JP Kenny
JP Kenny
JP Kenny
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No. of
S.NO. Document Description Document No. Revision
1 Design Basis for Pipelines 11-0330G01-01-07-04-001 Rev 0 3
11-0330G-00-07-01-101 to
22 Pipeline Alignment Sheets (25 No) 125
Rev B 192
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1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................... 3
M/s Gail India Limited intends to lay a pipeline from Hanuman Junction (Chainage 154KM) on Tatipaka-
Lanco pipeline to VCL where check metering station is proposed to be located.
Laying of 8”X45 Km (approx) long pipeline from Hanuman Junction (at Ch: 154 Km) on existing 18”X 204
Km Tatipaka-Lanco pipeline to Check Metering Station(CMS) without affecting the piggability of the
existing 18” Tatipaka-Lanco pipeline. Hot tapping is proposed for connecting the main grid with Lingala-
Kaikaluru network. This line will cater the shortfall of gas to existing customers and mitigating gas
demands of new customers of 292000 SCMD at 29-30 Kg/cm2.
Provision of Pig launcher facility at Hanuman Junction and Pig Receiver facility,2-stage pressure
reduction, condensate recovery system and metering skid at VCL.
2.0 SCOPE:
The design principles/methodology, design data, codes and standards, which shall be considered for
design of pipeline are provided in this document. The general design procedure for the following item as a
minimum has been covered. However, contractor shall adopt appropriate design techniques based on
established principles, recognized codes & standards for other pipeline related design activities not
covered in this document.
The pipeline design shall be based on the following codes and standards (Latest Edition).
x ASME B 31.8 - Gas transmission and distribution piping system
x API 5L - Specification for Line pipe, 2007 – 44th edition (Latest)
x API 1102 - Steel Pipelines crossing railroads and crossings
x DIN 30670 - Standards for external coatings
x API 1104 - Standard for welding of pipelines and related facilities
x NACE RP 0169 - Recommended practice, control of external corrosion on underground or
submerged metallic piping system
x OISD 141 - Design and construction requirements for cross-country Hydrocarbon pipelines
NOTE- Wherever there is a conflict between codes, standards and specifications, the requirements of this
criterion shall govern.
Note 1: For class -1 Minimum test pressure shall be 1.4 times the design pressure & other class-2, 3, & 4
Minimum test pressures shall be 1.5 times the design pressure. However, the maximum test pressure at
Note 2: Refer PFD / P & ID for the location and number of TOP’s.
Chemical composition of Gas is given in Annexure – 1.
The following loads on the highway crossings as specified in Section 4 of the API RP- 1102 shall be
adopted for the loading evaluation. The details are given as below:
x Earth load: The earth load is the weight of overlying soil that is conveyed to the top of pipe. The
contractor shall determine the density of the soil.
x Live load Highways 574kPa / 479kPa Single axle loading / Tandem axle loading
The depth of the cover for pipeline system measured from cover surface to top of the pipeline shall
be as given below (Refer Note – 1):
1. Minimum depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe coatings to the top of
undisturbed surface of the soil, or top of graded working strip whichever is lower.
2. Cover shall be measured from the top of rail road cross section to the top of casing pipe or carrier
pipe as per type of crossing & Minimum depth below ditch level with in ROW except under track
shall be 1.2 m min. The cover specified shall also meet the Requirement of the permission obtained
from statutory authorities.
3. In case of rivers/water bodies, which are prone to scour and erosion, minimum cover maintained
shall be 2.5 m below the scour level for the lifetime of pipeline.
4. Wherever cased-crossing is not envisaged, higher cover depths or higher wall thickness of the
pipeline shall be considered as per design requirements.
For a Gr.X - 56 Pipe, the pipeline wall thickness is selected on the following considerations:
-Pressure confinement Criteria
-Longitudinal stress criteria
-Overburden loads and live loads for highways
-Tensile load criteria for HDD sections
The nominal wall thickness ’t’ for a given design pressure shall be determined as per ASME B31.8.
t = PD/2S FET +CA
The wall thickness of the carrier pipe at all road crossings shall be calculated considering the following
whichever is stringent.
x Design factor for the pipeline section at road crossings shall be as per table 841.114B of ASME
B31.8, Latest Edition.
x Next higher area classification zone shall be considered for road crossings than the adjoining
normal class of main line.
The pipeline longitudinal and equivalent stresses shall be evaluated for operational, installation and
hydro test design conditions. (As per ASME B31.8)
Longitudinal Stresses
The total longitudinal stress SL, in the pipe shall be calculated by the following formula.
SL = SE + SB + SS
Total longitudinal stress, SL calculated by the above formula shall not exceed SMYS.
SE = Existing longitudinal stress in the pipe.
SB = Longitudinal stress in the pipe due to net downward weight of pipeline including coating and
SS = Longitudinal stress in the pipe due to its elongation caused by the vertical deflection of pipe.
Generally, buried pipelines are continuously supported in the trench. However, as a conservative
approach, free spanning of the pipeline (soil erosion/ soil liquefaction could cause free spanning of the
pipelines) shall also been considered in the stress analysis.
c) SBC is the longitudinal stress due to pipeline elastic curvature and /or stresses induced due to
local bending moments
SBC = ED / 2R
R = Radius of curvature of pipeline, in mm.
f) Longitudinal stress due to any other imposed axial loading shall also be considered as
According to OISD 141 – The total of the following shall not exceed the SMYS of the pipe material.
a) The combined stress due to expansion (bending and shear stresses)
b) The longitudinal pressure stress
c) The longitudinal bending stress due to weight and external loads.
In addition to the above, a) shall be less than 0.72 of SMYS and the sum of (b) and (c) shall not exceed
75% of SMYS.
Further the equivalent stress computed considering the hoop and longitudinal stress shall not exceed
90% of SMYS. The equivalent stress calculations shall be based on maximum shear stress theory. The
maximum combined and equivalent stresses shall be evaluated considering the signs of bending
5.1.6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS for pipeline wall thickness design at HDD sections.
The pipeline wall thickness at HDD section shall be checked considering the overburden loads. In
addition the combined stress criteria shall also be satisfied for all the design conditions.
The pipeline wall thickness shall be designed for a maximum installation pull load. Specialist sub-
contractor shall provide separate design calculations for HDD.
Combined longitudinal stress = Tensile stress + Bending stress < 90% of SMYS
The equivalent stress calculations shall include torsional stress induced in the pipeline due to twisting
during installation.
The equivalent stress based on maximum shear stress theory shall be less than SMYS
The pipeline expansion D , due to the effects of design pressure and temperature difference in the pipe
wall, shall be computed for pipeline, taking into account resisting frictional forces developed between
the pipeline and seabed soils, and expansion stress shall be computed.
In order to prevent floatation of pipeline in marshy areas, low laying areas, river crossing etc. concrete
weight coating shall be provided a per design requirement. The thickness of the concrete coating and
spacing of saddle weight shall be determined based on the following criteria.
Weight of the pipe Concrete coating thickness and spacing of saddle weight shall be calculated based
on the following criteria. WP = W1 + W2 + W3
WP = Net downward pipe weight including coatings/unit run
W1 = Steel pipe weight/unit run
W2 = PE coating weight/unit run
W3 = Concrete coating weight/unit run
WB = (SD²/ 4) x density of water
D = Total outside diameter of the pipe including concrete coating
* Note:-
The above values are indicative and shall be evaluated during detail engineering.
In the areas wherein soil is prone to liquefaction due to seismic loads or due to flooding, the effective
liquefied slurry density shall be considered for the concrete coating calculations. Currently there are no
seismic fault areas along the pipeline.
All roads, water course, stream and river crossings shall be uncased, other than those which are
mandatory requirement of concerned authority, crossings identified in the alignment drawings and for
the crossings as stated in section 6.2. However local requirements will be dealt as per guidelines of
local authority. The design of uncased crossing shall be as per Section 5 of the API-RP-1102. Typical
crossing analysis to be carried out for a highway & railway crossings.
All state and national highways, railways major canals and lined canals/distributors shall be executed
by thrust boring with casing pipe. The design factors used for the carrier pipe design at cased crossings
shall be the same as that considered for uncased crossings. All local requirements shall be dealt as per
guidelines of local authority. The design of cased crossing as per Sec 5 of API RP 1102. Next higher
wall thickness (except for class 4 ) shall be considered for the pipeline sections at all road crossings,
major rivers and canals than the adjoining wall thickness of the main pipeline.
Note: For all cased crossings, HDD Crossings (as identified by OWNER) & open cut river crossings
6” steel casing pipe with two HDPE conduits shall be provided.
Separate HDD to be done for steel casing pipe for OFC in addition to the Mainline HDD.
HDD (horizontal direction drilling) shall be carried out for the river crossings and other crossings, which
are specified elsewhere in the bid. The detail design will be carried out by HDD specialist contractor.
However, design criteria shall be as per the recommendations given in Section 5.1.6.
The sectionalizing valve stations shall be located as specified in PFD / P&ID. The minimum wall
thickness of the pipeline at the launcher, receiver and sectionalizing valve stations within and up till plot
boundary limits shall be as per Table8.4.
After providing the allowance for wall thinning due to bending, the wall thickness at the cold field bends
and hot induction bends shall not be lower than the minimum required as per section 5.1. No mitre
bends are permitted. Hot induction bends shall not be cut and re-welded except at the bevel ends.
Thickness of pipe to be taken for hot induction bend shall be as per a location class-IV.
For pipeline section having minimum cover and at other locations wherein the pipeline vertical
curvatures are extremely sharp (like at HDD inlet and exit points etc.) the breakout of the pipeline from
the trench due to upheaval buckling shall be checked and preventive measures shall be considered.
Contractor shall also provide detail calculations during detail engineering to substantiate the
methodology to be adopted.
Stresses in the pre operational phase like transportation, stacking, stringing, fixed bending and back
filling etc. shall be controlled and shall not cause any injury to the pipe.
The minimum wall thicknesses to be provided for pipeline are given in the Table 8.4. This wall thickness
shall be confirmed during detail engineering for adequacy.
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1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................3
3 WORK PROCEDURE………………………………………………………………………………. 04
4 PIPELINE CONDITIONS...............................................................................................................................04
1.1 It should be borne in mind that Hot Tapping will be done on in-service pipeline which contains considerable
quantity of hydrocarbons and hence any deviation from the established procedure or committing any
inadvertent mistake will result in serious consequences of product leak, fire or explosion, which could be
disastrous. It is absolutely essential that all those concerned with the operation shall rigidly follow
established procedure, be alert & vigilant all the time & ensure safety of personnel, property & environment
Following things are to be taken care for design of hot tapping:-
Condition of the pipe under consideration
Configuration of the connection
Code / statutory requirements
Operating conditions
Technical capabilities of the tapping equipment under operating condition
Environment/pollution aspect
3.1 Procedure shall be prepared for all aspects of the physical work:-
Site preparation
Pipe preparation
Hot Tapping
3.2 Pipe preparation:-
Coating removal
Surface cleaning & visual inspection
Ovality check with callipers/check reports
Area to be welded
Internal consideration
3.3 Welding & inspection of in-service pipeline:-
Approved welding procedure specification (WPS) shall be used and qualification in accordance with API 1104.
Approved procedure qualification record (PQR) shall be used to weld the joints.
3.4 Consumable:-
Electrode shall confirm to AWS A 5.1/5.5/AWS Class E6010/E8010 electrodes shall be used for the
welding as specified in WPS/PQR.
3.5 Welding inspection
a) During welding:-
Visual inspection for discontinuities such as cracking, porosity, proper slag removal
DPT of the root run
b) After welding:-
MPT of the welds
NDT personnel shall be qualified to ASNT recommended practice for non-destructive testing. Only level II or
level III personnel shall be used for interpretation of the test results.
Pipeline size 8”
Verify the atmosphere in the immediate area of the work is free of any
and all flammable, explosive and toxic vapors.Flammable gases to be Contractor/WGI
detected through calibrated hand held gas detectors.
Identify the desired location of the tapping fitting. Clean the pipe in the
area to be inspected to bare metal by mechanical and/or chemical means
contaminates (using GQ-4 grinding machine with stringer brush) to Contractor/ WGI
remove all coating, dirt, and contaminates. necessary precautions needs
to taken not to remove the parent metal during cleaning
Mark the area to be inspected. This area shall extend beyond the
projected ends of the tapping fitting by at least 4” in both directions Contractor/ WGI
Confirm the operating flow which is meeting the requirement or not Contractor/ WGI
x Verify the atmosphere in the immediate area of the work is free of any and all flammable,
explosive and toxic vapors.This is to be done by customer representative. The area shall be
continuously monitored for vapors.The customer representative shall be present during any and
all operation.
x Personnel at site should not wear 100% nylon; polyster clothing. It is preferable to use cotton
x Appropriate personnel protective equipment-safety hats, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, welding
hood, safety belts etc. should be used depending on the nature of job carried out.
x Proper means of exit should be readily available for Hot Tapping personnel at site.
x For working at height, metal scaffolds should be built sturdily & stable.
x Customer to assist in providing a fire watch squad using personnel trained in the use of the
appropriate fire fighting equipment and procedure.
x Customer representative shall verify / certify the flow & pressure of the product. Velocity required
for welding and hot tapping shall be checked before start of welding.
x Make sure that all the points in the check list furnished below are strictly met.
Is preheating of the weld area done as per approved WPS / PQR? Yes / No
Is the Hot Tap fitting properly positioned so misalignment of the hot tap machine
Yes / No
will not occur
Has the pressure & temperature of the pipeline been checked Yes / No
Is there liquid or flowing gas in contact with the area to be hot tapped Yes / No
Has the weld been tested Yes / No
8. Responsibility matrix
18" x 8" Reduced Branch Split Tee with Lock-O-ring flange &
1 Type of Fitting
Guide bar
2 ANSI Rating 600#
3 Quantity 01 No.
9 Flange Facing RF
a) Existing Pipeline Details (on which hot tapping is to be conducted) Outside Diameter : 18"NB Pipe Cover: 1.5m - 2.5m
Thickness : 8.7mm
Material : API 5L Gr. X-60
b) Connecting Branch Pipeline Details Outside Diameter : 8"NB
Thickness : 6.4 mm
Material : API 5L Gr. X 56
15 Type of Valve to be used on the branch Full Bore Ball Valve, RF at one end & BW at other end
* To be confirmed later
@ Bidder to indicate
1 Split Tee shall be manufactured, tested and supplied in accordance with Spec
2 For Typical arrangement of Reduced Branch Split Tee with Lock-O-Ring Flange & Guide Bar Assembly Refer Drawing
Fittings thickness shall be calculated based on pressure corresponding to ANSI 600# and considering design code, design factor and
corrosion allowance indicated above. Calculation in this respect shall be submitted by vendor for review/ approval of Purchaser/ Consultant.
4 The fitting shall be capable of withstanding field hydrostatic test pressure indicated above or 90% of SMYS of fitting material which ever is more.
5 Requirement of impact test & hardness as per tender specification shall be applicable for the Fittings & Flange material.
Flow through Lock-O-ring assembly with guide bars shall allow full flow into branch line and shall allow pigs to cross the opening smooth &
unobstructed in the main pipeline.
7 Lock-O-ring flange assembly with guide bars shall be of TDW make or equivalent. Vendor shall indicate the name of manufacturer for the same.
8 Vendor shall submit Inspection & Test Plan for approval within two weeks from date of order.
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1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................3
7 REPAIRS ......................................................................................................................................................10
8 DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................................................................................10
1.1 This specification establishes the minimum requirements of materials, equipment and installation of
field joint anti-corrosion coating of buried onshore pipelines factory coated with three layer
polyethylene by heat shrink wraparound sleeves conforming to DIN EN 12068 class C– “Cathodic
Protection – External Organic Coatings for the Corrosion Protection of Buried Steel Pipelines.
This specification shall be read in conjunction with the conditions of all specifications and documents
included in the Contract between Owner/Consultant and Contractor. Unless specified otherwise, all
sections of this specification shall apply to all specifications referred in this specification.
Reference has also been made to the latest edition (edition enforce at the time of floating the enquiry)
of the following standards, codes and specifications:
a) ASTM D-149: Standard Test Methods of Dielectric Breakdown voltage and Dielectric strength
of solid electrical insulating materials at commercial frequencies.
b) ASTM D-257: Standard Test Methods for D-C Resistance or conductance of insulating
d) ISO 8502 – 3: Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related
Products – Part 3 - Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces Prepared for
Painting (Pressure Sensitive Tape Method)
e) ISO 8503 – 1: Part 1: Specification and definitions for ISO surface profile comparator for the
assessment of abrasive blast cleaned surfaces.
f) ISO 8503 – 4: Part 4: Methods for calibration of ISO surface profile comparator and for the
determination of surface profile – Stylus instrument procedure.
g) SIS-055900 : Pictorial Surface Preparation Standard for Painting Steel Surfaces.
I) DIN EN12068 Class C : Cathodic Protection – External Organic Coatings for the Corrosion
Protection of Buried Steel Pipelines
In case of conflict between the requirements of this specification and that of above referred documents,
the requirements of this specification shall govern.
The CONTRACTOR shall be familiar with the requirements of these documents and shall make them
readily available at the site to all personnel concerned with carrying out the works specified in this
4.1 Field joint anti-corrosion coating material shall be either heat shrinkable wraparound sleeve or cold
applied tape suitable for a maximum operating temperature of (+) 60°C (Tmax) and shall conform to
designation EN 12068 - C HT 60 UV. In addition, the field joint anti-corrosion coating shall comply the
requirements specified in Para 4.2 of this specification.
4.1.1 Heat shrinkable wraparound sleeves
Heat shrinkable wraparound sleeve shall consist of radiation cross-linked, thermally stabilized,
ultraviolet resistant semi-rigid polyolefin backing with a uniform thickness of high shear strength
thermoplastic/co-polymer hot melt adhesive. The joint coating system shall consist of a solvent free
epoxy primer applied to the pipe surface prior to sleeve application. The backing shall be provided with
suitable means (thermo- chrome paint, dimple, or other means) to indicate the desired heat during
shrinking in field is attained. The sleeve shall be supplied in pre-cut sizes to suit the pipe diameter and
the requirements of overlap.
The total thickness of heat shrinkable wraparound sleeve in the as applied condition shall be as follows:
Thickness (mm)
Pipe Size On Pipe Body On Weld
(Specified Outside Diameter) Bead
Average Min. Min.
8” (219.1 mm)
2.5 2.2 2.0
The heat shrink wraparound sleeve shall have the required adhesive properties when applied on
various commercial pipe-coating materials. The pre-heat and application temperatures required for the
application of the shrink sleeve shall not cause loss of functional properties of the pipe coating.
The Contractor shall propose the specific grade of field joint coating system meeting the requirements
of this specification from these manufacturers. In case the Contractor proposes to supply heat
shrinkable wraparound sleeve then the Contractor shall propose only those coating systems that have
been previously used in pipelines of same or higher than the size indicated in tender for a length of 50
km and above in a single project for similar operating conditions.
Properties Unit Requirement Test Method
a. Tensile Strength @ +25ºC N/mm2 > 12
Ultimate Elongation @ DIN EN
b. % > 250
+25ºC 12068
Dielectric withstand with
c. KV > 30 ASTM D 149
1000 Volts/sec
Water absorption, @ +25ºC
d. % <0.05 ASTM D 570
for 24 hours
e. Volume Resistivity @ +25ºC Ohm-cm > 10 15 ASTM D 257
4.2.1 Functional Properties of Joint Coating System (As applied) As applied field joint coating system shall
comply the requirements of DIN EN 12068, Table 1 and 2 corresponding to designation DIN EN 12068
– C HT 60 UV, except as modified below :
a) Cathodic Disbandment Resistance at Tmax i.e. (+) 60°C shall be 20 mm when tested as per
Annexure K of DIN EN 12068. Test shall be carried out at (+) 60°C
b) Peel Strength shall be as follows:
Requirement for Test Method as
Peel Strength Unit Mech Resistance per DIN EN
Class C (minimum) 12068
Contractor shall obtain prior approval from Owner/Consultant regarding the Manufacturer of the joint
coating material and the specific grade of the joint coating system. Complete technical details
along with test certificates complying with the requirements of clause 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 shall be
submitted to Owner/ Consultant for this purpose. The Contractor shall furnish test certificates from an
independent DIN recognized/approved laboratory for all the properties required for the specified EN
designation of field joint coating and the requirements of this specification.
4.3 The materials shall not be older than their period of validity at the time of application by Contractor.
Deteriorated/decomposed material shall be disposed off and replaced by Contractor at his own
5.1 General
5.1.1 The application procedure shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and the minimum
requirements specified below, whichever are the most stringent and shall be demonstrated to and
approved by the Owner/Consultant. Manufacturer's expert shall supervise the application and shall be
available at site upon request during qualification of application procedure and during construction at
Contractor's cost.
5.1.2 Operators for coating application shall be given necessary instructions and training before start of work,
by the Contractor. To verify and qualify the application procedures, all coating applied during the
qualification test shall be removed for destructive testing as detailed subsequently in this specification.
Contractor shall only utilize those operators who have been approved/pre-qualified by the field joint
coating manufacturer.
5.1.3 Oil, grease and salt shall be removed from steel surface by wiping with rags soaked with suitable
solvents such as naphtha or benzene. Kerosene shall not be used for this purpose. Solvent cleaning
procedure according to SSPC-SP1 shall be followed.
5.1.4 Each field joint shall be blast cleaned using a closed cycle blasting unit. Steel or chilled shot and iron
grit shall be used and Garnet material with the second one. During blast cleaning the pipe surface
temperature shall be simultaneously more than 5°C or more than 3°C above ambient Dew Point, while
the ambient Relative Humidity shall not be greater than 85%. Prior to surface cleaning the surfaces
shall be completely dry. The surface shall be cleaned to a grade Sa 2½ in accordance with Swedish
Standard SIS-055900 with a roughness profile of 50 – 70 microns. Surface roughness profile shall be
measured using an approved profile comparator in accordance with ISO 8503-1 and shall be calibrated
prior to the start of the work in accordance with ISO 8503-3 or ISO 8503-4. The blast cleanliness
5.2.2 Before centring the wraparound sleeve, the bare steel surface shall be preheated either with a torch
moved back and forth over the surface or by induction heating. The minimum pre-heat temperature
shall be as recommended by manufacturer and shall be checked by means of contact type
temperature-recording thermometer. Temperature indicating crayons shall not be used. Pre-heat
temperature shall be checked on every joint. Care shall be taken to ensure that the entire
circumference of the pipe is heated evenly. Temperature measuring instruments shall be calibrated
immediately before the start of the works and thereafter at intervals recommended by the manufacturer
of the instrument.
5.2.3 Upon pre-heating, the pipe surface shall be applied with two pack epoxy primer of wet film thickness
100 microns or as per manufacturer’s recommendation whichever is higher, to cover the exposed bare
metal of the welded field joint and 10 mm min. onto the adjacent pipe coating if recommended by the
manufacturer. The wet film thickness of the primer shall be checked on every joint with a wet film
thickness gauge prior to installation of sleeve. Thickness gauge shall be calibrated once per shift.
7.1 If a field joint is detected to be unacceptable after testing as per section 6.0 of this specification the
Contractor shall, at his own cost:
- determine the cause of the faulty results of the field coating.
- mobilise the expert of manufacturer, if required.
- Test to the complete satisfaction of the Owner/Consultant, already completed field coatings
- stop field coating until remedial measures are taken against the causes of such faults, to the
entire satisfaction of the Owner/Consultant.
7.2 Contractor shall replace all joint coating found or expected to be unacceptable as per section 6.0 of this
7.3 Contractor shall, at his own cost repair all areas where the coating has been removed for testing by the
7.4 After the coating work on welded joints and repairs to the coating have been completed the
coating as a whole shall be tested with a spark-tester before lowering or jacking the pipeline.
7.5 Owner/Consultant shall be entitled to check the coating on buried pipelines or parts of pipelines with
equipment such as the "Pearson Meter" and the resistance meter. If coating defects are established,
the Contractor shall be responsible for excavation at such points, repairing the coating, spark testing
and backfilling the excavations without extra charge.
8.1 Prior to procurement of coating materials, Contractor shall furnish the following information for
qualification of the Manufacturer and material:
a. Complete information as per clause 4.1, DIN EN 12068 along with descriptive technical
b. Test certificates and results of previously conducted tests, for all properties listed in clause 4.2
of this specification.
c. Reference list of previous supplies, in last 5 years, of the similar material indicating the project
details such as diameter, quantity, operating temperature, year of supply, project name, contact
person and feed back on performance.
Once the Owner/Consultant's approval has been given, any change in material or Manufacturer
shall be notified to Owner/Consultant, whose approval in writing of all changes shall be obtained before
the materials are manufactured.
8.2 Prior to shipment of materials from the Manufacturer's Works, Contractor shall furnish the following
a. Test certificates/results as per Manufacturer's Quality Control Procedure for each batch of
b. Specific application instructions with pictorial illustrations.
c. Specific storage and handling instructions.
8.3 All documents shall be in English language only.
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1 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................3
4 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................................4
6 APPLICATION METHOD..............................................................................................................................6
7 EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................6
9 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION...................................................................................................................7
11 TOLERANCES..............................................................................................................................................9
12 WEIGHING....................................................................................................................................................9
15 REPAIRS ....................................................................................................................................................10
16 MARKING ...................................................................................................................................................11
1.1 This specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the materials, application, inspection,
handling and other activities for external concrete weight coating of pipeline.
1.2 Contractor shall, with care and diligency, execute the work in compliance with all laws, by-laws,
ordinates, regulation, etc. and provide all services and labour, inclusive of supervision thereof, all
materials indicated as company supplied materials in the contract, equipment, appliances or other
things of whatsoever nature required in or about the execution of the work, whether of temporary or
permanent nature.
3.1 Reference has been made in this specification to the following latest publication codes and standards:
iv) ASTM C-138 : Unit weight, yield and air content of concrete.
x) IS– 2386 (Parts I thru' : Indian Standard Methods of test for aggregates
VIII) concrete.
The CONTRACTOR shall supply all the materials necessary for the performance of the work.
All materials supplied by the CONTRACTOR, which in the opinion of OWNER, do not comply with the
appropriate specifications shall be rejected and immediately removed from site by CONTRACTOR at
his own expense.
All materials for concrete coating shall comply with following requirements.
4.1.1 Ordinary Portland cement -43 grade (conforming to IS-8112) shall be used.
4.1.2 Sulphate Resistant Cement shall be Cement (conforming to IS 6909) shall be used wherever the soil is
4.1.3 Cement which has hardened or partially set or which has become lumpy shall not be used.
4.1.4 Test Certificates from the cement Manufacturer shall be supplied to the OWNER for all batches of
cement delivered to site.
4.1.5 Cement which is more than six months old shall not be acceptable.
4.1.6 In case concrete weight coating is to be provided at location affected by sea water tidal flats etc.
Portland cement in accordance with ASTM C-150 Type –III shall be used.
4.2.1 Aggregate shall comply with the requirements of IS: 383 and shall be tested in accordance with IS:
'Fine Aggregates' shall mean any of the following, as defined in IS: 383:
i) Natural sand;
ii) Crushed stone sand;
iii) Crushed gravel sand;
Sand shall be well-graded from fine to coarse in accordance with Table 4 of IS: 383.
The water shall be limpid, fresh and clean and shall be free from injurious amounts of oils, acids,
alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel.
It shall not contain chlorides, sulphates, and magnesium salts.
Water from each source shall be tested by the CONTRACTOR before use and the test reports shall be
submitted to the Owner’s representative for approval. Sea water or contaminated water shall not be
used. Water shall be tested in accordance with IS:3025.
Concrete coating shall be reinforced by a single layer or multiple layers of steel reinforcement according
to the provisions hereinafter described.
4.4.1 Reinforcement shall consist of welded steel wire fabric manufactured in rolls (ribbon mesh) and shall
conform ASTM A-185. Steel wires in the ribbon mesh shall conform to ASTM A-82.
4.4.2 Steel wires shall be galvanised at finished size. The diameter of the wire and wire spacing (mesh)
dimensions shall be selected according to the following criteria.
x Wire fabric manufactured in rolls (ribbon mesh) shall be 1 x 2.5 inches of 14 gauge U.S. steel
wires (2mm wire). The above dimensions will be applied unless otherwise specified by
OWNER. As a rule wire fabric (sheets) shall be used when concrete coating is applied by
casting method, while ribbon mesh (rolls) shall be used when concrete coating is applied by
impingement method.
Pipes shall be concrete coated to a 75 mm thickness or as specified in the relevant drawings and as
per the design documents.
Concrete Coating shall be applied in marshy & water logged areas. Necessary anti-buoyancy
calculations shall be carried out by the contractor during detailed Engineering and approved by the
Client’s / consultant Specifying requirement of Concrete coating.
Concrete Density :
Cement Concrete Reinforced 2500 Kg/m3
Compressive Strength (After 7 Days) 165 Kg/cm2
Compressive Strength (After 28 Days) 250 Kg/cm2
CONTRACTOR shall be permitted to select any proportioning of materials to achieve the specified
requirements of concrete density and weight.
Concrete coating shall be applied by impingement method. Any alteration or modifications to the
method described in the specification shall be submitted to the OWNER for approval. The application
method shall ensure the basic characteristics of concrete coating in compliance with the minimum
requirements of this specification.
CONTRACTOR shall submit to the OWNER, prior to commencement of work, the procedure of
concrete application for approval.
Wherever practical, the specified total thickness of concrete coating shall be applied in a single pass.
The equipment used for performing the concrete coating shall be capable of doing so with a reasonable
degree of uniformity with respect to thickness, density and strength. The proportioning equipment and
procedure shall be of the type to ensure consistently proportioned materials by weight. Concrete shall
be mixed in a mechanical mixer, which shall ensure thorough mixing of all materials. Any equipment
that tends to separate the ingredients shall not be used.
8.1 CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed methodology in their procedure for measurement and logging. All
measurements as mentioned below shall be taken during the work stages and clearly logged in a
proper logbook. A special logbook shall be used for recording tests and trial results. A logbook shall
refer to pipe lengths having the same nominal diameter, and wall thickness.
8.2 The logging methodology shall include minimum the following details:
a) Line pipe
b) Corrosion Coating
6) Type of coating
7) Thickness of coating (mm)
8) Weight of coated pipe (kg)
9) Date of corrosion coating application
8.3 No concrete placing shall be done before items 1 to 9 listed above have been logged. In addition, each
batch / shift shall be identified and logged against cube samples taken for compressive strength and dry
Before commencement of the work, CONTRACTOR shall perform all tests, either in the laboratory or in
field to properly select type of mix, which meets the requirements of this specification.
9.1 The type of mix, i.e., the correct combination of the cement, aggregates and water which results in the
desired properties of concrete shall be first determined. For each mix the following shall be accurately
checked and recorded:
9.2 Samples shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM C-642 to determine the dry specific
gravity (28 days after placing). Test for concrete specific gravity at intermediate time (7 days after
coating) shall be performed.
9.3 When the results of the above tests do not meet the requirements, the mix shall be modified and
concrete samples tested until a proper mix has been determined.
9.4 The mix so determined shall then be used for sampling of concrete to be submitted to compressive
strength tests as per ASTM C39 / IS 516.
9.5 Frequency of sampling for tests for density and compressive strength of concrete (Refer :specification
for structural concrete 11-0230-01-05-02-005, clause no. 4.2.2)
9.6 Two test cubes each per day shall be obtained from batches and tested at the end of 7 days after
coating, for compressive strength and specific gravity.
9.7 The moisture content of the aggregates used shall be such as to maintain a satisfactory control on the
water / cement ratio of the concrete mix.
To maintain the water / cement ratio constant at its correct value, determination of moisture contents in
both fine aggregates and coarse aggregates (if used) shall be made as frequently as possible.
Frequency for a given job shall be determined by the OWNER according to weather conditions.
10.1.1 Prior to placing of reinforcement, the protective coating of each pipe length shall be carefully inspected
visually and by holiday detectors. If damages are found, they shall be repaired before start of the work.
Foreign matters, if any, shall be removed from the surface of the protective coating.
10.1.2 Reinforcement shall be placed around the pipe in such a way as to cover whole pipe length or sections
to be concrete coated. The reinforcement shall protrude a minimum 50 mm from the finished concrete
coating at the pipe ends.
10.1.3 Splices and attachments shall be done by binding with steel wire having 1.5mm diameter. Circular and
longitudinal joints of wire fabric in sheets shall be lapped at least for one mesh. The spiral lap shall be
one mesh while the spliced lap shall be three meshes.
10.1.4 Reinforcement shall rest on synthetic resin spacers forming a "Crown" whose number shall be such as
to avoid contact of the steel reinforcement with the pipe's protective coating. Spacing between the two
consecutive 'crown' centres shall be 500 to 1000mm.
10.1.5 One layer of reinforcement steel shall be provided for concrete thickness up to 50 mm. The
reinforcement steel shall be embedded approximately midway in the concrete coating thickness. For
10.2.1 Concrete shall be placed within a maximum of 30 minutes from the time of mixing (adding water to mix)
and shall be handled in such a way so as to prevent aggregate segregation and excessive moisture
loss. Concrete containers shall continuously be kept clean and free from hardened or partially
hardened concrete.
10.2.2 If Impingement method is used, Placement of concrete shall be up to the specified thickness in one
continuous course, allowance being made for splices of reinforcement and providing reinforcement in
the right location. Concrete shall be projected at high velocity against the external surface of pipe, to
produce a hard, tight-adhering coating of the specified thickness.
10.2.3 No passes shall be stopped for more than 30 minutes. Before placing fresh concrete against the joint,
the contact surfaces shall be carefully cleaned and wetted to obtain a good bond between the fresh
material and the previously placed material.
10.2.4 All pipes shall be kept clean and free from cement, concrete and grout either inside or outside of the
uncoated sections.
10.2.5 The coatings at each end of the pipe shall be bevelled to a slope of approximately two-to-one (2:1).
10.2.6 Bevel protectors shall be kept in place throughout the coating application and after.
10.2.7 Suitable means shall be provided to ensure that the temperature of the concrete, when placed, does
not exceed 32qC.
10.3.2 Storing and curing of coated pipe shall not take place at temperatures below 1.5 Degree C, until the
concrete has aged sufficiently to have achieved a crushing strength of at least 10 N/mm2.
10.4.1 10.6.1 Use of reclaimed rebound shall be done only with the written permission of the Owner and to the
satisfaction of the Owner’s representative.
10.4.2 10.6.2 When use of reclaimed rebound is permitted by the Owner, this material shall be added to and
thoroughly intermixed with freshly batched concrete in a secondary mixture of a type, acceptable to the
Owner’s representative.
10.4.3 10.6.3 The amount of reclaimed material used shall not exceed 5% of the total mix by weight and shall
only be added in an even flow during a continuous coating operation.
Both ends of each joint for the distance of 250mm or as specified in the Contract document shall be
completely free of concrete to facilitate field joints.
Identity of each pipe shall be preserved during and after the coating process by transfer of pipe
information to and outside of concrete coating at each end of the all pipes.
10.7.1 Immediately after concreting, the exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be protected during hardening
from the effects of sunshine, drying winds, rain, etc., and then after the initial set has taken place, the
concrete coating shall be properly cured. The coated pipe section shall be handled gently by suitable
means to prevent undue distortion.
10.7.2 Curing shall be performed by application of an approved curing membrane using sealing compounds
and shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-309. The curing compound material shall be stored,
prepared and applied in strict conformity with the instructions of the Manufacturer. The ingredients of
any such compound shall be non-toxic and non-inflammable and shall not react with any ingredient of
the concrete, the reinforcement, the anti-corrosion coating or steel pipe. The application of the curing
compound shall be done immediately after the coating is completed and preferably before the pipe is
removed from the concrete coating apparatus. The surface of the concrete shall be lightly sprayed with
water before applying the curing compound. The membrane curing period shall not be less than 4
days, during which period the freshly coated pipes shall not be disturbed. The pipe surface shall be
kept wet during daylight hours for seven days after application of the concrete coating. The concrete
coating shall not be allowed to dehydrate.
10.7.3 Before handling and hauling of the concrete coated pipes, a check shall be made to make sure that the
concrete coating is properly cured. Stacking and shipment of the coated pipes shall be initiated only
after seven days provided that the concrete coating suffers no damage.
11.1 CONCTRACTOR shall maintain a surface tolerance of + 6mm on outside diameter of the coated pipes
measured by diameter tape. The diameter of each coated pipe shall be obtained at five (5) points,
spaced at equal intervals between end points.
11.2 The acceptance weight tolerance for any single pipe shall be limited to (-)2% to (+)5% of the calculated
theoretical weight. The theoretical weight shall be calculated using total weight of the pipe with
concrete and corrosion coating.
11.3 Acceptable weight tolerance from the approved mix, during production shall be as follows:
12.1 The test specimen shall be selected at equal intervals during the course of production.
12.2 CONTRACTOR shall weigh each pipe when dry prior to shipment and 28 days after placing of concrete
and mark the weight with paint on the inside of the pipe.
13.1 Before concrete coating the pipe shall be pre -tested at a pressure equivalent to 95% SMYS of pipe
material. The test pressure shall be held for a period of 6 hours & reading logged at equal intervals.
During the Test CONTRACTOR check all welds for leakage. Failure if any during the test shall be
rectified by the CONTRACTOR.
13.2 After curing, every length of concrete coated pipe shall be non-destructively tested by suitable means
such as "ringing" to determine if any suspected defects are present. In case this indicates faulty
coating, cores shall be removed from coating and inspected. When defective coating appears from
cores, the concrete coating shall be removed from the pipe lengths.
13.3 Every length of concrete coated pipe shall be checked to verify insulation between steel reinforcement
and pipe by means of a megger or equivalent device. For this purpose provisions should be made
during placing of concrete such as to leave atleast a point of exposed steel reinforcement whenever the
latter shall terminate inside of concrete coating.
13.4 During the tests above and before transporting of concrete coated pipes, every pipe length shall be
visually inspected to detect whether any damages and/or defects are present. Possible damages and/or
defects with their allowable limits are described at following section. Repairable concrete coating shall
be clearly marked while the non-repairable ones shall be removed from the pipe lengths.
14.1 The CONTRACTOR shall coat the uncoated pipe surface at field welds in accordance with methods
approved by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed procedure for joint coating for Owner’s
14.2 The reinforcement for the field welds shall be same as that for line pipe coating with the same number
of layers and the same space between layers as for the existing coating. The edges of this netting
must be carefully secured with galvanised wire to the reinforcement extending from the existing coating.
The reinforcement shall not make direct /electrical contract with the pipe.
Synthetic resin spacer blocks shall be used to keep the reinforcement away from the corrosion coated
pipe surface.
14.3 The composition of the concrete shall be the same as that of the concrete coating of the pipe.
14.4 When moulds are used if approved by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall prevent air being trapped
by applying mechanical vibrators or by striking the outside of the moulds with suitable sticks.
The following are repairs that will be permitted to coating due to unavoidable damage in handling and in
storage (This applies only to concrete that has hardened).
15.1 Spalling due to compression or shearing caused by impact against other objects. Spalling is defined as
damage, which causes a loss in concrete of more than 25 percent of the total thickness of the coating
at the point of damage.
15.2 Damage due to spalling of an area of less than 0.1 m (1 square foot) where the remaining concrete is
sound will be accepted without repairs.
15.3 Damage due to spalling of an area of more than 0.1 m2 and less than 0.3 m2 shall have the concrete
remaining in place over that area removed as necessary to expose the reinforcing steel throughout the
damaged area. Edges of the spalled area shall be under-cut so as to provide a key lock for the repair
15.4 Should the damaged area be more than 0.3 m2, coating shall be removed around the entire damaged
area. A repair shall be made by satisfactorily restoring the reinforcement, forming the area with a metal
form and pouring a complete replacement of materials similar to that from which the coating was made.
The mixture shall be one (1) part of cement to three (3) parts of aggregate and the necessary water to
produce a slump not to exceed 100 mm (four inches). The resulting coating shall be equal in weight,
density, uniformity, thickness, strength and characteristics to the originally applied coating. The pipe
shall then be carefully laid in a position where it shall be allowed to remain for a minimum of 36 hours
before further handling.
16.1 Every concrete coated pipe length shall be clearly marked by a suitable type of paint (i.e., red and/or
white lead paint). Markings out of concrete coating shall be made inside of pipe close to bevel end, in
such a way that the area involved by welding operations is not affected by paint.
16.2 For each concrete coated pipe length, at one of the two ends, the field identification number and the
date of concrete placing shall be marked, while the dry as well as the wet weight along with number of
days after coating shall be marked at the other end. In addition, Contractor shall develop a colour
coding (band) system to be marked on the outside surface for easy identification of the coated pipe for
each concrete coating thickness, concrete density, pipe diameter, pipe thickness and pipe material
17.1 During loading, transport, unloading and hauling of inert aggregates, any contact and mixing with mud,
earth, grease and any other foreign material shall be carefully avoided. Precautions shall be taken to
prevent contamination, to maintain the cleanliness and against effects of hot or cold weather or other
adverse climatological condition.
17.2 During the operations of loading, unloading and stock-piling, the pipe sections shall be handled in such
a way so as to avoid damages to pipe ends, protective and/or concrete coating.
17.3 Stacks shall consist of a limited number of layers such that the pressure exercised by the pipes' own
weight does not cause damages to coating. Stacking with more number of layers shall be agreed upon
with the OWNER provided that each pipe section is separated by means of spacers suitably spaced so
as to avoid stresses and compressed points of contact on the coated surfaces.
49 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
3 MATERIAL......................................................................................................................................................3
4 MANUFACTURE ............................................................................................................................................4
8 DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................7
This Specification defines the minimum requirements for the manufacturing, marking, inspection, testing
and shipment of long radius bends made from carbon steel line pipes for use in onshore gas pipeline
systems. Manufacture & Supply shall be in Contractor’s Scope. Contractor can engage sub-
Manufacturer with prior approval of OWNER / CONSULTANT.
The manufacturer shall perform work in accordance with the latest edition of the following codes,
standards and specifications:
The MANUFACTURER shall be in possession of all the above referred Codes, Standards and
Specifications. All such documents shall be made readily available to all personnel involved in
executing the work, including OWNER / CONSULTANT personnel.
Alternative codes and standards, at least equivalent to those listed above, may be substituted, after
obtaining prior approval from OWNER / CONSULTANT.
3.1 Bends shall be fabricated from steel line pipe manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of the
Owner’s Specifications. The type of pipe to be used for fabrication of bends shall be as indicated in the
Purchase Order. Pipes with positive wall thickness tolerances shall be used for fabrication of bends.
3.3 Heat treatment shall be carried out for all finished bends in case it is established during bending
procedure qualification that heat treatment is required to meet the specification requirements. Heat
treatment procedure shall be such that the mechanical properties and steel microstructure of the
finished bends comply with the minimum requirements specified in the applicable line pipe specification.
3.4 Mechanical testing of test bends performed during the bend manufacturing procedure qualification as
per Section 9.0 of this specification, shall ensure that all bends made according to the Owner approved
bend manufacturing procedure have the required mechanical properties and destructive testing of
production bend is required.
4.1 Material grade, bend size, bend radius and bend angle shall be as indicated in the Purchase Order.
Unless specified otherwise, the bending radius for bends shall be minimum six times the nominal
outside diameter.
4.2 Bends shall be manufactured by high frequency induction heating and forming method. Once the
bending operation has commenced no stoppage shall be permitted until the entire bend has been
completed. If bending temperature, bending rate, cooling medium volume or heat treatment
temperature depart from the Owner approved bend manufacturing procedure, then the pipe shall be
discarded and another bend shall be made in its place.
4.3 All bends shall be provided with a tangent length at both ends. Tangent length shall be 500mm or pipe
outside diameter whichever is more.
4.4 Unless otherwise specified differently in the Purchase Order, the bevels at the ends shall be as per the
relevant pipe specification.
4.7 Bulges, dents and flat areas shall not appear within 100 mm front end of the bend. For the remaining
part of the bend these deviations from the original contour of the pipe are permitted provided these
deviations do not exceed 6.0 mm. The same shall not extend (in any direction) over a distance of more
than 25 % of nominal diameter of the bend.
4.8 The excess weld material at the inside of the bend in case of bends made from SAW pipes shall be
removed over a distance of 100 mm at both ends.
4.9 Tolerances
The dimensions of bends shall be controlled to make sure that they are manufactured according to the
tolerances indicated below in addition to the requirements of MSS-SP-75. However, the ends of
finished pipe bend shall meet the dimensional tolerances of the relevant pipe specification.
4.9.1 Following tolerances shall be applicable for Bend Angle and Bend Radius:
4.9.2 The manufacturer shall check the wall thickness of the pipe ultrasonically before bending along both the
4.9.3 Ovality in any plane along the finished bend shall not exceed 5mm (max) Ovality shall be calculated
using the following formula:
OD max - Maximum outside Diameter
OD min - Minimum outside Diameter
OD nom - Nominal outside Diameter
The measurements shall be made over the circumference of the bend either at distances approximately
equal to pipe diameter or 300mm whichever is less. Minimum three measurements shall be taken for
each bend.
4.9.4 Off-Plane
Off-Plane of bends shall not exceed (/90) x 10 mm, where is the bend angle in degree or the
tolerance limit specified in MSS-SP-75 whichever is less. The measurement shall be in accordance with
5.1 The manufacturer shall perform all inspection and tests as per the requirements of this specification and
MSS-SP-75 prior to shipment, at his Works. Such inspection and tests shall be as a minimum, but not
limited to, the following:
a) Verify that the unfinished product arriving at Manufacturer’s shop is in full compliance with the
pipe specification.
b) Visual inspection.
c) Dimensional and tolerances check as per MSS-SP-75 and requirements of Section 4.0 of this
d) Check heat treatment, if carried out, as required and maintain its records.
f) The non-destructive inspection on the finished bend shall be carried out as given below:
- All seam welds of bends fabricated from SAW and electric welded pipe shall be fully
radiographed and acceptance limits shall be as per pipe specification.
- The full circumference of both ends of each bend after beveling shall be ultrasonically
tested for laminations over a length of 25 mm and acceptance limits shall be as per
pipe specification.
- The finished bends shall be magnetic particle inspected on the outside and inside radii
to include the area encompassed 30 degrees either side of the line passing through the
plane of the bend. Acceptance criteria shall be as per ASME Sec. VIII Appendix 6.
5.2 Owner’s Inspector reserves the right to perform stage wise inspection and witness tests on all bends as
indicated in Clause 5.1 at Manufacturer’s works, prior to shipment.
Manufacturer shall give reasonable notice of time and shall provide without charge reasonable access
and facilities required for inspection, to the Owner’s Inspector. Inspection and tests performed or
witnessed by Owner’s Inspector shall in no way relieve the Manufacturer’s obligation to perform the
required inspection and tests. Under no circumstances any action of the Owner’s Inspector shall relieve
the Manufacturer of his responsibility for the material and quality of the bends.
a) Test certificates of chemical, mechanical tests, heat treatment, dimensional inspection and
hydrotest carried out on pipe used for fabrication of bend.
The Certificates shall be valid only when signed by Owner’s Inspector. Only those bends which have
been certified by Owner’s Inspector shall be dispatched from Manufacturer’s works.
7.2 All loose and foreign material i.e. rust, grease, etc. shall be removed from inside and outside of the
7.3 A coat of antirust paint shall be applied on the bends for protection during transit and storage. Type of
paint shall be as agreed upon with the Owner.
7.4 Both ends of all bends shall be suitably protected to avoid any damage during transit by means of
metallic or high impact plastic bevel protectors.
7.5 Package shall be marked legibly with suitable marking ink to indicate the following:
a) Order Number
b) Package Number
c) Manufacturer’s Name
8.2 At the time of bidding, bidder shall submit the following documents:
b) Brief description of manufacturing including heat treatment and quality control facilities of the
Manufacturer’s Works.
c) Brief description of manufacturing and quality control facilities of the Manufacturer’s works.
8.3 Within three weeks of placement of order, the Manufacturer shall submit six copies of bend
manufacturing procedure including manufacturing, inspection, testing procedures, quality control
manual and quality plans.
a) Sequence of operation
b) Induction forming process including bending temperature, temperature control, bending rate,
cooling rate and cooling procedure.
g) NDT procedures
Upon successful completion of the bend manufacturing procedure qualification as per Section 9.0 of
this specification, Manufacturer shall submit six copies of the qualified procedure to Owner for approval.
Regular production of bends shall commence only after the bend manufacturing procedure has been
qualified and approved by Owner.
Once the approval has been given by Owner any change in material and method of manufacture and
quality control shall be notified to Owner whose approval in writing of all such changes shall be
obtained before the bends are manufactured.
8.4 Within four weeks from the approval date Manufacturer shall submit one reproducible and six copies of
the documents as stated in Clause 8.3 above.
8.5 Prior to shipment, the Manufacturer shall submit one reproducible and six copies of test certificates as
listed in Section 6.0 of this specification.
9.1 Prior to start of production bending, Manufacturer shall demonstrate the suitability of the proposed
9.2 Test bends shall be made by using the pipe specified in Clause 3.1 of this specification. One test bend
is required per ‘heat lot’ where a heat lot is deemed to include all bends of the same diameter, wall
thickness, mill heat number and bend forming parameters such as bending temperature, bending rate,
cooling medium volume & heat treatment temperature (excluding bend angle). The test bend shall be
bent to an angle of 90 degree.
9.3.1 All finished test bends shall meet the requirement of dimensional tolerances, inspection and non-
destructive testing requirements specified in Section 4.0 and 5.0 of this specification.
9.3.2 In addition, all finished test bends shall be subjected to following mechanical testing to confirm that the
bends manufactured meet all mechanical property requirements of linepipe specifications. Test
procedure and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the linepipe specification. The test
specimen shall be taken from the bent portion of the bend only.
a) Tensile Test
One tensile test shall be conducted on the base material of finished test bend, to establish yield
strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation. The specimen shall be taken longitudinal or
transverse to the axis as specified in the relevant pipe specification. In case of bends of 450
mm (18’) NB and larger, the specimen shall be taken at inside radius and one at outside radius
of the bend.
In case of bends fabricated from SAW pipes, an all weld tensile test shall be conducted to
establish yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation of weld material on bend.
In case of bends fabricated from SAW/EW pipes, one face and one root guided bend weld test
shall be performed.
d) Hardness Test
Hardness testing shall be performed “thru thickness” on a test ring removed from the middle of
the bend. Four specimens shall be prepared one from each quadrant. In case of bends
fabricated from SAW/EW pipes, one specimen shall the have longitudinal weld seam in the
middle. Hardness shall be checked for base metal, weld metal and HAZ. In addition, hardness
test shall be performed at spots where dents, bulges or wrinkles have been formed on the
Charpy-V-notch test temperature shall be the same as specified in the relevant pipe
specifications. Three base material specimens shall be taken longitudinal or transverse to the
axis as specified in the relevant pipe specification. In case of bends fabricated from SAW and
EW pipes, three transverse weld material specimens shall be taken with weld in the middle. In
case of bends of 450 mm (18”) NB and larger, the base material specimens shall be taken at
Should test bends fail to comply with the above requirements, the bend manufacturing procedure shall
be disqualified. The Manufacturer shall revise the manufacturing procedure and re-qualify the same at
his own cost and time.
Upon completion of the successful procedure qualification, manufacturer shall provide a written bending
procedure for each test bend. The submitted procedure shall indicate in addition to the details as per
Clause 8.3, tolerances on various controlling parameters.
58 of 225
2 DEFINITION ....................................................................................................................................................3
3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................................3
4 DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................5
5 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................5
Pipeline insulators shall be used to support the carrier pipe inside the casing pipe and electrically
isolate the carrier pipe from the casing pipe at the cased crossings.
- Resist corrosion.
- Have high electrical insulating value and low water absorption, thus preventing leakage
and maintain electrical isolation between carrier and casing pipes.
- Have high compressive strength in order to ensure a permanent support to the carrier
Manufacture shall obtain prior approval from OWNER on drawing/design of casing insulators.
Casing end seals are intended to be used for sealing the annular space between casing pipe and
carrier pipe at casing ends so as to prevent ingress of moisture and water.
The number of segments shall be two for pipe diameters up to 12" (generally). For larger diameters,
the number of segments shall not be more than 3.
The skid height shall be obtained by the following formula & shall be 2 inch
The spacing between insulators shall be 2.5 meters. The insulators at ends shall be located at 250 mm
min from the end points of the casing. The support point of successive collars shall be regularly
Casing insulators shall be made of injection moulded high density polyethylene or other material
equivalent or superior as approved by OWNER and shall meet the requirements given in Table-1.
The seals shall be suitable for the casing and carrier pipe diameter as applicable for each case. The
casing end-seal shall be flexible to cater for the expansion and contraction of carrier and casing pipes
and shall be able to tolerate both angular and concentric misalignment of casing pipe without loss of
sealing efficiency.
The design of the casing end seal shall permit easy installation of the seal to the cased pipeline
It shall provide moisture-proof seals when installed for the entire anticipated life of the buried pipeline
Material for casing end seals shall meet the requirements given in Table-2.
(Sleeve and closure patch)
Manufacturer shall submit documentation for Casing insulators and End seals, which shall include the
following as minimum.
5.1 The manufacturer shall replace, at no extra cost, any material not conforming to the material and
performance requirements of this specification.
64 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................................3
3 SCOPE OF WORK .........................................................................................................................................3
The intent of this specification is to set forth the requirements of the caliper pigging. The specification is
not intended to be all-inclusive and the use of this specification will not absolve the contractor of his
responsibility of generating valid, interpretable and physically verifiable data.
The objective of the present pigging programme is to access the internal geometry of the following
pipelines and detect significant geometry defects if any, which may affect safe operation of the pipeline.
To achieve the above objective, contractors SCOPE OF WORK includes running of adequate numbers
of foam pigs, cleaning pigs (magnet, brush, combination of brush and magnet, scraper, pin wheel etc.),
gauge pig and caliper pig.
Further the scope of work comprises supply of skilled personnel, all equipment e.g. foam pigs cleaning
pigs, gauging pig, caliper pigs, pig locating and pig tracking devices, spares consumables,
communication and transportation including their mobilisation and demobilisation. It is expressly
understood that this do not limit the scope of work of the CONTRACTOR in any way. The quantities to
be mobilized for different equipment (different types of pigs pig tracking device, marker device)
accessories, spare and consumables need to be carefully evaluate by the CONTRACTOR taking in to
the consideration that caliper pigging of various pipelines in the scope of work should be carried out
without any constraint and turn around time.
The contractor shall submit the details of each type of pig including foam, gauge and caliper for
approval of OWNER / CONSULTANT, which he proposes to use. Pigs shall be launched in the pipeline
only after their design and size has been approved by OWNER / CONSULTANT. Due care shall be
taken not to damage internal coating by the contractor, while proposing the pigs for internally coated
- Running of foam, Gauge, Cleaning and Caliper pigs and Tracking to generate valid data.
Contractor shall be required to maintain velocities of propelling medium in such a way that the objective
of each pig run shall be achieved.
Contractor to carry out adequate number of foam pigs runs in each pipeline covered under Scope of
Work prior to running of cleaning pigs to make a final assessment of the line pig- ability to the
satisfaction of the Contractor and provide detailed daily site report for each run in the approved format
before commencing the subsequent run. Contractor to select size of the foam pigs in such a way that
the objective shall be achieved.
Contractor to carry out adequate number of gauging pig runs in each pipeline covered under Scope of
work including pig tracking for pipeline to assess any internal restriction in the pipeline that may restrict
the passage of cleaning and caliper pig. Contractor to provide detailed daily site report for each run in
the approved format before commencing the subsequent run Gauge pig shall be equipped with a gauge
plate made of Aluminium having its diameters 95% of minimum pipeline Internal Diameter (I.D.). The
gauge pig should be able to pass over or negotiate lateral tees or bends on the pipeline.
Contractor to carry out adequate number of cleaning pig runs by running suitable cleaning pigs in the
pipelines including pig tracking till such time contractor is satisfied with himself about the degree of
cleanliness of pipeline and provide detailed daily site report for each run in the approved format before
commencing the subsequent run. Choice of the type of cleaning pig has been left to the contractor. The
contractor shall assure that the pigs, which are proposed to be used, are adequately soft and they do
not damage internal coating under any circumstances. The brushes and scrappers used shall be of
non-metallic/ plastic material. However, the details of these pigs including their construction details of
CONTRACTOR to carry out adequate numbers of cleaning pig runs by running suitable cleaning pigs in
pipeline covered under SCOPE OF WORK including pig tracking till such time CONTRACTOR is
satisfied with himself about the degree of cleanliness of pipeline and provide detailed daily site report
for each run in the approved format before commencing the subsequent run. Choice of the type of
cleaning pig has been left to the contractor. Contractor may deploy brush cleaning pig, magnetic
cleaning pig, combination of brush and magnet, scrapper pig etc. the cleaning pigs should be able to
pass over negotiate lateral tees or bends on the pipeline.
CONTRACTOR to carry out adequate number of electronic geometry (caliper) pig runs each pipeline
covered under SCOPE OF WORK including pig tracking for each pipeline decided after findings of
gauging pig run to generate valid and interpretable geometry data of the pipeline and analysis of data of
the caliper survey to detect the nature, extent and location of geometry defect. Contractor to provide
detailed daily site report for each run in the approved format before commencing the subsequent run.
The caliper should be capable of inspecting entire length of the pipeline i.e. from launcher to receiver in
single run. Battery life should be adequate to commensurate with the run time required to travel the
pipeline length. The electronic recorder system should have requisite data storage capacity. The drive
cups should have requisite resistance to wear and tear to maintain effective seal throughout the entire
run time.
The measurement shall cover the entire 360° of internal pipe wall circumference using properly oriented
and sufficient quantity of sensors. For internally coated pipelines adequate care shall be taken by using
soft cups so that no damage takes place to the internal coating of pipe. The tool shall be capable to
identify and locate the following features as minimum.
The caliper pig should have minimum capability to identify and detect the defects of following threshold.
Dent : 3% of outer diameter (O. D.)
Ovality : 5% of outer Diameter (O. D.)
Location accuracy : Axial ± 3.0m
Circumferential : ± 12°
The movement of any type of pig (Except, foam pig) put into the line during caliper pigging shall be
required to be monitored along the pipeline length from launcher to receiver trap. The BIDDER shall
detail out the complete methodology of pig tracking proposed to be deployed by him including complete
technical details of the equipment and device proposed to be used for this purpose.
It is proposed that pig tracking would be done in a discrete manner at least 5 to and 10 km - interval on
each pipeline at pre-selected locations. The exact KM chainage of these locations shall be decided at
site in consultation with the Contractor and OWNER / CONSULTANT.
The contractor shall submit the details of marker devices, which he proposes to place for relocating the
defect accurately in the field, when the same has been identified as a result of Caliper survey.
The contractor shall be responsible for placing these devices (Marker Magnets or Locator coils or any
other device) at suitable interval so that the defect can be easily located in the field with minimum
above ground measurement. It may be noted that placement of marker devices, their retrieval and
locating the identified defect in the field shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The liquidation of
defects, if any, is however, not included in the scope of work of the contract.
At the discretion of the OWNER/ CONSULTANT identify at least two verification dig sites for each
pipeline jointly with OWNER and CONSULTANT from the recorded data and provide OWNER /
CONSULTANT with their distance from the nearest pipeline feature or reference marker to facilitate
location of defect in the field.
The contractor shall depute his representative to observe the verification at verification sites for proving
that filed log detected anomalies conform to sizing including linear and circumferential positions.
The objective of this section is to write down foreseeable abnormal circumstances for taking appropriate
measures, should such a condition arise during implementation of project.
The following abnormal condition has been foreseen by the OWNER. However, if the BIDDER foresees
any other abnormal condition, he is free to make a mention of the same in his technical BID offer.
12.1 Tool Failure
CONTRACTOR is required to get valid interpretable and verifiable data for pipeline. In case
CONTRACTOR’S equipment fails to perform electronic geometry inspection to generate valid data for
The BIDDER shall details out a contingency plan in his BID as proposed by him in case any of the pigs
get stuck up. The plan shall identify procedure for exactly locating the stuck up pig, detail procedure for
retrieval of pig, equipment, including support facilities required to retrieve the pig.
If pig does not move from stuck up location, by any measure, then the pipeline section shall have to be
cut for retrieval of Pig. Necessary erection, fabrication and modification of pipe with new pipe piece after
retrieval of pig shall be done by Contractor. The cost for this works shall be borne by Contractor on
actual. After fabrication & erection, pigging contractor shall run Gauge pig to check internal restriction, if
any. Locating the stuck up pig and its retrieval shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
The work report shall be prepared and submitted in hard copy (4 sets) and Electronics media (2 sets)
The work report shall consist of following as a minimum.
- All field activities.
- Equipment description
- List of installations
- List of significance with feature information and installation reference.
- Survey log and enlargement areas of special interest to suitable scale.
71 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
3 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................................3
5 INSPECTION ..................................................................................................................................................8
6 SAFETY ..........................................................................................................................................................8
7 STORAGE AT PIPEYARD..............................................................................................................................8
This specification covers the minimum requirements for transportation and handling of bare and
Polyethylene coated line pipe.
2.1 Contractor shall meet or exceed the requirements of the latest edition of the following codes,
regulations and standards, except as superseded herein. In cases where more than one code,
regulation or standard apply to the same condition, the most stringent shall be followed. In the even of a
conflict between this specification and other specifications or correspondence, the OWNER /
CONSULTANT shall be consulted and a ruling, in writing, shall be obtained before any work is started.
API RP 5LW Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and
Marine Vessels
All Laws and Regulations of Authorities having jurisdiction over transportation of goods in all locations
between the point of lading and the destination.
2.2 Some requirements in this specification may be modified by specific requirements in the Purchase
Specification. In case of conflict, the specific requirements supersede this specification.
2.3 Any deviation from this specification must be approved, in writing, by OWNER / CONSULTANT. Such
written approval must be obtained prior to the commencement of any work which would constitute such
a deviation.
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Transportation and handling of line pipe to this specification shall meet the requirements of API RP 5L1
OR API RP 5LW as applicable, as well as the requirements of this specification which exceed the
requirements of API RP 5L1 or API RP 5LW.
3.4 Special attention shall be paid for loading/unloading and handling works so as to prevent damage of
pipe body and polyethylene.
3.5 Nylon Sling or pipe handling hooks which do not damage pipe ends shall be used for loading/unloading
and stacking Refer Fig. 1 & 2.
3.8 Loading of pipes of different outside diameter in one stack shall be avoided.
3.9 Any additional requirements to be applied to a particular purchase shall be included on specification
sheets accompanying the Purchase inquiry. This specification sheet shall be deemed as part of the
project specification.
3.10 If pipes of the same outside diameter but different wall thickness or steel grade are loaded in one stack,
pipe with the higher steel grade shall be loaded under lower steel grade, or heavier wall thickness shall
be loaded under lighter wall thickness. For loads of mixed steel grade and wall thickness, the product of
steel grade and wall thickness shall be used to determine stacking order.
3.11 Joints shorter than the average joint length shall be loaded on top, and in any case shall not be loaded
in bottom tiers.
4.1 Transportation of line pipe by truck to this specification shall comply with the laws and regulations of
authorities having the jurisdiction over transportation of goods in all jurisdictions between the point of
loading and location of destination. Loading and handling procedures shall comply with the
requirements of API RP 5L1 for loading and handling for rail transportation where applicable.
4.2 Wooden Dunnage shall be laid at approximately same interval. Soft material such as rubber sheet
should preferably be applied between pipe and dunnage.
4.3 Pipe shall be stacked in a nested manner such that the weld seams of the pipes are kept free from
contact with other pipes or blocking.
4.4 Loading of pipes of different outside diameter in one stack shall be avoided.
4.5 If pipes of the same outside diameter but different wall thickness or steel grade are loaded in one stack,
pipe with the higher steel grade shall be loaded under lower steel grade, or heavier wall thickness shall
be loaded under lighter wall thickness. For loads of mixed steel grade and wall thickness, the product of
steel grade and wall thickness shall be used to determine stacking order.
4.6 Joints shorter than the average joint length shall be loaded on top, and in any case shall not be loaded
in bottom tiers.
4.7 Permitted stacking height 2 layers for 10” & 4 layers for 8” on pipe outside diameter, wall thickness,
steel grade, coating, blocking, bearing strips and intended route, and shall be evaluated separately with
the outside diameter, wall thickness and steel grade of each individual pipe.
4.8 Trucks shall be provided with fenders/mud flaps to prevent stones and gravel from impacting the pipe
4.9 When transporting exterior coated pipe, rubber padding shall be used to separate each joint from
contact with adjacent joints and with the surface of the rail car. Reasonable care shall be used in
handling to ensure that the pipe reaches its destination with coating intact and undamaged.
4.10 Details of handling/loading procedures for each size or type of pipe shall be provided in writing to
OWNER / CONSULTANT for approval, prior to commencement of loading operations. OWNER /
CONSULTANT review and/or approval of Contractor’s procedures do not relieve the Contractor of any
responsibility for complying with all of the requirements of this specification.
Contractor shall give OWNER / CONSULTANT a minimum of ten (10) working days written notice, prior
to commencement of any loading/unloading operations. OWNER / CONSULTANT reserves the right to
inspect at any time, without advance notice, at point of loading, or at any point in transit, any
loading/unloading or transportation operation.
Contractor shall comply with local Occupational Health and Safety laws and regulations and with local
laws and regulations governing transportation of goods by railroad, truck or water as applicable.
7.1 To avoid sinking, the pipe yard shall be compacted and levelled.
7.2 Proper drainage of water shall be maintained so that there is no water logging in the pipe yard.
7.4 All the development plans for pipe yard shall be submitted for OWNER / CONSULTANT approval.
7.5 Special attention shall be paid for loading/unloading and handling pipes so as to prevent damage of
pipe body and coating.
7.6 Nylon slings or pipe-handling hooks which do not damage pipe ends shall be used for
loading/unloading and stacking.
7.7 Any shocks or pressure by hard substance which may damage the surface of the pipe body and coating
should be avoided.
7.9 Wooden Dunnage shall be laid on the ground approximately the same interval.
7.11 Applicable international standard to be followed for storage of the coated and bare pipes at pipe yard.
Contractor to furnish copies of relevant standard followed. Pipes shall be placed so as not to contact.
7.12 The parts of equipments/items which come in direct contact with pipes for handling the coated pipes
shall be of rubber coated or such material which can avoid damage to the pipes.
7.13 Pipes should be stored using pallets, rubber sheets or any other soft material.
7.14 Rubber sheet or any other soft material to be used in between pipes to avoid pipe to pipe contact so as
to avoid damage to pipes.
82 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITION'S.................................................................................................................................................3
6 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS....................................................................................................................5
7 ALIGNMENT ...................................................................................................................................................5
8 JOINT PREPARATION...................................................................................................................................6
ANNEXURE - 1 ....................................................................................................................................................13
This specification defines the minimum requirements for welding of carbon steel pipeline systems and
related facilities.
The following latest codes and standards shall be applicable for this specification:
4.1.1 The mainline welding shall be carried out by semi-automatic/manual welding process. The
requirements for welding will be according to section 12 API 1104 and this specification.
4.2.1 Welding of various materials under this specification shall be carried out using Shielded Metal Are
Welding process (SMAW) with the approval of the OWNER/CONSULTANT. Any other process of
welding shall require prior approval from the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
4.3.1 The welding electrodes/filler wires supplied by the CONTRACTOR shall conform to the class specified
in the approved welding procedure specification.
4.3.2 The CONTRACTOR shall submit batch test certificates from the electrode manufacturers giving details
of physical and chemical tests carried out by them for each, batch of electrodes to be used. The
certificates shall have as minimum information such as batch number, date of manufacturer,
consumable cast number, consumable, chemistry, weld metal chemical analysis, weld metal
mechanical properties including charpy impact energy.
Electrode Qualification test records shall be submitted as per relevant code requirements by the
CONTRACTOR for obtaining the approval of the OWNER/CONSULTANT. The following details shall
be provided in qualification test records. All weld tensile test, base material used, pre-heat and post
weld heat treatment details, visual examination results, radiographic examination results, tensile test
results (incl. UTS, and elongation), impact test values, chemical analysis report, fillet weld test results,
other tests like transverse tensile tests and guide bend test results.
4.3.3 The electrode shall be suitable for the production welding process recommended and the base metal
used. Physical properties of the welds produced by the electrode & brand recommended for the welding
of particular base metal shall not be lower than the minimum values specified for the base metal unless
otherwise specified in approved Welding Procedure Specification. (WPS) The choice of electrode shall
be made after conducting the required tests on the electrodes as per relevant standards, and
acceptance shall be the sole prerogative of the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
4.3.4 All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed, containers and stored properly to prevent deterioration.
Electrodes shall be kept in oven, if required, at all conditions as per manufacturer recommended
temperature. Different grades of electrodes shall be stored separately. The electrodes used shall be
free from rust, oil, grease, earth and other foreign matter, which affect the quality of welding.
4.3.5 The composition and purity of shielding gas when required by the welding processes other than
shielded metal arc welding, when permitted by the OWNER/CONSULTANT shall be submitted to the
OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval.
4.3.6 CONTRACTOR shall supply all necessary welding and cutting equipment current and voltage meters,
temperature measuring instruments, fluxes, gases, tiller metals and testing equipment for satisfactory
completion of all the work and to meet the targeted schedule.
CONTRACTOR shall supply all necessary equipment for performing the heat treatment, including
transformers, thermocouples, pyrometers, automatic temperature recorders with suitable calibration
arrangements, etc.
5.1 Contractor shall submit the welding procedure specification indicating the proposed welding process to
OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval. Any deviation desired by the CONTRACTOR shall be obtained
through the express consent of the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
Welding procedure qualification shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements of API
1104 and other applicable codes and other job requirements by the CONTRACTOR. The
CONTRACTOR shall submit the welding procedure specifications as per the formats given in API- 1104
with in one month after the receipt of the order indicating details of welding consumables, welding
process, welding position, welders, destructive test sample positions, pre-heating requirements,
voltage, current, heat input etc. All size & thickness shall be used for welding procedure qualification.
Inter pass temperature shall be considered as an essential variable in the procedure qualification.
5.3 OWNER/CONSULTANT representative will approve the welding procedure submitted and shall release
the procedure for qualification tests. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out under field conditions at their
own expense the procedure qualification test. A complete set of test results shall be submitted to the
OWNER/CONSULTANT Representative Inspector for approval immediately after completing the
procedure qualification test and atleast 2 weeks before the commencement of actual work. All tests
shall be carried out as per provisions of these specifications.
5.4 Radiography of the entire weld shall be carried out using the same source of radiation, radiographic ,
and technique and exposure time as that to be used for production weld.
Only qualified welders, according to the requirements of section VI of API 1104 will be used for manual
6.2 The qualification tests will be made using a coupon of a line-pipe. Every welder will be execute a test
weld using qualified procedure.
6.3 A welder where successfully completed the qualification tests shall be qualified.
6.4 Every welder shall execute for his qualification test a weld at least on half the circumference of pipeline
starting from the top of the pipeline until the bottom.
In case W.P.S. specifies a prosedure for single welder the welder will execute the weld test on the
entire circumference of the pipe.
6.5 A wlder can only participate once in the qualification test. If not qualified requalification test for the same
job shall at sole discretion of client / Consultant.
6.6 Before Test of Production weld, the Contractor shall submit following documents to Client / Contracor
and / or third party inspection agency.
Immediately prior to line-up, CONTRACTOR shall inspect the pipe ends inside and outside for damage,
dents, laminations etc. Pipe for welding shall be set up, correctly spaced, allowing for the temperature
changes during welding. In correct alignment shall in no circumstances be sprung into
position.Temporary attachments of any kind shall not be welded to the pipe. Welds joining the sections
For welded pipes, circumferential weld seams and, longitudinal weld seams of adjoining pipes shall be
staggered such that a minimum distance of 250 mm is maintained along the circumference and both
longitudinal welds or at top 90ºC quadrant of the pipeline whichever is lesser (Except for bends). A
longitudinal joint shall pass an appurtenance of a structural element at a minimum distance of 50 mm.
For pipe of same nominal wall thickness the off-set shall not exceed 1.6 mm. The off set may be
checked from outside using dial gauges. And branch connection sleeve, etc. shall be minimum 150 mm
from any other weld. The welds for fittings shall be so located that the toe of the weld shall not come
within 50mm of any other weld. Cold dressing is permissible only in cases of slight misalignment and
may only be carried out with a bronze headed hammer. Hot dressing shall not be permitted.
When welding pipes of different wall thickness, end connection shall be as per ASME B31.8. If required
transition piece shall be used. This shall have a minimum of 1:4 taper. The welds shall be subject to
both ultrasonic and radiographic inspection.
The root gap shall-be accurately checked and shall conform to the qualified welding procedure. The use
of internal Line-up Clamps is mandatory for pipe diameters 8" and above. However, in some case (tie-in
welds. flanges, fittings, small section etc.) where it is impossible to use internal Clamps, an external
line-up clamp may be used.
The internal line-up clamp shall not be released before the entire root pass has been completed.
When an external line-up clamp is used, all spaces between bars or minimum 60% of the root pass
length shall be welded before the clamp is released. The remaining pipe shall be adequately supported
on each side of the joint.
Segments thus welded shall be equally spaced around the circumference of the pipe. Slag, etc. shall be
cleaned off and the ends of the segments shall be prepared by grinding, so as to ensure continuity of
the weld head.
Before welding, all rust and foreign matter shall be removed from the bevelled ends by power operated
tools at inside and outside edges for a minimum distance of 25mm from the edge of the weld bevel.
Joints shall be swabbed with canvas belt or leather if required as per OWNER/CONSULTANT's
discretion. If any or the ends of the pipe joints are damaged to the extent that, in the opinion of
OWNER/CONSULTANT , satisfactory weld spacing cannot be obtained, and local repair by grinding
cannot be successfully done, then the damaged ends shall be cut and bevelled to the satisfaction of the
OWNER/CONSULTANT, with an approved bevelling machine.
Manual cutting end weld repairs of bevels are not allowed. Should laminations, split ends or inherent
manufacturing defects in the pipe be discovered, the lengths of pipe containing such defects shall be
removed from the line to the satisfaction of OWNER/CONSULTANT. On pipes, which have been cut
back, a zone extending 25 mm back from the new field bevel, shall be ultrasonically tested to the
requirement of the line pipe specification to ensure freedom from laminations. The new bevel shall be
100% visual and 100% dye penetrate / MPI tested A report shall be written for all testing. The
rebevelled pipe heat number identification shall be maintained by transferring information to the new
pipe end. Where the pipe is to be field cut and welded, the shop applied coating shall be neatly peeled
and ground for a distance of 100 mm from the weld.
The parts joints being welded and the welding personnel shall be adequately protected from rain and
strong winds. In the absence of such a protection no welding shall be carried out. All completed welding
work shall be protected from bad weather conditions.
Production welding shall be performed as per qualified welding procedure. If any change is essential
variables are made then a new welding procedure is to be established and qualified for production
a) Root pass is a critical welding activity, which shall be carefully carried out by the Contractor as
per approved WPS. Root pass shall be made with branded electrodes/filler wires recommended
in the qualified WPS. The size of the electrodes used shall be as per the approved welding
procedure. It is recommended that immediately after the root pass the first hot pass is
completed. However, OWNER/CONSULTANT'S engineers at site can make this requirement
mandatory as per site conditions.
b) Position or roll welding may be permitted. Separate procedures shall be submitted and qualified
for up hill, down hill, vertical down and roll welding. Down hill welding shall be used when
internal clamp is used. The vertical up method of welding shall be used for the root pass of the
tie-ins. special crossings, fittings and special parts, fillet welds, repairs and when an external
line up clamp is used. The down hill welding may be used for root run welding of tie-ins and
special crossings when (a) the edges are machined or have equivalent preparation (b) line up
clamps are used and the fit up is geometrically and mechanically similar to one of the ordinary
line welding without misalignment or unevenness.
c) Weld projection inside the pipe shall not exceed 1.6 mm.
d) Any deviations desired from the recommended welding technique and electrodes indicated in
the WPS shall be adopted only after obtaining express approval of the
e) Welding shall be continuous and uninterrupted during root pass. On completion of each run,
craters, welding irregularities, slag, etc. shall be removed by stringing wire brush and chiseling.
While the welding is in progress care shall be taken to avoid any kind of movement of the
components, shocks, vibration and stresses to prevent occurrence of weld cracks.
f) The weld reinforcement shall not be excess of 1/16” but the weld crown shall not be below the
outside surface metal of the pipe.
In case of manual welding, the first pass shall be carried out by a minimum of two welders, working
simultaneously and so placed as to cause minimum distortion of the pipe. The number of welders and
the allowable welding sequences shall be as those laid down in the qualified welding procedure
specification. Once the deposit of the first pass has been started, it must be completed as rapidly as
possible, reducing interruptions to the minimum. The welding and wire speed shall be approximately
same as that established in the qualified welding procedure specification.
The interruption between completion of the first pass and starting the second pass shall be as stated in
the procedure specification, normally not exceeding four minutes.
The time lapse between second and third pass shall be as stated in the procedure specification,
normally not exceeding five minutes. Welding can be suspended, so as to allow the joint to cool down,
provided that the thickness of the weld metal deposited is atleast 50% of the pipe thickness. Upon
restarting, preheating to at least of 100°C shall be carried out. Subsequent passes tip to weld
Electrode starting and finishing points shall he staggered from pass to pass. Arc-strikes outside the
bevel on the pipe surface are not permitted, Arc-strike or arc-burn on the pipe surface outside the weld,
which are caused accidentally by electrical arcs between the electrode, electrode holder, welding cable
or welding cable round and the pipe shall be removed by grinding in accordance with a procedure
approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT and the repair checked by ultrasonic, radiographic, magnetic
particle or dye penetrate tests which the OWNER/CONSULTANT feels necessary. The pipe wall
thickness after grinding shall not be less than the minimum thickness limit permitted for the pipe. Repair
of arc strikes by welding is prohibited.
Tie-in weld shall be completed without delays and shall not be left incomplete overnight.
All Fillet weld and branch connections shall be as per ANSI B31.8. Where pipes of an equal diameter
and/or wall thickness are to be joined. They shall be done with transition pieces as per ANSI B31.8
Appendix-1. The completed weld shall be carefully brushed and cleaned and shall appear free from
spatters, scales, etc.
During welding operation the coating shall be protected from weld spatter burning either by using a
600mm wide asbestos blanket or by OWNER/CONSULTANT approved procedures. The protection
device shall be placed 50mm from the weld center.
a) Preheating requirement for this project shall be minimum 100ºC or as per qualified welding
procedure requirements if higher.
c) Preheating shall extend uniformly to at least three times the thickness of the joint, but not less
than 50mm, on both sides of the weld. Preheating temperature shall be maintained over the
whole length of the joint during welding temperature indicating crayons or other temperature
indicating devices shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR to check the temperature.
e) Pre-heating is also required prior to attachment of any branch connections or fittings on the
f) Asbestos blankets may be placed with the welds to slow the cooling rate as per procedure.
a) The Heat treatment of welded joints shall be carried out as per the requirements laid down in
ASME B.31.8 and other special requirements mentioned in approved W PS.
b) Post weld heat treatment shall he done by using an electric resistance or induction heating
equipment, as decided by the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
c) While carrying out local post weld heat treatment, technique of application of heat must ensure
uniform temperature attainment at all points of the portion being heat treated. Care shall be
taken to ensure that width of heated band over which specified post weld heat treatment
temperature is attained is at least as that specified in the relevant applicable standards/codes.
e) Contractor shall submit detailed procedure for post-weld heat treatment specifying the
temperature measurement, minimum no. of thermocouple to be used, details of the equipment
to be used, method of execution etc. for approval.
f) Automatic temperature recorders which have been suitably calibrated shall be employed. The
calibration chart of each recorder shall be submitted to the OWNER/CONSULTANT prior to
starting the heat treatment operation and its approval shall be obtained.
g) Immediately on completion of the heat treatment, the post weld heat treatment charts/records
along with the hardness test results on the weld joints (whenever required as per the welding
specification chart) shall be submitted to OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval.
h) Proper identification of weld joint shall be maintained and same shall appear on the
corresponding post weld head treatment charts and in corresponding radiography films.
i) Hardness of the heat affected zone as well as of the weld metal, after heat treatment shall be
measured using a suitable hardness tester by Vickers or Brinnel and shall not exceed the
maximum hardness specified in the specification. The weld joint shall be subjected to reheat
treatment, when hardness measured exceeds the specified Limit by the CONTRACTOR at his
own expense.
The welding procedure qualifications must be performed according to the requirement of section 5 of
API 1104.
The Tenderer shall attach in his bid every preliminary WPS he intends to use during the execution
After award of the job , the contractor shall submit a list of required final WPS he plan to qualify for use.
Contractor can start with qualification welding after approval by Owner/ Consultant.
Inspection of all welds shall be carried out by OWNER/CONSULTANT as per the latest editions of the
applicable codes and specifications. All finished welds shall he visually inspected for alignment,
excessive reinforcement, concavity of welds, shrinkage, cracks, under-cuts, dimensions of the weld,
surface porosity and other surface detects. Under-cutting adjacent to the completed weld shall not
exceed the limits specified in the applicable standard/code.
The non-destructive examination shall mainly consist of Radiographic examination and Ultrasonic
Testing of the weld as detailed in Annexure-2.
Any weld which as a result of radiographic and/or ultrasonic examination in the opinion of
OWNER/CONSULTANT exhibits imperfections greater than the limits stated in API-1104 latest edition
shall be considered defective and shall so be marked with an identification paint marker.
The CONTRACTOR shall make all the arrangements for the radiographic examination of work covered
by the specification at his expense.
The OWNER/CONSULTANT will review all the radiographs of welds and inform the CONTRACTOR
regarding unacceptable welds. The decision of the OWNER/CONSULTANT shall be final and binding in
this regard.
Ultrasonic inspection is required in the following cases as per Annexure-2 of this Specification.
b) When 20 mm or more are cut from the pipe end as supplied, the ends shall be ultrasonically
inspected for an additional length of 20mm to assure no lamination exist.
c) On the first Curve welded joints corresponding to each automatic (GTAW/GMAW) welding
procedure used.
In addition, ultrasonic inspection may be required for certain critical welding of the pipeline (i.e. tie-ins,
welding of valves, flanges) randomly selected at OWNER/CONSULTANT,s discretion. All fillet and
groove welds other than those, which are not radio graphically or ultrasonically examined, shall be
examined by Dye Penetration or Magnetic Particle inspection techniques.
In gas cutting pipe end Ultrasonic inspection shall be done for lamination/checking before welding of
Tie-in joints.
The OWNER/CONSULTANT must approve all non-destructive test systems used for inspecting welds.
One weld out of total number of welds completed in abstract of 15 km shall be subjected to destructive
testing or as advised by OWNER/CONSULTANT as per Annexure – 1. The weld considered for
destructive testing shall be considered as production welds and shall be as per
specification 11-0230-01-07-02-023.
In addition, welds already cut out for defects for any reason may also be subjected to destructive
testing. If the results are unsatisfactory, welding operations shall be suspended and may not he
restarted until the causes have been identified and the Contractor has adopted measures which
guarantee acceptable results, If it is necessary in the OWNER/Consultant’s opinion the procedure shall
be re-qualified.
If one production weld fails to conform to the specified requirements, the Contractors shall cut two
additional weld joints from either side of the failed one and shall carry destructive testing as per the
specification requirement. If one or both the retested joints fail to conform to the specified requirements,
12.1 Numbering
Contractor shall indicate the kilometer point along the working strip.
The welds between KP 0 & KP 1 are numbered 000 / 0001, 000/0002, 000/0003 etc.
The welds between KP 1 & KP 2 are numbered 001/001, 000/102, 000/003 etc.
All tie in weld between KP 0 & KP 1 are numbered 000/101, 000/102, 000/103 etc.
These numbers are shown on the radiographic images preceded by the digit code number of the
The contractor will submit for approval to the OWNER / OWNER’s Representative the may he will
indicated the weld number on the pipes
13.1 With the prior permission of OWNER/CONSULTANT welds which do not comply with the standards of
acceptability, shall be repaired or the joint cut out and re-welded.
A separate welding procedure specification sheet shall be formulated and qualified by CONTRACTOR
for repair welds simulating the proposed repair to be carried out. Separate procedures are required to
be qualified for (a) through thickness repair (b) partial thickness repair. Welders shall be qualified in
advance the repairs. Welders shall perform repair test weld between the 3 and 6 ‘O’ clock positions for
welding peel earned in the 5G position. The root pass, for repairs opening the root, shall be replaced by
the vertical uphill technique. The procedure shall be proven by satisfactory procedure tests to API-1104
including the special requirements of the specification, and shall also be subjected to metallographic
examination, hardness surveys and Charpy tests to determine the effects of repair welding on the
associated structure.
Root sealing or single pass repair deposit shall not he allowed. Internal root defects shall be ground
thoroughly and welded with a minimum of two passes. However, while grinding for repairs, care shall be
taken to ensure that no grinding marks are made on the pipe surface anywhere.
The repair weld shall be subjected, as a minimum requirement to the same testing and inspection
requirements as the original weld, the entire joint shall be re-radiographed. A 100% ultrasonic
inspection shall be done at the repaired area externally. Any repaired area that is wide, irregular or
rough shall be rejected and a full cut out shall be done. The repair welding shall have a minimum
preheat of 100ºC and shall be preheated for atleast 150 mm on either side of repair. Only low hydrogen
electrodes shall be used for repair of welds
Welds not meeting the specification after one repair shall be cut out depending upon the extent of
repair. A report of all repairs shall be maintained by CONTRACTOR. All repairs shall be carried out the
day after initial radiography or earlier. A full report of all repairs made shall be submitted every day to
Welding SHALL not be done in open areas during blowing sands, dust storms, high winds, rains or
where relative humidity is higher than 75%. Welding at ambient temperature below 5ºC shall be done
only with specially qualified procedure with controlled heating and cooling practices.
The Contractor according to the numbers assigned to the welders shall mark all welds on the top
quarter of the pipe adjacent to the weld. Metallic dies shall not be used to mark on the pipe. Contractor
shall furnish to OWNER/CONSULTANT with all records of welder numbers and Joint numbers.
After the visual and the non-destructive inspection, the test weld shall be subjected to mechanical test.
After satisfactory completion of all visual and non-destructive testing the procedure test weld shall be
set aside for a period not less than 24 hour No further work on the test weld and no cutting of test
specimens from the weld shall be performed until a period or at least 24 hours has expired.
Weld specimens shall be taken from the positions as per approved WPS. In addition to API 1104 tests
the following tests of minimum numbers to be carried out as specified in the subsequently clauses in
this specification
Macro and hardness shall be carried out, generally at the top and bottom of the joint suitably as per
approved WPS.
The test shall be carried out at laboratories approved by the OWNER/CONSULTANT. The specimens
shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant standards code requirements.
Specimens shall be taken from the position as per approved WPS. The test shall be carried out in
accordance with API 1104. Acceptance Criteria shall be as per API 1104.
Specimens for nick-break test with notches thus worked can break in the base metal, instead of in the
fusion zone ; therefore an alternative test piece may be used after authorisation by the
OWNER/CONSULTANT with a notch cut in the reinforcement of outside weld head to a maximum
depth of 1.5Mm, measured from the surface of the weld head.
Specimens shall be taken from the positions as indicated in the approved WPS and shall be prepared
in accordance with ASTM E2 and E3. One of the specimens shall be taken at the T-intersection at the
line pipe seam weld.
The width of the macro-section has to be at least three times the width of the weld. The section is to be
prepared by grinding and polishing and etched to clearly reveal the weld metal and heat effected zone.
Specimens shall be carefully examined under the microscope, with a magnification of at least 25 (25:1).
OWNER/CONSULTANT reserves the right to ask for a micrograph with 5 times (5:1) magnification, for
Under macroscopic examination, the welded joints shall show good penetration and fusion, without any
defect exceeding the limits stated in the evaluation criteria of the nick break test.
The prepared macro-section is to be used for hardness testing using the Vickers method (HV10). Test
shall be made on elected specimen of weld joint. These series of reading shall extend from unaffected
base metal or one side across the weld to unaffected base metal on the other side. Three transeverse
All the hardness values contained from the heat affected zone shall not exceed 40 HV with respect to
the average hardness of the values obtained for the base metal. If these additional tests give hardness
within the specification limit the slightly higher value may be accepted.
Specimens shall be taken from the position as per approved WPS. The test shall be carried out in
accordance with ASTM-370 & ISO R148 for types of samples are to be taken out:
a) At Fusion line
b) 2.00 mm from fusion line
c) 5.00 mm from fusion line
Five test specimens shall be taken from each sample and they shall be cut and worked so that their
length is transversal and perpendicular to the weld bead with the notch position. The notch shall be
perpendicular to the rolled surface. The test specimen width shall depend upon the pipe wall nominal
thickness as following:
The test shall be carried out as in accordance with ASTM-370 & ISO R148.
Test pieces shall be immersed in a thermostatic bath and maintained at the test temperature for at least
15 minutes. They shall then be placed in the testing machine and broken immediately on their removed
from the batch.
The Bend test Specimens shall be made and tested as per the requirements of API 1104.
Ultrasonic inspection is required to be performed on the pipeline field welds as per conditions listed in
this specification. This section concerns manual ultrasonic Inspection. However ultrasonic inspection by
automatic equipment shall be used only with OWNER/CONSULTANT approval.
The operators shall be qualified by a Third Party Inspection Authority. All operators shall be qualified as
per AST-SNT-TC-1A minimum level II.
The OWNER/CONSULTANT has the option of checking the ability of personnel employed for ultrasonic
testing by means of qualification tests.
Before work begins, the CONTRACTOR shall present a specification describing the proposed
procedure qualification and calibration methodology.
This specification shall state, as an indication only hut not limited to the following information:
Circumferential welds shall be inspected from both sides using angled probes.
The surface with which the probe comes into contact shall be free of metal spatter, dirt, iron oxide, and
scales of any type, therefore it shall be necessary to clean a strip at least 50 mm wide on both sides of
the weld with steel wire brushes & anyhow the cleaned strip must be atlest wide enough to allow full
skip examination.
If, during the test, echoes of doubtful origin appear, it shall be necessary to inspect a convenient area
on the pipe surface, close to the weld, with a straight beam transducer in order to check whether any
manufacturing defects are present which could have interfered with the ultrasonic beam.
The efficiency of the equipment used, the effective refraction angle of the probe, and the beam output
point, shall be checked using a V1 and V2 sample block, IIW type or the calibration block ASTM E-428.
The amplification during production testing shall be obtained by adding 2-6 dB (according to the surface
condition of the pipe and its cleanness) to the reference amplification.
Before the inspection begins or during the same inspection, the OWNER/CONSULTANT may require a
qualification test for the ultrasonic equipment operators. Minimum qualification of the operator shall be
ASNT-Level –II.
Each time that echoes from the weld head appear during production testing, the instrument
amplification shall be altered to coincide with the reference amplifications and the probe shall be moved
until maximum response is obtained, paying attention all the time to the probe-tube coupling.
If under these conditions, the height of the defect echo is equal to or greater than that of the reference
echo, the defect shall be evaluated according to section 11.3 of this specification. If the detect has also
been detected by the radiographic and/or visual examination, the dimensions shall be judged according
to the type of examination which detects the greater defect. Returns which are less than 50% of the
reference echo, will not be considered. If returns are above 50% but lower than 100% of the reference
echo, and if the operator has good reasons to suspect that the returns are caused by unfavorably
oriented cracks, he shall inform the OWNER/CONSULTANT. Moreover, when there is a defect to be
repaired, such defect shall be removed for a length corresponding to the one where no more return
echo is given.
The use of rules calibrated in centimeters, attached if possible to the probe, for the precise location of
the position of welding defects, is recommended. Defect location is effected by measuring the
projection distance between the probe output and the reflecting surface.
The operators carrying out the tests shall have, besides the probing instrument, tools for cleaning the
pipe surface (tiles, brushes, etc.) as well as the coupling liquid or paste appropriate For the temperature
of the section to be examined.
2.1 Proposed Radiographic examination procedure shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for approval.
2.2 The procedure of radiographic examination shall be qualified to the entire satisfaction of
OWNER/CONSULTANT prior to use. It shall include but not be limited to the following requirements
i) Only Lead foil intensifying screens, at the rear of the film shall be used for all exposures.
iii) A densitometer shall be used to determine film density. The transmitted film density shall be
between 2.0 and 3.5 throughout the weld. The unexposed base density of the film shall not
iv) Radiographic identification system and documentation for radiographic interpretation reports
and their recording system.
v) Film type and brand, film processing methods, exposure conditions (kV, mAmin, Cimin).
viii) Diameter and thickness of pipe to be inspected and weld/welder numbering system.
2.3 The CONTRACTOR shall qualify each procedure in the presence of the OWNER/CONSULTANT prior
to use.
2.4 All the girth welds of mainline shall be subjected to 100% radiographic examination. Each weld shall be
clearly and permanently numbered adjacent to weld or down stream side.
2.5 When the radiation source and the film are both on the outside of the weld and located diametrically
opposite each other, the maximum acceptable length of film for each exposure shall not exceed the
values given in API 1104. The minimum film overlap, in such cases, shall be 40mm. The ellipse
exposure technique may be used on nominal pipe sizes of 2 inch and smaller provided that the source
of film distance used is a minimum of 12 inch. When such a procedure is used exposure 90º to each
other shall be obtained.
Penentrameters shall be placed on both source and the film side. The sensitivity level achieved shall be
satisfied by penentrameter on the source side.
2.7 Films shall have no fogs, spots or makes and shall not be exposed to back scatter radiation. All weld
spatter, debris, foreign matter and other detects which interferes with the interpretation of the
radiograph shall be removed from the weld area.
2.8 Three copies of each acceptable radiographic procedure and three copies of radiographic qualification
records, shall be supplied to OWNER/CONSULTANT. One set of the qualifying radiographs on the job
shall be kept by the CONTRACTOR's authorised representative to be used as a standard for the quality
of production radiographs during the job. The other two sets shall be retained by
OWNER/CONSULTANT for its permanent record.
2.9 Three copies of the exposure charts relating to material thickness, kilo voltage, source of film distance
and exposure time shall also be made available to OWNER/CONSULTANT by the CONTRACTOR.
2.10 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all the necessary facilities at site, such as a dark room with controlled
temperature, film viewer etc. to enable the OWNER/CONSULTANT to examine the radiographs.
2.11 The CONTRACTOR, if found necessary, may modify the procedure of radiographic examination suiting
to the local conditions prevailing. This shall, however, be subject to the approval of the
OWNER/CONSULTANT. The OWNER/CONSULTANT shall have live access to all the
CONTRACTOR's work facilities in the field.
2.12 Any approval granted by the OWNER/CONSULTANT shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his
responsibilities and guarantees.
Radiographic examination shall be carried out only using X-radiation's. Radiographic examination by
Gamma rays may be allowed, at the discretion of the OWNER, in ease of inaccessible joints. X-ray
The quality level of Radiographic sensitivity required for radiographic inspection shall be 2% of
The image quality indicator (abbreviation: IQI) shall be used for the qualification of the welding
procedure and during normal line production. Radiographic sensitivity shall be measured with the wire
image quality indicator (Penetrameter). The penetrameter shall be selected according to DlN54109 or
IS01027. The placement of the penentrameter shall be as per approved procedures.
The sensitivity limit may be considered to have been reached when the outline of the IQI, its
identification number and the wire of the required diameter show up clearly on the radiograph.
The OWNER/CONSULTANT may authorise use of types of IQI other than those planned, provided that
they conform to recognised standards and only if the CONTRACTOR is able to demonstrate that the
minimum sensitivity level required is obtained. For this demonstration, a test shall be carried out
comparing the lQI specified and the CONTRACTOR's to show up the identification number and other
details of the proposed IQI, which must be visible in the test radiograph.
All films shall be clearly identified by lead numbers, letters, and/or markers. The image of the markers
shall appear on the films, without interfering with the interpretation. These markers positions shall also
be marked on the part to be radiographed and shall be maintained during radiography.
All unexposed films shall be protected and stored properly as per the requirements of API 1 104
standards and ASTM E.94.
The exposed and unexposed film shall be protected from heat, light, and dust and-moisture. Sufficient
shielding shall be supplied to prevent exposure of film to damaging radiation prior to and following the
use of the film for radiographic exposure.
Film processing (development, fixing, washing etc.) shall comply with suppliers requirements and as
per ASTM Section V SE-94
The weld joints shall be radiographed in ease of unsatisfactory quality of the radiographs, at the
expense of the CONTRACTOR.
All the repaired weld joints shall be re-radiographed at no extra cost to the OWNER/CONSULTANT in
the same manner is that followed for the original welds. In addition, the repaired weld areas shall be
identified with the original identification number plus the letter R to indicate the repair.
When evaluating repair film, radiographers shall compare each section (exposure) of the weld wall the
original film to assure repair was correctly marked and original defect removed.
The OWNER/CONSULTANT will review prior to any repair of welds, all the radiographs of welds which
contain, according to the CONTRACTOR's interpretation unacceptable defects. The final disposition of
all unacceptable welds shall be decided by the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
Certification of all the radiographers, qualified shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR to the
OWNER/CONSULTANT before a radiographer will be permitted to perform production radiography.
The radiographers shall be required to qualify with each radiographic procedure they use, prior to
performing the work assigned to him in accordance with the specification.
The radiographs shall be processed to allow storage of films without any discoloration for at least three
years. All the radiographs shall be presented in suitable folders for preservation aloe with necessary
CONTRACTOR shall make necessary arrangements at his own expense, for providing the radiographic
equipment, radiographic films and all the accessories for carrying out the radiographic examination for
satisfactory arid timely completion of the job. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining
necessary permits regarding, holding use and transport of sources.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the protection and personnel monitoring of every man with or
near radiation sources.
The protection and monitoring shall comply with local regulations. Contractor shall be responsible for
complying with all rules and regulation set fourth by Atomic Energy Commission or any other
Government of India agencies in this regard and OWNER/CONSULTANT shall not be responsible.
OWNER/CONSULTANT shall be kept indemnified at all times by the Contractor.
The safety provisions shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a notice hoard at
prominent place at the work spot. The person responsible for the "safety" shall be named by the
3.1 For welded joints and for detection of surface defects that cannot be radiographed or ultrasonic tested
either dye penetrant or magnetic particle inspection shall be carried out after approval of the
3.2 The procedure for magnetic particle examination shall contain as a minimum the following information
for approval by the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
3.3 The area being examined shall be magnetalised in atleast two direction perpendicular to each other.
3.4 The surface to be examined shall be made free of grease, dirt, oil, scale, oxides, etc.
3.5 MPE shall not be performed on parts whose temperature exceeds 300°C.
3.6 Magnetic particle operators and dye penentrant shall be qualified to ANSI-IV-1A Level II or equivalent
as approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT.
3.7 Dye penentrant examination procedure shall also be submitted to OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval.
102 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................3
3 RECORDS ......................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements of the various records, reports and drawings for all
aspects of pipeline construction to be prepared by CONTRACTOR and submitted to the OWNER at
intervals as described in this specification and as directed by OWNER.
1.2 All documents required to be prepared and submitted by CONTRACTOR as per this specification shall
be in addition to the various reports, records, methodology statements, calculations, drawings etc. to be
submitted by the CONTRACTOR for OWNER’s record, review or approval as per the requirements of
all other specifications included in the CONTRACT between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR.
1.3 This specification shall be read in conjunction with the condition of all specifications and documents
included in the CONTRACT between OWNER and CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR shall submit daily, weekly, monthly and after completion to the OWNER various
records and reports, for OWNER’s documentation purposes during and immediately after the
construction. This shall as a minimum include, but not limited to the following:
- Planning Sheet
- Accidents
- Damages
- Materials Receipts
- Materials procured
- Progress planned
- Report of accidents
- Report of damages
- Priced variations
- Progress report for payment, safety report, report of accidents, security report, health and
environment report, material balance, approved variations.
3.4 Further CONTRACTOR shall supply (for approval if required OWNER with documents such as but not
limited to:
- List of addresses of personnel in particular of medical staff, safety and security officers.
- Time schedule.
- Vendor drawings
- As-built drawings of route maps, profile drawings, detail drawings and isometric drawings.
- Coating procedure.
- Installation of crossings.
- Blasting procedure.
- Reports:
3.5 CONTRACTOR shall submit to OWNER colour photographs of various construction activities/
operations at regular intervals. Size, number and frequency of the photographs shall be mutually
agreed upon at a later stage. Also CONTRACTOR shall make video recordings of all operations right
from the start of construction till the completion of works, covering to the extent as instructed by
OWNER and submit to the OWNER.
CONTRACTOR shall prepare “as-built” drawings of all by or on behalf of OWNER issued drawings and
of all CONTRACTOR work drawings including Vendor drawings, such as but not limited to:
- Route maps
CONTRACTOR shall prepare a complete set of “as-built” drawings. From the start of construction
CONTRACTOR shall daily process any changes into two sets of drawings. Deleted parts shall be
indicated in red, new parts in blue, remarks in green and unchanged parts in yellow. Said drawings
shall be kept in site and be available to OWNER at all times. CONTRACTOR shall prepare “as-built”
drawings based on these data and as laid down hereafter. One set of these drawings with data shall be
sent to OWNER before taking over of the work, while the other set shall be handed to OWNER at the
same time. On completion of the work, one revised film transparency of all drawings made “as-
built” by CONTRACTOR containing the “as-built” information shall be handed to OWNER as well as
one complete set of microfilms of same as will be specified by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall prepare
and submit a specimen of the layout of the drawings for OWNER approval.
The surveyors shall daily take care of all measurements required such as but not limited to:
- Horizontal location of the pipeline with regard to deviations and permanent grid pillars.
- Vertical levels with regard to Mean Sea Level of pipeline and grade.
- Location and type of bends, fittings etc. and grades, points of intersections, etc.
- Changes of wall thickness, materials.
- Location and details of valves, insulating flanges, fencing etc.
- Location and details of buried services.
- Location and details of road, railway, water crossing etc.
- Location and details of casing pipes, vents etc.
- Location and type of coating
- Location and type of weighting, anchoring
- Location and type of markers.
- Location of further appurtenances (pig – signallers, etc.)
- Location of ROW and of pipeline with respect to ROW.
- Type of soil
- Type of rock.
- Type of blasting or ripping
- Sand padding.
- Type of road pavement
- Details of bank protection, number of insulators, seals etc.
- Etc.
CONTRACTOR shall also prepare isometric drawings of all installations (facilities) etc. for which the
data as mentioned in or required for the pipe and welding book can be identified as such and which
drawings can also be used for material accounting.
All permanent equipment supplied and installed by CONTRACTOR shall be provided with nameplates
by CONTRACTOR. All texts size of the plate shall be submitted to OWNER for approval before plates
may be manufactured.
- Sequential number
Alignment sheet number and at least the location thereon of two welds on every page of the pipe book.
- Diameter of pipeline
- Wall thickness
- Pipe number
- Coating
- Date of stringing
- Data of welding
- Direction of working
- Weld number
- Welder number
- Length of section per page in line separated in the pipes including field bends and factory
bends and/or other inline fittings.
In order to achieve this CONTRACTOR shall identify all pipe elements. Sample format of pipe book
shall be submitted for OWNER approval.
109 of 225
1 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................3
7 TRENCHING .................................................................................................................................................7
8 BENDING......................................................................................................................................................9
9 LINING UP ..................................................................................................................................................11
10 LAYING.......................................................................................................................................................11
11 BACK-FILLING...........................................................................................................................................13
12 PIPELINE TIE-IN.........................................................................................................................................13
13 CROSSINGS...............................................................................................................................................14
110 of 225
1.1 This specification defines the minimum requirements for the various activities to be carried out by
Contractor for the construction of onshore pipelines.
1.2 The various activities covered in this specification include all works during the following stages of
pipeline construction :
1.3 CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed work procedures including drawings, calculations as required
equipment and manpower deployment details for the all pipeline activities, to OWNER for approval.
Entire work shall be carried out as per approved procedures and to the satisfaction of OWNER.
3.1 Reference has been made in this specification to the latest codes, standards and specifications:
111 of 225
vi) Part 195 - Transportation of liquids by pipeline (U.S department
of Transportation – Pipeline safety standards)
vii) OISD 141 - Design construction requirements for cross country
hydrocarbon pipelines.
In order to adhere to complete the schedule of work in time, the contractor must mobilize the machinery
/ equipment given below:
- All materials, equipment, trailers for transportation, loading, unloading, stringing etc.
- All welding machines, lifting equipment, instruments, transporting vehicles and consumables for
welding such as oxygen, acetylene, inert gases and all types of electrodes, filter wire, solder
wire, brazing rods, flux etc. for welding / cutting and soldering purpose.
- All materials, equipment and instruments required for all types of tests such as radiography,
ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle and dye penetrate examination and any other tests as per
the requirement of Owner/Owner’s representative.
- All materials, equipment, instruments and consumables including primer calibrated pump
required for external corrosion coating and concrete coating (where required) of field weld joints.
- All materials, equipment for lowering and back filling and tie-in of pipeline sections.
- All materials, equipment and consumables required for repair of damaged coating of line pipe.
- All materials, consumables and equipment related to blasting of rock for excavating trench or
grading the Right-Of-way.
- All materials, equipment required for repair/restoration of pavements, roads, bunds, other
structure affected/ damaged by Contractor’s construction activities. Materials shall be equivalent
/ superior to those used for original construction of the facility.
The Right-of-Way will be handed over to Contractor by OWNER as the work progresses. The
Contractor is required to perform his construction activities within the width of Right-of-Way set aside for
construction of pipeline, unless he has made his own arrangements with the land owner and/or tenant
for using extra land. Variation in the width of ROW caused by local conditions or installation of
associated pipeline facilities or existing pipelines will be identified in the field or instructed to the
Contractor by OWNER.
The Right-of-Way boundary lines shall be staked by the Contractor, so as to prepare the strip for laying
the pipeline. Contractor shall also establish all required lines and grades necessary to complete the
work and shall be responsible for the accuracy of such lines and grades.
A minimum clearance of 300mm shall be ensured when pipelines are to be laid parallel along near
underground power and/or communication cables, conductors or conduit. When such clearance cannot
be maintained due to unavoidable reasons extra precautions shall be taken as approved by OWNER.
112 of 225
During ROW cleaning, the vegetation shall be cut off at ground level leaving the roots intact. Only
stamps & root directly over the trench shall be removed for pipeline installation.
Generally ROW of 20 metre is provided to the Contractor unless noted otherwise. During construction,
ROW may be restricted due to any other reasons. In this regard, Contractor has to make own
arrangements cost & time affect to Owner.
The Contractor shall not be compensated for any reduction in the width of working strip or reversal in
the working of working strip.
- Install bench marks, intersection points and other required survey monuments.
- Stake markers in the centreline of the pipeline at distances of maximum 100 metres for straight
line sections and maximum 10 metres for horizontal bends. Stake two ROW markers at
boundaries at least at every 100 metres.
- Install distinct markers locating and indicating special points, such as but not limited to:
Contract limits, obstacle crossings, change of wall thickness, including corresponding chainage etc.
All markers shall be of suitable materials so as to last till replacement with permanent markers and shall
be coloured distinctly for easy identification. Type, material and colouring of stake markers shall be
subject to approval of OWNER. Any deviation from the approved alignment shall be executed by
Contractor after seeking OWNER approval in writing prior to clearing operations.
Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of the reference line markers until
the permanent pipeline markers are placed.
If OWNER demands, contractor shall install temporary fencing on either side of ROW wherever it is
required to ensure safety and non-interference with others. For convenience of construction,
Contractor’s shall install temporary gates to the fencing as per Owner’s guidelines. However the
Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage, accident etc. arising during construction works
along the route and any construction thereof and suitably indemnify Owner / Engineer for any such
damage & accident.
Any obstacle, which may hinder the construction and laying of the pipeline along the approved pipeline
route and for a strip of land of the size provided shall be removed.
All grubbed stumps, timber bush, undergrowth and roots shall be cut and removed from the ROW and
shall be disposed of in a method satisfactory to OWNER and authorities having jurisdictions. ROW
cross fall shall not exceed 10%.
All trees which may hinder the construction of the pipeline along the approved pipeline route that belong
to the protected green belt, reserved forest and other areas demarcated by the government authorities
113 of 225
and any other tree in the opinion of the OWNER requiring relocation / re-plantation shall be relocated
and replanted by the CONTRACTOR at an alternate location as recommended by the jurisdiction
authorities / OWNER. All such uprooting and re-plantation of trees shall be carried out by the
CONTRACTOR in a manner that is satisfactory to the jurisdiction authorities / OWNER.
CONTRACTOR shall submit a procedure for uprooting and replanting of trees to the OWNER for
Trees that are required to be uprooted and not specified / recommended for re-plantation by the
jurisdiction authorities / OWNER shall be disposed of as debris and cleared from the ROW / Project site
Contractor shall grade the pipeline Right-of-way as required for proper installation of the pipeline, for
providing access to the pipeline during construction, and for ensuring that the pipeline is constructed in
accordance with the most up-to-date engineering and construction practices. During entire period of
pipeline construction and testing, CONTRACTOR shall maintain the ROW in motorable condition. Final
cleared & graded ROW shall be subject to approval of OWNER.
Grading operations should normally be carried out along the Right-of-way with mechanical excavators
or manually. In certain areas, grading may have to be resorted to exclusively by blasting.
In plain, rough or steep terrain, Contractor may have to grade access roads and temporary bypass
roads for its own use. Where such access roads do not fall on the Right-of-way, Contractor shall obtain
necessary written permission from land owners and tenants and be responsible for all damages caused
by the construction and use of such roads, and at no extra cost to OWNER. Where rocky terrain is
encountered, grading shall be carried out in all types of solid rocks which cannot be removed until
loosened by blasting, drilling or by other recognised methods of quarrying solid rocks.
Contractor shall be responsible for moving his equipment and men across or around watercourses and
road crossings. This may require the construction of temporary bridges or culverts. Contractor shall
ensure that such temporary works shall not interfere with normal water flow, avoid overflows, traffic,
keep the existing morphology unchanged and shall not unduly damage the banks of water courses. No
public ditches or drains shall be filled or bridged for passage of equipment until Contractor has secured
written approval of the authorities having jurisdiction over the same. Contractor shall furnish OWNER a
copy of all such approval.
Any damage to property outside ROW shall be restored or settled to the Contractor’s account.
Contractor shall be fully responsible for all materials and their identification until such time that the pipes
and other materials are installed in permanent installation. Contractor shall be fully responsible for
arranging and paying for stacking/storage areas for the pipeline materials, however, method of
stacking/storage shall be approved by OWNER.
114 of 225
The Contractor shall load, unload, transport and stockpile the bare/coated pipes using approved
suitable means and in a manner to avoid damage to the pipe and coating. Contractor shall submit to
OWNER a complete procedure indicating the manner and arrangement used for handling,
transportation and stacking of bare/coated pipes for OWNER approval prior to commencement of
handling operations.
Stacks shall consist of limited number of layers so that the pressure exercised by the pipes own weight
does not cause damage to the coating. CONTRACTOR shall submit the staking height calculations as
per API RP 5L1 to OWNER for approval. Stacks of difference diameter, wall thickness and damaged,
rejected pipe shall be separately segregated and identified properly. The pipes shall be stacked at a
slope so that driving rain does not collect inside the pipe.
The ends of pipes during handling and stacking shall be protected with bevel protectors. Supports shall
be provided for atleast 10% of the pipeline length. These supports shall be lined with rubber protection.
The second layer and subsequent layers shall be separated from each other by material such as straw
in plastic covers or mineral wool strips or equivalent.
Pipes shall be unloaded from the stringing trucks/trailors and lowered to the ground by means of boom
tractor or swinging crane or other suitable equipment using lifting devices. Dragging or sliding of pipe
shall not be permitted. Special precaution shall be taken during stringing of corrosion coated pipe as
per the special requirements of previous para. Stringing of pipe shall only be carried out in daylight and
after clearing and grading operations have been completed. Pipe shall not be strung on the Right-of-
way in rocky areas where blasting may be required, until all blasting is complete and the area cleared of
all debris. Contractor shall submit to OWNER for approval a complete procedure for stringing of line
After the pipe has been strung on the Right-of-way it shall be inspected by the Contractor and the
OWNER and all defective pipes and pipe ends shall be repaired. Defective pipe shall be repaired or
rejected as the OWNER may direct as per the requirements of specification.
For all pipes, numbers and lengths shall be identified and recorded properly. Before a pipe end is cut,
the painted pipe number and cold die stamped pipe number shall be transferred by Contractor in
presence of OWNER to either side of the joint which is to be made by cutting.
7.1 Contractor shall excavate and maintain the pipeline trench on the staked center line of the pipeline
taking into account the curves of the pipeline.
7.2.1 Contractor shall, by any method approved by OWNER, dig the pipeline trench on the cleared and
graded Right-of-way.
7.2.2 In cultivated land the arable soil shall be properly prescribed and same to be replaced at original place
during backfilling as advised by OWNER.
Care shall be exercised to see that fresh soil recovered from trenching operation, intended to be used
for backfilling over the laid pipe in the trench, is not mixed with loose debris or foreign material. The
excavated material shall never be deposited over or against the strung pipe.
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7.2.3 In steep slope areas or on the hillside, before commencing the works, proper barriers or other
protection shall be provided to prevent the removed materials from rolling downhill.
7.2.4 In certain slopy sections, before the trench cuts through the water table, proper drainage shall be
ensured both near the ditch and the right-of-way in order to guarantee soil stability.
7.3.1 CONTRACTOR shall execute the blasting as per approved procedures, which will also detail out safety
precautions to safe guard the existing pipelines.
7.3.2 No blasting is allowed within 15m of any existing pipeline or structures (either above or below ground)
(Only Rock Breaker shall be used)
7.3.3 Where blasting is to be carried out between 50m and 15m away from any existing pipelines or
structures (either below or above ground) the CONTRACTOR shall submit a procedure for controlled
blasting e.g. break-holes, slit trench etc. CONTRACTOR shall perform a trial blast for Owner’s
The trench shall be excavated to a minimum width maintaining clearance on both sides of the installed
pipeline and to a depth to maintain the cover of the pipeline as indicated in the other contract
documents or approved procedure.
Pipeline shall be laid with atleast 500mm free distance from the obstacles or as specified in the
drawings or wherever it is required by concerned authorities.
The depth of the cover for pipeline system measured from cover surface to top of the pipeline
shall be as given below (Refer Note – 1):
a) Normal Excavation: 1.0 m
b) Drains, Ditches lined & unlined Canals, Nala, Streams and other: 1.5m (Ref. Note 3)
c) Uncased/Cased Road Crossings: 1.5m (Ref. Note 2)
d) Railroad crossing: 1.8m (Ref. Note 2)
e) River Crossing: 2.5 m (Ref Note 3)
1. Minimum depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe coatings to the top of
undisturbed surface of the soil, or top of graded working strip whichever is lower.
2. Cover shall be measured from the top of rail road cross section to the top of casing pipe or carrier
pipe as per type of crossing & Minimum depth below ditch level with in ROW except under track
shall be 1.0 m min. The cover specified shall also meet the Requirement of the permission obtained
from statutory authorities.
3. In case of rivers/water bodies, which are prone to scour and erosion, minimum cover maintained
shall be 2.5 m below the scour level for the lifetime of pipeline
4. Wherever cased-crossing is not envisaged, higher cover depths or higher wall thickness of the
pipeline shall be considered as per design requirements.
At points where the contour of the earth may require extra depth to fit the minimum radius of the bend
as specified or to eliminate unnecessary bending of pipe or where deeper trench is required at the
approaches to crossings of roadways, streams etc. contractor shall excavate such additional depths as
may be necessary at no extra cost to OWNER.
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Contractor shall dewater if necessary, using well point system or other suitable systems, install the pipe
in the trench and backfill the trench. All underground utilities shall be located and protected as per the
guidelines of jurisdiction authority/OWNER.
Contractor shall check if up-floating danger for the pipeline is present in open trench. If such danger of
up-floating is present, CONTRCATOR shall take appropriate measures to prevent up-floating such as
applying soil dams and dewatering of trench or temporary filling of water into the line (in exceptional
cases) as approved by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall furnish details of all negative buoyancy
calculations to the OWNER for approval. CONTRACTOR shall carry out any anti buoyancy measures
only after obtaining Owner’s approval for such calculations.
In case of presence of water on the ditch bottom when the pipeline is being laid, the ditch shall be
drained to the extent and for the time required to make a visual inspection of the ditch bottom. After
such inspection, the presence of water will be allowed provided its level does not cause sliding of the
ditch sides and pipe floating before backfilling.
Wherever up-floating of the pipeline after backfilling is indicated, anti-buoyancy measures shall be
provided by Contractor for areas indicated in the drawings or as may be encountered during
construction using the following method:
- Applying a continuous concrete coating around the pipe
Any other anti-buoyancy method adopted by the CONTRACTOR shall require prior written approval
from the OWNER
The above provisions shall be in accordance with the relevant specifications and/or approved
procedures / drawings and to the satisfaction of OWNER.
In all cases where rock or gravel or hard soil is encountered in the bottom of the trench, extra padding
shall be provided by Contractor as per Owner’s instructions. The thickness of the compacted padding
shall not be less than 200 mm. In those areas that are to be padded, the trench shall be atleast 200
mm deeper than otherwise required, and evenly and sufficiently padded to keep the pipe when in place,
at least 200 mm above bottom of excavated trench. Reference drawing of trench, please refer Standard
Dwg. No. 1 -07-005.
The thickness of compacted padding on top of pipe shall be at least 200 mm.Exact extent of trench
padding shall be as per OWNER instructions. Padding materials that are approved by OWNER shall
be graded soil / sand and/or other materials containing no gravel, rock, or lumps of hard soil.
Contractor shall keep the trench in good condition until the pipe is laid.
Contractor shall preferably provide for changes of vertical and horizontal alignment by making elastic
bends. Contractor may provide cold field bends, at its option for change of direction and change of
slope. OWNER at its option may authorise fabricated bends for installation at points where in Owner’s
judgement the use of such bends is unavoidable.
Over bends shall be made in such a manner that the centre of the bend clears the high points of the
trench bottom. Sag bends shall fit the bottom of the trench and side bends shall conform and leave
specified clearance to the outside wall of the trench.
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14 “ - 18 “ 30D
Spiral SAW line pipes shall not be used for fabrication of cold field bends.
Contractor shall use a bending machine and mandrel and employ recognised and accepted methods of
bending of coated pipe in accordance with good pipeline construction practice. However, bending
machines shall be capable of making bends without wrinkles, buckles, stretching and with minimum
damage to the coating.
8.1.2 Contractor shall, before the start of the work, submit and demonstrate to OWNER a bending procedure,
which shall conform with the recommendations of the bending machine manufacturer. The procedure
shall include amongst other steps – lengths, maximum degree per pull and method and accuracy of
measurement during pulling of the bend. This procedure and the equipment used shall be subject to
Owner’s approval.
8.1.3 For welded pipes, longitudinal seam shall be suitably placed as per approved procedure so that the
weld seam shall not be overstressed.
8.1.4 The ends of each bent length shall be straight and not involved anyway in the bending. The length of
the straight section shall permit easy joining. In no event shall the end of the bend be closer than 1.0m
from the end of a pipe.
8.1.5 The ovality used on each pipe by bending shall be less than 5 mm of the nominal diameter at any point.
Ovality is defined as the reduction or increase in the internal diameter of the pipe compared with the
nominal internal diameter. A check shall be performed on all bends in the presence of OWNER by
passing a gauging pig / buckle detector consisting of two discs with a diameter equal to 95% of the
nominal internal diameter of the pipe connected rigidly together at a distance equal to 300mm.
8.1.6 Cold bent pipes on site shall have the corrosion coating carefully checked with the aid of a holiday
detector for cracks in the coating down to the pipe wall. It must also be checked whether the coating
has disbanded from the pipe wall during bending by beating with a wooden mallet along the outer
radius. Any defects or disbanding of the coating caused during bending shall be repaired at the
Contractor’s expense in accordance with OWNER approved procedures.
All bends showing buckling, wrinkles, cracks or other visible defects or which are in any way in
disagreement, in whole or in part, with this specification shall be rejected.
No mitre bends shall be permitted in the construction of the pipeline. Cutting of factory made bends
and cold field bends for any purpose are not permitted.
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Each length of pipe shall be thoroughly examined internally and externally to make sure that it is free
from visual defects, damage, severe corrosion (sea water pitting), dirt, animals or any other foreign
objects. Each length of the pipe shall be adequately swabbed, either by use of canvas belt disc of
proper diameter or by other methods approved by the OWNER. Damaged/ corroded pipes shall be
kept separate. Each length of pipe shall be pulled through just before being welded. Contactor on shall
submit a detail procedure for Lining of line pipe to OWNER for approval.
9.1.1 Repair on line pipe shall be executed as specified in OWNER material specification or Code ASME
B31.8 whichever is more stringent.
Repair of damaged pipe ends by hammering and/or heating is not allowed. Contractor shall submit
detailed procedure for pipe defects and repairs to OWNER for approval.
9.2.1 A strip of soft material shall be placed in between skid and pipe to protect the external coating of pipe
from any damage.
9.2.2 The pipes shall be maintained or skids at the minimum distance of 500mm above ground.
After each day’s work or when work is interrupted, the open ends of the welded strings of pipes shall be
capped with a securely closed metal cap as approved by OWNER.
10.1.1 Lowering shall follow as soon as possible, after the completion of the field joint coating of the pipeline.
In the case of parallel pipelines, laying shall be carried out by means of successive operations, if
possible without interruption. Contractor shall submit a detail procedure for lowering of pipeline to
OWNER for approval.
10.1.2 Before lowering in, a complete check by a full circle holiday detector for pipe coating and for field joint
coating shall be carried out and all damages repaired as agreed by OWNER at Contractor’s cost. All
the points on the pipeline where the coating has been in contact with either skids or with lifting
equipment shall be properly checked. Where water is present in the trench, no laying shall be permitted
until the ditch has been drained.
10.1.3 The pipeline shall be lifted and laid using, for all movements, necessary, suitable equipment of non-
abrasive material having adequate width for the fragility of the coating. Care shall be exercised while
removing the slings from around the coated pipe after it has been lowered into the trench. Any damage
caused to the coating shall be promptly repaired. Lowering in utilising standard pipe cradles shall be
permitted if Contractor demonstrates that pipe coating is not damaged. No sling shall be put around
field joint coating.
10.1.4 The portion of the pipeline between trench and bank shall be supported by as many side-booms as
required and approved by OWNER for holding the line in gentle S-curve maintaining minimum elastic
bend radius as specified in approved procedure. Lowering in and back filling shall preferably be carried
out at the highest ambient temperature.
The maximum length of pipe to be lowered at a time more than 1.5 km shall be avoided.
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In laying parallel pipelines in the same trench, the minimum distances between the pipelines indicated
in the approved drawings shall be maintained.
a) The following works shall be completed before proceeding with the assembly and laying of
overhead pipelines:
b) The erection of the supports shall be carried out taking care that the elevation and alignment is
in accordance with the drawings.
In the case of metal work supports, pre-fabrication and/or assembly shall take into account the
maximum allowed free span and the supports shall not interfere with the pipeline welds.
c) In case roller supports are used, the rollers shall be lubricated, then checked for smooth
rotation and, in case of seizure, the defect shall be repaired or roller shall be replaced. In the
case of overhead section where the pipeline is slanting, the alignment of the end supports shall
be made after placing the pipeline in position. Before installation of the pipe section, all the
rollers shall be perfectly centred acting on the seat of the support plates.
The above alignment operations shall be carried out before connecting the overhead section
with the ends of the buried section.
d) Lifting, moving and laying of the pipeline shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of this specification.
An insulation sheet shall be installed to isolate the pipe from the support or support from the
e) Moving supports, if any shall be centered on their support and allow for a movement of at least
300mm in both directions.
Contractor shall supply HDPE Conduit and all other accessories for OFC laying.
For all crossing to HDPE ducts (supplied by Contractor) shall be put in 6” steel conduit. One
HDPE duct will accommodate OFC cable and other HDPE duct shall be laid empty for future
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11.1 Backfilling shall be carried out immediately after the pipeline has been laid in the trench, inspected and
approved by the OWNER, so as to provide a natural anchorage for the pipeline, thus avoiding long
exposure of coating to high temperature, damaging actions of adverse weather conditions, sliding down
of trench sides and pipe movement in the trench. If immediate back filling is not possible, a covering of
at least 200mm of earth shall be placed over and around the pipe coatings. Contractor shall submit to
OWNER the detailed procedure for backfilling for approval.
For this purpose top soil (arable) shall not be used. Surplus materials shall be neatly crowned directly
over the trench as per instruction of Owner’s representative.
Crown shall be high enough to prevent the formation of a depression in the soil when back fill has
settled into its permanent position.
The areas where the pipeline is crossing the cultivated land 200mmof top soil shall be stored along the
ROW & replace the same during restoration activity.
11.2 As directed by OWNER/ CONSULTANT, wherever hard rocks/soil are encountered, padding and rock
shield shall be provided across the pipe to cover all exposed pipe area to avoid any possible damages
during back filling of hard materials like rock, gravel, lumps of hard soil etc.
11.3 When trench has been dug through roads, all back fills shall be executed by sand or suitable material
as approved by OWNER and shall be thoroughly compacted. In certain cases, special compaction
methods, such as moistening or ramming of the backfill in layer may be required as advised by
11.4 In areas prone to soil erosion, back filling shall be carried out as per approved procedures, carefully and
to the satisfaction of the OWNER/authorities having jurisdiction.
11.5 Contractor shall furnish materials and install breakers in the trench in step areas (slop generally 10%
and more) for the purpose of preventing erosion of the backfill. The type of breakers installed shall be
as per the approved drawings. Breakers shall be constructed of grout bags filled with a mixture of 4: 1
Sand: Portland cement at Owner’s direction.
A Printed warning tape is made of PVC pipeline sheet of red colour with width of 900 mm and 0.1 mm
thickness shall be laid over the HDPE conduit. HDPE conduit shall be backfilled with soft soil or sand
like pipeline as per clause no. 7.4 & 7.6 of this specification.
12.1 The unconnected sections of the pipeline at various locations have to be tied in after the sections are
coated, lowered and backfilled. The sections to be connected shall have at the ends, sections of over
lapping, uncovered pipe of sufficient length to absorb, without including excessive stresses in the steel,
small displacements necessary for perfect alignment and connection of the ends.
11.5 If a pup end cannot be avoided for tie-in, the minimum length that shall be added is 1.0 metres and two
or more such pups shall not be welded together. All cut-off lengths greater than 1.0 meters shall be
moved ahead in order to be welded into the pipeline at a suitable location. Tie-in with two or more pups
may be used provided that they each have minimum length of 1.0 metre and are separated by an entire
length of pipe. In no case more than three (3) welds shall be permitted on a 10-metre length of
11.6 Maximum post hydrostatic tie-ins (Golden tie-ins) shall be limited to 2 per station, 2 in the mainline & 2
for HDDs. Contractor shall strictly adhere to the no. of Golden tie-in specified above.
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Pipe line sections at all major crossings like State and National Highways, Railways, major canals and
lined canal / distributaries shall be laid by boring with casing pipe complying to all other statutory
requirements. All other crossings shall be executed by open cut method unless otherwise specified in
the CONTRACT or specified by statutory authorities.
14.1 Insulating joints shall be installed at the locations shown in the drawings. Contractor shall obtain
approval from the OWNER before installation of the insulating joints.
14.2 Handling and installation of the insulating joints shall be carried out with all precautions required to
avoid damage and excessive stresses and that the original pup length is not reduced.
14.3 The insulating joints and the welded joints shall be protected by external coating as per the relevant
specifications issued for the purpose.
15.1 After all required tests have been concluded satisfactorily Contractor shall clean up the site as laid
down in the specifications issued for the purpose. The site finish shall be graded in accordance with
the approved drawings.
15.2 Contractor shall restore the Row and all sites used for the construction of pipelines, water crossings
and other structures in accordance with Owner’s instructions, and deliver them to the satisfaction of
16.1 Contractor shall submit detailed drawings for pipeline markers to the OWNER for approval. After
approval, all markers shall be installed along the pipeline route as advised by OWNER. As a minimum
the markings shall be provided at intervals / spacing as follows:
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123 of 225
1 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................3
3 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................3
8 CASED CROSSING......................................................................................................................................6
1.1 This Specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the various activities to be carried
out by CONTRACTOR for the installation of pipelines at roads, railroads, minor watercourses and other
service crossings.
Reference has been made in this specification to the latest edition/revision of the following codes,
standards and specification.
d) Part 192 Title 49 Transportation of Natural and other Gas by Pipeline (US Department of
Transportation – Pipeline Safety Standards)
4.1 Laying of pipeline at crossing of roads, railroads, buried services, canals and minor watercourses is
allowed only after obtaining approval from the authorities having jurisdiction. CONTRACTOR shall
make suitable arrangements for safeguarding the roads, etc., and the verges and/or banks thereof and
the buried services with appropriate provisions.
Highways, Main Roads and Railroads and their verges and banks of water crossings are not allowed to
be used for loading, unloading or stacking of materials and/or equipment. For secondary roads, such
loading/unloading is permitted only after prior approval from the concerned authorities. Contractor is not
allowed to close or divert roads or watercourses without prior approval from the OWNER and the
4.3 Pipeline sections for crossings of roads, railroads, & canals etc., shall be hydrostatically pre-tested ex-
site, prior to joint coating and post tested after installation.
4.4 Pipeline sections at all major crossings like State/National Highways, railways, major canals and lined
canals/distributaries shall be laid by boring with casing pipe complying with all other statutory
4.5 CONTRACTOR shall take suitable measures for the protection of pipeline from overhead high tension
power lines by providing plastic gratings/concrete slabs as per approved drawings/job standards.
4.6 Post installation of Carrier pipe the casing section shall be filled with bentonite mud.
5.1 The work under crossing shall include necessary clearing, grading and trenching to required depths and
widths, welding of casing (when required) and carrier pipes, coating, lowering-in, backfilling, clean-up,
restoration to the original condition and further strengthening and protective works, testing, installation
of assemblies, insulators and seals and temporary works such as sheet piling, bridges, etc.
Before the installation work of crossing commences the CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable
barricade, temporary bridge/bypass work (especially where roads are open-cut) with railing, if required
by OWNER / CONSULTANT for safety of traffic. Adequate traffic warning signals and/or traffic lights
and suitable diversions shall be provided as directed by OWNER / CONSULTANT Authority having
jurisdiction over these areas. Such diversions shall not cross the pipeline where it has already been
installed, unless proper safeguarding at OWNER / CONSULTANT‘s opinion is ensured.
The work shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings/job standards, as directed by
OWNER / CONSULTANT and to the satisfaction of OWNER / CONSULTANT and the authorities
having jurisdiction over the facility crossed. The work carried out for road and railroad crossings shall
meet the minimum requirements of API RP 1102, latest edition.
6.1 The pipeline under construction may pass above or below the existing buried facilities such as
pipelines, cables, etc. Type of crossing shall be such that a minimum depth of cover as required in the
drawings and specifications are guaranteed. The minimum clearance required between pipeline and the
existing facility shall be 500mm and / or as the crossing permission given by the concerned authority.
6.3 For buried services to be crossed by boring, the provisions of relevant OPERATOR specification shall
7.1 Minor water crossing are crossings of (future) ditches, distributaries, canals, water courses, streams,
etc., whether the bed(s) contain(s) water or not, and not being specified as ‘Major Water Crossing’ in
7.2 Whenever minor water crossing in the ROW is to be crossed, CONTRACTOR shall install suitable
temporary bridges as advised by OWNER / CONSULTANT / Authority jurisdiction bridges and further
comply with the provision as laid down in this specification.
7.3 Before executing the work CONTRACTOR shall carry out detailed/survey to determine the nature of
flow rate of the watercourse with the object of determining what precautions are necessary to be taken
care during period of execution.
7.4 In the case of crossings of watercourses for which no special methods of laying are required, crossing
spool piece shall be assembled and subsequently laid. Bends shall be of cold field type.
The depth of the existing bottom of a minor watercourse crossing shall be determined in relation to the
adjacent ground level by taking the average of four measurements.
CONTRACTOR shall take special care to check with the concerned authorities for special conditions
applying to working on, over, under or through minor water crossing and CONTRACTOR shall comply
with all such conditions. Written arrangements with authorities shall be drawn up in co-operation with
7.5 The minimum cover over the pipe shall be as specified in the relevant approved drawings and
7.6 For crossing of ditches, canals, banked channels, etc., by boring, the pipe section shall be prepared,
laid and tested in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 8.0 of this specification.
7.7 The CONTRACTOR shall arrange temporary installation on diversion as may be necessary; to ensure
the effective functioning of watercourses to be crossed, to the entire satisfaction of the concerned local
authorities as well as the OWNER.
7.8 Banks and trenches of minor water crossings shall be backfilled with soil which is to be approved by
OWNER / CONSULTANT and shall be thoroughly compacted to prevent soil and bank erosion as per
the drawings and standards to the satisfaction of authorities having jurisdiction thereof and OWNER /
Whenever boulders, rock, gravel and other hard objects are encountered, they shall not be placed
directly on the pipe. Sufficient earth, sand or other selected and approved backfill material shall be
placed initially around and over the pipe to provide a protective padding or cushion extending to a
minimum thickness of 30 centimetres around the pipe before backfilling of the trench with excavated or
other material as per approved drawings and standards.
After the trench has been backfilled and during the clean-up works, the minor water crossing shall be
cleaned at least across the whole width of the ROW.
The excavation shall be backfilled with well compacted soil followed by a minimum 0.25m thick layer of
properly shaped boulders (75mm to 150mm) encased in a net of galvanised iron wire of 3mm diameter
spaced at a maximum distance of 50mm to be laid over the backfilled, compacted and graded banks.
7.9 The crossing of any embankments shall be carried out strictly in accordance with approved drawings.
No drilling work on embankments shall be permitted without prior written approval from the relevant
8.1 Jacking of line pipe for crossing is not allowed at any circumstances. Whenever boring is to be carried
out, casing pipe shall be used.
During the execution of the boring the ground water table over the length of the boring shall be lowered
up to at least 0.50m below bottom of the pipeline. This water table is to be regularly inspected and
maintained by CONTRACTOR and reported to OWNER / CONSULTANT.
To safeguard the stability of the bore pit, CONTRACTOR shall, if necessary in OWNER / Consultant’s
opinion, use a closed sheet piling, which shall extend at least over 50% of the length in undisturbed soil.
The length of casing pipe shall extend of the crossing (road, railroad, etc.), minimum 0.6m extra on
either side of the crossing (Road, railroad, etc.).
8.2 The size of casing pipe selected shall be at least 2 diameters more than the size of carrier pipe. In case
of statutory requirements CONTRACTOR shall follow the mandatory statutory requirements specified
by the authorities. The casing pipe material selected may be either of IS 3589 / API 5L / Gr. B / IS: 2062
Gr. B.
8.3 The bottom of the trench and/or the pit for at least twelve (12) meters at the approach to each end of a
casing shall be graded and if necessary backfilled with clean sand and compacted up to at least 95%
Proctor density to an elevation that will provide sufficient and continuous support to the pipeline so that
the pipeline remains correctly aligned at the casing ends during and after backfilling.
8.4 The diameter of the hole for a bored section shall have a hole diameter as close as practicable to the
outside diameter of the carrier or casing pipe.
Equipment proper operation shall be demonstrated before the work is commenced to the satisfaction of
Removal of soil from the pipeline during boring shall be done mechanically by means of a standard,
locked augur, which has to be safeguarded against jacking ahead of the pipe. If, in the opinion of the
OWNER / CONSULTANT, fluid sand may arise, an inner pipe with funnel shall be used.
During boring the progress of the pipe to be bored and the cutting capacity of the auger shall be
mutually adjusted, by regulating the speed of the auger, to prevent the road from bulging (rpm too low)
or cave-ins (rpm too high). In any case no more soil shall be removed than the volume of the pipe. The
auger drive shall be provided with a clutch.
OWNER / CONSULTANT reserve the right to inspect certain lengths of pipes to assess damages, if
any, to the corrosion coating of the carrier pipe used for boring. CONTRACTOR shall weld additional
lengths of pipe and pull the required extra lengths for Owner’s inspection. If during inspection any
defects are noticed, CONTRACTOR, in consultation with OWNER / CONSULTANT, shall carry out the
remedial measures required.
8.5 All the execution of the work, loading/unloading of material shall be carried out within the proximity of
the crossing as allotted by OWNER/Authorities. Casing must be laid with a single gradient in order to
allow for an easy insertion and, if necessary at a future date, to allow for the removal or replacement of
the pipeline, leaving the casing undisturbed.
8.6 Welding of casing and vent/drain pipes need not be radiographed, however, only normal visual
inspection shall be carried out. Before welding, the single length of pipe shall be inspected in order to
check that there is no out of roundness and dents. If these defects cannot be repaired, the defective
section shall be cut out.
8.7 The assembly of vent pipe units as approved by OWNER / CONSULTANT shall be carried out by direct
insertion and welding to the ends of the casing pipe before introducing the carrier pipe. The operation of
assembling and extending the vent pipe shall be carried out in such a way that there is no contact with
the carrier pipe. The painting/coating on the vent pipes shall be applied before backfilling as per
relevant specifications/approved procedures.
8.8 The casing pipe shall be considered ready for installation of the carrier pipe, after careful inspection and
internal cleaning with the removal of soil, mud, stones and all other foreign materials.
8.9 Insulators, as approved by OWNER / CONSULTANT, shall be securely fastened to the carrier pipe with
all bolts and fixtures firmly tightened. The number of insulators and spacing shall be as shown in the
project drawings or at 2.5 meters centre whichever is more stringent. At the end of both sides of the
casing, a double set of insulators shall be installed. Casing insulators and end materials are to be
conformed as per Section 9.0 of this specification.
8.10 Care must be taken in pushing or pulling carrier pipe into the casing so that the pipe is aligned correctly
in the casing and that the pushing or pulling force is evenly and constantly applied to avoid damages to
the insulators. A nose piece having a diameter equal to that of the pipe shall be welded on the front and
back end of the carrier pipe to facilitate installation of the carrier pipe properly in the casing and to keep
it dry and clean.
8.11 Petroleum Jelly / Bentonite mud filling shall be carried out between casing & carrier pipe. Contractor
shall ensure that the space between carrier and casing pipe is duly filled up with Petroleum Jelly /
Bentonite mud.
8.12 After installation of the carrier pipe section, but prior to making tie-in welds and backfilling, an electrical
test shall be conducted by the CONTRACTOR in the presence of the OWNER / CONSULTANT, to
determine the resistance between the casing and the carrier pipe or the carrier and the soil. These tests
shall show at least a resistance of 100000-ohm m after backfilling and compaction, additional tests
shall be conducted to determine, if the casing is electrically shorted to the pipe. If the installation is
found to be shorted, CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and repairs, until a test to
the satisfaction of the OWNER is obtained.
130 of 225
1 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................3
3 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................3
5 METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................................................................5
6 TRENCHING .................................................................................................................................................6
6.1 EXCAVATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 METHOD OF DISCHARGE .............................................................................................................................................. 6
6.3 DIKES, DAMS AND WEIRS ..................................................................................................................................... 7
7 CONTINUOUS CONCRETE COATING ........................................................................................................7
9 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................7
14 DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................................................................10
This specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the various activities to be performed
by CONTRACTOR for the construction of pipeline at major water crossings by conventional trenching
method. Provisions of this specification are applicable only for "major water crossings” specifically
named as such in the CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the work area and its surroundings
and to have satisfied himself so far as practicable as to the form and nature thereof, including sub-
surface conditions, hydrological and climatic conditions, the extent and nature of the work and materials
necessary for the completion of the work, and the means of access to the work area.
CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have obtained the necessary information mentioned above to risks,
contingencies and till other circumstances, which may influence the work.
Reference has been made in this specification to the latest edition/revision of the following codes,
standards and specification.
d) Part 192 Title 49 Transportation of Natural and other Gas by Pipeline (US Department of
Transportation – Pipeline Safety Standards)
4.1 Before start of the construction, CONTRACTOR shall submit in triplicate to OWNER/CONSULTANT for
approval for each major water crossing a complete report containing the following as minimum:
i) Installation methodology.
ii) Proposed time schedule, indicating start and finish dates and detailed break-up of duration for all
critical activities associated with the work.
iii) Required work area along with layout and location and other drawings / sketches
iv) Equipment (including number and capacity of each equipment ) and proposed manpower
deployment during construction.
v) Proposed sub-contractors and/or vendors along with their scope of work.
All works of the pipeline major water crossing shall be performed in accordance with the approved
construction drawings, procedures, other applicable documents as per the CONTRACT, good pipeline
construction practices and as directed by OWNER/CONSULTANT.
The description of the installation method as a minimum shall include the followings as applicable:
a) Study of water currents in relation to the method of launching (on bottom and on surface).
b) Calculations for stability of pipeline during launching and final test.
c) Buoyancy Studies.
d) Preparation of fabrication yard and launching areas.
e) Pipeline construction details (including hauling, stringing, welding, NDT, concrete coating, etc.).
f) Pre-test procedure.
g) Procedure for anti-corrosion coating of field joint.
h) Dredging / trenching methodology.
i) Pulling method and related calculations/analysis.
j) Pulling arrangement including launching and anchoring device.
k) Trench correction before launching.
l) Method of positioning and sinking/lowering of pipeline.
m) Method of rectification of damages to the pipeline/coating, during launching.
n) Method of backfilling, bank protection and survey.
o) Final test procedure after backfilling.
p) Safety system adopted during construction.
q) Communication system adopted during construction / testing / survey.
r) Abandonment and recovery procedures.
4.2 OWNER’s Responsibility to obtain necessary permits from the Authorities having jurisdiction, for
performing the work. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all the conditions and requirements issued by
authorities having jurisdiction in the area where the work is to be performed.
CONTRACTOR shall make own arrangement for temporary roads, bypasses and diversions.
4.3 Prior to start of any work, CONTRACTOR shall carry out a survey of the major water crossings and
acquaint himself with site conditions and collect any data regarding the water velocity and the tidal
variations, and flow pattern and shall verify the suitability of his equipment and the method of
This brief methodology is intended to describe the best management practices ( BMPs) for mitigating
envoirnmental damage on account of natural gas pipelines crossing rivers and streams by open cut
Options are:
This method is best suited for narrow streams and crossings (widths not greater than 10.0m, and
flows greater than 4cu.m/sec);
Under this method, the stream is isolated and then diverted around the pipeline crossing while a
trench is excavated and the pipeline installed;
This may be done in two stages, each being approximately half of the river crossing at a time;
After isolation of the first half of the crossing, a flexible casing pipe with inside diameter larger than
outside diameter of the carrier pipe is installed at the required depth of cover;
The cofferdam is then dismantled, and reinstalled on the opposite side of crossing such that it
encompasses the end of the just installed carrier pipe;
The second half of crossing is excavated, and the pipeline or carrier pipe is pulled through the casing
pipe to the other side of crossing;
The pipe is installed and backfilled while the stream continues flowing through the site;
6.1 Excavation
6.1.1 Contractor shall excavate the trench for the crossing in conformity with the approved drawings. The
trench shall be excavated to such depth as required to provide the minimum cover and the pipeline
configuration as specified. The pipeline profile of the crossing shall be followed as accurately as
possible. Before laying, the trench shall be cleaned and levelled. The trench shall be subject to
verification by OWNER/CONSULTANT prior to installation of the pipeline.
6.1.2 CONTRACTOR is fully responsible for the execution of the blasting, whenever permitted, the dredging
and excavation work, hopping of the spoil, transportation, dumping on land or in water, all to be
executed in agreement with authorities, land owners and OWNER/CONSULTANT.
6.1.3 Navigation traffic through the waterway shall not be obstructed, unless permission has been given
thereto. CONTRACTOR shall issue all necessary publications according to the local regulations.
Instructions given by Authorities shall be followed accurately and immediately, so that no hindrance
occurs to the traffic through the waterway.
CONTRACTOR cannot request a compensation if his work is hampered or delayed due to weather
conditions, any obstacles/or by any traffic on the spot, where work is executed.
6.1.4 During the execution of trenching work, the CONTRACTOR shall take bearing measurements and
levels on behalf of OWNER/CONSULTANT. CONTRACTOR shall render assistance for this purpose
and make available for OWNER/CONSULTANT appropriate equipment's, survey boats, and manpower
before the excavation work of the water-crossing trench can be started. CONTRACTOR, if so desired
by OWNER/CONSULTANT, shall make cross-profiles at intervals of not more than 10.0m of the bottom
of the watercourse along the surveyed centre line of the water crossing.
Vertical measurements shall be taken with a sonic recording device and shall be taken with such
accuracy that each depth is known within 0.2m. Vertical measurements shall be taken at points
averaging not more than 5.0m apart and no two measurements shall be more than 7.0m apart. The
cross profiles shall extend at least 10m on both sides of the top of the trench.
All measurements shall be witnessed by OWNER/CONSULTANT. The resulting profile, corrected to the
elevation of the undisturbed water-course, shall be plotted on a 1:200 vertical and horizontal scale.
6.1.5 Immediately before installation of the water crossing to the excavated trench, CONTRACTOR shall
prepare a profile of the trench bottom along the surveyed centre line of the water crossing for
comparison with the reference profile. CONTRACTOR shall also make cross sections of the trench at
intervals of not more than 25m. All profile and cross section measurements shall be taken as specified
and shall be witnessed by OWNER/CONSULTANT.
6.1.6 CONTRACTOR shall keep the trench in good condition until the pipe is pulled into position.
CONTRACTOR shall do whatever is required to excavate and maintain the trench, install the pipe in it
and backfill the trench in accordance with the OWNER/CONSULTANT specifications at no extra cost to
In case CONTRACTOR uses pumping lines to discharge the spoil, he shall obtain all necessary permits
for carrying out such activities.
All the necessary provisions to embank the dumping area and also the spoil basins shall be made by
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for transportation of the spoil and dumping on
land and is liable for damage to works of third parties caused by leakage of pumping lines etc.
CONTRACTOR shall at all time prevent overflow of pumping water, spoil or sand embankments, or
CONTRACTOR shall install temporary provisions in the existing dikes, dams, etc. to prevent flooding of
low areas.
As a general requirement in existing dikes, dams etc., a double substituting weir must be installed
before start of excavation in the existing dike or dam. Such a double substituting weir can be a closed
wall of sheet pilling, supported by soil. The provisions shall be such that the underwater profile of the
dredged trench, the water movement caused by ships, etc. cause no slides/cave-ins of the dike or dam.
CONTRACTOR shall provide concrete coating over the pipeline including the bends in accordance with
the specification issued for the purpose and approved procedure. CONTRACTOR shall coat the weld
joints in order to arrive at a continuously concrete coated pipeline. However such concrete coating on
the weld joints shall be applied after the pre-hydrostatic testing.
CONTRACTOR shall carry out pre and post hydrostatic testing of the pipeline section at the crossing.
Pre-Test shall be carried out at a pressure equivalent to 95% SMYS of pipe material. The pretest shall
be carried out for a minimum hold period of 6 hours. After post hydro-static test the pipeline section
shall be integrated with the main line for the final hydrostatic testing along mainline. The testing of the
pipeline section shall be in accordance with document No. 11-0230-01-07-02-020 Specification for
9.1 CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed methodology, which is to be adopted for installing the pipeline to
OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval. CONTRACTOR shall calculate all stresses in the pipeline while
laying and check whether the stresses remain within permissible limits. A set of all calculations shall be
submitted to the OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval.
9.2 The equipment for pipe pulling shall be in good condition and the pipeline shall be laid without impact or
jerking and is not subjected to stresses of any type other than those, which are allowable. Minimum
allowed radius of curvature shall be followed particularly at the end of the launching way towards the
water in the freely suspended section.
9.3 After the water-crossing section has been installed in place, CONTRACTOR shall fill this section
including the pertaining land sections with water for testing.
9.5 The maximum allowed horizontal deviation from the required centre-line shall be limited by the
9.6 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that prior to backfill; the pipeline when laid in the trench shall conform to
the bottom contour of the trench, so that it will be firmly, uniformly and continuously supported.
CONTRACTOR shall facilitate the work of the diver and shall furnish the necessary equipment and
helpers (other than actual diving equipment) necessary for the diver/inspector to perform inspection
work at the bottom of the trench by OWNER/CONSULTANT
9.7 If the pipe does not properly fit inside the trench or does not rest at sufficient depth to satisfy the
minimum requirements of cover as specified in approved drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall make
necessary corrections either to the trench or to the pipe alignment or to both so that the pipe, when
finally in position inside the trench, shall fully meet the specifications and relay the pipeline to the
specification, failing which CONTRACTOR may be asked to remove the pipeline and delay the pipeline
to meet the specification. This shall be done at no extra cost to the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
When Parallel pipelines are required to be installed for major water crossing. CONTRACTOR shall
comply with the following requirements.
9.8.1 Depending on the diameters of the parallel pipelines, the characteristics of the crossing and the
limitations of CONTRACTOR'S equipment, CONTRACTOR may propose installation of the parallel
pipelines either together in a combined operation or separately in a common trench.
9.8.2 If the pipelines are installed together, the minimum clear distance between the parallel pipelines
(measures from the outside diameters of the concrete coated pipes) shall be 300mm. CONTRACTOR
shall provide spacers at sufficient intervals along the length of the pipe section(s), securely fixed to the
pipes, or shall propose other suitable alternative methods, so as to ensure that the stipulated minimum
clear distance is maintained, The spacers may be removed before the trench is back-filled.
CONTRACTOR shall furnish detailed drawings for the pipe assembly showing the details of
spacers/other arrangements for OWNER/CONSULTANT’s approval before start of construction.
9.8.3 If the parallel pipelines are installed separately in a common trench, the minimum clear distance
between the parallel pipelines in the trench shall be 3.0 m. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that this
minimum spacing be maintained till the time the trench is back-filled.
Back-filling of the water-crossing section shall be performed as described in the following clauses:
10.1.1 The bottom of the waterway shall be reinstalled to its original level by back-filling the trench in a manner
and with suitable material and as prescribed and approved by the authorities and OWNER
/CONSULTANT In case material other than the original spoil is required. this shall be supplied and
applied by CONTRACTOR.
Wherever required by OWNER/ CONSULTANT, CONTRACTOR shall cover the (nearly) back-filled
trench with a layer of rock boulders as approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT over a width equal to the
width of the excavated trench with an extra of 5m on either side at no extra cost to
10.1.2 Back-filling progress of the trench shall be checked continuously, and a daily progress report shall be
made and submitted to OWNER/CONSULTANT.
10.1.3 All embankments and/or dikes, bed and banks shall be reinstated to their original state and levels,
unless otherwise prescribed in the drawings by the CONTRACTOR.
10.1.4 All remaining spoil deposits shall be cleaned by CONTRACTOR to the satisfaction of
CONTRACTOR shall back-fill the trenches in banks of major water crossings with soil/ crushed stone
approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT. The fill at the banks shall be tamped firmly and reinforced as
directed by OWNER/CONSULTANT to the satisfaction of authorities having jurisdiction thereof Quality
of soil and size of crushed stones shall be as approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT . After the trench
has been back-filled and during the clean up works, the water crossing shall be cleaned across the
whole width of ROW.
The width of the above protection shall be equal to the bank excavation and damage and further
extending 10m on either side. The depth of the restoration on the slope shall be determined by the
following levels:
i) Base of trench
ii) 5m shore of top of bank.
Before final hydrostatic testing, CONTRACTOR shall gauge the diameter of the pipeline by passing a
gauging (caliper) pig through the pipeline. The gauging plate shall have a diameter equal to 95% of the
internal diameter of the pipe.
The complete water crossing must be tested immediately after the approved backfilling of the trench.
The test procedure shall result in a hoop stress in pipe corresponding to 95% SMYS of the pipe
material. After temperature stabilisation, pressure shall be retained in the pipeline for a minimum 24
hours and recorded by rnanothermograph. The hydrostatic testing shall be carried out in accordance
Alter laying of the pipeline, CONTRACTOR shall carry out a post-construction survey jointly with
OWNER/CONSULTANT. CONTRACTOR shall promptly correct any defects brought to the notice of
CONTRACTOR at his own expense to the complete satisfaction Of OWNER/CONSULTANT .
After completion of construction, CONTRACTOR shall clear the site of all balance construction material,
construction equipment, debris and all other items to the satisfaction of the OWNER/CONSULTANT.
14.1 In addition to the documents specified elsewhere in this specification, CONTRACTOR shall submit to
the OWNER/CONSULTANT six copies each of the following documents/records:
i) Records of Non Destructive Testing of Welds, Joint Coating, Lowering, Back filling, Hydro-
testing and all other testing.
ii) Clearance certificates from the landowners and authorities having jurisdiction regarding
satisfactory clean up and restoration of pipeline ROU and work areas.
14.2 After completion of construction, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and furnish six sets of copies and two
sets of reproducible of As-Built drawings for the crossings. As-built drawings shall be as a minimum,
include the following information:
i) True profile of the bed and banks of the water crossing along the pipeline after back--filling.
ii)True profile of the pipeline as installed and the depth of cover to top of pipe at regular intervals.
Location and angle of sag bends and over bends.
iv)Cross sections along the pipeline indicating nature and extent of backfill materials, thickness of
concrete coating to pipe etc.,
v) Method and extent of bank protection.
140 of 225
2.0 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................3
5.0 CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................................................5
6.0 DOCUMENTATION...............................................................................................................................8
This specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the various activities to be performed
by the Contractor for the engineering and construction of pipeline at major river crossings using
directional drilling technique.
Reference has been made in this specification to the latest edition/revision of the following codes,
standards and specification.
d) Part 192 Title 49 - Transportation of Natural and other Gas by Pipeline (US Department
Of Transportation Pipeline Safety Standards).
4.1 The minimum requirements of limits of each river crossing shall be as defined in the preliminary
drawings furnished by Owner/Consultant. Contractor may change the limits slightly to suit his
requirement and installation technique, with prior written approval from Owner/Consultant and
authorities having jurisdiction.
4.2 Within the entire limits of crosser, as defined in the drawings, the cover to top of corrosion coated pipe
shall be at least 2.5 Meters below the “specified" minimum scour level profile for the river with normal
soil below river bed, and at least 1.5 meters below the "specified” minimum scour level per stile for the
4.3 The entry and exit points of the pipeline at ground level shall not come within the limits of crossing as
defined for individual crossings.
4.4 Contractor shall carry out calculations for determining the maximum permissible overburden on pipe, to
check that the empty pipeline is safe from collapse at any point along the drilled crossing section.
4.5 Contractor shall submit the detailed calculations for stress analysis, overburden calculations, coating
stresses etc. to Owner/Consultant for approval.
Contractor shall determine the minimum allowable elastic bend radius for pipe from the following
Total maximum equivalent stress in the pipeline due to tension, bending and overburden pressure down
hole at any location shall not exceed 90% of the SMYS of the pipe material
Contractor shall, in order to check this requirement, evaluate the maximum tension forces to which the
pipeline is subjected at any phase of its installation during the pulling operation.
4.6.2 Pipeline Maximum Equivalent Stress during service shall be governed by the requirements of ANSI B
31.8/OISD 141 as applicable.
After installation, the pipeline shall be hydrostatically tested to a pressure of 1.5 times design pressure
in accordance with Specification for Hydrostatic Testing – 11-0330G01-07-02-020.
According to OISD 141 - the total of the following shall not exceed the SMYS of the pipe material.
In addition to the above, the sum of (b) and (c) shall not exceed 75% of SMYS.
4.7 The minimum allowable radius of curvature for the pipeline shall be 1000 times the outside diameter of
the pipeline.
4.8 Pipeline configuration along the support string before entry point
For each crossing, Contractor shall determine the required pipeline configuration in order to allow
smooth pull in the crossing entry point and admissible stress in the supported pipeline string. Pipeline
combined stress shall not exceed 90% of the specified minimum yield strength for line pipe material.
Contractor shall furnish all calculations and specify the number of required supports, description of the
supports their coordinates and capacity in metric ton. Contractor shall also furnish a drawing of the
launching ramp indicating the pipeline configuration.
4.9 Contractor shall, based on results of design and engineering carried out by him, prepare construction
drawings for each river crossing and shall submit the same for Owner/Consultant's approval,
All construction works shall be carried out in accordance with the construction drawings, approved by
Before commencement of any installation works, Contractor shall furnish for Owner/consultant's
approval all design calculations as specified above.
The method of Construction shall comply with all the conditions and requirement issued by Authorities
having jurisdiction in the area where the work is to be performed.
If no public road exists, Contractor shall arrange for access to his work area at no extra cost to
Contractor shall carry out geo-technical and hydrographical survey and the same shall be submitted to
Owner/consultant for review and approval.
CONTRACTOR shall use three layer Polyethylene coated pipes for execution of HDD. Spiral SAW line
pipes shall not be used for HDD crossings.
Contractor shall, before commencing any work at site, submit for Owner/consultant's approval a
detailed installation procedure for each river crossing.
c. Details of equipment: Contractor shall furnish the complete list of all equipment to be deployed for
preparation of pipe string and installation of crossing including technical characteristics and capacity
of each equipment including instrumentation, monitoring and control equipment.
g. Method of installation covering all stages of construction, viz. Rig up, Pilot Hole, Back-reaming,
Pulling Rig Down, Back filling, etc.
The time schedule shall be in accordance with overall time schedule for the project.
Approval by Owner/Consultant of the methods used by Contractor shall in no way relieve Contractor
from the sole responsibility for safe and satisfactory installation of the crossing.
Contractor shall arrange additional land required for pipeline string preparation, rig set-up and launching
operations. Contractor shall clear and grade the length of ROW required for installation of the land
portion and drilled river-crossing portion. Contractor shall do such grading on ROW as is necessary
and properly to perform the pipeline construction operations, to provide access to the pipeline
construction and to ensure safe construction of pipeline.
Contractor shall ensure that his construction activities shall not cause inconvenience to public nor shall
there be any undue interference with the normal use of the land and watercourses.
5.3 Handling, Hauling, Storing And Stringing Of Pipes And Other Materials
Contractor shall be fully responsible for arranging and paying for storage areas. Contractor shall load,
unload, transport and stock-pile the coated pipes using approved suitable means and in a manner to
avoid damage to the pipe and coating. Transportation and handling of coated pipes shall also comply
with requirements of API RP 5L-1.
The lining-up, welding and field joint coating completion shall be in accordance with Specification No.
11-0330G01-01-07-02-014 and 11-0330G01-01-07-02-007
5.6 Installation
5.6.2 The lateral offset of the actual exit point of the pilot hole from the calculated and theoretical exit point
shall not exceed +/- 0.5% of the length of the crossing, however the actual exit point shall not come
outside the ROU limits of the pipeline.
The length tolerance shall not exceed +/- 0.5% of the crossing length, subject to the condition that the
actual exit point shall be within the limits of crossing as defined in the approved drawings.
5.6.3 Back reaming shall be done separately from the pipeline pulling operation. The size of the back-reamed
hole shall be adequate (approximately 1.5 times the pipeline diameter) to allow enough clearance for
smooth pull-back of the pipeline.
5.6.4 Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the drilled hole till such time the pipeline is pulled in.
5.6.5 During pulling operation, the buoyancy of the pipeline shall be controlled by suitable approved methods
so as to maintain the buoyancy as close as possible to zero during pull-back in order to reduce friction
forces of the pipeline in the hole.
Bentonite slurry of specified viscosity shall be pumped into the hole, preventing the wall from collapsing
and protecting the pipeline coating.
5.6.6 Contractor shall provide suitable facilities to Owner/consultant's personnel to witness all stages of
5.6.7 Contractor shall be responsible for the integrity of the corrosion coating and shall apply necessary
approved protective coatings.
Coating inspection of the pipeline after completion of pulling operation shall be made by:
b) Excavating the adjacent portion tip to and including the first held joint.
The pipeline and joint coating shall be examined visually and with holiday detectors for defect. The
length to be inspected shall, as a minimum, be one pipe length and one joint coating. In case
damages/holidays are detected in the first pipe length/ joint, the subsequent pipe length / joint shall be
exposed and coating integrity checks shall be made. If found acceptable by Owner/consultant, the first
pipe length/ joint shall be repaired and/or replaced as directed by Owner/consultant. If the coating of
second pipe length/ joint is also found damaged, Contractor shall propose further course of action and
Owner/consultant's instructions shall be followed. All such works shall be done at no extra cost to
5.6.8 Before final hydrostatic testing, Contractor shall prove the diameter of the pipeline by passing a gauging
(calliper) pig through the pipeline. The gauging pig shall have a diameter equal to 95% of the nominal
internal diameter of the pipe. Contractor shall supply and install all temporary scraper launchers/
receivers and other equipment, piping and materials and consumables for the purpose.
5.6.9 Contractor shall obtain plans and full details of all existing and planned underground services from the
relevant Local Authorities and shall be responsible for location and protection of the same. Contractor
shall execute the work at the crossings as per guidelines of the authorities having jurisdiction and to the
satisfaction of the Owner/consultant.
5.6.10 After pulling the pipeline across the drilled crossing, Contractor shall cut the extended portion of the
pipeline at the entry and exit points. Thereafter, the drilled portion of the pipeline shall be cut at suitable
location/depth and extended on either bank by installing a cold field bend with minimum bend radius as
specified in the relevant specification and a straight pipe length of 12m, such that at the ends the top of
the pipeline is minimum 1.0m below the natural ground level.
Contractor shall hydrostatically pre-test the complete pipe string of each river crossing before
installation as per approved procedure.
The section of the pipeline corresponding to the river crossing shall, before installation, be subjected to
hydrostatic pre-testing to a combined equivalent stress of 95% SMYS of line pipe as specified in this
specification. After the temperature has been stabilized, the pressure shall be maintained in the pipeline
for at least 6(six) hours and recorded by manothermograph. During the test, Contractor shall check all
welds for leakage. Failure, if any, during the test shall be rectified by the Contractor to the satisfaction of
Owner/consultant at no extra cost. The method adopted for pre-hydrotesting shall be in accordance with
Post installation hydrostatic test shall be in accordance with Specification No. 11-0330G01-01-07-02-020
Once the tests have been declared satisfactory, the pipeline shall be de watered and properly cleaned
and dried as per Specification No. 11-0330G01-01-07-02-021.
Contractor shall supply all materials and install G.I. Wire Chain link security fencing at HDD site.
If directed by Owner/consultant, Contractor shall supply all materials and consumables including water,
corrosion inhibitor and shall install all piping connections, valves, instrumentation, etc., perform all works
for preservation of pipeline by pressurization with inhibitor added water. Contractor shall use approved
inhibitors and shall determine the required dosages of inhibitors and pressure for idle time preservation
of the pipeline for a period of maximum six months from the date of completion of construction.
Corrosion inhibitors and dosages shall be subjected to Owner/consultant's approval prior to use.
After completion of construction, Contractor shall clear the sites of all balance material and debris to the
satisfaction of owner/consultant and authorities having jurisdiction.
The ground occupied during the work shall be reinstated to its original condition as quickly as possible
after the completion of work.
Contractor shall take due care in disposing off inhibitor added water so that it doesn’t cause any
adverse affect on the surrounding environment.
5.11 Markings
The location of the pipe shall be clearly marked by suitable means: conventional yellow markers,
overhead markers, sign etc.
6.2 During the course of execution of the crossing contractor shall generate/compile the following data. It
shall be obligatory on part of the Contractor to furnish this data to Owner/consultant for the event it is
required for.
Detailed drilling log and down hole data, including but not limited to, the following:
i) Density.
ii) Type of mud and additive employed.
iii) Mixing, pumping & cleaning.
e) Detail profile of the drilled hole along with the water level variations.
6.3 After completion of construction, contractor shall prepare and furnish six sets of copies and two sets of
reproducible of As-Built drawings for the crossings. As built drawings shall, as a minimum include the
following information:
True profile of the river bed and banks along the pipeline;
'Location of entry and exit points and angles of entry and exit, along with lateral offset of exit
point from the original pipeline alignment;
149 of 225
1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................3
2 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................3
6 PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................................................8
7 ACCEPTANCE .............................................................................................................................................10
8 TERMINATION .............................................................................................................................................10
9 CALCULATIONS ..........................................................................................................................................11
THERMAL EXPANSION FACTOR (ºC-1). .......................................................................................................14-17
1.1 This specification defines the minimum technical requirements for supply, works and operations to be
performed by CONTRACTOR for hydrostatic testing of cross country pipelines transporting
hydrocarbons in liquid or gaseous phase.
3.1 Reference has been made in this specification to the latest following codes and standards:
4.1 Hydrostatic test shall be performed on the entire length of the pipeline. Hydrostatic test shall be
performed in accordance with approved test diagrams for each test section. The maximum length of
each test section shall not exceed 25 kilometres. The hydrostatic testing shall exclude all the facilities
that are installed as a part of the scrapper station. For hydrostatic testing, temporary test headers shall
be provided and the pipeline section between the headers shall be tested as per approved procedure.
The test shall not commence until the pipeline has been cleaned, gauged and flooded as per this
Wherever pipeline is installed through casing or by HDD, the pipe strings/sections, shall be pre-tested
and post-tested. The pre/post testing requirements, test pressures and holding period shall be as per
relevant specification specified in section 3.2 above. Hydrostatic test shall include all those sections,
which have been previously tested i.e. rail, road and water crossing.
4.2 In addition to the above, for pipeline sections, which in OWNER/CONSULTANT opinion, once installed
would require an inordinate amount of effort for repair in case of a leak, a provisional pre-test shall be
4.3 Hydrostatic testing of the mainline shall be done only after completion of all mechanical and civil works
i.e., all welds have been accepted and the pipeline has been laid and backfilled according to the
specifications. Further, the test shall commence only after the pipeline has been cleaned, pigged,
gauged and flooded as per this specification. Contractor shall perform all works required for testing after
obtaining written approval from the OWNER/CONSULTANT. All pipe work in test sections shall be
adequately supported to holds loads imposed by weight of water.
Contractor (not the inhibitor manufacturer) shall get the inhibitor tested for corrosion inhibition and
microbiological control efficiency from competent Govt. /PSU Laboratory. The test report shall be
submitted to company for approval prior to undertaking hydro-testing works.
4.5 Contractor is to ensure that the numbers of golden welds that remain untested are a minimum. The
hydrotest for the total pipeline system indicating the estimated number of subsections, which will hydro-
tested, shall be part of the procedure. The consecutive test sections shall be constructed with adequate
overlap and planning so that tie-in can be carried out with a single weld. If tie-in cannot be carried out
with a single weld, then that length of pipe shall be pre-tested at the specified test pressure for a
duration not less than three hours. All tie-in welds not subjected to pressure testing shall be welded and
subjected to radio-graphical and ultrasonic inspection.
4.6 The maximum variation in altitude within the test sections shall be restricted as far as possible within 60
4.7 Contractor shall prepare a detailed test procedure and submit for OWNER/CONSULTANT’s approval at
least one month before the scheduled commencement of tests. The procedure shall strictly comply with
the requirements of this specification. The procedure shall include all temporary materials and
equipment, but not limited to the following items:
a) A test diagram indicating all fittings, test ends, vents, valves test headers, temporary
connections, instruments, thermocouples, relevant elevations and ratings. The diagram shall
also indicate injection location and intake and discharge lines. The P&ID and pipeline drawings
shall be marked up showing the battery limit of the test section.
b) The hydrostatic test diagram shall also indicate pipeline wall thickness, length of test sections,
specified minimum test pressure, points of maximum and minimum elevations and their
relationship to the pressure at the test point.
c) Estimated amount of test water, water sources, results of test sample, including required
concentration of corrosion inhibitors and additives, procedure for inhibitor injection and control
of concentration.
The test water shall be supplied by the Contractor. It must be clean not silty with a pH between
6 & 8 and non corrosive. A compulsory analysis of water shall be carried out of contractor’s
expense (with the exception of potable tap water).
d) Cleaning, gauging, filling and flushing procedures, including a complete description of all
proposed equipment and instruments (including spares), their location and set-up.
f) Pressure testing procedure including a complete description of all proposed equipment and
instruments (including spares), their location and set-up, and proposed system for observation
and recording of data during the pressure test.
h) Procedure for thermal stabilization and pressure and temperature monitoring during
stabilization and hold period.
i) Theoretical pressure volume and pressure temperature curves including calculating steps.
k) Procedure for depressurisation, dewatering the pipeline section after testing, including a
complete description of all proposed equipment and instruments (including spares), their
location and set-up, the type and sequence of pigs and the pig tracking system along with the
pig specification.
l) Formats for recording the test data, calculation sheets, pig tracking system, etc.
m) HSE requirements during filling, hydro-testing, water disposal, use of chemicals, etc.
The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment for performing the work as stated in cleaning,
flushing, filling, levelling, stabilizing and testing and dewatering procedures.
This shall include, but not be limited to the following equipment and instruments.
1) Sufficient number of Pigs for filling, cleaning and gauging of the following type:
c) Caliper pigs with gauge plate diameter equal to 95% of the nominal inner diameter of
the most heavy wall thickness pipe in the pipeline sections.
4) Fill pumps: The Contractor shall determine the type and number of fill pumps in order to
guarantee the following:
If a single pump is used, a standby unit must be available. The stuffing boxes of the pumps
must be sealed to prevent air from entering the internals of the pump.
5) Breakwater tanks with filters for water filling and chemical dosing.
6) Variable speed positive displacement pumps equipped with a stroke counter to pressurize the
line with a known volume per stroke and capable of exceeding the maximum test pressure by at
least 20 bar.
7) Two positive displacement meters and/or turbine flow meters with flow straightners to measure
the volume of water used for filling the line. These meters shall be provided with a calibration
certificate not older than six months. However all instruments used for measurement of volume
of water added for pressurization shall have calibration certificates not older than one month.
8) Large diameter (6” Minimum) Bourdon Pressure gauges of suitable pressure range (1.5 x test
pressure to be measured) and accuracy of + 0.1% of the full-scale value. These shall be
calibrated at site with dead weight tester. Its calibration shall be checked at the beginning, end
and during the hydrotest period. The pressure gauges shall be installed at both ends of the test
9) Pressure recording instruments with pressure sensors and 24-hour charts. These shall be
calibrated against dead weight tester.
10) Dead weight testers with an accuracy of 0.01 bar measuring in increments and sensitivity of
0.05 bar shall be provided with a calibration certificate no older than one month. The pressure
range of the dead weight tester shall be 1.5 times the hydrotest pressure.
11) Two temperature recorders for fill water with an accuracy of + 1% of full-scale range. The scale
range shall be 0º to 60ºC and the sensitivity shall be 0.1ºC. The temperature shall be recorded
throughout filling stage.
12) Thermocouples for measuring the pipe wall temperature with an accuracy of + 0.2ºC.
13) Ambient/Environmental temperature shall be recorded throughout hydrotest duration from the
beginning of pressurization. The recorder shall have a range of 0ºC to 60ºC and shall have an
accuracy of + 1% of full-scale range. Two recorders one at each end shall be used.
15) Two laboratory thermometers (thermocouples based) of 0ºC to 60ºC range, with an accuracy of
+ 0.1ºC to be used in thermo-wells. The temperature measuring instruments shall be provided
with NPL calibration certificate not older than one month. These shall be used for calibration of
the temperature recorders.
16) Portable tanks of sufficient size to provide a continuous supply of water to the pump during
17) Means to measure the volume of water necessary to drop the line pressure by 0.5 bar
(container on scales or graduated cylinder). Resolution shall be 0.0005% of fill volume of the
18) Injection facilities to inject additives for anti-corrosion, oxygen scavenger and bactericides into
the test medium in the required proportions.
19) The temporary test headers shall be installed according to the testing sections fixed in the test
procedure manual. Proper piping and valve arrangements shall be available to allow launching
20) A good and well laid out test cabin shall be located at a safe distance and shall have sufficient
space to house all instruments and for recording of data.
21) Communication equipment suitable for a continuous connection between the beginning and the
end of the test section and with the inspection team along the line, in accordance with the
requirements of Local Authorities.
22) Thermocouples for measuring the temperature of the pipe wall shall be installed on the pipeline
to be tested :
These instruments shall be installed at least 2 days before the commencement of test so that
the ground temperature trend is well established.
23) All instruments used for measurement shall be certified for accuracy repeatability and
24) The temperature along the pipeline section shall be measured prior to start of water filling,
during filling, during thermal stabilization, and during hydrotest. The recording frequency shall
be in terms of every four hours or lesser based on site condition or as directed by the OWNER.
25) The contractor shall deploy pig-tracking system as and when required and as advised by
Thermocouples shall be attached on the external surface of the pipe after removal of external coating
and shall be adequately protected and OWNER/CONSULTANT coating instruction shall be followed.
4.9 Contractor shall carry out caliper pigging on the pipeline length (launcher to receive). Caliper pigging
vendor shall be pre-qualified by OWNER/CONSULTANT. Vendor shall submit detailed procedure for
intelligent pigging to OWNER/CONSULTANT for approval.
5.1 The duration of hydrostatic test shall be minimum 48 hours (24 hours for strength test & 24 hours for
leak test) after stabilization and the test pressure shall be as indicated in approved hydrostatic test
diagram. In addition 6 hours mechanical resistance test shall be carried out.
5.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, Minimum test pressure shall be 1.5 times the design
pressure, at the highest point of the test section. However, the maximum test pressure at the lowest
point of the test section or at the section with the least wall thickness shall be limited to hoop stress
resulting in 95% of SMYS.
5.3 Pre-testing:
The test medium shall be soft non-aggressive water. The water to be used shall be filtered, potable and
free from sand or silt. The water shall be free of dissolved substances, harmful chemicals, bacteria etc.,
which could be harmful to the pipe or which could form internal deposits in the pipeline. The water
quality shall correspond to filtration through a 50 micron filter and the average content of suspended
matter shall not exceed 20g/m3. Contractor shall submit laboratory test reports of water used for testing.
Before filling operation the Contractor shall clean the pipeline by air driven pigs to remove all mill scale,
rust/sand, weld debris and other metallic particles from the internal of pipe sections. The finishing touch
shall be executed with pigs provided with air jet holes or nozzles to keep the internal dust in turbulence
ahead of the pigs. Contractor to ensure that the cleaning pigs does not damage pipeline components
and facilities. The number of pig runs shall depend upon the cleaning results and shall be determined
by the OWNER/CONSULTANT Representative at site. In case of stuck/blocked pigs contractor to
submit detail action plan at site for Owner’s approval before proceeding with any remedial measures.
Pig train speed shall be maintained between 0.5 m/sec to 1 m/sec. Progress of pig train shall be
monitored. CONTRACTOR to furnish detailed procedure including placement of pig locators on the line.
During filling the pigs used shall be capable of providing positive air/water interface and minimise air
entertainment. All spaces in which air could be entrapped such as valve bodies, bypass pipe work
should be vented and sealed. The cleaning fluids shall remove chemical particles and organisms. The
cleaning and gauging train design, number of pigs, train velocity etc., shall be based on pipeline size
and gradient along pipeline route. Care should be taken in downhill pipe sections where air pressure
shall be maintained to ensure that pigs do not move ahead of line fill resulting in air pocket beings
trapped at the uphill. The pressure produced by downhill point of water column on the pig shall be
balanced by sufficient back pressure. The fill pump discharge pressure & values shall consider this
A Calliper pig shall be launched using inhibited water in order to check possible out of roundness along
the pipeline. The calliper pig shall also locate right weld, faults, dents, wrinkle and feat spots. The
results of the calliper pig run shall be analysed to evaluate the internal status of the pipeline.
After gauging, pipeline will be flushed with minimum 1 km of pipeline volume and water shall be filled
with corrosion inhibitor by propelling minimum 2 pigs with water column of 100 meters.
After a check has been made to confirm if the pressure has attained at least 1 bar (g) on the highest
section, the thermal stabilization can be started.
Thermal equilibrium between the pipeline and environment shall be checked through the thermocouples
installed on the pipeline.
The pressurization rate shall not be more than 2 bar/min. Pressure shall be recorded by using a dead
weight tester and confirmation shall be done with pressure gauge on the same header. Water volume
shall also be recorded with respect to pressure.
- Each 5 bar increments up to 80% of test pressure as recorded by the dead weight tester.
- Each 2 bar increment between 80% of test pressure as recorded by the dead weight tester.
- Each 0.2 bar increments between 90% of the test pressure up to full test pressure as recorded
by dead weight tester.
i) Pressurise to 50% of test pressure, hold pressure for 1 hour, and collect water for air volume
iii) Re-Pressurise to 75% of test pressure, hold pressure for 1 hour, and collect water for air
volume calculations.
iv) Drop pressure to static head of test section at the test head.
In order to check the presence of air in the pipeline, two separate consecutive pressures lowering of 0.5
bar shall be carried out.
For calculation of air in the pipeline the second pressure lowering shall be used, and the relevant
drained water shall be accurately measured (V1). This amount measured shall be compared to the
theoretical amount (V2) corresponding to the pressure lowering that has been carried out, by using the
procedure outlined in the specification.
--- = 1
The above ratio is acceptable, provided it shall not differ from 1 by more than 1.02.
If ratio is found to be above within limits, then pressurization can proceed. If not, water refilling shall be
carried out by another run of batching pigs after depressurizing the pipeline.
Simultaneously contractor shall also construct a plot of pressure volume (Refer Figure.2) from the initial
stage of pressurization until a definite linear relationship is obtained. The theoretical P/V plot shall also
be plotted on the same graph. Once 50% of test pressure is reached, the linear curve shall be
extrapolated backwards to cut the volume axis. The measured air volume and its percentage of pipeline
test section volume shall be calculated. On completion of the air inclusion P/V plot, a separate P/V plot
After the section has been pressurized and the air column test has given acceptable results the test
pressure shall be held for a minimum of 48 hours (24 hours for strength test and 24 hours for leak test)
after stabilization for 24 hours. After temperature and pressure are stabilized, (for the 24 hours leak
test) the injection pump shall be disconnected and all connections at the test heads shall be checked
for leakage. The pressure and temperature recorders shall then be started once again with the charts in
a real time orientation for continuous recording throughout the test duration. No further pumping is
permitted during the test period.
All data shall be recorded on appropriate formats attached to the hydrostatic test procedure manual.
Care shall be taken that the maximum test pressures are not exceeded. If the water temperature
increases resulting in increased test pressure above, maximum test pressure limits, then bleeding of
water shall be done to bring the test pressure within limits. Bleed-off water shall be accurately
measured and recorded.
The hydrostatic test shall be considered as positive if pressure has kept a constant value throughout
the test duration, except for change due to temperature effects. Such changes shall be evaluated as
described below.
The pressure change value as a function of temperature change shall be algebraically added to the
pressure value as read on the meters. The methodology for calculation of pressure change due to
temperature shall be as per section 10.0 of this specification. The pressure value thus adjusted shall be
compared with the test and shall be considered as acceptable if the difference is less than or equal to
0.32% of test pressure. In case of doubt or if for any reason the test pressure has been reduced other
than for bleed-off excess pressure, the test duration shall be extended by 24 hours.
If test section doesn’t meet the above requirement, Contractor shall determine by search the location of
leakage or failure. All leaks and failures within the pipe wall or weld seam shall be repaired by
replacement of entire pipe or pipes in which leakage or failure occurs. In those cases, where leaks
occur in circumferential welds the OWNER/CONSULTANT shall determine the method of repair.
Contractor shall comply with instructions of the OWNER/CONSULTANT’s Representative whether to
replace a section of the line pipe that includes the line leak or whether to repair the circumferential weld.
The repair shall be carried out as per specifications. Where failures occur in pipeline field bends, bends
shall be replaced with same degree bends. After completion of repairs, the hydrostatic test shall be
repeated as a complete cycle, as per this specification. All repairs and retesting shall be carried out at
the expense of the Contractor. All work of reinstalling line pipes to replace failed pipes shall be carried
out as per specifications. For OWNER/CONSULTANT verification, all failed pipes shall be stored,
marked, and tagged indicating date and location of failure and pressure at which failure occurred. The
failed areas shall be greased to prevent corrosive action.
After the positive results of testing and all the data have been gathered, the test shall be terminated
upon written approval given by OWNER/CONSULTANT.
Contractor shall dispose of test water in a responsible manner to the satisfaction of the local authorities,
client and contiguous property owners. There shall be minimum damage to environment and shall not
result in any ground water contamination.
All thermocouples installed on the line shall be removed and coating repaired to satisfaction of the
client. All piping and instrument connections shall be blanked, plugged or capped as per requirements.
The theoretical water amount that is necessary for filling the section to be tested shall be obtained from
the geometrical volume of the section considering the pipe tolerances.
The theoretical water amount that is necessary for pressurising the section shall be calculated by
means of the following formula:
VP = computed water amount required to raise by P the pressure in the section to be tested
The pressure change due to a water temperature change shall be calculated through the following
P = BxT
0.884 +A
T = Algebraic difference between water temperature at the beginning of the test and water
temperature as measured at the end of the test (ºC).
B = Value of the difference between the thermal expansion of water at the pressure and
temperature as measured at the end of the test and that of Steel (ºC). Refer Table-1.
A complete report signed by Contractor and the OWNER/ CONSULTANT Representative shall be
submitted upon completion of the hydrostatic testing operations for each test section.
- A profile of the pipeline that shows the test sites, all instrument and injection connections.
- Pig specifications
- Pressurisation and stabilisation records and charts with all information specified.
- Pressure and temperature recording charts with appropriate information inscribed thereon.
- Records and photograph of all leaks/failure, location of failure and method of repair
In addition to all that has been expressly described in the procedures for carrying out the test, the
following requirements shall also be complied with.
11.1 During the hydrotest, no other activities shall be performed on or near pipeline being tested. Further,
the test sections shall be kept under continuous surveillance by regular patrols during test and with
continuous communication.
11.2 Signs stating “PIPE UNDER TEST – KEEP OFF” shall be placed where the test ends are located. Such
areas shall be suitably guarded throughout the duration of the test. In case pressurizing is done from
the shore end, the entire operational area shall suitably be fenced to prevent entry of unauthorized
personnel. The warning sign shall also be in Local Language.
11.3 All personnel working on the hydrotest spread shall be instructed on the possible dangers connected
with the high-pressure test operations. During the testing, operations, unauthorized personnel shall not
be allowed near by the test head location. Test cabin shall be atleast 10 m away from the pipeline so
that it is not affected by any pipeline failure.
11.4 All precautions pertaining to handling and disposal of chemicals shall be as per manufacturer’s
11.5 All pumps shall have overprotection devices set @ 5 barg above test pressure.
11.6 The pressure shall be reduced to a safe level of 1 barg before any work is permitted on the pipeline
11.7 All crossing areas and areas of public access should be patrolled during test.
11.8 Contractor to ensure that all safety precautions comply with statutory and other national/state and local
regulations and shall give notice to the concerned authorities regarding the intention to carry out the
11.9 Contractor to ensure that a hydrotest organisation chart is made and all personnel are fully aware of
their responsibilities and scope of work.
Bar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.981 -98.62 -79.89 -61.81 -44.34 -27.47 -11.14 +4.66 +91.98
10 -95.55 -76.94 -58.99 -41.65 -24.89 -8.67 +7.02 +22.23
20 -92.15 -73.68 -55.86 -38.64 -22.01 -5.92 +9.65 +24.74
30 -88.74 -70.40 -52.72 -35.63 -19.14 -3.16 +12.29 +27.26
40 -85.32 -67.12 -49.58 -32.62 -16.24 -0.41 +14.93 +29.78
50 -81.90 -63.84 -46.43 -29.60 -13.36 +2.36 +17.57 +32.31
60 -78.47 -60.55 -43.27 -26.58 -10.46 +5.15 +20.23 +34.85
70 75.03 -57.25 -40.10 -23.54 -7.56 +7.92 +22.89 +37.39
80 -71.60 -53.96 -36.94 -20.51 -4.65 +10.70 +25.55 +39.94
90 -68.16 -50.66 -33.77 -17.47 -1.73 +13.50 +28.23 +42.50
100 -64.72 -47.35 -30.60 -14.43 +1.18 +16.29 +30.90 +45.05
110 -61.28 -44.05 -27.43 -11.38 +4.10 +19.08 +33.58 +47.61
120 -57.84 -40.74 -24.26 -8.34 +7.02 +21.88 +36.26 +50.18
130 -54.40 -37.44 -21.08 -5.29 +9.95 +24.68 +38.94 +52.75
140 -50.96 -34.13 -17.90 -2.25 +12.87 +27.49 +41.63 +55.32
150 -47.53 -30.83 59.00 +0.80 +15.79 +30.29 +44.31 +57.89
160 -44.10 -27.53 -11.56 +3.85 +18.72 +33.10 +47.00 +60.46
170 -40.67 -24.23 -8.40 +6.89 +21.64 +35.90 +49.69 +63.04
180 -37.24 -20.94 -5.23 +9.94 +24.56 +38.70 +52.37 +65.62
190 -33.83 -17.65 -2.06 +12.98 +27.48 +41.51 +55.06 +68.19
200 -30.42 -14.37 +1.09 +16.01 +30.40 +44.30 +57.75 +70.77
210 -27.02 -11.09 +4.25 +19.04 +33.31 +47.10 +60.43 +73.34
220 -23.63 -7.82 +7.40 +22.06 +36.22 +49.90 +63.12 +75.90
230 -20.24 -4.56 +10.54 +25.08 +39.13 +52.69 +65.80 +78.48
240 -16.87 -1.30 +13.67 +28.10 +42.03 +55.48 +68.48 +81.05
250 -13.58 +1.94 +16.79 +31.11 +44.92 +58.26 +71.15 +83.61
260 -10.14 +5.17 +19.90 +34.12 +47.81 +61.04 +73.81 +86.81
270 -6.80 +8.39 +23.00 +37.11 +50.69 +63.80 +76.48 +88.73
280 -3.48 +11.60 +26.11 +40.09 +53.56 +66.57 +79.14 +91.29
290 -0.17 +14.80 +29.19 +43.07 +56.43 +69.33 +81.78 +93.83
300 +3.13 +17.98 +32.27 +46.03 +59.29 +72.08 +84.83 +96.38
Bar 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0.981 +34.82 +49.22 +63.20 +76.78 +89.99 +102.83 +115.34
10 +36.97 +51.26 +65.15 +78.64 +91.75 +104.51 +116.93
20 +39.36 +53.55 +67.33 +80.71 +93.72 +106.39 +118.71
30 +41.76 +55.84 +69.51 +82.79 +95.70 +108.26 +120.49
40 +44.18 +58.14 +71.70 +84.87 +97.68 +110.14 +122.28
50 +46.60 +60.45 +73.90 +86.96 +99.68 +112.04 +124.07
60 +49.02 +62.76 +76.10 +89.07 +102.67 +113.93 +125.88
70 +51.44 +65.08 +78.32 +91.17 +103.68 +115.84 +127.69
80 +53.88 +67.40 +80.53 +83.29 +105.69 +117.76 +129.50
90 +56.32 +69.73 +82.75 +95.41 +107.70 +119.67 +131.32
100 +58.77 +72.07 +84.98 +97.53 +109.73 +121.59 +133.15
110 +61.21 +74.41 +87.22 +99.66 +111.75 +123.52 +134.98
120 +63.67 +76.74 +89.45 +101.79 +113.79 +125.46 +136.82
130 +66.12 +79.09 +91.69 +103.93 +115.83 +127.39 +138.67
140 +68.58 +81.45 +93.93 +106.07 +117.87 +129.34 +140.51
150 +71.05 +83.80 +96.18 +108.21 +119.90 +131.20 +142.37
160 +73.51 +86.15 +18.43 +110.36 +121.96 +133.74 +144.22
170 +75.97 +88.51 +100.68 +112.51 +124.91 +135.19 +146.08
180 +78.44 +90.87 +102.94 +114.66 +126.06 +137.15 +147.94
190 +80.91 +93.23 +105.19 +116.82 +128.12 +139.11 +149.81
200 +83.37 +95.59 +107.45 +118.97 +130.17 +141.07 +151.68
210 +85.84 +97.95 +109.71 +121.13 +132.24 +143.03 +153.55
220 +88.30 +100.31 +111.97 +123.29 +134.29 +144.99 +155.42
230 +90.67 +102.67 +114.23 +125.45 +136.36 +146.96 +157.30
240 +93.22 +105.03 +116.48 +127.60 +138.42 +148.93 +159.18
250 +95.69 +107.39 +118.74 +129.76 +140.48 +150.90 +161.05
260 +98.14 +109.74 +121.00 +131.92 +142.54 +152.87 +162.93
270 +100.60 +112.10 +123.25 +134.08 +144.61 +154.84 +164.81
280 +103.05 +114.44 +125.50 +136.24 +146.67 +156.84 +166.69
290 +105.50 +116.79 +127.75 +138.39 +148.73 +158.78 +168.57
300 +107.94 +119.13 +130.00 +140.54 +150.79 +160.75 +170.45
Bar 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0.981 +127.52 +137.41 +151.00 +162.31 +173.37 +184.18 +194.75 +205.08
10 +129.02 +140.83 +152.36 +163.58 +174.56 +185.30 +195.79 +206.07
20 +130.71 +142.42 +153.85 +165.00 +175.90 +186.55 +196.96 +207.16
30 +132.40 +144.02 +155.35 +166.42 +177.23 +187.80 +198.14 +208.26
40 +134.10 +145.62 +156.87 +167.85 +178.58 +189.07 +199.33 +209.37
50 +135.80 +147.24 +158.39 +169.29 +179.93 +190.34 +200.52 +210.49
60 +137.51 +148.86 +159.92 +170.73 +181.29 +191.62 +201.72 +211.61
70 +139.22 +150.49 +161.46 +172.18 +182.66 +192.91 +202.93 +212.74
80 +140.95 +152.11 +163.00 +173.64 +184.03 +194.20 +204.14 +213.88
90 +142.67 +153.75 +164.56 +175.10 +185.41 +195.50 +205.36 +215.03
100 +144.42 +155.40 +166.11 +176.58 +186.80 +196.80 +206.59 +216.17
110 +146.15 +157.04 +167.66 +178.05 +188.20 +198.12 +207.82 +217.33
120 +147.90 +158.70 +169.24 +179.54 +189.59 +199.44 +209.06 +218.49
130 +149.65 +160.36 +170.81 +181.02 +191.00 +200.75 +210.31 +219.66
140 +151.40 +162.03 +172.39 +182.51 +182.41 +202.09 +211.56 +220.84
150 +153.16 +163.70 +173.98 +184.00 +193.82 +203.42 +212.81 +222.02
160 +154.93 +165.37 +175.56 +185.51 +195.24 +204.76 +214.08 +223.20
170 +156.69 +167.05 +177.15 +187.02 +196.66 +206.10 +215.34 +224.39
180 +158.47 +168.73 +178.75 +188.53 +198.05 +207.45 +216.61 +225.58
190 +160.24 +170.42 +180.35 +190.05 +199.52 +208.80 +217.89 +226.79
200 +162.01 +172.10 +181.95 +191.57 +200.97 +210.16 +219.17 +227.99
210 +163.80 +173.80 +183.55 +193.09 +202.40 +211.53 +220.46 +229.20
220 +165.58 +175.49 +185.16 +194.62 +203.85 +212.89 +221.74 +230.41
230 +167.36 +177.19 +186.78 +196.14 +205.30 +214.26 +223.04 +231.63
240 +169.16 +178.89 +188.39 +197.68 +206.75 +215.63 +224.33 +232.85
250 +170.94 +180.59 +190.01 +199.21 +208.20 +217.00 +225.63 +234.08
260 +172.73 +182.30 +191.63 +200.75 +209.66 +218.40 +226.93 +235.31
270 +174.53 +184.00 +193.25 +202.29 +211.12 +219.77 +228.24 +236.54
280 +176.32 +185.70 +194.88 +203.83 +212.59 +221.16 +229.55 +237.77
290 +178.11 +187.42 +196.50 +205.37 +214.05 +222.54 +230.86 +239.01
300 +179.90 +189.13 +198.13 +206.92 +215.51 +223.93 +232.18 +240.26
Bar 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
210 +237.77 +246.18 +254.45 +262.50 +270.54 +278.39 +286.11
220 +238.91 +247.26 +255.45 +263.49 +271.40 +279.19 +286.85
230 +240.06 +248.33 +256.46 +264.43 +272.28 +280.00 +287.59
240 +241.21 +249.41 +257.46 +265.37 +273.16 +280.82 +288.35
250 +242.36 +250.49 +259.48 +266.31 +274.04 +281.63 +289.11
260 +243.52 +251.58 +259.49 +267.27 +274.92 +282.46 +289.86
270 +244.68 +252.66 +260.52 +268.23 +275.82 +283.29 +290.64
280 +245.84 +253.76 +261.54 +269.18 +276.71 +284.12 +291.40
290 +247.01 +254.86 +262.57 +270.15 +277.61 +284.95 +292.18
300 +248.18 +255.96 +263.60 +271.11 +278.51 +285.79 +292.95
166 of 225
1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 3
This specification covers the minimum requirements to be followed by the contractor in carrying out
cleaning and drying operation of pipeline after testing.
For pipeline construction once tests (resistance and leak test) results have been declared satisfactory,
the cleaning and drying operations shall be carried out. The pipeline section to be cleaned and dried is
to be sealed at the ends by means of welded testing pig traps. These end stations are equipped with
instruments for permanent measurement of the temperature, pressure and dew point. After de-
watering, conventional pigs and foam pigs shall be run through the pipelines as many times as
necessary until internal surface is free of dirt, such as welding slags, rust, oil and dust particles.
The compressors used to draw the pigs shall have an absorption drying units with adequate dew point
outlet. After having measured a constant dew point of -8 C during the last run, the pipeline is closed for
at least 24 hours.
Except otherwise specified the dew point is fixed at -80C during this time, the dew point is measured
every 4 hours. If the dew point has not increased after 24 hours, the pipeline is considered dry. It is left
at 0.2 bar overpressure dry air or under Nitrogen. Dew point measurements are carried out under the
supervision of and in consultation with the Owner / Consultant at the other end from the drying
installation. The Contractor shall only use oil – free and soundproofed compressors for supply to the
drying units. When venting the pipeline sections, there shall always be a Contractors staff present and
the public authorities concerned shall be informed by the Contractor.
Dewatering of a pipeline section shall be done to facilitate EGP / calliper pigging. During the dewatering
operation, the major quantity of water shall be removed from the main pipeline.
The disposal of the water shall be performed such that no harm is done to the environment and the
dewatering procedure, to be submitted by the pipeline contractor for Owner / Consultant approval,
should indicate this safe disposal methodology.
The Swabbing operation shall consist of running several suitable foam pig trains using air as propellant
through the pipeline. This is done by operation no of swabbing pigs so that the weight increase in pig
It is the responsibility of the pipeline contractor to develop a suitable dewatering and swabbing
procedure and submit he same for Owner / Consultant approval.
Operational Requirements
The pipeline contractor may use suitable dewatering for pipeline dewatering purpose. In such case, at
least two dewatering pig runs is to be completed with air as propellant. The pipeline contractor shall
provide suitable compressor for dewatering and swabbing.
Sealing pigs shall be used and will be suitable for traversing the whole length of the pipeline segment
being dewatered, without damaging the internal pipe-wall.
If dewatering pigs are used, the minimum speed and the backpressure of the pigs to be maintained
during dewatering operation shall be proposed by the pipeline contractor to do continuous operation
and without pig getting stuck.
Upon arrival of the pigs at the receiving end, the pipeline contractor in the presence of Owner /
Consultant shall remove the pigs without delay.
For swabbing, suitable foam pigs shall be used by pipeline contractor and will be suitable for traversing
the whole length of the pipeline segment being swabbed. Before starting swabbing operation, the
pipeline contractor has to weight the swabbing pigs and record. On arrival of the pigs at the receiving,
the pipeline contractor to judge the weight gained by the swabbing shall again weight the pigs.
Acceptance Criteria
Before proceeding to the next stage of operation, the pipeline contractor shall ensure that bulk of the
water has been removed from the pipeline system and swabbing is done to meet the requirement of
Note-1: After dewatering and swabbing of the main pipeline segment, other Contractor shall carry out Electronic
Geometry Pigging (EGP) / calliper pigging of the pipeline.
Note-2: Ideally, EGP / calliper pigging shall be followed by commissioning activities of the pipeline. If
subsequent to EGP activities, commissioning activities of the pipeline is taken up after long time delay
then adequate measures should be taken to preserve the pipeline during this idle period so that internal
corrosion does not occur. Suitable preservative fluid should be introduced in the pipeline and the
pipeline should be kept bottled up with this preservative inside it.
3.2.1 Drying
Unless otherwise stipulated the piping shall be dried with compressed air. The compressors used for
drying shall have an absorption drying units with adequate dew point outlet.
Valves shall be drained as much as possible in the half – open position under air pressure through the
vent pipes under the supervision of and in consultation with the Owner / Consultant. Manipulation of the
valves without the supervision of the Owner / Consultant is strictly forbidden. The blowing shall be
continued until a constant dew point of -8 C (or other dew point as per TS) is measured. Subsequently,
the pipe shall be closed for 24 hours. If the dew point has not increased after 24 hours, the installation
is considered dry.
x The piping to be dried must have the necessary measuring devices to measure constantly the
temperature, pressure and dew point.
For faster drying, the Contractor may propose drying with heated Nitrogen. The temperature shall be
limited to +50 C.
171 of 225
1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................ 2
2 DEFINITION'S............................................................................................................................................. 3
3 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 3
7 SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
8 OTHERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
The specification covers the minimum technical requirements for testing and commissioning of entire
pipeline facilities including Commissioning activities such as pre-commissioning checks, dewatering,
swabbing, flushing/blowing, leak testing etc.
The scope of work for testing & commissioning including Pre – Commissioning actives shall include but
no limited to the manpower, machinery & equipments, detailed Procedures, Materials & Consumable,
Communications etc. to perform the work satisfactorily .
Contractor shall prepare detailed procedures for piping, dewatering, swabbing, pigging &
commissioning of the pipeline, covering all accepts of work for owner’s approval.
Contractors shall design & supply all temporary line connections Valves, Instruments, as required
during the various operations.
In the event of any details which are not fully addressed, it is warranted by Contractor that work shall be
performed in accordance with the specification & the best recognised practices in the on shore pipeline
The pipeline contractor shall be responsible for all the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities
that need to be carried out for the project.
4.1 Pre-commissioning
In order to execute and perform pre-commissioning activities, the pipeline contractor shall be
responsible for (but not limited to) the following:
x Carrying out pre-commissioning checks of the pipeline system including Pig Launchers/Pig
Receiver at Despatch Station/Tap-off Stations/Receipt Stations, Sectionalizing Valve (SV)
Stations and their associated facilities under the scope of work to ascertain that the project has
been mechanically completed in all respects.
x Checking of field instruments, laying out survey of pipeline, checking of communication system,
checking of Electrical, Instrumentation system, controls & interlock etc.
x Erection of all temporary facilities like pig launcher/receiver, line connections, spool pieces, pigs
and requisite accessories, valves, instruments, manpower etc. as required during various
This shall include preparation of detailed procedures for dewatering, electronic geometric
pigging / calliper pigging (By other Contractor), idle time preservation (if applicable), removal of
idle time preservers (if applicable, flushing/blowing, leak testing and shall address the
sequence and methodology describing all operations, data on materials, equipments,
instruments, consumables (e.g. Pigs and associated items), communication systems,
necessary calculations, detailed time schedule and organization chart.
x All necessary work to perform the job successfully including all modifications that would be
required at various stages.
The pipeline contractor shall demonstrate to the OWNER / CONSULTANT (for approval) the successful
completion of all the above-mentioned activities.
In the event of any detail, which is not fully addressed, the pipeline contractor should warrant that work
shall be performed in accordance with the relevant codes, OWNER / CONSULTANT’s specifications
and the best recognized engineering guidelines and practices being followed in the on-shore gas
pipeline industry.
4.2 Commissioning
In order to execute and perform commissioning related activities, the pipeline contractor shall be
responsible for providing all support/assistance required for commissioning under the overall guidance
and supervision of OWNER / CONSULTANT. Contractor shall submit a detailed commissioning
procedure for OWNER / CONSULTANT approval.
The pipeline contractor shall be also responsible to coordinate with the Composite Contractor(s), who is
responsible for commissioning of the cathodic protection of the entire pipeline so that the
commissioning process can proceed uninterruptedly in a harmonious manner for the entire project.
x Surveillance of pipeline and attending leaks and operation of SVs and metering station (at
Despatch Station//Tap-Off Station/Receipt Stations, IDS whenever required.
x Supply of Nitrogen and its associated accessories for purging required for carrying out
x Erection and supply all temporary line connections, spool pieces, strainers, valves,
instruments, manpower etc. as required during various operations.
x Ensuring all communication facilities is in place and in proper working condition prior to
start of commissioning activities of the pipeline system.
x Stabilization and total system operation for 72 hrs with all instruments controls & interlocks
working satisfactorily at normal operating conditions. On completion of this stage one
month operating run period will start.
x All necessary work to perform the job successfully including all modifications that would be
In the event of any detail, which is not fully addressed, contractor should warrant that work
should be performed in accordance with the relevant codes, Owner’s specifications and the
best recognized engineering guidelines and practices being followed in the on-shore pipeline
Pre-commissioning checks shall be carried out for the pipeline system to ascertain that the pipeline
system has been mechanically completed in all respect. These checks shall cover all the facilities of
the main cross country pipeline, including Metering Stations, tap-Off Stations, Receipt Stations,
Sectionalizing Valve Stations, as applicable. The pre-commissioning checks shall include the
A) System Checks
The entire facilities shall be checked against the latest P&ID’s, Engineering and Vendor
Drawings/Documents and other design specifications. Any shortcoming observed shall be listed
down in the form of punch lists and these should be duly attended or liquidated. The pipeline
contractor should check the stations systems from the angle of pre-commissioning and
commissioning and spell out any additional requirement of vents/drains, temporary
arrangement/modification etc. that may be required during the pre-commissioning and
commissioning activities and arrange for the same in consultation with the OWNER /
CONSULTANT representative.
All the field instruments like actuated valves, shutdown valves, transmitters, solenoid valves,
shut down switches, alarms etc. shall be checked physically and also for their intended
application by simulating the actual conditions. It will also include checking of different meters,
gauges, action of actuated valves, control valves, shutdown valves etc.
This shall be performed to confirm that proper fittings/supports, Cathodic protection system,
route markers, warning signs, fencing around SV stations, etc. have been installed along the
This is to check that there is proper communication with adequate back-up power to ensure
uninterrupted communication.
This is to ensure safety and also to ensure an uninterrupted power supply during start-up and
normal pipeline operation.
This is to check that instrument controls and interlocks are functional as per the normal
operating conditions.
G) Checking of Utilities
This is to check that utilities like power system, etc. are available prior to start-up.
4.3.2 Pre-commissioning works for the above ground piping (Dispatch Station, Metering Stations,
Receipt Stations etc. under the scope of work)
Dewatering of a piping system shall be done subsequent to the hydro-test of the respective piping
section. During the dewatering operation, the major quantity (to the maximum extent possible) of hydro-
test water shall be removed from the main interconnecting piping work in the stations. A standard blind
shall be arranged and provided at the inlet and outlet nozzles of pumps and sump tank to avoid entry of
debris/dirt/mud etc., before start-up of pre-commissioning activities.
Operational Requirements
The dewatering operation of the piping work in the stations shall consist of physically draining the water
content in the piping work by opening low point drains and/or end flanges. If required, air shall be used
to push-off water from the pipes. The pipeline contractor shall arrange suitable compressor for such
Flushing/blowing of the above ground piping with water/air to remove debris/dirt/mud from within the
piping has to be performed by the pipeline contractor. Subsequent to water flushing, to ensure complete
cleanliness of the piping work, air blowing/cardboard blasting method has to be adopted. All
instruments, control valves, orifice plates etc. to be dismantled from the piping work and any gap
produced should be bridged with suitable temporary spool. Proper supporting of the piping, during such
flushing/blowing activities is to be ensured by the pipeline contractor.
The pipeline contractor should submit a plan/methodology for carrying out such activities detailing out
each aspect/step.
Acceptance Criteria
The pipeline contractor shall specify when flushing/air blowing is completed to the satisfaction of the
Owner/Consultant, and shall obtain approval of the Owner/Consultant before proceeding to the next
Equipments like Scraper Launcher, filters, Corrosion Inhibitor Dosing Tanks, Sump Tanks and Scraper
Receiver are to be checked for internal cleanliness and shall be ensured by the pipeline contractor.
Acceptance Criteria
The laying contractor has to demonstrate cleanliness of the internals of all equipment to the satisfaction
of the Owner/Consultant and obtain approval for final box up of the equipment. After dewatering / swabbing is over & all functional checks carried out as specified in pre-
commissioning checks, drying of the pipeline is to be closed out with compressed air. The pipeline shall
be dried to achieve a content dew point of -80C as specified in specification No. 11-0230-01-07-02-021.
The pipeline contractor has to arrange for trial run of the sump pump with water for short duration of
The pipeline contractor has to arrange all temporary arrangements required for such trial runs. The
pipeline contractor has to submit procedure/method statement regarding how he plans to take such trial
runs and take approval of the Owner/Consultant, before actually proceeding for the same. If pump
vendor(s) is available for such trial run, the pipeline contractor has to provide all sorts of assistance to
the vendor and help the vendor in completing the successful trial run.
A pre-start-up safety review of the cross-country pipeline system shall be arranged by the pipeline
contractor, involving all concerned in the commissioning. The Owner/Consultant shall also participate in
the pre-start-up safety review. The pipeline contractor shall generate all requisite formats to record the
findings of such Safety Review.
After completion of pre-commissioning activities and Owner approved safety start-up review followed by
liquidation of review punch list points, the pipeline contractor shall notify the Owner/Consultant that the
pipeline systems in totality are ready in all respects for hydrocarbon-in. ‘Ready for commissioning
status’ shall be jointly assessed by Owner/Consultant, composite work contractor, Pipeline contractor.
It should be noted that if the actual commissioning of the stations is taken up after idle time of sufficient
length, then before starting the rotating equipment again, revisioning of the rotating equipments has to
be done in presence of pump vendor(s). The pipeline contractor has to provide all sorts of assistance
during such revisioning activities.
The pipeline contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary assistance to carry out
commissioning activities under the overall guidance and supervision of Owner/Consultant for the entire
pipeline system.
Commissioning of pipeline shall be considered completed when the line is charged with product natural
gas at operating pressure and the total system operated at normal operating pressure for a minimum
period of 72 hrs with all the instruments, controls & interlock satisfactorily at normal operating
conditions. Contractor shall submit a detailed commissioning procedure for owner’s approval.
The pipeline contractor shall submit the complete description, detailed procedures and time schedule
for all of the following activities for approval of the Owner/Consultant.
x Pre-commissioning Checks
x Dewatering
x Swabbing
x Flushing / Blowing
x Drying
All these documents should be prepared covering all aspects of HSE, quality assurance and quality
control plans.
The pipeline contractor shall ensure that his documents are related to “as-built” conditions of the
pipeline, equipment and structures involved.
Documents shall also contain all safety plans, procedures to be followed while carrying out the
Upon successful completion of the work, the pipeline contractor shall prepare a final report of the work
which shall include necessary charts, diagrams, graphs, calculations, recordings, daily logs,
measurements, details of the operation etc. Report shall also include all certificates of calibration of
instruments required, together with records of calibration performed at site prior to the start of any
operation and the approved pre-commissioning and commissioning formats and check sheets.
The pipeline contractor shall identify and arrange for supply of manpower, spares, tools, tackles and
consumables as required for pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.
The pipeline contractor shall follow the safety practices during execution of pre-commissioning and
commissioning works as detailed in the scope of work. The pipeline contractor shall also maintain and
follow all safety practices equivalent or better than those being practiced by the industry during pre-
commissioning and commissioning activities. A dedicated safety department from the pipeline
contractor’s side should be available for the job.
The pipeline contractor, along with his bid documents, is required to submit the following:
x Execution plan and method statement for pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.
x Past experience of pre-commissioning and commissioning activities carried out for a similar
pipeline system / network.
180 of 225
This Specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the various activities to be carried
out by CONTRACTOR for Inspection & Testing of Production Weld.
Except otherwise stated by the Owner / Consultant for the number of field butt welds selected for non-
destructive examination the ASME code B 31.8 shall govern.
The Consultant shall determine the non-destruction examination method applicable and their specific
field application.
The Owner / Consultant shall supervise and inspect the welding activities in accordance with the
provisions laid down in the Codes.
The Owner / Consultant is also exclusively responsible for its personal interventions and decisions as
supervisor and inspector of the welding activates.
Except otherwise stated by the Owner and the Consultant. The inspection and testing of production
welds will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the provisions of the ASME B 31.8 code
and the standard mentioned in this chapter.
b) Supplementary Tests
Further to a decision by the Owner / Consultant (for example in the event of cracks) all
the welds carried out in the course of that day may be tested with ultrasound and if
necessary this inspection may be extended to all welds. If these tests bring to light any
defective welds, the Contractor shall carry out the repairs at his own expense.
As well as the non-destructive tests describe above, the Owner / Consultant, decide to carry out
additional destructive or non-destructive tests, such as:
x Magnetic Particle Test
x Liquid Penetrant test
x Weld Sampling
x Any other destructive or non – destructive test methods
The acceptance criteria for the magnetic partial test and liquid penetrant test are defined on the basis of
the following standards:
x Magnetic particle test
The acceptance criteria for the weld samples shall be the same as for the welding procedure qualification.
At least one production weld (to be checked by Owner / Consultant) will be cut out during the first week
of welding production and sent for destructive testing. Other production welds (Cut-out) to be sent for
destructive testing shall be choosen by Owner / Consultant. The frequency of other production weld
shall be one joint / 15 km with a minimum of 50 cm of material on either side of the weld.
Contractor will not be entitled for any type of compensation for any destructive test deemed necessary
by Owner/ Consultant.
The destructive testing shall be carried out in accordance with section 5.6 of API 1104. All tests shall be
carried out in Owner /Consultant approved laboratory.
Radiographic tests will be carried out daily after the completion of the welding on the day’s welding
pipeline stretch.
No tests shall be carried out on strings, which are still being welded even if the usual deadlines are
compromised as a result.
The NDT results shall be sent to contractor by Owner / Consultant / TPI during normal working hour in
the following day as agrees with Owner.
Before carrying out any repairs, the Contract may inspect the relevant film himself. The film remains the
property of the Owner.
The Contractor shall be obliged to repair welds or re-weld or cut out welds which are deemed defective
by the TPI. This shall be carried out within normal working hours.
Each repair of defective weld, whether local or total, shall be carried out with two working days following
the announcement of the results by TPI.
Section 10 of API1104 is applicable with the following requirements.
¾ All crakes other than carter crakes or star crakes (ref 9.3.10of API 1104) shall not be repaired by
welding. The crakes must be removed by cutting out the weld.
¾ All other defects except superficial defects detected by NDT can only be repaired by welding after
approval by TPI on site.
¾ Superficial defects can be removed by grinding provided min. thickness of pipe is respected. After
grinding, the ground area will be inspected by liquid penetrant test or magnetic particle test.
¾ The weld repairs shall be tested by X-rays, UT and / or MT as required by TPI at site.
¾ A second repair on weld is not acceptable and weld must be cut out if defects are detected in
¾ Incase of cut out of weld, & zone of at least 5 cm of the pipe material shall be removed on both side
of the weld. The new bevel should be checked by penetrant test in the absence of defect.
¾ The cut out welds shall be preserved in the weld number for further investigation.
186 of 225
1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for supply, fabrication and erection of pipeline
markers to be installed by CONTRACTOR at various locations along the route of a cross-country
1.2 This specification shall be read in conjunction with the conditions of all specifications and documents
included in the CONTRACT between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR.
Reference has been made in this specification to the latest revision of the following code:
API RP 1109 : Recommended practice for marking liquid petroleum pipeline facilities.
3.1 CONTRACTOR shall supply, fabricate and install the pipeline markers along the pipeline route as per
Wood Group Kenny standard drawings. The locations of markers as indicated in the approved drawings
shall be treated for guidance purposes only and the exact location of the markers shall be based on AS
BUILT drainage and as directed by COMPANY.
3.2 The pipeline markers shall be fabricated and installed in accordance with the Wood group Kenny
standard drawings included herein. Before start of fabrication of the markers, CONTRACTOR shall
prepare and submit for COMPANY'S approval the detailed scheme for the marker plates as applicable
for the project.
3.3 The pipeline markers shall be installed, as far as possible, at locations such that they do not cause any
hindrance to the regular use of the land or to the traffic.
Aerial markers shall in general be installed along the pipeline at every five (5) kilometres intervals and
at places specified by COMPANY. Refer Wood Group Kenny Standard Drawing No. 1-07-015 for
Kilometre markers shall in general be installed along the pipeline between the aerial markers at every
one (1) kilometre interval. Markers shall indicate cumulative chainage in kilometres from the reference
station, as directed by COMPANY. A kilometre marker is not required if the relative length between its
location and any pipeline warning sign is less than 200 metres. Refer Wood Group Kenny Standard
Drawing No. 1-07-013 for details.
• National, State Highway & Other Road Crossings(above 15m width) : 2 Nos. Min.
• And at any other location of importance as observed by Owner /Owner’s Representative during
Pipeline Warning Sign shall identify the existence of the pipeline and display the name of the
COMPANY, with an emergency telephone number, as shown in Wood Group Kennny Standard
Drawing No. 1-07-010 for details.
Right-of-Way boundary markers shall be fabricated and installed as per the drawings at every 250
metres interval along the entire pipeline route. These shall be installed on either side of the pipeline
route to define the ROW boundary limits. These shall also be installed at pipeline turning points to
maintain the continuity of the ROW limits. Refer Wood Group Kenny Standard Drawing No. 1-07-017
for details.
Direction markers as shown in Wood Group Kenny Standard Drawing No. 1-07-011 shall be installed to
identify the significant turning points of the pipeline during serial traverse. One direction marker shall be
installed at each turning point along the pipeline alignment. Two more directional markers shall be
installed along the Pipeline alignment on either side of the Turning Point at 200 m from Turning Point of
the pipeline route.
The Navigable Waterway Pipeline Crossing Warning Sign shall be fabricated in accordance with Wood
Group Kenny Standard Drawing No. 1-07-016 Such Warning Sign shall be installed one on each bank
of navigable water courses at the pipeline crossing location, in lieu of the Pipeline Warning Sign
described in clause 6.0 of this specification.
191 of 225
4.0 MATERIALS..............................................................................................................................................4
12.0 MISFIRES..................................................................................................................................................8
1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for materials, personnel, transportation, storage
and use of explosives for grading of Right of Use (ROU) and excavation of trenches for the burial of
pipelines in rocky terrain.
1 .2 This specification does not cover the construction or operation of permanent magazines.
2.1 The following National and International regulations and codes shall be used:
3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall acquaint himself and comply with all the applicable local laws and regulations
concerning storing, handling and the use of explosives. All such laws, regulations and rules etc., as
enforced from time to time shall be binding upon CONTRACTOR. National/Local Laws and regulation
shall take precedence over this specification in the event of conflict. All conflicts shall be brought to the
notice of the OWNER.
3.2 The requirements stated herein however in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility of
carrying out safe blasting operations and shall be solely responsible for damages and claims thereof.
3.3 The use of explosives requires an approval from the Chief Controller of Explosives and/or his
authorized Inspector. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to obtain all such permits and
observe all requirements regarding the safe storage, handling and use of explosives. All expenses
incurred in this regard shall be to CONTRACTOR’s account.
3.4 Contractor shall inform the OWNER in writing at least four(4) weeks prior to planned use of explosives.
3.6 CONTRACTOR shall prepare an Explosives Handling and usage Procedure for the information of the
OWNER which shall incorporate the following:
- Nature of blasting operations, including hole diameter, depth and presence of cavities.
- Rock characteristics.
- Type of explosives.
3.7 Unless specified otherwise, blasting shall not be allowed within 20 m of any above ground or
underground structure, Pipelines or other facilities. However, in case it is necessary to carry out blasting
operation with in 20m from any under ground or above ground structures, Pipelines or other facilities,
the blasting may be allowed, at discretion of Owner, subjected to the following:
b) Contractor Demonstrates the blasting technique proposed by him doesn’t result in any damage
to existing facility. (Contractor shall carry out mock demonstration as per the direction of the
Owner/Consultant for this purpose).
c) Contractor fulfils the condition laid out by the Owner of existing facilities.
d) Contractor fulfils the requirement laid out by the National / Local Laws and Regulations and
other statutory / regulatory Authorities.
In case of presence of overhead power lines/cables, specific approval shall be obtained by Contractor
from the concerned Authorities having jurisdiction over it.
All materials such as explosives, detonators, fuses, tamping materials etc. that are proposed to be used
by the CONTRACTOR in blasting operations, shall be as Approved for use in the Country.
4.2 All electric detonators used in the blast shall be of the same electrical sensitivity and be
produced/procured from the same manufacturer.
4.3 The detonators used shall be capable of giving effective blasting of the explosives. Damaged explosive
materials shall be destroyed by a responsible person as per manufacturer’s instructions or returned to
the manufacturer.
4.5 All blasting materials and testing equipment shall be regularly tested for correct performance. The
intervals between tests shall be decided after consideration of the local factors, but tests shall always
4.6 All packaging and other waste materials gathered together during blasting operation shall be burnt after
the blast has been fired. The burning site shall be chosen at a safe distance with due respect to
prevailing wind strength and direction, at least 100 meters from explosives stores and other premises. A
minimum of two fire extinguishers shall be on hand during burning activities.
5.1 Excavation by blasting will be permitted only under personal supervision of competent and licensed
persons and by trained workmen.
5.2 The storage of explosives shall be in the charge of a person approved by the OWNER. OWNER may, if
necessary, ask police inquiries being made as to his reliability, antecedents etc.
6.1 The CONTRACTOR shall build a magazine for storing the explosives. The site of the magazine, its
capacity and design shall be subject to approval by the OWNER and the Inspector of Explosives before
the fabrication is taken up. As a rule the explosives should be stored in a clean, dry, well ventilated,
bullet proof and fire proof building, at an isolated site. Adequate security shall be provided to ensure no
unauthorized entry into the magazine. A notice shall be hung next to magazine entrance prohibiting
entry of unauthorized persons.
6.2 CONTRACTOR shall comply with National/Local Regulations and specifications for truck mounted
mobile explosives store. Mobile stores shall only carry ONE DAY’s Explosives requirements and shall
be parked overnight inside the compound at the authorized magazine.
6.3 All safety precautions and necessary equipment for maintenance, operation of mobile stores, as
required by local authorities or regulatory bodies shall also be installed/provided on the Mobile Store.
6.4 A careful and day-to-day account of all explosives shall be kept by the CONTRACTOR in a register and
in an approved manner. The register shall be produced by the CONTRACTOR, for the inspection of the
OWNER / Inspector of Explosives when so required by the later. Any loss, damage or theft shall be
reported immediately to the necessary local authorities and to the OWNER.
6.5 The magazine shall on no account be opened during or on the approach of a thunderstorm and no
person shall remain in the vicinity of the magazine during such period.
6.6 Magazine-shoes without nails shall, at all times, be kept in the magazine, and a wood-tub or cement
trough, filled with water shall be fixed near the door of the magazine.
I) Not to put their feet on the clean floor unless they have magazine-shoes on.
II) Not to allow the magazine-shoes to touch the ground outside the clean floor.
III) Not to allow any dirt or grit to fall on the clean floor.
6.8 No matches or inflammable material shall be allowed in the magazine. Light shall be obtained from an
electric storage battery lamp.
Oily cotton, rags, wastes and articles liable to spontaneous ignition, shall not be allowed inside the
6.10 Boxes of explosives shall not be thrown down or dragged along the floor and shall be stacked on
wooden trestles. Open boxes of explosives shall never be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. Empty
boxes or loose packing materials shall not be kept inside the magazine.
6.11 The magazine shall have a lightning conductor, which shall be got tested at least periodically, by an
officer authorized by the OWNER, the testing fee shall be to the CONTRACTOR’s account.
6.12 The magazine shall be inspected periodically by an officer representing the OWNER, who will see that
all the rules are strictly complied with. He will notify all omissions etc. to the CONTRACTOR, who shall
rectify the defects within a period of 3 days from the date of receipt of the notice, failing which the
OWNER may take whatever actions it considers suitable.
7.1 CONTRACTOR shall submit the following procedure for INFORMATION of the OWNER as a minimum.
- Loading of explosives
- Initiation of blasting
- Safety of personnel
- Vibration control
- Misfires
- Emergency procedures
7.2 Trial blasts in conjunction with vibration recording shall be carried out for each rock and trench type, in
order to assess rock breakability and vibration levels. These trial blasts shall be carried out prior to
actual trench blasting of the pipeline route. CONTRACTOR shall conduct trial digs as directed by
OWNER in order to check suitability of the blasting pattern and to measure vibration levels to ensure
vibration levels are below the allowable maximum.
7.3 “Weight per Distance Tables” shall be drawn up from these trials.
7.4 The detonators shall never be forced into the primer cartridge. It shall be inserted in a hole made by a
wooden, copper, brass or aluminum pricker. The detonator shall be firmly embedded in the primer so
that it is not pulled out of place during loading.
7.7 Explosive and detonators shall be carried in separate boxes, tightly closed, and transported separately.
For the conveyance of primers special containers shall be used.
7.8 Explosives shall be stored and used chronologically to ensure that the ones received earlier are being
used first.
7.9 A make-up house shall be provided at each working place in which cartridges shall be made up by
experienced men as required. The make-up house shall be separated from other buildings. Only
electric storage battery lamps shall be used in this house.
The primers shall not be prepared near open flames or fires. The work of preparation of primers shall
always be entrusted to the qualified and approved personnel. Primers shall be used as soon as
possible after they are ready.
9. 1 The work of charging shall not commence before all the drilling work at the site is completed and the
OWNER has satisfied itself to that effect by actual inspection.
9.2 The lead wires shall be kept away from conductors or sources of stray current. While charging, open
lamps/flames shall be kept away.
9.3 Only wooden tamping rods without any kind of metal on them shall be used.
9.4 Only one cartridge shall be inserted at a time and gently inserted to the required depth with the tamping
rod. The sand, clay or other tamping material used for filling the hole completely shall not be tamped
too hard.
9.5 Blasting shall not take place after sunset or before sunrise unless specific approval is first obtained by
CONTRACTOR from local authorities and the OWNER.
9.6 The site of blasting operations shall be prominently demarcated by red danger flags. The order of fire
shall be given only by the supervisor-in-charge of the work and this order shall be given only after giving
the warning signal three times, so as to enable all the labour, watchmen etc. to reach safe shelter and
after having ascertained that nobody is within the danger zone.
9.7 A buegle with a distinctive note shall be used to give the warning signals. The buegle shall not be used
for any other purpose. All the labour shall be made acquainted with the sound of the buegle and shall
be strictly warned to leave their work immediately at the first warning signal and to take safe shelters,
and not to leave the shelters until the all clear signals have been given.
9.8 All the roads and foot-paths leading to the blasting area shall be watched.
10.1 Only the Supervisor-in-charge shall keep the key of the firing apparatus and shall keep it always with
10.2 Special apparatus shall be used as source of current for the firing operations. Power lines shall not be
tapped for the purpose.
10.3 The firing cable shall have a proper insulating cover so as to avoid short circuiting due to contact with
water, metallic parts or rock.
10.5 The firing cable shall be connected to the source of current only after ascertaining that nobody is in the
area of blasting.
10.7 After firing, whether with or without an actual blast, the contact between the firing cable and the source
of current shall be cut off before any person is allowed to leave the shelter.
10.8 During storms, charging with electrical detonators shall be suspended. The charges already placed into
the holes shall be blasted as quickly as possible after taking all the safety precautions and giving
necessary warning signals. If this is not possible, the site shall be abandoned till the storm has passed.
11.1 CONTRACTOR shall use OWNER approved vibration recording system capable of measurement in
three axes (tri-axial). The device shall have an accuracy of 0.0025 mm and a resonance of 2 Hz. The
device shall measure both frequency and amplitude of vibration.
11.2 All the measurement devices shall be calibrated by an APPROVED certification body.
11.3.2 Areas with existing buried or above ground facilities within 500 m.
- 20 mm/sec. At a surface measured distance from the trench center line towards the nearest
existing facilities.
11.4 The particle velocity levels are provided for the guidance only, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible and
liable for any injury to life or damage to property/facilities.
12. 1 If it is suspected that part of the blast has failed to fire, or is delayed, sufficient time shall be allowed to
lapse before entering the danger zone. When fuse and blasting caps are used, a safe time should be
allowed and then the Supervisor alone shall leave the shelter to see the misfire.
I) The Supervisor should very carefully (when the tamping is of damp clay) extract the tamping
with a wooden scraper or jet of water or compressed air (using a pipe of soft material) and
withdraw the fuse with the primer and detonator attached. A fresh primer and detonator with
fuse shall then be placed in this hole and fired.
II) The Supervisor shall get one foot of the tamping cleaned off and indicate the direction by
placing a stick in the hole. Another hole may then be drilled at least 9” away and parallel to it,
this hole should then be charged and fired. The balance of the cartridges and detonators found
in the muck shall be removed.
12.3 The Supervisor shall at once report to the office all cases of misfire, the cause of the misfire and the
steps taken in connection therewith.
12.4 If a misfire has been found to be due to defective detonator, or explosive, the whole quantity from the
box from which the defective articles were taken must be returned to the manufacturer for inspection to
ascertain whether the whole box contains defective materials.
12.5 Re-drilling the holes that have misfired either wholly or partly shall not be permitted.
All deteriorated explosive shall be disposed off in an approved manner. The Contractor shall prepare
said disposal Plan, which shall be approved by Owner / Local Authorities / Controller of explosives. The
quantity of deteriorated explosive to be disposed off shall be intimated to Owner prior to its disposal. All
the records of such disposal shall be maintained by Contractor.