Skin Test
Skin Test
Skin Test
Columbus, Rome and IRCCS Oasi Maria S. S., Troina, Italy; 18Department of Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Bern,
Switzerland; 19Department of Dermatology and Allergology, University of Wu €rzburg, Wu €rzburg, Germany; 20Department of ENT and
Pediatrics, AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
To cite this article: Brockow K, Garvey LH, Aberer W, Atanaskovic-Markovic M, Barbaud A, Bilo MB, Bircher A, Blanca M, Bonadonna B, Campi P, Castro E,
Cernadas JR, Chiriac AM, Demoly P, Grosber M, Gooi J, Lombardo C, Mertes PM, Mosbech H, Nasser S, Pagani M, Ring J, Romano A, Scherer K, Schnyder B,
Testi S, Torres M, Trautmann A, Terreehorst I on behalf of the ENDA/EAACI Drug Allergy Interest Group. Skin test concentrations for systemically administered
drugs – an ENDA/EAACI Drug Allergy Interest Group position paper. Allergy 2013; 68: 702–712.
Keywords Abstract
diagnosis; drug allergy; drug
hypersensitivity; intradermal test; skin test.
Skin tests are of paramount importance for the evaluation of drug hypersensitiv-
ity reactions. Drug skin tests are often not carried out because of lack of concise
Correspondence information on specific test concentrations. The diagnosis of drug allergy is often
Prof. Knut Brockow, Department of based on history alone, which is an unreliable indicator of true hypersensitiv-
Dermatology and Allergology Biederstein, ity.To promote and standardize reproducible skin testing with safe and nonirri-
Technische Universit€at Mu€nchen, tant drug concentrations in the clinical practice, the European Network and
Biedersteiner Str. 29, 80802 Mu€nchen, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Interest
Germany. Group on Drug Allergy has performed a literature search on skin test drug con-
Tel.: 0049 89 4140 3182 centration in MEDLINE and EMBASE, reviewed and evaluated the literature in
Fax: 0049 89 4140 3127
five languages using the GRADE system for quality of evidence and strength of
E-mail: [email protected]
recommendation. Where the literature is poor, we have taken into consideration
Accepted for publication 7 February 2013
the collective experience of the group.We recommend drug concentration for skin
testing aiming to achieve a specificity of at least 95%. It has been possible to rec-
DOI:10.1111/all.12142 ommend specific drug concentration for betalactam antibiotics, perioperative
drugs, heparins, platinum salts and radiocontrast media. For many other drugs,
Edited by: Hans-Uwe Simon there is insufficient evidence to recommend appropriate drug concentration. There
EAACI, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; ENDA, European Network on Drug Allergy; GRADE, Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; IDT, intradermal test; Im, intramuscular; Iv, intravenous; LA, local
anaesthetic; MDM, minor determinant mixture; NIHR, nonimmediate hypersensitivity reaction; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
Sc, subcutaneous; SPT, skin prick test.
702 Allergy 68 (2013) 702–712 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Brockow et al. Skin test concentrations for drugs
is urgent need for multicentre studies designed to establish and validate drug skin
test concentration using standard protocols. For most drugs, sensitivity of skin
testing is higher in immediate hypersensitivity compared to nonimmediate hyper-
Drug hypersensitivity affects about 5% of hospitalized mal test (IDT), patch test and scratch test. Additional articles
patients and is associated with significant morbidity and were found through archives or on the reference lists of the
mortality (1). Drug hypersensitivity reactions mediated by identified articles. Further data sources were textbooks, test
specific immune mechanisms are classified as drug allergy. concentrations recommended by national registries, existing
Based on the time between drug exposure and onset of symp- guideline articles and experiences by members of the task
toms/signs, reactions may be divided into immediate and force.
nonimmediate hypersensitivity reaction (NIHR). The mecha- We restricted the search to systemically administered drugs
nism underlying the former is thought to be IgE-mediated and excluded topically applied agents causing only contact or
and the latter is primarily T cell-mediated. There is some photocontact allergy. No prospective controlled studies were
overlap as early noneczematous NIHRs that become symp- found; thus, we included observational studies, case series,
tomatic over 1–6 h may show anaphylactic features and IgE- case reports and also the personal experience of members of
mediated mechanism. In drug allergy, skin testing is the most the group, when other reliable data were lacking. The litera-
widely used method to determine sensitization, as other tests ture reviewed contained minimal data on testing of healthy
(in vitro or drug provocation test) are less specific, less sensi- controls.
tive or potentially harmful (2). There is no international con-
sensus on how skin tests with drugs should be performed or
Data extraction
interpreted. There have been no multicentre studies to estab-
lish drug concentration, test protocol, specificity, sensitivity Our aim has been to provide data for all widely used drugs
and safety. Reliable skin test procedures including test con- or drug classes. Members of the task force were assigned
centrations for the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity are not different drug classes (Appendix 1) who retrieved identified
available for most drugs (3). Consequently, many doctors do articles and assessed the data. The relevance of articles was
not investigate drug reactions and rely on the history alone evaluated by the responsible authors on the basis of title
to make a diagnosis of drug allergy and the unjustified use/ and abstract. The drug classes and responsible authors are
avoidance of indicated drugs. listed in Appendix 1. Selected articles were then retrieved
The European Network on Drug Allergy (ENDA) and and analysed. Detailed results of skin test concentrations
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for all drugs were summarized in a master table, which is
(EAACI) Interest Group on Drug Allergy have already pub- available on our website
lished guidelines and position papers on procedures, such as drug-allergy/resources.html (see also Table S1 in the Sup-
history taking (4), general approach to skin testing (2), drug porting Information section of this paper). For drug groups
provocation tests (5), as well as recommendations for the where evidence was considered sufficient for recommenda-
management of betalactam hypersensitivity (6), perioperative tions to be made on skin concentrations, tables are included
anaphylaxis (7), radiocontrast media reactions (8), hypersen- in the following text (Tables 1–3). In addition, for each
sitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) (9) drug or drug class, key statements on the quality of evi-
and on rapid desensitization (10). dence and recommendation (including strength) are made.
It is the primary purpose of this paper to present skin test The submission of the responsible author(s) was discussed
concentrations for practical use by the allergist. Suggested by the task force, confirmed or amended by consensus of
concentrations should be nonirritating aiming for the highest the group.
specificity, if possible exceeding 95%. By evaluating the liter-
ature, we developed additional key statements and recom-
mendations concerning methodology and clinical value of
skin testing for various drug classes. Table 1 Nonirritating test concentrations for betalactam antibiotics
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Skin test concentrations for drugs Brockow et al.
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Brockow et al. Skin test concentrations for drugs
Table 3 Nonirritating test concentrations for selected other drugs able to make the test as sensitive as possible (12). Most drugs
and drug classes are poorly soluble in water, and it is often the saturated sus-
pension that is used. It is important to make an accurate
Drug or drug class SPT IDT Patch
record of the method used (e.g. suspension prepared by dis-
Anticoagulants solving ground up 500 mg tablet in 10 ml 0.9% saline at
Heparins* Undiluted 1/10 diluted Undiluted room temperature for ‘X’ min/h/overnight). This will facili-
Heparinoids† Undiluted 1/10 diluted Undiluted tate comparative/standardize studies (high/strong). A univer-
Platinum salts sally accepted recommendation regarding solvents and
Carboplatin 10 mg/ml 1 mg/ml NA concentrations is currently impossible (low/strong).
Oxaliplatin 1 mg/ml 0.1 mg/ml NA The vehicle providing optimal skin penetration for drug
Cisplatin 1 mg/ml 0.1 mg/ml NA patch test has not been formally evaluated. The most com-
NSAIDs mon method is to use finely ground tablet of liquid drug to
Pyrazolones‡ Powder 0.1 mg/ml 10% make different test concentration of 5–30% in petrolatum. It
Coxibs§ Powder 10% is important to mix well to obtain a homogenous preparation
Other NSAIDs¶ Powder 0.1 mg/ml 10%
(high/strong) (12). Drugs may be irritant to the skin, and it
is necessary to establish in healthy controls (ideally 20) the
Adalimumab 50 mg/ml 50 mg/ml Undiluted
nonirritant concentration (13).
Etanercept 25 mg/ml 5 mg/ml NA
A positive skin test to nonirritating drug concentrations is
Infliximab 10 mg/ml 10 mg/ml NA
consistent with an allergic mechanism, although the precise
Omalizumab 1.25 µg/ml 1.25 µg/ml NA
test accuracy (sensitivity/specificity) remains unknown (high/
Local anaesthetics Undiluted 1/10 diluted Undiluted strong). Test accuracy cannot be determined without the num-
Iodinated contrast media Undiluted 1/10 diluted Undiluted bers of true positive and negative test results, which would
Gadolinium che lates Undiluted 1/10 diluted NA require provocation tests in all patients including those with
Patent blue Undiluted 1/10 diluted NA positive skin tests. The negative predictive value is dependent
Methylene blue 1/100 diluted on the pretest probability and is not helpful without this infor-
Fluorescein Undiluted 1/10 diluted Undiluted mation in selected patient groups. ST is not helpful in situa-
Proton pump inhibitors** Undiluted 40 mg/ml 10% tions where the sensitivity is very low, because of the increased
Anticonvulsants†† NA NA 10% risk of false-negative reactions. In the absence of this informa-
Chlorhexidine digluconate 5 mg/ml 0.002 mg/ml 1% tion, we have aimed for nonirritating skin test concentrations,
with the highest possible test specificity (if possible exceeding
IDT, intradermal test; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
95%). Because of limited sensitivity, a negative skin test
SPT, skin prick test.
does not rule out drug hypersensitivity (high/strong). Before
*Heparins: heparin sodium, nadroparin, dalteparin and enoxaparin;
re-administration, a drug provocation test following ENDA
testing contraindicated in HIT.
†Heparinoids: danaparoid and fondaparinux.
recommendations is necessary (high/strong) (5).
‡Pyrazolones: metamizol, paracetamol, propyphenazone, aminopy-
rine, phenazone and phenylbutazone. Antibiotics
§Coxibs: celecoxib, etoricoxib and valdecoxib.
¶Other NSAIDs: for example, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, indo- Recommendations for the diagnosis of betalactam hypersen-
methacin, diclofenac, fenoprofen, meloxicam, mefenamic acid and sitivity have recently been updated, and nonirritant skin test
nimesulide. concentrations are shown in Table 1 (moderate/strong) (6).
**For lansoprazole and rabeprazole, no intravenous solution is avail- However, several studies indicate that for cefuroxime, ceftri-
able: SPT with powder, IDT not possible. axone, cefotaxime, cefazidime, cefozolin, cephalexin, cefaclor
††In case of history with severe reaction, test first 1%; NA, not and cefatrizine, but not cefepime, concentrations up to
applicable or no test concentration recommended. 20 mg/ml are probably also not irritant and might improve
the sensitivity without affecting the specificity (14, 15).
causing severe reactions or where literature/experience is The diagnosis of penicillin hypersensitivity is only con-
lacking, skin tests should use nonirritant concentrations of firmed in a fraction of patients claiming such reactions, espe-
the drug. This can be established using different dilutions of cially when parents report their children’s history (high/
increasing drug concentration. The nonirritant drug concen- weak) (16). Initially, specific IgE is determined for confirma-
tration should ideally be established in healthy controls tion. However, skin testing remains the most important
[reviewed in (2)]. Where the drug is available only in tablet, method for confirming betalactam allergy. Immediate hyper-
capsule or topical form, only SPT and/or patch test can be sensitivity reactions to betalactam can be due to reactivity to
performed (moderate/strong). the betalactam moiety or the side chain. Testing with the
There are no standardized protocols or data on the opti- penicillin polylysine and minor determinant mixture (MDM)
mal drug concentration available for skin testing using drug appears adequate to establish the diagnosis, when benzyl
solution prepared from an oral formulation (moderate/weak). penicillin is the suspected antibiotic and the reactivity is
The common practice is to dissolve the tablet/capsule content against the betalactam moiety. However, the reactivity could
in 0.9% saline and use the maximum concentration achiev- be against the side chain (e.g. aminopenicillin side chain in
Allergy 68 (2013) 702–712 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 705
Skin test concentrations for drugs Brockow et al.
amoxicillin) in which case tests for penicillin polylysine and mediated mechanism, but are thought to be related to an
MDM are negative, but the suspected betalactam positive aberrant arachidonic acid metabolism (high/strong) (9). In
(17). Amoxicillin has replaced penicillin polylysine and these cases, SPT and IDT are usually negative (high/strong).
MDM as the most important determinant of penicillin Therefore, it is not recommended in routine clinical practice
allergy (18, 19). For optimal sensitivity, we recommend SPT to skin test nonpyrazolone NSAID (moderate/strong).
and IDT with penicillin polylysine, MDM, benzyl penicillin, Instead, drug provocation test with the suspected NSAID is
amoxicillin and the suspected betalactam (high/strong) (6). the recommended diagnostic test and this is in line with
Betalactam may be used in combination with a betalactam- ENDA recommendation (5, 9). The irritating potential of all
ase, for example, Amoclav/Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavul- NSAIDs appears to be low in SPT, and the specificity is thus
anic acid). A reported reaction to Augmentin could therefore high (≫95%). For IDT, 0.1 mg/ml appears to be not irritat-
be due to an allergy to clavulanic acid and not amoxicillin ing to the skin (moderate/weak; Table 3). Higher concentra-
(20). Skin testing should be carried out against the original tions of NSAID appear irritant (low/weak).
drug and individual component of the antibiotic combination. Positive skin and/or laboratory tests may be seen in up to
As with penicillins, skin tests with nonirritant concentra- 40% of patients with immediate hypersensitivity reactions to
tion of cephalosporins have a higher sensitivity compared pyrazolones (high/strong) (28). IgE-mediated anaphylactic
with NIHR (high/weak). For the investigation of adverse reactions are exceptional with nonpyrazolone NSAID such
reaction to cephalosporin, it is recommended that the sus- as diclofenac or ibuprofen.
pected cephalosporin, PPl, MDM and betalactams with simi- All NSAIDs can cause NIHR, and these can be detected
lar side chains are used (moderate/strong) (6). by positive patch tests (high/strong) (29). The relative inci-
In severe reactions (anaphylaxis, severe systemic symp- dence of allergic and nonallergic reactions is not well studied
toms) to antibiotics, it is strongly advised that SPT is initially (moderate/weak). Patch tests with up to 10% NSAID in pet-
performed after IgE testing. If negative, IDT should start rolatum do not seem to be irritant to the skin (Table 3)
antibiotic at dilutions of 1/1000 or 1/100. This is to reduce (moderate/strong). Concentrations up to 30% may be toler-
the risk provoking systemic symptoms (high/strong) (6). ated (low/weak), although the additional value of using the
In NIHR, skin testing with penicillin polylysine and MDM higher concentration is questionable (moderate/weak). Undi-
is scarcely useful (moderate/strong). IDT with delayed read- luted celecoxib appears irritant, and this may be the case for
ings generally has a higher sensitivity than patch test with other NSAIDs (moderate/weak) (30).
similar specificity (low/weak) (21). The value of patch test in
addition to IDT remains controversial. Negative IDT but
positive patch test has been observed by some members of Opioids
the group, and in NIHR to betalactam, most of the group
Opioids induce nonspecific direct histamine release, leading
recommend additional patch test (low/weak).
to false-positive SPT and IDT (strong). To minimize errone-
The sensitivity of betalactam skin tests differs between
ous reading due to histamine release or irritant reaction, it is
studies (high) and may be as high as 70% in immediate and
proposed that increasing dilutions of the suspect opioid (end
10–30% in NIHR (low/weak) (22, 23). When the skin test is
point titration) are used when investigating immediate hyper-
negative, a diagnosis cannot be established without a drug
sensitivity reactions (high/strong).
provocation test (strong).
The value of skin tests with opioids remains unproven, and
For most nonbetalactam antibiotics, the value of skin tests
optimal skin test concentrations are unknown (moderate/
appears to be uncertain (moderate/weak) and false-positive
strong) (31). For fentanyl and its derivatives, the undiluted
reactions may occur when the antibiotic is tested at high con-
solution is recommended (Table 2) (moderate/strong), and
for morphine SPT, 1 mg/ml is proposed (low/weak). In an
Skin prick tests and IDTs with undiluted intravenous solu-
unpublished study of 16 normal controls, 0.1 µg/ml mor-
tions for the majority of nonbetalactam antibiotics may be irri-
phine, 0.01 µg/ml codeine, 0.5 µg/ml pethidine and 1.7 µg/ml
tant, and lower dilutions should be used (high/strong) (24, 25).
tramadol were found to be nonirritant to the skin (AB per-
In the literature, reports on the highest nonirritant dilutions
sonal communication; low/weak).
vary greatly and sensitivity appears to be low (moderate/strong)
Positive patch tests to opioids in NIHR have been
(24, 26). Recommendations on concentrations are currently not
described. There is no universal agreement on the optimal
possible, and concentrations used in the literature are given in
vehicle (aqua, petrolatum, ethanol) or test concentration
Table S1 (26, 27). Nonimmediate hypersensitivity reactions to
(high). 3% and 5% diacetylmorphine in petrolatum have
nonbetalactam antibiotics, studied using patch tests with differ-
been shown to be nonirritant (low/weak) (32). 5% morphine
ent concentrations of crushed tablets in petrolatum, have been
in petrolatum is nonirritant and elicited positive reactions
reported to be nonirritating (moderate/strong) (27).
(low/weak) (33). There appears to be skin test cross-reactivity
between morphine and 5% codeine phosphate but not with
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 5% pentazocine and 5% tramadol (low/weak). No
The vast majority of immediate hypersensitivity reactions recommendation can be given for optimal conditions for
to NSAIDs (excluding pyrazolones) are not due to an IgE- codeine or buprenorphine (high).
706 Allergy 68 (2013) 702–712 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Skin test concentrations for drugs Brockow et al.
irritating (weak/high; Table 3). In delayed reactions, both due to toxicity concerns, a general recommendation cannot
delayed reading IDT and patch test should be carried out to be given.
enhance sensitivity (moderate/high). False-negative skin tests For IDT, a 1/10 dilution of most chemotherapeutic drugs
in NIHRs do occur (43). is nonirritant and may be used in clinical practice (moderate/
It is not possible to recommend firm test concentration for strong), whereas higher concentrations appear to be irritant
gadolinium chelates. For SPT, a neat solution appears nonir- (MP, personal communication; low/weak). Patch tests are
ritant (moderate/weak). For IDT, neat gadolinium has been almost always negative in NIHRs and are not recommended
reported to cause false-positive reactions in normal controls; in clinical practice (low/weak).
thus, a 1/10 dilution has been used (44). There are no reports
of NIHR to gadolinium chelates.
Biological agents
Experience with blue dyes is limited (45). Skin prick test
has been performed using undiluted solutions (Table 3) and The literature on skin testing for biological agents is poor.
IDT using up to 1/10 dilution for patent blue dye and 1/100 However, there are satisfactory data on nonirritant test con-
for methylene blue dye (moderate/weak). Cross-sensitivity centrations for the TNFa antagonists adalimumab, etaner-
has been described, and we therefore recommend testing cept and infliximab and omalizumab.
other dyes (low/strong). The highest published nonirritant concentrations for ada-
Literature on skin test to fluorescein is poor. Fluorescein limumab (SPT 50 mg/ml, IDT 5 mg/ml) (51), etanercept
has been used neat for SPT and 1/10 for IDT in the diagno- (SPT 25 mg/ml, IDT 5 mg/ml) (51), infliximab (10 mg/ml)
sis of allergy (low/weak) (46). (52) and omalizumab (12.5 µg/ml) (53) can be used for skin
testing (moderate/weak). Patch test has been performed using
undiluted adalimumab and is recommended for NIHRs (low/
IgE-mediated immediate hypersensitivity reactions to anticon-
vulsant drugs do probably not exist. For NIHR, patch test
with a concentration of up to 10% of the pure substance
appears to be nonirritating to the skin (moderate/strong) Glucocorticoids rarely cause immediate hypersensitivity reac-
(Table 3). In severe anticonvulsant hypersensitivity reactions, tions, and a general recommendation for all glucocorticoids
patch test may result in a flare-up. In such cases, the initial test is currently not possible. Glucocorticoids may be formulated
concentration should be diluted to 1% (moderate/strong). The with other drugs, for example, LAs and contain excipients
sensitivity appears highest for carbamazepine and phenytoin like macrogol. Skin test must include the additional drug(s)
and lower for phenobarbital and lamotrigine (moderate/ and excipient in the panel. Skin test with methylprednisolone
weak). Clinical cases suggesting cross-reactivity between anti- (SPT 2 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml, IDT 0.2 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml)
convulsants have been reported (47), but it has been discussed and triamcinolone (SPT 4 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml, IDT
that those may rather represent flare-up reactions (48). The 0.4 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml) has been reported.
sensitivity of patch test seems unaffected by the vehicle used Hypersensitivity reactions to glucocorticosteroids tend to be
(petrolatum, normal saline, water or ethanol; moderate/weak). NIHRs (high/strong). Glucocorticoids may suppress skin reac-
tivity (54) and give paradoxical reading of greater reactivity at
lower test concentration and at later time points (moderate/
strong) (55). Thus, the patient should be instructed to come for
Patch testing with 10% abacavir revealed a specificity of a repeat visit, if test reactions do develop after 4–7 days. The
100% and sensitivity of 79% for patients with confirmed significance of dose, vehicle, occlusion time and reading time is
HLA-B*5701 genotype (49). only partially evaluated (moderate/strong) (55). Two steroids
(budesonide and tixocortol) have been well studied and used at
0.1 mg/ml in the standard patch test panel (high/strong). There
Chemotherapeutic drugs
is cross-reactivity between the different glucocorticoids, and in
Except for platinum salts, an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity NIHR, 4 cross-reactive groups have been proposed (high/
to chemotherapeutic drugs has not been demonstrated (mod- strong) (54). Glucocorticoids’ cross-reactivity has also been
erate/strong). described for immediate hypersensitivity reactions (56).
Skin tests are useful for platinum salt-related immediate Up to 28% of asymptomatic insulin users may be IDT
hypersensitivity reactions (moderate/strong) (50), while for positive in IDT to 1/10 insulin (57). The clinical significance
other chemotherapeutic drugs, experience is limited and test of positive insulin skin test should be confirmed by drug
results often negative (low/weak). provocation test (moderate/weak). Insulin additives such as
The irritant potential of chemotherapeutic drugs appears protamine have to be considered and tested. The literature is
to be low. For platinum salts, the use of undiluted drugs is scanty on skin test for other therapeutic hormones. It is not
recommended (high/strong). For other chemotherapeutic possible to make any specific recommendation (low/weak),
drugs, SPT with undiluted agents is probably nonirritant, but and skin testing remains experimental (low/weak).
708 Allergy 68 (2013) 702–712 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Brockow et al. Skin test concentrations for drugs
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Skin test concentrations for drugs Brockow et al.
Table 4 Drugs for which the value of skin tests has not adequately skin tests, drug allergy cannot be excluded and a drug provo-
been demonstrated cation test has to be considered. In drug skin test, it is best
Antihypertensive drugs that the skin test concentration achieves higher specificity,
Biologicals other than anti-TNF preparations and omalizumab which may be at the expense of sensitivity (high).
Hormones, corticosteroids and insulins In addition to standardizing skin test concentration, there
Nonbetalactam antibiotics is a need to be able to reproduce test results not only in a
Nonplatinum chemotherapeutics single but amongst different centres. A study of the test pro-
NSAIDs other than pyrazolones for immediate reactions tocol in different centres in Europe showed that there are
Opioids substantial differences in performance and interpretation of
Sera, immunoglobulins and vaccines skin tests (65). The ENDA group has developed a generic
skin test protocol for performing, reading and interpreting
NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
the results (2), and this has been adopted by several centres.
Tables 1–4 and recommendations in this paper are based on
this method. Other published techniques and protocols are
For many drugs, where the literature is confined to small
available in the online Table S1, for example, the multicentre
case series, case reports, personal experience or nonexistent,
French study on perioperative drugs (34). Studies are in pro-
no specific recommendation is made or should be regarded
gress in Europe to validate and further standardize the
as tentative until further review. For some drugs, the value
ENDA/EAACI skin test protocol in particular IDT. Such
of skin tests has not been sufficiently demonstrated (Table 4).
studies will enable results to be scientifically compared and
The optimal vehicles for skin test reagents and data on sta-
exchanged. Skin testing in healthy volunteers is essential to
bility remain unknown. Drug reactions may be due to its
establish nonirritant test concentration and determine test
metabolites, and testing using drug metabolites should be an
sensitivity and specificity.
area for further research.
In conclusion, it has only been possible to obtain a high to
For most drugs, particularly for betalactam antibiotics, the
moderate level quality of evidence and strong (strength of)
sensitivity of skin testing (SPT, IDT, patch test) is signifi-
recommendation for specific skin test concentrations for a
cantly higher for immediate hypersensitivity reactions pre-
few drugs. For most other drugs, there is a definite need for
senting as anaphylaxis or urticaria compared to NIHRs such
multicentre studies on skin test concentrations in patients
as exanthemas (high/strong).
and in unexposed controls. The recommendations will need
Skin prick test is relatively simple to perform and shows
regular review and standardization. In specialized centres, we
acceptable specificity for most of the reviewed drugs with the
recommend testing all patients with a suggestive history of
exception of drugs with irritant or histamine-releasing prop-
drug allergy with the concentrations listed in Tables 1–3 as
erties such as quinolones and opioids (high/strong). It is
well as in Table S1 on the website to gain further experience.
usual and advisable to exclude specific IgE first, if available,
then do SPT especially in individuals presenting with severe
systemic reactions, and only if negative, proceed to IDT. Conflict of interest
Fatal systemic anaphylaxis has been reported after IDT with- There has been no conflict of interest for any author.
out preceding SPT (64). Intradermal test has a high sensitiv-
ity, but also a higher risk of inducing irritant reactions and
Author contributions
false-positive results. For NIHRs, the patch test has an equal
or slightly lower sensitivity than IDT with delayed readings. See Appendix 1.
Patch test is especially helpful as an additional test method
when no intravenous drug solutions are available for an
Supporting Information
When nonirritant concentrations are used, skin tests in Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
drug hypersensitivity are generally characterized by a rela- online version of this article:
tively low sensitivity and a high specificity (high/strong). In Table S1. Relevant literature data on reported skin test
this review, we aimed to select skin test concentrations with concentrations to systemically applied drugs with information
the highest possible specificity (>95%) and thus a high posi- on the test preparation, number of patients and controls, test
tive predictive value. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of skin details and type of study.
tests to most drugs is low. Therefore, in cases of negative
1. Gomes ER, Demoly P. Epidemiology of 3. Brockow K, Romano A. Skin tests in the 5. Aberer W, Bircher A, Romano A et al.
hypersensitivity drug reactions. Curr Opin diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity reactions. Drug provocation testing in the diagnosis of
Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;5:309–316. Curr Pharm Des 2008;14:2778–2791. drug hypersensitivity reactions: general con-
2. Brockow K, Romano A, Blanca M et al. 4. Demoly P, Kropf R, Bircher A, Pichler WJ. siderations. Allergy 2003;58:854–863.
General considerations for skin test proce- Drug hypersensitivity: questionnaire. EAACI 6. Blanca M, Romano A, Torres MJ et al. Update
dures in the diagnosis of drug hypersensitiv- interest group on drug hypersensitivity. on the evaluation of hypersensitivity reactions
ity. Allergy 2002;57:45–51. Allergy 1999;54:999–1003. to betalactams. Allergy 2009;64:183–193.
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