Running Between The Wickets Drills

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Running between the wicket Drills

Yes, no or wait
- A rectangle is formed approximately 10x20m with cones in each corner.
- Side A is yes, side B is no
- Students are to line up on side C, spreading out, with a bat in
hand (a stump can be used as an alternative)
- The teacher will call, yes, no or wait and students are to run to
the designated lines and slide their bat over the line
- If wait is called, students run half way out with in their hands,
ready to go
- Continue until students have an understanding and are warmed
Stage 1
- Split group into teams and make it a competition who can get all students over the line first
- Have the teacher/another student hit a ball off a tee and encourage students to make their
own decision about what they would do; run or stay
- Quick movement between lines
- Correct line chosen for call made
- One hand holding grip of bat, other holding base
- Slide bat along ground when crossing the crease

- Students are organised into 2 teams of 4-6, with one being the
running team with a bat and one being the fielding team
- One set of stumps is set up with a marker 15m away. Parallel to
this, another set of stumps is set up with a tee with a ball on top,
25m away
- The running team line up behind the cone, whilst the fielding team
line up behind the stumps
- On the teachers call, the first runner sets off to run around the
stumps opposite to them, whilst the first person from the fielding
team runs to retrieve the ball from the tee and throws it back to a
receiver on the stumps
- If the running team makes it back before the fielding team, they are awarded 2 points
- Once all students have had a turn, roles can be reversed, with the team with the highest
score winning
Stage 1/2
- Increase running distances for both teams
- Fast movement
- Hand holding base of bat whilst running
- Slide bat across crease
- Accurate throw

Run out
- Students are split into 2 teams, with one becoming the batting team
and one the fielding team
- Nominate one student from the fielding team to be the wicket-
- Stumps are positioned 15m away from line of batting team and a
cone with a cone is positioned parallel, in front of fielding team
- When the teacher calls ‘go’, the first batter runs to the crease and back, carrying their bat
- At the same time, the first fielder runs to the stationary ball, retrieves it, then throws to the
wicket-keeper to catch and hit the stumps
- The batter is run out if they don’t cross the line before the stumps are hit, with a point
awarded to the fielding team for every run out
- Teams change when all member have had a turn
- At the end, team with the most run outs wins.
Stage 2/3
- Increase distance
- Have the fielding team correct a moving ball
- Include 2 batters at a time
- Stretch bat out and slide along ground when crossing the crease
- Fast movement between stumps/cones
- Carry base of bat in opposite hand.
- Balance and aim with non-throwing arm for fielders

Crease line cricket

- Students are split into groups of 4 across a large playing area
- One student becomes wicket-keeper, one the bowler, one fielder and two batters
- The crease line is created by rope/cones positioned
- The bowler stands in between the two batters and
bowls the ball to a batter
- The batter hits the ball within the area, aiming away
from the fielder
- Once the ball is hit, batters have to run to the opposite
crease to get a run, continuing until the ball is
returned to the bowler.
- Each batting pair shares 6 balls, then all students
Stage 3/4
- Manipulate playing areas
- Have more people in each group (combine two groups together) to create more fielders,
therefore batters have to make more decisions
- Competition to see which students make the most runs
- Include more rules to create game like and involve more decision making to make it a stage
4 activity
- Placement of ball to space away from fielder
- Correct call as to run or stay
- Hold base of bat with hand whilst running
- Slide bat over crease, extend arm

(Play cricket, n.d; Glenmore cricket club, 2016; Play cricket, n.d)

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