Subramanian Aasha Research Paper
Subramanian Aasha Research Paper
Subramanian Aasha Research Paper
Research Paper Title: Optimizing ectopic lysyl oxidase like 2 (LOXL2) expression in mammalian cells using
viral titration (Biomedical Sciences, Molecular/Cellular)
Statement of Outside Assistance: Research involving mammalian cell lines was conducted at Johns Hopkins
University Ross Research Lab under the supervision of Dr. Lakshmi Santhanam, assistant professor of
Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine. All the materials were provided by the research lab.
Lysyl oxidase like 2 (LOXL2) is a member of the lysyl oxidases (LOX) superfamily of copper-dependent enzymes
that are primarily involved in the creation, maintenance, and remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in
animals through the cross-linking of collagen and elastin fibers. Studies suggest that LOXL2 has the main purpose
of matrix deposition. However, the protein may have catalytically independent functions in cells. This is suggested
by the presence of four scavenger receptor cysteine rich (SRCR) domains, along with a lysyl oxidase (LOX) domain
in the LOXL2 protein. To fully understand the scope of LOXL2’s functions in cells, several viral adenoviral vectors
to express different versions of LOXL2 were generated in my mentor’s laboratory 1) the full length LOXL2 (AdFL),
2) LOXL2 lacking the first two SRCR domains (AdΔN), 3) LOXL2 with the LOX domain deleted (AdΔLOX), and
4) full length LOXL2 with a double mutation in the LOX domain that makes the protein catalytically dead
In this paper, the main goal was to determine the efficacy of these adenoviruses and optimize the concentration and
duration of expression to obtain similar levels of expression of these different LOXL2 proteins in mammalian cells.
To this end, LOXL2 (lysyl oxidase like-2) and the prototypic member of this superfamily, lysyl oxidase (LOX) were
probed under four different conditions. The conditions involved delivering two different quantities of four viruses
(AdFL, AdΔN, AdΔLOX, AdDM) to compare the protein expressions of LOX and LOXL2 among the conditions,
allowing for adjustment in future trials if there was significant inconsistency. Western blotting was used to separate
and identify proteins based on molecular weight and by type using gel electrophoresis. After analyzing the protein
expression and normalization volumes of the proteins, it was found that the quantifications of 1μL of AdFL, 5μL of
AdΔN, 2μL of AdΔLOX, and 2μL of AdDM yielded the most similar levels of LOXL2 mutant overexpression.
Using this information, it is possible to determine preliminary standards necessary to perform further experiments to
research the protein assembly and catalytic function of the LOX and LOXL2 proteins.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Materials
3. Methods and Procedures
1. Cell Culture
2. Gel Preparation
3. Gel Electrophoresis
4. Electrotransfer
5. Blocking and Antibody Incubation
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. References
Lysyl oxidases (LOX) are a superfamily of copper-dependent enzymes that oxidize amine substrates to reactive
aldehydes. The role of LOX enzymes is the remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in animals through the
cross-linking of collagen and elastin fibers (6). Amine oxidases catalyze the oxidation of primary amines (NH2) to
aldehydes (-CHO) with the release of water and hydrogen peroxide, which requires one copper ion per subunit and
topaquinone as a cofactor. [Figure 1]. The LOX family of proteins is essential for the biosynthesis and maintenance
of the ECM of cells and the stabilization of tissues in the cardiovascular system. Collagen, a tough, strong fiber, is
the most abundant protein in the body and provides tensile and compressive strength to organs and tissues. Elastin is
a stretchy and resilient protein that helps return tissues to their previous state after being stretched. Collagen and
Elastin proteins are essential for the formation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of cells. Lysyl oxidase superfamily
contains five enzymes: LOX and LOX-like (LOXL) 1 through 4. LOXL2 is highly expressed in the blood vessels
along with the prototypical LOX. The SRCR domains present in LOXL2 are considered to be motif-recognition
domains, which help to bind other proteins. Therefore, it is proposed that LOXL2 can have a protein assembly
function through these SRCR domains, independent of its amine oxidase function.
Lysyl Oxidase-Like 2 (LOXL2) is a member of the LOX family that may elevate the risk of older people having a
heart attack or stroke if overexpressed. This happens by the ability of LOXL2 to remodel the matrix in arteries.
Aortic remodeling causes aortic stiffening, which in turn can lead to diseases such as Isolated Systolic Hypertension
(ISH), cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, and interstitial fibrosis (16). Aortic remodeling can happen with natural
aging and be caused by other diseases like hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. In these settings, LOXL2 deposits
more collagen than elastin, which makes the aorta stiffer (due to excess collagen) and less stretchy (due to less
Another way that LOXL2 can cause aortic stiffening is by acting as a protein assembly molecule. In this case, the
LOXL2 would bind and organize the collagen fibers, which would then allow LOX to catalyze the crosslinking.
Given that there are two possible ways in which LOXL2 can cause aortic stiffening, it is important to know which of
these functions of LOXL2 is the most important contributor. Then, it would be possible to develop drugs to
specifically target that function to reduce heart attacks and strokes.
A common way in which scientists study biochemical functions of a protein is by first overexpressing the protein in
a relevant cell type. In this case, the goal is to overexpress LOXL2 in aortic smooth muscle cells, which are one of
the important cell types in the blood vessel. Moreover, because LOXL2 can have more than one function in cells,
the goal is to deliver either the intact protein or mutants of the protein that will selectively retain only one of its
functions. A common way to deliver proteins to mammalian cells is to use adenoviruses that have been engineered
to overexpress the protein of interest, but that do not self-replicate to protect the person performing the experiment.
The adenoviruses contain protein coding genes that can be expressed using viral vectors, which can label cells to
track them and their progeny, commonly to study the function of a particular protein.
Therefore, in this project, a viral titration was performed in Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (HASMC) and Rat
Thoracic Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (A7R5) cell lines in order to overexpress the LOXL2 protein. The overall
goal was to optimize the concentration of virus and duration of overexpression with the purpose of normalizing the
amount of expression. The results will help us further study the specific biology and biochemistry of LOXL2 in
cells, which can later be translated to animal models for the discovery of new ways to regulate LOXL2 expression
and activity in diseases.
Figure 1. LOX family members contain a conserved COOH-terminal domain consisting of a catalytic domain with a
copper-binding motif and a lysyl-tyrosyl-quinone (LTQ) cofactor. The amino termini of the LOX proteins are more
variable and may a role in substrate specificity and function (4).
With the goal of studying the functions of different LOXL2 domains, four different adenoviral vectors were used:
The first one was AdLOXL2 Full Length, which possesses both the LOX and SRCR domains, and represents the
native LOXL2 protein. This protein will have both the amine oxidase activity to crosslink collagen and elastin, and
the ability to assemble proteins by its SRCR domains. The second vector, N-terminal (ΔN), has the SRCR domains
1 and 2 deleted from the full length protein structure. Based on prior studies in the mentor’s laboratory, it is
predicted that the first 2 SRCR domains play a significant role in LOXL2’s function in cells. This protein has SRCR
3-4 and the LOX domain. It is predicted that this version of the protein will therefore lack the assembly function and
only retain the amine oxidase function. The third vector, ΔLOX, removes the proteolytic LOX domain of the protein
and expresses only the SRCR-domains. This domain will therefore enable us to analyze the function of the SRCR
domains in isolation. The fourth vector is a double mutant (DM), in which two amino acids crucial for its enzymatic
activity were mutated out, rendering the expressed protein catalytically inactive. This protein will enable us to see if
all the four SRCR domains are needed for the protein assembly function, or if SRCR 1-2 are necessary and
sufficient for this function by comparing it to the ΔN mutant.
Virus titration is performed in order to determine the amount of viral delivery needed to achieve the same protein
expression under each condition. The hypothesized amount of virus delivery necessary to yield an equal protein
expression is 0.5uL of AdFL, 1uL of AdFL, 5uL of AdΔN, 10uL of AdΔN, 5uL of AdΔLOX, 10uL of AdΔLOX,
5uL of AdDM, and 10uL of AdDM over the course of 24 hours. Before further studies can be performed to expand
our knowledge on the LOX protein and other members of the LOX super family, virus titration must be completed
to ensure the results are caused by the protein function and not expression level.
In order to deliver the virus to the cells, media was first suctioned from the wells and then 1.5mL of fresh media
with 1% ITS (Insulin-transferrin- selenium) was added into each well. The appropriate calculated amount of virus
was delivered to the cells.
Figure 3. Illustration of protein electrophoresis equipment utilised in separating protein fragments by size and
molecular weight. The samples are placed in wells at one end of the gel and an electrical current passes through the
gel, allowing the smaller proteins to move towards the positive electrode faster than the larger proteins (15).
2.5 Electrotransfer:
Filter sheets and nitrocellulose paper were cut to fit the measurement of the gel to prepare for the protein transfer.
The gel plate was placed into water and separated using a splitting key, and the gel is flipped onto a piece of
nitrocellulose paper. Sandwiched by filter papers, the gel and nitrocellulose paper were placed in the electrotransfer
tray. To ensure that there are no air bubbles between the gel and nitrocellulose paper or the filter papers, a rolling
tool was used to gently push over the surface to release the gaps between the materials [Figure 4]. The sandwich is
placed in a transfer tray and inserted into the Bio-Rad Turbo Transfer machine. The transfer was able to occur as the
negatively charged proteins on the gel attracted to the positively charged nitrocellulose paper, creating an electrical
current on the concentration gradient and a great amount of pressure, allowing the proteins to move onto the
nitrocellulose paper (9).
Figure 5. The antibody incubation process of western blot after protein transfer onto nitrocellulose paper.
The LOX expression in the HASMC cells in media was low and variable with no particular trend with the addition
of adenoviruses [Figure 10]. The LOXL3 expression in the pellet was similar amongst the four conditions: 1uL of
AdFL, 5uL of AdΔN, 5uL of AdΔLOX, and 5uL of AdDM [Figure 11]; the protein expression from 10uL of
AdDM was an outlier as it yielded a much greater expression compared to the other viruses.
Figure 6. The graph shows the percentage of LOX protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
Western Blot; Anti-LOX in A7R5 cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Pellet)
Figure 7. The graph shows the percentage of LOX protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the pellet of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
Figure 8. The graph shows the percentage of LOX protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48 hours.
Western Blot; Anti-LOX in A7R5 cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Pellet)
Figure 9. The graph shows the percentage of LOX protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48 hours.
Figure 10. The graph shows the percentage of LOX protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the media of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
Western Blot; Anti-LOXL3 in HASMC cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Pellet)
Figure 11. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL3 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the media of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
In comparing the LOXL2 expression produced by the overexpression of LOXL2 mutants in the A7R5 cell samples,
1uL of AdFL, 5uL of AdΔN, 2uL of AdΔLOX, and 2uL of AdDM produced a relatively close protein expression
when the media was tested after 24 hours in the samples [Figure 12]. Similar results were found in the pellet after
the 24 hour duration [Figure 13], as the protein expression in the 1uL of AdFL, 5uL of AdΔN, 2uL of AdΔLOX,
and 2uL of AdDM were similar. The 48 hour experiment yielded very different results in the media and pellet
[Figures 14 and 15] because half of the samples contained little to no protein expression while 1uL of AdFL, 2uL
of AdFL, 2uL of AdΔN, and 5uL of AdΔN produced protein expression. The bands that contained protein
expression however, varied drastically as well.
HASMC cells with addition of adenoviruses for 48 hours yielded potent overexpression for all LOXL2 mutants
dose-dependently. Addition of AdLOXL2 1ul, AdLOXL2 dN 10ul, AdLOXL2 dLOX 10ul and AdLOXL2 DM 5ul
produced similar levels of LOXL2 mutant in media secretion. [Figure 16]. The LOXL2 expression in the pellet was
similar across the conditions: 0.5uL of AdFL, 1 uL of AdFL, 10uL of AdΔN [Figure 17]. There was a large range of
protein expression in the pellet as there was in the media.
Western Blot; Anti-LOXL2 in A7R5 cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Media)
Figure 12. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
Figure 13. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the pellet of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
Western Blot; Anti-LOXL2 in A7R5 cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Media)
Red – indicating powerful signals that caused over-exposure of WB.
Figure 14. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48
Figure 15. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the pellet of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48
Western Blot; Anti-LOXL2 in HASMC cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Media)
Figure 16. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the media of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
Figure 17. The graph shows the percentage of LOXL2 protein expression in the given conditions normalized to
standard ponceau staining present in the pellet of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24
When comparing the FN protein expression in the A7R5 cell samples, the results showed that 2uL of AdΔN, 5uL of
AdΔLOX, and 2uL of AdDM produced similar protein expressions in the media over the 24 hour duration [Figure
18]. The FN protein expression in the pellet after 24 hours yielded dramatically different results because 5uL of
AdΔLOX and 2uL of AdDM were outliers that produced more than twice the protein expression of the other lanes
[Figure 19]. The protein expressions over 48 hours contained inconsistent results in the media and pellet [Figure 20
and 21] as there was a great variation in expression among the conditions. The protein expression of FN in the
HASMC media cell samples were similar among the conditions half the conditions while the others (0.5uL of AdFL,
5uL of AdΔN, 10uL of AdΔN) produced drastically less expression. The results were very different in pellet
samples as 1uL of AdFL had a greater protein expression compared to the other conditions, which produced little to
no expression [Figure 22 and 23].
Figure 18. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
Figure 19. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the pellet of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
Western Blot; Anti-FN in A7R5 cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Media)
Figure 20. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48 hours.
Figure 21. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the pellet of A7R5 cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 48 hours.
Western Blot; Anti-FN in HASMC cells expressing ADLOXL2 Mutants (Media)
Figure 22. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the media of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
Figure 23. The graph shows the percentage of FN protein expression in the given conditions normalized to standard
ponceau staining present in the pellet of HASMC cell samples testing ADLOXL2 Mutant viruses after 24 hours.
The results of the viral titrations were inconsistent as can be seen in the variation in the protein expressions in LOX,
LOXL2, LOXL3, and FN. The inconsistency may be a result of minimal replications, as this experiment only
contained no repetitions for any conditions for the media and pellet: one set of AdLOXL2 mutants were tested over
a 24 hour duration and another in a 48 hour duration. This experiment must be repeated many more times in order to
produce similar results, from which we can quantify the average protein expression generated from the specific
conditions. There may have also been errors in measuring or pipetting the virus to the cells, which is a common
technique error in laboratory experimentation for beginners that affects the results drastically. For example, if a
small excess amount of the AdFL virus is added to the cell samples, there could be oversaturation in the protein
expression results since it is a more powerful virus compared to the others used [Figure 10, 12 and 23]. On the
contrary, if less virus is added to the cell samples or a specific virus is not very potent, the results may be similar to
or less than the control meaning the overexpression was not successful- this can be seen in at least one or two lanes
in most western blots (Figure 23 is one example). Cases in which the overexpression is only present in the media
but not the pellet and vice versa may be a result of error in the experiment procedure or antibody specificity [Figure
7 versus Figure 6]. For example, if a protein is overexpressed only in the media, there may be human error where
cells weren’t properly scraped for sample preparation, or the LOXL2 mutants might lack specific domains to stick to
the extracellular matrix. Another reason for the overexpression to only be detected in the scraped cell portion, is that
important domains might be absent in the mutant construct and prevent transport to the extracellular matrix, trapping
the mutant proteins intracellularly. The protein expression of FN (fibronectin) indicates the level of crosslinking of
the extracellular matrix proteins among the conditions with different LOXL2 mutant overexpression. There is often
a positive correlation between FN accumulation and LOXL2 activity meaning that more FN protein deposited in the
extracellular matrix may have resulted from higher LOXL2 protein expression and activity. Further experimentation
and more repetitions will be required to gain a better understanding of the amount of ADLOXL2 mutant virus
necessary to yield similar protein expressions under the specific conditions presented. After analyzing the data, the
original hypothesis was not supported, as the results revealed that the predicted amounts of virus delivery produced
very inconsistent protein expressions that had to be adjusted to meet the goal. The virus adjustment revealed that
1uL of AdFL, 5uL of AdΔN, 2uL of AdΔLOX, and 2uL of AdDM amounts of virus delivery tested after 24 hours in
the A7R5 cell samples produced the most similar results in the media and pellet when probed for LOX and LOXL2
with the given results. More experiments need to be conducted to determine the whether FN deposition is increased
with the addition of AdLOXL2 mutant virus and LOXL2 overexpression.
If more trials of this experiment are tested in the future, it would be favorable to adjust the amount of virus added to
a slightly lower quantity. The suggested increment of virus addition will be 0.5uL lower for each condition, in order
to further normalize the protein expression. The results showed that lowering the quantities of virus over the 24 hour
course of growth allowed the purpose of the experiment to be better fulfilled.
Human errors involving consistency in performing the methods and procedures may have skewed the results of the
experiment. Executing more trials of the same quantities and adjusting the amount of virus to the suggested lower
quantities will be beneficial in analyzing the most optimal conditions (amount of virus to be delivered and
experiment duration) to produce a similar amount of protein expression. This simple experiment is important in
researching the functions of the SRCR domains, which forms the foundation of a larger assay to analyze the
functions of different LOXL2 domains, whether it be protein assembly or catalytic function. Studying the function
and activity of LOX, LOXL2, LOXL3 with biochemistry experiments involving these mutant virus will allow
scientists to better characterize these amine oxidases that can play a role in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
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