Nursery PDF
Nursery PDF
Nursery PDF
Class : Nursery
(April –May)
●● Reading and recognition of capital letters A to L
●● Writing of capital letters – A to L (L,I,H,F,E,A,K,J,C,F,B,G)
●● Match the capital letters with the correct pictures using A to L
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
●● My Alphabet book : Page No. 2 to 13 and 30
●● Vocabulary: Practice of capital letters A to L with the help of flash cards and picture
1. Nature
2. My self
3. ABC Song
1. What is your name?
Ans. My name is ....................
2. Are you boy or girl?
Ans. I am a boy/girl
3. In which class do you study?
Ans. Nursery class.
4. What is the name of your school?
Ans. M.D.A.V-22
5. What is the name of your class teacher?
(July- August)
●● Reading and recognition of capital letters-A to Z
●● Writing of capital letters- A to Z
●● After and between capital letters A to Z
●● Match the capital letters with the correct pictures using A to Z
●● Missing of capital letters –A to Z
●● Look at the picture and write the first letter
●● Dictation of capital letters A to Z
●● My Alphabet Book – Page No. 14 to 29 and 31 to 32
●● Vocabulary: Practice of capital letters A to Z with the help of picture talk, flash cards
and writing on sand pit.
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
4. I hear Thunder
5. Bits of paper
6. My family
1. The Greedy dog
1. What is the name of your school principal?
Ans. Mrs. Neelam Sharma is the principal of our school.
2. What is your father’s name?
Ans. Mr....................
3. What is your mother’s name?
Ans. Mrs...................
4. How many brother and sister do you have?
Ans. I have ............................ brother and sister.
5. Where do you live?
Ans. I live in ..................................
Unit Test-I
●● Writing of capital letters –A to L
●● After capital letters A to L
●● Match the capital letters with the correct pictures using A to L
●● Missing of capital letters A to L
●● Dictation of capital letters A to L
Half Yearly Exam (September)
●● Dictation of capital letters –A to Z
●● Reading and recognition of capital letters –A to Z
●● Conversation: All questions covered in April to August.
●● Rhymes: Recitation of all rhymes covered in April to August.
●● Writing of capital letters –A to Z
●● After and between capital letters –A to Z
●● Match the capital letters with correct pictures using – A to Z
●● Missing of capital letters –A to Z
●● Look at the picture and write the first letter.
●● Writing
●● Reading and recognition of small cursive letters a to p
●● Writing of small cursive letters – a to p (c,a,d,g,o,e,i,j,l,h,p,k,b,f,m,n)
●● Missing of small cursive letters a to p
●● Match the small cursive letters with the correct pictures using a to p
●● Look at the picture and write the first letter.
●● Dictation of small cursive letters – a to p
●● After and between small cursive letters a to p
●● Writing book: Page No. 5 to 20,41,34,35,22,25,37,23,36,27,to 29,48 and 49
●● Vocabulary: Practice of small cursive letters with the help of flash cards, discovery
box, blocks and building hunt with blocks.
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
7. It’s me again
8. Rolly- Polly, Rolly-Polly
9. Tiny Train
1. The Farmer and the Crane
1. In which country do you live?
Ans. India
2. Who is our Prime Minister?
Ans. Shri Narendra Modi
3. What is the name of our National Flower?
Ans. Lotus
4. What is the name of our National Animal?
Ans. Tiger
5. What is the name of our National Bird?
Ans. Peacock
(December- January)
●● Reading and recognition of small cursive letters –a to z
●● Writing of small cursive letters – a to z
●● Match the small cursive letters with the correct pictures using a to z
●● Look at the picture and write the first letter,
●● Dictation of small cursive letters – a to z
●● Missing of small cursive letters a to z
●● After and between small cursive letters a to z
●● Cursive writing book: Page No. 40, 43, 21, 24, 26, 30 to 32, 44, 33, 38, 39, 45,46,
50 to 64
●● Vocabulary: Practice of small cursive letters with the help of flash cards and sand
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
10. One-Two
11. Road Safety
12. Up in the blue sky
1. Who teaches us?
Ans. Teacher
2. Who mends our shoes?
Ans. Cobbler
3. Who stitches our clothes?
Ans. Tailor
4. How many days are there in a week?
Ans. Seven days
5. How many members are there in your family?
Ans. ...............
Unit Test-II
●● Writing of small cursive letters – a –l
●● Match the small cursive letters with the correct pictures using – a-l
●● After and between small cursive letters - a-l
●● Dictation of small cursive letters – a-l
Revision - February
●● Dictation of small cursive letters – a to z
●● Reading and recognition of small cursive letters – a to z
●● Conversation : All questions covered in October to February
●● Rhymes: Recitation of all rhymes covered in October to February
●● Writing of small cursive letters – a to z
●● Look at the picture and write the first letter.
●● Match the small cursive letters with the correct pictures using – a to z
●● Missing of small cursive letters – a to z
●● After and between small cursive letters – a to z
●● Writing
Question Paper Setting Scheme
Dictation : 5 Marks
Reading : 5 Marks
Conversation : : 5 Marks
Rhymes : 5 Marks
The Sun is one
The moon is one,
Above all the God is one!
The sky is one,
The earth is one
Above all the God is one!
Two little hands go, clap., clap, clap
Two little legs go, tap, tap, tap,
Two little eyes, open wide,
And one lithe head goes side to side.
Come little children
Come to me,
I will teach you ABC
Oh, clear me!
When shall I learn my ABC
I hear thunder, i hear thunder
Oh, don’t you? Oh! Don’t you?
Pitter- patter rain drops
Pitter- patter rain droops
I’m wet through! I’ m wet through!
Bits of paper -2
Lying on the floor-2
Makes the place untidy-2
Pick them up -2
Mummy darling, Papa darling
I love you-2
See me smiling
Just for you
Sister darling, brother darling
I Love you,
See me jumping
Just for you
Here are my eyes to see mummy smile
And here are my ears so eager to hear
Here is my nose to smell lovely rose
And here is my mouth to eat, speaks and laugh.
There is a shape
That has four sides.
It is a rectangle,
Which is so nice.
Two sides are long and two sides are short.
My rectangle is like a shoebox.
There was a dog that was very hungry. He found a bone. He picked the bone with his
mouth. After that when he started crossing the bridge, he saw his reflection in water. He
thought that there was another dog with a bone in water.
He wanted to get that other bone too, so he started barking at his own reflection and his
bone fell in water.
Moral: Don’t be greedy.
Once there was a farmer who was very worried about his crop getting eaten by the birds.
So he laid a trap for the birds. Next day, he managed to catch a flock of the birds. A crane
also got trapped in the net. The crane pleaded but he said, “You have been found in the
company of these birds who were eating my seeds, so, I will not spare you.
Moral: Bad Company is harmful.
(April- May)
●● Recognition and writing the numbers 1 to 15
●● Writing the numbers – 1 to 10 (1,7,4,9,6,3,2,8,5,10,11,12,13,14,15)
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 15
●● Shape- Circle
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
●● Practice and recognition of numbers 1 to 15 with the help of flash cards and collect-
ing of ice cream sticks and role play
●● Recognition and writing the numbers- 1 to 50
●● Count and match the numbers – 1 to 50
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 50
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 50
●● Missing numbers – 1 to 50
●● Dodging – 1 to 50
●● Shape- Triangle
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
●● Practice and recognition of numbers 1 to 50 writing on sand pit and number finding
from box.
Unit Test-I
●● Writing the numbers – 1 to 15
●● Count and write the numbers 1 to 15
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 15
●● Dodging 1 to 15
Half yearly Exam (September)
●● Dodging 1 t 50
●● Recognition of numbers- 1 to 50
●● Count and tell -1 to 50
●● Recognition of shapes – Circle and Triangle
●● Recognition and writing the numbers – 1 to 50
●● Count and match the numbers – 1 to 50
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 50
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 50
●● Shapes – Circle and Triangle
●● Missing numbers – 1 to 50
(October- November)
●● Recognition and writing the numbers – 1 to 80
●● Count and match the numbers – 1 to 80
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 80
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 80
●● Missing numbers – 1 to 80
●● Dodging – 1 to 80
●● Shape-Square
●● Reverse numbers – 5 to 1
●● Practice and recognition of numbers 1 to 80 with the help of flash cards and writing
on blackboard.
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
(December- January)
●● Recognition and writing the numbers – 1 to 100
●● Join the Dots
●● Count and match the numbers – 1 to 100
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 100
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 100
●● Missing numbers – 1 to 100
●● Dodging – 1 to 100
●● Shape-Rectangle
●● Reverse numbers – 10 to 1
●● Practice and recognition of numbers 1 to 100 with the help of outdoor games and
flash cards.
●● Worksheets related to the topics will be included.
Unit Test-II
●● Writing the numbers – 1to 70
●● Count and match the numbers -1 to 70
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 70
●● Reverse numbers – 5 to 1
●● Dodging – 1 to 70
Revision – February
●● Dodging – 1 to 100
●● Recognition of numbers – 1 to 100
●● Count and tell – 1 to 100
●● Recognition of shapes – Square and Rectangle
●● Writing the numbers – 1 to 100
●● Count and write the numbers – 1 to 100
●● Count and match the numbers – 1 to 100
●● After and between numbers – 1 to 100
●● Missing numbers – 1 to 100
●● Reverse numbers – 10 to 1
●● Shapes – Circle, Square, Triangle, and Rectangle.
(April – May)
1. Family garden
2. Fruits
3. Parts of body
4. Vegetables
Worksheets related to the topics will be included
Activities to be conducted in the class related to E.V.S.:- show the artificial fruits and
vegetables and role play.
5. Pet animals
6. Wild animals
7. Farm animals
8. Birds
9. Colours
Worksheets related to the topics will be included
Activities to be conducted in the class related to E.V.S. :- show chart and artificial ani-
Unit Test-I
1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Parts of body
4. Pet animals
Half Yearly Exam (September)
1. Fruits
2. Parts of body
3. Farm animals
4. Colours
1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Parts of body
4. Pet animals
5. Wild animals
6. Birds
7. Colour
(October - November)
8. Flowers
9 Our Helpers
10. Healthy and junk foods
11. Festivals
12. Dresses
Worksheets related to the topics will be included
Activities to be conducted in the class related to E.V.S.:- Show original flowers and dif-
ferent types of food.
(December - January)
13. Means of transport
14. Indoor and outdoor games
15. Opposites
16. Seasons
17. Cartoons
Worksheets related to the topics will be included
Activities to be conducted in the class related to E.V.S.:- Go to playground, indoor activi-
ties and role play.
Unit Test-II
1. Flowers
2. Our helpers
3. Healthy and junk foods
4. Indoor and outdoor games
Revision –February
1. Flowers
2. Healthy and junk food
3. Means of transport
4. Indoor and outdoor games
1. Flowers
2. Our Helpers
3. Healthy and junk food
5. Means of transport
6. Opposites
7. Seasons
¼vizSy ls ebZ½
●● Loj % m] Å] v] vk] fy[kuk vkSj i<+uk
●● v{kjksa dk fp=ksa ls feyku djks ¼m] Å] v] vk½
●● m] Å v] vk dh igpku djokus ds fy, jsr ij fy[kus ds fdz;kdyki djok,¡ tk,axs
●● vH;kl i= fo"k; ls lacaf/kr
1- oanuk
2- eksj
3- ia[kk
¼tqykbZ ls vxLr½
●● Loj % v ls _ fy[kuk vkSj i<+uk
●● v{kjksa dk fPk=ksa ls feyku djks ¼v ls _½
●● [kkyh LFkku Hkjks ¼v ls _½
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks ¼v ls _½
●● igys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS ¼v ls _½
●● Jqrys[k ¼v ls _½
●● v ls _ v{kjksa dh igpku ds fy, cPpksa dks fp= fn[kkdj v{kj iwNuk vkSj]¶yS’k dkMZ }kjk
fdz;kdyki djok,¡ tk,axsA
●● vH;kl i= fo’k; ls lacaf?kr
4- cksfy;k¡
5- xqykc
6- jk[kh
●● I;klk dkSvk
bdkbZ ijh{kk &1
●● Loj % v] vk] m] Å
●● v{kjksa dk fPk=ksa ls feyku djks
●● ckn esa D;k vkrk gS
●● lqys[k
●● Jqrys[k
v)Z okf"kZd ijh{kk ¼flracj½
●● Jqrys[k & Loj % v ls _
●● Loj & v ls _ igpku o i<+ukA
●● fp= fn[kkdj v{kj iwNuk ¼v ls _½
●● dfork,¡ & 1 & 6 ¼ftruh vizSy ls vxLr rd i<+kbZ xbZ gSaA½
●● Loj & v ls _
●● v{kjksa dk fPk=ksa ls feyku djks ¼v ls _½
●● [kkyh LFku Hkjks ¼v ls _½
●● Ikgys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS \ ¼v ls _½
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks ¼v ls _½
●● lqys[k ¼v ls _½
¼vDrwcj ls uoEcj½
●● Loj & v ls vkS rd fy[kuk vkSj i<+uk
●● [kkyh LFkku Hkjks ¼v ls vkS½
●● v{kjksa dk fp=ksa ls feyku djks ¼v ls vkS ½
●● igys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS\ ¼v ls vkS½
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks ¼v ls vkS½
●● Jqrys[k ¼v ls vkS ½
●● v ls vkS v{kjksas dh igpku ds fy, cPpksa dks jsr ij v{kj fy[kuk vkSj fp= fn[kkdj v{kj
iwNuk fØ;kdyki djok,¡ tk,¡xsA
●● vH;kl i= fo’k; ls lacaf/kr
7- pank ekek
8- n”kgjk
9- nhokyh
¼fnlEcj ls tuojh½
●● Loj v ls v% fy[kuk o i<+uk
●● [kkyh LFkku Hkjks ¼v ls v%½
●● v{kjksa dk fp=ksa ls feyku djks ¼v ls v%½
●● igys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS\ ¼v ls v%½
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks ¼v ls v%½
●● Jqrys[k ¼v ls v%½
●● v ls v% v{kjksas dh igpku ds fy, cPpksa dks “;keiV~V ij v{kj fy[kuk vkSj ¶yS”k dkMZ
}kjk fdz;kdyki djok,¡ tk,¡xsA
●● vH;kl i= fo’k; ls lacaf/kr
10- lCth ys yks
11- jsy
12- fxurh
●● [kjxks”k vkSj dNqvk
bdkbZ ijh{kk & 2
●● Loj % v ls ,s fy[kks
●● [kkyh LFkku Hkjks ¼v ls ,s½s
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks ¼v ls ,s½s
●● Ikgys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS\ ¼v ls ,s½s
●● Jqrys[k ¼v ls ,s½s
nksgjkbZ & Qjojh
Okkf"kZd ijh{kk ¼ekpZ½
●● Jqrys[k &v ls v%
●● Loj % v ls v% igpku o i<+uk
●● fp= fn[kkdj v{kj iwNuk
●● dfork,¡ & ¼7&12½ ftruh vDrwcj ls tuojh rd i<+kbZ xbZ gSZA
●● Loj % ¼v ls v%½
●● Ikgys o ckn esa D;k vkrk gS \ ¼v ls v%½
●● [kkyh LFkku Hkjks &¼v ls v%½
●● v{kjksa dk fp=ksa ls feyku djks &¼v ls v%½
●● fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kks &¼v ls v%½
●● Lkqys[k ¼v ls v%½
iz’u i= dk Lo:i
bdkbZ ijh{kk % dqy vad & 20 vad
v)Z okf"kZd@okf"kZd ijh{kk % dqy vad & 80 vad
ekSf[kd & 20 vad
Jqrys[k & 5 vad
Loj & 5 vad
fp= fn[kkdj v{kj iwNuk & 5 vad
dfork,¡ & 5 vad
fyf[kr & 60 vad
1 oanuk
,slh cqf) nks Hkxoku]
cqjs & Hkys dh gks igpkuA
nks gedks fo|k dk nku]
ftlls c<+s gekjk ekuA
2 eksj
eksj gw¡ ] eSa eksj gw¡
lcls lqanj yxrk gw¡A
flj ij esjs rkt gS]
lqanjrk dk jkt gS]
ckny ns[k [kq”k gksrk gw¡ ]
I;wg & I;wg eSa djrk gw¡A
3 Iak[kk
xehZ vkbZ m¶Q xehZ vkbZ
?kj & ?kj esa ;s ia[kk ykbZ]
Lkcdks ikl cqykrk ia[kk]
BaMh gok f[kykrk ia[kk]
ehBh uhan lqykrk ia[kk]
cgqr vkjke gS nsrk] ia[kkA
4 cksfy;k¡
eqxkZ cksys dwdM¡& dw¡
dgs dcwrj xqVj&x¡qA
dkSvk cksys dk¡o& dk¡o]
fcYyh cksys E;kš & E;kšA
dqRrk cksys HkkSa & HkkSa& HkkSaA
canj cksys [kkSa &[kkSa&[kkSa A
5 xqykc
eSa xqykc dk Qwy cuwaxk]
e/kqj&e/kqj eqLdkmaxkA
ikl esjs tks frryh vk,]
mldks nksLr cukmaxkA
eSa xqykc dk Qwy cuwaxk]
e/kqj&e/kqj eqLdkmaxkA
6 jk[kh
jk[kh vkbZ] jk[kkh vkbZ
HkkbZ & cgu dh [kqf”k;k¡ ykbZ]
Ckguk HkS;k ds ?kj vkbZ
fy, gq, Qy & feBkbZ
jk[kh dk R;ksgkj euk,¡
vkvks >wesa] ukpsa xk,¡A
7 pank ekek
pank ekek xksy&eVksy
dqN rks cksyks uk
dy Fks vk/ks
vkt gks xksy
vc rks [kksyks viuh iksy
pank ekek xksy&eVksy
dqN rks cksyks uk
jkr dks gh rqe vkrs gks
lkFk esa rkjs ykrs gks
pank ekek xksy&eVksy
dqN rks cksyks uk
8 n’kgjk
n”kgjk vk;k n”kgjk vk;k
[kqf”k;ksa dh lkSxkr yk;k
jke us jko.k dks Fkk ekjk
>wB Fkk gkjk] lp dks mckjkA
9 nhokyh
vkbZ nhokyh] vkbZ nhokyh] vkbZ nhokyh js
nhi tykvks] [kq”kh eukvks]
vkbZ nhokyh jsA
[kqc pys Qqy>M+h&iVk[ks]
vkbZ nhokyh jsA
lcdks ck¡Vks [kwc feBkbZ] vkbZ nhokyh jsA
10 lCth ys yks
lCth ys yks & lCth ys yks
lCth okyk vk;k gSA
vkyw] xksHkh] vnjd] ewyh
ikyd] fHkaMh yk;k gSA
yky VekVj] ykSdh] xktj
gjh fepZ Hkh yk;k gSA
gjh gjh rqe lCth [kkvks]
viuh lsgr [kwc cukvksA
11 jsy
Nqd Nqd djrh vkrh jsy]
/kqvk¡ mxyrh tkrh jsy]
xkMZ fgykrk gS tc >aMh]
lhVh rqjUr ctkrh jsyA
lSj djkus dks iVjh ij]
ljiV nkSM+ yxkrh jsyA
Nqd Nqd djrh vkrh jsy]
/kqvk¡ mxyrh tkrh jsyA
12 fxurh
,d] nks] rhu] pkj
vkt “kfu gS dy brokjA
ik¡p] N%] lkr] vkB
;kn d:¡xk iwjk ikBA
mlds vkxs ukS vkSj nl
gks xbZ fxurh iwjh clA
dgkuh ¼[kjxks’k vkSj dNqvk½
,d ckj ,d dNqvk vkSj [kjxks”k FksA dNqvk /khjs pyrk gS vkSj [kjxks”k cgqr rst- pyrk gSA
,d fnu [kjxks”k us dNq, dks nkSM+ dh pqukSrh nh D;ksafd mldks viuh pky ij cgqr ?keaM FkkA
dNq, us pqukSrh Lohdkj dj yhA
nkSM+ “kq: gqbZA [kjxks”k cgqr rst HkkxkA vkSj cgqr vkxs fudy x;kA dNqvk viuh pky pyrk
jgkA [kjxks”k dks tc dNqvk ihNs fn[kkbZ ugha fn;k] mlus lkspk eSa vkjke dj ysrk gw¡ vkSj vkjke
djrs&djrs mldh vk¡[k yx xbZA dNqvk viuh pky pyrk jgk vkSj nkSM+ thr x;kA
f’k{kk % yxkrkj esgur ls gh lQyrk feyrh gSA
¼/keZ f’k{kk½
v)Z okf"kZd ijh{kk ¼flracj½
●● vks3e dk mPpkj.k
●● xk;=h ea= dk mPpkj.k
okf"kZd ijh{kk
●● xk;=h ea= dk mPpkj.k
●● dksbZ ,d izkFkZuk
●● vk;Z lekt dk dksbZ ,d fu;e
Half Yearly Exam (September)
1. Colour the picture
2. Thumb painting
(From 26.05.2018 to 02.06.2018)
English Speaking
Art & Craft
Judo, Taekwondo, Table Soccer, Yoga, Chess
April Poster Making on Technology Day
May Declamation on Biodiversity Day
July Poster Making & Essay Writing on World Population Day,
Poster Making & Declamation on Tree Plantation
September Debate on Ozone Day
October Slogan Writing & Drawing Competition on Wildlife Week.
Poster Making & Salad Making on World Food Day
November Slogan Writing & Rally on Environment Protection Day
December Slogan Writing, Rally & Declamation on Pollution Prevention Day
Slogan Writing & Quiz on Energy Conservation Day
February Poster Making, Declamation & Rally on Oil Conservation Week.
Activities and Competitions
Session : 2018-19
Class : Playway - 1st
Month Category Date Playway to 1st Day
April Activity 20.04.18 Hand Impression Friday
May Activity 04.05.18 Welcome Party Friday
May Activity 07.05.18 - Mother’s day celebration Week Monday -
12.05.18 (card making) or watching Saturday
May Competition 15.05.18 Healthy Tiffin Tuesday
May Competition 18.05.18 Colouring Friday
July Activity 10.07.18 Fruit Party Tuesday
August Competition 01.08.18 Poem Recitation Wednesday
August Activity 10.08.18 Singing and Dancing Friday
August Activity 13.08.18 Flag Making Monday
August Activity 24.08.18 Rakhi Celebration Friday
August Activity 31.08.18 Splash Colour Friday
September Activity 05.09.18 Teachers’ Day Celebration Wednesday
October Activity 08.10.18 Story Telling Monday
October Activity 17.10.18 Dussehra Celebration Wednesday
November Activity 01.11.18 Greeting Card Making Thursday
November Activity 05.11.18 Clay Moulding Monday
November Activity 16.11.18 Musical Chair Friday
November Activity 19.11.18 Word Recognition or Colouring Monday
November Competition 22.11.18 Cotton Pasting Thursday
December Activity 03.12.18 Visit to Japanese Park Monday on-
December Activity 20.12.18 Picture Talk Thursday
January Activity 12.01.19 Lohri Celebration Saturday
January Activity 14.01.19 Paper Tearing Monday
January Competition 25.01.19 Calligraphy Friday
January Activity 31.01.19 Paper Folding Thursday
February Activity 08.02.19 Basant Panchmi Celebration Friday