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Underground Pipe Stress Check - UGP 2: Design Calculation

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Design Calculation Project No.

Project Title:
Checked By: Date: Feb/20/19

Underground Pipe Stress Check - UGP 2


Earth Loading hc
Pipe Size = 42 in. Conc. Thick. hc = 8 in.
O.D. = 42 in.

wd = Cd w Bd^2 = 1316.6 lb / lin ft. H

where: w= 120 lb/ft^3 soil unit wt.
Bd = 5 ft. (actual width)
Bd = 5.0 ft. (effective width)
Bc = O.D. = 3.50 ft
Cd = 1 - e^ (-2 ku'(H/Bd))
2 ku'

= 0.439

H= 2.33 ft.
ku' = 0.13 lb / in^3
ku' = modulus of subgrade reaction
Saturated clay = 0.110
Ordinary clay = 0.130
Saturated topsoil = 0.150
Sand and gravel = 0.165

Bd max. = Transitional trench width from table below Ref. 1

= 5 ft. Table 13 to 28

Bd = Max. effective transitional trench width

Bd Pipe Cover = H ( ft. )

Pipe Dia. 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
6 1.42 1.5 1.58 1.67 1.75 1.75 2.08 2.33
8 1.75 1.83 1.92 2 2 2.08 2.42 2.75
12 2.5 2.58 2.75 2.83 2.92 3 3.33 3.67
16 3 3.08 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.83 4.25
18 3.42 3.5 3.58 3.75 3.83 3.92 4.33 4.75
24 4.25 4.33 4.5 4.58 4.67 4.83 5.25 5.67
30 4.83 5.17 5.33 5.42 5.58 5.67 6.17 6.67
36 5.42 5.75 6.17 6.25 6.42 6.58 7.08 7.58
42 5.92 6.33 6.67 7.08 7.25 7.42 7.92 8.42
48 6.5 6.92 7.25 7.67 8.08 8.17 8.83 9.33
54 7.08 7.42 7.83 8.17 8.58 9 9.67 10.25
60 7.67 8 8.42 8.75 9.08 9.5 10.5 11.08

For shallow depths (< 4ft.) use :

wd = H Bc w = 978.6 lb / lin ft.

Therefore wd = 978.6 lb / lin ft. + wt. of concrete = 350 lb / lin. Ft.

wd total = 1328.6 lb / lin ft.

N:\civil\spreadsh\UGPipes\u-g pipe.xls (1 of 3)
Wheel Loading P4 P1
From Individual Wheel Loads

Tire Pressure = 80 psi. Sum loads

Impact Factor = Fi = 1.267 1.5 at surface Ref. 2 , at this point

1.0 @ H = 5 ft.
k mod. of subgrade reaction = 200 lb / in^3 P2
Ec conc. = 3400000 psi Ref. 4 L r
Wheel P X A contact L H/L X/L Press. Coef. Pressure
# ( lbs. ) ( ft. ) ( ft. ^2 ) ( ft. ) ( C from below) Top Pipe (lb./ft^2)
1 17500 0.00 1.92 2.45 0.95 0.00 0.0825 Ref 4 1204.2
2 17500 7.00 1.92 2.45 0.95 2.86 0.013 Table 1 189.7
3 17500 21.20 1.92 2.45 0.95 8.67 0 0.0
4 17500 20.00 1.92 2.45 0.95 8.18 0 0.0
5 0.00 0.00 2.45 0.95 0.00 0.0
6 0.00 0.00 2.45 0.95 0.00 0.0
Total: = 1393.9
Pressure Coeficient C
H/L 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4
0.0 0.113 0.105 0.089 0.068 0.048 0.032 0.020 0.011 0.006 0.002 0.000
0.4 0.101 0.095 0.082 0.065 0.047 0.033 0.021 0.011 0.004 0.001 0.000
0.8 0.089 0.084 0.074 0.061 0.045 0.033 0.022 0.012 0.005 0.002 0.001
1.2 0.076 0.072 0.065 0.054 0.043 0.032 0.022 0.014 0.008 0.005 0.003
1.6 0.062 0.059 0.054 0.047 0.039 0.030 0.022 0.016 0.011 0.007 0.005
2.0 0.051 0.049 0.046 0.042 0.035 0.028 0.022 0.016 0.011 0.008 0.006
2.4 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.036 0.030 0.026 0.021 0.016 0.011 0.008 0.006
2.8 0.037 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.027 0.023 0.019 0.015 0.011 0.009 0.006
3.2 0.032 0.030 0.029 0.026 0.024 0.021 0.018 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.007
3.6 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.021 0.019 0.016 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.007
4.0 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.009 0.007
4.4 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.015 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.009 0.007
4.8 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.009 0.008 0.007
5.2 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.014 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.008 0.007 0.006
5.6 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006
6.0 0.012 0.012 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.006

Total Wheel Pressure at Top of Pipe = 1393.9 lb / ft.^2

Pipe Stresses

Pipe Dia. O.D. = 42 in. Young's Mod. E = 30000000 psi.

Wall thickness t = 0.50 in. Poisson's Ratio = 0.3
Pipe Grade = X65 Coef. Thermal Exp. = 0.0000065 per deg F
SMYS = 65000 psi.
Pipe Operating Pres. = 1000.0 psi. Temp. @ Pipe Installation = 10 deg. F
SMYS design factor F = 0.8 Max./Min. Operating Temp. = 170 deg. F

Circumferential Stress Due to Earth Load

Ref. 2
She = Khe Be Ee lamda D = 2756.3 psi. where: Khe = soil/pipe stiffness coef. = 4500 Fig. 3
t / d = 0.011905 (set E' = 1.0)
Value by Ref 1 (above) = 978.6 psi. Be = 0.21 Fig. 4
where H/Bd = 0.665714 (Soil Type B for trenches)

Use largest Value set SHe = 2756.3 psi. Ee = 1 (for trenched constuction)
+ wt. Concrete = She tot. = 2756.9 psi. lamda = unit wt. Soil = 120 lb / ft^3
D= 42 in (2 of 3)

Wheel Load Stress

w= 9.68 psi. from above

where: KHh = circumf. stiffness factor = 12.5 Fig. 14

Cyclic Circumferential Stress where: t / d = 0.011905 Set Er = 10

SHh = KHh GHh R L Fi w GHh = geometry factor = 0.96 from Fig. 15

= 86.10 psi.
GHh H, soil cover ( ft. ) Fig. 15
Pipe dia. 3-4 6 8 10
Cyclic Longitudinal Stress 6 1.45 1.15 0.9 0.7
12 1.28 1.05 0.85 0.67
SLh = KLh GLh R L Fi w 18 1.08 0.95 0.77 0.63
= 55.96 psi. 24 1.12 0.85 0.73 0.58
30 1.07 0.8 0.68 0.54
36 1.01 0.76 0.64 0.5
Internal Pressure Circumferential Stress 42 0.96 0.72 0.6 0.46
48 0.92 0.69 0.55 0.43
Shi = p (D - t ) / 2 t 54 0.87 0.66 0.51 0.41
= 41500 psi. 60 0.85 0.63 0.47 0.38

R = pavement factor = 0.90 Ref. 2 ==>

L = Axle configuration = 0.65 Table 2
Limits of Calculated Stress
KLh = long. Stiffness factor = 10 Fig. 16
1.) Check Pressure Stress using Barlow formula where t / d = 0.0119048 Set Er = 10
GLh = geometry factor = 0.78 from Fig. 17
SHi (Barlow) = p D / 2 t
< or = F E T SMYS (natural gas) GLh H, soil cover ( ft. ) Fig. 17
< or = F E SMYS (liquids) Pipe dia. 3-4 6 8 10
6 1.55 1.45 1.35 1.25
where:F = design factor = 0.8 Ref. 3 10 1.23 1.1 1 0.9
E = joint factor = 1.0 Ref. 2 12 1.15 1.02 0.88 0.8
T = temp. derating = 1.0 18 1.1 0.93 0.83 0.7
24 1.02 0.87 0.75 0.57
30 0.94 0.8 0.69 0.53
SHi (Barlow) = 42000 psi 36 0.86 0.73 0.63 0.48
<= 52000 (nat. gas) OK 42 0.78 0.65 0.58 0.44
<= 52000 (liquids) OK 48 0.7 0.58 0.52 0.4
54 0.62 0.51 0.46 0.36
60 0.54 0.44 0.41 0.32

2.) Check Total Effective Stress

Seff =SQRT [ 1/2 ( (S1 - S2)^2 + (S2 - S3)^2 + (S3 - S1)^2)] < or = SMYF F

S1 = SHe + SHr + SHi = 44343 psi

S2 = SLr - Es Coef. Thermal Exp. (T2 - T1) + poisons ratio ( SHe + SHi) = 44533 psi
S3 = - P = -1000.0 psi

S eff = 32130 psi < or = 52000 psi OK -- Stress within allowables

1. ) Concrete Pipe Design Manual ACPA 5th Printing June 1980
2. ) API Recommended Practice 1102 Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways 6th Editition 1993
3. ) CAN/CSA Z183 - M90
4. ) PCA Vertical Pressure on Culverts Under Wheel Loads on Concrete Pavement Slabs
5. ) PCA Concrete Floors on Ground (3 of 3)
Design Calculation Project No.
Project Title: 014173
Checked By: Date: Feb/20/19
Underground Pipe Stress Check - UGP 1


Earth Loading

Pipe Size = 42 in.

O.D. = 42 in. Bd
wd = Cd w Bd^2 = 1666.6 lb / lin ft. Ref. 1
where: w= 120 lb/ft^3 soil unit wt.
Bd = 5 ft. (actual width)
Bd = 5.0 ft. (effective width)
Bc = O.D. = 3.50 ft
Cd = 1 - e^ (-2 ku'(H/Bd))
2 ku'

= 0.556

H= 3 ft.
ku' = 0.13 lb / in^3
ku' = modulus of subgrade reaction
Saturated clay = 0.110
Ordinary clay = 0.130
Saturated topsoil = 0.150
Sand and gravel = 0.165

Bd max. = Transitional trench width from table below

= 5 ft. Table 13 t

Bd = Max. effective transitional trench width

Bd Pipe Cover = H ( ft. )
Pipe Dia. 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
6 1.42 1.5 1.58 1.67 1.75 1.75 2.08 2.33
8 1.75 1.83 1.92 2 2 2.08 2.42 2.75
12 2.5 2.58 2.75 2.83 2.92 3 3.33 3.67
16 3 3.08 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.83 4.25
18 3.42 3.5 3.58 3.75 3.83 3.92 4.33 4.75
24 4.25 4.33 4.5 4.58 4.67 4.83 5.25 5.67
30 4.83 5.17 5.33 5.42 5.58 5.67 6.17 6.67
36 5.42 5.75 6.17 6.25 6.42 6.58 7.08 7.58
42 5.92 6.33 6.67 7.08 7.25 7.42 7.92 8.42
48 6.5 6.92 7.25 7.67 8.08 8.17 8.83 9.33
54 7.08 7.42 7.83 8.17 8.58 9 9.67 10.25
60 7.67 8 8.42 8.75 9.08 9.5 10.5 11.08

For shallow depths (< 4ft.) use :

wd = H Bc w = 1260.0 lb / lin ft.

Therefore wd = 1260.0 lb / lin ft.

N:\civil\spreadsh\UGPipes\u-g pipe.xls

P4 P1

Sum loads
Wheel Loading P4 P1
From Individual Wheel Loads

Tire Pressure = 80 psi. Sum loads

Impact Factor = Fi = 1.2 at this point
1.5 at surface Ref. 2 ,
1.0 @ H = 5 ft. P2
Ref. 4 r

Wheel P X A contact r H/r X/r Press. Coef.

# ( lbs. ) ( ft. ) ( ft. ^2 ) ( ft. ) ( C from below) Top Pipe (
1 17500 0.00 1.82 0.76 3.94 0.00 0.087
2 17500 7.00 1.82 0.76 3.94 9.19 0.002
3 17500 21.20 1.82 0.76 3.94 27.83 0.001
4 17500 20.00 1.82 0.76 3.94 26.26 0.001
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Total: =
Pressure Coeficient C
C X/r
H/r 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
0.0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.5 0.911 0.425 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1.0 0.646 0.350 0.500 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
1.5 0.424 0.250 0.075 0.012 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000
2.0 0.284 0.198 0.075 0.020 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.001
2.5 0.200 0.145 0.070 0.026 0.010 0.004 0.002 0.001
3.0 0.146 0.110 0.066 0.029 0.013 0.006 0.003 0.002
3.5 0.110 0.101 0.060 0.031 0.015 0.008 0.004 0.002
4.0 0.087 0.081 0.054 0.031 0.017 0.009 0.005 0.003
5.0 0.057 0.054 0.041 0.028 0.017 0.011 0.006 0.004
6.0 0.040 0.039 0.032 0.024 0.017 0.010 0.007 0.005
7.0 0.030 0.029 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.011 0.008 0.005
8.0 0.023 0.023 0.020 0.017 0.013 0.010 0.008 0.006
9.0 0.018 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.009 0.007 0.006
10.0 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.009 0.007 0.006

Total Wheel Pressure at Top of Pipe = 1258.0 lb / ft.^2

Pipe Stresses

Pipe Dia. O.D. = 42 in. Young's Mod. E = 30000000 psi.

Wall thickness t = 0.50 in. Poisson's Ratio = 0.3
Pipe Grade = X65 Coef. Thermal Exp. = 0.0000065 per deg F
SMYS = 65000 psi.
Pipe Operating Pres. = 1000.0 psi. Temp. @ Pipe Installation = 10 deg. F
SMYS design factor F = 0.8 Max./Min. Operating Temp. = 170 deg. F

Circumferential Stress Due to Earth Load

She = Khe Be Ee lamda D = 3675.0 psi. where: Khe = soil/pipe stiffness coef. = 4500
t / d = 0.011905
Value by Ref 1 (above) = 1260.0 psi. Be = 0.28
where H/Bd = 0.857143 (Soil Type B fo
Use largest Value set She = 3675.0 psi. Ee = 1 (for trenched constuction)
lamda = unit wt. Soil = 120 lb / ft^3
D= 42 in
Wheel Load Stress

w= 8.74 psi. from above

where: KHh = circumf. stiffness factor = 12.5
Cyclic Circumferential Stress where: t / d = 0.011905

SHh = KHh GHh R L Fi w GHh = geometry factor = 0.96 from Fig. 15

= 89.95 psi.
GHh H, soil cover ( ft. )
Pipe dia. 3-4 6 8 10
Cyclic Longitudinal Stress 6 1.45 1.15 0.9 0.7
12 1.28 1.05 0.85 0.67
SLh = KLh GLh R L Fi w 18 1.08 0.95 0.77 0.63
= 58.46 psi. 24 1.12 0.85 0.73 0.58
30 1.07 0.8 0.68 0.54
36 1.01 0.76 0.64 0.5
Internal Pressure Circumferential Stress 42 0.96 0.72 0.6 0.46
48 0.92 0.69 0.55 0.43
Shi = p (D - t ) / 2 t 54 0.87 0.66 0.51 0.41
= 41500 psi. 60 0.85 0.63 0.47 0.38

R = pavement factor = 1.10

L = Axle configuration = 0.65
Limits of Calculated Stress
KLh = long. Stiffness factor = 10
1.) Check Pressure Stress using Barlow formula where t / d = 0.0119048
GLh = geometry factor = 0.78 from Fig. 17
SHi (Barlow) = p D / 2 t
< or = F E T SMYS (natural gas) GLh H, soil cover ( ft. )
< or = F E SMYS (liquids) Pipe dia. 3-4 6 8 10
6 1.55 1.45 1.35 1.25
where:F = design factor = 0.8 Ref. 3 10 1.23 1.1 1 0.9
E = joint factor = 1.0 Ref. 2 12 1.15 1.02 0.88 0.8
T = temp. derating = 1.0 18 1.1 0.93 0.83 0.7
24 1.02 0.87 0.75 0.57
30 0.94 0.8 0.69 0.53
SHi (Barlow) = 42000 psi 36 0.86 0.73 0.63 0.48
<= 52000 (nat. gas) OK 42 0.78 0.65 0.58 0.44
<= 52000 (liquids) OK 48 0.7 0.58 0.52 0.4
54 0.62 0.51 0.46 0.36
60 0.54 0.44 0.41 0.32

2.) Check Total Effective Stress

Seff =SQRT [ 1/2 ( (S1 - S2)^2 + (S2 - S3)^2 + (S3 - S1)^2)] < or = SMYF F

S1 = SHe + SHr + SHi = 45265 psi

S2 = SLr - Es Coef. Thermal Exp. (T2 - T1) + poisons ratio ( SHe + SHi) = 44811 psi
S3 = - P = -1000.0 psi

S eff = 32555 psi < or = 52000 psi OK -- Stress within allowables

1. ) Concrete Pipe Design Manual ACPA 5th Printing June 1980
2. ) API Recommended Practice 1102 Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways 6th Editition 1993
3. ) CAN/CSA Z183 - M90
4. ) PCA Vertical Pressure on Culverts Under Wheel Loads on Concrete Pavement Slabs


Ref. 1
Table 13 to 28

(1 of 3)


m loads

m loads
this point X


Top Pipe (lb./ft^2)

Ref. 2
Fig. 3
(set E' = 1.0)
Fig. 4
(Soil Type B for trenches)

ed constuction)

(2 of 3)
Fig. 14
Set Er = 10

Fig. 15

Ref. 2 ==>
Table 2

Fig. 16
Set Er = 10

Fig. 17

(3 of 3)

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