Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (Metric)

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Standard Specification for

Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric]



1. SCOPE1 M 225 Deformed Steel Wire for conformance with the design prescribed
Concrete Reinforcement in this specification and its freedom from
M 240 Blended Hydraulic Cements defects.
1.1 This specification covers reinforced
arch-shaped concrete pipe to be used for M 262 Terms Relating to Concrete 5.1.2 Acceptance on Basis of Material
the conveyance of sewage, industrial Pipe and Related Products Tests and Inspection of the Complete
wastes, storm water, and for the Product-Acceptability of the pipe in all
M 295 Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined sizes and classes shall be determined by
construction of culverts. Natural Pozzolan for Use as a the results of such material tests as are
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be Mineral Admixture in required in accordance with Sections 6.1,
regarded as the standard. A complete Portland Cement Concrete 6.2, and 6.4; by crushing tests on
companion specification to M 206M, T 22 Compressive Strength of concrete cores or cured concrete cylinder;
AASHTO M 206, is available for use Cylindrical Concrete by absorption tests on selected samples
with inch-pound units. Specimens from the wall of the pipe; and by
NOTE 1-This specification is a manufacturing T 280 Testing Concrete Pipe, inspection of the finished pipe, including
and purchase specification only, and does not amount and placement of reinforcement,
include requirements for bedding, backfill, or
Sections, or Tile
to determine its conformance with the
the relationship between field load condition
and the strength classification of pipe. design prescribed in this specification and
3. TERMINOLOGY its freedom from defects.
However, experience has shown that the
successful performance of this product 5.1.3 When agreed upon by the
depends upon the proper selection of the class 3.1 Definitions-For definitions of terms purchaser and the manufacturer, any
of pipe, type of bedding and backfill, and care
relating to concrete pipe, see AASHTO portion or any combination of test
that the installation conforms to the
construction specifications. The purchaser of M 262. itemized in Section 5.1.1 or 5.1.2 may
the reinforced concrete pipe specified herein is form the basis of acceptance.
cautioned that the field requirements must be 5.2 Age of Acceptance-Pipe shall be
correlated with the class of pipe specified and considered ready for acceptance when
field inspection must be provided at the they conform to the requirements as
construction site. 4.1 Pipe manufactured according to this indicated by the specified tests.
specification shall be of three classes
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS identified as Class A-II, A-III, and A-IV.
The strength requirements are prescribed 6. MATERIALS
in Table 1.
2.1 AASHTO Standards:
6.1 Reinforced Concrete-The reinforced
M6 Fine Aggregate for Portland concrete shall consist of cementitious
Cement Concrete 5. BASIS OF ACCEPTANCE
materials, mineral aggregates, and water,
M 31M Deformed and Plain Billett- in which steel has been embedded in such
Steel Bars for Concrete 5.1 Unless otherwise designated by the a manner that the steel and concrete act
Reinforcement [Metric] purchaser at the time of, or before placing together.
M 32 Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for an order, two separate and alternative 6.2 Cementitious Materials:
Concrete Reinforcement bases of acceptance are permitted as
follows: 6.2.1 Cement-Cement shall conform to
M 55 Welded Steel Wire Fabric for the requirements for portland cement of
Concrete Reinforcement 5.1.1 Acceptance on Basis of Plant AASHTO M 85, or shall be portland
Load Bearing Tests, Material Tests, and blast-furnace slag cement or portland-
M 80 Coarse Aggregate for Inspection of the Complete Product-
Portland Cement Concrete pozzolan cement conforming to the
Acceptability of the pipe in all sizes and requirements of AASHTO M 240, except
M 85 Portland Cement classes produced in accordance with that the pozzolan constituent in the Type
M 148 Liquid Membrane Forming Section 7.1 or 7.2, shall be determined by EP portland-pozzolan cement shall be fly
Compounds for Curing the results of the three-edge-bearing tests ash and shall not exceed 25 percent by
Concrete for either the load to produce a 0.3-mm mass.
crack or, at the option of the purchaser,
M 221 Welded Deformed Steel Wire 6.2.2 Fly Ash-Fly ash shall conform to
the load to produce the 0.3mm crack and
Fabric for Concrete the requirements of Class F or Class C of
the ultimate load; by such material tests
Reinforcement AASHTO M 295.
as are required in accordance with
Sections 6.1, 6.2. and 6.4, by absorption 6.2.3 Allowable Combinations of
tests on selected samples from the wall of Cementitious Materials-The combination
Agrees with ASTM C 506M-.M 90 except for the pipe; and by inspection of the of cementitious materials used in the
limiting absorption testing to the 5-hour boil method finished pipe to determine its concrete shall be one of the following:
and retest of absorption samples in case of failure.


12 Portland blast-furnace slag 7.3.3 The manufacturer shall submit to reduced in diameter so as to extend into
cement only. the purchaser proof of the adequacy of the spigot. Portland-pozzolan cement only, the proposed modified or special design. 8.1.4 The spacing center to center of
or Such proof may comprise the submission circumferential reinforcement in a cage
of properly certified three-edge-bearing shall not exceed 100 mm for pipe up to A combination of portland tests already made, which are acceptable
cement and fly ash wherein the and including pipe having a 100-mm wall
to the purchaser or, if such three- thickness nor exceed the wall thickness
proportion of fly ash is between 5 and 25 edgebearing tests are not available or
percent by mass of total cementitious for larger pipe, and shall in no case
acceptable, the manufacturer may be exceed 150 mm.
material (portland cement plus fly ash). required to perform proof tests on sizes
6.3 Aggregates-Aggregates shall conform and classes selected by the purchaser to 8.1.5 The continuity of the
to AASHTO M 6 and M 80, except that demonstrate the adequacy of the circumferential reinforcing steel shall not
the requirement for gradation shall not proposed design. be destroyed during the manufacture of
apply. the pipe, except that when agreed upon
7.3.4 Such pipe must meet all of the by the purchaser, lift eyes or holes may
6.4 Admixtures and Blends-Admixtures test and performance requirements be provided in each pipe for the purpose
and blends may be used with the specified by the purchaser in accordance of handling.
approval of the purchaser. with Section 5.
8.1.6 If splices are not welded, the
6.5 Steel Reinforcement-Reinforcement 7.4 Area-In this specification, when the reinforcement shall be lapped not less
shall consist of wire conforming to word area is not described by adjectives, than 20 diameters for deformed bars and
AASHTO M 32 or M 225, or of wire such as cross-section or single wire, it deformed cold-worked wire, and 40
fabric conforming to AASHTO M 55 or shall be understood to be the cross- diameters for plain bars and cold-drawn
M 221, or of bars of Grade 300 steel sectional area of reinforcement per unit wire. In addition, where lapped cages of
conforming to AASHTO M 31M. lengths of pipe. welded-wire fabric are used without
welding, the lap shall contain a
7. DESIGN 8. REINFORCEMENT longitudinal wire. When splices are welded and are
not lapped to the minimum requirements
7.1 Size and Dimensions-The standard 8.1 Circumferential Reinforcement-A line above, pull tests of representative
sizes of arch pipe are listed in Table 1. of circumferential reinforcement for any specimens shall develop at least 50
The internal dimensions for each given total area may be composed of two percent of the minimum specified
standard size shall be as defined in Figure layers for pipe with wall thicknesses of strength
1, subject to the permissible variations of less than 180 mm or three layers for pipe
Section 12. with wall thicknesses of 180 mm or of the steel and there shall be a minimum
greater. The layers shall not be separated lap of 50 mm. For butt-welded splices in
7.2 Design Tables-The wall thickness,
by more than the thickness of one bars or wire, permitted only with
compressive strength of concrete, and the
longitudinal plus 6 mm. The multiple helically wound cages, pull tests of
area of circumferential reinforcement
layers shall be fastened together to form a representative specimens shall develop at
shall be as prescribed in Table 1, subject
single rigid case. All other specification least 75 percent of the minimum
to the provisions of Sections 7.3, 11.4.1,
requirements such as laps, welds, and specified strength of steel.
and 12.
tolerances of placement in the wall of the 8.2 Longitudinal ReinforcementEach line
7.2.1 Footnotes to the tables herein are
pipe, etc., shall apply to this method of of circumferential reinforcement shall be
intended to be amplifications of the
fabricating a line of reinforcement. assembled into a cage that shall contain
tabulated requirements and are to be
8.1.1 Where one line of reinforcement sufficient longitudinal bars or members,
considered applicable and binding as if
is used, it shall be placed so that the to maintain the reinforcement in shape
they were contained in the body of the
cover of the concrete over the and in position within the form to comply
circumferential reinforcement at the with permissible variations in Section
7.3 Modified and Special Designs: 8.1. The exposure of the ends of
vertical and horizontal diameters of the
7.3.1 If permitted by the purchaser, the pipe is 25 mm from the inside and longitudinals, stirrups, or spacers that
manufacturer may request approval by outside surfaces of the pipe, except for have been used to position the cages
the purchaser of modified designs that wall thicknesses less than 62 mm, the during the placement of the concrete shall
differ from the designs in this Section 7 protective cover of the concrete over the not be a cause for rejection.
or special designs for sizes and loads circumferential reinforcement in the wall 8.3 Joint Reinforcement-In all pipe 900
beyond those shown in Table 1, or special of the pipe shall be 18 mm. mm or larger in diameter either the bell
designs for pipe sizes that do not have or the spigot of the joint shall contain
8.1.2 Where two lines of reinforcement
steel reinforcement areas shown in Table circumferential reinforcement.
of arch shape corresponding to the
contour of the pipe are used, each line 8.3.1 For single-cage pipe, joint
7.3.2 Such modified or special designs shall be so placed that the covering of reinforcement shall be at least equal in
shall be based on rational or empirical concrete over the reinforcement is 25 area to that required for an equivalent
evaluations of the ultimate strength and mm. length of pipe wall.
cracking behavior of pipe and shall fully
8.1.3 The location of the reinforcement 8.3.2 For double-cage and triplecage
describe to the purchaser any deviations
shall be subject to the permissible pipe, joint reinforcement shall be at least
from the requirements of this Section 7.
variations in dimensions given in Section equal in area to that required for an
The descriptions of modified or special
12.5. Requirements for placement and equivalent length of the outer circular
designs shall include the wall thickness,
protective covering of the concrete from cage if placed in the bell, or at least equal
the concrete strength, and the area, type,
the inner or outer surface of the pipe do in area to that required for an equivalent
placement, number of layers, and
not apply to that portion of a cage which length of the inner circular cage if placed
strength of the steel reinforcement.
is flared so as to extend into the bell or in the spigot.
9. JOINTS 10.2 Curing-Pipe shall be subjected to method that will keep the pipe moist
any one of the methods of curing during the specified curing period.
described in Sections 10.2.1 to 10.2.4, or 10.2.3 The manufacturer may, at his
9.1 The joints shall be of such design and to any other method or combination of
the ends of the concrete pipe sections so option, combine the methods described in
methods approved by the purchaser, that Sections 10.2.1 to 10.2.4 provided the
formed that the pipe can be laid together will give satisfactory results. The pipe
to make a continuous line of pipe required concrete compressive strength is
shall be cured for a sufficient length of attained.
compatible with the permissible time so that the specified Dload is
variations given in Section 12. obtained when acceptance is based on 10.2.4 A sealing membrane conforming
Section 5.1.1 or so that the concrete will to the requirements of AASHTO M 148
develop the specified compressive may be applied and should be left intact
10. MANUFACTURE until the required strength requirements
strength at 28 days or less when
acceptance is based on Section 5.1.2. are met. The concrete at the time of
10.1 Mixture-The aggregates shall be application shall be within 6°C of the
10.2.1 Steam Curing-Pipe may be atmospheric temperature. All surfaces
sized, graded, proportioned, and mixed
placed in a curing chamber, free from shall be kept moist prior to the
with such proportions of cementitious
outside drafts, and cured in a moist application of the compounds and shall
materials and water as will produce a
atmosphere maintained by the injection be damp when the compound is applied.
homogeneous concrete mixture of such
of steam for such time and such
quality that the pipe will conform to the
temperature as may be needed to enable
test and design requirements of this 11. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS
the pipe to meet the strength
specification. All concrete shall have a
requirements. The curing chamber shall
water-cementitious materials ratio not
be so constructed as to allow full
exceeding 0.53 by mass. Cementitious 11.1 Test Specimens-The specified
circulation of steam around the entire
materials shall be as specified in Section number of pipe required for the tests shall
6.2 and shall be added to the mix in a be furnished without charge by the
proportion not less than 280 kg/m' unless 10.2.2 Water Curing-Concrete pipe may manufacturer, shall be selected at random
mix designs with a lower cementitious be water-cured by covering with water- by the purchaser, and shall be pipe that
materials content demonstrate that the saturated material or by a system of would not otherwise be rejected under
quality and performance of the pipe meet perforated pipes, mechanical sprinklers, this specification. The selection shall be
the requirements of this specification. porous hose, or by any other approved made at the point or points designated by
the purchaser when placing the order.
11.2 Number and Type of Test tested, they shall be tested in accordance 12. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS
Required for Various Delivery Schedules: with AASHTO T 22. The average of the
11.2.1 Preliminary Tests for Extended compressive strengths of all cylinders
tested shall be equal to or greater than the 12.1 Internal Dimensions-The internal
Delivery Schedules-A purchaser of pipe, dimensions of arch pipe shall not vary
whose needs require shipments at design strength. Not more than 10
percent of the cylinders tested shall fall more than ± 2 percent from the internal
intervals over extended periods of time, dimensions shown in Figure 1. Variation
shall be entitled to such tests, preliminary below the specified design strength. In no
case shall any cylinder tested fall below shall be normally determined by
to delivery of pipe as are required by the measuring the span and rise. When
type of basis of acceptance specified by 80 percent of the specified design
strength. If cores are drilled from the wall measurement of other dimensions is
the purchaser in Section 5, of not more necessary, templates constructed to
than three sections of pipe covering each of the pipe and tested, they shall be cut
and tested in accordance with AASHTO maximum and minimum sizes shall be
size in which he is interested. used.
T 280. The compressive strength of each
11.2.2 Additional Tests for Extended core tested shall be equal to or greater 12.2 Wall Thickness-The wall
Delivery Schedules-After the preliminary than the design strength of the concrete. thickness shall not vary more than shown
tests described in Section 11.2.1, a If a core does not meet the required in the design or specified wall by more
purchaser shall be entitled to additional strength. another core from the same pipe than ± 5 percent or 5 mm whichever is
tests in such number and at such times as may be tested. If this core does not meet greater. A specified wall thickness that is
he may deem necessary, provided that the the required strength, that pipe shall be more than required in the design is not
total number of pipe tested shall not rejected. Additional tests shall be made cause for rejection. Pipe having localized
exceed 1 percent of the pipe delivered. on other pipe to determine the variations in wall thickness exceeding
11.2.3 Tests for Occasional Orders-A acceptability of the lot. When the cores those specified above shall be accepted if
purchaser who places occasional orders cut from a section of the pipe the three-edge-bearing strength and
shall be entitled to test a number of pipe successfully meet the strength minimum steel cover requirements are
not to exceed 2 percent of an order, and requirement, the core holes shall be met.
not to exceed five pieces of any one size; plugged and sealed by the manufacturer 12.3 Length of Two Opposite Sides-
otherwise the number of pipe desired for in a man ner such that the pipe section Variations in the laying length of two
testing shall be included in the order. will meet all of the requirements of this opposite sides of the pipe shall not be
11.3 External Load Crushing Strength specification. Pipe sections so sealed more than 6 mm for all sizes through
Test Requirements: shall be considered as satisfactory for 600-mm internal equivalent diameter, and
use. not more than 10 mm/m of internal
11.3.1 The load required to produce a
0.3-mm crack of the ultimate load, as 11.4.2 Absorption-The absorption of a equivalent diameter for all sizes larger
determined by the three-edge-bearing sample from the wall of the pipe, as with a maximum of 16 mm in any length
method described in AASHTO T 280 determined in accordance with AASHTO of pipe through 2100-mm internal
shall be not less than that prescribed in T 280 shall not exceed 9 percent of the equivalent diameter, and a maximum of
Table 1 for each respective class of pipe. dry mass. Each sample shall be a piece 19 mm for 2250-mm internal equivalent
Pipe that have been tested only to the broken from the wall or a core drilled diameter or larger, except where beveled-
formation of a 0.3-mm crack and that from the wall, shall have a minimum area end pipe for laying on curves is specified
meet the 0.3-mm crack load requirements of 5800 mm'- as measured on one surface by the purchaser.
shall be accepted for use. of the pipe wall and a thickness equal to 12.4 Length of Pipe-The underrun in
the pipe wall, and shall be free of visible length of a section of pipe shall be not
NOTE 2-As used in this specification, the 0.3- cracks. When the initial absorption
mm crack is a test criterion for pipe tested in more than 10 mm/m with a maximum of
sample from a pipe fails to conform to 13 mm in any length of pipe.
three-edge-bearing test and is not intended as
an indication of overstressed or failed pipe this specification the manufacturer shall
12.5 Position or Area of
under installed conditions. be allowed a retest on two additional
samples from the same pipe for each
11.3.2 Retests of Pipe Not Meeting the sample that failed. The pipe shall be 12.5.1 Position-The maximum variation
External Load Crushing Strength Test acceptable only when all of the retest in the position of the reinforcement shall
Requirements-Pipe shall be considered as samples meet the absorption be ± 10 percent of the wall or ± 13 mm,
meeting the strength test requirements requirements. whichever is the greater. Pipe having
when all test specimens conform to the variations in the position of the
11.4.3 Retests of Pipe-When not more
test requirements. Should any of the test reinforcement exceeding those specified
than 20 percent of the concrete test
specimens fail to meet the test above shall be accepted if the three-edge-
specimens fail to pass the requirements of
requirements, the manufacturer shall be bearing strength requirements obtained
the specification, the manufacturer may
allowed a retest on two additional on a representative specimen are met. In
cull his stock, may eliminate whatever
specimens for each specimen that failed, no case, however, shall the cover over the
quantity of pipe he desires, and must so
and the pipe shall be acceptable only circumferential reinforcement be less
mark those pipe that they will not be
when all of the retest specimens meet the than 13 mm. The preceeding minimum
shipped. The required tests shall be made
strength requirements. cover limitation does not apply to the
on the balance of the order and the pipe
11.4 Concrete Strength: mating surfaces of the joint.
shall be accepted if they conform to the
11.4.1 Compressive Strength- requirements of this specification. 12.5.2 Area of Reinforcement-
Compression tests for satisfying the Reinforcement will be considered as
11.5 Test Equipment-Every
minimum specified concrete strength meeting the design requirements if the
manufacturer furnishing pipe under this
requirement may be made on either area, computed on the basis of nominal
specification shall furnish all facilities
standard rodded concrete cylinders or area of the wire or bars used, equals or
and personnel necessary to carry out the
cylinders compacted and cured in like exceeds the requirements of Sections 7.2
tests described in AASHTO T 280.
manner as the pipe, or on cores drilled or 7.3. Actual area of the reinforcing used
from the wall of the pipe. If cylinders are may vary from the nominal area
according to permissible variations of the 15. REJECTION 15.1.5 Any continuous crack having a
standard specifications for the surface width of 0.3 mm or more and
reinforcing. extending for a length of 300 mm or
15.1 Pipe shall be subject to rejection more, regardless of position in the wall of
on account of failure to conform to any of the pipe.
13. REPAIRS the specification requirements. Individual
sections of pipe may be rejected because
of any of the following: 16. MARKING
13.1 Pipe may be repaired, if
necessary, because of imperfections in 15.1.1 Fractures or cracks passing
manufacture or damage during handling through the wall, except for a single end 16.1 The following information shall
and will be acceptable if, in the opinion crack that does not exceed the depth of be legibly marked on each section of
of the purchaser, the repaired pipe the joint. pipe:
conforms to the requirements of this 15.1.2 Defects that indicate mixing and 16.1.1 The pipe class and specification
specification. molding, not in compliance with Section designation,
10.1, or surface defects indicating
honeycombed or open texture that would 16.1.2 The date of manufacture,
14. INSPECTION adversely affect the function of the pipe. 16.1.3 The name or trademark of the
15.1.3 The ends of the pipe are not manufacturer, and
14.1 The quality of materials, the normal to the walls and center line of the 16.1.4 Identification of plant.
process of manufacture, and the finished pipe, within the limits of variations given 16.2 Markings shall be indented on the
pipe shall be subject to inspection and in Sections 12.3 and 12.4. pipe section or painted thereon with
approval by an inspector employed by the 15.1.4 Damaged or cracked ends, where water-proof paint.
purchaser. such damage would prevent making a
satisfactory joint, and

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