12 - Chapter 4 Surge Ref PDF
12 - Chapter 4 Surge Ref PDF
12 - Chapter 4 Surge Ref PDF
penstock valve are approached for solution from classical approach. This requires a
general review of different existing solution o f the equations. These solutions cover
4 dt 4
4. # (4.3)
4, dt
+ g4 y =o
d 2y [ fL g A_ d y -
dl ^gD At, dt_ LA,
d 2y | g A
y=o (4.5)
dt2 la,
which can be solved analytically. Putting boundary conditions at t=0, V=Vo (steady
y = Vo
. sA t (4.6)
8*, LA,
V = V0 cos
gA (4.7)
function whereas unsteady velocity V in the tunnel and Ys in the surge tank are cosine
However it gives an idea o f the type o f actual solution which may be handled
. IgA . it
sm = sin —
VIA. 2
• \S*t t _ *
"V IA . 2
7t LA
: . t = — — - , ie., Y is maximum at this value o f t, Equation (4.6) may be written as
n \l a , m
t= aSyam=v0J- (4.9)
2 V gA, Is*,
Similarly, it may be shown that V is maximum at t=0 i.e., F ^ = F0 (4.10)
a nd ,F _ =-^ -F 0 (4.10a)
for the design o f surge tank area only to obtain stability. He assumed that velocity V
varies linearly with head H not with square root o f head. This assumption o f linear
F = ^ 2 gH (4.11)
Therefore, in the design o f surge tank area, although Thomas formula is popular, a
higher factor o f safety is essential which may make the design uneconomic.
Consider any instant after partial valve closure. Take Vp as the velocity in the
penstock, H as the net head on turbine and Y as the negative head built up in the surge
tank. Then ratio of velocity in penstock and steady velocity in tunnel may be written
Vp h,- y
v0 Hs
H ,~ Y
Hs -Y
Ai V = A,VsA1V0
V = ^lK+Vq (4.13)
A H. 4 H. **. A
Squaring, V 2 = (— 4 ) 2 + V 2 + ( - ^ Z ) 2 + 2 ^ -V ,V 0 - 2 V 0( ^ I - ) - 2 ( ^ L ) ^ - V s
term, Y 2 1 H 2 in second term and Vs .(Y /H t ) in third term of R.H.S. almost tend to
2A,VSV0 2 V 2Y
V 2 = (V 02 +
A H,
Putting V and V2 from (4.13) and (4.14) in the dynamic equation (4.2)
L£AK + VB ■) + T + JL 2AKVp 2 V 2Y q
g d t K A, 2 gD A
Simplifying fixrther, this may be written as:
— j - - P^~ + Oy+ o c= 0 ( 4 .1 5 )
< fy 2 H d y
W h e r e ,
4 F 0 2 C V 0g
p ~ k a s v , l h
W h e r e , h f — C V 02 l t . C = ( ^ )
6 = ( ^ L _ 2 C V ° - A '8 ) ,a n d
A , L A , L H s
^ C A ^
A , L
c o n d itio n a t t= 0 , y = 0 , it is o b ta in e d th a t:
Y = C , [ e (/? /2 )'] s i n ( 4 .1 7 )
W h ic h s h o w s Y is p e r io d ic s in e f u n c tio n w h ic h is s im ila r to t h a t o f
L e ., p < 0
i x 2CVQg
L A,Vt
Equation (4.18) is the Thoma formula for minimum surge tank area for the damping
continuity and momentum equation in which the surface level in a surge tank can be
determined for a know penstock flow rate. He used a constant value for turbulent
friction factor.
In a similar manner to obtain the value o f for lowest water level i.e.,
methods o f solution had been developed before foe advent o f computers. Those are
still available in the literature. Notable works in this line axe due to Calame and
method extending to cover complex cases o f loading. He also observed that at the
beginning o f oscillation, there is a rapid change o f y and much more gradual change
different types o f surge system, Thus graphical solutions were developed initially with
by different analytical and graphical methods. The purpose was to give an idea of
upsurge calculated by different method varies from 21.81 feet to 25.35 feet. He
concluded after this analysis that there is little choice between various methods unless
and (4.2) for complete sudden closure. He expressed these two equations in finite
A, At
L*L+y+JLyjvi = 0 (4.22)
g At * 2gD
Taking At to be very small, linear variation o f V and Y during his short interval is
2 2 2
F = F 0 + —AF (4.24)
L AV 1 . . j fL r-r 1 T,_
— r r + O 'o + T A y ) + r “ <7o + - A V ) F0 + —A F = 0
g At 2 2gD 2 0 2
LAV 1 . JL „ ,
---------i- y 0 h— A>>H-------F0\Vn + - ^ - ( 2 |F 0|—AF + —A F2) = 0 (4.25)
g At 0 2 2gD 01 01 2g£> 1 0|2 ' 4 '
Since AF is very small, Jakobsen neglected the last term (1/4) and solution for AF
is :
AF - -O 0 + -A y ) + - ^ - V 0|F01+ - ^ - | F 0|Av + (4.26)
0 2 ** 2gD 01 01 2gD 01
y | ^ AV
0 2 4 At
y 0 + — K K I +- ^A / 2 {--)
0 2gD 01 01 2 0 4
AF = -• (4.28)
g 4 4 2gZ)
knowing initial -values o f y 0 and F0 at t=y and V in next time step At are calculated
from equations
P „= ^,+ A k (4-29)
K = K-i + AF (4.30)
Thus the above techniques and equations are involved in lying the finite difference
advocated that obsen’s method seems to be more accurate than other numerical
the case presented solution was advance for 23 sec only with an integration step o f 1
second. It gave only the first maximum upsurge and first minimum downsurge. The
solution was compared with laboratory data produced in a small surge tank o f 4.5
inches diameter and a small pipe o f length 28.76 ft with diameter 2 inches.
Where, rr l= $ -;
rQ r 0 = r j - £
l g
, / 4
f L V 1
+ - 1 - F 3+ — F 4 (4.32)
H 3 r 9 r 135 ' 270 r
y rl = \ - - F r + ~ F r 7
The classical solutions have found places in various practical applications. They have
not included the effects o f friction on the flow and predicted only the type and
The Thoma’s solution is used for surge tank design with the limitation
o f maximum surge height for complete load failure. A factor o f safety o f nearly 2 to 4
with increasing Reynolds’s number. Instead it has used a turbulent friction factor,
upsurge and down surge. Graphical methods require interpolation o f value positively
or negatively if it doesn’t lie exactly over the pre drawn curves. Some solution also
The inference can be drawn in the line that a numerical solution with modem
computers will be the best solution for this situation. Physical model study will help if
the data can be inserted to train the model for better solution.
The graphical method employees interpolation technique which is
mostly approximate and don’t give exact values. This method was popular before the
advent o f modem computers. The graphical methods are tedious when the friction
Therefore, the numerical solution with the computers w ill give the best
result. The data from the experimental results may be compared with physical data o f
the phenomenon. This work includes this approach to compare the result with other
available solutions.