Test Execution Document: Dacopan2

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Test Execution Document


Helsinki, 7th May 2005

Software Engineering Project
Department of Computer Science
581260-4 Software Engineering Project (6 cr)

Project Group
Mikko Airaksinen
Tomi Korkki
Pauli Miettinen
Timo Tuominen
Mikko Väänänen

Markku Kojo

Project Masters
Juha Taina (Supervisor)
Marianne Korpela (Instructor)


Change Log
Version Date Modifications
1.0 27.05.2004 First version
1.1 29.05.2005 Initial version for DaCoPAn2
1.5 03.05.2005 Beta version for DaCoPAn2
2.0 06.05.2005 Finished version for DaCoPAn2

1 Introduction 1

2 Unit testing 1

3 Integration testing 2
Test case 1 – ProtocolEventsReader and Dataview . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Test case 2 – Analyzer generated PEFs compliance to the Animator
XML reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 System testing 3
Test case 3 – Settings and user interface visualization in MSC . . . . 3
Test case 4 – MSC buttons and encapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test case 5 – Settings and user interface visualization in TSC . . . . . 4
Test case 6 – TSC buttons and sliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test case 7 – Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test case 8 – Help menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test case 9 – Scenario and explore modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Test case 10 – TimePanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Test case 11 – Note panel in MSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Test case 12 – Note panel in TSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Test case 13 – Visibility of packets in UFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Test case 14 – Save all settings and restore defaults . . . . . . . . . . 6
Test case 15 – TSC and PEFs without TCP layer or sequence numbers 6
Test case 16 – Text visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Test case 17 – Animation panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Test case 18 – Opening animator files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Test case 19 – Animation readability at the auditorium . . . . . . . . 7

5 Found and fixed bugs 8

References 11

1 Introduction
This is the Test Execution Document of the DaCoPAn2 Software Engineering project
at the Computer Science Department of the University of Helsinki. The DaCoPAn2
project is a follow-up project for the DaCoPAn project. Its main goal is to improve
and expand the Animator subsystem produced by the DaCoPAn group.
This document presents the results of the execution of the different tests presented
in the DaCoPAn2 Test plan document [1]. The document is organized as follows:

Section 2 introduces the results of unit testing.

Section 3 introduces the results of integration testing.

Section 4 introduces the results of system testing.

In section 5 the bugs found during test phase are listed.

The results of the test execution will be presented in subsection as follows:

Id and name of the executed test.

Description of the test, or collected results.

Errors found if any, and maybe a reference to the bug and fixes report. If error
was found on certain step of Test Case, the step number is given.

All test cases were first executed once and found bugs were fixed. Then all test cases
were executed again and no further bugs were found.

Test were run on following environment: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.66GHz proces-
sor, Computer Science Linux #2.152, kernel version 2.6.11-1.14 FC3.csl and Java 

2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0-b64), Java HotSpot Client 

VM (build 1.5.0-b64, mixed mode, sharing). Program was also tested to work with

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with same Java Runtime


2 Unit testing
Unit tests were created as JUnit tests. Not all classes were tested as there were lots
of user interface classes. It was thought to be unnecessary to test those classes. The
tested classes, the functions of classes and JUnit test are listed in table 1.
JUnit tests were executed using Eclipse 3.0.1 and JUnit version 3.8.1. Contrary to
the Test plan, RITA was not used for running the unit tests, because the software
was found to be unsuitable for this kind of user interface oriented project, where unit
testing and other black box testing can never completely exhaust all the different

user input combinations and even statement coverage could not be sensibly achieved
for all classes. In addition, since RITA was somewhat buggy, the labour required to
configure it was seen as out of proportion compared to the benefit gained from it.
The JUnit tests were run once, discovered problems fixed and then run again to
detect any new problems that might have appeared. No problems were found, as
can be seen from Figure 1 at page 3.

Table 1: List of JUnit tests executed.

Package File Test case
contsig AnimationTimeState.java AnimationTimeStateTest.java
model DataView.java DataViewTestCase.java
ENCTreeModel.java EncTreeModelTestCase.java
Layer.java LayerTestCase.java
NoteManager.java NoteManagerTestCase.java
Note.java NoteTestCase.java
ScenarioStepIterator.java ScenarioStepIteratorTestCase.java
TransferUnit.java TransferUnitTestCase.java
pef XMLProtocolEventsReader.java XMLProtocolEventsReaderTestCase.java
scenario ObjectSerializer.java ObjectSerializerTestCase.java
ScenarioFile.java ScenarioFileTestCase.java
Saveable.java ScenarioSavingTestCase.java
settings GeneralSettings.java GeneralSettingsTest.java
ui CalcYCoord.java CalcYCoordTestCase.java
ENCPanel.java ENCPanelTest.java
MainFrame.java MainFrameTestCase.java
SettingsMSC.java SettingsMSCTest.java
ui.tsc NoticeTrigger.java NoticeTriggerTestCase.java
SettingsTSC.java SettingsTSCTest.java

While executing test TrasferUnitTestCase.java bug 5 was found and later fixed.
While executing test MainFrameTestCase.java bug 6 was found and later fixed.

3 Integration testing
In this section, the tests that test the integration of the Animator modules and
integration between the Analyzer and Animator are presented.

Figure 1: Screenshot from Eclipses JUnit test panel.

Test case 1 – ProtocolEventsReader and Dataview

This test was run to ensure that the Animator ProtocolEventsReader sub-
system works correctly. JUnit test case XMLProtocolEventsReaderTest-
Case.java was run to ensure that.

No errors or failures were collected.

Test case 2 – Analyzer generated PEFs compliance to the

Animator XML reader
This test was run to test that the Animators XML reader can correctly read
Analyzer generated PEFs. It was done by loading a file named pef_4_2.pef
and verifying visually that the PEFs contents corresponds to the animation in
both MSC and TSC modes.

Full correspondence was verified and no problems occurred during the reading
phase of the PEF.

4 System testing
This section contains the largest part of testing the DaCoPAn Animator—the system
testing. It contains all those tests that are needed to verify that all subsystems of
the DaCoPAn Animator work correctly.

Test case 3 – Settings and user interface visualization in MSC

The test case was conducted with pef_4_2.pef
Bug 1 was found during step 5. Otherwise the results were as expected.

Test case 4 – MSC buttons and encapsulation

The test case was conducted using pef_iota_zeta_1.pef.
Bug 2 was found during step 9. No other errors were found.

Test case 5 – Settings and user interface visualization in TSC

The test case was conducted using pef_sack.pef.
Bug 1 was found during step 5. Bug 3 was found during step 14. Bug 4 was
found during step 17.

Test case 6 – TSC buttons and sliders

The test case was conducted using pef_sack.pef.
No problems were discovered.

Test case 7 – Localization

The test case was conducted using various PEF files.
When loading pef_sack.pef, bug 10 was found. In addition, some strings
were not correctly localized. They are listed in bug 9.

Test case 8 – Help menu

This test was to make sure that the “Help” menu works correctly and is possible
to invoke before loading any PEF files.

The help menu was shown without any problems, but its contents had bugs
that are listed in bug 7.

Test case 9 – Scenario and explore modes

This test was to make sure that MSC’s scenario and explore modes work
correctly. The test was executed by loading a PEF file named pef_4_2.pef
and creating and running the scenario.

Scenario mode worked as it should, but unlike the test case states, pressing
“Encapsulation” at recording mode also inserts encapsulation at play list. This
was, however, considered to be a feature, not a bug.

Test case 10 – TimePanel

This test was to ensure that the Time panel works correctly in MSC mode.
The PEF named pef_3_1.pef was loaded and played in MSC mode.

No problems were perceived.

Test case 11 – Note panel in MSC

This test was to ensure that the “Note panel” in the MSC mode works correctly.
The PEF named pef_3_2.pef was loaded and the test case was executed.

Adding, editing and deleting the notes worked fine, but bug number 8 was

Test case 12 – Note panel in TSC

Used pef_4_2.pef in testing.

No errors were found.

Test case 13 – Visibility of packets in UFO

Used pef_4_2.pef in testing.

No errors were found.

Test case 14 – Save all settings and restore defaults

This test was run to make sure that saving and restoring settings work cor-
rectly. The PEF files used were pef_5_2.pef and pef_3_2.pef.

The test case was executed as it should and no errors were found.

Test case 15 – TSC and PEFs without TCP layer or sequence

Loaded pef_2_1.pef (no tcp data) and switched to TSC mode. A correct
behavior was detected. Generated a copy of pef_4_2.pef and commented out
a single row (sequence number from a single transfer unit). An exception was
thrown and the TSC view did not show any data (was completely gray).

Bug number 11 was found.

Test case 16 – Text visibility

This test was to ensure that all texts and their background have clearly dis-
tinguishable colors. The PEF file pef_6_1.pef was loaded and all animator
components were scanned through.

All texts—especially the text “Message Sequence Chart”—were distinguishable
from their background colors.

Test case 17 – Animation panel

The test was conducted using the file pef_4_2.pef.

The results were exactly as expected.

Test case 18 – Opening animator files

This test was to ensure that the “Open File” dialog shows all and only all
supported file types by default. The following dummy files were created in the
default directory:

– puppua.tex
– puppua
– puppua.java
– .puppua

to execute the test case.

None of the created files were visible in the file chooser dialog by default.
Instead all files that had .sce or .pef suffix were visible. Thus the test case
was executed without any errors.

Test case 19 – Animation readability at the auditorium

This test case was run to ensure that the Animator is usable for educational
purposes, especially when used in auditorium context. The test was run at the
Exactum building in auditorium CK112 using CSLinux and data-projector.
The default font size for the MSC mode was found to be too small, but enlarg-
ing the font size at settings helped as it should. In TSC mode some default
colors were not very readable, but color chooser helped. Also dropped cross in
the TSC mode was not very readable. This was considered as a feature, not
as a bug.

5 Found and fixed bugs

In this section, the bugs we found during the first execution of test cases are listed.
Also the fixes for bugs are listed. All bugs listed here are fixed.
Description: When protocol header fields were deselected in the MSC settings
after pressing “Apply”, these changes were reflected in the drawing area when the
settings window was dragged on top of it, and remained even if the “Cancel” button
was pressed.
In fact, after pressing “Apply” once, any changes made to layer-specific settings in
the MSC as well as Graphical elements and Animation settings in the TSC had the
same effect.
Fix: MainFrame was changed to use the copy constructor of the GeneralSettings

Description: When switching to the Application layer after loading the file
pef_iota_zeta_1.pef, the following exception was thrown: “Exception in thread
‘AWT-EventQueue-0’ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: timeScale cannot be
negative or zero!” meaning that the AnimationTimeState object received an illegal
timeScale value because the Application layer is empty for pef_iota_zeta_1.pef
Fix: Added test for non-positive time scale arguments in MainFrame.java. Should
one occur, time scale is set to 1.

Description: The chosen notice delay was applied not for the unit which triggered
the notice but for the next unit. It was also applied for each following unit even
when they triggered no notices.
Fix: The notice delay is now applied only to units with notices.

Description: The unit variables shown in the Unit info panel were only updated
after selecting a unit with the mouse or when a new unit was drawn during ani-
mation. The changed settings were not reflected for an already drawn and active
Fix: The text display is now updated at every repaint.

Description: If a PEF file does not have any variables, getPayloadSize() in class
TransferUnit throws null pointer exception error.
Fix: Added null test for all variables.

Description: If TimePanel has null as first parameter, it throws null pointer ex-
ception error.
Fix: Added null test for first parameter

Description: The contents of menu Help → About are not correct. General infor-
mation in the panel with same name is out of date and the licence information in
the respective panel wraps words ugly.
Fix: Added information about DaCoPAn2 project and added setWrapStyle-
Word(true) to UserInterface::showAboutBox().

Description: Sometimes when in MSC mode and the progress line is after a note,
when “Stop” is pressed the note text is disappears. Also when animation is stepped
through with “Step forward” or “Step backward”, note texts are not showed in syn-
Fix: Method stepTo() in class NotePanel was fixed s.t. it uses the correct time to
show note texts.

Description: The following strings were not localized:

TSC Settings: “Displayed element”

TSC Settings: “Highlight units”

TSC Settings, Notice Dialog: “Value must be a number”

TSC Notices: “disabled”

TSC Error dialog header: “Message” (Appears when file contains no TCP data.

TSC: Time axis scale unit (“ms” or “s”)

MSC: “Variables” column header

General settings: panel labels

TSC Color palette: whole component

File dialog: whole component

Fix: The strings were externalized. The Java components JColorChooser and
FileDialog could not be localized.

BUG 10
Description: When switching to TSC mode with a valid pef file containing TCP
information, the TSC incorrectly displayed the error dialog which claims that no
TCP data is available. This was discovered with a dacopan.properties localization
file containing dummy strings. Also, when trying to select the header fields for the
TSC Unit info panel in the settings, the list of header fields was empty.
Fix: The TSC tried to look for the TCP protocol using its localized name. It was
fixed to use the protocol’s raw name.

BUG 11
Description: A TCP transfer unit without a sequence number throws a
java.lang.NumberFormatException: null when trying to show it using TSC
Fix: A null check and error message dialog was added.

BUG 12
Description: While in play mode the TSC Unit Info panel does not update when
a new unit is displayed
Fix: See fix in 4

BUG 13
Description: Notices for SACK are not triggered
Fix: The Exists test for SACK variables was implemented.

1 DaCoPAn2 Software Engineering Project, Test plan. Relase 2.0. Uni-
versity of Helsinki, March 2005.

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