Boiler Operation Manual ESB - WOP

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Table of Content Page:

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Purpose of the Manual .................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Scope and Limits of the Equipment Included in This Manual ..................................................... 3
1.3 Destination and Validity of the Manual ........................................................................................ 3


2.1 General data .................................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Foster Wheeler Cfb Compact Boiler Construction ....................................................................... 4
2.3 Heated Surfaces............................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Technical Data of Boiler Main Equipment ................................................................................... 6

3 BOILER SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................... 11

3.1 Basics of Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler Operation................................................................ 11

3.2 Emissions .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 CFB Compact Boiler Advantages ............................................................................................... 13
3.4 Feed water system ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Boiler water circuit...................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Boiler steam circuit ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.7 Superheated steam circuit ........................................................................................................... 17
3.8 HP bypass station ........................................................................................................................ 18
3.9 Reheated steam circuit ................................................................................................................ 19
3.10 LP bypass station ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.11 Auxiliary steam system ............................................................................................................... 21
3.12 SCAH condensate recuperation .................................................................................................. 22
3.13 Continuous Blowdown System ................................................................................................... 23
3.14 Boiler Drain System .................................................................................................................... 23
3.15 Sootblowing System ................................................................................................................... 23
3.16 Combustion in the Boiler ............................................................................................................ 25
3.17 Flue gas system ........................................................................................................................... 26
3.18 Recirculation gas system ............................................................................................................. 26
3.19 Primary Air System ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.20 Secondary Air System ................................................................................................................. 27
3.21 High Pressure Air System “Intrex air” ........................................................................................ 27
3.22 Start-up Burners .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.23 Bed Material System ................................................................................................................... 30
3.24 Peat feeding system ..................................................................................................................... 30
3.25 Limestone Feeding System ......................................................................................................... 32
3.26 Ammonia Injection System ......................................................................................................... 32
3.27 Bottom Ash Removal System ..................................................................................................... 33
3.28 DeSOx plant ................................................................................................................................ 34
3.29 Closed Cooling Water System .................................................................................................... 35
3.30 Compressed Air System .............................................................................................................. 36
4 BOILER PREPARATION TO START-UP ........................................................................... 37

4.1 General Rules .............................................................................................................................. 37

4.2 Boiler Visual Inspection.............................................................................................................. 37
4.3 Interlocks of the Control Systems are Checked and Operative .................................................. 42
4.4 Boiler Filling ............................................................................................................................... 42
4.5 Boiler Start-up Prohibition .......................................................................................................... 43

5 COLD BOILER START-UP.................................................................................................... 44

5.1 Start-up of the Induced Draft Fan ............................................................................................... 45

5.2 Starting the HP blowers .............................................................................................................. 45
5.3 Starting the SA fan ...................................................................................................................... 45
5.4 Starting the PA fan ...................................................................................................................... 46
5.5 Start Fans And Adjust Air Flows (Automatic Sequence Start) .................................................. 46
5.6 Air flow adjustments ................................................................................................................... 47
5.7 Fan trips....................................................................................................................................... 47
5.8 Fan Lockout (WOP IF fan) ......................................................................................................... 48
5.9 Initiate Boiler Purge .................................................................................................................... 48
5.10 Filling of the Bed Material Silo .................................................................................................. 49
5.11 Start-up Sequences ...................................................................................................................... 49
5.12 Burner Gas Feeding System Start-up .......................................................................................... 49
5.13 Start-up of Oil System for the Start-up and Duct Burners. ......................................................... 50
5.14 Start-up of Oil Burners. ............................................................................................................... 50
5.15 Actions to be Undertaken by the Control Room Operator and Walkaround Staff ..................... 50
5.16 Ignition Possibility ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.17 Start-up Possibility ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.18 Start-up Sequence only from DCS. ............................................................................................. 51
5.19 Shut Down of Oil Burners. ......................................................................................................... 52
5.20 Shutdown Sequence from DCS................................................................................................... 52
5.21 Burner Emergency Shutdown. .................................................................................................... 52
5.22 Emergency Shutdown Sequence ................................................................................................. 53
5.23 Heating-up the Boiler .................................................................................................................. 53
5.24 Feeding of the Bed Material to the Boiler................................................................................... 54
5.25 Peat Burning ................................................................................................................................ 55
5.26 Limestone Feed System .............................................................................................................. 56
5.27 Raise boiler to rated conditions ................................................................................................... 57
5.28 Turbine bypass operation - General Philosophy ......................................................................... 57

6 WARM BOILER START-UP.................................................................................................. 58

6.1 The Warm Start-up Procedure: ................................................................................................... 59

7 START-UP AFTER AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN, HOT START-UP ............................... 60

7.1 Hot restart .................................................................................................................................... 61

8 BOILER NORMAL OPERATION ......................................................................................... 62

8.1 Furnace and Emmission .............................................................................................................. 63

8.2 Water chemistry and steam purity .............................................................................................. 64
8.3 Attemperation.............................................................................................................................. 64
8.4 Routine inspections (operator walk downs) ................................................................................ 65
9 NORMAL SHUT DOWN ......................................................................................................... 68

10 HOT SHUT DOWN .................................................................................................................. 69

10.1 Planned - Bottling Up the Boiler................................................................................................. 69

10.2 Unplanned ................................................................................................................................... 70

11 SUPERVISION OVER THE BOILER ................................................................................... 70

12 BOILER CONTROL ................................................................................................................ 71

13 TRANSIENT AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ............................................................. 71

13.1 High Or Low Bed Temperatures ................................................................................................. 71

13.2 High or Low Bed Pressure in Combustion Chamber and/or Intrex ............................................ 73
13.3 High Or Low Auxiliary Burner Fuel Supply Pressure ................................................................ 75
13.4 Irregularities in Operation of the Start-up / Duct Burners .......................................................... 75
13.5 High Or Low Steam Drum Water Level ..................................................................................... 76
13.6 Intermittent Loss Of Bed Inventory From Circulation ............................................................... 79
13.7 Continuous, Gradual Loss Of Bed Inventory From Circulation ................................................. 80
13.8 Steam and Water Circulation Irregularities ................................................................................ 82
13.9 Emergency Boiler Shutdown ...................................................................................................... 85
13.10 GENERAL RULES .................................................................................................................... 86
13.11 The Boiler Should Be Immediately Shut Down in case of: ........................................................ 87
13.12 Actions To Be Taken in Case of Serious Irregularities of Boiler Operation .............................. 87
13.13 Turbine Trip ................................................................................................................................ 92
13.14 Tube Leak Detection ................................................................................................................... 93

14 THERMAL CYCLING ............................................................................................................ 96

15 QUICK REFERENCE CHART .............................................................................................. 98

15.1 Pre-Fire Ops ................................................................................................................................ 98

15.2 Cold Startup ............................................................................................................................. 100
15.3 Normal Operations .................................................................................................................... 103
15.4 Normal Shutdown ..................................................................................................................... 105
15.5 Emergency Operations .............................................................................................................. 107
15.6 Measurements of Pressure Loss at the Grid .............................................................................. 109

16 DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 111

17 ENCLOSURES........................................................................................................................ 111
Document Code: S1_____-_______ 2 (115)
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Project :


Author: Approved: Language:

Document title:


Boiler operation manual

Submitted for: Customer reference: Other information:

Revision remarks
Revision: Revision Modified information: Initials:
Document Code: S1_____-_______ 3 (115)
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


1.1 Purpose of the Manual

The Manual presents the rules and detailed guidelines for operating the CFB Compact type
steam boilers installed in ESB Plants, LRP & WOP.

Purpose of the Manual is to provide continuous operation, durability and economical

operation of the equipment simultaneously providing safety for the operating personnel.

1.2 Scope and Limits of the Equipment Included in This Manual

This manual covers all systems and pieces of equipment comprising the boiler together with
auxiliary equipment, accessories, I&C instruments and control equipment which are divided
as follows:

Technical Characteristics and Description of the CFB Compact Boiler

Boiler Preparation for Start-up
Boiler Start-up
Start-up and Operation of Peat Feeding Systems
Boiler Maintenance during Operation
Boiler Shutdown
Boiler Maintenance during Shutdown
Periodical Inspection and Check Measurement of the Boiler
General Industrial Safety and Fire Fighting Regulations

1.3 Destination and Validity of the Manual

This Manual is a detailed operating manual for CFB Compact Boilers installed in ESB
power plants and it is addressed to the operating personnel of these boilers and technical
personnel of the power plant. The Manual should be updated yearly and suitable notice
should be included in the Register of Updates.
Document Code: S1_____-_______ 4 (115)
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


2.1 General data

CFB Compact type boiler manufactured by Foster Wheeler Energia Oy is a circulating

fluidised bed, peat fired atmospheric bed boiler with natural circulation at water and steam

Basic Parameters of The Boiler:

Boiler type Foster Wheeler Compact –CFB

 Peat heating value LHV MJ/kg 7.7
 Boiler fuel load MJ/s 348
 Peat flow kg/s 45.2
 Live steam flow kg/s 113
 Live steam data bar/°C 169 / 563
 Reheat steam flow kg/s 98
 Reheat steam data bar/°C 35 / 563
 Cold reheat pressure bar 37
 Cold reheat temperature °C 351
 Feed water temperature °C 250

The boiler is fitted with two safety valves with supplementary loading, located at hot RH-
outlet pipework: S1LBB10AA401 & S1LBB10AA402

Capacity Each kg/s 2x 62.8

Cold reheat safety function bar(g) 50
normal pressure bar(g) 37
Hot reheat safety function bar(g) 43
control set pressure bar(g) 40

2.2 Foster Wheeler CFB –Compact Boiler Construction

Boiler type CFB Compact has been designed and constructed to burn fuels in circulating
fluidised bed. It is an atmospheric combustion chamber, natural water circulation, one-drum
boiler. The major components of the boiler are:

combustion chamber with three integrated separators (steam cooled) and material
recirculation ducts with build-in Intrex superheaters (SH III/IV + RH II) convection cage
with: economizer and superheater SHI / II and reheaters RHI.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The combustion chamber together with the separator and recirculation ducts is made of gas-
tight water-cooled membrane walls. Separator, recirculation duct and the combustion
chamber are integrated and connected to common water/steam circulation thus creating
boiler proper. At the bottom the boiler wall pipes are connected to lower wall header to
which water from the drum is supplied via 4 downcomers. At the top the boiler proper wall
pipes are connected via upper wall headers from which the steam – water mixture is
returned to the steam drum via 22 connecting pipes (riser pipes).

The combustion chamber together with the separator and recirculation duct is hanged at the
boiler supporting steel structure by means of adjustable hangers. This allows for free
downward expansion of the boiler. The steam drum is hanged on yokes to the same steel

The upper part of the boiler convective section (first back passes) including steam
superheater and reheaters, economiser is also hanged on the steel structure by means of
adjustable hangers. Second back pass (first ECO and air heaters) is standing on the floor and
thermal expansion is upwards.

There is an expansion joint mounted between the furnace/separator, separator/convective

section and separator/intrex in order to eliminate stresses caused by difference in thermal

The combustion chamber is closed at the bottom by fluidising grid with arrow head and
duck leg (under fuel feeding points) nozzles. Under the grid is a windbox to supply air to the

Refractory lining is used to protect fluidising grid and lower slopes of the combustion
chamber (up to the height of ca 5 m above the grid) in order to protect wall pipes from

Flue gas outlet opening from the combustion chamber, steam cooled separator and ash
recirculation ducts are protected with refractory cladding in order to protect against erosion.

A layer of concrete insulation is also provided for protection of inside surfaces of separator
outlet ducts and grid.
Under the boiler convective section there are hoppers provided to collect ash precipitated in
convection cage.

The boiler is equipped with a number of auxiliary systems. Basic data of the auxiliary
systems are presented further in this Manual.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

2.3 Heated Surfaces

Combustion chamber width 20.458 m

Combustion chamber depth 6.730 m
Combustion chamber height (total) 31.844 m
Combustion chamber surface 1 772 m2
Cyclone 2056 m2
Cavity 79 m2
SH I surface 3 138 m2
SH II surface 888 m2
INTREX III superheater surface 215 m2
INTREX IV superheater surface 215 m2
RH I surface 4 594 m2
INTREX RH II surface 239 m2
Economizer I surface 8 015 m2
Economizer II surface 3 418 m2
Air heater surface 32 386 m2

2.4 Technical Data of Boiler Main Equipment

Bare tube economizer

The boiler is equipped with two economisers located in the convection cage and second
back pass. This is a counter-flow type economiser. Economiser tubes are fully drainable.
The economiser tube bundles are fixed together by straps and hanged to the hanger tubes
which are part of economiser water system before drum.

Steam drum

The boiler is provided with one steam drum.

Drum material 15NiCuMoNb5

Drum outside diameter 1842 mm

Drum shell length 13225 mm
Weight 60 706 kg
Norm. operating pressure 186 bar(g)
Max. operating pressure 200 bar(g)
Design pressure 202 bar(g)
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Furnace water walls

Material 15Mo3
Diameter 63,5 mm
Wall thickness 7,1 mm
Spacing 88,0 mm
Fins 24,6 x 6,0 mm

Separator walls

Material 15Mo3
Diameter 44,5 mm
Wall thickness 6,3 mm
Spacing 104,0 mm
Fins 59,5 x 6,0 mm

Superheater I

Pipe diameter 38,0 x 5,0 mm

Material 7CrMoVTiB1010

Superheater II

Pipe diameter (25%) 38,0 x 5,0 mm

(75%) 38,0 x 5,6 mm
Material 7CrMoVTiB1010

Superheater III INTREX

Superheaters III & IV are build as INTREX type superheaters (Integrated Heat Exchanger).
These are located in bed material recirculation duct below the separator and in the area of
internal combustion chamber bed material circulation.

Pipe size 57,0 x 8,8 mm

Materials SA213TP347HFG

Superheater IV INTREX

Pipe size 57,0 x 8,8 mm

Materials SA213TP347HFG
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Main Steam Pipe

Size 219,1 x 25,0 mm

Material X10CrMoVNb91

Pressure Reducing Station S1 LBH10/20 AA201

The function of the HP bypass stations is to work as safety device for the boiler and main
steam piping. The capacity of the HP bypass stations is the same as the maximum steam
generation capacity of the boiler. The safety function pressure impulses are taken from the
boiler drum (1) and main steam pipe (2). The HP bypass stations are equipped with quick
opening and control functions acting at lower pressure than the safety function. The
temperature after the HP bypass stations is controlled to 400°C. The HP bypass stations will
also be used for start-up and house load operation of the power plant.
- Number of stations 2 x 50%

Pressure set values:

- Mechanical design pressure: 183 bar(g)
- Safety function (main steam pipe): 180 bar(g)*)
- Safety function (boiler steam drum): 200 bar(g)*)
- Quick opening function set pressure: 177 bar(g)*)
- Control function set pressure: 175 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 169 bar(g)

*) To be checked during commissioning.

- Steam pressure IN/OUT 169 / 33 bar(g)
- Steam temperature IN/OUT 563 / 400 °C
- Steam flow IN/OUT 61.5 / 67.7 kg/s
- Spray water flow 6.2 kg/s
- Spray water pressure 186…200 bar(g)
- Spray water temperature 145 °C

Spray water to HP-bypass reduction stations is taken from the discharge side of the feed
water pumps before the HP-preheaters.

Reheater I A

Pipe diameter 44,5 x 4,0 mm

Material (50%) 13CrMo44
(50%) 7CrMoVTiB1010

Reheater I B

Pipe diameter 38,0 x 4,0 mm

Material 7CrMoVTiB1010
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Reheater II INTREX

Reheater II is build as INTREX type superheater (Integrated Heat Exchanger). It is located

in bed material recirculation duct below the separator and in the area of internal combustion
chamber bed material circulation.
Pipe size 63,5 x 8,0 mm
Materials SA213TP347HFG

Reheater Safety Valves S1 LBB10 AA401/402

The function of the Reheater safety valves is to protect the reheater against overpressure.
The capacity of the Reheater safety valves is equal to the outlet capacity of the HP bypass
stations. The pressure impulses are taken from the cold reheat pipe (1) and hot reheat pipe
(2). The HP bypass stations are equipped with a control function acting at lower pressure
than the safety function.

The back pressure of the safety valve (blow-out pipe and silencer) is specified to 15 % of
the opening pressure. The pressure drop of the reheater in HP bypass operation is 6.6 bar.

A reheater safety valves is also used as start-up valves for the power plant. Dimensioning
criteria for this mode of operation is 8.0 kg/s, pressure 9 bar(g), temperature 180 °C and
backpressure 0.5 bar(g).
Number of stations: 2 x 50%

Capacity (main steam): 2 x 62.8 kg/s

Cold reheat:
- Safety function: 50 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 37 bar(g)*)
Hot reheat:
- Safety function: 43 bar(g)*)
- Safety valve closing: 40.8*)
- Control function set pressure: 40 bar(g)**)
- LP bypass station opening: 36 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 33 bar(g)*)
*) Safety valve closing to be checked with valve manufacturer (assumed 95 % of opening
**) LP –bypass opening pressure set value + 4 bar. To be checked during commissioning.

LP bypass reduction station S1 LBB20 AA201

The function of the LP bypass station is to bypass the IP/LP-turbine. The LP bypass station
is used in start-up and house load operation of the power plant and during a steam turbine
trip. The LP bypass station is also controlling the reheater pressure so that the maximum
allowed rate of pressure increase 2 bar/min is not be exceeded.

The design criterion for the LP-bypass station is sufficient steam flow in house load
operation and plant start-up.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Number of stations: 1 x 70 %

Capacity: 1 x 79.5 kg/s

Pressure set value:
- Mechanical design pressure: 50 bar(g)
- Control function set pressure: 36 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 33 bar(g)
- Safety function close: 0.39 bar(a) (condenser pressure)**)

*) To be checked during commissioning.

**) The LP bypass station will also be closed if the maximum allowable temperature in the
condenser 80 °C is exceeded.

- Steam pressure IN/OUT 34 / 0.03 bar(a)

- Steam temperature IN/OUT 560 / 60 °C
- Steam flow IN/OUT 79,5 / 110,0 kg/s
- Spray water flow 30,5 kg/s
- Spray water pressure 13,8 bar(g)
- Spray water temperature 23 °C

Spray water to LP -bypass reduction station is taken from the discharge side of the main
condensate pumps after gland steam condenser.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


This manual is intended only for knowledgeable and experienced operators. Therefore most
items listed are simply common sense to an experienced operator. They are provided here
simply as an overall reminder of items to be checked

Any operation of the plant must be accomplished with safety as the prime concern. Opera-
tors should be thoroughly aware of the status of all plant systems before, during and after
any operation action

The primary intent of this manual is to serve as a guideline and to indicate and describe the
operation principles and not to provide a step by step instruction

It is strongly recommended that during Plant startup, shutdown and load changes the opera-
tor utilizes the automatic controls to the fullest extent. Under no circumstances should the
Turbine and Boiler Protection Logic be tampered with in any way. It is the operator’s full
responsibility to operate the Plant in a safe and correct manner at all times. Foster Wheeler
disclaims any and all responsibility for any and all damages resulting from improper and
unsafe operation of the Plant.

3.1 Basics of Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler Operation

When the air flows through the bed material circulating inside the combustion chamber with
velocity exceeding the so-called critical velocity (minimum fluidisation velocity) beyond
which particles of bed material are entrained, the fluidising phenomenon takes place. At gas
velocity between 2-3 m/s so called bubbling fluidisation takes place and the surface of the
fluidising layer is clearly visible. Gas flow velocity in the circulating bed boiler exceeds 4
m/s causing entraining of smaller bed material particles from the combustion chamber by
the gas flux. Fluidised bed surface is no longer clearly visible – it becomes more diluted and
expands to the entire combustion chamber. Greater entrained particles are separated in the
separator and recirculated to the combustion chamber through recirculation ducts, gill seal
(loopseal) and Intrex steam superheater chamber. Typical fluidisation velocity for circulat-
ing bed boilers is 5 m/s.

Combustion in circulating fluidised bed takes place in temperature range of 840 – 890 C
being ideal reaction temperature for dry flue gas desulphurisation process using limestone
powder. Such temperature range simultaneously prevents high temperature nitrogen oxides

To improve prevention of nitrogen oxide formation primary and secondary air is gradually
supplied during combustion. As a result of this combustion in the area directly above the
fluidising grid (up to 5 m) takes place with slight oxygen depletion, while flammable com-
ponents of flue gas are burned in the area of secondary air nozzles.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Such combustion conditions allow to keep uniform temperature distribution across the com-
bustion chamber thus improving heat exchange conditions.

3.2 Emissions

SOx Emission

CFB type boiler is an ideal solution meeting the latest SOx emission requirements. High rate
of sulphur reduction is reached by means of limestone dosing to the bed at low Ca/S molar
ratio amounting 2,5 max.

Chemical reaction can be describes as:

calcination of limestone

heat + CaCO3  CaO + CO2

sulphur fixing (sulfation)

CaO + SO2 +1/2 O2  CaSO4 + heat

The most efficient sulphur capture is reached at bed temperature c. 850 C.
Guaranteed SOx emission to athmosphere is at most 200 mg/Nm3.

NOx Emission

Due to the low temperature “thermal” formation of NOx by means of nitrogen molecules ox-
idation is insignificant. NOx formation from the nitrogen in fuel is reduced by means of step
by step combustion. In lower part of the bed combustion takes place in reductive conditions
resulting in N2 molecules formation instead of NO, as would happen in oxidising conditions.
Additionally, secondary air supplied at higher levels complete the combustion. Guaranteed
NOx emission must not exceed 200 mg/Nm3.

Emission of Flammable Gases

Emission of CO is low due to turbulent mixing in bed and mixing in the Compact separator,
as well as step by step combustion using secondary air supplied above the thick layer of the
bed. Simultaneously, amounts of unburned hydrocarbons, CxHy and peat are minimised
thanks to the turbulent mixing and long stay time inside the circulating bed boiler.

Emission of Solid Particles

Emission of solid particles in CFB Compact boiler is limited, similarly as in other boilers,
by use of highly efficient electrostatic precipitator at the boiler flue gas outlet. Guaranteed
dust emission behind the bag house (bag filter) must not exceed 30 mg/Nm3.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.3 CFB Compact Boiler Advantages

 water cooled separator – smaller weight of refractory linning, shorter start-up time
 Compact structure – smaller boiler overall dimensions
 possibility to burn wide range of poor quality fuels, thanks to high thermal capacity and
good mixing of fuel with bed material
 high burning efficiency due to turbulent mixing and long stay time of particles in the
circulating bed
 low SOx/SO2 emission thanks to easy fixing of sulphur by limestone in proper process
 low NOx emission thanks to low bed temperature and step by step combustion
 low CO and CxHy emission thanks turbulent conditions and step by step combustion
 stable operating conditions and capability to absorb large amount of heat from the circu-
lating bed to the boiler
 good controllability thanks to heat transfer almost proportional to load
 pipes inside the bed are not needed (subject to erosion)
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.4 Feed water system

The function of the feed water system is to provide feed water to the boiler in all operation
conditions with appropriate quality, temperature and pressure.

The function of the feed water tank deaerator is to remove oxygen and other non-
condensable gases from the condensate and make-up water entering the feed water system
in order to prevent corrosion. The protection of the feed water piping and the boiler heating
surfaces is also improved with the chemical dosing to the feed water tank. In the water-
steam circulation chemicals are used for oxygen prevention and pH control. Feed water sys-
tem is shown in PI -diagram S1LA___-MFB1001.

The feed water system consists of a feed water tank equipped with a deaerator (Stork type
sprayer deaerator; built-up with the feed water tank) and two high pressure feed water

The water required by the feed water system is taken from the make-up water tank. FW -
tank volume is 120 m3, which capacity is sufficient for 26 minutes at BMCR (Boiler Maxi-
mum Continuous Rate). The design basis for the feed water tank effective volume is that
there is always enough feed water in the tank for safety shutdown of the plant in all opera-
tion situations. Feed water tank receives water from the following systems and equipment
(partly collected together already in piping):
- Steam turbine condenser (main condensate + make-up water)
- Low pressure preheaters
- High pressure preheaters
- Steam coil air heaters condensate tank
- Make-up water (start-up / emergency)

In normal operation make-up water is led to the condenser to improve efficiency. Feeding
make-up water into the steam turbine condenser normally controls the water level in the
feed water tank. Mixed steam turbine condensate and make-up water is preheated in three
stages before entering the feed water tank. Make-up water is led directly to the feed water
tank during start-up and if the water level in the feed water tank goes below the low limit.
The upper level of the tank is controlled by the overflow valve S1 LAA10 AA101, which
opens if the maximum water level in the tank is reached and closes (with a delay) when the
water level has lowered below the maximum allowable level. The overflow is led to the
boiler blow down tank.

Condensate from the steam coil air heaters condensate tank is pumped to the main conden-
sate line after low pressure preheaters.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Condensates from high pressure preheaters are led directly to the feed water tank. Flash
steam from the boiler continuous blow down tank is led to the feed water tank degassing
steam line.

Feed water tank is connected to steam turbine extraction 4 and the tank pressure is sliding
according to steam turbine load (2 bar(a)…4.3 bar(a). If the turbine extraction 4 pressure
slides below 2 bar(a), steam to feed water tank is taken via reduction valve S1 LBC30
AA201 from cold reheat. Set pressure for pressure reduction valve is 2 bar(a).

Degassing steam line is led to the bottom of the tank in order to remove residual oxygen
from the feed water tank and to heat up feed water. During start-up (steam turbine and main
boiler not in operation) steam to feed water tank is taken from the auxiliary steam header.

At the beginning of start-up steam to auxiliary steam header is taken from auxiliary boiler.
Auxiliary boiler steam capacity is 4 kg/s. The auxiliary boiler has its own feed water system
(tank, pump etc.) After main boiler start up, and steam pressure in cold reheat is adequate,
steam to auxiliary header is taken from cold reheat via pressure reduction valve S1 LBC40
AA201 seen in the P & I –diagram S1 LBG____-MFB1001.

Steam parameters at the header are kept at 4 bar(a)/230 °C during start-up.

Feed water pumps are dimensioned so, that the maximum steam capacity of the boiler can
be reached with one pump (see design basis). During normal operation one pump is running
and the other is stand-by.

Feed water pump’s rotation speed is controlled by a variable speed coupling, which receives
the control impulse from the pressure difference value over feed water control valve. The
feed water control valve regulates the water level in the drum.

Spray water to HP-bypass stations is taken from feed water line before high pressure pre-
heaters. Spray water to superheater and reheater temperature control is taken from feed wa-
ter line after high pressure preheaters.

Extraction spray water for auxiliary steam reduction station S1 LBC40 AA201 is taken from
feed water pump and adjusted with the S1 LAF40 AA201.

3.5 Boiler water circuit

The boiler is a natural circulation boiler and the tubes are arranged so that as the water is
evaporated to steam it is free to rise up into the drum. Unheated downcomer pipes take the
water from the drum to the combustion chamber inlet headers. The combustion chamber
wall tubes are heated by the flue gases and the water is partly evaporated to steam. In fur-
nace is four peaces of evaporating wingwalls and the water is partly evaporated to steam.
Water and steam rise through tubes and riser pipes back to the steam drum where the steam
is separated from the water in cyclone separators and drum roof demisters and the water is
returned to the circulating system. Note that feed water only replaces the evaporated steam
and the amount of water circulating is much greater than the feed water flow.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The steam drum is equipped with the following internals:

- feed water distribution pipe
- riser/downcomer tube baffle plates
- steam/water cyclone separators
- steam demisters
- continuous blow down pipe
- emergency over flow

Feed water is distributed evenly throughout the steam drum via a perforated pipe. The
downcomer tubes are separated from the riser tubes by baffle plates. Downcomer tubes
transfer the feed water to the boiler circulation.

The steam/water mixture, which is returned via the riser tubes to the drum, enters on the
other side of the baffle plates. Water is separated from the steam in cyclone separators and
water is thrown to the side and flows back into the circulation system. Before leaving the
drum the steam passes through a final dryer, which is also a demister made of densely
packed stainless steel wire mesh.

3.6 Boiler steam circuit

The function of the high pressure steam system is to deliver steam generated in the boiler to
the steam turbine. The steam turbine is a two casing turbine with a common HP/IP-casing
and a LP-casing. After the expansion in the turbine HP casing, cold reheat steam will be re-
heated in the boiler reheaters. After reheating, hot reheat steam is delivered to the turbine IP
casing and further to the LP-casing. The high pressure steam system is shown diagram

Pipe drains are shown in diagram S1LB___-MFB1002.

Superheated high pressure steam is led from the boiler to the steam turbine through the main
steam piping S1 LBA10/20/31/32. Normal operating values after boiler are 169 bar(g), 563
°C, 113 kg/s. Nominal live steam parameters at the turbine are 165 bar(g) and 560 °C at the
100 % load point with turbine valves wide open.

As safety device for the boiler and main steam piping there are two HP -bypass stations (2 x
50 %) S1 LBH10/20 AA201 bypassing the HP-casing to the cold reheat line. The HP-
bypass stations are also used for start-up and house load operation of the power plant.

From the HP-casing the cold reheat steam is led through cold reheat piping S1 LBC10 to the
boiler reheater. Hot reheat steam is led through the hot reheat piping S1 LBB10/31/32 to the
IP-turbine. Reheated steam values are 33 bar(g), 561 C.

Cold reheat steam is used for feed water preheating in preheater HP-2.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Cold reheat steam is also used as backup for the auxiliary steam system by feeding the aux-
iliary steam header with the auxiliary steam reduction station at low load and turbine bypass
operation. Stabilising steam to the feed water tank in a turbine trip is also taken from the
cold reheat pipe with the deaerator steam reduction station.

The function of the LP-bypass station S1 LBB20 AA201 is to bypass the IP/LP-turbine
from the hot reheat to the condenser. The LP bypass station is used in start-up and house
load operation of the power plant and during a steam turbine trip if vacuum in condenser
remains. As safety device for the reheater and reheat piping there are two reheater safety
valves (2 x 50%) S1 LBB10 AA401/402.

As design basis for the HP-steam system and the turbine extraction piping are the heat &
mass balance calculations of the power plant. The design data for bypass station and reheat-
er safety valves are given below.

The boiler and hp-steam system is protected against excessive pressure with 2 x 50 % HP-
bypass stations and 2 x 50 % reheater safety valves. This arrangement fulfils the require-
ments of European Standard EN 12952-10 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations.
Part 10: Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure (corresponding also to the
requirements of standard Technische Regeln für Dampfkessel TRD 401), which states that
each steam boiler and each isolatable heated compartment (e.g. reheater, superheater, econ-
omizer) shall be provided with at least one suitable safety device which shall ensure against
excessive pressure. The total certified discharge capacity of all safety devices mounted on
the boiler shall be at least equal to the maximum continuous rating (MCR) of the boiler (EN
12952-10 5.1.1). Since the superheaters cannot be isolated and the reheater safety valves are
dimensioned for the MCR of the boiler no safety device need to be installed at the saturated
steam space of the boiler as long as one pressure signal is transmitted to the control unit
from the saturated steam space (EN 12952-10 5.1.1). To fulfil this requirement one pressure
signal is transmitted to the control unit from the boiler drum.

Safety functions of HP-bypass stations, reheater safety valves and LP-bypass station are de-
signed according to standard TRD 421.

HP-bypass stations, reheater safety valves and LP-bypass station are hydraulically operated
with one common hydraulic pump unit. The hydraulic pump unit is equipped with an accu-
mulator sized to operate all actuators once back and forth. The hydraulic unit power supply
is secured by a diesel aggregate.

3.7 Superheated steam circuit

After leaving the drum the saturated steam is led to the solids separator, cros over duct, con-
vection cage walls and superheater I to IV which dry and superheat the saturated steam. Su-
perheaters I and II are located in the first back pass and have similar construction. Final su-
perheating takes place in superheaters III and IV which are Intrex type and located under the
return legs of the boiler.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

It is necessary to cool the superheated steam so that full superheat can be obtained at various
loads. This is done by means of desuperheater located in the interconnecting piping between
the superheaters. Feed water is sprayed into the steam to cool it. The temperature after the
desuperheater is used to regulate the spray water control valve. Desuperheaters are located
in connecting pipes between superheaters.

Note that the feed water is converted into steam and this cooling does not constitute a loss in
efficiency. It is important that the feed water is pure to prevent scaling of the superheaters
and carry over of impurities with the steam to the turbine. For this reason it is also important
that chemical dosing of non vaporating chemicals to the feed water takes place after the
spray water take off. Vaporating oxygen scawangers can be dosed before because they de-
composes to a gaseous form and does not cause scaling.

Following superheater IV the steam enters the main steam pipe line. The final steam tem-
perature is regulated by desuperheater and is kept constant.

There is two hydraullically operated 50 % by pass reduction valves from main steam line to
cold reheat line. Two 50 % safety valves are located in hot reheat line. Reheat line safe-
tyvalves also work as start up valves of the boiler. By pass reduction valves have hydraulic
control function and safety function which take place if steam pressure in steam drum or in
main steam line rises higher than pre set values in control logic cabinet. If hydraulic pres-
sure in accumulators drops under 80 bar valves will open. To the hot reheat line located
safetyvalves are similar by action than HP-reduction stations, but follow only reheat line
steam pressure and discharge steam to the atmosphere through silencers.

3.8 HP bypass station

The function of the HP bypass stations is to work as safety device for the boiler and main
steam piping. The capacity of the HP bypass stations is the same as the maximum steam
generation capacity of the boiler. The safety function pressure impulses are taken from the
boiler drum (1pc.) and main steam pipe (2pcs.). The HP bypass stations are equipped with a
control function acting at lower pressure than the safety function. The temperature after the
HP bypass stations is controlled to 400 °C. The HP bypass stations will also be used during
start-up and house load operation of the power plant.

Number of units 2 x 50%

Pressure set values:

- Mechanical design pressure: 183 bar(g)
- Safety function (main steam pipe): 180 bar(g)*)
- Safety function (boiler steam drum): 200 bar(g)*)
- Quick opening function set pressure: 177 bar(g)*)
- Control function set pressure: 175 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 169 bar(g)

*) To be checked during commissioning.

- Steam pressure IN/OUT 169 / 33 bar(g)
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

- Steam temperature IN/OUT 563 / 400 °C

- Steam flow IN/OUT 61.5 / 67.7 kg/s
- Spray water flow 6.2 kg/s
- Spray water pressure 186…200 bar(g)
- Spray water temperature 145 °C

Spray water to HP-bypass reduction stations is taken from the discharge side of the feed
water pumps before the HP-preheaters.

3.9 Reheated steam circuit

The boiler is furnished with reheaters where the steam is reheated to improve cycle efficien-
cy after high pressure part of the steam turbine. Reheater system increase LP-steam temper-
ature after turbine HP-casing. After reheater steam is lead to turbine IP-casing. Steam from
the pressure reduction valve after superheater IV is taken to the inlet of the reheater I. The
valves are arranged so that the pressure reduction blow before the valves in the cold reheater

The reheat steam enters to reheater IA which is of similar construction to superheater I and
II. It’s located in the back pass of the boiler after SH I. Reheater IB is after SH II. Reheat
steam temperature is maintained at design value typically over load range 60 -100 % of
MCR. Compared with feed water spray control I-A by-pass control gives higher plant effi-
ciency. Final reheating takes place in reheater II which is similar in construction to Intrex
superheaters and is located in the return leg.

All reheaters are fully drainable.

In hot reheat pipe there is two safety valves which are used for regulating the boiler pressure
during start up (or shut down). The start-up steam line is led to atmosphere trough a silenc-

A reheater safety valve is also used as start-up valve for the power plant. Dimensioning
criteria for this mode of operation is 8.0 kg/s, pressure 9 bar(g), temperature 180 °C and
backpressure 0.5 bar(g).

Number of plants: 2 x 50%

Capacity (main steam): 2 x 62.8 kg/s

Cold reheat:
- Safety function: 50 bar(g)
- Normal operating pressure: 37 bar(g)
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Hot reheat:
- Safety function: 43 bar(g)
- Safety valve closing: 40.8 *)
- Control function set pressure: 40 bar(g)**)
- LP bypass station opening: 36 bar(g)
- Normal operating pressure: 33 bar(g)
*) Safety valve closing to be checked with valve manufacturer (assumed 95 % of opening
**) LP-bypass opening pressure set value + 4 bar. To be checked during commissioning.

3.10 LP bypass station

The function of the LP bypass station is to bypass the IP/LP-turbine. The LP bypass station
is used in start-up and house load operation of the power plant and during a steam turbine
trip. The LP bypass station is also controlling the reheater pressure so that the maximum al-
lowed rate of pressure increase 2 bar/min is not be exceeded.
The design criterion for the LP-bypass station is sufficient steam flow in house load opera-
tion and plant start-up.

Number of plants: 1 x 70 %

Capacity: 1 x 79,5 kg/s

Pressure set value:
- Mechanical design pressure: 50 bar(g)
- Control function set pressure: 36 bar(g)*)
- Normal operating pressure: 33 bar(g)
- Safety function close: 0.39 bar(a) (condenser pressure)**)

*) To be checked during commissioning.

**) The LP bypass station will also be closed if the maximum allowable temperature in the
condenser 80°C is exceeded.

- Steam pressure IN/OUT 34 / 0,03 bar(a)

- Steam temperature IN/OUT 560 / 60 °C
- Steam flow IN/OUT 79,5 / 110,0 kg/s
- Spray water flow 30,5 kg/s
- Spray water pressure 13,8 bar(g)
- Spray water temperature 23 °C

Spray water to LP-bypass reduction station is taken from the discharge side of the main
condensate pumps after gland steam condenser.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.11 Auxiliary steam system

In this system description of power plant auxiliary steam is covered extraction steam to feed
water LP-preheaters and auxiliary steam for other purposes.

Extraction steam from the turbine is used for feed water preheating in LP-preheaters, feed-
water tank and HP-preheaters. The HP-preheating is shown in diagram S1LAD__-
MFB1001 and LP -preheating in diagram S1LCC__-MFB1001.

The function of the auxiliary steam is to deliver required auxiliary steam to the power plant.
The auxiliary steam system is shown in diagram S1LBG__-MFB1001.
Pipe drains are shown in diagram S1LB___-MFB1002.

Steam turbine extraction steam is used for feed water preheating and as auxiliary steam.
From steam turbine IP-casing extraction 4, steam is taken to the feed water tank and to the
auxiliary steam header. From IP-casing extraction 5, steam is taken to preheater HP-3.
Extractions 1, 2 and 3 from the LP-turbine are feeding the LP-preheaters.

The auxiliary steam to the consumers is distributed through the auxiliary steam header. In
the auxiliary steam system there are the following consumers:
- Feed water tank (start-up)
- Primary and secondary air steam preheaters
- Extinguishing steam (stand by)
- House heating
- Turbine seals (start-up and turbine trip)
- Steam coil air heater condensate tank
- De-SOX plant
- demin water plant
At start-up the auxiliary steam header is fed from the auxiliary boiler. The steam parameters
at the auxiliary steam header when fed from the auxiliary boiler are 3.0 bar(g) / 230 °C
(minimum requirement for steam turbine gland steam). The steam generation capacity of the
auxiliary boiler is 4 kg/s.

In normal operation the auxiliary steam header is fed from turbine extraction 4. The pressure
and temperature is sliding according to turbine load. At 100 % load the auxiliary steam pa-
rameters are 3.4 bar(g) / 279 °C. When the auxiliary steam pressure decreases below 2.0
bar(g) (at approximately 70 % load) the auxiliary steam is taken from the cold reheat line.
At loads below approximately 70 % and turbine by-pass operation auxiliary steam is deliv-
ered with the auxiliary steam reduction station S1 LBC40 AA201 from the cold reheat line
to the auxiliary steam header. The auxiliary steam parameters in this mode of operation are
3.0 bar(g) / 230°C.

In normal operation the steam to the feed water tank is taken from turbine extraction 4. The
pressure and temperature is sliding according to turbine load (no pressure or temperature
control). At 100 % load the feed water tank pressure is approximately 3.2 bar(g). When the
feed water tank pressure decreases below 1.0 bar(g) (at approximately 50 % load) steam to
the feed water tank is taken from the cold reheat line.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

At loads below approximately 50 % and turbine by-pass operation feed water tank steam is
delivered with the deaerator steam reduction station S1 LBC30 AA201 from the cold reheat
line to deaerator and feed water tank. In a turbine trip the deaerator steam reduction station
will start feeding stabilising steam to the feed water tank with a pressure set value equal to
the pressure in the feed water tank before the trip. After this the feed water tank pressure can
be decreased in a controlled way. This in order to prevent cavitation in the feed water pump.

3.12 SCAH condensate recuperation

The function of the Steam Coil Air Heater (SCAH) condensate recuperation is to collect and
return auxiliary steam condensates to power plant’s main water-steam cycle.

Steam coil air heater condensate recuperation system is shown in diagram S1LCN__-

The steam coil air heaters condensate recuperation comprises the following equipment:
- Steam coil air heaters condensate tank 5 m3 (S1 LCN20 BB201)
- Steam coil air heaters condensate pumps 2 x 100 % (S1 LCN30/40 AP101)

Condensates from the following equipment are led to SCAH condensate tank:
- Primary air preheater
- Secondary air preheater
- De-SOx plant air heater
- House heating heat exchanger (can go also aux. boiler FW-tank)

The pressure level of the auxiliary condensate tank is kept 0.2 bar(g) in order to prevent air
leakage to the tank.

Tank is protected for over pressure by safety valve (S1 LCN20 AA401).

The upper level of the tank is controlled by the overflow valve S1 LCN20 AA101, which
opens if the maximum water level in the tank is reached and closes (with a delay) when the
water level has lowered below the maximum allowable level. The overflow is led to the
SCAH blow out tank (S1 LCN27 BB201).

From the steam coil air heaters condensate tank water is pumped to the main condensate
line. During normal operation one pump is running while the other one is stand-by.
The quality of the water is measured continuously. If the conductance is over set point,
valve S1 LCN60 AA201 opens and water is led to the boiler blow down tank.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.13 Continuous Blowdown System

Continuous blowdown system (CBD) is used to remove the precipitated impurities from the
boiler water system from under water surface in the boiler drum. The system comprises per-
forated pipe collecting blowdown inside the drum. This pipe is connected to the stub
equipped with manually operated valve and one electrical from which the blowdown is dis-
charged via the blowdown pipeline to the blowdown tank. Blowdown flux is measured by
the measuring element and the flow is adjusted by a DCS controlled control valve basing on
the setting set by the operator taking into account up-to-date boiler water quality analyses.
Water from the continuous blowdown tank is discharged to the blow down tank (BDT).
Blowdown water discharge flow is adjusted by control valve controlled by water level sig-
nal of continuous blowdown tank. Steam from the blowdown is discharged to the feed water

3.14 Boiler Drain System

The whole boiler water-steam cycle has been designed and constructed as a fully drainable
one. Within the boiler area there are drains headers to which drain pipes from all lower
headers are introduced.

BDT tank is provided with collecting header to which several drains are discharged. Drum
overflow line is connected to the tank wall, controlled by a motor operated valve. Water
from the blowdown tank is discharged to the process water sewage system.

Blowdown tank exhaust pipe is routed on the boiler house roof. The following pipelines are
connected to that pipe:
 CBD tank safety valve drain
 Extinguishing steam drain
 Drain from air vents boxes (2 drains)
 Drain from silencer

3.15 Sootblowing System

Thirty–four (34) sootblowers are installed to remove fly ash buildups on the gas-side heat
transfer surfaces of the convection passes. Sootblowers are located on left side of the boiler
in back pass and convection pass. All sootblowers are half-retractable type sootblowers.
For catalyst reserve, sootblowers equipment outside of boiler are installed with out internals.
These sootblowers are rake type and don’t rotate while moving.

Each sootblower is a separate motor-driven device controlled from either the control room
or at the locally-mounted control box. Steam pressure at each sootblower can be adjusted
for the desired blowing pressure and should be checked annually.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Excessive buildups of fly ash on the heat transfer surfaces will reduce boiler efficiency. The
operator or the control system will have to increase fuel feed to compensate for the reduc-
tion in boiler efficiency due to the reduction in heat transfer. This increases the operating
cost of the boiler and has a negative impact on normal operations.

Steam after reheater one (RH I) is used for the sootblowing system. The use of steam is an
energy loss and it will have a negative impact on operating costs.

The type of peat burned at the West Offaly Power plant will determine how often the opera-
tor needs to use the sootblowing system. Because peat has a low amount of ash, 6 – 8 %, the
operator will not have to blow soot as often as if the fuel has high ash content, above 20 %.

Other factors such as air heater exit gas temperature and CO emissions will influence the
frequency and pattern of sootblower operation. If the exit gas temperature is high, that indi-
cates that the effectiveness of the heat transfer surfaces have been reduced by ash build up.
Normally once per shift should be adequate to prevent big ash build up’s.

Fuels exhibiting low combustion reactivity have a tendency to produce high levels of CO by
accumulating high carbon ash on the back pass tubes that gasify and produce CO. In this
case, it will be necessary to operate the sootblowers serving the superheaters more frequent-
ly to control the formation of CO. This may require more operation of the sootblowing sys-
tem than the exit gas temperatures would otherwise dictate.

Each operator must be aware of the fuel characteristics and must balance the cost of soot-
blowing against the cost of reduced efficiency due to high economizer exit gas temperatures
or emissions control.

All sootblowers are cycled either when economizer exit flue gas temperature increases 15
°C above expected or once every 24 hours, whichever occurs first. This schedule can be al-
tered with operating experience and using selective soot blowing. It is an operator function
to initiate soot blowing; however, sequencing of sootblowers is programmed into the con-
trols. Sootblowing sequence will normally follow the gas flow path, top to bottom on the
boiler. Blowing soot at least once every 24 hours will prevent overloading of the fly ash
system and de-sox plant.

Keep in mind that these are only general guidelines. The blowing pressure of each soot-
blower has been preset about 10 – 14 bar and will be adjusted as required during startup and
initial operation of the boiler. If necessary, this pressure can be adjusted individually at each
blower; higher set pressures will cause increased tube erosion.

During initial operation of the boilers, Foster Wheeler startup engineers will monitor these
indications and will recommend how often the sootblower system should be operated. If
fuel or limestone conditions change over the life of the boiler, the plants management will
need to modify the sootblowing frequency and sequence.

There are motor driven drain valves at the outlet of the sootblowing steam lines. Pipes are
sloped, to be selfdraining to the valves.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

There is an orifice by-pass round the drain valve to prevent condensate collecting. From the
drain valves the pipes are led to the blow down tank.

When the sootblowing steam piping is to be warmed the motorized sootblowing steam
valve opens entirely, and the sootblowing steam pressure rises to normal.

When the sootblowing steam temperature in all lines is greater than the temperature set val-
ue the drain valve closes. If the sootblowing steam pressure is greater than the pressure set
value sootblowing is released, and if sootblowing is on automatic control the first sootblow-
er of the selected sequence is started.

Ash that is removed by sootblowing is carried away by the flue gases and falls out in the
hoppers or is captured in the dust collector. Note there will be an increase in fly ash flow
during sootblowing periods.

3.16 Combustion in the Boiler

For proper combustion in the boiler it is necessary to supply properly prepared fuel and air
to the combustion chamber. Fuel is fed to the combustion chamber via 5 peat screw convey-
ors located at front and at rear walls of the boiler. Fuel feed points are located at height c. 1
m above boiler grid level in the area of the strongest turbulence. This guarantees very good
mixing of peat with bed material and air.

Primary air for combustion is fed to the combustion chamber from the windbox via air noz-
zles of the fluidising grid and it simultaneously operates as a fluidising gas. Amount of sup-
plied air at boiler rated load is close to the demand for air to combustion. At low loads (be-
low 50 % of the rated load) amount of supplied air depends on demand for proper circulat-
ing fluidisation, so the supply exceeds amount required for combustion. Primary air flux is
controlled automatically in DCS depending on current boiler load.

Secondary air is supplied to the combustion chamber at two levels, lower level at 2,0 m and
upper lelev at 4,0 m. It is aimed to achieve complete combustion and elimination of CO,
CxHy, NOx emissions.

Limestone powder is fed to the combustion chamber in order to bind SOx/SO2. Limestone
spray nozzles are located at level 2,0 m, just above the peat feeders also in the greatest tur-
bulence area in which the main combustion process takes place.

Ash from combustion together with products of the desulphurization process and boiler first
filling sand form the bed material circulating in the boiler and taking part in heat transfer
process. Circulating bed material flows from the combustion chamber through narrow throat
to the separator where it is in major part separated from the flue gas flow (separator effi-
ciency ca. 90 % depending on bed material granulation). Separated bed material flows
through recirculation ducts via wall seal to the Intrex superheater chamber.

Bubbling fluidisation of the bed material takes place in Intrex superheater/reheater chambers
with fluidising layer surface kept above superheater/reheater coils.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Bed material can flow to the combustion chamber in two ways:

 flow from the bed surface through skew slots in a wall combustion chamber and
 Intrex through recirculation ducts to the chamber, induced by air spray nozzles

Flue gas with the smallest (80m) ash particles flow from the separators to the convective
pass through three outlet Vortex Finder pipes and flue gas ducts protected with refractory
lining. Further, after the air heater, flue gases flows in single steel plate duct to the DeSOx
plant, where second stage of sulphur removing is performed and fly ash is precipitated.
Cleaned flue gases beyond the DeSOx are discharged to the stack by the ID fan(s). There is
a pollution monitoring measuring equipment mounted in stack

3.17 Flue gas system

Following combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber the flue gases first pass
through the separators, where the coarser ash is separated and returned to the bed via the
wall seal, and the finer fly ash is transported through the convection section of the boiler to
the the dust removal system (de-sox plant) and out the stack.

The flue gases are drawn away by means of 100 % centrifugal flow induced draft (ID)
fan(s) between DeSOx and stack.

Flue gas temperatures and pressure drops are measured throughout the system mainly to in-
dicate the condition of the boiler and the need for sootblowing. Similarly flue gas is ana-
lyzed for O2 , CO, NOx, SO2 and moisture to indicate the efficiency of combustion and
keeping the emission limits.

Part of the flue gases is posible fed back to the furnace for temperature control in furnace
and to have better heat transfer in the convection part of the boiler by increasing the flue gas

3.18 Recirculation gas system

Before stack part of the flue gases are sucked with centfugical fan and fed back to the furnace
for temperature control in bed and furnace and to have better heat transfer in the convection
part of the boiler by increasing the flue gas flow.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.19 Primary Air System

Primary air (PA) is supplied by one 100 % capacity centrifugicacl fan. Primary air is draft
from insede or outside of boiler house through venturi flow measurement. After fan air is
heated by steam coil air heater and flue gas air pre heater, after that air flow is led to a two-
compartmented windbox under the grid of the combustion chamber. It is used as the source
of fluidizing air for the circulating bed of fuel and sorbent in the combustion chamber and
supplies most (~55 %) of the combustion air for the process. PA is used for force air for fuel
feeding chutes and as spoon air at the hot end of fuel feed pipes.

Before wind box both PA ducts have flow measurement and controll valve, following
branch for duct burner booster fan and duct burner. Duct burners are used to heat PA during
boiler start up phase to make start up shorter. More about duct burners in “System descrip-
tion of primary air system”

There is a minimum flow of primary air required to fluidize the bed and prevent back flow
of the material through the nozzles and keep bed fluidisated. So at low loads the primary air
flow remains constant and does not vary with load.

3.20 Secondary Air System

P&ID 845011321 shows the secondary air (SA) system. This is the air supplied by one 100
% capacity centrifugical fan. Secondary air is draft from insede or outside of boiler house
through venturi flow measurement. After fan air is heated by steam coil air heater and flue
gas air pre heater, after that air flow is led to secondary air ring ducts around the combustion
chamber. Air drops connect the ring ducts to the combustion chamber. Secondary air is used
to complete the combustion process (staged combustion), supplies cooling and combustion
air for all startup burners, and is used to maintain the proper amount of excess air for safe
boiler operation (O2-control).

3.21 High Pressure Air System “Intrex air”

High pressure air is used for fluidizing the circulating bed material in the Intrex. The quan-
tity of air needed is small and it is not considered as a combustion air in controls. There are
three high pressure type blowers and two or three are working at the same time, when one is

P&IDs S1QDA____-MFB0001 shows the high pressure blower air (HP) system. HP air is
piped to all three intrex chambers and distribution system for the wall seals of the return
legs. This air is used to fluidized the return flow of circulating bed material in the wall seals
and Intrex chambers. Blower outlet ducts are joined to form duct after the blower houses.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

One branch leave from air duct to release excess HP-air to the PA duct (S1QDB11BR110)
and two branches leave the form air duct to the burners (Ductburners / S1HHS90BR010,
Startburners/ S1HJS01BR010) as a cooling air. Three branch to supply purge air to the wall
seal areas (S1QDT40 /50 /60 BR010) and one branch, the main line dividing two to the Intrex
chamber areas (S1QDT01 BR110, S1QDT02 BR110, S1QDT03 BR010).

3.22 Start-up Burners

The boiler is provided with five (5) oil fired start-up burners (SUB) and two duct burners
(DB). Wall start-up burners are mounted on side walls: left and right, and three on front wall
of combustion chamber, while duct burners are built in both inlets of primary air ducts to
windbox. Each burner is equipped with local operating panel and valve train for oil, gas and
atomizing air supply. The burner comprises the following parts:
 burner frame provided with stubs for fitting of oil nozzles, gas electric ignition, flame
detector, service openings and inspection glasses;
 oil lance – made of steel pipes mounted one in another; spray air is supplied in the inner
pipe, and the oil is supplied via the outer pipe;
 flame detector for burner operation monitoring is equipped with cooling air connector.
Cooling air prevents fouling and overheating of the flame detector and is supplied from
high pressure air system;
 gas-electric ignition is a steel pipe with insulated high voltage electrode, fed from
transformer with inlet voltage 220 V and outlet voltage 8,5 kV at 23 mA current;
 set of valves located on separate rack including: two pneumatically actuated valves and
one manual valve shutting off oil supply, two electrical valves and one manual valve
shutting off gas supply, manual valves and pneumatically actuated valves shutting of
atomizing and purging air, filters on oil, gas and control air supply lines, elektrical
valves on instrument air line to pneumatically actuated valves;
 connecting flexible hoses for oil, gas and atomizing air.

The burners heat-up the primary air (DB) and bed material during boiler start-up and in cas-
es if it is not possible to keep the fluidised bed temperature at requested level. Thermal
power of the start-up burners is adjusted by change of parameters of the oil supplied to the
burners via control valve common for both burners.

The burner is fired according to the following sequence:

 start supporting fan (DB)
 move the lance to "work" position(SUB)
 open the atomizing air valve;
 shut open the primary air to burner flap valve to position "ignition";
 close the cooling air valve;
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

 turn the ignition transformer on and open the gas valve;

 gas ignition;
 detection of the pilot flame;
 open of the burner oil supply valves;
 turn the ignition transformer off and closing the gas supply valves;
 check flame detection, the burner is burning,

Start-up burners can be turned off when the bed temperature exceeds 760 °C and stable peat
burning in the boiler is achieved.

Burner turn-off procedure is executed according to the following sequence:

 Check if the lance is in "work" position;
 Switch the primary air supply control to automatic mode;
 Check if the spray air valve is open;
 Open the gas valve;
 Turn the start-up transformer on;
 Close burner oil feed valves;
 Confirmation of pilot flame presence by the flame detector;
 Open cooling and blow air valves;
 Blow out the lance for 30 seconds;
 Close the blow out air valves;
 Turn off the ignitor and close gas valves;
 Remove the lance from "work" position (SUB).
 Stop supporting fan (DB)

The burners operate totally automatically. The boiler operator turns the SUB/ DB on and off
from DCS by starting corresponding sequence. It is possible to start the sequence from local
control cabinet, but it is not possible to manually change the burner start-up and shutdown

In case no burner is operating oil is returned via the recirculation pipe to the storage silos.
Circulating oil is not counted by the oil consumption measuring elements. From the supply
line oil flows through measuring unit equipped with distribution valve train and
a flowmeter to the burners. Both SUB and DB has own measuring and control units.

Two gas cylinders mounted in start-up gas plant provides propane-butane supply for burner
start-up igniter. One gas cylinder is used to supply burner while the second has to be kept
full as a stand-by. Empty cylinder signal visible in DCS requires manual switching the gas
supply source from the second cylinder. Gas supply line in the start-up gas plant is provided
with safety valve, pressure reducing valve to maintain pressure of 0,8 Bar in the gas system
and isolating valves at cylinder and boiler house ends.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.23 Bed Material System

Bed material silo located close to the boiler is used for storage of necessary amount of the
bed material required for boiler cold start-up when there is no ash in the combustion cham-
ber and convection cage. Before the boiler first filling the bed material silo is filled with
sand with suitable granulation and physical properties. During normal boiler operation the
bed material silo is continuously filled-up with ash recirculated from the bottom ash system.
In course of the following boiler cold start-ups the bed material consisting of ash and desul-
phurisation process products is fed to the combustion chamber. Bed material stored in the si-
lo is also used during normal boiler operation for combustion chamber bed material make-
up while firing low ash fuel.

At the bottom of the 100 m3 bed material silo there is a manually operated isolating damper.
Under the damper there is a discharge chute to the injector used for pneumatic conveying of
the bed material to the combustion chamber. The injector is supplied with raw pressurised
air with injector inlet pressure adjusted by the pressure-reducing valve. The bed material
transport pipe to the boiler is provided with manually operated isolating gate valve prior to
boiler and quick opening pneumatic throttling valve. Compressed air is used for silo bottom
aeration during bed material feeding to the combustion chamber.

On the silo roof there is an feeding box provided with inlet stub pipes, bottom ash recircula-
tion pipe and sand supplying car tanks unloading pipes. Moreover the silo is provided with
over-under pressure safety flap valve and transport air removal (suction) pipe to the lime-
stone silo and forwarded to the atmosphere via the filter element.

Bed material feeding to the combustion chamber procedure is executed by means of the fol-
lowing sequence:
 open bed material feeding throttle valve to the combustion chamber
 open bed material silo aeration valve and injector air supply valve for selected time
(some seconds)
 feed c. 500 kilos of the bed material to the combustion chamber
 close bed material silo aeration valve and injector air supply valve
 close the bed material feeding throttle valve

3.24 Peat feeding system

From the otside feeder shredded peat is transported to the intermediate storage building.
From the intermediate building fuel is transported by screw and belt convetors to the boiler
silos, located outside of the boiler house.

Peat used for burning in the CFB boiler has to be of certain granulation conforming to the
summary distribution curve specified in separated characteristics. There are two individual
peat feeding lines.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Each silo have a screw reclaimer for silo discharging to forward fuel to the drag chain con-
veyor. Peat flow from the silo to the chain conveyor is controlled by the speed controller of
the screw reclaimer. Screw reclaimer turning gear has a torque (motor increased power con-
sumption) control system to avoid overloading of the screw reclaimer. To make it possibel
to operate front middle feeding point alone there is a fuel return way inside the front chain
conveyor frame. Possible return flow is detected by a level indicator located in the return
“duct”. Silo discharge pocket, chain feeder and other feeders overload is indicated by over-
load switches ( block detectors)

All fuel feeders are equipped with fire fighting steam system, supplied from the auxiliary
steam header. Fire fighting steam line has a pressure reduce valve and hand operated close-
valves for each individual consumers. For the fuel silos there is Aumatic controlled fire
fighting steam valves.

Peat flow can be controlled only by means of conveyors speed adjustment.

Peat supply flow control systems can operate in the following control modes:
 Manual control mode (speed of all feeders is set manually by the operator via DCS)
 Automatic control mode (control system operates in such a way to keep peat supply
flow at fixed level corresponding to the setting entered by the operator)
 Cascade operating mode (value of setting signal for the control system sequence is set
by the boiler steam pressure control system. If both peat feeding lines are in operation,
both have to operate in sequential control mode. Ratio of peat feeding lines output (one
to another) can be controlled by signal from DCS. If, for example, the ration is:
70% / 30%, it means that 70% of peat is fed to 1 line wall and 30 % of the peat is
supplied by the second peat feed line. Controllability range of that ratio is from 0% to
100% and change of value for one line causes automatic change of the second line
Fuel feed balance (front / rear wall capacity) factor is set by operator in DCS system. Nor-
mal value for fuel feeding proportion is 50 / 50 %, but in case of equipment failure feeding
proportion can be changed easily. Combustion air proportion follows automatically fuel
flow when proportion is more than 10 % (45 / 55 %).

Peat is discharged with two (2) totally independent chain conveyors from two (2) peat silos.
These conveyors drop peat into three equal capacity feeders located boiler front and two
equal capacity feeders located boiler rear sides. Both conveyor lines are equipped with
speed controlled robbing screws. After the robbing screws there are constant speed operated
rotary feeders and constant speed operated feeding screws to feed fuel into the boiler. Both
two lines are totally independent and front wall lines is capable to feed capacity equal to 100
% of boiler load and rear wall line is capable to feed < 50 % of boiler MCR.

Frequency converters enable best possible boiler load change rate for both lines beginning
from silo discharger down to robbing screws. All 7 robbing screws feeds air lock feeders,
which prevent flue gas from furnace entering futher in fuel conveyor system.

Whole fuel feeding line up to feeding screws is supported from building steel structure. Bel-
lows after feeding screws allow slide gates and feeding schutes to go down with lower fur-
nace while boiler heating. Slide gate makes maintenance of fuel feeding system possible
during boiler normal operation.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

 Equipment is furnaced with speed limit, limit and stop switches.

 Peat feeding system equipment is fitted with the following protective devices:
 Flow line blockage indicators – zero flow switches (at feeder connections points)
 Emergency switches for equipment actuators (motors)

3.25 Limestone Feeding System

Limestone for current desulphurisation process needs is stored in a limestone silo with ca-
pacity of 150 m3. Silo is periodically filled from the fill-up linefrom the truck.

Daily limestone silo hoppers are closed at the bottom with 3 manually operated throttling
valve, under the silo there is three totally individul limestone feeding systems. The feed sys-
tem consist of upper feed hopper supplying limestone through the valve at inlet and bottom
self-unloading hopper with valve at inlet and screw feeder at the outlet. The 3 screw feeders
feeds limestone to the rotary feeders and further limestone is blown via 3 supply pipes
through the limestone spray nozzles to the combustion chamber (to peat feeding points).
Center feed line is divided for two spray nozzles just before boiler inlet.

Venting of silo is taken care through small bag filter. Additionally, the limestone silo is pro-
vided with two safety flap valves with exhaust discharged to the silo vent pipe.

In order to provide undisturbed limestone flow from the silo to the hopper and screw feeder
the silo bottom cone and intermediate hoppers are aerated with dry instrument air.

All pneumatically actuated throttles and valves in the limestone feeding and dosing system
are fed with instrument air. Frequency converters controlled by DCS in automatic mode de-
pending on fuel flow intensity to the boiler adjust screw conveyor revolutions.

3.26 Ammonia Injection System

Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH (30 w-% solution) is used for denitrification of flue gas. It is
supplied to the power plant by truck and stored in a tank outside of the power plant. There
are two ammonia water pumps, which are diaphram type and one of them is working while
one is in stand-by position.

Piping and instrument diagrams (P&ID) is S1HSK____-MFB0001. They show the ammonia
water storage, pumping and spraying system. Pressurised air for ammonia water spraying is
supplied from power plant pressurised air network (S1QFH____-MFB0001).

Main ammonia water line is led from storage tank to the ammonia water pump, which
pumps the ammonia water to the separator level where one ammonia water line to each sep-
arator distributes the ammonia water to the feeding points. Catalyst reserve in the second
pass takes care of the extra ammonia slip created in the denitrification (S1HN____-
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.27 Bottom Ash Removal System

Bottom ash that deposits in the lower part of the combustion chamber and in the Intrex
chambers has to be removed when needed. The biggest particles that do not circulate cause
increased resistance of air flow through the fluidising grid. Excessive deposit of bigger bed
particles can cause drop of air velocity below the fluidising velocity resulting in agglomer-
ates formation on the grid. Monitoring of proper bed material above the grid and air flow re-
sistance through the grid are some of the most important maintenance activities during nor-
mal circulating bed boiler operation.

For bottom ash removal there are 5 discharge pipes with slide gates mounted in the combus-
tion chamber bottom and one discharge chute in each Intrex chamber bottoms. These pipes
are made of heat resistant steel and are equipped with pressurised air nozzles (air gun) for
ash flow jams removal as well as with thermal expansion joints.

From the discharge pipes bottom ash is discharged to the water-cooled screw conveyors,
where both shaft and shell of the conveyors are water-cooled. Revolutions of the screw
feeders are frequency converter adjusted, the control signal from DCS depends on pressure
in lower part of the combustion chamber. Screw conveyors drops ash to drag chain convey-

Chain conveyor drops ash to the bucket chain elevator. There is a rotating screen mounted
under the bucket elevator discharge chute. Fine particles (less than 1 mm) drops to the
pneumatic ash conveyor, to convey ash to the bed material silo as a make up bed material.
Coarse material flows to the crusher, which crush bigger particles smaller and then con-
veyed by pneumatic ash conveyor to the bottom ash silo.

In case of equipment failure there is a bypass before the rotating screen to let ash flow to the
screw and forward it to the ash container.

The bottom ash system can operate in 3 control modes:

 manual control mode (conveyors are manually turned on, turned off and speed is
manually controlled)
 automatic control mode (conveyors are turned on and off depending on the operating
sequence and stand-by duration basing on the settings set by the plant operator from
DCS. In this mode conveying speed is controlled manually),
 remote control mode (control signal comes from the bed pressure control system. In this
mode the operator sets only the execution time of one full operating - stand-by sequence
for the control system). In this mode conveying speed is variable, controlled by DCS.

Bottom ash removal process is stopped on:

 boiler interlock system activation (ash removal can be conducted in manual mode)
 cooling water flow is too low
 outlet cooling water temperature is above 95 °C
 bottom ash temperature beyond the screw conveyor is above 120 °C
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.28 DeSOx plant

The sulphur removal of the power plant is based on sulphur capture in two stages. The pri-
mary sulphur capture with limestone injection takes place in the furnace of the CFB boiler.
The secondary sulphur capture with reactivating the unreacted lime in fly ash coming from
the boiler takes place in the tail-end desulphurization plant.

The tail-end desulphurization plant is used for both desulphurization and dedusting of the
flue gases coming from the boiler. It consists of the CFB-absorber, fabric filter and auxiliary
systems. The desulphurization plant is so called semi-dry plant which means that desul-
phurization occurs by spraying water to the CFB-absorber but the end product of the plant is
dry. Desulphurization plant has a capability to add fresh burnt lime to the CFB-absorber in
case that fly ash doesn’t contain enough lime for required desulphurization. Plant is
equipped with continuous fly ash recirculation and with clean flue gas recirculation for op-
eration at lower loads .

Raw flue gas enters the FGD at a temperature range of 14055 to 1650 °C . Flue gas condi-
tions (volume, temperature, pressure, SO2 content etc.) are varying according to plant load
and peat quality. The maximum SO2-concentration of the raw flue gas is about
3000 mg/m³ (dry 6% O2). Maximum solids content of the raw flue gas is about
110760 mg/m3 (dry 6% O2). If flue gas flow from boiler is less than 75 % from MCR flow
(86 Nm³/s) recirculated flue gas is added to absorber so that flue gas flow to absorber stays
always above 75 % MCR.

Flue gas containing fly ash from boiler flows vertically in CFB absorber through seven par-
allel venturi-shaped nozzles. Recirculated solids from fabric filter and – if required - burnt
lime powder (CaO) are introduced to the absorber under the nozzles. Instrument air can be
fed to the bottom of the horizontal part and to the elbow under CFB-Absorber to avoid ash
accumulation in these parts. In the tall part of each venturi the gas is accelerated to a veloci-
ty of about 50 m/s. This gas velocity keeps the bed in turbulent movement above nozzles to
achieve a maximum efficiency of SO2 -absorption. HP-water is injected to the absorber
through a spray nozzle. Water reacts with CaO to form hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) which will
further react with SO2. Unreacted water will cool down the flue gas. The flow of HP-water
is controlled to achieve a flue gas temperature of 85 °C at CFB-Absorber outlet. This pre-
vents the condensing of water in the bag filter. Solids (1 kg/m³ dry 6% O2 ) are discharged
from the top of the CFB absorber to the fabric filter.

There are four parallel filter chambers arranged in 2 rows of 2 on both sides of a central gas
inlet/outlet plenum. Each chamber contains two bundles of 484 bags. Total number of bags
in the Fabric Filter is thus 3872 pieces. Bag length is 8 m. Bags are supported with anti-
collapse cages and arranged in a concentric pattern. The clean gas plenum above the tube
sheet houses the rotating cleaning manifolds and also provides access to the filter bags for
inspection and maintenance. Flue gas from the CFB-Absorber enters the filter chambers in a
downward direction. The gas passes then through the bags from the outside to the inside and
the clean gas is discharged from the fabric filter via the outlet plenum. Solid content of the
clean flue gas is below 30 mg/m³.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Fresh lime (CaO) powder is delivered to absorber from burnt lime silo via feeding system
and air slides. Dosing valve is controlling the amount of CaO according to SO2-
concentration from stack. Compressed air for the burnt lime supply system is produced by
burnt lime silo aeration blower.

Solids collected in the four dosing hoppers under filter chambers are discharged
by air slides through bottom nozzles back to the absorber. Compressed air for fluidizing
theair slides is provided by hopper aeration blower. Since chambers 1 and 2 are located up-
stream from filter chambers 3 and 4 it is expected that about 60 % of the solids are collected
in dosing hopper 1 and 2 and 40 % in dosing hopper 3 and 4. If the maximum ash level in
one or more of the dosing hoppers is exceeded, product discharge opens to fly ash senders
until minimum ash level is reached.One ash transmitter is activated and the other is on
stand-by. Recirculation is applied to extend the retention time of the solids in the process to
about 30 minutes, so that the demand for fresh absorbent is minimized.

HP-water pressure is about 40 bar and it’s fed to the two injection nozzles of the CFB-
absorber (one in operation, one as stand-by reserve). The spill-back nozzles are is arranged
at the CFB-absorber cone and can be controlled, maintained and changed during operation
of the CFB-system.HP-water control valve is located in the water return pipe to adjust the
amount of water injected to the CFB-Absorber depending on the flue gas temperature at ab-
sorber outlet.

3.29 Closed Cooling Water System

Water to the closed cooling water system is taken from the make up water system into the
system expansion tank , located upper part of the boiler house. At the closed cooling water
circuit there are cooling water intakes for feed water pumps, secondary air fan, primary air
fan, bottom ash system, air compressors, corrosion probe, sampling system, T/G and for ID

System is equipped with two circulation pumps and two water heat exchangers (cooling
medium from main cooling water system). Chemicals are fed into the system to take care of
the water quality. In case of system leakage, demi water is taken to the system expansion

In case of power cut of trip, there is a valve connection after bottom ash screws to ensure
minimum cooling water flow to them by opening the Aumatic valve and led to sewage ca-
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3.30 Compressed Air System

Oil-free compressed air under pressure of 6 bar is supplied from the compressors and dryers
via one pipeline to the boiler house building. Air for boiler service purposes is supplied to
Intrex, burner, ash conveyors and it is initially dried to the dew point temperature of +3 °C,
same air is used as cleaning and sevice several users in boiler area.

Compressed air for peat house and tippler area is produced by own individual compressors,
located near the users.

Instrument air, produced by same compressors, is dried to the dew point temperature of -
20 °C by two absorption dryers. Beyond the drier control air is supplied to the dried air tank
and further distributed to control and distribution boxes of pneumatically actuated valves as
well as to measuring points. Each control box is equipped with individual isolating ball

Instrument air for DeSOx plant is also produced by same compressors and dried to the dew
point temperature of -20 °C by two separated absorption dryers.

The following are also supplied from the service compressed air line:
 limestone silo, upper and lower hopper aeration
 air for bed material silo aeration and for bed material conveying to the boiler
 air for bottom ash silo aeration
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


4.1 General Rules

It is necessary to inspect condition and readiness for start-up of individual boiler systems
and auxiliary equipment directly prior to each boiler start-up. Should any defects of any
boiler systems or auxiliary equipment be found it is necessary to notify supervisors person-
nel and follow their orders. Plant Control Room Head appoints person responsible for boiler
and auxiliary equipment condition inspection. The appointed persons – boiler or plant wal-
karound personnel are responsible for the inspection carried out.

Most items listed here are simply common to an experienced operator. Unfortunately, these
items become so common over a long period that they can be forgotten. This checklist is
provided simply as an overall reminder of items to check before beginning boiler startup.
After an overhaul boiler acceptance for start-up should be carried out after execution of giv-
en written and verbal work orders is finished. Written orders should be concluded and ap-
proved according to the Instruction for Safe Work in Power Engineering Industry.

Boiler start-up order after an overhaul is given by the Boiler Operation Department Head
basing on positively accepted inspection of the boiler and auxiliaries.

Operation Engineer of the power plant on duty gives a stand-by boiler start-up order.

4.2 Boiler Visual Inspection

Visual Inspection Of Combustion Chamber, Convective Section And Flue Gas Ducts

Inspect condition of the combustion chamber and along the whole length flue gas ducts
from the inside checking if water-walls of steam superheaters, reheaters, economiser and air
preheater as well as DeSOx plant is ready for start up. Moreover, special attention should be
paid to persons, foreign matter and other obstacles that should be removed from the boiler
prior to the boiler start-up.

During the boiler inspection attention should be paid to:

a) Heating surfaces – check water-walls surface for visible wear, refractory defects and
presence of agglomerates in the combustion chamber and Intrex header. All found
agglomerates have to be removed.
b) Flue gas ducts – check if all access doors and sight-glasses can be easily opened and closed
as well as if it is tight. Check condition of expansion joints.
c) Peat screw/chain feeders – check if feeder discharge chutes are not damaged (burn off) and
free from any agglomerates.
d) Windbox – check condition of walls and remove bed material if collected inside the
windbox, find the reason for depositing of bed material.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

e) Oil burners – check condition of thermal insulation around oil burners as well as condition
of swirler and burner guide pipe. Check condition and tightness of burner fittings and
media supply connections (gas, oil, air) as well as correctness of burner nozzle location.
f) Compact separator – check condition of refractory lining, check separator outlet pipe on
thermal deformation.
g) Wall seal – check condition of refractory lining as well as fluidising air nozzles and
overflow slots.
h) Intrex headers – inspect visually condition of superheater/reheater coils, refractory lining
and air separator distribution plate.
i) Convection section – check if bundles of steam superheaters/reheaters and economiser
pipes are located correctly and check condition of hanger pipes and supports.
j) Check if ash hoppers of the boiler convective section are free from deposit.
k) Close all access doors to the combustion chamber, separator, convection section, air and
flue gas ducts.

External Visual Inspection

The entire boiler casing and completeness of insulation should be checked in the area of
combustion chamber and convection section, pipelines with fittings as well as the DeSOx

Moreover, detailed visual inspection of the following elements should be made:

a) Boiler supporting structure including combustion chamber and convection cage hangers
and service platforms. Check condition of the boiler thermal expansion measuring points.
b) Steam drum – directly before closing the access doors check if there are no people or
foreign matter left in the drum. After closing of access doors check if it have been closed
tight. For local water level gauges:
– check if valves at water and steam sides can be easily opened and closed
– check if steam and water valves are open and if drain valves are closed
– check if water level gauge glasses are clean and if illumination of water level gauges
operates correctly
– check if minimum, rated and maximum levels are marked on casings of local water
level gauges
Steam drum valves should be set to the following positions:
– steam drum vent valves - open
– continuous blowdown valves - open
– manually operated overflow valve – open, electrically operated overflow valve - closed
– valves to the sampling plant - open
– valves to the measuring elements and control instruments – open
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

c) Boiler water and steam system:

– boiler drains and drain valves are closed
– main steam pipe valve and by-pass line valve are closed
– sootblowing steam valve is closed
– all vent valves are open
– isolating valves with pressure relief valves of the desuperheaters' control valves are
open and the by-pass valves are closed
– all valves to pressure gauges are open
– safety valves are in their normal operating position (released)
– by-pass valves of the high-pressure fittings as well as by-passes of pressure transmitters
are also reset to their normal operating position
– sampling plant valves are open
d) Feed Water Line
– sampling plant valves are open
– chemical dosing valves are open
– valves to pressure gauges are open
– vent and drain valves are closed
– HP-heater by-pass and control valves are open
– manually operated valves in the feed water line are open, valves actuated via DCS are
e) Fuel oil system
It is necessary to obtain readiness that Peat Feeding and Ash Removal systems are fulfilled
to begin boiler start-up procedure. It should be sure tha oil pumping system is ready for
operation. Minimum amount of oil necessary for boiler start-up is c. 40 ton. Check the oil
system fittings within the boiler area:
The following valves have to be open:
– pressure regulating valves
– flowmeters' valves
– oil recirculation system valves
f) Ignition Gas
– check that the pipelines are connected properly
– check filling of gas cylinders – at least one gas cylinder has to be full
– isolating valves at gas cylinders and burners are open
g) Compressed Air System
– obtain readiness that compressors are ready for operation and capable of supplying
compressed air
– isolating valves of measuring instruments are open
– compressed air piping of the boiler system is complete and operative
– instrumentation & control air dryers are prepared for operation, i.e. suction and
discharge valves are open, by-pass valve is closed
Compressed air to the oil burners
– air to burners isolating valves and isolating valves in the pipes are open
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

h) Peat Feeding System

– availability of peat for filling the peat silos has to be agreed with the BnM
– all chain conveyors are operative
– screw conveyors are operative, cooling air is connected properly, manually operated
gate valves the conveyor are open
– all access doors and sight glasses are closed
– fire fighting equipment for extinguishing peat fire in screws is operative and ready to
– remote – local switches of all actuators should be set to remote mode position
– all level measuring instruments are operative
i) Limestone Feeding System
– availability of limestone has to be checked
– conveying air blowers – check gearbox oil level, v-belts OK
– screw feeder / rotary feeder - check gearbox oil level
– compressed air – manually operated valves in pneumatically actuated valves' supply
points and for silo aeration should be open
– remote – local control switch should be set to remote control position
– open valves of limestone feeding to the spray nozzles
– open manually operated throttling valve under the daily limestone silo
j) Bed Material (Sand) Feeding System
– check if there is sufficient amount of bed material in the bed material silo
– open manually operated valves of compressed air supply for blowing plant and silo
– open the damper under the bed material silo
– open the valve prior to the feed nozzle of bed material feeding to the boiler
k) Bottom Ash System
– operating capability of bottom ash removal has to be checked
– slide dampers beyond the screw conveyors have to be open
– chain conveyors is operative
– screw conveyors are operative, expansion joints at ash discharge chutes between
conveyors have to be tightened
– all access doors are closed
– remote – local control switches of all actuator have to be set in remote control mode
– all level switches are operative
– cooling water flow is ok
l) Fly Ash System
– operating capability of fly ash removal system has to be checked
– check if slide dampers under the boiler second passes are open
– all pneumatic ash conveyors are operable
m) Air and Flue Gas Ducts
– check if emergency switches of fans are open
– check if valves prior to the rotameters of high-pressure air to Intrex are open in position
set during boiler adjustment operation
– check condition of thermowells and pressure measurement points of the combustion
chamber, separator, convection section and flue gas duct
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

n) Primary Air Fan

– check if the rotor rotates without obstacles
– check if the actuated suction inlet vane is operative
– check if there is a sufficient amount of lub oil in the tank
– check condition of the oil system flexible hose connections
– check for oil leakage at pipe connections and bearings
– check if access doors to the fan and discharge duct are closed
– open cooling water supply to the heat exchanger
o) Secondary Air Fan
– check if the rotor rotates without obstacles
– check if the actuated suction inlet guide vane is operative
– check bearings against oil leakage and check lub oil tank level
– check if access doors to the fan and discharge duct are closed
– open cooling water supply to the heat exchanger
p) DeSOx Plant
– remove scaffoldings, tools and equipment, waste material, etc. from the DeSOx
chambers and hoppers
– check if there are no people left inside equipment with access doors
– check tightness of doors
– close doors to the DeSOx chambers and hoppers
– turn on heaters of hoppers 24 hours prior
– observe also manufacturer's instructions
q) ID Fan
– check the entire thermal insulation
– check if rotor rotates without obstacles
– check if the actuated suction inlet vane is operative
– check if there is a sufficient amount of lub oil in the tank
– check condition of flexible hose connections of the oil system
– check against oil leakage at pipe connections and bearings
– check if access doors to the fan and discharge duct are closed
– open cooling water supply to the heat exchanger
r) Cooling Water System
– check cooling water supply availability from the header in the machine house
s) Electrical Systems
– Obtain confirmation from the I&C group that electrical systems are ready for operation.
After boiler overhaul suitable records have to be made to confirm acceptance of motor
t) Control System
– Obtain confirmation from the I&C group that instrumentation and control systems are
ready for operation

Prior to boiler start-up acceptance of mechanical part has to be achieved including all neces-
sary testing and preparation of reports.

Boiler systems should be inspected prior to each start-up, especially after each boiler
shutdown followed with modifications and repairs of broader extent.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

4.3 Interlocks of the Control Systems are Checked and Operative

Interlocks of the control system should be checked by I&C team personnel during boiler

Directly prior to the burn-up process start the plant operator executes tests of protections
and checks the interlocks one by one.

The boiler can be started-up only after ensuring that the above instructions has been
fully understood and executed.

4.4 Boiler Filling

The boiler is initially filled using the condensate/make up water storage transfer system to
about 100 mm below normal water level in the boiler steam drum. The water should be
chemically treated to the proper chemical concentrations and pH for normal boiler opera-
All items listed in this section must be performed manually by the operator.
Open boiler sight glass root block valves, block valves and level detector valves
Verify boiler sight glass and water column drain valves are closed
Open all boiler solid separator, cross over duct and convection cage vent valves. Close N2
connection valves.
Close all boiler waterside drain valves. Open the outlet lines to the blow down tank and
close the drain lines to the sewer system.
Open all superheater/reheater vent valves. Close N2 connection valves.
Drain any condensate from the superheaters and reheaters by opening the superheater and
reheater drain valves, leave them open position. Leave the reheater automatic steam
drain-trap lines still close position.
Drain any condensate from the main steam line by opening the main steam line drain
valves, leave them open position. Leave the main steam automatic steam drain-trap lines
still close position.
Verify boiler feedwater temperature, entering to the steam drum,
drum metal temperatures when filing an empty steam drum.
Start the feed water pump and its discharge valves according to manufacturers instructions.
Open economizer inlet feedwater supply block valve.
Open boiler fill valve and set up 10 to 15 percent (10 – 20 kg/s) feedwater flow to the boiler
with feedwater controls in manual.
Close feedwater fill valve when water level in is 100 mm in the drum sight glass(s).
Blow down steam drum sight glasses by valves.
Verify water level returns to the steam drum sight glasses to where it was before the blow
Verify sight glass level corresponds with remote indication in the control room and at the
steam drum level control station. Drain the boiler water level below the low-low level
interlock and verify interlock function in DCS system.
Open feedwater fill valve and slowly add feedwater to the steam drum to raise the water
level, if necessary.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Check steam drum sight glasses. Close the feedwater control valve when the steam drum
water level is 100 mm below the normal operating water level. As water level rises,
continue to verify level accuracy of the remote indication in the control room. If the
boiler has been in outage a long time, fill the drum up to the upper level indicator
connection pipe and fill the level instrumentation impulse-pipes. Continue to verify level
accuracy of the remote indication in the control room.
Check boiler steam drum doors and external valves, fittings and connections for leaks. Any
leaks found must be corrected before proceeding with the startup.
Place the steam coil air heater in service now to aid in heating the preliminary air flows.

4.5 Boiler Start-up Prohibition

It is completely prohibited to start-up the boiler if:

a) boiler and auxiliary equipment visual inspection has not been done
b) water level inside the boiler is not visible in local sight glasses and normal water feeding
of boiler is not secured
c) automatic control system of boiler water level is inoperative
d) number of operating sight glasses is less than 2
e) the feed water pressure measurement is inoperative
f) outlet steam temperature and flow measurements or drum pressure measurement are
g) HP by pass valves are inoperative
h) RH safety valves are inoperative
i) boiler steam – water part is not gas-tight
j) refractory lining is damaged to extent causing risk of erosive damage (wear) of boiler
k) boiler interlocks are inoperative
l) flue gas temperature measurements beyond the superheater and at convection cage outlet
are missing
m) bed, combustion chamber, separator pressure measurement is missing
n) spray water system to desuperheaters is inoperative
o) boiler thermal expansion measuring points are inoperative
p) steam temperature measurement points beyond steam superheaters are inoperative
q) steam drum temperature measuring points are inoperative
r) boiler start-up system or basic fuel (peat) feeding system is inoperative
s) if emergency and process signalling is inoperative
t) drain, vent, continuous blowdown and emergency drain systems are inoperative
u) deformations of boiler supporting structure and pipes or thermal protective shields are
v) bottom and fly ash removal systems are inoperative
w) condition of boiler or auxiliary equipment causes serious danger that widespread damage
may occur in case of boiler start-up
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004


Cold start-up means that there is not any steam pressure in the boiler and the turbine metal
temperature is lower or equal to 170 °C at the moment when the starting procedure begins.
Normally reaching these conditions requires longer than two days standstill of the boiler. In
cold start-up the limiting factors for the boiler start-up are drum and refractory temperature
increase rates.

After igniting the first burner, the boiler load is increased on the basis of the start-up curve.
Boiler live steam and reheated steam pressure are increased on the basis of steam flow using
HPB valves and the start-up safety valves, which are kept in constant positions. The start-up
safety valves will close, when the LPB-valves are taken into operation that is as soon as the
condenser is ready to take steam. If the LPB-valves are taken into operation before the re-
heated steam pressure has raised to LPB set value, the LPB-valves should be opened in con-
stant position so that the pressure will rise as the boiler load is increased and the flow
through the reheater is more stable. Temperature after HPB is controlled automatically on
the basis of live steam flow.

Live steam and reheat steam temperatures are increased to 400°C and kept constant until the
turbine has been synchronized. Before synchronizing the boiler load shall be at least 30
kg/s in order to guarantee enough steam for the turbine minimum load.

After synchronizing the turbine live and reheat steam data are kept constant until the turbine
casing temperature has reached 300°C. After reaching the required turbine casing tempera-
ture live steam and reheated steam temperatures are increased 1.2 °C/min until the nominal
steam temperature of 563°C has been reached.

When the HPB valves are closed because of increased steam flow to the turbine, the turbine
controller begins to control the live steam pressure increasing it by 0,5 bar/min until the
nominal pressure of 169 bar has been reached. Reheated steam pressure depends on the tur-
bine load.

Boiler load can be increased after closing of the HP-bypass valves on the basis of the load
limit of the turbine and on the basis of the presented temperature limitations.

The following steps are used to start the ID, SA, PA fans and the HP blowers in their proper
sequence and to adjust air flows in preparation for the boiler purge. The steps below de-
scribe the operator actions required for a manual start sequence only. An automated se-
quencing for the air system is also available and will be described in the next section of this

The three major fans, ID, SA and PA, must be started in a specific sequence. The ID must
be started first. Then HP blower second, the SA fan third, followed by the PA. The first train
of fans can be lined up and started in the following manner:
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

5.1 Start-up of the Induced Draft Fan

1. Establish the boiler clear path from the inlets of SA fans, through ID fans, to the stack
outlet before the first ID fan can be started. The following shall be checked (Operator
2. Verify that any of the two ID fan inlet isolation dampers are fully opened (open limit
3. Verify that any of the two ID fan inlet vanes are closed (closed limit switches).
4. Verify start permissive signals are present for the ID fan to be started and initiate a Start
of the fan (operator action).
5. After receiving the Start command from the operator the DCS will take the following
action automatically:
6. Starts the lub oil pump
7. Issues a start command to ID fan.
8. The operator also has an option to carry out the sequence described above in item 7
through item 9 manually before starting the ID fan.
9. Adjust ID fan controller to control furnace pressure to –5,0 mbar (vacuum). When furnace
pressure is stabilized, place ID fan controller in auto.

5.2 Starting the HP blowers

1. Open the manual outlet dampers for all of the HP blowers. The outlet dampers should
always remain open, except when isolation is needed for blower maintenance. (Operator
2. Select the three of four HP blowers to be started (Operator action).
3. Verify start permissive signals are present for the HP blowers to be started and initiate a
Start of the blowers (operator action). After receiving the Start command from the
operator the DCS will take the following action automatically:
4. Verifies that ID fan is proven running.
5. Issues a start command to HP blowers.
6. Select the idle HP blower to standby (Operator action).
7. The idle HP blower will automatically start (if selected to standby) if the one of the other
HP blowers is stopped, tripped or failed due to not creating enough outlet pressure.
8. Adjust the pressure controller control the HP pressure to 400 mbar. When pressure is
stabilized, place pressure controller in auto.

5.3 Starting the SA fan

1. Verify start permissive signals are present for the SA fan and initiate a Start of the fan
(Operator action).
2. After receiving the Start command from the operator the DCS will take the following
action automatically:
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

3. Verifies that either one of the HP blowers is proven running and the return air pressure is
above a minimum required value.
4. Verifies that ID fan is proven running.
5. Closes the inlet vanes on the SA.
6. Issues a start command to SA fan.
7. The operator also has an option to do the start sequence, described above in item 3 through
item 7, manually before starting the SA fan.

5.4 Starting the PA fan

1. Verify start permissive signals are present for the PA fan and initiate a Start of the fan
(Operator action).
2. After receiving the Start command from the operator the DCS will take the following
action automatically:
3. Verifies that the SA fans is proven running.
4. Closes the inlet vanes on the PA fan.
5. Issues a start command to PA fan.
6. The operator also has an option to do the start sequence, described above in item 3 through
item 6, manually before starting the PA fan.

5.5 Start Fans And Adjust Air Flows (Automatic Sequence Start)

1. Establish the boiler clear path from the inlets of both SA fan, through both ID fans, to the
stack outlet before the first ID fan can be started.
2. HP blowers outlet dampers are manually operated and should always remain open, except
when isolation is needed for blower maintenance. (operator action).
3. Select the ID fan and HP blowers to be started (operator action in DCS).
4. Start the fans (operator action in DCS).
5. Once the Start command has been issued by the operator the DCS automatically takes the
following actions in sequence:
6. Starts ID fan per point 5.1.
7. Places the Furnace Draft controller in Auto.
8. Starts HP blower per point 5.2.
9. Starts SA fan per point 5.3.
10.Starts PA fan per point 5.4.
11.Proceed to airflow adjustments as described in point 5.6.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

5.6 Air flow adjustments

1. Place the steam coil air heaters (SCAH) in service.The averaged flue gas cold end
temperature setpoint can be adjusted a little higher than normal during startup to help
provide heat input to the boiler. Once the bed temperature approaches 300 °C, the setpoint
can be adjusted to its normal value. Place PA airflow control dampers in Auto. (Operator
2. Place SA airflow control dampers in Auto. Adjust SA fan inlet vanes until minimum
secondary airflow is obtained and place SA fan pressure controller in Auto. (Operator
3. Verify bed temperature controller is at 50 percent and leave in manual. (Operator action).
4. Verify excess O2 trim controller at 50 percent. (Automated by DCS).

5.7 Fan trips

Operating ID fans shall be tripped automatically by the following signals:

 underpressure before ID fan too high
 ID fan bearing temperature high-high
 ID fan motor winding temperature high-high
 ID fan vibration high-high
 Electrical distribution system and motor protection trips

Operating HP Blowers shall be tripped by the following signals:

 ID fan not running
 Steam drum level low-low
 Blower motor winding temperature high-high
 Electrical distribution system and motor protection trips

Operating SA fan shall be tripped by the following signals:

 ID fan not running
 None of HP blowers not running or HP air header pressure < minimum
 SA fan bearing temperature high-high
 SA fan motor winding temperature high-high
 SA fan vibration high-high
 Furnace pressure high high
 Steam drum level low-low
 Electrical distribution system and motor protection trips
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Operating PA fans shall be tripped by the following signals:

 ID fan not running
 None of HP blowers not running or HP air header pressure < minimum
 SA fan not running
 PA fan bearing temperature high-high
 PA fan motor winding temperature high-high
 PA fan vibration high-high
 Furnace pressure high high
 Steam drum level low-low
 Electrical distribution system and motor protection trips

5.8 Fan Lockout (WOP IF fan)

Fan dampers and vanes must be positioned properly when the associated fan is selected for
"lockout mode" (fan stopped and in maintenance). This is done by the operators through
operating procedures. For pneumatically operated dampers and vanes instrument air source
to the actuator must be isolated to assure that the damper or vane does not move. For elec-
tric motor dampers and vanes the power source to the actuator must be isolated at the MCC
to assure that the damper or vane does not move. This is a protective measure for servicing
the fan.

5.9 Initiate Boiler Purge

The boiler must be purged before each cold startup, following an MFT when the bed tem-
perature is less than 600 °C or when no startup burners are in service.

The purge procedure and minimum permissives assure a clear air and gas flow path, enough
airflow to carry away any combustible gases and assures that all sources of fuel are isolated
from the combustion chamber. After the purge cycle is complete the MFT is reset (manual-
ly, operator action) and the furnace is ready for admission of fuel.
The following permissives are required to initiate a boiler purge:

Purge Air Flow Requirements

PA Flow to Grid
PA Peat Feed Air Flow
SA Flow to SUBs
Total AirFlow

Purge Permissives
No boiler trips
Burner oil safety shut-off valve closed
Startup burner (SUB) igniter shut off valves closed
Total airflow greater than purge requirements
All peat feed screws off
No peat feeders on
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

1. Check all air flows indications to verify the total airflow required for a boiler purge
sequence. (Automated by DCS).
2. Start the boiler purge sequence. (Operator action).
3. Assure all purge interlocks and airflows are maintained above the minimum purge airflow
rate until the purge timer has timed out. (Automated by DCS).
4. Verify purge in progress light goes out and furnace ready light comes on when purge is
reseted. (Operator action).

5.10 Filling of the Bed Material Silo

The daily silo filling can be executed in two ways. The first one is used during the first fill-
ing of the boiler and it is done by unloading sand from car tank.
The second way is to fill the silo during boiler operation using ash recirculation pipes from
the bottom ash screen.

5.11 Start-up Sequences

Automatic sequence turns all fans on and sets the control to specified control modes.
 Air and flue gas system sequence is started from DCS
 All equipment will be turned on in the sequence and its control modes will be set
 Induced draft fan bearing lubrication system is activated
 Induced draft fan is turned on
 The fan runs, pressure regulator in the combustion chamber is switched to Auto mode
 High pressure blowers is turned on
 High pressure air regulator is set to Auto mode
 Secondary air fan is turned on
 The fan runs, secondary air pressure and flow regulator is set to Auto mode
 Secondary air pressure reaches value above 40 mbar
 Lubrication system of primary air fan bearings is activated
 Primary air fan is turned on
 Regulators of primary air supply to the windbox
 All fans are running
 Boiler control system allows activating boiler ventilation (purge) sequence, when boiler
interlockings are quitted to be OK.

5.12 Burner Gas Feeding System Start-up

 Open gas cylinder valve and valve at cylinder connection.

 Open manually operated valve in the ignition gas line.
 Open burner hand valves.
 Check tightness of the system.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

5.13 Start-up of Oil System for the Start-up and Duct Burners.

Actions to be undertaken by the Control Room Operator:

a) Check readiness of the fuel oil pumping station from DCS.

b) Start-up of pumping station shall be carried out in accordance with Fuel Oil System
Operating Manual. Make sure that manual valve on oil return line to storage tank is open.
c) Open main oil supply line isolating valve to start-up / duct burners system of the boiler
being started-up.
d) Open manually operated valves in the oil feed line and oil recirculation valves.
e) Check if the pressure in fuel oil feed line is equal to the setting. Minimum oil pressure in
the line is 8 bar.
f) Open manually operated valves at oil burners inlet.
g) Check visually tightness of the start-up oil system.
h) If necessary, pressure on fuel oil supply line can be adjusted with manual control valve on
recirculation line.

5.14 Start-up of Oil Burners.

Oil burners will be used to heat-up the bed above the temperature of 600 °C and to increase
pressure in the boiler according to the start-up curve until coal firing is started.

Prior to start-up of each burner the walkaround staff should be at the burner. During ignition
the walkaround worker should check that no fuel leakage is present. After ignition of the
burner the walkaround worker should visually through sight-glass check the flame (against
incorrect shape, flame impingement or colour suggesting incomplete burning).

5.15 Actions to be Undertaken by the Control Room Operator and Walkaround Staff

a) Check from DCS if boiler interlocks system allows for burner operation.
b) Check from DCS if fuel oil pressure in the burner is > 4 bar.
c) Check if instrument air pressure is > 4 bar.
d) Check if pressure of spray air for oil burners is > 4 bar.
e) Check if ignition gas pressure is > 0,5 bar.
f) Check if local control cabinet switch is set to “1” position.
g) Make sure that combustion air flow is controller is automatic mode.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

5.16 Ignition Possibility

a) Check if bed temperature is below 850 °C for start-up burners and if temperature in
windbox is below 550 °C for duct burners.
b) Check if boiler is ventilated or if boiler bed temperature is less than 600 °C.
c) Check if oil system emergency switches in control room and boiler house are released.

5.17 Start-up Possibility

a) Ignition ready for operation.

b) Flame not detected (flame indication).
c) Interlocks of start-up burner are checked.
d) Oil lance is in correct position.
e) Burner blowout valve is closed.
f) Manually operated oil supply isolating valve is open, indication in DCS.

5.18 Start-up Sequence only from DCS.

1. Auxiliary fan is started and set in auto mode (DB)

2. Move burner nozzle to "operation" position from DCS (SUB).
3. Nozzle location visualised in DCS.
4. Atomizing air valve opens.
5. Spray air pressure in the burners is > 4 bar.
6. Auxiliary fan inlet vane to the burner ignition position - 60% open (DB)
7. Air flow to the burner to ignition position – 1,5 Nm/s (SUB).
8. Cooling air valve is closed
9. Ignition gas valves 1 and 2 open.
10. Ignition device operation initialised
11. Flame detected (flame indication)
12. Quick opening valves of fuel oil open
13. Gas ignition device turned off
14. Ignition transformer turned-off
15. Flame presence confirmed
16. Air flow control switched to Auto mode
17. Burner operation confirmed

Two duct burners should be turned on simultaneously under minimum load. Temperature
difference between left and right side of the windbox inside should not exceed 70 °C.
Start up burners can be turned on one by one in free order if conditions for their start-up are
fulfilled. Follow bed temperatures so that they are even at the whole grid area.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

5.19 Shut Down of Oil Burners.

It is Possible to Shut the Burners Down in Different Ways.

a) By means of shut-down command from burner control system.

b) By means of shut down command from the local control box.
c) When average bed temperature is H > 850 °C and coal feeder is running for start up
d) When average windbox temperature is H > 400 °C and peat feeder is running for start up
e) When windbox temperatures are H > 550 °C DCS automatically switches off the burner.
f) When boiler or burner emergency shut down pushbutton is depressed, see: "Emergency

5.20 Shutdown Sequence from DCS.

1. Fuel oil quick close valves close.

2. Burner lance remains moved in to the furnace (SUB).
3. Atomizing air valve remains open.
4. Air control is switched to shutdown mode.
5. Ignition gas valves open.
6. Ignition device initialised.
7. Flame detected (flame indication).
8. Burner blowing valve opens.
9. Burner blowing time c. 30 seconds.
10. Oil burner blown out.
11. Oil burner blowing valve closes.
12. Ignition device shutdown.
13. Burning air control is turned off.
14. Nozzle is removed from the "work" position (SUB).
15. Auxiliary fan is stopped (DB).
16. Confirmation that the oil burner is shut down from DCS.

5.21 Burner Emergency Shutdown.

Emergency shutdown takes place when:

a) burner flame intencity drops.

b) disturbances in oil quick opening valve are experienced.
c) disturbances in ignition device occur during start or stop
d) flame detector defect (flame indication defect during operation 2 pcs.).
e) burner atomizing air pressure is below 4 bar.
f) combustion air flow to duct burners is below the minimum flow of 15 Nm3/s (indication
2 of 3).
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

g) air pressure in widbox is below 35 mbar (indication 2 of 3).

h) procedure of boiler or burner emergency shutdown has been activated from emergency

5.22 Emergency Shutdown Sequence

1. Oil quick close valves close.

2. Blow air valve closes.
3. Ignition device is turned off.
4. Combustion air control is turned off.
5. Confirmation in DCS that the burner is out of operation.

After emergency shutdown the burner has to be blown out by the operator from DCS
by means of STOP instruction for the burner at the beginning of start up procedure.

5.23 Heating-up the Boiler

Actions to be taken by the Control Room Operator:

a) A slow, gradual heating of the boiler will ease thermal stress on all boiler steel structure
and refractory. The speed at which you heat the boiler will be limited to heat rates. Foster

measured by combustor bed material.

If the operator chooses to use the lower value, you may eliminate the chance of detrimental
drum water swell. This will result in a quicker, smoother startup than if you used the faster
heat rate and had to slow down the SUB firing rate or had boiler trips on uncontrolled
steam drum water level.

Adjust the SUB firing rates to increase the combustor bed temperature at rate of
60 – 80 °C/h.

Condensate in the lower bends of any superheater sections will prevent steam flow through
those superheat tubes until the condensate is drained or boiled dry. During startup,
superheater/reheater tubes with low or no steam flow will operate at the flue gas
temperature. This temperature must be limited to the maximum design tube metal
temperature , see the “superheater/reheater material temperature chart”. This temperature is
maintained until a minimum of 5 percent steam flow is established through the boiler.
b) Water excess from the boiler should be discharged through steam drum overflow and
continuous blowdown system or through emergency over flow to blow down tank.
c) Check if start-up safety/valve is open and that valves of the pressure-reducing stations (HP
/ LP) are operative.
d) Switch the feed water control valve to Manual mode
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

e) Continuously check superheater/reheater thermocouple temperature indications during

startup. If these indications reach the high limit, you will have to reduce your firing rate.
Check the combustion chamber, separator, superheater, reheater, economizer and air heater
air / flue gas temperatures and make sure the maximum recommended heat rate is not
f) Close drum vent valves and superheater/reheater vent as soon as pressure in the boiler
drum reaches 1,5 - 2 bar. Leave superheater drain valves open (not fully open) until pressure
in boiler reaches 8 – 10 bar, then close
g) Switch the feed water control valve to automatic operating mode. Check first, if water level
in the steam drum is at normal level.
h) Continually check in DCS chemical analysis of the boiler water.
i) Check if indications of local and remote water level gauges are consistent.
j) Check if there are no steam or water leakage
k) Slightly open drain valves in the main steam pipe to heat-up the steam line uniformly.
l) Open by-pass valve of the main steam isolating gate valve to the turbine.
m) Warm up the main steam line through the turbine bypass control valve.
n) Adjust burning speed in such a way to operate according to the boiler start-up curve
(maximum temperature factor for the refractory lining and turbine).
o) Keep temperature of steam at superheater outlet to the main steam pipe at least at level
20 °C above the saturation temperature.
p) Control burning-up speed in such a way to keep increase of flue gas temperature at
separator inlet below 80 °C/hour.
q) Open separator and boiler drain valves every 30 minutes for 30 – 60 sec minute until
pressure in the boiler reaches 35 bar.
r) Switch the regulator of O2 excess in flue gas to cascade mode.
s) Control the firing rate to maintain less than 70 °C/h. Separator inlet gas temperature

5.24 Feeding of the Bed Material to the Boiler

Actions taken by the Control Room Operator

Notify readiness to the start of bed material feeding to the boiler and necessity to start-up
the system of fly ash removal from the hoppers, II-passes as well as bottom ash removal

Installing bed material

Bed material should be blown into the combustion chamber using the recycled bottom ash
or sand. The limestone feed system should not be used to install bed material. The piping of
that system is not designed to handle sand.

Start feeding new bed material into the lower combustion chamber with all fans running.

Note: When installing bed material on a cold startup, it is allowable to fire SUBs at a very
low firing rate, only. Do not exceed a firing rate of 50 %o f burner capacity until
indicated bed pressure is at least 25 mbar to avoid grid damages
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The initial bed material feed to the combustion chamber could be either sand or saved bed
material. The preferable choice would be sand per the specifications. Use sand with an ap-
proximate density of 1500 kg/m3. Two injection points are supplied to the combustion
chamber. Needed amount roughly 50 m3.

Check indicated bed pressure to determine bed accumulation in the combustion chamber.
As bed volume increases, the indicated bed pressure will also increase. (Operator action).
Stop adding bed material to the combustion chamber when indicated bed pressure reaches
35- 40 mbar. This will be equal to about 500 - 600 mm of bed material if the fans were shut
down and the bed slumped. (Operator action).

5.25 Peat Burning

Before starting any solid fuel firing, there must be enough bed inventory present in the boil-
er to support heat transfer and maintain the seal in the wall seal. When bed temperature
reaches the solid fuel minimum temperature permissive, 600 °C as indicated by three out of
four of each three grid sections of lower bed thermocouples and an average of the all sec-
tions of bed thermocouples (depending on the ignition temperature of the solid fuel), solid
fuel firing can begin.

1. Check the fuel silo level.

2. Place the solid fuel feeder controls (in manual).
3. Check all bed temperature indications.
4. Place feeder controller in manual at 0 percent output.
5. Remove any bias in the solid fuel feeder controllers.
6. When the bed temperatures are greater-than 600 °C (or higher if required by the operator to
provide a cushion for the bed temperature permissive). Start the first solid fuel feed system
at minimum speed in manual until fuel is present at the discharge end of the solid fuel
conveyors at the boiler. When the feeder is given a start command, the devices
downstream will start in sequence, beginning at the device closest to the combustion
chamber. Run the feeder on for a maximum of 60 seconds and off for the same value of
time (60 seconds). This is called "burping" or "pulsing" the solid fuel feeders. You must
verify that bed temperatures increase at least 8 °C and excess O2 decreases. Burp the fuel
feed system three times. When these results are achieved, leave solid fuel feeders in
continuous operation, at minimum feed, in manual control.
7. Start remaining peat feeder(s).
Note: Placing the peat, limestone and ash removal systems in service will be
a coordinated, simultaneous operation. Depending on operator responsibilities, you
can put the limestone and ash removal is service before firing solid fuel if it helps
in reducing startup complications.
8. Slowly decrease the SUB/DB burner firing rates while increasing the peat feed rate until
the SUB/DBs are at minimum firing rate.
9. Stop the SUB/DBs gradually, always ensuring that at least one start up burner is in service
until over 760 °C at 780-820 °C indicated bed temperature, one at a time, as bed
temperature continues to increase. As each burner is shut down, it will go through a clean-
purge cycle.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

10.Adjust peat feed rate manually, as necessary, to maintain a steady increase in bed
temperature. As SUB/DBs are secured, place them in a standby condition, ready for use as

Procedure for placing peat master in service:

Place peat feeder controllers in auto to the peat master.
Place peat master in automatic. The peat master will now follow the boiler master output.
Place the limestone feed system in operation depending upon bed requirements or emission
1. Start limestone system.
2. Adjust limestone flow to maintain stack emissions within limits.

Place limestone controls in Auto when peat feed and limestone feed rates are above mini-
mum. The main limestone feed demand signal is generated by multiplying measured peat
flow by a known factor depending on the amount of sulfur in the fuel and SOx meaurement
from stck.

Operation Of The SO2 Trim Controller:

This control loop trims the peat/limestone ratio signal to increase or decrease limestone feed
to match indicated measured SO2.

The main limestone feed demand signal is generated by multiplying measured peat flow by
a known factor depending on the amount of sulfur in the fuel.

Adjust the SO2 controller output to match the signal on the limestone feeder controller.
Transfer controller from manual to auto.

5.26 Limestone Feed System

The following will define the major limestone feed control system interlocks and general
operation of the feeding screws of the limestone feed system.

Limestone is blowed into the furnace by air produced by roots type blowers. Feeding points,
four in front wall and two in rear wall, are just above the points where fuel enters to the
furnace. The limestone feed rates is formulated in DCS according to the screw feeding ca-
pacity versus screw rotation speed.

One of the three feed lines feeds into rear wall of the boiler and oter two feeds into the front
wall of the boiler. One feed screw feeds one limestone feed line. There are totally three in-
dependent feed streams which are normally operated simultaneusly

Startup Of Limestone Operation

The following is an example of the startup of the limestone feed system.
Start the conveying air supply blower for limestone feeding lines.
Open the limestone isolation gates at the silo if not open.
Start rotary feeders.
Verify the screw feeder start permissive is present.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Verify silo fluidisation operates accrually.

Place screw FC-controller in auto.
Limestone system can be group-started by sequence, where DCS follows all above starting

Limestone System Shut-Down

Initiate a stop command to stop the operating limestone group.
The DCS will sequentially shutdown the feeder of the operating limestone group.

5.27 Raise boiler to rated conditions

Note: All actions specified in this point to be performed by the operator.

Continue to raise temperatures and pressures following the boiler startup curve until all
systems have reached full operating temperatures and pressures with all controls in automat-
ic operation.

Place the bottom ash removal system in service when the bed pressure starts to increase
above 40 mbar. Based on actual bed pressure measurements, this may be required before
admitting solid fuel.
1. Verify ash transport system in service.
2. Start bottom ash system.
3. Check bed pressures.
4 Check bottom ash discharge temperatures.
5. Turn on the bottom ash screw conveyors in cascade mode.
6. Turn on the peat feeding screws before the bed temperature reaches 200 °C. If that
temperature is exceeded with conveyors turned off DCS will generate and signalise alarm.
7. As the bed temperature reaches 750 – 800 °C, turn off the oil burners one by one. After
each burner shutdown a burner blow-out procedure will be executed.

5.28 Turbine bypass operation - General Philosophy

Power plant start-up time and procedure depend on boiler pressure and turbine metal tem-
peratures before start-up. After igniting the first burner, boiler pressure, live and reheat
steam temperatures and steam flow are increased to turbine start-up values.

After the turbine start-up, the boiler shall produce steam according to the turbine require-
ments. The high-pressure bypass (HPB) valves are closed and the turbine live steam pres-
sure controller increases the live steam pressure until the nominal pressure is reached. Boiler
load is increased manually on the basis of the turbine limitations.

Live steam and reheat steam temperatures are increased on the basis of turbine requirements
described later on. The start-up type depends on the turbine casing metal temperature and
boiler steam conditions.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The start-up types described in this document are:

Start up type Turbine metal temperature

Cold Start up 170 °C
Warm Start up 170 °C – 465 °C
Hot Start up 465 °C

Prior to beginning of peat burning, there has to be sufficient amount of the bed material in
the boiler, necessary for head exchange process and to keep gill seal tightness.

Actions undertaken by the Plant Operator:

Bed temperature has to reach at least 600 °C prior to beginning of peat burning, sufficient
amount of the bed material has to circulate in the bed to provide tightness of the gill seal.
Check if heat exchange in superheaters/reheaters proceeds correctly. Steam temperature has
to increase after passing through the superheater.


Warm start-up conditions are achieved after around 36 hour’s standstill time. If the boiler is
kept closed, pressure can still be quite high. Boiler fluidized bed temperature is between 300
to 500 °C. The turbine casing temperature is from 170 °C to 465 °C.

If the boiler pressure is still over 75 bar, opening HP -reductionvalves and the start-up valve
manually shall reduce it. The maximum pressure reduction rate for live steam is 2 bar/min.
Before igniting the first burner the HP -reductionvalves and start-up safety valve controls
shall be switched to automatic. The boiler load is increased keeping pressure increase rate
below 2 bar/min.

Live steam and reheat steam temperatures are increased to 400 °C and then kept constant.
Before synchronizing of the turbine, boiler load shall be at least 30 kg/s in order to guaran-
tee enough steam for the turbine minimum load.

After synchronizing the turbine the start-up procedure is identical to the cold start-up.

The Warm Start-up is Determined by the Following Conditions:

Bed material temperature above 300 °C

Pressure in the boiler above 2 bar
Boiler vents closed
Water level in the drum kept at rated level.
All auxiliaries kept in stand-by state
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Rough start-up times:

Shut down time: Maximum time from ignition of the first oil
burner to reaching of 40 % MCR
<2h h 2
<8h h 4
8 - 50 h h 8

6.1 The Warm Start-up Procedure:

a) Induced Draft Fan start-up to be executed according to procedure described in point 5.1.
b) High pressure blower start-up to be executed according to procedure described in point 5.2.
c) Secondary air fan start-up to be executed according to procedure described in point 5.3.
d) Primary air fan start-up to be executed according to procedure described in point 5.4.
e) Start-up of Primary and Secondary Air Steam Coil Heaters.
f) If bed temperature is below 600 °C purge the combustion chamber according to the
procedure described in point 5.9.
g) Ignition gas system for the oil burners has to be permanently turned on during normal
boiler operation and warm stand-by shutdown.
h) During normal boiler operation and warm stand-by shutdown fuel oil for start-up/duct
burners have to circulate continuously.
i) Start-up of oil burners has to be executed according to the procedure described in point
5.13. Use start-up burners during the warm start-up always when the bed temperature
drops below 800 °C in order to induce peat combustion.
j) Boiler heating-up to be executed according to the procedure described in point 5.23.
k) Peat feeding system start-up to be executed according to the procedure described in point
l) Limestone feeding system start-up to be executed according to the procedure described in
point 5.26.

If it is necessary to reduce pressure in the boiler, it is recommended to make it before start-

ing-up the first oil burner by means of manual opening of the start-up valve. Maximum live
steam pressure reducing speed is 2 bar/min. The start-up procedure is the same as in case of
cold start-up. The same checks should be made but operative elements can be omitted.

Prior to firing of the first start-up burner the start-up valve control should be switched to au-
tomatic mode. Increase boiler load by keeping the pressure increase speed at level below 2
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


Boiler start-up after automatic shutdown can be executed as soon as the reason that caused
emergency shutdown has been eliminated. It is not necessary to vent the combustion cham-
ber if the bed temperature is not less than 600 °C. As soon as the fans are running peat feed-
ing can be turned on via DCS. All feeders will be started in automatic mode (See enclosed
peat feeding start-up sequence). It is recommended to ignite the start-up burners that will in-
duce peat combustion at the start-up beginning.

Make sure that during start-up steam flows through superheaters.

Hot start-up
Conditions for hot start-up are met after maximum 8 hours standstill time. If the boiler is
kept closed, pressure can be still quite high. The boiler fluidized bed temperature is around
400 to 600 °C. Turbine metal temperature is over 465 °C.
The live steam pressure before the turbine start-up shall be 11 bar. If necessary the HPB
valves and start-up valve are used to reduce the boiler pressure.
Live steam and reheat steam temperatures are increased to 490 °C and then raised 1.2
°C/min. Before synchronizing the turbine, the boiler load shall be at least 30 kg/s.

Steam Data Before Synchronizing

In the following table is presented a resume of steam pressure, temperature and live steam
flows before synchronizing the turbine in different type of start-up conditions:

Live/Reheat Live/Reheat Live Steam

Pressure Temperature Flow
Bar °C kg/s
Cold start-up 7.5/1.2 400 30
Warm start-up 7.5/1.2 400 30
Hot start-up 11.0/1.2 490 40

It is recommended to start always peat feeding before turbine synchronization in order to

avoid sudden drop of steam pressure when the turbine is already rotating.

Load Rejection
On a load rejection, the boiler should stay in automatic control, the boiler demand will be
run back to 40% MCR immediately. Startup will be determined by turbine rotor tempera-
ture when required.
– Check PA flow to grid and SA flow indications.
– Monitor the feedwater control.
– Place the excess oxygen controller (O2 trim) in automatic when boiler load exceeds 60
percent MCR.
– Refer to Normal Operations for continued operation of boilers.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Operation of the excess O2 trim controller:

1) This control loop cobarres expected excess O2 in the flue gas to actual excess O2 based on
boiler steam flow.
2) This controller should be left in manual at 50 percent output until normal boiler operation
has been established and boiler load is greater than 60 percent.
3) The output from this controller will change the amount of air flow from the PA / SA
4) Match process value and setpoint on controller. Then place controller in auto.

7.1 Hot restart

Note: All actions in this chapter are performed by the operator.

To startup the boiler from a hot standby condition, proceed as follows:

Purge the boiler if the bed temperature is less than 600 °C. All steps should be accom-
plished as quickly as possible to avoid reducing bed temperatures.
Start SUB/DBs and heat the boiler following the normal startup guidelines.
Check bed temperatures. When ignition occurs, the bed temperatures will rise and the nor-
mal solid fuel firing procedures can be followed.

Notes: When the bed temperature does not rise within three (3) pulses of feeding fuel, stop
feed fuel to the boiler. Purge the boiler and resume the normal startup procedures.
Remember, when bed temperatures fall below 600 °C the fuel feeder start permis-
sive will be lost and startup burners must be used to raise bed temperature above
the 600 °C fuel feed permissive interlock.

If the fuel feeder trips with the bed temperature greater than 760 °C, the startup burners
should be placed in service to maintain bed temperature if required.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


This chapter provides general information and the basic guidelines for steady-state or con-
trolled load change operation of the Foster Wheeler CFB boiler. These instructions should
be used with your owner/operator plant-specific operating procedures. These instructions
are for routine checks performed by the operator.

Operating checks and adjustments are performed to maintain efficient operation of the plant
and prevent any unscheduled plant shut downs.

The primary technique for changing boiler load involves varying peat feed rate and the cor-
responding air flow. Bed temperature may vary between 760 °C and 900 °C to allow for
small increments of change within a short time.

After reaching the desired steam rate, bed temperature should be re-established at your
plant's normal bed temperature and boiler load held steady by adjusting the peat feed rate. In
all cases, make sure that air flow tracks peat flow, either manually or automatically, to
maintain a set excess O2 value (greater than 2,4 percent).

At the normal operation the boiler controls live steam pressure. The HPB valves control
prevents excessive live steam pressure: If the pressure exceeds the pressure set point of the
HPB valves they open and begin to control the live steam pressure until the boiler pressure
controller can take over the control again.

The HPB valves quick opening operation is needed in case the pressure is rising rapidly.
The quick opening action is activated from DCS at the set pressure of 175 / 177 bar.

In case of a boiler or feed water pump trip, the quick opening and automatic control func-
tions of the HPB valves are passed and the valves open only if the steam pressure exceeds
the set pressure of the safety plant. (see separated intsructions).

The safety operation of the HPB valves prevents the pressure rising above the design pres-
sure of the superheater and the drum. There are three- (3) separate pressure switches to the
safety device: two (2) from the live steam outlet pipe and one (1) from the steam drum. The
set pressure of the safety pressure switches is the maximum allowable working pressure,
which are 175 / 177 bar for the live steam outlet pipe and 200 bar for the steam drum. The
safety function is independent of all other functions.

The safety operation of the start up safety valves prevents the pressure rising above the de-
sign pressure of the reheater. There are three- (3) separate pressure switches to the safety
device: two (2) from the reheater steam outlet pipe and one (1) from the reheater steam inlet
pipe. The set pressure of the safety pressure switches is the maximum allowable working
pressure, which are 41 bar for the reheater outlet steam pipe and 48 bar for the reheater inlet
steam pipe. The safety function is independent of all other functions.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

In the following table is presented a resume of the normal HP part pressures of the boiler.
Normal live steam pressure at the boiler (113 kg/s) 169 bar
Normal live steam pressure at the turbine 165 bar
HPB control set point 175 bar
HPB quick opening set point 177 / 180 bar
HPB live steam pressure switches (safety function) 177 / 180 bar

HPB drum pressure switch (safety function) 200 bar

During boiler operation it is particularly important to:

 supervise correctness of the boiler operation
 maintain rated parameters of steam and water in the boiler
 maintain proper boiler water quality
 maintain correct temperatures of flue gas, water and steam at particular boiler heat trans-
fer surfaces as well as temperature of air after air heaters
 run the combustion process correctly maintaining proper bed material circulating fluidi-
 check the DeSOx plant operation continuously
 maintain levels of solid and gaseous pollutants in the exhaust flue gases below permissi-
ble limits
 maintain the boiler heated surfaces clean
 provide ash removal at regular intervals
 detect and remove boiler operation defects quickly, if possible
 do not allow for pollution of power plant facilities with peat dust, gas, flue gases and
liquid fuel

8.1 Furnace and Emmission

Check SO2 emissions from the boiler. The limestone feed rate must be adjusted, either
manually or automatically, to maintain an SO2 emission level at the stack that is in compli-
ance with local regulations. The SO2 value should not be allowed to be less than 75 percent
of the standard for a long period since this contributes to inefficient operation of the boiler.
Verify SO2 emissions and limestone feeding to DeSOx plant operation.
Check NOx emissions from the boiler. NOx emissions are inherently low when the bed
temperature operating range of 780-900 °C is maintained. NOx emissions increase as bed
temperature increases. The ammonia feed rate must be adjusted, either manually or automat-
ically to maintain a NOx emission level at the stack that it is in compliance with loval regu-
Verify proper fluidization of bed material and Intrex chamber circulation. This is accom-
plished by observing bed temperatures and flue gas temperatures throughout the separator
return legs, checking that temperatures are consistent within the hot loop.
Check the gas-side pressure differential throughout the convection pass and the economizer
for an increase above the normal indication. Use the sootblower system to remove any build
up that might have gathered.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Inspect the fuel and limestone feed system for plugging or bridging.
Check indicated bed pressure (fluidized bed material inventory) and maintain it at its nor-
mal value. Bed maintenance may be required to maintain proper bed material inventory,
composition and SO2 control.
Check the windbox-to-bed pressure differential continuously. When this changes signifi-
cantly from normal, check instrumentation for proper operation and the sensing lines for
plugs. If instrumentation is operating properly, shut down the boiler and inspect the air dis-
tribution grid.
Check the bottom ash screw conveyors for proper cooling. Check the ash removal transport
system for plugging periodically.
Check the accuracy and reading of the remote steam drum water level indicators to assure
they are reading the same as the local level gauges. This should be done daily on new in-
stallations to assure plugging of the level gauges does not occur.

8.2 Water chemistry and steam purity

Assure that the desired boiler water solids concentration and chemistry are maintained. Im-
proper boiler water chemistry can lead to fouling or corrosion of internal surfaces, reducing
the efficiency of the boiler and possibly resulting in overheating of tubes leading to tube
Note: Boiler chemical feed pumps are usually started when a steady feedwater flow to the
boiler is established and stopped when the feedwater pumps are stopped.
Avoid large quantities of solids or the injection of water treatment chemicals to the feedwa-
ter before the spray extraction.
Control oxygen content, pH and all other analysis periodically according to the Foster
Wheeler requirement.
Assure that steam purity is within maximum limits. For operation within design conditions,
the steam separator equipment in the steam drum will keep solids carry over within accepta-
ble limits. Moisture carried over can include solids and other impurities which may deposit
on surfaces downstream of the boiler.
Adjust the steam drum continuous blow down valves in the continuous blow down system
when solids carry over is being caused by excessive boiler water solids concentration.

8.3 Attemperation

Check intermediate and main steam temperature and attemperation spray water flows. Veri-
fy that desuperheating does not lower the steam temperature to within 20 °C of saturation
Verify a demand exists for attemperation (control of steam temperature).
Check that the controllers respond to their set points suitably. Overfeeding spray water can
lead to carry over and erosion.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

8.4 Routine inspections (operator walk downs)

A regular routine should be established during plant walk downs to inspect the boiler, auxil-
iary systems and equipment.

When the Service Department worker performs his duties in course of round of Foster
Wheeler CFB fluidised bed boiler he should check for following operating irregularities.
Walkaroud report should be presented to the shift manager.

Boiler expansion joints: Expansion joints should be checked against leakage, loose flange
screws, position of cut-off bars, stresses, decolourisation or any other phenomena that
should not normally occur.

Boiler drum: All connections incoming to the drum should be checked against leakage. In-
dication of the drum pressure gauge and pressure measurement in the control room should
also be checked. A check should be performed from the control room if the continuous
blowdown valve is open and if boiler water chemical analysis is recorded. Level of water in
the drum should be checked visually and cobarred to the control room indication and level
transmitter indication. Thermal insulation should be checked against water leakage and de-

Roof: The following should be checked: noise level is not too high, decolourisation of clad-
ding does not occur, and boiler suspension is in good condition.

Upper part of the convection section: outlets from the upper part of the convection section
and separator should be checked against excessive noise level and decolourisation. Condi-
tion of boiler hanger rods should also be checked. All vents should be checked against leak-

Bypass valves: Check for irregular noise that should not be present, check against leakage
and decolourisation. Additionally, check if vents or drains are not plugged with foreign mat-

Safety valves: Check for irregular noise that should not be present, check against leakage
and decolourisation. Additionally, check if vents or drains are not plugged with foreign mat-

Hydraulic unit for Safety / bypass valves: Check for proper operation, check against oil

Boiler steel cover (insulation): Check against air and/or flue gas leakage or bed material
blowouts. Early detection can prevent serious problems from occurring.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Abnormal noises: During normal boiler operation the walkaround personnel should careful-
ly listen and watch to detect and prevent possible problems from occurring as early as pos-
sible. Any unexpected vibrations or noises may be the first sign of steam leakage or change
of conditions inside the boiler. Knowledge of appointed scope of duties by the boiler
maintenance personnel is a basis of safe and reliable boiler operation as well as long operat-
ing lifetime of the boiler.

Spring suspension: spring suspensions (supports) are provided with "hot" and "cold" posi-
tion indications. Indicators of suspension position should correspond to the actual state of
the boiler. Any changes of the spring suspension positions should be controlled and moni-

Condition of all pipelines: All pipelines connected to the boiler should be checked against
leakage and decolourisation. In case of any irregularities a report should be presented im-

Oxygen analysers: proper operation of oxygen analysers should be checked. Analysers'

read-outs should be checked in the control room. The analysers should be calibrated at least
once per three weeks and the oxygen fission should be verified.

Condition of air throttle valves: condition and positions of air flap valves in the boiler have
to be checked during each boiler round. Positions of throttling valves have to be confirmed
from the control room. Check noise level and inspect for possible decolourisation. Manually
operated throttling valves should have the lock-nuts tightened to maintain set air flow.
Changes should be recorded in daily check table and in the control room.

All boiler valves at water and steam side: check the valves against leakage.

Condition of boiler vents and drains: boiler vents and drains should be checked against
leakage. Carefully check if there is no temperature increase in drain pipes downstream the
second isolating valve connected to the pressure relief valve. Early detection of the problem
can limit danger of boiler emergency shutdown.

Solid substances feeding systems: check oil level and check against leakage. Check all
chains of the chain feeder. It is necessary to intently listen and watch surroundings against
any irregularities. Make sure that connected isolating valves of all solid substances feeders
in operation are fully open and isolating valves of all shut down feeders are fully closed.
Check indications of the gill seal recirculation duct temperature from the control room and
adjust air flow to adjust the temperature.

The Intrex area fluidising air rotameters: Check positions of rotameter floats to be at set
values and adjust accordingly. Outer boxes of some fluidising air systems are designed to
safely use the process air for cleaning of stacked fluidising air nozzles. If in doubts consult
the direct superior personnel. If intensity of air flow is to low to be indicated by the rotame-
ter the operator has to connect process air to the nozzle in question and keep cleaning it until
plugging is removed. If the rotameter float jumps suddenly the service worker has to de-
crease air flow through the rotameter accordingly to eliminate such reactions of float.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Further, the service worker should keep opening the isolating valve with pressure relief
valve slowly until the setting value is reached. Uniform air flow through fluidising nozzles
is essential for proper bed material circulation in the gill seal. Check the rotameters against
air leakage. Any noticed irregularities should be reported to the Shift Manager.

Bed Pressure Rotameters: check if upper parts of the flows in that rotameters indicate cor-
rect air flow to piezometric orifices inside the boiler. If change of value of air flow intensity
through the rotameter is required the actions to be taken should be co-ordinated with control
room operator as individual bed pressure reading will be changed. Correct bed pressure
read-outs are necessary for smooth boiler operation.

Gas or oil feeding system and the burners: check the main supply lines against gas and/or
oil leakage. Record pressure values and positions of all pressure-relief, isolating and vent
valves. Check if the start-up burners are in backward position if it should be in such posi-

Combustion chamber: Check boiler surroundings for signs of bed material leakage. Bed ma-
terials leakage will be visible as small particles collected on any surfaces. Boiler cover de-
colourisation indicates damage of insulation or refractory lining. Cautious watching and ear-
ly detection of leakage helps to shorten boiler shutdown time.

Service access doors to the combustion chamber: access doors should be checked against
bed material leakage, untightened closing grips or any signs of decolourisation. Decolouri-
sation can indicate falling off or movements of refractory lining. Check access doors against
air and/or flue gas leakage.

Water cooled bottom ash removal screw conveyors: the operator should obtain confirmation
that feed water is accessible without problems. Inlet cooling water temperatures should be
recorded. If inlet water temperatures exceed rated permissible limits inform the control
room accordingly. Air supplied to all air nozzles should be accessible unless it is requested
that the air supply is isolated. Perform inspection of drain pipelines (against unexpected de-
colourisation, loose connections).

Ash removal and storage systems: check correctness of operation of bottom and fly ash re-
moval and conveying systems. Check wear of lower conveying line and pipelines, report on
any leakage. Air inlets to the conveying lines have to be kept clean. Check correctness of
pressure indication, loose belts and oil levels of induced draft fans. The silo vent filters have
to be checked by means of pulse air cleaning. Check also the rated pressure difference. Any
irregularities that occur should be reported to the Shift Manager.

High pressure blowers: check if high pressure blowers operate, record the discharge pres-
sure and temperature. Additionally, check if the stand-by blower is aligned and ready for
operation. Check oil levels in high pressure blowers.

Feeders: check if peat feeders are ready for operation, note any irregular or incorrect condi-
tions and report such observations to the control room operator. Make sure that feeder co-
vers are in place and that emergency shut down switches are in correct positions. Check oil
level in chain casings.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


This chapter describes the basic steps to reduce boiler load from 100 percent output (MCR)
to cold shut down. It should not be used in place of a detailed procedure for your own boiler
as supplied by the owner / operator.
Note: All actions listed below are performed by the operator.
Reduce fuel and air input to reduce boiler load to 50 percent. Normal bed temperatures
should be maintained.
Note: During shut down, do not exceed a maximum temperature differential of 50 °C be-
tween the steam drum top and bottom metal temperatures.
Place excess O2 trim controller in manual at 60 percent boiler output.
Blow soot before reducing load below 50 percent.
Check decreasing temperatures and maintain cooling rates.
Continue to reduce boiler load down to minimum, reducing fuel feed at 10 percent per mi-
nute or less to 820 °C bed temperature.
Maintain steam temperature at least 20 °C above saturation temperature while decreasing
Place SUB/DBs in service when bed temperature is less than 760 °C. Continue to reduce
solid fuel feed to minimum.
Empty peat feeder belts and conveyors. Empty limestone feeders and lines with bed tem-
perature above 650 °C.
Stop the peat feeders, limestone feed to the boiler and bed material extraction.
Decrease SUB/DB firing rate while staying within decreasing temperature limits of 60 – 80
°C/hr combustion chamber gas temperature.
Take steam drum water level controller to manual as necessary.
Maintain steam drum water level near the upper limit (+200 mm) of the steam drum gage
glass during the shut down.
Continue fluidizing the bed to purge and cool the entire system at a maximum rate of 80
°C/hr on the bed temperatures. Use the startup burners to get the required rate of tempera-
ture decline.
Stop the SUB/DBs at 350 °C bed temperature.
Continue air flow through the boiler until the desired bed temperature is reached, at least
200 °C, lower if desired for maintenance.
Close the primary and secondary air fan inlet control vanes. The vanes should be closed
slowly permitting the ID fan automatic damper control to maintain the furnace pressure be-
tween –1,5 … –5,0 mbar.
Stop all fans after both fan inlet control vanes are completely closed.
Stop the chemical feed system and continuous blow down system when the boiler feed
pump is stopped.
Continue to operate all ash removal transport systems until their respective hoppers are
Continue to operate the bottom ash screw conveyors until the center bed drain pipes and
conveyors are empty.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Open all superheater and steam drum vents when the steam drum pressure has decreased to
about 2 bar when the combustion chamber is to be opened for maintenance.
Note: If the boiler is to be drained, you can begin draining when steam drum pressure has
decayed to 3 -5 bar. This pressure will help "push" the water out a little faster.
Check the drain system and check for hammering. Boiler water should not exceed
150 °C.
Do not allow any idle boiler that is open to atmosphere to remain partially filled with water
for any length of time.
Fill the boiler completely with deaerated alkaline water with oxygen scavenger has been
added as a protection against corrosion.
Apply a 0,35 bar nitrogen blanket to the boiler through the steam drum nitrogen fill valve
when steam drum pressure decays to 0,35 bar when the boiler is to be laid up wet.
If the outage will last several weeks or months or should weather prohibit filling the boiler,
drain and dry the boiler. Place shallow pans of unslaked lime or several pans of silica gel in
the steam drums to absorb moisture and maintain the internal surfaces in a dry condition.
When the boiler is to be out of service for several days or longer, all ash, soot deposits and
bed material should be removed since moisture absorbed by these materials causes corro-


Note: All actions specified in this point are performed by the operator.

10.1 Planned - Bottling Up the Boiler

The boiler can be shut down and held in a hot standby condition for up to. Read the Bottling
procedure in either the separated manual.

When the bed is to be hot slumped, the boiler should be brought down to minimum load, the
peat feed stopped and the fuel in the bed allowed to burn out. Since the unburned fuel in the
bed is typically 2 – 5 % of total bed inventory this burnout process should take place within
several minutes of fuel shutoff.

An O2 increase to near normal levels indicates that most of the fuel in the bed has been ex-
hausted and the bed can be slumped without the formation of clinker material in the bed.

The fans are then stopped. All fan inlet vanes and air control dampers are closed to reduce
the amount of heat loss. No fire is maintained or introduced into the furnace. The pressure
in the steam drum will decay after an initial slow, gradual increase during the first one to
two hours due to heat from boiler metals and refractory equalizing with water/steam side.

Note: A hot condition is one in which the average bed temperature is above 760
°C. When the average bed temperature is below 760 °C, follow the Cold
Startup Procedure. The average bed temperature of a slumped bed must be
read from the lower set of bed thermocouples.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

10.2 Unplanned

When the boiler is tripped from a load above minimum, where fans also stop, slumping the
bed, the boiler can:

Be restarted immediately following the hot restart guidelines,

Remain down for "hot maintenance" without restarting fans until ready for restart. In this
case, the steam pressure increase during heat equalization will be higher than during a
planned hot shut down.


Operating process parameters of the boiler are controlled and monitored in DCS and the op-
erator possibly makes corrections in case of irregularities in boiler operation. Some cases of
equipment breakdown or routine service require interference of the operator into the pro-
cess. Boiler walkaround personnel performs routine supervision of equipment operation in
normal operating mode and preventive maintenance to prevent unexpected breakdowns of
equipment. Boiler walkaround personnel is obliged to inform other departments (electrical,
I&C, overhaul) when throughout check of equipment in their scope of responsibility is

General supervision of boiler includes checking and periodical maintenance of equipment.

All pieces of equipment require maintenance to smaller or greater extent to provide reliable

All measuring instruments have to be clean and calibrated according to the supplier manuals
and recalibrated in case of faulty indications. Faulty indication can be caused by: dirty in-
strument, too long period from the last calibration, change in indication range, etc. It is rec-
ommended to check all instruments at least once a year.

All control valves and actuators have to be calibrated once a year. Gate valve position indi-
cators have to be checked once year as well.

Safety valves have to be checked daily for leakage, additionally, operation of the control
valves should be checked by local inspector according to valid regulations. Safety valves
operation check should performed after every year of boiler operation and after each repair
of safety valve and if it has been determined that valve is not operating although pressure
has increased above the set value. Pressure value at which the safety valve has opened
should be recorded in operating log and safety valve check log, also the date and hour at
which the valve has opened should be recorded.

If the valve has not opened automatically at pressure increase above the set value, a pulse
should be generated manually by means of switching the lever in safety valves control cabi-
net. As pressure in the boiler drops down to the operating value, the lever should be re-
moved to original position.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Equipment has to be filled with oil according to manufacturers' O&M manuals. In case of
gears and bearings oil has to be replaced periodically.


Boiler load is adjusted in a way that provides steam for the turbine in amount, at tempera-
ture and under pressure suitable to the turbine demand. Only in emergency situations or dur-
ing boiler tests and measurements the turbine operation may be suited to the boiler load.
All control operations are descripped in system descriptions, item 4; automation and instru-


This chapter discusses some, but certainly not all, of the transients and emergencies that can
occur during operation of the CFB boiler. The information contained here is intended to
provide general information for you during such upsets.

Read Foster Wheeler's "Safety and Operating Precautions" section for special limits and
conditions that may occur during transient and emergency operations.

This information should not replace emergency or abnormal response procedures which are
specific to your plant. This information is provided to assist the operator in determining the
cause and remedy of a controls or process problem.

13.1 High Or Low Bed Temperatures

Never let the separator inlet temperatures exceed 955 ºC. Excessive heat may damage
refractory or tube metal.

Check bed temperature thermocouples and associated instrumentation for proper operation.
If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check gravimetric peat feeders for proper operation and normal peat feed rate. If a problem
is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for proper operation of all fans and blowers. If a problem is found, report it and have
repairs made as soon as possible.
Check PA to windbox-, PA to lower level nozzles air flows. Be sure of normal air split be-
tween PA and SA air flow. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as
Check percent of excess air in the flue gas. Be sure of normal operation of oxygen analyz-
ers. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for proper steam drum water level. If necessary, blow down gage glasses. Verify
normal operation of feedwater control valves. If a problem is found, report it and have re-
pairs made as soon as possible.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Check bottom ash screw conveyors for proper operation. Verify proper cooling water flow
and pressure. Verify bed material is being conveyed out of the combustion chamber. If a
problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check combustion chamber bed pressure. Verify pressure taps are not plugged. Verify
normal air flows and pressure to instruments. If a problem is found, report it and have re-
pairs made as soon as possible.
Check for normal hot loop circulation temperatures. Check for deviation in normal indica-
tions. Check trend recording of bed pressure for sudden changes. If a problem is found, re-
port it and have repairs made as soon as possible.

High or Low Bed Temperatures

Symptom Cause Remedial Action
Too high or too low bed A. Faulty operation of - check all thermocouples
temperature thermocouples - clean all thermocouples
using cleaning air
- check temperature trend in
DCS system – unexpected
temperature jumps can
indicate faulty thermocouple

B. Too big bed material - check operation of the

particle size bottom ash removal system
in DCS
- check if bottom ash screw
conveyors and bottom ash
chain conveyors operate
- check pressure in the
combustion chamber bed
- check if pressure gauges in
the bed are not plugged
- check if no deviations from
normal pressure indications
are visible
- check if temperatures and
pressures of hot circulating
bed material are normal
- do not run the CFB boiler
without sufficient amount of
bed material providing
proper thermal exchange in
the combustion chamber,
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

C. Irregularities in operation - check if all fans and

of primary and secondary blowers operate properly
fans - check primary air flow to
the windbox and through the
- make sure that primary and
secondary air distribution is
- check if O2 excess in flue
gas is within limits of rated
operating parameters
- check for any deviations
from rated indications

D. Change of fuel parameters - check if peat feeders

operate properly and if peat
flow is at proper level
- check fuel quality

13.2 High or Low Bed Pressure in Combustion Chamber and/or Intrex

Do not operate an Foster Wheeler CFB boiler without enough bed material in the
combustion chamber to support heat transfer.

Check that bed pressure and Intrex chamber pressure taps are not plugged. Verify normal
air flow and pressure to all instruments. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs
made as soon as possible.
Check bed pressure transmitters and associated instruments for normal operation. If a prob-
lem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for proper operation of all fans and blowers. If a problem is found, report it and have
repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for normal indication of pressures at windbox and grid. Verify air tight integrity of
ductwork. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check bottom ash screw conveyors for proper operation. Verify proper cooling water flow
and pressure. Verify bed material is being conveyed out of the combustion chamber. If a
problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for normal operation of limestone feed system. If a problem is found, report it and
have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for normal fuel feed rates for the indicated boiler load. Verify that solid fuel feeders
are performing normally. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action

High or low bed pressure A. Faulty operation of - check all pressure gauges
pressure gauges - clean pressure gauges using
cleaning air
- check pressure changes
trends in DCS system –
unexpected pressure jumps
can indicate faulty gauge
- check if bed pressure
transmitters and
interconnected systems
operate properly

B. Too big bed material - check operation of the

particle size bottom ash removal system
in DCS
- check if bottom ash screw
conveyors and bottom ash
chain conveyors operate
- check pressure in the
combustion chamber bed
- check if pressure gauges in
the bed are not plugged
- check if no deviations from
normal pressure indications
are visible
- check if temperatures and
pressures of hot circulating
bed material are normal
- do not run the CFB boiler
without sufficient amount of
bed material providing
proper thermal exchange in
the combustion chamber,
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

C. Irregularities in operation - check if all fans and

of primary and secondary air blowers operate properly
fans - check primary air flow to
the windbox and through the
- check if ducts are tight
- check if O2 excess in flue
gas is within limits of rated
operating parameters
- check for any deviations
from rated indications

D Change of fuel parameters - check if peat feeders

operate properly and if peat
flow is at proper level
- check fuel quality
- check if all peat feeding
lines are warm (if discharge
chutes and screw feeders are
not plugged)

13.3 High Or Low Auxiliary Burner Fuel Supply Pressure

Check fuel supply system for normal operation. Verify system piping integrity. Check for
leaks. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.

13.4 Irregularities in Operation of the Start-up / Duct Burners

In case of oil, gas, spray air or I&C air supply shortage the burner is turned off automatical-
ly and quick opening isolating valves are closed

Typical problems not included in the interlocks system are presented below:
Symptoms Cause Remedial Action
Ignition problems A. Faulty pilot burner - Check pilot burner
B. Missing fuel or media for
burner start-up - Check oil and burner
C. Excessive air flow ignition media parameters
intensity - Adjust primary air flow

Flame is to big Oil nozzle mounting depth is - Check location of oil nozzle
incorrect and adjust to achieve normal
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The burner keeps turning off A. Outlet of the burner - Clean the burner protective
protective pipe is dirty pipe.
(plugged). - Check & clean the flame
B. Flame detector is dirty or detector
damaged - Check & clean the nozzle,
replace if necessary
C. Oil nozzle is partially
- Check & adjust primary air
plugged or damaged

Flue gas is very dark A. Incorrect air excess ratio - Check condition of nozzle
and location of oil nozzle,
B. Burner parts are damaged condition of swirler and
or incorrectly mounted, position of primary air flap
nozzle not calibrated. valves
- Check if pilot burner is clean
- Check operation of the
CAUTION! ignition voltage
is 5000 V

Decay of pilot burner flame A. Dirty pilot burner - Check cables and insulation
(Signalling light ”no pilot of electrical wires of the pilot
flame ” in the pilot burner B. Loose cable or damaged burner
control cabinet lit electrical supply system - Pilot flame decay signal is
terminated by alarm reset
pushbutton in the control
cabinet or from DCS. If the
flame decay signal can not be
reset, check pilot burner

13.5 High Or Low Steam Drum Water Level



Check for proper operation of all steam drum instruments. Blow down gage glasses accord-
ing to the manufacturers instructions.. Verify proper level by cobarring local and remote wa-
ter level indications. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as pos-
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Check for normal operation and lineup of boiler feed pumps and associated piping. Verify
water level in deaerator. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as
Check for normal operation of all feedwater control valves and lineup of piping. Verify in-
strument air to all controllers is normal and free of moisture. If a problem is found, report it
and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for normal operation of all steam flow and feedwater flow transmitters. Verify valve
lineup. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Check for evidence of a boiler tube failure. If a tube failure has occurred, follow proce-
dures outlined in Foster Wheeler's "Emergency Operation" fold out supplied with your Op-
eration and Maintenance Manual.
Check for normal drain valve lineup. Verify that piping after the last block valve is not hot
indicating a leaking valve. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action

Too high or too low drum A. Faulty operation of level - check all level gauges
water level gauges - check local level gauges for
DCS and water gauge
glasses. Blow-off the water
gauge glasses prior to
checking and cobarre
indication before and after

B. Abnormal feed water flow - check if feed water pumps

and pipes operate properly
- check water level in the
feed water tank,
- check if all feed water
control valves operate
- check if I&C air is supplied
to all control devices with
proper parameters,
- check if all feed water and
stream flow transmitters
operate properly
- check blowdown valves,
especially if the boiler has
been recently shut down
- check if drain pipes
downstream the last isolating
valve are hot that could
indicate valves leakage
- never start-up (fire-up) the
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

boiler if drum water level is

not visible

C. Pipe leakage - check for pipe leakage

- check leakage points and
make written records in order
to evaluate possible
consequences influencing
boiler operation.

D. Sudden changes of boiler - check steam pressure and

load flow trends in DCS system
- cobarre drum level trends in
DCS system
- check operating parameters

Gradual drop of steam drum A. Serious leakage from - activate emergency

water level. Steam drum boiler or termination of feed shutdown of the boiler
water level gauge does not water supply. - as soon as the boiler is
indicate water level damped switch the feed
water level in the drum
control to manual mode
- reduce feed water flow to
zero flow
- do not supply water to the
- let the boiler cool down and
execute boiler walkaround
prior to starting feeding of
water to the boiler again

Water level gauges in the B. Serious leakage from - never start-up the boiler if
steam drum still show water boiler or feed water supply drum water level is not
level. termination visible
- switch the drum water level
control to manual mode
- reduce the load gradually in
manual control mode,
simultaneously increasing
feed water flow
- if the cause is known and it
can be removed before the
water level drops below the
drum water level gauge
measuring range, restore the
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

normal drum water level to

rated value and continue
- check if all steam drum
elements operate properly
- check feed water flow,
steam flow and drum water
level trends
- it is necessary to blow-off
the water gauge glasses and
cobarre remote and local
- check for pipe leakage
- check if boiler feed water
pumps operate properly
- check if water level in the
feed water tank is correct
- check boiler drain valves,
- if it is not possible to
maintain proper level of
water in the drum, shut down
the boiler

13.6 Intermittent Loss Of Bed Inventory From Circulation

Gill seal and Intrex chamber surging or change in the rate of circulation of bed mate-
rial in the hot loop

Check that Intrex chamber pressure taps are not plugged. Verify normal HP-air flow and
pressure to all instruments. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as
Check for proper and normal fluidizing air flow to all gill seals and Intrex areas fluidizing
nozzles. If the float inside the rotameter is stuck on the bottom of the glass, it is an indica-
tion of a plugged nozzle. Applying service air to that nozzle may be necessary to unplug that
nozzle and re-establish fluidizing air flow. Too much fluidizing air flow for an extended pe-
riod can interfere with normal circulation. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs
made as soon as possible.
Check for normal operation and normal discharge pressure from high pressure blower. Ver-
ify that HP blower inlet filter is not plugged. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs
made as soon as possible.
Check for normal indications of bed inventory.
Check for normal operation of all fans. Check air flow indications. If a problem is found,
report it and have repairs made as soon as possible.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

13.7 Continuous, Gradual Loss Of Bed Inventory From Circulation

Check operation of bottom ash removal system. Verify normal operation and conditions of
bottom ash removal system. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon
as possible.
Check for gas-tight integrity of combustion chamber. Walk down the boiler looking for bed
material or gas leaks. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon as pos-
Check for bed material leaks. If a problem is found, report it and have repairs made as soon
as possible.

Bed Material Loss from Circulation

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action
Periodical loss of bed material A. Faulty operation of - check all thermocouples
from circulation measuring instruments and pressure gauges
- clean measuring
instruments using cleaning
- check trends in DCS system
– unexpected pressure or
temperature jump can
indicate faulty instrument.
- check if thermocouples and
pressure transmitters as well
as corresponding systems
operate properly

B. Improper bed material - check if fluidising air flow

circulation. to all gill seals and to Intrex
header air nozzles is correct
and at rated level,
- float inside the rotameter
in the bottom part of the
glass indicates nozzle
- in order to unplug the
nozzle and restore steady
flow of fluidising air it may
be necessary to blow out the
plugged nozzle with
maintenance air (0.6 Bar).
- excessively high level of
fluidising air flow over a
longer period of time may
cause circulation
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

- check if the high pressure

blower operates properly and
if discharge pressure is at
proper level,
- check if high pressure
blower suction filter is not
- check if indication of bed
material amount ate at rated
- check if all fans operate
- supervise air flow
- check if there are no air
and/or flue gas leakage from
ducts and/or boiler

Continuous gradual loss of A. Abnormal bed material - check operation of bottom

circulating bed material circulation ash removal system
- verify conditions assumed
as rated operating conditions
for the bottom ash removal
- check if the combustion
chamber, separator,
recirculation ducts, Intrex
superheaters' headers are
- execute boiler walkaround
checking if there are no flue
gas or bed material blowouts
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

13.8 Steam and Water Circulation Irregularities

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action
High SiO2 level A. High level of SiO2 in - increase boiler blowdown
boiler water intensity
- decrease pressure in the
boiler to balance contents of
SiO2 in steam according to
the graph
- dump steam to the by-pass –
start-up station leaving
turbine at full rotary speed
without load

Deposit of boiler scale in the B. Excessive hardness of - decrease boiler output to

turbine spray water 40% of rated output (MCR)
and turn off the spray system.
- check quality of boiler water,
feed water and steam
- if quality of steam to the
turbine does not improve
shut down the turbine and
- after boiler shutdown find
the reason of increased feed
water hardness and change
water in boiler, feed water
tank and condenser

High contents of suspended A. Foaming in the boiler - immediately decrease and

solids stabilise boiler load
- stop dosing of phosphates
- increase boiler blowdown
- reduce water level in the
boiler steam drum
- shut down the boiler and
change boiler water if
foaming in the boiler does
not stop
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Deposit of boiler scale in B. Excessive moisture - perform activities as in case

superheaters and turbine contents in saturated steam of boiler water foaming
- if it is not caused by water
foaming, check the drum
during boiler stand-by
(eliminate moisture and
drying of steam)

C. Maladjustment of spray - adjust amount of spray

desuperheater. water

Decrease of Boiler Water Quality

A) Boiler water quality depends on feed water and condensate quality as well as blow-
down intensity.
B) Chemical analysis of the boiler water has to be always maintained below permissi-
ble limit values for particular components.

Irregularities of Chemical Cause Remedial Actions

pH too high Excessive contents of non- - decr
volatile alkaline substances - replace Na3PO4 with acid
in the feed water phosphate
Causes: - decrease leakage of sodium
compounds to water in water
- poor quality of steam
treatment plant
- foaming in the drum - increase boiler blowdown
- pitting corrosion of boiler intensity
parts NOTE:
In order to maintain non-
volatile alkaline substances
at proper level pH of feed
water has to be kept within 8
– 8,5
pH too low A. pH of feed water too low - if feed water quality is
B. Too low contents of non- correct decrease boiler
volatile alkaline substances blowdown intensity (as much
in the feed water as values of other parameters
C. If resins from the ion allow for it)
exchanger enter the boiler, it - increase contents of non-
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

can be decomposed in boiler volatile alkaline compounds

water and cause acid shift in feed water
- should acidic phosphates or
volatile alkaline compounds
be used, change it to alkaline
phosphates and non-volatile
alkaline compounds
- increase boiler blowdown
- decrease boiler pressure
- find and remove cause of
high SiO2 contents in feed

High SiO2 contents Excessive contents of SiO2 in - increase boiler blowdown

the feed water: intensity
Causes boiler scale deposit -in - leakage at turbine condenser - find and remove cause of
the turbine - - raw water leaks to high KMnO4 contents in feed
condensate water
- faulty operation of water
treatment plant

High KMnO4 contents Too high KMnO4 contents in - increase boiler blowdown
Causes feed water intensity
- foaming in the drum - leakage to condensate - find and remove cause of
- poor quality of steam - poor quality of feed water high contents of dissolved
solid particles in feed water
High contents of dissolved Too high contents of - decrease dosing intensity of
solid particles dissolved solids in the feed phosphates (V)
Causes water
- foaming in the drum - leakage to condensate
- poor quality of steam - poor quality of feed water

High contents of Excessive dosing of - decrease boiler blowdown

phosphates phosphates (V) to the feed intensity (as much as values
(V) (P2O5) water of other parameters allow for
Causes foaming in the drum it)
- increase dosing intensity of
phosphates (V)
- check hardness of
condensate and make-up
water; maintain hardness of
feed water at required level
by means of suitable
adjustment of water
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

treatment plant operating


Low contents of phosphates Not sufficient dosing of

(V) (P2O5) phosphates (V) to the feed
It usually has no serious water that can be caused by
consequences, however, high hardness of feed water
proper contents of
phosphates (V) allows to
keep the superheaters clean
and helps in magnetite layer

Summary of Water Quality Requirements

Operating lifetime and efficiency of the boiler system depend to great extent on feed water
quality and this factor can not be disregarded in any case. Equipment and cleaning capabil-
ity of the water treatment plant is suited to meet requirements set for the feed water quality
taking into account parameters of accessible raw water.

Aim of the feed and boiler water quality supervision and control system is to create such
operation conditions that will allow to reach demanded output and quality of steam pro-
duced in the boiler. Simultaneously the system provides high level of protection for boiler
elements against corrosion and boiler scale deposit as well as prevention from excessive
foaming of water in boiler systems. Magnetite layer that forms on internal surfaces of pipes
as a product of chemical reaction between water, steam and iron is the best protective means
against corrosion for pipes. Water quality has to provide conditions that will protect that
protective layer.

Instructions presented in this Manual should be treated as general guidelines. Water treat-
ment and water quality supervision procedures vary for different boiler operating plant.
However, in any case activities within this process should be carried out by properly trained
personnel, that not only focuses on meeting boiler water and steam quality requirements by
proper operation of provided equipment but is also concerned with operation of the entire
boiler system. Operating lifetime of the boiler system and corresponding requirements are
the most important aspects to focus special attention on.

13.9 Emergency Boiler Shutdown

Emergency boiler shutdown can take place as a result of breakdown of equipment that are
critical for boiler operation or faulty action of process interlocks or personnel error. Actions
to be taken in emergency situations are described in the following section of this Manual.

If the boiler has been shutdown due to faulty action of interlocks, unintended pressing of the
emergency pushbutton or personnel fault the boiler can be started up according to the warm
start-up procedures under condition that the shutdown reason is determined and removed.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

If removal time of boiler shutdown reason extends it is necessary to maintain the boiler in
warm stand-by.


Being Familiar with Equipment, Manuals and Duties

Being familiar with equipment, operating manuals and duties of the service personnel is the
basic condition of quick and efficient removal of irregularities and breakdowns. Abnormal
conditions present during breakdown and its removal require rigorous following of the in-
dustrial safety regulations during that time.
Keeping Situation under Control, Being Disciplined
It is vital to become cool in emergency conditions and to strictly follow the instructions
included in the operating manuals as well as orders given by the superior staff directly
managing breakdown removal.
Determining of the Place and Type of Damage
Determining of the place and type of damage should be one of the first activities to be done
in course of breakdown removal. Actions aimed to prevent from spreading of irregularities
to the surrounding equipment and actions aimed to save human health or life have priority
over other actions taken in course of the breakdown removal.
Immediate Action
In case of emergency the service staff of faulty equipment is obliged to immediately
undertake self-reliant steps aimed to take control over breakdown, using subordinate
personnel .
Notifying the Superiors
Each irregularity in boiler operation, especially any breakdown has to be immediately
reported to the Plant Operator and Plant Control Room Manager.
Participation in Action
Service staff of equipment not affected by the breakdown basically fulfils their normal
duties. This staff can take part in breakdown removal on clear command of the person that
manages the action. Personnel can leave the work stand only with approval of superior who
has to provide suitable supervision over subordinate equipment.
Making Written Records
For proper identification of breakdown reasons and to increase breakdown removal
experience the personnel in charge should record directly after the breakdown the following:
breakdown course, all circumstances and observations including detailed specification of
irregularity occurrence time and time of application of suitable preventive measures.
Remember to prepare printouts, graphs showing boiler parameters during the breakdown
and to archive it for further analysis and cause identification.

Duty Hand Over and Take Over during Breakdown Removal is Forbidden
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

13.11 The Boiler Should Be Immediately Shut Down in case of:

 Drum water level is below the minimum level and does not increase in spite that boiler
water is being made-up
 Boiler feed water supply is terminated
 Drum water level increases above the maximum level
 Water level is not visible or observation of water level by the personnel is not possible
 Increase of the steam pressure in the boiler above the permissible limit value has not
caused operation of safety valves
 Damage of boiler pressure part, supporting structure, thermal protection (insulation
shell) or foundation has been found
 An explosion or fire has occurred in the combustion chamber, convection section, elec-
trostatic precipitator or flue gas ducts
 Gas or oil system faults cause explosion or fire danger
 Significant damage of flue gas ducts causing flue gas flow to the boiler house has been
 Remote control equipment, I&C instruments and auxiliary equipment do not operate
thus preventing safe operation of the boiler
 Boiler refractory lining has been damaged to the extent that endangers pressure or struc-
tural parts of the boiler
 Unexpected drop of superheated steam temperature has occurred caused for example by
breakdown of spray desuperheaters

13.12 Actions To Be Taken in Case of Serious Irregularities of Boiler Operation

This section describes actions to be taken during boiler maintenance in case of the CFB flu-
idised bed boiler breakdown. Supplementary information is included in the document elabo-
rated by Foster Wheeler entitled. „Safety Measures And Precautions During Work”. This in-
formation can not in any case replace procedures for actions in emergency situations includ-
ed in the present Manual.
Sudden Loss Of Steam Drum Water Level
When the cause is known and immediately correctable before the water level in the steam
drum reaches the minimum allowable operating level, reestablish steam drum water level to
its normal operating value and continue boiler operation.
When the cause is not known and the water level in the steam drum drops below the mini-
mum allowable operating level (this situation could be the result of a tube failure), start an
immediate shut down according to the emergency shut down section of this procedure.
Gradual Loss Of Steam Drum Water Level
When you cannot maintain a normal steam drum water level ( 0 mm), the load on the boil-
er must be reduced and the cause of the problem corrected.
When it is impossible to maintain normal steam drum water level at the reduced load, then
the boiler must be taken out of service according to the normal shut down procedure until
the cause(s) can be identified and corrected.
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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Excessive Bed Temperature

When the bed temperature cannot be maintained below 950 ºC, REDUCE LOAD. An im-
mediate adjustment in the fuel and air flow distribution must be triggered. Normally, reduc-
ing the output of the boiler master controller will reduce fuel and air flow enough to allow
diagnosis of the problem.
A reduction in fuel feed and/or an increase in total air flow may be required to control high
temperatures. This reduces the bed temperature rapidly to reduce the high temperature
which, if allowed to continue, may reach the ash fusion temperature for the fuel being
burned. If the bed temperature cannot be controlled using the above procedure, the boiler
must be shut down.

Emergency Situations at Auxiliary Equipment

A/ Faulty Operation of Chain Conveyor

Symptom Cause Remedial Action

Conveyor does not start or it A. Supply voltage failure - Notify Electrical
has stopped. Department foreman about
B. Faulty motor electrical supply failure

- Notify Electrical
Department foreman about
necessary motor exchange.

Conveyor does not start or it A. Reduction gear is Replace reduction gear.

has stopped. damaged.

Conveyor does not start or it A. Rotary movement sensor Readjust the sensor.
has stopped. is incorrectly adjusted.

Conveyor has stopped A. Conveyor chain has Replace chain or link

broken due to excessive wear respectively
or chain link is broken.

Conveyor chain operates A. Chain conveyor chain and Replace chain and chain
non-uniformly, rattling at chain wheel rim are worn wheel rim
drive end
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

B/ Faulty Operation of Screw Conveyor

Symptom Cause Remedial Action

Conveyor does not start or it A. Supply voltage failure - Notify Electrical
has stopped. Department foreman about
B. Faulty motor electrical supply failure

- Notify Electrical
Department foreman about
necessary motor exchange.

Conveyor does not start or it A. Reduction gear is Replace reduction gear

has stopped. damaged

Conveyor does not start or it A. Rotary movement sensor Readjust the sensor
has stopped. is incorrectly adjusted.

Conveyor does not start or it A. Conveyor inlet plugged Remove plugging material
has stopped. and make sure that the
(bottom ash conveyor) following conveyor will start

Conveyor does not start or it A. Conveyor motor overload Find and remove overload
has stopped. fuse has broken cause, replace fuse.

C/ Air-Side Or Gas-Side Failures

Note: This procedure should be followed on a primary air fan, secondary air fan and/or
induced draft fan mechanical failure and the fan motor continues to run.

– An MFT is activated by a drop in air flow. A fan failure shuts off the fuel feed, limestone
feed and the bed material removal.

– Fans and drives are interlocked to stop in the sequence below:

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Issuing date: April 20, 2004

A trip of the ID fan will stop the PA fan, then the SA fan and then the HP blower.
 Maintain normal steam drum water level.
 Following control of the emergency situation, use the normal shut down procedure. Af-
ter correcting the reason for the emergency shut down, a normal restart or hot restart, as
applicable, can be initiated.

Breakdowns of Air and/or Flue Gas Systems

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action
Boiler trip A. Activation of main boiler - in case of trip of either
interlock primary or secondary fan or
induced draft fan boiler
interlock will always trip
boiler out of operation
- trip of high pressure blower
activates automatic start-up
of the stand-by blower
- maintain minimum drum
level, (if the drum level drops
below the level visible in
water gauge-glasses do not
supply cold feed water to the
hot drum, maximum
temperature difference can
amount ~50 °C)
- remove boiler interlock
activation cause and start-up
fans and peat feeding system
according to the cold start-up
- secondary air flow can be
reduced but it can not be
totally terminated as there are
still combustible substances
in the flue gas
- flow level of the primary
fluidising air should be kept
at minimum level until all
combustible remains in the
bed are totally burnt
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Automatic start-up of stand- Faulty operation of high - trip of high pressure blower
by blower pressure blower activates automatic start-up
Pressure drop can be caused of the stand-by blower
by pipe leakage (ex. - if pressure of the operating
expansion joint rupture), high pressure blower drops,
blower damage or faulty the stand-by blower is turned
operation of bleed valve to on to support the high
the primary air duct. pressure air system

Automatic Trip of Induced Draft Fan

– All fans are operating
Reactions in case of induced draft fan trip:
– Activated boiler interlock shuts the boiler down
– To restart the fan: within 60 minutes only three start-up trials are allowed (three cold
strarts and two hot starts); in order to protect the fan motor from overheating. If the third
restart trial does not succeed, a break lasting 60 minutes will take place prior to the
following restart trial, etc.
– All motors supplied with 6 kV voltage have the same start-up cycle as described above.

Automatic Trip of the Primary Air Fan

– All fans are operating
Reactions in case of the primary air fan trip:
– Activated boiler interlock shuts down the boiler but induced draft fan, high pressure
blower and secondary air fan remain on.
– Fuel feeding enable signal is terminated by interlock signal.

Automatic Trip of the Secondary Air Fan

– All fans are operating
Reactions in case of the secondary air fan trip:
– Boiler is shut down but induced draft fan and high pressure blower remain on.
– Fuel feeding enable signal is terminated by interlock signal.

Automatic Trip of the High Pressure Blower

– One high pressure blower is running, another is stand-by
Reactions in case of the high pressure blower trip:
– Trip of the operating blower causes automatic start-up of the stand-by blower.
– During normal operation (one blower running), drop of high pressure air pressure will
automatically turn the stand-by blower on.
– If both blowers operate simultaneously, the boiler walkaround worker has to check
blower operation locally and find cause of air pressure drop
– Drop of high pressure air pressure activates boiler interlock (10 seconds delay) that will
shut down peat feeding system as well as primary and secondary air fans.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Rapid Loss Of Bed Inventory

– Check for rapid increase in air flow.
– Check for rapid increase in flue gas temperature combined with air flow increase.
– Check HP blower air pressure.
– Check HP air flow rates at the Intrex chamber grid and wall seal nozzles.

Note: If bed material loss persists, there may be a restriction in the wall seal, separator
downcomer or Intrex chamber from refractory failure or solids build up which
would require an internal inspection and possible repair.

Loss Of Fluidizing Air To Intrex Chamber And Wall Seal

The Intrex chambers and wall seals should not require manual cleaning before a boiler re-
start following a trip of the boiler and/or loss of the HP blower. Based on operating experi-
ence, when there was difficulty of refluidizing the bed material in the wall seals following
an uncontrolled trip, service air was introduced at the nozzles. All the nozzles have been de-
signed with provisions for service air connection.
Although unlikely, if refluidization is not achieved, the following recommended restart se-
quence should be followed.
– Restart the ID fan.
– Restart the HP blower.
– Observe Intrex chamber airs for proper flow.
– Observe all wall seal rotameters for proper air flow. Blow out any that are low in flow
rate using service air.
– Restart SA and PA fans and establish normal air flows.
– Refire boiler and carefully observe bed pressure for normal operation. (The bed
pressure should drop only 20…30 mbar when increasing boiler load from minimum to
full load.)
– If bed pressure drops rapidly during a load increase or earlier, then apply the same
technique of using service air until the loop seal(s) breaks free.
– If this approach does not work, then it will be necessary to shutdown the boiler and
drain the loop seals.

13.13 Turbine Trip

In the following text as a turbine trip it is understood generator breaker opening when the
turbine is in operation.
In case of a turbine trip both the HP- and MP-steam flow to the turbine is totally stopped by
closing the trip valves. Trip signal comes through DCS to safety devices causing following
1. Trip signal opens HPB valves to 30…50 % position corresponding about 50 % of boiler
MCR flow
2. The reheater pressure control is done by LPB valves, if they are available and start up
safety valves.
3. The presented conditions are kept on 10 seconds from receiving trip signal and all controls
are released to operate as normal after this period.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

13.14 Tube Leak Detection

Early detection of boiler pressure part leaks will prevent further damage to adjacent pressure
parts and circuits. Depending on the location of the leak, audible indication and visibility
may not be possible on an CFB boiler. However, other process indications can be used as
evidence of a pressure part leak.

The chart below outlines some locations and the possible indications.

Steam flow, feedwater Steam flow, feedwater Steam flow, feedwater Steam flow, feedwater
flow split flow split flow split flow split

Water in air heater Reduction of bottom Reduction of Intrex

hopper. Difficulty ash production ash production
pulling fly ash

Possible noise in Seldom able to detect Able to detect noise in Seldom able to detect
backpass any noise convection cage any noise

No change in Decreased separator No change in Decreased separator

separator inlet inlet temperatures separator inlet inlet temperatures
temperature temperature

No process effects Furnace pressure, Little or no process Furnace pressure may

detected drum level upset at effect be upset at onset of
onset of major leak major leak

No effect on spray No effect on spray Spray water may be Spray water may be
water water slightly effected slightly effected

ID fan, dust collector ID fan, dust collector ID fan, dust collector ID fan, dust collector
seldom affected seldom affected seldom affected seldom affected

1. Develop a steam flow, feedwater flow, drum level trend that operates continuously.
2. Walk the boiler down regularly listening for unusual noises.
3. Shut down the boiler as soon as possible when a tube leak is suspected.
4. Remove bed material during the shutdown process.
5. Once the boiler is down, remove wet bed material immediately before it sets up.

A method of leak detection commonly used on any type of boiler is a chart or trend set up
that includes feedwater flow and steam flow. Whether the two lines on the chart line up or
agree is not important. What is important is the relative separation between the two dis-
plays. Obviously, a tube leak will eventually show up as increase in feedwater flow without
an increase in steam flow.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

The next method is to monitor carefully process parameters. You must have a display with
the boiler temperature profile available upon demand. One of the features of the CFB pro-
cess is that it is sensitive to the presence of furnace leaks. The process will show the pres-
ence of a leak with much smaller flows besides the feedwater/steam flow cobarrison.

For example, the first indication may be that the bottom ash removal rate will decrease,
maybe enough to shut the screw coolers off entirely. You may then begin increasing the
limestone feed rate to maintain indicated bed pressure.

The second factor may be that the separator inlet temperatures will start to drop. Bed tem-
peratures will remain constant while the separator temperatures drop into the high. This in-
formation, in conjunction with the bed loss, may confirm the presence of a tube leak.

Bed material loss in this case is caused by excessive velocity through the separators that re-
sults in greatly increased bypassing of the separators. The lower separator flue gas tempera-
tures happen because furnace velocity may increase (resulting in better heat transfer) and the
heat absorption of the steam. Superheater spray flows may increase due to the higher con-
vection pass velocity and other factors.

Economizer and convection pass superheater leaks are more difficult to find because they
will not affect the process. Economizer leaks may eventually show up as water in either the
ash hopper or ESP, but superheater leaks will not.

It is very important to detect any leak as soon as possible. The longer any leak remains un-
detected, the more damage that leak will cause.

Leakage from Heated Surface Pipes

Symptoms Cause Remedial Action
Low drum water level A. Significant leakage in the - If such leakage occurs it is
combustion chamber, necessary to increase induced
Increased feed water flow draft fan load and terminate
separator, superheaters or
Increased noise in the boiler economiser. fuel feeding. Simultaneously,
house steps should be taken
immediately to reduce
Irregularities in operation of pressure in the boiler (open
combustion chamber start-up valve)
pressure regulator
- Feed water should be
Increase of combustion supplied to the boiler to
chamber pressure protect boiler parts from
- Terminate feed water
supply only in case of flue
gas temperature prior to
secondary superheater drop
below 400 º°C. If possible
keep minimum water level in
the drum. (If water level has
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

been maximally lowered do

not supply cold feed water to
hot drum, maximum
temperature difference is c.
50 °C).
- Secondary air flow can be
reduced but it can not be
totally terminated as there are
still combustible substances
in the flue gas.
- Minimum flow level of the
primary fluidising air should
be kept until all combustible
remains in the bed are totally
- If leakage enters to the bed
remove the bed material
using bottom ash removal

B. Minor leakage in the - In case of a minor leakage

combustion chamber, apply normal shutdown
separator, superheaters or procedures
economiser. - Determine approximate
location of the leakage in
course of boiler walkaround
- Leakage in the economiser
can be determined basing
upon sound or increased feed
water demand

- Note that water leakage can

cause corrosive wear of
surrounding pipes and can
cause plugging of ash
nozzles and stopping of air
heaters and convection
section hoppers.

- Steam blowouts in
superheaters can cause
significant damage of
surrounding pipes by means
of pipe wall wear.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

- Monitor leakage and pace

of boiler cooling.

- In order to determine how

serious the damage is it is
necessary to relay upon
assessment of the boiler
walkaround staff and boiler
operator and decide which
shutdown procedure should
be applied: normal or


A thermal cycle on an Foster Wheeler CFB boiler is defined as any cycle of temperature
within the hot loop system from Standard Operating Temperature of 840 °C to a tempera-
ture of 350 °C or less, as measured by bed temperature and separator inlet/outlet flue gas
thermocouples, below Standard Operating Temperature and a later return to Standard Oper-
ating Temperature. A thermal cycle can also be defined as a drop in steam-side/water-side
pressure that results in greater than 150 °C change in the steam-side/water-side saturation

Hot loop system is defined as the circulating fluidized bed material circuit, ie., combustion
chamber to separator to wall seal to Intrex chamber and back to combustion chamber.

Standard operating temperature for Foster Wheeler CFB boilers is 840 – 900 °C, although
actual operating temperatures may vary from about 820 °C to 920 °C at full boiler load.

Bed temperature is defined as temperature measured at the lower level bed thermocouples
(about 300 mm above the grid refractory, some 150 mm above the grid nozzless).

Primary concern for monitoring boiler thermal cycling is refractory and the effects thermal
cycling has on refractory. Refractory is a hard, concrete-like material that expands and con-
tracts with changes in temperature. It expands with heat and contracts when cooled. Re-
fractory is held in place by metal refractory anchors welded to the water cooled tube walls
(or by studs welded to the tubes or headers), that are being protected. The refractory lining
used in Compact CFB water cooled surfaces is thin but hard, in order to protect the metal
surfaces from erosion !
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Stress caused by thermal cycling on refractory and the anchor system will cause cracking.
These cracks appear as the boiler cools down. As temperature decreases the cracks widen.
As cracks open they fill with bed material as material circulates within the hot loop.

After shut down for maintenance or annual outage (a thermal cycle), these cracks, now
filled with circulation material, begin to close when refractory is heated and expands. Re-
fractory goes into compression. Compression on refractory surfaces may exceed compres-
sion strength of refractory material. Breaking off or "spalling" may occur or stress on the
anchor system may cause failure of the support system, and finally some refractory may fall

Another problem caused by this cycling is lifting or "jacking" of the refractory liner away
from the anchor system leaving a void between refractory and metal exterior. The void cre-
ated by jacking will fill with bed material. Finally this may cause refractory pieces
(squares) to be pushed out!

Loosing the protective refractory lining exposes the tube surfaces to erosion by circulating
material, and may finally cause tube damage!

In uncooled areas (not water or steam cooled areas) if this type of failure occurs, the exterior
metal that was protected by refractory will eventually get extremely hot (hot spot) and cause
an emergency shut down of the boiler.

Recommended heating and cooling rates are specified primarily to lessen stress on all re-
fractory areas of the boiler. Exceeding these specific rates will cause damage to refractory
and costly repairs will be needed to return the boiler to service.

Thermal cycling of boiler will also stress the steam-side and water-side pressure parts, such
as steam drum and boiler tubing. Piping spring hangers will also show cycling and should
be checked for hot and cold settings. Do not allow pressure in the boiler to decay too rapid-
ly. Keep steam drum vents closed until pressure has decayed naturally (bottled up) to 1.5-2
bar in the steam drum. Then drum vents may be opened if a nitrogen blanket is not going to
be applied.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


15.1 Pre-Fire Ops



Steam drum All boiler Equipment Equipment Verify ID System in All boiler
doors and access doors tag-outs tag-outs fan controls place for flue and
valves leak proven reviewed reviewed set to adding bed duct
free closed and cleared and cleared maintain –5 material hangers in
Pa cold

Operator ID fan Bearing oil Bearing oil Verify SA Verify all Temporary
stationed at closed and levels and levels and fan pressure fans are scaffold
boiler steam all auxiliary pressures pressures control and running at and
drum equipment normal normal air flows minimum equipment
closed ready are normal air settings clear of
for start and in boiler,
automatic flues and

Chemically Equipment Instrumenta Instrument Verify PA Verify All boiler

treat feed- tag-outs tion in place ation in flows are adequate spring
water while reviewed and place and normal and supply of hangers in
filling and cleared operational operational in bed cold
automatic material position

Adequate Auxiliary Fan closed, Fan closed, Verify total Verify all Drum level
supply of cooling coupled and coupled air flow is indicated slightly
clean, water ready to and ready greater than bed low for
filtered system in operate to operate minimum pressure startup to
boiler service with necessary taps are allow swell
feedwater adequate for purge reading 0 when water
water kPa gets heated

FW within Bearing oil Check Check Check if Drum

100˚C of levels and furnace furnace startup vents and
drum metal pressures draft when draft when burners are superheater
when filling normal starting SA starting PA to be used vents and
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

empty drum fan fan during drains open

loading of all the way

Insure Instrumenta Vibration Vibration If yes, Thorough

remote drum tion in and and verify heat boiler walk
level gages place, temperature temperatur input down has
are reading checked and monitor e monitor limitations. been
the same as operational panel in panel in completed
local level operation operation



Drum gage Stroke all Place inlet Place inlet Verify all Determine Verify all
glass, air flow vane vane air flow source of pre-firing
Verify dampers to controls in controls in are in bed conditions
levels to make them manual, set manual, set automatic material to satisfied
DCS working to minimum to minimum and be used,
properly maintain- ash, sand or
ing limestone

Open steam Place ID fan Interlocks Interlocks Initiate a Start adding Boiler
drum vent inlet vane met for SA met for PA 5-minute bed purge
valves all controls in fan start fan start boiler material to complete
the way manual, set purge combustion and
to minimum when main chamber FURNACE
interlocks READY on
are ready

Close all Interlocks Start SA Start PA Monitor Monitor Adequate

boiler drain met for ID fan. Verify fan. Verify purge incoming fuel supply
valves fan start fan motor fan motor timer flow of bed available
roll with roll with during material for startup
operator operator boiler

Open all PA and SA Place SA Monitor Monitor Fire two Startup

superheater fan inlet pressure furnace all air startup burner fuel
vents and vanes controller in draft and flows burners at pressure
drains all closed, flow automatic adjust during minimum to regulated to
the way control controller boiler pre-warm normal and
dampers as purge boiler, as auto-mode
open necessary necessary
Place SA
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Place Start ID fan. flow "Pulse" PA- Monitor Stop Operator

deaerator Check DCS control- lers to-grid air all boiler feeding bed stationed at
and boiler indications. in flow to fluff MFT material individual
feed pump automatic bed, +10% conditions when bed SUB to
in standby when to 15% for in pressure is monitor
(service) minimum a few preparatio 4.5-5.5 kPa light-off
flows are minutes n for
met furnace

Fill water to Leave ID Monitor Place all Disconnect All plant

1/3 steam fan, furnace furnace PA flows bed personnel
drum gage pressure pressure and controls material ready for
glass or (- controller in controller in conveying boiler
100 mm) auto as needed automatic. lines, startup
isolate feed

15.2 Cold Startup





Complete all Monitor flue gas Monitor rate of Verify solid fuel Monitor boiler
prefiring temperature change in flue feed systems are temperature
operations and profile. Stay gas temperatures ready for normal profile. Normal
have prerequisites below 482°C and boiler operation with bed temperature
have been satisfied separator inlet pressure fuel on the belts 816-899°C
temperature at the belt

Open all manual Check rate of Plot actual Monitor Maintain boiler
fuel shut-off increase at all hourly changes limestone feed steam flow
valves temperature in boiler system for within rated
indications temperature and normal limits. Do Not
pressure. operation, if Over fire!

Verify interlocks Monitor startup Monitor startup Monitor startup Monitor boiler
satisfied burners burner burners emissions
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

View each SUBs Monitor boiler Monitor loop Start bottom ash Monitor boiler
flame pattern and water quality, seal return leg removal system steam
air flows conductivity, pH temperatures for when needed temperatures
periodically and oxygen differences

Verify all Check for flow Place Continuously Monitor excess

temperature through all precipitator in monitor bed oxygen
indications are superheater service when temperatures, indications.
working properly drain valves needed bed pressure and Verify side-to-
while open loop seal return side balance of
temperatures excess oxygen



Check that startup Verify open all Close drum Maintain startup Place peat, fuel
burners are steam drum vents and SH burner firing rate and boiler
coupled and in the vents before vents at 0.2 Bar per the heat input masters in
retract position putting a fire in drum pressure curve automatic as
the boiler necessary

Complete startup Verify open all Blow down Start the Place oxygen
burner purge superheater steam drum to limestone feed trim control in
requirements vents and drains maintain normal system as automatic when
drum water necessary boiler is stable

Start the first Close drum and Place feedwater Open solid fuel Place bed
startup burner at SH vents at 0.2 and drum level feeder silo temperature trim
minimum and Bar. Leave controls in isolation valves in automatic
visually check steam line drain automatic when and feeder when required
condition of flame open until steam flow is pressurization
turbine is indicated valves

Start remaining Limit flue gas Control firing Start the first Place bottom ash
startup burners at temperature at rate to less than solid fuel feeder removal system
minimum firing separator inlet to 60 - 80°C/hr bed in manual at in service as
rate before raising 482°C by temperature minimum. Burp- needed
rate of firing controlling change feed the first
firing rate and solid fuel feeder
air flows three times

Place each startup Leave all SH Monitor steam Place remaining Place steam
burner in drains cracked drum solid fuel feeders temperature
automatic to the open until 0.8 - differential in service at control stations
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

SUB oil master 1 Bar steam temperatures minimum in in service as

pressure is top-to-bottom manual needed

Fire startup Open startup At 0.1 Bar drum Reduce startup Monitor excess
burners to get to vent before pressure, throttle burner firing oxygen
620°C bed 482°C separator SH drains. rates slowly. indications as
temperature temperature. Keep them Increase solid measured in the
following normal Control venting cracked open fuel feed to flue gas. Keep
temperature and to keep 10% until 0.8 – 1.0 maintain within
pressure ramp steam flow Bar steam temperature calibration
rates while increasing pressure is ramp rate. limits. If not,
pressure reached Watch excess O2 have them
all the time recalibrated

Continue to fire With steam flow If possible, do Shutoff startup

startup burners greater than not add burners when
until bed 10%, close all feedwater to the bed temperature
temperatures are SH drains and drum until over is stable at
greater than 760°C outlet header 0.2 Bar. Blow greater than
drains down to 760°C
maintain drum
Follow Continue At indicated Place limestone
temperature heat venting with steam flow feed system in
rates during all startup vent greater than automatic to
cold startups valve until 10%, close all track fuel
steam superheater changes and SO2
temperature and drains indications
pressure completely
requirements are
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

15.3 Normal Operations





Monitor all Bed pressure and Monitor ash Check Rotating

emissions bed temperatures drain inlet and sootblower equipment,
analyzers for indicating outlet operation for motors, fans, fuel
normal properly around temperatures proper pressure feeders, limestone
indications the combustion temperature, and feeders, bottom
chamber sequencing, top ash conveyors
to bottom

Watch trends of Monitor bottom Monitor cooling Report and have Check
operating ash removal water pressure repaired any lubrications and
variables to operation for and flow inoperable oil levels, bearing
anticipate problems. sootblowers as temperatures,
problems Monitor bottom soon as possible vibration,
ash drain excessive noise,
temperatures belt/chain tension

Check all air Monitor bottom Check operation Monitor gas-side Check flues,
flows for normal ash conveying of bottom ash temperature ducts and boiler
operation system cooling screw cooler changes and casings for leaks,
water pressure differential hot spots,
and flow pressure changes discoloration, flue
gas odor
Check for timely Monitor split Verify that Monitor flue gas Check structural
operation of soot between bed isolation knife temperatures integrity of duct
blowing system pressure and gate is not versus boiler supports and
windbox pressure partially closed. load stiffeners



Maintain proper Verify solid fuel Keep as many as Start Check boiler area
excess air, SO2, size distribution possible bottom sootblowing for unusual
bed pressure and by sampling "as ash drains and cycle when sounds, vibrations
bed temperatures. fired" fuel conveyors in economizer exit or movement.
When not being continuous temperature is Report any new
controlled in operation 12°C above deposits of ash
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

automatic, check: normal or once that may indicate

every 24 hours an ash leak

PA/SA air splits, Verify limestone Always observe Before operating Check that all
PA/SA fan flows size distribution safety sootblowing manual dampers
and pressures, by sampling "as precautions when system, clean all are in the proper
PA/SA fan feed" limestone around the precipitator position and
damper positions, bottom ash cobarrtments, indicated air
air flow cobarred center drains or empty all fly ash flows are normal
to fuel flow, ash conveying hoppers
excess O2 trim system

Verify O2 Verify any Respond to Verify boiler load Check wall seal
analyzer change in solid bottom ash drain is greater than fluidizing
calibration, have fuel composition, problems as soon 50% MCR before rotameters for
it recalibrated if i.e., ash content, as they happen starting proper air flow
necessary Btu's sootblowing

For improper bed Improper bed Low bed pressure After sootblowing Check all valves
pressure, check: material makeup -- reduce bottom cycle is and piping for
ash drain can result in high ash removal rate completed, leaks. Report as
operation, screw bed temperatures, evaluate soon as found and
conveyor high or low bed sootblowing have them
operation, PA/SA pressures, high or effectiveness by repaired
air split, bed low separator reviewing gas-
pressure tap inlet temperatures side temperatures
problem and pressure

For improper bed Sample bottom High bed pressure After cycling the Check SUBs for
temperature, ash in bottom ash -- increase bottom sootblower fuel leaks, normal
check: conveying ash removal rate, system, clean all air flows and
indicated bed system. Watch fire air cannon at precipitator retracted position
pressure, PA/SA for abnormal bottom ash drain cobarrtments and if out of service
air split, composition and pipe if there is no empty all ash
transmitters, bed size flow from the hoppers
quality, bed drain

For improper SO2 Return furnace Check that all

emissions, check: draft controller to boiler areas are
limestone feed normal, if clean and there is
system, SO2 changed during no fire hazard or
monitor, bed sootblowing safety hazard
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

temperature and sequence

limestone size

15.4 Normal Shutdown





Follow SH protec- Monitor and plot Monitor boiler Monitor and maintain
tion guidelines boiler cooling rates temperature profile drum water level

Monitor excess O2 Monitor excess Check boiler drum Monitor steam drum
and CO oxygen and CO water level pressure

Continuously mon- Monitor bed tem- If taking boiler out of Check for normal
itor flue gas perature and bed service, empty all fly boiler movement dur-
temperature, boiler pressure ash and bottom ash ing cool-down
pressure and rates of hoppers

Monitor boiler Verify normal SUB Check position of

temperature profile operation and flame spring hangers around
pattern the boiler



Reduce solid fuel Have operator at Keep all fans running Maintain normal
feed at 10%/minute startup burners at minimum until steam drum water
to 816°C indicated before light-off of boiler is cooled level at all times
bed temperature each burner

Place solid fuel, O2 Start startup burners If entering boiler, Stop boiler chemical
trim, boiler master, when bed keep fans running to feed pumps when
bed temperature temperature is less 50°C indicated bed boiler feed pump is
control and SUBs in than 816°C. Watch temperature off
manual before stopp- air flows and boiler
ing solid fuel feeders temperature profile
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Have SUBs in service Decrease SUB firing Maintain proper cool- At 0.2 Bar, open drum
at minimum before rate to stay within ing rates with air and superheat vents
solid fuel feed is at cooling rates, 60 - flows all the way
minimum 80°C/hr flue gas

Maintain limestone Stop SUBs when bed Remove bed material If bottling up the boil-
feed in automatic temperature is less if rapid cool-down is er, keep drum pres-
until solid fuel feed is than 450°C if not desired sure high, close air
stopped. Monitor going into the dampers, keep normal
excess oxygen and combustion chamber water level in the
sulfur content in the steam drum
flue gas

Empty solid Maintain normal Leave water in boiler Apply nitrogen

fuel/limestone feeder minimum air flows if for quicker cool-down blanket if boiler will
belts and conveyors cooling down the be out of service for a
and lines before boiler for entry long time or empty
650°C boiler

At 10% MCR, take At desired tempera- Verify all auxiliary

drum level control to ture, stop fans in seq- equipment is shut
manual, close main uence, PA, SA, HP down at the proper
steam valve, open and ID. Or stop the time
startup vent to control ID fan.

Empty bed from Open all combustion Increase furnace draft

QUICK combustion chamber as chamber and to –2kPa to facilitate
COOLDOWN quickly as possible. separator/wall cool down
FOR OUTAGE Keep bottom ash seal/Intrex chamber
conveyors in service doors. Remove brick
until ash flow stops. carefully.
Keep fans on until Remove refractory Observer all safety
combustion chamber thermal cure plug on rules. Do not rush the
temperatures drop top of doors. process.
Stop all fans in the Start ID fan and HP
normal manner blower ONLY
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

15.5 Emergency Operations





Determine cause Determine cause Determine cause Determine loca- Determine cause
of fan trip of HP blower trip of fuel trip tion of leak, of feedwater
combustion failure
chamber or
convection pass

Rectify cause of Rectify cause of Rectify cause of Monitor Rectify cause of

fan trip HP blower trip fuel trip feedwater feedwater failure
entering the boiler
in relation to
steam flow

Monitor boiler Monitor boiler Monitor boiler Monitor furnace Monitor steam
temperature temperature temperature pressure and indi- drum water level
profile profile profile cated bed pressure

Check all main Monitor Monitor cooling Monitor drum

interlocks and indicated bed rates pressure and
permissives pressure metal temp-



Place solid fuel, Reset boiler trip Reset cause of full Initiate MFT if Place drum level
O2, bed tempera- and restart ID fan solid fuel trip leak is serious. controls in
ture, boiler master in the normal Follow normal manual
controls in manner shut down
manual procedure

Restart all fans, if Restart HP If bed temperature Determine If level is blow

possible. Pulse blower. Have an is less than 600°C, location of leak trip point but still
the bed when operator at the start boiler purge while doing a visible, increase
starting the PA HP air header to boiler walk down feedwater to fill
fan verify pressure steam drum
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Initiate boiler Check wall seal If temperature is If leak is in com- Restart boiler
purge if bed fluidizing above 620°C, bustion chamber, when interlocks
temperature is rotameters and restart solid fuel shut off feedwater and permissives
less than 600°C Intrex chamber feed system in the supply to the are satisfied
fluid air for normal manner boiler
normal air flows.
If rotameters
indicate no air
flow, blow out
with service air

If bed Restart SA and For boiler If leak is in If no water level

temperature is PA fans nd shutdown, main- convection pass, is visible in the
above 620°C, establish normal tain minimum air maintain normal steam drum, do
restart the solid minimum air flows and keep steam drum water not add water if
fuel feed system flows. Monitor cool-down rates to level the differential
burping first indicated bed normal temperature,
feeder in the pressure for drum-metal-to-
normal manner sudden changes feedwater, is
observing safe more than
practice 100°C. Wait.

If turbine tripped, Start boiler purge Follow normal If leak is in com- If water level can
open startup vent shutdown bustion chamber, not be restored,
until turbine is in procedure remove bed ma- trip all fans
service at > 10% terial as quickly
steam flow as possible

Monitor all boiler Continue with

indications when normal hot restart
establishing procedure
normal minimum
air flows

Note: If boiler has not been up to full pressure, when restarting boiler, blow down all su-
perheater drains to remove any condensate.
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

15.6 Measurements of Pressure Loss at the Grid

Measurements of Pressure Loss at the Grid Should Be Conducted According to the Follow-
ing Points, with the Boiler in Cold Condition

Induced draft fan operates and draft control is set to automatic control mode to 0.0 kPa.
Control of secondary air fan and air flows is set to manual control mode at 0% output.
Primary air throttle valves to the lower level (level 0.5 m) are closed
Read pressure loss at boiler grid in the DCS.
The grid and all nozzles have to be cleaned. There can be no sand or bed material in the
windbox and on the grid.

Record indications of the following measurements:

Vprim.tot total primary air flow value (……)
Vwindbox primary air flow to the windbox (……)
Pwindbox pressure in the windbox (……)
Pbed average pressure in the bed (……)
Tprim.windbox primary air temperature (……)
Tbed average bed temperature (……)
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Pressure Loss Measurements


Inlet guide vanes %*) Vprim.tot Vwindbox Pwindbox Pbed Tprim.windbox Tbed

*) Position of the primary air fan inlet guide vanes ……..

The analysis is conducted by cobarrison of measured values to reference (standard) values – difference in
flows indicates wear of inlet vanes. Pressure difference calculated according to the formulas given below
indicates blockage of grid nozzles.

|Psp – Pspo|
Pspo * 100% ≤ 10%

|Pz – Pzo|
Pzo * 100% ≤ 10%

Psp - Current measured windbox pressure

Pspo - Windbox pressure according to the reference sheet
Pz - Current measured bed pressure
Pzo - Bed pressure according to the reference sheet

Prior to cobarrison the parameters have to be recalculated to standard conditions.

Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004


Drawing no. 815.005.530

Drawing no. 815.005.580
Drawing no. 815.005.590
Drawing no. 815.005.600
Drawing no. 815.005.610
Drawing no. 815.005.620


Enclosure No. 1, Start-up Sequence of the Boiler

Enclosure No. 2, Start-up Sequence of the Air System
Enclosure No. 3, Combustion Chamber Blowing Sequence
Enclosure No. 4, Burner Start-up Sequence
Enclosure No. 5, Burner Shutdown Sequence
Enclosure No. 6, Peat Feeding Start-up Sequence
Enclosure No. 7, Peat Feeding Shutdown Sequence
Enclosure No. 8, Limestone System Filling Sequence
Enclosure No. 9, Limestone Feeding Sequence
Enclosure No. 10, Sootblowing Sequence
Enclosure No. 11, Data Concerning Combustion
Enclosure No. 12, Induced Draft Fan Characteristics Curve
Enclosure No. 13, Secondary Air Fan Characteristics Curve
Enclosure No. 14, Primary Air Fan Characteristics Curve
Enclosure No. 15, Oil Nozzle Characteristics Curve
Enclosure No. 16, Permissible Pressure Level in Drum during Boiler Start-up
Enclosure No. 17, Permissible Pressure Level in Drum during Boiler Shutdown
Enclosure No. 18, Permissible Drum Temperature Change
Enclosure No. 19, Permissible Temperature Difference in the Drum
Enclosure No. 20, Refractory Lining Heating-up Curve, Drying
Enclosure No. 21, Refractory Lining Heating-up Curve, Rated Conditions
Enclosure No. 22, Boiler Material Temperatures Curve
Enclosure No. 23, Bed Material and Sand Particle Size Distribution
Enclosure No. 24, Peat Particle Size Distribution
Enclosure No. 25, Limestone Particle Size Distribution
Enclosure No. 26, Quality Requirements for Feed Water
Enclosure No. 27, Quality Requirements for Boiler Water
Enclosure No. 28, Quality Requirements for Saturated Steam
Enclosure No. 29, Combustion Air Curves for the Worst Peat
Enclosure No. 30, Combustion Air Calculations for the Worst Peat
Enclosure No. 31, Combustion Air Curves for the Best Peat
Enclosure No. 32, Combustion Air Calculations for the Best Peat
Enclosure No. 33, Flue Gas Temperature vs Load Curve
Document Code: S1_____-_______
Issuing date: April 20, 2004

Enclosure No. 34, Guaranteed Main Operating Parameters

Enclosure No. 35, KKS Codes and Specification of Measuring Points
Enclosure No. 36, Main Electrical System Diagram
Enclosure No. 37, List of Technical and Operation Instructions
Enclosure No. 38, P&ID diagrams
Enclosure No. 39, Equipment Layout Drawings

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