TASK 2 Pengantar Pembangunan Komuniti

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Answer all questons.

No. Scholar / Statement

1 Freedom is the characteristic of development

2 Ethnic homogeneity id the characteristic of community

3 Community development is planned by the partcipants to serve

goals they progressively choose
4 to allow the human development / individual personality

5 A community is a territorially bounded social system or set of

interlocking integrated functional subsystems
6 interactng through relationships or bonds of marriage, blood,
friendship & neighborhood
7 Progress, development and modernisaton is about the same-
transformaton of peasant society to industrial society
8 Engaging in stable social interaction according to shared
expectatons and ongoing commitments to specific norms, values,
attitudes, aspiraton, world-views, traditon, or pattern of culture
9 Community have politcal autonomy

10 Development is process that took place in stages within a social

11 Development as a transformaton of society, a movement from
traditonal relatons, traditonal ways of thinking, traditonal
methods of producton, to more modern ways
12 Community development is develops the confidence and will to
work at these needs or objectives, takes acton in respect to them,
and in doing so extends and develops co-operatve and
collaboratve attitudes and practices in the community
13 Community development is promotng collectve or collective
acton to bring the community
14 Community development is human beings can become more
competent to live with and gain some control over local aspects
of a frustratng and changing world
15 Development is producing more ‘life sustaining’ necessites such
as food, shelter, and health care and broadening their
distributon; raising standards of living and individual self esteem;
expanding economic and social choice and reducing fear
16 Community development is a practce-based profession and an
academic discipline that promotes partcipative democracy,
sustainable development, rights, economic opportunity, equity
and social justce through the organisation, education and
empowerment of the people within their communites, whether
these be of locality, identty or interest, in urban and rural setting
17 Development should, then, be viewed as a multi-dimensional
process involving major changes in social structures
18 Development in the new perspectve has been referred to as an
overall process of transforming men and societies leading to a
social order in which every human being can achieve moral and
material well being
19 development is about outcomes, that is, development occurs with
the reducton and elimination of poverty, inequality, and
unemployment within a growing economy
20 Development is instead equipped with knowledge which enable
them to have control over their lives
21 Community development is the process by which the effort of the
people themselves are united with those of governmental
authorites to improve the economic, social, and cultural
conditons of community,
22 Community development as the conscious use of community
process by the partcipants themselves in order, through common
acton, to achieve self chosen goal
23 Community development is seen as a social process

24 Community development is a process by which a community

identfies its needs or objectives, orders (or ranks) these needs or
25 Development is a popular atttudes and a national conditon of life
from unsatisfactory to satisfactory
26 Community development is finds the resources (internal and/or
external) to deal with the needs or objectves
27 Community development is a strategy that emphasizes self-
development, collaboratve support, integraton and capacity for
solving problems
28 Development is a transformation of a peasant society to industrial
29 characterized development as reduce mortality, increase life
spans, and increase productvity
30 Community development to integrate thses communtes into the
life of the nation, and to enable them to contribute fully to
natonal progress
31 Community development as a movement that is designed to
increase the quality of life of the entre community through actve
partcipaton and if possible on the initatve of community itself, if
not, can use techniques to boost the actve and responsive
partcipaton in the movement.
32 Community as the complete social life in a locality

33 Community development as a program, process, method and


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