Radiation Safety Officer: APS-289-TE
Radiation Safety Officer: APS-289-TE
Radiation Safety Officer: APS-289-TE
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TECEP® Test Description
2. Regulations (20%)
2.1 Radiation Protection Standards, 10 CFR Part 19, 20
2.2 Licensing Regulations, 10 CFR Part 2, 30, 31, & 33
2.3 Sealed Sources And Industrial Gauges
2.4 Security Of Radioactive Sources And Increased Controls
Sample questions
1. You have 50 mCi of P-32 (half-life 14.3 days) and are ready to dispose of the remaining material. What
amount of P-32 is present after 35 days if the vial has not been opened?
A. 9.16 mCi
B. 18.3 mCi
C. 9.16 µCi
D. 18.3 µCi
2. All of the following are modes of energy loss for beta particles EXCEPT
A. annihilation
B. excitation
C. ionization
D. pair production
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TECEP® Test Description
3. The current Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulation for occupational exposures state that persons
under 18 years old may receive
A. 100 mrem/year
B. 5000 mrem/year
C. one-tenth of the maximum permissible adult occupational dose limit
D. one-half of the maximum permissible adult occupational dose limit
4. Containers of radioactive material must be labeled with which of the following information?
A. Radionuclide(s) present, quantity, or radiation levels
B. Instructions for handling the radioactive material
C. Personnel authorized to use the material
D. Instructions for decontamination procedures to follow if spilled
5. Which of the following is required for all three types of Broad Scope licenses?
A. Establishing administrative controls over operations that involve radioactive material
B. Naming all Authorized Users on the license
C. Listing radioactive materials that are under the direct control of the Radiation Safety Officer
D. Monitoring of the radiation safety program by the Radiation Safety Committee
6. For a gauge that contains radioactive materials requiring a Specific License, who is required to be included
on the applicable license?
A. Manufacturer
B. User
C. Manufacturer, RSO, Authorized Users
D. Anyone who works near the device/gauge
7. What is the best recommended shielding for mixed beta and gamma emitters?
A. Thick lead
B. Concrete
C. Plexiglas with lead or other high z material
D. Aluminum foil with lead or other high z material
10. Some organs exhibit a threshold response to radiation effects, which is called a(n)
A. stochastic effect
B. non-stochastic effect
C. genetic effect
D. acute effect
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TECEP® Test Description
11. Which of the following instruments would be best for quickly locating a source that contains
I-125 (X-ray energies 27 to 35 keV)?
A. Pressurized ion chamber
B. Survey meter with a sodium iodide (NaI) detector containing a 1 mm thick crystal
C. Survey meter with a pancake G-M probe containing a 1.7 mg/cm2 mica window
D. Survey meter with a ZnS probe
14. Which of the following personal protective clothing should be removed first to reduce the potential for
personal contamination?
A. Tape from pant legs and sleeves
B. Coverall/lab coats
C. Rubber boots
D. Outer layer of double gloves
15. A minimum detectable activity (MDA) is the smallest activity capable of being detected at the 95%
confidence level for a given sample. This allows 5% probability of making a Type 2 error.
What is a Type 2 error?
A. Mistaking a low sample count as background
B. Mistaking the half-life to be an exact number for every atom in the sample
C. Making an incorrect assumption on the number of allowable standard deviations
D. Making an arithmetic error in the calculation
16. After dismantling a mixing tank, a level gauge (radioactive source) will be shipped back to the
manufacturer. What is the best instrument to use to determine the transportation index for the package?
A. Any geiger counter with a pancake probe
B. A thin window NaI detector
C. An ion chamber which reads in mR/hr
D. A liquid scintillation counting unit calibrated to read in cpm per Bq
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TECEP® Test Description
18. Federal and State laws that govern training of workers in radioactive material license facilities generally
require training for
A. all personnel who work in the vicinity of licensed materials
B. workers who are likely to receive more than 100 mrem of occupational dose
C. ancillary personnel
D. on-site contractors who are likely to receive more than 1 mrem of occupational dose
20. An EPA Action Level advises residential mitigation for radon levels that are higher than
A. 1 pCi/l
B. 4 pCi/l
C. 7 pCi/l
D. 10 pCi/l
6. c 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. b
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