Jurnal Ketorolac
Jurnal Ketorolac
Jurnal Ketorolac
A review of ketorolac as a
prehospital analgesic
Dr Tom Edward Mallinson, Critical Care Paramedic and Mountain Rescue & Primary Care Physician, Western Isles Hospital,
Isle of Lewis, Scotland. E-mail for correspondence: [email protected]
postoperative pain and, as such, its use for other These routes would produce a more rapid rise in
causes of pain would be off-label. However, this serum concentration and bioavailability compared
is not a barrier to its use, as many of the drugs to the oral route. This would be beneficial in the
used routinely in prehospital care are also being acute pain setting, and would also be useful for
used for off-label indications. The Medicine patients destined for emergency surgery who need
and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to be kept nil by mouth.
Table 2. Drug monograph for ketorolac may be a significant advantage, such as in patients
who are immobilised, vomiting or nil by mouth.
KETOROLAC The use of ketorolac can also decrease the
Formulation Actions amount of opiates required when used as a co-
agent. This could potentially lead to fewer patients
Most commonly; a glass ampoule Ketorolac is a non-steroidal anti-
experiencing the unpleasant side-effects of high-
containing 30 mg of ketorolac in 1 ml inflammatory drug (NSAID)
dose opiates. It has also been suggested that
Its analgesic and antipyretic action is ketorolac, when used to treat pain from traumatic
through its action blocking the COX injuries may be more cost-effective than opiates
enzyme, and inhibition of prostaglandin while achieving the same level of analgesia (Rainer
synthesis et al, 2000).
Indications Side-effects
Limitations in UK prehospital care
Adult patients experiencing moderate Prolonged use can cause gastric irritation One limitation of NSAIDs is their effect of impairing
to severe pain platelet aggregation. This occurs owing to inhibition
Bronchospasm in sensitive individuals
Especially suitable for colic (renal of thromboxane A2 synthesis, as a result of COX
Nausea inhibition by ketorolac. While this antiplatelet action
colic, biliary colic, etc)
Dyspepsia has been highlighted as a reason to avoid ketorolac
Contraindications Cautions in trauma, it is likely that the anticoagulant effect is
minimal and not clinically significant (Butler et al,
Age <18 years. Previous gastric ulcer 2000). This view is supported by the meta-analysis
Concurrent use of NSAIDs or Lithium Asthma (especially in the presence of of 27 studies undertaken by Gobble et al (2014),
nasal polyps) which concluded that ketorolac provided beneficial
Ischaemic cardiac pain analgesia, and did not significantly increase
Renal impairment (see dosing below) postoperative bleeding. This antiplatelet effect is
Active gastric ulcer
Weight <50 kg (see dosing below) likely to make ketorolac less suitable in cases of
Allergy to ketorolac or its ingredients significant polytrauma—although this is not a rigid
Third trimester pregnancy or active contraindication.
labour There have been deaths linked to the use
of ketorolac, related to the risk of significant
Breastfeeding gastrointestinal bleeding with long-term use, and
Active major haemorrhage also with cases of anaphylaxis. However, the
numbers are not such that they indicate ketorolac is
Additional Information
significantly more dangerous than other commonly
Ketorolac is particularly useful for pain caused by smooth muscle spasm, and used analgesics. As with all NSAIDs, ketorolac carries
therefore works well for colicky pains a small risk of anaphylaxis (Sánchez-Borges, et
Ketorolac is also suitable for use in traumatic musculoskeletal injuries al, 2010), which can prove fatal (Oliva et al, 2007;
Campobasso et al, 2008). However, ketorolac is not
Dose and administration believed to be more allergenic than other related
Single dose only NSAIDs. It is safe to use within the limits of the
cautions and contraindications highlighted in Table 2.
The dose for ≥65 years old is also suitable for patients with; renal impairment or
Ketorolac is not currently one of the medications
weight <50 kg
authorised specifically for paramedic use in the UK,
Age (in years) Slow IV IM and it is currently a prescription-only medication
≥65 15 mg 15 mg (POM)—unlike some other NSAIDs. Therefore, for
a paramedic to use ketorolac in the UK, they would
18–<65 30 mg 30 mg need to be administering it under a Patient Group
Directive on the authorisation of a doctor (England,
2016). One of the benefits of its status as a POM,
precautions for storage, but should not be stored however, is that it is not a controlled drug (CD) and,
above 30°C or in direct sunlight. It can be given as such, is free from the restrictions surrounding
© 2017 MA Healthcare Ltd
alongside paracetamol and morphine, which are carriage and storage of CDs.
the mainstay of current paramedic pharmacological
pain management. While there appears to be no Conclusion
significant pain relief benefit in using ketorolac over Ketorolac is an effective analgesic option for IV
oral ibuprofen (Curtis and Morrell, 2006), ketorolac or IM administration. It is used in prehospital care
does allow an NSAID to be given parenterally, which internationally in both civilian and military practice.
Ketorolac is usually administered via intramuscular and intravenous routes, which can be useful in prehospital care
While there are concerns regarding its long-term use transport times may be extended; for example,
and increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, these owing to technical rescue or remote locations.
are unlikely to be an issue as a result of a one-off Ketorolac is a useful adjunct to the provision of
prehospital dose. Equally, many of the other cautions multimodal analgesia, and it should be considered
and contraindications for ketorolac are shared by for inclusion in the armamentarium of paramedics in
all NSAIDs and UK paramedics are already able to the UK. JPP
administer ibuprofen.
Concerns related to its variable and sometimes Conflict of Interest: None.
slow onset of action are valid and may make
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© 2017 MA Healthcare Ltd
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llIf ketorolac was introduced into UK practice, what clinical grade of practitioner do you think could safely administer it?
llWhat are the qualities of an ideal (and imaginary) analgesic agent for the prehospital care of acute pain?
llWhat other analgesic drugs do you feel would be valuable additions to paramedic practice in the UK?