, 210; swallow- Depression, x, 66,171, 364. See also Antidepres-
ing problems and, 257 sants; about terminal illness, 338-39;
Cortisol, 281, 290 adjuvants for, 198, 210; as cancer symptom,
Cortisone, 193 232, 261; family and, 331, 332-34, 340; fatigue
Cosalgesic. See Propoxyphene as sign of, 262, 264; medications for, 334;
Cosutone. See Codeine mind-body connections and, 279-80, 282; pain
Cough and cold medications, 72,128,129 and, 4, 9, 32-33, 34, 37, 40, 210, 330-34; pain
Coughing, 16, 51, 52, 65, 252; breathing and suicide, 336-38, 356-57; sleeping
problems and, 251, 252; as cancer symptom, problems and, 272; suffering and, 43-45;
28, 232, 252 symptoms of, 320-21; from tranquilizers, 204
Coumadin, 102,105,117,131, 250 Deproic. See Valproic acid
Counseling, 44,177, 271, 283-84, 331 Desensitization techniques, 282, 288-89
COX-2 inhibitors, 68-69,105-6,118; appropriate Desipramine, 172-73,178,180-81,182-83
use of, 97-99,102-3; benefits/side effects of, Desyrel. See Trazodone
172-73 Dexamethasone, 172-73, 192-94, 244
Cryoablation, 218 Dexasone. See Dexamethasone
Cryotherapy, 227 Dexedrine. See Dextroamphetamine
CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid Dexone. See Dexamethasone
CT scans, 224. See also CAT scans Dexthromethorphan, xvii, 197
Cyclobenzaprine, 209 Dextroamphetamine, 172-73, 207, 264
Cyclosporin, 113,117 Dezocine, 132
Cylert. See Pemoline Diabetes, xvi, 12,176. See also Antidiabetic
Dalgan, 132 Diacetylmorphine, 164-65, 167
Dalmane. See Flurazepam Diagen. See Salsalate
Damason P. See Hydrocodone Diaphoresis, 86. See also Sweating
Dantrium. See Dantrolene Diaries, pain, 15, 64, 73, 86, 87, 288
Dantrolene, 50, 211, 278 Diarrhea, 47, 66, 223, 232, 234; affect on
Darvocet. See Propoxyphene medication type, 145; prevention/treatment
Darvon, 271. See also Propoxyphene of, 237-39
Datril. See Acetaminophen Diazepam, 50,174-75,190, 203-4; for anxiety,
Daypro. See Oxaprozin 335; for breathing problems, 251; for delirium,
Death and dying, 5. See also Suicide; Terminal 275; for muscle spasm/cramps, 209, 278
illness; comfort for, xi; coughing near, 252; Diclofenac, 103,112-13,118
discussion of, 259-60, 339-40; fear of, 44, 339; Diflunisal, 103,109,118
at home, 347-50; life expectancy and, 352-53; Digitalis, 250, 265
opioids and, 25,158,162, 351; pain and, 7, Digoxin, 131, 250
351; "Passover phenomenon" of, 352; Dihydrocodeine, 69,129,173
sedation during, 355-56; spirit and, 341-44; Dilantin, 105. See also Phenytoin
support groups and, 284; symptoms of, 358- Dilaudid. See Hydromorphone
62; and termination of treatment, 345-47, 354- Diphenhydramine, 174-75, 243, 278
55; from ulcer-related complications, 99 Diphenylan. See Phenytoin
Debulking surgery, 30, 83 Diphosphonates. See Bisphosphonates
Decade of Pain Control and Research, ix, 7 Disability, 43-44
Decadron. See Dexamethasone Disalcid, 102. See also Salsalate
Decaspray. See Dexamethasone Discharge, as warning sign, 28
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), 51, 302 Disorientation, 123
Defiance, 323
Dehydration, 116,153, 233, 358; diarrhea and, Distalgesic. See Propoxyphene
238; dry mouth and, 255-56; during dying Distraction techniques, 242, 292-93
process, 355; IV fluids for, 246; muscle cramps Ditropan. See Oxybutynin
from, 277 Diuretics, 210, 250, 252, 272
Delirium, 137,192, 200, 206; confusion and, Divalproex sodium, 185,188-89
274-76, 359 Doctor(s), xi, 27. See also Oncologists; on cancer
Deltasone. See Prednisone treatment benefits/risks, 345-46; choosing,
Dementia, 274 43, 85-86, 91-94; communication between
Demerol, 132, 272. See also Meperidine patients and, 93, 231-33; consulting with, 11-
Denial, 321, 338-39 13, 56-66, 85-87,137; ethics and, 90; observa-
Depa. See Valproic acid tion by, 162; pain education for, xv, 24-25, 26,
Depakene. See Valproic acid 33; prescribing habits of, xvi, 15, 26,150,174;
Index 435

recommendations/instructions/orders of, 11- Educational material, 29

12,14, 20-21, 88-90; specialists in pain Effexor, 334
treatment, xvii, 24, 75, 76, 89, 92-93, 233, 337; Elavil. See Amitriptyline
undermedication by, 22, 76, 85-86 Elderly, xi, 328; anticonvulsants for, 184,188;
Documents, x antidepressants for, 179,182; death of, 352;
Dogoxin, 113 opioids for, 136,153,163,164,167, 314-15;
Dohme. See Amitriptyline pain treatment for, x, xvii, 6, 314-15; tranquil-
Dolacet. See Hydrocodone izers for, 204; ulcers in, 110; urinary problems
Dolene Ap-65. See Propoxyphene in, 270
Dolgesic. See Ibuprofen Electrical stimulation, 17, 300. See also TENS; of
Dolobid. See Diflunisal brain, 50, 226; and gate control theory of pain,
Dolobis. See Diflunisal 224-26; of spinal cord, 50, 225-26
Dolophine. See Methadone Electrolytes, 261
Do-Not-Rescucitate (DNR) Orders, 350-51 Electron beams, 30
Doral. See Quazepam Electrophoretic delivery system, 156
Dose(s), 18,19, 22, 73. See also Rescue doses; EMLA (anesthetic), 172-73
ceiling, 14-15,140; conversion ratios for, 154; Emotions, 280-83, 319-20, 338^0. See also
custom, 21; equianalgesic, 132,133,138,168, Depression
169; equivalent, for opioids, 154; larger, Emphysema, 249
psychology of, 150; tolerance and, 14-15,140; Empirin. See Codeine
for various types of pain, 40-41 Endep. See Amitriptyline
Doxepin, 172-73,178,182; compared to other Endocodone. See Oxycodone
antidepressants, 180-81,182; for depression, Endodan. See Oxycodone
334 End-of-dose failure pain, 40-41
Dronabinol. See Tetrahydrocannabinol Endometrial cancer, 81
Drooling, 256 Endorphins, xvii, 281, 299
Drowsiness, 65; adjuvants and, 198, 210; with Enemas, 122,145, 234-37
anticonvulsants, 189-90; with antidepres- Enovil. See Amitriptyline
sants, 178,183; cancer and, 232; with opioids, Enteric-coated preparations, 104,113
123,126,137,154; as side effect, 18,19, 69, 70- EPEC. See Education for Physicians on End-of-
71, 243 Life Care
Drug delivery systems, x Epidural abscess, 216
Drug Enforcement Administration, 6 Epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC), 193
Drug(s), 16, 66, 74,102,140. See also Addiction; Epidurals, spinal, 75, 84,148-49, 217
Doses; Medications; Narcotics; Nondrug Epinephrine, 73
approaches; Physical dependence; Epitol. See Carbamazepine
Pseudoaddiction; Tolerance; Tolerances; Epoetin alfa. See Epogen
Withdrawals; specific drugs; abuse, xv, 6-9, 20- Epogen, 263
22, 23, 86,122,131,142,156,158,161,165,191, Equianalgesic conversion tables, 162
205, 217, 264; costs, 141; formulary, 78; Equianalgesic doses, 132,133,138,168,169
hoarding, 11; manufacture/compounding of, Erections, 181, 183
21,145; overdoses, 237; regulation of, 7, 20- Erythropoietin, 263
22, 23; schedules, 132,133; starting new, 72; Escape doses, 41, 139
war on, 8, 22,148 ESCC. See Epidural spinal cord compression
Duke University, 281, 289, 298 Esgic-Plus, 272
DuoCet. See Hydrocodone Esophageal cancer, 191, 245, 256-57
Duragesic patches, 198, 301. See also Fentanyl Esophagitis, 196
Duragic. See Fentanyl Estazolam, 273
Duramorph. See Morphine Ethics, 90
DVT. See Deep venous thrombosis Etodolac, 111-12,119
Dysentery, 151 Etrafon. See Amitriptyline
Dysphagia. See Swallowing Euphoria, 12,142, 316
Dysphoria, 12, 70,142, 244 Euthanasia, 9, 337, 351, 356, 358
Dyspnea. See Breathing problems E-Vista. See Hydroxyzine
Exedrin, 271
Ears, ringing in, 105. See also Tinnitus Exercise. See also Physical activity: for breathing
Eating, 4, 52. See also Anorexia; Appetite problems, 250-51; constipation and, 233, 235;
ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) movement and physical therapy, 303; pain
scale, 352-53 and, 34, 50, 53
Ecotrin. See Aspirin Experimental procedures/therapies, 5, 336,
Edema, 113,191, 223, 249-50 346-47
Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care Extrapyramidal signs, 243
(EPEC) curriculum, 24 Eye problems, 109,110
436 Index

Facial pain, 48, 220 Gamma rays, 30

Families: on addiction, 12; bereavement services Gangrene, 83
for, 24; cancer affect on, 4, 5-7, 9, 27, 82, 340- Gastritis, 107, 245
41; communication between health care team, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 99,
patients and, xi, 15, 26, 40, 74, 75, 85-94,153, 245, 257
283, 337-38, 340-41; coping with death/ Gastrointestinal (GI) problems, xi, 42, 48, 52, 65.
terminal illness, 338-40, 347-50, 352-55, 358; See also Constipation; Nausea; Ulcers;
depression and, 331, 332-34, 336, 337; help acetaminophen and, 108; constipation and,
from, 147, 248, 253, 324, 325-29; pain affect 233; NSAIDs and, 98-104,106,109,110, 111,
on, 23, 54, 56; pain assessment checklist for, 113,114,115,116,117; opioids in, 138;
57; and patients' psychological needs, 326-29 vomiting and, 245-47
Fatigue, 34, 44, 47, 65, 232; weakness and, 261- Gastrostomy, 247, 259
64 Gels, topical, 198, 256
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration Genagesic. See Propoxyphene
Fears: about opioids, 4, 6-7, 8; of addiction, 7-8, Genital pain, 222
18, 70, 76,134,140, 312; of death, 44, 339; Genpril. See Ibuprofen
feelings and, 319, 321; of injections, 19, 289; GERD. See Gastroesophageal reflux disease
and misconceptions about narcotics, x, 4, 6-9, Gingival hyperplasia, 185,188
14; pain and, 3, 4, 34, 286, 288, 332, 333; Glaucoma, 182, 256
sleeping problems and, 270-71 Glucocorticoids, 191
Fecai impaction, 234-35 Glucosamine sulfate, 304
Feeding tubes, 247, 257, 354 Gluthethimide, 273
Feelings, 43-45, 285-86, 319, 321. See also Grace, 343-44
Emotions Granisetron, 244
Feldene. See Piroxicam Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF),
Female problems, 30,191 47
Fenopran. See Fenoprofen Grief, 340, 348, 362-64. See also Bereavement
Fenoprofen, 114-15,118 services
Fentanyl, 8. See also Oral transmuscosal fentanyl Growths, 27-28, 31. See also Neoplasms
citrate; compared to other medications, 168, Guilt, 322, 362, 364
172-73; dosages of, 138,139,154,170; lollipop Gum problems, 185,188
form of, 42,141,144,148,166; in spine, 216; Gynecological cancer, 222
transdermal, 155-57,162 Gynecomastia. See Milk secretion
Fevers, 101,105,156,157
Fibrosis, 47, 55 Hair growth, 185
Final Exit (Humphries), 356 Hair loss, 264-65. See also Alopecia; Baldness
Fine needle aspiration (FNA), 32 Halcion. See Triazolam
Fioricet, 272 Haldol. See Haloperidol
Fiorinal, 272 Hallucinations, 18, 65, 66,166; confusion and
5-fluorouracil. See Chemotherapy delirium, 274, 275; with drowsiness, 123; with
Flagyl. See Metronidazole opioids, 127, 154
Flexeril. See Muscle relaxants Haloperidol, 174-75, 199, 200-201, 242-43; for
Fluid retention, 83,110, 111, 113,117 anxiety, 335; for delirium, 275, 276, 359
Fluoride, 278 Haloperon. See Haloperidol
Fluoxetine, 180-81 Haltran. See Ibuprofen
Fluphenazine, 174-75,199, 200 Harrison Narcotics Act, 151
Flurazepam, 204 Head cancer, 79
Flurbiprofen, 103,113-14,118 Head pain, 149, 220
Fluroscopy, 219, 222, 224 Head surgery, 46
FNA. See Fine needle aspiration Headaches, 65, 300. See also Migraines;
Foley, Kathleen M., x adjuvants for, 210; antidepressants for, 176;
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 145,148, brains tumors and, 51-52, 80; channel
165,174; approval by, 197, 298, 303-4; "black blockers for, 197; from skull tumors, 48;
box" warning by, 208 steroids for, 191
Fractures: compression, xvii, 48; surgery for, 84 Health: impact on treatment options, 29, 30;
Friends, 4, 54, 56, 328-29 pain's affect on, 4-5
Fruit scale, 62 Health care professionals. See also Doctors;
Nurses; Oncologists; Pharmacists; Physician
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) agonists, assistants: communication about death with,
197-98 339-40; communication about pain with
Gabapentin, xvii, 49,172-73,184-86 patients, 11-13,14,15,17-21, 26, 40, 85-87,
Gabitril. See Tiagabine 357; communication between patients,
Gallbladder cancer, 223 families and, xi, 15, 26,40, 74, 75, 85-94,153,
Gamma knife radiosurgery, 227 283, 337-38, 340-41; and discussions about
Index 437

substance abuse, 315-17; and patient- Hy-phen. See Hydrocodone

controlled analgesia, 147 Hypnosis, 17, 279, 282, 295-97; self-, 289, 290,
Health care proxies, x, 350 296-97, 313
Heart: acute pain's affect on, 86; aspirin for, 101; Hypnotics, 203, 205
breathing problems and, 249-50, 252 Hypochondria, 66
Heart problems, xvi, 83, 256, 273. See also Hypothalamus, 226
Arrhythmias; coughing and, 252; laxatives Hyzine-50. See Hydroxyzine
and, 236; stress' affect and, 281; Vioxx and,
106 Ibandronate, 196
Heartburn, 28, 257 Ibren. See Ibuprofen
Helplessness, 44, 268, 287; depression and, 330- Ibumed. See Ibuprofen
31, 332, 337; hopelessness and, 324-25, 330-31 Ibuprin. See Ibuprofen
Hemophilia, 102 Ibupro-600. See Ibuprofen
Hemorrhoids, 145 Ibuprofen, 37, 50, 68, 97,108-9; benefits/side
Heparin, 102, 250 effects of, 172-73; with codeine, 133; com-
Herbs, 72, 303-4 pared to other NSAIDs, 98,102,103,108-9,
Heroin, 139,169. See also Diacetylmorphine 111, 112; dosage, 118; hydrocodone with, 109,
Herpes zoster. See Shingles 128
Hexadrol. See Dexamethasone Ibutex. See Ibuprofen
Hiccoughs, 32, 65, 210, 276-77 Ifen. See Ibuprofen
Hip joints, 47 IM. See Intramuscular injections
Home care nursing, 215 Imagery techniques, 72, 242, 251, 279, 292-93
Hopelessness, 54,177, 287, 324-25, 330-31 Imipramine, 172-73,178,180-81,182, 334
Hormonally dependent cancer, 30, 83, 239 Immune system, 4, 73, 293; depression's affect
Hormone therapy, 54, 80-81,178, 277 on, 330-31; mind-body connection's affect on,
Hormones, 227, 281. See also Acromegaly; 279, 281-82, 290
Erythropoietin; Megestrol; Steroids Implants, pumps and catheters, 214-16
Hospice care, 25, 43, 84, 346; dying process and, IN. See Nose, medications through
347-50; opioid administration in, 146,148, Incontinence, 359
215; tranquilizer administration in, 204-5; Inderal. See Propanolol
treating digestive obstruction in, 246 Indigestion, 28
Hospitalization, 73, 76, 79, 216, 275 Indocid. See Indomethacin
Hospitals, 24, 25, 90, 93; dying in, 347-48, 350, Indocin. See Indomethacin
355 Indomethacin, 103, 111, 112,117, 271
Hot flashes, 178 Indomethine. See Indomethacin
Hot packs, 224 Infants, 308-9
House of Representatives, ix, 7 Infections, 28, 48, 245, 276. See also Yeast
Humphries, Derek, 357 infections; aspirin and, 105; bladder, 269-70;
Hurricaine. See Benzocaine from catheters, 215-16; with injections/
Hycodan. See Hydrocodone intraventricular medication, 146,149; mouth,
Hycomine, 272 254, 255
Hydrocet. See Hydrocodone Inflammation. See Non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
Hydrocodone, 69, 70,124,128-29,132-33; with tory drugs
acetaminophen, 128-29, 130; benefits/side Information-seeking and bargaining behaviors,
effects of, 172-73; with ibuprofen, 109 323
Hydrocortisone, 193 Infumorph. See Morphine
Hydromet. See Hydrocodone Injections, 40, 42, 50, 56. See also Intramuscular
Hydromorphone, 8,139,144-45,160-61, 216; (IM) injections; of agonists, 134; bone-seeking
compared to other medications, 154,168,172- isotope, 49; chemotherapy as, 31, 47; children
73 and, 13, 311-13; fear of, 19, 289; IV, 75,146-49,
Hydroxacen. See Hydroxyzine 196; morphine, 151-54; of NSAIDs, 115-16; of
Hydroxyzine, 174-75, 205 opioids, 70, 75,138,144,145^9,163,164
Hyoscine, 252, 360 Insomnia, 65, 74, 232; adjuvants for, 210;
Hyoscyamine, 243 antidepressants for, 176-77,178,183
Hyperactivity, 206-7 Insulin, 113
Hypercalcemia, 195-96, 263 Insurance, 27, 78, 99; coverage, 262, 268, 299,
Hyperexcitability, 182, 205 347-48; reimbursement, x, 169, 226, 265
Hyperpnea. See Hyperventilation Intensol. See Oxycodone
Hypersensitivity, 50, 73,162, 300; nerves and, Intestinal cancer, 50-51
49, 223; of skin, 46,176 Intestines, 83
Hypertension, 12, 86,114,116,181 Intractable Pain Act, 6-7
Hyperthyroidism, 273 Intramuscular (IM) injections, 75,115-16,145-
Hyperuricemia, 269 46,148,154
Hyperventilation, 248-49 Intranasal drugs, 148
438 Index

Intraspinal opioid therapy, 214^16, 221 Liver problems: from acetaminophen, 108; from
Intravenous feeding, 259, 346, 354-55 alcohol with acetaminophen, 98;
Intravenous (IV) drips, 146 anticonvulsants and, 185,187-88,189;
Intravenous (IV) drugs, 196, 312 NSAIDs and, 69,100,101,102-3,108,110,113,
Intravenous (IV) fluids, 246 114,115,116,117,119; opioids and, 126,131,
Intravenous (IV) injections, 75,146-49,196 136,160,163; stimulants and, 208
Intravenous port, 83 Living wills, x, 346, 350-51
Intraventricular medications, 148-49 Lobotomy, 227
Irritable bowel syndrome, 243, 295 Lodine. See Etodolac
Ischemia, 83 Lollipop medication, 40, 42, 75,138, 312;
Isolation, 34, 38, 44, 322 fentanyl as, 42,141,144,148,166
Lomotil, 239
Janimine. See Imipramine Loperamide, 238
Jaundice, 181, 232 Lorazepam, 174-75, 204, 244, 275, 335
Johns Hopkins Hospital, 5 Lorcet. See Hydrocodone
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Lortab. See Hydrocodone
Healthcare Organizations, 24 Loss, 322-23
Joints, 38, 47,198 Love, Medicine and Miracles (Siegel), 293
Journal of the American Medical Association, 6, 8 Ludiomil. See Maprotiline
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 279 Lumbar punctures, 307-8
"Just say no" slogan, 8 Lung cancer, 28, 31; breathing exercises and,
285; coughing and, 252; pain from, 79, 80,195,
Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 294 223
Kadian, 141. See also Morphine Lung(s): heart and, 249-50; problems, 83, 220-
Kapanol. See Morphine 21
Karnofsky scale, 352-53 Lymph glands, 31
Kenalog. See Triamcinalone Lymph nodes, 28, 29, 245
Ketamine, 197-98 Lymphatic system, 28, 31, 51,192, 210
Ketoconazole. See Antifungal medications Lymphoma, 269, 307
Ketoprofen, 114,118
Ketorolac, 115-16,119 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 236
Kevorkian, Jack, 9, 356 Maharishi International University, 290
Kidney cancer, 79 Male problems, 30
Kidney problems, 69, 272-73. See also Uremia; Malnutrition, 246, 259
aspirin and, 104; laxatives and, 236; NSAIDs Maprotiline, 180-81
and, 99,100,101,102-3,106,110,114,115,116, Marcaine. See Bupivacaine
117,119; opioids and, 127,131,136,142,160, Margesic H. See Hydrocodone
163,167 Marijuana, 244, 259
Kidney stones, 186 Marinol. See Tetrahydrocannabinol
Klonopin. See Clonazepam Massage, 17, 50, 224, 271, 282, 299-300
Kytril. See Granisetron Mastectomy, 46, 217, 223, 226, 331
Maxeran. See Metoclopramide
Labetalol, 114 Maxidex. See Dexamethasone
Lack, Sylvia A., 230 Mayo Clinic, 178
Lamictal. See Lamotrigine McGrath's face scale, 59/, 309, 310
Laminectomy, 84 Meclodium. See Meclofenamate
Lamotrigine, 185,190-91 Meclofen. See Meclofenamate
Lawsuits, 88 Meclofenamate, 103,115,119
Laxatives, 88, 272; for constipation, 11, 66,122, Meclomen. See Meclofenamate
233-37; with opioids, 75,140,149, 234, 236-37 Medical history, 142
Medicare, 24, 347
Legs: pain in, 221; tumors in, 191,193 Medications, xi, 11,12. See also Drugs;
Leukemia, 269, 307 Undermedication; administering techniques
Levo-Dromoran. See Levorphanol for, 75,144-49; combining, xvii, 171,174;
Levoprome. See Methotrimeprazine cough/cold, 72,128,129; erratic use of, 20;
Levorphanol, 154,163-64,169,170,172-73 information sources for, 90; oral, 74, 75,144,
Lexapro, 334 154,196; over-the-counter, 101,107-9,119; for
Lidocaine, 172-73,198, 254 pain treatments, 172-74; psychology of larger-
Lidoderm, 172-73,198, 210, 267 dose, 150; reviewing list of, 263; selection
Life expectancy, 79, 352-53 criteria for, 78; switching/adjusting, doses
Lioresal. See Baclofen and, 138,139,154, 315; topical, 49,198, 254
Lipase, 237 Medipain 5. See Hydrocodone
Lithium, 113,117 Medipren. See Ibuprofen
Liver cancer, 28, 31, 50, 245; pain from, 79, 223 Meditation, x, 251, 280, 282, 290, 293-95
Index 439

Medocodene. See Codeine 169,170; concerns about, 70-71,122; dosages

Medrol. See Methylprednisolone of, 14-15,18,138-39,140,151-54,168,169;
Mefenamic acid, 119 heroin and, 165; hydromorphone compared
Megace. See Megestrol to, 160,161; with intraspinal opioid therapy,
Megestrol, 259 214-15, 221; laxatives with, 236; levorphanol
Meloxicam, 105-6, 118 compared to, 163-64; methadone compared
Melzack, Ronald, 224 to, 161-63; misconceptions about, 18,135-36,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 291, 137,142,151; oxycodone compared to, 159,
297-98 160; for pain, 4, 8,13, 33, 37-38, 55; regulation
Men, 5,114,181,183. See also Male problems of, 22; side effects of, 153-55; stimulants and,
Meningitis, 216 207, 208; tolerance and, 14-15; tranquilizers
Mental illness, 201 and, 199, 201, 205; transdermal fentanyl v.,
Meperidine, 13,132,134,141,167; compared to 155-56
other opioids, 154 Motor, balance, or reflex problems, 49
Metabolites, 160 Motrin. See Ibuprofen
Metadate CD. See Methylphenidate Mount, Balfour, 342, 343-44
Metastases, 48; bone, 31, 97,195; brain, 206, 207; Mouth, 253-54, 258. See also Drooling; Gum
cell growth and, 28-29, 31 problems; administering medications by, 75,
Metastasize, 27, 31 147; bleeding, 265; dryness of, 255-56, 258;
Metastron. See Strontium-89 sores in, 30, 31, 47, 52, 65, 74, 232, 255, 258,
Methadone, 127,138,141,161-63; compared to 355
other medications, 154,161-62,168-69,172- MouthKote. See Saliva, artificial
73, 210; levorphanol compared to, 163-64; for Movement, 282, 303
neuropathic pain, 142,170; in spine, 216 M-Oxy. See Oxycodone
Methocarbamal, 209 MS Contin. See Morphine
Methotrexate, 113 MS-ER. See Morphine
Methotrimeprazine, 174-75, 199-200 MSIR. See Morphine
Methylnaltrexone, 237 Mucositis, 47
Methylphenidate, 172-73, 206-7, 210, 264, 276 Multiple sclerosis, 50, 209
Methylprednisolone, 172-73,193,194 Muscle relaxants, 49, 50,198; for breathing
Metoclopramide, 210, 243, 259, 276 problems, 251; compared to other medica-
Metronidazole, 209, 210, 269 tions, 174-75, 209-11; side effects of, 233
Mexiletine, 49, 172-73, 194-95, 210 Muscle(s), 47. See also Intramuscular injections;
Mexitil. See Mexiletine Progressive relaxation training; Splinting;
Miacalcin, 196 cramps, 277-78; jerks, 167,185,190, 200, 277,
Michelangelo, 364 359; pain, 50; spasms, 37, 52-53,197, 204, 210,
Midazolam, 174-75, 204-5 217, 282, 300; strain, 18; tension, 37, 279-80;
Midol 200. See Ibuprofen twitching, 200, 201, 359; wasting, 52
Migraines, 18,134,148,189 Music therapy, x, 280, 282, 290, 297-98
Milk secretion, 181 Myalgias, 47
Mind-body approaches, x, xv, 279-80, 335 Myeloma, 80,195
Mind-body connections, 13, 33, 43^15, 341-43 Myelotomy, 226
Mindfulness, 282, 294-95 Myoclonus, 185,190
Minorities, 6. See also African Americans; Race
Misoprostol, 112 Nabumetone, 102,103, 111, 119
MNTX. See Methylnaltrexone Nalbuphine, 132
Mobic, 99. See also COX-2 inhibitors; Meloxicam Nalfon. See Fenoprofen
Modafinil, 172-73, 208, 264 Nalgesic. See Fenoprofen
MoiStir. See Saliva, artificial Naloxone, 237, 267
Money-in-the-bank syndrome, 14 Naltrexone. See Methylnaltrexone
Mono-Gesic. See Salsalate
Mood, 57. See also Depression; Emotions; Namphen. See Mefenamic acid
antidepressants and, 175-77; music and, 297- Naprosine. See Naproxen
98; pain and, 34, 38, 42,191,192; stimulants Naprosyn. See Naproxen
and, 206, 207 Naproxen, 37, 98,172-73; compared to other
Morphine, 149-55, 281; acetaminophen NSAIDs, 103, 111, 112; dosage, 118
compared to, 107; administration of, 16,144- Narcan. See Naloxone
45,148,149-51; aspirin compared to, 104,107; Narcolepsy, 208, 264
for breathing problems, 16, 251, 335; for Narcotics, x, 4, 6-9, 274. See also Opioids;
children, 311-12; for chronic pain, 13,15, 42; alcohol with, 74; doses/tolerances for, 14-15
codeine compared to, 125; combining drugs Narcotics Anonymous, 317
with, 49; compared to agonist-antagonists, National Cancer Institute, 6, 93, 330
166,197-98; compared to other medications, National Center for Complementary and
172-73; compared to other opioids, 133,168, Alternative Medicine, 282
440 Index

National Center for Pain and Palliative Care compared to steroidal anti-inflammatories,
Research, ix, 7 193; with opioids, 69-70, 71, 99-101,102,120,
National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 6 123; for pain treatment, 48, 50, 52, 78, 97-120,
National Institute of Nursing Research, 297 210; side effects of, 240, 257; for sleep, 271; for
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 282, 295, swallowing problems, 257
298-99 Nonsurgical biopsies, 32
National Pain Care Policy Act, ix, 7 Norco. See Hydrocodone
The Nature of Suffering (Cassell), 342 Norepinephrine. See Neurotransmitters
Nausea, xi, 66, 232, 358. See also Antiemetics; Norgesic, 272
adjuvant drugs for, 198-99; causes of, 240-41; Normodyne. See Labetalol
coughing and, 252; drugs' affect on, 10,11; Norpramin. See Desipramine
with headaches, 51; with opioids, 122-23,126, Nortriptyline, 178,183; compared to other
153; prevention/treatment of, 69, 78, 239-46, medications, 172-73,180-81,183, 274-75; for
279-80, 289, 290-91, 295, 298-99; sedatives for, depression, 334
205; as side effect, 18, 30, 31, 45, 47, 50, 70-71; Norzine. See Thiethylperazine
tranquilizers for, 200-203 Nose, medications through, 75,134,147-48,196
Neck cancer, 79 Novocaine, 217
Neck pain, 52,149, 220, 221 NSAIDs. See Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Neck surgery, 46 drugs
Nembutal, 205, 273 Nubian, 132
Neoplasms, 27 Numbness, 47, 66, 219, 220, 222
Nerve blocks, 277; electricity and, 218, 224; v. in- Numorphan. See Oxymorphone
traspinal opioid treatment, 216; neurosurgery Nuprin. See Ibuprofen
and, 217-24; for pain, 5,17,50,52,56, 83, 211 Nurses, 15, 76; communication with, 12-13,19,
Nerve pain: adjuvants for, 171,198, 311; 29, 85,147, 339-40; for death/dying process,
anticonvulsants for, 184-85,187,189; 349
antidepressants for, 176,179,181; channel Nursing homes, 348
blockers for, 197; steroids for, 191,194 Nutrition, 17, 47, 303-4
Nerve(s). See also Polyneuropathy: damage, 49- Nystatin, 254
50,180, 277; injections' affect on, 146; injury
to, 38; parasympathetic, 183; pressure on, 31, Oates, Joyce Carol, 345
48, 80,176,191, 210; stimulation of, 17 Obesity, 16
Nervous system, 34-35, 37 Occlusive dressing, 157
Neupogen, 47, 55 Occupational therapy, 280, 301
Neuroablation, 218 Octreotide, 239, 246
Neurobiological disease, 10 Odors, from tumors, 268-69
Neurological problems, 65,191 Ohio State University, 281, 288
Neurontin. See Gabapentin Ointments, 157
Neuropathic pain, 34, 35, 58; medications for, Oncet. See Hydrocodone
xvii, 142,161,168 Oncologists, 19, 29-30, 31, 91-92
Neuropeptides, 281 Ondansetron, 244, 246
Neurosurgeons, 71,149, 226 Opioids, 13,19,135-40. See also Intraspinal
Neurosurgery, 52, 56, 217-24 opioid therapy; addiction to, 8, 9-12;
Neurotransmitters, 131,176,179, 244 administering of, 70-71,138,142,144-49,168-
Newborns, 308, 311 69,169nb; agonist-antagonist, 131,134,166;
Nifedipine, 278 with antianxiety medications, 335; breathing
Night sweats, 270-71 problems and, 15-16, 251; for children, 311-
NIH. See National Institutes of Health 12; choosing appropriate, 141-42; for chronic
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate), xvii, 127,162, pain, xv-xvii; compared to adjuvants/
197, 210 NSAIDs, 171-75; compared to other medica-
N-methyl-D-aspartate. See NMDA tions, 172-74,197; for coughing, 252; dosages
Nociception, 32 of, 74-75,135-36,138^1,154; for elderly, 136,
Nociceptive pain, 34, 35, 58 153,163,164,167, 314-15; fears/myths about,
Nociceptors, 35-36, 37 4, 6-7, 8,137; human body's, 37-38; laxatives
No-Code Status, 350 with, 75,140,149, 234, 236-37; mild/weak v.
Nonbenzodiazepine sedatives, 205 strong, 121; NSAIDs with, 69-70, 71, 99-101,
Nondrug approaches, xi, xvii, 17 102,120,123; pain and, 37-38; for pain
Non-opioid drugs. See Non-steroidal anti- treatment, 48, 52, 69-71, 78,121-70, 213, 271;
inflammatory drugs pharmacists and, 20-21; prescription of, 17,
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 23; sedatives with, 205; side effects of, xvii, 11,
(NSAIDs). See also specific drugs: for children, 70-71, 97,121-23,133,136,140,141,144,169,
311; choosing appropriate, 68-69, 97-99,102- 233-34, 236-37, 255, 270, 314-15; steroids and,
3; compared to adjuvants/opioids, 171-75; 192,193; stimulants and, 206, 207, 208; strong,
compared to other medications, 172-74; 70-71,172; substance abuse and, 315-17;
Index 441

tranquilizers and, 199, 200, 201, 205; weak, xvii, 42-43; opioids for, 6,111-14,123,145;
69-70,172; withdrawal, addiction, tolerance, stimulants for, 208
and physical dependence, 142-44 Pain assessments, xi, 54, 56-62; for children, 59,
Opium, 151, 239 59/, 62, 310-11; for chronic pain sufferers, xv-
Optimism, pessimism v., 280, 286-87, 324, 335-36 xvi; consulting with doctors about, 56-66, 85-
Oral medications, 74, 75,144,154,196 87; as "fifth vital sign," 17, 25; with pain
Oral transmuscosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC), diaries, 15, 64, 73, 86, 87, 288; with pain scales,
165,166,169 xvi, 59/, 62, 309, 310
Oramorph. See Morphine Pain clinics, 75, 337
Organs, hollow, 80 Pain management: cultural barriers to, 12-13;
Orlistat, 237 doctors and, 24-25, 26, 33, 91-94; strategies,
Orthostatis, 179,180,199-200 332-33; tolerance/physical dependence as
Orudis. See Ketoprofen barriers to, 143-44
Oruvail. See Ketoprofen Pain treatments, xi-xii, 53,137; for chronic
Osteoporosis, 47,195-96 noncancer pain, xv-xvii, 42-43; communica-
OTFC. See Oral transmuscosal fentanyl citrate tion with/choosing doctors for, 85-94;
"Oucher" pain scale, 62 doctors'/nurses' training in, 13; fear and, 7-9;
Ovarian cancer, 51, 83 goals of, 66-67; high-tech, xi, xvii, 75, 212-27;
Oxaprozin, 102 imagery with, 293; laws regarding, 22, 23,25;
Oxazepam, 335 legitimizing, 21; medications for, 172-74;
Oxybutynin, 210 opioids for, 132-33; palliative therapy as, 78-
Oxycet. See Oxycodone 84; psychological aspects of, 281; radiation as,
Oxycodone, 8, 69,129-30,132-33; compared to 30; for severe pain, 140; specialists, xvii, 24, 75,
other medications, 130,160,172-73; con- 76, 89,92-93,233, 337; stopping, 142; strategies
trolled-release, 158-59,162,168; dosages of, of, 67-75, 68/, 77/, 212-13, 282-83; with time-
129,138,139,158,168; immediate-release, release v. controlled-release drugs, 169-70
159-60,168,170 Painkillers, 226. See also Endorphins; nondrug
OxyContin, 8,158,162,170. See also Oxycodone approaches with, 17; tolerance to, 53
Oxydess II. See Dextroamphetamine Palliative care, 78-84, 233, 246, 350
OxyFast. See Oxycodone Palliative radiotherapy, 30, 346
Oxygen therapy, 251 Palliative treatments, 22, 24, 25, 30, 346. See also
OxylR. See Oxycodone Chemotherapy; Radiation therapy; Surgery
Oxymorphone, 144,154,164; compared to other Pamelor. See Nortriptyline
medications, 163,169,172-73 Pamidronate, 172-73, 196
Oxyphenbutazone, 117 Pamprin. See Ibuprofen
Panacet. See Hydrocodone
Pain, x. See also Anesthesiologists; acute, 13,15, Panadol. See Acetaminophen
38-40, 86, 111, 112,114; affects on health, 4-5, Pancreatic cancer, 5, 50-51, 222
17,18; attitude and, 17, 38; basal or constant, Pancreatitis, 117,185,189
40; baseline, 166; behavior, 44; benign, 52-53; Panic: attacks, 203; from breathing problems,
breakthrough, 40-41, 41/, 67,136,144,156, 16; disorders, 4; symptoms of, 320
159-60,165,166,170, 312; cancer and, 43, 45- Paracentesis, 249
47, 53,137,155, 232; consulting service, 93; Paracetamol. See Acetaminophen
control of, 7,11,12,14,19, 351; defined, 32-33; Parafon Forte. See Muscle relaxants
depression and suicide, 336-38; ethics of, 351; Parake. See Codeine
gate control theory of, 224-26, 300; incident, Paralysis, 47, 84, 232, 233
41, 67,156; intensity, 57, 59; intermittent, 40, Paramethasone, 193
159, 312; intractable, xvii, 161; moderate/ Paregoric, 239
severe, 121-22,133,135,139, 285, 290; myths Parenteral hyperalimentation. See Gastrostomy
about, 18-19; perceptions of, 285, 288; relief Parenteral routes, 169«b
Parkinson's disease, 273
strategies, 54-56, 87; research on, 22; suffering Pathologist, 32
and, 43-45, 53,177, 341-42; syndromes of, 43, Patient(s), 23; comfort of, 301-3; communication
45^8; thresholds, 14, 32-34,177,199, 281, between doctors and, 11-13,14, 231-33;
300, 305, 332; tolerance for, 32, 38-40, 283, 314; communication between health care team,
from tumor growth, 47-48; types of, x-xi, 27, families and, xi, 15, 26, 40, 74, 75, 85-94,153,
34-35, 38-40, 58, 67; undertreatment of, ix-x, 283, 337-38, 340-41; distress of, 321-25; pain
xii, 3^, 5-7,12-13,15, 20-21, 23, 76; vocabu- assessment checklist for, 57; and patient-
lary of, 40-42, 41/, 57-63 controlled medication, 75,147-48,156, 215,
Pain, chronic, xii, xv-xvii, 38-40,45, 86, 273; a-t- 225, 317; performance scales for, 352-53;
c for, 123; in children, 311-12; depression and, psychological needs of, 326-27, 326-29;
332; hypnosis for, 295; meperidine for, 166-67; quality of life for, xvi, xvii, 25, 78-79, 82, 231,
morphine for, 13,15, 42; muscle tension and, 280, 335; rights of, 21, 24, 25-26, 89-90, 350-
279-80; noncancer pain treatments for, xv- 51; talk about meaning of life with, 343-44
442 Index

Paxil. See SSRIs Prednisone, 172-73,193,194, 244

Pelletier, Kenneth R., 279 Pregnancy, 105,106,189, 204. See also Childbirth
Pelvic cancer, 50-51 Prelone. See Prednisolone
Pelvic pain, 218 Presamine. See Imipramine
Pemoline, 172-73, 207-8, 264 Prescription program, triplicate, 22, 23; for
PENs. See Percutaneous electrical nerve opioids, 123,125,129,130; for stimulants, 206;
stimulation for tranquilizers, 203
Pentazocine, 132,134 Prevacid, 257
Percocet. See Oxycodone Prialt, 197
Percodan, 104. See also Oxycodone Priapism. See Erections
Percolone. See Oxycodone Prilosec, 257
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation PRN (pro re nata/ as-needed) medication. See
(PENs), 226 also Rescue doses: a-t-c v., xvii, 40-42, 76-78,
Performance scales, 352-53 77/, 92,138-39,152; of opioids, 162
Performance status rankings, 5 Procainamide, 278
Pericardial effusion. See Heart problems Procardia. See Nifedipine
Permitil. See Fluphenazine Prochlorperazine, 199, 201-2, 242, 335
Pertofrane. See Desipramine Procrit, 263
Pessimism, x, 280, 286-87, 324, 335-36 Profen. See Ibuprofen
Pethedine, 132. See also Meperidine Progesic. See Fenoprofen
PCs. See Prostaglandins Progressive relaxation training (PRT), 290-91
Phantom limb pain, 179, 226 Proladone. See Oxycodone
Pharmacists, 19, 20-21, 29,145 Prolixin. See Fluphenazine
Phebuzine. See Phenylbutazone Promapar. See Chlorpromazine
Phenaphen. See Codeine Promethazine, 174-75, 242
Phenergan, 174-75, 201. See also Promethazine Pronestyl. See Procainamide
Phenol, 56, 218-23 Propanolol, 114
Phenothiazines, 139,174-75, 210 Propionic acid, 118
Phenylbutazone, 103,117 Propoxyphene, 69, 108,109,126-27, 132-33
Phenylpropanolamine, 272 Propulsid, 243
Phenytex. See Phenytoin ProSom. See Estazolam
Phenytoin, 49, 50,172-73,188; compared to Prostaglandins (PCs), 35, 36-37, 98
other anticonvulsants, 185,188; for hiccoughs, Prostate cancer, 79, 81, 83,195, 227
276; for muscle cramps, 278 Prostheses, 303
Philocarpine, 256 Protonix, 257
Physical activity, 34, 38, 41, 42, 67 Protostat. See Metronidazole
Physical dependence, 123; addiction, tolerance, Protriptyline, 180-81
withdrawal and pseudoaddiction, xvii, 9-12, Provigil. See Modafinil
20, 91, 92,142^4, 317; from tranquilizers, 203 Proxen. See Naproxen
Physical therapies, 50, 53, 72, 280, 303. See also Prozac, 177. See also Fluoxetine; SSRIs
Acupuncture; Massage PRT. See Progressive relaxation training
Physician assistants, 19, 29 Pruritus, 266-67
Physician's Desk Reference, 90 Pseudoaddiction, xvii, 9-12, 76, 316
PIC line, 83 Pseudoephedrine, 272
Pirocam, 119 Pseudorheumatism, 47
Piroxicam, 102,110 Psychiatric problems, 200-201, 206, 227
Pituitary ablation, 226-27 Psychological dependence, 203
Pituitary gland, 83 Psychological issues, 90, 261. See also Psycho-
Plancarte, Ricardo, 62 oncology; breathing problems as, 250; cancer
Platelet transfusions, 346 and, 318-21; ketamine and, 198; in pain
Pleural effusion. See Lungs assessment, 57, 65-66
PMS-Levazine. See Amitriptyline Psychological therapies, 71-72, 285
Pneumothorax, 220-21 Psychologists, 19
PO. See Oral medications Psychoneuroimmunology, 282
Poker chip assessment, 62, 310 Psycho-oncology, 319
Polyneuropathy, 46-47 Psychosis, 193,194, 204, 207, 242. See also
Ponstan. See Mefenamic acid Antipsychotic medications
Ponstel. See Mefenamic acid Psychosomatic pain, 57,177
Ponstil. See Mefenamic acid Psychostimulants, 172-74, 208, 209, 315
Postherpetic neuralgia, 267 Psychosurgery, 227
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 325 Psychotherapy, x, 203, 280
PR. See Rectal Medications Psychotomimetic effects, 166
Prayer, 282, 293-94 PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder
Prednisolone, 193,194, 244 Pulmonary edema, 249-50
Index 443

Pulmonary embolus, 250 Salagen. See Philocarpine

Pulse, 17, 39, 52, 310 Salflex. See Salsalate
Pumps, 197; implants and catheters for opioid Salgesic. See Salsalate
therapy, 214-16; for medication, 13,146-49, Salicylates, 117
160, 246, 311-12 Saliva, artificial, 256
Pyregesic-C. See Codeine Salivart, 256
Salsalate, 102,103,110,118
Quadramet. See Samarium Salsitab. See Salsalate
Quazepam, 273 Samarium, 49,172-73,196
Quiess. See Hydroxyzine Sandostatin. See Octreotide
Quinidine, 131, 265, 276 Saunders, Cicely, 233, 345
Quinine, 50, 265, 277-78 Scarring, 38, 43,47, 52, 55
Schweitzer, Albert, 3
Race, 33 Scopolamine, 243, 252, 256, 360. See also
Radiation therapy, 18, 24; anticonvulsants and, Hyoscine
188; as cancer treatment, 30-31; for drooling, Seconal, 205, 273
256; oncologists for, 29; pain from, 45-47, 210, Sedation, 16, 66, 205; for anxiety, 335; for
217, 226; as pain treatment, 48-49, 52, 54-55, children, 312; during death and dying, 355-
78-83, 212; prn doses and, 139; side effects of, 56; for delirium, 275
30, 38, 45, 47,197, 231-32, 237, 239, 245, 253- Seizures, 49,171, 359. See also Antiepileptic
54, 255, 256, 261, 264, 265, 277 medications; Antiseizure medications;
Radiofrequency, 227 anticonvulsants and, 184,188; from opioids,
Radiologist, 32 131,141,167; stimulants and, 206, 207
Radionuclide therapies. See Self-education, xi
Radiopharmaceuticals Self-esteem, 4,13, 305, 323, 326-27
Radiopharmaceuticals, 172-74, 196-97, 210 Selfhood, 343
Radiosurgery, 227 Self-image, 318
Radiotherapy. See Radiation therapy Self-pity, 323
Rage, 189 Senate Committee on the Judiciary, x
Rectal cancer, 51,191, 222 Sense, impaired, 49
Rectal medications, 75,144-45,148,151 Sepsis, 245
Rectal pain, 210 Septra. See Sulfa drugs
Rectal surgery, 46 Serax. See Oxazepam
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 197, 217, 223 Serotonin. See Neurotransmitters
Reglan. See Metoclopramide Sex, 265, 266
Relafen. See Nabumetone Sharpe. See Amitripryline
Relaxation techniques, x, xi, 17, 289-98, 329; Shingles, 45, 49,176; adjuvants for, 210;
anxiety and depression, 279-80; for breathing anesthetics for, 198, 267; electrical stimulation
problems, 251; for nausea/vomiting, 241-42, for, 225-26; nerve blocks for, 217
243; pain and, 34, 38, 50, 71-72, 282, 284, 287, Shock, 245
289; for sleeping problems, 271, 272 Shunts, 149
Rescue doses, 40^1,138-39,156,159. See also Sialorrhea. See Drooling
Escape doses Side effects, x, 3,5. See also Constipation; Diar-
Resignation, 324 rhea; Nausea; Psychotomimetic effects; Toxic-
Respiratory depression, 11,15-16,154, 237 ity; Vomiting; specific medications; specific side
Respiratory problems, 65,163, 218 effects; specific treatments; of adjuvant medica-
Respiratory rate, 17 tions, 171-75; of aggressive pain treatment, 93;
Rest, 26; bed, excessive, 18, 45, 232, 233; for allergies v., 73; anticholinergic, 180-81,183; of
fatigue, 261-62; pain and, 34, 37, 51, 67 anticonvulsants, 185, 233; of antidepressants,
Restoril. See Temazepam 178,180-81, 233, 334; of antiemetics, 243; of an-
Reye's syndrome, 202, 311 tihistamines, 255, 274; of aspirin, 105,172-73,
Rinotecan. See Chemotherapy 274; of chemotherapy, 31, 38,47, 66,197,231-
Ritalin, 272. See also Methylphenidate 32, 233, 237, 239, 241-12, 244, 253-54,255, 256,
RMS (fentanyl), 166 261, 264, 277, 279-80, 289, 298; of corticoster-
RMS (rectal morphine suppository), 151 oids, 244, 335; of COX-2 inhibitors, 172-73; ex-
Robaxin. See Muscle relaxants trapyramidal, 181; of IV drugs, 196; of
Rofecoxib, 68-69,105-6,118 medications, xi, 14,18-19, 20, 67; mind-alter-
Roxanol. See Morphine ing, 131; of nerve blocks, 219,220-21,223; from
Roxicet. See Oxycodone NSAIDs, 69, 99-101; of opioids, xvii, 11, 70-71,
Roxicodone. See Oxycodone 97,121-23,133,136,140,141,144,169,233-34,
Roxilox. See Oxycodone 236-37, 255,270, 314-15; pain from, 38,52; of
Roxiprin. See Oxycodone radiation therapy, 30, 38,45, 47,197, 231-32,
Roy, David J., 351 237,239, 245,253-54,255, 256, 261, 264, 265,
Rufen. See Ibuprofen 277; of radiopharmaceuticals, 196-97; of
444 Index

Side effects (continued) Stimulants, 205-9, 210, 264, 334. See also
reduced PG production, 98; of steroids, 191-92, Caffeine; Psychostimulants
194; toxicity and, 77f, 81,100; undermedication Stomach cancer, 50-51, 223, 245
and, 76-77 Stomach problems, 46, 69, 210, 257
Siegel, Bernie, 293 Stomal medication, 148
Simethicone, 245 Stomatitis, 47
Sinequan. See Doxepin Stool, 112,122, 236. See also Fecal impaction
SK-Amitriptyline. See Amitriptyline Stress, 18, 37,43, 88, 281-83. See also Post-
Skelaxin, 174-75 traumatic stress disorder
Skin. See also Bedsores; Pruritus: hypersensitiv- Stretching, 50, 53
ity of, 46,176; problems with, 30,47, 66, 111, Strontium-89, 49,172-73,196
232, 261, 266-69; rashes, 185,191; stimulation, Subcutaneous infusions, 311-12
224; therapies involving, 299-301; tumors Subcutaneous injections (sub-q), 75,148,154,
breaking through, 209, 268-69; ulcers, 210 160
Skin cancer, 28, 79 Sublimaze. See Fentanyl
Skin patches, 13, 74, 75,156,157. See also Substance abuse, 315-17. See also Alcohol;
Duragesic patches; Scopolamine; Transdermal Drugs
medications; with anesthetics, 198; opioid, Substance P, 198
138,141,142,145,154 Sucralfate, 257, 274
SK-Pramine. See Imipramine Sufenta. See Sufentanil
SL. See Tongue, medications under Sufentanil, 216
Sleep, 4, 26,123,140, 270-73. See also Apnea; Suffering, 25-26, 33; pain and, 43-45, 53,177,
Insomnia; antidepressants and, 176,180; pain 341-42
and, 34, 37, 38, 54, 67,176, 262, 264; stimulants Suicide, 330, 364; assisted, 4, 9, 337, 356-57; pain
and, 206, 207; tranquilizers for, 203, 204, 205 and, 4,177, 351, 354; pain and depression,
Smoking, 249, 252 336-38, 356-57
SNX-111. See Prialt Sulfa drugs, 186
Social workers, 19, 349, 357 Sulfites, 202
Sodium channel blockers, 49,172,194-95, 210 Sulfonamides, 265
Solpadeine. See Codeine Sulindac, 103,117,119
Solutabs, 148,150 Sunetheton. See Codeine
Soma. See Muscle relaxants Superaspirins, 68-69, 99. See also COX-2
Somatic pain, 34, 35, 58 inhibitors
Sonata. See Zaleplon Support groups, 283-84, 319, 329, 332
Sonazine. See Chlorpromazine Suppositories, 70, 75,145, 210. See also Laxa-
Sores, 28. See also Bedsores; in mouth, 30, 31,47, tives; Rectal medications; NSAID, 103; opioid,
52, 255, 258, 355; in throat, 253-54 142,164
Spancap No. 1. See Dextroamphetamine Surgery, 17,18, 29. See also Gamma knife
"Speed." See Dextroamphetamine radiosurgery; Gastrostomy; Neurosurgery;
Spinal cord, 193. See also Epidurals, spinal; Psychosurgery; for bedsores, 268; as cancer
Intraspinal opioid therapy; electrical treatment, 30, 54-55; for catheters, 215-16;
stimulation of, 50, 225-26; injury, 50, 210; pain music therapy and, 297; pain from, 13,46,101;
and, 34-38, 47, 48, 55-56, 79, 302; tumors, 191 as pain treatment, 71, 78-79, 82, 83-84, 212;
Spinal implant/pumps, 214-16 side effects of, 231-32, 245
Spinal injections, 70,148^9,151 Surmontil. See Trimiptramine
Spinal taps, 307-8 Swallowing, 52; problems with, 28,106,144,
Spirit, 341^4 156, 232, 256-57, 358-59
Splinting, 52, 53 Sweating, 86,154, 360
Splints, 282, 301, 302, 303 Swelling, 30, 232, 302. See also Edema; Fluid
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), retention; from NSAIDs, 116; steroids for,
173,176-78, 210, 272 191-93
Stadol, 132. See also Butorphanol Symptom control, 13,19, 24, 30-31
Stagesic. See Hydrocodone Synalgos DC. See Dihydrocodeine
Stanford University, 295 Syringes, 151
State cancer pain initiative movement, ix, 6-7, 24
State University of New York, 289 Tachycardia, 86
Stemetic. See Trimethobenzamide Tachypnea. See Hyperventilation
Sterapred. See Prednisone Tagamet, 257, 274
Steroids, 47, 50,194, 210. See also Corticoster- Talacen, 132. See also Pentazocine
oids; aspirin with, 104; for breathing Talking, pain from, 52
problems, 252; for fatigue, 263; for headaches, Talwin, 132. See also Pentazocine
51; inhalers and skin patches, 157; nerve Tamoxifen, 55
blocks with, 217-18, 221; for pain treatment, Tardive dyskinesia, 200, 201
56, 70,191-94 Taste problems, 257-58
Index 445

Taxol, 46^7 breathing problems, 251; for nausea, 200-203;

TCAs. See Tricyclic antidepressants for pain, 199-200; side effects of, 233, 243, 255,
Tebamide. See Trimethobenzamide 335
Teens, xi, 12, 62 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. See
Tegaderm. See Occlusive dressing TENS
Tegamide. See Trimethobenzamide Transderm Scop, 301. See also Scopolamine
Tegretol. See Carbamazepine Transdermal medications, 145,155-57,162, 301,
Temazepam, 204 316
Temgesic, 132. See also Buprenorphine Transmuscosal administration of medication,
Temperature, 17 147-48
Tempra. See Acetaminophen Trauma, 13
Tenormin. See Atenolol Trazodone, 172-73,180-81,183
TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula- Trendar. See Ibuprofen
tion), 50, 71, 225, 282 Trialodine. See Trazodone
Terminal illness, 25, 323, 338-39; coping with, Triamcinalone, 193, 217
338-41; death/suicide and, 336-38, 347, 354- Triazolam, 204
55; resuscitation and, 351 Triban. See Trimethobenzamide
Testicular cancer, 81 Tribenzagan. See Trimethobenzamide
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 244, 259 Tricoton. See Codeine
T-Gesic. See Hydrocodone Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), xvi, 172,176-78,
THC. See Tetrahydrocannabinol 210,255; for insomnia, 273; side effects of, 334
Thermoablation, 218 Trigeminal neuralgia, 187
Thermotherapy, 227 Trilisate, 102,106-7,118. See also Choline
Thiazides, 265 magnesium trisalicylate
Thiethylperazine, 202-3 Trimazide. See Trimethobenzamide
Thoracentesis, 249 Trimethobenzamide, 202, 242
Thoracotomy, 46, 217, 223, 226 Trimiptramine, 180-81
Thorazine. See Chlorpromazine TTS. See Skin patches
Throat sores, 253-54 Tube feeding. See Gastrostomy
Thrombosis, 51, 302 Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), 269-70
Thrush. See Yeast infections Tumors, 4-5, 30-31, 47; brain, 51-52, 80;
Thyroid gland, 196 breaking through skin, 209, 268-69; chemicals
Tiagabine, 185, 186-87 produced by, 261; growth, 27, 28-29,45, 47-
Ticon. See Trimethobenzamide 48, 52; pain from, 31, 38, 43, 45-46; shrinking,
Tigan. See Trimethobenzamide 54-55, 78, 80, 245, 257; surgery on, 83-84
Tiject-20. See Trimethobenzamide Tussigon. See Hydrocodone
Tinnitus, 105,109 Twycross, Robert G., 230
Tipramine. See Amitriptyline Tylenol. See Acetaminophen; Codeine
Tizanidine, 50, 211, 278 Tylox. See Oxycodone
TLS. See Tumor lysis syndrome
Tobacco use, 255. See also Smoking Ulceration, 209
Tocainide, 172-73, 195 Ulcers, 51, 83, 90, 267-68. See also Bedsores;
Toddlers, 308-9 NSAIDs and, 69, 98-99,103,107,108,110,114,
Tofranil. See Imipramine 116,119; steroids and, 192; stomach pain and,
Tolectin. See Tolmetin 257
Tolerance(s), 14-15, 53; addiction, physical Ultram. See Tramadol
dependence, withdrawal and Ultrasound, 50
pseudoaddiction, xvii, 9-12, 20, 91, 92,142-44, Undermedication: by doctors, 22, 76, 85-86;
317; to opioids, 16,122-23,141-42; for pain, dosages as cause of, 138,154; by nurses, 15,
32, 38-10, 283, 314 76; side effects and, 76-77
Tolmetin, 117,119 University of California, Los Angeles, 298
Tongue, medications under, 75,134,147-48 University of Pennsylvania, 336
Tonocard. See Tocainide University of San Diego, 298
Topamax. See Topiramate University of So. Calif. School of Medicine, 284
Topiramate, 172-73,185,190 University of West Florida, 288
Toradol. See Ketorolac Urecholine. See Bethanechol
Torecan. See Thiethylperazine Uremia, 276, 277
Toxicity, 81,100,117. See also specific medications; Urinary problems, 65, 66, 83, 232, 269-70. See
of opioids, 127,159,162,164; with prn v. a-t-c, also Incontinence; anticonvulsants and, 189;
77/ antidepressants and, 182
Tramadol, 69,130-31,132 Urine, 202, 361
Trandate. See Labetalol U.S. Congress, ix, 7
Tranquilizers, 174-75. See also Phenothiazines; U.S. Supreme Court, 356
Sedation; for anxiety, 200-203, 335; for Uterine cancer, 51,191
446 Index

Vaginal medication, 145,148 Wigraine, 272

Vairelease. See Diazepam "Wind-up" phenomenon, 162
Valium. See Diazepam Withdrawal(s), 323. See also Abstinence
Valproate sodium, 172-73,185,188-89,191 syndrome; addiction, tolerance, physical
Valproic acid, 49,185,188-89,189 dependence and pseudoaddiction, 9-12,123,
Vanceril. See Steroids 142-44; alcohol, 335; from anticonvulsants,
Vazepam. See Diazepam 190; from opioids, 131,134
Veins, 48, 51, 83 Women. See also Female problems: cancer risks
Venipuncture, 307-8 for, 5; side effects of men v., 114;
Verapamil, 278 undertreatment for pain, 6
Versed. See Midazolam Work, 54
Vertigo, 243 World Health Organization (WHO): analgesic
Veterans Administration, 25 ladder, xvii, 67-68, 68/, 71, 78, 97,104,121; on
Vibration, 224 euthanasia, 358; on pain treatment, 6, 27,151,
Vicodin. See Hydrocodone 298, 351
Vicoprofen, 109. See also Hydrocodone Worry, x, 322
Vinblastine, 46, 233 Wygesic. See Propoxyphene
Vinca alkaloids, 277
Vincristine, 46, 233 Xanax. See Alprazolam
Vioxx, 99. See also COX-2 inhibitors; Rofecoxib Xenical. See Orlistat
Visceral pain, 34, 35, 58 Xerostomia, 255
Vistaject. See Hydroxyzine X-rays, 30, 32, 48, 227; nerve blocks and, 219,
Vistaril. See Hydroxyzine 220, 222, 223
Vistazine. See Hydroxyzine Xylocaine. See Lidocaine
Visual Analog Scale, 59/
Visualization, 292-93 Yeast infections, 254
Vitamins, 263, 278 Yoga, x, 280, 282, 294-95
Vivactil. See Protriptyline Young, Robert C, 8
Voltaren. See Diclofenac
Vomiting, 66, 232, 240-41, 245-47, 252; with Zaleplon, 273
headaches, 51; medications for, 78, 200; with Zanaflex, 174-75. See also Tizanidine
opioids, 153; as side effect, 31, 50,122-23; Zantac, 257
treatment/prevention of, 239^47, 279, 289, Ziconotide. See Prialt
295, 298 Zofran. See Ondansetron
Zoledronate, 196
Wall, Patrick, 224 Zoloft. See SSRIs
Weakness. See Fatigue Zolpidem, 273
Weight: gain, 181,182,191; loss, 28, 65, 66, 205, Zonegran. See Zonisamide
232, 238, 260-61 Zonisamide, 185,186,187
Wellbutrin, 334 Zostrix, 198, 210, 224
WHO. See World Health Organization Zydon. See Hydrocodone

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