Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Adam Hirsch, Yael Parag, Josep Guerrero T
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Adam Hirsch, Yael Parag, Josep Guerrero T
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Adam Hirsch, Yael Parag, Josep Guerrero T
Keywords: Microgrids are now emerging from lab benches and pilot demonstration sites into commercial markets, driven by
Microgrids technological improvements, falling costs, a proven track record, and growing recognition of their benefits. They
Resilience are being used to improve reliability and resilience of electrical grids, to manage the addition of distributed clean
Renewable integration energy resources like wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) generation to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and to provide
electricity in areas not served by centralized electrical infrastructure. This review article (1) explains what a
Distributed energy
microgrid is, and (2) provides a multi-disciplinary portrait of today's microgrid drivers, real-world applications,
challenges, and future prospects.
Abbreviations: AC, alternating current; AEP, American Electric Power; CERTS, Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions; DBOOM, design-build-own-operate-maintain;
DC, direct current; DER, distributed energy resource; DSO, distribution system operator; ESS, energy storage system; EV, electric vehicle; IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers; GW, gigawatt; IoT, Internet of Things; IPP, Independent Power Producer; JCTD, Joint Capability Technology Demonstration; kW, kilowatt; MGCC, microgrid central controller;
MW, megawatt; NYISO, New York Independent System Operator; PCC, point of common coupling; PPA, power purchase agreement; PQR, power quality and reliability; PV, photovoltaic;
REV, Reforming the Energy Vision; SDS, static disconnect switch; SPIDERS, Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security; VAR, volt-ampere reactive
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Hirsch).
Received 9 September 2017; Received in revised form 6 March 2018; Accepted 17 March 2018
Available online 03 April 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
Table 1
Overview of microgrid generation and storage options.
Category Options Advantages Disadvantages
Generation Diesel and spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engines • Dispatchable • Nitrogen oxide and particulate
[24] • Quick startup emissions
• Load-following • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Can be used for combined heat and power (CHP) • Noise generation
Microturbines [25] • Dispatchable • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Multiple fuel options
• Low emissions
• Mechanical simplicity
• CHP-capable
Fuel cells (including solid oxide, molten-carbonate, phosphoric acid, • Dispatchable • Relatively expensive
alkaline, and low-temperature Proton Exchange Membrane or PEM) • Zero on-site pollution • Limited lifetime
[117–119] • CHP-capable
• Higher efficiency available versus microturbines
Renewable Generation (solar photovoltaic cells, small wind • Zero fuel cost • Not dispatchable without
turbines, and mini-hydro) • Zero emissions storage
• Variable and not controllable
Storage Batteries (including lead acid, sodium-sulfur, lithium ion, and
nickel-cadmium) [28]
• Long history of research and development • Limited number of charge-
discharge cycles
• Waste disposal
“Flow batteries”, also know as “regenerative fuel cells” (including • Decouple power and energy storage [30] • Relatively early stage of
zinc-bromine, polysulphide bromide, vanadium redox) [28] • Able to support continuous operation at maximum
load and complete discharge without risk of damage
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
today, including their advantages and disadvantages, are provided in exceeding line ratings; regulate voltage and frequency within accep-
Table 1, below. In general, microgrids are somewhat “technology ag- table bounds during islanding; dispatch resources to maintain energy
nostic” and design choices will depend on project-specific requirements balance; island smoothly; and safely reconnect and resynchronize with
and economic considerations. While not strictly required, incorporating the main grid [42]. Microgrids can essentially be controlled in the same
some energy storage will help prevent microgrid faults [28]. Since most way as the main grid, i.e. by using a three level hierarchical control
microgrid generating sources lack the inertia used by large synchronous [37]. Control of frequency and voltage – so-called primary and sec-
generators, a buffer is needed to mitigate the impact of imbalances of ondary control – can be achieved either under the guidance of a mi-
electricity generation and demand. Microgrids also lack the load di- crogrid central controller (MGCC) that sends explicit commands to the
versity of larger geographical regions, so they must deal with much distributed energy resources [43] or in a decentralized manner, like
greater relative variability. The array of technologies for energy storage CERTS, in which each resource responds to local conditions. In addi-
currently under development that could potentially play a role in mi- tion, microgrids generally include a tertiary control layer to enable the
crogrids is extensive [29,30]. Much of the attention is focused on sto- economic and optimization operations for the microgrid, mainly fo-
rage of electricity; however, storage of thermal and mechanical energy cused on managing battery storage, distributed generation scheduling
should be kept in mind where appropriate. The ability of storage and dispatch, and managing import and export of electricity between
technologies to provide ancillary services like voltage control support, the microgrid and the utility grid [39,40,44,45]. Hierarchical control
spinning reserves, load following, and peak shaving among others, has architectures that manage power within a microgrid and mediate ex-
also been analyzed [29]. changes with the main grid have been deployed using a “multi-agent
system” approach in two European microgrids, one in the Greek island
2.1.1. Power electronics of Kythnos and another in the German ‘Am Steinweg’ project [46].
Microgrids often include technologies like solar PV (which outputs Increasingly, microgrid research and development is focusing on adding
DC power) or microturbines (high frequency AC power) that require “intelligence” to optimize operational controls and market participation
power electronic interfaces like DC/AC or DC/AC/DC converters to [18,37,38,46–54].
interface with the electrical system. Inverters can play an important
role in frequency and voltage control in islanded microgrids as well as
3. Microgrid motivation
facilitating participation in black start strategies [15]. The static dis-
connect switch (SDS) is a key microgrid component for islanding and
The factors driving microgrid development and deployment in lo-
synchronization; it can be programmed to trip very quickly on over-
cations with existing electrical grid infrastructure fall into three broad
voltage, undervoltage, overfrequency, underfrequency, or directional
categories: Energy Security, Economic Benefits, and Clean Energy
overcurrent [21].
Integration, as described in Table 2, below.
The interface with the main grid can be a synchronous AC con-
The main driver of microgrid development in the United States has
nection or an asynchronous connection using a direct current coupled
been their potential to improve the resiliency (the ability to bounce
electronic power converter [28]. The former approach has the ad-
back from a problem quickly) and reliability (the fraction of time an
vantage of simplicity, while the later isolates the microgrid from the
acceptable level of service is available) of “critical facilities” such as
utility regarding power quality (frequency, voltage, harmonics) and is a
transportation, communications, drinking water and waste treatment,
natural match with DC-only microgrid strategies.
health care, food, and emergency response infrastructure. One major
Since most distributed energy resources (including fuel cells, solar
area of activity is the Northeastern U.S., where aging infrastructure and
PV, and batteries) provide or accept DC electricity and many end loads,
frequent severe weather events have led to billions of dollars of losses in
including power electronics, lighting, and variable speed drives for
recent years. As a result, States have been exploring the feasibility of
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, use direct current internally,
extending microgrids beyond critical facilities to serve whole commu-
all-DC microgrids have been proposed to avoid losses from converting
nities [55,56] and have begun funding demonstration projects [57,58].
between DC and AC (and often again back to DC) power [2,31–35].
The most notable example of state support for community microgrids is
These losses can waste from 5% to 15% of power generation depending
New York State's “New York Prize”, a $40 M competition to assist
on the number of back-and-forth conversions. Additionally, faults in DC
communities on the path from feasibility studies through implementa-
systems can be isolated with blocking diodes and issues of synchroni-
tion.1 States in the U.S. are also looking to microgrids to replace retiring
zation, harmonic distortion, and problematic circulating reactive cur-
generation capacity and to relieve congestion points in the transmission
rents are alleviated [34]. Lastly, a grid-tied DC-based, non-synchronous
and distribution system.
architecture simplifies interconnection with the AC grid and permits
In Europe, climate change and the need to integrate large amounts
straightforward plug-and-play capabilities in the microgrid, allowing
of clean renewable energy generation into the grid have been more
addition of components without substantial re-engineering [36].
significant drivers spurring microgrid activity. Climate scientists have
It is worth noting that while the success of promising initiatives like
concluded that to avoid a global average temperature rise exceeding
“DC homes”, i.e. low voltage DC grids for residential applications, has
2 °C over pre-industrial levels, currently accepted as the threshold be-
been limited by a lack of DC appliances and the need for large grid-
tween “safe” and “dangerous” climate change, human society needs to
connected AC-DC converters, DC or hybrid AC/DC microgrids have
reduce the proportion of electricity produced by burning fossil fuels
flourished in maritime applications, datacenters, and so-called mini-
from 70% (in 2010) to under 20% by 2050 [59]. Many of the energy
grids (another name used historically for remote microgrids) utilizing
resources scaling up to fill this gap are decentralized, intermittent, and
PV solar generation and batteries to charge electronic devices like
non-dispatchable, making them a challenge to integrate into a legacy
laptops or cellphones.
grid designed for a one-way flow of electricity from centralized gen-
erating plants to customer loads. Deploying intermittent renewables in
2.2. Controls and functionality
with co-located flexible loads and storage technologies in microgrids
allows for local balancing of supply and demand makes widespread
Microgrids feature special control requirements and strategies to
distributed renewable deployment more manageable. Rather than
perform local balancing and to maximize their economic benefits
having to track and coordinate thousands or millions of individual
[8,37–41]. There is general agreement that microgrid controls must
distributed energy resources, each microgrid appears to the distribution
deliver the following functional requirements: present the microgrid to
the utility grid as single self-controlled entity so that it can provide
frequency control like a synchronous generator [37]; avoid power flow 1
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
Table 2
Drivers of microgrid development and deployment.
Category Driver Overview Recent Examples
Energy Security Severe Weather There is a growing concern that weather-related disruptions
will become more frequent and more severe over time across
• Grid outage costs from severe weather in the United
States alone from 2003 to 2012 averaged $18B-$33B per
the United States due to climate change, lending a sense of year due to lost output and wages, spoiled inventory,
urgency to addressing grid resilience. Microgrids can provide delayed production, and damage to the electric grid [120]
power to important facilities and communities using their
distributed generation assets when the main grid goes down.
Cascading Outages Because electrical grids are run near critical capacity, a
seemingly innocuous problem in a small part of the system
• The United States Northeast Blackout of August 2003
impacted 50 million people and 61,800 MW of load [122]
can lead to a domino effect that takes down an entire
electrical grid [121]. Microgrids alleviate this risk by
segmenting the grid into smaller functional units that can be
isolated and operated autonomously if needed.
Cyber- and Physical
The grid today increasingly relies on advanced information
and communications technologies, making it vulnerable to
• Cyberattacks on Ukraine [130] in 2015 and Israel in 2016
(successfully thwarted) [131].
cyberattack [123]. The centralized grid also contains large,
complex components that are expensive and slow to replace
• Large transformers were physically attacked at a major
California substation in 2013 [132,133].
if damaged. Microgrids, through their decentralized
architecture, are less vulnerable to attacks on individual
pieces of key generation or transmission infrastructure.
Natural [124,125] or man-made [126–129] electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) events could also have potentially catastrophic
Economic Benefits Infrastructure Cost Savings Investment in the U.S. electricity grid has not kept pace with
generation. As a result, capacity is constrained in many areas
• Defered construction of a $1B substation in the Brooklyn
and Queens area of New York [135]
and components are quite old, with 70% of transmission lines
and transformers now over 25 years old. The average power
• Itterrain,
costs $40,000 to $100,000 per mile (depending on design,
and labor costs) to build new primary distribution
plant age is over 30 years [120,134]. Microgrids could avoid systems [2]
or defer investments for replacement and/or expansion.
Fuel Savings Microgrids offer several types of efficiency improvements
including reduced line losses; combined heat, cooling, and
• Transmission and distribution losses waste between 5%
and 10% of gross electricity generation [2,3]
power; and transition to direct current distribution systems
to avoid wasteful DC-AC conversions. Use of absorption
• Ifthermal
the supply of reused waste heat is well matched to the
loads, efficiencies of combined heat and power
cooling technology in a combined heat and power systems can reach 80–90% [2], much higher the average
application could help address summer critical peak efficiency of the existing U.S. grid (only ~30–40% [2136]).
electrical demand [11].
Ancillary Services Traditional ancillary services include congestion relief;
frequency regulation and load following; black start; reactive
• Recent rulings 755 and 784 from the U.S. Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) mandate that fast
power and voltage control; and supply of spinning (due to responding reserves like those used in microgrids be
their ability to mimic the inertia of traditional generation), compensated based on their speed and accuracy, opening
non-spinning, replacement reserves [137,138]. Power new revenue possibilities [139,140].
quality (reactive power and voltage harmonics
compensation). When discussing microgrids, intentionally
islanded operation should be added to this list [15].
Clean Energy
Need to firm variable and
uncontrollable resources
Important clean energy sources to address climate change
like solar PV and wind are variable and non-controllable,
• InCalifornia,
locations with high renewable penetration like
Texas, and Germany, electricity prices have
which can cause challenges like overgeneration [141], steep occasionally gone negative, reflecting an imbalance
ramping [141,142], and voltage control [143,144] problems between supply and demand [145,146]
for the existing grid if deployed in large quantities.
Microgrids are designed to handle variable generation, using
storage technologies to locally balance generation and loads.
utility as a small source or consumer of electricity with the ability to the United States has been the historical leader in deployed capacity;
modify the net load profile in ways that benefit the main grid [12]. today, though, the U.S. and Asia have roughly the same capacity of
Despite differences in the priority given to resilience and emissions operating, under development, and proposed microgrids, each with
in the U.S. and Europe, microgrid fuel savings and ancillary grid ser- 42% of the market. Europe trails with 11%, Latin America with 4%, and
vices are important components of the business case in both areas. the Middle East and Africa currently have just a 1% share. Total ca-
Extensive research is now underway to design microgrids using ad- pacity was approximately 1.4 GW in 2015 and is expected to grow to
vanced analytical approaches in order to maximize these benefits across roughly 5.7 GW (considered a conservative estimate) or 8.7 GW (under
a broad range of criteria, including land use, water use, employment, an “aggressive” scenario) by 2024 [63]. Navigant breaks the microgrid
CO2 emissions, investment costs and cost of electricity, among others market into the following segments (with % of total deployed power
[60–62]. capacity as of Q1 2016): Remote (54%), Commercial/Industrial (5%),
Community (13%), Utility Distribution (13%), Institutional/Campus
4. Deployment (9%), and Military (6%) [36]. It should be noted that Navigant Re-
search does not track purely diesel-generator based remote microgrid
While much has been written about the concept and promise of systems; to be considered, they must include at least one renewable
microgrids, much can also be learned from examples of real, operating generating source. While it is not possible here to present an exhaustive
microgrids. For an exhaustive list of existing, experimental, and simu- description of different microgrid applications, we highlight a few
lated microgrid systems, the reader is recommended to consult a recent below.
review by Mariam et al. (2016) in this journal [27]. According to Na-
vigant Research, which has tracked microgrid deployment since 2011,
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
4.1. Campus/Institutional microsource (i.e. serving an individual home or small building) project
so it may be better to site multiple microsources behind a single utility
Deploying onsite generation, especially in a combined cooling, heat, interface [69]. Some authors envision a nested system where energy
and power (CCHP, also known as “trigeneration”) application with management systems at the building level communicate with each
multiple loads collocated on a campus owned by a single entity has other and neighborhood-level master controllers to coordinate dis-
been a successful model so far and typically includes the largest mi- tributed energy resources, including shared community energy re-
crogrids to date, with capacities ranging from 4 to over 40 MW [63]. sources and loads like street lighting [47]. The building-integrated
Santa Rita Jail, located in Alameda County, California, is a real in- microgrid deployment model would likely benefit from innovative fi-
stitutional microgrid proof-of-concept employing the CERTS concept nancing (akin to solar leasing models) due to the expense of generating
[21]. The microgrid includes a 1-MW fuel cell, 1.2 MW of solar PV, two resources, controllers, power electronics, and integration with existing
1.2-MW diesel generators, a 2-MW/4-MWh Lithium Iron Phosphate building systems. Literature exploring so-called “customer microgrids”
electrical storage system (chosen because this chemistry features high examines the technical feasibility and economic viability of this mode
AC-AC round trip efficiency and offers improved thermal and chemical of broad decentralized residential deployment [70,71]. Many of these
stability compared to other battery technologies, despite some sacrifice studies are motivated by the question of whether it is feasible and or/
in energy density), a fast static disconnect switch, and a power factor desirable to cost-effectively gain full autonomy from the electrical grid
correcting capacitor bank. The CERTS protocol allowed all of these using PV and battery storage [70,72].
distributed energy resources to work together during grid-connected One appealing residential microgrid application combines market-
and island modes without requiring a customized central controller. available grid-connected rooftop PV systems, electrical vehicle (EV)
The ability of an institutional microgrid to deliver peak load reduction, slow/medium chargers, and home or neighborhood energy storage
and the tradeoffs between optimizing net load shape for the facility system (ESS). During the day, the local ESS will be charged by the PV
versus for grid needs, has been demonstrated using Santa Rita Jail as an and during the night it will be discharged to the EV. The effect is
example, using DER-CAM software to determine optimal equipment twofold: (1) feed-in tariff schemes are not necessary since little power
scheduling and dispatch [64]. needs to be exchanged with the main grid; and (2) voltage quality at the
PCC is improved [48]. The inclusion of the ESS alleviates overvoltages
4.2. Military microgrids during the day due to excess PV power generation and undervoltages
during the night caused by the huge current drained to charge the ve-
Cost-effective energy security, “the ability of an installation to ac- hicle.
cess reliable supplies of electricity and fuel and the means to use them
to protect and deliver sufficient energy to meet critical operations
during an extended outage of the local electrical grid [65],” is the main 4.4. Remote and rural microgrids
driver for grid-connected military microgrids (off-grid solutions for
operational deployment are also being developed). A good example of More than 1 billion people in developing and underdeveloped
military microgrid research and demonstration efforts is the Smart countries currently lack access to reliable electricity – or to any elec-
Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security tricity at all. Often, the limited electricity that is available is generated
(SPIDERS) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) [66], a using expensive diesel fuel. In particular, for rural areas in these
three-phase program, with the scope and complexity growing with each countries, electricity is a key resource for meeting basic human needs,
phase. Phase 1 took place at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii in and microgrids may be the best way to deliver that electricity [73,74].
2012 and 2013 featuring a single distribution feeder, two electrically Remote microgrids combining clean generation and storage, in some
isolated loads, two diesel generators, and a PV array. Phase 2 took place cases facilitated by innovative mobile payment platforms, can provide a
in 2013 and 2014 at Fort Carson, Colorado and included three dis- lifeline to those people, allowing children to study at night, medical
tribution feeders, seven building loads, three diesel generators, a 1-MW systems to provide reliable service, and entrepreneurs to improve their
PV array, and 5 bidirectional electric vehicle chargers. The final phase livelihoods. These remote microgrids are leveraging the same advances
3, at Camp Smith, Hawaii, finished in late 2015; it used new and ex- in power electronics, information and communications technologies,
isting generation sources to support the loads of the entire base. A more and distributed energy resources that are driving changes in the grid in
detailed description of SPIDERS, including the project's cyber-security industrialized countries, allowing developing nations to potentially
components, and comparisons to other military microgrids are avail- leapfrog to a world of smart microgrids, in the same way that mobile
able in the literature [65,67]. communications allowed them to connect to each other and the outside
world without building up extensive landline networks.
4.3. Residential So-called “hybrid” microgrids [75] that incorporate renewable en-
ergy sources, often as an add-on to diesel generator-based systems,
The question of optimal aggregation scale is an open one in the show great potential to diversify generation and lower microgrid op-
microgrid literature and an active area of investigation. For example, is erating costs in island communities that rely on expensive imported oil
it better to integrate detached home residential customers into large for generating electricity and in remote areas far from existing elec-
community microgrids or to deploy microgrid technology at the level of tricity infrastructure [76–81]. Remote microgrids need not use a one-
individual homes? The advantages of a fully decentralized building- size fits all approach to system design; with careful resource evaluation
integrated microgrid approach [68] include control over energy re- and understanding of demand profiles, projects can be optimized to fit
sources by customers and the fact that individual homes are already local conditions [82,83]. However, careful attention needs to be paid to
connected to the electrical distribution network, so that any changes the impact of resource variability on level of service as well as the level
performed behind the utility meter to add microgrid capabilities will of maintenance required to keep the system running or to restore ser-
likely not introduce significant legal or regulatory complications be- vice in the case of generator failure. Examples of research featuring
yond what is already encountered for interconnection of rooftop solar remote microgrids include Huatacondo Island in Chile [84], Xing-
installations today. At the same time, this fully decentralized approach, xingxia in Xinjiang, China [85], and Lencois island in Brazil [86].
especially if it includes islanding capability, forfeits cost-saving
economies of scale and the generation and load diversity that comes
with networking multiple generators and loads. For example, the cost of
interconnection protection can add as much as 50% to the cost of a
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
5. Challenges microgrid developers and owners. In the event that the microgrid is
deemed to be a distribution utility, it may assume an obligation to
5.1. Legal and regulatory uncertainty serve, meaning that it would be required to provide service upon the
written or oral request of a potential retail customer.
There are two key legal issues that impact microgrids: first, whether All microgrids that intend to use public ways to distribute electricity
they are deemed to be electrical distribution utilities and are therefore to customers (for example sending thermal energy or electricity across a
subject to oversight by state regulatory agencies; and second, even if public street) require permission from the local municipal authority
they are exempt from state regulation as utilities, do they fit into ex- [55]. This permission can be in the form of a “franchise” or other “lesser
isting legal frameworks governing the sale and purchase of electricity consent”. A microgrid's ability to obtain this permission depends in
and rights to generate and distribute electricity? A clear legal identity large degree on whether a pre-existing electric utility has been given an
for microgrids is needed to achieve the regulatory certainty required to exclusive franchise, effectively blocking out competitors. In New York,
make microgrid projects “bankable” – otherwise the potential costs are for example, if the existing franchise is non-exclusive, state law still
too high and benefits too uncertain to justify investing time and money mandates that a competitive process be used to determine the franchise
[55]. Several states in the United States have evaluated microgrids in grantee, allowing incumbents and other service providers to compete
the context of the current legal and regulatory framework pertaining to against the microgrid developer for the franchise.
electricity generation, transmission, and distribution. The resulting re- Due to their small scale and limited scope of services, it is unlikely
ports are a good starting point for understanding the issues states are in most cases that a microgrid would require a franchise and therefore,
wrestling with regarding the future of their electrical distribution sys- that most microgrids would not be under the jurisdictional authority of
tems [55,56,87,88]. the utility regulatory agency; however, these cases are being decided on
a project-by-project basis in the courts. In addition, microgrids selling
5.2. Interconnection policy to retail customers may have to comply with various consumer pro-
tection laws. Finally, regardless of their status as a distribution utility,
One fundamental source of legal uncertainty centers on the laws microgrids that produce power through combustion (such as micro-
regulating connection of distributed energy resources to the grid. turbines or diesel generators) are subject to federal and state laws
Following deregulation in the United States in the late 1990s, there governing emissions and will require a permit under certain conditions.
were no nation-wide standardized requirements for small independent The choice of business or ownership model will also impact the degree
power producers to connect their equipment to the grid. Manufacturers to which utility franchise or lesser consent come into play; these con-
and project developers had to deal with a patchwork of requirements siderations are discussed in more detail below.
that varied from utility to utility [89], adding substantial cost and time Today's regulations governing electric utilities in the United reflect a
to the microgrid development process. The development of IEEE 1547 process referred to as “restructuring”, and colloquially as “deregula-
(released in 2003) was an important step toward a consistent set of tion”, that occurred in the mid- to late-1990s in many states in the U.S.,
rules for integrating distributed energy resources (< 10 MVA) to the following the example of deregulation in other major industries like
grid in a safe manner [90]. Until recently, though, the main focus of airlines, railroads, telecommunications, and others [91]. In general,
interconnection policy for distributed energy resources, including IEEE restructuring introduced a separation between the generation, trans-
1547, was on ensuring that those resources would disconnect in the mission, and distribution functions of what were previously vertically
case of grid failure (a so-called “unintentional islanding” situation) to integrated monopolies. In the case of New York, generators can sell
protect the safety of line workers. It wasn’t until the IEEE approved electricity into a competitive wholesale markets or directly to local
standard 1547.4 in 2011, that standardized protocols became available distribution utilities or retailers for resale to customers. A system op-
for safe intentional islanding and reconnection of microgrid systems. erator (in the case of New York, the NYISO) is responsible for main-
IEEE 1547.4 includes guidance for planning, design, operation, and taining a balance between supply and demand at all times. The eco-
integration of distributed resource island systems with the larger utility system of players in the restructured New York electricity market
grid. It covers functionality of microgrids including operation in grid- includes smaller generating companies called Independent Power Pro-
connected mode, the transition to intentionally islanded mode, opera- ducers (IPPs). Microgrids, as such, do not fit neatly into the classes of
tion in islanded mode, and reconnection to the grid, specifying correct market participant defined by restructuring, perhaps because they
voltage, frequency, and phase angle. Finally, IEEE 1547.4 also covers transcend the categories of generation, transmission, and distribution.
safety considerations, protection, monitoring, communications, control, As a result, further work is needed to incorporate them into the reg-
and power quality. California's Rule 21 also addresses interconnection ulatory legal structure.
requirements, to help remove barriers put in place by legacy utility
providers, by establishing standardized technology- and size-neutral 5.4. Utility opposition
requirements, a clear review process, testing and certification proce-
dures, set fees, and a streamlined application process. Interconnection Although grid-tied microgrid customers will likely stay connected to
is of paramount importance: if microgrids are not able to connect to the the grid for the foreseeable future, only islanding in the case of utility
utility grid, they must operate permanently in an islanded mode, for- grid failure, self-consumption of microgrid generated energy could
feiting the opportunity to derive revenue from grid services they could erode the revenue base that has traditionally paid for utility infra-
otherwise provide and crippling their business case. structure investments. There is also still reluctance to add large
amounts of distributed energy resources to the grid because of per-
5.3. Utility regulation ceived management, safety, and protection challenges. As a result,
many utilities are seeking to impose additional fees on DER owners and
A microgrid is likely to be considered an electric corporation if it threatening to halt net metering programs. Market restructuring, like
intends to serve multiple, otherwise unrelated, retail customers, cross a that proposed in New York's “Reforming the Energy Vision (REV)” ef-
public way with power lines, and/or obtain a franchise from a local fort, will be required to move from a situation where microgrids are
authority. The reasons for this conclusion are discussed below in more viewed as a threat to one in which distributed energy resource services
detail. If a state utility regulatory agency decides that services provided are valued by the utility grid and fairly compensated [92]. As part of
by microgrids qualify them as utilities, that body can regulate the rates this restructuring, utility regulators will fully unbundle generation,
charged for electricity and decide whether to approve facility con- transmission, and distribution services and allow independent power
struction, among other powers, all of which have major implications for producers to compete in wholesale (and potentially retail) markets.
A. Hirsch et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 402–411
Real time or time of use (ToU) electricity prices will become the norm capabilities to alleviate congestion, route power around faults, and
so that microgrids receive the economic signals they need to manage shorten recovery time from outages. Virtual power plants rely on soft-
their DERs to provide grid services like frequency regulation, black ware and analytics to manage widely dispersed distributed energy re-
start, and congestion relief, and to maximize their own revenues. sources, although grid-connected microgrids can also function as virtual
However, utility restructuring has not been a universal phenomenon power plants, as mentioned above. New information and communica-
and progress slowed dramatically following the challenges experienced tions developments, broadly known as the “Internet of Things (IoT)” are
in California in the early 2000s [91]. also facilitating the emergence of a decentralized, so-called “transac-
Even for deregulated utilities, the structure of electricity markets tive” energy market platform where individual distributed energy re-
and the manner in which investor-owned utilities are paid for providing sources and loads can bid to buy and sell electricity from each other
service (using so-called “cost of service” accounting) still represent [108]. Whether microgrids become the dominant strategy to deploy
impediments to distributed energy resource adoption in general, in- large amounts of intermittent renewables and improve resilience de-
cluding microgrids. Decoupling electric company revenues from elec- pends on whether the benefits are perceived to be great enough in re-
tricity sales, which is already done in 14 states in the USA, is a major lation to the costs, when compared to the alternative smart grid para-
step toward removing utility resistance to microgrids based on concerns digms. It is possible that – even in situations where there is low value
about a so-called “utility death spiral” where widespread self-genera- placed on islanding for resilience and reliability – it will be deemed
tion leads to demand reduction for the grid's electricity, which in turn advantageous to collocate virtual power plant assets in microgrid-like
leads to higher electricity costs for traditional customers, fueling ad- architectures.
ditional uptake of self-generation to the point that utilities cannot cover
their costs. 6.2. Market structure and degree of market decentralization
A potential path forward is to move from the traditional cost-of-
service paradigm to a performance-based approach [93] that recognizes The EU “More Microgrids” project [109] presented four different
that the utility grid is being asked to provide functions that are much scenarios of microgrid resource ownership including: ownership by the
different from those they have historically been responsible for, such as distribution system operator (DSO), where the DSO owns the distribu-
resilience, security, and clean generation. In this new paradigm, uti- tion system and is responsible for retail sales of electricity to the end
lities would be incentivized to invest in upgrading infrastructure and customer; ownership by the end consumer or even consortium of pro-
improving efficiency as opposed to selling the maximum number of sumers (entities that both import and export electricity); ownership by
kilowatt hours. Several States in the USA have taken it upon themselves an independent power producer; or, ownership by an energy supplier in
to commission or formulate their own plans for how to modernize their a free market arrangement. According to Navigant Research [36], the
grids and electricity markets to provide more reliable, efficient, and majority of grid-tied microgrids today are owned and financed by fa-
clean, electricity to their customers [94–96]. Countries like Great cility owners, especially in the campus/institutional category. It is im-
Britain are also formulating plans for evolution of the grid to a more portant to recognize that microgrids, especially community microgrids,
clean, secure, and distributed energy future and examining the social, can utilize the existing distribution system infrastructure, radically re-
legal, and regulatory factors that help or hinder that transition [97]. ducing their costs.
Utilities are also coming around to the view that they may be well Three models have been proposed for integrating energy prosumers
positioned, if allowed by regulators, to provide microgrid services to into the grid – peer-to-peer, prosumer-to-grid, and prosumer commu-
their existing customers since they have extensive knowledge, dis- nity groups – and identified barriers to their adoption [110,111]. In the
tribution infrastructure already in place, and franchise rights from local peer-to-peer model, perhaps the farthest from today's centralized grid
authorities. Electrical utilities have begun testing microgrid concepts in model, the underlying platform would support the ability of electricity
laboratory-type settings. One example is Duke Energy, which maintains producers and consumers to directly buy and sell electricity and other
two test microgrid facilities: one in Gaston County, North Carolina [98], services from each other, with a fee going to the manager of the dis-
and one in Charlotte, North Carolina [99]. The first installation focuses tribution grid for providing distribution services [112]. Pilot projects of
on interoperability and building partnerships with manufacturers; the this type are starting to appear in places like Brooklyn, New York, the
second, originally built to test virtual power plant capabilities, is a solar Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Researchers, practitioners, and
PV and storage microgrid serving a fire station. The partnership be- even large European energy companies, for applications like electric
tween the CERTS team and American Electric Power (AEP) to develop a vehicle charging, are starting to apply secure peer-to-peer platforms
CERTS test bed represents a productive partnering model between in- like blockchain-based distributed ledgers to peer-to-peer energy mar-
dustry and the government [19]. Other utility companies [100], like kets [113,114].
Arizona Public Service, Consolidated Edison, Commonwealth Edison, One focus area is the market for voltage control in distribution
Green Mountain Power, NRG Energy, San Diego Gas and Electric and networks with microgrids. Some researchers propose that each micro-
Southern California Edison [101] are also exploring microgrids as a way grid in a future multi-microgrid network act as a virtual power plant –
to provide additional services to customers, defer capital investments, i.e. as a single aggregated distributed energy resource – with each mi-
improve overall reliability, and to manage potential disruption to their crogrid's central controller (assuming a centralized control archi-
business model. tecture) bidding energy and ancillary services to the external power
system, based on the aggregation of bids from the distributed energy
6. Future prospects and open questions resources in the microgrid (responsive loads, microgenerators, and
storage devices) [115]. They conceive of the distribution system op-
6.1. Competing smart grid paradigms erator running a day-ahead market for reactive power, which is re-
quired for the flow of power from large generators to customers across a
While it has been argued that microgrids are a better approach to radial transmission and distribution network, and propose a mechanism
contain and manage local problems [102] and could even serve as a for optimal market settlement. This vision is similar to that presented in
possible pathway to a “self-healing” smart grid of the future [103], it is New York's Distributed Energy Resource Roadmap [116] which pro-
possible that society will find grid architecture paradigms like “smart poses to open the state's wholesale electricity market to DER ag-
supergrids” [104,105] or “virtual power plants” [44,106,107] – which gregators.
do not feature local balancing of generation and loads or isolating Innovative business models such as power purchase or energy ser-
segments of the grid – to be more compelling architectures. Smart su- vices agreements and design-build-own-operate-maintain (DBOOM)
pergrids rely on improved fault detection, isolation, and restoration will likely play a big role in the ability of microgrids to scale [36]. Once
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