Toxic Waste:: Ways of Minimizing or Reducing The Use of Toxic Waste Materials Proper Disposal
Toxic Waste:: Ways of Minimizing or Reducing The Use of Toxic Waste Materials Proper Disposal
Toxic Waste:: Ways of Minimizing or Reducing The Use of Toxic Waste Materials Proper Disposal
-contains toxins that can cause injury and death to humans, animals a) Chemical substance means any organic or inorganic substance
and plants. of a particular molecular identity, including:
WAYS OF MINIMIZING or REDUCING the USE of TOXIC i) Any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part
WASTE MATERIALS as a result of chemical reaction or occurring in nature; and
> Proper Disposal
ii) Any element or uncombined chemical.
- Waste thrown into trash will end up at the dumpsite where
it will be exposed to the environment. b) Chemical mixture means any combination of two or more
chemical substances if the combination does not occur in nature and
***Environmental Protection Agency has already categorized the is not, in whole or in part, the result of a chemical reaction, if none
waste into 4 namely F list, K list, P list, and U list. What does not of the chemical substances comprising the combination is a new
fall into these categories is considered either a flammable toxic chemical substance and if the combination could have been
waste, corrodes metal, explodes easily or harmful to humans. manufactured for commercial purposes without a chemical reaction
at the time the chemical substances comprising the combination
> Go Natural were combined. This shall include nonbiodegradable mixtures.
Make a lead in preventing the use of toxic waste. i) In the same form or physical state or in a different form or
physical state from that which it was received by the person so
Encourage people to boycott products from waste dumping preparing such substance or mixture; or
Write letters to the editors of your local papers about toxic waste ii) As part of an article containing a chemical substance or mixture.
dumping in your area.
d) Importation means the entry of a products or substances into the
Sign petitions protesting toxic waste dumping. Online petitions are Philippines (through the seaports or airports of entry) after having
easy and effective. been properly cleared through or still remaining under customs
control, the product or substance of which is intended for direct
Republic Act No. 6969 consumption, merchandising, warehousing, or for further
HAZARDOUS AND NUCLEAR WASTES, e) Manufacture means the mechanical or chemical transformation
of substances into new products whether work is performed by
power-driven machines or by hand, whether it is done in a factory
or in the worker’s home, and whether the products are sold at
wholesale or retail.
Hazardous wastes shall also refer to by-products, side-products, k) To disseminate information and conduct educational awareness
process residues, spent reaction media, contaminated plant or campaigns on the effects of chemical substances, mixtures and
equipment or other substances from manufacturing operations, and wastes on health and environment; and
as consumer discards of manufacture products.
l) To exercise such powers and perform such other functions as may
i) Nuclear wastes are hazardous wastes made radioactive by be necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities under this
exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or utilization Act.
of nuclear fuels but does not include nuclear fuel, or radioisotopes
which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable Main features
for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial, or industrial
Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances
(PICCS): inventory of all chemicals and chemical substances in
Section 6. Function, Powers and Responsibilities of the use throughout the country
Department of Environment and Natural Resources. – The
Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall be the >Contains the ff. information
implementing agency tasked with the following functions, powers,
and responsibilities:
Chemical Name and its Chemical Abstract Service
Number (CAS NO.)
a) To keep an updated inventory of chemicals that are presently CAS Registry Index Names
being manufactured or used, indicating, among others, their Common name of the chemicals or chemical substances
existing and possible uses, quality, test data, names of firms
manufacturing or using them, and such other information as the
Priority Chemical List (PCL)
Secretary may consider relevant to the protection of health and the
1. 1,1,1, -Trichloroethane 15.Ethylene Oxide
2. 1,2 Diphenylhydrazine 16.Halons
b) To require chemical substances and mixtures that present
3. Arsenic Compounds 17. Hexachlorobenzene
unreasonable risk or injury to health or to the environment to be
4. Asbestos 18. Hexachloroethane
tested before they are manufactured or imported for the first time;
5. Benzene 19. Lead Compounds
6. Beryllium Compounds 20. Mercury Compounds
c) To require chemical substances and mixtures which are presently 7. Cadmium Compounds 21. Mirex
being manufactured or processed to be tested if there is a reason to 8. Carbon Tetrachloride 22. Polychlorinated Biphenyls
believe that they pose unreasonable risk or injury to health or the (PCBs)
environment; 9. Chlorofluoro Carbons (CFCs) 23. Phosgene
10. Chloroform 24. Pentachlorophenol
d) To evaluate the characteristics of chemicals that have been tested 11. Chlorinated Ethers 25. Polybrominated Biphenyls
to determine their toxicity and the extent of their effects on health (PBBs)
and the environment; 12. Chromium Compounds 26. Selenium
13. Cyanide Compounds 27. Tributyltin
e) To enter into contracts and make grants for research, 14. Ethylene Dibromide 28. Vinyl Chloride
development, and monitoring of chemical substances and mixtures;
a) There is a reason to believe that the chemical substances or b) Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or other information,
mixture may present an unreasonable risk to health or the access to records, as required by this Act, or permit inspection of
environment or there may be substantial human or environmental establishment where chemicals are manufactured, processed, stored
exposure thereto; or otherwise held;
b) There are insufficient data and experience for determining or c) Failure or refusal to comply with the pre-manufacture and pre-
predicting the health and environmental effects of the chemical importation requirements; and
substance or mixture; and
d) Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the storage,
c) The testing of the chemical substance or mixture is necessary to importation, or bringing into Philippines territory, including its
develop such data. maritime economic zones, even in transit, either by means of land,
air or sea transportation or otherwise keeping in storage any
The manufacturers, processors or importers shall shoulder the costs amount of hazardous and nuclear wastes in any part of the
of testing the chemical substance or mixture that will be Philippines.
manufactured, processed, or imported.
Section 14. Criminal Offenses and Penalties. –
Section 11. Chemical Substances Exempt from Pre-Manufacture
Notification. – The manufacture of the following chemical a) (i) The penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months and one day to
substances or mixtures shall be exempt from pre-manufacture six (6) years and one day and a fine ranging from Six hundred pesos
notification: (P600.00) to Four thousand pesos (P4,000.00) shall be imposed
upon any person who shall violate section 13 (a) to (c) of this Act
a) Those included in the categories of chemical substances and and shall not be covered by the Probation Law.f the offender is a
mixtures already listed in the inventory of existing chemicals; foreigner, he or she shall be deported and barred from any
subsequent entry into the Philippines after serving his or her
b) Those to be produced in small quantities solely for experimental
or research and developmental purposes;
ii) In case any violation of this Act is committed by a partnership,
corporation, association or any juridical person, the partner,
c) Chemical substances and mixtures that will not present an
president, director or manager who shall consent to or shall
unreasonable risk to health and the environment; and
knowingly tolerate such violation shall be directly liable and
responsible for the act of the employee and shall be criminally liable
as a co-principal;
(iii) In case the offender is a government official or employee, he or industrial projects, environmental impact assessments are used to
she shall, in addition to the above penalties, be deemed balance economic growth with ecological protection. Other
automatically dismissed from office and permanently disqualified activities of the EMB are geared towards providing baseline
from holding any elective or appointive position. information that would eventually lead into the development of
standards for hazardous waste management, environmental
b) (i) The penalty of imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one day monitoring and the regulation of hazardous waste disposal.
to twenty (20) years, shall be imposed upon any person who shall
violate section 13 (d) of this Act.f the offender is a foreigner, he or In a recent statement, Eco Waste Coalition called on the
she shall be deported and barred from any subsequent entry into the government to move swiftly to avert a full-blown chemical and
Philippines after serving his or her sentence; humanitarian crisis due to the illegal disposal of electronic and
computer parts by companies in the area said to be the newest
(ii) In the case of corporations or other associations, the above dumping ground for garbage from Metro Manila.
penalty shall be imposed upon the managing partner, president or
chief executive in addition to an exemplary damage of at least Five Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00).f it is a foreign firm, the classifies hazardous household trash like consumer electronics
director and all officers of such foreign firm shall be barred from which include cell phones and computers; appliances like stoves,
entry into the Philippines, in addition to the cancellation of its refrigerators, air conditioners and television sets; and bulbs and
license to do business in the Philippines; batteries as special waste that should be handled separately from
other residential and commercial garbage.
(iii) In case the offender is a government official or employee, he or
she in addition to the above penalties be deemed automatically According to the World Health Organization, food products make
dismissed from office and permanently disqualified from holding up 90 percent of the toxic waste exposure experienced by people.
any elective or appointive position. Meat, dairy products and fish can contain elements, or sediment
residues from soil and water contamination. Fat portions on meats,
c) Every penalty imposed for the unlawful importation, entry, and dairy fat are possible reservoirs for toxic materials so
transport, manufacture, processing, sale or distribution of chemical eliminating these food types from the diet can help.
substances or mixtures into or within the Philippines shall carry
with it the confiscation and forfeiture in favor of the Government of Cancer is a condition in which certain groups of cells in the body
the proceeds of the unlawful act and instruments, tools or other begin to mutate and reproduce at abnormal rates. according to
improvements including vehicles, sea vessels, and aircrafts used in Action PA, an environmental resource site, carcinogens, or cancer-
or with which the offense was committed. Chemical substances so causing agents are classified as the toxic waste materials inside the
confiscated and forfeited by the Government at its option shall be dioxins contained because of their effects on the body’s metabolism
turned over to the Department of Environment and Natural processes.
resources for safekeeping and proper disposal.
Ongoing exposure to these materials can have significant health
d) The person or firm responsible or connected with the bringing or effects on people, many of which remain unknown and can cause
importation into the country of hazardous or nuclear wastes shall death or injury to living creatures. Runoff materials from
be under obligation to transport or send back said prohibited manufacturing, farming and waste disposal processes can
wastes; contaminate soil, water and air supplies. Household items such as
paints, pesticides and used computer equipment are also generators
Any and all means of transportation, including all facilities and of hazardous waste. All of these materials emit dioxins, which are
appurtenances that may have been used in transporting to or in the classified as environmental pollutants, according to the World
storage in the Philippines of any significant amount of hazardous or Health Organization. Once dioxins enter the body, the body stores
nuclear wastes shall at the option of the government be forfeited in them inside fat tissue.
its favor.
Normal exposure developing fetuses and newborns may be
Section 15. Administrative Fines. – In all cases of violations of this particularly susceptible to adverse effects because of their
Act, including violations of implementing rules and regulations developing systems.
which have been duly promulgated and published in accordance
with Section 16 of this Act, the Secretary of Environment and Short-term exposures: impaired liver function and skin lesions.
Natural Resources is hereby authorized to impose a fine of not less
than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00), but not more than Fifty Long-term : impair the reproductive system, the immune system, the
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) upon any person or entity found guilty endocrine system and the nervous system.
thereof. The administrative fines imposed and collected by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall accrue to
E-waste: with toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury,
a special fund to be administered by the Department exclusively for
projects and research activities relative to toxic substances and
The Philippines has not ratified the Basel Ban to agree on which
things must be prohibited by an industrialized nation from throwing
The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), a policy making
body of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources away toxic waste into developing countries and further degraded by
(DENR) is seeing that hazardous waste management is made an unregulated recycling processes of existing E-waste management
integral part of the industrial planning process. In the case of new facilities which actually violate the clean Air Act.
Medical Waste: human immunodeficiency virus or known as Hazardous waste or material refers to a biological substance that
‘’HIV” and hepatitis viruses B and C poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of
- transmitted through injuries from syringe needles
contaminated by human blood. Common types of biological hazards includes viruses, medical
waste, or toxins that were created by a particular organism or
Medical wastes are defined as the total waste generated by hospitals, microorganism.
healthcare establishments and research facilities in the diagnosis,
treatment, immunization and associated research. Medical wastes After RA 6969 was mandated DAO 29 series of 1992 or the
include pathological, chemotherapy, sharps, scalpels, biological Implementing Rules and Regulations of the R.A. 6969 is published
specimens, culture stocks, blood related/stained wastes, used gowns, 2 years later. A procedural manual for the IRR was released in 2004
masks, tubings, etc. under DAO 36 which later revised to further strengthen the
implementation of RA 6969 and prescribing the use of the
Procedural Manual. It requires all waste generators as well as waste
Medical Waste Autoclave
transporters and TSD (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal) facilities
to register with the Department of Environment and Natural
The Philippines already proved that it is possible to eliminate
incineration totally. In the cities, infectious waste is dealt with by Resources. For waste generators, a Hazardous Waste Generator’s ID
centralised facilities running autoclaves or microwaves. Last 2004, should be acquired from the department. Waste generator means a
HCWH-Southeast Asia helped the Philippines Department of person who generates or produces hazardous wastes, through any
Health prove that it was possible to manage the waste from a institutional, commercial, industrial or trade activities. The waste
country-wide vaccination program without resorting to open transporter on the other hand shall acquire a Permit to Transport for
burning or incineration. every Waste Generator they will provide service to. During every
acquisition of hazardous waste from the generator, a manifest form
The Global Environment Facility shall be filled up indicating details of the waste, the waste generator,
the waste transporter, and the TSD facility. This is to monitor the
Lucky we are here in the Philippines for being a part of the a Global hauling activity. The whole activity is also recorded to the quarterly
Environment Facility Project together with the World Health monitoring report which is submitted to the DENR as well.
Organization and the United Nations Development Program, Health Classification of waste and its corresponding waste number is also
Care Without Harm. included in the Procedural Manual.
The project entitled “Demonstrating and Promoting Best Hazardous wastes might include, but not be limited to, acid wastes,
Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health Care Waste to Avoid reactive chemical waste, inks or pigment waste, organic waste, oil
Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury.” It has been and any container that might be used in the processing,
developed primarily under the GEF mandate to support developing transportation and general use of chemical substances.
countries in meeting the objectives of the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants. It is a $10 million project that will Full-Time Pollution Control Officer Is Needed
demonstrate dioxin and mercury-free medicine within model health For the companies that generate waste that is hazardous, there are a
care facilities. It is set to begin its implementation phase in eight few requirements that must be followed. Registering and paying the
participating countries: Argentina, India, Latvia, Lebanon, Senegal, required fee for an ID and number is the first step. This allows waste
Tanzania, Vietnam and the Philippines. to be tracked properly. A full-time pollution control officer should
be designated on site and they will disclose the type and quantity of
the waste that has been generated. An off-site facility must be
The main objective of the project is to reduce environmental releases
identified as the target location for the treatment or storage of the
of dioxins and mercury by promoting best techniques and practices
waste. Finally, it is required that a company implement waste
for reducing and managing health care waste. To attain this
management policies until the waste has been certified as “treated”,
objective the following components stated below must be observed
“recycled” or “disposed of”.
which each participating country will implement in collaboration
with national governments, participating NGOs, professional
associations, universities, hospitals and clinics. RA 6969
◦ Shall also refer to by-products , side-products,
Developing model urban and rural hospitals that process residues, spent reaction media,
demonstrate approaches to eliminate dioxin and mercury contaminated plant or equipment or other
Establishing national training and education programs on substances from manufacturing operations and as consumer
health care waste management to serve respective discards of manufactured products which present unreasonable
countries and the regions in which they sit risk and/or injury to health and safety of the public and to the
Assuring that new management practices and systems environment.
piloted by the project are nationally documented,
promoted, disseminated, replicated, and institutionalized Properties of hazardous wastes
Collaborating with Stockholm Convention National
Implementation Plan preparation process Ignitability/Flammability
Disseminating and replicating project results regionally
and globally ◦ The waste is
A liquid, other than an aqueous solution containing < 24%
alcohol (v/v) w/ flash point of < 60degC
A non-liquid which under normal conditions can cause fire
through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous ◦ Chemical, physical, or biological agent that destroys or controls
chemical changes, and burns so vigorously when ignited that pest organisms including insects, plants, fungi, rodents and
creates a hazard nematodes.
Is an aqueous liquid and has a pH < 2.0 or > 12.5 DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane, endosulfan
Is a liquid and corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm/year Herbicides (plants)
Fungicides (fungi)
Reactivity Explosives
Is readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or ◦ Heat-stable oils used as transformer or hydraulic fluids
reaction at standard temperature and pressure
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans
Is capable of detonation or explosive reaction if it is subjected
to strong initiating source or it is heated under confinement ◦ Not manufactured but trace impurities formed during
manufacture, combustion of other organic compounds
Heavy metals & inorganic nonmetals
◦ The waste is pH adjusted to landfill conditions, and a toxicity
characteristic leaching procedure is performed. If waste ◦ Arsenic:
leachate concentration is greater than TCLP list, waste is
◦ Cadmium
characterized by toxicity.
◦ Chromium
Most common haz wastes
◦ Lead
◦ Nickel
◦ As a precaution against fire hazard, they have been stored in UST
◦ Mercury
◦ Gasoline contains benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene
which have toxic effects ◦ Cyanides
Non-halogenated solvents ◦ Asbestos
◦ Used as carriers for paints and inks, etc. Nuclear wastes
◦ volatile ◦ Poses hazard by emitting ionizing radiation
Halogenated solvents ◦ Classifications
◦ Used for cleaning machine parts to computer chips High-level wastes
◦ Volatile, dense and migrate through the subsurface High level of radioactivity
Spent fuel from nuclear reactors Grease trap wastes from industrial or commercial H802
Transuranic wastes
Non-polar most easily absorbed through gut lining ◦ Sarcomas (connective tissues such as bone &
◦ Inhalation
Carcinomas (epithelial cells that form the inside & outside linings
Primary route for airborne particulates, common gases or organisms
Absorption via diffusive transfer of a gaseous compound to the Mutagenicity
liquid layer of the alveoli
* Mercury not absorbed by the skin; when methylated to dimethyl
mercury, readily absorbs through the skin ◦ A change in the genetic code of the DNA
◦ Dose
Acute toxicity
The LD50
◦ Hyperactive/hypersensitive
◦ Hypoactive/hyposensitive
◦ Group that does not respond until high dosages are reached
Based on multi-digit numbers derived from a computer
language description of the chemicals molecular structure
Legislative framework
Chemical Class Incompatible class Consequences ◦ Toxic Substances & Hazardous & Nuclear
of chemicals Wastes Control Act of 1990
Alkaline materials Acidic materials Heat generation/ DAO 92-26
violent reaction
Reactive solvents Acids, bases, zero- Fire, explosion, ◦ Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA
& organic valence metals violent reactions 6969
Weak acids of Acids Generation of DAO 04-36
toxic volatile toxic gas ◦ Revised Procedural Manual on Hazardous
gases Waste Management
Strong oxidizers Organic & mineral Fire, explosion or
acids, solvents & violent reaction DAO 2013-22
◦ Revised Procedures and Standards for the
Management of Hazardous Wastes (Revising
Labels and Placards DAO 04-36)
Placards & labeling systems are used to identify potential RA 6969: Main features
dangers during the transportation & storage of hazardous
wastes & hazardous materials Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical
Substances (PICCS)
DAO 2013-22
Waste HW Class Name of the
Information hazardous waste class
HW Name of the
Description hazardous waste
HW number Code of the hazardous
waste description
Characteristic Toxic, Corrosive,
Flammable, Explosive,
Reactive, and/or
Form Liquid, Solid, or Sludge
Volume Volume of the
hazardous waste
contained in the
container, tank, or
containment building
Packaging date Date on which the
hazardous waste is
packed in the vessel,
container, tank, or
containment building
Shipping date Date on which the
hazardous waste must
be removed from
the storage area and
transported offsite if
Waste Manifest number if
Transport transported offsite
Container Capacity Maximum capacity or
information volume of the
Material Materials that a
vessel, container, tank
or containment
building is made of Specifications of the placard
Generator ID number ID number issued by
DENR upon ◦ a. Minimum size of the placard is 25cm x 25cm
registration for vessels, containers, and tanks or readable from
Name Name of the waste five (5) meters afar
generator (company
◦ b. For waste transporting vehicles, readable from
10 meters afar
Address Address of the waste
generator ◦ c. Basic shape of the placard is a square rotated 45
Telephone no. Telephone number of degrees to form a diamond
the waste generator
Name of Name of hazardous ◦ d. At each of the four sides, a parallel line shall be
HWMS or PCO waste management drawn to form an inner diamond 95% of the outer
supervisor (HWMS) diamond
or the PCO
◦ e. Color should follow the colors specified in
Section 6.3.
Labeling specifications
◦ Material of the label should be scratch proof and ◦ Description of conveyance, details of transport
resistant to tampering and weathering service
◦ Accountability statement