Materi Paleontologi
Materi Paleontologi
Materi Paleontologi
In southern Brazil, the eolian facies of the Guará Formation (Late Jurassic) reveal footprints and trackways of vertebrates (dino-
saurs), as well as burrows made by small vertebrates. All the footprints and trackways are preserved in dunes and sand sheets. The
footprints made in the sand sheets are not well preserved due to intense trampling and can be distinguished only by the deformation
of the sandstone laminations. In some cases it is possible to see this deformation in plan and in section. Tracks of theropods, orni-
thopods and middle-sized sauropods are present. Two footprints preserved in the foreset of a paleodune permitted recognition of
slide structures and identification of the trackmaker, a theropod. Burrows horizontally across the foresets were found at this same
paleodune. Ribbons of massive sandstone – interpreted as the partial filling of the base of the burrows – covered by little blocks of
stratified sandstone – suggest the collapse of the burrow roof inward. There are no body fossils in the Guará Formation, conse-
quently the preservation of these tracks provides unique evidence of widespread dinosaurs activity in southern Brazil near the
end of the Jurassic.
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P.C. Dentzien-Dias et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 196–202 197
Fig. 1. Geological map of the Permian and Mesozoic lithostratigraphic units of the Paraná Basin in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (After Scherer
and Lavina, 2005).
(Scherer et al., 2000). Although highly variable, it has an tion), reflects changes in the substrate wetness associated
average thickness of 200 m and rests unconformably over with either modifications of the rate of water table fluctua-
the fluvial deposits of the Early Triassic Sanga do Cabral tion or dry sand availability (Chakraborty and Chaudhuri,
Formation. Above, the Guará Formation is unconform- 1993). The Guará Formation accumulation was controlled
ably overlain by the eolian deposits of the Early Cretaceous by oscillations between arid and semi-arid conditions
Botucatu Formation (Scherer et al., 2000). The Guará For- (Scherer and Lavina, 2006).
mation is poorly lithified compared with the other Meso- The Guará Formation extends from southwest Rio
zoic units of Rio Grande do Sul and is easily eroded. Grande do Sul to Uruguay, where it corresponds, litho-
The Guará Formation displays a well-defined facies stratigraphically, to the basal member of the Tacuarembó
shift along its outcrop belt. On its northern portion it is Formation (Lavina et al., 1985), which reveals a rich and
characterized by coarse-grained to conglomeratic sand- diversified fossil record, including crocodile, semionotiform
stones with trough and planar cross-bedding, as well as fishes, gastropods, and conchostracans (Mones & Figueira,
low-angle lamination, which are interpreted to represent 1980; Ferrando et al., 1987). Nevertheless, no taxon com-
braided river deposits. Southwards these fluvial facies thin mon to both the Tacuarembó and Guará Formations has
out and interfinger with fine- to medium-grained sand- been previously described.
stones with large-scale cross-stratification and horizontal
lamination, interpreted as eolian dune and sand sheets
deposits, respectively (Scherer and Lavina, 2005). These 3. Data gathering
eolian sediments reveal large cross-beddings with grain-
flow, grain-fall and wind-ripple lamination (Hunter, For each fossiliferous outcrop, a stratigraphic section
1977), interpreted as large eolian dune deposits, and/or was made, in which the layers with ichnofossils were delin-
horizontal wind-ripples strata, composed of fine to eated. Sedimentary facies were described following the
coarse-grained sandstones interpreted as eolian sand sheet model of Reading (1986).
deposits (Scherer and Lavina, 2006). We collected two separated footprints and a pair of
In the eolian sand sheet deposits a vertical transition footprints from the same trackway. They were registered
between wind ripples and adhesion strata (crinkled lamina- in the Laboratory of Paleovertebrates of the Universidade
198 P.C. Dentzien-Dias et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 196–202
Fig. 5. (a) Bifurcated burrow with 1.50 m of length and 20 cm of width, the arrow shows a stratified block interpreted as the collapsed parts of the burrow
roofs. (b) The longest burrow found in the Guará Formation, with 2.80 m of length and 20 cm of width.
Fig. 7. Theropod footprint in section (a) and on surface (b). Slide structures formed during this climbing can be clearly visualized and the pin stripes were
down-folded as the animal feet penetrated the sand, showing that the substrate was relatively firmer (Scales: Brush 15 cm; Ruler 5 cm).
P.C. Dentzien-Dias et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 196–202 201
There is no lithologic difference between the infilling of moist, otherwise it would not be preserved, since they
the burrows and the surrounding matrix, the absence of are easily destroyed by erosion and do not allow pre-
stratification. Burrows filled with the same sediment as that serving details of the tracks (Fornós et al., 2002).
in which they were excavated, easily are overlooked (Smith, – The good preservation of some footprints indicates that
1987). However, this stratification difference gave the bur- they escaped erosion or further trampling, by rapid
rows some relief, allowing us to identify them easily. burial.
Unfortunately no footprints that could be attributed to – The strongly trampled nature of some eolian sand sheets
the constructer of the burrows have been found to this could indicate that large dinosaurs were passing by
moment. Probably these footprints did not have the same southern Brazil, searching for water, considering that
luck of those made by theropods, maybe because they were there is no evidence that the environment of the Guará
too shallow and even low energy processes could have Formation could support a large population, as corrob-
destroyed them. orated by the dry eolian deposits.
– The burrows are the only evidence of vertebrate burrows
6. Paleoecology inferences from the Mesozoic of Rio Grande do Sul and prove that
some small animals could live in the semi-arid environ-
Using the ichnological and taphonomic data some ment of the Guará Formation.
paleoecology inferences can be made, such as the speed, – Body fossils are unknown to the Guará Formation, con-
weight, and behavior of the organism (Lockley, 1997), cor- sequently the chance preservation of these tracks pro-
relating the fossil record with the sedimentological data. vides unique evidence of widespread dinosaurs activity
Here, we speculate about the animals and the behavior that in southern Brazil during the end of Jurassic.
lead them to make some of the ichnofossils described
The burrows were found in the same outcrop that the Acknowledgements
theropod footprints occur, in a paleodune. It is possible
that theropods were in that dune to hunt little animals P.C.D.-D. and C.B.-M. thank CNPq for graduate schol-
(mammals?) that used to live in that kind of burrows. arship. We thank Juan Cisneros for revision of an earlier
It is known that in arid and semi-arid environments, version of this manuscript. We are also grateful for the con-
trampled layers occur near lakes and other sources of water structive reviews by Dr. David Loope and an anonymous
(Sung Paik et al., 2001) and the rate of trampling is depen- referee.
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