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Back in the 60’s John Lennon made the statement that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus
Christ. With that the religious fundamentalists sprang into action. A Crusade was launched
against Rock and Roll accusing the musicians and the music as being demoralising, driving
youth to sex, drugs and Satan worship. Bob Larson was the first of several rock musicians,
turned minister, to join the fray and accusations of back-masking the music with subliminal,
often satanic, messages were brought to the foreground on Radio and TV Talk Shows.

This became a money making exercise for the church, complete with T-shirts, buttons,
bumper stickers, cassette tapes and videos as well as the encouragement to support crusading
ministries on a monthly basis. Although an author by the name of Jacob Aranza published
books with titles, Backward Satanic Messages of Rock and Roll Exposed (1982) and More
Backward Masking Unmasked (1985), little was actually said or done about the back-masked

One of the first incidences brought to light was that of The Beatles song Rain, released in 1960.
This was an accidental reversed section of the song that was included in the final product.
John Lennon liked the effect so much that it remained. The band, Pink Floyd, deliberately
mocked the idea of back-masking by planting such a message at the end of their song, Good-
Bye Blue Sky on their album, Empty Spaces. Played forward the message sounded like
gibberish and when reversed it gave the message:

“Congratulations, you have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to the old
pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont”

However, when one listens to Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” and comes to the lyrics:

“If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow don’t be alarmed now, it’s just a spring-clean for the May
green. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there’s still time to change the
road you’re on”
One can reverse this and after acclimatizing the auditory function a little, one can hear the

“Oh here’s to my sweet Satan, the one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan.
He’ll give those with him 666, there was a little tool-shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan”

In this case the reversal does not come from anything that sounds like gibberish forward but
from the actual words that are sung intelligibly. Also, please take note that the above reversal
is more than just a word or a phrase, but it is quite a lengthy passage.

Amidst this conjecture in 1984 a minister of the Salvation Army church, looking after a half
way house in South Australia decided to find out what was really going on. He wanted to find
out whether the phenomenon in question was real, whether it was back-masking or something
else. What he found out launched him on a career, during which time he has lectured to many
professional groups, including the CIA and the FBI as well as local Police Forces and many

therapists in various fields. He named this phenomenon Reverse Speech” and he,
David John Oates became its discoverer. Oates discovered that instead of backward masking,
everyone spoke in reverse as part of a normal function of forward speech and that reverse
speaking was a function of the deepest part of a human being, even deeper than the sub-
conscious mind.

In 1987 Oates released a book on the subject, titled Beyond Backward Masking. This generated
interest from therapeutic and investigative fields so he left Australia to live in the USA in 1989
amidst favourable media coverage, including appearances on national Radio and TV shows.
Favourable testimonials are published on his Internet Site: and
include such glowing endorsements as the following:

"David John Oates has made one of the great discoveries of all time. He has proven
that man's true-Self speaks in reverse. He has documented and developed the art,
science and philosophy of Reverse Speech. He is in a class with Thomas Edison,
Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. David John Oates, like Bell,
shortly after he invented the telephone, is confronted by many who are excited about
his great discovery but are still asking, ‘What practical use is it?’ I am amazed that
anyone would ask such a question. My prediction is that Reverse Speech will
revolutionize all aspects of human life. Most importantly, it will help us become truly
congruent - saying what we mean and meaning what we say. This is the basis of
integrity and real mental health. If anyone deserves world-wide recognition, it's David
John Oates. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude."

Dr. Virgil Chrane, President

Alphabiotics International, 1990.

"As Oates played back some famous speeches, you could hear audible gasps of
recognition in the audience ... Think of the fun journalists will have next time a
politician says 'Read my lips'."
Dallas Times Herald, June, 1989.


"He can prove that he has discovered the seventh sense, a way to read people's minds
... it's a totally new area (and) the influence of this discovery could be enormous."

Australian People Magazine. Feb., 1988.

In the meantime, his amazing discovery had brought him to the attention of US
officials who showed considerable interest, an interest that was suddenly terminated
when Oates uncovered a code word used in Operation Desert Storm. This was
discovered whilst reversing a speech by the President of the time, George H W Bush.
David Oates was immediately asked to keep quiet and subsequent engagements
around the USA were cancelled. Already it was becoming apparent that although he
had simply wanted an answer to back-masking, Oates had stumbled onto one of the
most powerful tools of our time. When he sought to understand the legal implications
of what he’d discovered he received this reply:

"I refer to your request for advice on legal implications of Reverse Speech. I have heard your
tapes and am personally satisfied that it does clearly exist..... It would seem quite clear that it
is open to the police to use tapes to search for reverse communication which may help them
with their investigations.....It seems it would have significance to finding out information of a
sensitive political, military or industrial nature.... I think it is such a can of worms that it will be
dutifully ignored by all and sundry with a desire that you will just go away and hide the

James Rossiter, LL.B, G.A., G.D.L.P., Dip Ed. (South Australia)

David Oates continued to develop the therapeutic aspects of reverse speech while
winning acclaim from many quarters. Dr. Timothy Pascoe Ph.D.(Cantab), M.B.A.
(Harvard), B.E., B.Ec.(Adelaide) had this to say about David Oates in 1989;

“I believe that his work is of the highest importance - breaking entirely new ground and with
significant implications for the way we understand and utilize our human capacities for
communication. These are large and sweeping statements, however, I speak from personal
experience. David has carried out reverse speech sessions with all members of my family.
The results have been extremely illuminating and they brushed aside any final vestiges of old-
fashioned scepticism, which my engineering and commercial training caused me to carry.
Equally, I have followed his work in association with counsellors in Queensland, where the
insights and messages uncovered during therapeutic sessions have been of great
benefit…………I am delighted groups in the U.S. are showing enthusiasm for David’s work.”

In 1995 Oates published his second book on reverse speech and moved to San Diego,
setting up a successful therapeutic business in 1996. However, someone in possession of
such a powerful tool was not to be left alone. In an Interview with Deborah Lindemann
C.H.T. in 1998 he repeated the first of several unfortunate statements;

“Yes. Well, I’ve had numerous problems. I had a contract on my life in Dallas and my whole
family was living in terror for two months before it played itself out. My San Diego home was
burned to the ground on April 3rd of 1997. We got a phone call the day beforehand, advising
me to basically stop my work and to make sure I got it, there would be a message delivered to
me the next day. Well, there was, my home was torched. It’s been rather a shock to me to say
the least. I’m just a regular Aussie and I came to America with an amazing technology that I
felt everyone would be very excited about and its been nothing but an uphill battle ever

By this time David Oates had once again become prominent in the media. He was a
regular guest on the nationally syndicated Art Bell Radio Show and this had led to
further media statements and appearances. He was regularly playing reversals over the
air and these reversals were revealing information that would not otherwise become
known. As a result the harassment of himself and his family continued and David
brought his family back home to Australia in November 1999. He was at that time
experiencing severe depression. One of his students reversed his statements at the time
and one very emotional reversal sums up his state, “My soul cries out”.

Nevertheless, David Oates continued his work in Australia and more bad news was to
follow. On the 22nd December 2001 his son, Michael drowned in a lake in unusual
circumstances. David spoke little about that. More recently on the 24th June 2005
David’s daughter, Symone, fell from a 70 ft balcony, however an ambulance crew was
present and their action prevented her death. A healer in the U.S. also assisted and
today Symone is alive, with her faculties, studying for a degree.

While David John Oates has been responsible for teaching many students I have heard
nobody as outspoken about Reverse Speech as he has been. Today he is moderate in his
approach to its application occasionally commenting on well known investigative cases
on air and touting its therapeutic benefits. Reversed Speech is, without any doubt in my
mind, whatsoever, the most powerful tool discovered in the modern era. The reasons
why and the reasons why certain powers do not want it to gain prominence in the public
arena will become abundantly evident by the end of this book.
Today, David Oates is reigning in aspects of “Reverse Speech”, a copyright title, (which
is why I refer to “Reversed Speech”). Look up his reversals of late and you will not find
ones as lengthy as some quoted above. He has withdrawn certain levels of teaching from
his training manual, especially where he talks about layered reversals. His explanations
to me I consider unsatisfactory as I have been doing my own reversals for years and I
can satisfy myself with my own assessment. I thankfully respect what he has
accomplished to here while I discard his latest activity. In the end the way of
understanding the matter is in the doing of the matter. Your own experimentation will
get you started while there is much more to consider in what follows.


Chapter One


Daily, we use verbal interaction to organize our affairs. Our words and the words of
others, travel through perception filters that are coated with the accumulated emotions
of a lifetime. Each one of us therefore perceives a matter differently.

In my past role as a minister and founder of a private school I travelled internationally

as a speaker addressing groups of hundreds and sometimes thousands of people. It was
common after such meetings to be approached by individuals who wished to convey
their thanks for the message I delivered and occasionally they would comment on
segments of what I had to say. On many such occasions I stood amazed by the level of
their reflected understanding that indicated they had entirely missed the focus of my
address and yet they were pleased with what they thought they had heard.

Talking is such a poor medium for communication – the best we have, maybe, but poor.
Little wonder, then, that talking is the cause of much conflict while attempting to resolve
conflict. The spoken word too easily marshals unintended emotions and drags them into
the foreground of a dispute.

The following are some of the revelations that reversed speech presents. I will be
referring to such points during my dealing with major issues later.

The First revelation of Reversed Speech, hereinafter called RS, is that of

CONGRUENCY. Too often what we say, and what is really behind it, do not flow along
the same pathway. Hidden motives often mask statements and we consciously and
subconsciously reserve the right, for whatever reason, to deliver little white lies on
certain topics. We all set our own borders for saying it as it is. How often have you met
someone who presented the perfect argument but left you feeling doubt about what they
said? Their body language revealed a bit, yet more than likely, you were picking up
subconsciously on what they were saying from their heart in reverse. I have met one
individual who was very intuitive and had a habit of telling people what they actually
meant after they had made a statement. He could perform in this manner through
feeling the response more than hearing it. All of us have this capability to some extent.
RS is capable of teaching us all to become congruent with what comes out of our mouth.
RS already serves rewardingly in some therapeutic fields and good work seems to be
ongoing in that sector.

The Second revelation of RS is NO TIME. RS originates in another dimension (realm,

sphere). I had followed David Oates’s guidelines and rules for reversing for several
years, pulling out words and phrases and the occasional sentence that was clear. Then
one night I had a different experience.

Late one night I was reversing some audio from a television show. The host had just
interviewed the actress, Nicole Kidman who had returned from New Zealand. After
obtaining routine reversals I let the thirty second audio continue to loop in reverse,
hearing it over and over. After hearing it approximately thirty times, a conversation I
had not previously known to be there invaded my sleepy head. In reverse the host was
questioning her as to why he could not get hold of her through the internet. She replied
that she used to use it but found it inappropriate. He then asked her, again in reverse,
“Who are you with, who are you with?” She then responded that he would not be
consciously given that information but proceeded to give details in reverse nevertheless.

Neither question had been posed to her in forward speech. The conversation became
crystal clear to my hearing. I have since decided to tune into this deeper level of hearing.
It now takes me moments as I have trained my auditory function well. The more
emotional the audio sample is, the more obvious the reversals are. Yet, if a sample of
audio is devoid of emotion, reversals will still exist on a deeper level requiring a greater
ability to tune in to hear them clearly. I have since developed the ability to listen to
whole conversations in reverse. The forward speech deals with questions then answers
and when listening to reversed speech you will again hear questions then answers. This
means the reversed answer is contained in the forward speech before the reversed
question. That fact can make you dizzy thinking about it until you accept the idea that
this must originate in a timeless dimension.

The Third revelation of RS is NO DISTANCE. Experimenters with RS will often become

amazed that the person behind the audio they are reversing actually knows,
subconsciously, that they are being reversed and who is doing the reversing, sometimes
addressing them by name.

On one occasion I was reversing the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard. I was in
a hurry to leave for an appointment and on the last reversal prior to posting the results
to other researchers and then leaving, I got this:

“The alarmist reverses and runs. Most would have stashed it but they have me now.”

The information I was reversing was crucial to my tying him into his role in world
affairs. His subconscious was concerned that I had it and that I was about to reveal it.
The above example also tells us something about how timelines work in this physical
world. Where there is no time, all events must exist simultaneously. This can be
compared to a rolled ball of string. As the string winds around the ball it comes into
contact with itself. At the point of contact two bits of the string touch (now there is also
no distance between them). Let’s say that this represents two separate events (one on
each point of the string that touches). These two events could now be stated as being
connected in a linear fashion. If the string rolled around the ball once more and came
into contact with the very same point again, we could say that there is a third connected
linear event.

In real life it may play out like this: I remember meeting with a friend of mine with
whom I enjoy talking about metaphysics. We talked for several hours and felt something
special at the end of it. In the ensuing months I met this person socially in the company
of others. The conversation was very different as company was present. Then, one day I
spotted him, alone having a cup of coffee in a café and I had time on my hands so I
joined him and before you knew it we had picked up on the metaphysical conversation
where we left off months previous. The two conversations about the metaphysical are
joined in a linear manner.

So too, the Prime Minister’s announcement to the press is connected to my act of dealing
with his statements for the purpose of obtaining the hidden truth. In that manner, what
he did and what I did came together and it was not unusual, therefore, for him to speak
directly to me on this level, as there was neither time nor distance between us during
those two separate events. As we travel in linear time along the length of the “string” (in
my analogy) it represents the unfolding of time from one moment to the next, yet that
string is always touching other bits of itself as it winds around the ball and little do we
realise how much every event in our life is connected to other events.

The Fourth revelation of RS is THE COLLECTIVE SUB-CONSCIOUS.

The mind uses whatever sound is available to convey its message from the depths of the
human psyche. It will do so in as plain terms as possible but when it is not possible to
relate the truth plainly it will resort to metaphorical language. Metaphors are also used
to categorize information mentioned, in order to more fully inform us.

I thought I could short-cut my learning what the metaphors meant by purchasing David
Oates’ Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary but I found it somewhat inaccurate. It taught
me that one could have a limited mindset in approach to meanings. Many of the words
listed as metaphors could really be taken at face value in reversals and many of the true
metaphors encountered meant more than indicated by definitions in this dictionary.
Oates cites “complementary” usage in reversals as the source of defining what the
metaphors mean but a limited mindset may prevent arrival at the true meanings. He
says that subsequently resorting to archetypes and historical meanings assisted in the
final definitions. I have found this not always the case. Several important examples will
be analysed in later chapters.

Nevertheless, these metaphors seem to be used in a similar manner irrespective of the

person using them. There is ample evidence that a portion of ourselves exists on a
different dimension to this one and in that dimension we are a collective conscious
entity. Hence, various audio from different speakers can contain common knowledge
about a singular event, even though the individuals may not be connected in any way.

The Fifth revelation of RS is PREDICTION. Because there is no time in the dimension of

origin, RS may often predict events that have yet to occur on our timeline. I have on file
reversals uttered in the past tense that have yet to occur. Therefore it would be a
mistake to link time to events mentioned in reverse unless the event identified and the
associated time is already known. One interesting example you can hear is stored on
David Oates’ site under (1)“Musical examples”. It is a section of Paul McCartney’s song
Band On The Run. The reversal on this section is “Marijuana, marijuana. The law, law will
banish us”. Interestingly, a few years after this song was recorded McCartney was
prevented entering Japan in the late 70s after marijuana was found in his luggage.

It is important to realise that RS originates in a universe where time and space do not
exist. Everything is ‘Now’ and there is inter-connectedness between one and all, not
visible in the physical world. Therefore, practising the ability to “tune in” (with your
own hearing) is vital and one may have to hear a strip of audio many times before that
innate ability is developed. Once it is, subsequent attempts will become progressively
easier to perform. A friend who was listening to some of my reversals one day said, “It’s
a bit like learning to listen to the voices on a VHF radio on a boat or train. At first you
can hardly understand a word they say, but as you become attuned to it you can
understand everything they say”.

Deeper Anomalies

Once one develops the ability to tune in, there is more to consider. There is the
understanding of the metaphors, as mentioned earlier (and in Appendix 1 – Learning to
Listen.). There is making sense of sentences that may seem back-to-front or have
otherwise peculiar syntax. Sometimes - not often – the one sentence may allude to a
second topic. To handle these things without too much difficulty does require a good
deal of practice. On occasion there can still be the unexpected.

Early in 2006 I became engaged in reversing world leaders and media commentators
whilst comparing notes with other researchers. I discovered plans for a world we know
little about. Often in the white noise (the electronic space between words), entities with a
slightly more electronic timbre to the voice would comment. This is commonly known as
evp(2) (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Their volume was a lot less than that of my
recorded audio and had to be boosted sufficiently to be heard clearly, but they were
definitely there. These entities prove to reside in the (3)astral realm and are either,
individuals who have departed the earth plane and who are now residing in the lower
astral, or good and evil entities occupying that realm. They too could be reversed for
authenticity of comment. Sometimes they are congruent and re-enforce the information
presented and other times their purpose is to endeavour to create fear. I have never
allowed them to have a negative impact upon me and I generally ignore them, yet a
fellow researcher, Peggy Kane, ex radio and TV host of a variety of programs on the
paranormal and who has done more reversing of world leaders and media
commentators than anyone else I know, has profitably used evp to obtain worthwhile

This experience further affirms the inter-dimensional nature of reversed speech and the
practice of listening to it may also assist in the further development of the Pineal gland
atop the Thalamus in the area of the mid-brain in a manner of enhancing psychic
The nature of my findings led me to questions about the world I am living in, as never
before. For the first time I began to think about the degree of freedom I really possess.
How limited am I compared to the potential of my true self? Indeed, what is my true
potential? Why do I feel so controlled and limited here? Reversing audio produced
authentic audio. I innately felt that my whole experience on this plane of existence may
be inauthentic in some way. Was there a secret that would help me understand life as
being an experience other than a continuous negotiation of a maze of obstacles and a
departure from one conflict only to head for another? I needed those answers that
would deliver me a magical dedication to this life that one can only have through a
thorough understanding of what this planet I live on is all about. I instinctively knew
that reversing speech was but the first crack in a mirror and its very nature pointed to
something monumental. As I stepped into this mirror world what I found I was not
really ready for.


(1) Several musical

examples here.

(2) See There are audio

examples here.

(3) Astral realm: The realm of abstract embodiment. Concepts take physical form
here and the symbolic is real. By extension, however, all reality is symbolic.

Chapter Two


If you have been around as long as I have you may remember the “Bizarro world” in
superman comics during the 60’s. This was a world where bad was good, ugly was
beautiful, an alarm clock sent one to sleep and in fact, what could be reversed usually
was. The “Bizarro” character was a duplicate of Superman and created by a duplicating
ray of the character, Lex Luthor. The character was created by Otto Binder,(I do
wonder who or what gave him this idea) a science fiction and UFO book author who
went to work for NASA. “Bizarro” lived on a cube planet called Htrae,(“earth” spelt in
reverse) and though he bore a resemblance to superman, he lacked real life and was
smart enough to barely comprehend. Oddly enough, everyone on “Bizarro World” was
a duplicate of everyone on earth. Today, post 9-11, I believe the world we live in is
quickly taking on these proportions. Just the idea of being told we have to give up all
our liberties in order to remain free is enough to awaken us to this direction yet there is
much more.

Education “Dumbs Down”

Since being the founder of a private school on Australia’s Gold Coast in the late 70s I
have seen a frustrating change in education reflected in many centres of the globe. I talk
to teachers who have left behind teaching because they no longer get support. The
students now often control the classrooms, making it difficult for those who want to
study. School staff is divided in their approach to the problems. Discipline is impossible
in many situations especially where a child is said to have ADHD or some other problem
and even physical contact with a school teacher can result in major problems. The
student/teacher relationship has been eroded. It is also true that some teachers lack the
grip on reality that many of a generation ago showed.

What is taught has no application to facing life and is only directed towards making a
living and material once taught in lower classes is now taught in higher institutions.
Subject matter often encourages dissention, focusing on minority matters and groups. It
is not unusual any longer to spend years at various educational institutions and still
come out without the ability to read, write, add and subtract.
The further one progresses the more one has blinkers placed around their perspectives.
An innovative or creative thinker is bludgeoned by peers who standardize their
approaches to key areas in the community. Overall, there is a control evident that comes
from behind the scenes and is designed to keep us deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to many

Medicine Kills

Nowhere is the result of this form of education more evident than in the medical field
where the adopted paradigms are those held by the huge Corporations (Drug
Companies). The body’s immune system is virtually ignored for reasons directly
associated with monetary gain. If the immune system is given the glyco-nutrients
essential for its proper performance the requirement to treat the effect of disease with
specific drugs would almost be terminated, but that is not financially beneficial to the
health system.

Therefore we have a system in place that is guaranteed to increasingly complicate ones

health while more and more drugs are brought into play as treatment. A close relative of
mine recently died of kidney failure due to the twenty different pills and drugs she had
to take daily for increasing health complications. She is not alone.

Women are often coaxed into pseudo-birth by caesarean section because they are more
easily timed to go in and out of a hospital. Upon admission they are given drugs to bring
the birth forward. This often creates distress in the baby about to be born and they are
rushed into surgery. The “birth” is often associated with heavy bleeding and results
often include infection of the womb with the baby more likely to have breathing
difficulties, yet mothers now see it as the “easy option”.

Professionals in this field often wake up to what is happening around them but they can
do very little. In recent years more and more professionals have become proficient in
alternative fields, but that often carries a price for bucking the system. In the book,(1)
Death By Medicine, several such professionals revolt a little further by publishing facts
that obviate the failure of the American Health System. However, the facts and statistics
can be approximated globally.

There are many alarming statistics but the most stunning statistic is that the total
number of deaths caused by conventional medicine, in the USA alone, is an astounding
783,936 per year. Compare that to the road toll. It is now evident that the American
medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US.

Justice Increasingly Favours Criminals

Today, we do not have a justice system. It is a legal system. The average person cannot
afford to pay for justice. Furthermore, the system has become so complicated that if you
do have the money to ‘buy in’ then you also have the chance of finding your way
through to a favourable verdict irrespective of your degree of guilt.

I recently spoke to a barrister who was responsible for the incarceration of several
Corporate Executives (a rarity) belonging to a large Corporate Entity in Australia. He
told me that the nature of his investigations were so out of the ordinary that he has
created a template of his actions that he intends to sell for a lot of money. He also told
me that since he started practising as a barrister he has not lost a case. Is it now who you
can afford in order to get the result you want? The one with the most money usually
wins as they are capable of dragging a case through court endlessly until the other party
goes broke.

I am constantly dismayed to read in the newspapers where an individual responsible for

a misdemeanour has been jailed while we see criminals given light sentences or get
freedom due to technicalities. If one is incarcerated the system is not conducive to
rehabilitation anyway. “Justice” and “rehabilitation” are nebulous terms today.

Religion Destroys Spirituality

As well as being the founder of a private school I founded an Independent Church. I did
so out of genuine conviction and the desire to assist those around me spiritually. I
eventually travelled the world and spoke in a variety of congregations. After several
years I confronted one glaring fact. The people around me were not growing spiritually.
How could they with the rigid borders I assisted them to place around their thinking? I
saw wonderful healing of the body and experienced many spiritual phenomena myself
yet things were still not right.

I slowly discovered matters of doctrine I really did not want to deal with. There was a
huge discrepancy between the god of the Old Testament and the one Jesus called
“Father” and not an explanation to reconcile the two rang true. There were differences
in the gospels that were explained to me by “authorities” and it seemed to me one more
case of “sleight of hand”. Internally I grew disgruntled within myself and eventually I
left the church, while opting to spend increasing time in the outback of Australia mining
the opal gemstone. In essence I became a fringe dweller and it was quite a few years
before I decided to become again involved with the mainstream society.

During this time I had a chance to research these problematic areas and I realised firstly
that religion and spirituality are two different things. With religion one is corralled with
a set of basic beliefs whereas a spiritual journey is ongoing and is not concerned as much
with what is exterior as what is going on within. Secondly, I discovered that all
knowledge is already within us, a fact that the Bible even states, and we merely require
to awaken to this knowledge. Today I favour Gnostic literature as it reflects such a path
and is not bogged down with ‘sacred cows’.

The clever bit amongst it all is that there are many religions, all containing some truth
that will bless your soul, yet all differing doctrinally, one from the other. Under such
circumstances the search for truth becomes never-ending. In the forthcoming chapters
my discovery of the intelligence behind all that occurs on this physical plane explains
why everything is operating as it is, to hold us in confusion, allow us to be manipulated,
constantly in conflict and cause us to be without the truth concerning it all.

Making Sense of Opposites

All this begins to make more sense when one listens to the news behind the news. I am
not talking about the multitude of conspiracy sites on the Internet. Searching for truth
in this manner can become very confusing also and the search becomes a bottomless pit.
Ultimately, each one of us requires the innate knowledge that brings peace to our soul
irrespective of the nature of the truth to which we awaken. Such awareness for me
began when I became serious about reversing commentary from daily news programs.
World leaders and media are generally in the habit of putting a spin on information and
we are conditioned to accepting their version of what happens daily.

Many of us suspect there is something very wrong in world affairs, but the great
majority of us are kept so busy making a living and trying to survive on a daily basis
that these matters are secondary. It seems that the search for absolute truth requires
more effort than we have time to give to it, however, a simple rule of thumb these days
seems to be, “Whatever you see or hear in the news, take the opposite to be true”. If the
President of the USA tells us how much he wants peace, you know there is more war in
the offing. If we are told that Iraq is to have its own democratic government, we know
there will never be any such thing. If something, by any chance is followed through as
spoken then it is for some ulterior motive.

When I embarked on this endeavour of uncovering the true nature of the world I live in
I did not bargain on the results. While I was well aware of the forces of good and evil
and recognized evil as the predominant aspect in world affairs, I had no idea of its
structure within human affairs apart from writers such as Gary Allen who exposed the
conspiratorial side of political actions. However, RS expanded my thinking beyond any
of the considerations that I had held to date and so, as a researcher, I hereby report
what I found.

(1) Death by Medicine. By Gary Null, PhD ; Carolyn Dean, MD, ND; Martin
Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; Dorothy Smith, PhD.
Available here:

Chapter Three


Next time you stand in front of a mirror, consider that you are on the inside looking out. All
you see is your own reflection. Ask yourself,
“What’s on the other side?” and “How did I get here?”

If one is prepared to reverse daily comment by key individuals then one will discover a
radically different world; a world that in so many ways is the reverse of the one we think
we live in. Probably one of the greatest assets of RS is the fact that it originates in a
world where the truth cannot be compromised. When you do a reversal on a key figure
you get the Truth and you can build on this Truth with subsequent reversals.

I told a friend visiting me from up country that if I recorded his statements on a matter,
he could not lie to me. I played a game with him and asked him to give me a couple of
statements regarding any woman in his life and I told him that he could tell me anything
he wished but I would find the truth. He consented and I recorded several statements
about a female called “Taylor”. Upon reversing I obtained the statement, “MaGeesh’s
dog is not stressed, I can pick her up”. It turns out Taylor is a gorgeous little kelpie dog
belonging to a friend of his. His comic statements nevertheless resulted in the truth
coming out.

Political and Media

It is just as easy to obtain the truth about the world we live in, through the reversed
statements of key political figures and news commentators. In October 2006 G.W. Bush
made a comment about Nth Korea amidst talk that his sanity was being questioned due
to a belligerent willingness to engage that country in a conflict that could turn out to be
a nuclear war. In forward speech he made the statement:

“The United States remains committed to diplomacy. The United States also reserves all
options to defend our friends and our interests in the region against Nth Korea.”

In reverse he admitted that he had said things and was hurt over the talk questioning his

“Snare, fry net, I said it, I was hurt, there was talk, get sanity”

There is an important metaphor used here - “net” – This is one of the more important
metaphors I will be discussing. In this case G.W.Bush is informing us that he did desire
to “snare” Korea into a nuclear war and that it would have consequences. More will be
said about this in a later chapter.
The Australian PM, John Howard revealed a bigger dimension to this issue. The
forward statement was:

“Nobody wants to look at military options. You can’t take them off the table. You never do
that. That’s foolish. But nobody really wants to look at that as an option but they are very
limited and we are dealing with a……”

While in reverse I heard:

“The worst, it’s known we know when. It’s like we choose….kill….Kim. Shill. Best as is, they
vent eagle. We ask if bomb yet. It’s now whom you lose, damned it……..pardon this, long as
they add they pull us.”

This revealed a more precise planning over Nth Korea, one that is designed to play out
at a chosen time. For the moment it is best that there is public agitation of the USA by
Nth. Korea. It seems that the P.M. of Australia knows about this forward planning but
not the timing, though it seems simply to be a matter of choosing the exact time. There
are going to be losses not only in terms of the public’s opinion towards the action but
mainly a tremendous loss of life if these intents are realised. That is concerning him,
though he adds that progressive escalation will draw him and Australians into this
catastrophic involvement.

In a world where only truth prevailed, John Howard’s announcement may have gone
like this:

“We not only are prepared to take military action but it will almost certainly be nuclear.
There already has been advance planning to this effect and if this matter deteriorates we
(the US and ourselves) know the best way and the best time to take Kim out as we choose.
They are playing into our hands by stirring up the U.S. and I already know I have lost a lot
of you over the way we are handling this but the fact is that as this matter gets progressively
worse we will be drawn into it”.

As I write, Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic majority in the U.S. Congress has
just been elected as the first female Speaker of the House. I recorded snippets of her
acceptance speech. She stated:

“It’s an historic moment for the Congress. It’s an historic moment for the women of

Within this statement is a reversal:

“Save Iraq and then when I’m powered, sin a bit”

This indicates that her popular stance on Iraq is for the purpose of assisting her until
she wields power and then things will change.

Another reversal came from a female voice in the broadcast announcing forward,
“….Nancy Pelosi of the State of California is duly elected…” While the voice sounded
congratulatory the following reversal tells it another way:
“Today have tabloid snake…..”

This statement indicates the nature of her association with the tabloids. It remains to be
seen whether she will be portrayed as a political snake or whether this is a reference to
her ability to wield the media

Often, commentators, reporters and show hosts add a dimension to the reversals
allowing us to hear what they think of everything from the political atmosphere to the
celebrities that pass through their hands. When the television host I mentioned in
Chapter 2 introduced Nicole Kidman onto his show he said, “The big walk on here while
you root for him”. In essence he thought that her appearance on his show was going to
enhance his status as a host. Later his mind must have drifted a bit as I obtained a
reversal that came from both of them in a question then the answer:

He: “I think of us”

She: “Were you?”

I sent both reversals as an Mp3 file to him so he could hear them forward and in reverse
and he let me know in an aside comment in his following show that he had heard them.
We both had a laugh over these revelations.

A Baghdad reporter who was first to comment on CNN, after G.W.Bush made his
address to the nation regarding the additional 20,000 troops to Iraq, showed us what it
meant to her personally as she was embedded with the US troops in the region. In
reverse she commented:

“Searchin’ the Arab people, hear a low. He’ll look awful. Baghdad will back it. Mass the
troops, now on my own”

She is saying that the Arab response to this action is negative and will bring, in their
opinion a new low to the region. Bush will look worse than ever although the Iraqi
government will back this move. With this massing of the troops in Iraq something deep
inside of her is telling her that she is now on her own in spite of the apparent opposite.

I like Chris Matthews, host of Hardball on MSNBC. He comes across in reverse as a very
congruent person. He is the genuine article and that is difficult to find in the media. He
interviewed General Tommy Franks about the then Sec. of Defence, Rumsfeld. A
number of retired Generals wanted Rumsfeld out of office and yet Franks was in
support of him. He came to a part in the interview where he was saying that Rumsfeld
should be listening to his Generals and compared it to when you build a house. His
example was that you could not just throw up a house no matter how rich you are. You
need the help of others. In reverse, however, his response to Franks was scathing:

“The elfs buy a hollow advantage to buy but I’ll be seein’ it reelin’ ya. Use the Lord,
bandwagon team, but I’ll bet they now desert you. Say how great the owl is. Hell, is it?”

This is very insightful and “I’ll be seein’ it reelin’ ya” is a prediction. Elf and Owl are
metaphors that indicate the level of what is actually going on here. The chapter on The
Owl will bring you into the depths of what this book is about. This entity and its servants
were behind Rumsfelds action the whole way but Matthews indicates that the factional
support experienced by Franks at that time would end up deserting him. Franks’
factional support of Rumsfeld failed and the Sec. of Defence surrendered his office.
Furthermore, this reversal indicates failure on the part of the Powers – the powers
behind what is really going on.


One of the most amazing examples, affirming the power of RS, came from someone I
had known for several years. I met her in the year 2000 after an even more amazing set
of circumstances. In September 1999 I was camped alone in the outback of Australia,
amongst the opal fields. One night I had a most lucid dream in which I met a young man
in his thirties who handed me a chocolate bar with my name stamped in green writing
along one corner. He spoke to me and said, “Here, take this. It has your name on it”.
Suddenly I awoke. I knew my sub-conscious was letting me in on something. Maybe I
would find some opal. I worked until late November and found nothing.

I then returned to the city and realised how much I was in need of capital. I responded
to a sales job advertisement in my local paper and rolled up for an interview. As I sat
down in front of my prospective employer I couldn’t help recalling my dream, for here
was the man I met in that dream. He was sitting before me.

I pulled him aside two nights later and sought a possibly deeper meaning to our coming
into contact with one another in this manner. I felt emotionally vulnerable as I recalled
my dream to him yet he took it in his stride and as we continued exchanging
background information I discovered he was psychic. I had wanted to investigate
psychics for some time and I asked him if he would mind. He co-operated readily and we
decided to meet regularly on a Friday afternoon for two or more hours. I learned much
about his ability in the following months and I was able, in turn, to help him with his
diet and ideas that assisted him. I will call this man, Charles. Eventually, Charles
introduced me to a female I will call, Jane who he claimed, had even greater ability than
himself. I guessed that Jane was around fifty years of age and from the beginning I was
deeply impressed with her abilities. She earned a livelihood from reading for others and
had been instrumental with helping police in their murder investigations.

I once tested both Charles and Jane together, with what I believe was a successful
attempt at solving a 20 year old murder. Much detail was given as to where the body
was buried, various signs along the way and details of great accuracy regarding the
murderer, even down to the very name of his street and a detailed description of the
house in which he lived as well as his personal details. Homicide was called and
informed with the details. Of course, psychics phone them every day with something
about some case. When I gave them the details of Jane’s already successful assistance, a
homicide detective decided to accompany her to the alleged site of the grave.

Jane was the only one of the three of us to go with the police that day and the story she
returned with I have yet to really understand. She told us that while the detective was
initially cynical about her ability, he was soon convinced and even found the entry to
this area years ago. He believed a body was in fact buried at the site but refused to take
further action giving the excuse that it would cost a lot of money that they just did not
have at the time. This was added to the fact he would have to approach his superior with
information from a psychic. The real reason was deeper than that. I am sure for the
average person would already find this procedure difficult to believe. I knew that I was
probably on the police computer from twenty years prior when I clashed with a State
politician during my time in the ministry. I wondered what that might have to do with
their unorthodox reasoning.

In the meantime I was so sold on Jane’s ability I let her direct my life to an extent. She
told me so many things that were true that I listened intently whenever she gave me
direction. In more than one instance, when I followed her direction matters came to a
halt without the result that she said would occur. It cost me time, effort and money, yet
funnily enough I did not think to reverse anyone’s speech at the time.

After arriving at the end of my tether in a number of ways I finally decided to reverse
her speech. I invited Jane to dinner at my daughter’s place, for my daughter is herself
naturally very intuitive and I wanted her participation and assessment. After dinner I
asked Jane to look into a matter through her psychic gift and I recorded the
conversation with her consent. Everything seemed to go well on the night. I took the tape
home but for some reason did not immediately get around to reversing the speech. The
tape then went missing for a period of eighteen months. Such strange things can happen
in my house.

Late in 2006 I wrote a synopsis of what I intended for this book and sent it to a
publisher. Another author I know was to meet with the same publisher for lunch one
day so I asked my author friend to get a comment from him regarding my planned
manuscript. During the telephone conversation I had placed my hand on the surface of
the unused bar area in my home and as I talked I noticed that I had placed it on the lost
cassette tape. After the call I immediately began to do the reversals I meant to do one
and a half years previously.

Immediately I noticed a lack of congruency and the reversals were more in reference to
her performance than the information she gave. My author friend returned on the
phone a little later, saying that the publisher was indeed wanting my material and that
he would be in touch with me. I was now confident about writing this book and I
decided I would start immediately. I went back to my computer after the call and did
one more reversal of Jane. It stunned me, as it issued forth from a conversation that
occurred 18 months prior.


Jane: “Careful, careful.”( She anticipates what is coming)

Me : “Reversal.” ( I announce what is coming)

Me : “More reverses in the morph, you tough. Merph, who it was, who
was that ? Who was that? Owl. (Jane in background: “There it is”).
( I am aware that ample information is coming. I tell her how tough it has been identifying
what is really going on. I detect the presence of an alien being and ask who that is and
finally I identify it as an evil entity)

Jane: “Now I’m looking, you’re hassled.”( She sees I am upset at this discovery.)

Me : “The laugh’s in the morph as to how he’s used her. I guessed this.”( The “morph” is
the dimension in which both psychic activity and RS originate and I am saying that they
who have been using her to manipulate my circumstances are laughing at the scenario.
However, I had come to suspect that she was used.)

Jane: “Smart where it got you. We’re now enemies. He’s gone and do it. Sit down with that
book. Do I know we’ll be tough….in due course, to hold on down….and he plants in the loss. I
missed it, it’s enough.”
( She recognises that this now makes us enemies but then makes a reference to the fact that
I am about to sit down and write a book. She also mentions that there will be opposition to
my writing it, even so I will do what I can and that it will be enough to get there. She misses
the book coming out.)
Me : “No” ( I say that the book is not enough. I want to do more.)

Jane: “It is not long out. Spoken in a chapter of everyone…fitting properly, is it?” (This is a
future statement relating to the release of the book where she is indeed mentioned in this
chapter. This fully comes to pass with any publication. The “fitting properly, is it?” is
amusing. I did have a difficult time deciding where to include this bit about Jane.)

The above example is another one revealing that there is no time and that linear events
can still be disconnected by time ( In this case, eighteen months). Also, it can be taken
from the above that a lot more is going on most of the time than what we are conscious
of in this body.
Be prepared for anything when you reverse speech.

The “owl” is the metaphor describing the collective ruling entity of our planet and is
explained in Chapter 5. Genuine psychics have a wonderful ‘gift’, though the
information they offer has to be carefully discerned, because the “owl” has control over
what information they are given at times. Very few of them understand this conundrum
and when they channel an entity it is time to be wary of what follows. I am convinced
that evil entities can even impersonate a relative who has passed on, though not always.
In either case, psychics cannot be trusted to give personal direction. That is something
that every individual must learn to source from within.

Those who channel specific entities fall into the same snare as psychics. Their reversals
consistently indicate a very different and misleading agenda that is often behind the very
positive and loving message delivered in the forward speech. True spiritual guidance has
only one source. Within each and every one of us is that source.


When speech is reversed it initially sounds like gibberish. In reverse there are many
changes in the tone of the voice. Initial clear reversals are due to the listener’s tuning in
to one tone so that then a word or phrase may be gleaned in this fashion. Mr. Oates has
taught that up to eight different tone changes may occur in a sample of reversed speech.
However, the auditory function in each of us can be trained to hear all the tones so that
it is possible to flow hearing across all the changes and hear a whole conversation.

I managed this by taking short (30 second) bits of audio at a time, for analysis. Any
portion of speech may then be adequately enlarged, visually, on the sound platform .(See
Appendix 1 – Learning to Listen) Any word may then be investigated separately. So as not
to pre-empt the words coming out, one should start at the right end and work back.
Optimum attention is exercised in this manner, whilst focusing on one word at a time
and the reversal is constructed from the end. This is a powerful way of training your
auditory faculty to hear everything that is there and this way you will obtain much
information. The end result is a conversation with very little gibberish.

This level of ability enables you to get as much as possible from a crucial statement and
this level of hearing is the most powerful means of obtaining the truth from the spoken

A Project Emerges

It wasn’t until early in 2006 that I became heavily involved in the reversing of world
leaders and commentators in the media. I was often in contact with other researchers
and comparing information and reversals. I learned much about RS during this time
but more importantly my thinking on many questions related to my existence on Planet
Earth began to round off in many ways. Due to the abundance of information and
interaction with others I received answers and as fortune would have it there were one
or two confirmations from unconnected areas. Through it all I began to awaken

During my entire life I have been on a spiritual journey. I have never been comfortable
here as long back as I can remember and this has pushed me to search for answers. This
search has taken me through various belief systems. It was not until I came to this point
in my life that I was convinced that I was finally getting somewhere.

A leader of a discussion group in my home town phoned one day and, knowing of my
involvement with RS, directed me to listen to an archived radio program on US radio.
The show interviewed a researcher who had been doing copious amounts of recording
and reversing of world leaders, commentators and similar personalities as well as
recording and reversing evp. I listened as she played her reversals over the air and
speculated on what was going on behind the scenes of this amazing world in which we
live. I eventually contacted her and have held her in the highest regard as a fellow
researcher since that moment. My results at the time of contact were scratchy. There
were many dots left unconnected but she not only assisted me to connect these dots she
also was the source of information that would take me some time to digest.


Chapter Four


Peggy Kane’s introduction to RS was unorthodox, to say the least. Born and raised in a
religious Catholic family with a heavy Irish background, she sought her own sense of
identity by embarking on an independent spiritual quest at around 18 years of age.
After migrating through Eastern teachings and other disciplines she became involved
in researching the UFO phenomenon in the early 90s. Other dimensions and life forms
began to enter the scope of her ‘big picture’.

Questions began to pose themselves as never before. Were aliens related to angels? Had
the human DNA suffered interference and was its current status of operation due to the
hand of an extra-terrestrial god? Was there a creative entity responsible for the
existence of the Universe and was this entity a different one to the one who created man?
As the questions mounted, Peggy’s growing involvement included featuring on and
hosting a number of radio and television shows investigating the paranormal. In the
midst of all this, one question became most insistent. What really happens after we die
and pass over to the other side? She recalls the following:

“I remember seeing a program quite a few years ago that showed people using tape recorders around
different battlefields and getting tiny voices from the ether. I found that a powerful concept since it
seemed a way to verify life after death. Either that or it possibly showed that the energy of the
emotions that were experienced in those places remained and that energy was able to impress itself
onto tape. Either way, it was very intriguing.

A few years later in the mid 90’s, I attended a UFO and paranormal conference in Colorado and sat
quite spellbound through a lecture with Mark Macy presenting his work with EVP and ITC or
instrumental trans-communication. The lecture included listening to taped voices and seeing spirit
images implanted onto computer hard drives. It seemed to me that the spirit people were trying very
hard to get through to us regarding their ultimate survival after what we call death

The fear associated with the unknown can be torturous to human beings struggling with life here in
the physical world. We want to believe in our survival in some form, but so many are afraid that this
is just naïve. Others, who are on a religious path, have the fear that their own loved ones will be
damned if they don’t convert and see the light of their particular belief system. Still others, who
would like to leave a particular religious path, have that nagging fear that they will be damned in the
end and so they had better just stay put.

I therefore found myself pondering the possibility of communication with those who had gone on to
the other side. After all, they are having an experience that would undoubtedly give them greater
insight than those of us stumbling in the dark here in the physical plane.

Being very inexperienced in the techniques of capturing spirit voices, I began to just let the recorder
run. I did add some white noise from a radio since I had heard that spirits don’t have physical voices
and need some noise to create words. Day after day, I would record, put on the headphones and see
if I could pick up a tiny voice. It seemed that either no one was speaking or I couldn’t hear them if
they were. I would usually begin by asking if there was someone who would like to speak to me. I
would invite family members, friends, angels, or spirit guides to speak. I would ask my family
members they were happy. At one point, after months of what seemed to be just static, I could hear
through the headphones, a tiny voice saying, “we’re happy”. I almost jumped out of my skin. I
listened and listened and although it was so tiny as to be almost inaudible, it was there. A few days
later, I heard my name in the static. I was on fire to hear better and communicate better.

I joined the organization, AAEVP (American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena). The chat
rooms were filled with people giving and receiving advice and encouragement in their quest for the
elusive voices as well as tremendous technical help. They would send their EVP though the Internet
and there would be lots of discussion as to just what we being said, who was saying it and how to get
the voices clearer.”

Peggy acquired an unusual tape recorder that made things a lot easier. Those who taped spirit
voices regarded it as the EVP machine. The model was the Panasonic RR DR60 Digital Voice
Recorder. Rumour had it that Panasonic discontinued it because it was constantly being
returned by the purchasers who claimed that it kept recording ‘extraneous’ voices on occasions.
Meanwhile, Peggy and her friends were desperate to acquire one of these items, and Peggy
finally becoming successful when she acquired one from a former researcher. The only thing she
still required was a decent sound editing software program. At that time Cool Edit was a
commonly used program but her brother in law, a musician, gifted her with the highly
recommended Sound Forge. She continues:

“There were times when the DR60 would have a very loud growling voice, almost like a
shout, which could be recorded even in a quiet room. The folks on the AAEVP (American
Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena) website chat room called the voice, “The angry
man”, and he seemed to travel to the home of everyone who had the DR60. He certainly got
around. No one seemed to know who he was or why he was angry or even what he was
yelling, but it was a bit creepy.

He wasn’t going to scare me off however. I was determined to reach out to my loved ones on
the other side, my spirit guide (whoever that might be) or even a passing angel. I was not
interested in any angry ghost. Each time I would start the recording, I would ask for loving
and enlightened spirits. With the DR 60, I was getting voices right from the start.

I took the recorder to various places to see who might want to speak. I went down to the
Arivaca cemetery and got a spirit man speaking Spanish. He simply said “mi casa”. Did he
live in the cemetery? At my sister’s house, recorded voices called her name and said “it’s
uncle”. This was getting more and more exciting.

Francis Arrives
At this point, I had continued recording in my home and got a clear evp stating, “Tell the
others Peggy can hear us”. I found myself having a conversation with a spirit person who
called himself Francis. He said he was originally from the midlands of Ireland. I asked if he
was my spirit guide and if he would be the gatekeeper of my recordings. (I didn’t want that
angry man coming around!). He stated, “I will be your spirit guide, I will be the
gatekeeper”. This was just getting better and better!

EVP (electronic voice phenomena) is rarely clear and understanding the conversations with
my, ahem, spirit guide, Francis, was always challenging. The voice quality was often
growling and indistinct. But he was willing to repeat till I caught the gist of what he was
trying to say. I had a million questions, and while he was usually quite cooperative, there
were a lot of things he didn’t seem to know. But he also had a very funny sense of humor and
would whistle and tell jokes. I wanted to know everything about him. I was fascinated.

He told me that he had been sold into indentured service as a 3-year-old child. He sailed to
the United States with an older brother Mathew. They went through Cumberland, Maryland
and then on to Minnesota to work for the Bradley family. He told me that his last name was
Haley. He said I could find his travel papers in the Maryland Archives, and while I contacted
them, I just let it go as it involved a lot of paperwork and some money.

His childhood was rotten according to him with lots of work and no loving family life. He
told me that he died while being robbed of his money purse on the road. He fell off of his
horse and that was the end of him. He was about 33 at the time.

He then lived on the other side with a group of people whom he considered friends. I would
speak to them on and off, but Francis was not happy about sharing the recordings. They did
use some kind of recording device, as they would pass some item back and forth in order to
talk. Francis said that this bit of equipment was quite common over there and lots of people
had this device.

I had many friends coming to my home and I would ask Francis if he would contact their loved ones. He
was always obliging and invariably, the person’s relative or loved one would show up to talk. Why not? I imagined
they just travelled by thought and could transport themselves through the ether to speak. That seemed to be how it
worked with mediums. The difference was this was a conversation with no middle-man. But, it seemed that a lot of the
information and the answers to questions put to these loved ones were inaccurate. Never mind, they had probably
forgotten minor Earth details



Chapter Five

“THE OWL” - Dominance

Probably, the most important metaphor discovered through RS is the “owl” for it gives
us great insights into the true controlling entities of this planet. Beliefs and attitudes
regarding owls persist amongst people throughout the world. These are generally
dismissed as myths among the majority of the populace of most places although they
remain widely held by the inhabitants of other countries. (1) Here are some:

Africa, Southern: Zulus know the Owl as the sorcerers' bird.

Arabia: the Owl is a bird of ill omen, the embodiment of evil spirits that carries off
children at night.
Aztecs: one of their evil gods wore a Screech Owl on his head.
Celtic: the Owl was a sign of the underworld.
Hawaii: Owls feature in old war chants.
Israel: in Hebrew lore the Owl represents blindness and desolation and is unclean.
Japan: They think the Barn Owl and Horned Owl are demonic. They would nail wooden
images of owls to their houses in times of famine or pestilence.
New Zealand: to the Maoris it is an unlucky bird.
Sweden: the Owl is associated with witches.
Illinois: kill an Owl and revenge will be visited upon your family.

In the (2) Oates Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary the “owl” metaphor is defined thus:

“OWL : (Structural) see Wisdom, metaphor pair; Owl is knowledge from the conscious
mind whereas Wisdom is from the unconscious mind; knowledge that one has reasoned
with the intellect; earthly “wisdom”; the part that intellectually reasons and
understands. Trance image; an owl”

As with all metaphors it is the weight of evident usage that determines the meaning. In
this case as with some others in this dictionary, I disagree with this definition. Some of
my reversals could fit into the above definition but others indicate that Mr
Oates’definition falls very wide of the mark.

The tortured mind of US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, produced a simple

reversal on one occasion, “I’m a owl”. The PM of Australia said in reverse, early in
2006, “a raw seeded owl with that” whilst referring to himself after he learned of a plan
that would exclude him causing him to miss an important event. He was not high enough
on the pecking order to be included. The then US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld,
around the same time, stated in reverse, “Grow with the owl” as he was telling of a series
of events to occur and that this would be one of them. Interviewer on US radio, Chris
Matthews interviewing Gen. Tommy Franks says in reverse, “The owls get out”. The
context of the conversation indicated that “the owl” is more associated with a controlling
manipulative collective entity behind world affairs and in this way the metaphor fits
every time. When individual leaders succumb to the control of the controllers they too
become as one of them. The term “owl(s)” is therefore used both individually and
collectively. Even when dealing with screen memories or archetypes, the owl is
associated with an evil that extends esoterically into other dimensions and bears direct
reference to the “gods” and ETs.

Screen Memories
In her book, (3) The Custodians, the author, hypnotist and UFO researcher, Dolores
Cannon, writes about the image of the owl present in “screen memories”.

“This is the memory of an event or a thing that is not accurate. Something has been
superimposed over what is actually occurring, and the mind interprets it differently. Often it
is interpreted in a safer and gentler way, so the person will not be frightened or
traumatized……….Often these screen memories involve animals………For some reason owls
feature prominently in this phenomenon.”
The Custodians, Dolores Cannon.

Cannon details her own memory of an encounter with a huge owl caught in her
headlights on a lonely stretch of road. The owl’s head was easily seen above the fender.
It would not move and then would only move a little down the road to await her
approach again. She then states that upon viewing the range of owls in existence in a
museum she was shocked to realise that her experience was with none of these and asks
herself what it could really have been. Cannon then details a hypnotic regression session
with another subject whose memory of an owl turned out to be a screen memory of a
being over six foot tall with white flowing hair, large bony hands and totally white eyes
without pupils.

Some 26 pages are devoted to this subject’s experience which is typical of experiences
with ETs of one kind or another. In her books The Custodians and Keepers of the Garden
Cannon details, through her hypnotic regression of abductees and others who have had
experiences with these ETs, that they are our real rulers and have been involved with us
a very long time. Her reporting of her subjects’ messages from the ETs is one of
benevolence towards mankind as we are not advanced enough to look after ourselves.
This supposedly justifies their assistance which includes genetic and other interference.
I have no doubt that the truth is somewhat more sinister. I certainly do not believe the
message of benevolence (the reversals reveal otherwise) and it shows that hypnosis is not
a reliable means of obtaining truth of this nature. Like all other sources it can be tainted

Bohemian Grove

For the last 128 years world leaders have travelled to a 2700 acre property in Sonoma
County California in the month of July. The often strange activities inside have been
infiltrated in the past and some of what goes on has been exposed, including ritual
involving a forty foot tall stone owl. The latest exposure (latest at time of writing) seems
the most thorough to date and it was due to the infiltration of documentary film maker,
(4) Alex Jones and his assistant, Mike Hanson.

He says that after evading detection several times, he witnessed a bizarre ceremony after
the sun went down. Jones states:

“Then, out of the woods, all of the sudden came thirty priests in black robes, their faces
painted up like death, with a man dressed like the Grim Reaper pulling a wagon with a bound
body……………………………………….. The wagon went behind these big black sheets
hanging out of the trees, down to the ground, obscuring the view, and for about 10 minutes
nothing happened…………

……………Everyone was disoriented as they stared across the water at whatever was
happening behind those black curtains with that bound body…………

…………..Whether it was an effigy or real, we do not know

We were all focused at what was going on across the pond. Suddenly the owl was lit up by
some flood lights and out ran a hundred priests or so in black, red and green robes. Most of
them were in black, some in red and a couple in silver or green robes.

Then, out came the high priest, who went through all his incantations about the dead (who is
dead at the Grove in the past, may their spirits be conjured and brought back there by the
"great owl"). He praised the owl for about twenty minutes and he talked about "goodly Tyre
and Babylon."

While Alex Jones captured this ritual and other goings on he believes that the stone owl
represents Moloch (MOH-lok, MOL-uhk) A Canaanite god who demanded the sacrifice
of first-born children. I can tell you that the owl does not represent Moloch for his
symbol is the Bull. So, who or what is represented by the owl for here is a direct
connection between world leaders, world affairs and the owl?

In some of my reversals “owl” and “Moloch or Molech” (interchangeable) are mentioned

in the same breath. Strictly, “Moloch” is a metaphor for god. I have had reversals where
a champion racehorse, for example, is referred to as “our moloch” To avoid confusion,
the true Creator embodying unconditional love is referred to as “The One”.

God and Goddess

In order to understand what the owl really represents we need to understand some
occult symbolism. The Hebrew word asherah means grove and a grove in the Bible was
a place where shrines were erected.
Asherah is also the Biblical version of Ishtar, the goddess who is later Isis. Before the
Hebrews turned to the worship of the male god Yahweh (Jehovah) they worshipped the
goddess. The goddess is known by many names throughout time and culture. Her names
include, Semiramis, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Diana, Aphrodite and Venus.

Furthermore, like the male god today who is put forth as a trinity, the goddess was also
triune. One member of this triunity represented earth, the other represented heaven and
the third represented hell. When the goddess was known as Diana, for example, her
heavenly counterpart was Luna while Hecate belonged to the nether regions.

Today the goddess is known as Columbia in the United States and Brittania in England.
Her symbolism is all around you and is well documented in the books written by author,
David Icke.

Bohemian Grove is therefore, none other than the grove of the shrine of Isis, the goddess.
Throughout history the goddess is depicted numerous times with her owl/owls. Isis in the
Egyptian pantheon is also the symbol for Sirius, a trinary star system about which
several authors have written making the connection between Sirius and the Fish People.
The female energy attributed to the goddess in the world today speaks of manipulation
and control. The owl then specifically represents the female energy of the goddess in
terms of manipulation and control of the inhabitants of this planet. It is no wonder that
we have world leaders then worshiping this entity. The symbol of the owl is quite fitting
in that it has 360 degree vision in the dark and is predatory in nature. It is the entity
that gave these rulers power and through which they function and they have, in fact
become Satanists. It is the entity that controls them as well, and as one becomes properly
aligned with this entity they become as one with it (possessed by it) and therefore are
referred to as owls. Therefore, when Condoleeza Rice says, “I’m a owl”, she is stating
that she is now a host for this entity. Bohemian Grove is where the owls go every year to
pay homage to The Owl to whom they also sacrifice their duty of care (their conscience)

Current grovers include G.W. Bush and H.W. Bush and Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger,
previous Presidents and Secretaries of State and Defence, as well as a long list of other
politicians, media people, entertainers and corporate heads. A well known photograph
taken inside the grove in 1957 shows Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan sitting at a
table listening to Dr. Glen Seaborg, who was involved with discovering plutonium.
Seaborg worked on the Manhattan Project which produced the bombs that were
dropped on Japan. Much of the discussion and decision making surrounding that
project took place within Bohemian Grove. It was many years later that both Nixon and
Reagan ascended to the presidency.

This is an elite club for Satanists and many of the decisions affecting the world are made
right here. David Icke offers the testimony of Cathy Obrien, said to have been a mind
controlled slave of the elite. She states that the grove has a number of rooms, each
related to a perversion of some kind. Icke goes on to talk about the owl but, like Alex
Jones, relates it to Moloch (the Canaanite god) - even though he makes the connection
between the goddess, Athene and her owl.

The representation of the goddess by the owl goes back to the very beginning of this
creation of man. There is commentary that links the owl to Lilith, said to have been the
first wife of Adam. Lilith is often identified with the owl though she is only mentioned
once in the modern Bible:
“Wildcats shall meet with hyenas,
goat-demons shall call to each other;
there too Lilith shall repose,
and find a place to rest.
There shall the owl nest
and lay and hatch and brood in its shadow.” Isaiah 34;14f NRSV

In the King James Version of the Bible Lilith is translated screech owl.
The screech owl translation of the KJV is without precedent, and should
be taken together with the "owl" (yan?up, probably a water bird) in 34:11
and the "great owl" (qippoz, properly a snake) of 34:15 It should be noted
that species of owl is associated not only with the snake but also with the
vampiric “Strix” of Roman legend. Mentions of Lilith are also found in
the Talmud and in the higher level commentary, The Zohar as well as
other Rabbinical writings. Lilith is referred to both as a goddess and a
demon and is represented with the talons of an owl whilst surrounded by
owls. Interestingly, that which is translated owl is equated to snake and
having blood sucking properties. Lilith is often identified as the snake in
the Garden and depictions of her seducing Adam and Eve attribute to her
a serpent body with human upper features (ie. Half reptile, half human).

Authors, Janet and Stewart Farrar in their book, (5) The Witch’s Goddess
state, "Lilith was not her original name, which appears to have been
lost. She acquired it by identification with the Sumerian 'night hag'
Lilitu. As such, she is the 'screech-owl' or 'night monster' of Isaiah
xxiv:14………………..So much for the blackening process. Lilith
(whatever her own name was), is clearly a concept much older than
Eve. Whether she was the First Woman, co-equal with the First Man -
or farther back than that, the uncreated Primordial Mother who gave
birth to the First Man (or the first Male God) and then mated with him
- she was totally unacceptable to emerging Hebrew patriarchalism. So
Eve was invented - created by a male God out of Adam's male body, as
complete a reversal of the natural order as Zeus's giving birth to
Athene by swallowing her pregnant mother, Metis."
Jewish historian, (6) Raphael Patai, goes deeper, "the Talmudic material
about Lilith is complemented by much richer data contained in
Aramaic incantation texts"

The original tri-unity of the gods of this creation goes back to Anu, Enki
and Enlil. Anu ruled the heavens, Enlil the earth and the sea
(subterranean world) was ruled by Enki. These gods of darkness, were
notorious for there disagreements and wars. These are the gods who
created the reality we live in and much will be said about that in coming
chapters. These gods (Gen 1:1 “god” – “elohim” plural) are responsible
for the world we live in today; the world we are accused of polluting and
destroying. Lilith is very much the means by which we became entangled
here, as we shall soon see.

The prologue of "Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Underworld" may contain the predecessor
to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree not only contains a crafty serpent,
but also Lilith, the legendary first wife of Adam. A huluppu tree is transplanted by
Inanna from the banks of the Euphrates to her garden in Uruk, where she finds that:

...a serpent who could not be charmed

made its nest in the roots of the tree,
The Anzu bird set his young in the branches of the tree,
And the dark maid Lilith built her home in the trunk. (Wolkstein and Kramer 1983: p.

Here, Lilith is seen as one aspect of the triunity, the other two being the serpent and the
Anzu bird, which some scholars recognize as the mythologized version of the American
Eagle Owl. This is the earliest mention of Lilith and it is found in the Sumerian version
of creation, the Christian Bible account being almost a copy.

Lilith is the one originally responsible for the creation of this mirror world. The
following is an excerpt from a (7) Jewish folktale that describes some of the evils
attributed to Lilith:
"The wife brought the mirror and all of the fine furnishings in the
cellar to her own home and proudly displayed it. She hung the mirror
in the room of their daughter, who was a dark-haired coquette. The girl
glanced at herself in the mirror all the time, and in this way she was
drawn into Lilith's web.... For that mirror had hung in the the den of
demons, and a daughter of Lilith had made her home there. And when
the mirror was taken from the haunted house, the demoness came with
it. For every mirror is a gateway to the Other World and leads directly
to Lilith's cave. That is the cave Lilith went to when she abandoned
Adam and the Garden of Eden for all time, the cave where she sported
with her demon lovers. From these unions multitudes of demons were
born, who flocked from that cave and infiltrated the world. And when
they want to return, they simply enter the nearest mirror. That is why it
is said that Lilith makes her home in every mirror...

"Now the daughter of Lilith who made her home in that mirror
watched every movement of the girl who posed before it. She bided her
time and one day she slipped out of the mirror and took possession of
the girl, entering through her eyes. In this way she took control of her,
stirring her desire at will.... So it happened that this young girl, driven
by the evil wishes of Lilith's daughter, ran around with young men who
lived in the same neighborhood."

Manipulation and Control

(8)“The challenge we all face is to balance male and female energies

and so enjoy the best aspects of them and not the extremes. The
Satanists, however, seek to express only the extremes, thus creating
disharmony and conflict. They use the malevolent highly negative
expressions of the female energy (covert manipulation behind the
scenes) to create events and circumstances which the extremes of the
male energy (macho men, soldiers, terrorism) can play out in the public
arena. Because of this it appears that the world is controlled and
dominated by male energy – it’s a ‘man’s world’, but in truth it is not a
world dominated by the male, it is a world dominated by extremes of
male and female.”
The male energy is also represented by the Egyptian god Osiris (Aser), the god of life and
death and judgement of the dead in the afterlife. He is also the agency through whom is
attributed the granting of all life and the earth as we know it.(Sound familiar?) He is the
oldest son of the Earth god, Geb and the sky goddess, Nut and is depicted with green skin
wearing a white crown. Osiris is connected to the star system of Orion.The male energy
speaks of conflict. While Columbia is a female national personification of America, the
male is Uncle Sam. The British female personification is Britannia and the male is John
Bull. This planet is ruled by forces that maintain control (masculine energy) through
manipulation (feminine energy) of all our affairs.

Our world leaders are in themselves not really leaders. They are no more than
manipulated puppets and if they were not able to be manipulated they would not be
allowed to occupy these elevated positions in the first place. On another level many of
our world leaders are in fact inter-dimensional entities wearing human form. In their
desire to rise to the top and wield power human leaders have sold their soul along the
way. We may further speculate that their manipulators are either the heads of large
corporations or very rich individuals or groups. But if we stop short with the
identification of only human entities then the argument about the problems of human
leadership only centres around human failures and weaknesses.

Some conspiracy theorists have spent a lot of time focusing on the ruling families such as
the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers, big money and agendas of power and control. Time
and again we are given a long thesis on the origin of the Illuminati and their goals for
mankind. Unless we look beyond this, the true controllers will remain invisible (which is
essential to their maintaining power) and we will not understand what is really going on
right under our noses every day. David Icke’s treatise on the protection of ruling
bloodlines is excellent. This protection of bloodline and their DNA has enabled these
dark ET entities to maintain human form throughout the ages.

We were told that the reason the USA invaded Iraq was to seek and destroy the WMD’s
(Weapons of Mass Destruction) they were alleged to have. Many of us thought ourselves
clever in deducing that the ulterior motive related to oil, but the real reasons were
neither of the above. This you will understand further as you read the following

Whenever we endeavour to look beyond human leadership and try to focus on the
possible powers behind it we tend to mostly jump to a religious base of understanding
(hardly spiritual). We justify the struggle on earth at present by presenting the Biblical
perspective of the ongoing struggle between good and evil; a struggle that it is said goes
on within each of us. We identify some abstract devil, or Satan as the tempter, and even
more abstract God as the one who is willing to answer our prayers in order to help us
overcome Satan’s tempting. We recognise the struggle within ourselves and blame
ourselves as well as others for failures. Yet, the idea that good and evil exists within
everyone is false. We either belong to the Light or the dark side although those belonging
to the Light suffer temptation and battle with the dark side.

On a heightened level of awareness our perception changes. We may even become aware
of the extreme levels of masculine and feminine energies operating behind the major
events of our day and recognise that the manipulation and conflicts within ourselves and
surrounding us have a source beyond ourselves and the human faces we see. We
recognise that those who invisibly rule over us stand behind the people we vote into
power. What happens in our personal lives specifically holds some of us down while
others belonging to the Dark Side are given advantage. These rulers have managed to
remain hidden and at the most have only held mythology status within our thinking, yet
their names have been forever whispered down the deepest corridors of secret societies
by the power brokers of this world. This planet currently belongs to others and we are
their prisoners. Not even Jesus challenged the devil’s ownership of this world. That
point is accepted by Christians yet when it is brought down to the real terms these same
people with hard-set belief systems would most likely be the first to reject this
information. How blind we are. When our emotional ties are to our families and our
salaries, our possessions and our plans and we have struggled so hard for everything we
really don’t want to know such spooky details.

Owl Symbolism

(9)“ Owl's medicine includes seeing behind masks, silent and swift movement, keen sight,
messenger of secrets and omens, shape-shifting, link between the dark, unseen world and the
world of light, comfort with shadow self, moon power, freedom.

”Owl (Cailleach, Oidhche, Comachag): These birds were most often associated with the
Crone aspect of the Goddess. The word "cailleach" in the Scottish-Gaelic means "owl". The
owl is often a guide to and through the Underworld, a creature of keen sight in darkness, and
a silent and swift hunter.”

Shamans and witches are often described as possessing the power of the owl. The horned
owl is particularly a symbol of evil, a representation of which is the clenched fist with
extended forefinger and little finger, a demonic sign of the owl’s power. The call of the
owl has been considered as inviting death. The scientific name for owl is “Athene
Noctua” linking to the goddess Athena who carried an owl on her shoulder (on her blind
side) Athenian coins carried the likeness of Athena on one side and an owl on the other.
These coins were aptly called “owls”.

Therefore it is with some wonderment that we discover those in power worshipping a

forty foot tall owl, yet it goes further than that. The owl symbolism is found embedded
in the dollar bill and the planning of Washington. D.C. The symbols have been under
our noses all the time for the ruling elite take pride in rubbing our noses in what is a
known fact to them. The truth that some are awakening to it is so amazing that it
requires progressive adjustment by those considering it closely for the first time, yet it is
within the realms of possibility. Most would like to remain in denial that this is
happening. Millions go to church every week in the knowledge that a satanic entity
exists, though they just have never considered how he really operates, who he really is or
where he really came from.
Hidden owl on the Dollar Bill
Symbol of the Bohemian Club

Seal of the National Press Club


Euro coin
Sumerian or Assyrian Terra Cotta Relief (Burney Relief) ~1950 BC
Diagonal view
Collection of Col. Norman Colville
a temptation scene from the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
(Note serpent lower and human upper features)
Western Screech Owl
(Note human connection in the eyes which face forward and close similarly
to human eye-lids that close top to bottom)



(2) Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary c.2002 by David John

Oates. P.O.Box 678 Noarhunga Centre SA5168.

(3) The Custodians c.1999 Author, Dolores Cannon. Ch3, pp53.

Published by Ozark Mountain Publishing, PO Box 754 Huntsville,

(4) Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove, by Alex Jones
(5) Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches Goddess, Phoenix Publishing Co., 1987,

(6) Raphael Patai, The Hebrew Goddess, Wayne State University Press, Third
Enlarged Edition, 1990, p.224

(7) From "Lilith's Cave," Lilith's Cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural, edited by
Howard Schwartz (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988

(8) The Biggest Secret p452, David Icke. Bridge of Love Publications.

(9) Owl Symbolism:


Chapter Six

“THE NET” - Imprisonment

"99.9999% of what affects our reality will be undetectable by our senses.

Man must learn to think for himself, rather than follow blindly what he has
been taught."
- Buckminster Fuller

“You’re born in the dark and you will die in the dark”
(The dictum behind the owl according to Dr Rev Peter Keegan)

Most people, when asked to describe a prison, would most likely discuss being behind
bars or in some kind of compound. Maybe we could further expand the thought by
comparing some institutions or workplaces or even the wrong relationship with people,
to a prison on various levels, emotional or otherwise. If, however, someone were to come
along and tell us that we have been born inside a prison and we will die there too then
we would more than likely object in a variety of ways if we took it seriously at all.
Perhaps some of us might agree philosophically.

If one has no material worries in this life and business is going well then life is seen as a
challenge, the rewards of which are well deserved and earned. There is no thought that
one may be advantaged by some outside force and another repressed by that same force.
I think that people who are awake or great enemies of the dark side are held down and I
am not the only one who thinks this way.(1)

When we are feeling low, then maybe one more message divulging the secret of how
creative we are will raise our spirits again so that we may achieve our goals for the
week, the month and the year in order to maintain the illusion that the individual is in
control of his or her life. Yet, the hard workers of this world are now working harder
than ever in an effort to derive more enjoyment out of life. Too often, it seems that
despite ones best efforts to succeed, one finds little other than pain. How many of us
consider to stop and ask ourselves, “How much of my life is manipulated by whom and
how? The truth is that most of us are kept so busy that we have little time to meditate on
ourselves in order to obtain those answers.

What I have heard in reverse about the “NET” leaves me in no doubt about the
manipulation and control exercised over the human race. I have since been increasingly
aware of the extent it enters my own life. Nobody is exempt. We are all connected to it
and none of us can escape it presently except in special circumstances. Such
identification of manipulation and control of individuals may also give us a clue as to the
manipulator’s purpose here and indeed, what our own roles are in this jig-saw puzzle.

What I have learned about the “NET” can be summarised thus:

(a) Mars is the point of origin.

(b) It is a field of unusual nature, preventing escape by those whom it encloses and
very possibly it is used to program the masses within it.
(c) Within the “NET” is a created Virtual Reality which we live in daily.
(d) Without the “NET” we would be able to see the Universe as it really is.
(e) It takes a lot of energy to maintain its presence.
(f) Passing bodies do affect it and can damage it. A sufficiently large body can even
destroy it if it came close enough.
(g) It is becoming more difficult to maintain at present. I have heard, “they ulcer the
net” for example referring to space debris or meteors.
(h) ‘Chemtrails’ are partly associated with its maintenance.
(i) Positive focused thought may even create a hole in it.
(j) It will be destroyed by an incoming body and at the same time the Virtual
Reality we now live in will be revealed. People will not be ready for this sudden
change for they will be able to see things as they really are quite suddenly.
(k) The manipulators of mankind would like to set fire to the “NET” as the last of
them depart this planet very physically. If the “NET” were destroyed in this
manner the air would become very foul and poisonous, killing many.

Of course, by now most people would say that this all makes good science fiction. My
wife even got me to consider writing this all as fiction in that it would do better on the
shelves as a seller. However, I am a researcher and as such I can only report what I have
discovered. This material is so different to what most people think on a daily basis that I
was loath initially to commit my own thoughts to print. Yet, how can a researcher
declare results except to report that which was found? In the end only a very small part
of me wishes that it were all science fiction for the knowledge I have gained also includes
the promise of liberation from what now exists.

Also, all this information falls into the area of “conspiracy theory” and nobody today
really wants to be labelled a “conspiracy theorist”. After all, it is so “unscientific”. Some
would immediately think that this is evidence of mental instability. The words,
“conspiracy theory” seldom fail to evoke reaction amongst the present day community.
To be tagged thus would equate to being relegated to the lunatic fringe in the minds of
many individuals. Have you ever wondered why this tag creates such ‘recoil’ within
some people? To be labelled a “conspiracy theorist” today is to silently dismiss the idea
that anything ever occurs in secret.
How many remember the ‘Manhattan Project’ that saw the development of the atomic
bomb? This was a secret to US Congress for over two years yet incurred a cost of over
two billion dollars. Not only that, it also became the model for future military
development ever since. In a political climate such as exists at present, most things are
done in secret, as they are in large Corporations, bureaucracies and in “special interest”
groups all over the world. ‘Conspiracies’ are a way of life. Indeed, some of the most
powerful intelligence agencies in the USA were established in secrecy and were
unknown by the public or Congress for many years.

From its inception the CIA has been involved in many “business” activities that produce
huge sums of cash. The connections of this organization to global organized crime,
(narcotics) have been documented by many for years. Do you believe for a moment that
the CIA is subject to the civilian oversight that is supposed to exist, the President being
the military commander-in-chief? Maybe you need to be reminded of President
Eisenhower who in the 50s effectively lost control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal due to the
independence of the intelligence agencies at the time. It was a situation that deteriorated
so badly during his last two years in office that he asked repeatedly for an audience with
the head of Strategic Air Command to learn what America’s plan for nuclear retaliation
was. In his final year in office, 1960, what he learned frightened him. The plan included
the obliteration of half of the Northern Hemisphere. Would you be one who would step
forward to tell me that such matters are dealt with more openly today?

Yes, I subscribe to conspiracies, many, varied and often sounding extreme but I reckon
you had better open your mind if you want to know the truth about your current
purpose for existence here. What I have discovered is also about to overtake all of us not
just the underprivileged masses. I often listen to talk-back radio and I am regularly
appalled by what I hear. Callers often ring in for their “pat on the back” as they vocalise
the popular line on a matter. Any dissent expressed about a matter is limited within
borders well recognized by the listeners and if a ‘rogue’ caller rings in to speak about
what may be conspiratorial in nature, he or she is put in their place not only by the
program host but also by the other conditioned “drains” out there who have not had an
original thought in years and who are hell bent on remaining in denial.

People who are asleep only talk about their dreams. They are often on a program of
maintaining their positive nature through food diet, exercise and listening to the latest
motivation tape. They think work results, holidays, investments, the next car or social
engagement and how they can increase their status in this suffering world. The idea that
they might be materialistic or selfish in attitude is offensive, to say the least for they
work hard for what they earn and this ‘entitles’ one, especially if they donate to charity
occasionally. After all, everyone has the same opportunities?? The idea that they are out
of touch with reality is something to laugh at, if it ever arises, for this seems the
acceptable successful course for the few privileged enough to be able to engage in it. Yet,
this stance is in gross denial of the reality that exists here at present and what needs to
be the urgent response to it. A suggestion that they might be doing what they have been
programmed to do is met with the answer that everything is their own planning. I
certainly do not condemn having material goods, but I do want to focus upon the stupor
within which all thought processes travel.
Simple examples in hypnosis should awaken us to how the mind can be manipulated by
the hypnotist. On one occasion a subject was told the suggestion that upon awaking he
would not be able to see a particular person in the room. Upon the subject being
awakened he in fact could see this person as the suggestion went contrary to his belief
system. However, when hypnotised and it was suggested that a particular person had
left the room and would not be there when the subject was awoken, the subject failed to
see this person when awake even though he was still present in the room. Why? Because
this time the suggestion complied with the belief system of the subject. Likewise, when a
watch was produced and placed behind this person (who was supposedly absent,
therefore invisible to the subject) the subject could see and describe the watch though
there was a very real person in front of it. These experiments showed to what degree the
human mind can be manipulated and what power it does possess. Our reality is
constantly being shaped and altered by those who know how to achieve this.

Do you not realize that those whose interest lies in your manipulation use every means
possible of achieving their targeted results in you? Do you think that the television is
merely for your entertainment or that there aren’t advanced electronic means of placing
inside your head what you end up believing are your own thoughts? Have you ever
considered that you might be hypnotised at this very moment?

Many people hold to the idea that the world we live in was created by an
unconditionally loving god and that we bear his image in some way. An objective
meditation of the idea may produce some unsure results. Trying to reconcile the idea of
a predatory food chain to a loving god may be difficult, for instance, however if the god
who created the food chain was also a predator it would be understandable. Would it
not? My purpose here is not to offend, but to get you to question. It is quite okay if you

The “owl/snake” is a predator group. They are the gods, the nephilim and annunaki of
the Bible, the snake that spoke in Genesis and the sons of god that joined themselves to
the human females mentioned in Chapter 6 of the same book. It is why the Old
Testament is filled with a blood lust whether it is the endless sacrifice of animals on the
alter of Moses’ Tabernacle or the endless slaughter of humanity at the command of that
god calling himself in the Bible, “Jehovah”. Is he not also known for the creation of that
same humanity? He calls himself jealous, angry, a god of vengeance and so on while he
often says categorically that he does not change. After reading the Old Testament
accounts does it not amaze you that people will still describe this god as unconditionally
loving to your face? They will dismiss his actions prior to the appearance of Jesus
because of what Jesus did. That is the whole excuse for Jehovah now being perceived as
an unconditionally loving god. In the next breath they will turn around and tell you that
millions are going to an eternal hellfire if they don’t believe this diatribe.

Of course, what we firmly believe about our spiritual self goes to the heart of each of us
for we are spirit and we need to resolve the issue of why we are here now and why the
human race is operating on a level of consciousness far below its true nature. It is
natural for a drowning man to clutch at straws in an attempt to resolve his predicament
and many of us have been through the same experience with the need to clutch at
doctrines. Furthermore, I used to teach what I now condemn. There were many years of
adjustment, I assure you. It is time for all of us to be brave in facing the real answers.

The Neurophone
Dr. Patrick Flanagan is the inventor of the “neurophone”. This device enables deaf
people to hear by means of a different transmission of sound through skin and bone.
However, Flanagan had to fight in the courts for years in order to keep his invention
publicly available. The government wanted this discovery classified. The neurophone is
an amazing device consisting of a small black box and two contacts made of a specially
crystallised metal. When both contacts are placed in moist contact with the skin one can
hear whatever is transmitted, either pink noise generated by the apparatus itself or any
sound originating in any other medium (recorder, radio etc) that is plugged into the
black box. The sound can be heard inside the head rather than through the ears. When I
first witnessed a demonstration of the neurophone I was amazed by a side issue. Even
though another person was using the device and there was no sound whatsoever
emanating from it I could tune into what the other person was hearing. Once I had
tuned into the sound I could travel quite a distance away into other rooms and still hear
it. Some refer to this occurrence as “electronic telepathy”. “Neuro” is the Greek word
for “nerve”. It is more correct to say that the emanating signal is apprehended by ones
nervous system and if I can tune my nervous system, utilizing my thought, to yours, I
can hear what you hear while listening through the neurophone.

When Dr. Flanagan demonstrated the neurophone to the military for applications in
their sphere, the first group he talked to showed relative disinterest so before he
encountered the second group he made some modifications to the room. The wiring to
the two contacts was extended and run around the perimeter of the room and
suggestions were played through the device while his audience was seated listening to
him. There was a favourable response on this occasion as the audience had been
manipulated sub-consciously. I was told that the device had been used in Vietnam to
issue inaudible orders to soldiers. Also it has been used by the U.S. Navy in training and
communicating with dolphins. How simple is it to manipulate a crowd? How much
more advanced means must in fact exist to program a population while it sleeps and to
what degree? Who is really behind terrorism?

On 13th April 1953 the super-secret project MK-ULTRA was born. Only those in the top
echelon of the CIA were privy to it. This was an umbrella project with 149 sub projects
with a foray through different avenues but for one ultimate purpose; discovering
effective techniques of mind control. It became a major goal to create individuals who
could be used as couriers, spies and yes, even car bombers all without the knowledge
they were being used. Richard Helms, Director of the CIA destroyed all MK-ULTRA
records before leaving office in 1973 so we will never know exactly what took place.
Some documents were misfiled, fortunately, coming to light in the late 1970s and
lawsuits followed. A cynical CIA was laid bare.

The “NET” is responsible for the virtual reality in which we live and that makes other
forms of manipulation and mind control possible.

Manipulation + Control = Conflict

Manipulation, control and conflict are the strategies (energies) that govern the planet
and each one of us twenty-four hours a day.

Would it be so difficult to believe that we live in a virtual reality? It is not difficult for
me to believe it; I have been a lucid dreamer throughout my life. I have regularly
become conscious within my dreams and when I did so I would make myself as aware as
possible. Everything within those dreams seemed as solid as my daily surroundings,
furthermore, I could fly. If I were to zoom into the sky sometime during my waking
daily routine, the experience would be no different to what I experience in one of my
lucid dreams, feeling the air rushing by and spying on those below, who usually didn’t
know I was there. The dream was under my control to a large extent as I could explore
as I chose, often testing the solid nature of all that surrounded me, yet I was aware that I
was really asleep in my bed and that soon I would be yanked out of the dreamscape
created by my own mind. Each of these dreams has carried meaning for my waking life.

Ever since I was a young boy I was convinced that this life was but a dream and I often
said so. Nothing has changed in that respect at my current age of 56 years. I simply
understand it a lot better. It was a shock for me to awaken from my religious thinking
but it was inevitable. I am a person who persistently asks questions and demands
answers, wherever it may lead. My mind has had to enlarge its ability to take in new
thoughts and ideas quite often, no matter what their nature triggered within me at the
first instance, for I knew that when I got to the bottom of a matter that initially seemed
ludicrous, I would discover a truth that I was able to accept.

The idea that we are living in a virtual reality may initially be unacceptable to you for
whatever reason, yet if you are searching for answers, you are bound to find more
extreme thinking, such as that of the Jewish kabbalist who believes that consciousness is
the only thing that really exists. I tend to agree, but in order to arrive at that agreement
I journeyed through lengthy process.

The idea that this virtual reality is also our prison will strain the borders of most
reader’s thinking, yet there will be some who are at the point of instant agreement, due
to their own intuitive processes or experiences. This prison is nevertheless real yet the
gods of darkness have done such a good hatchet job on our consciousness that up until
now it remained undiscovered by the ordinary masses. Anyone who seriously and
habitually practises RS will eventually strike “the net” in their audio.

References in reverse, such as:

“earth seal the net”

“ulcer the net”
“wash the net”
“strain their net”
“dig up net”
“snare, fry net”
“digress to the net papa”
“oiling the net, I light, whoosh, initiate”
“no theory this net ma, burn em on, how could you”

habitually fall into a context of a magnetic grid around this planet. The primary
function of this grid is to aid in the manipulation and control of those within.
Furthermore, I have discovered in these reversals that the origin of the “NET” is none
other than the planet Mars. We are therefore all under its influence as the NET
completely surrounds the Earth and the moon.

Each one of us has been manipulated and controlled for eons, maybe through many
physical incarnations. Each time one is born here the programming continues,
restarting afresh for that lifetime; firstly through the program already present in ones
parents, then in ones surroundings, then with ones input through various sources. Our
experiences differ, however and for a very good reason. There is profit in these
differences for the gods of darkness. After all, why take so much trouble to enslave
consciousness unless there is a profitable motive? This is why there are many religions
and philosophies. Those of us who can innately testify to essentially being a spirit first
and foremost have been given many choices in the physical world to explore our true
nature. The philosophies and religions I have ambled through in my studies all
contained wonderful loving truth which had been corrupted in some way, leaving each
ideology standing on feet of clay, ultimately. For what is the reason all these many and
varied ideologies? The only answer: Conflict.

Throughout history war has been waged due of conflicting ideals which nevertheless
exhibit love in their basic belief structure. So how can love become hate? Yet it seems to,
all the time. The Dark Side has been shrewd in their seduction and we have been in a
spiritual stupor all this time. Conflict is also part of our daily regime. Consider the
altercations you experience in the family, workplace and to a lesser extent in social
gatherings. The people around you can bring you disagreement on a daily basis. Each
time you experience conflict it is for a higher purpose that benefits the Dark Side. That
purpose is the harvesting of your energy. Is there anyone in your life who habitually
raises conflicts with you and you feel depleted of energy after the exchange? This is the
ultimate purpose of the NET for without that energy exchange the Dark Side cannot
survive. That is why we are in this prison. With those imprisoned being manipulated
and controlled in their daily affairs, both individually and corporately, there is the
assurance of ongoing conflict and energy exchange so that they can continue being who
they are: the dark gods.

When you analyse the movies you see, the television you watch, the news you listen to
and the conditioned behaviour you exhibit to people and issues that arise, you start to
catch sight of the automaton you have become. You say you have freedom of choice? I
say you are only free to choose your manner of enslavement and that only to a degree.
You studied to become a teacher, doctor, physicist, lawyer or whatever. Now look as you
have to abide by the rules that are externally imposed, from the time you get up to the
way you have been conditioned to think. How much creative originality is left within you
now? You don’t even know what creative originality is in order to answer. Step outside
the square and you don’t get paid, do you? You are a slave to time, government and in
fact to all those around you in some way or other. Being you has been lost somewhere
along the way and we have in fact long ago forgotten who we really are as we offer daily
subservience to governments we detest and systems that are corrupt, whether they are
religious or business-like in nature. The world we live in is one of waste, pollution and
dirty energies and one where very few are awake enough to do their own thinking and to
follow their own original thoughts, for that inevitably takes them off the well beaten

We continue to look outwardly as we measure our steps in this existence. We look for
something called “success”. Why a spiritual being, already a part of the One, would even
be concerned with anything more than they are already, could be a mystery if it weren’t
for the conditioning. Of course this tends to be measured in stranger ways like the grand
manor you live in or the car you drive or your work status and the associations you
have. ‘Tis strange indeed when one finally awakens and discovers what the real issues

Don’t blame yourself for all of this. It is not your fault. No it isn’t. If you were given real
freedom I doubt you would make many of the choices you make or behave as you do
once you were awake enough to realise the truth of the situation. It is not in your
spiritual nature, for then you would consciously know “The One”. You are what you are
because of your programming and all the stimuli that trigger you although your
government would like you to believe that you are to blame for climate change because
of carbon emissions for which you are responsible. After all, guilty and fearful people
are easy to rule, so the nightly news will keep you aware of the latest terror strike and
threat while the government adds one more draconian law to its arsenal so it can keep
the “outlaws” in check. Of course this does not refer to you, does it? Even so, you are
responsible for your own heart. Nobody, be they god or man can steal it if you do not
surrender it first. We are waking fast, for with each new choice and decision in the
direction of greater awareness comes a greater understanding and dedication for more
of the same. The crack in the mirror grows larger and soon we will be stepping outside
to face what is truly real. As for the gods of darkness….they will be no more.

Obviously, much more can be said about this subject but the purpose of this manuscript
is to give you an overview, one that not only validates the amazing discovery of reversed
speech but one which also puts you in the current picture of the strange world we live in,
where RS is the very crack in the mirror that contains the entire reversed state of ones

“Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an

artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles
sleep………They have created a repressive society and we are
their unwitting accomplices………Their intention to rule rests
with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled
into a trance………they are safe as long as they are not
discovered” from the movie “They Live”
. “They Live” 1988. Directed by John Carpenter. Produced by
Alive Films

Amitakh Stanford is not a psychic or one who channels information. She, like myself relies on her innate

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