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For teaching from September 2016 onwards
For exams in 2018 onwards

Version 1.2 20 November 2018

Copyright © 2016 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
AQA retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, schools and colleges registered with AQA are permitted to copy
material from this specification for their own internal use.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number
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AQA GCSE Computer Science 8520. GCSE exams June 2018 onwards. Version 1.2 20 November 2018

1 Introduction 5
1.1 Why choose AQA for GCSE Computer Science 5
1.2 Support and resources to help you teach 5

2 Specification at a glance 7
2.1 Subject content 7
2.2 Assessments 7

3 Subject content 9
3.1 Fundamentals of algorithms 9
3.2 Programming 11
3.3 Fundamentals of data representation 17
3.4 Computer systems 22
3.5 Fundamentals of computer networks 25
3.6 Fundamentals of cyber security 27
3.7 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital
technology on wider society, including issues of
privacy 30
3.8 Aspects of software development 30
3.9 Programming project 31

4 Scheme of assessment 33
4.1 Aims and learning outcomes 33
4.2 Assessment objectives 33
4.3 Assessment weightings 34

5 Programming project administration 35

5.1 Supervising and authenticating 35
5.2 Avoiding malpractice 36
5.3 Submitting work 36
5.4 Factors affecting individual students 36
5.5 Keeping students work 37
5.6 Monitoring work 37
5.7 After monitoring 37

6 General administration 39
6.1 Entries and codes 39
6.2 Overlaps with other qualifications 39
6.3 Awarding grades and reporting results 39
6.4 Re-sits and shelf life 40
6.5 Previous learning and prerequisites 40

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6.6 Access to assessment: diversity and inclusion 40
6.7 Working with AQA for the first time 41
6.8 Private candidates 41

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• You will always find the most up-to-date version of this specification on our website at
• We will write to you if there are significant changes to the specification.

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1 Introduction
1.1 Why choose AQA for GCSE Computer Science
We’ve worked closely with teachers to develop a new GCSE Computer Science specification that’s
as inspiring to teach as it is to learn. This specification recognises the well-established
methodologies of computing, alongside the technological advances which make it such a dynamic
We’ve built on the most popular aspects of our current specification and added fresh features
including a computational thinking exam to provide an academically challenging programme of
study for students of all ability levels. You can choose from a range of programming languages for
the programming project, enabling you to tailor your specification to the strengths and preferences
of you and your students.
Our exam papers retain our commitment to clear wording and structure, helping students to
progress through each paper with confidence.
Students will complete this course equipped with the logical and computational skills necessary to
succeed at A-level, the workplace or beyond.
As part of our ongoing commitment to provide excellent support, you’ll see we’ve created fantastic
free teaching resources and can offer great value professional development courses. We’re also
collaborating with publishers to ensure you have engaging and easy-to-use textbooks.
You can find out about all our Computer Science qualifications at

1.2 Support and resources to help you teach

We’ve worked with experienced teachers to provide you with a range of resources that will help
you confidently plan, teach and prepare for exams.

Teaching resources
Visit to see all our teaching resources. They include:
• specimen papers and mark schemes to show the standards required and how your students’
papers will be marked
• dedicated subject advisors and exemplar specimens to guide you through the programming
• sample schemes of work and lesson plans to help you plan your course with confidence
• a range of easy-to-use, AQA approved textbooks
• a phone and email based subject team to support you in the delivery of the specification
• excellent professional development opportunities for those just starting out or the more
experienced, looking for fresh inspiration
• training courses to help you deliver our computer science qualifications
• subject expertise courses for all teachers, from newly-qualified teachers who are just getting
started to experienced teachers looking for fresh inspiration.

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Preparing for exams
Visit for everything you need to prepare for our exams, including:
• past papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports
• specimen papers and mark schemes for new courses
• Exampro: a searchable bank of past AQA exam questions
• exemplar student answers with examiner commentaries.

Analyse your students' results with Enhanced Results Analysis (ERA)

Find out which questions were the most challenging, how the results compare to previous years
and where your students need to improve. ERA, our free online results analysis tool, will help you
see where to focus your teaching. Register at
For information about results, including maintaining standards over time, grade boundaries and our
post-results services, visit

Keep your skills up-to-date with professional development

Wherever you are in your career, there’s always something new to learn. As well as subject-
specific training, we offer a range of courses to help boost your skills.
• Improve your teaching skills in areas including differentiation, teaching literacy and meeting
Ofsted requirements.
• Prepare for a new role with our leadership and management courses.
You can attend a course at venues around the country, in your school or online – whatever suits
your needs and availability. Find out more at

Help and support available

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If you'd like us to share news and information about this qualification, sign up for emails and
updates at
Alternatively, you can call or email our subject team direct.
E: [email protected]
T: 0161 957 3980

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2 Specification at a glance
This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit their
programming project at the end of the course.

2.1 Subject content

1. Fundamentals of algorithms (page 9)
2. Programming (page 11)
3. Fundamentals of data representation (page 17)
4. Computer systems (page 22)
5. Fundamentals of computer networks (page 25)
6. Fundamentals of cyber security (page 27)
7. Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including
issues of privacy (page 30)
8. Aspects of software development (page 30)
9. Programming project (page 31)

2.2 Assessments
Paper 1: Computational thinking and problem solving

What's assessed
Computational thinking, problem solving, code tracing and applied computing as well as
theoretical knowledge of computer science from subject content 1–4 above.

How it's assessed

• Written exam set in practically based scenarios: 1 hour 30 minutes
• 80 marks
• 50% of GCSE

A mix of multiple choice, short answer and longer answer questions assessing a student’s
practical problem solving and computational thinking skills.

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Paper 2: Written assessment

What's assessed
Theoretical knowledge from subject content 3–7 above.

How it's assessed

• Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
• 80 marks
• 50% of GCSE

A mix of multiple choice, short answer, longer answer and extended response questions
assessing a student’s theoretical knowledge.

Programming project

The programming project develops a student's ability to use the knowledge and skills gained
through the course to solve a problem. Students will be expected to follow a systematic approach
to problem solving, consistent with the skills described in Section 8 of the subject content.
The skills developed can be applied to exam questions on computational thinking.

What is produced
• A computer program to solve the programming project
• Written report: totalling 20 hours of timetabled work

The development of a computer program along with the computer programming code itself which
has been designed, written and tested by a student to solve a problem. Students will produce an
original report outlining this development.

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3 Subject content
This subject content should be taught within a range of realistic contexts based around the major
themes in the specification. To gain the most from the specification, a number of the sections will
benefit from being taught holistically. For example, algorithms could be taught alongside
programming techniques as there is a close relationship between them.
The specification content in Sections 3.1–3.7 is presented in a two-column format. The left hand
column contains the specification content that all students must cover, and that is assessed in the
written papers. The right hand column exemplifies the additional information that teachers will
require to ensure that their students study the topic in an appropriate depth and, where
appropriate, gives teachers the parameters in which the subject will be assessed.
For the programming project we will support the following programming languages:
• C#, C++, C
• Java
• Pascal/Delphi
• Python (versions 3 and 2)
• VB.Net.

3.1 Fundamentals of algorithms

3.1.1 Representing algorithms
Content Additional information

Understand and explain the term algorithm. An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be
followed to complete a task.
Be aware that a computer program is an
implementation of an algorithm and that an
algorithm is not a computer program.

Understand and explain the term Decomposition means breaking a problem into
decomposition. a number of sub-problems, so that each sub-
problem accomplishes an identifiable task,
which might itself be further subdivided.

Understand and explain the term abstraction. Abstraction is the process of removing
unnecessary detail from a problem.

Use a systematic approach to problem solving Any exam question where students are given
and algorithm creation representing those pseudo-code will use the AQA standard
algorithms using pseudo-code and flowcharts. version. However, when students are writing
their own pseudo-code they may do so using
any form as long as the meaning is clear and

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Content Additional information

Explain simple algorithms in terms of their Students must be able to identify where inputs,
inputs, processing and outputs. processing and outputs are taking place within
an algorithm.

Determine the purpose of simple algorithms. Students should be able to use trace tables and
visual inspection to determine how simple
algorithms work and what their purpose is.

3.1.2 Efficiency of algorithms

Content Additional information

Understand that more than one algorithm can

be used to solve the same problem.

Compare the efficiency of algorithms explaining Formal comparisons of algorithmic efficiency

how some algorithms are more efficient than are not required.
others in solving the same problem.
Exam questions in this area will only refer to
time efficiency.

3.1.3 Searching algorithms

Content Additional information

Understand and explain how the linear search Students should know the mechanics of the
algorithm works. algorithm.

Understand and explain how the binary search Students should know the mechanics of the
algorithm works. algorithm.

Compare and contrast linear and binary search Students should know the advantages and
algorithms. disadvantages of both algorithms.

3.1.4 Sorting algorithms

Content Additional information

Understand and explain how the merge sort Students should know the mechanics of the
algorithm works. algorithm.

Understand and explain how the bubble sort Students should know the mechanics of the
algorithm works. algorithm.

Compare and contrast merge sort and bubble Students should know the advantages and
sort algorithms. disadvantages of both algorithms.

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3.2 Programming
Students need a theoretical understanding of all the topics in this section for the exams even if the
programming language(s) they have been taught do not support all of the topics. Written exams
will always present algorithms and code segments using the current version of the AQA pseudo-
code document, which can be found on the AQA website, although students can present their
answers to questions in any suitable format and do not need to use the AQA pseudo-code when
answering questions.

3.2.1 Data types

Content Additional information

Understand the concept of a data type.

Understand and use the following appropriately: Depending on the actual programming
language(s) being used by the students, these
• integer
variable types may have other names. For
• real example real numbers may be described as
• Boolean float. In exams we will use the general names
• character given in this specification.
• string.

3.2.2 Programming concepts

Content Additional information

Use, understand and know how the following The three combining principles (sequence,
statement types can be combined in programs: iteration/repetition and selection/choice) are
basic to all imperative programming languages.
• variable declaration
• constant declaration Students should be able to write programs
• assignment using these statement types. They should be
• iteration able to interpret algorithms that include these
statement types.
• selection
• subroutine (procedure/function). Students should know why named constants
and variables are used.

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Content Additional information

Use definite and indefinite iteration, including A theoretical understanding of condition(s) at

indefinite iteration with the condition(s) at the either end of an iterative structure is required,
start or the end of the iterative structure. regardless of whether they are supported by the
language(s) being used.
An example of definite iteration would be:

An example of indefinite iteration with the

condition at the start would be:

An example of indefinite iteration with the

condition at the end would be:

Use nested selection and nested iteration An example of nested iteration would be:

An example of nested selection would be:

Use meaningful identifier names and know why Identifier names include names for variables,
it is important to use them. constants and subroutine names.

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3.2.3 Arithmetic operations in a programming language

Content Additional information

Be familiar with and be able to use: Integer division, including remainders is usually
a two stage process and uses modular
• addition
• subtraction
• multiplication eg the calculation 11/2 would generate the
• real division following values:
• integer division, including remainders. Integer division: the integer quotient of 11
divided by 2 (11 DIV 2) = 5
Remainder: the remainder when 11 is divided
by 2 (11 MOD 2) = 1

3.2.4 Relational operations in a programming language

Content Additional information

Be familiar with and be able to use: Students should be able to use these operators
within their own programs and be able to
• equal to
interpret them when used within algorithms.
• not equal to Note that different languages may use different
• less than symbols to represent these operators.
• greater than
In assessment material we will use the following
• less than or equal to
• greater than or equal to.
=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥

3.2.5 Boolean operations in a programming language

Content Additional information

Be familiar with and be able to use: Students should be able to use these operators,
and combinations of these operators, within
conditions for iterative and selection structures.
• OR.

3.2.6 Data structures

Content Additional information

Understand the concept of data structures. It may be helpful to set the concept of a data
structure in various contexts that students may
already be familiar with. It may also be helpful
to suggest/demonstrate how data structures
could be used in a practical setting.

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Content Additional information

Use arrays (or equivalent) in the design of Only one and two-dimensional arrays are
solutions to simple problems. required.

Use records (or equivalent) in the design of

solutions to simple problems.

3.2.7 Input/output and file handling

Content Additional information

Be able to obtain user input from the keyboard.

Be able to output data and information from a

program to the computer display.

Be able to read/write from/to a text file.

3.2.8 String handling operations in a programming language

Content Additional information

Understand and be able to use: Expected string conversion operations:

• length • string to integer
• position • string to real
• substring • integer to string
• concatenation • real to string.
• convert character to character code
• convert character code to character
• string conversion operations.

3.2.9 Random number generation in a programming language

Content Additional information

Be able to use random number generation. Students will be expected to use random
number generation within their computer
programs. An understanding of how pseudo-
random numbers are generated is not required.

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3.2.10 Subroutines (procedures and functions)

Content Additional information

Understand the concept of subroutines. Know that a subroutine is a named ‘out of line’
block of code that may be executed (called) by
simply writing its name in a program statement.

Explain the advantages of using subroutines in


Describe the use of parameters to pass data Students should be able to use subroutines that
within programs. require more than one parameter.
Students should be able to describe how data is
passed to a subroutine using parameters.

Use subroutines that return values to the calling Students should be able to describe how data is
routine. passed out of a subroutine using return values.

Know that subroutines may declare their own

variables, called local variables, and that local
variables usually:
• only exist while the subroutine is
• are only accessible within the subroutine.

Use local variables and explain why it is good

practice to do so.

3.2.11 Structured programming

Content Additional information

Describe the structured approach to Students should be able to describe the

programming. structured approach including modularised
programming, clear, well documented interfaces
(local variables, parameters) and return values.
Teachers should be aware that the terms
'arguments' and 'parameters' are sometimes
used but in examinable material we will use the
term 'parameter' to refer to both of these.

Explain the advantages of the structured


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3.2.12 Robust and secure programming
Content Additional information

Be able to write simple data validation routines. Students should be able to use data validation
techniques to write simple routines that check
the validity of data being entered by a user.
The following validation checks are examples of
simple data validation routines:
• checking if an entered string has a
minimum length
• checking if a string is empty
• checking if data entered lies within a
given range (eg between 1 and 10).

Be able to write simple authentication routines. Students should be able to write a simple
authentication routine that uses a username
and password. Students will only be required to
use plain text usernames and passwords (ie
students will not need to encrypt the

Be able to select suitable test data that covers

normal (typical), boundary (extreme) and
erroneous data.
Be able to justify the choice of test data.

3.2.13 Classification of programming languages

Content Additional information

Know that there are different levels of Students should understand that most
programming language: computer programs are written in high-level
languages and be able to explain why this is the
• low-level language
• high-level language.
Explain the main differences between low-level
and high-level languages.

Know that machine code and assembly Understand that processors execute machine
language are considered to be low-level code and that each type of processor has its
languages and explain the differences between own specific machine code instruction set.
Understand that assembly language is often
used to develop software for embedded
systems and for controlling specific hardware
Understand that assembly language has a 1:1
correspondence with machine code.

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Content Additional information

Understand that ultimately all programming

code written in high-level or assembly
languages must be translated into machine
Understand that machine code is expressed in
binary and is specific to a processor or family of

Understand the advantages and disadvantages

of low-level language programming compared
with high-level language programming.

Understand that there are three common types

of program translator:
• interpreter
• compiler
• assembler.
Explain the main differences between these
three types of translator.
Understand when it would be appropriate to use
each type of translator.

3.3 Fundamentals of data representation

3.3.1 Number bases
Content Additional information

Understand the following number bases:

• decimal (base 10)
• binary (base 2)
• hexadecimal (base 16).

Understand that computers use binary to Students should be familiar with the idea that a
represent all data and instructions. bit pattern could represent different types of
data including text, image, sound and integer.

Explain why hexadecimal is often used in

computer science.

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3.3.2 Converting between number bases
Content Additional information

Understand how binary can be used to Students must be able to represent decimal
represent whole numbers. values between 0 and 255 in binary.

Understand how hexadecimal can be used to Students must be able to represent decimal
represent whole numbers. values between 0 and 255 in hexadecimal.

Be able to convert in both directions between: The following equivalent maximum values will
be used:
• binary and decimal
• binary and hexadecimal • decimal: 255
• decimal and hexadecimal. • binary: 1111 1111
• hexadecimal: FF

3.3.3 Units of information

Content Additional information

Know that: A bit is either a 0 or a 1.

• a bit is the fundamental unit of information • b represents bit
• a byte is a group of 8 bits. • B represents byte

Know that quantities of bytes can be described Students might benefit from knowing that
using prefixes. historically the terms kilobyte, megabyte, etc
have often been used to represent powers of 2.
Know the names, symbols and corresponding
values for the decimal prefixes: The SI units of kilo, mega and so forth refer to
values based on powers of 10. When referring
• kilo, 1 kB is 1,000 bytes
to powers of 2 the terms kibi, mebi and so forth
• mega, 1 MB is 1,000 kilobytes would normally be used but students do not
• giga, 1 GB is 1,000 Megabytes need to know these.
• tera, 1 TB is 1,000 Gigabytes.

3.3.4 Binary arithmetic

Content Additional information

Be able to add together up to three binary Students will need to be able to add together up
numbers. to three binary numbers using a maximum of 8
bits per number.
Students will only be expected to add together
a maximum of three 1s in a single column.
Answers will be a maximum of 8 bits in length
and will not involve carrying beyond the eight

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Content Additional information

Be able to apply a binary shift to a binary Students will be expected to use a maximum of
number. 8 bits.
Students will be expected to understand and
use only a logical binary shift.
Students will not need to understand or use
fractional representations.

Describe situations where binary shifts can be Binary shifts can be used to perform simple
used. multiplication/division by powers of 2.

3.3.5 Character encoding

Content Additional information

Understand what a character set is and be able Students should be able to use a given
to describe the following character encoding character encoding table to:
• convert characters to character codes
• 7-bit ASCII • convert character codes to characters.
• Unicode.

Understand that character codes are commonly Students should know that character codes are
grouped and run in sequence within encoding grouped and that they run in sequence. For
tables. example in ASCII ‘A’ is coded as 65, ‘B’ as 66,
and so on, meaning that the codes for the other
capital letters can be calculated once the code
for ‘A’ is known. This pattern also applies to
other groupings such as lower case letters and

Describe the purpose of Unicode and the Students should be able to explain the need for
advantages of Unicode over ASCII. data representation of different alphabets and
of special symbols allowing a far greater range
Know that Unicode uses the same codes as
of characters.
ASCII up to 127.
It is not necessary to be familiar with UTF-8,
UTF-16 or other different versions of Unicode.

3.3.6 Representing images

Content Additional information

Understand what a pixel is and be able to Students should know that the term pixel is
describe how pixels relate to an image and the short for Picture Element. A pixel is a single
way images are displayed. point in a graphical image.
VDUs display pictures by dividing the display
screen into thousands (or millions) of pixels,
arranged into rows and columns.

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Content Additional information

Describe the following for bitmaps: The size of an image is expressed directly as
width of image in pixels by height of image in
• size in pixels
pixels using the notation width x height.
• colour depth.
Colour depth is the number of bits used to
Know that the size of a bitmap image in pixels represent each pixel.
(width x height) is known as the image

Describe how a bitmap represents an image Students should be able to explain how bitmaps
using pixels and colour depth. are made from pixels.

Describe using examples how the number of Students should be able to describe how higher
pixels and colour depth can affect the file size numbers of pixels and higher colour depths can
of a bitmap image. affect file size and should also be able to use

Calculate bitmap image file sizes based on the Students only need to use colour depth and
number of pixels and colour depth. number of pixels within their calculations.
Size bits = W x H x D
Size bytes = W x H x D /8
W = image width
H = image height
D = colour depth in bits.

Convert binary data into a black and white Given a binary pattern that represents a black
image. and white bitmap, students should be able to
draw the resulting image as a series of pixels.

Convert a black and white image into binary Given a black and white bitmap, students
data. should be able to write down a bit pattern that
represents the image.

3.3.7 Representing sound

Content Additional information

Understand that sound is analogue and that it

must be converted to a digital form for storage
and processing in a computer.

Understand that sound waves are sampled to Understand that a sample is a measure of
create the digital version of sound. amplitude at a point in time.

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Content Additional information

Describe the digital representation of sound in Sampling rate is the number of samples taken
terms of: in a second and is usually measured in hertz (1
Hertz = 1 sample per second).
• sampling rate
• sample resolution. Sample resolution is the number of bits per

Calculate sound file sizes based on the File size (bits) = rate x res x secs
sampling rate and the sample resolution.
rate = sampling rate
res = sample resolution
secs = number of seconds

3.3.8 Data compression

Content Additional information

Explain what data compression is. Students should understand that it is common
for data to be compressed and should be able
Understand why data may be compressed and
to explain why it may be necessary or desirable
that there are different ways to compress data.
to compress data.

Explain how data can be compressed using Students should be familiar with the process of
Huffman coding. using a tree to represent the Huffman code.
Be able to interpret/create Huffman trees. Students should be able to create a new
Huffman tree or use a given Huffman tree to:
• determine the code used for a particular
node within the tree (encoding)
• determine the node within a tree given its
code (decoding).

Be able to calculate the number of bits required Students should be familiar with carrying out
to store a piece of data compressed using calculations to determine the number of bits
Huffman coding. saved by compressing a piece of data using
Huffman coding.
Be able to calculate the number of bits required
to store a piece of uncompressed data in ASCII.

Explain how data can be compressed using run Students should be familiar with the process of
length encoding (RLE). using frequency/data pairs to reduce the
amount of data stored.

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Content Additional information

Represent data in RLE frequency/data pairs. Students could be given a bitmap

representation and they would be expected to
show the frequency and value pairs for each
eg 0000011100000011
would become 5 0 3 1 6 0 2 1.

3.4 Computer systems

3.4.1 Hardware and software
Content Additional information

Define the terms hardware and software and

understand the relationship between them.

3.4.2 Boolean logic

Content Additional information

Construct truth tables for the following logic Students do not need to know about or use
gates: NAND, NOR and XOR logic gates.
• OR.

Construct truth tables for simple logic circuits. Students should be able to construct truth
tables which contain up to three inputs.
Interpret the results of simple truth tables.

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Content Additional information

Create, modify and interpret simple logic circuit Students should be able to construct simple
diagrams. logic circuit diagrams which contain up to three
Students will only need to use AND, OR and
NOT gates within logic circuits.
Students will be expected to understand and
use the following logic circuit symbols:

3.4.3 Software classification

Content Additional information

Explain what is meant by:

• system software
• application software.
Give examples of both types of software.

Understand the need for, and functions of,

operating systems (OS) and utility programs.
Understand that the OS handles management
of the:
• processor(s)
• memory
• I/O devices
• applications
• security.

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3.4.4 Systems architecture
Content Additional information

Explain the Von Neumann architecture.

Explain the role and operation of main memory A bus is a collection of wires through which
and the following major components of a central data is transmitted from one component to
processing unit (CPU): another. Main memory will be considered to be
any form of memory that is directly accessible
• arithmetic logic unit
by the CPU, except for cache and registers.
• control unit
• clock
• bus.

Explain the effect of the following on the

performance of the CPU:
• clock speed
• number of processor cores
• cache size
• cache type.

Understand and explain the Fetch-Execute The CPU continuously reads instructions stored
cycle. in main memory and executes them as
• fetch: the next instruction is fetched to the
CPU from main memory
• decode: the instruction is decoded to work
out what it is
• execute: the instruction is executed
(carried out). This may include reading/
writing from/to main memory.

Understand the differences between main Students should be able to explain the terms
memory and secondary storage. volatile and non-volatile.
Understand the differences between RAM and Secondary storage is considered to be any non-
ROM. volatile storage mechanism not directly
accessible by the CPU.

Understand why secondary storage is required.

Be aware of different types of secondary Students should be aware that SSDs use
storage (solid state, optical and magnetic). electrical circuits to persistently store data but
will not need to know the precise details such
Explain the operation of solid state, optical and
as use of NAND gates.
magnetic storage.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
solid state, optical and magnetic storage.

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AQA GCSE Computer Science 8520. GCSE exams June 2018 onwards. Version 1.2 20 November 2018

Content Additional information

Explain the term 'cloud storage'. Students should understand that cloud storage
uses magnetic and increasingly solid state
storage at a remote location.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of

cloud storage when compared to local storage.

Understand the term 'embedded system' and Students must be able to give examples of
explain how an embedded system differs from a embedded and non-embedded systems.
non-embedded system.

3.5 Fundamentals of computer networks

Content Additional information

Define what a computer network is.

Discuss the benefits and risks of computer

Describe the main types of computer network PAN – only Bluetooth needs to be considered.
LAN – know that these usually cover relatively
• Personal Area Network (PAN) small geographical areas.
• Local Area Network (LAN) LAN – know that these are often owned and
• Wide Area Network (WAN). controlled/managed by a single person or
WAN – know that the Internet is the biggest
example of a WAN.
WAN – know that these usually cover a wide
geographic area.
WAN – know that these are often under
collective or distributed ownership.

Understand that networks can be wired or Know that wired networks can use different
wireless. types of cable such as fibre and copper and
when each would be appropriate.
Discuss the benefits and risks of wireless
networks as opposed to wired networks.

Explain the following common network Students should be able to draw topology
topologies: diagrams and explain the differences between
the two topologies. They should also be able to
• star
select the most appropriate topology for a given
• bus. scenario.

Define the term ‘network protocol’.

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Content Additional information

Explain the purpose and use of common Students should know what each protocol is
network protocols including: used for (eg HTTPS provides an encrypted
version of HTTP for more secure web
• Ethernet
• Wi-Fi
• TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Students should understand that Ethernet is a
• UDP (User Datagram Protocol) family of related protocols rather than a single
protocol. They do not need to know the
• IP (Internet Protocol)
individual protocols that make up the Ethernet
• HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
• HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure) Students should understand that Wi-Fi is a
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol) family of related protocols rather than a single
• email protocols: protocol. They do not need to know the
individual protocols that make up the Wi-Fi
• SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
family but they should know that Wi-Fi is a
• IMAP (Internet Message Access trademark and that the generic term for
Protocol). networks of this nature is WLAN.

Understand the need for, and importance of,

network security.

Explain the following methods of network Students should be able to explain, using
security: examples, what each of these security methods
is and when each could be used.
• authentication
• encryption Students should understand how these
• firewall methods can work together to provide a greater
• MAC address filtering. level of security.
Students should understand that MAC address
filtering allows devices to access, or be blocked
from accessing a network based on their
physical address embedded within the device’s
network adapter.

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Content Additional information

Describe the 4 layer TCP/IP model: Students should be able to name the layers and
describe their main function(s) in a networking
• application layer
• transport layer
• internet layer Application layer: this is where the network
• link layer. applications, such as web browsers or email
programs, operate.
Understand that the HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP,
IMAP and FTP protocols operate at the Transport layer: this layer sets up the
application layer. communication between the two hosts and they
agree settings such as ‘language’ and size of
Understand that the TCP and UDP protocols packets.
operate at the transport layer.
Internet layer: addresses and packages data for
Understand that the IP protocol operates at the transmission. Routes the packets across the
internet layer. network.
Link layer: this is where the network hardware
such as the NIC (network interface card) is
located. OS device drivers also sit here.
Teachers should be aware that the link layer is
sometimes referred to as the network access
layer or network interface layer. However,
students will not be expected to know these
alternative layer names.

3.6 Fundamentals of cyber security

Content Additional information

Be able to define the term cyber security and be Students should know that cyber security
able to describe the main purposes of cyber consists of the processes, practices and
security. technologies designed to protect networks,
computers, programs and data from attack,
damage or unauthorised access.

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3.6.1 Cyber security threats
Content Additional information

Understand and be able to explain the following

cyber security threats:
• social engineering techniques
• malicious code
• weak and default passwords
• misconfigured access rights
• removable media
• unpatched and/or outdated software.

Explain what penetration testing is and what it Penetration testing is the process of attempting
is used for. to gain access to resources without knowledge
of usernames, passwords and other normal
means of access.
Students should understand that the aim of a
white-box penetration test is to simulate a
malicious insider who has knowledge of and
possibly basic credentials for the target system.
Students should understand that the aim of a
black-box penetration test is to simulate an
external hacking or cyber warfare attack. Social engineering

Content Additional information

Define the term social engineering. Students should know that social engineering is
the art of manipulating people so they give up
Describe what social engineering is and how it
confidential information.
can be protected against.
Blagging is the act of creating and using an
Explain the following forms of social
invented scenario to engage a targeted victim in
a manner that increases the chance the victim
• blagging (pretexting) will divulge information or perform actions that
• phishing would be unlikely in ordinary circumstances.
• pharming Phishing is a technique of fraudulently obtaining
• shouldering (or shoulder surfing). private information, often using email or SMS.
Pharming is a cyber attack intended to redirect
a website's traffic to another, fake site.
Shouldering is observing a person's private
information over their shoulder eg cashpoint
machine PIN numbers.

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AQA GCSE Computer Science 8520. GCSE exams June 2018 onwards. Version 1.2 20 November 2018 Malicious code

Content Additional information

Define the term 'malware'. Malware is an umbrella term used to refer to a

variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software.
Describe what malware is and how it can be
protected against.
Describe the following forms of malware:
• computer virus
• trojan
• spyware
• adware.

3.6.2 Methods to detect and prevent cyber security threats

Content Additional information

Understand and be able to explain the following

security measures:
• biometric measures (particularly for
mobile devices)
• password systems
• CAPTCHA (or similar)
• using email confirmations to confirm a
user’s identity
• automatic software updates.

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3.7 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital
technology on wider society, including issues of privacy
Content Additional information

Explain the current ethical, legal and Exam questions will be taken from the following
environmental impacts and risks of digital areas:
technology on society. Where data privacy
• cyber security
issues arise these should be considered.
• mobile technologies
• wireless networking
• cloud storage
• theft of computer code
• issues around copyright of algorithms
• cracking
• hacking
• wearable technologies
• computer based implants.
Students will be expected to understand and
explain the general principles behind the issues
rather than have detailed knowledge on specific
Students should be aware that ordinary citizens
normally value their privacy and may not like it
when governments or security services have
too much access.
Students should be aware that governments
and security services often argue that they
cannot keep their citizens safe from terrorism
and other attacks unless they have access to
private data.

3.8 Aspects of software development

The content in this section will be covered through the programming project.

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Content Additional information

Design Students should have sufficient experience of

successfully structuring programs into modular
Be aware that before constructing a solution,
parts with clear documented interfaces to
the solution should be designed, for example
enable them to design appropriate modular
planning data structures for the data model,
structures for solutions.
designing algorithms, designing an appropriate
modular structure for the solution and designing Students should have sufficient experience of
the user interface. successfully including authentication and data
validation systems within their computer

Implementation Students should have sufficient practice of

writing, debugging and testing programs to
Be aware that the models and algorithms need
enable them to develop the skills to articulate
to be implemented in the form of data structures
how programs work and argue using logical
and code (instructions) that a computer can
reasoning for the correctness of programs in
solving specified problems.

Testing Students should have practical experience of

designing and applying test data, normal,
Be aware that the implementation must be
boundary and erroneous to the testing of
tested for the presence of errors, using selected
programs so that they are familiar with these
test data covering normal (typical), boundary
test data types and the purpose of testing.
(extreme) and erroneous data.

Evaluation/refining Students should have practical experience of

refining programs in response to testing
Be aware that code created during
implementation will often require refining as a
result of testing. Students should have practical experience of
assessing how well their solutions meet the
Be aware of the importance of assessing how
original requirements of the problem.
well the solution meets the requirements of the
problem and how the solution could be Students should have practical experience of
improved if the problem were to be revisited. explaining how a solution could be improved if
the problem were to be revisited.

3.9 Programming project

3.9.1 Overview Purpose of programming project
The programming project allows students to develop their practical skills in a problem solving
context by coding a solution to a given problem and producing a report documenting the
development of the solution. The programming project should be treated as a learning experience:
allowing students to work independently, over a 20 hour period, extending their programming skills
and increasing their understanding of practical, real world applications of computer science.

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Additional information can be found in the teachers’ notes which accompany the relevant
programming project task.

3.9.2 The task Setting the task
We will set the programming project task: this will be available to schools and colleges on 1 April
the year before students are due to sit their exams.
The task will change for each new cohort of students.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to make sure that the correct task is used when preparing their
students. Taking the task

The task will comprise of a single project which should be undertaken in a period totalling 20
timetabled hours. When completing the task, students must work independently and produce a
unique piece of work.
Students must program in one of the high-level programming languages available for use in this
The completed task will generate a:
• program designed, written, tested and refined by the student
• written report.
Each student must produce their own report, in either hard copy or electronic format (saved to CD).
The report must show evidence that students have:
• designed their own solution
• created a unique solution
• tested their solution
• indicated potential enhancements and refinements to their solution. Authentication of students' work

Teachers must be confident that the evidence generated by each student is their own work, that
students have had the opportunity to complete it in 20 timetabled hours, and that they can
authenticate these conditions (see Supervising and authenticating). It is the school or college's
responsibility to ensure that the work submitted for monitoring is that of the student.
• Students are not allowed to take the programming project home with them.
• Students are not allowed to take work on the programming project home to complete.
All work presented for submission must have been completed under supervised conditions.

3.9.3 Marking the task

You do not need to mark the work, but you must submit an unmarked sample of your students
work for monitoring purposes.
You may choose to mark the task and provide feedback to students to enhance learning, but
please do not submit those marks to AQA.
If you do choose to mark the task, you can use the marking criteria in the teacher's notes.

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4 Scheme of assessment
Find past papers and mark schemes, and specimen papers for new courses, on our website at
This specification is designed to be taken over two years.
This is a linear qualification. In order to achieve the award, students must complete all
assessments at the end of the course and in the same series.
GCSE exams and certification for this specification are available for the first time in May/June 2018
and then every May/June for the life of the specification.
All materials are available in English only.
Our GCSE exams in Computer Science include questions that allow students to demonstrate their
ability to:
• recall information
• draw together information from different areas of the specification
• apply their knowledge and understanding.

4.1 Aims and learning outcomes

Courses based on this specification should enable students to:
• build on their knowledge, understanding and skills established through the computer science
elements of the programme of study for computing at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4
• enable students to progress into further learning and/or employment
• understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science,
including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation
• analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such
problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs
• think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically
• understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with
one another and with other systems
• understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society
• apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.

4.2 Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all GCSE Computer
Science specifications and all exam boards.
The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives.
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of computer
AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles of computer science.

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AO3: Analyse problems in computational terms:
• to make reasoned judgements
• to design, program, evaluate and refine solutions.

Assessment objective weightings for GCSE Computer Science

Assessment objectives Component weightings (approx %) Overall weighting
(AOs) (approx %)
Paper 1 Paper 2
AO1 7 30 35–40
AO2 28 20 45–50
AO3 15 0 15–20
Overall weighting of 50 50 100

4.3 Assessment weightings

Final marks will be calculated by adding together the scaled marks for each component. Grade
boundaries will be set using this total scaled mark. The scaling and total scaled marks are shown
in the table below.

Component Maximum raw mark Scaling factor Maximum scaled mark

Paper 1 80 x1 80
Paper 2 80 x1 80
Total scaled mark: 160

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5 Programming project
This specification includes a programming project.
Visit for detailed information about all aspects of the programming project
The head of the school or college is responsible for making sure that the programming project is
conducted in line with our instructions and Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) instructions.
To ensure the delivery of the programming project and reduce the likelihood of malpractice, we will
monitor students' work.

5.1 Supervising and authenticating

To meet Ofqual’s qualification and subject criteria:
• students must sign the Candidate record form (CRF) to confirm that the work submitted is
their own
• all teachers who have supervised a student’s work must sign the declaration of
authentication on the CRF. This is to confirm that the work is that of the student concerned
and was conducted under the conditions laid down by this specification
• teachers must ensure that a CRF is provided with each student’s work
Schools and colleges must also provide a signed 'Programming project declaration' confirming that
each student has:
• had 20 timetabled hours set aside to undertake the programming project
• produced a written account of their programming project which represents their individual
work, covers each part of the project and references any resources used and support given.
Students must be subject to supervision to ensure that the work submitted can be confidently
authenticated as their own. You are permitted to explain or amplify the language used in the
programming project if students are unable to understand what is required, and assist them
through the stages of the development program and production of the report to ensure that their
work is appropriately focused. However, the program and report should remain the students own
work. In providing advice teachers must not provide templates, model answers, writing frames,
specific feedback on how to solve the live programming project task or aspects of it.
Please make a note of all the individual support the student received on the CRF. You should also
provide a programming project declaration signed by the Head of centre, confirming that the rules
for the conduct of the programming project have been adhered to. If either of these are not signed,
we cannot accept the student’s work.
Teachers are required to keep a log of the number of hours spent on the programming project, this
must be provided with the sample of students' work that is sent to AQA. If you fail to provide
students with the opportunity of 20 timetabled hours to undertake the programming project, it will
be considered malpractice.

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5.2 Avoiding malpractice
You must be able to confirm that the work submitted by each student is their own and has been
completed within 20 timetabled hours. All work must be completed under supervision in the
classroom and appropriate action taken to ensure that students are not able to bring in work
produced outside of the supervised time.
Further details on the rules and procedures for the authentication of students work are in the
teacher's notes that accompany each programming project task.
If you identify malpractice before the student signs the declaration of authentication, you don’t
need to report it to us. Please deal with it in accordance with your school or college’s internal
procedures. We expect schools and colleges to treat such cases very seriously.
If you identify malpractice after the student has signed the declaration of authentication, the head
of your school or college must submit full details of the case to us at the earliest opportunity.
Please complete the form JCQ/M1, available from the JCQ website at
We have agreed a date with Ofqual when the programming project papers may be given to
teachers and students. This can be found at
If the programming project task is released before Ofqual’s agreed date we will treat this as
You must record details of any work which is not the student’s own on the CRF or other appropriate
You should consult your exams officer about these procedures.

5.3 Submitting work

You are required to submit a sample of students work to AQA on or shortly after 15 May. You must
check that the CRF accompanies the work of each student and that the signed programming
project declaration is emailed to us at [email protected]
The deadline for submitting the work of each student is given at

5.4 Factors affecting individual students

For advice and guidance about arrangements for any of your students, please email us as early as
possible at [email protected]
Occasional absence: you should be able to accept the occasional absence of students by making
sure they have the chance to make up what they have missed. You may organise an alternative
supervised session for students who were absent at the time you originally arranged.
Lost work: if work is lost you must tell us how and when it was lost and who was responsible,
using our special consideration online service at
Special help: where students need special help which goes beyond normal learning
support,pleaseuse the CRF to tell us so that this help can be taken into account during monitoring
Students who move schools: students who move from one school or college to another during
the course sometimes need additional help to meet the requirements. How you deal with this
depends on when the move takes place. If it happens early in the course, the new school or

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college should be responsible for the work. If it happens late in the course, it may be possible to
arrange for AQA to monitor the work as a student who was ‘Educated Elsewhere’.

5.5 Keeping students work

Students’ work must be kept under secure conditions from the time that it is submitted, with
completed CRF. After the monitoring period and the deadline for Enquiries about Results (or once
any enquiryis resolved) you may return the work to students.

5.6 Monitoring work

We'll contact you to let you know which students’ work to submit. If you are entering fewer than 20
students (or submitting work electronically) it will be the work of all your students. Otherwise it will
be a percentage of your students’ work.
An AQA monitor will check a sample of your students work to ensure that:
• students have had the opportunity to spend 20 timetabled hours on their programming
• students have had the opportunity to complete all sections of the programming project and
have produced both a program and written report
• the work is that of the individual student.
Work will not be returned to your school or college after monitoring has taken place.

School and college consortia

If you are in a consortium of schools or colleges with joint teaching arrangements (where students
from different schools and colleges have been taught together but entered through the school or
college at which they are on roll), you must let us know by:
• filling in the Application for Centre Consortium Arrangements for centre-assessed work,
which is available from the JCQ website
• appointing a consortium co-ordinator who can speak to us on behalf of all schools and
colleges in the consortium. If there are different co-ordinators for different specifications, a
copy of the form must be sent in for each specification.
We will allocate the same monitor to all schools and colleges in the consortium and treat the
students as a single group for monitoring purposes.
All the work must be available at the lead school or college.

5.7 After monitoring

We will not return your students' work. You will not receive a report on the outcome of monitoring
when the results are issued.

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6 General administration
You can find information about all aspects of administration, as well as all the forms you need, at

6.1 Entries and codes

You only need to make one entry for each qualification – this will cover all the question papers,
programming project task and certification.
Every specification is given a national discount (classification) code by the Department for
Education (DfE), which indicates its subject area.
If a student takes two specifications with the same discount code:
• further and higher education providers are likely to take the view that they have only
achieved one of the two qualifications
• only one of them will be counted for the purpose of the School and College Performance
tables – the DfE's rules on 'early entry' will determine which one.
Please check this before your students start their course.

Qualification title AQA entry code DfE discount

AQA GCSE in Computer Science 8520 CK1

This specification complies with:

• Ofqual General conditions of recognition that apply to all regulated qualifications
• Ofqual GCSE qualification level conditions that apply to all GCSEs
• Ofqual GCSE subject level conditions that apply to all GCSEs in this subject
• all other relevant regulatory documents.
The Ofqual qualification accreditation number (QAN) is 601/8301/9.

6.2 Overlaps with other qualifications

There are no overlaps with any other AQA qualifications at this level.

6.3 Awarding grades and reporting results

The qualification will be graded on a nine-point scale: 1 to 9 – where 9 is the best grade.
Students who fail to reach the minimum standard for grade 1 will be recorded as U (unclassified)
and will not receive a qualification certificate.

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6.4 Re-sits and shelf life
Students can re-sit the qualification as many times as they wish, within the shelf life of the

6.5 Previous learning and prerequisites

There are no previous learning requirements. Any requirements for entry to a course based on this
specification are at the discretion of schools and colleges.

6.6 Access to assessment: diversity and inclusion

General qualifications are designed to prepare students for a wide range of occupations and
further study. Therefore our qualifications must assess a wide range of competences.
The subject criteria have been assessed to see if any of the skills or knowledge required present
any possible difficulty to any students, whatever their ethnic background, religion, sex, age,
disability or sexuality. If any difficulties were encountered, the criteria were reviewed again to make
sure that tests of specific competences were only included if they were important to the subject.
As members of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) we participate in the production of the
JCQ document Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments: General and Vocational
qualifications. We follow these guidelines when assessing the needs of individual students who
may require an access arrangement or reasonable adjustment. This document is published on the
JCQ website at

6.6.1 Students with disabilities and special needs

We can make arrangements for disabled students and students with special needs to help them
access the assessments, as long as the competences being tested are not changed. Access
arrangements must be agreed before the assessment. For example, a Braille paper would be a
reasonable adjustment for a Braille reader but not for a student who does not read Braille.
We are required by the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments to remove or lessen
any disadvantage that affects a disabled student.
If you have students who need access arrangements or reasonable adjustments, you can apply
using the Access arrangements online service at

6.6.2 Special consideration

We can give special consideration to students who have been disadvantaged at the time of the
assessment through no fault of their own – for example a temporary illness, injury or serious
problem such as the death of a relative. We can only do this after the assessment.
Your exams officer should apply online for special consideration at
For more information and advice about access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special
consideration please see or email [email protected]

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6.7 Working with AQA for the first time

If your school or college has not previously offered any AQA specification, you need to register as
an AQA centre to offer our specifications to your students. Find out how at

6.8 Private candidates

This specification is not available to private candidates

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Get help and support
Visit our website for information, guidance, support and resources at
You can talk directly to the Computer Science subject team:
E: [email protected]
T: 0161 957 3980
Copyright © 2018 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
AQA retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, schools and colleges registered with AQA are
permitted to copy material from this specification for their own internal use.
AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales
(company number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.

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