Real-Life: Heroes

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5 heroes Overview
Unit objectives and key competences
● Understand, memorize and correctly use ● Learn about a celebrity Goodwill Ambassador
vocabulary related to fundraising ideas and SCC, CAE
expressions with make and do CLC, DC ● Use appropriate functional language to make
● Identify the gist and main ideas in an article about requests and offers CLC, SCC
two people involved in education projects CLC ● Write a magazine article CLC, SIE, CAE
● Learn about two charities providing education for ● Identify the general content of a text about
deprived children SCC, SIE Elizabeth Fry CLC
● Understand, contrast and correctly use grammar ● Learn about Elizabeth Fry SCC, CAE
structures related to the present perfect CLC, L2L ● Assimilate the All Clear Tips and Rules and study the
● Identify general and specific information through Language Reference from the unit CLC, L2L, SIE
a listening activity about a celebrity charity worker ● Identify areas of language which need
CLC improvement and use ICT for extra practice DC,
More information on Key Competences, page v

Linguistic content

Grammar Main vocabulary

● Present perfect ● Fundraising activities: collect money, do a sponsored
● ever and never swim, etc
● How long … ? with for and since ● Expressions with make and do: make a decision,
do your best, etc
Recycled grammar
● Present simple (Unit 1) Functional language
● Present continuous (Unit 1) ● Making requests and offers (2) / A fundraising event
● Use of gerund after love (Unit 1)
● Past simple (Unit 2) Pronunciation
● Comparatives and superlatives (Unit 4) ● Contractions

Skills: learning outcomes

● Reading Understand the gist and specific ● Speaking Communicate effectively in an everyday
information in a clearly structured article about situation. Follow norms of basic courtesy while
two young women involved in education projects talking about a fundraising event, page 57
for deprived children. The student can re-read the ● Writing Write a short magazine article about
more difficult parts, page 53 a fundraising event with simple and relevant
● Listening Identify the gist and main ideas from information, set out in a logical order, page 58
a report about a celebrity UNICEF Goodwill ● Reading Understand the gist and specific
Ambassador, page 56 information in a clearly structured biography of
Elizabeth Fry. The student can re-read the more
difficult parts, page 59


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Lifelong learning skills and content-based learning

Life skills Learning strategies

● Socio-cultural awareness Education projects for ● Become aware of, and use, simple collocations,
deprived children, page 52, A UNICEF Goodwill pages 52 and 56
Ambassador, page 56, Elizabeth Fry, page 59 ● Deduce rules by analysing examples, page 54

● Social development Awareness of people less

fortunate than ourselves and how we can help them, Cross-curricular content
pages 52, 56 and 59; organizing fundraising activities, ● History: Elizabeth Fry, page 59
pages 52 and 57

Further materials and evaluation

Digital material Teacher’s Resource File

● Student’s and Teacher’s Resource Centres Multi-level Materials Bank
● Teacher’s Presentation Kit ● All Clear Basics, pages 21–5

● Student’s Digital Material: interactive vocabulary and ● Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation and Extension,

grammar activities pages 17–20

● Video Literature (Revision Units 4–6, page 74) ● Language Excellence, pages 9–10

Student’s website ● Translation and Dictation, pages 5 and 14

Lifelong Learning
Workbook ● Digital Competence, pages 9–10
● Vocabulary, pages 32–3 ● Culture Video Material, pages 3–4
● Vocabulary Reference, page 88 ● Study Skills, pages 1–12
● Grammar, pages 34–5
Evaluation and Key Competences
● Grammar Reference and Practice, pages 74–5 ● Evaluation Rubrics, pages 1–7
● Revision, page 36 ● Key Competences, pages 9–10 and 27–8
● Culture: Reading and Listening, page 97

Content-based Learning
Writing Guide, pages 110–1
● CLIL, pages 1–10
● Speaking, page 124
● Macmillan Readers, pages 1–7

Web info
Tips to find extra information on: the Street Academy
project in Ghana, the Akosia educational project around
the world, UNICEF, ideas for fundraising activities,
Elizabeth Fry

Extra help for weaker students

Teacher’s Resource File: All Clear Basics, pages 21–5

Material for fast finishers

Workbook: Grammar Extension, page 37
Teacher’s Resource File: Vocabulary Extension, page 19
Teacher’s Resource File: Grammar Extension, page 20
Teacher’s Resource File: Language Excellence, pages 9–10

Unit 5 T52B

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Real-life Objectives

5 heroes
Vocabulary Fundraising ideas; make and do

Present perfect; ever and never;
How long … ? with for and since
Making requests and offers (2)
A magazine article

Fundraising ideas
Exercise 1 1 2.01
Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–10.
1 make a charity CD collect money • do a sponsored swim • have a barbecue • have a bring and buy sale •
2 sell cakes
3 have a bring and
make a charity CD • organize a jumble sale • sell badges • sell cakes • sell raffle tickets • wash cars
buy sale / organize a
jumble sale 2 3
4 have a barbecue
5 collect money
6 sell raffle tickets
7 sell badges
8 have a bring and
buy sale / organize a
jumble sale
9 do a sponsored swim
wash cars 4 6 9

7 10

Exercise 2 2 Complete the text with words from exercise 1.

1 cakes After Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines, lots of people from around the world
2 sponsored
3 cars wanted to help. People collected money in the street and sold (1)… for people to eat.
4 a jumble sale Schoolchildren did (2)… walks and swims and washed (3)… to raise money. In the UK, one
5 barbecue
charity shop organized (4)… with second-hand clothes from Victoria and David Beckham.
6 charity
They raised a lot of money! In Canada, people had a (5)… and bought burgers for $5. In
many countries, pop stars worked together to make (6)… CDs. Everyone wanted to help.

Exercise 3 3 2.02
Listen to Alex and Lucy. What fundraising idea do they choose for their class?
a bring and buy sale
4 In pairs, think of three fundraising ideas to raise money for a school trip.

I think having a barbecue is a good idea because everyone likes burgers.

52 Vocabulary Reference

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Lesson Aims:
Students learn and practise vocabulary related to fundraising ideas.
Students listen to two young people talking about fundraising ideas and identify the one they choose.

Vocabulary   Cultural note

In Britain and the United States, many young people
Fundraising ideas are involved in fundraising through their schools and
communities. For example, they organize carnivals for
Warmer charity, they sell raffle tickets and they offer to do odd
Books closed. Write the following on the board: jobs such as mowing the lawn.
Oxfam, Caritas, UNICEF. Ask what they are and what A bring and buy sale is an informal sale, often to raise
they do. Students suggest ways they can raise money for charity, in which people bring items to sell
money. Teach the word fundraising. Explain that a and buy items that other people have brought.
fund is an amount of money and raise means collect. A jumble sale is a sale of articles which are usually cheap
and second-hand, often to raise money for charity.

1 2.01
Mixed-ability solutions
● Play the audio. Students listen and repeat the
Students who need extra help: Exercise 2.
Write the following options on the board.
● Look at the phrases one by one to make sure
1 charity / cakes
students understand them. Expressions such as
2 sponsored / raffle
bring and buy sale and jumble sale (see Cultural
3 money / cars
note) and raffle tickets (a type of lottery ticket to
4 a jumble sale / badges
win a physical prize or money) will need to be
5 sponsored swim / barbecue
explained. Also explain that sponsored activities
6 expensive / charity
such as runs, swims and walks are very common
Fast finishers: Exercise 4. Students do the exercise
in the UK.
● Check pronunciation, paying particular attention
again but this time they disagree with their
partner’s ideas and to try to convince them that
to the stress in each expression.
● Students say what they can see in the pictures.
their ideas are better.

They match the expressions with the pictures. Self-study and extra practice
Extra activity ● Vocabulary, page 32
Books closed. Dictate some of the expressions or play ● Vocabulary Reference, page 88
the audio. Students write down the expressions and
Teacher’s Resource File
underline the stress.
● All Clear Basics, page 21

● Vocabulary Consolidation, page 17

2 ● Students complete the text with words from
● Vocabulary Extension, page 19
exercise 1.
● Check answers with the class.

3 2.02

● Read the question with the class.

● Students listen to the conversation and answer
the question.
● Check the answer with the class.

● Read the example sentence with the class.
Highlight the use of I think followed by the gerund.
● Students suggest ideas in pairs.

Unit 5 T52

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Lesson Aims:
Students read and listen to a text about two people involved in charity projects for children.

Reading Extra activity

Books closed. Read out the following incorrect
An article statements. Elicit corrections (given in brackets).
Felicity Marks spent four months teaching adults at the
Warmer Street Academy school. (She taught children.)
Ask students if they know anyone personally who is The building is a small metal hut and it has got only two
involved in charity activities, either as a volunteer or classrooms. (The hut is made of wood and there is only
full-time. If so, what do they do? one classroom.)
Felicity’s charity has organized quiz nights and it has sold
badges. (It hasn’t sold badges; it has organized quiz nights,
sold cakes and done sponsored walks and skydives.)
1 ● Students read the titles.
● Students read the text quickly to decide which is   Cultural note
the best title.
Ghana is a relatively small coastal country in the west
● Check the answer with the class, asking students
of Africa. (It is less than half the size of Spain.) It was
to justify their choice.
the first African country to declare independence from
Word Check European colonization, in 1957. Economically, Ghana
is one of the fastest-growing countries in Africa and
Check students understand the new words: wooden hut,
it is rich in natural resources (in particular, petroleum,
deprived, teamwork, set up. Explain any they don’t know.
natural gas, gold and diamonds). It is also one of the
largest cocoa producers in the world. Most children in
2 2.03
Ghana have access to primary and secondary education.
● Students read the statements.
All teaching is done in English.
● Play the audio. Students read and listen to the
text to decide if the statements are true or false. Web info
● They copy the sentences with the information
Type these words in your search engine for more
that helped them decide.
information about
● Check answers with the class.
● the Street Academy: ‘the Street Academy Ghana’

● Akosia: ‘Akosia’
3 ● Read the questions with class and make sure that
they understand them.
● Students read the text again and answer the
Mixed-ability solutions
questions. Students who need extra help: Exercise 3.
● Check answers with the class.
Write the following options on the board.
1 four months / four years
4 ● You might want to make this a timed exercise to 2 free education, books and meals / free education
train students to look quickly for information. If and specialist sports training
so, give them two minutes to write down all the 3 better teachers / more classrooms and better
fundraising ideas. facilities
● Check answers with the class.
4 how to cook / cooperation and teamwork
5 Ghana, Mexico and Mongolia / many countries in
  All Clear Facts Africa

Read the fact with the class. Ask the class if they think Fast finishers: Exercise 4. Students write their
Red Nose Day is a good or a bad idea, and why. opinion relating to which of the two projects is
more interesting and why.

Self-study and extra practice

Teacher’s Resource File 
● Key Competences: Reading, page 9


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Reading Word Check
wooden hut deprived teamwork set up
An article
Exercise 1 1 Read the text quickly and choose the best title.
c) Two inspiring
fundraisers a) How to build your own school b) Ideas for fundraising projects c) Two inspiring fundraisers

Maria Schonfeld
Maria Schonfeld is the
co-founder of a charity called
Akosia. The aim of Akosia is
to develop the creativity and
confidence of deprived
children around the world.
Have you ever noticed whenever there’s a natural
They also learn about
disaster people respond by donating time and money? cooperation and teamwork.
But some people dedicate their lives to helping others.
Akosia has organized a
Here are two examples. film-making project for children
in Ghana every year since
The Street Academy offers free
Felicity Marks 2009. It has set up similar
education to children aged
projects in Mexico and
Felicity Marks spent four 8–18, as well as books and
Mongolia. The charity has
months teaching children at meals. But the building is a
organized fundraising dinners,
The Street Academy school in small wooden hut and it has
music festivals and sports
Accra, Ghana. She wanted to only got one classroom. The
tournaments. It has also used
do more to help the city’s aim of the project is to build a
platforms like Kickstarter to
children so she started a school with four rooms and
collect money online.
charity called the Street better facilities.
Academy Annexe Project. Maria is passionate about
Her charity has organized
helping children and believes
quiz nights and it has sold
that the sky is the limit for
cakes and done sponsored
walks and skydives. So far,
the school has bought the
land for the new building. All Clear Facts
When it has raised enough In the UK, Red Nose Day is an annual
money, it can start fundraising day. People wear red noses
construction. and do something funny to raise money
for charity.

2 2.03
Read and listen. Write true or 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions in Exercise 3
false in your notebook. Copy your notebook. 1 four months
the text that shows your answers. 2 free education,
1 How long was Felicity at the Street Academy
books and meals
1 Felicity started her charity to help to school? 3 more classrooms
pay for a new building. 2 What do children receive at the Street and better facilities
2 The school has started the 4 They learn about
Academy school?
cooperation and
construction of the new building. 3 What does the Street Academy school need? teamwork.
3 Maria started Akosia on her own. 4 What do children learn on Akosia projects? 5 Ghana, Mexico and
4 Maria is optimistic about the future Mongolia
5 Where has Akosia organized projects?
of Akosia.
4 Make a list of all the fundraising ideas that the
text mentions in your notebook.
Exercise 2
1 true – … she started a charity called the Street Academy Annexe Unit 5 53
Project. … The aim of the project is to build a school …
2 false – So far, the school has bought the land for the new building. Exercise 4
When it has raised enough money, it can start construction. organize quiz nights, sell cakes, do sponsored walks and
3 false – Maria Schonfeld is the co-founder of a charity called Akosia. skydives, organize fundraising dinners, music festivals and sports
4 true – Maria … believes that the sky is the limit for Akosia! tournaments, collect money online using fundraising platforms

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Present perfect ever and never
Affirmative She has collected Present perfect with ever and never
Negative We haven’t collected Have you ever done charity work?
Interrogative Have you collected …? Has she ever organized a sponsored swim?
Language Reference p60 I’ve never bought a charity CD.
She’s never had a bring and buy sale.
1 Complete the sentences with the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Exercise 1
I‘ve done (do) lots of sponsored swims. All Clear Rules
1 ’s had We can use ever in questions and never in
2 haven’t organized 1 My dad … (have) a barbecue for charity
negative sentences to talk about experiences.
3 ’s sold in our garden. I’ve never done a sponsored swim.
4 ’s made 2 We … (not organize) a jumble sale.
5 haven’t sold
3 She … (sell) raffle tickets.
4 He … (make) a charity CD. 4 Write questions in your notebook. Use the
present perfect and ever.
5 I … (not sell) cakes for charity. Exercise 4
sell raffle tickets for charity 1 Have you ever collected
2 Write complete sentences with the Have you ever sold raffle tickets for charity? money for charity?
affirmative or negative form of the 2 Have you ever learned /
Exercise 2 1 collect money for charity
present perfect in your notebook. learnt to play a musical
1 I’ve done a 2 learn to play a musical instrument instrument?
sponsored swim. My friends / have / lots of barbecues. ✓ 3 Have you ever done
2 We haven’t organized
3 do a sponsored sports event
My friends have had lots of barbecues. a sponsored sports
a jumble sale. 4 buy a charity badge event?
3 He hasn’t bought a 1 I / do / a sponsored swim. ✓ 5 meet a famous person 4 Have you ever bought a
raffle ticket. 2 We / organize / a jumble sale. ✗ charity badge?
4 My brother hasn’t 6 wash cars for charity
3 He / buy / a raffle ticket. ✗ 5 Have you ever met a
collected second- famous person?
hand books for a 4 My brother / collect / second-hand books 5 In pairs, ask and answer the 6 Have you ever washed
bring and buy sale. for a bring and buy sale. ✗ questions in exercise 4. cars for charity?
5 My mum has raised
£2,000 for charity. 5 My mum / raise / £2,000 for charity. ✓
6 Write the correct words in your notebook.
Exercise 6
3 Complete the text with the present
Anna My life is boring. I’ve (1)ever / never 1 never
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
done anything interesting. 2 has
Exercise 3 Have you ever raised money for charity? I 3 haven’t
Rob I don’t believe you. Everyone has /(2)
4 eaten
1 has organized haven’t done (not do) anything before, but have done something interesting. 5 never
2 has bought I really want to be a volunteer. My brother 6 ridden
3 have made Anna I (3)hasn’t / haven’t.
… (organize) a raffle to raise money for 7 I’ve
4 (have) sold Rob OK, have you ever eat / eaten Thai
8 been
5 haven’t (even) bought cancer research and he (2)… (buy) lots of food? 9 haven’t
6 haven’t collected charity badges. My sisters (3)… (make) cakes 10 ever
Anna No, I’ve (5)never / ever eaten it.
and (4)… (sell) them outside school to raise Rob Have you ever (6)ride / ridden a horse?
money for the Red Cross. I (5)… even … (not Anna No, (7)I / I’ve never done that.
buy) a charity CD! Rob Have you ever (8)be / been in a film?
I want to do a sponsored swim because I Anna You mean as an actor? No, of course I
think it is a good way to raise money. My (9)
have / haven’t!
brother and sisters (6)… (not collect) money Rob Errr, well have you (10)never / ever
for an animal charity, so I want to raise met a famous person?
money for the RSPCA. Anna Yes! I met Pablo Alborán last year!


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Lesson Aims:
Students revise and practise making affirmative and negative sentences using the present perfect tense.
Students practise using ever and never with the present perfect tense to ask and answer questions about experiences.

Grammar ever and never

Present perfect   All Clear Rules

Read the sentences in the grammar table with the
Warmer class and ask students to translate them.
Write on the board I’ve travelled by plane. Ask Read the All Clear Rules with the class.
students to identify the tense. Then ask the class
if we use the present perfect to talk about a past 4 ● Look at the example with the class.
action if we’re interested in when it was done or if ● Students write questions with the present
we’re not interested in when it was done. perfect and ever.
● Check answers with the class.

1 ● Ask students how the present perfect is formed 5

(have / has + past participle). ● Practice the pronunciation of the questions
● Look at the grammar table with the class. Point out in exercise 4, paying attention to stress and
that collect is a regular verb but that many verbs intonation.
have an irregular past participle. Write the following ● Point out that the short answers to questions in
prompts with irregular verbs on the board. the present perfect are Yes, I/you/they/we have.;
I / ride bike Yes, he/she/it has. and No, I/you/they/we haven’t.;
She / spend / a lot of money No, he/she/it hasn’t. We do not repeat the main
They / not come / home verb.
● Elicit the complete sentences. Tell students to consult ● Encourage students to ask a follow-up question
the list of irregular verbs on page 110 if they’re not if their partner’s answer is yes, eg When did you
sure of the past participles of these verbs. sell raffle tickets for charity? I sold raffle tickets at
● Look at the example sentence in exercise 1 with the a fundraising dinner last year.
class. ● Students ask and answer the questions in
● Students complete the sentences with the present exercise 4 in pairs.
perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Remind them ● Ask some students to report back their
to consult the list of irregular verbs on page 110 if partner’s answers using the third person.
they’re not sure of the past participle of any of these
verbs. 6 ● Students choose the correct words to complete
● Check answers with the class. the conversations.
● Check answers with the class.
2 ● Go over the example with the students. Note that
the tick mark is for an affirmative sentence and the Mixed-ability solutions
cross is for a negative sentence.
Students who need extra help: Exercise 1. Write
● Students write present perfect sentences with the
the correct form of have on the board for each
prompts given.
question. Students just add the past participle.
● Check answers with the class.
Fast finishers: Exercise 3. Students write three
things that they have done today, two true and
3 ● Check that students remember the meaning of the
one false. They then show their sentences to their
words raise money, raffle and charity badges.
● Read the first two sentences of the text with the
partner who has to guess the false sentence.
class, looking at the example.
● Students complete the rest of the text with the

present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

● Check answers with the class.

[page 119/T54]

Unit 5 T54

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Lesson Aims:
Students learn and practise asking questions with How long … ? and the present perfect and answering with the
present perfect and for or since.

Grammar 11
● Read the example with the class. Elicit how to say
How long … ? with for and since the same thing as for two years with since.
● Practise the pronunciation of the questions in

Warmer exercise 10, emphasizing the stressed syllables

Write on the board: and weak form /həv/.
● Students ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 She has been a teacher for 20 years. She likes her
● Ask some pairs to report their partner’s answers
job a lot.
2 She was a teacher for 20 years. Now she works for a using the third person.
Ask which tenses the underlined verbs are. 12 ● Students complete the text with for or since.
Ask if she is still a teacher in sentence 1 and then in
● Check answers with the class.
sentence 2.
All Clear
Explain that we can use the present perfect to
talk about situations that started in the past
and continue now. Ask students to translate
statement 1. Elicit whether the verb tenses are the
13 ● Tell students that this is a cumulative check of the
grammar in Units 1 to 5.
same in English and their own language.
● As this exercise is quite challenging, you may

want students to do it in pairs.

7 ● Read through the grammar table with the class. ● Students choose the correct words to complete

Ask students to translate the sentences. Make sure the text.

● Check answers with the class.
that students understand that the question and
answers refer to a situation that is still continuing.
● Check that students understand the difference 14 2.04

between a period of time and a point in time. ● Play the audio. Students listen and check their
● Students choose the correct words to complete answers.
the rules. ● Check answers with the class. This is a good

● Check answers with the class. moment to check they have understood the new
grammar and to review the grammar from the
8 ● Look at the examples in the table with the class. previous units.
Ask why we say for three weeks but since 2010.
● Students copy and complete the table with the Mixed-ability solutions
time expressions in the box. Students who need extra help: Exercise 11.
● Check answers with the class.
Students write their answer to each question first.
Fast finishers: Exercise 12. Students write three
9 ● Look at the example with the class. Elicit why the
sentences about someone they admire a lot.
answer is since and not for.
● Students complete the sentences with for or since. Self-study and extra practice
● Check answers with the class.
● Grammar, pages 34–5

10 ● Look at the example with the class. Explain that ● Grammar Reference and Practice, pages 74–5

they must begin the question with How long and Teacher’s Resource File
put the verb in the present perfect interrogative. ● All Clear Basics, pages 23–4
● Ask the class to translate the question and make
● Grammar Consolidation, page 18
sure that they understand that it refers to the ● Grammar Extension, page 20
time up to now. ● Language Excellence, pages 9–10
● Students write questions with How long … .

● Check answers with the class.

Digital Activities
● Student’s Digital Material


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How long …? with 10 Write complete questions with How long
…? in your notebook. Exercise 10
for and since 1 How long have
you / be / at this school? you known your
Present perfect with for and since
How long have you been at this school? best friend?
How long has she worked at the school? 2 How long have
1 you / know / your best friend?
She’s worked at the school since 2013. you studied
2 you / study / English? English?
She’s worked at the school for three years.
3 you / have / your mobile phone? 3 How long have
4 you / live / in your flat? you had your
mobile phone?
7 Look at the sentences in the table and 5 you and your friends / play / football? 4 How long have
complete the rules. Write the correct you lived in
Exercise 7 words in your notebook. 11 In pairs, ask and answer the your flat?
a for questions in exercise 10. 5 How long have
a) We use for / since with a period of time. you and your
b since
b) We use for / since with a point in time. How long have you been at this school? friends been at
this school?
8 Copy and complete the table with the I’ve been at this school
time expressions in the box. for two years.
Exercise 8
for: a long time, a 2010 2 pm a long time a month April
month, three weeks I was born last night Saturday
(example), two hours 12 Complete the text using for or since.
since: 2010 (example),
this morning three weeks two hours Exercise 12
2pm, April, I was born, My hero is my grandfather. He’s 65 years old. 1 since
last night, Saturday, for since
He loves football and he has watched every 2 since
this morning, three weeks 2010 3 for
Arsenal game (1)… 1955. He hasn’t missed a
4 for
game (2)… the day he got married – it was 5 since
9 Complete the sentences with for or since. a Saturday. He’s been married (3)… over
Exercise 9 I’ve lived in Valencia since I was born. 40 years and he and my grandma have
1 for 1 Rob’s been at home … two hours. lived with us (4)… five years. He loves music
2 since 2 I haven’t played tennis … last August. and he’s been a fan of jazz (5)… he was a
3 since
3 He hasn’t done a sponsored walk … he teenager. He’s the coolest grandfather in
4 for
was 13. the world.
4 My sister has known her best friend … a
long time.
All Clear
13 Write the correct words in your notebook.
Do / Have you know someone you really admire? I do.
Exercise 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Do My best friend, Jenny. We’ve known each other since we
2 started (2)
start / started primary school and we’ve been best friends (3)for / since
3 for
ten years. Jenny loves (4)help / helping other people. She (5)is raising /
4 helping
5 has raised has raised lots of money for charity in her life. She has washed cars and
6 has sold (6)
sells / has sold cakes. I’ve done a sponsored swim with her to raise
7 most
8 never
money for Save the Children. We think it’s the (7)more / most important
charity in the world. The only thing Jenny has (8)never / ever done is a
sponsored walk, but she’s going to do one this summer. She’s fantastic!
[page 121/FACS55]
14 2.04
Listen and check your answers.

Grammar Reference Unit 5 55

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 121 26/02/2015 13:28

make and do
Exercise 1 1 Look at the words and phrases. How do 2 Copy and complete the table Exercise 2
Students’ own you say them in your language? with the words in exercise 1 in do: charity work
answers your notebook. Listen and repeat (example), exercise,
a decision • a mistake • charity work • the words. homework, nothing,
exercise • friends • homework • money • someone a favour,
nothing • someone a favour • someone happy • your best
do make make: a decision,
someone laugh • your best charity work a mistake, friends,
Exercise 3 money, someone
1 do homework happy, someone
2 do exercise 3 Match pictures 1–5 with make or do and a phrase from exercise 1 in your notebook. Which laugh
3 make friends expressions are not in the pictures?
4 make money
5 do charity work 1 2 3 4 5

The expressions
make a decision,
make a mistake,
do nothing, do
someone a favour,
make someone
happy, make
someone laugh and
do your best are not
in the pictures.

Exercise 4 4 Complete the questions with the correct form of make or do.
1 makes
Have you ever done any charity work?
2 make
3 made 1 What … you happy? 5 How often do you … exercise?
4 do 2 Which people … you laugh? 6 Have you ever … a difficult decision?
5 do
3 Have you ever … a mistake? 7 Where do you usually … your homework?
6 made
7 do 4 How often do you … someone a favour? 8 What’s the best way to … a lot of money?
8 make

Exercise 5 5 2.06
Listen to the programme and answer the questions
1 She’s an actress in your notebook. Then check your answers.
and a pop
1 Who is Selena Gomez?
2 Selena Gomez 2 What is her band called?
and The Scene
6 Listen again and answer the questions.

Exercise 6 1 How long has Selena been famous?

1 since she was a child 2 Where is Island Dog?
2 Puerto Rico 3 What year did she become a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador?
3 2009 4 What country did she visit first with UNICEF?
4 Ghana
5 a 14-year-old boy; 5 Who does she remember from her first visit? Why?
because he wanted
to go to school but

56 Vocabulary Reference

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Lesson Aims:
Students learn and practise collocations using make and do.
Students listen to a documentary about a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and identify general and specific information.

Vocabulary 5 2.06

● Students look at the picture and discuss the

make and do questions in pairs and write their answers.
● Play the audio. Students listen to the programme

Warmer and check their answers.

Ask students if they did any homework last night
and how much they did. Once you’ve got some 6 ● Students read the questions.
● Play the audio again. Students listen again for the
answers, write do homework on the board. Then
ask a couple of students if they made their beds answers to the questions.
● Check answers with the class.
yesterday and write make your bed on the board.
Elicit the translation of both expressions. Explain
  Cultural note
that the verbs make and do are often translated by
the same verb in the students’ own language. Tell UNICEF was originally called the United Nations
students that they need to learn the expressions International Children’s Emergency Fund. Its name has
with make and do individually as there are no hard- since been shortened to United National Children’s
and-fast rules. Fund but it generally known as UNICEF. It provides
humanitarian aid to children and mothers in developing
countries. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors are celebrities
1 ● Students translate the words. who use their fame to draw attention to important
issues relating to children around the world. Their work
2 2.05 may take the form of public appearances and talks, visits
● In pairs, students decide whether we use make or to troubled regions and use of their political access to
do with the words and phrases in exercise 1. support UNICEF causes.
● Students copy and complete the table.

● Check answers with the class. Mixed-ability solutions

● Play the audio. Students listen and repeat the Students who need extra help: Exercise 6.
words. Write the following options on the board.
1 for three years / since she was a child
3 ● Students look at the pictures and describe what 2 Puerto Rico / Ghana
they can see. 3 2005 / 2009
● Students match the pictures with make or do 4 Puerto Rico / Ghana
and a phrase from exercise 1. They then identify 5 a 14-year-old boy / a 4-year-old boy; He didn’t have
which expressions are not in the pictures. enough food. / He couldn’t go to school.
● Check answers with the class.
Fast finishers: Exercise 4. Students write three more
questions using the expressions from exercise 1.
4 ● Look at the example with the class.
● Students complete the questions with the Self-study and extra practice
correct form of make or do. Workbook 
● Check answers with the class. ● Vocabulary, page 33

● Vocabulary Reference, page 88

Extra activity Teacher’s Resource File

Students ask and answer the questions in pairs. ● All Clear Basics, page 22

● Vocabulary Consolidation, page 17

● Vocabulary Extension, page 19

● Key Competences: Listening, page 10

Warmer Digital Activities

● Student’s Digital Material
Introduce the idea of a UNICEF Goodwill
Ambassador (see Cultural note).

Unit 5 T56

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 123 26/02/2015 13:28

Lesson Aims:
Students learn and practise functional language to make requests and offers.

Speaking Speaking Task

Making requests and offers (2) / 1 Talk about a fundraising event
A fundraising event Students read the information and choose one of
the events. Alternatively, they use their own ideas.
Warmer 2 Prepare a dialogue
Ask students if they have ever participated in Students look at the Model Dialogue and change the
a fundraising event, eg by selling raffle tickets, words in blue to make their own dialogue.
helping out at a jumble sale, etc.
3 Speak
Students practise their dialogues in pairs.

Model Dialogue Mixed-ability solutions

1 2.07 Students who need extra help: Speaking Task.
Students write out their dialogue before they do
● Read the question with the class.
step 3.
● Play the audio. Students listen to and read the
dialogue. Fast finishers: Speaking Task. Students act out
● Elicit the answer to the question.
another dialogue about a different fundraising
event. If possible, they do this without looking at
2 ● Play the audio again. Students listen again and the Model Dialogue.
this time repeat the dialogue. Self-study and extra practice
● Focus on and explain the expressions Do you
have a minute?; What can I do for you?; Would you ● Speaking, page 124
like to … ? and I’ll give you … . Get the class to pay
Teacher’s Resource File 
attention to stress and intonation.
● Key Competences: Speaking, pages 27–8

Digital Activities
● Student’s Digital Material


All Clear TB3_4p.indd 124 26/02/2015 13:28

Making requests and offers (2) / A fundraising event

Exercise 1 1 2.07
Listen to the dialogue. How much money does Mr Moran offer Yasmin?
£1 a mile (£5 in total)
Model Dialogue
Mr Moran
Hello, Yasmin. Yasmin
Hi, Mr Moran. Do you have a minute?
Sure. What can I do for you?
Well, I’m raising money for charity.
Oh yes?
I’ve decided to do a sponsored walk for five miles.
Sounds fun.
Would you like to sponsor me?
Yes, OK. Which charity is it for?
OK. I’ll give you £1 a mile.
Great. Thanks.
And when is it?
Next Saturday.
Well, good luck. Thanks, Mr Moran.

2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.

Speaking Task
1 Talk about a fundraising event
Choose one of the events below or use your own ideas.

Menu Notes Menu Notes

Event: organize a cake sale Event: do a 2-kilometre sponsored swim
Request: donate a cake Request: sponsor me
Charity: The Red Cross Charity: Doctors Without Borders
Offer: make a chocolate cake Offer: give €10 a km
When? on Thursday When? on Sunday

2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the Useful Language
words in blue. Making requests and offers (2)
3 Speak Do you have a minute?
In pairs, practise your dialogue. Sure. What can I do for you?
Would you like to sponsor me?
What can I do for you? I’ll give you £1 a mile.
Well, I’m raising money for charity.

Unit 5 57

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A magazine article
1 2.08
Read the Model Text and listen. Answer the questions in your notebook.

Exercise 1 1 How have they raised money?

1 by doing a 2 Why did they decide on this fundraising idea?
sponsored cycle 3 Which charity have the students raised money for?
2 because they all
4 Why did they choose this charity?
enjoy cycling
3 the WWF Model Text
4 because many of
them have studied Students from Highbury School have donated over £1,500 to
endangered charity. Organizer Harriet Jones said, ‘We all enjoy cycling so
animals at school we did a 10km sponsored cycle ride at the local park to raise
money.’ Parents and friends were at the park to support the
The students have decided to donate the money to the WWF
to help endangered animals. Student Ben Davies said, ‘We are
supporting this charity because many of us have studied
endangered animals at school.’
Headteacher Marion Kemp said, ‘This school has done charity
work for years but we’ve never done a cycle ride before. I hope
it becomes an annual event because it has been a real success.’

Exercise 2 2 Look at the All Clear Tips and translate the Writing Task
Students’ own rule. Then find examples in the text. Write the
answers rule in your notebook. 1 Plan
… we did a 10km
sponsored cycle ride Make notes about a real or imaginary
at the local park to
raise money.
All Clear Tips charity event and include:
Introduction: the organizers, the amount
Parents and friends Connectors of purpose:
were at the park of money raised, description of the event
to support the
to + infinitive
Description of charity: which charity,
students. We did a 10km sponsored cycle race to
The students have raise money. reasons for choosing it
decided to donate We use to + infinitive to write sentences Final comment: the success of the event,
the money to showing purpose. any plans to repeat in the future
the WWF to help
endangered animals.
3 Rewrite the sentences to show purpose. 2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
I did a sponsored swim. I raised money for structure:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
I did a sponsored swim to raise money for Oxfam.
Paragraph 2: Description of charity
1 I’m going to Rome. I’m visiting my cousin.
Paragraph 3: Final comment
2 Every day my sister goes to the sports centre.
She plays basketball. 3 Check
3 Andy went to the supermarket. He bought present perfect, for and since
some milk. fundraising ideas, make and do
4 My best friend has sent me a text. She has to + infinitive
invited me to her party.

58 Exercise 3
1 I’m going to Rome to visit my cousin.
2 Every day my sister goes to the sports centre to play basketball.
3 Andy went to the supermarket to buy some milk.
4 My best friend has sent me a text to invite me to her party.

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 126 26/02/2015 13:28

Lesson Aims:
Students practise the use of to + infinitive to express purpose.
Students write a magazine article about a charity event.

Writing Writing Task

A magazine article 1 Plan
Read the notes with the class. Students make notes
Warmer about a real or imaginary charity event of their own.
Students look at the picture in the Student’s Book.
2 Write
Ask them what they can see and what they think
Look at the structure with the class. Students use
the people in the picture have been doing.
their notes to write their article. Emphasize that they
should try to use to + infinitive to show purpose.
1 2.08
3 Check
● Students read the questions. Encourage students to check their work, paying
● Play the audio. Students read and listen to the
particular attention to the points mentioned.
article and answer the questions.
● Check answers with the class. Web info
Type these words in your search engine for more ideas
Extra activity for fundraising activities: ‘CAFOD + fundraising ideas’
Students find examples of the following tenses in the
article and to say why there are used: present perfect, Mixed-ability solutions
past simple, present simple, present continuous. Students who need extra help: Writing Task.
Students just complete the notes in step 1.
  All Clear Tips Fast finishers: Writing Task. Students read their
partner’s article and ask them some follow-up
2 ● Read through the All Clear Tips with the class. questions about the event and the charity it was for.
● Students translate the rule.
● Emphasize that we use to + infinitive to show Self-study and extra practice
purpose. Workbook
● Students find examples of to + infinitive in the ● Writing Guide, pages 110–1

Model Text. Teacher’s Resource File 

● Students write the rule in their notebooks. ● Key Competences: Writing, page 10

3 ● Read the example with the class. Make sure they

understand how the two sentences have been
● Students rewrite the sentences using to +

infinitive to show purpose.

● Check answers with the class.

Unit 5 T58

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 127 26/02/2015 13:28

Lesson Aims:
Students learn about the British social reformer Elizabeth Fry and why she is considered a heroine.
Students practise the pronunciation of contractions.

  Cultural note
Culture Reading There were several prominent social reformers in
Victorian Britain. They campaigned against the
appalling working conditions of the Industrial
Famous heroes and heroines Revolution and the problems caused by the rapid
emergence of large cities produced by the migration of
Warmer people from the countryside to urban areas. One of the
most famous reformers was the Earl of Shaftesbury, a
Write Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Angelina Jolie and
politician who fought for the protection of children in
Shakira on the board and ask students what they
factories and mines, public health legislation and for the
have in common. Elicit the fact that they are all
proper treatment of the mentally ill.
women who are (or were) involved in helping
people in need. Ask if they know what each of them Web info
has done. (Mother Teresa cared for the poorest of
Type these words in your search engine for an
the poor and AIDS patients in India. Angelina Jolie
interactive page about Elizabeth Fry, including video
is a UNHCR Special Envoy for refugee crises and
and an interactive game: ‘BBC schools primary history +
Shakira, through her Pies Descalzos Foundation,
Elizabeth Fry’
helps poor and impoverished children in Colombia.)

Mixed-ability solutions
Students who need extra help: Reading text.
● Students read the questions. Write the following options on the board:
● Play the audio. Students read and listen to the text
1 Because she had a good job / Because she worked
and answer the questions. to help other people
● Check answers with the class.
2 a banker / a prison officer
3 She helped them when they were ill. / She brought
Extra activity food and clothes for children in prison and taught
Ask students what the following numbers in the text their mothers to read.
refer to: 1780, 12, 1800, 1818, 1840. 4 1818: She became famous. / She became the first
woman to talk to the British parliament.
Pronunciation 1840: She started a school for nurses. / She became
a nurse.
Fast-finishers: Reading text. Students imagine
Contractions they are Elizabeth Fry and have seen the children
in prison. They write a diary entry describing what
a  2.10
they have seen, how they feel and what they are
● Play the audio. Students listen and repeat the
going to do.
sentences. If necessary, write the contractions on
the board and isolate them for specific practice. Self-study and extra practice
b  2.11
● Culture: Reading and Listening, page 97
● Play the audio. Students listen and repeat the
sentences. Once again, if necessary, write the
contractions on the board and isolate them for
specific practice.


All Clear TB3_4p.indd 128 26/02/2015 13:28

Culture Reading

F File Edit History View Navigate Tools Help Folio home > Search > EDIT > SAVE > PRINT


Main page
Famous heroes and heroines
Download PDF Elizabeth Fry Her prison work
Elizabeth Fry is one of the most When she was in London, Elizabeth visited
Create a book
famous women in British history. Newgate Prison. There she met children
Print Version
All her life she worked to help the who were living in prison because they
poor, especially poor people who had no home. The prison was dirty and
were in prison. terrible. She was so shocked by her visit
that she went back with food and clothes
Her early life for the children. She started a school and
Elizabeth was born on 21st May taught their mothers to read.
1780 into a family with 11 other
siblings. Sadly, her mother died Fame
when Elizabeth was 12 years old Elizabeth’s work made her famous. In 1818,
and she had to look after her she became the first woman to talk to the
brothers and sisters. Elizabeth British parliament. Queen Victoria gave her
married Joseph Fry, a wealthy money. In 1840, she started a school for
banker, in 1800 and they went to nurses which helped change the
live in London. profession of nursing.

Read and listen. Then answer the Contractions
questions in your notebook.
1 Why is Elizabeth Fry famous? a 2.10
Listen and repeat.
2 What did her husband do? 1 Elizabeth’s a famous woman.
3 How did she help prisoners? 2 You haven’t finished your homework.
4 Why are 1818 and 1840 important 3 She hasn’t got a badge.
dates in Elizabeth Fry’s life? 4 He’s raised over €1,000.

Reading text exercise b 2.11

Listen and repeat the sentences.
1 because all her life she worked to help the poor
2 He was a banker.
3 She gave food and clothes to the children,
started a school and taught the women to read. Unit 5 59
4 1818: She became the first woman to talk to the
British parliament.
1840: She started a school for nurses which
helped change the profession of nursing.

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 129 26/02/2015 13:28

Unit 5 Language Reference
Vocabulary Fundraising ideas
collect money • do a sponsored swim • have a barbecue • have a bring and buy sale • make a charity CD •
organize a jumble sale • sell badges • sell cakes • sell raffle tickets • wash cars

make and do
do your best • do charity work • make a decision • do exercise • do someone a favour • make friends •
make someone happy • do homework • make someone laugh • make a mistake • make money • do nothing

Grammar Present perfect

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
I / You have raised the I / You have not raised Have I / you raised the Yes, I / you have.
money. the money. money?
He / She / It has raised He / She / It has not Has he / she / it raised No, he / she / it has not.
the money. raised the money. the money?
We / You / They have We / You / They have not Have we / you / they Yes, we / you / they have.
raised the money. raised the money. raised the money?

ever / never
Have you ever lived in France?
I have never lived in France.

How long…? with for and since

How long has she been a Goodwill Ambassador?
She’s been a Goodwill Ambassador since August
She’s been a Goodwill Ambassador for more than
a year.

for (a period in time) since (a point in time)

a month 2010
a long time 2 pm
three weeks April
two hours I was born
last night
this morning

Speaking Making requests and offers (2)

Do you have a minute? Sure. What can I do for you?
Would you like to sponsor me? I’ll give you £1 a mile.


All Clear TB3_4p.indd 130 26/02/2015 13:28

Unit 5 Progress Check
Vocabulary Fundraising ideas Grammar Present perfect
1 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences. 3 Complete the sentences with the present Exercise 3
Write them in your notebook. perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ’s raised
2 ’ve decided
Exercise 1 1 I bought a charity 1 Dan … (raise) £200 for charity. 3 Have (you) sponsored
1 c 2 Pop stars are making a 2 We … (decide) to do a sponsored walk 4 ’ve never done
2 b 5 hasn’t donated
3 e
3 My friends are washing next month.
4 a 4 There was a woman collecting 3 … you … (sponsor) Luis for his charity bike
5 d 5 We’ve organized ride?
4 I … (never / do) a sponsored skydive.
a) money for the Red Cross.
5 Jo … (not donate) any clothes to the bring
b) charity CD to raise money for famine
and buy sale. Exercise 4
1 Beth have has
c) raffle ticket to help Syrian refugees. 4 Correct the sentences. never done a
d) a jumble sale for the RSPCA. sponsored swim.
1 Beth have never done a sponsored swim. 2 Have you ever
e) cars for charity.
2 Have you raised ever money for charity? raised money for
3 I hasn’t visited India, but I want to. charity?
make and do 3 I hasn’t haven’t
4 Have you see the new adventure film? visited India, but I
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 5 Alex was collected lots of money for want to.
4 Have you see seen
form of make or do. charity.
the new adventure
for and since 5 Alex was has
collected lots of
money for charity.
5 Complete the sentences with for or since.
1 I’ve known my best friend … 2006. Exercise 5
2 Carla’s done charity work … she was 12. 1 since
3 You’ve studied … three hours. Well done! 2 since
3 for
4 I haven’t eaten … this morning. I’m hungry. 4 since
1 I’ve just … some exercise. I’m really tired.
Exercise 2 5 Tom’s been here … a long time. He arrived 5 for
2 I always … my homework before I watch TV.
1 done early.
2 do 3 I … lots of friends at the summer camp last
3 made year.
4 do
4 Can you … me a favour? I really need some
5 made
5 I think I failed the test. I … too many All Clear
Self-Check Correct the activities with the class.
Students who need extra revision
Check your answers Extra Practice and practice can go to:  
Write your scores for exercises 1–5 in your If you need extra practice, go to: Workbook
notebook. What did you get for: • Unit 5 Revision, page 36
Unit 5 Grammar Reference
• Grammar Reference and
● fundraising ideas?
Unit 5 Vocabulary Reference Practice, pages 74–5
● make and do? • Vocabulary Reference, page 88
Unit 5 Grammar Exercises
● present perfect? Student’s Digital Material
Unit 5 Vocabulary Exercises
● for and since?

Extra Practice 61

All Clear TB3_4p.indd 131 26/02/2015 13:28

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