Neurology: SENIOR Residency Programme
Neurology: SENIOR Residency Programme
Neurology: SENIOR Residency Programme
Your Learning Experience *ACP is a cluster-wide framework for all clinical specialties to
advance in Academic Medicine with resources and funding
support from SingHealth and Duke-NUS. Each ACP is based
Hear from
Neurology is an evolving specialty with huge potential.
on a clinical discipline and brings together all specialists in the
discipline across various institutions for greater synergies in
clinical care, education and research.
our Residents
Modern technologies and novel research in the last few Our Faculty members are a diverse group of Clinicians,
decades have provided new insights into the mysteries of Scientists and Educators who take pride in helping our
the nervous system. We now have a better understanding Neurology Senior Residents gain the skills required to The transition from Junior to Senior Residency is a
of the mechanisms of neurological diseases, and these become master clinicians and critical thinkers. We are well- career milestone; the accretion of responsibilities
insights have led to better diagnostic tests and more represented across the subspecialties of Neurology and are and knowledge required can be daunting, but the
effective therapeutic options. actively engaged in the clinical management of patients, programme is well-paced and progressively taught
teaching medical students and Residents as well as clinical by dedicated and nurturing Faculty. I am grateful
Today, we are able to treat more neurological conditions and translational research. Our internationally recognised for the training in SingHealth Residency, which
than ever before and transform previously devastating staff provide mentorship to Senior Residents to help has provided an ample range of cases to build my
disorders into manageable ones. We can now cure some them develop fulfilling and successful careers. The quality experience and subspecialty exposure.
neurological diseases and improve the functional outcomes relationships and strong camaraderie in our department
and quality of lives of our patients. means that Senior Residents and Faculty work hand-in- DR NEWMAN CHENG
hand in patient care, teaching, and research, and enjoy Neurology Senior Resident, Year 2018
LEADING NEUROLOGY TEACHING AND RESEARCH lively interactions, both at work and leisure.
You will train at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) STRUCTURED BUT FLEXIBLE PROGRAMME It has been a really exciting time with the Neurology Senior Residency
– the largest Neurology teaching, research and healthcare We offer a comprehensive, structured, yet flexible Programme! The wide variety of cases, well-paced programme and great
provider in Singapore. With our large pool of clinicians in programme that provides diverse clinical experiences support from the department and Faculty makes learning enjoyable. We
two campuses — Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and in order to meet the career goals of each individual. The are constantly engaged, challenged and still given ample space to grow
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), NNI provides Neurology programme is based on a competency framework with clear and develop interests in the various subspecialties. The programme is
services to SGH, TTSH, Changi General Hospital (CGH), Khoo milestones. You will be trained to fulfil these seven major also very receptive to feedback and willing to change readily to suit our
Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) and Sengkang General Hospital physician roles: medical expert, communicator, collaborator, learning needs. I would not be able to ask for a better training programme!
(SKH). We also provide tertiary care to regional patients manager, health advocate, scholar, and professional.
regularly. Our diverse patient population provides ample DR CHUANG DING FANG
opportunities for Senior Residents to manage the entire Neurology Senior Resident, Year 2018
spectrum of neurological disorders.
Get in touch
Email us
Neurology (NNI SGH Campus):
[email protected]
Neurology (NNI TTSH Campus):
[email protected]
[email protected]