Sample Exam Question On Sensors

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Sample exam question on sensors - attempt

this for next week's discussion

Question 1: Sensor Analysis
a) Write down in your own words, what is meant by the sensitivity of a sensor?
b) Outline with the aid of a diagram, what is meant by hysteresis in relation to sensor readings?
Consider the data for the following LM35DZ temperature sensor. Answer the following questions
about the sensor. Note the sensor will output 0V for the lowest temperature in the range and 5V for
the highest temperature in the stated range.

Description Value
Package 3TO-92
Sensitivity 10 mV/°C
Accuracy ±2.5%
Function Temp Sensor
Interface Type Serial (2-Wire)
Operating Supply Voltage 4 to 30 V
Output Type and range 0-5V analog
Range -40°C to 180°C
Stability ±0.5°C / year
Hysteresis + 1.0% maximum
Rev 01
(i) On a very cold day, the air temperature is -100C. Assuming the sensor is 100% accurate, what
output voltage would you expect from the sensor?
(ii) Assuming an ideal (100% accurate) sensor, what temperature would be indicated when the
output voltage was measured at 4V?
(iii) Considering only the stated accuracy (in the specification above), a reading of the sensor
returned a temperature of 50°C. What are the lower and upper limits of °C that
the actual temperature will lie between?
(iv) Reading the specification above, would you have any concerns if it was planned that the sensor
was to measure for 10 years? Give a reason for your answer.
(v) Considering stability errors only, A reading of temperature of 100°C made in10 years from
now. What are the lower and upper limits of °C that the actualtemperature will lie between?

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