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IRC 009 - Traffic Census On Non-Urban Roads

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Prepared for


Traffic Impact Assessment Report

Proposed Warehouse Development
Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park
Ref: 0267r01v4

[email protected] | +61 2 9083 6601 | Suite 1202, Level 12, 220 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 SITE OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................... 4
1.3 STUDY SCOPE ......................................................................................................... 6
2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 7
2.1 ROAD NETWORK ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES ............................................................................... 11
2.3 CYCLE PATHS ........................................................................................................ 13
2.4 BASE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ............................................................................. 13
3 TRAFFIC IMPACTS ...................................................................................................... 16
3.1 TRAFFIC GENERATION ............................................................................................ 16
3.2 FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUMES .................................................................................... 16
3.3 TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................... 17
4 PARKING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 18
4.1 PROPOSED PARKING PROVISIONS ........................................................................... 18
4.2 ACCESSIBLE PARKING ............................................................................................ 19
5 BUILDING DESIGN ASPECTS ..................................................................................... 20
5.1 DESIGN STANDARDS .............................................................................................. 20
5.2 SITE ACCESS ......................................................................................................... 20
5.3 CAR PARK DESIGN ................................................................................................. 20
5.4 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE FACILITIES ........................................................................... 21
6 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 23

Appendix A: Reduced Plans
Appendix B: SIDRA Modelling Output Summaries
Appendix C: Swept Path Analysis

Proposed Warehouse Development, Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park | Traffic Impact Assessment
Issue IV | 20/07/2016 Page 1
1 Introduction
Ason Group has been commissioned by Goodman Property Services Pty Ltd to prepare a Traffic
Impact Assessment (TIA) report to assess the access, traffic and parking implications of a
Development Application (DA). The proposed industrial development (the Proposal) is located at
Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park (the Site) and generally comprises the following:

3 warehouses and ancillary office space with a total of 13,390m2 of Gross Floor Area (GFA).

Access driveways for commercial vehicles, staff and visitors to Milner Avenue.

Provision of 108 car parking spaces.

The traffic and transport implications of the proposed development are documented in this report.

1.1 Site Overview

The Site is located within the Oakdale Central Industrial Estate (OCE), approximately 35 kilometres
west of the Sydney CBD and 17 kilometres west of the Parramatta CBD. OCE occupies a total land
area of some 61.2 hectares, with the Site comprising 2.9 hectares of that total area. Surrounding
developments are predominantly industrial facilities used for the purpose of warehousing, distribution
and various extractive industries.

The Site is within the Local Government Area (LGA) of Fairfield City Council; however, it is also
subject to controls of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area). A
Location Plan is presented in Figure 1, which provides context of the Site’s location within OCE and
the Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA).

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Oakdale Central

Lot 4

Figure 1: Location Plan

1.1.1 Oakdale Central Concept Plan Background

A Part 3A Concept Plan was prepared and lodged in 2008 with the Department of Planning for the
establishment of the OCE. The application related to approximately 61.2 hectares of land and
included the internal road layout, infrastructure requirements and the subdivision layout for seven
industrial buildings. The Concept Plan was approved in 2009 and subsequently, applications relating
to developments on Lots 1, 2 and 3 have now been approved by the consent authorities.

The traffic impacts of OCE have been previously assessed as part of the Concept Plan approval with
all access to the precinct provided via the intersection of Milner Avenue and Old Wallgrove Road. The
Site has been included in the latest Concept Plan modification with its location within the OCE shown
in Figure 2. However, the traffic impacts of the Site has yet to be assessed (of which this report
provides the assessment).

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Figure 2: Oakdale Central Masterplan

1.2 Proposed Development

The development for which approval is now sought is detailed in the Statement of Environmental
Effects report prepared separately by Willowtree Planning Pty Ltd. In summary, the application seeks
to construct 3 industrial warehouses with ancillary offices. The following summarises key aspects of
the Proposal:

Construction of 2 buildings providing 3 warehouses:

Warehouse 4A:

o 2,960m2 of warehouse GFA

o 285m2 of ancillary office GFA

Warehouse 4B-1:

o 4,080m2 of warehouse GFA

o 395m2 of ancillary office GFA

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Warehouse 4B-2:

o 5,330m2 of warehouse GFA

o 340m2 of ancillary office GFA

Accesses from Milner Avenue for commercial vehicles, staff and visitors, and

Provision of on-site car parking for 108 parking spaces.

The traffic and parking implications arising from the Proposal are discussed in the following sections.
Figure 3 presents a plan illustrating the proposed industrial development, which shows the general
layout of the warehouses, ancillary offices and parking. The plans prepared by SBA Architects are
attached at reduced scale at Appendix A.

Figure 3: Proposed Lot 4 Layout

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1.3 Study Scope

This TIA report addresses the relevant traffic, transport and parking implications of the development,
including compliance with relevant State Government controls, Local Government controls and
Australian Standards. In preparing this TIA report, Ason Group has referenced the following key
planning documents that are relevant to development at the site:

Fairfield Citywide Development Control Plan 2015 (FCDCP)

State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area) 2009 (SEPP WSEA)

Traffic Impact Assessment – Oakdale South Industrial Precinct, State Significant Development
Application (2015), prepared by Ason Group (Oakdale South Traffic Report)

This TIA report also references general access, traffic and parking guidelines, including:

NSW Roads & Maritime Services (RMS – formerly RTA) Guide to Traffic Generating
Developments (RMS Guide).

RMS Technical Direction TDT 2013/04a, Guide to Traffic Generating Developments – Updated
traffic surveys (RMS Guide Update).

Australian Standard 2890.1 (2004): Off-street car parking (AS2890.1).

Australian Standard 2890.2 (2002): Off-street commercial vehicle facilities (AS2890.2).

Australian Standard 2890.6 (2009): Off-street parking for people with disabilities (AS2890.6).

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2 Existing Conditions
2.1 Road Network

The existing and proposed road network in the vicinity of the Site is shown in Figure 4. Key roads and
intersections providing access for the Site are discussed in further detail below.

2.1.1 M7 Motorway

The M7 motorway is a high capacity road link of state significance and was built to accommodate
future traffic growth in the Western Sydney region. It provides a key north-south link, to the east of the
Site, between the M2 motorway in the north and the M5 motorway to the south as part of the Sydney
orbital road network. A major interchange between the M7 motorway and M4 Western motorway is
located 4.5km northeast of the Site, which connects the Sydney CBD and Western Sydney suburbs.
The motorway carries 4 trafficable lanes within a divided carriageway and is generally subject to a
100km/h speed limit (within proximity of the Site). It carries approximately 70,000 vehicles per day

2.1.2 Wallgrove Road

Wallgrove Road is an arterial road that runs in a north-south direction to the east of the Site, parallel to
the M7 motorway. The two-lane, two-way road provides a link between Elizabeth Drive in the south
and the Great Western Highway in the north. Similar to the M7 motorway, Wallgrove Road connects
to the M4 motorway approximately 3.4 kilometres to the northeast of the Site. The posted speed limit
on the road within proximity of the site is 70km/h and the road carries approximately 30,000 vpd.

2.1.3 Lenore Drive

Lenore Drive is a recently upgraded sub-arterial route providing an east-west connection linking OWR
to the east and Mamre Road to the west. It provides four lanes within a divided carriageway. A
shared path is provided along the northern side of the road.

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Figure 4: Existing and Proposed Road Network

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2.1.4 Old Wallgrove Road

Old Wallgrove Road (OWR) generally runs north-south in the vicinity of the site before turning to
provide an east-west connection to Wallgrove Road. It forms part of a RMS Main Road (MR 629)
route between Lenore Drive and Wallgrove Road. To the south of Lenore Drive, it functions as a local
collector road.

With reference to Figure 4, the section of OWR to the east of Lenore Drive is currently being upgraded
to provide a sub-arterial link to an interchange with the M7, through the M7 Business Hub and the
intersection of Roberts Road (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Old Wallgrove Road M7 to Roberts Road Upgrade

Source: RMS

The RMS awarded the contract for the upgrade works in November 2014, which is expected to be
completed in towards the end of 2016. The upgrades work generally include the following:

Widening of OWR to two lanes in each direction between Roberts Road and Southridge Street
with a central median to allow for three lanes in the future.

Widening of OWR to three lanes in each direction between Southridge Street and the M7
Motorway and Wallgrove Road interchanges.

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Construction of a 400 metre link road with two lanes in each direction from Quarry Road to
connect to Wallgrove Road and the northbound on and off ramps to the M7.

Provision of bus stops near each intersection on OWR and installation of traffic lights that give
priority to buses.

Provision of a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists from Lenore Drive to the shared pathway
on the M7.

Upgrade of intersections to help reduce congestion during peak periods.

Upgrading one kilometre of Wallgrove Road to provide additional turning and through lanes at the
OWR and new link road intersections.

A Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) was entered into between the Minister of Transport &
Infrastructure and Goodman. In this regard, the planning agreement provides approval to upgrade
OWR, between Milner Avenue and Wallgrove Road, with the following improvements:

Upgrade of the existing roadway from a one lane (each way) to a two lane (each way)
carriageway with a central median,

Traffic signalisation at intersection of OWR with Milner Avenue – as shown in Figure 6, and

Provision of additional right turn lane at the intersection of OWR with Lenore Drive.

Figure 6: Approved Intersection Layout of Old Wallgrove Road & Milner Avenue

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2.1.5 Millner Avenue

Milner Avenue is a two-lane, two-way local industrial road providing access to developments within the
OCE. It is currently subject to a posted speed limit of 50km/h, with the section of Milner Avenue
fronting the Site currently under construction. The road links the OCE and the Site to the external
road network via Old Wallgrove Road via a priority controlled intersection. As discussed previously,
this will become a signalised intersection.

2.2 Public Transport Services

2.2.1 Existing Bus Services

The existing bus services within the vicinity of the OCE are shown in Figure 7. It is evident that the
OCE is not directly serviced by public transport services at this time.

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Figure 7: Public Transport Services & Cycleways

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2.3 Cycle Paths

Lenore Drive has been designed to provide appropriate cycle infrastructure, linking to the east (to the
M7 cycleway) and the west (from the existing Mamre Road cycle path) with the potential for future
augmentation via existing and proposed sub-regional links.

The upgrade of OWR will include a 2.5-metre shared path for both pedestrians and cyclists. This
would provide an essential link to encourage the uptake of alternative transport modes such as cycling
as opposed to the historic dominance of private vehicle travel.

Finally, the provision of appropriate cycle facilities, such as bicycle storage, lockers and shower
facilities as proposed as part of the application, will further encourage the use of the existing networks
and will assist in the reduction of private vehicle travel for the journey to work.

2.4 Base Network Performance

The latest assessment of the local road network was undertaken in the Oakdale South Traffic Report.
Included in the report was an analysis of the signalised intersection of OWR with Milner Avenue. This
analysis included the cumulative impacts of nearby developments at Oakdale South, Oakdale Central
(Lots 1, 2 & 3), the CSR Horsley Park Industrial Estate and the Jacfin Horsley Park Industrial Estate.
The estimated 2026 traffic flows, as provided in the Oakdale South Traffic Report, is reproduced in
Figure 8.


Old Wallgrove Road & Old Wallgrove Road &

Milner Avenue Milner Avenue
2 0 2 6 Traf f ic Flows 2 0 2 6 Traf f ic Flows


AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour



223 41 891 50
Milner Avenue Milner Avenue Milner Avenue Milner Avenue



Figure 8: 2026 Traffic Volumes, Old Wallgrove Road with Milner Avenue

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Subsequently, modelling was undertaken using SIDRA to analyse the performance of OWR with
Milner Avenue intersection. SIDRA modelling outputs a range of performance measures, in particular:

Degree of Saturation (DOS) – The DOS is defined as the ratio of demand (arrival) flow to
capacity. The DOS is used to measure the performance of intersections where a value of 1.0
represents an intersection at theoretical capacity, above 1.0 represent over-saturated conditions
(demand flows exceed capacity) and degrees of saturation below 1.0 represent under-saturated
conditions (demand flows are below capacity). As the performance of an intersection approaches
DOS of 1.0, queue lengths and delays increase rapidly. It is usual to attempt to keep DOS to less
than 0.9, with satisfactory intersection operation generally achieved with a DOS below 0.8.

Average Vehicle Delay (AVD) – Delay represents the difference between interrupted and
uninterrupted travel times through an intersection and is measured in seconds per vehicle.
Delays include queued vehicles accelerating and decelerating from/to the intersection stop lines,
as well as general delays to all vehicles travelling through the intersection. The AVD (or average
delay per vehicle in seconds) for intersections also provides a measure of the operational
performance of an intersection and is used to determine an intersection’s Level of Service (see
below). For signalised intersections, the AVD reported relates to the average of all vehicle
movements through the intersection. For priority (Give Way, Stop & Roundabout controlled)
intersections, the AVD reported is that for the movement with the highest AVD.

Level of Service (LOS) – This is a comparative measure that provides an indication of the
operating performance, based on AVD. For signalised and roundabout intersections, LOS is
based on the average delay to all vehicles, while at priority controlled intersections LOS is based
on the worst approach delay. The following table provides a recommended baseline for
assessment as per the RMS Guide:

Table 1: Traffic Modelling Performance Criteria

Average Delay
Level of
per Vehicle Traffic Signals, Roundabout Give Way and Stop Signs

A less than 14 Good operation Good operation

Good with acceptable delays &

B 15 to 28 Acceptable delays & spare capacity
spare capacity
Satisfactory, but accident study
C 29 to 42 Satisfactory
Near capacity & accident study
D 43 to 56 Operating near capacity
At capacity; at signals, incidents will
At capacity, requires other control
E 57 to 70 cause excessive delays. Roundabouts
require other control mode
Unsatisfactory and requires additional Unsatisfactory and requires other
F More than 70
capacity. control mode or major treatment.

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The SIDRA modelling results of the ‘Base Scenario’ are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2: Intersection Performance - Base

Degree of Saturation Average Intersection Level of Service

Intersection Period
(DoS) Delay (AVD) (LoS)

OWR & Milner AM 0.75 13.4 A

Avenue PM 0.83 24.7 B

It can be seen from Table 2 that the OWR with Milner Avenue intersection operates within acceptable
Level of Service in the base case.

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3 Traffic Impacts
3.1 Traffic Generation

The assessment of the future traffic generation of the Proposal, the RMS Guide Update trip rates for
Business Parks and Industrial Estates developments, in particular the specific Wonderland Business
Park and the Erskine Park Industrial Estate (located within five kilometres of the subject site) trip rates,
have been adopted. The following peak hour vehicle trip rates (veh/hr) have been adopted:

Wonderland Business Park: 0.202 veh/hr per 100m2 of GFA (2.308 veh / day per 100m 2)

Erskine Park Industrial Estate: 0.163 veh/hr per 100m2 of GFA (1.892 veh / day per 100m 2)

The resultant average of these two survey rates is a peak hourly traffic generation rate of 0.183
vehicle trips per 100m 2 GFA and an average daily traffic generation rate of 2.1 vehicles per 100m 2.
Application of these average traffic generation rates to the proposed development yield of
13,390m2 GFA results in the following traffic generation forecasts:

25 trips during the morning peak hour (20 in, 5 out)

25 trips during the evening peak hour (5 in, 20 out)

281 trips per day

The analysis above will potentially generate approximately 1 vehicle every 2 minutes. This is
considered a moderate increase and unlikely to be significant in the context of the overall traffic
volumes generated by the OCE and the broader Oakdale Industrial Estate. Notwithstanding, an
assessment of the increased traffic volumes has been undertaken.

3.2 Future Traffic Volumes

The additional peak hour vehicle trips have been superimposed onto the Base Scenario outlined in
Figure 8. The resulting peak hour movements at the key intersection of Milner Avenue with OWR is
provided in Figure 9.

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Old Wallgrove Road Old Wallgrove Road
& Milner Avenue & Milner Avenue
2026 Traffic Flows 2026 Traffic Flows


AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour


228 41 911 50
Milner Avenue Milner Avenue Milner Avenue Milner Avenue


Figure 9: Base plus Development Traffic Volumes

3.3 Traffic Assessment

The cumulative impact of the Proposal on the performance of the key intersection of OWR with Milner
Avenue has been analysed having regard for the traffic volumes identified above. Detailed SIDRA
modelling results can be found in Appendix B with a summary of the results provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Intersection Performance – Base plus Development

Degree of Average Intersection Level of

Scenario Period
Saturation (DoS) Delay (AVD) Service (LoS)

AM 0.75 13.4 A
PM 0.83 24.7 B

AM 0.77 13.5 A
Base + Development
PM 0.84 25.6 B

It can be seen from the table above that there is no change to the anticipated Level of Service in 2026.
All intersections will operate within capacity in the assessed scenario taking into account the
cumulative impacts of the Proposal, Oakdale South, Oakdale Central (Lots 1, 2 & 3), the Jacfin
Horsley Park Industrial Estate and the CSR Horsley Park Industrial Estate.

It is evident that the proposed development can be readily accommodated without adverse impacts on
the surrounding road network which would continue to operate with a level of service and average
delays consistent with those previously considered and approved by the relevant authorities.

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4 Parking Requirements
4.1 Proposed Parking Provisions

Car parking for the proposed development has been assessed having regard for the relevant rates
under the Concept Plan approval and summarised in Table 4.

Table 4: Car Parking Requirements (Concept Plan Approval Rates)

Warehouse Area Type Area (m2) Parking Rate Parking Required Parking Provided

4A Warehouse 2,960 1 space / 200m2 GFA 15

Office 285 1 space / 40m2 GFA 7 331

Sub-total 3,245 22

4B-1 Warehouse 4,080 1 space / 200m2 GFA 20

Office 395 1 space / 40m2 GFA 10

4B-2 Warehouse 5,330 1 space / 200m2 GFA 27 75

Office 340 1 space / 40m2 GFA 8

Sub-total 10,155 65

Total 13,390 87 108

It can be seen from the above that Lot 4 nominally requires a total of 87 spaces based on application
of the Concept Plan approval parking rates. A total of 108 spaces are proposed which satisfies this
nominal requirement with each warehouse individually satisfying the requirements.

The parking demands generated by the development would be satisfactorily accommodated on-site
with no additional demand for on-street parking. Therefore, the proposed parking provisions are
considered supportable.

1The proposed parking provision is inclusive of the 26 approved parking spaces allocated to Warehouse 4A, which was included
in the Lot 4 Estate Café DA (Ref: DA775.1/15).

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4.2 Accessible Parking

The FCDCP Section 12.3.1 requires accessible parking for industrial developments to be provided in
accordance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). In this regard, The Disability (Access to
Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 requires accessible car parking spaces be provided at the
following rate for Class 5, 7, 8 and 9c buildings:

1 accessible space for every 100 car parking spaces, or part thereof

The accessible parking requirements is summarised in Table 5.

Table 5: Accessible Car Parking Requirements

Accessible Parking Accessible Parking

Warehouse Total Parking Provided
Spaces Required Spaces Provided

4A 33 1 (minimum) 1

4B 75 1 (minimum) 4

The table above demonstrates that there would be a nominal requirement of 2 accessible parking
spaces across the 2 warehouse carparks. In response, the proposed development has provisions for
a total of 5 accessible parking spaces, thereby satisfying the requirements of the BCA.

All accessible parking is to be designed in accordance with AS2890.6 and should be located as close
as practicable to the building entrance.

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5 Building Design Aspects
5.1 Design Standards

The access, internal circulation and car parking will be required to comply with the following Australian
Standards, prior to issue of a Construction Certificate:

AS2890.1 (2004) Part 1: Off-street car parking;

AS2890.2 (2002) Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities;

AS2890.6 (2009) Part 6: Off-street parking for people with disabilities.

5.2 Site Access

All vehicles will enter the proposed development via Milner Avenue. A total of 4 driveways are
provided to including:

Separate access to the employee car park of Warehouse 4A;

Shared heavy vehicle access for Warehouse 4A and Warehouse 4B-1;

Shared employee access to the car park of Warehouse 4B-1 and Warehouse 4B-2;

Separate heavy vehicle access for Warehouse 4B-2.

Category 1 driveways are nominally required under AS2890.1, being a minimum combined driveway
width of 3-5.5m for the employee carparks for Warehouses 4A and 4B. In response, the employee
carpark driveways have been proposed with widths of approximately 6.5m, which exceeds the
minimum requirement of AS2890.1.

Heavy vehicle access at the abovementioned access points are provided with 12.5m wide driveways,
which is in accordance with the design requirements under AS2890.2.

5.3 Car Park Design

All staff and employee parking is to be provided in accordance with AS2890.1 for a Class 1A
user, which requires a minimum space length of 5.4m, a minimum width of 2.4m and a minimum
aisle width of 5.8m.

All spaces located adjacent to obstructions of greater than 150mm in height are to be provided
with an additional width of 300mm. This includes any landscaping that exceeds a height of

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Dead-end aisles are to be provided with the required 1.0m aisle extension in accordance with
Figure 2.3 of AS2890.1.

All accessible parking spaces are designed in accordance with AS2890.6. Spaces are provided
with a clear width of 2.4m and located adjacent to a minimum shared area of 2.4m.

5.4 Commercial Vehicle Facilities

The commercial (heavy) vehicle facilities have been designed having regard for the operational
requirements of the future tenant and the requirements of AS2890.2. In this regard, the following is

The internal design of the service area is in accordance with the requirements of AS2890.2 for
the maximum length vehicle accessing each dock.

A minimum clear head height of 4.5m is provided within all areas traversed by service vehicles.

A minimum bay width of 3.5m is provided for all service bays.

Swept path analysis is provided on plans attached at Appendix C, which demonstrate compliance with
relevant standards. Based on our analysis, the largest vehicle that can access the hardstand areas
for the warehouses are 19.0m articulated trucks (AVs). The largest vehicle that can access the
respective loading docks / roller shutter doors are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.






HRV = Heavy Rigid Vehicle (12.5m length)

AV = Articulated Vehicle (19.0m length)

Figure 10: Warehouse 4A & 4B-1 Loading Dock Access

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AV = Articulated Vehicle (19.0m length)

Figure 11: Warehouse 4B-2 Loading Dock Access

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6 Conclusions
The key findings of this Traffic Impact Assessment are:

The Proposal generally seeks approval for 3 warehouses and ancillary office space with a total of
13,390m2 of GFA with supporting infrastructure and servicing areas and 108 car parking spaces.

Traffic demand analysis indicates that the development would result in 25 additional trips on the
surrounding road network during peak periods with reduced generation at other times. This is
considered a moderate increase and unlikely to be significant in the context of the overall traffic
volumes generated by the OCE and the broader Oakdale Industrial Estate.

A cumulative assessment has been of the planned signalised intersection at Old Wallgrove Road
with Milner Avenue. Based on the latest analysis undertaken in the Oakdale South Traffic
Report, the additional traffic generated by the development would result in no change to the
anticipated Levels of Service in 2026. Therefore, the proposed development can be readily
accommodated without adverse impacts on the surrounding road network.

The 108 parking spaces provided exceeds the minimum requirements of the Concept Plan
approved parking rates and therefore it is expected that the Proposal would adequately
accommodate the future parking demands of the 3 warehouses.

The internal configuration of the Site – including light and heavy vehicular access, car parking
and servicing areas – has been designed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards of
AS2890.1, AS2890.2 and AS2890.6.

It is therefore concluded that the proposed development at Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park is
supportable on traffic planning grounds.

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Appendix A

Proposed Warehouse Development, Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park | Traffic Impact Assessment
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Appendix B

Proposed Warehouse Development, Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park | Traffic Impact Assessment
Issue IV | 20/07/2016
Site: 1 [2026 ALL AR AM]
Milner Avenue x Old Wallgrove Road
AM Peak
2026 Scenario
Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 85 seconds (Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)
Variable Sequence Analysis applied. The results are given for the selected output sequence.

Lane Use and Performance

Demand Deg. Lane Average Level of 95% Back of Queue Lane Lane Cap. Prob.
Flows Cap. Satn Util. Delay Service Config Length Adj. Block.
Total HV Veh Dist
veh/h % veh/h v/c % sec m m % %
South: Old Wallgrove Road
Lane 1 94 14.0 126 0.745 100 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6 Short 60 0.0 NA
Lane 2 94 14.0 126 0.745 100 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 1 14.0 92 0.011 100 49.2 LOS D 0.0 0.3 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 189 14.0 0.745 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6

East: Estate Road East

Lane 1 2 14.0 123 0.016 100 44.0 LOS D 0.1 0.6 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 41 14.0 125 0.329 100 49.3 LOS D 1.7 13.7 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 43 14.0 0.329 49.1 LOS D 1.7 13.7

North: Old Wallgrove Road

Lane 1 207 14.0 1389 0.149 35 3.7 LOS A 2.0 15.8 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 592 14.0 1409 0.420 100 3.0 LOS A 7.7 60.1 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 891 14.0 1182 0.754 100 14.4 LOS A 19.8 154.9 Short 150 0.0 NA
Approach 1690 14.0 0.754 9.1 LOS A 19.8 154.9

West: Estate Road West

Lane 1 117 26.6 1231 0.095 100 8.0 LOS A 1.1 9.4 Short 400 0.0 NA
Lane 2 108 0.3 1128 0.095 100 12.7 LOS A 1.8 12.7 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Approach 225 14.0 0.095 10.3 LOS A 1.8 12.7

Intersectio 2147 14.0 0.754 13.4 LOS A 19.8 154.9


Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).
Lane LOS values are based on average delay per lane.
Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all lanes.
SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.
Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).
HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

6 Lane under-utilisation due to downstream effects

SIDRA INTERSECTION 7.0 | Copyright © 2000-2016 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd | sidrasolutions.com
Organisation: Microsoft | Processed: Wednesday, 13 July 2016 8:33:23 AM
Project: C:\Users\Ken Ho\Google Drive\_Ason_SL2\Projects\0267\Projects\Modelling\0267m01 Milner & OWR (Cumulative from OSE)
Site: 1 [2026 ALL AR AM + LOT4]
Milner Avenue x Old Wallgrove Road
AM Peak
2026 Scenario
Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 85 seconds (Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)
Variable Sequence Analysis applied. The results are given for the selected output sequence.

Lane Use and Performance

Demand Deg. Lane Average Level of 95% Back of Queue Lane Lane Cap. Prob.
Flows Cap. Satn Util. Delay Service Config Length Adj. Block.
Total HV Veh Dist
veh/h % veh/h v/c % sec m m % %
South: Old Wallgrove Road
Lane 1 94 14.0 126 0.745 100 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6 Short 60 0.0 NA
Lane 2 94 14.0 126 0.745 100 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 1 14.0 92 0.011 100 49.2 LOS D 0.0 0.3 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 189 14.0 0.745 47.3 LOS D 4.3 33.6

East: Estate Road East

Lane 1 2 14.0 123 0.016 100 44.0 LOS D 0.1 0.6 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 41 14.0 125 0.329 100 49.3 LOS D 1.7 13.7 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 43 14.0 0.329 49.1 LOS D 1.7 13.7

North: Old Wallgrove Road

Lane 1 207 14.0 1389 0.149 35 3.7 LOS A 2.0 15.8 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 592 14.0 1409 0.420 100 3.0 LOS A 7.7 60.1 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 911 14.0 1182 0.771 100 14.7 LOS B 20.9 163.9 Short 150 0.0 NA
Approach 1710 14.0 0.771 9.3 LOS A 20.9 163.9

West: Estate Road West

Lane 1 120 26.7 1230 0.097 100 8.0 LOS A 1.1 9.6 Short 400 0.0 NA
Lane 2 110 0.3 1135 0.097 100 12.7 LOS A 1.9 13.0 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Approach 230 14.0 0.097 10.3 LOS A 1.9 13.0

Intersectio 2172 14.0 0.771 13.5 LOS A 20.9 163.9


Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).
Lane LOS values are based on average delay per lane.
Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all lanes.
SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.
Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).
HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

6 Lane under-utilisation due to downstream effects

SIDRA INTERSECTION 7.0 | Copyright © 2000-2016 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd | sidrasolutions.com
Organisation: ASON PTY LTD | Processed: Wednesday, 13 July 2016 8:33:24 AM
Project: C:\Users\Ken Ho\Google Drive\_Ason_SL2\Projects\0267\Projects\Modelling\0267m01 Milner & OWR (Cumulative from OSE)
Site: 1 [2026 ALL AR PM]
Milner Avenue x Old Wallgrove Road
PM Peak
2026 Scenario
Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 70 seconds (Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)
Variable Sequence Analysis applied. The results are given for the selected output sequence.

Lane Use and Performance

Demand Deg. Lane Average Level of 95% Back of Queue Lane Lane Cap. Prob.
Flows Cap. Satn Util. Delay Service Config Length Adj. Block.
Total HV Veh Dist
veh/h % veh/h v/c % sec m m % %
South: Old Wallgrove Road
Lane 1 375 14.0 894 0.420 100 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9 Short 60 0.0 NA
Lane 2 375 14.0 894 0.420 100 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 1 14.0 515 0.002 100 16.7 LOS B 0.0 0.1 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 751 14.0 0.420 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9

East: Estate Road East

Lane 1 2 14.0 571 0.004 100 19.6 LOS B 0.0 0.4 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 50 14.0 126 0.398 100 40.7 LOS C 1.8 13.8 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 52 14.0 0.398 39.9 LOS C 1.8 13.8

North: Old Wallgrove Road

Lane 1 58 14.0 858 0.067 35 13.7 LOS A 1.0 8.0 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 170 14.0 894 0.190 100 10.4 LOS A 3.2 25.2 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 223 14.0 270 0.825 100 40.2 LOS C 9.2 72.0 Short 150 0.0 NA
Approach 451 14.0 0.825 25.5 LOS B 9.2 72.0

West: Estate Road West

Lane 1 402 31.0 500 0.805 100 34.9 LOS C 14.6 129.1 Short 400 0.0 NA
Lane 2 491 0.1 610 0.805 100 33.3 LOS C 17.3 121.3 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Approach 893 14.0 0.805 34.0 LOS C 17.3 129.1

Intersectio 2147 14.0 0.825 24.7 LOS B 17.3 129.1


Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).
Lane LOS values are based on average delay per lane.
Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all lanes.
SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.
Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).
HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

6 Lane under-utilisation due to downstream effects

SIDRA INTERSECTION 7.0 | Copyright © 2000-2016 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd | sidrasolutions.com
Organisation: Microsoft | Processed: Wednesday, 13 July 2016 8:33:25 AM
Project: C:\Users\Ken Ho\Google Drive\_Ason_SL2\Projects\0267\Projects\Modelling\0267m01 Milner & OWR (Cumulative from OSE)
Site: 1 [2026 ALL AR PM + LOT4]
Milner Avenue x Old Wallgrove Road
PM Peak
2026 Scenario
Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 70 seconds (Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)
Variable Sequence Analysis applied. The results are given for the selected output sequence.

Lane Use and Performance

Demand Deg. Lane Average Level of 95% Back of Queue Lane Lane Cap. Prob.
Flows Cap. Satn Util. Delay Service Config Length Adj. Block.
Total HV Veh Dist
veh/h % veh/h v/c % sec m m % %
South: Old Wallgrove Road
Lane 1 375 14.0 894 0.420 100 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9 Short 60 0.0 NA
Lane 2 375 14.0 894 0.420 100 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 1 14.0 515 0.002 100 16.7 LOS B 0.0 0.1 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 751 14.0 0.420 12.0 LOS A 8.1 63.9

East: Estate Road East

Lane 1 2 14.0 571 0.004 100 19.6 LOS B 0.0 0.4 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 50 14.0 122 0.410 100 41.7 LOS C 1.8 14.0 Short 60 0.0 NA
Approach 52 14.0 0.410 40.8 LOS C 1.8 14.0

North: Old Wallgrove Road

Lane 1 58 14.0 858 0.067 35 13.7 LOS A 1.0 8.0 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 2 170 14.0 894 0.190 100 10.4 LOS A 3.2 25.2 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Lane 3 228 14.0 270 0.843 100 42.8 LOS D 9.8 76.8 Short 150 0.0 NA
Approach 456 14.0 0.843 27.0 LOS B 9.8 76.8

West: Estate Road West

Lane 1 411 31.0 500 0.823 100 36.3 LOS C 15.4 136.0 Short 400 0.0 NA
Lane 2 502 0.1 610 0.823 100 34.6 LOS C 18.2 127.6 Full 500 0.0 0.0
Approach 913 14.0 0.823 35.3 LOS C 18.2 136.0

Intersectio 2172 14.0 0.843 25.6 LOS B 18.2 136.0


Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).
Lane LOS values are based on average delay per lane.
Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all lanes.
SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.
Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).
HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

6 Lane under-utilisation due to downstream effects

SIDRA INTERSECTION 7.0 | Copyright © 2000-2016 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd | sidrasolutions.com
Organisation: ASON PTY LTD | Processed: Wednesday, 13 July 2016 8:33:26 AM
Project: C:\Users\Ken Ho\Google Drive\_Ason_SL2\Projects\0267\Projects\Modelling\0267m01 Milner & OWR (Cumulative from OSE)
Appendix C

Proposed Warehouse Development, Lot 4, Oakdale Central, Horsley Park | Traffic Impact Assessment
Issue IV | 20/07/2016

Site Boundary
Lot Boundary
Building Setback 7.5m
Lot 3C
Landscape Setback 3.75m
FNC-1 Chainwire Fencing
FNC-2 Palisade Fencing
RW Retaining Wall

RL 64.20

Tru /Exit
RL 65.00
Millner Avenue RL64.90 +

01 + RL66.50
Car DA14 Truck Car
Entry/Exit Entry/Exit RL65.60
Entry/Exit RL66.30 +
+ lec.
Ex. Etation

Sliding Security

FNC-2 FNC-2 Hydrant Booster

RW Gate



+ RL68.60 RL68.20 +
Sliding Security
Carparking 7a (33) Office Gate
CAFE SUBJECT Carparking 7b (35) Carparking 7c (40)
285 sqm

Sliding Security
Industrial Gate Office 1 Office 2
+ RL67.79
(2 Levels) (2 Levels)
Facility RL67.40

3m Awning
Recessed 395 sqm 340 sqm


Warehouse 4A

10m Awning Over

Dock (2) Room

2,960 sqm

02 +
FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) RL68.03
DA14 Sprinkler



+ RL68.16
Industrial Industrial

Recessed Facility 4B Facility
Dock (1) Warehouse 4B-1 Warehouse 4B-2
+ RL67.40

3m Awning
4,090 sqm 5.330 sqm
+ RL67.81 FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) FFL 67.00 (+/- 500mm)


10m Awning Over

10m Awning Over


63766 Boun
d ary

Prop RL67.00

Ac Docks (2)
osed cess
Sou + RL65.80
th ern
3m Awning Over

Roa + RL66.62
d Ro

55000 64617 64617 42519

R e v i s i o n n o t e s: Drawn By: P r o j e c t: D a t e:
Rev: Date: Notes: KH 0267 11 July 2016
Lot 4, Oakdale Central
S c a l e @ A3:
Client: D r a w i n g T i t l e: 1:1000 Suite 1404, Level 14, 101 Grafton Street
Goodman Property Services Truck Entry
Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
R e v i s i o n:
[email protected]

Site Boundary
Lot Boundary
Building Setback 7.5m
Lot 3C
Landscape Setback 3.75m
FNC-1 Chainwire Fencing
FNC-2 Palisade Fencing
RW Retaining Wall

RL 64.20

Tru /Exit
RL 65.00
Millner Avenue RL64.90 +

01 + RL66.50
Car DA14 Truck Car
Entry/Exit Entry/Exit RL65.60
Entry/Exit RL66.30 +
+ lec.
Ex. Etation

Sliding Security

FNC-2 FNC-2 Hydrant Booster

RW Valves Gate


+ RL68.60 RL68.20 +
Sliding Security
Carparking 7a (33) Office Gate
CAFE SUBJECT Carparking 7b (35) Carparking 7c (40)
285 sqm

Sliding Security
Industrial Gate Office 1 Office 2
+ RL67.79

(2 Levels) (2 Levels)
Facility Recessed RL67.40

3m Awning
395 sqm 340 sqm


Warehouse 4A

10m Awning Over

Dock (2) Room

2,960 sqm

FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) 02 RL68.03

DA14 Sprinkler



+ RL68.16
Industrial Industrial

Recessed Facility 4B Facility
Dock (1) Warehouse 4B-1 Warehouse 4B-2
+ RL67.40

3m Awning
4,090 sqm 5.330 sqm
+ RL67.81 FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) FFL 67.00 (+/- 500mm)


10m Awning Over

10m Awning Over


63766 Boun

Prop RL67.00

Acce Docks (2)
Sou + RL65.80
3m Awning Over

n Lin

+ RL66.62
k Ro
ad R

55000 64617 64617 42519

R e v i s i o n n o t e s: Drawn By: P r o j e c t: D a t e:
Rev: Date: Notes: KH 0267 11 July 2016
Lot 4, Oakdale Central
S c a l e @ A3:
Client: D r a w i n g T i t l e: 1:1000 Suite 1404, Level 14, 101 Grafton Street
Goodman Property Services Truck Egress
Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
R e v i s i o n:
[email protected]

Site Boundary
Lot Boundary
Building Setback 7.5m
Lot 3C
Landscape Setback 3.75m
FNC-1 Chainwire Fencing
FNC-2 Palisade Fencing
RW Retaining Wall

RL 64.20

Tru /Exit
RL 65.00
Millner Avenue RL64.90 +

01 + RL66.50
Car DA14 Truck Car
Entry/Exit Entry/Exit RL65.60
Entry/Exit RL66.30 +
+ lec.
Ex. Etation

Sliding Security

FNC-2 FNC-2 Hydrant Booster

RW Valves Gate


+ RL68.60 RL68.20 +
Sliding Security
Carparking 7a (33) Office Gate
CAFE SUBJECT Carparking 7b (35) Carparking 7c (40)
285 sqm

Sliding Security
Industrial Gate Office 1 Office 2
+ RL67.79

(2 Levels) (2 Levels)
Facility Recessed RL67.40

3m Awning
395 sqm 340 sqm


Warehouse 4A

10m Awning Over

Dock (2) Room

2,960 sqm

FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) 02 RL68.03

DA14 Sprinkler



+ RL68.16
Industrial Industrial

Recessed Facility 4B Facility
Dock (1) Warehouse 4B-1 Warehouse 4B-2
+ RL67.40

3m Awning
4,090 sqm 5.330 sqm
+ RL67.81 FFL 68.60 (+/- 500mm) FFL 67.00 (+/- 500mm)


10m Awning Over

10m Awning Over


63766 Boun

Prop RL67.00

Acce Docks (2)
Sou + RL65.80
3m Awning Over

n Lin

+ RL66.62
k Ro
ad R

55000 64617 64617 42519

R e v i s i o n n o t e s: Drawn By: P r o j e c t: D a t e:
Rev: Date: Notes: KH 0267 11 July 2016
Lot 4, Oakdale Central
S c a l e @ A3:
Client: D r a w i n g T i t l e: 1:1000 Suite 1404, Level 14, 101 Grafton Street
Goodman Property Services Truck Egress
Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
R e v i s i o n:
[email protected]

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