ESIC Manesar

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EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION (Ministry of Labour & Employment Govt. of india) E.S.1, Hospital Sector-3 Plot No.41 IMT Manesar, Gurgaon (HR) Email ld: Phone-0124-4152502 Website:, NOTICE FOR INTERVIEW is being conducted at ESIC Hospital, Manesar for Recruitment of AYUSH Physicians(Part-Time, Contractual) on dates 21.02.2019 and 22.02.2019. Details of vacancies & remuneration ete are as under:- _A. Department of Homeopathy(Date OF In S.No. | Name of the Post Emoluments: | Es ualification- Consolidated | A. Degree in Homeopathy from a remuneration of recognized University/Statutory State | Rs. $0000/- pm (5 brs Board/Councit’Faculty of Indian for 6 days a week) 1 | Homeopathic a ‘medicine or equivalent unde ‘Age: Physician Homeopathic Central Council Act, 1973 | Not exceeding 30 years B. Enrolment on Central Register of | as on date of Interview. Homeopathy of State Register of (Relaxation for Homeopathy. SC/STIOBC aper central govt rules) B. Department of Ayurveda(Date OF Interview-22.02.2019) S.No. | Name of tl jualification & Exy requir if r ‘Educational Qualification- ‘Consolidated | A. Degree in Ayruveda from a remuneration of recognized Universty/Statutory State | Rs. S0000/- pm (5 hrs | BoardiCouncil/Paculty of Indian for 6 days a week) | Ayurvedic medicine or equivalent under Indian [Ages : | Physician 1 Central Council Act, 1970 ‘Not excceding 30 years i B. Enrolment on Central Register of | as on date of Interview. | Indian Medicine or State Register of | (Relaxation for Indian System of Medicine. SC/STIOBC as per | central govt rules) Reservation tor SC/STIOBGIPH are as per Genial Gove be adjusted against the vacancy or respective cat "Reservation as per Cental Government rules ‘Tenure:- For a period of 1 year, extendable for another year.; subject to satisfactory performance. jen rules. The candidates appointed under PWD quota wil 11.02.2049 from 9.00 am onwards, ‘Ayurvedic Physician:- 22.02.2019 from 9,00 am onwards. How to apply: The eligible and desirous candidate with their Bio-Data Viz, Name in Block letter. Fathers/Husband’s Name, Date of Birth, Postal Address, Telephone No/Mobile No., Permanent Address, whether SC/STIOBC, Education Qualification, experience (it any), duly affixed recent passport size photograph fufflling the education quaificationsieligibity conditions should appear for walk-ininterview with the application along with original certificates and one set of attested photocopy of the relevant documents in support of age, qualifications, Attempt, Merk | Sheet, Degree, MCVState Registration, Category & Experience certificate etc. and two recent passport size photographs. ee Applicants are advised to report to the office of Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Sec-3 Plot No.4 IMT Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana) on stipulated dates up to 11.00 AM and any application received thereafter will not | be entertained. Note:- | 1. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview or joining the place of posting after selection ‘and acceptance of offer of appointment. | 2. The competent authonty reserves the right to fil up all or not to fil up any post sd | Medical Superintendent | Terms &| itions. 1, The working hour for hoth the categories of AYUSH (Ayurvedic Homeopathic) will be five hours per day and six days in a week 2. ‘The consolidated remuneration wil! be Rs.S0000/- per month. 3. The appointment is purely on contract basis for a period of one year extendable for further one \year on the basis of manthly performance report or til the requiar incuribent joins, whichever is, taariier. The appointment can be terminated on the receipt of unsatisfactory report given by the Controling Authority and approved by Cornpetent Authority. | Qualification & age __ 7 {__ Post Qualification +; avurvenic "|(A) A degree in Ayurveda from|Not exceeding 30 years as on dated PHYSICIAN. | ecoguized University/Statntory State} 22.02.2049 (Age relaxation will be in (Post) Boand/councilFacuty of Indian|accordance with the instructions or orders lsystem of Medicine or equivalent] issued by the Central Government) | lunder Indian Central Couneit Act} | 1970(48 of 1970) | i | | |@) eoroiment on the Central Register| | | {of Indian system of Medicine or State! | Register of Indian system Medicine. ( Degwe in Homeopathy off Not exceeding 30 years as on dated! | HOMEOPATHIC | PHYSICIAN recognized University/Statuory State} (Age relaxation will be in! |(Post-1) Board/Council or —_ equivalent! accordance with the instructions or orders; i recognized Central Council Act! issued by the Central Goverament) | | 197559 of 1973) i | ! (@ Enrolment on the Central Register| jof Homeopathy or « state Register of} : | Homeopathy. l ale sae eet ~~ Ils desirable to have basic computer skills by the applicants. S The appointee is not entitled to any TA/DA for joining the place of posting on accepting the offer for appointment. 6 Ali candidates are requested 10 report tothe Office ofthe Modical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital Plot, Sectr-03, IMT Manosar, Gurugram; on 9.00 Alton stipulated datos Wit) al onginal cerbucates and one set of seif attested copies of requied cenidaies, The required documents are as under: ap Matriculation certificate showing the date of birth/Intermediate/12” class centificate. b) —_Ayurveda/Homeopathic degree. ©) Registration certificate ( Enrolment on the Central Register of Indian system of medicine or state Register of Indian system of medicine). d ‘Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC (Non- creamy layer )certificate, if applicable. ©) Relieving order from present Empiayer. # any at joining time. (experience Certticatertraining #f ary. The appointee wil nat be granted claim or right for regular eppoiatment in ESIC. & The appointee shall not be entited to any benefit like provident fund, pension, gratuity. medal atiendance treaiment. seniority. promotion, leave encashment etc, or any other benefits available to the ESIC doctors appointed on regular basis. No other allowances or monetary Denefis in any form shall be admissible. 3. The appointee shail perform the duties assigned to him/her by the competent authority. Competent Authority reserves the fight to assign any duty as and when required. No Sxtaladdional allowance wil be admissible n case of such assignment 10. No accommodation will be provided to appointee by the ESIC. 11. The Appointee will be entitled for one day ( 01) off for every completed month of service. Under normal circumstances leave not more than three days (03) at a stretch shall be admissible. No leave shall be sanctioned and regularized if availed without prior permis: 12, The appointee shall be engaged in any ESIC Dispensary under Directorate (Medical) Deli. 43. The appointment to the said post will be subject to Medical fiiness report from the constituted ESI Standing Medical Board. 14. Timing of duty shall be decided by the Competent Authority/Controlling officer of the respective units/Dispensaries. 15, The Director(Medical)Dethi reserves the right to filkup or cancel any vacancy at any time. 46. The contractual appointment and continuation thereof, if any shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein above. 17. The contractual appointment is without prejudice to the right of ES! Corporation to the terminate herfhis services consequent upon a receipt of an adverse report on his/her character and antecedents and veracity of Caste/community cerificate GF any) by the appointing authority. 48. Inthe ovent of more than 20 candidates appearing for any post, a screening test in the form of, witien examination, shal be conducted on the interview day ahd only the fop 10 highest candidates shail be allowed to appear for the ne " ia at ae Date: Place:

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